Greening the Heartland

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ON SITE PROGRAM current as of 5/12/2010

presented by:

brought to you by our title sponsor:

A MESSAGE from the conference hosts Thank you for joining us for the 7th Annual Greening the Heartland 2010 featuring Green by Design at the Minneapolis Convention Center hosted by the Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities. Over the past several years, green building and design standards have grown significantly with new techniques and products coming online regularly. Additionally, with concerns about global warming, energy costs, and the effects of the environment on our individual and collective health, more leaders, individuals, and communities are demanding greater attention to renewable energy, environmental protection, and sustainable development. The Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities joined forces to present Greening the Heartland to provide key partners in all areas of the green building industry the opportunity to increase their knowledge base and network with others. It is critical that more residential and commercial developers, builders and contractors, architects, city and state planners and staff, elected officials, affordable housing leaders, funders, preservationists, and real estate professionals adopt and promote the use of proven green design and building methods to provide a needed regional response to a global challenge. We are pleased to announce that we have hundreds of registrants from throughout the twelve state heartland region. This year’s conference theme, BRIDGING, seeks to draw valuable connections between people, places, and ideas to help create a sustainable heartland region and beyond. We hope that these connections will continue far beyond the conference. The Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities would like to especially thank title sponsor Target and our many sponsors whose support has made this conference possible. (See pages 4 and 5 for a complete list of our sponsors.) We would also like to thank our exhibitors and encourage you to visit the exhibit hall throughout the day to visit the booths and view interactive sessions on the exhibit hall stage. (Fill out the enclosed exhibitor stamp card for a chance at great prizes.) Finally, we’d like to thank our presenters who have joined us from ten different states to share their knowledge with you at one or more of our 40 outstanding conference sessions. A map of the Convention Center is included on page 8 to help you navigate the venue and locate conference sessions. Also, volunteers and staff are always available to assist you. If you have questions or need assistance, volunteers and staff can be located at the information booth in the exhibit hall, at the registration desk on the Mezzanine level, or wearing a bright blue Greening the Heartland t-shirt or staff ribbon. Thank you again for joining the Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities for Greening the Heartland 2010 featuring Green by Design.

Enjoy the conference!

THANK YOU to our sponsors: title sponsor

platinum sponsor

gold sponsors

silver sponsors


greening the event

audio / visual partner

activity sponsors

Green by Design sponsors

Larkin Hoffman Attorneys

City of Minneapolis

Maxxon Corporation

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency

Twin Cities LISC

Minnesota Power

HGA Architects & Engineers

Center for Energy and Environment


Wells Fargo

Watson-Forsberg Co. McGough Butler Properties

chapter sponsors

media partners

Heartland Regional Council Central Ohio Chapter Central Plains Chapter Chicago Chapter Cincinnati Regional Chapter Indiana Chapter Iowa Chapter Nebraska Flatwater Chapter Northwest Ohio Chapter St. Louis Regional Chapter Wisconsin Green Building Alliance


GREENING THE HEARTLAND 2010 Committee Chairs and Members Greening the Heartland 2010 featuring Green by Design is made possible by the hard work and dedication of the many volunteers and staff that have helped shape and organize the conference. The Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities would like to thank our volunteers for their commitment to the conference and to supporting sustainable building and communities throughout the heartland region. Special thanks to the conference chairs, committee chairs and their respective committee members, and to the staff of IntrinXec Management Inc. for their conference planning role—everyone listed below has been integral to the success of Greening the Heartland 2010!

CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS Heather Gay, Dunwoody College of Technology Julie Perrus, Larkin Hoffman Attorneys PROGRAM COMMITTEE Co-chairs Janne Flisrand, Minnesota Green Communities David Loehr, Studio 2030 EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE Chair Rita Trapp, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.

SPECIAL EVENTS SUBCOMMITTEE Co-Chairs Megan Dobratz, studioTart. Photography Amanda Nonnemacher, McGough Member Shawna Nelsen, Family Housing Fund GREENING THE EVENT COMMITTEE Chair Janice Pyka, Fidelity Building Services

Members Maureen Colburn, LHB, Inc. John Harrington, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund Alison Lindburg, Fresh Energy Laura Millberg, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Jim Muehlbauer, Frisbie Architects Jessie Peterson, Xcel Energy Emily Stern, City of Minneapolis

Members Alan Andert, Harris Companies Daniel Cebelinski, Harris Companies Rachel Guerrero, Rachel Guerrero Interior Design Marlene Hernick, MOH Design Mark Leutgeb, Gausman & Moore Shawna Nelsen, Family Housing Fund Dawn Ranagan, Magnolia Designs Janneke Schaap, Minnesota Green Star

PRE / POST EVENTS SUBCOMMITTEE Chair Julie Crawford, Mortenson Construction

MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Chair Shawna Nelsen, Family Housing Fund

Members Leslie Cloonan, IEA Institute Tammie Fallon, Watson-Forsberg Phil Kirkegaard, Residential Services, Inc.

Members Mike Benike, Alvin E. Benike, Inc. Kimberly Johnson, The Weidt Group Kristen LaFavor, DesignAhead Janice Pyka, Fidelity Building Services Andy Schlack, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund Ginger Sisco, Sisco Public Relations

SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITOR COMMITTEE Chair Emily Eisenmenger, Mortenson Construction Members Mike Benike, Alvin E. Benike, Inc. John Finazzo, Lipari Renewables Inc. John Harrington, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund Megan Scott, Williams Creek Consulting


CONFERENCE PLANNING & OPERATIONS Sheri Brezinka, Minnesota Chapter of USGBC Don Giroux, IntrinXec Management, Inc. Renee Molstad, Minnesota Chapter of USGBC Severyn Skoug, IntrinXec Management, Inc. Sean R. Schuette, IntrinXec Management, Inc.

ABOUT THE conference hosts Greening the Heartland 2010 featuring Green by Design is being presented by the Minnesota Chapter of USGBC and Minnesota Green Communities.

Minnesota Chapter of the USGBC Our mission is to positively transform the building processes, building industry, and communities of our region, by drawing upon the experience of stakeholders in the built environment. In support of this, we will: • Promote the design, construction, and operation of buildings and communities that are healthy places to live and work, environmentally responsible, and economically viable on a lifecycle basis. • Serve our members and communities by promoting best practices in design and technology usage, advocating green building policies, and facilitating information exchange and education. • Encourage the widespread acceptance and use of the LEED Green Building Rating System in collaboration with complementary tools and standards. Learn more at

Minnesota Green Communities Minnesota Green Communities is a collaboration of the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, the Family Housing Fund, and Enterprise designed to foster the creation of affordable, healthier, and more energy efficient housing throughout Minnesota. Minnesota Green Communities seeks to ensure that all affordable housing built or rehabilitated in Minnesota is green. Additionally, the initiative aims to facilitate green retrofits in partnership with other key players. Minnesota Green Communities is the largest green building program in Minnesota, with nearly 1,000 units completed, 1,500 under construction, and another 1,500 under development. Learn more at

USGBC heartland region chapters Central Ohio Chapter Central Plains Chapter Chicago Chapter Cincinnati Regional Chapter Detroit Regional Chapter Indiana Chapter Iowa Chapter Missouri Heartland Chapter

Nebraska Flatwater Chapter North Dakota Organizing Group Northeast Ohio Chapter St. Louis Regional Chapter South Dakota Organizing Group West Michigan Chapter Wisconsin Green Building Alliance




R Refreshments




L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 J I H G F

Escalator (All Levels) Elevator (All Levels)

L100 L100 L100 L100 L100 A B C D E

Emergency Stairs AED Automated

For a floor plan of the Exhibit Hall please see page 28.

External Defibrillator


AED M100 M100 M100 M100 M100 J I H G F

R Refreshments

Restrooms Phone Escalator (All Levels)

M100 M100 M100 M100 M100 A B C D E

Elevator (All Levels)


Emergency Stairs AED Automated

External Defibrillator

M101 M101 M101 A B C

Floor plan maps courtesy of the Minneapolis Convention Center.


KEYNOTE speaker Cameron Sinclair - Executive Director and Co-Founder of Architecture for Humanity As the executive director and co-founder of Architecture for Humanity, Cameron Sinclair is not only an architect, but an author, humanitarian and world-class visionary. During his studies at the University of Westminster and at the Bartlett School of Architecture, Sinclair developed a passion in social, cultural, and humanitarian design. His resulting postgraduate thesis focused on providing shelter to New York’s homeless through sustainable, transitional housing. Collaborating with Kate Stohr, they co-founded Architecture for Humanity (AFH), a nonprofit that helps architects apply their design skills to humanitarian efforts. Starting with just $700 and a simple web site in 1999, AFH has grown into an international hub for humanitarian design, offering innovative design solutions to humanitarian crises and communities in need in all corners of the globe. For a decade, Architecture for Humanity has made a difference by working in 26 countries on projects ranging from schools, health clinics, affordable housing, and long term sustainable reconstruction. AFH’s work has included building clinics in Sub-Saharan Africa, community centers in South East Asia, and the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 South Asia Tsunami. In 2007, Architecture for Humanity launched the Open Architecture Network, the worlds’ first online community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design. In 2004, Fortune magazine named Cameron Sinclair as one of the Aspen Seven, seven people changing the world for the better. He was the recipient of the 2006 TED prize and the 2005 RISD/Target Emerging Designer of the Year. In 2008 he was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and awarded the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for his work in elevating design in areas of need. That same year he was profiled alongside Cameron Diaz in the show ICONOCLASTS on the Sundance Channel and was named as one of CNN’s Principal Voices. To learn more about Cameron Sinclair and Architecture for Humanity, please visit


CONFERENCE at a glance Greening the Heartland has been approved for Green Building Certification Institute Program and CEU (GBCI) credits for all 40 educational sessions and 39 sessions with the American support provided by: Institute of Architects (AIA). Additional information about GBCI categories and AIA HSW or SD designations can be found at the conference registration desk or on the conference website, All 40 sessions have been submitted for American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certification Maintenance. In addition, ten sessions have been submitted to the State of Minnesota for real estate continuing education. Additionally, conference hosts have applied for continuing education credits for the pre- and post-conference workshops and tours. Certificates for course completion will be available in each session for other professionals who need it for their continuing education requirements.



to receive LEED-EB Certification. Continue the LEED-EB conversation with a reception, sponsored by McGough and Butler Properties, immediately following the tour in the Butler Square atrium.


2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Excelsior & Grand LEED-ND Tour Excelsior & Grand, a 17-acre, mixed-use residential and retail community in St. Louis Park has received the nation’s first LEED for Neighborhood Development. Excelsior & Grand is an infill redevelopment in suburban Minneapolis. Through both policy and design, it demonstrates how traditional development patterns can be altered to create community, avert sprawl, and provide economic development opportunities in cities that have reached saturation density.

2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Downtown Minneapolis LEED-EB Walking Tour Sponsored by: McGough and Butler Properties Built between 1906 and 1908, Butler Square’s multitenant commercial building is the oldest in the nation to earn LEED - EB O&M certification. It’s also the oldest building of any kind in the Midwest to receive any level of LEED certification. Accenture Tower (LEED Silver) at Metropolitan Centre is the first multi-tenant building in Minneapolis to be awarded the LEED EB O&M. Ameriprise Financial Center (LEED Silver) was completed in April of 2000. This 31 story building was the first in Minneapolis

Target Field (Twins Stadium) Tour This tour is a chronicle of the Twins’ commitment to environmental stewardship through the team’s application and preparations for LEED certification for New Construction for the initial construction of the new facility, and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance once in the new ballpark. Learn from the design and construction team how this unconventional building type often requires creative thinking to meet established sustainability standards typically based on conventional building types. Learn the unique challenges of pursuing EB: O&M at a professional sports facility, as well as share overall best practices for drafting effective policies and securing value-added vendor partnerships. Group travel to tour—meet at the 2nd and Grant entrance at 1:30 p.m.


Creating Green Affordable Housing—An Introduction to Green Communities Presenter: Justin Wilson, Building Performance Solutions

The turf isn’t the only thing that’s green. Mortenson is proud to be the builder of the newly certified LEED Silver Target Field. Sustainable highlights include high-efficiency lighting, low-flow plumbing fixtures, recycled gray water for irrigation, and connectivity to mass transit and downtown Minneapolis. Congratulations to the Minnesota Twins as they begin a new era of stewardship, community, and grass stains.


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Track 4

Location: Hilton Garden Inn

OTHER EVENTS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

USGBC-Heartland Regional Council Meeting Location: Dunham - 50 South Sixth Street / Suite 1100 / Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Happy Hour

Location: Pizza Luce If you’ve flown in early for the conference, please join conference leaders and other attendees for an informal social and networking gathering at Pizza Luce in downtown Minneapolis. Greening the Heartland has a section reserved inside the venue just for Greening the Heartland attendees and guests.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 19 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

Early Morning Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

8:30 to 9:45 a.m.

Detroit, Dallas, & Despotism: a 3D View of Sustainability Sponsored by: Apogee Eric Corey Freed, organicARCHITECT In this brand new talk by acclaimed author of Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies, green architect Eric Corey Freed walks you through his creative and bizarre world of sustainable design. Beginning with the events of the past year, you’ll journey through the decline of the city of Detroit, building a net energy sustainable block in Dallas, and the strange forces plotting against greening our country. Experience the rapid advancements in green building and discover the latest systems to save energy, water, and resources. You will laugh, cry, and never look at your world quite the same way again. Part stand-up comedy, part Ph.D. lecture, this talk will present a side of the environment most never get to see. Drawn from the most advanced research, this talk uses rich graphics, multimedia, and never before seen data to alter your view of green building.

Community Sustainability Planning—Guided by the Natural Step Framework Tracy Meisterheim, The Natural Step Hundreds of communities across the US, Canada, and Europe have used The Natural Step Framework to guide their sustainability planning, policy, and decision making. In this session you will learn how The Natural Step Framework can help you effectively institutionalize sustainability planning in your business or community. The framework has been guiding the development of green building in Portland for years, and you will hear examples from Midwest communities that are successfully integrating sustainability at all levels of their planning and service delivery. Learn how to move your entire community step-by-step toward sustainable practices.

Appendix G in Turbo Mode: Capturing More Energy Savings Earlier

From “Verbluffendste” to “Amazing!”— Translating the Passive House

David Eijadi, FAIA, LEED AP, The Weidt Group Chris Baker, AIA, EIT, LEED AP, The Weidt Group

Lance Schmidt, FG Ayers/Homebuilders Association of Summit Portage Counties

As green building comes of age, designers and owners seek energy analysis earlier in design. To achieve zeroenergy buildings, designers must evaluate every design decision for its impact on energy performance. Current energy codes and modeling protocols for establishing baselines do not adequately address the issues of early design decisions such as building massing, glazing area, etc. Without consistent baselines, energy savings for better design cannot be calculated and market transformation programs are not able to set up

America is beginning to understand that Germany’s Passive House concept represents the world’s highest energy standard with promises of slashing heating energy consumption of buildings by 90 percent. Sweeping Europe for decades, can the Passive House really be affordable, practical, and consumer-friendly for the emerging green-conscious U.S. homebuilding market—or is it too much of a stretch? The presenter will



This full-day workshop provides a remarkable opportunity to learn methods for improving the performance, efficiency, and durability of the homes you build. This session is a fast-paced introduction to innovative building processes and technologies that achieve energy and cost savings for both owners and residents of affordable housing. Participants will understand some of the big concepts that make green affordable housing work, become familiar with the main requirements of the Green Communities criteria, and explore connections between green building, improved building performance, and basic building science. Presenter Justin Wilson is the president of Building Performance Solutions, a Colorado based building science consulting firm. Wilson specializes in advanced energy efficient building practices, high performance process integration and implementation, building durability analysis, mechanical systems design and integration, and job site inspections and trainings.

incentives to send the correct signal. This presentation will summarize cases where energy analysis for early design decisions is unable to provide a savings estimate for a better performing design. We identify areas where current modeling protocols, such as Appendix G or ASHRAE 90.1, need to be improved upon. We explore how benchmarking systems, such as ENERGY STAR®, also fall short in providing the correct baseline. We suggest an alternative baseline identification protocol for buildings where savings can be identified in this early Design Assistance effort.


Track 1

Track 1


From “Verbluffendste” to “Amazing!”— Translating the Passive House - continued discuss: 1) How energy efficiency standards for Passive House “are on steroids” compared to the energy aspects of other certified green building standards; 2) the “Two Toasters Swap for a Furnace” message; 3) Passive House affordability—both new construction and retrofits; 4) Cultural, climate, and local building code adaptability to Passive House standards; 5) the “additives” necessary for the Passive House to gain consumer confidence; 6) Taking your Passive House target market beyond Malibu Ken and Barbie; and 7) It takes a village—getting your local community on board for more than German Schnitzel through local government, private sector, financial markets, and media buy-in.

9:45 to 10:15 a.m. Morning Break

Mid Morning Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

10:15 to 11:30 a.m. Design Trends Toward Energy Efficient Buildings Keith Swartz, Energy Center of Wisconsin What design practices provide significant energy savings in new Midwestern buildings? Popular energyrelated building design trends will be examined featuring examples from utility energy efficiency programs in the Midwest. We will explain current best practices related to the design process, and explain individual building components such as insulation,

Track 2

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Track 4

roofing, windows, lighting, daylighting, and HVAC systems. We will also demonstrate tools to evaluate the energy and economic impacts of design options. Finally, we will discuss strategies to address technical and nontechnical challenges, such as managing construction cost budgets, resistance to change, the design process, and learning to incorporate energy efficient designs.

So, You’re a Green Professional— How Green is Your Own Home? Cindy Ojczyk, LEED AP, Verified Green, Inc. Christine Bleyhl, Vujovich Design Build There are thousands of LEED Accredited Professionals in the Heartland region. There are many thousands more professionals who help advance sustainability at the commercial building level—whether through their jobs or on behalf of their professional organizations. These professionals, who know a little something about green construction, provide a great opportunity to influence the other part of the building equation—the residential sector—since many of these professionals also own a home. While it seems that the residential sector should enjoy the same momentum as the commercial sector, it doesn’t. It is not always easy or feasible to apply the same strategies at home as it is to create a green commercial building. Yet, the principles for sustainable home building and remodeling are the same as commercial construction and rehabilitation—water conservation, saving energy and other resources, site and community impact, and indoor environmental quality. One missing link is the homeowner/ professional. This presentation will give professionals the key ingredients to make their own homes green and help to bridge the residential and commercial green divide. The course will cover residential systems, materials, green rating tools, sourcing, and incentives.

Complete Streets Policies: An Essential Element to LEED-ND Success Faith Cable, Smith Partners Lisa Peterson Bender, Hennepin County Housing, Community Works and Transit LEED-ND places a high priority on walkable streets, which affect 40 points out of the 100 possible. Yet, many of the standards within LEED-ND related to walkable streets are difficult to implement under current street design guidelines, standards, and laws. What happens when a government unit passes a policy and attempts to implement LEED-ND? Several jurisdictions, including the State of Massachusetts; San Francisco, California; New York , New York; and Charlotte, North Carolina have developed street design guidance and standards geared toward implementing the kinds of walkability improvements found in LEED-ND requirements. This discussion will help bridge specific LEED-ND requirements and currently adopted transportation policies. The discussion will both identify street design standards and funding formulas that discourage or prohibit the implementation of LEED-ND standards and highlight best practice examples to illustrate the potential for design guidance that encourages and supports LEEDND standards for walkable neighborhoods.


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Track 3

Track 4 William (Billy) Weber, Center for Sustainable Building Research, University of Minnesota

Lara Greden, Ph.D., Verisae

LHB and Center for Sustainable Building Research (CSBR) have worked on many Green Communities projects. Together, LHB and CSBR are tracking the results in approximately 40 green affordable housing projects in Minnesota. LHB has been designing energy efficient affordable housing since 1992 and began tracking results in 2007. CSBR has been supporting the Green Communities efforts in Minnesota since 2004, specifically by collecting information after construction is complete and exploring the connection between sustainability and health. This presentation will focus on four projects that have been operating in Minnesota for at least one year. These projects include: The Winnipeg in St. Paul; the New San Marco Apartments in Duluth; Ripley Gardens in Minneapolis; and Viking Terrace in Worthington. The four projects highlight new construction, historic reuse, renovation, and supportive housing. Performance measurements include not only energy efficiency, but also stormwater, water, waste, and health. We will present the Architecture 2030 benchmarks, goals, and predicted energy and compare with actual results. Features include the largest green roof in the state at the time of its construction and geothermal heating and cooling.

Are you looking to evaluate the green building criteria you have implemented in residential projects or through funding programs? This session will discuss the meaning and limitations of metrics that bridge the social goals of housing with the health, environmental, and cost goals in green building standards, including: energy use intensity; electricity, gas, carbon, or dollars saved; and the ENERGY STAR portfolio method of percentile rankings. A typical scope of work will serve as an example for defining the elements you can track post-occupancy by matching them to sources of data. Since furnaces cannot speak, at least not yet, we will cover calculations and accepted industry baselines to use for providing a voice to the performance achievements of the energy efficient equipment and building practices implemented in your projects. We will discuss case studies of how homeowners and tenants utilized the information made available to them through tracking, and provide insight related to marketing and communications. Participants will walk away from this session with a sheet of metrics and their equivalents to commonly recognized measures (such as MPG) to build capacity for a language of building performance metrics.


Green Communities Criteria in Housing Finance Agency Investments Please join Minnesota Housing, Minnesota’s state housing finance agency, to learn how the agency is implementing the Green Communities criteria in its investments in the construction and rehabilitation of single family and multifamily properties throughout the state. Staff from the agency will discuss: 1) progress in implementing the Green Communities criteria across different programs and property types; 2) plans for evaluation and on-going data collection; and 3) next steps in advancing policies to increase the number of energy-efficient and healthy homes in Minnesota. Ample time will be available to ask questions and discuss the challenges and opportunities created by applying the criteria to investments. This special session is targeted to housing finance agency professionals, however, other state and city housing professionals who have implemented green building requirements are encouraged to share their lessons learned as we discuss ways to continue refining our approach to creating energy-efficient and healthy homes.

11:30 to 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday Lunch

Early Afternoon Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Linking Best Practices to Actual Performance in Affordable Housing Sponsored by: Maxxon Corporation

Decarbonization of our Central Cities Gail Borthwick, Adrian Smith + Gordan Gill Architecture A wind farm or large scale photovoltaic array can power hundreds of buildings. A single nuclear plant can power an entire region. Why, then, is there a need for a decarbonization plan for the city? If it were a simple matter of replacing greenhouse gas emitting fossil plants with renewable energy resources, urban decarbonization would not be necessary. However, no wind farms, large scale photovoltaic arrays, or nuclear power plants can be built in a Central Business District—and electricity is not the only source of carbon emissions from cities. The Chicago Central Area Decarbonization Plan analyses eight areas of carbon production and reduction in urban areas, including buildings, land use, energy, water, and waste. The Plan seeks to go beyond the technological fix and advance Chicago’s global leadership position, not only as a green city, but also as a continuing model of architectural and urban innovation.

Iowa Green Streets Initiative: Main Street & Housing Models Jeff Geerts, Iowa Department of Economic Development The Iowa Department of Economic Development’s Iowa Green Streets Initiative is realigning its operations and programming to integrate a consistent, environmentally conscious approach to growth and development, while ensuring long-term economic growth for Iowa communities. Facets of the Iowa Green Streets Initiative include: Design and construction guidelines for affordable housing, community facilities, and Main Street businesses; Leadership training to 39 Main Street Iowa organizations on sustainable community practices; Community Development Block Grant funding of sustainable community and downtown revitalization demonstration projects; and Neighborhood Resource

Rick Carter, AIA, LEED AP, LHB, Inc.



If Furnaces Could Speak—Tools for Tracking Performance


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Track 3

Iowa Green Streets Initiative: Main Street & Housing Models - continued

Ecosystem Health—a Guiding Principle for Green Communities

Center to improve citizen participation in community planning and redevelopment projects. West Union, Iowa’s national green downtown demonstration project, beginning construction in 2010, will be the featured case study. This project includes a six block “extreme makeover” of downtown, including an extensive porous paver street and sidewalk system, 33,000+ square feet of rain gardens and bioretention cells, advanced lighting systems, a district geothermal heating and cooling system, and a district snow and ice melt system.

Kim Alan Chapman, Applied Ecological Services Doug Mensing, Applied Ecological Services

Practical Plumbing for Water and Energy Efficiency Gary Klein, Affiliated International Management, LLC What is the most energy, water, and time efficient way to install a hot water distribution system for a given floor plan? Where is it appropriate to use drain water heat recovery? How would you capture grey water and provide for grey water re-use in the same building? When should you install water heaters in multiple locations? How does the water heater impact overall system performance? This session will be interactive and explore the answers to these questions by laying out the plumbing for a typical building on the floor of the classroom. The hot water locations will be drawn out to full scale using painter’s tape to draw the building. Then, tape of different widths—representing pipe of different diameters—will be used to “pipe” the building. The efficiency of different hot water distribution systems will be evaluated in terms of water, energy, and time.

2:15 to 2:45 p.m. Afternoon Break

Mid Afternoon Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

2:45 to 4 p.m. Building Performance: A Tale of Two Multifamily Models Sachin Anand, dbHMS A. Aubrey Swift, dbHMS This presentation will describe two delivery systems for large multifamily buildings and explore the impact the project delivery method has on the performance-related choices the owners made. We will present case studies of multifamily buildings with market-rate units and compare and contrast them to similar affordable-unit projects. Our comparison will show that the competitive environments that face market-rate developers tend to present them with conflicting incentives in incorporating quality and energy-saving measures into envelope and mechanical systems. The affordable projects tend to be mandated by the authority developing them to include better envelope performance. Case studies will compare efficiency choices in a market-rate and affordable project. Energy modeling and cost-benefit analysis demonstrate how competition can channel construction dollars.


Track 4

The built environment affects many species of plants and animals and the places they live. Reducing the impact of cities, towns and rural development on the healthy functioning of the natural world contributes to sustainability. A guiding principle of Green Communities is to advance “the health of local and regional ecosystems.” Ecosystems are basic building blocks of nature that support life, including people. What can architects, residential designers, and builders do to advance ecosystem health? Using the Minneapolis/St. Paul region as an example, participants will be introduced to the concept of ecosystem health and by the end of the session will be able to discuss, explain, and summarize situations involving ecosystem health. Topics will include recognizing and describing the ecosystems of the Twin Cities region, using diagnostic indicators of ecosystem health, and explaining guidelines for designing, building, and maintaining sites in order to advance ecosystem health. Ecosystems covered will include lakes, streams, wetlands, agricultural land, and forests.

Healthy Green Community Program— Implementing the Minnesota GreenStep Program Dan Frank, The Initiative Foundation Quinn Swanson, Hunt Utilities Group, LLC Bob McLean, Hunt Utilities Group, LLC Phil Muessig, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency The Healthy Green Communities Program (HGCP) is developing the capacity of citizens to create a locally shared vision and plan for a healthier, greener, sustainable community. HGCP fosters skills for participants to mobilize local and regional assets to implement that plan. The process involves all segments of the community in the planning and development process, and the value of connecting to surrounding communities. The greater Pine River area in Central Minnesota is partnering with the Central Initiative Foundation, adapting its acclaimed Communities Program to implement the Minnesota GreenStep “Pathway to Sustainability.” Communitywide, citizens are working to achieve best practices in innovative/sustainable development and reducing energy consumption at the home, business, and community level. Join this session to hear what the HGCP has learned in the first year of the implementation process.

Duluth Energy Efficiency Program— Innovative Community/Government/BusinessBased Strategies Jodi Slick, Common Ground Construction Jessica Kershner, DEEP program educator Dean Talbott, MN Power In 2009, a partnership between the City of Duluth, local foundations and nonprofits, and the gas and electrical utilities defined a non-income based community-wide weatherization program. The program, dubbed the Duluth Energy Efficiency Program (DEEP), has received $1.5 million in stimulus dollars for implementation. This session will explore the design of the program, connections with the community, innovative financing

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Track 4

THURSDAY, MAY 20 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Yoga

Location: Minneapolis Convention Center lawn ($10 fee)

4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Opening Reception

Submit your ticket for a chance to win great raffle prizes.

7:30 to 10:30 p.m.

Start your morning with some fresh air. Join us for yoga on the Convention Center lawn, and leave feeling centered and relaxed. All levels welcome. Yoga mats will be provided. Limited to 25 participants.

7:30 to 8:15 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:15 to 9:45 a.m.

Social Event at Brit’s Pub Please join us at the famous Brit’s Pub in downtown Minneapolis (within walking distance of the Convention Center) for a fun social and networking event for conference attendees. Brit’s Pub is home to one of few accessible green roofs in Minneapolis - a lawn bowling green! Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments on a private patio space overlooking the bowling green. Space is limited, so register early! ($25 on site registration fee.)

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Cameron Sinclair, Architecture for Humanity As the executive director and co-founder of Architecture for Humanity, Cameron Sinclair is not only an architect, but an author, humanitarian and world-class visionary. Collaborating with Kate Stohr, they co-founded Architecture for Humanity (AFH), a nonprofit that helps architects apply their design

Blattner Energy Corporate Headquarters, Avon, Minnesota

Innovative facilities for extraordinary partners. Pre-Construction | Design/Build | General Contracting | Construction Management



Join us for the opening reception of the Greening the Heartland 2010 Exhibit Hall that features nearly 100 exhibit tables highlighting green products and services from throughout the heartland region.


strategies, and the results to date. Participants will be able to follow the creation of the program from a building science based foundation to community organizing and education strategies.

Track 1


KEYNOTE ADDRESS - continued skills to humanitarian efforts. Starting with just $700 and a simple web site in 1999, AFH has grown into an international hub for humanitarian design, offering innovative design solutions to humanitarian crises and communities in need in all corners of the globe. For a decade, Architecture for Humanity has made a difference by working in 26 countries on projects ranging from schools, health clinics, affordable housing, and long term sustainable reconstruction. AFH’s work has included building clinics in Sub-Saharan Africa, community centers in South East Asia, and the rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 South Asia Tsunami. Sinclair will inspire attendees with his story and vision, and help us all see how we can help make a difference in our communities and throughout the world using sustainable building practices.

9:45 to 10:15 a.m.

Morning Break / Exhibits

Mid Morning Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

10:15 to 11:30 a.m. The Dollars and Sense of Green Buildings and Business Practices David L. Pogue, CB Richard Ellis Paul Lilienthal, Pictura Graphics Economic factors play a decisive role in shaping sustainability strategies and making them a success. The economic value of sustainability will be discussed— both from the perspective of the overall real estate market and from an individual business owner who has incorporated sustainability into standard business practices. Preliminary findings from a national study that examines market performance and tenant attitudes concerning sustainable practices will be presented. The study of 150 properties and several hundred tenants focuses on occupancy retention operating costs, as well as tenant perceptions of sustainability efforts in the workplace. Pictura Graphics, a leading sustainable printing company, will then reveal their internally created sustainability management systems and explain how they are creating a culture change by measuring what matters. Learn how to select powerful measures and compelling goals that help track and drive better decisions and better performance, and how to put those measures to work for your organization—supporting strategy, implementation, reward systems, and results.

Track 3

Track 4

the integrated design approach—how, what, and why; designing regionally and to the four coordinates of the compass; daylighting theory and techniques; theory and techniques of natural ventilation; theory and techniques of alternative storm water management; design energy modeling and post occupancy energy evaluations.

Bridging the Gap to a Green Economy— A Community-Based Approach Anthony Corso, Illinois Central College Ginger Johnson, TRICON The Greater Peoria (Illinois) area is embarking on a strategic, coordinated effort to transform the regional building industry and workforce. The transformation will allow the region to emerge from the current economic climate prepared to lead the Midwest into a green economy. Partnerships between Illinois Central College, TRICON (a construction labor-management organization), and other community stakeholders have been developed to leverage federal, state, and local support for green collar job creation. A fundamental component of this effort is the use of innovative programs and initiatives that focus on the creation of both the supply of skilled workers and the demand for green building and infrastructure projects. This presentation will outline how one community is leveraging the unique qualities, history, and experiences of the local area as well as the experiences of other communities to transform the local economy through training and education of key stakeholders, professionals, and the workforce at large.

Stabilizing Neighborhoods through Greening Foreclosed Homes Sponsored by: Twin Cities LISC Sarah Hannigan, Northern Communities Land Trust Jodi Slick, Common Ground Construction Todd Baumann, Common Ground Construction Through its Acquisition-Rehab-Resale program, Northern Communities Land Trust and contractor Common Ground have incorporated Green Communities criteria into foreclosure remediation efforts in Duluth. This session will feature case studies of four homes with rehab scopes ranging from updating finishes to deconstruction/reconstruction. Selection of properties, budgeting, funding strategies, green features, marketing, and lessons learned will be addressed.

11:30 to 1:00 p.m.

Thursday Lunch/Exhibits

Early Afternoon Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

Sustainability—More Than Gold, Silver, & Platinum

1:00 to 2:15 p.m.

Sponsored by: Maxxon Corporation Daniel J. Becker, AIA, LEED AP, Plunkett Raysich Architects Sustainable design is not just about collecting LEED points. It is about how we design manmade environments to respond and interact with natural systems. This presentation will give participants the resources to recognize the opportunities and limitations of utilizing geography, natural light, natural ventilation, and water as part of a design approach. Areas to be addressed are:


Track 2

Green This School: LEED EBOM for K12 Educational Facilities Vuk Vujovic, Legat Architects Paul A. S. OMalley, District 219 Niles Township High Schools Sachin Anand, dbHMS Jeffrey Greenspan, District 219 Niles Township High Schools District 219 Niles Township High Schools in Skokie,

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Minding the Gap: Turning Green Design into High Performance Operations Jenny Carney, YRG Sustainability Newly constructed green buildings create the potential for reduced environmental impacts over the life of the building, but this performance is not guaranteed. Operational considerations are hugely important in realizing the project’s sustainability goals, but often developers overlook this when building green facilities. This session will examine key opportunities to better integrate operational considerations in building design and construction practices and showcase strategies for equipping operators to effectively operate the green building. An overview of opportunities, key issues, and metrics for green building performance in operations will assist developers and designers to understand opportunities in operations that can be incorporated into the building in the design phase. Post-occupancy studies of LEED-NC certified buildings will be presented to demonstrate where design intent and operational outcomes are likely to misalign. Attendees will receive tools and ideas for performing their own assessment of building performance once in the occupied phase.

Show Them the Money: Public Green for Private Green Chad Edwards, emersion DESIGN LLC Shawn Hesse, emersion DESIGN LLC This session will analyze initiatives that state and local government agencies can employ to provide appropriate bridging funds to create more sustainable buildings and communities. The initiatives will focus on the primary sustainability needs many Midwestern cities face today; reduction of coal based power, attenuation of landfill contributions, and mitigation of combined sewer overflows. Municipal mechanisms will be discussed—including Tax Abatements, Low to No Interest Loans, Special Energy Improvements Districts, Fee Bates, and Fast Track Permitting and Grants—with implementation strategies and requirements for each. Many strategies presented are self-funding or utilize no cost implementation strategies. Detailed case studies will be presented showcasing the collaboration between

municipal agencies, nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and private developers. These dollars provide a real-world link between public and private collaboration, sustainable development, and environmental protection for both commercial and residential projects.

Chemical Cocktails: The Disconnect Between Product Selection, the Final Spec, and IAQ Testing Melissa Ling, CIH, CEM, LEED AP, AMEC Earth & Environmental Current green building materials are either specified primarily on emission chamber studies or on their VOC content (g/L) in the case of adhesives, sealants, and surface finishes. Neither of these fully addresses the resulting chemical cocktail of the mix of building products into a typical finished occupied space. These issues will be explored in more depth through building modeling in order to assist project managers in answering the current question—to test or not to test for indoor air quality. Emission modeling will also assist project teams to determine the proper scheduling of the IAQ testing. Case studies will illustrate the top ten issues that lead to IAQ testing failure.

2:15 to 2:45 p.m.

Afternoon Break/Exhibits

Mid Afternoon Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

2:45 to 4:00 p.m. Large Multi-Tenant Commercial and Residential LEED-EB: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned Jennifer Wang, The Delta Institute Wyllys Mann, The Delta Institute The Delta Institute team will share insights on implementing complex LEED-EB projects in large, multi-tenant, multi-use buildings. Topics covered include innovative approaches, development of plans and policies, data collection and analysis, project management and team building, ongoing performance and sustainability, and outreach and education to tenants, contractors, and the public. We will also present challenges we discovered and the lessons learned to avoid them in the future. The session will bridge conceptual and technical topics for both commercial and residential existing buildings.

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce – Saving Our Water One Flush at a Time Scott Bowman,P.E., LEED AP, KJWW Engineering Consultants Matthew R. Brown, AIA, Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield Mike Lipp, Baker Group Rob Young, KJWW Fresh water is one of our most important natural resources and a top priority with respect to sustainability



Illinois has the first two high schools in Illinois pursuing the USGBC’s LEED EBOM certification, with combined area totaling over 1,000,000 square feet. The district’s goal is to create a benchmark LEED EBOM performance model that will encourage other school districts across the Midwest to pursue a more sustainable operation for existing facilities. The presenters—school administrators, architects and engineers—will review the challenges and opportunities involved with LEED EBOM certification of K12 facilities. The case study will analyze implementation of practical policies and operation practices ranging from recycling, energy use, and water consumption, to green cleaning, water efficient landscaping, and site maintenance programs. The possibilities extend to purchasing environmentally friendly products, using renewable energy, or serving locally farmed food. Once the LEED certification process is fully documented, the case study will provide valuable information on actual energy use reduction, savings, and paybacks related to optimized school buildings performance.

Track 1


Recycle, Reuse, Reduce – Saving Our Water One Flush at a Time - continued and maintaining quality. More than 80 percent of municipally-supplied water is used in buildings—making water efficiency, conservation, and sustainability a high priority in design and construction, especially in areas of the country where water is scarce. While Europe and Canada have used rain water for flushing toilets and irrigation for some time, it is still a new concept for the American commercial and institutional markets. Learn how Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield, a Fortune 500 company and one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, implemented a rain water collection system for its new 570,000-square-foot corporate headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa. Designed to meet LEED Gold, the rain water system captures rainfall that would otherwise be collected as surface runoff and channeled through the storm water sewer system. Rain is collected “freely” in 60,000-gallon storage tanks and then used for flushing toilets and irrigation, which does not require the use of clean, potable, chemically-treated water. By using rain water to flush the toilets and high efficiency, dualflush toilets, the volume of potable water used for the conveyance of sanitary waste is reduced by 60 percent.

Sustainable Coding: Bridging the Gap Between Desire and Implementation Christina Anderson, Farr Associates Todd Fagen, Sam Schwartz Engineering It is not uncommon for a municipal comprehensive or master plan to include the goal of becoming a more sustainable community. The results of such statements often focus on singular projects or initiatives and rarely affect change throughout an entire community. This session will focus on bridging that desire for sustainability and its implementation on a community-wide level by legalizing or coding for the LEED-ND rating system in a community’s development policies. The discussion will begin with a brief overview of LEED-ND and its three sections: Smart Location and Linkage, Neighborhood Pattern and Design, and Green Construction and Technology. Specific standards within each of these three sections will be illustrated to demonstrate how they can translate into revisions of a community’s Zoning and Subdivision Codes and other development policies.

Retrofitting a Home for Passive and Active Solar—A Minnesota Case Study

Track 2

Track 4

3,400 square feet on all levels. The homeowners chose to hire a consulting team to provide oversight of strategy development, coordination of assessment results, and subcontractor input. An energy rater was also hired to model the home and proposed changes, including the addition of active and passive solar. A solar designer, mechanical systems installer, and specialty contractors were critical for reviewing feasibility, cost, and rebates/ incentives. Design and installation also had to take into account the fact that the homeowners planned to do all design work, construction, and general contracting.

5:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Green by Design Reception—Building Healthy Homes, Healthy Communities Location: LSS Center for Changing Lives

Shuttles will be provided from the Convention Center to LSS Center for Changing Lives and back. Please join Minnesota Green Communities for a special program and networking reception in downtown Minneapolis for conference attendees interested and involved in the creation of green affordable housing in the heartland region. Learn what’s happening on the national and local level with Green Communities, and hear from residents whose lives have been greatly improved by having access to green affordable housing. Minnesota Green Communities is an initiative of the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, the Family Housing Fund, and Enterprise designed to foster the creation of affordable, healthier, and energy-efficient housing throughout Minnesota. The event is free, but advanced registration is required.

5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Green Happy Hour Location: Kieran’s Irish Pub - 600 Hennepin Ave. Ste 170, Minneapolis, MN 55403 If you want to unwind with live music after a day of educational sessions, or join like-minded people for conversation- Kieran’s is the place. Join Greening the Heartland for happy hour at the new location of Kieran’s Irish Pub. The local establishment, a fixture in Minneapolis for over a decade, is located two blocks from the new Target Field baseball stadium. Kieran’s is easily accessible by foot, bike, light rail, and the Nicollet Mall Free Ride bus route.

Cindy Ojczyk, LEED AP, Verified Green, Inc. The focus of residential energy efficiency efforts has been in the new construction sector. While the knowledge for improving these structures has grown, little emphasis has been placed on how to make existing homes highly energy efficient. This case study highlights homeowners in Winona, Minnesota that had a vision for remodeling their 1965 home to make it as close to net zero energy as possible. They began with a thorough energy assessment of the home, along with heating and cooling load calculations. The results informed the redesign while acknowledging the existing parameters: 2x4 construction; 2x6 vaulted ceilings; single pane glazing; un-insulated foundation walls, slab, and rim joists; boiler/baseboard heating with window AC; and


Track 3

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Track 4

FRIDAY, MAY 21 Early Morning Breakout Session CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

7:30 to 8:45 a.m. EBOM Budgeting, Estimating, Financing 101 Samuel D. Pobst, EcoMetrics LLC Paulette Alioa, GreenSpace Consultants LLC

We will present a systematic method of programming a GBO+M project to meet your financial objectives. We will demonstrate a gap analysis, budgeting tools, ROI calculations, risk assessment, and financing structures, through LEED EB case studies using a non-profit, a commercial office, a distribution warehouse, and a multitenant office. At the conclusion, you will have gained an understanding of the financial picture of the first cost, a risk assessment, and a path toward certification that informs the decision makers. When the static number crunching is done, the fun part is including the mission and goals of the client.

Chad Edwards, emersion DESIGN LLC Sanyog B. Rathod, SOL Developments Mike Morgan, Over the Rhine Foundation This session will debunk the myth that redeveloping sustainably is inconsistent with proper preservation and affordable development. Over 20 public and private organizations joined an Integrated Design Team (IDT) that evaluated four diverse 19th century properties to identify problems and discover solutions for sustainable renovation, while maintaining the historic integrity of the properties within realistic financial goals. The IDT used the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and various LEED Rating Systems as the governing criteria in evaluating the potential conflicts and resolutions. The properties are positioned to take advantage of two government initiatives, the State’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit and the City’s LEED Tax Abatement Program. This session will highlight the IDT’s efforts relating to: Building evaluation and diagnostics, Safe energy efficiency improvements in an existing structure, Assessing multifamily buildings, Implementing an integrated design process, Existing building reuse, Reducing construction waste, Delivering the message of green, and Energy modeling. Attendees will learn from tangible, real-world case studies using proven methods

The Living Learning Center—Performance and Lessons Learned One Year Later Daniel F. Hellmuth, AIA, LEED AP, Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects Matthew B. Malten, MEM, LEED AP, Washington University Neil Myers, Williams Creek Consulting The Living Learning Center, an Environmental Learning Center at Washington University, St. Louis, has been in operation for one year and is pending certification as one of the first Living Building Challenge projects in the nation. The team will discuss in detail how the building has been meeting the Net Zero Energy and Water prerequisites, how the building has been integrated into the curriculum, and how it has “changed the game” from the perspective of the broader sustainability objectives for the University. The team will discuss the performance from the perspective of their respective disciplines, while Washington University will discuss the site and building from the user/owner’s perspective. The team will also examine how the building has been and can be improved over time and how the building and sites featured can be further integrated into the curriculum. Additionally, the team will discuss how the Living Building Challenge differs from and complements LEED and particularly how a Living Building Challenge project effectively eliminates the concept of waste in all aspects of its operations and to a large degree during its construction. This session will be a very in-depth case study of a successful Net Zero Water building.



Operations of existing buildings provide a host of challenges to evaluating options for maximizing your return on investment. LEED Green Buildings Operations and Maintenance (GBO+M) provides a template to determine operational best practices that optimize not only the building operating potential, but the operational potential of the occupants as well. If you are planning a new LEED building, it is important to integrate planning for LEED O+M into the design of the new building and establish expectations of the building Owner too in order to retain the operating efficiencies intended by the designers.

Green Historic Preservation: Findings, Surprises, Solutions

Track 1 Green Historic Preservation: Findings, Surprises, Solutions - continued to achieve a sustainable, historically sensitive, and cost effective renovation. Attendees will also receive tools and strategies that other locales may utilize to build more sustainable residential and commercial renovations and, in turn, communities.

Reclaimed Material Reuse: Bridging the Gap Between Have and Need


Nathan Benjamin, Planet Reuse As much as 40 percent of landfill waste comes from construction projects. The reuse of reclaimed materials— one of the purest forms of recycling—can drive down that number significantly while saving a project time and money. But for many, material reuse is too complicated and time-consuming to pursue. This session will illustrate the wide range of salvageable materials (it’s not just wood!), demonstrate the most efficient process and timing for incorporating reclaimed materials into a project, and simplify the process for sourcing reclaimed materials. Case studies will offer practical, how-to examples for both material reuse and deconstruction. Bridging the gap between those who want reclaimed materials and those who have them available will make reuse easier, encouraging more designers, builders, owners, and suppliers to mount the effort.

8:45 to 9:15 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

Mid Morning Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

9:15 to 10:30 a.m. EBOM and Commissioning: Maximizing the Results in an Existing Building James V. Dirkes II, P.E., LEED AP Building Performance Team Although the principles for an existing building are the same as for commissioning newly constructed energy systems, the process dynamic is very different in an operating facility. The results can be dramatically greater, as can the satisfaction for both the commissioning team and building occupants.

Geothermal in Midwestern Buildings Scott Hackel, Energy Center of Wisconsin Manus McDevitt, Sustainable Engineering Group Do geothermal heat pump systems save Midwestern building owners/operators money? Do they save energy, or perhaps more importantly, emissions? What is the effect of recent innovations? Recent studies have shown there is only one answer to these questions – it depends. However, there are several solid conclusions that can be made for some building types. The presenters will reach those conclusions by first covering the basics of geothermal heat pump systems and how they can effectively be implemented. The discussion will include examples and even monitored performance of actual installations. Answers to the questions above can then be considered based on more general research of these systems in the Midwest. Finally,


Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

the presenters will explore several recent developments in geothermal system design that could potentially lower life-cycle cost and improve system performance. Learning Objective 1: Gain general understanding of geothermal systems and their applications. Learning Objective 2: Learn the relative performance of geothermal systems in various scenarios, including specific examples and monitored data for systems in the Midwest. Learning Objective 3: Learn about the emissions and economic impacts of these geothermal systems. Learning Objective 4: Gain knowledge of recent design innovations and their effects on the geothermal market.

Greening Brownfields through Sustainable Redevelopment Sara Peterson, Dorsey & Whitney LLP and Minnesota Brownfields Kristina Smitten, Smitten and Minnesota Brownfields The redevelopment of contaminated properties, or brownfields, has some inherent green qualities. Brownfield redevelopment helps us avoid sprawl, revitalize the urban core, and remove or contain hazardous substances released into the environment during historic industrial operations. In some instances, however, the environmental benefits of brownfield redevelopment is diminished by environmental impacts resulting from the remediation and redevelopment process. A handful of Midwestern states, along with U.S. EPA, have developed frameworks for incorporating sustainability considerations into the planning process for brownfield remediation and redevelopment. Based on the perspective gained through recent public forums, this presentation will provide an overview of the green remediation frameworks developed to date, discussion of the intersection between brownfield redevelopment and green building, case studies of brownfields where sustainability considerations have driven remediation and redevelopment choices, and analysis of the opportunities and barriers to improving the sustainability of brownfield redevelopment.

Healthy Homes Practitioner—A Holistic Approach to Improving Residents’ Health Sam Greene, Sustainable Resources Center This introductory program is designed to familiarize professionals with the connection between health and housing. It takes a holistic approach to identify and resolve problems that threaten the health and wellbeing of residents. Whether you work in housing or public health, or are simply a concerned homeowner, this presentation will provide insight into how housing and health are related. It will also demonstrate actions you can take to improve the health of your clients as well as your own families. It will provide an overview of the seven principles of healthy housing, and link it to improved health. We will also show how to implement a healthy homes program into your business or agency.

10:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Morning Break/Exhibits

Late Morning Breakout Sessions CHOOSE ONE OF FOUR SESSIONS

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Developing & Implementing an Effective Green Cleaning Policy and Program Stephen Ashkin, Green Cleaning Network

Ari Kobb, Simens Industry Siemens, in conjunction with McGraw Hill Construction, published The Greening of Corporate America SmartMarketTM Report in 2007. The research focused on investigating key attitudes and trends in America’s corporate boardrooms and to gain an understanding of how concepts of green and green building are woven into corporate strategy as a driver of innovation and longterm shareholder value. Now, in exceptionally challenging economic times, the study was revisited to investigate how far corporate America has come in the adoption of sustainability and to assess the impact of today’s economic conditions on their progress. The results are revealing, and the study’s findings confirm our belief that the leaders of our country’s largest and most influential organizations are firmly committed to sustainability as a strategic imperative. Their commitment—to use resources more efficiently, to reduce the impact of their facilities and operations on the environment, and to attract and retain the best employees—is clear. During the session, we will share details of the 2009 Greening of Corporate America research findings that highlight the significant progress that industry leaders have made towards achieving sustainability.

Michelle Baltus Pribyl, AIA, LEED AP, Cermak Rhoades Architects Rosemary Dolata, AIA, LEED AP, Aeon Brad Kruse, LEED AP, Weis Builders, Inc. Utilizing a case study of a particularly complex affordable housing development, the design team will discuss the many challenges and opportunities they faced in creating an affordable, sustainable, and replicable housing development. The development, Alliance Apartments, is currently under construction and includes a combination of extensive renovation of a relocated 100+ year-old building and a newly constructed building to create 61 new affordable apartments in Minneapolis. Issues that will be discussed include: prioritizing sustainable features within a limited construction budget, balancing short and long term costs, and the challenges of working within an existing building and a dense site. The team will also address the challenges of incorporating innovative technologies while meeting requirements of building codes and local regulations, and the opportunities presented by participating in various green certification programs. This development is following the Green Communities criteria and is pursuing LEED for Homes certification under the Mid-Rise Pilot Program.

12:15 Conference Adjourns

TOURS 12:45 - 4:00 p.m.

Minnesota Green Communities Demonstration Project Tour Sponsored by: Watson Forsberg, Co.

Greening Minneapolis— A Comprehensive Approach

Location: Load Tour Bus outside Convention Center to Ripley Gardens, Park Ave. Apartments, and The Wellstone

Barbara Sporlein, City of Minneapolis Greg Goeke, City of Minneapolis

Cost: $45

From green zoning codes to urban agriculture, city governments are taking a leading role in greening their community. The City of Minneapolis is undertaking several progressive sustainability initiatives with regards to policy, regulations, programs, and operations, while at the same time developing initiatives that support and involve the community. Some key examples include: all new and rehabbed municipal buildings must be LEED Silver compliant, housing financed with city dollars must meet green development standards, city purchases must meet environmental standards, several green roof projects, new “green zoning” code provisions, and an aggressive ten-year transportation plan that promotes

Please join Minnesota Green Communities on a tour of three of its green affordable housing demonstration projects in Minneapolis. Explore the uniqueness and beauty of Ripley Gardens in North Minneapolis as you learn about the challenges of re-developing a site on the National Register of Historic Places. Tour participants will be able to see how Ripley’s strong urban design helps strengthen the greater community. Next, tour participants will head to South Minneapolis to visit Park Ave. Apartments and the adjacent Center for Changing Lives—a LEED Silver facility that rehabilitated a brownfield site near downtown. Finish the tour at the



Green Board Rooms and Green Buildings: A Perspective from Corporate America

MFT-F3: Affordable and Green: A Multifamily Case Study in Minneapolis


LEED-EBOM offers numerous credits for green cleaning. However, an effective green cleaning policy and program goes beyond just the credits and can help create a building that is conducive to good occupant health, performance, and productivity. At the same time, it reduces impacts on the environment from the acquisition, use, and disposal of cleaning chemicals, tools, equipment, and janitorial paper products. This program will help attendees understand the cleaning requirements of LEED-EBOM, how to conduct a baseline audit to determine improvement opportunities, thirdparty purchasing standards, personnel training, and other issues associated with actually achieving the intent of a green building.

complete streets, multiple modes, and increased transit options. One community based initiatives is Homegrown Minneapolis—linking local food to sustainable planning and development by encouraging the growth, sales, distribution, and consumption of healthy, locally grown foods. The session will also highlight several Minneapolis LEED building projects underway.

Minnesota Green Communities Demonstration Project Tour - continued nearby Wellstone Apartments, phase three of a larger urban redevelopment with a significant stormwater retention system. All three projects incorporate sustainable design principles focused on ensuring life-cycle cost reductions, environmental sensitivity, and an improvement in the health and quality of life for residents. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Minnesota Green Communities is an initiative of the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, the Family Housing Fund, and Enterprise designed to foster the creation of energyefficient, healthy, and affordable housing throughout Minnesota. Learn more about the initiative and the demonstration projects at

1:00 - 4:00 p.m.


Bike Tour of Minneapolis Trail- Oriented Development Location: Meet outside the Convention Center Cost: $35 includes bike rental; $15 if you bring your own bike Explore three off-street multiuse trail systems—the Hiawatha Trail, Midtown Greenway, and Loring Greenway—all part of a major nonmotorized transportation network being created in Minneapolis. See how trails can encourage housing and commercial redevelopment and discuss economic initiatives currently under way. Examine the rapid growth in bicycle ridership. During the 7-mile route, we will make stops along the Central Corridor LRT route, at the Sabo Bridge, Midtown Bike Center, and Midtown Lofts.

1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Running Tour of Minneapolis Location: Meet outside the Convention Center Cost: Free of Charge Experience the recreational side of the city. Recharge post-conference with an informal running tour of Minneapolis. The 6.5 mile route showcases the downtown core and scenic riverfront. The run will start and finish at the Convention Center.

1:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Greening the University one Seat at a Time Sponsored by: HGA Architects and Engineers Location: Tour Bus from Minneapolis Convention Center to University of Minnesota.

BUILD. LEAD. PROTECT. ABOVE AND BEYOND With more than 30 LEED® Accredited Professionals and Certified Energy Appraisers on-staff, we understand the impact construction has on the environment. That’s why our family of 36 award-winning companies share common resources and experiences to lead the industry in sustainable practices, continuous improvement and quality. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS ENERGY APPRAISALS FIRE PROTECTION GEOTHERMAL HVAC INDUSTRIAL SILENCERS

Cost: $45


Join us to tour the newly-built LEED Silver TCF Stadium on the campus of the University of Minnesota. Hear from the design and construction team on the opportunities and challenges they faced when building a sustainable sports facility at the heart of a university campus. The tour finale will be at the Science Teaching and Student Services building. This project is under construction and nearing completion. It is seeking LEED Gold and is also following Minnesota’s B3 guide. You will see unique aspects such as: an 80 foot tall west facing glass wall and how the building design mitigates solar heat gain, how sun studies shaped the form and what the classroom of the




future looks like. The discussion will also include how HGA and McGough Construction are collaborating to achieve the project goals. In addition, aspects of green campuses will be shown during this tour.


City of Minneapolis - A Comprehensive Approach Location: Starting outside the convention center.

Group travel to City Hall - meet at the 2nd & Grant entrance outside of the convention center. Cost: $45 The City of Minneapolis takes a comprehensive approach in its commitment to sustainability, looking beyond individual facilities and initiatives and demonstrates an example of true sustainability. Tour several sustainable buildings and learn about the policies and practices in place in Minneapolis that have allowed the city to achieve these results.

Cost: $55 Designed to be the ultimate Minnesota Twins outdoor experience, the Budweiser Roof Deck is located in the left field corner of Target Field and offers sweeping skyline views of downtown Minneapolis. The Roof Deck features a partial roof canopy, bar and concessions areas and convenient private restrooms for your guests. A signature feature of the area is a large fire pit that will warm fans on cool spring and fall evenings. With 120 fixed seats and room for an additional 130 standing room-only tickets, the Budweiser Roof Deck is the ideal location for blending social time with game time. Group outing dates for the Budweiser Roof Deck are limited. First 20,000 fans will receive a Twins water bottle courtesy of Pentair.



7:10 p.m. Gate open at 5:30 p.m. Minnesota Twins versus the Milwaukee Brewers Sponsored by: Gephart Electric and Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Location: Budweiser Roof Deck, Target Field

If you can build a more energy-efficient building, more power to you.

Our new Maple Grove headquarters is one of the most energy-efficient office buildings in the country. It has rooftop photovoltaic solar panels, a wind turbine, a state-of-the-art geothermal heating and cooling system and, of course, fluorescent and LED lighting throughout. It’s the only office building in Minnesota with LEED platinum certification, which is quite a distinction—but we’re hoping it won’t hold up for long. After all, the more buildings like this one that get built, the greener the future looks for all Minnesotans. Learn more by visiting

Maple Grove, Minnesota







Visit the Exhibit Hall for a Chance at Great Prizes!!! Greening the Heartland 2010 is excited to offer a stellar exhibit hall featuring nearly 100 exhibitors displaying green products and services from throughout the heartland region, along with interactive presentations on the exhibit hall stage. A list of exhibitors and their contact information is listed in the back of the brochure. To encourage conference attendees to visit as many exhibit tables as possible, we are holding live prize drawings in the exhibit hall during the last ten minutes of every exhibit break. To enter, you must get 18 stamps or signatures from Greening the Heartland 2010 exhibitors on the Exhibitor Stamp Cards found in your conference packet. The entry box and extra stamp cards are available at the USGBC Heartland Booth. (You do not need to be present to win. A listing of prize winners will be displayed at the Heartland Booth throughout the conference.) Note: Turn your name badge and lanyard in at the end of the conference for another chance at a great prize.


EXHIBITORS alphabetical list Alignex, Inc. Booth: 118

Graybow Communications Group Booth 401

Northwest Ohio Chapter, USGBC Booth: Heartland Region

Alliance for Environmental Sustainability Booth 405

Green Designs and Supply Booth 237

Olympia Tech Electric Booth 615

Allied Waste Services Booth 611

GreenGrid / Weston Solutions Booth 213

PCL Construction Services, Inc. Booth 613

American Hydrotech, Inc. Booth 410

GREENWALLS by McCaren Designs Booth: 238

Perkins + Will Booth 307

APi Group Inc. Booth 622

Harris Companies Booth 603

PPG Architectural Finishes Booth 617

Armstrong Commercial Ceilings & Walls Booth 123

HGA Architects & Engineers Booth: 638

QA Graphics Booth 235

HG Windpower, Inc. Booth 115

Renewal by Andersen Booth 500

Horizon Roofing, Inc. Booth 214

S&T Office Interiors Group Booth 621

Huebsch Services Booth 614

SAGE Electrochromics, Inc. Booth 539

Integrated Engineering, Inc. Booth 635

Saint Paul Port Authority Booth: 538

Knoll, Inc. & Parameters, Ltd. Booth 110

Sebesta Blomberg Booth 408

Knutson Construction Services Booth: 515

Solar Midwest, Inc. Booth 306

Kraus-Anderson Construction Co. Booth 209

Stahl Construction Booth 411

Larkin Hoffman Attorneys Booth 308

Swegon, Inc. Booth 525

Leonardo Academy Booth 439

Target Corporation Booth 329, 331 428, 430

LHB, Inc. Booth 125

TectaAmerica, Corp. Booth 413, 512

Live Smoke Free: Smoke-Free Multi-Housing Booth 205

TEMP-AIR, Inc. Booth 506

Atomic Recycling Booth 633 Bachmans Inc. Booth 406 The Boldt Company Booth 400 Cambria Booth: 300 The Center for Sustainable Building Research Booth 310 CenterPoint Energy Booth: 139 Central States Terrazzo Association Booth: 636 City of Elk River - Energy City Booth 629 Convia, Inc. Booth 121 Dakota Supply Group Booth: 517 DAL Tile & the Mohawk Group Booth 607

The Energy Conservatory Booth 619

Dalco Booth 101

Loewen Windows & Doors / Genuwine Cellars Booth 222

Dem-Con Companies, LLC Booth 200

Loucks Associates Booth: 536

Dero Bike Racks Booth 336

Marsden Bldg Maintenance, L.L.C. Booth 334

Duluth Timber Company Inc Booth 207

Marvin Windows and Doors Booth 102

Dunwoody College of Technology Booth 239

Maxxon Corporation Booth 510

DUXTON Windows & Doors Booth 224

Minnesota GreenStar Booth 305

Egan Company Booth 435

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Booth: 631

Emercor Booth 220

Minnesota Waste Wise Booth 504

Viridian Energy & Environmental Booth 104

Excel Dryer, Inc. Booth: 537

MN Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Booth 404

Wells Concrete Products Booth 309

Extreme Panel Technologies Booth 535 Forbo Flooring Systems Booth 201 Forest Stewardship Council US Booth: 624 Fresh Energy Booth 338 Gausman & Moore Engineers Booth 605

MN Department of Health, Indoor Air Unit Booth 437 Mortenson Construction Booth 234 NBH Supply a division of Natural Built Home Booth: 312

The Weidt Group Booth 508 Thermal Dynamics, Inc. Booth 117 Thermomass Building Insulation Systems Booth 311 Trane Booth 521 U.S. Bank Booth 634 Veit Companies Booth 211

Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. Booth 301 Wood From The Hood Booth: 106 Xcel Energy Booth 407, 409 Xerox Corporation Booth 534


EXHIBITOR listing With the emergence green building, AES serves communities in eight (8) states. We are the premiere LEED for Homes service provider in the Midwest.

Alignex, Inc. Booth: 118 7200 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 Contact: Greg Bates Phone: (952) 888-6801 Alignex is the upper Midwest’s largest provider of CAD software, design consulting services, training, and technical support. Based in Minneapolis, Alignex is an Autodesk Silver Partner serving Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas. We offer state-of-the-art solutions to give you a competitive advantage in the rapidly changing AEC industry. Alliance for Environmental Sustainability Booth: 405 947 Wealthy St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Contact: Cal DeLano Phone: (616) 458-6733 Email: The Alliance for Environmental Sustainability (AES) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission of providing sustainable building education to the general public and building industry.

Allied Waste Services Booth: 611 15834 Territorial Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Contact: Betsy Krause Phone: (952) 946-5327 Email: Allied Waste/Republic Services is a leading provider of environmental services including solid waste collection, transfer, disposal, and recycling. Being “green” is not just a philosophy at Republic Services. From our landfills to our state-of-the-art recycling facilities—we’ve been dedicated to this great planet of ours from the beginning. Republic Service’s approximately 35,000 employees currently serve markets in 40 states and Puerto Rico. American Hydrotech, Inc. Booth: 410 303 E. Ohio Street Chicago, IL 60611 Contact: Bill Schaefer

Phone: (312) 337-4998 Email: American Hydrotech, Inc. is a recognized leader in the development, production and distribution of premium waterproofing and roofing products. Technologies include MM6125® (hot fluid-applied rubberized asphalt), Ultimate Assembly® (open joint paver assembly), and Garden Roof® (transforming roofs and plazas into natural landscaped environments). APi Group Inc. Booth: 622 1100 Old Highway Eight NW New Brighton, MN 55112 Contact: Audrea Bellard Phone: (651) 636-4320 Email: APi Group Inc. is a family of more than 36 independent companies within the Life Safety and Industrial and Specialty Construction industries. Our Life Safety division includes fire protection sprinkler systems, air sampling, and low voltage alarm systems. Our Industrial and Specialty Construction division includes steel fabrication, thermal insulation, distribution, electrical, and mechanical construction. Armstrong Commercial Ceilings & Walls Booth: 123 305 Maple Island Road Burnsville, MN 55306 Contact: Stephen Yeager Phone: (612) 968-0613 Email: Armstrong Commercial Ceilings & Walls is exhibiting new styles of ceilings and walls for commercial use with an emphasiss on environmentally friendly, deign focused products! What's new? TIERRA! As about its' Natural BioAcousitc substrate! High recycled content products! FSC certified woodworks products! Armstrong's 10 year recycling anniversary!

Healthy housing builds healthier communities. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation is proud to sponsor Greening the Heartland 2010 featuring Green by Design in recognition of the impact of healthy housing on families and communities throughout the heartland region.

Atomic Recycling Booth: 633 2301 N 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55411 Contact: Bethanie Grunig Phone: (612) 623-8888 Email: Atomic Recycling is the Twin Cities number one construction waste recycler, with a current average recycling rate of 72%. No other waste company recycles more types or tons of debris than Atomic Recycling. So whether you’re a top construction company or a homeowner, there’s only one green choice: Atomic Recycling.


EXHIBITOR listing Bachmans Inc. Booth: 406 6877 235th St. West Farmington, MN 55068 Contact: Doug Danielsen Phone: (651) 463-3288 Email: LiveRoof grown by Bachman’s is the first and only invisible modular green roof system. Prevegetated and utilizing patentpending soil elevators and moisture portals. LiveRoof is the only modular system which allows sharing of water, nutrients and beneficial organisms across the entire rooftop for natural function and natural beauty. The Boldt Company Booth: 400 2525 N Roemer Road PO Box 419 Appleton, WI 54912-0419 Contact: Christine Dietzen Phone: (920) 739-6321 Email: The Boldt Company provides facilities solution services to customers in a variety of industrial, institutional, healthcare, commercial, and renewable energy markets. Boldt is one of Wisconsin's largest contractors and is among the topranked general contractors in the nation. Headquartered in Wisconsin, the company has thirteen offices throughout the nation. Cambria Booth: 300 11000 W 78th St Suite 220 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Contact: Erika Fredericksen Phone: (952) 944-1676 Email: At Cambria, we're committed to environmental responsibility in both our product offerings and business practices. Managing and minimizing our impact on the environment is an important part of our culture. As the only producer of natural quartz surfaces in the United States, Cambria offers distinct advantages in the areas of environmental health, safety and sustainability. Cambria is environmental, beautiful, practical, and leads the stone surfacing industry in color innovation. Find out more at The Center for Sustainable Building Research Booth: 310 1425 University Ave. SE Suite 115 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Contact: William Weber Phone: (612) 626-7641 Email:

The Center for Sustainable Building Research's mission is to lead and support—through research, outreach, and education —the transformation of the regional built environment. The Center’s work includes state guideline and performance metric development; sustainable affordable housing research; life cycle assessment; windows and glazing research; and design assistance. CenterPoint Energy Booth: 139 800 LaSalle Ave, 14th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 Contact: Nicole Murphy Phone: (612) 321-4330 Email: Nicole.murphy@ CenterPoint Energy has Natural gas energy conservation rebate programs to help businesses save energy and money. Rebates are available for hot water and steam boiler systems, boiler system components, boiler tune-ups, forced air furnaces, unit heaters and infrared heaters, high-efficiency natural gas water heaters, and 13 different pieces of foodservice equipment. Central States Terrazzo Association Booth: 636 PO Box 368 Purcellville, VA 20134 Contact: George Hardy Phone: (703) 431-2711 Email: The CSTA is comprised of an established group of contractors and suppliers serving America’s Midwest region. The mission of the CSTA is to provide architects, designers, and specifiers with technical information, continuing education, and other resources to assist in specifying terrazzo in their projects. Terrazzo is the most sustainable flooring system available. City of Elk River - Energy City Booth: 629 13065 Orono Parkway Elk River, MN 55330 economicdevelopment Contact: Annie Deckert Phone: (763) 635-1040 Email: The City of Elk River (pop. 23,888) is located 35 minutes from Minneapolis/St. Paul and is home to Energy City, the geographical focal point for the demonstration of efficient and renewable energy products, services, and technologies. Elk River is also home to the first LEED Gold Certified library and school in the state.

Convia, Inc. Booth: 121 1370 Abbott Court Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Contact: Jane Chadesh Phone: (847) 876-6917 Email: Convia has partnered with Wiremold to help companies meet their aggressive energy management objectives by seamlessly integrating the control and metering of lighting, plug-load and HVAC strategies. Representing a giant leap forward, we allow for sophisticated strategies to be deployed and measured at an extremely accurate and granular level. Dakota Supply Group Booth: 517 475 West Minnehaha Ave St. Paul, MN 55103 Contact: Mike Porter Phone: (651) 224-5781 Email: The Dakota Supply Group (Formerly Shelter Supply) has provided products & solutions to reduce energy consumption, control moisture, improve IAQ and provide long-term durability for over 30 years. Product categories: Ventilation EquipmentFans, IAQ Range Hood, ERV’s, Cold Weather Heat Pumps, DHW systems, Draft-free Building Materials and more. DAL Tile & the Mohawk Group Booth: 607 1400 S - 13th Ave North Plymouth, MN 55441 Contact: Dort LeBrun Phone: (763) 694-9700 Email: The Mohawk Group consists of four commercial carpet brands plus Mohawk hard Surfaces (including Dal Tile). We offer an unmatched spectrum of products, services, and solutions in floor covering and believe that sustainability is an essential business practice in today’s global economy. Mohawk’s goal is to be a leader in the area of sustainability and environmental responsibility for the industry, the corporation and our stakeholders. Dalco Booth: 101 300 5th Ave New Brighton, 55112 Contact: Joni Miklya Phone: (651) 604-2966 Email: Dalco is a full line distributor of commercial, institutional and industrial cleaning supplies and equipment. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed with each item. Conducting business since 1959, Dalco’s on-


EXHIBITOR listing Dalco - continued going growth has been based on a “service first” philosophy that addresses the total needs of the customers. Dem-Con Companies, LLC Booth: 200 13020 Dem-Con Drive Shakopee, MN 55379 Contact: Chris Guillemette Phone: (952) 445-5755 Email: Dem-Con Companies processes incoming construction and demolition debris and recovers at least 50% of all materials processed. Dem-Con reduces the amount being landfilled as well as recycling valuable resources. Dem-Con was one of twin cities first recycling operations with the latest technologies and equipment to make recovery efficient and effective. Dero Bike Racks Booth: 336 2657 32nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 Contact: Mark Skoine Phone: (888) 337-6729 Email: Dero Bike Rack Company has long been an industry leader in developing innovative bike parking solutions. We take seriously our responsibilities as stewards of a clean environment. Dero Bike Rack Company is a proud member of the United States Green Building Council and has a LEED certified engineer on staff. Duluth Timber Company Inc Booth: 207 PO Box 16717 Duluth, MN 55816 Contact: Peter Krieger Phone: (218) 727-2145 Email: For 25 years, Duluth Timber Company has supplied reclaimed wood. Our timbers and millwork are salvaged from warehouses and factories throughout the US—our “industrial forest”. Duluth Timber Company offers materials certified as FSC-Recycled 100%. We believe good wood starts with responsible use of the resource. Dunwoody College of Technology Booth: 239 818 Dunwoody Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55403 Contact: Mike Anderson Phone: (612) 374-5800 Email: Founded in 1914, Dunwoody College of Technology is the only private, nonprofit, endowed institution of higher education


in the Upper Midwest. It has provided hands-on, applied technical education to more than 250,000 men and women, who in turn have gone on to meaningful and rewarding careers. Located on the western edge of downtown Minneapolis, Dunwoody offers two- and four-year degrees as well as several diploma, certificate, and customizable programs. DUXTON Windows & Doors Booth: 224 10 Higgins Ave Winnipeg, MB R3B0A2 Canada Contact: Al Dueck Phone: (204) 339-6456 Email: Manufacturer of custom fiberglass windows and doors, focusing on light commercial and higher quality residential projects, typically with a focus on High performance window frames and glass. Windows and doors available in a full range of custom ans standard sizes as well as a wide range of colors, finished and glazing options. Highly insulated frame and sash and glass options. Egan Company Booth: 435 7625 Boone Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Contact: Stephen Todd Phone: (763) 544-4131 Email: A Minnesota based specialty contractor providing mechanical, electrical, automation, and curtainwall/glass construction, and service for more than 60 years. Energy Support services include design of high-performance/sustainable building systems. Our new web-based UtilityTrac service audits, analyzes, and generates high quality visual reports on energy usage/consumption. Emercor Booth: 220 701 Fourth Ave South, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Contact: Jessica Fritz Phone: (612) 492-2912 Email: Emercor is one of North America’s premier manufacturers of structural insulated panels (SIP) delivering superior insulation, structure and air and vapor barrier. Emercor’s E-Rim (insulated rimboard) vastly improves the air tightness of a structure while providing a superior form of insulation. Excel Dryer, Inc. Booth: 537 C/O Volco, 7505 Highway 7 Minneapolis, MN 55426

Contact: Linda Gustafson Phone: (952) 933-6631 Email: XLERATOR® hand dryer, The New Industry Standard, dries hands completely in 10 to 15 seconds and uses 80 percent less energy than conventional dryers. XLERATOR represents a 95% cost savings versus paper towels and eliminates their maintenance while improving restroom hygiene. XLERATOR is also GreenSpec® Approved and helps facilities qualify for LEED® EA Credit 1 - Optimizing Energy Performance. Extreme Panel Technologies Booth: 535 475 E. 4th Street N Cottonwood, MN 56229 Contact: Denise Thomas Phone: (800) 977-2635 Email: Extreme Panels manufactures structural insulated panels (SIPs) for residential, commercial, and agricultural buildings. SIPs are conducive to green building becaseu of their energy saving properties. The super tight envelope reduces the demand for energy and promotes a healthy indoor environment. Reduced demand for energy also translates into decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Build Stronger, Faster, Greener. Build with SIPs. Forbo Flooring Systems Booth: 201 8 Maplewood Drive Hazleton, PA 18202 Contact: Tiffany Wysocki Phone: (570) 450-0229 Email: The cornerstone of how we, at Forbo, create better environments is Marmoleum. A leading global brand in floor covering, Marmoleum epitomizes all that we strive for. Marmoleum has the lowest environmental footprint, carries the most independent, LCA-based environmental labels and certifications, offers a dynamic color palette, and provides a 100 year + track record of performance and durability. Forest Stewardship Council US Booth: 624 212 3rd Ave North Suite 280 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Andrea Carlson Phone: (612) 353-4511 Email: The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, non-profit organization that assures environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management through independent third-party certification and labeling of wood, paper and other forest products

EXHIBITOR listing Forest Stewardship Council US - continued FSC rigorous forest management and chain of custody standards guarantee that products are from well-managed forests— those that meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations. Fresh Energy Booth: 338 408 St. Peter St., Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55102 Contact: Ruth Patton Email: Fresh Energy promotes energy laws to achieve environmental sustainability, energy independence, and a stronger economy for today and for the future generations. Conservation, efficiency, and homegrown, renewable energy are essential ingredients in and energy economy for the 21st century. Gausman & Moore Engineers Booth: 605 1700 W Hwy 36, Ste 700 St. Paul, MN 55113 Contact: MaryLou Wick Phone: (651) 604-3129 Email: Gausman & Moore Mechanical & Electrical Engineers—St. Paul l Duluth l Los Angeles — We are driven by one clear-cut command: Exceptional Client Service. Cliché? Maybe. Simply stated? Perhaps. Any less important? Not on your life. Call or visit to experience our brand of Exceptional Client Service. Graybow Communications Group Booth: 401 1000 Boone Ave N Golden Valley, MN 55427 Contact: John Gracyalny Phone: (952) 544-5555 Email: Since 1996, Graybow Communications Group (Graybow HD) has provided audiovisual services and solutions to the presentation marketplace in the areas of audio-visual design and installation; sale and rental of innovative presentation technology products; onsite technological expertise; and product service, repair and maintenance. As an award-winning company serving clients nationwide, Graybow is the leader in designing, engineering, developing and marketing HD for business through its highdefinition presentation systems. For more information, visit

Green Designs and Supply Booth: 237 PO Box 14254 St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact: Mrs. Angela Demonte Phone: (651) 603-1326 Email: Green Designs and Supply offers highquality green building materials and professional services. Our specialized services advance Sustainable Development and include: Sustainable Business Planning and Reporting; Green Building Consulting; Green Material Specification Research and Certification; Interior Design; Grant Writing and Market Identity Services. Contact us today! Visit GreenGrid / Weston Solutions Booth: 213 750 E. Bunker Court, Suite 500 Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Contact: Jim Lindell Phone: (847) 918-4000 Email: The GreenGrid® Green Roof System is a modular system that can quickly and affordably improve a building’s performance in both energy efficiency and sustainability. GreenGrid® Modules are delivered pre-planted and/or pre-grown, and ready to install. The GreenGrid system can quickly green a roof and contribute a building’s to LEED® certification. GREENWALLS by McCaren Designs Booth: 238 760 Vandalia Street, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact: McRae Anderson Phone: (651) 646-4764 Email: Greenwalls™ Vertical Planting Systems are a sustainable building solution designed and engineered for maximum biofilteration of indoor air, acoustical separation, thermal regulation and striking aesthetics. Greenwalls™ are an environmentally friendly product that provide strong visual support of corporate green strategies. Harris Companies Booth: 603 909 Montreal Circle St. Paul, MN 55102 Contact: Nicholas Rosenberry Phone: (651) 602-6500 Email: Harris Companies is an award-winning full service mechanical design/build engineering and construction firm. Harris’ commitment to sustainability includes TRAK International which designs highly

efficient HVAC systems that utilize an innovative central plant GeoExchange heat pump system and other technologies including heat recovery, solar thermal energy, and energy management controls. HGA Architects & Engineers Booth: 638 701 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Patrick Thibaudeau Phone: (612) 758-4000 Email: HGA is a nationally recognized, integrated architecture, engineering and planning firm that helps prepare its clients for a sustainable future. The firm’s six offices have expertise in healthcare, corporate, arts, community, higher education, and science/technology since 1953. Sustainable design is a core value of HGA’s culture of design excellence. Visit HG Windpower, Inc. Booth: 115 2163 Kelly Circle Shakopee, MN 55379 Contact: David O'Brien Phone: (612) 701-4739 Email: Magnetically levitated Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (MVAWTs) engineered for rooftop installation and grid tied connection. Low rotation design is unparalleled for "Green Advertising" and displaying your commitment to sustainability while generating clean energy. Turbine sizes available from 2.5kW for residential use up to 3MW for industrial use. Horizon Roofing, Inc. Booth: 214 2010 County Road 137 Waite Park, MN 56387 Contact: Kurt Scepaniak Phone: (612) 333-1481 Email: Horizon’s booth will be covering Green Roofing Systems. These systems include Reflective, Garden and Photovoltaic systems. We will be showing customers how a green roofing system can help save money, and allow them to get the most out of their roofs. Huebsch Services Booth: 614 2941 Center Court Eagan, MN 55121 Contact: Tim Benjamin Phone: (651) 686-2320 Email: Huebsch Services provides innovative and sustainable business solutions through reusable textiles, energy efficient


EXHIBITOR listing Huebsch Services - continued services, and a commitment to clean, green processes. Our service offerings include reusable toweling and cleaning products, environmentally sound matting systems, branded apparel programs and hygienic hand washing and drying solutions. Featuring: The Dyson AirBlade, the fastest, most hygienic hand dryer. Integrated Engineering, Inc. Booth: 635 1376 108th Street SW Byron Center, MI 49508 Contact: MyHanh Detvo Phone: (616) 366-0448 Email: We are a nationally registered electrical engineering firm. We provide sustainable engineering for LEED projects, either as an administrator or reviewer. Our LEED accredited professionals have experience in building energy assessments/modeling/ management and commissioning for mechanical and electrical systems. Our capabilities include engineering calculations to ensure compliance with all requirements of ASHRAE/IESNA standards and LEED reference guides. We also provide short circuit and protective device coordination studies as well as arc flash hazard analyses. Knoll, Inc. & Parameters, Ltd. Booth: 110 275 Market Street, Suite 535 Minneapolis, MN 55405 Contact: Brenda L Lemmer Phone: (612) 313-8107 Email: Knoll and Permasteelisa are global companies that manufacture sustainable products from textiles, seating, office systems to demountable walls. Permsteelisa has been manufacturing demountable wall systems since 1984 with an eco-friendly approach. Knoll's environmental focus areas are climate change, third-party certification, and environmentally responsible materials, products and processes. Knutson Construction Services Booth: 515 5500 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Contact: Bob Gardner Phone: (763) 546-1400 Email: Knutson Construction Services is one of the longest continuously operating, most experienced construction firms in the country. They have a nationally recognized, award-winning workforce providing a broad range of services including: Pre-construction, General


Contracting, Construction Management, and Design/Build. They are also leaders in Green Construction with many accredited professionals on staff. Kraus-Anderson Construction Co. Booth: 209 525 South 8th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 Contact: John Campobasso Phone: (612) 332-7281 Email: john.campobasso@ Kraus-Anderson has focused on sustainable construction solutions and practices for over 25 years. Kraus-Anderson’s collaborative team approach has been instrumental in serving as construction manager on 30 LEED Projects and 10 projects constructed under the State of Minnesota’s sustainable design standards, (B-3). Larkin Hoffman Attorneys Booth: 308 7900 Xerxes Ave S, Suite 1500 Minneapolis, MN 55431 Contact: Tracy Domish Phone: (952) 835-3800 Email: Our attorneys have worked on sustainable development issues since the firm’s inception. Through the representation of both governmental entities and developers, we understand the legal intricacies in this rapidly changing policy and regulatory area. We also advise clients on renewable energies, reducing liabilities from climate change regulations and ways to maximize “green” business opportunities. Leonardo Academy Booth: 439 328 E. Lakeside St., Suite 201 Madison, WI 53715 Contact: Betsy Braun Phone: (608) 280-0255 Email: The Sustainability Experts®—a nonprofit dedicated to advancing sustainability through the competitive market. We integrate new sustainability methods with extremely practical implementation. Sustainability Services include: LEED® implementation and certification, emissions footprints, reductions and offsets, supply chain sustainability, overall sustainability assessments &implementation, standards development and training. LHB, Inc. Booth: 125 250 Third Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Terza Kurki Phone: (612) 338-2029 Email:

LHB is a multi-disciplinary engineering and architectural firm with 160 employees, with offices throughout the Midwest. We serve a broad range of market sectors. LHB is dedicated to being environmentally responsible, reducing long term operating costs, and improving the quality of life for our clients. Live Smoke Free: Smoke-Free Multi-Housing Booth: 205 2395 University Ave West Suite 310 St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact: Carissa Duke Phone: (651) 646-3005 Email: Smoke-free policies are an important part of creating a green living environment in multi-housing. Smoke-free buildings are healthy, clean, and less costly than buildings that allow smoking. Whether you are seeking LEED accreditation, or just working to be more eco-friendly, you can utilize a smoke-free policy to further your green initiatives. The Live Smoke Free program provides FREE information and tools about adopting smoke-free policies. Loewen Windows & Doors / Genuwine Cellars Booth: 222 7003 W Lake St, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55426 Contact: Tom Huesman Phone: (952) 224-2202 Email: Lowen Windows delivers an unrivaled combination of experience, artisanship and environmental sensibility in and extensive line of wood windows and doors with optional aluminum, copper or bronze cladding. Genuwine Cellars is the premier manufacturer of high-end, energy efficient, custom wine cellars in North America. Products include high-end, furniture grade custom wine racking, countertops, door systems, humidors, temperature and humidity control systems. Loucks Associates Booth: 536 7200 Hemlock Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 Contact: Nick Mannel Phone: (763) 424-5505 Loucks Associates is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm specializing in the planning, design, and implementation of creative, cost-effective solutions for a wide variety of project types and clients. Our project experience includes private and public sector development. We provide master planning in addition to offering surveying, planning, civil engineering and construction management.

EXHIBITOR listing Marsden Bldg Maintenance, L.L.C. Booth: 334 1717 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55104 Contact: Diane Lewis Phone: (651) 523-6673 Email: Marsden is a facility services contractor, providing commercial janitorial, building maintenance and specialty property services, and is known for its operational excellence and its ability to provide great services to small businesses and large multistate or multi-regional companies alike. Marvin Windows and Doors Booth: 102 PO Box 100 Warroad, MN 56763 Contact: Dominique Cook Phone: (866) 687-8431 Email: Marvin Windows and Doors is a premier manufacturer of quality wood and clad wood windows and doors. Headquartered in Marroad, MN, Marvin offers the industry's best selection of sizes, options and custom capabilies to exceed your building and remodeling needs. Each window and door is built around your exact specifications. Maxxon Corporation Booth: 510 920 Hamel Road PO Box 253 Hamel, MN 55340 Contact: Benjamin Rousu Phone: (763) 478-9618 Email:

Minneapolis, MN 55405 Contact: Carrie Christensen Phone: (612) 339-0797 Email:

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Booth: 631 400 Sibley Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact: Megan Ryan Phone: (651) 296-7608 Email:

The Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects serves the landscape architecture profession through advocacy, education, communication, and fellowship. As a licensed profession in the state of Minnesota, landscape architecture encompasses the analysis, planning, design, management, and stewardship of the natural and built environments.

Minnesota Waste Wise Booth: 504 400 Robert Street N, Suite 1500 St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact: Ms. Jamie Lynn Csizmadia Phone: (651) 292-4675 Email: Minnesota Waste Wise is a membersupported 501(c)(3) that delivers strategic environmental consulting to help businesses save money through waste reduction, resource conservation and energy efficiency. Our mission is to help businesses and organizations implement environmentally sustainable business practices while saving money and protecting the environment. MN Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Booth: 404 International Market Square 275 Market St, Suite 54

MN Department of Health, Indoor Air Unit Booth: 437 625 Robert St N PO Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164 Contact: Tina Leland Phone: (651) 201-4601 Email: The Minnesota Department of Health has educational materials covering a variety of Indoor Health Topics. Primarily focused on residential indoor environments.

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Mortenson Construction Booth: 234 700 Meadow Lane North Minneapolis, MN 55440 Contact: Emily Eisenmenger Phone: (612) 210-4408 Email:

PCL Construction Services, Inc. Booth: 613 12200 Nicollet Ave. S Burnsville, MN 55337 Contact: Lauren Colbeth Phone: (952) 882-9600 Email:

Mortenson is a local, family-owned general contractor. We are honored to be the builder of many local LEED projects, including Target Field, U of M TCF Bank Stadium, the Minnesota Zoo, and the Global Technology Center. Mortenson is proud to be a founding sponsor of the USGBC Minnesota Chapter.

PCL Construction, ranked #8 on ENR’s list of Top-100 Green Contractors in the US, has successfully constructed projects in the commercial buildings markets, and also specializes in civil infrastructure and heavy-industrial construction. PCL has over 325 LEED® Accredited Professionals and numerous LEED® Certified projects in North America.

NBH Supply a division of Natural Built Home Booth: 312 4020 Minnehaha Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55406 Contact: Joel Sunde Phone: (612) 605-7999 x708 Email: NBH Supply is a commercial division of Natural Built Home. We aim to provide an eco-friendly building materials one-stop shop for the safest and most sustainable choices available. Be it recycled glass counters, floor and wall coverings, paints, finishes, cabinetry, furniture – our mission remains, ‘safe for you, sustainable for your world’. Northwest Ohio Chapter, USGBC Booth: Heartland Region Toledo, OH 43659 Contact: Robert Dehne Email: Olympia Tech Electric Booth: 615 13700 Water Tower Circle Plymouth, Mn 55441 Contact: Paul Kosmides Phone: (763) 231-4970 Email: OlympiaTech Electric is committed to Utilizing Green Building practices/solutions to foster a sustainable planet and minimize our corporate footprint. – LEED Elecrical Design Build and Installation – Green Lighting Design – Building Automation – Green Power/Renewable Energy – LEED Certificaiton Requirements

Perkins + Will Booth: 307 84 South 10th Street Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Contact: Jessica McGaa Phone: (612) 851-5118 Email: Perkins+Will is an integrated design firm practicing architecture, interiors, branded environments, planning + strategies and urban design with clients in the aviation, corporate + commercial + civic, healthcare, higher education, K-12 education, and science + technology markets. Sustainable, high-performance and environmentally conscious design is a cornerstone of our practice. PPG Architectural Finishes Booth: 617 4525 NE 14th St Des Moines, IA 50313 Contact: Stephen Conrath Phone: (515) 265-4480 Email: PPG Industries leads the construction industry with environmentally friendly design solutions like Pittsburgh Paints low and zero VOC architectural paints, PPG Solarban 70 XL energy saving Low E glass, and Duranar Coatings and Ultra Cool Solar Reflective Coatings. PPG’s has a long standing commitment to environmental responsibility and to pursuing business practices that help sustain a healthy global environment. Visit the PPG booth or go to

QA Graphics Booth: 235 1605 N Ankeny Blvd. Ste 210 Ankeny, IA 50023 Contact: Sarah Erdman Phone: (515) 965-3403 Email: QA Graphics provides organizations with a creative way to showcase their building’s sustainable initiatives. The Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard is an interactive solution used to display a building’s real-time resource use, green features and sustainable initiatives in a way that is both innovative and fun. The educational tool uses graphics, animated demonstrations, videos and quizzes to share a building’s green practices with the building occupants and the public. Renewal by Andersen Booth: 500 1920 County Road C Roseville, MN 55113 Contact: Gillian Fischer Phone: (866) 838-6432 Email: Sustainability is “In Our Nature” at Andersen Corporation. Renewal by Andersen windows are environmentally responsible and help renew existing homes by improving energy efficiency and using reclaimed wood fibers. Renewal by Andersen windows exceed ENERGY STAR performance criteria, assist in gaining USGBC LEED points, and can improve your home’s appearance, value and comfort. S&T Office Interiors Group Booth: 621 1000 Kristen Court Saint Paul, MN 55110 Contact: Bill Nelson Phone: (651) 486-1226 Email: S&T Office Interiors Group (division of S&T Office Products) provides interior design services and office furnishings to make your office spectacular and productive. We offer products that are environmentally kind to enhance your sustainability efforts. Our Haworth Zody® chair, the first task chair to be Cradle to Cradlesm certified Gold, is one example. SAGE Electrochromics, Inc. Booth: 539 1 Sage Way Faribault, MN 55021 Contact: Tim Finley Phone: (507) 331-4939 Email: SageGlass® products tint electronically to block glare and solar heat gain when


EXHIBITOR listing SAGE Electrochromics, Inc. - continued needed without blocking the view or connection to the outdoors. When more sunlight is desired, the glass can be cleared. SageGlass products are GreenSpec®listed, and can help projects earn LEED credits in at least four different categories. Saint Paul Port Authority Booth: 538 345 Saint Peter St., Suite 1900 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Contact: B Kyle Phone: (651) 224-5686 Email: Since 1932, the Saint Paul Port Authority has been providing businesses with cleaner land on which to expand, loans for real estate and equipment purchases, and job training for workers. We have carved 19 manufacturing business centers out of polluted land, and since 2000 we have helped create or retain more than 12,000 good-paying jobs in Saint Paul. Sebesta Blomberg Booth: 408 2381 Rosegate Roseville, MN 55113 Contact: Jessica Nelson Email: Established in 1994, Sebesta Blomberg is a national provider of full-service engineering and design services. As a company, we promote collaborative and sustainable solutions that are designed to promote occupant comfort, improve efficiency, reduce operational costs, and ultimately enhance client effectiveness. We create exceptional built environments that meet the most complex of challenges.

Stahl Construction Booth: 411 5755 Wayzata Blvd. St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Contact: Brenda Studt Phone: (953) 931-9300 Email: Stahl is a commercial contractor, and USGBC member company, that provides sustainable general contracting, construction management, design / build, selective demolition, and rough and finish carpentry services. These services are offered to clients looking to complete new construction, addition, and / or renovation projects. Swegon, Inc. Booth: 525 7400 Metro Blvd. Ste 100 Edina, MN 55439 Contact: Mike Woolsey Phone: (952) 564-6034 Email: SWEGON - We create the world’s best indoor climate for people and the environment. Whether concerned with hotels, factories, offices, shopping centers or other public areas, Swegon helps you with the optimal solution. Swegon offers chilled beams and displacement ventilation devices with unbeatable operating efficiency and unequaled flexibility. Target Corporation Booth: 329, 331, 428, 430 1000 Nicollet Mall TPS 3275 Minneapolis, MN 55403

Contact: Ed Doyle Email: Minneapolis-based Target Corporation (NYSE:TGT) serves guests at 1,740 stores in 49 states nationwide and at Target is committed to providing a fun and convenient shopping experience with access to unique and highly differentiated products at affordable prices. Since 1946, the corporation has given 5 percent of its income through community grants and programs like Take Charge of Education. Today, that giving equals more than $3 million a week. Target also strives to be a responsible steward of the environment. We seek to understand our impact and continuously improve our business practices to achieve the following goals: use resources responsibly; eliminate waste, minimize our carbon footprint, offer a selection of eco-friendly products; incorporate sustainable elements into our stores; and influence our vendors and suppliers to embrace sustainable practices. TectaAmerica, Corp. Booth: 413, 512 7731 Main St NE Fridley, MN 55432 Contact: Angie Durhman Phone: (763) 746-2631 Email: Tecta America is the nation’s largest commercial roofing company with 47 locations and more than 3,200 employees. With local operating branches in Minnesota averaging over 60 years in the roofing business, we provide local materials and services, with the strength and resources of a national company. Key roof

Solar Midwest, Inc. Booth: 306 12829 Industrial Park Blvd. Plymouth, MN 55441 Contact: Tom Gilbertson Phone: (763) 557-5702 Email: tsgilbertson Solar Midwest is the Midwest’s Premier Solatube Dealer. Since 1993, we’ve installed 40,000+ Solatubes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area alone. Beyond energy savings, daylighting studies prove students perform better on tests, employees make fewer errors and shoppers purchase more products when exposed to natural light—Residential, Retail and Commercial.

Strategic management of business risk through sustainability and environmental compliance services


EXHIBITOR listing TectaAmerica, Corp. - continued installations include Target Center green roof, Minneapolis Convention Center reroof, and Eco-Lab facilities. Services include environmental rooftop solutions, single source vegetated roof systems, daylighting, photovoltaic systems, geothermal, roof installation, roof replacement, new construction, coatings, disaster response, repair, restoration, maintenance and full service roof asset management. TEMP-AIR, Inc. Booth: 506 3700 West Preserve Blvd. Contact: Jessica Anderson Phone: (952) 707-5050 Email: TEMP-AIR is America’s leading provider of temporary, portable heating, cooling, dehumidifying, and air filtration services to the U.S. construction industry. TEMPAIR can provide the necessary ventilation, moisture management, equipment selection, and documentation to comply with LEED NC IEQ Credits 3.1 & 3.2, IAQ Management Plan: During Construction and Before Occupancy. The Energy Conservatory Booth: 619 2801 21st Ave S., Suite 160 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Contact: Paul Morin Phone: (612) 827-1117 Email: The Energy Conservatory is the manufacturer of building diagnostic equipment, including the Minneapolis Blower Door, the Minneapolis Duct Blaster, the Exhaust Fan Flow Meter and the Air Handler Flow Meter. We also provide technical support for all those new home performances testers out there. The Weidt Group Booth: 508 5800 Baker Rd, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Contact: Kimberly Johnson Phone: (952) 938-1588 Email: The Weidt Group® is an award-winning energy conservation and daylighting consulting firm assisting building designers, utilities, and decision makers working towards sustainable design goals such as LEED® and the Architecture 2030 Challenge. Since 1977, we have been using our skills in comparative analysis to help model, measure, and manage environmentally-appropriate buildings for over 130 million square feet of construction, including 57 LEED Certified projects to date.


Thermal Dynamics, Inc. Booth: 117 5115 Industrial Street Maple Plain, MN 55359 Contact: Sara Pippel Phone: (763) 479-3638 Email: Thermal Dynamics (TD) is the international distributor for Ground Loop Design software. Along with great design tools, TD also provides engineers and designers with advanced training opportunities. With 20 years of geothermal experience, Thermal Dynamics can provide the tools and information you need to produce successful, cost effective ground source systems. Thermomass Buliding Insulation Systems Booth: 311 1000 Technology Drive Boone, IA 50036 - United States Contact: Tammie Sobkowiak Phone: (515) 433-6075 Email: The THERMOMASS® Building System is a patented connector and insulation system for constructing tilt-up, precast, modular precast, and cast-in-place insulated concrete sandwich walls. Composite Technologies Corporation (CTC) of Boone, Iowa supplies the fiber composite connectors, the fabricated insulation and technical services. Visit our website at Trane Booth: 521 775 Vandalia St. St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact: Tracy Walters Phone: (651) 468-2700 Email: Trane, a business of Ingersoll Rand-the world leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy efficient environments-improves the performance of homes and buildings around the world. Trane solutions optimize indoor environments with a broad portfolio of energy efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, building and contracting services, parts support and advanced controls for homes and commercial buildings. For more information, visit U.S. Bank Booth: 634 800 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Victoria Shipley Phone: (612) 872-2657 Email: Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp (USB),

with $281 billion in assets, is the parent company of U.S. Bank, the fifth largest commercial bank in the United States as of Dec. 31, 2009. The company operates 3,015 banking offices and 5,148 ATMs in 24 states and provides a comprehensive line of banking, brokerage, insurance, investment, mortgage, trust and payment services products to consumers, businesses and institutions. Veit Companies Booth: 211 14000 Veit Place Rogers, MN 55374 Contact: Kim Maher Phone: (763) 428-2242 Email: Veit is an Industry leader in Waste Recycling Services and a member of USGBC. Our Waste Management services include roll-off containers, LEED Certified recycling facilities and permitted landfills. Our specialty contracting services include earthwork, demolition, industrial cleaning, environmental remediation, earth retention, foundation systems, and underground utilities/cleaning/ rehabilitation. “GO VEIT GREEN” Viridian Energy & Environmental Booth 104 106 W 11th St, Ste 1600 Kansas City, MO 64105 Contact: Natalie Terrill Phone: (816) 471-3790 Email: Viridian Energy & Environmental, LLC is a 50 person firm engaged in consulting for energy efficiency and environmentallyresponsible design, construction and operations. Viridian’s sole focus is sustainability; we provide a wide range of services including energy modeling, LEED project management, commissioning, and post-occupancy evaluations. Wells Concrete Products Booth: 309 PO Box 308 Wells, MN 56097 Contact: Jan Nowak Phone: (507) 553-3138 Email: Since 1957, Wells Concrete has provided superior architectural and structural precast products that lead the industry in quality, innovation and sustainability. With the many environmentally friendly advantages concrete has to offer, precast concrete satisfies a growing demand for sustainable design and construction; and precast concrete structures are completely recyclable making their impact on the environment minimal.

EXHIBITOR listing Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. Booth: 301 919 North East St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 Contact: Megan Scott Phone: (317) 423-0690 Email: Williams Creek Consulting, Inc. was founded in 2002 and specializes in sustainable natural system design and consulting within the public and private sectors. Our core ecological engineering disciplines include sustainable sites design, regulatory consultation, and watershed restoration. Additionally, we provide turn-key natural resource construction management services for our sustainable designs. Wood From The Hood Booth: 106 2640 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406 Contact: Rick Siewert Phone: (612) 581-0252 Email: Wood From The Hood was born from a desire to reclaim discarded trees from our

local neighborhoods. In our Minneapolis shop (55406) we transform the logs from these trees into high quality hardwoods suitable for flooring, millwork, furniture, and accessories for the home and office. Reclaiming urban trees helps conserve our natural forests. Wood From The Hood reduces our carbon footprint by processing all products within 150 miles of where the trees are being reclaimed. Environmentally it makes perfect sense. Xcel Energy Booth: 407, 409 414 Nicollet Mall GO 6 GO 6th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55401 Contact: Jessie Peterson Phone: (612) 330-6850 Email:

Xerox Corporation Booth: 534 3500 American Blvd West Bloomington, MN 55431 Contact: Kelly Rausch Phone: (952) 921-1300 Email: Xerox is a $17.6 billion technology and services enterprise and a leader in the global document market. We develop, manufacture, market, service and finance a complete range of document equipment, software, solutions and services.

Xcel Energy is a major U.S. electric and natural gas company, with headquarters in Minneapolis, Minn. Strongly committed to environmental leadership, the company is the No. 1 provider of wind energy in the nation, is No. 5 for solar capacity and has proactively promoted conservation for more than two decades.

Call Xcel Energy’s Business Solutions Center at 1-800-481-4700 for details on special business cooling programs, rebates and more, or visit

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GREening the Conference Greening the Heartland 2010 has taken many steps to put on a sustainable event consistent with the overall message of the conference. The Greening the Event committee is utilizing the Meet Green Calculator to establish goals and outcome measures in several categories, including: venue selection, transportation, food and beverage selection, exposition services, and marketing and communications. Our venue, the Minneapolis Convention Center (MCC), recycles 98 percent of all cardboard used in the facility, utilizes 95 percent Green Seal certified cleaning products, provides energy-efficient lighting, and much more. Kelber Catering is committed to providing locally sourced organic food whenever possible and donates surplus food to local shelters. The conference is located in downtown Minneapolis, allowing participants to choose to arrive without cars by taking a local bus, biking, or riding the Hiawatha Light Rail. We are further reducing waste by minimizing the amount of printed materials and mailings, using recycled paper and soy-based inks, creating online kits for exhibitors, and eliminating carpet in the exhibit hall. Additionally, by partnering with Wisconsin-based Leonardo Academy Inc., we are offsetting the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with your participation in the conference in order to help address global climate change. We encourage you to contribute to the green efforts of the conference by walking, biking, or taking public transportation wherever possible and reducing, reusing, and recycling throughout the event. Conference leaders will be on the lookout for attendees being green and will place a “Caught Green-Handed� sticker (100% biodegradable) on you if they catch you in action! Special thanks to our GREeing the event sponsor, Great River Energy (GRE).



presented by: USGBC-MN 5353 Wayzata Blvd. • Ste 207 Minneapolis, MN 55316 952.564.3049

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