Physique 3d Spring 2014

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NoGii [noh - jee] delivers a unique combination of two of the most nutritionally “perfect and complete� dietary protein sources; WHEY & QUINOA. WHEY powder is the most biologically available and highest quality source of lean protein, yielding a complete profile of amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).

QUINOA [Pronounced: KEEN-wah] is an amino-acid rich seed that contains more protein than any other grain, and is higher in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates.

Together, WHEY & QUINOA form the protein powerhouse foundation for the NoGii Protein Blend, which is meticulously manufactured and formulated for people with protein as their primary focus, but sensitive to those who want a delicious well-rounded gluten-free drink mix that is easily digestible with synergistic ingredients like prebiotic fiber and probiotics. No artificial sweeteners, no added colors, and no artificial flavor. Just premium quality protein to help nourish, replenish, and support active lifestyles.

In 2 Delicious Flavors:

Cocoa Chocolate Vanilla Bean

| Europa Games |

Dream Team Delivers After the most successful Arnold Sports Festival ever, the partnership of Europa Sports Products and ASF will continue.


physique 3D Spring 2014

ORLANDO AND DALLAS: SMASH SUCCESSES Building off the momentum of the ASF, the Europa Games and Get Fit Expo saw huge and enthusiastic crowds attend their two spring shows in Orlando (April 11-12) and Dallas (May 9-10). A more accessible version of the bigger, more crowded ASF, the Europa Games and Get Fit Expos draw in tens of thousands of fitness lovers who can participate or watch numerous competitions in the convention hall, including bodybuilding, powerlifting, grappling, CrossFit, obstacle courses and other challenging sports. The shows are produced by Ed Pariso and his wife, Betty, along with partner Scott Templeton, working closely with Europa Sports. The Orlando show packed in over 67,000 people into the city’s convention center, and the turnout in Dallas was especially impressive considering the turbulent weather that forced numerous flight cancellations into

Body Beautiful: Both the Arnold Sports Festival and Europa Games feature amazing physiques, and products that can help you achieve one.

the Dallas-Ft. Worth area on Thursday and Friday. These family-friendly events feature a “Kid’s Zone” that has exhibits and games that are not only fun, but motivate children to stay active and healthy. Two Europa Games and Get Fit Expos remain this year:

• Hartford (June 28) • Phoenix (October 25-26) To learn more about attending any of the Europa shows, simply log on to For more on Europa, visit

EUROPA UNIVERSITY TO HOLD SPORTS SUPPLEMENT WORKSHOP Europa University is a unique opportunity for those people who want to learn more about sports science and nutrition through groundbreaking seminars presented by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN). The

courtesy of europa


he 2014 Arnold Sports Festival was notable for many achievements, but mostly for being the most successful ASF in history. While the four-day event is always in a growth phase, organizers, including co-promoter Jim Lorimer, gave much of the credit to the ASF’s new presenting sponsor Europa Sports Products. Europa’s involvement helped increase the participation of partner companies in the fabled Arnold Expo, which broke new records in amount of booths and attendance. “This was our best Arnold Sports Festival ever,” said Lorimer about the event. “Europa was a big reason we broke all our Expo booth and attendance records. They’re wonderful to work with.” It was announced that Europa will be back next year as sponsor of the 2015 ASF on March 5-8, 2015, in Columbus, Ohio, hoping to build on the success of the 2014 show. Go to for information on how to attend.

courtesy of europa

ISSN is the only nonprofit academic society dedicated to promoting the science and application of evidence-based sports nutrition and supplementation. On June 28 in Hartford, Europa University will hold a workshop on sports supplements. Invited to speak are some of the most respected and knowledgeable professionals in the industry, including David Sandler MS. FISSN; Rick Collins Esq., FISSN; and Robert Wildman PhD, RD, FISSN; among others. For more info, visit or, or email

An Entire World Awaits: The Europa Get Fit Expos fea- VISIT EUROPA ON SOCIAL MEDIA Sports and the Europa Games and Get Fit Expo are busy on ture not just dozens of booths, but numerous competi- Europa social media, including: tions, including CrossFit, grappling, powerlifting, obstacle • Twitter (@EuropaGamesExpo; @Europa_Sports) courses and exhibits that encourage active living for kids. • Facebook (;

News & notes u p10 | your personal trainer u p14 | Hot Buys u p20 New study confirms that soy mixed with dairy proteins helps increase protein synthesis and recovery.


rotein blends of soy, casein and whey deliver amino acids to the muscle for an hour longer than whey alone when consumed postworkout, according to a compelling new study in the Journal of Applied Physiology. This research confirmed another study that showed similar results last year from combining dairy protein with soy. Because whey, casein and soy have different digestive speeds, when combined they become complementary proteins that help to increase protein synthesis and postexercise recovery. Lead author Blake Rasmussen, PhD, chair of the department of nutrition and metabolism at the University of Texas, said: “This study sheds new light on how unique combinations of proteins,


physique 3d Spring 2014

as opposed to single protein sources, are important for muscle recovery following exercise, and help extend amino acid availability, further promoting muscle growth.” Soy-dairy blends can keep protein synthesis rates up for 3-5 hours after muscle-building resistance exercise, making it ideal for athletes of all types, not just those seeking to build larger muscles. Prolonged recovery can help endurance athletes, CrossFitters and others who train at high-intensity. Bottom Line: Some manufacturers already combine soy, whey and casein, but buying a jug of each and making your own blend is fast becoming a popular way to increase the results of protein supplementation. Either way, you’ve got to try it.


Blend Of Soy, Whey And Casein May Be Best Protein Of All

fit dimensions your personal trainer | by dave hawk A World-class Expert Answers Your Questions.

I’m eating a couple of healthy meals a day, and I do crunches every evening to try to lose fat and get a ripped stomach. My stomach is harder, but I haven’t lost fat. What do I do?


To develop a ripped six-pack, it takes a combination of smart weight training, cardio work and dieting to dial them in. In other words, there’s a lot more to reaching your goal than just exercising your abs.

Here are a few suggestions. n Train abs every other day. Doing an ab workout every day can easily lead to overtraining. Muscle growth actually takes place between your training sessions, not during them.

n Have a question for Dave? Submit it to 14

physique 3d Spring 2014




While you obviously have to stimulate your abdominal muscles, if you continually train them, they won’t have time to recover and develop. I would suggest training your abs every other day (e.g., one day on, one day off) with a variety of exercises to stimulate your core, lower back and oblique area. This will condition and shape your entire midsection. For core work, do high reps—up to 50 per set—but with no weight or light weights. n Use giant sets. To maximize intensity, perform giant sets for abs. This principle is similar to supersets, but requires performing one exercise after another with little or no rest while focusing on one body part. In addition, try to make your waist more flexible by performing bar twists and side bends. The more flexible your waist, the better chance you have at whittling down internal visceral fat. n Perform cardio. Training on a stationary bike, treadmill or stair-climber is very effective at burning extra calories and body fat. It’s important to do at least 30 minutes four or five times a week, along with some weight training. If possible, perform cardio first thing in the morning on



essarily help improve greater muscle recovery. Here are two great digestive enzymes that do. n Aminogen. Aminogen is a patented, halal-certified enzyme product with extensive clinical data showing how it helps the body break down food protein, improve the absorption of amino acids and increase nitrogen retention. Clinical studies show that Aminogen increases free-amino-acid levels by 100%, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) by 250% and nitrogen by 32%. This is where it helps you build more muscle mass and improve recovery. n Carbogen. This enzyme works to help the body make better utilization of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source, so making better utilization of carbs will increase your energy and workout capacity. Carbogen has been shown in studies to increase endurance during exercise by 143%, and decrease lactic acid by 275%. Not only is your digestive system responsible for the absorption of nutrients, but it also eliminates harmful bacteria and waste. In fact, it’s home to 70–80% of your immune system. The immune cells in your digestive tract share their space with a community of more than 400 species of naturally occurring bacteria. Some are helpful, some a bit harmful. In order to keep this system running smoothly, your digestive system needs to have a proper balance of good versus bad bacteria. That’s why you should also consider taking probiotics. Without them, your gut can’t maintain intestinal bacterial balance. Many factors—poor diet, age, travel, stress, use of antibiotic and other medications—can disturb intestinal balance

and decrease the level of healthy bacteria you need. Taking probiotics daily helps replenish these friendly bacteria, keeping your digestive system in balance and working properly. Look for brands containing the HOWARU Protect Probiotics. The HOWARU Protect Probiotics is a range of clinically-documented formulations that are optimized to meet specific consumer needs to help maintain natural immune defenses and includes: HOWARU Kids, HOWARU Adult and HOWARU Sport. All are available as ready-to-market products or in concentrate form. They support the immune system, creating an optimal environment for your entire nutritional intake to be utilized by your body.

PUDDING ON MUSCLE I started doing CrossFit and wanted to know if there is any difference in taking whey protein powder and a protein pudding? At the gym I had the opportunity to try the MHP Power Pak Pudding, and it tasted great.

ly help extend the protein-synthesis rate for greater periods of time. (See page 8 for more.) This is compelling evidence that a protein blends may actually keep your body in an anabolic state for much longer.

GRAIN AND GAIN I saw a whey protein recently with something called quinoa. What is it, and why is it in protein?



The MHP Power Pak Pudding is one of the hottest and most convenient protein products to hit our industry. This convenient, healthy treat delivers 30 g of one of the most powerful protein blends available. The big news for fitness enthusiast is that supplementing with a protein blend may offer more results than a single protein source. A recent study showed that blends of proteins had a significant improved effect in protein synthesis in the gastroc muscle than in test subjects using single protein sources. The results indicate that a blend of both dairy and soy proteins may actual-

While quinoa is considered a staple of vegetarians, it’s now being recognized by the fitness community for its nutritional power.

Quinoa (pronounced “kinwa”) has been called one of the world’s healthiest foods. Not only is it gluten-free, but quinoa is an amino-acid rich seed that contains more protein than any other grain, and is higher in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates. This makes it one of nature’s nearly perfect foods, and a great addition to the diet of any fitness-minded person. In fact, quinoa contains all nine of the essential amino acids. Essential acids are the aminos you must get from your food. Combining quinoa with whey protein is an ingenious way to create a more powerful protein product with greater amino acid loads, along with extra healthy fats, which help with digestion and feelings of satiety.


physique 3d Spring 2014


Physique 3D cover model Cory Gregory gives you a master class in getting ripped, using an intense lunge workout.


It was a huge thrill when I got the call to shoot the cover for Physique 3D and I was really excited to be a part of it. But to get freaky tight I had to do something drastic. It was time to enroll in Lunge University and class was about to be in session. I was already in pretty good shape when Lunge University became a reality, but my goal was to shoot a couple of different covers and then top it off with a bodybuilding show. Once the date was locked, I knew I had to up my HIIT cardio, which for me previously consisted of sprint work and doing some high-intensity work on stairs. But I tried to take a different approach and my focus became my glute/hamstring tie-ins. I needed to make them freaky if I was going to get onstage and what has always worked for me in that regard was walking lunges. That has always been the best way for me to bring in that body part, but it was not a regular part of my workout regimen at that time. Well, I went from 0-100 mph with walking lunges, as they suddenly became a major part of my training.

Shane O’Neal

EARNING A PHD IN INTENSITY I decided that postworkout I would just go to the track and do up to a mile of lunges. Yes, you read that correctly: One mile of lunges without stopping. Sure, it sounds a little crazy and to be honest, it is a little out there. But to achieve something extreme, in this case a ridiculously lean physique, you sometimes have to go to the extreme. The first day at Lunge University I made it 800 meters (1/2-mile) in a little more than 30 minutes and I was smoked. It was unreal—class was definitely in session.

But I woke up the next morning significantly tighter and my metabolism was on fire. Right then I decided I needed to do them more often. A number of factors played into it, led by the fact that I felt I needed to do something outside the box to push the envelope when it came to my training. I also started to feel stringy from conventional cardio, and that wasn’t going to do. By incorporating lunges, the fullness stayed in my muscle bellies, while delivering much-needed volume to my legs. With these results, I simply did daily walking lunges leading up to my bodybuilding show as cardio. Spring 2014 physique 3d


competition, there is no one true premier event, as Tough Mudder and Spartan battle it out to be the top promotion. n Alternatives: There are tons of more manageable races, many of them called mud runs or adventure races. Events like the “Superhero Scramble” have more of a party atmosphere than the more challenging Spartan and Tough Mudder. n Fun fact: Both Spartan and Tough Mudder races were developed by former military and Special Forces personnel who wanted to bring the team-building and adrenaline-pumping nature of their training to the masses. n For more info: Both and have plenty of resources to get started, as well as extensive listings of regional events.

Climb A Mountain As long as there have been summits to conquer, men and women have tried to scale them. Mountain climbing requires not just strength (to carry equipment on steep inclines) and endurance, but an ability to handle high-altitude effects on the body. Also, climbing can be an expensive sport, considering time invested and amount of gear required. But when you make it to the top, there’s no feeling like it. n How to prepare: Experience counts when climbing.

You don’t begin on the highest peak; you need to do oneor two-day climbs to know what equipment to bring, how to set camp, feed yourself, and maintain your energy for daily climbing. You also need to know when to turn back if the weather isn’t complying or some other unforeseen difficulty arises. Competent first-aid skills are a must. n Premier peak: Obviously, Mt. Everest is the ultimate summit, but that’s out of reach for most people, especially since the recent tragedies there. Same with other exotic summits, like K2 and similar Himalayan peaks. There’s plenty of challenging climbs in the homeland, including Mt. Whitney in California, the tallest mountain in the contiguous U.S. The Rocky Mountains are also a favorite destination. n Alternatives: You can hike places like Mt. Whitney without spending days ascending it. While you won’t get a view from the top, you’ll enjoy beautiful scenery and great exercise. For inspired hiking ideas, visit n Fun fact: A common mountain climber’s motto is, “climb high, sleep low.” This means that after you get used to a higher altitude, descend some distance to sleep during the night to help avoid complications from altitude sickness. n For more info: See and for tips on where to climb and how to prepare.

[ Fitness Bucket List: Now With Extra Crazy]

Spartan Death Race

Hang Gliding

Ultra marathon

Cliff Diving

The name says it all, as does the website: youmaydie. com. While no two Death Races are alike, you’ll likely be on the move for over 70 hours, sleep little or not at all, carry a lot of weight and be forced to complete torturous tasks. We warned you.

While the safety record of hang gliding continues to improve, it’s still considered high-risk, with one fatality per about 1,000 flights in the U.S. Learning training and safety are essential, but you do fly. (See windsports. com for more.)

This is a marathon multiplied, usually under intemperate conditions. While there’s no set time for an ultra, they can last anywhere from 12 hours to 10 days, and cover hundreds of miles. (See for more.)

While Red Bull has made this a competitive sport with reasonable safety measures and actual diving boards, unregulated daredevil cliff diving is what most adrenaline junkies seek out, usually in Central or South America. (See for more.)


physique 3d Spring 2014

left to right: shutterstock; thinkstock (3)

Perhaps the events we listed in the main article aren’t daring enough for you. Don’t worry—there’s plenty of death-defying events for you to try. Of course, you may actually kick the bucket during one of these, so attempt at your own risk.

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