Volume 117 Fall 2012 Roundup Issue 11

Page 2

The Pierce College women’s volleyball team won their third straight state championship after defeating Golden West College in straight sets 25-20, 2521, 25-22, on Sunday in Fullerton, Calif.

Sophomore outside hitter Sakurako Fujii was named Tournament Most Valuable Player after leading the Brahmas with 17 kills in the championship game.

“I can not say anything right now,” Fujii said after the award ceremony following the championship match. “I’m so emotional.”

No words were necessary as Fujii faced Pierce head coach Nabil Mardini and bowed after accepting her MVP award.

He then bowed as they both broke into smiles and hugged.

Mardini who can be found on the sideline with a poker face, couldn’t hold back his emotion after the game.

“The girls deserve it, I’m thrilled and I’m so happy for them,” Mardini said.

Mardini spoke of his plan to remain hands-off during the championship match.

“At this point you train them, you give them all the tools, and what they do with it is up to them,” Mardini said. “I had no doubt they would win.”

Golden West head coach William Lawler knew that his players did not play to their potential.

“We can handle them, we can hang with them, and we can beat them,” Lawler said of the Brahmas.

Lawler added that the Rustlers did not execute their gameplan enough to beat Pierce.

He was also was unpleased with

Fall 2012 Finals schedule online

the double elimination format, and felt that it contributed to Golden West’s loss.

“It’s a tough format and basically the girls are tired, “ Lawler said. “I thought they did an excellent job of giving it maximum effort.”

Pierce sophomore middle blocker Jessica Burns recognized that Golden West faced a difficult challenge having to play back-to-back games, but did not accept it as an excuse.

“We went through it yesterday, now it was their turn,” Burns said. “They couldn’t pull it out of the bag like we could.”

The victory, which extended the Brahmas winning streak to 66 consecutive matches dating back to 2010, came a day after tough battles against Santa Rosa College and Golden West on Saturday.

Golden West came within a few points of ending the Brahmas’ streak and bid for another perfect season, allowing Pierce to come back to defeat the Rustlers in five sets (24-26, 25-21, 21-25, 25-21, 15-10).

The Brahmas have a few more tricks to pull out of their bag as they all face

finals in the weeks to come.

Pierce College President Kathleen Burke-Kelly was in the stands as the Brahmas claimed the state championship, but reminded the team that their win was only temporary.

“What we have to do is make sure they complete their academic program because that’s the really long lasting part,” Burke-Kelly said.

As the final point was scored the Brahmas gathered together one last time and chanted as they had in the previous games.

“You wish you were a Brahma,” they repeated three times.

For sophomore outside hitter and First Team AVCA All-American Danetta Boykin it would be the last time she chanted and the last time she would wear her Pierce uniform, having never lost a match at as a Brahma.

“I just can’t believe I’m done right now,” Boykin said. “That’s the hard part, I have to move on.”

PIERCE WEATHER REPORT RU ONLINE? Woodland Hills, California Volume 117 - Issue 11 December 5, 2012 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 Mon.– Dec. 10 High: 64° Low: 46° Sunny Wed.– Dec. 5 High: 74° Low: 50 ° Partly Cloudy Wed.– Dec. 12 High: 66° Low: 45° Sunny The Pierce College Weather Station has provided meteorological data to national agencies since 1949. Information for this week’s report comes from meteorology student Kevin Gabriel, who volunteers at the station. Thur.– Dec. 6 High: 73° Low: 48° Partly Cloudy Fri.– Dec. 7 High: 72° Low: 49° Sunny Sat.– Dec. 8 High: 71° Low: 48° Sunny Sun.– Dec. 9 High: 68° Low: 46° Sunny Tues.– Dec. 11 High: 67° Low: 47° Sunny A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION Roundup www.theroundupnews.com Scan QR code with your mobile phone to jump directly online Women’s volleyball squad battles top California teams, returns home as triple state champions Matt Gottesman/Roundup mgottesman.roundupnews@gmail.com UNSTOPPABLE
Todd Rosenblatt/ Roundup Brahmas huddle around the 2012 CCCAA trophy at Fullerton. Steve Palma/Roundup
Boykin crushes a spike over a Golden West defender on Sunday. Carpio/ Roundup Sakuraku Fujii is
overcome with emotion after the win.
Steve Palma/ Roundup
women’s volleyball team collapses into
heap celebration after beating Golden West College to claim the 2012 California Community College Athletic Association State Championship Sunday.


Construction continues congesting campus

Opening up pathways between the Mall and Village would alleviate foot traffic

Ever find yourself walking down the Mall and admiring the gorgeous scenery all around?

The lush green grass, the majestic bull statue, the pristine fogging fountain, and all of that heavilytarped chain-link fence covering up construction zones. Beautiful, isn’t it?

According to the map of the campus on Pierce’s official website, 11 of the 55 building on campus are under construction, a perfect 20 percent.

However, nine of those 11 buildings under construction are located on or close to the Mall, effectively separating the campus into two halves.

Needless to say, the construction zones lining the Mall need some re-evaluating.

Pierce’s brand new, state-of-the-art library, which was scheduled to be completed by October of this year and fully operational by the beginning of the Spring 2013 semester, has been delayed until the Fall 2013 semester at the earliest after it was discovered that several features of the new building were not up to code.

It looks as if we’ll get to enjoy the view for a little while longer. Simply a joy, don’t you think?

Heading further South down the Mall, one finds the old Physics and Administration buildings, which sit half-finished and boarded up thanks to budget cuts that simply forced the college to stop working on them.

In fact, the entire East side of the Mall from Parking Lot 1 to Parking Lot 7 is lined with construction areas, save for the one small pathway connecting the gym and the Village to the rest of the campus that takes travelers through the S. Mark Taper Foundation Life Science Botanic Garden.

Not only is the walkway narrow and lined with sharp cacti, but the amount of students walking the path during the busy times of day on campus really makes you feel like part of a herd of cattle moving slowly to the next feeding ground.

Understandably, the powers that be have other things to worry about on campus, like whether or not Proposition 30 will truly save the college from all of these nasty budgets cuts, but surely something can be done to fix the school’s many construction problems.

Opening up a few more walkways between the buildings separating the Mall and the Village will alleviate some of the stresses and congestion along that lone trail and breathe some new life into that side of the campus.

Not much can be done with the library while they fix the mistakes, but some sort of positive news regarding the project would be music to the ears of the students that look at the building day after day and seemingly find no improvement.

Give us a chance to enjoy being on campus.

Where are students supposed to study?

College can get pretty overwhelming sometimes and without many places to rest, life at Pierce can get pretty uncomfortable.

With nearly 20,000 students roaming on our campus throughout the week, a few tables and chairs outside the Freudian Sip just won’t sit well.

As a commuter college, many students come in by bus, bike or board, meaning that they can’t just hop in their car and drive home during breaks in-between classes.

On any given day, students can be found seeking refuge from the unpredictable San Fernando Valley weather in the Great Hall, Library and South Gym, but these locations become crowded rather quickly.

So where can you go if you’re looking for a little peace and quiet when you need to study or just relax?

The new Library that is still under construction at the North end of the Mall seems like it would be the end for this problem, but with delays in development it looks like students are going to have to wait outside.

Even with the Great Hall being open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.and Friday

from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., some chairs and tables would give students a quiet place to study.

Tables and chairs have popped up outside the South Gym by the food trucks, but the arrangement only seats about a dozen people. Good thing we have our cafeteria.

Oh wait, we don’t.

There’s plenty of seating in the S. Mark Taper Life Sciences Botanic Garden, along the Mall, and some in the Village, but all are without shade.

Historically, our college has had some of the hottest days in Los Angeles County.On July 22, 2006 Woodland Hills reached a record high with 119 degrees Fahrenheit according to weather.com.

Though it might not seem like a big deal, the problem is more noticeable around finals week when students begin looking for a place to bunker down and study.. Well, at least we have extended Library hours so that we can study nice and cozy, all thanks to the Associated Students Organization.

Until the construction on our campus is complete, some overhead protection from rain and wind would be convenient.

Thumbs up & Thumbs down

Awesome Student Organization

A much appreciated thumbs up to the Associated Students Organization for funding to extend the Library hours during finals.

Taking away seats from classes

A disappointing thumbs down to students that take up spaces in classes only to drop them near the end of the semester.


Volume 117 – Issue 10

Opinions [Page 2]

-The same page from issue 9 was published again in issue 10. News [Page 3]

-Staff writer Oskar Gustowski’s name was misspelled in the byline for “Students hesitant about using North gym lockers.

Volume 117 – Issue 10/9

Opinions [Page 2]

-The correction that ran for “Religious dispute results in hate crime” is from Issue 7, not 8.


experience under


published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Opinion 2 Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 719-6427 Fax: (818) 719-6447 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com ROUNDUP Editor in chief UD Managing editor ...................... Jose Romero Opinion editor ....................... Calvin Alagot News editor .................... Monica Velasquez Features editor ................ Monica Velasquez A&E editor ............................ Natalee Ayala Sports editor .......................... Charlie Knapp Photo editor .......................... Jasson Bautista Online editor ............................ Jose Romero Cartoonist ................................. Austin Faber Advisers ................................... Jill Connelly .................................. Stefanie Frith ........................................ Jeff Favre Advertising Manager.................. Julie Bailey [For advertising call Julie at (818) 710-2960] Photographers: Emad Abassi Kristen Aslanian Carlos Carpio Danny Duarte Nadine Gostantian Sonia Gurolla Martin Lester Lynn Levitt Fariba Molavi Steve Palma Todd Rosenblatt Monica Salazar Riley Stigter Lauren Vellve Reporters: Billel Bensalem Duevone Broomfield Violet Canelo Mario Cruz Matt Gottesman Oskar Gustowski Michaia Hernandez Navid Khoi Nick McNamara Kashish Nizami Jackie Nova Kevin Perez Kirsten Quinn Gonzalo Rey David Schub Latrise Simpson Weather Correspondent: Kevin Gabriel Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to non-substantive editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials
the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not
of the Roundup.
necessarily that
newspaper is published
a learning
the college journalism instructional program.
editorial and advertising materials
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Photo by: Kristen Aslanian Illustration by: Austin Faber
With finals coming up and the winter cold blowing in, places to study are scarce

Making sense of the Pierce College budget

him on her own.

district’s decreasing finances.

Erika Monteleone, 25, can’t take as many classes as she wants each semester because she can’t afford to pay for them.

“I haven’t even paid off the classes I’m in right now,” she said. “I don’t know how I’m going to register for courses next semester.”

On top of paying her tuition and books, Monteleone, who is in the Registered Veterinary Technician program, has to pay off the student loans she received as a vocational school student before coming to Pierce College.

She ended up defaulting on her loans—which renders her ineligible for federal financial aid—after she says she found out that her school was stealing the money.

According to Monteleone, the school used $9,000 of her loans and stole $13,000 of her Cal Grants.

“It scared me away from going to school when I found all this out,” she said.

Even as a part-time student, Monteleone is having difficulty paying for necessities in classes.

She says she even failed her medical terminology class because she didn’t have the book with her.

On top of being a student in debt, Monteleone is a single mother of a 2-year-old boy.

When he was still living with her—until the beginning of the semester—she had to take care of

She moved out to Los Angeles to live with her father, who was supposed to take care of her son while she was attending school.

“He decided to change his mind,” she said. Because she had to take care of her son after he got out of day care, she can only take courses at certain times each week.

General situation:

Following the passage of Proposition 30, which temporarily increases income tax on high earners and sales tax for seven years, the district will receiving $15 million in deferral relief and $3.9 in growth, according to the Final Budget for 2012-13 from the Office of the Chancellor.

Despite this, the district still has a $35 million shortfall in base revenue from this fiscal year.

For the 2011-12 fiscal year, the district has faced over $46.4 million in cuts, according to documents provided by the LACCD Chief Financial Office. This totals to approximately 10 percent of the district’s revenue.

The final budget submitted by former Chancellor LaVista to the district’s board of trustees for approval reflects a total of $3.47 billion.

“I got lucky with the classes I got,” Monteleone said. “If I didn’t get into the ones that fit my schedule I wasn’t going to be able to go to other classes.”

Monteleone is one of around 30,000 yearly students at Pierce that is affected by cuts to education in the Los Angeles Community College District: raised fees per unit, significant cuts to courses, and the resulting drop in enrollment.

The recent passage of the governor’s tax initiative, which partly benefits higher education across the state, helps alleviate the

What it means for Pierce

Pierce will be adding between 100 to 125 class sections between the summer intersession and spring semester, according to Kathleen Burke-Kelly, the college president.

In line with this, the college will have more seats for enrollees next year.

The process of adding sections is only in its planning stage, according to Burke-Kelly.

Through shared governance, the school’s recommending bodies are

Student survey encouraged

The Diversity Committee of Pierce College is looking for responses from all faculty, staff and students regarding the Pierce Campus Climate Survey.

The like for the survey can be found on their Facebook page.


With or without Proposition 30’s allocations, the tutoring center will continue its volunteering program, according to Crystal Kiekel, director of the Center for Academic Success (CAS).

“The volunteering program is here to stay,” she said.

Incident Report for November

11-25-12 A male student assaulted two students in the library. 11-25-12 Two male non-students attempted to carjack a male in Lot 1. The case is currently under investigation.

11-26-12 A bike was stolen from the Center for Sciences.

11-27-12 Students items were stolen from a North Gym locker. 11-29-12 A bike was stolen from the mall.

waiting for proposals from their sub-committees, like scheduling advisory and resource allocation.

After the academic senate and college council go through recommendations, they will proceed to offer solutions to the president.

“In the end the decision comes to me,” she said.

Burke-Kelly added that additional revenue from Proposition 30 is specifically restricted from being used for administrative costs, like the cancelled cadet program.

“They really have to be frugal on services. The money goes directly to students,” she said. She does say that the line between administrative and educational costs tends to be blurry.

“Part of the problem with the Educational Protection Act is that it doesn’t have a complete definition of what’s allowed and not allowed,” she said.

Cuts to each college

Budget slashes for each college

under the LACCD are based on the school’s enrollment, or full time equivalent students—affected by the number of courses offered in a college.

the estimated percentage to be taken out of the revenue is then given to the administration of each campus, where recommending bodies such as the college council and its subcommittees put forward solutions to balance the budget.

“We try to give as many classes to students, but it also has to do with being fiscal stewards,” said Rolf Schleicher, co-chair of the Pierce council budget committee. “We’re trying to make smart choices.”

Additionally, the schools have control over the specifics of the programs and entities they will be sacrificing in order to balance their budgets. This is also applied when the district gets additional funds, according to Vinh Nguyen, director of budget from the LACCD chief financial office.

The district, which is maintained through state funding, lays out its financial plan following the California budget. Information on

Pierce—the third largest campus in the district—has faced the third largest revenue loss, following Los Angeles East College and Los Angeles City College. Since 2009, Pierce has had to cut $10,525,962, according to documents.

“We’re trying to reduce all possible expenditure we can cut,” Nguyen said.

“The issue is that over the last two to three years, we’ve been cutting. There aren’t too many areas to make cuts to anymore.”

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 News 3
“ I don’t know how I’m going to register for courses next semester. ”
News BRIEFS –Compiled by Roundup Staff
-Erika Monteleone Pierce College student
An in-depth investigation about how budget cuts are a ecting colleges all over the district Michaia Hernandez/Roundup mhernandez.roundupnews@gmail.com Information graphic by UD
“ In the end the decision comes to me. ”
[See BUDGET, RU ONLINE] Have your AA Degree? You Can Attend Law School. You can attend Trinity Law School upon completion of your Associates Degree. Go straight to law school. Save time, save money, and get a great education with unlimited opportunities. Apply today FREE!* *Application fee waiver code: JCA213 For more information: www.tls.edu Extra library hours for finals The library will be open the weekend before finals for those students that are looking for a quiet place to study. It will be open on Saturday Dec. 8 and Sunday Dec. 9 from 10 a.m.-3p.m. ASO to host open study hall There will be an open study hall for students in the Great Hall on Wednesday Dec. 5 from 1-7p.m. Food and drinks will be available for anyone taking part in the event. There will also be student mentors to assist any students.
-Kathleen Burke-Kelly Pierce College President
continues on campus

Finals are coming up, what’s your plan?

Thanksgiving has just passed by and that turkey has you tired and lazy, but oh no, it’s Finals week! Although most of you may not feel like studying, its crunch time and we have to pass this semester with flying colors. Here are a few tips and tricks to survive this upcoming week of college hell.

No partying and “hanging out” for a week.

Okay, I know it’s always tempting to go to that party this weekend and go out at night with friends, but just this week focus on studying. Reschedule that date night with your significant other or cancel those party plans because you’ll have all of winter break to just sit back and relax. Come into the week with a clear mind of any social events and dedicate this week to a complete study session.

Prioritize your finals

For me, Mathematics is the hardest subject on the

Ten tips for surviving and passing your final exams

planet. This means I have to dedicate most of my studying time on just math. Try to make more time for subjects that are harder for you and spend less time on the class you feel are easiest. This way, you’ll most likely get good grades on all your finals equally.

Make a study plan or agenda.

Plan your entire week around studying by writing down a list of things you need to do and study for. This will keep you organized and less stressed out because you know exactly what will be going on the whole week. An agenda can prevent you from forgetting an assignment you have to turn in or a study guide you had to review. It can also prevent you from pulling an all-nighter or missing a deadline.

Find the perfect place to study

Whether it’s the library on or off campus or your comfortable and quiet room, find the perfect place for you. Being in the right environment and being focused with out any interruptions is key when it comes to studying for that big test. Open spaces are a great place to study to keep your mind open and ready to be filled with useful exam information.

Form a study group.

Get a few friends from class to join in on a study

What happened to having class?

Growing up in the 50s there was always a high standard of clothing standards wherever you went. At church, a female wore skirts and blouses or a sweater top and dresses. A male wore suits. Going out to dinner was a chance to get “gussied up” and you wore your “Sunday go to meeting” clothes or something even nicer, special. It might even be an occasion to buy something new.

Schools had strict dress codes. If your skirt looked too short, you were sent to the girl’s dean. You would then kneel on a chair and if your hemline did not reach the top of the chair, you were sent home. If you were a guy, no cuffs were allowed, tee shirts needed something over them and you had to wear a belt. Oh yes, the belt went around the waist, not below the butt.

Then came Sonny and Cher, Madonna, and Lady Gaga. In the 60’s, the emergence of bellbottoms, bandanas and bare midriffs came into being, but never at school.

Restrictions became tougher and young men were kicked out of school for wearing dark brown pants that had a dark paisley print on them. It became a rebellious time. Twiggy was in and skirts became shorter and shorter.

The school system did not want to change their standards and in an attempt to make equal ground, the girls rolled their skirts up at the waist and rolled them down when the Dean or a tight nosed teacher was around.

It was “make love, not war, Woodstock and the English Invasion.” The schools started easing up on dress codes, as parents were now fighting for their children’s right of freedom of choice and self expression.

In a last ditch attempt, the churches loosened their standards on dressing, to bring the “flock” back home and allowed teens to come to church in anything they wanted to wear. It was then the schools lost total control on dressing standards.

While all these dress issues were going on in schools and church, changes were minimal in the workplace. The dress code standard had always been

demanding, but simple – Suits for women and suits for men (including a tie). Although jean Fridays or casual Fridays are now in place in many businesses, in general there is still a decorum, which represents respect, for one’s self and place of employment.

Some of the dressing standards today can be written off as a “fad’, like all the Madonna and Lady Gaga wannabes and can be tolerated for short periods of time.

You have probably figured out I am not your average 19 through early 20 year old student. I love clothes and fashion trends. I’m not calling for a return of the dress code of when I was in school, but is there a middle ground?

There is a point in time, when students need to go to work and current or lack of school dress codes do not address the issue of dress standards in the workplace.

The $150 a pair, torn across the leg, from groin to foot jeans are appropriate for clubbing, but not school and definitely not on most jobs.

I am just saying, really, how short should shorts be on a school campus? Should you even be allowed to wear them? Does your cleavage have to show down to your navel? Why are exposed midriffs tolerated, especially in the case of enthusiastic overeaters?

Hey men, do you really think you are attractive wearing, too low, too baggy pants, with 5 inches of underwear showing? Oh please!

Only a year ago, a young man was thrown off an airplane because of baggy pants and underwear showing. There are dress standards in the real world.

There needs to be a dress code across the public school systems. It has to be clear cut, easily defined.

History has to be recalled and standards in the school system, need to identify this major issue as a missing link in preparing young adults for the working world.

I’m sharing with you as a manager and owner of my own business, for thirty-five years. I’m telling you, what you wear and how you wear it matters!

It is a tough world out there and your lack of dress etiquette will cost you the job. So pull up your pants and let your hems down. The real world is waiting for you.

group. Helping each other and talking about what will be on the test is a great way to learn the material efficiently and effectively. Choose a focused set of classmates who are just as committed as you are to get the grade and help each other study.

Ask for help.

If you’re having trouble understanding the material after seeking help from other classmates, make time to talk to your professor during their office hours. Talking to your professor is probably the best way to have an understanding of what will be on the exam. It may be the best way to understand the material. Don’t be shy and pick your professor’s brain because they are the only ones that know exactly what will be on the test.

Take good notes and use flash cards.

Taking good notes is essential when studying for an exam. Some students find that when they write things down they are more likely to remember the information. Take clear and organized notes in order to be able to review them later. Flash cards are a great way of studying as well because the cards can be taken anywhere to get a bit of extra studying time in during the commercials of your favorite show while you are

taking a quick break from studying or to review right before the test if needed.

Take breaks.

Although this week is dedicated to intensive studying, you have to take a break after a few hours of hard work. Have a snack, listen to music, or watch your favorite show for about 20 minutes. Your brain needs to relax in order to keep up the good work.

Sleep well and have a good breakfast.

The night before your finals, make time to have a good night’s rest. This is important because your mind has to be well rested in order to recuperate from all that studying you’ve done the whole week. Also, have a good meal before your exam to feel refreshed and ready for the hectic day ahead. You don’t want your stomach growling during that final!


Finally, take a breather and relax. I know it’s been a stressful week and those test have probably given you anxiety, but all that hard work and studying will pay off.

After planning your study week, forming a study group, talking to your professors, and studying thoroughly, you are almost guaranteed to pass these exams. Now follow these tips and start studying!

Brahma pride is lacking

As I walked across the Pierce College Mall on Monday after class, I noticed a strange coincidence. While rushing across the Mall, a student wearing a UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) shirt passed by me rapidly. Nearby, another student sporting a USC (University of Sourthern California) sweatshirt talked and laughed with some friends.

Later on that day, I ran into a friend of mine on campus. To my surprise, he was wearing a sweatshirt that read “CSUN” (California State University, Northridge) in big, bold letters.

Ironically, I did not see anyone on campus wearing a Pierce shirt, sweatshirt or other clothing item that day, besides a couple of athletes in their team gear. In fact, I actually have trouble recalling if I ever have since I began attending Pierce three years ago.

“I mostly just come here for my classes,” said Ryan Jacinto, a junior graphic arts major. “I guess because I’m not very interested.”

Jacinto’s view reflects that of many other Pierce attendees. Being community college students aspiring to transfer to four-year universities, many students tend to think more about their hypothetical future in other schools than their present at Pierce.

“I mean I love Pierce, but I’m trying to get out like everyone else,” said Lee Khadim, a sophomore business administration major.

“It’s like you’re supposed to have spirit and you’re supposed to enjoy your time here, but your ultimate goal should be to get out,” he said. “You know, it’s like two years here, and out.”

Another common reason for the lack of school spirit is because many students spend little time on campus outside of the classroom.

For many, Pierce is a commuter school, a quick stop before heading to the next place on their often busy schedules.

“I just kind of come to class and go home,” said Joshua Scharf, a sophomore undecided major, who also mentioned that he has yet to attend an event on campus.

“Between work and being tired, not enough energy and time I guess,” Scharf said, explaining his lack of school spirit.

However, other students are proud Brahmas, despite it not always being physically apparent.

“Yeah, I have school spirit,” said Eric Mack, a senior accounting major. “Just the whole get down. It’s a nice school, the professors are real good.”

Mack said he attended some football games at Pierce and enjoyed the atmosphere.

“It was all good. It was awesome,” he said. “A lot of the students came out and the school gets involved with the sports and with the sports community.”

Travis Hernandez, a senior registered veterinary technology major, also said he is proud to be a member of the Pierce community.

“Yeah, [I have school spirit] and I like it here,” he said. “Just its reputation. It’s a great school and it’s famous for different things.”

Although many see Pierce simply as a stepping stone for a larger objective, I believe more students should be proud to be Brahmas and appreciate their time here, like Mack or Hernandez.

While most of us do indeed have plans involving bigger, more reputable colleges, the truth remains that we are still Pierce students. We should be proud of receiving the chance to learn and progress, and should enjoy the various events –sports, performing arts shows, art exhibits– offered by the school on a regular basis.

Despite being just a community college, Pierce is a great school – one that people all over the world would love to attend. I, for one, can say I am a proud Brahma.

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Opinion 4
It seems real world standards have simply gone out of style
Opinion Staff Photographer
Comic: Jay ‘n’ Rodney
Opinion Staff Photographer
With so much to offer, Pierce students should show support
For more comics visit: www.theroundupnews.com No Photo Available No Photo Available

Disney’s ‘A Christmas Carol’

For holiday cheer, watch a free screening of the film at Laemmle Playhouse 7 in Pasadena on Dec. 15. Enjoy kicks and giggles with your family, and walk through the neighborhood eclectic shops after the show.

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SANTA Monica Pub Crawl

For good drinks, great music, and the chance to help out the local community sign up for the 4th annual event that benefits Westside Food Bank. For a minimally donation, you can experience the event on Dec. 15 beginning at 5 p.m.

Minimum donations start at $10.


(323) 330-9559

Universal Studios City Walk

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100 Universal City Plaza Universal City, CA 91608

(818) 622-4455

Woodland Hills Ice

Find your groove on ice with friends and family at the outdoor ice skating rink located in the northeast corner of the Westfield Promenade parking lot. The rink is open from Nov. 2 to Jan. 27, 2013.

6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Woodland Hills, CA 91367

(818) 854-4151

Staples Center

For concert goers and basketball fans alike, you can catch Lady Gaga, Muse, Kobe Bryant, and Blake Griffin all in one hot spot. Whatever event you choose, you’re more than likely to have a great time.

1111 South Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (213) 742-7100

Candy Cane Lane

Looking for something fun and free to do? Drive through “Candy Cane Lane” neighborhood where residents have glamorized their homes with colorful lights, reindeer, and any imaginable décor. To experience the lights, exit Winnetka Avenue off the 101 North freeway, head north and turn right on Oxnard Street.

Pierce College Theatre

Starting Dec. 7 through Dec. 16, Pierce’s second production, “Art” will present bundles of laughter for all to enjoy. Come support the theater department and catch a few laughs while you’re at it.

Performing Arts Complex

6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 (818) 719-6488

L.A. Live

Just across the street you can keep delighting yourself with concerts and even comedy shows at Nokia Theater. Or you can experience the ‘The Dark Knight Legend’ exhibit on the venue’s deck and encounter music’s legends at The GRAMMY Museum.

800 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (213) 763-5483

Together As One

‘The Nutcracker Swings’

Get in to the holiday spirit by watching a classic performance by the City Ballet of Los Angeles. Experience the show at the Wilshire Ebell Theater on Dec. 21 and 22.

743 Lucerne Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90005 www.cityballetofla.org

Plane crash hero acts out of instinct

Pierce student responds to emergency landing at CSUN

Driving down Zelzah Avenue, Erick Rodriguez Jr., 20, thought he saw a remote control plane out of the corner of his eye.

But this was no model plane falling to earth.

This was real.

A Cessna 206, tail No. N5229U crash landed in a field on the California State University, Northridge campus off of Zelzah Avenue and Plummer Street on Sunday, Nov. 25, leaving the pilot and passenger with minor injuries, according to ABC News.

The plane had lost power in transit to John Wayne Airport, and the occupants, a married couple, attempted to make an emergency landing on the CSUN soccer field according to ABC.

That is where Rodriguez Jr. came in.

For Rodriguez Jr., a communications major at Pierce College, this Sunday started off in Riverside.

He had spent the night at a friend’s house and woke up at 6 a.m. to drive home after a night of bowling.

Rodriguez Jr. arrived home by 7:30 a.m. and slept for an hour before getting ready for a Sunday church service.

He and his roommate, Semaj Ray, left and were in church by 10 a.m.

corner of his eye.

“I thought it was one of those toy, machine planes that people play with that are huge but not lifesize,” Rodriguez Jr. said.

But looking again, Rodriguez Jr. saw the reality.

“It was a final destination type moment where it just came down, hit the fence, hit a tree and flipped over,” Rodriguez Jr. said.

The plane flew parallel to him for a moment before crashing, he said. Had the plane not landed how it did, Rodriguez Jr. said he thought the situation could have been quite different.

“If it wouldn’t have hit the tree it probably would’ve landed in the street and hit me,” Rodriguez Jr. said. “The more I thought about it in the days after, I was like ‘damn that would’ve hit me.’”

Out of instinct, Rodriguez Jr. and Ray decided to go help.

“There was no second thought between the both of us,” Rodriguez Jr. said.

Rodriguez Jr.’s father, Erick Rodriguez Sr., was not surprised at all about Rodriguez Jr.’s actions.

“He’s very kind and caring person,” Rodriguez Sr. said. “He’s the kind of kid that would give you his shirt, even if it was his last shirt, just because you need it.”

Rodriguez Jr. parked the car and he and Ray ran to help without even closing their windows.

The first thing Rodriguez Jr. saw was the woman’s leg sticking out of the window of the plane.

“I thought the lady was going to be in pieces,” Rodriguez Jr. said. “I’ve seen pictures of crashes and stuff like that before. It’s a very blessed situation.”

The two ran towards the plane, finding leaking fuel and flames.

“I heard someone shout ‘don’t go over there, there’s gas and fire’ but I just kept going,” Rodriguez Jr. said.

The two began knocking on the plane to see if the occupants were all right, and they responded. Before they could think of a way to pull the two from the crash, another bystander came to help.

“Me and him actually got in a little argument over some dumb stuff,” Rodriguez Jr. said.

After the church service, the two had reconciled and went out with a group of friends to the Topanga Shopping Mall and had lunch.

The group left the mall around 2:30 p.m., and Rodriguez Jr. and Ray dropped off one of their friends before beginning to head home.

The two were driving up Zelzah Avenue at about 3 p.m. when Rodriguez Jr. saw something out of the

“This guy came out of nowhere and ripped the door open,” Rodriguez Jr. said. “I don’t know if there’s a handle on the plane, but he just ripped it off with his bare hands, no struggle or anything which was pretty berserk.”

Rodriguez Jr. and the man pulled the woman from the plane and handed her to Ray and another bystander. They then went back for her husband.

Kick off the new year with style and let 2013 ring in with raving music. Although this year’s lineup has been kept tight-lipped, it’s still sure to be a smash hit.

The Shrine Expo Hall

700 W. 32nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007


ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Arts & Entertainment 5
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“ I heard someone shout ‘don’t go over there, there’s gas and fire’ but I just kept going. ”
-Erick Rodriguez Jr. Pierce College student
Compiled by Natalee Ayala Illustration by Austin Faber

On the front lines and the sidelines

When athletes get hurt during games and the crowd goes silent, all eyes turn to a small team that springs into action who assess the athlete’s injuries. They are known as the Sports Medicine Department and determine whether athletes can return to their game or need care. This is just one of the many responsibilities that the Sports Medicine Department perform. Although they are a small team that consist of two instructors, one intern and five students, the whole athletic department depends on their expertise at every sporting event. The students are volunteers and don’t receive college credits, but get hands on experience. With such a small group the departments most difficult task is to make a roster of who will be at what game and the hours they would work. The 2012 fall semester became one of their busiest times with some teams going to playoffs and others playing at championship games.

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Photo Essay 6
Edelyn Rojo and Robert Horowitz treat Volleyball Jessica Burns in the sports medicine office. Kelly Olson wraps Mitch Geib (55) football players during half time. Bottom Left: Amanda Garcia and Athletic trainer Leonard J. Ramirez wait on the sidelines for the soccer game to begin against College of the Canyons. Bottom Right: Students Edelyn Rojo and Vanessa Reyes treat volleyball players after a game. Photos by Carlos Carpio

To: Dr. Kathleen Burke-Kelly (Pierce College President)

From: Health 11 Students (Fall 2012, M-W 11:10AM- 12:30PM)

Re: Professor Diane Kelly

Date: November 26, 2012

Dear Dr. Kathleen Burke-Kelly,

While most people understand that teachers are very important in the lives of their students, many teachers don’t realize how much they can truly impact their students’ future lives. This goes much deeper than the lessons that are being taught. Health Professor Kelly is one of the few professors at Pierce Community College who has really made an important and lasting impact on students.

First, Professor Diane Kelly challenges us in ways we never imagined. She is not only a dynamic teacher, but a great mentor who makes the subject of Health, interesting and enjoyable. She has instilled in us the desire to continue learning about our bodies and the effect that people and the world have on us. More importantly, she has taught us that we have the freedom to look beyond the obvious when it comes to our lives, our bodies and the way we treat ourselves and others.

Secondly, when Professor Kelly informed us that this semester would be enlightening and empowering, she definitely did not exaggerate! She was clear and open about her desire to educate us on the “latest concepts in health, including concepts in alternative medicine and the human energy system”. This was evidenced the first day of class when she explained that this class would not be your “typical” health class. When a few students chuckled (to divert attention from a subject they were obviously uncomfortable with) she reassured us that discomfort may be a side effect for some, but if we allowed ourselves to become “critical thinkers,” this class would prove to be life altering. For the few students who may not have been as receptive toward certain topics, she made it a point to offer them an opportunity to speak with her privately in an attempt to find alternate ways for them to garner the vital health and life lessons from the class as well.

In addition, we were truly impressed with the contribution Professor Kelly has made in the field of health. Her textbooks, “Health In Action” and “What’s Up Within” have proven to be empowering and life changing for most of us - not to mention cost effective for the average struggling, cash strapped college student. Currently, students are being squeezed hard with increased tuition, limited classes, book prices and other ancillary costs. Allowing instructors the option to utilize text books they have written and students the ability to purchase them, is one area we feel colleges can perform a fairly useful service for students. What is more important, profits or the accessibility of information? As students, we still get the same quality content, written by our own professors, but at a fraction of what it costs to purchase textbooks traditionally. Professor Kelly also offered students who expressed financial hardship, a complimentary copy of the textbooks!

In conclusion, Professor Kelly has provided an eloquent and clear voice to the ideas so many of us feel but do not always know how to express. She is an example of the vast difference an instructor with deep convictions can make. She has helped us realize that we, too, can make a difference. She pushes us to dream of what is possible, rather than settling for what is.

As a result, when this semester has ended, Professor Kelly’s words and vision will represent the best of what we hope we can be. We’ve signed this letter with hopes the Academic Department truly recognizes her commitment to representing Pierce as a professional, compassionate and ahead of the times, academic establishment. In a competitive marketplace, such as the Community Colleges, loyal committed instructors are paramount in “setting the pace in community college education,” helping to ensure Pierce College continues “to be recognized as one of the most respected community colleges and transfer institutions in California”! We say “Thank You” to Professor Kelly for her guidance and “Thank You” to Pierce College for hiring passionate, caring and dynamic educators of Professor Diane Kelly’s caliber! We trust Pierce College will continue to afford her the opportunity to positively impact the lives of their future students.

Sincerely, Health 11 Students (Fall 2012, M-W 11:10AM- 12:30PM)

The following are signatures of students currently enrolled in Professor Diane Kelly’s Health 11 class (Fall 2012, M-W 11:10AM- 12:30PM) For the record, our signatures are VOLUNTARY and submitted as evidence we are in AGREEMENT with the above letter.


Sandra Quintanilla

Pam Gochin

Pouya Lavaaldin 57. Elelfrida Sahakyan


Blake Johnson

12. Steven Trirogoff

35. Sam Zayan 58. Michelle Rivas

13. Azita Dehghani 36. Abbasi Meraj 59. Marias

14. Kevin Santome 37. Shahira Karemi 60. Bianca Martines ****

15. Chris Hernandez 38. Hector Contreras 61. Loralei Quitos There were several (4) other signatures

16. Aldo Zamora 39. William Granados 62. Bryan Castaneda submitted, but since the names were

17. Bin Shen 40. Arisha Bano 63. Janel Leuterio not completely legible, they were

18. John Pena 41. Silvia Martinez 64. James Trieu omitted. Our sincere apologies for

19. Tran Nguyen 42. Christopher Ferguson 65. Thomas McDermott these omissions.

20. Carlos Aguirre 43. Jacqueline Jetter 66. Katelyn Bergman

21. Myles Robinson 44. Claudia Aguilar 67. Claudia Delgado

22. David Alvarenga 45. Quang Ngyun 68. Tanjim Chowdhury

23. Jennifer Sanchez 46. Salvatore Accardo 69. Paula Lopez

cc: Anna Davies (VP. of Academic Affairs) Mary Anne Gavarra-Oh (Dean of Academic Affairs) Donna-Mae Villanueva (Dean of Academic Affairs)

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Advertisement 7
1. Robin Anderson 24. Daniela Cardona 47. Anthony Neyer 70. Kevin Torres 2. Vanessa Lindsey 25. Cesar Torres 48. Brittani Elser 71. Pablo Gonzalez 3. Elaheh Ghavimi 26. Rylee Evans 49. Paige McFerren 72. Alejandra Leon 4. Maria Arenas 27. Greg Ramirez 50. Jorge Nava 73. Jessica Clenegas 5. Tanya Bean 28. Magdaleno Romero 51. Eric Waters 74. Alexandr Kolesnik 6. Akhmad Kobakival 29. Cruzmari
Camila Cardona 75. Alyssa
7. Michael Strange
Paulina De La Rosa
Nick Mikhaylyants
Kandice Jefferson
Elaleh Chavimi 77. Talya Deluya
Vanessa Moncada
Jessica Sanderson
Ingrid Olvera 78. Abdullah Alqahtani 10. Tatia Calhoun
Sepideh Homami
Kevin Covarrubias


CHAMPS: Brooke Dawson (23) and Ashlea Smith celebrate a point during their state championship victory over Golden West College on Dec. 2. The Brahmas captured their third consecutive state championship, extending their undefeated match streak to 66 games dating back to the 2010 season. All graduating sophomores on the team leave Pierce having never lost a match in their Brahma careers.

Outside hitters become All-Americans

Kirsten Quinn/ Roundup kquinn.roundupnews@gmail.com

Two Pierce College women’s volleyball players were named to All-American teams, and Head Coach Nabil Mardini was named Southern Regional Coach of the Year, as well as National Community College Coach of the Year, by the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) for 2012.

Sophomore outside hitter Danetta

Sports Briefs

Men’s basketball places second at Antelope Valley Tournament Pierce’s men’s basketball team placed second in Antelope Valley College’s 61st Annual Gregg Anderson Memorial Tournament, losing to Ventura College 78-72 in the tournament’s championship game on Sunday.

Sophomore forward Codye Hatcher led the Brahmas with 25 points in the championship game against Ventura, while freshman wing Victor Evans led the Brahmas in scoring over the entire tournament, scoring 52 points over the team’s three games.

The Brahmas, now 8-2 on the season, defeated host Antelope Valley 70-63 in the first round of the tournament on Friday and defeated College of the Canyons 72-60 on Saturday to advance into the championship game.

Freshman point guard J.R. Williams led the team with 11 assists in the tournament, while Hatcher led the team, and the tournament, in total rebounds with 31.

Hatcher, Evans and freshman point guard J.R. Williams, who led the Brahmas with 11 assists, were named to the All-Tournament team.

The Brahmas will next face Mt. San Jacinto at 5 p.m. on Wednesday in Riverside during Riverside College’s Holiday Tournament.

The team’s next home game will be on Wednesday, Dec. 12 against Compton College at 5 p.m.

Women’s basketball fights back in Phillips 66 Classic Pierce College’s women’s basketball team came back from an early loss on Thursday in the 29th Annual Cuesta College Phillips 66 Basketball Classic to win its final two games in San Luis Obispo, Calif. over the weekend.

After losing to Sierra College on Thursday 80-62 in the first round, the Brahmas found themselves in the Consolation side of the bracket. The Brahmas bounced back with a win over Allan Hancock College on Friday 72-63.

Freshman guard Nichelae

Henderson, who was named to the All-Tournament team, led the Brahmas with 26 points on 9 of 11 shooting against Hancock.

The Brahmas next faced San Mateo in the championship of the consolation side of the bracket, winning 79-59 and earning fifth place for the tournament.

Sophomore center Kameron Jones led the Brahmas with 23 points to go along with 12 rebounds against San Mateo.

Henderson also scored 23 points for the Brahmas against San Mateo.

The team will next head on the road to compete in the Pasadena City College Tournament on Dec. 7.

The team will play in three separate tournaments in the month of December and will not play a home game this season until they face Ventura College on Wednesday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m.

Fall Postseason Awards

Football: First Team All-Pacific Conference

Beau Sandland TE

Jaelen Strong WR

Nick Arbuckle QB

Jens Jeters LB

Howard Wilder LB

Women’s Volleyball: First Team All-WSC South

Danetta Boykin (Conference MVP, 1st Team All-American)

Sakurako Fujii (2nd Team All-American)

Janelle Futch

Women’s Soccer: First Team All-WSC South

Jacqueline Hilario

Edith Dominguez

Janelle Topete

Women’s Water Polo: First Team All-WSC South

Sam Buliavac (Conference MVP, 1st Team All-American)

Leslie Vento

Monique Karaidis

Maggie Kurzeka

Sara Booth

Boykin was named AVCA First Team All-American, chosen from about 85 community college teams around the state of California.

“It feels great,” Boykin said. “It’s a great accomplishment for outside hitters.”

Boykin was also named Conference Most Valuable Player this year.

Sophomore outside hitter Sakurako Fujii was named AVCA second Team All-American.

“It’s always been a goal of mine,”

Fujii said.

Along with teammate sophomore setter Janelle Futch, Boykin and Fujii also made First Team AllConference.

Chosen by a panel of coaches, the players are selected based on their performances, stats and ranks, Mardini said.

“When your team is undefeated, they take that into consideration,” Mardini said.

This is the second time Mardini has been selected for Coach of the

Fall 2007 Fall 2007

Year, and he won by unanimous vote, Mardini said.

“It’s always nice to be acknowledged by your fellow coaches,” Mardini said. “But the girls help out a lot.”

Boykin expressed her feelings towards her coach’s work ethic.

“He’s a hard-working man, and his hard work is paying off,” Boykin said. “He deserves it.”

Pierce won their second straight state championship, extending their win streak to 66 games, on Dec. 2.

The Roundup extends a heartfelt thank you to all the local and national advertisers who supported the newspaper and the Pierce College campus community during the Fall 2012 semester.

We look forward to serving you again in Spring 2013

Happy Holidays Happy Holidays Happy Holidays

ROUNDUP: December 5, 2012 Sports 8
FREE Media Kits email baileyjd@piercecollege.edu or call: (818) 710-2960
Spring 2013 Publication Schedule
Feb 27th Mar 20th Apr 10th May 8th Mar 6th Spring Break Apr 24th May 15th Mar 13th Apr 3rd May 1st May 22nd
Carlos Carpio/ Roundup

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