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Students lobby for new degree

Animal Science Transfer program now offered

ARIELLE ZOLEZZI News Editor @ArielleZolezzi


When students transfer from Pierce, they can now move on to greener pastures with the Animal Science Transfer degree.

Pierce College recently approved and is gearing up to offer an Animal Sciences Transfer degree for students.

They are looking to have the degree available for students by the fall of 2019.

Students have made it known to the Animal Science department that they wanted to get a transfer degree so that they could move on in that field and get their bachelor’s degree.

“We also have other programs like pre-veterinary medicine, but that transfers straight to a veterinary school,” said Lu Dao, instructor of agriculture. “So we just want to give the students as many options as possible.”

With the Animal Science Transfer degree, students get hands-on experience as well as get their general education requirements out of the way.

Animal Science programs in general educate students in a broad field that encompasses the biology and trade of animals. Certain in-depth fields exist for students interested in areas such as livestock management, aerial animal science, aquaculture, equine (horse) science and companion animal biology.

“This is going to make it easier for people to get a bachelor’s degree and move on to get a doctorate or be a veterinarian,” said Tabitha Binner, a student in the Animal Science programs. This way, when students get to the next level, they will be fully prepared to continue their education, and focus on the actual classes that they want.

“Most of the degree includes the general education courses, but you will have big laboratory classes as well as spending a lot of time on the farm,” Dao said. “It’s a lot of hands on so that students have the experience that they need for university.”

Dao explained that the Animal Science Transfer degree was just approved by the curriculum committee.

“This is important so that we can give students who are interested in such, a chance to do so,” Counselor Joseph Roberson said. “Not only that, but to support inclusivity.”

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