1 minute read
The Isolation Challenge
At the AGM we will say farewell to three members of Council, all of whom have given many years of service to the Society, and I thank them sincerely for their commitment, service and support. Retiring are:
Ann Bastion FPSNZ MFIAP, Councillor for International Salons and FIAP Liaison Officer. However Ann will retain the role of FIAP Liaison Officer so all members participating in international salons and FIAP activities should continue to liaise with Ann.
Vivianne Baldwin APSNZ, Councillor for Events for the past four years. I know Vivianne is looking forward to pursuing her own photography again and picking up her paint brushes.
David Knightley, after completing seven years as Treasurer and financial keeper for the Society. He too is looking forward to a slightly less hectic pace and to get out and about with his camera and hopefully some travel. As previously mentioned, Thames member Judith Bishop LPSNZ has assumed the role of Treasurer and will work closely with Mark Lawson of Lawson Accounting in Timaru on the financial portfolio.
With the colder temperatures soon to be the ‘norm’ I encourage you all to embrace the winter months to break out and release those creative juices that we know are good for our soul, body and mental stimulation.
Kind regards,
Moira Blincoe LPSNZ
As a result of the lockdown, a lot of PSNZ photographers were stuck at home. To give people something to occupy themselves PSNZ Councillor for Membership James Gibson APSNZ EFIAP came up with the Isolation Alphabet Challenge. The concept was simple. Each day members were to shoot something starting with the letter of the day, and post the image to the PSNZ members group.
Over the 26 days it ran some 1840 images were submitted by over 100 photographers. In the Apil issue of CameraTalk we presented a very small selection of the 451 images submitted between letters A and I. In this issue we present an even smaller selection of the images submitted between J and Z.
If you want to see all of the images submitted James has loaded up a video on Vimeo which can be found at https://vimeo.com/412196336.