4 minute read

Rundown Brahma Blotter

These incidents were reported between Oct. 28 - Nov. 3

Reported by: Danielle Padilla



•Traffic Incident

An unknown driver hit a parked vehicle in Parking Lot 7.


•Hit and Run goal. the chance to take advantage of the situation and go to school again.”

The course provides short-term vocational training to anyone who is looking to learn more skills or prepare for a career in a specific field.

An unknown driver hit a parked car in the Auto Tech Parking Lot.

Adjunct Instructor Marquis

Brignac has been teaching this course for two semesters.

Brignac said this class is


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Clay goes on to explain how the I AM campaign originated from something that has been previously used on campus.

“The first I AM was about five years ago, and it came out of a student services campaign at Go Days, which was a freshman orientation,” Clay said. “Since

“I’ve actually gained a better insight of the dos and don'ts of becoming a custodian,” Williams said. “I’m also learning that certain things can be taken care of at home and how to clean better.”

Brignac said students can we already had the shirts, and the idea so we figured we would tag on to that and just develop it and make it more I AM because now you can say what your dreams are going to be.”

After coming up with the idea of the ribbons, Clay goes on to explain their significance and their plans moving forward with the I AM initiative.

“Its just to get students excited

Since the course is free of cost, all students can acquire new skills from the program.

“It gives the person a chance to have a better understanding in certain scenarios in the working field,” Williams said. “The fact that it is a free course gives people about what they could do and to dream big, and it's really all coming from the President, and I'm really excited about it, and the ribbons are going to look beautiful,” Clay said. “We are going to hang the ribbons side to side on the mall to make our Garland of Dreams.”

ASO Adviser Lara ConradyWong thinks the initiative is a great idea, and is also getting

Courses offered within the Adult Education program prepare students solely for the work force and do not require any prerequisites.

The classes are open to anyone at Pierce who has a career-oriented involved with the movement.

“It’s his initiative that he wants to bring to Pierce College to help students identify with their dreams and hopes for transferring, or just personal goals. We thought it would be a fun day since there's so much activity on campus,” Conrady said. “It’s great to see that our vision that we had, and his vision kind of came together and we are on the same page, it’s kind of awesome.” nmartinez.roundupnews@gmail.com

More adult education classes that Pierce offers include classes such as the medical assistant, geriatric care, phlebotomy and workplace success programs that focus on career readiness.

Students can enroll in these courses for the Spring semester through the Student Information System during their designated appointment time.

The I AM campaign has made its way to social media, trying to connect with students in a more familiar way. They have a Facebook, Instagram and a Twitter that students can get linked to so that they may get involved.

Students can share their story by using the hashtag #IAMPIERCE.


•Student Injury

A student was hurt playing volleyball in the South Gym.



A female student reported that her pursue was stolen from her trunk in Parking Lot 7.

Pierce College

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Increasing in popularity, online courses are proving to be a thriving method of education that has led to a rise in success at Pierce.

The Academic Senate meeting on Nov. 5 approved several measures to continue improving the quality of online courses, including clarifying online office hours and offering refresher courses for the teachers.

According to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Credit Course Retention/ Success Rate Summary Report, Pierce’s enrollment count, retention and success rate have significantly increased since Spring 2017.

“Our goal is our students’ success and so anything we can do to increase students’ success is what we are focusing on,” Distance Education Coordinator Wendy Bass said.

According to the report, Pierce’s Spring 2017 enrollment count was 3,573 and the success rate was 60.71 percent. In Spring 2018, enrollment count rose to 5,499 and success rate rose to 69.25 percent, which is about 4 percent more than the district average and the highest among all nine colleges.

Vice President of the Academic Senate Margarita Pillado said that in the past, all instructors that were interested in teaching an online class were informed that they should have a certification.

“Today, we approved that policy for five years, which means that if you have the certificate and didn’t teach any online class for five years, then you need to do some training,” Pillado said. “This to ensure that the instructors who are teaching online have the best training possible to offer a quality product to students”

The senate passed this policy using the term “should,” meaning that teachers are encouraged to participate in the training.

The importance of changing the language to “should” versus “shall” in the policy is so it does not conflict with faculty union contracts. The Senate also discussed the importance of equal working hours whether in person or online.

“The obligation is the same in terms the number of hours worked,” Agriculture Instructor Jennifer Adelini said. “So if you are teaching online or teaching in person, you are still required to have the same number of office hours.”

Instructors are required to hold a certain number of office hours based on how many classes they have, which should be reflected in their syllabus.

Instructors have several options for holding online office hours such as, phone calls or online chatting tools/ Canvas applications that allow real-time interaction include ConferZoom, Zoom, and Cranium Café.

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