3 minute read


What do you hope changes after the midterm elections?

one piece by the Pierce College dance group,” Moe said.


Moe also expressed how this concert is different from others due to its eclectic use of genres in the dance world, featuring various forms and styles of dancing.

“There’s a lot of hip hop this year, salsa, modern, jazz, funk. There’s something there for everybody, so it is going to be a really good concert,” Moe said.

Moe hopes people will become inspired to audition for the next dance show in the spring after seeing the performances.

“Dancing is performing arts so it has to be seen to be enjoyed. We have auditions at the the beginning of every semester. So if you look for those flyers, you can come audition and then from there you go into the rehearsal process,” Moe said.

Joyanne Tracy, one of the dance group said her love of dancing stumps the reality of the intensive labor that goes into performing

“Dance is like an exercise, But I don’t feel like i’m exercising, but I don’t feel it like exercising I feel like performing I just enjoy making other people happy which makes me happy.

It’s just lovely,” Tracy said.

Yesenia Alvorodo, one of the performers in the dance concert stated that she is interested in transferring to a university as a dance major.

Alvorodo expressed how she has created a deep connection with her fellow dance partners and feels she has learned a lot being involved in this show.

“It is very fun to dance with a group, it is like a family,” Alvorodo said.

Katya Castillo, another member of the dance group said she enjoys dancing for her own innate love for the art and also


-WilliamsPayeazy CommunicationStudies

“Ihopetaxesgetlowered forthecountyandthestate.

-RyanSynder Business regarded the dance group as a close between friends.

“Actually I prefer to dance for myself than others, sometimes I struggle dancing, but I love it. With the group I definitely feel better. I feel the energy of the others and we push each other especially when it is competition,” Castillo said.

You can buy tickets to attend the event at www. brownpapertickets.com for $10. Or you can buy the tickets at door, but it is recommended that you arrive a half hour early.


Friday Nov. 9 at 8pm ewanas.roundupnews@gmail.com

Saturday Nov. 10 at 8 p.m.

Sunday Nov. 11, at 2 p.m.

Debate forum discusses guns control and genders

BLAKE WILLIAMS Reporter @BlakeMWIlliams_

Should only women have the right to bear arms?

That was the topic of spirited discussion on Monday afternoon as Pierce hosted the British Debate Team in The Great Hall. The event ran two hours and nearly 200 people were there.

Kenneth Martinez represented Pierce college for the affirmative side. He was joined by Mé abh Flanagan of the British Debate Team.

On the negative side, Pierce was represented by Roni Rosen, who was joined by Owen Mooney of the British Debate Team.

The event was organized by Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Robert Loy Jr. and the Associated Student Organization and the Communication Association.

“I decided to organize it so that we could bring conference level discussions and activities to our students,” Loy Jr. said.

“This activity is a part of the National Communication Association. But the thing is, students at Pierce College, and I think at the community college level in general, really don’t sometimes have the access to go to these conferences

Martinez, a student in Loy’s honors argumentation and debate class, said he enjoyed the debates done in class which inspired him to participate in this debate. He said he was nervous at the start but it ended up being a great experience for him.

“I never had my heart beat so fast in my life,” Martinez said. “This was my first debate. It was fun; It was great. I’m looking

“It would be cool if the House[ofRepresentatives] wasmoredemocratic.Ijust would love if there were more Democrats.”

-Madison Koral Biology

“CanwebringObamaback?Canwe bringObamabacksohecanmake Americagreatagain?”

-Michael Villa Biology forward to the next one.”

Rosen, also a student in Loy’s class, said the in-class debates were interesting and they inspired her to join the communication club and participate in this debate. The experience of participating in the debate was one she would like to have again.

“It was nerve-wracking and it was thrilling,” Rosen said. “I was listening to what they’re saying and writing down different points on how I could attack. It was really exciting. I wish I could be here next year to do it.”

When the debate was over, Loy Jr. asked the audience to vote, by a show of hands, who they believed won the debate. The audience overwhelmingly voted for the negative side.

“I knew it was going to be tough,” Martinez said. “The affirmative was very specific, it made it very difficult. So the outcome did come as I expected, unfortunately. But I believe that we did sway a good portion of the students here.” bwilliams.roundupnews@gmail.com

“Ihopethattheylowertaxes for the rich so we can have better business outcomes and be in less of a recession than we were in 2008.”



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