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T10 - CAB Meeting Minutes
CAB Minutes
Citizens’ Advisory Board
Date: January 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Candy Paris-Sundsmo, Chair, at 6:10 p.m., in the Lakewood Community Center, Room #103. A quorum was not present.
CAB Members present: Caleb Heimlich, Candy Paris-Sundsmo, and Rickey Clousing. Staff members present: Roxanne Miles and Emily Smith CAB Member(s) absent: Mary Brickle (excused), Aaron Bert (excused), Joan Cross (excused), TJ Stevenson (excused), Derek Barry (excused)
MINUTES APPROVAL: Minute approval from November 2019 postponed to next meeting.
AGENDA ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: Agenda items postponed to next meeting.
Candy recommended moving meetings from every two months to every quarter. Roxanne summarized the new PROS plan as a refresher for CAB members. We kept the current work plan which involves a rotation of Parks locations for the upcoming meetings. Candy asked Roxanne if there was any advantage or disadvantage to switching the meetings to quarterly. Roxanne stated that we had structured deadlines due to the budget last year, but we are now in a non-budget development year. The focus this year will be on policy, we need to review title 14 which is the county code in each Parks CAB members binder.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 17th at Sprinker Rec. Center (Birch Room South)
Citizens’ Advisory Board
Date: May 19, 2020 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Caleb Heimlich, Vice Chair, at 6:00 p.m., through Zoom video conference. A quorum was present.
CAB Members present: Caleb Heimlich, Candy Paris-Sundsmo, Aaron Bert, Derek Barry, Mary Brickle, Joan Cross, Ricky Clousing. Staff members present: Roxanne Miles CAB Member(s) absent: TJ Stevenson (excused)
There was an equipment failure, so the meeting was unable to be recorded.
Motion: To approve the revised 2020 Parks Citizens’ Advisory Board schedule (making the meetings quarterly and virtual for 2020)
The motion was moved (Heimlich), seconded (Bert), and passed unanimously.
• Protocols for public notification and other Public Disclosure information about virtual meetings was requested by the group.
• Do we/how do we post the link and do proper community notifications and moderate non-CAB members being on the call?
Roxanne reviewed a presentation on COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on our Pierce County Parks’ System, People & Projects;
• Roxanne fielded questions and took direction from the CAB on how to best communicate with the public, move through phased reopening and plan for economic losses.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 18, 2020, via Zoom Video Conference
PIERCE COUNTY PARKS Citizens’ Advisory Board
August 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes
CAB Members present: Aaron Bert, Joan Cross, Derek Barry, Ricky Clousing and Candy Paris-Sundsmo. Staff members present: Roxanne Miles, Kyle Wintermute, Kimberly Freeman, and Emily Smith CAB Member(s) absent: TJ Stevenson (excused), Caleb Heimlich (excused) and Mary Brickle (excused)
Board members discussed the amount of absences from Parks CAB member TJ Stevenson that violate the By Laws and decided to move forward with filling his position.
A. Park Use and Phase 2 Programming: Kyle went over the handout regarding Park Use and Phase 2 programming with the group. Trail use numbers skyrocketed between March and May due to the COVID19 pandemic. Aaron asked Kyle how he formulated the trail numbers. Kyle explained that we have trail counters at each location that calculate this data for Parks. The usage data for North Lake Tapps and Spanaway Park was compared next. North Lake Tapps had much higher numbers than last year whereas Spanaway Park had lower numbers. Kyle explained that Spanaway Park has lower numbers due to not renting out the picnic shelters or allowing large group gatherings to stay in compliance with the COVID19 regulations. Spanaway Lake had toxic algae blooms which closed the boat launch for roughly three weeks; also decreasing usage numbers. Derek asked Kyle if Parks was limiting the usage of North Lake Tapps Park. Kyle explained that if we just had drive thru traffic at the Park, there would be plenty of room for patrons to properly social distance. However, it is the walk-in usage that is overcrowding the park currently. Parks is talking with the Sherriff at North Lake Tapps to see if we can enforce restricting walk-ins to allow for proper social distancing at the Park. If we are not able to restrict walk-ins, we will have to continue limiting the access to the Park in order to allow patrons to distance properly. There were many summer program and events cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic. Parks staff has been working very diligently to find ways to offer programs while following the safe start guidelines. In Phase 2 we are offering a new program, Meet Me in the Park, which offers specialized programming for patrons with special needs. In Phase 3 we are offering one of our more notable events, Fantasy Lights, as a drive through only event. B. Financial Impacts Update:
Pierce County Parks CAB 08-18-2020 Page 1
Roxanne reviewed the financial impacts handout with the group. Parks is keeping several positions vacant to counter act the loss in revenue due to COVID19. Fantasy Lights will bring in a significant amount of revenue to the Parks department that will help with losses due to the pandemic. Rentals and programs create a significant amount of revenue for the department. COVID19 has put a stop to all rentals and most programs which has impacted the budget negatively. Roxanne discussed the large amount of retirements the department has had this year which has also helped make up for the loss in revenue. Aaron asked if the pandemic has made management reconsider the amount of staff they have on hand. Roxanne explained that Parks has reevaluated position and program needs to make things more efficient. C. Introduction to Title 14: Kimberly briefly explained that Title 14 is our Parks and Recreation code and how we regulate the activity in our parks. We are working on revising the code to be up to date with current activity. Kimberly discussed how Parks will be showing the CAB different iterations of Title 14 as items are revised.
Citizens’ Advisory Board
November 17, 2020
Meeting Minutes
CAB Members present: Aaron Bert, Caleb Heimlich, Candy Paris-Sundsmo, Derek Barry, Angela Gallardo, Mary Brickle. Staff members present: Roxanne Miles, Tiffany Odell, Kimberly Freeman, and Emily Smith CAB Member(s) absent: Joan Cross (excused)
A. Capital Project Update: • Kimberly reviewed the Capital Project updates with a virtual presentation. Aaron asked if the Planned Maintenance Project order is determined by comments from the public or is work order driven? Roxanne explained that it is a combination and is continuing to evolve. We have spent the last year getting all our assets into Enterprise Asset Management program. Life cycles are entered into our asset program, but we also have our maintenance team visit these sites to inspect the assets and do a quality check. The repairs can either be due to the life cycle timeline or poor quality during the site visit. Kimberly added that we also assign a project type such as safety, functionality, benefit to public and capacity. Safety always takes priority over other project types when determining the priority of the project. B. 2020-2026 Strategic Plan Overview: • Tiffany reviewed the 2020-2026 Strategic Plan with a virtual presentation. Derek asked if COVID has reprioritized projects that you want to see moving forward? Roxanne explained that we haven’t reprioritized yet. We would like to see what the public’s needs and wants are post COVID as some of the population may not change behavior and will want to continue with outdoor activities only. Candy asked Roxanne if she expects an increase in numbers of cars at Fantasy Lights? Roxanne does expect an increase in vehicle traffic at Fantasy Lights as we have premium, regular and discount nights which allows more opportunity for everyone to attend. C. 4th Quarter finances and programming: • Roxanne reviewed 4th Quarter finances and programming with a virtual presentation. Our 45000 Golf fund is doing well as this activity thrived during the spring/summer months when most activities were closed due to COVID restrictions. We’ve been able to save some costs in our other funds by not filling open positions. Angela asked how the current staff feels about the vacancies and covering for the open positions that aren’t being filled? Roxanne stated that the employees are doing okay. Some roles have shifted due to the COVID restrictions on activities and special events. Our recreation staff specifically have been stretched and forced to be more creative with activity and special event ideas.
A. Draft 2021 Workplan/Preparation for February CAB Meeting
• This has been converted into the new quarterly meeting decision. 2021 is a budget development year, so this may determine what the priorities are to discuss each quarter. The official workplan will need to be adopted in February of 2021. Angela asked when the new Parks County Code was going to be adopted? Kimberly said we are looking to have it adopted in June, so August would be a good time to bring it to the Parks CAB for input. B. Membership and Recruitment • There are two open positions for District 5 and District 6. We have received recommendations for both districts and will be filling these positions soon. C. Board Comments
• Caleb mentioned his family is loving the new Cross Park since it has been opened. • Derek thanked Roxanne for reviewing the finances and commended her for the decisions made during COVID.