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T3 - Mission and Values
To be a leader in creating livable communities by providing opportunities for people to connect with nature, live healthy lifestyles, enjoy vibrant community spaces, and learn about sustainable practices.
A County of healthy people living happy lives.
We provide a park system that is geographically dispersed, culturally responsive, and inclusive of all people and incomes.
We encourage everyone to use and enjoy our park system. Our park system can be reached by foot, bicycle, transit, boat, and car.
We wisely manage a well-maintained park system for the enjoyment of future generations. We are transparent and accountable in our decision-making and practices.
Active Lifestyle
We provide a park system that makes it easy for people to be active year-round. Our park system supports people in their efforts to maintain and improve their health and well-being.
We actively collaborate with the community we serve. We provide ways for residents to volunteer, learn about sustainability and influence decisions related to the care, growth and use of our park system.