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Alternatives for campus protection


The growing mistrust of the police department is a result of the systemic racism and police brutality in our country. Hiring private security would allow Pierce College to be in control when selecting individuals who meet a strict criteria of racial, cultural and gender sensitivity training.


While there exists some campus security in the form of the Sheriff’s Department, Pierce should make an effort in getting private security in the interest of the diverse student demographic. According to the professor of intercultural communication and chair of the communication arts department at North Park University, Daniel White Hodge, in his essay for the book series Counterparts, systemic racism has been translating into campus life due to hiring campus security who have no training in racial and cultural issues.

Hodge shared his experience teaching in Southern California when his sociological class was predominantly black. He asked everyone to raise their hand if they have ever been stopped, questioned or detained by campus security. Nearly the entire class raised their hands.

Even though this classroom poll did not take place at Pierce, it is essential that when considering the following steps on how to make the campus a safer environment, we must include people of color in the conversation.

Adding more security on campus as a result of the sexual assault crime could negatively impact people of color who are trying to pursue their higher education.

According to Pierce’s mission statement, They are “committed to providing caring, equitable services to help the diverse students as well as the local community achieve their goals and thrive in a rapidly changing world.”

In order to do so, they must implement the statement into their search for campus security officials.

The Harvard Law Review foLlowing the fatal police shooting of Samuel DuBose even advised colleges who are seeking police for campus security should find departments that follow the colleges academic mission statement.

After the fatal shooting that occurred near the dorms of UC Berkeley, shortly after the university hired private security to circulate the area. Pierce College students shouldn’t have to experience violent acts in order for change to be implemented.

Pierce College has made efforts in making inclusivity celebrated on campus by opening the MultiCultural Center recently and promoting diversity through ASO planned events. Now it is time to not only spread the message, but embed the mantra into safety regulations.

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