Volume 127 Fall 2017 Roundup Issue 10

Page 7

Speaking through movement


Performing Arts Department presents "Pierce the Stillness" see page 5

Helping feed those in need

LACCD joins national coalition to support homeless students

A study conducted by the Los Angeles Community College District revealed that more than 60 percent of students experienced food insecurity last year, and 18 percent of those students were homeless.

To address the issue, the Board of Trustees announced in its last meeting that it was joining the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness to raise awareness and help provide resources. However, Pierce students have taken initiative and formed established groups that provide aid to students in need.

Nov. 11-19 is National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week and at Pierce, Students Against Student Hunger (St.A.S.H) will be having a plate signing event on the Mall, in which students will write on plates and express how they feel and experience going to sleep on an empty stomach.

Hearts beat for hoofbeats

The eighth annual Parade of Breeds showcased horses and included a halftime show tribute to veterans


More than 35 horse breeds stomped their hooves, strutted their stuff and trotted before a crowd to showcase their characteristics. Their long manes, diverse coloring, spots and even stripes, were on full display as spectators clapped and cheered for the exchange of horses in the arena on Saturday, Nov. 11. at the Pierce College Equestrian Center.

Gypsies, Mustangs, Appaloosas and Miniatures, just to name a few breeds, put on a spectacle for those attending the show by traipsing, turning, and even rolling over in the arena alongside their owners.

Adjunct instructor of horseback riding Katrina Britner said the Parade of Breeds is memorable for many people, including prospective students.

“You would be surprised how many students come here at 18 or 19 years old, and they remember going to the Parade of Breeds when they were a kid,” Britner said. “They were looking forward to coming here because they remembered this experience.”

Chair of the Equine Department Patricia Warner said she thinks exposing her students to this firsthand experience is beneficial.

“This event was basically a gift to my students,” Warner said. “I started this event about eight years ago, because the students said they couldn’t tell what specific breeds of horses looked like without actually seeing them.”

Christopher Lay, the advisor of St.A.S.H, referred to another recent study that states that onein-five students are homeless in LACCD.

“The need is out there. We just don’t have enough students taking advantage of what is available,” Lay said. “That’s why the constant effort of awareness is so important. That’s why next week is so exciting.”

Food donated to the pantry during the week will be available on the Mall during the plate signing event for students to stop by and grab whatever is needed.

Jordan Rice, the president of St.A.S.H, said that they will host a Thanksgiving drive and on the Mall Wednesday, Nov. 22. turkey, mashed potatoes and corn bread will be distributed.

“We’ll have options so people can create that meal and still be able to experience what a wonderful abundant holiday we have,” Rice said.

Rice said hunger is not just a student issue, it also affects others locally and statewide.

11, 2017.

The eighth annual Parade of Breeds was organized by students in the Horse Show Organization and Management Class. They prepared for 11 weeks since the start of the fall semester. This included: coordinating the parade, barrel racing, trick roping and a drill team performance. The Boots and Saddle Club and Pre-Vet Club partnered to help facilitate the petting zoo and face painting booth.

Transitioning from the culture of military life to civilian life can be tough for some veterans.

On Nov. 9, the Veterans Resource Center opened its doors to offer a place to build a community and help veteran students achieve their goals and ease the transition.

This new center is coordinated by Charles Johnson, a 26-year-old active duty Navy veteran.

Johnson said he is happy to be the coordinator of the center because he can relate. “I can actually show them how it works, that it works, and be an example for them to follow,” Johnson said. “The things I’m telling them I have already experienced myself.”

Johnson said one of his goals is

to make sure the student veterans understand how to use the Veterans Resource Center, the Counseling

Center and financial aid resources.

“Those three things allow you to be a successful student, to get

Equine Student Rachel Koch said she enjoys observing the horses in the parade.

you in the door,” Johnson said. “There are a lot of other factors but those three things are vital.”

Vice President of Student Services Earic Dixon-Peters is excited to see the college expand existing services and wants to focus on student integration, their connectedness, their engagement with the campus and with the Veteran Resources Center.

“One of the essential pieces of all of this is to increase our student engagement in terms of their academic engagement and allow them to feel comfortable and confident,” Dixon-Peters said.

He said he is hoping this new addition will increase the retention rate and graduation rate of student veterans.

“As a community, we have to recognize that this is a real issue. We are in L.A. It seems like we have everything. We are in the land of abundance, but of course there’s still people struggling and that’s not right,” Rice said.

Lay said students should not hesitate to recognize that they are in need of food.

He said students should take advantage of the food pantry created by the partnerships of St.A.S.H, the Associated Student Organization, the Brahma Initiative and all the volunteer students who have donated.

“It seems obvious, but we live in a society that stigmatizes food insecurity. People like to act like it doesn’t exist,” Lay said. “People are ashamed to not have enough to eat. If we are able to overcome that stigma, we can get people to come get food.”

Lay said that more college students are recognizing that they have to make a choice between education or a meal.

Woodland Hills, California Volume 127 - Issue 10 Wednesday, November 15, 2017 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00
[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]
Samantha Bravo / Roundup
A FIRST AMENDMENT PUBLICATION ROUNDUP www.theroundupnews.com Los Angeles Pierce College /theroundupnews @roundupnews /roundupnews /roundupnews /roundupnews RUONLINE?
The drill team (from left) Alexis Kiefer, Ana Quintanilla, Alyssa Larson and Sabrina Galasso, perform for the eighth annual Parade of Breeds for Veterans Day at the Pierce College Equestrian Center in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. YADHIRA GONZALEZ Reporter @YadhiraIGS
[see veterans on pg. 5] Student poet go to page. 4
Mohammad Djauhari / Roundup Michaela Shumpert, Allegra Edelnant and Jasmine Sanchez perform “Diamonds” during the second act of “Pierce the Stillness” on Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Performing Arts Mainstage.
Serving those who have served us Veterans Resource Center helps veterans transition to college life
Jose Herrera / Roundup Vice President of Student Services Earic Dixon-Peters and Adjunct instructor Charles Johnson speak to a veteran during opening reception for the Veteran Center at Pierce College in Woodland HIlls, Calif. on Nov. 9, 2017.
[see news on pg. 3]

From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial

With the inadequate and somewhat counterintuitive parking situation at Pierce College, it might seem that students who take greener modes of transportation have a more hassle-free time at school.

However, after taking a quick look around campus, it becomes clear that it is not much more accommodating for students who take their bikes or skateboards to school than it is for students who drive.

Though racks are made available for students to secure their bicycles during class, there is nothing offered to those who take their skateboards, forcing students to lug their boards with them wherever they go.

Also, there are no dedicated pathways for students to ride their bikes or skateboards at the college, and it is actually prohibited for students to do so on campus.

Pierce should take measures to accommodate students who ride their bicycles or skateboards to school by designating a bike lane in the Mall and installing racks where students can secure their boards.

Skateboard racks should be installed at key points to cover the campus’ needs—one near the Library/Learning Crossroads, one near College Services, one on the Art Hill and one to service the Village and Gyms. This would reduce the burden on students, because they would no longer have to carry their transportation with them across campus and into their classrooms.

From the company Boardloch, a 14-board rack costs $1,550. If the college were to purchase the suggested amount of racks listed above, the cost would only be about $6,200.


Volume 127, Issue 8, Page 2: The cartoonist Wyce was misrepresnted as Beck.

The University of California, Davis reported in 2014 that 47 percent of its students biked to school, which is reflective of a rising nationwide trend of commuting via bicycle. No similar statistic exists for Pierce’s student body, but assuming that the percentage of students who commute by bicycle is similar to what UC Davis reported, that


Joining a club on a college campus can provide a group of peers to a lonely student, offering a sense of being. They help promote friendships, better social skills, and encourage community service.

Volume 127, Issue 8,

would mean more than 9,000 Pierce students ride a bike to school.

Rather than obligating these students to walk their bikes on and off campus, Pierce should streamline traffic with a twolane bikeway that runs across the college. Each lane should be wide enough to accommodate cyclists

and skateboarders traveling single file in each direction— the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) specifies that the minimum width of a bike lane is 3-4 feet. The college could designate a 6-8 foot wide stretch of Mall that goes from the Library/Learning Crossroads to the College Services building.

A railing should be installed to separate the bike lane from the rest of the Mall to keep cyclists and skateboarders from traveling outside of the area designated for them. This would keep pedestrians safe and the bike lane’s traffic fluid. Simple conveniences such as these can lend themselves immeasurably to student success.

"JafarfromAladdin.Hejust hassomeswaginhim."

-Yazzmin Gaber, 18, Undecided

Clubs are a great way to find new inspirations, interests, or ideas. If all students were required to join a club, they would benefit by having a creative and social outlet.

An arts and crafts club on campus could give students the chance to be artistic, without being worried about a grade that would normally come from taking a class. A multicultural food club would offer people with different backgrounds an opportunity to come together, bonding over similarities and learning from others differences.

“12 Reasons Why You Should Join a Student Organization,” an article published by Bentley University in Waltham, Mass., suggests that joining a club is beneficial.

“Whether you join as a member or choose to lead one, simply taking part in an extracurricular group will enhance your school experience,” the article said. “Gaining skills, making connections, and broadening your knowledge through a student organization will help you become a more well-rounded individual — one that’s ready to take on their

future career!”

On the Pierce College website, there are more than 40 clubs listed, as well as additional ones which are not posted, for example the LGBTQ club.

When students feel lost in the stress and chaos of college life, a club can add balance and a fun way to spend the week. They establish a greater community on campus, as students can socialize with others who share their interests.

Club meetings tend to span an hour or two, and meet on campus. Times vary, which means there is no excuse for a student to not engage in an organization. This is beneficial not only because students come to school for class, but students without transportation may not be able to take part in extracurricular activities outside of the campus.

Club Rush, which takes place at the beginning of both spring and winter semesters is an event where various clubs set up tables and share their mission and philosophies. Students can travel among booths, signing up for an unlimited amount of clubs.

If students are required to join a club, the positive effects will outweigh any negative areas and help the student in a myriad of ways. Not only will members be fulfilled, but they will more be involved in the college community.



Damiesha Williams

Erick Salgado

Rebecca Schulman

Reza Razi

Shae Hammond

Sebastian Cornejo

Titus Littlejohn


Jill Connelly

Jeff Favre

Tracie Savage

Advertising Manager: Matt Thacker

*For advertising

For college students, joining a club can take more of a toll than provide resources. Every semester, there is an event on campus where dozens of college clubs can showcase their cause, and why you need to join their club. With this bombardment of information, and pressure to commit to these various organizations, students often say they feel pressured to immediately decide which club to commit to, and not when they can afford to commit.

An article published by Sunil Pandey of gethow.org in 2014 addressed the top reasons why students feel joining a campus club should not be required of them. The leading reason was distraction to studies.

Pandey argues that joining the social activity of a campus club can derail a student’s educational goals by taking their attention away from studying and aiming their focus at social gatherings to promote their club.

If students are investing hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars into their tuition, why should they be “required” to risk earning the best possible grades?

Although not all college campuses make joining a club a requirement for students to graduate, college counselors heavily influence students to make time in their busy schedules to participate in college clubs. The problem is that some students may have other

Cartoonist: Beck Shields Wyce Mirzad

responsibilities such as raising a family, working, or juggling all of that and full-time class loads. Joining a club could cut into their busy schedules even more.

Peer pressure adds to the stress of joining college clubs, amongst the pressure of counselors and club rushers.

In reported cases, college students become victims of hazing or bullying once they join the club, because it may be a social initiation protocol for that club’s agenda.

This happens to students when they are rushed or pressured to join a club and fail to research the club’s history.

In July of 2014, Calif. State University Northridge student and fraternity member, Armando Villa was pressured by his frat brothers to hike in extreme weather conditions in order to become officiated in to the fraternity, Los Angeles Times reported in 2015.

This resulted in Villa’s death by dehydration and a loss for his loved ones. Joining clubs could potentially be fatal, and death by hazing is common in larger universities like CSUN.

Although joining college clubs have benefits such as networking, resume building, and work experience, becoming a club member on campus should not be required for students because it could be more detrimental than beneficial to the student accepting the invite.


"HarleyQuinn.Herboyfriend istheJoker,andsheisher own character too. She was apsychiatrist,thenshemet theJokerandtheyjustcause troubletogether."

-CatQuisenberry,21, Undecided

call Matt at (818) 710-2960

the Sunday prior to the issue date. Editorial Policy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials.

Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience

under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

2 Opinions STREET BEAT Who is your favorite villian, and why? Quotes gathered by: Noah Goldbloom Photos by: Marc Dionne ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017
it safe, rack it up Letters to the Editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Phone: (818) 710-4115 Phone: (818) 710-4117 Website: www.theroundupnews.com E-mail: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com Editor-in-Chief ..................Samantha Bravo Managing Editor .....................Joshua Manes Photo Editor ................................Randi Love Opinions Editor .....................Dani Novazski Opinions Editor ..................Sarah Rosenberg News Editor................................Jose Herrera News Editor.....................Vanessa Arredondo Features Editor.............................Anna Clark Campus Life Editor..........................Daniela Torres Campus Life Editor...........................Brian Caldera Online Editor ............................Marc Dionne Copy Editor.....................Vanessa Arredondo Sports Editor...........................Felipe Gamino Sports Editor.............Andrew Fortin-Caldera Multimedia Editor........Mohammad Djauhari Reporters: Arielle Zolezzi Christian Juarez Jessica Vaughan Jordan Nathan Manny Luissi Natalie Miranda Noah Goldbloom Rocio Arenas Sandy Luque Sofi Matzaganian Steven Tan Taylor Thibodaux Yadhira Gonzalez Policy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m.
Illustration by Wyce Mirzad / Roundup
"TheDirtyBubblefrom Spongebob.Ithinktheidea of a sentient bubble that’s dirty,andthat'sthewhole thing.Likethat'swhyhe’s evil,andit’sreallyfunny."
-Jess Getter, 17, Music
You can find me in the club
Con: Not quite a club rat
"Magneto.IlikeMagneto becauseofwhathappened tohisfamily.Hehasgood intentions,buthe’salsomad. He’sacoolguy." -RoxyPilot,29,Geology
us at newsroom. roundupnews@ gmail.com
Page 10: James Couch was referred to as Jim Couch. See any corrections we missed? Email

Rise in thefts, community on alert

Deputies reported seven cases of stolen bikes in October and several classroom and office break-ins

Pierce College has experienced a rise in the number of thefts and sheriff’s deputies said they are taking preventative measures to prevent more crimes.

Within the last month, there have been seven bike thefts and classrooms and office break-ins, according to sheriff's.

Denise Robb, an instructor of political sciences, was the victim of an office break-in.

Robb received a text from a colleague asking if she had left her office window open, a window which she said she never opens nor knew that it could be opened. Robb couldn’t check the office herself because she was in a wheelchair since summer, so she called the deputies and they inspected the office.

“The sheriff said the window was open, and they asked me what I had in there and they took pictures of everything,” Robb said. “They stole my projector and my wireless speakers.”

Robb said that she had paid for all the items stolen from her office, and she had to rebuy replacement items with her money. Robb didn’t file a report because the officers told her that there would be a lot of paperwork and there would be a deductible of 25,000 dollars, which she said wasn’t worth it because the items stolen amounted to a lesser amount.

Robb now locks her cabinets to help ensure that her belongings are safe. Robb said that she has heard stories of other instructors

[Hungry and homeless from pg. 1]

Lay said food is necessary for life and learning. He said the pantry is a student effort, and he is amazed people are willing to help.

Lay said he is not aware of actions being taken by LACCD during National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. He said St.A.S.H has not yet asked for help from administration.

who have had items stolen from their offices.

“I’ve had things taken from my backpack while in the gym. My friends have told me they’ve had it happen to them as well,” said Marcel Addy, a communications major. “It honestly seems like there is a serial stealer, and he’s really got to be stopped.”

Deputy Lazaro Sanchez said

“At some point, we will be asking Pierce College, and then maybe even the district, for assistance, but right now, it is specifically students fighting against student hunger,” Lay said.

However, Rice said that LACCD is aware of hunger and homeless problems that many students face.

“LACCD has taken a proactive stance in understanding that we have a huge issue here where students on all levels are struggling and can’t afford to buy their own food,” Rice said.

that most of the bicycle thefts mainly occurred around Parking a Lot 7, where bicycle chains were being cut.

“We are doing more patrol checks in that area, as well as foot patrols and we are contacting more people that are in the area where the bikes were stolen,” Sanchez said. “As of now, it seems as though we have deterred

Chair of the Community Welfare Committee Gisela Tarifa said she works with St.A.S.H by helping them spread awareness about their issues and events. She said she coordinated the Thanksgiving drive, told STASH about doing the halloween costume drive and has been working on expanding their food pantry.

Tarifa said they are going to have about 50 bags with food, that feed two or three people each, and distribute them during the Thanksgiving drive.

“We know that there is a need for

Pathway for education

New program piloted to benefit student success

ANDREW FORTIN-CALDERA Sports Editor @afortincaldera

The statewide initiative Guided Pathways, designed to help students complete their educational goals, is being implemented in a number of community colleges and Pierce is taking steps to be involved in the program.

Guided Pathways provides a framework for colleges to offer students coherent educational plans and resources intended to increase the speed and rate at which they graduate.

“It’s a structured approach that helps all students, not just a pilot that helps maybe 30 or 40 of them,” said Vice President of Academic Affairs Sheri Berger. “With Guided Pathways, we’re taking a step back and asking how we can help students meet their goals in an organized way.”

According to Berger, the initiative will help students make informed decisions about what classes to take regardless of whether or not they have a declared major.

If a student is not entirely sure of what they would like to study, the educational plans created through Guided Pathways will ensure that the classes the student takes to explore options are relevant to what the student’s expressed interests.

Cabrillo College is listed on the California Guided Pathways

Brahma Blotter

These incidents were reported between Nov. 5 - Nov. 11


•Student Incident

Male student was walking around the Center for Sciences quad area talking to himself around 8:20 p.m. 11/9


Two male students near the North Gym were warned and asked to leave campus for trespassing during after hours.

If you witness a crime on campus or have any informatin report it to the sheriff's station.

website as one of 20 community colleges tasked with designing academic structures that will be implemented to aid students

In an email interview, Terrence Willett, Cabrillo College’s Dean of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, said that colleges applying Guided Pathways will adjust their enrollment processes and provide understandable direction to make it easier for students to take the classes they need.

“Colleges will restructure their programs and information to make the enrollment and registration process more clear and less frustrating,” Willett said. “Students will also have their major choices and career pathways simplified so they can start their process to certificate, degree or transfer in their first semester.”

Berger said that the initiative will also include support systems that will help students stay on the paths laid out for them. She said students come in and get their abbreviated education plans, but there is no support if problems occur.

“The Guided Pathways program is like building a highway to success; right now we’re building it, and we’re trying to incorporate various on-ramps by making student-ed plans more comprehensive and introducing cross-disciplinary teams that they can go to for aid,” Berger said.

According to Margarita Pillado, the Faculty Accreditation Coordinator, the program was

organized to address a noticeable decrease in graduation rates.

“Data across the state is showing that fewer students are finishing college with degrees. This is not a Pierce issue or a California issue, it’s a nationwide issue,” Pillado said. “The program is an effort to make sure that colleges intentionally plan a curriculum that works for students.”

Pillado said that Pierce has organized a task force to assess the college and ensure that it meets a set of criteria established by Guided Pathways. These criteria need to be met before the college can develop and submit a multiyear plan to implement the program and be reviewed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

A successful review, according to Pillado, will allot Pierce the funds to implement its vision of the Guided Pathways program.

Berger said the program will allow Pierce to operate more efficiently and help students realize their ambitions.

“Everybody wants to be someplace and has a goal, and we have to help you reach that goal. We shouldn’t be putting obstacles and barriers in front of that,” Berger said. “Sometimes, there are obstacles that are unintentional. This is an opportunity for us to really look at our structure and help all students reach their goals.”

the bike thefts for now.”

Sanchez suggested students get new bike locks instead of the old chains, because they are easy to cut with bolt cutters. The new locks have a much thicker metal, making it harder to break.

“We recommend always lock your belongings, roll up your windows, and don’t leave anything valuable in plain

it on campus, but unfortunately with the way the information has been spread out, we don’t know the right amount of bags that we should have for students,” Tarifa said.

Tarifa said the main goal this year is addressing the situation in LACCD that students are experiencing food and housing insecurities.

“A lot of students don’t say that they are struggling because they are afraid somebody will make fun of them or not understand them,” Tarifa said.

sight. Those things will greatly decrease your chance of having something stolen,” Sanchez said. Sheriff's said if anyone witnesses a theft or have any information about a crime, call the sheriff's office at 818-7196450.

Pierce College Sheriff’s Station

General Information:

Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311

Food pantry hours and location:

The St.A.S.H food pantry is open to students on Monday's 9:30 - 11 a.m., Tuesday's and Thursday's from 12:501:45 p.m. in IRIS 910

ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 3 News
Reported by: Jose Herrera and Vanessa Arredondo
GISday k, . Ifyou need an accommodation due to a disability to participate in this event please contact Mike Williams at williama3@piercecollege edu or 818-710-4178, at least 5 business days in advance Join us for a day of learning how geographic information system (GIS) technology is innovating the world of government, education and business! Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Pierce College - The Great Hall
Photo illustration by Randi Love and Marc Dionne The photo illustration above depicts a man trying to break a bike lock. According to deputies, campus thefts rose, and they are warning the college community to protect their belongings, whether it is their automobiles, bikes, or any other possessions.

Abiding by ‘chemis-TRY’ Professor uses science fiction and mobile apps in classroom

Oftentimes, the issue with effectively learning new material is the lack of confidence students have in the subject.

Benny Ng, an instructor of chemistry at Pierce College, thrives in the world of science, as he teaches his students through incorporating modern technology into the classroom.

Ng said he communicates and is patient with his students and offers individual and group tutoring as they work through the class. His goal is to show students that chemistry is easier than what they expected.

“When you look at chemistry, it’s an essential science,” Ng said. “Everything you see in your daily life can use chemistry. From that perspective, I think


and keep trying.”

master’s, and doctorate degrees from the University of California Los Angeles. Ng said the UCLA community taught him to be a researcher at heart.

“I like doing research,” Ng said. “But I want to teach. Every semester, I get 60-100 students, and if I can inspire a couple of them to do research, I can get more people interested in science. And I think I can make an impact that way.”

Ng also lectured at Cal State University, Channel Islands in 2011, teaching general chemistry and quantitative analysis to students of diverse backgrounds.

Ng said he is motivated to teach everyday because of the interactions he has with his students.

it’s really cool, making chemical properties to enhance everyone’s life.”

Ng earned his bachelor’s,

Ng was a general chemistry workshop facilitator at UCLA in 2009. He was part of a committee that “fostered a collaborative environment for 20 high-risk first-year students.” He then became a teaching assistant at UCLA in 2010.

“I think it is always good when they are participating,” Ng said. “I think the drive and motivation to learn that the students have, help me give my best effort everyday.”

Ng said the mission for his students is to ‘chemis-TRY.’

“I want them to keep trying,” Ng said. “For chemistry, you don’t need to be very smart. You have to have good study habits

Ng said teaching isn’t just about lecturing, he is also a supporter of science fiction and forensic science. He said that he likes to incorporate gaming into the classroom as well, saying it helps engage younger students who study better with the help of technology.

Ng created an app called “Dr. Benny’s Forensic Science,” which is designed to stimulate students’ thinking and get them ready for class. The game consists of a series of questions and has students use tools in the game to help Detective Benny solve the crime. Ng’s students said this gaming approach is

Former student Abraham Wesley Urias said Ng makes his courses tech-friendly for students. He uses educational apps for smartphones to instruct the class.

Urias said Ng begins his class everyday with an interactive quiz to engage students.

“It sparks a little competition so that way we warm up and get ready for the class,” Urias said.

Urias said he also has a lot in common with Ng because they are both military veterans.

“I could empathize with him, and we were able to have a closer relationship,” Urias said.

Ng said that he has a communicative approach to

teaching the material, and he tries to make chemistry a digestible subject, even for those who aren’t the best at science.

“Chemistry was one of those things to get through, but my experience in taking chemistry with Professor Benny is it hasn’t been one of those things you have to trudge through anymore,” Urias said. “You feel like you’re getting something out of it.”

Shohreh Khatami Ghazvini, a dental student in Ng’s class, said that he is a very patient person with a passion for teaching his students.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, he helps you in any way he can,” Ghazvini said.

Ghazvini said she admires how Ng aswwsures any student who has misunderstandings.

“For him, the term ‘loser’ doesn’t exst,” Ghazvini said.

“Everybody is a winner.”

Ghazvini said Ng’s interest in technology has inspired her to learn more about it.

“He was able to convince me that technology is not bad, it’s helpful, and he helps me one step at a time,” Ghazvini said.

Ng said a lot of his discussion in class and on his Facebook group, exclusively for his chemistry students, incorporates science fiction topics with present social issues.

“What would happen if aliens come to Earth and they commit a crime?” Ng said. “Do they get a lawyer? Does it apply to the whole universe? Science fictions have really good issues to talk about.”

Ng said modern technology stemmed from predictions in science fiction.

Ng said that his favorite thing about teaching is consistently updating his knowledge to keep up with the younger generations.

“The teacher has to constantly learn, not just the subject, but pop culture as well,” Ng said.


On a mission to form the creative space

Student inspires others to express themselves through writing

There is a newspaper at Pierce College for journalism students and a literary magazine for short story writers. But where do students go when they want to write for their own enjoyment? Nalia Frazier is trying to create that space.

Frazier, a psychology major at Pierce, hopes to develop a creative writing club dedicated to students who want to write and share their talents.

Her goal is to introduce students to a new way of showing their creative abilities when in comes to the English language.

“I want to create a safe space for poets and writers to feel comfortable reciting their poems and express their ideas and share their writing with others,” Nalia said. “Sharing each others art is the most important thing that you can do.”

Frazier said the main focus of the club will be poetry, but fiction, creative nonfiction stories and written narrative will also be present. Nalia said that she wants to bring more literature out into the open at Pierce.

Frazier said she has always had a fascination with writing. She spends many days writing poetry in one of the five personal journals that she carries with her everywhere. Whenever something inspiring occurs, she said she needs to jot

it down in a journal and let the creative juices flow.

“Writing has always been a part of my life, and I think that will never change,” Frazier said. “I am passionate about my writing, and I take it very seriously.”

Frazier said she’s been working hard this month to get her club into the public eye. She originally got the idea when she attended instructor Dustin Lehren’s creative writing class.

Lehren has agreed to become the club’s advisor, Frazier said.

“I initially went to Lehren’s class so that I could speak to his students about the club,” Frazier said. “I was looking for members and he allowed me the chance to ask.”

Frazier said that although clubs have been created and recruited for the fall, she will be able to get enough members to start sometime at the beginning of the spring semester.

When Frazier was younger, she said that she would make birthday cards for friends and family. She would often add some of her poems and said she was happy to make someone’s day a little brighter. These experiences gave her ideas about how special activities could benefit the club and increase its presence on campus.

“There is a lot of hidden talent out there. I think people will be super interested in this club,” Frazier said. “We are going to have a lot of different activities, group activities that will most likely attract new members in the future.”

An activity that she has in mind is a regular open mic night. Instead of the one that occurs once a year, multiple events could give more people the opportunity to speak

their minds through poetry or through one of their written pieces, Frazier said.

Erica Leduc, a linguistics major, said she is hoping that the club will be a success and

is very proud of Frazier and her goal of creating a writing club for students.

“She, in every sense of the word, is a poet,” Leduc said. “Her goal, now my goal as well,

is to create a space for people to be creative and learn for themselves what that means.

ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 Features 4
Jose Herrera/ Roundup Chemistry professor Benny Ng sits in CFS 92021 after he guided students in a lab experimenting Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. Jose Herrera/ Roundup Nalia Frazier, psychology major, sits on a bench outside the Library at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 6, 2017. Frazier writes stories and poetry to express herself and to tell of her experiences. She hopes to create a creative writing club on campus for others to share their work.
“I want them to keep trying. For chemistry, you don’t need to be very smart. You have to have good study habits and keep trying..”
[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]
-Benny Ng Professor

Dancers: piercing the still night

Weeks of strenuous work and nerves pay off for performers during sold out fall concert

Racham said every student should take at least one perfoming arts class while at Pierce.

Asold out audience, 46 dancers and 15 dance pieces. Ballet, jazz, hip-hop, modern, contemporary, tap and ballroom were some of the many music styles that flowed through the room. The “Pierce the Stillness” fall dance concert ran from Nov. 10-12 on the Performing Arts Mainstage. Faculty and student choreographed the dances in the performances.

Instructor Denise Gibson choreographed four dance pieces of the total 15 in the show. She said everyone worked hard, and she was happy to see a full theater.

“We love students to show off their hard work, and the bigger the audience, the more fun it is for them,” Gibson said. “They get more energy. It is always a pleasure to have a big audience.”

Gibson said she is proud of the student dancers because they go out of their way to make it to rehearsals and to shows. She said some of them take the bus to Pierce late at night.

“They are so devoted. I feel grateful and honored to work with all of them,” Gibson said.

Gibson said she is satisfied with

Dixon-Peters said there is a responsibility factor that lies on both ends. There is a responsibility for the administration and the staff to identify the needs and support for the veterans. There is also a responsibility of the veterans to take advantage of these services.

Anafe Robinson, the director of financial aid, veteran services and foster youth, wants to ensure that veterans at Pierce know

the performance, but nothing is ever perfect. “There is no such thing as perfection in live theater,” Gibson said. “That is why live theater is still loved, because you can’t do another take like you can in film; it is what it is that night.”

about services, such as receiving veterans’ benefits, financial aid information and all of the new services that will be provided with the new resource center. Her job with the veterans’ services is to provide support through a number of services, including financial aid counseling, monitoring the completion of assessment tests, orientation and counseling, and complete the certification for the veteran’s benefits.

BESA Club Meeting


• Come to Birch 1101 at 2pm on Wednesday, November 8th for a BESA club meeting!

• We will be discussing our next fundraising event for this semester!

• There will also be games that will help hone your business knowledge!

Come and have some fun!

Student dancer Kayla Racham said they rehearsed eight weeks for the show, but had only one day a week to practice.

“It was hard, but we ended up coming together during tech week to put the show together before we actually run it,” Racham said.

Johnson said that he hopes students visit the Veterans Resource Center because he thinks that it can be life changing of taken advantage of.

“No one is giving them anything,” Johnson said. “They need to be committed to the process of getting an education the same as they were committed to doing their duty in the military.”


Racham said some of the performers are Valley College students, others are from high schools and the rest are Pierce performing arts students.

Racham said when she goes on stage, it is inevitable to be nervous, but as she starts to dance, that feeling

starts to vanish, and she enjoys what she does.

Racham was surprised to see a full theater.

“It’s really nice to see everyone there supporting us,” Racham said.

“It’s a community coming together and having fun together.”

“It’s a definite need. It’s a great experience to go through, whether it is theater, art or dance,” Racham said. “It’s a great way of expressing yourself.”

Gibson said students choose what dance style fits their personality and move forward with that. They specialize in one or two styles, and that’s what they do on stage.

Giancarlo Zapata has been taking dance classes at Pierce for a few semesters now. He said his favorite music style is hip-hop.

Zapata was one of the 46 dancers in the recital. He said he goes somewhere alone and listens to music before going on stage. That’s how he prevents anxiousness or stage fright before a show, he said.

Zapata said dancing makes him feel free. He can be himself in front of everyone, and no one judges him. At the end of the day, it’s just a show, he said.

“Once you get into it, you forget everything and nothing matters, just you and the dance,” Zapata said.

Zapata said his instructors and choreographers are amazing, but strict.

For the full story vist theroundupnews.com

Contact BESA

Website: www.piercebesa.com

Facebook: facebook.com/ piercebesa/

Email: pierce.besa@gmail.com

ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 Campus Life 5
Weekly Calendar Thurs. 11/16 Fri. 11/17 Sat. 11/18 Sun. 11/19 Mon. 11/20 Tues. 11/21 Wed. 11/15
Reporter @yadhiralGS
ngoldbloom.roundupnews@gmail.com Vegan Day in the Great Hall at 9 a.m. Speaker Series in the Great Hall at 7 p.m. ASO Concert in Performing Arts Building at 1 p.m. St.A.S.H. Food Pantry in room IRIS 910 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. St.A.S.H. Food Pantry in room IRIS 910 from 12.50 to 1:45 p.m.
Act II of the 'Pierce the Stillness" dress rehearsals
Nov. 9, 2017. Library Hours 9:00 am - 3:30 p.m. UC Application Workshop 11am – 12:30pm Library Hours 10:30 - 3:30 p.m. Library closed. Vaccine Clinic 10 to 1 p.m. in the Veterinary Technology Building
Djauhari / Roundup
Dancers perform in "Boneyard
Auteur Film Festival in the Great Hall at 5
[Veterans story from pg. 1]

‘Watch me whip, watch me neigh neigh’

As horses gallop one by one through the arena, their cascading and colorful manes wow the crowd at the eighth annual Parade of Breeds. The free event was hosted by Paddy Warner and the equine students at the Equestrian Center on Oct. 11, 2017.

The event began with audience members guessing the breed of the horses and enjoying food and refreshments.

Attendees observed a variety of talents put on by experienced horse riders, who participated in trick roping and barrel racing activities.

Trick roping cowboy Franco Gonzalez showcased his lassoing skills before an audience of enthralled spectators.

Children enjoyed a petting zoo, face painting and craft table in addition to various photobooths.

The Equestrian Center hosted a performance from the drill team as they held wind-swept American flags while they rode in tandem, paying tribute to the troops during Veterans Day weekend.

[read full story on front page]

6 Photo Essay ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017
Copy by Damiesha Williams Left: Stephanie Arnold and her 10-year-old Friesian horse pose in between events at the Parade of Breeds near the Equestrian Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 11, 2017. Photo: Deivid Beytayoub Above right : The drill team perform for the 8th Annual Parade of Breeds for Veterans Day, held at the Pierce College Equestrian Center in Woodland Hills, Calif. On Nov. 11, 2017. Photo: Samantha Bravo Right: Rows of colorful horse shoes sit displayed on a table at the Parade of Breeds near the Equestrian Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 11, 2017. Photo: Damiesha Williams Below : Frank Gonzalez performs a lasso show for the crowd at the Parade of Breeds near the Equestrian Center at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 11, 2017. Photo: Deivid Beytayoub

LACCD stands with DACA

District cards help undocumented students know rights

LACCD is protecting the 11,000 undocumented students and DACA recipients in the school district by creating a task force that unites all nine campuses. The chancellor and board members of LACCD decided last year that they wanted to have a task force that would answer the question: what are we doing to support our undocumented students?

This coalition created the Know Your Rights campaigns, for which the LACCD created Rights Cards. These cards help undocumented students if they are encountered by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer.

"The purpose of the cards is for students to be aware of their rights when confronted by ICE so they do not run away and are not scared," said Jeannette M, a counselor at Pierce.

"A lot of people get scared and just start talking and self-incriminate themselves. This makes it easy to tell them what you need without saying anything at all."

The cards have two detachable parts in English and in Spanish, which can be torn off and handed to an ICE officer, and it will explain that you do not wish to speak to the officer, answer questions, or sign/accept documents based on Fifth Amendment rights under the United States Constitution.

"We are slowly creating opportunities for individuals who are possibly undocumented to know that they matter, and their academic success if important to all of us" said Juan Carlos Astorga, the Dean of Student Engagement. "We have amazing resources that these students can use to ensure their safety."

The card also addresses incidents that may occur at students’ home, explaining that ICE officers should not be given permission to enter the house based on Fourth Amendment rights, unless they have a warrant. It also had step-by-step directions that explain how to successfully handle an encounter with an ICE officer.

"The cards are helpful because sometimes, you just need that quick information that you probably don't have memorized, specifically in these types of events," said Efren Lopez, the president of ASO. "It gives you that power and that confidence to not back down in these types of confrontation."

The card also provides a list of resources, such as the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health, the Los Angeles Community College District immigration website, and the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. Rights Cards can be obtained from counselors as well as any of the DACA ally faculty members, all of which are listed on the undocumented students section of the Pierce College website.


Embracing cultural diversity

Global education promoted by International Students Club

STEVEN TAN Reporter @stevent_roundup

Jules Verne took readers around the world in 80 days in 1873. On Monday, Pierce students had the opportunity to experience it in about 80 minutes.

The International Students Club hosted Cultural and Diversity Day in the Great Hall at Pierce College on Monday to promote international education and diversity on campus.

"It prepares American students for a global environment, and it appreciates our diverse and international students here at Pierce College,” President of International Student Club Saman Karimi said. “I think it is the difference that makes us beautiful. If we are all united together, then we would have the power to unite the world to be better."

Karimi said that at the event they presented passports, stamps and foods so that students would feel as though they were visiting countries.

"We want them to learn something at our tables. To get the stamps, we are hoping they will learn the information and really remember and like it,” Karimi said. “We are also making them familiar with the food culture.”

Vice President of the International Students Club Viet Le said the event promotes diversity and helps foreign

The Associated Students Organization, International Students club and the Social/Cultural Committee partnered up for International Education Week. They held a Diversity and Cultural Day in the Great Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif on Nov. 13, 2017.

students who might feel lonely.

"Pierce is not just American. We have a lot of people from all over the world, and we want to celebrate and share their culture,” Le said. “We

know how lonely it is for a foreign student, and this will help them and promote their uniqueness.” Le said that he hopes students at the event will be engaged so they can

Don't stress, talk it out

Health Center offers group sessions for stress relief

Stress can kill.

But the Student Health Center hopes to help students find relief through group sessions.

There were five reported cases of students feeling suicidal during the semester, and they were provided with resources to aid them, according to an email sent out by the Student Health Center.

The Student Health Center provides clinical services, from flu shots to contraceptives. However, they have made it their priority to promote and raise awareness for mental health.

“Stress is a big inhibitor of success, whether that’s educational, occupational, or daily success. If more students can manage their stress, they’re going to do better in school and in life,” said Student Health Center intern Sarah Eckstein.

Eckstein is also a group session leader for the Student Health Center’s stress groups that meet Monday and Wednesday evenings.

The stress groups are led by mental health professionals, specifically pre- and postdoctoral interns who specialize in facilitating group and individual therapy sessions.

Eckstein said learning and practicing mindfulness, the process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present, is important in the stress groups. She said incorporating memberto-member feedback to show support and empathy for each

other during sessions is important.

“Some stress groups are more structured with providing coping skills and providing a space for students to talk about their experiences and experience a sense of universality,” Eckstein said.

With the fall semester coming to a close, many students may be dealing with stress in school as they prepare for finals while working long hours.

A 2011 report by Kim Kubicek of Western Kentucky University states that 30 percent of college students reported feeling overwhelmed for most of the semester.

Beth Benne, the Director of the Student Health Center, said she understands the importance of solidarity in stress groups because she attends group sessions for parents.

“There is tremendous healing and growth with the validation of your feelings. This isn’t abnormal and it’s normal to feel this way. That alone is such a weight off,” Benne said.

Students of all ages and lifestyles have stress, but Eckstein said the average age of group participants is 20. She said the Health Center does outreach during the week on the Mall, where interested students can sign up at the pop-up booth.

Students interested in joining are individually evaluated by a mental health professional.

“We get an idea of what they need and which group they would fit better with,” said Niaz Khani, the supervising psychologist.

The Health Center began offering mental health services in

A healthy alternative

First Vegan Day set to offer guests, games and goodies Thursday

When someone hears the term “vegan,” the common misconception that follows is that the food is boring and will cost a pretty penny.

The Vegan Society on Pierce College hopes to change that stigma with their first Vegan Day event in the Great Hall on Thursday, Nov. 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The objective of Vegan Day is to shed light on the benefits of being vegan, its effects on climate change, discussion of animal rights, environmental justice and health, Vegan Society President Erin Baker said.

Vegan Day has received attention from not only those on campus, but also from the outside community. The

club had to issue a statement via their Facebook page following the removal of the event on social media, clarifying the event is for Pierce students and faculty not open to the general public Throughout the event, many different speakers will talk about the different aspects of veganism. Guests can enjoy food, samples, games, and purchase goods at a bake sale.

Vegan Society Treasurer Galit Ashkenazi said the club wanted to create a line-up of guest speakers and games as opposed to a one-hour slide presentation event because they said it would help further the message and allow their audience to open up.

“We wanted to bring a bigger audience because, if you have one presentation, it’s going to be very much like you are going to another class and sitting down and learning something,” Ashkenazi said.

Ashkenazi said that having speakers who really believe in the message can make a difference on how the information given can be received.

“When we have actual people that are invested in the topic are talking about it, it really shows the enthusiasm and how one person can be so passionate,” Ashkenazi said.

Vegan Society Advisor Stephanie Winnard hopes to change the minds about veganism after the event.

“We hope to persuade as many people as possible to go vegan after attending our event. And that those who are already vegan will enjoy a sense of community and friendship,” Winnard said. “We hope to spread veganism to make the world a better, more peaceful place for all life on earth, including the animals, and also for future generations.”

1998 and started with five weekly hours of therapy for all students on campus. Now the center offers more than 100 hours for mental health treatment per week, and three full-time post-doctoral interns, in addition to Khani, are available for individual sessions.

Khani said mental health is becoming less stigmatized, and more people are coming in to the Health Center to receive help. She said the majority of participants discuss stress within their personal relationships.

“Sometimes it’s related to feeling overwhelmed and not knowing how to balance all the different things they have to take care of,” Khani said.

Khani said students also find it difficult to allocate time for self care. “If you’re not healthy, mentally and emotionally, you can’t focus. This is the best time to be able to build relationships, and if you’re not healthy, you may isolate,” Khani said. “It’s definitely going to affect your academic success.”

Oftentimes, Khani said, participants struggle when they “open up” and show their emotions during group sessions, but the reward is the connection they make with peers and with their therapist.

“Overtime, they feel more relieved because they let it out and they learned new tools to deal with stress,” Khani said.

understand how others think.

“I hope the students will not just be standing and waiting, but approach and be engaged by asking questions and being curious,” Le said. “You can

only truly understand somebody when you learn their culture and understand how they think and see things."

ASO Social and Cultural Committee

member Maryam Yahyaei said we should learn to understand each other and not base others on stereotypes.

"We want people to learn that they are so different from each other and have certain needs they need to consider,” Yahyaei said. “It's good for people to understand there are differences, but we should all learn to understand and accept each other. Don’t treat each other based on stereotypes. Although we are celebrating differences, we are actually becoming one."


Hi, tech internships

Symposium offers career guidance

Internships, resumes and personals experiences were shared by high-end representatives for the Career and Internship Symposium LA HI-TECH.

The event was free for high school students, but was also open to Pierce students in the Great Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 8.

Representatives from Google, Linkedin, Mitu, Aerospace Corporation, Venture Fuel and Data 360 gave students advice about jobs and the importance of thinking about their future career.

Program specialist Raffi Kahwajian said the event was to give high school students the opportunity to start working on their resumes and interviewing skills.

“Our partnered high schools were very collaborative throughout this entire process and they delivered,” Kahwajian said. “High schoolers don’t really think about their resume, or Linkedin or interview skills. Now they get to interact with these people from big name companies.”

Dalta 360 representative Marie Smith said knowing multiple languages can be beneficial for students, especially those interested in technology.

“It’s really an understanding of the culture of tech and what tech is about. Make some sort of effort of knowing it,” Smith said.

Students were able to ask questions, such as advice about internships, but also what struggles they stumbled upon toward attaining their career.

Smith advised students to not

let other people influence them in a negative way. She said people tried to talk her out of the path to her success.

Counselor David Turcotte said they organize these events for students to interact with professionals.

“The event was a good mix of matching high school students to work specific skills and exposure for what they’re going to need for the professional world,” Turcotte said. “We had a workshop for Linkedin where students interfaced with actual representatives and professionals that worked with Linkedin. It showed them the value of the site and how to create a profile.”

Google representative Josh Gwyther recommends that students start thinking about creating their own ideas with the tools available to them.

“Before you start working for someone else, take a stab at working for yourself at something you love,” Gwyther said. “For us, it’s the technical balance for Google, but more importantly, it’s your ability to learn. People that stand out, are the people who can take what they know and make something out of it.”

Representatives said they’ve seen companies hire the same amount of men and women in their fields.

“It’s very diverse, at least where I work,” YouTube producer Michael Gonzalez said. “It’s not everywhere yet, but it’s getting there, at least, hopefully, when you guys graduate.”

ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 7 Spotlight
Shae Hammond / Roundup
“Pierce is not just American. We have a lot of people from all over the world, and we want to celebrate and share their culture.”
-Viet Le
Vice President of International Students Club
rarenas.roundupnews@gmail.com tthibodaux.roundupnews@gmail.com sbravo.roundupnews@gmail.com

Communication is the key Club offers events and workshops to promote communication and sense of community

ANDREW FORTIN-CALDERA Sports Editor @afortincaldera

From British national debaters to Rate My Professor workshops, the Pierce College Communication Association offers students a myriad of ways to expand their horizons and immerse themselves in the field of communications studies.

The Association serves the Communication Studies Department at Pierce by connecting members and students to each other and faculty through a variety of campus events.

Club president Jacqueline Lopez has been involved with the PCCA since 2016, and she said that her goal for the club is to share the significance of communications to students studying other disciplines and offer a sense of community.

“We understand that, at a community college, students might be less eager to get involved than they would at places like CSUN or other universities,” Lopez said. “But the club wants to give the college activities and major events that students will be excited for and will want to come to school to be a part of.”

According to Robert Loy, an assistant professor of communication studies and advisor of the PCCA, giving club members the opportunity to take part in activities and events on campus has a positive impact on their educational careers.

“We find activities and events that pertain to communication studies to spread awareness of the discipline and, perhaps more importantly, give communications students the ability to be active in their major,” Loy said. “When students become involved with their campus, they’re more likely to succeed and identify strongly with the major that they’re


Lopez said that being a part of the PCCA has helped to keep her focused in school and given her a group to look to for support.

“I’m the type of student who has a tendency to procrastinate; if I’m not involved, I kind of fall off the radar,” Lopez said. “But being part of the club keeps me on track. I have a family here who picks me up when up when I feel myself losing motivation.”

Juliana Huang, the social media commissioner and co-secretary of

the PCCA, said that this is her first semester at Pierce, and that she was drawn to the club in the first few weeks of school because of the resources it offered.

“When I came here, I didn’t see many other clubs on campus offering the type of workshops that the Communication Association did,” Huang said. “I knew I needed to become more knowledgeable on things like resume building and how to transfer to other schools, and the events put on by the association really helped me to do


Huang said that being involved with the club has already imparted on her information and valuable skills to utilize in her educational and professional careers.

Club treasurer Ryanchase Balthazar said that this is also his first semester at Pierce. He said that he joined the club to help him settle on campus and develop a group of friends to make him feel welcomed.

Membership with the club offers students opportunities to network

and find a greater identity with their school, Balthazar said.

“It really builds a foundation,” Balthazar said. “It gives you a reason to stay here and make connections with your fellow students, rather than going home as soon as you finish with your classes.”

Balthazar said that hosting events is a good way for the club to advertise itself and attract new members.

“Having these activities lets students see that their schoolmates

are getting involved with their campus, and it hopefully inspires them to do the same,” Balthazar said. “We want the students to become more engaged and really be a part of the school spirit.”

Balthazar said that being in the club has given him valuable leadership experience that he can use to further his career goals, and it has also allowed him to work with a diverse group of individuals.

Lopez invites any Pierce student who is interested in participating in campus activities to become a part of the PCCA.

“We want our events to benefit everyone,” Lopez said. “If a student wants to get involved or is looking for a sense of community, I think that this is the club for them. We’re always eager to help someone grow.”

The Pierce College Communication Association meets on Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. in Juniper 815. Official membership costs $15 and includes a club T-shirt and a certificate of recognition.

ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 8 Spotlight
For live updates follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat @Roundupnews
Jose Herrera / Roundup
Student B usiness, Entrepreneurs & Investors Group “SBEIG’s goal is to explore the benefits of investing, networking & business ownership.” Meetings held every other Wednesday from 12:45-1:45 PM President and Founder: Parker Selby Club Contact: SBEIGpierce@gmail.com or (818) 519-1468 Connect with REAL entrepreneurs. Learn to transform your IDEA into a REALITY. Learn to become an INTELLIGENT investor.
Anaiza Casillas, Daniele' Evans and Evelyn Martinez talk about creating a possible sorority and tell jokes during their meeting in Juniper 815 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills Calif. on Nov. 8, 2017.
“But the club wants to give the college activities and major events that students will be excited for and will want to come to school to be a part of.”
-Jaqueline Lopez PCCA President

Soccer Football M Basketball Brahmas Scoreboard

Soccer tames Wildcats

Brahmas end regular season with win, finish 2nd place in conference

The Brahmas brought home another win Friday night in their game against West Los Angeles College with a final score of 4-0 as they advance to the playoffs for the 17th straight year in program history.

The team finished second in the Western State-South conference behind Santa Monica City College with a 5-2 conference record.

For the first half, the Brahmas held down their defensive line, not allowing West LA to score a single goal. At halftime, the game was goalless.

During halftime, head coach Adolfo Perez gave the team a pep talk to encourage them to come out stronger in the second half.

“I wanted to remind them of how good they can be and to seize the moment and enjoy it,” Perez said.

The pep talk worked and the team came back stronger for the last 45 minutes. They possessed a certain drive and wanted to win the game.

Forward Gisell Cruz wasted no time and scored the first goal for the Brahmas, breaking through West LA’s defensive line. In the game against LA Valley College, she scored twice giving the team a 2-1 win.

Midfielder Ashley Oviedo scored a brace in the game, giving them a 3-0 lead against the Wildcats.

“We were motivated in the first half, but in the second half,

we wanted it even more. I really wanted to score for my team and get us up there. It was an amazing feeling,” Oviedo said.

Oviedo said the Brahmas had to connect and play smarter than their opponents. Breaking down their defensive line one by one was truly the key, Oviedo said.

Midfielder Esmeralda Guzman got on the scoresheet with the fourth and final goal for the Brahmas.

Irene Reyes said the Brahmas played smarter and stronger as a cohesive unit.

“We played much better than we did in our last game. We put in more effort and were able to

stay organized, which is really important,” Reyes said.

Reyes said that the team not only played more unified, but they also played stronger, both physically and mentally.

She also said that once the coaches pointed it out, the team was able to easily break down West LA’s defense and score goals throughout the second half.

The team have a home playoff game against Grossmont College on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 2 p.m.


Gisell Cruz

Sport: Soccer

Position: FWD Class: Freshman

Hometown: Van Nuys, CA

Two goals against LA Valley College and one vs. West LA to help the team reach playoffs.

Season tips-off

Men’s basketball starts off season with home loss to Sanitago Canyon

The Brahmas tipped off their season with a 86-68 loss against Santiago Canyon Community College Saturday.

Jordan Newt, point guard, maintained good perimeter ball movement during the first half and took advantage of making three-point shots when the opportunity was available.

Randle Lacey, small forward and shooting guard, made 2 points in the last five minutes of the first half. Dallas Johnson found a backdoor pass at the fourminute mark.

Santiago College persisted with good defense and showed quickness on the court.

John Flowers, point guard, made a free throw shot with 2:25 left in the half. The score at halftime was 44-33.

In the second half, Brenton Scott, center, played offensively and scored 2 points with 11 minutes left in the game.

Newt and Lacey scored throughout the third quarter as Santiago College took the lead with 46 points going into the last quarter.

Rueben Gonzalez said the team needs to develop its defense. He said a loss could mean strength, and the next game will reflect their work.

“It was our first game, and we weren’t sure how we were going to do. We have to work hard,” Gonzalez said. “Moving forward, what we have to take away from this, is that we have to improve

Brahma of the Week

our defense and communicate a little more and we’ll be alright.”

You scored three goals in two games. What was the feeling?

“It felt like an accomplishment. I did something right and I was able to put my team on the board.”

The team made it to the playoffs, How are you and the team preparing for it?

“We just need to focus. I’m pretty sure Adolfo [Perez] is going to help us work on what we need to improve on. Basically the little things.

You’re finishing has improved. Anything feel different?

“I just focus in the moment. When I miss, I put it behind me and focus in getting the next one.”

If you weren’t playing soccer, what sport would you play?

“I don’t think I’ll be playing a sport. Soccer is my passion.”

What has been your favorite sports moment you’ve experienced?

“My club games. Everyone found ways to motivate one another and for me that was really special.”

Head Coach Charles White said defeat will help as the season carries on, but the team needs to develop defensive skills for the next game at Glendale and from there on out.

“These guys got their feet wet and now they understand what they must do,” White said. “It’s about teamwork and not giving up, even when time is running out.”

Christian Guillory, shooting guard, said the loss has taught the team to take defense more seriously.

“We just have to stay positive, and work on defense,” he said. “It all starts with defense and we can really improve there.”

The next game is on Friday, Nov. 24 when they host the Pierce Tournament.

For live game updates follow us on twitter @Roundupsports Game preview:

M Basketball 11/17-19 Citrus College Tourney

Men’s basketball are on the court as a part of the Citrus Tournament that begins on Friday.

The other colleges participating are: Cypress, Moorpark, Santa Monica City, San Diego City, Chaffey, Desert and Citrus.

The Brahmas are coming in after losing the season opener to Santiago Canyon College 86-68. Jordan Newt scored 13 points, had three assists and a steal.

The Brahmas face San Diego City in the first round at 7 p.m.

The other games are Moorpark vs. Citrus, Santa Monica vs. Chaffey and Cypress vs. Desert.


ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 Sports 9
Deivid Beytayoub/Special to the Roundup Ashley Oviedo scores the third goal for the Brahmas at John Shepard Stadium at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 10, 2017.
v West LA 4-0 Volleyball L v COC 3-0 SOFI MATZAGANIAN Reporter @sofimatz
W @ AVC 22-17
L v SCCC 86-68
W v LAVC 2-1
“We were motivated in the first half, but in the second half we wanted it even more. I really wanted to score for my team and get us up there. It was an amazing feeling,”
-Ashley Oviedo Midfielder
“We just have to stay positive and work on defense. It all starts on defense and we can really improve there.”
- Christian Guillory Shooting guard

Football finale

Brahmas score 22 unanswered in the 2nd half to win

For the second consecutive week, a slow start and early deficit did not keep Pierce football (5-5, 3-2) out of the win column, scoring 22 unanswered points to erase a 17-0 halftime score against Antelope Valley College (5-5, 3-2).

“We made a lot of mistakes early,” interim head coach James Sims said. “But that Santa Barbara game set us up for this. We know that we can be down and still come back and win. This team is amazing.”

The Marauders came out quick, driving 78 yards in under four minutes to start the game with a touchdown and early 7-0 lead.

Antelope Valley added a touchdown in the second quarter and a field goal as time expired in the half, heading into the locker room up 17 points.

The Brahmas started the season

with three quarterbacks, but none were available heading into the final game of the season. Jhakari Harrison was ineligible, while Jonathan Saavedra and Steven Frost were out with injury.

Receiver Quentin Palmer was the emergency quarterback against Santa Barbara, and entered the game when Frost went down with a torn MCL.

Strep throat kept Palmer out of practice for the majority of the week, and receiver Wesly Touze was thrust into the starting quarterback spot, however Palmer entered the game in the second quarter, splitting time with Touze and played throughout the second half.

“John August, the offensive coordinator, did a great job switching everything and kind of making the offense fit for Wes,” Blake Word, offensive line coach and run-game coordinator, said. “But, we just couldn’t get a rhythm and we put Q in and Q just stepped up. It’s like Michael Jordan’s flu game, just stepped up and won it for us.”

Last week’s hero, running back Kyshawn Richards, praised Palmer

for doing what was needed.

“He stepped up and played a role that nobody else on this team could have played,” Richards said. “So for him to do that and come out of a position he usually plays and help us win the game that was big for him and big for the team, so we are nothing but supportive for him.”

The Brahmas offense woke up on the second drive of the third quarter when Palmer connected with receiver Damaris August for a 22-yard score.

Late in the third quarter, the Pierce defense forced a fumble, recovering on the Antelope Valley 26-yard line.

Running back Sterling Salguero took it into the endzone on the first play of the drive.

Early in the fourth quarter, the defense came through again for the Brahmas with a safety off of a forced fumble, bringing the score to 17-16.

The Brahmas quickly took the lead on the first play of the drive following the punt. Richards went 50 yards on the first play to give Pierce a 22-17 lead.

“My whole mindset coming out

Shae Hammond/Roundup

Kyshawn Richards runs down the field against Antelope Valley College's Bryan Mills for a win for Pierce College of 22-17 at Antelope Valley on Nov. 11, 2017.

into the second half was I just need to make a play,” Richards said. “And that 50-yard touchdown was the play we needed to get the game back in order.”

With just over two minutes left in the game, the Marauders offense made its way into the redzone, getting to the Pierce 14.

The defense looked to put the game away on the next play when defensive lineman Eric Mateo forced a fumble that the Brahmas recovered.

The Brahmas were unable to move the ball, and with one minute remaining, the punt team came out on

the field, but a Marauders roughing the kicker penalty gave Pierce a first down. Two kneel downs later the Brahmas came home with a 22-17 victory.

The win ends the year on a high note for the Brahmas, who had an emotional ride throughout the season.

“I can not say enough about this group of kids,” Word said. “It’s tough to put into words, especially after a win like this and what this season has been, the firing of coach Sabolic and just all the stuff this team has been through.”

Volleyball falls prey to Cougars

better. We were playing like a chicken with its head cut off,” Mardini said. “We shot ourselves in the foot with all the errors we made.”

from the other team, we responded to,” Romero said.

The women’s volleyball team ended their regular season with a loss against the College of the Canyons Cougars in straight sets.

Throughout the first set, service errors by the Brahmas sent the ball traveling out of bounds, giving points to the Cougars. COC remained ahead in the set, and the Brahmas could not overcome them.

Pierce lost the first set 25-22.

Head Coach Nabil Mardini didn’t mince words when he said that the Brahmas’ early performance paled in comparison to the Cougars’.

“College of the Canyons served better, they passed better, they ducked better and they transitioned

The team was able to cutback on some of its service errors in the second set and the score close.

The Brahmas were able to tie the game at 18, but the COC offense hit hard in the tail end of the set and were able to break away. The Cougars claimed the second set 25-21.

According to defensive specialist, Linnea Romero, the Brahmas were able to improve on their performance from the first set by paying more attention to the plays made by the COC team and talking to each other a bit more.

“We just started adjusting more and communicating. What we saw

In the final set, the Brahmas completed their serves and were able to attain a brief lead over the Cougars with a score of 11-9.

However, after a pair of timeouts, the COC team was able to focus its offense and overtake the Brahmas.

The team crept behind the Cougars throughout the late game, but were unable to regain its lead. The Cougars won the game with a final score of 25-20.

Romero said that the Cougars gave a powerful offensive game that the Brahmas just couldn’t guard against.

“They put up a good fight and had a really good offense. We just slacked with our defense throughout the game,” Romero said.

Middle blocker, Catelynn Pulido, said that the Brahmas let their errors weigh heavily on them throughout the came, which negatively impacted the team’s performance.

“We just held on to our mistakes for too long, even though we were trying to tell ourselves to just move on,” Pulido said. “Even when we made our points, we’d end up getting brought back down by whatever errors we made.”

Pulido said that the loss will not hold the team back going into playoffs, and that the game against the Cougars served as a learning experience.

“This was definitely a lesson learned. This game showed us what not to do going forward, and we’ll bounce back and be better than before,” Pulido said.

The Brahmas will take to the court again in their first game of the playoffs, scheduled to take place on Nov. 18.


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ROUNDUP: November 15, 2017 Sports 10 afortincaldera.roundupnews@gmail.com W’s Volleyball Soccer Football Water Polo Records (as of 11/15) 2 - 7 2 - 3 5 - 2 1 5 - 5 6 - 0
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4 Brahmas lose to No. 3 College of the Canyons in straight sets to end regular season ANDREW FORTIN-CALDERA Sports Editor @afortincaldera Reza Razi/Roundup Kacy Hele and Cairo Harrell jump up for the ball after College of the Canyons' Caroline Page smacks the ball over the net on Ken Stanley Court at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Nov. 10, 2017.
- 0 W's Basketball 2 - 1 jmanes.roundupnews@gmail.com

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