Voices! March, 2021

Page 10


Breaking the Imagination Barrier PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director If you get a group of people together, some are

simplest form, wings are curved on top and flat

nonchalantly satisfied with the way things are,

on the bottom. This means the length of the top

but others actively resist any change – don’t rock

surface is longer than the length of the bottom

the boat, don’t go looking for trouble. Others

surface. As air splits at the front edge of a wing,

aren’t satisfied with the status quo – they have

it must spread out more to cover the longer

a vision, a dream, the imagination that leads to breakthroughs in technology. They also scare the daylights out of those other two kinds of people. When automobiles began to gain popularity around the turn of the 20th century, many people believed that human beings were on the path

distance on top

to self-destruction – that our ever-increasing

of the wing. As it spreads,

desire for speed would be the death of us.

the air on top is thinner and has

Some of those people thought that a car would

less pressure, so the stronger

never go faster than 60 miles per hour. There

pressure on the

was a psychological barrier in their minds that

bottom pushes

resisted the idea of traveling faster than a mile

the wing up. Do

per minute. We cruise down the highways now

this fast enough to

well in excess of 60 mph, and think nothing of it.

overcome gravity and you are

Many decades later, Chuck Yeager faced the

flying. If you slow down too much, the

same limited kind of thinking when he attempted

aircraft stalls, which is the technical term for

to break the sound barrier. However, the skeptics

“drops like a rock,” instead of glides like a plane.

in the 1940’s were not just farmers - they were

These engineers also knew that cutting

highly educated engineers and scientists.In

through the air like this disturbed it, and created

hindsight, why did we fear that limit of 60 mph?

shock waves similar to the wake you see behind

After all, human beings arbitrarily divided an

a boat in water. As speeds increased, these

hour into sixty minutes.

shock waves were strong enough in some cases

However, this new limit – the speed of sound

to literally shake the plane apart, or make the

– was a natural phenomenon, a law of physics that

pilot lose control, both leading to disaster. Many

we dare not try to break. Aeronautical engineers

of these engineers believed there was a natural

were well aware of the principles of flight. In their

barrier at the speed of sound, and any attempt to



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