Volume 131 Fall 2019 Roundup Issue 4

Page 7

ASO President impeached

Accused of multiple violations, including breaching FERPA

The Associated Students Organization (ASO) President Angel Orellana was impeached after a two-hour trial conducted by the ASO senate on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

ASO Vice President Stephanie Lopez, Club Council President Nicole Alfaro and Treasurer Brandon

Le accused Orellana of failure to attend mandatory ASO senate, finance and participatory committee meetings, failure to attend and establish mandatory office hours, and unauthorized removal of senator applications which contained private student information.

The ASO Executive Board said that Orellana violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) when they took private ASO documents out of Student Engagement Coordinator and Counselor Lara Conrady-Wong’s office.

“I made it very clear to [Orellana] that applications are not allowed to leave the senate because of the confidential information that is in the applications,” Wong said.

Orellana admitted to taking the documents, but said that it was an unintentional mistake.

“I wasn’t aware of the protocols.

I just didn’t put them back inside [Wong’s] office.” Orellana said.

“[But] your information was never in danger. There was a misunderstanding on my end, but the situation has been resolved. The applications are back [in the office.]”

The Executive Board also accused

The 2-year promise

California community colleges offer free tuition

second year.”

Union questions expenditures

Personal charges found on official accounts

Hagan has reason to believe that there was an unusual spending activity going on for over 20 years.

Students in the Promise program can now get two years of free college at any California community college according to Dean of Student Services William Marmolejo.

Assembly Bill -2, enacted on Sept. 13, expanded the current, one-year California College Promise program created by Assembly Bill 19 into a second year. The program pays for tuition and mandatory fees for two fall semesters, two spring semesters, and a summer term.

“It’s not just the free tuition,” Marmolejo said. “They get a lot more. We’re providing a structure for them to be successful.”

Students enrolled in the Promise program receive a peer mentor and a free Google Chromebook. They can also apply for the Mayor’s Young Ambassador Program, a free international travel program open only to Promise students.

Students in the Promise program also receive a $300 voucher every year they are in the program for up to two years. The voucher can pay for transportation costs, food, or textbooks.

“We’ve always hoped it would be a two-year program,” Marmolejo said. “We were constantly trying to raise money to extend the benefit into the

Pierce has the highest number of Promise students among all schools in the Los Angeles California Community College District. Promise students have a nearly 80% retention rate, according to Marmolejo.

“At Pierce, we really try to support them from day one all the way until graduation,” Marmolejo said. “That distinguishes us from other Promise programs.”

The First-Year Experience Counseling Center has increased the amount of summer transition programs offered to accommodate the number of students interested in the Promise program, according to Student Services Assistant Tatevik Melkumyam.

“Knowing that they have two years free definitely gives them peace of mind,” Melkumyam said.

The benefits of the Promise program outside of the free tuition have helped students achieve academic success, said Melkumyam.

“They feel more motivated that they’re getting support and can do better in their classes,” Melkumyam said.

Pierce’s outreach team works directly with high school guidance counselors to inform students about Promise. Career Guidance Counseling Assistant Kristen Acosta said that students and their families feel grateful to have the Promise program.

“This opportunity is a way to

support them in a way they didn’t think they had before,” Acosta said.

Currently, there is no limit for the number of students accepted into the Promise program. Marmolejo hopes the program incentivizes students to be successful.

“We’re really proud of what we’re doing,” Marmolejo said. “We try to be forward-thinking to help our students as much as possible.”

To qualify for the Promise program, students must be graduates from a Calif. high school, complete the Pierce application and the FAFSA, attend a summer transition program, and enroll as full-time students. Summer programs include Summer Bridge, a sixweek program, #PierceSuccess, a four-day program, and GO Days, one-day workshop events.

To maintain good standing and qualify for their second year of Promise, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and full-time status. Promise students are also obligated to attend one campus engagement event per semester. These are any Pierce-sponsored events outside of the classroom, including sports games and Transfer Center workshops.

“The more engaged a student is with the campus, the greater their chances of success,” Marmolejo said.

A union is only as strong as the rules that govern it.

Local AFT 1521A, the faculty and staff union that represents Los Angeles Community Colleges, is putting its rules to the test.

President Velma Butler was replaced by Temporary Administrator Ruby Newbold, by the AFT national executive council decision Monday, Sept. 16, following two internal investigations of misappropriation of union funds and retaliation against members who came forward to bring it to everyones’ attention.

According to Instructional Assistant Dorlah Lawrence, union members were notified immediately of the action being taken.

“We all heard from [Chancellor Fransisco Rodriguez] that the president was removed,” Lawrence said. “They’ve investigated some financial problems that she's had, that they think, that the board decided she had.”

Student Services Assistant Lupita Narkevicius explained that the investigation was prompted by the current treasurer, who noticed something unusual.

“Complaints came forward and they were found, they had foundation,” Narkevicius said. “They're doing a forensic audit, so that should tell you something. We won't really know until they finish the audit. You know, the scope of it.”

Pierce Textbook Buyer Holly

“It actually started way back in 1998, when the treasurer at that time had found some fraudulent charges,” Hagan said. “He asked me if I would circulate it and let the other members know, which I did at the time.” Hagan said she felt retaliated against personally, so she stopped talking about it because she delivered flyers.

“Unfortunately what had happened is that our union rep. was livid with me for bringing this stuff forward, and basically from that point forward I had very little union representation,” Hagan said. According to Narkevicious, union officers are not taking this matter lightly.

“There's some serious changes that are going to be made, more accountability,” Narkevicius said. “You know, business as usual can't continue.” Narkevicius has confidence in Newbold's ability to help and looks forward to the opportunity to make the union a stronger through better organization.

“We are under administratorship,” Narkevicius said. “She's great. She's gonna be a really good force for the union. I think by the time she's done, we’ll be a lot stronger as a union and more organized and have a constitution. That is what it should be.”


[see HERITAGE on pg. 6]

Woodland Hills, California Volume 131 - Issue 4 Wednesday, October 2, 2019 One copy free, each additional copy $1.00 [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com] /theroundupnews @roundupnews /roundupnews @roundupnews @roundupnews RUONLINE? JESSE
BERTEL News Editor @JesseBertel
PETER VILLAFANE Reporter @pcavillafane
jbertel.roundupnews@gmail.com Features Mutts about keeping your pet in paw fect health Page 5 Campus Life Thursday concert performers give a flute-iful performance Page 6 Sports Brahmas get their bell rung for the fifth straight year Page 7
JACKSON HAYANO News Editor @HayanoJackson
impeachment trial in The Great Hall at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Oct. 1, 2019. Orellana was impeached after a two hour trial which ended in an 8-1 majority vote. jhayano.roundupnews@gmail.com
Cecilia Parada / Roundup The Associated Student Organization (ASO) President Miguel "Angel" Orellana listens to Treasurer Brandon Le during the ASO
Orellana of
missing 11 mandatory meetings. Kevin Lendio / Roundup Marcelo Mejia-Perez, a Spanish professor, plays Balero, a traditional Mexican toy, during the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month celebration, which took place at Rocky Young Park, Sept. 25, 2019, in Woodland Hills, Calif.

the desk of the Roundup: Editorial


Volume 131, Issue 3:

News Page 3:

In “Making the cut”

AB705 is an Assembly Bill, not an Assembly Ballot.

The Dean of Academic Affairs name is Mary Anne Gavarra-Oh, not Margaret.

Mary Anne Gavarra-Oh was misquoted, it should say they don’t cancel the same class within two semesters, not two years.

In “Remedial classes dropped”

Katya Castillo was listed as a reporter, she is the photo editor.

Features Page 7:

The headline should read “More inclusive I.D.E.A.S. help foster diversity”

Yajaira Garcia’s name is spelled wrong in the photo caption.

performance in the course.”

Students who have difficulty meeting in person could have a selection tab within the Canvas website that reads “Online Office Hours” for students to either set up an appointment or check in with a professor.

The professor could list these online office hours in their syllabus for easy directions on how to contact them.

It would cost nothing to add this feature within Canvas as a way to implement this system.

Those who say, “Your best tutors are your professors” aren’t wrong. Professors are the ones who make their syllabuses, and they create the content for their lectures. Online office hours can offer a way for students to get clarification on course material that seems confusing and even go through practice problems.

The digital platform is taking over the new generation, and reliability on technology can make online office hours even more helpful for those who use the internet as a primary academic tool.


Professors offer office hours for students who need one-onone assistance or guidance with a

ith Open Educational Resources (OER) becoming the new norm, community college students are getting accustomed to turning in work and learning online. Many students also work and struggle balancing schoolwork with life at home.specific topic related to their given courses. Professors are required to offer a specific number of office hours each week. This makes it difficult to go to campus tutoring centers or meeting in person.

Having professors provide office hours online could be a simple solution to this complication.

The campus can use an inexpensive online procedure to give students who cannot meet

with their professors a chance to get academic assistance.

The college can either have an office hour added to professors’ required numbered of office hours or make one of their current office hours a hybrid hour, where the online option is available.

Office hours promote a beneficial connection between student and professor, and it can dramatically make an impact on grades and educational success.

Students have the opportunity to go over exams or written papers and gather concrete feedback which can boost success rates in their courses.

According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Political Science Education, Mario Guerrero and Alisa Beth Rod concluded that “the number of office-hour visits a student makes during a semester is positively correlated to his or her academic

Calling professors by their first name?

Pro: 'Hey, dude'

DANIELA FREIRE Reporter @roundupnews

Beginning a new school year can be tough for students as they search for classes among a big campus.

One way that students can create a foundation and be more comfortable in the classroom is by calling professors by their first name. When entering a new classroom, there is an unsettling notion that it is going to be difficult and the professor is not going to take things slow.

As soon as students hear the teacher say to simply call them by their first name, there’s a sense of equality that no one is above anyone else and that the student and professor are under the same terms.

Calling a professor by their first name may help establish an enjoyable learning environment for students with low motor skills.

According to an academic journal conducted by authors Ulana Lysniak, Anne Gibbone and Stephen Silverman, a study was done to create effective teaching strategies for low-skilled students in physical education classes that may be applied to other classes as well.

“Teachers hold many thought processes while making decisions about practice, engagement time, level of difficulty, planning, and reflection on lessons, progressions and concentration on class structure.

Understanding the decisions that effective teachers make regarding strategies is an

important first step in improving instruction for low-skilled students.”

Being on a first name basis with instructors creates an open learning environment that should be applied in all classes. This could provide a better academic and social experience for almost everyone.

As soon as a professor begins to break those barriers, students may begin to feel more welcome and open to one another.

When students start becoming more familiar with calling their professors by their first name, the teacher seems more approachable to talk to about any issues someone has or a question that needs to be answered.

An example of a first name basis benefiting a work space is with a manager at a job. In almost every work environment, no one calls the manager by Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Even though the manager has a higher status than the employee, everyone calls each other by their first names. This breaks the barrier of classism in a work environment.

As long as there is mutual respect among the manager and the employees, being on a first name basis allows the employee to speak and be on good terms with the manager if there were to be any issues at work.

A simple change like allowing students to be on a first name basis with a professor has many benefits not just for the student, but for the professor as well.

Once a mutual understanding is established, students will be able to learn in a comfortable environment

The relationship between student and professor could change in a positive way throughout the semester.



Ben Hanson

Brandon Sinclair

Carla Cantoral

Cecilia Parada

Dylan De Loach

Jared Slates

Joshua Baynard

Joshua Loayza

Kamryn Bouyett

Kevin Lendio

Pablo Orihuela

Rezvan Yazdi

Ridho Cheryanto

Sergio Torres Taylor Watson

Advisers: Jill Connelly

Jeff Favre

Tracie Savage

According to a study by San Bernardino Valley College, “Students who received Success Center tutoring services during the 2012–2015 academic years had an overall success rate 7% higher than the campus-wide average for students enrolled in courses that provided tutoring support but did not utilize Center services.”

Having these office hours available to them in a different form can assist students with gaining long-term planning, communication and selfefficiency skills.


Con: 'Call me professor'

perform to their best ability in the classroom and produces a positive learning environment for the students.

When students call professors by their first name, it can be used to show disdain toward them.

of the noblest professions in the world is being a teacher. They spend their days educating the youth of America, while also helping students get jobs and opportunities for a better future.Based on an article done by Slate.com, studies show that “college students tend to view women and minorities with less respect from the start, and that is often reflected in bestowing names, titles, or lack thereof.”

Don’t they at least deserve to be called by their formal title?

Students should refer to their teachers by using titles such as Dr., professor, Mr., Mrs. or Miss.

Regardless if the teacher is nice or funny, they are not deemed a friend toward student relationships. They are solely there to instruct and to help students reach their academic goals. As a result, they should not be calling their instructors by their first names.

The main reason for students to address instructors using formal titles is to maintain a level of respect in the classroom.

According to a source in the article, professor at the University of South Wales Katrina Gulliver said that some students call her by her first name because they are used to it but, “Other times it’s clearly an attempt to rile me up with some disrespect (typically coming from male students who like to undermine female authority).”

Formal titles create respect

According to U.S. News, Pierce College’s student to faculty ratio is 25-to-1.

This means that teachers have many students to focus on in a classroom. Using formal titles helps establish that level of respect and helps professors maintain control over their classes.

By creating a professional relationship, students will feel as though they should be attentive and hard-working in class. If teachers don’t establish class ground rules with their students, it can lead to students being disrespectful in a classroom and creating a poor learning environment.

Using formal titles helps create a controlled and respectful setting that helps teachers

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In other words, students don’t simply call teachers by their first name because they feel they are comfortable, they do it sometimes to purposely frustrate the professor. When students use first names, it creates an informal relationship where the student does not take the instructor seriously.

Students will feel more comfortable to go on their phone, turn in assignments late or play around in class because they think the teacher and them are buddies.

Professors do so much for students to try and help them. Using a formal title is an easy way for students to show them the appreciation they deserve.

Creating a formal and professional relationship with students gives the teacher more control over the classroom, which leads to students taking the class and work more serious.


published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

2 Opinions ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 Letters to the editor 6201 Winnetka Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91371 Room: Pierce College Village 8211 Editor's Desk: (818) 710-3397 Newsroom: (818) 710-4117 newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com www.theroundupnews.com Editor-in-Chief .........................Chris Torres Managing Editor ......................Blake Williams Photo Editor .............................Katya Castillo Photo Editor .... Navodya Dharmasiriwardena Opinions Editor .....................Angelica Lopez News Editor...........................Jackson Hayano News Editor...........................Belen Hernandez News Editor ......................................Arielle Zolezzi Features Editor .........................Devin Malone Features Editor ....................Belen Hernandez Campus Life Editor......................Chelsea Westman Campus Life Editor............................... Jesse Bertel Sports Editor............................Felipe Gamino Sports Editor ..........................Arielle Zolezzi Online Editor................................Chelsea Westman Reporters: Aaron Estrada Alejandra Aguilera Bryan Carballo Daniela Freire Eduardo Garcia Joey Farriola Julian Sandoval Maja Losinska Marc Blais Nick Eisenman Nyle Maldonado Ore Perry Paola Castillo Peter Villafane Samantha Neff Thomas Dillon PoLicy: Letters and guest columns for or against any position are invited. Letters should be kept as brief as possible (300 words or less) and are subject to editing. Letters must be signed and include a valid mailing address and telephone number. Pseudonyms or initials will not be used, but names may be withheld upon request and approval of the Editorial Board. The Roundup publishes “Letters to the Editor” that are not obscene or libelous and do not contain racial denigration. Writers are given the opportunity to revise unacceptable letters. The Pierce College Roundup will not publish, as letters, literary endeavors, publicity releases, poetry or other such materials as the Editorial Board deems not to be a letter. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. the Sunday prior to the issue date. editoriaL PoLicy: The Pierce College Roundup position is presented
only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is From
Illustration by Jesse Bertel
One MARC BLAIS Reporter @MarcTBlais1
There's a sense of equality

Up in Smoke

Health concerns won’t eVAPEorate

Don’t let vaping cloud your judgment, it might not be safer than smoking.

Director of the Student Health Center Beth Benne said she is worried about vaping due to the lack of oversight in the industry.

“It concerned me and all of my peers because it’s so unregulated. As a health professional, it’s very scary,” Benne said. “To find out now that people are dying from the flavors, and all the ads are focusing on this age group and younger.”

While the tobacco industry is in decline, the vaping industry is thriving, with nearly 19.3 billion dollars in sales, according to the BBC.

The American College Health Association stated that 80% of college students believe they have seen their friends or other students vaping.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported 12 deaths and 805 cases of lung illness related to vaping across the country.

Nursing student Andre Lin thinks the best way to reduce vaping on campus is through awareness.

“In terms of reducing it, I guess having more staff and security being mindful and watching people,” Lin said. “It’s really hard because it is such an open campus and there are a lot of people here.”Benne said that vaping isn’t the only problem on campus.

“I walk the campus, I see cigarettes everywhere,” Benne said. “We have a tobacco regulation that is not enforced.”

There are designated smoking areas on campus for students.

Putting the unity in community Umoja club educates students

Deputy Ramos said that it is illegal to vape in nondesignated areas on campus. However, some students continue to smoke or vape in non-designated areas.

Sheriff Nick Saldivar occasionally comes across

Currently in its third year at Pierce, Umoja strives to live up to its name and to provide a sense of unity, family and belonging among the Pierce student body.

nity that is extremely accepting and one that understands me more than any community I’ve ever been in,” Randall said.

Randall said that one Umoja program called Porch Talks had been a beneficial experience for her.

“We discussed the differences between going to predominantly white colleges and historically black colleges,” Randall said. “I

ally opened my eyes to it.”

Chesney discussed some of the issues that Umoja deals with.

“One of the issues we’re supposed to tackle is the drop in African-American student enrollment in community colleges and colleges around the country,” Chesney said. “I hope to use Umoja as a powerbase to help affect other African-Americans

students who are smoking in non-designated areas.

Saldivar said that they are usually respectful when he asks them to smoke in the designated smoking areas.

“Nine times out of ten, students have no problem going to smoke in the designated areas when asked to,” Saldivar said. “No student has yet to give me a problem.”

Saldivar also said that they prefer to give students warnings instead of citations, because a citation’s financial burden could affect some students’ abilities to attend school.


Umoja Coordinator Melody Smith said that Umoja is smaller than the other support programs at Pierce, but their goal is to grow and help more students each semester.

“Umoja is Swahili for unity. It’s open to all students,” Smith said. “The professors have gone through special training, and we do cultural and educational events throughout the semester. ”

Business student Brianna Randall said that her mother was a member of Umoja last year, and that she is glad to have joined.

“I feel a part of a commu -

feel like after that, my thinking about college changed. When you go to HBCUs [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] you are more supported.”

History major Alexander Chesney said that before joining Umoja, his understanding of HBCU’s was limited.

“My only exposure to HBCUs was to Grambling and Southern [Universities] annual battle of the bands,” Chesney said. “Other than that I really had no understanding of what an HBCU was like or what it could offer, and Umoja re -

because it has done a lot for me.”

Chesney said that Umoja is like an extension of his family.

“I come from a small family, part of The Great Migration,” Chesney said. “Being able to stay and be a part of Umoja in a sense makes me feel like I’m at home. Like all my uncles and cousins are back with me.”

In the near future, Umoja is planning a conference in Oakland, Calif. to meet with the other chapters from across the state.

Pierce’s library ie in the process of moving to a new online platform called Primo.

Library Department Chair Lauren Saslow, who is in charge of overseeing the implementation of the new platform for the entire Los Angeles Community College District, said that the new platform has been in development for the past two and a half years.

“I think everyone would say it’s very stressful right now,” Saslow said. “We have to develop a whole new process. Things that we did a certain way for the last 40 years, we can’t do it that way anymore.”

In the past Sirsi was used for book catalogs and Ebsco’s One Search for other online resources.

Saslow explained that students will have an easier time being able to sign in and access the online sources using Primo.

“The login is a little confusing right now, but for the new platform it will use a single sign-in,” Saslow said. “Once you sign into Canvas, you will be automatically signed into the library, the databases and everything else.”

Theater student Peraza Engelbert explained that the old system is confusing.

“People don’t use the current one that much because it’s pretty hard to find things,” Engelbert said. “Hopefully people use the new system more than this one.”

According to Saslow, Primo will present new resources and opportunities for students due to the uniformity of the platform across other community colleges.

“We already share all of our books across the district,” Saslow said. “Ultimately, we are going to be looking at sharing across the California Community College

System, and now that we are on the same system as our local CSUs and UCs, there are possibilities to do sharing that way too.”

Pierce College Technology Librarian Clayton Gediman has high hopes for the new system.

“Right away it’s going to work really well, and it will be more user-friendly than our

current system,” Gediman said. “I think students are pretty flexible, they just want to be able to get what they need, and I think that they will be able to do that.”

According to Saslow, Primo will be up in December. for students and faculty to use.

Reported by: Jackson Hayano

These incidents were reported between 9/239/30 9/23 8:52 p.m.

A student was injured playing volleyball in the North Gym

9/25 11:27 a.m.

•Student Illness

A student was ill at village 8102

9/25 6:52 p.m.

•Student Incident Staff and student verbal argument on football field

9/26 12:38 p.m.

•Employee Incident Male student caused a disturbance in Finacial Aid Office.

9/26 1:55 p.m.

•Student Illness

A student was ill in the Perfomring Arts Building. They were escorted to the Health Center.

9/26 2:00 p.m.

•Employee Incident Male student caused a disturbance in Finacial Aid

ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 3 News
•Student Injury
Pierce College
Station General Information: (818) 719-6450 Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311
Photo by Sophia Gomez/Roundup Pierce College's Umoja Club members at Club Rush. Xavier, Syeda and Bri in Woodland Hills, Calif.
Primo New online platform being implemented
Library goes
“I walk the campus, I see cigarettes everywhere. We have a tobacco regulation that is not enforced.”
-Beth Benne Student Health Center Director
"Right away it's going to work really well, and it will be more user-friendly than our current system"
-Clayton Gediman Technology Librarian

hispanic and latino heritage month celebration

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Associated Student Organization hosted the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month Celebration at Pierce College’s Rocky Young Park on Sept. 25, 2019. ASO and MECHA club shared snacks and stories, and talked about the history and importance of the Latinx community. They offered agua frescas, snacks and games to interested students, bringing together the Pierce community and celebrating Latinx heritage.

by katya castillo

4 Photo Essay ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019
TOP: Close up of a set of Lotería playing cards on Sept. 25, 2019 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. Photo by Angelica Lopez. MIDDLE: (L to R) Kevelin Barcenas-Garcia, Jhoicce Rivera Duran and Josibeth De la Cruz play a game of Lotería during the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month event on Sept. 25, 2019 in Rocky Young Park at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. Photo by Angelica BOTTOM LEFT: Close up of a set of Lotería playing cards on Sept. 25, 2019 at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. Photo by Angelica Lopez. Woodland Hills, Calif. Photo by Cecilia Parada. BOTTOM RIGHT: Students were getting a tatse of mexican culture this table provided horchata and aguas fresca on Sept 27. 2019. Photo by Taylor Watson

Preventing career Khat-astrophy

Helping to keep Pierce students Mon-track for occupational

Two certificates, two associate degrees, two bachelor’s degrees, one master’s degree and a doctorate on the way. Learning has been a lifestyle for Mon Khat, the new Dean of Career and Technical Education.

Despite his title and abundance of degrees, Khat has seen himself as a student all of his life.

“The idea of learning and experimenting with something new and different has always been appealing to me,” Khat said. “It hasn’t been a direct line of movement or progression, but zigzagging.”

Khat attributes his drive to work hard to his background as a Cambodian refugee. Coming from a rural farming background, Khat and his family left Cambodia when he was one year old.

“Part of why I bounced around from this degree to that degree was because I had no one to tap into as a resource or a reference,” Khat said. “It was always kind of a hustle. I understood early on that hustling without a large skill set made the work I did more labor-intensive with less earning potential.”

After dropping out of high school, Khat went on to do a number of entry-level jobs. At age 17, he joined the army and became an army medic. He then spent a few years in the reserves before his honorable discharge in 2006.

Khat used money from the GI Bill to pay for college, where he continued the “ongoing, morphing process” of working and studying that led him to his current position. Khat worked in modelling and acting, managing retail and even being a one-man show at a friend’s wedding: DJ, emcee, and officiant.

“All my degrees are in different areas,” Khat said. “It’s always

good to have that second backup.

Then a third backup and a fourth, just in case.

Khat began his career in education working in the information technology department. He ran computer labs, gave students access accounts and helped faculty members teach courses as they adapted to new technologies. He then went on to teaching and eventually becoming a department chair, then an academic senate president and finally an assistant dean.

Khat’s new position as CTE dean aligns with his experience of scaffolding getting an education and gaining professional experience. Khat relates to

students who are unsure of their career path or who do not have the means to stay in college for four years.

“CTE gives them power to earn and live and experience and move on with their life,” Khat said.

Khat considers the realities of students in CTE, which includes programs offering degrees and certificates in fields like nursing, automotive technology, welding, and business. He recognizes that students continue to learn as they pursue careers.

Khat encourages students to be patient with themselves and not compare themselves to others.

“You have to be okay with realizing you may take more time

than someone,” Khat said. “You have to be okay with moving at your own pace. We all live different lives.”

The ability to study and work simultaneously was also imperative to Khat’s professional journey.

“If I didn’t have programs where I could go back and forth between getting an education and going out [into the workforce], I don’t know where I would be today,” Khat said.

To do the best work they can for students, Pierce’s deans emphasize the importance of team effort, according to Sharon Dalmage, Dean of Academic Affairs.


“We’re like a small little family,” Dalmage said. “We have to be because even though we all manage different academic programs, in some ways they’re intertwined.”

Susan Rhi-Kleinert, another Dean of Academic Affairs, said that Khat is a welcome addition to this family of deans, and also believes Khat is the right person to head CTE.

“He knows exactly what he’s doing,” Rhi-Kleinert said. “The work that he was doing has been seamlessly transitional.”

To Khat, the best part of the job is the ability to help students succeed by providing them with quality opportunities, and his

advice for his students is to find their passion before they choose a specific career.

“Think about what you do with your time and try to make the most of it, even if it doesn’t seem like the best thing to other people,” Khat said. “Just ignore the money and the title and go from there.”

After finishing his doctorate, Khat does not plan on stopping his education or career expansion. He may even return to DJing.

“I enjoy having the experience of learning from others and living through their experiences,” Khat said. “That’s what brings me here every day.”


Out of the frying pan and into the clinic

Instructional assistant becomes the “cornerstone” of Vet-Tech program


Photo Editor @PhotosByKatya

When Angela Killips was hired at an animal vaccine clinic, her job history was minimal, but her experience with animals was plenty.

From a 26-year-old boa, to a rowdy goat, Killips, who grew up on a farm in Sylmar, Calif., knew about animal husbandry and handling firsthand.

Killips has always been an animal lover but she didn’t intend on working as a Veterinary Technician.

“I’m able to treat them beyond their normal needs, not just food monitoring, cleaning up after them and cuddling them, but seeing the ones that could come in sick and make them better and fix them,” Killips said.

Killips began working at an animal clinic in 1997. The veterinarian running the clinic hired her as a receptionist at the hospital where he worked, and she slowly learned the technical aspects of the job, such as helping with IV’s and blood work.

Years later, Killips entered the Registered Veterinary Technology (RVT) program at Pierce College to study Vet Tech.

“I decided that since I was doing these things, I needed to fulfill my education and know why I’m doing these things, and know the background of the problems that can happen if you do things wrong and all of that,’ Killips said. “I wanted to make sure that I didn’t harm anything and the help that I was trying to provide.”

At Pierce, Killips took an alternate route program and got her license as a veterinary technician,

and she continued working in animal hospitals. After graduating, she was contacted by Ms. White, the program director at Pierce, and was asked if she’d be interested in being an instructional assistant.

“That was very humbling in itself that of all of these graduates that she graduated every year, she looked back and reflected on the fact that I might be a good fit,”

Killips said.

Killips took the job and realized she still didn’t have an AS degree in Veterinary Technology, and only had a license as an RVT. She took a class at a time to fulfill the general education courses and prerequisites, and earned her degree in 2014.

“I choose to do things in a slightly different fashion. Wherever I go, I sort of take on

more and more responsibility because I want to always learn things. Things fall into my plate and I learn how to do things,” Killips said.

Donna-Mae Villanueva, the dean of Academic Affairs—Math, Sciences and Agriculture, believes that Killips does a lot to keep the program running.

“She is the cornerstone of the program,” Villanueva said.

“Basically Dr. Yates and Adelini, I believe, rely on her to keep the program afloat. She’s the one that orders all of the supplies and manages the day-to-day operations of the program that care and feed for all of the animals.”

Villanueva also states that Killips does more than her expected share and is a large reason as to why the program has been doing so well.

“We are successful as we are because Angela helps behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly so you don’t see any problems. She also teaches part-time after hours. So during her working hours she’s there being an instructional assistant for the program, and after hours (she must love the program so much), she stays to help them out.”

Dr. Jennifer Adelini said Killips is the glue of the program and it wouldn’t be successful without her.

“She’s definitely our righthand person and she keeps the program running. We couldn’t do it without her.

For the time being, it seems that Killips has found her place at Pierce, all by just going with the flow.

“Things find me, and life has guided me to where I need to be, versus me making those choices. So I just try to make those choices make sense.”

ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 5
Katya Castillo/ Roundup Angela Killips, Instructional Assistant in the Registered Veterinary Technology Program, poses with her dog Lucas Killips in a lab at the Vet Tech Building at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 26, 2019. Sophia Gomez/ Roundup
Mon Khat, the new CTE dean, laughs in his office at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 25, 2019. Khat aids students in discovering courses and programs that allows for career field experience while also acquiring a degree.
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Thursday Concert series continues with perforamance by Charlotte Betry


Photo Editor


Apetite woman in a Maroon dress, holding a silver polished flute walks up on stage with a big smile as the theatre crowd’s cheer filled the room with their applause and welcome.

Pierce College Music

Department faculty Professor Charlotte Betry performed flute chamber at the Performing Arts Building Mainstage on Thursday.

Her first piece was for the audience to listen and feel the moods of the variations of the notes and sounds.

“I am going to start with an unaccompanied piece by Robert Muczynski “The Three Preludes” kind of like three movements,” Betry said. “Each are supposed to instill a different mood.”

Betry then moved on to a Sonata accompanied by Bryan Pezzone on piano, which was the longest performance in the show.

Pezzone is an established performer and he performs with many orchestras in Southern California, recorded hundreds of television and motion picture soundtracks with

Warner Brothers and Disney and was the principal pianist with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra.

Betry then transitioned to a tango, accompanied by Hugo Nogueira on guitar. Nogueira is part of the Pierce

College Music Department faculty and has performed in many different states across the country.

“I really wanted to do something for flute and guitar, there is a lot of repertoire out there. If you’re a

Film and Television Editor

guitarist, find yourself a flutist.” Betry said.

Brief: Dream Resource Center Grand Opening

The Dream Resource Center (DRC) had its grand opening ceremony Thursday, Sept. 26 outside of the Center for Academic Success building.

The DRC was put in motion to assist undocumented students and DREAMers toward fufilling their academic goals in a safe environment. The center offers counseling, academic support computers and lounge chairs in a secure space within the ASO building.

Los Angeles Community College

District Chancellor Francisco C. Rodriguez attended the ceremony, along with Dean of Student Engagement Juan Carlos Astorga and Pierce President Alexis Montevirgen.

Rodriguez said he expects the DRC to have a significant impact on several components of student life.

“First and foremost, I believe that it will signal a safe place,” Rodrigue said. “A person who may be undocumented right now has real, legitimate reason to feel a a sense of fear, a sense of being targeted for all kinds of stuff. So we want to provide an environment where students feel safe to attend school, go to school, and succeed in school.”

Food and drinks were served at the ceremony while the chancellor spoke about the significant impact the DRC will make for DREAMers and DACA students.

Rodriguez said it will be a place for undocumented students to connect within the community.

“One of the most important components of the college experience is building a community and connecting with others, particularly those who are different from yourself to learn, to grow, to experience, and to hang out,” Rodriguez said. He said the resource center will help signal to students who may have left the school environment to come back and feel not only safe, but welcome.

“Your identity is protected, your records are protected,” Rodriguez said. “There's a lot of legal and academic resources for them to get those students back, and to attract students who might be considering coming to Pierce. So, that's a real powerful and important human moral as well as academic obligation that we have there.”

Rodriguez said he has high hopes for the DRC to lead undocumented students toward success.

“Our effort to support, to engage, and to be proactive is dutiful and necessary.”


A whole Lotería of fun at Rocky Young Park

“To accept the culture with an open heart and understanding each other is what the world needs to see and it creates greater accomplishments,” Sandra said.

She said this is something she'll be able to learn from, as she wants to build restaurants to provide healthier options towards low-income communities.

Latin refreshments were provided at the event for whoever wanted to stay hydrated. As students moved along the table, they were given a wide variety of Spanish sweets.


What Does Hispanic/Latino Heritage month mean to you?

If you need an accomodation due to a disability to participate in this event, please contact Sean CollinsSmith at collinsc@piercecollege.edu or (818) 7102960, at least five business days in advance.

Variation to the notes and sounds of the flute BEAT

The Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month Celebration at Pierce College kicked off Wednesday evening at Rocky Young Parkwith refreshing agua frescas, delicious snacks and fun activities that promote cultural awareness.

Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month is about recognizing the presence and contributions that enriched society. With the celebration comes the joy, stories, and struggles that comes down to becoming aware of society.

Kimberly Castillo, Instructor on Special Assignment for the Dream Resource Center, said the event gives undocumented Latinos a voice.

“I’m a Latina, so I think it’s important to share with others where we come from; different cultures, different backgrounds,” Castillo said. “So, it’s beautiful when everyone is inclusive and gets

“Itmeansalot,mebeingfortunate enoughtobehere.I’mveryproudto beHispanic.”

-NathallyZemora Kinesiology

“Expressionofwhatthecultureisabout, wherewecamefromthehistoryofour culture””

-GizzelleRangel Film

to know about each other.”

Pierce College President Alexis Montevirgen said his background was in multicultural student affairs and he understands the value of having heritage events and cultural events on campus.

“Making sure that we develop a campus culture where we unfortunately don't just tokenize and sort of only celebrate these cultures during those particular months,” Montevirgen said. “So my push will be to make sure that yes, we honor and celebrate the different months, but that we don't just spend the month celebrating those particular cultures, but instead we provide a campus environment where we're inclusive and celebrating all cultures at all times."

Sandra Ibarra, a volunteer during the event, was pouring agua frescas for the campus community and said after being apart of this event, she knows cultural awareness plays a big role by bringing society together with appreciation and understanding good intentions.

The Spanish club made its debut at the event where the club hosted many activities, such as Loteria wish is the spanish version of BINGO, but the prize is real money.

Spanish club member Olivia Salgado said she enjoys observing the players and seeing how similar cultures are compared to the other.

“It amazes me when I witness people's reactions when they see how similar the game of Loteria is to bingo,” Olivia said.

Guatemalan freshmen Diego Segura felt the urge to say that the event holds open arms for the whole community. As he points out that certain people didn't know what the snacks were, and had to ask what the beverages were that the event was serving.

“There were all sorts of people coming by asking what was in the drink, and if the snacks were good. It was new to others and enjoyable of others that's what's so special about cultural awareness,” Diego said.

[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]


“Itmeansalot.Itmakesmefeelspecial becauseI’mHispanic.It’samonthdedicated tomyheritage.TomeitmakesmefeellikeI’m valuable,anditmakesmefeelbetterabout myself.”

ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 Campus Life 6 Weekly Calendar Thurs. 10/03 Fri. 10/04 Sat. 10/05 Sun. 10/06 Mon. 10/07 Tues. 10/08 Wed. 10/02 Meet Your Major Fair 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Great Hall Brainstorming PIQs for the UC Application with UCLA 2 p.m.-3 p.m. ASO Senate Meeting 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. Great Hall Communication Cafe 12 p.m.-2 p.m. LLC 5130 Library Open 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. School is closed CSU Application Workshop 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. CTC Workshop Room
CHELSEA WESTMAN Campus Quotes by Aaron Estrada Photos by Angelica Lopez -Jamie Gonzalez Criminal Justice
theycomehereforabetterlife,be proudtobeaHispanic.”
-Sarai Orellana Pre-Veterinary
Kevin Lenido/ Roundup (L-R) Josibeth De La Cruz and Anthony Medina play Loteria during the Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month celebration at Rocky Young Park, Sept. 25, 2019, in Woodland Hills, Calif. [For the full story visit theroundupnews.com]
NYLE MALDONADO Reporter @RoundupNews
and Latino Heritage Month celebrated at Pierce College
Wednesday Oct. 23 at 5:30 p.m. in The Great Hall Admission is FREE Open to students, staff, faculty and community Info: (818) 710-2960 Brought to you by the Media Arts Department SPONSORED BY ASO
Larry Jordan Photo courtesy of Larry Jordan
speakers series Larry Jordan
presents Credits include: NYPD Blue, CSI: Miami, Assassins, Fallen and Netflix’s Sextuplets
Angelica Lopez/ Roundup Charlotte Betry plays the flute for her opening performance of "Three Preludes Op. 18 for unaccompanied flute" during the performing arts department's Thursday concert series on Sept. 26, 2019 in the Performing Arts Building Mainstage at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Calif.

Women's Volleyball Football Soccer

Monarchs retain bragging rights

Pierce loses to cross-town rival, drop to 0-4 on the season

The Brahmas’ offense wasn’t able to chime in during the Victory Bell game against LA Valley College on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Shepard Stadium.

West LA’s 16-7 win resulted in them keeping the Victory Bell in their possession, which they have held since 2015.

LA Valley College head coach

Lester Towns said keeping the bell was one of his goals this season.

"That was one of the most important things this year. I know we had it for a few years and I didn't want to be known as the coach that gave it away," Towns said.

Towns said he made sure the players understood what was at stake and told them they had the bell at practice throughout the week.

Before the game against Long Beach, Valley forfeited due to a shortage of players. Towns said that it was important for them to come back.

Coach Dylan Flannery said he hasn’t had the bell since he started coaching at Pierce because previous games against the Monarchs have ended with the same results.

“This is my third season and both the first two matches against Valley were really hard losses, close games and then this one,” Flannery said.

Things didn't start well for the Brahmas. Early in the opening quarter, with about 14 minutes left, the Monarchs scored a touchdown via an interception from cornerback Craig Jones. The Brahmas were able to

fight back and scored their only touchdown of the game on a reception from Kareem Miles.

Miles transferred to Pierce from LA Valley, so his touchdown catch was against his former teammates.

“I was expected to score and to make big plays, so it wasn't anything special,” Miles said.

The Monarchs ended up scoring another touchdown that put them in the lead at 13-7 after a missed two-point conversion.

With only a minute left in the first half, the Brahmas had the chance to take the lead, but they fumbled in the red zone. The Monarchs were able to recover and went into halftime with a 13-7 lead.

Flannery said the team didn’t come together when necessary.

“And it just seems like it's not really a team that. They don't put it all on the line for one another as far as I'm watching,” Flannery said.

The second half didn’t look good for the Brahmas. Awan Parker intercepted another pass from quarterback David McCullum, which lead to a Monarchs field goal, making the score 16 - 7.

After winning the Victory Bell last season, Miles said he wished he could share the victory with his new teammates.

“It definitely hurt. I wanted my teammates to feel how I felt last year. I want them to experience

Brahma of the Week

Sport: Soccer

Position: Midfielder

High School: Agoura Hills

Won a penalty kick and scored a goal in Friday's road win against Clovis Community College.

You won a penalty kick and scored a great goal on Friday.

What was the overall feeling?

“On the PK, I usually take them, but I gave Sofia [Caparelli] the chance to score and she did well. On my goal, I was really proud of myself because I got to contribute.”

How do you prepare for games?

“I drink Pedialyte and it helps me stay hydrated.”

In what areas, do you see room for improvement?

“Improving on my shots and my technique.”

Any plans after Pierce?

“Probably transfer and play maybe at Cal State LA. I still need to talk to the coaches over there."

Brahmas Scoreboard Football

L v Valley 16-7

Water Polo Men's Basketball

Brahmas crush Clovis

Soccer wins on the road, improve to 4-5

Days following a loss to the College of the Canyons, the soccer team took a four-hour trip to Fresno to face the Clovis Crush.

That long drive was rewarded as Pierce picked up a big win on the road, winning 2-0.

Head Coach Adolfo Perez said he was pleased by how his team stepped up.

“This is a great result for us. Both teams played a tough schedule and our opponents played on the road most of their games, including Santa Barbara who they beat,” Perez said.

For the game, there was a change in goal. Pierce went with Bailey Swain as the starting goalkeeper.

Perez said that it is a last minute decision to see who starts.

“Our goalie situation is unique. Both of them are inexperienced and I speak with our goalkeeper coach Cynthia [Rosa] to see who was ready to start and we went with Bailey,” Perez said.

Swain had six saves and went the full 90, despite not being well the day before.

proud that she got on the scoresheet,” Millan said.

Millan would go on to score a great goal before the break with a shot outside of the penalty box which the Clovis’ goalie thought it was going out.

In the second half, Crush had their opportunities to get back in the game, but the defense stepped up.

Assistant coach Max Martin said the back four are starting to have a better understanding on the field.

“They are starting to gel really well. Of course there is room for improvement, but they did well to stop a tough team from scoring,” Martin said.

Caparelli said that she was happy to score her penalty.

“I was really nervous and besides, it was the first goal of the game so there was no pressure. I did it for them and it felt great because I was able to contribute,” Caparelli said.

She said that the team did not have a good preseason, so this win was important before conference play begins.

Perez said that nothing will be given to them. He knows that Moorpark, Ventura, Cuesta, Oxnard, Santa Barbara and Hancock will not be easy.

it,” Miles said.

Flannery said it will be hard to win the next game if his team has no discipline. He said the amount of penalties the team has affects their outcome.

“It's gonna be really hard to win football games when you have over a hundred yards of penalties each day,” Flannery said.

The Monarchs improved to 1-3, while the Brahmas drop to 0-4 on the season.

Pierce is back in action next Saturday when they host College of the Desert in the start of conference play. Kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m.


Diana Millan won a penalty kick for the Brahmas, which Sofia Caparelli put away in the 38th minute.

Millan said she takes the penalties, but decided to give Caparelli the chance.

“I gave her the opportunity and she took it really well. I was really

Brahmas with the win improve their record to 4-5 and return to Shepard Stadium Friday when they host Hancock. Kickoff is scheduled for 4 p.m.

For sports updates, follow us on Twitter (@RoundupSports) and Instagram (@PierceSports).

Moorpark goes on a raid

Raiders beat women's volleyball in straight sets

Women’s volleyball returned to Ken Stanley Court as they faced the Moorpark College Raiders on Sept. 27.

The visitors dominated throughout the game winning in straight sets (258, 25-15 and 25-18).

Libero Rochelle Kohantab said that despite the result, she was proud of how they played against the Raiders.

“It doesn’t feel like a loss,” Kohantab, libero position, said. “I think this was our best game of the season. We definitely played better than we played our other two games.”

Service errors also proved costly for the Brahmas as it would be easy points for Moorpark.

When the Raiders would do roll shots, the team would struggle.

Head coach Edison Zhou said they need reinforcements.

“We had great team work, a lot of great hits and passes but we need more hitters,” Zhou said. “The middle hitters just started learning how to play middle because it’s a new position for them.”

During the third set, Pierce showed signs of life by tying with Moorpark on two occasions.

Raiders wrapped the game up winning 25-18.

“It honestly could have gone either way,” Megan Wall, Moorpark’s outside hitter, said. “They played really well and so did we. The scores ended up being what they were but overall it was a good match.”

Assistant coach Carrie Wright said the team was really competitive.

“They stayed cheering. They played really well as a team tonight. I feel like everybody felt their positivity and their energy,” Wright said.

Moorpark head coach Adam Black said every win is good.

“I’m a believer that all the coaching happens at practice. If we’re able to do all the good work at practice and coach them up and train them up, then

hopefully, in theory, they are good enough to transfer that on their own," Black said.

Brahmas drop to 1-3 in the season and return to action Wednesday against Hancock College. Game is scheduled for 6 p.m.

ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 Sports 7 SPORTS SCHEDULE
WVolleyball WBasketball MBasketball Water Polo
L v Moorpark 3-0 L @ Cuesta 3-0
Oct. 5 vs. Desert 6 p.m. Oct. 2 @ Hancock 6 p.m. Oct. 4 vs. Mission 6 p.m. Oct. 9 vs. Citrus 2 p.m.
Ben Hanson/Roundup
Oct. 1 @ Moorpark 4 p.m. Oct. 4 vs. Hancock 4 p.m. W @ Clovis 2-0 L v Canyons 2-0
David McCullum is tackled by Nathaniel Sutton on a scramble during the Victory Bell Game against Los Angeles Valley College at Shepard Stadium in Woodland HIlls, Calif. on Sept. 28, 2019.
Football Records (as of 10/1) 0 4Soccer 4 5Water Polo 0 0W Volleyball 1 3M Basketball 0 0W Basketball 0 0 -
ALEJANDRA AGUILERA Reporter @_ale_aguilera Cecilia Parada/Roundup Gianna Ros serves the ball during a game against Moorpark College at Pierce College's South Gym in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 27, 2019. Brahmas lost to the Moorpark College 3-0.

Assistant coach multitasks in many fields

Max Martin shares knowledge on and off the field


It's always more fun to do what you enjoy in life and Max Martin is doing just that by dedicating his life to coaching the soccer team and being successful outside of the sport.

Martin has been playing soccer since he was four-years-old and he has been coaching for over 20 years.

He is originally from Mexico moved to the United States when he was 20.

Martin said he doesn't consider what he does as work, because it’s what he loves doing.

“My life has been ruled by not calling it work, I have never done anything in my life that I don't enjoy so I always go where I'm going to enjoy it and once the fun is over I think it's time to move on,” Martin said. “The reason is that when you are not happy, it reflects on your job and attitude.”

Martin coached soccer at LA Valley College for five years before moving to Pierce.

He has known the head coach Adolfo Perez for years and he knew that moving would be a great opportunity for him. This is his second year as the assistant coach.

“When I moved to Pierce, besides the point that I love the colors black and red, I think there's a different environment here that allows us to grow,” Martin said. “So I would like to do something that people will remember.”

Perez said that having Martin as the assistant coach has been a huge help.

“It was good to bring an experienced and older coach to do things outside the box because at this level you need someone reliable with the little things that become big

Giving players hope and strength Coach Dylan Flannery influences current roster


As football season is underway, keeping the players fit is a key element to making sure the team is successful.

For Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Dylan

Flannery it is a main priority as he motivates the current roster with his passionate words , hard work and to help his athletes avoid getting their bodies beat.

Flannery mentioned admiring a player when he was young.

“I remember watching Terrell

Suggs play running back in high school, my dad used to coach him and that is how I fell in love with the game,” Flannery said.

Playing in college, Flannery tore his knee three times, had concussions, and spinal fusion.

“I was that knucklehead linebacker that hit with his head. This sport has taken a lot from me physically, but I still love it, which is weird and crazy,” Flannery said.

With the injuries he had, Flannery became a coach so he can help the players prevent the experiences he had.

A normal work day for Coach

Flannery is to wake up at five or six o'clock to study God's word and goes to work as a private security as a side job then he comes to Pierce to help the team.

Last season, the football team had zero torn ACL injuries in contrast with other colleges.

“First off I have to give credit to God. Without Him I can't do anything. He is in control of all things. He has also blessed me with incredible things. Also with the education that I have with my degree and strength coaching certification,” Flannery said.

He's had the opportunity to work at Proactive, The Factory, and then in Arizona with Fischer Sports where they train the likes of Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews, Calais Campbell, and Andrew Witworth.

Flannery said he is fortunate to work with head coach Carlos Woods, who also has a passion for strength and conditioning.

“He is really knowledgeable and experiences with the Penn State strengthening program and he helped the [Indianapolis] Colts and the [Cincinnati] Bengals program so to have him also support me and to bounce ideas off of is incredible,” Flannery said.

Flannery recently worked with NFL players. His experience was cool to see how they are just human beings all the time.

“We put these NFL players out on a pedestal like there superhuman people but, they are incredible and are talented physically and mentally in regards

of the game but, yeah just normal people put their pants on one leg at a time. They will joke around funny while trying to get to know you,” Flannery said.

Before he was a strength and conditioning coach, Flannery was a personal trainer. He trained celebrities and famous rappers.

Ijaaz Rashid said that Flannery is a very good motivator.

“I like Coach D a lot. He inspires and pushes me to do better not only on the football field, but in daily life.” Rashid said.

Bryan Walker said Flannery is passionate in what he does.

“He is a man that loves the game, and loves being in the weight room. Not many people know that lifting is a big part of the game. They think is just X’s and O’s on the field, but when we get into the weight room it's passionate,” Walker said.

things,” Perez said. “He helps out with stuff that is needed for us to have better training sessions.”

Martin played third division in Mexico when he was 15-years-old. Martin said he played every single position except being on the bench.

“The teams that I actually coach, I always make sure that the players understand that the only way you can actually do well in the sport is if you play all the time, and if you understand and watch it,” Martin said.

Team captain Sofia Caparelli said Martin is always supporting and motivating the players to do their best.

“I think he's a great asset to the team, he definitely helps us out on and off the field. During the games he's very motivating and he helps whenever we are struggling or when he sees something we could improve or fix he tells us,” Caparelli said.

Martin also had a career in the media working for newspapers and radio. The first major newspaper he worked for was the Daily News for seven years. He then moved to the LA Times for seven years as well where he was in charge of the entertainment department.

Martin said that he wasn’t sure he was as passionate about working for the newspapers.

“As I’ve mentioned before, I only do things that I enjoy so I was going to move out of that industry but at that time, the guy that was in charge of the newspaper suggested that if I was not enjoying being on the main newspaper that I could do something else,” Martin said. “So I branched out at the that time online stuff was coming around so I got involved in that as well as the local newspaper including Glendale News-Press, Burbank Leader, Pasadena Weekly.”

He did get to work with well known sportscaster Mauricio

Cardenas during the time of his media career. Martin said he still keeps in touch with Cardenas and they share a love for soccer.

“He's a very close friend of mine, we call each other compadres, we've played soccer before,” Martin said. “We played media industry versus media industry meaning newspaper versus radio, radio versus television.”

Martin said that he enjoys working at Pierce now because soccer is what he has dedicated most of his life to. He believes it is his job to push the players and be as supportive as he can be.

“When the player is down or hesitant, I feel that it's my responsibility as a coach to provide the support so that they can continue,” Martin said. “I have seen players who give up just because of the coach so I really dislike to see great talent leave because a coach is not supportive.”

Caparelli said that having Martin as a part of the team has been really beneficial for her personally.

“I play as a center midfielder and he's always helping me out and just making sure that I have the team organized,” Caparelli said. “He’s always very good at being on me and motivating me which is really great.”

Martin said he is extremely competitive as a player and a coach. He said he absolutely hates losing but he will always recover and keep pushing.

“I recognize that there will always be better coaches and better players and when we meet them we should challenge ourselves to emulate them but not to be defeated,” Martin said. “It's one game out of the whole season and sometimes we think it's the end of the world but there are more games and that's the beautiful part of it. And I think that's who I am, I don't admit that i'm defeated, I get up.”


ROUNDUP: Oct. 2, 2019 Sports 8
Ben Hanson / Roundup Nirmolakpreet Kaur, Max Martin and Halle Manalili prepare for drills during Pierce College women's soccer practice near The Pit in Woodland HIlls, Calif. on Thurs day, Sept. 25, 2019. Cecilia Parada/ Roundup
[For the full story visit theroundupnews.com] NEED A LITTLE BREAK? PLAY! EAT! UNWIND! IT’S ALL HERE FOR YOU… Winnetka Bowl & Entertainment Center Bowling … Billiards … Arcade Lane 33 Bar & Grill, Village Café, FRIDAY LIVE Music, Karaoke, Ladies Nite Mondays… Mention this AD for $1 off drinks Must be 21 with valid ID and School ID For Details 818.963.4311 or go online - winnetkabowl.net 20122 Vanowen St at Winnetka Ave. , Winnetka 91306
Head strength and conditioning coach Dylan Flannery looks to the sidelines during a Pierce College football practice at John Shepard Stadium, in Woodland Hills, Calif. on Sept. 26, 2019

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