6 minute read
Theo oâng Ñaëng Hoaøng Giang, Toång Thö kyù Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Vieät Nam, moät trong nhöõng nhieäm vuï cuûa VINACAS laø laøm caàu noái, taïo ñieàu kieän ñeå caùc beângaëpgôõ,traoñoåiveàvieäclieânkeáthayhôïptaùckinhdoanh,xöûlyùcaùctranhchaáp thöôngmaïi,töøñoùgoùpphaànphaùttrieånngaønhñieàucuûamoãinöôùcvaøcuûatheágiôùi.
Vieäc hôïp taùc quoác teá cuûa VINACAS nhöõng naêmgaànñaâykhoângchækeáthöøanhöõng gì ñaõ coù tröôùc maø coøn ñöôïc môû roäng.
VINACAS laø ñoái taùc chieán löôïc cuûa
Hoäi ñoàng Haït vaø Traùi caây khoâ Quoác teá (INC), thaønh vieân saùng laäp Hoäi ñoàng Ñieàu Toaøn caàu (GCC), ñoái taùc cuûa Hieäp hoäi Coâng nghieäp Thöïc phaåm Hoa Kyø (AFI) vaø nhieàu toå chöùc ñieàu treân theá giôùi. Ñoàng thôøi, VINACAStieáptuïcñaåymaïnhquanheä vôùi Hoäi ñoàng Boâng vaø Haït ñieàu Bôø BieånNgaø(CCA),LieânhieäpHoäiÑieàu
Chaâu Phi (ACA), Hieäp hoäi Nhöõng nhaø xuaát khaåu ñieàu Bôø Bieån Ngaø (AEC- CI), Hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Nigeria (NCAN), Hoäi ñoàng Xuùc tieán xuaát khaåu ñieàu AÁn Ñoä (CEPCI), Vieän Ñieàu Mozambique (INCAJU), Phoøng Thöông maïi vaø Coâng nghieäp Guinea Bissau…
VINACAS coøn tham döï Hoäi nghò Sietta taïi Bôø Bieån Ngaø vaø toå chöùc giao thöông vôùi doanh nghieäp ñieàu Chaâu Phi (2016), tham döï Ñaïi hoäi Haït quaû khoâ Quoác teá (INC) 2017 taïi Bôø Bieån Ngaø, tham döï Hoäi nghò
Ñieàu AÁn Ñoä (Kaju India 2017 vaø
2019). Maëc duø ñaïi dòch COVID 19 coù nhöõng dieãn bieán phöùc taïp, laõnh ñaïo
VINACAS vaãn tham döï tröïc tuyeán caùc Hoäi nghò cuûa ngaønh Ñieàu theá giôùi khi ñöôïc môøi, nhö: Hoäi nghò ñieàu theá giôùi - Ngaøy ñieàu quoác gia Bôø Bieån Ngaø 2022 (WCC-JNEC-CI, 2022) do Cashewinformation.com vaø Hieäp hoäi caùc nhaø xuaát khaåu ñieàu cuûa Bôø Bieån Ngaø (AEC-CI) toå chöùc taïi Abidjan (Bôø Bieån Ngaø) thaùng 2 naêm 2022;
VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi IEH toå chöùc Khoùa taäp huaán veà Thöông maïi Ñaïo ñöùc trong SX KD ñieàu
Hoäi nghò Ñieàu thöôøng nieân laàn thöù 16 cuûa Lieân hieäp hoäi Ñieàu Chaâu Phi (ACA)taïi Nigeriathaùng9naêm2022.
Nhaèm ñaûm baûo nguoàn nguyeân lieäu cho cheá bieán cuûa ngaønh ñieàu trong nöôùc, ñieåm nhaán quan troïng mang tính chieán löôïc trong hôïp taùc quoác teá chính laø vieäc kyù keát vaø thöïc hieän bieân baûn ghi nhôù giöõa VINACAS vôùi Boä Noâng - Laâm - Ngö nghieäpCampuchiañeåphaùttrieånvuøng nguyeânlieäuñieàu,naêm2017.
Theo ñoù, VINACAS hoã trôï gioáng vaø kyõ thuaät cho Campuchia, xaây döïng vuøng nguyeân lieäu höôùng tôùi muïc tieâu 1 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ, “gaàn nhaø”, deã kieåm soaùt chaát löôïng vaø nhieàu thuaän lôïi khaùc cho ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam so vôùi vieäc nhaäp khaåu töø caùc quoác gia xa xoâi, ñaày baát traéc. Thöïc hieän thoûa thuaän naøy, naêm 2018, VINACAS cöû chuyeân gia tö vaán, ñaøo taïo, hoã trôï kyõ thuaät cho doanh nghieäp ñieàu vaø ngöôøi troàng ñieàu Campuchia, trao taëng phía Campuchia 18.000 caây ñieàu gioáng öu vieät nhaèm hoã trôï phaùt trieån vuøng nguyeân lieäu ñieàu chaát löôïng cao, qua ñoù goùp phaàn cuûng coá tình ñoaøn keát, höõu nghò giöõa Vieät NamvaøCampuchia.
VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi moät soá toå chöùc quoác teá vaø trong nöôùc hoã trôï doanh nghieäp, noâng daân veà kieán thöùc, kyõ naêng trong toå chöùc saûn xuaát, kinh doanh ñieàu. VINACAS ñaõ phoái hôïp vôùi Toå chöùc Saùng kieán thöông maïi ñaïo ñöùc cuûa Na Uy (IEH) thöïc hieän chöông trình “Xaây döïng naêng löïc höôùng tôùi phaùt trieån beàn vöõng trong chuoãi cung öùng haït ñieàu taïi Vieät Nam”. Chöông trình do NORAD (Cô quan Hôïp taùc phaùt trieån Na Uy) vaø IEH - caùc nhaø baùn leû vaø saûn xuaát thöïc phaåm vuøng Scandinavia vaø Chaâu AÂu taøi trôï ñeå toå chöùc taäp huaán cho caùc nhaø cheá bieán veà cô cheá ñoái thoaïi xaõ hoäi, veà caùc tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng quoác gia vaø quoác teá; toå chöùc taäp huaán veà kyõ thuaät thöïc haønh saûn xuaát noâng nghieäp toát, tieâu chuaån lao ñoäng vaø quaûn lyù moâi tröôøng cho caùn boä khuyeán noâng, hoäi noâng daân, laõnh ñaïo caùc hôïp taùc xaõñieàuvaønoângdaântroàngñieàu.
VINACAS coøn phoái hôïp vôùi Vieän Nghieân cöùu vaø Phaùt trieån ngaønh ngheà noâng thoân Vieät Nam (VIRI) thöïc hieän chöông trình “Xuùc tieán cung vaø caàu cho saûn phaåm noâng saûn cheá bieán ñaït chöùng nhaän sinh thaùi, coâng baèng taïi Vieät Nam” do Lieân minh Chaâu AÂu taøi trôï vôùi muïc tieâu naângcaonaênglöïccuûaDNñeåthöïchaønhsaûnxuaátbeànvöõng vaø ñoåi môùi saûn phaåm trong chuoãi cung öùng saûn phaåm noâng saûncheábieán;xaâydöïngmaïnglöôùitieâuduøngsaûnphaåmsinh thaùi, coâng baèng, ñoàng thôøi quaûng baù saûn phaåm thoâng qua neàn taûng thöông maïi ñieän töû, maïng löôùi nhaø baùn leû vaø taêng cöôøngnaênglöïctieápcaäntaøichínhxanhchodoanhnghieäp.
VINACASphoáihôïpvôùiBoäNoângnghieäpvaøPhaùt trieån noâng thoân tham gia ñoaøn coâng taùc cuûa Ngaân haøng Theágiôùi(WB)khaûosaùt“DöïaùnPhaùttrieånbeànvöõngngaønh haøng ñieàu”. VINACAS phoái hôïp vôùi Ban Phaùp cheá Lieân ñoaøn Thöông maïi vaø Coâng nghieäp Vieät Nam (VCCI) vaø Trung taâm Troïng taøi Quoác teá beân caïnh VCCI (VIAC) toå chöùc hoäi thaûo chuyeân ñeà vaø taäp huaán veà phaùp luaät hôïp ñoàng vaø xöû lyù tranh chaáp thoâng qua cô cheá troïng taøi vaø hoøa giaûithöôngmaïi;cuõngnhöthamgianhieàuhoaïtñoänghoãtrôï doanhnghieäpkhaùccuûaVCCIvaøVIAC.
According to Mr. Dang Hoang Giang, General Secretary of the Vietnam Cashew Association, one of the missions of VINACAS is to act as a bridge and facilitate the parties to meet and make discussion about association or business cooperation, settlement of trade disputes, therebycontributingtothedevelopmentofthecashewindustryofeachcountryandtheworld.
The international cooperation of VINACAS not only inherits what has been before but also is expanded in recent years. VINACAS is a strategic partner of the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC), a founding member of the Global Cashew Council (GCC), a partner of the Association of Food Industries (AFI) and many organizations around the world. At the sametime,VINACAScontinuestopromoterelationswith the Ivory Coast Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA), the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), the Ivory Coast Cashew Exporters Association (AEC-CI), the National Cashew
Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”
Associaton of Nigeria (NCAN), the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI), Mozambique National Cashew Institute (INCAJU), Guinea Bissau ChamberofCommerceandIndustry...
VINACAS also attended the Sietta Conference in Ivory Coast and organized trade with Africa cashew enterprises (2016), attended the International Dry Nut Congress (INC) 2017 in Ivory Coast, attend Cashew India Conference (Kaju India 2017 and 2019). Despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic,
VINACAS leaders still attend online conferences of the World Cashew industry when invited, such as: the World Cashew ConferenceNational Cashew Day 2022 of Ivory Coast ( WCC-JNEC-CI, 2022) organized by Cashewinformation.com and the Association of Cashew Exporters of Ivory Coast (AEC-CI) in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) February 2022; The 16th Annual Cashew Conference of the African Cashew Association (ACA)inNigeriaSeptember2022
In order to ensure the source of raw materials for processing of the domestic cashew industry, an important strategic highlight in international cooperation was the signing and implementation of a memorandum of understanding between VINACAS and the Ministry ofAgriculture,ForestryandFisheries of Cambodia to develop cashew materialzonein2017.
Accordingly, VINACAS supported varieties and techniques for Cambodia, built a raw material zone towards the objective of 1 million tons of raw cashew, "near home" , easy to control quality and many other advantages for Vietnam cashew industry compared to import from distant countries with full of uncertainties. To implement this agreement, in 2018, VINACAS sent consulting, training and technical supportexpertstocashewenterprises andcashewgrowersinCambodiaand awarded Cambodia 18,000 preeminent seedlings to support the development of high quality raw cashew zone, thereby contributing to strengthening the solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia.
VINACAS coordinated with a number of international and domestic organizations to support enterprises and farmers with knowledge and skills in cashew production and business organization. VINACAS cooperated with Norway Ethical Trading Initiative (IEH) to implement the program “Capacity building towards sustainable development in cashew nut supply chain in Vietnam”. The program was funded by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and IEH - Scandinavian and European food retailers and producers to organize training for processors on social dialogue mechanism, on national and international labor standards; organizetrainingongoodagricultural production practices, labor standards and environmental management for agricultural extension staff, farmer associations, leaders of cashew cooperativesandcashewfarmers.
VINACAS also cooperated with the Vietnam Rural Industries Research and Development Institute (VIRI) to implement the program of
"Promoting supply and demand for processed agricultural products with ecological and fair certification in Vietnam" funded by the European Union with the aim of enhancing the capacity of enterprises to practice sustainable production and product innovation in the supply chain of processedagriculturalproducts;build a fair and ecological product consumption network, and at the same time promote products through e-commerce platforms, a network of retailers and strengthen the ability to accessgreenfinanceforenterprises.
VINACAS cooperated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to participate in the World Bank (WB) delegation to survey the "Project for Sustainable Development of Cashew Industry".
VINACAScooperatedwiththeLegal Department of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Vietnam International Arbitration Center at the VCCI (VIAC) to organize seminars and training sessions on contract law and dispute settlement through arbitration and commercial mediation; as well as participating in many other business support activitiesofVCCIandVIAC.