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Canon Online Results
PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 2, 2020
We topped our record again this round, with 160 images and a completely new set of top ten authors! There were so many beautiful images, so to be in the Top Ten is a great achievement.
The winner of this round is Kurien Koshy Yohannan, a wildlife and bird photographer living in Rotorua. He has been pursuing his craft for ten years and says
“The main thing that motivates me to do what I do is my passion for capturing wildlife in its natural habitat and through my work I hope to promote conservation.
“Seen in this image is a New Zealand Fantail (Piwakawaka) photographed mid-flight. I had gone out with the intention of photographing fantails in flight and I noticed them taking off and landing on a stem of flax. I waited for the right opportunity to capture this image. It was taken against an overcast sky, hence enabling me to create a high-key image.”
The judge for this round was John Jones-Parry LPSNZ, an accredited PSNZ judge from the Hibiscus Coast Camera Club. John writes:
“I have been making photographs all my life, at least since purloining my mother’s small Ilford box camera when I was six years old. Latterly I have been fortunate to have had two years as President of North Shore Photographic Society and also two years as Chair of the North Shore Salon.
“Thank you for asking me to judge this important competition. It is a great honour and a great challenge!”
Paul Willyams LPSNZ Canon Online Coordinator
Comments from the Judge: John Jones-Parry LPSNZ
1st New Zealand Fantail by Kurien Koshy Yohannan
Beautifully captured and presented with its minimalist yet contextualised treatment, this image makes me want to duck and laugh at the same time.

2nd Poisson du Jour by Kathy Pantling LPSNZ

Alive or dead? The menace in this glorious colour palette and composition is palpable. I approach this meal with caution!
PSNZ Canon Online:

3rd Lone Tree by Marie Bilodeau LPSNZ
This image captures the stillness and beauty of the environment, and allows one to marvel without distraction.
4th Sad Sack by Graeme Skinner LPSNZ

I felt immediately engaged with the faces. The differences among them are highlighted by the common background and tonal range. Thank you for a subtle thought-provoking image to which I can add my own story.
5th Poukiore Valley in the Morning by Sally Still APSNZ
I want to run into the depths of this quintessential image of rural Aotearoa. An acknowledgement of the beauty and story of this lucky country.

6th The Morning Assemble by Kirsteen Redshaw APSNZ
Composition and colour combine with a great rendering of the animals to produce a feeling of tension and being one of the herd.
PSNZ Canon Online:

7th Hot Waterfall by Karl Tretheway LPSNZ
Post-treatment skilfully highlights important details in this image. I feel as if I have just walked to the pond edge and have found this lovely idyll. It invites me to swim and enjoy.
8th Fantasy Flight by Gail Stent FPSNZ
Beautifully constructed and coloured, for me this image uses the stability of a circle to allow freedom to the mind. It enables the viewer’s creativity as much as the artist’s.

9th Caught at Last by Janice Brockett
Devoid of unnecessary detail and providing high drama, this image is immediately arresting.
10th Caged by Covid by Julia De Cleene LPSNZ
Thoughtful, both in composition and in the colour palette, this image combines a statement with beauty and tension.
Entries for Round 3 close on 25 June

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A complimentary copy of New Zealand Camera, and the ability to submit your images for selection in this annual publication.
Access to member only resources, including a member only PSNZ Facebook page for social chat and updates with other members.
The opportunity to enter the Canon Online Competition, with trophies for each round and for the overall winner each year.
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A copy of our bimonthly magazine – CameraTalk, with news, reviews, events and some of the best photography around.
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Zig Zag by Thierry Huet
ZZZZ by Bob Scott LPSNZ
Final Thoughts
by Paul Whitham LPSNZ
CameraTalk is your publication and we love to hear about what members and clubs are up to. With this issue we asked clubs to tell us how they operated in lockdown. Not a single reply was received. This was despite the fact that we knew that clubs had been using Zoom and other means to keep active.
So please, don’t be afraid to let us know what you are up to. The deadline for the next issue is on 1st August and you can send your material direct to Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at dilinz@ actrix.co.nz
The Last Image

Zonked by Rachael Hume LPSNZ