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Special Interest Youth & Teen
6th Grade PMS Debate
grade 6 r$360
This after school academic program is designed to teach students successful communication, argumentation and self-advocacy Foundational tools are provided to improve a student’s ability to engage in research, critical thinking and public speaking that will not only prepare them for future academic endeavors, but success in higher education and in their careers Students are introduced to the Lincoln Douglas style of debate to prepare them for high school level research The course consists of lectures, drills and activities, group research, collaborative work and practice “mock” debates . By the end of the class, students are expected to be able to thoroughly research a variety of topics, prepare arguments in favor and in opposition of the topic, write working documents and organize materials, engage in oratorical advocacy and impromptu refutations After completion of the 6th Grade Debate, students are able to participate in the competitive 7th and 8th Grade PMS Debate team their following year Must be enrolled in Piedmont Middle School and have a Chromebook
Wed Aug 30–Dec 13 (15×)* 3:00–4:10pm
Instructor: Will White Location: Piedmont Middle School
Min: 20; Max: 27 *No class on Nov 22
7th & 8th Grade PMS Debate
grades 7–8 r$945
Join the award-winning PMS Debate Team where students learn debate fundamentals and techniques including research competence, evidence evaluation, public speaking, media literacy, conflict resolution, critical thinking and critical listening Beginner to advanced debaters are welcome . The class work will consist of lectures, drills and activities, group research, collaborative work and practice “mock” debates The course is designed to teach the Lincoln Douglas debate format, starting from introducing the format to teaching more advanced techniques, while also focusing on individual debaters and their needs via group work or hands-on coaching The Lincoln Douglas debate format will have students individually advocating for their position while retaining team collaboration for research This year’s program will be in-person after-school, however some tournaments and practices may be online based, if health conditions warrant The classes will meet after-school with one class generally focused on debate fundamentals and skills and the second class devoted to research and debating tournament topics Tournament fees are included Must be enrolled in Piedmont Middle School and have a Chromebook
Mondays Aug 28–May 1 (58×)* 3:45–5:15pm
Wednesdays 4:10–5:40pm
Instructor: Will White
Location: Piedmont Middle School
Min: 20; Max: 27 *No class on PUSD Holidays
PHS Debate Team
grades 9–12 r$1,260
Join the award-winning PHS Debate team —we’re open to all experience levels to get involved in parliamentary style debate! Come and have fun learning argument construction, speech delivery, plus critical thinking and research skills . Practice meets twice a week through the competitive season Meetings consist of practice debates, lectures and activities for skill-building, as well as current events discussion and analysis Must be enrolled in Piedmont High School
Mondays Aug 28–May 8 (60×)* 5:45–7:15pm
Wednesdays 6:15–7:45pm
Instructor: Sarah Wheeler
Location: Piedmont High School
Min: 24; Max: 30 *No class on PUSD Holidays