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Print Circles
Want to Join a Print Circle?
ONE WAY TO improve your photography is to critique other people’s photographs and to have others assess yours. You can do this by joining a print circle. Up to ten photographers circulate their work by mail to other members who have a few days to make constructive comments on the work received, add a new print for others to view, and post the bag to the next person on the list.
Each circle is monitored by a Secretary who sends out a roster of each round and ensures the circle is running smoothly. Members can expect the bag to arrive three or four times a year. People are encouraged to keep in touch by adding a short letter to each round, helping them to get to know other photographers and gain useful feedback on their work. Sometimes members catch up when travelling in New Zealand, and they enjoy meeting at PSNZ conventions.
One or two circles currently have vacancies. If you’d like to join, please contact Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at dilinz@actrix.co.nz and we’ll happily settle you into a print circle!

Quackers Queueing Quietly while Questing for Quiche to Quench hunger by Russ Finnerty

Quiet by Michael Parker

Screwscape by Ita Rutten-Daniels
Screen Series Spoof ~ seriously silly (and somewhat senile) Self-portrait by Bron McKenzie

Resurrected by Ella Broekhuizen

The Terribly Troublesome Triplet by Paul Bryne FPSNZ