7 minute read
Expanding and developing cashew trees together with the application of scientific and technological achievements will be the premiseforsustainabledevelopmentofVietnamcashewindustry.
According to the Department of Crop Production - Ministry of Agriculture andRuralDevelopment,totalcashew area of Vietnam in 2021 was 314.7 thousand ha (increasing 12 thousand ha compared to 2020); average yield of 1.35 tons/ha (up 0.11 ton/ha); outputof399.3thousandtons(up50.8 thousandtons).
The Southeast is the largest cashew production area of Vietnam. In 2021, the cashew growing area in the Southeast provinces was 184,900 ha, with an output of 253,000 tons, accounting for 60.7% of the area, 71.1% of national cashew output. Cashew trees in the Southeast are mainly concentrated in Binh Phuoc (140,400 ha, output of 194,900 tons), Dong Nai (33,100 ha, output of 43,800 tons), Ba Ria - Vung Tau (8,700ha,outputof10,800tons).
The South Central Coast and Central Highlands have an area of 121.2 thousand ha of cashew cultivation, accounting for 36 of 8. % the cashew area in Vietnam, in which the main cashew growing provinces are Dak Lak 27.7 thousand ha; Gia
Lai 23.0 thousand ha; Lam Dong 20.6 thousandha;DakNong17.3thousand ha;BinhThuan16.5thousandha…
In recent years, due to the strongdevelopmentoftheprocessing industry, Vietnam's cashew output accounts for an increasingly low proportion of total demand for raw cashew nuts of the whole cashew industry. With an output of 400 thousand tons, Vietnam raw cashew nuts are accounting for about 25% of total demand for raw materials of the wholecashewindustry.
After more than 30 years of exporting to the world cashew market, Vietnam cashew has been highly appreciated by many international customers for its quality and taste. The development of domestic cashew tree production has a strategic significance, helping cashew enterprises partly take initiative in the source of raw materials, reduce their dependence on import in important times. High domestic demand is the basis for forming sustainable and high-quality raw material zones that ensure increasingly high standards of food safety.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoa -
Vice , Head of
VINACAS President
Policy Board, Director of Bimico.,
Ltd said that the Association identified raw materials as the vital issue of enterprises. Therefore, for the past years, VINACAS has actively coordinated with the provinces to implement the agricultural extension program of grafting to improve cashew orchards in order to improve the yield and quality of cashew, and at the same time mobilize member enterprises to supportandhelpfarmersfeelsecured togrowcashew.
Afterdecadesofbecominga key crop, Vietnam cashew industry has had good varieties, but still needs to be further improved in terms of yieldandquality.
According to engineer Pham Van Nguyen – a highly experienced expert on Vietnam cashew tree, in order to have good cashew varieties, Vietnam'sagriculturalsectorneedsto conduct an investigation of all existing cashew varieties in cashew growing localities to find cashew trees with high yield and best quality, from which organize the propagation tofarmersintheareatouse.
Simultaneously, it is the selection and creation of cashew varieties. Selection and creation of varieties should be done in a persistent way in order to select the best varieties (ensure two properties of a plant variety are uniform in morphology and stable through propagation cycles) to be recognized andputintovarietyproduction.
Another highly experienced cashew tree expert, engineer Pham Van Dau, also said that it was necessary to find good cashew trees in cashew farms for making varieties. In the cashew farm, there are trees that have a good crop every year, large seeds with high multiplication rate. Those are good individuals, a valuable genetic resource to create thenextgenerations.
Engineer Pham Van Dau shared, “Once good cashew trees have been found, they are marked and checked continuously in several years. The trees that are still good have branches taken to graft for propagation. For the grafting-based propagation, the rate of preserving thetraitofmotherplantisupto100%, 1,000 plants will be created upon grafting 1,000 plants. But if propagated by seeding, it will be strongly segregated, making the percentage of seedlings that are like the mother plant only a few percent, so it is difficult to choose good plants”.
In summary, in order to improve cashew yield, Vietnam's agricultural industry needs to organize selection in all cashew growing areas to find the best cashew trees to propagate and disseminate to farmers for widespread use. Only this way also helps the average yield of cashew in Vietnam become significantlyimproved.
A Nh Gia U Ng Th Tr Ng Nha N Ie U
Tr C Khi Mua Ie U Tho
Ñieàu thoâ giaù quaù cao so vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu baùn ra ñaõ laøm cho nhieàu doanh nghieäp cheá bieán, xuaát khaåu ñieàu Vieät Nam thua loã trong naêm 2022. Naêm 2023, khithòtröôøngnhaânñieàuchöasaùngsuûa,saûnlöôïngñieàuthoâdoàidaøo,doanhnghieäp caànbónhtónhñaùnhgiaùñuùngthòtröôøngroàihaõyquyeátñònhnhaäpkhaåuñieàuthoâ.
Theo VINACAS, trong naêm 2022, Vieät Nam tieáp tuïc laø quoác gia daãn ñaàu veà nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ treân theá giôùi, nhöng löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm khaù nhieàu. Cuï theå, thoáng keâ cuûa Toång cuïc Haûi quan cho thaáy, trong naêm 2022, Vieät Nam nhaäp khaåu gaàn 1,9 trieäu taán ñieàu thoâ, giaûm tôùi 34,6% so vôùi naêm 2021.
OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït - Phoù
Toång Giaùm ñoác Vinacontrol Vieät Nam; Chuû tòch HÑQT Vinacontrol
Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh cho raèng, löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm maïnh laø do yeáu toá thò tröôøng. Ba thò tröôøng lôùn nhaát cuûa ngaønh ñieàu Vieät Nam laø Myõ,EUvaøTrungQuoácñeàugiaûmtieâu thuï haït ñieàu do laïm phaùt taêng cao laøm giaûm söùc mua cuûa ngöôøi tieâu duøng (Myõ,EU)vaøchínhsaùchZero-COVID (TrungQuoác).
Tieâuthuïgiaûm,giaùnhaânñieàu trong naêm 2022 giaûm xuoáng möùc raát thaáp so vôùi nhöõng naêm tröôùc ñoù, khieán cho vieäc xuaát khaåu gaëp nhieàu khoù khaên, do ñoù, nhu caàu nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ giaûm. Beân caïnh ñoù, coøn coù moät löôïng ñieàu thoâ khaù nhieàu toàn kho töø naêm 2021 chuyeån sang. Vì vaäy, trong naêm 2022, duø löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu giaûm nhöng vaãn khoâng ñöôïc söû duïng heát, ñeán ñaàu naêm 2023 vaãn coøn toàn khaù nhieàu trong kho cuûa doanh nghieäp (DN) vaø kho ngoaïi quan.

Löôïng ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu trong naêm 2022 giaûm nhieàu, nhöng giaù laïi quaù cao so vôùi giaù nhaân ñieàu. OÂng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa - Phoù chuû tòch, Tröôûng ban Chính saùch VINACAS;GiaùmñoácCoângtyTNHH Bimico (Taây Ninh), cho bieát, giaù bình quaân ñieàu thoâ nhaäp khaåu caû naêm khoaûng 1.400 USD/taán. Trong boái caûnh giaù nhaân ñieàu giaûm quaù thaáp, thì giaù ñieàu thoâ cao coäng vôùi caùc chi phí saûn xuaát taêng maïnh ñaõ khieán cho giaù thaønh nhaân ñieàu trong naêm 2022 cao hôn khaù nhieàu so vôùi giaù baùn, neân nhìn chung DN ñieàu Vieät Nam khoâng ñaïthieäuquaûkinhteá.
Ñaùnh giaù ñuùng thò tröôøng tröôùckhimuañieàuthoâ
Noùi veà thò tröôøng ñieàu thoâ naêm 2023, oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa, nhaän ñònh, nguoàn cung ñieàu nguyeân lieäu toaøn caàu ñang doài daøo bôûi saûn löôïng vaãn taêng 1520%/naêm, thaäm chí saûn löôïng ôû Campuchiataêngtôùi30%/naêm.
Möùc taêng tröôûng cao veà saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu vaãn chöa döøng laïi vì dieän tích canh taùc caây ñieàu ôû Campuchia vaø caùc nöôùc Chaâu Phi nhìn chung ñeàu taêng qua töøng naêm. Dieäntíchtaêngthìsaûnlöôïngñieàutaêng, thaäm chí möùc taêng seõ coøn cao hôn vì nhieàu dieän tích ñieàu môùi baét ñaàu cho thu hoaïch neân naêng suaát seõ taêng cao trong nhöõng naêm tôùi. Vì vaäy, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu hieän ôû möùc khoaûng4,5trieäutaán,maøvôùimöùctaêng 15-20%/naêm thì seõ leân xaáp xæ 5 trieäu taántrongthôøigiankhoângxa.
Möùc taêng tröôûng cuûa saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ cao hôn so vôùi taêng tröôûng tieâu thuï nhaân ñieàu trong ñieàu kieän bình thöôøng (khoaûng 5-
Nhöõng naêm gaàn ñaây, beân caïnh vieäc nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ, ñaõ coù moät löôïng nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu vaøo Vieät Nam ñeå cheá bieán xuaát khaåu. Naêm 2021, nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu laø 1.000 taán (900 taán nhaân ñieàu coøn voû luïavaø100taánnhaânñieàutraéng).Naêm2022,löôïngnhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu laø 2.600 taán, trong ñoù, nhaân ñieàu traéng laø300taán,coønlaïilaønhaânñieàucoønvoûluïa.
Nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu ñeán töø Bôø Bieån Ngaø (chieám khoaûng 70-75%) vaø Mozambique (25-30%) cho thaáy chính phuû caùc nöôùc naøy ñang coù chính saùch khuyeán khích cheá bieán nhaân ñieàu thay vì xuaát khaåu toaønboäñieàuthoânhötröôùcñaây.
Nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu veà Vieät Nam tuy chöa nhieàu neáu so vôùi toång saûn löôïng nhaân ñieàu ñöôïc cheá bieán taïi Vieät Nam nhöng cuõng gaây ra moät soá vaán ñeà. Tröôùc heát, löôïng nhaân naøy seõ “chieám choã” cuûa löôïng nhaân töông öùng ñöôïc cheá bieán taïi Vieät Nam trong caùc ñôn haøng xuaát khaåu, qua ñoù aûnh höôûng tôùi coâng vieäc cuõng nhö ñôøi soáng cuûa moät boä phaän ngöôøi lao ñoäng trong ngaønh ñieàu. Beân caïnh ñoù, cô quan chöùc naêng Vieät Nam gaàn nhö chöa coù bieän phaùp kieåm soaùt veà an toaøn thöïc phaåm ñoái vôùi nhaân ñieàu nhaäp khaåu ngay töø caùc khaâu cheá bieán, baûo quaûn taïi nöôùc xuaát khaåu, qua ñoù, coù theå aûnh höôûng khoâng toát veà uy tín, chaát löôïng cuûa nhaân ñieàu Vieät Nam treân thò tröôøng theá giôùi. Chaát löôïng ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi naêm 2022 giaûm so vôùi tröôùc ñaây, maø cuï theå laø tyû leä nhaân thu hoài giaûm 2 ñôn vò. Nguyeânnhaânchuûyeáulaødothôøitieát.
Moät ñieàu raát ñaùng chuù yù laø trong 4 -5 naêm trôû laïi ñaây, ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi veà Vieät Nam, tyû leä bò aåm moác, moïc maàm, bò moït laø raát nhoû. Ñieàu naøy cho thaáy nhöõng caûnh baùo, khuyeán nghò cuûa VINACAS taïi caùc Hoäi nghò Ñieàu Quoác teá lieân quan ñeán chaát löôïng ñieàu thoâ chaâu Phi ñaõ ñöôïc caùc nhaø xuaát khaåu, nhaø thöông maïi ñieàu nguyeân lieäu ôû caùc nöôùc xuaát khaåu tieáp thu vaø caûithieän.
(OÂng Baïch Khaùnh Nhöït - Phoù Chuû tòch thöôøng tröïc VINACAS) raèng,vôùisöïphaùttrieånveàdieäntíchcuûacaùcnöôùctroàngñieàu vaø aùp duïng caùc phöông phaùp tieân tieán trong thaâm canh, baûo quaûn sau thu hoaïch, saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ toaøn caàu trong naêmnayseõtieáptuïctaêng.
Chính vì vaäy, theo oâng Nguyeãn Minh Hoïa, trong boái caûnh saûn löôïng ñieàu thoâ theá giôùi doài daøo, moät löôïng ñieàu thoâ lôùn coøn toàn kho ôû Vieät Nam vaø caû ôû AÁn Ñoä (baèng chöùng laø cuoái naêm ngoaùi, ñaàu naêm nay vaø coù theå tieáp tuïc trong thôøi gian tôùi, lieân tuïc coù nhieàu loâ ñieàu thoâ töø AÁn Ñoä ñöa sang Vieät Nam, moãi loâ töø haøng traêm tôùi caû ngaøn taán, laø ñieàu chöa töøng xaûy ra tröôùc ñaây), thì DN Vieät Nam khoâng vieäc gì phaûi voäi vaøng mua ñieàu thoâ khi giaù coøn ôû möùc cao khoânghôïplyùsovôùigiaùxuaátkhaåunhaânñieàu.
10%/naêm). Coøn trong boái caûnh neàn kinh teá theá giôùi chöa coù gì saùng suûa, nhaát laø ôû caùc thò tröôøng lôùn cuûa haït ñieàu laø Myõ vaø EU, thì nhieàu khaû naêng, löôïng nhaân ñieàu tieâu thuï trongnaêmnaysovôùinaêm2022coùtheåkhoângtaênghoaëcchæ taêngnheï.
OÂng Cao Thuùc Uy, UÛy vieân Ban Thöôøng vuï, tröôûng ban Khoa hoïc coâng ngheä cuûa VINACAS; Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng thaønh vieân Coâng ty TNHH Cao Phaùt cuõng cho
OÂng Cao Thuùc Uy chia seû: “Caùc nhaø cheá bieán ñieàu Vieät Nam tröôùc khi quyeát ñònh nhaäp khaåu ñieàu thoâ neân bình tónh vaø nhaän thaáy nguoàn cung nguyeân lieäu naêm nay doài daøo hôn, traùi ngöôïc vôùi thò tröôøng tieâu thuï ñieàu nhaân khaù traàm laéng vaø xu höôùng tieâu duøng ñieàu nhaân hieän nay; Tình hình naøy cuûa theá giôùi coù theå tieáp tuïc trong thôøi gian tôùi. Toâi cho raèng, 2023 laø moät naêm vaãn coøn nhieàu aån soávaøhöùaheïnñoáivôùingaønhñieàuVieätNam”.

Noùi tôùi HÑIEÀU AÏT ,nghó ñeán VINAM EÄT “ ”