Volume 116 Spring 2012 Roundup Issue 11

Page 7


CO-OP Edʼs future may be bleak

Cooperative education will not be o ered in the fall

Due to massive cuts to the community college community in California, Pierce College has been forced to cancel many of its programs. But when the Cooperative Education website was taken down, some faculty members took it personal.

The website that was used by many students was created and copyrighted by Instructor of Business Administration Richard Skidmore. He, along with the Director of Cooperative Education Ronald Smetzer, believe that the website was taken down with malicious intent.

Earlier in the semester, the Pierce College Job Center was closed after 20 years of operation. The job center was run by Skidmore, and was a service provided to help students develop skills to find work. Skidmore also created and operated the website for the job center.

Before the center was closed, campus administration requested use of this copyrighted site for the Career and Transfer Center, according to Skidmore.

“When the Job Center closed, [college president] Kathleen BurkeKelly requested that Skidmore hand over the (job center) website,” Smetzer said. “Skidmore told them they could lease it.”

Shortly after this conversation, the Cooperative Education (Co Op Ed) website was taken down.

“They are angry because I copyright everything I do,” Skidmore said. “They are willing to burn students and faculty because of it.”

The Co Op Ed website was created by Skidmore to streamline the process

Autotech: staying gender neutral Female auto student nds her calling at Pierce College

Nestled in the corner of campus, under the shade of a dozen pine trees, sounds of air compression drills and the clanking of wrenches sent echoes into the air.

Building 3600 is what many students of Pierce College’s Automotive Technology program consider their second home. The long garage doubling as a hands-on lab area is the only classroom on campus you can drive a car into.

Occupying the last outdoor station on the left stood a six-foot-tall, slender, female. Her bangs pinned

neatly to the side and sporting a single lip piercing, 26-year-old Isabel Alvarez of Van Nuys busily applied the finishing touches to her 1969 Ford Mustang’s front end suspension.

Almost complete with her first year as an Automotive Technology major, Alvarez tends to stand out in this male dominated program. She is one of only a handful of girls at Pierce College pursuing her dream of becoming an auto technician.

Her chipped manicured hands gripped a wrench tightly as she reminisced about how her love for cars began.

She fell in love with the 1969 Mustang model when she was just 9-years-old, Alvarez recalls. Finally

able to purchase one at the age of 20, she made a decision that she would be the only one allowed to service the vehicle.

“I didn’t want anyone else touching it,” she laughed. “I came in here hoping to learn how to fix it and ended up falling in love with the program more than I thought I would.”

Her fondness for the vehicle came clear in her expression. She smiled coolly while mentioning what her plans were for her far from complete “baby.”

“[I’m going to paint it] midnight blue. My uncle’s 1971 Mustang Boss 302 was midnight blue,” she said. “I’ve always been a muscle car girl.

My uncle’s the reason I started loving [Mustangs].”

The youngest of four didn’t always dream of being elbow deep in car engines and electrical wires. Alvarez once had aspirations of becoming a fashion designer. Before settling down at Pierce, she was eyeing California State Long Beach to jump start her fashion journey.

“I couldn’t risk a $40,000 dollar degree and not be guaranteed work,” Alvarez stated. “[Car repairs] are in demand no matter what, but I know that being a woman, it’s going to be hard.”

[See Mustang on page 5]

of helping students and faculty in the program to communicate.

Students would fill out information on the site, including student I.D. numbers, job location and their personal assessment of the job site in which they are working.

When the site was shut down by Pierce administration, students were unable to complete their assignments.

The site was taken down to be updated, Burke-Kelly said.

“The site has been up since the late 80s,” Burke-Kelly said. “After we had taken it down, we realized that the site was collecting information that violated the Right to Privacy Act.”

The Family Educational Right to Privacy Act refers to the “Conditions for availability of funds to educational agencies or institutions.”

“All the information that the instructor needed was given to him,” Burke-Kelly said.

But Smetzer maintains that the site is well within legal parameters.

“Richard had the website evaluated though a program created by Microsoft, and it came back 92 percent compliant, whereas our own Pierce College website was in the low 80 percent,” Smetzer said.

The website was taken down right before spring break. Smetzer met with vice president of student services Joy McCaslin during the break.

During this meeting, Smetzer said he informed McCaslin of the rating the website received.

McCaslin responded that there were different ways to measure ratings, Smetzer said.

[See Co Op Ed on page 4]

Construction is still unfinished

Months after the district’s contracts with FTR International construction company was terminated for convenience earlier in the semester, the future of Shepard Stadium at Pierce College is still uncertain.

The stadium construction was part of the Project J bond program, one that included Build-LACCD, a project to revamp certain buildings in the different campuses in the district.

FTR was heading a $6 billion, 14year program that included the North of Mall construction and Shepard Stadium.

FTR’s contracts were terminated back in late February,

“There is an interim construction company that has been hired,” associate vice president Larry Kraus said. “But I don’t see anything in the books about Shepard Stadium.”

The only unfinished sections are the walkway between the home and visitors sides, the visitor’s side restroom and the field house.

The football team has been practicing on the field but the question of whether or not they be able to play next semester remains unanswered.

Emad Abbasi

Construction: The unfinished Shepard Stadium at Pierce College on May 13, 2012

www.theroundupnews.com Woodland Hills, California Volume 116 - Issue 11 May 23, 2012 One copy free, each additional copy 50¢ Weekly Weather Courtesy of Sean Clemmons Wed. May 23 86/56 Thu. May 24 78/55 Fri. May 25 68/52 Sat. May 26 71/65 Sun. May 27 85/59 Mon. May 28 86/61
All wait lists for classes have been canceled. For the complete article see page 3. Did you know? The women’s volleyball team will be honored for their perfect season at Dodger Stadium on July 18.
Carrlyn Bathe Special to the Roundup Jose Romero Tied Up: Roundup photographers have found themselves fighting to defend their first amendment rights. For more see the editorial on page 2.

Freedom of the press

Roundup photographers denied access to public play

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”

Sadly, as Roundup staff has witnessed over the past semester, those who enforce laws on campus are not familiar with this basic amendment.

Law enforcers do not, in any way, possess an excuse to be ignorant to the law simply because they are authority figures.

What’s more is that they should set an example to the public in outstanding following of laws.

Only two weeks ago, a Roundup photographer attended the free and opento-the-public Thursday concert series to quietly shoot photos that would be published in the Roundup.

When the professor in charge of the concert saw him, he called him to talk outside. There, he told the photographer that he was not allowed to shoot photos at the concert.

The photographer tried explaining that because the event, which was not private, took place in a venue that was not private property, he is legally allowed to take photos of.

The professor quickly and offensively responded that the doors have already been locked, which means the concert is no longer a private event, walked away and shut the door to the concert.

The photographer called the Sheriff’s Station, hoping that they would enforce his freedom of speech.

But when five security officers showed up near the music building, all they did was discourage and put down the photographer.

We can confiscate your photos if we wanted to, they told him. And if you don’t oblige, we can arrest you.

That is not true.

News reporters and photographers from a “duly authorized” newspaper may enter and report from any public arena, according to California Penal Code Section 409.5.

The officers also told the photographer that, just so he knows, if he was to arrive to a crime scene before them, they have the right to confiscate his photos. And if he resists, they can arrest him.

That is not true either.

Even if officers had already reached a crime scene, and have declared the area a closed emergency field, a reporter or photographer is allowed to enter it, according the same California penal code section.

Since this case, the Media Arts department worked on remedying the situation, and came to an agreement with the Music department regarding the free concert series, Jill Connelly, chair of the Media Arts department, said.

But this is not the first time nonsense such as this has dispirited photojournalism students on campus.

Last semester, a Roundup photographer was stopped when taking photos at the public pool on campus for a class project. Only after the dean of the Media Arts department got involved was it revealed that taking photos at the pool was completely legitimate.

Another time, a photographer and a reporter of the Roundup were prevented from entering an emergency area to cover hazard material detected on campus by a security officer. In that case, there was already other media reporting

from within the emergency area.

This photographer still often encounters the officer that stopped him from shooting at the scene.

“Whenever I’m trying to shoot something, [the officer] will remind me that he has my address and phone number, and knows who I am,” the Roundup photographer said of the officer that once obtained his information. “He’s harassed me.”

This photographer has been experiencing incidents such as these for several semesters.

President of the Journalism Association of Community Colleges Mary Mazzocco cannot recall similar incidents in other community colleges over the past years.

“I’ve heard of police trying to get photographers’ photos to use as evidence, but not of cases like this,” she said.

She does, however, recall cases in which the problem was solved by officers and deputies getting familiar with the California Shield Law, which protects photojournalists from being forced to disclose their information or give away their work.

So please, officers, make sure you are educated when it comes to our rights. Because every California resident, and law enforcers in particular should be familiar with one’s freedom of speech.

We, the press, are not here to bully nor trouble you. We are here to inform the public of the news, whether they are good or bad, thrilling or gloomy.

Book prices too high

E-books provide students alternatives

With the cost of tuition rising, college professors should eliminate the use of textbooks and instead begin using e-books.

While I still believe that a printed reference is necessary for classes at the college level, technology has made it possible to not only take the same information and make it lighter, it has all so made it possible to make it interactive.

Carole Walters of Flat World Knowledge, a publisher of free and open textbooks was quoted in a Fox Business article recently talking about the cost of books.

“The College Board reports that in 2010-2011, students could expect to spend an average of $1,137 on textbooks and supplies,” Walters said.

It is pretty excessive for a book that you might use again, or a book that the professor will quote once or twice in the middle of a lecture, even though it was required to get.

In the past I have found that buying my books at the college bookstore may not be the most economical decision, and that there are other locations that may have more thrifty prices.

One year I turned to buying my books online, it was by far the best choice.

Finding the book was as easy as typing the title into Google and comparing prices.

With a few clicks my job was done and in 7 to 10 business days the book was at my door.

As awesome as this was, there are still other options.

Electronic Books or E-Books have made life for the college students so

much easier.

I understand that most students do not have $399 to drop on an iPad, but other electric readers are more reasonable.

On Amazon.com the Kindle eReader starts at $79 and the Nook from Barnes & Noble starts at $99.99 according to BestBuy.com

Some students already own a deceive like this or can download books on their smart phones.

Sharing books with friends can also be done.

The Kindle allows up to six devices to share the same book so now the cost of one book can be divided without having to take turns sharing the same book between multiple people, or having to meet up and study together.

While one can not sell back E-Books like a normal textbook, the student still comes up ahead because buybacks usually do not even give you half of the original price, if they are willing to buy it back.

So, while I can still be found walking around campus with my nose in a good old fashion paperback novel, I wouldn’t mind if my math book was not 5lbs. or $115.

Studying for finals

Whether putting together a daily study schedule or cramming at the last minute for finals, Pierce students do not have much time.

Finals are set to start taking place Tuesday, May 29 through Monday, June 4 at the regular class meeting times.

There are various ways to facilitate studying and get a better understanding of the concepts according to www.usnews.com

Tips for Studying:

1. “ Shed some commitments”

– It might be hard to say no, but avoiding unnecessary social gatherings to study may higher the chances of just a passing grade to a higher grade in the course. Also advice for student workers, cutting down the hours you work during finals may help you concentrate more, and ease the stress of having to cram.

2. “ Triage your study time”

– Students shouldn’t spend the same amount of time studying for all their exams, instead they should place them in order of difficulty and spend more time on the ones they know least of to the ones they understand more.

3. “Study in groups”

- Study with classmates who understand the material well enough to help you with questions.

Keeping in mind that it isn’t time for socializing may help reduce the time spent studying alone, allowing you to

have more time for other courses.

Students who study ahead of time usually feel more confident when the day of their final arrives, and don’t feel as stressed or anxious while taking their test.

I myself have been a victim of cramming endless chapters of information in a night or two, and the results at times have been rewarding and in others not so much, causing me to reconsider my study habits. In a study provided by www. hubpages.com, students who do not attend class regularly, fail to take down notes, and have poor time management, usually do worse in the course than those who follow their syllabus or guidelines provided by the professor.

Make a change this semester and set yourselves a study schedule that fits your daily routine, whether it is a few minutes throughout your day or an hour or two to studying for your examinations may help your final grade improve.

to be a letter.

The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials.

Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is

published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 Opinion 2 Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com Roundup Editor in Chief Kevin Reynolds Managing Editor ........... Michaia Hernandez Opinion Editor ....................... Calvin Alagot News Editor ........................... Lior Haykeen Features Editor ........................... Carlos Islas A&E Editor .............................. Shannon Ma Sports Editor .................... Rodrigo Carbonel Photo Editor ........................... Angela Tafoya Online Editor ........................... Jose Romero Copy Editor ................... Michaia Hernandez Cartoonist ............................. Maria Salvador Advisers ................................ Amara Aguilar ................................... Jill Connelly .................................. Stefanie Frith Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] Photographers: Emad Abbasi Kristen Aslanian Jasson Bautista Lonni Epstein Sonia Gurrola Joe Kukuczka Todd Rosenblatt Sarah Storey Ava Weintraub William Welles Javier Zazueta Reporters: Brittany Blust Eli Diaz Kevin Perez Aurora Ramirez Taylor Rouch Brent Spector Melissa Trahin Jonathan Tucker Kal Valasek Monica Velasquez Samantha Williams Weather Correspondent: Sean Clemmons Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not
Monica Velasquez mvelasquez.roundupnews@gmail.com
Jose Romero | jromero.roundupnews@gmail.com
Preparing for exams doesn’t have to hurt
Maria Salvador | msalvador.roundupnews@gmail.com

Onward and upward Students and faculty prepare for June 6 graduation

As the spring semester comes to an end, faculty members throughout the Pierce College campus must begin getting ready for the commencement ceremony that will celebrate the students who have earned certificates or degrees.

The graduation ceremony will take place at Rocky Young Park June 6 at 6 p.m.

Admission to the event is free, and cars parked in Parking Lot 7 will not be fined.

Any student who has had their petition for graduation will be able to participate in the ceremony.

Faculty members began meeting back in February in preparation for this day, David Follosco, dean of Student Services, said. “At this point, we’re finalizing everything,” he said. “We’re going to have another meeting in a couple of weeks.”

But Follosco also believes that, aside from the planning, most of the preparation for the graduation ceremony occurs last minute.

It isn’t until about a week before the ceremony that members of the graduation committee hang up banners congratulating graduates, gardeners begin working on floral arrangements, and the rental company delivers the chairs for guests and sets up the stage for the graduates to cross.

Despite the banners and other signs, several students, like Francisco Maza, 20, are unaware of the upcoming event.

“I would [go],” Maza said. “You just don’t hear much about it. I’m going on vacation right after my semester is over anyway.”

Much like Maza, Matt Garcia, 35, a student at Pierce with an undecided major, had not heard about the ceremony.

“I can’t go,” Garcia said. “I have other schedules.”

On the other hand, other Pierce students

Finals schedule

Congressman Brad Sherman.

Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles County supervisor, will serve as the keynote speaker.

“He’s going to give a keynote speech about motivating our graduates to continue on,” Follosco said.

To make sure that the procession runs smoothly, Doreen Clay, marketing executive at Pierce College, has made sure that the names of graduating students and their degrees or certificates are available to the audience.

“I do the commencement brochure,” Clay said. “Getting [it] executed and printed.”

Richard Follett, the master of ceremonies for previous commencement ceremonies, will be announcing the graduates during the “I don’t get nervous,” Follett said. “It’s fun. It’s wonderful. It’s an honor. I’ve been the emcee for the last several years. I may do it one more time, [but] I also think it’s time for a woman to take over.”

During the event, both students and participating faculty members will be dressed in caps and gowns. Most students will wear the traditional black gowns; however, nursing students participating in the commencement ceremony will be dressed in white.

The ceremony will be followed by a reception with cake, punch and coffee, Students employed by the Freudian Sip will be utilized for the reception. These students will help serve food and drinks at the reception to be held around 7:30 p.m.

“There are a lot of people working on graduation,” Clay said. “We all do something

Sheriff’s Blotter


May 16 - A female student in her early 20s suffered from an asthma attack in the Human Resources office.


May 17 - Vandalism was reported near the Auto Tech building.

Petty Theft:

May 17 - Cash was stolen in the Pierce library.


May 20 - Somebody reported vandalism on one of the vending machines near the library.

ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 News 3
Photo Illustration: Ready for graduation Compiled by Michaia Hernandez

Trainer never stops helping future riders

Accomplished equestrian brings her skills to Pierce

To truly understand what keeps the Equestrian Center at Pierce College going, it is important to understand who Paddy Warner is.

Warner, an assistant professor in the Animal Science Department, has been riding and training horses for as long as she can remember. Her immense amount of experience brings a lot to the equine program that many people don’t know about.

“I learned a lot of great information in her class that I didn’t know before,” said Daniel Wurangian, a past student of Warner’s.

While Warner has been a professor of horse science since 2001 at Pierce, she has had experience around horses her whole life.

At the age of 3, she was featured in the L.A. Times for her riding achievements, and since then has specialized in such riding disciplines as reining, natural horsemanship and lessons for students of all levels and experience.

She is even the owner and manager of Performance Horses International, and has managed such barns as Amber Ridge Farms and Rising

Stars Ranch. “I’m looking forward to taking her horse production class because I’ve heard you learn a lot about horses and horse science,” said Leah Renner, a student who will be taking her class in the fall

Many people seek Warner’s experience for her background in equestrian exhibitions and her musical dances on horses. She has also ridden multiple times in the Pasadena Rose Parade, and performed at the Fiesta of the Spanish Horse to benefit cancer research. All these unique experiences are what draws people to her classes.

Last year, Warner came up with the unique idea of having a Parade of Breeds at Pierce, and it took place on Oct. 12, 2011.

“I came up with this idea to have a Parade of Breeds where you can see any breed of horse live and face-toface,” Warner said.

Along with her extensive background, Warner is also a member of many popular horse-related associations. She is a member of the Natural Reining Horse Association, the American Association of Owners and Breeders of Peruvian Paso Horses, the American Quarter Horse Association, and the United States Eques-

trian Federation.

Due to her secondary hobby of training Australian Shepherd dogs, she is also a member of the Australian Shepherd Club of America and the American Kennel Club.

One substantial achievement of Warner’s is that she has been on the cover of Horsetrader Magazine, a very popular magazine amongst horse lovers.

Another achievement of Warner’s is that she received the prestigious Judges Award from the Belisario de las Casas, making her the only rider to ever be presented with this award. She is also undefeated in Musical Exercise and has received many Laureado titles. She has even won Champion of Champion titles at state, world and national levels.

Choir sings a flashmob

Students walking along the Mall near the Freudian Sip were greeted Monday with echoes of the Pierce College Choir.

The “flash mob” came following the choir’s performance at the Plaza del Sol Theater at California State University, Northridge.

Members dressed in black tops and blue jeans began to warm up outside of the Student Store at 12:45 p.m.

They attracted the attention of a handful of students that stopped and enjoyed a break from the stress of finals.

Some students even pulled out their cell phones and cameras to capture the moment.

Cathryn Tortell, an adjunct instructor of music, is the director for the choir.

She organized the impromptu free concert with one goal.


“I had no idea how many awards she’s gotten,” said Nick Woods, a former student of Warner’s.

In Warner’s horse production class, one can learn about such things as horse breeds, anatomy, care and general knowledge.

Last year the class began with almost 100 students, with some on a waiting list. Along with this class, she also teaches many of the riding classes at Pierce and even a show production class in which students learn how to organize and put on a horse show.

R U Online?

For the full story visit theroundupnews.com

“A lot of people don’t even know we exist,” Tortell said. “It was all about we exist.”

The plan worked and attracted the attention of Angela Enriquez, a 19-year-old nursing student.

“I just walked by and saw them setting up,” Enriquez said.

As part of the marching band for Palmdale High School, she is used to things like this, but the concert brought back memories.

“I was excited,” Enriquez said. “I haven’t seen a concert since high school.”

The concert also transported students to a completely different place.

April Russell, a 19-year-old, kinesiology major, stood in awe as Timothy Kranz belted “Apres un Reve.” “I feel like I’m at an opera,” Russell said.

Kranz is a 29-year-old business major who has been in other choirs before, but sees the college choir as something different.

“There are people coming in that have no experience in choir,” Kranz said. “And then there are people that have experience in choir or some sort of singing.”

However, everyone works together and helps each other, according to Kranz.

The students were not the only ones enjoying the moment.

Tortell gazed in bliss as this season’s student conductor, Sara Greenberg, 21, stood before her peers while they sang a “Les Miserable” medley.

“It’s just really great to work with this group,” Greenberg said. “We have people of different levels, and I get to be in front and watch them.”

Kristen Aslanian/

Flashmob: Music major Alisa Galper singing at the flashmob on the Mall.

Students who missed the performance can go to an encore performance during the free Thursday afternoon concert in Music 3400 at 12:45 p.m.

Wait lists to be canceled

Administration will work on a replacement

Kal Valasek kvalasek.roundupnews@gmail.com

The option to sign up for a wait list when enrolling to classes will be cancelled starting next semester until a new system is established.

Currently, once a class is filled, the rest of the students trying to enroll in the class will be put on a wait list.

During the first week of class, if a student does not show up or drops the class, a student on the wait list has a chance to add the class.

Administration thinks this is a problem because once one student is put on a wait list, all other students registering will be wait listed regardless of a student dropping prior to the first class.

“If you have a class with a wait list, and people register for the original class and then people drop off before the class meets, you cannot move from the wait list onto that,” said instructor of automotive service

tech. Tom Rosdahl.

For example, if the maximum number of students that can enroll in a class is 30, The 31st student will be put on a wait list, and so will any other student attempting to enroll.

If one of the 30 original students drops the class before the semester starts, there will be an opening. But instead of filling the gap with one of the wait listed students, the wait list will grow.

The new system will automatically keep the class updated as to who is officially in the class, and who will be on the wait list.

But this system won’t be around for a while.

“No, no, no. A couple years,” said chair of physics and planetary sciences John Zayac.

There is no set-in-stone idea of how many years the developing of a new system will take.

While there are no wait lists teachers will have to use class time to decide which students will earn a spot

in their classes. This does not sit well with some teachers.

“If I saw that there’s 15 of the 20 [wait list students] there, I could just say to all the walk ins I’ve got enough waiting list people that will fill those seats, ” said English professor Richard Follett.

The wait list system made things easier for him.

“Now, with no waiting lists, every single body in that room has an equal opportunity if there are a few noshows,” said Follett.

“In the meantime, [this] makes crashing courses way easier,” 19-year-old English major Michael Rodriguez said.

There are still some students who prefer having a wait list system even if it is a bit flawed.

“That’s absurd!” 21-year-old nursing major Alessandro Boshann said. “It’s a sacrifice that has to be made in order to ensure the students get the classes that they need.”

No more help finding jobs offered

[Co Op Ed: Continued from page 1]

President Burke-Kelly confirmed that the program would not be offered in the fall.

“It has been suggested to me that, if a student needs Co Op Ed for their program, there are faculty members that would be willing to offer it as a directive study,” Burke-Kelly said. “[This] means that faculty wouldn’t be compensated. They would be doing it on a voluntary basis.”

Skidmore believes this is a malicious attack, and that the college is doing itself a disservice. The Co Op Ed program is projected to bring in $290,541.34.


He estimates that the college will only save $39,000 in faculty revenue not offering the program, which means the college would be losing $251,541.34 by not offering the


“Closing the department is not a financial decision, even in these hard economic times.”

The hours from the Co Op Ed program will be shifted to other departments, Burke-Kelly said.

“Any department can say they make this much or that much,” said McCaslin. “But if you shift those hours to another department the college has not lost anything.”

Number of active students in the Cooperative Education website in previous semesters.

ROUNDUP: March 23, 2012 News 4
Tess Olnick Special to the Roundup Angela Tafoya
or call: (818) 710-2960
Dogs: Paddy Warner poses with her three dogs at the Ranch Sorting competition at the Farm Center Nov. 5, 2011.
email Media Kit contact: baileyjd@piercecollege.edu The Roundup extends a heartfelt thank you to all the local and national advertisers who supported the newspaper and the Pierce College campus community during the Spring 2012 semester. We look forward to serving you again in Fall 2012 FREE Media Kits via mail or email: To Receive a Mailed Media Kit send your mailing address along with business name, contact person & phone number to: Roundup Advertising Pierce College 6201 Winnetka Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Sept 19th Sept 26th Oct 3rd Oct 17th Oct 24th Oct 31st Publication Schedule Nov 7th Nov 14th Nov 21st Nov 28th Dec 5th Fall 2012 Paying Too Much For Your Auto Insurance? You’re probably not insured with us! Saving students money on their car insurance for more than 25 years! We work with dozens of companies (Mercury, Progressive, Safeco, Infinity, GMAC, to name a few) and match you with the most affordable. Student and Faculty Discounts Offered. Call For our Free, No Obligation Quote Request the Brahma Plan (818) 222-5595 CA Lic.#0660396 Stressed Out??? • Feeling Overwhelmed & Out of Control? • Test Anxiety? • Forgetting What You Need to Know? • Losing Sleep? • Not Geting What You Want in Life? Find Out How You Can • Feel More Relaxed, Calm & In Control • Improve Your Study Skills • Improve Your Memory • Improve Your Retention & Test Scores • Sleep Peacefully Through the Night • Increase Your Confidence & Motivation, so you can Reach Your Goals 100% Natural Process Call Now For Your Free Consultation Mazda Lakpour, C.Ht. Certified Hypnotherapist 818-916-3346 TAX PREPARATION $25 Off 1040A or 1040 • Professional Prep • Personal Service
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“I came up with this unique idea of having a Parade of Breeds at Pierce.”
- Paddy Warner

From house calls to the free speech zone

Duo takes advantage of ee speech area

Roy Azoulay Special to the Roundup

You see people there every day. Sometimes it’s the same people; others you have never seen in your life. Some of them are trying to get you to sign petitions during voting season; others offer you a free movie screening.

Love for muscle cars

[Mustang, continued from page 1]

Alvarez has found parallels between the two majors that most of the men around her couldn’t relate to. Piecing a car back together is a lot like sewing, she said. She feels at home knowing her artistic side is able to thrive even if that means handling power drills and not a needle and thread.

Whether you’re a male or female, drawing strength from your professor is a necessity in any learning process. One of building 3600’s biggest assets would be assistant professor of automotive technology, 39-year-old Michael Van Dyke.

In his fourth year of teaching at Pierce College, Van Dyke, has seen many women work hard and succeed in the program, Alvarez being no exception.

“She is an exceptional student and she has a lot of energy,” Van Dyke said. “She takes the time to learn and figure things out and she has the skill to do the job. She’d be an excellent addition to anyone’s company or


Fellow classmate, 44-year-old Robert Lewis of Woodland Hills has no bias against other women in his major, in fact, he encourages it.

“I feel that if they’re educated, if they’re receptive to what the teacher is saying, it’s good working with somebody who has the same likes and desires,” Lewis stated. “It doesn’t matter if they are a male or female.”

Lewis believes that most women are turned off from the automotive industry because they fear too many people think it’s a man’s job.

“Times are changing, people are looking for different sources of income,” Lewis said. “But with the automotive industry there’s cuts, bruises, dirt, grease, and too many women aren’t willing to take the uncertainty of some of the [injuries] that could happen to you.”

Back inside the corner of the garage, behind windows plastered in automotive brand stickers and certification papers, sat 64-year-old professor of automotive technology Tom Rosdahl. In between bites of his post-

class lunch, he explained how women are coming to find out they want to be in this profession.

Some women end up being ripped off at a dealership because most men assume they won’t know the difference between what needs to be fixed and how much it should really cost, he said. More and more women find themselves wanting to learn about this profession for their own benefit.

“Knowledge is power,” Rosdahl stated. “If you understand a little bit about a car and the person feeds you a line of crap, you’ll know if they’re telling you the truth or not.”

Alvarez isn’t just doing this for the knowledge, she hopes to utilize her degree and become a master mechanic for BMW or Lexus.

“My ultimate dream is to buy a house one day,” Alvarez stated. “Being able to pass my Mustang down to my kids one days would be pretty awesome too.”

Before Alvarez takes off she makes sure everything is in its place.

“A girl can do anything a guy can do, if not better.” Alvarez said.

Regardless of what day it is, you can always count on seeing a table neatly set up with pamphlets, memos and an umbrella with two people sitting under it, minding nobody’s business but their own.

The free speech area is where opinions and ideas of any sort can be freely expressed with no fear, hoping that the message expressed will reach the thousands of students who walk by every weekday, hoping that you spark a question, an idea, and hopefully an initiative into at least one of them.

If you were to approach the table to inquire as to why they are consistently showing up in the morning and early afternoon every day, they will politely respond, “We are believers.”

Davey Anne and Mary Grace are two of the Jehovah Witnesses who show up, hoping to do their part in their organization by spreading their message.

Anne was a resident of Seattle before she moved out to the San Fernando Valley on a business transfer when one day a Jehovah knocked on her door.

“I believed that religion was a con and represented hypocrisy. I tried to stump the Jehovah’s Witness with questions of my own,” Anne said “but he had a response for everything that I threw at him.”

Grace had been living in Bronx, New York before moving to California 50 years ago.

“I used to be a catholic and during the Vietnam War I became distressed about the war and began complaining to a Jehovah’s Witness who showed me that they do not believe in wars.” said Grace.

We truly believe this is lifesaving work and if we can help one person then it is worth every hour.

Anne said she has been coming to Pierce’s free speech zone for 3 years while Grace stated that she has been doing it for 14 years.

Grace and Anne stated that their work at Pierce is 100% volunteer.

“We truly believe this is lifesaving work and if we can help one person then it is worth every hour.” said Grace.

They really like the fact that Pierce lets them show up on their campus and talk to students , but anyone who wants to legally use the free speech zone as a medium must first get a permit from Student Services.

“It’s free to set up shop and we appreciate that we have the opportunity to reach out to people at their place of business.” said Anne.

They said that they are usually there during the times of 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. so people are not usually home at those hours.

They do not take offence when people just ignore them and pretend they are not there.

“Our presence may get people to

inquire about us on a later date.” said Anne.

The old free speech zone used to be by the old cafeteria under some trees so their signature umbrella was not used during those times.

They’ve been doing the same thing consistently for many years but the environment and the people they see change with the times.

“Students seem to be more hurried now days than many years ago.” said Grace. “Back then, even if people were not interested, they would still make acquaintances with us.”

Technology seems to be a significant factor in these changing times as more and more people have gained access to all these wireless devices.

“They got their music and their iPods and texting and don’t tune in to what’s going on around them.” Anne said.

“It doesn’t seem to be very effective, most students walk by.” said Grace.

Not all people are satisfied with how the free speech area functions.

Steven Sheldon is a 19-year-old Pierce student who participated in the annual “Day of Silence” demonstration at the free speech zone which advocates equal rights and treatments for the gay community.

He strongly felt that free speech should not be confined to a “zone” and that it should flow rampant across the campus.

“I feel that if Pierce truly supported free speech, they wouldn’t confine it to a specific area,” Sheldon said “It’s contradictory.”

ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 Features 5
Carrlyn Bathe Females and fenders: Isabel Alvarez poses next to her 1969 Ford Mustang.
VISIT OUR NEW WOODLAND HILLS CENTER! California Lutheran University’s Adult Degree Evening Program (ADEP) is located in our new, state-of-the-art center near Pierce College! Visit us at 5925 De Soto Ave. 1.888.CLU-GRAD | www.callutheran.edu/adep THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: THOUSAND OAKS, OXNARD AND WOODLAND HILLS BACHELOR’S DEGREES: • Accounting • Business Management • Organizational Leadership • Psychology TRANSFER TO CLU: • Articulation agreements for seamless transfer. Transfer guides available online. • Transfer up to 70 community college credits. ADULT DEGREE EVENING PROGRAM CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE (Now Online!)
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LEFT: Dulce Capadocia, guest artist, performs a traditional Philippine dance during Friday’s Spring Dance Theatre concert.

BELOW: Students perform “Big Spender,” a musical theater piece from Sweet Charity.

Shadow Dancing

Dance theatre students showcased their talents during the biannual dance concert. This semester’s concert, which took place this past weekend in the temporary Performing Arts Complex Main Stage, was titled “Melange II.” Dance performances choreographed by students ranged from traditional to modern. Dance numbers included “Kinesthesis,” which involves both hip hop and modern dance and a rendition of “Singing in the Rain.”

ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 Photo Essay 6
RIGHT: John Bernos lifts Diana Cabrera during their performance, “Some Crazy Fire.” BOTTOM RIGHT: Sandra Rasmussen Allman, teacher of folk and social dance at Pierce, dances in “Tarantella,” an Italian folk dance. Photos By: Angela Tafoya Layout By: Ava Weintraub

Art department holds student show

The exhibition features photography, sculptures and a wide array of mediums

according to Gilbertson.

Hidden above the Mall after countless stairs is a collection of artwork on display for the annual student show.

Michelle Staves, a freshman at Pierce College studying kinesiology, is too busy with finals to even ponder what is going on beyond her classes at school.

“I never really thought about what’s going on up there,” Staves said.

She is one of the many students that are unaware of the annual Student Show that is being held in the Art Gallery in Art 3301 from May 15 to June 5.

The exhibition is put on by the Art & Architecture Department and filled with student pieces.

The department started the art show several decades ago, according to Greg Gilbertson, chair of the Art and Architecture Department.

“It provides a visual link to our curriculum, the knowledge and skill sets our students have acquired from taking classes at Pierce,” Gilbertson said.

Students who have taken or are currently enrolled in Art and Architecture classes can enter their work by filling out an entry form,

The exhibition this year is filled with a broad array of pieces in both two-dimensional and threedimensional installations.

“Everything from graphic design to sculpture carved out of alabaster, to edgy illustrations spray painted in acid green, to quirky found object sculptures reminiscent of Joseph Cornell, will be on display,” according to the press release.

Andrea Fontenot, of the California Institute of the Arts, was a juror during the awards ceremony on May 15.

Best in Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were announced, along with honorable mentions, according to Gilbertson.

Spectators and art lovers alike

who are interested in purchasing any of the art pieces should contact gallery director Monika Del Bosque, according to the press release.

The gallery will be open to the public Monday through Wednesday from 2 to 9 p.m., Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Staves is looking forward to seeing the pieces for herself.

“Now that I know about the gallery I will make time to go see it,” Staves said. “I just wish that they promoted it better, because I would have never known about it.”

Gallery Showtimes

May 15 to June 5

Location: Art 3301

Duo performs multicultural music

Mon to Wed: 2 to 9 p.m.

Thurs: 2 to 5 p.m. Fri: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The lights in the West Valley Playhouse illuminated the stage, where a crotchety man named Abe with grey hair sits on the stage.

Off the stage, Abe is really Paul Nieman, Director of College Facilities at Pierce College.

Nieman, 52, is an actor in addition to his job at Pierce and is cast in the upcoming play “Squabbles” at the Playhouse in Woodland Hills.

At Pierce, it’s Nieman’s job to oversee all facilities and grounds.

“Everything flows up to me,” Nieman said. “If something goes wrong, I take the heat.”

The current Director of College Facilities was originally hired at Pierce as the maintenance planner and scheduler in 2003.

The 52-year-old actor decided to go back out into the acting world and has bounced back and forth between productions at West Valley Playhouse


A blend of Indian, Greek, and Persian melodies filled the Music 3400 building for the performance of the band Wahid during the music department’s weekly free concert, Thursday.

Wahid, which means “one” or “togetherness” according to the group, is comprised of multi-instrumentalist Dimitris Mahlis and percussionist Chris Wabich.

“Today we took a few new turns and played on the hyper end,” Wabich said.

During the concert, Mahlis played the oud, which he described

Catching the acting bug

and Glendale Central Theatre. “I caught the bug again,” said Nieman.

He started in high school taking a play writing class his junior year and proceded to continue on through college. Nieman pursued his acting career for years before taking a break in 1989.

“I put acting on the back burner,” said Nieman. “I decided to spend more time with my family and kids, be the suburban dad.”

This only lasted so long before Nieman had the urge to return to his acting career.

His frequent adversary throughout the upcoming play, Mildred Sloan, is played by Esther Rosen, 75, who has been acting for more than 50 years.

“I think we work really well together,” Rosen said. “We bounce off each other well.”

Nieman expresses no desire to stop acting any time soon, and will continue to do so with the support of Cheryl, his wife of 27 years, and his


three children.

“Somewhere along the line you realize you have a burning passion for something, and you pursue it,” Nieman said.

as the guitar of the Middle East and Mediterranean and the oldest stringed instrument in the world.

“It’s something that’s in our culture,” Mahlis said. “The sound is very beautiful. “

Wabich played frame drums, which are one-sided drums where the frame is larger than the surface, which he built custom to the needs of the band.

“Usually drums have no bass to them,” Wabich said. “I built mine oversized, which had the unexpected effect of adding bass and allowing me to play a perfect tuned octave.”

Rajat Sabharwal, 20, was simply awed by the performance.

“I liked the blend of these

instruments,” Sabharwal said. “It’s pretty amazing.”

Wahid was formed approximately 15 years ago after they decided to stop their solo careers and form a band, particularly because both shared an interest in playing Middle East and Mediterranean music.

“We both had a passion for this style of music,” Mahlis said. “Since we had heard each other play before, we decided to take a shot at a band, and we’ve been playing ever since.”

Both members have been playing music for many years. Mahlis has played since he was 12-years-old, but started the oud at 28, while Wabich has played percussion since he was 7 years old.

Mahlis played several instruments before the oud, mostly stringed, but became interested in the oud because of his cultural roots.

“Just hearing it was very profound,” Mahlis said.

Wabich can’t remember a time when he didn’t play drums, starting at an early age with a spoon and a saucepan in his mother’s house.

“I just like rock music,” Wabich said. “[Percussion] is kind of like a piano in that you can play one note in harmony with another instrument.”

The free Thursday concert series of this semester has one last performance May 24 at 12:45 p.m. at Music 3400 featuring the Pierce Student Concert.

ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 Arts & Entertainment 7
Monica Velasquez mvelasquez.roundupnews@gmail.com Todd Rosenblatt Mediterranean Music: The band Wahid performed a mix of melodies from multiple Middle Eastern cultures. Jasson Bautista roles: Paul Nieman can be found overseeing facilities at Pierce and acting on stage.

New player could make the difference

Addition of new forward brings hope for a winning season this fall semester

Division. As good as the team may have been, head coach Adolfo Perez believes that the lack of a goal scoring forward hurt Pierce last season.

After an early first round elimination from the playoffs, the Pierce College women’s soccer team looks to rediscover their winning ways for next season.

Although the Brahmas’ season ended with an early playoff exit to an eventual final four team, Cypress College, the season was a success.

They finished with a 13-3-4 record and won 10 or more matches in a single season for the ninth consecutive time and finished their season with 51 total goals in favor and led the South Division with only 18 goals scored against them.

Although, they won 13 games the Brahmas had only one victory in conference play along with three draws. With the three points from the win and the draws the Brahmas finished in fourth place in the South

“Last year we had one of our better soccer teams that we have had here in my last 11 years,” said Perez. “But the results did not happen because we did not have anyone that can score.”

Last year the forwards for the Brahmas had a total of 11 goals and 19 assists. The midfielders had 34 goals and 29 assists. The defenders had a total of six goals and four assists.

“If you look at our forwards last year, one of them had six goals all year, the other one had four and my right midfielder had 13 [goals] and ended up being my leading scorer,” Perez said. ”Theoretically, in soccer, you want your outside midfielders to be one of the assist leaders.”

Midfielder Jessica Gonzalez led the team in points with 35 and was placed 15 overall in conference point

leaders. Gonzalez also led the team with 13 goals and was third on the team with nine assists.

Forward Edith Dominguez led the team in assists with 13.

Perez addressed the team’s forward situation during the offseason by recruiting Jackie Hilario from threetime city champion El Camino Real Charter High School.

“A striker is definitely what we needed. We had people that scored goals and that played the striker position, but they just weren’t natural strikers and Jackie’s got what it takes to put in [a] goal when it’s needed,” Assistant Coach Gil Aguirre said. “That’s the edge we’re missing.”

Last season for El Camino, Hilario scored 10 goals and had 10 assists. During last season Hilario had three multi-goal games.

The coaches believe Hilario is the answer to their forward dilemma. They feel she is a natural forward with a natural eye for goal.

Hilario is one of ten new players that Perez brought in to reinforce Pierce in forwards and midfielders. Perez may have found reinforcements for his team, but he still has to deal with an injured goalkeeper.

Perez tried to recruit a goalie during the offseason, but admitted

that he fell short of that target.

“Our goalie from last year got a concussion and is out, so we recruited a very good player,” Perez said. “But unfortunately she went somewhere else.”

Perez admitted that his side will be thin in the goal keeper department,

but stated that his team should do fine.

“I think our first game, we’re going to play against Cuyamaca [College] in San Diego; they’re one of the top teams in the state and right off the bat we’re going to see where we’re at.”

Football team looking for a brighter future

successful season,” said Brahmas’ football head coach Efrain Martinez.

Last year’s campaign was not so notable having the team end the season with a record of three wins to seven loses.

game, and nine away games. We ended our season at our home field against Los Angeles Valley College and we beat them,” said Martinez. “Having a home field apparently makes a difference.”

lessons to be improved this year.

“The turf in that field was not supportive to our legs,” said Brahmas’ safety John Pruden. “The field we have now gives us more support.”

The time is almost here for the Brahmas football season to begin. Accompanied by a new home field, and new players, the coaches expect nothing less than a successful season.

“We are excited for this year. We have a lot of talented players in the team, and the fact that we will have home games, I think that equals a

The football team is expecting to demonstrate a drastic change to their supporting crowd.

The lack of a home field last year seemed to be part of why the team lost more games than they won.

According to coach Martinez, not having a home field like other teams negatively impacted the Brahmas performance last season.

“Last year we only had one home

This past season, the team found themselves having to run their practices on the grass area between the Victory parking lot and the softball fields.

An area, which was not maintained very well, causing many injuries to the players.

As a result of the downfalls of last season, the team has come closer as a whole and taken on their loses as

Taking the golf swing

Lofrano said while shading the beaming sun from his eyes as he looks over his students.

For the team, the 2012 season is looking bright at just a few weeks into practices, with approximately 150 players on the roster and many of them returning as sophomores, gives them an advantage to a much better season.

“I expect us to win and dominate this season,” linebacker Jordan Stanton said.

It’s a beautiful spring day at Pierce College and the sun is beaming down on the softball field. Eager students are sprawled across the broad field with clubs practicing their golf swings . A man is standing in the shade looking sternly over them as they go through the six-hole golf course that resides in the surrounding area. A slight breeze blows the papers on his clipboard up. He walks out from the shade to address someone walking through the field.

“Watch your head!” he screams across the field at the students passing by, unaware that they are walking through a makeshift golf course.

Athletic Director Bob Lofrano has been teaching this golf class for 20 years. “Golf is a nice sunny day class,”

A one unit class, Golf Skills is a Physical Education course that teaches the mechanics and etiquette of the sport. The school supplies the clubs and balls; Lofrano provides the lessons.

“Golf is a very difficult sport,”

Lofrano says. “Students take it more than once.”

Sophomore John Kaser, who is taking the course for the second time, played baseball in high school and uses the course to improve his swing.

“Keep your head on a swivel!,”

Lofrano yelled as another student cut across the broad field, “It’s dangerous out here! Balls are flying, clubs are swung.”

There is no penalty for bogeys or missed swings. The golf class is graded on effort and attendance. On this day, students were completing the six-hole course created by Lofrano to emulate an actual golf course.

“Good way to get outside for a class,” Junior Kevin Brennan said.

Pierce College offers other sports as Physical Education, such as basketball, volleyball, soccer and badminton, and also offers karate and yoga classes. The soccer and the golf courses are the only ones which take place outside.

The group of students moves hastily onto the next hole after Lofrano calls out “Switch!” after he sees the students standing around inattentively.

“This is my favorite hole,” Brennan said, “You have to hit the ball over the batting cage.”

Brennan has been playing golf since he was 4 years old and said the class has really helped with his overall golf game.

“He’s a great teacher. He has helped me with some shots I was not able to do before,” said Brennan as he watches the ball intensely as it soars over the batting cage.

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ROUNDUP: May 23, 2012 Sports 8
Larry Fobbs Special to the Roundup Aurora Ramirez
aramirez.roundupnews@gmail.com cislas.roundupnews@gmail.com
Angela Tafoya Return: Pierce College safety Austin Stewart returns a punt against L.A. Southwest College Saturday Oct. 29. Emad Abassi Dribble: Pierce College midfielder Daisy Alvarenga dribbles away from two Bakersfield College’s defenders.
course list is available online at http://tsengcollege.csun.edu/summer
$380 per unit

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