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A call for culture Umoja-Club president has big plans

full force for this upcoming semester. She did this with the help of her Vice President Kekeli Gbewonyo and Emerald Coley.

“It was really Luna’s idea to start the club,” Gbewonyo said.


“She really rallied everybody. And she was able to get a bunch of other like-minded students to support the cause. And now we have a club.”

Although the club was restarted last semester, they weren’t able to build much due to health issues. This week was the club’s first real meeting, which took place this past Wednesday.

“Lat semester we weren’t able to do a whole lot, so I think this is the first time we’ll really get to see her in action,” Coley said. “But I’m very, very confident in Luna.

She’s very hardworking and very determined. She just has a good head on her shoulders, so I’m sure she’ll do great.” von Dahlern is held in a positive light by her peers and fellow club members. Some words used to describe her are fun, charismatic, energetic, determined, and inclusive. Being the determined person that she is described to be, she has worked hard to organize her club and even collaborate with other clubs, one of those being the film club.

“We’re in the works of talking to each other about the clubs coming together and watching a movie, discussing the movie afterward, providing

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