PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO TECHNIKI CIEPLNEJ Sp z o.o. PL. 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Wrocławska 24, skr. poczt. 125A e-mail: tel. (+48 32) 238-26-59, 230-21-37, 230-28-18, fax (+48 32) 231-48-06
Description of the device The subject of description concerns the tube furnace for heating the regeneration gas used for regeneration of bed adsorbers on two process lines of natural gas denitrification plant. The furnace can replace the old, worn out one taking the total functionality of process.
The radiation part is the vertical cylinder equipped with four support tubes adapted to embed the heat excharger. The conventional heat excharger due to the condition of maximum flow resistance through the furnace (≤ 14kPA), is constructed as a system of 18 parallel streams with low flow velocity of several meters per second.
Furnace construction Vertical cylindrical furnace equipped with radiation and convection part, mounted on a building on four existing concrete foundation piles (180x180mm)of the spacing of the diagonal of 2550mm. convectional heat excharger
PN-EN ISO 9001: 2009 PN-EN 18001:2004 PN-EN ISO 14001:2005 Certyfikat Nr PL-JBS-188/1/2011