Pierce County 2022-23 Biennial Budget

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Budget in Brief The following provides a high level summary of the County’s 2018-19, 2020-21, and 2022-23 biennial budgets.

BUDGET IN BRIEF Revenues By Source (millions)

Property Tax Sales Tax Other Taxes Charges for Service Fines & Forfeitures Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Transfers In Other Revenue Use of Fund Balance Total Revenue

2018-19 Actuals 428.7 248.1 45.7 589.1 8.6 51.8 263.6 251.5 213.3 — 2,100.4

2020-21 Budget 433.6 269.0 40.9 631.1 7.7 52.7 744.7 464.0 111.9 215.2 2,970.8

2022-23 Budget 456.1 374.9 72.1 661.8 6.7 62.9 614.5 420.7 105.8 238.3 3,013.8

2018-19 Actuals 792.7 601.2 61.0 79.7 65.2 245.4 1,845.2

2020-21 Budget 915.3 1,225.6 90.9 205.1 70.3 463.6 2,970.8

2022-23 Budget 1,011.6 1,099.5 70.2 351.2 76.4 404.9 3,013.8

2018-19 Actuals 316.7 425.8 100.1 192.5 214.1 78.5 1.1 516.4 1,845.2

2020-21 Budget 499.2 688.1 229.7 211.1 522.7 103.4 1.3 715.3 2,970.8

2022-23 Budget 597.0 550.7 160.8 256.9 419.3 156.3 0.2 872.6 3,013.8

Expenditures by Object Code (millions)

Salaries & Benefits Supplies & Services Debt Service Capital Expenditures Intergovernmental Transfers Out Total Expenditures

Expenditures by Function (millions)

General Government Public Safety Natural & Economic Environment Legal & Judicial Social Service Activities Cultural & Recreation Other Financing Uses Public Works Total Expenditures

Pierce County 2022-23 Biennial Budget


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Pierce County 2022-23 Biennial Budget by Pierce County - Issuu