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Budget in Brief
The following provides a high level summary of the County’s 2018-19, 2020-21, and 2022-23 biennial budgets.
Revenues By Source (millions)
2018-19 Actuals 2020-21 Budget
2022-23 Budget
Property Tax 428.7 433.6 456.1 Sales Tax 248.1 269.0 374.9 Other Taxes 45.7 40.9 72.1 Charges for Service 589.1 631.1 661.8 Fines & Forfeitures 8.6 7.7 6.7 Licenses & Permits 51.8 52.7 62.9 Intergovernmental 263.6 744.7 614.5 Transfers In 251.5 464.0 420.7 Other Revenue 213.3 111.9 105.8 Use of Fund Balance — 215.2 238.3
Total Revenue 2,100.4 2,970.8 3,013.8
Expenditures by Object Code (millions)
2018-19 Actuals 2020-21 Budget
2022-23 Budget
Salaries & Benefits 792.7 915.3 1,011.6 Supplies & Services 601.2 1,225.6 1,099.5 Debt Service 61.0 90.9 70.2 Capital Expenditures 79.7 205.1 351.2 Intergovernmental 65.2 70.3 76.4 Transfers Out 245.4 463.6 404.9
Total Expenditures 1,845.2 2,970.8 3,013.8
Expenditures by Function (millions)
2018-19 Actuals 2020-21 Budget
2022-23 Budget
General Government 316.7 499.2 597.0 Public Safety 425.8 688.1 550.7 Natural & Economic Environment 100.1 229.7 160.8 Legal & Judicial 192.5 211.1 256.9 Social Service Activities 214.1 522.7 419.3 Cultural & Recreation 78.5 103.4 156.3 Other Financing Uses 1.1 1.3 0.2 Public Works 516.4 715.3 872.6
Total Expenditures 1,845.2 2,970.8 3,013.8
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