Portfolio Pien Kuijpers

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Portfolio Pien Kuijpers

Pien Kuijpers MSc in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences pienkuijpers09@gmail.com www.thekube.nl Š 2018

CONTENTS Elderly Living in the City


Foresea 9 Flevoland 13 The Rotte 15 a reference to the present and past Bethlehemskerk Leiden 17 Convivendum 19 living in a green neighbourhood Moodboard 21


ELDERLY LIVING IN THE CITY Graduation Project 2016-2017 Delft University of Technology Mastertrack Urbanism In this graduation project I researched how the living environment of elderly, who age in place in the Regentessekwartier in The Hague, can be improved. In order to keep elderly active and healthy which enables them to live longer independently at their homes. The upcoming years, the amount of elderly people is growing rapidly. Besides, elderly people are expected to continue living independently in their home. The number of places in nursing homes are limited because a lot of nursing homes closed their doors. Now, older people are dependent on themselves, their neighbourhood and connections. It becomes a challenge to keep older people active, to let them


age in place in a healthy way and to prevent this group from social isolation. As people age, their mobility declines and they experience a loss of social contacts. This makes elderly more dependent on their neighbourhood and the amenities, activities and social contacts it has to offer. However, a lot of elderly experience problems in their living environment. The urban environment is not always designed in such a way that it stimulates meetings between people. Besides, a lot of older people experience physical barriers in their living environment. These difficulties experienced in the living environment could cause loneliness and a decrease in physical activity which is both bad for the well-being and health of older people. These factors can hinder elderly to age in place in an active and healthy way. The aim of this project was to gain more insight in how to intervene in the urban environment in order to create neighbourhoods that keep elderly active (social &

physical) and that facilitate the preference of the majority of older people to remain in their homes and community for as long as possible. According to the literature, the neighbourhood environment can contribute to the health and vitality of older people through the stimulation of outdoor activity, such as walking, and the provision of opportunities to meet and interact with others. This can be achieved by the presence of destinations (facilities & public (green) spaces), attractive routes and features of the living environment that stimulate interactions and encounters between neighbours or other people.

of facilities and public spaces should be strengthened and of higher quality. Besides, the network of streets should be improved with more differentiation and a pedestrian-friendly profile. I divided the interventions of the project in four lines: the green structure, the blue structure, the neighbourhood shopping street (Weimarstraat) and the main lane of the neighbourhood (Regentesselaan).

In order to make the Regentessekwartier more attractive and accessible for elderly, to stimulate elderly to go outside and to create more suitable places for social interaction, I found that the network





50 m


parking garage


sport ďŹ elds


New design for park De Verademing. A better connection between the park and the retirement home is made. Besides, a cafe and a sports canteen are placed under the curves of the park to give the waterside a recreational function. 7

community building

school retirement hom


doctor pharmacy

existing new

seperate bicycle path

safe crossings


30 km zone existing new

Transformation of the Regentesselaan into a 30 km/h zone. The lane is made more pedestrian friendly with safe crossings and a green area in the middle of the street. It will be an attractive route for elderly residents to move through the neighbourhood.


FORESEA Elective course MSc 2, 2016 Delft University of Technology Groupwork Foresea is the result of course ‘Landscape architecture ON site’ 2016, initiated by the section Landscape Architecture at the faculty of Architecture. Within the theme “sense of place”, an assigned location along the coast of Terschelling had to be expressed in a project that fades the boundary between landscape architecture and landscape art. Experiences of the place and results of research and analysis formed the base of the project. The project Foresea was performed during the Oerol festival in 2016. It was an interactive installation that provoked discussion about sea-level rise. Provocative statements regarding issues about climate change were made for each mast, and visitors had to rate how much they agreed or disagreed. The visitors registered their answer with a ‘waterline’ between two statements. In the end we had produced a largescale interactive infographic that casted a striking and beautiful image against the empty sea.


The captain greets the visitors and explains the project. The boatswain helps the captain to hand out ‘tickets’ with pole numbers.


The navigator registers the answers and orders the personal water line for the visitor.







The visitor finds the assigned poles and decides if they agree or disagree to the statements on the poles.









The rigger cuts a waterline that ďŹ ts the visitor’s answer and the swabbie runs to deliver it.

The visitor puts up the waterline on the hooks corresponding to their answer.


The visitor can open the leaet and read that the poles represent a sea-level rise of 6m.




must-see area urban area

open landscape


sometimes guided by water

farm/pavilion place to stop

open landscape

slow tourism area village/camping

FLEVOLAND MSc 2, 2016 Delft University of Technology Group project, result individual work In a group of four students, we made a strategy for tourism and recreation in Flevoland. We divided Flevoland into three areas: the mustsee tourism area, the slow tourism area and the openness area: the “in between zone”. I worked on that part. The “in between zone” is a space where people - both residents and tourists - can recreate and enjoy the open landscape by bike. At the same time, the zone integrates the mustsee-tourism flow with the slow-tourism flow on strategic points. The current cycling network will be divided in primary and secondary cycling roads. Besides, more cycling roads will be added to make the primary cycling roads more clear and fluently, because the current cycling roads do not always give a clear direction. The key project focuses on the Knardijk which is historical an interesting route because it divides east and south Flevoland. The route on the Knardijk consists of different experiences: the Timeline Route, the Knarpavilion, and the Unlimited and Limited Landscape. timeline route


Lelystad Buitencentrum Oostvaardersplassen


´T Oppertje Lage Knarsluis

De tong van lucifer unlimited and limited landscape view tower




timeline route



Hoge Knarsluis

Biddinghuizen Dronten

cheese farm B&B


Biezenburcht view tower






a reference to the present and past

MSc 1, 2015-2016 Delft University of Technology In this project I studied how the public space along the Rotte river in Rotterdam could be revitalized. A lot of inhabitants of the neighbourhoods along the Rotte river have no relation with the river. They say that the riverfront feels private, that there is nothing to do along the river and that many places along the river have a lack of green. However, the river can become an element where the neighborhoods and the city of Rotterdam could benefit from; a big, nice, green open space. The quality of the Rotte river as a public space and the presence and history of the river are made visible through specially designed furniture and a specific spot along the river, a pavilion, at the Zwaanhals.

Bench - Light - Wayfinding - Tree grate - Historical frame - Pavilion

1. 15


The Rotte Pavilion 3.

2. 2.



Pavilion #2


BETHLEHEMSKERK LEIDEN BSc 5, Minor project, 2013-2014 Delft University of Technology This project was part of the minor Identiteit & Interventie. In the minor, the interaction between history and design was the key focus. The assignment was to transform the Bethlehemskerk in Leiden into a hostel. In its current state, the building consists of three floors. I kept that division. However at the entrance I removed a part of the floors in order to experience the height of the church and its wooden construction. On the ground floor I designed a restaurant and on the other floors are the bedrooms of the hostel located. The alley next to the church functions as staircase.

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BB 1:200




living in a green neighbourhood

BSc 3, 2012-2013 Delft University of Technology This design is made for a new neighbourhood along the Spoorzone in Delft. It consists of an urban design and the design for a residential building. The concept is collective space. The urban plan and the residential building should both stimulate encounters between neighbours. This will be achieved through a big park which runs through the middle of the neighbourhood, a wide gallery in the apartment buildings, semiprivate gardens enclosed by the building blocks and a collective space in each building block. The building blocks consist of a combination of apartments and row houses.


ground floor apartments

higher floor apartments



MOODBOARD TheKUBE, 2015 I made the following moodboards to show the interior trends of 2015 on my blog. The floor plans are not real but based on the chosen interior images. Now, three years later, the trends are still visible at interior shops and in magazines.







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