Speed it up… Slow it down. A Fresh Look! Regional Salon and Exhibition.
With a view to creating for members, both a challenge and some excitement, the organising committee of this year’s regional salon have opted for a fresh approach. We are hoping that this challenge will be seen as an opportunity to explore and discover new photographic techniques, new genres, and to develop new skills. Therefore, we ask you to submit only images that have not been entered in any other New Zealand salon. They may, however, have been submitted to a club for evaluation. Your submissions to this salon may be brand new, or they may be a fresh take on an old image; the choice is yours.
Who may enter?
• Convention attendees
• Speed: fast or slow, your choice
• PSNZ members, or PSNZ Affiliated Club members residing in the North Island
• A serendipitous moment: An unplanned (or maybe planned) fortunate experience
You may enter a maximum of four print images and/or four digital images. Price $7.00 per image. All images will be judged as Open, but additional awards will be given for images under the following themes.
• An unexpected angle or view. Challenge the way you capture a scene; try different angles, different
Exhibition • Accepted print images will be exhibited. • Accepted digital images will be displayed on a High-Definition screen, as part of the exhibition. An e-book will be compiled and distributed free of charge to all Regional Salon entrants.
Judging Judging will take place on 4 and 5 September. The judges will be Paul Byrne FPSNZ ARPS AFIAP, Meg Lipscombe FPSNZ and Matt Leamy LPSNZ.
perspectives, or perhaps a different lens.
Awards Gold Medals will be awarded for: Champion Print Image, Champion Digital Image, Best ‘Speed’ Image, Best Image of a ‘Serendipitous Moment’, Best Image depicting an ‘Unexpected Angle or View’ Honours Certificates will be awarded to a maximum of: Four Open Print Images, Four Open Digital Images, Two ‘Speed’ Images (digital and print),Two Images depicting a ‘Serendipitous Moment’ (digital and print)