1 minute read



Parks & Recreation Division

1. Develop and implement special event protocols, and new events in our regional and county parks 2. Develop emergency response plans for all park facilities and anticipated circumstances 3. Develop partnerships to locate specialized recreation services in two new locations (Peninsula and Plateau) 4. Open, program and maintain Cross Park/Naches Preserve for community enjoyment 5. Produce and implement trail maintenance standards 6. Finalize and update the MAP, informed by system-wide data and needs in EAM 7. Facilitate sub-brand discussions for Spanaway and Chambers Regional Parks and Frontier 8. Review sustainability actions to be implemented in the next three years

Resource Stewardship Division

1. Facilitate completion of capital projects as approved in the Capital Facilities Program 2. Produce a cooperative action plan for the Carbon River Corridor 3. Generate community center feasibility assessments that can be used for funding proposals 4. Implement open space management strategies, including a forested lands assessment 5. Build strong trails coalition partnerships resulting in trails funding for capital and operations

Administrative Services Division

1. Create a fundable plan for fleet and equipment replacement 2. Develop, vet and implement the departments IT Strategic Plan, including replacement of Active Net 3. Review all policies and pages of the Intranet and evaluate ways to make tools accessible and functional for staff 4. Refine data collection processes to populate performance reports 5. Hold regular financial review sessions to provide managers with accurate and current financial information

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