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Pierre Teo National University of Singapore B.A. (Arch)


Pierre Teo

pierreteo.zpk@gmail.com +65 93299091

@pie.rre.teo (personal)

@pic.rre.teo (personal projects)


2022 - 26 National University of Singapore Bachelors of Arts (Architecture)

2024 Fall ETH Zürich Architecture (Mobility)


2019 Edmund Ng Architects 3D modelling Site inspections


Rhinoceros3D / Grasshopper SketchUp AutoCAD

Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop After Effects, Premiere Pro

2024 FARM Resolution of project spatial arrangement Residential tender drawings 3D modelling & production for competitions

Opportunities and Exhibitions

2019 NUS High School Art Graduation Show Showcased works submitted for AP Art (2D Drawing)

2022 NUS ArchiVAL 2023

Project Showcase for Year 1 Semester 1 & 2 works

2023 NUS ArchiVAL 2024

Project Showcase for Year 2 Semester 1 & 2 works

2024 The Architecture Society Committee Vice-Director of Communications

NUS Joint International Workshop Represented NUS Architecture as a participant

ETH Zurich Student Exchange Award Nominated by NUS and received scholarship

Content : Curricular

Year 3 Semester 1 The mountain, the cheese, and the rocks

Mediating the forces of Human & Nature along a Swiss alpine road

Year 2 Semester 2 Folding Screens

Investigation on perforated panels and their climatic opportunities

Year 2 Semester 1 Voxels

Exploration of connectivity through cuboidal aggregation

Floating? Islands

Design exercise with a focus on architectural tectonics

Year 1 Semester 2 Hollows

Form creation guided by programmatic and site pressures

: Extra-Curricular

2024 The Heart of Song Wat Urban modifications to Bangkok’s creative district

2022 Bedroom redesign

Design and renovation of a bedroom space

Free time

Other personal projects

The mountain, the cheese, and the rocks

Year 3 Semester 1

ETH Zürich

Studio Adam Caruso

In partnership with Federico Bortot

How does one build where nature commands?

This project is situated on Klausenpass, a remote alpine pass frequented by farmers and visitors, but characterised by a overwhelming connection to the natural. Nonetheless, the existing road which cuts through this landscape predominantly serves vehicular traffic.

Through a sensitive understanding of historical context and natural phenomena, this project proposes a modification to the existing road in a way which equally serves the multiple actors who intersect this road.

The humans

Klausenpass originally existed as a small alpine path for local farmers and their cattle. Its expansion into the asphalt Klausenstrasse was driven by tourism and militaristic demands.

Nevertheless, those who visit the pass still seek out natural spaces, expressing a desire to engage and connect with these non-human actors.

The rocks

Millenia before humans step foot onto the pass, nature had been in motion. Daily, rocks fall onto the road, requiring clearing by maintenance crew. When it rains, water flow over the road despite water channels.

This project sought to address these conflicts sensitively.

Site Plan 1 of 2

This project consists of 3 main gestures:

1. Creation of retaining walls which, over time, collect natural rockfall into new spaces

2. Repaving and expansions of the road to encourage diversion

3. Renegotiation of space between vehicular traffic, foot traffic, and natural forces

Cheese Shelters

Shelters near local businesses offer flexible storage and retail spaces. They utilise the construction process to inform the final expression of the space.

The mountain, the cheese, and

Section C

Renegotiation of road space to mediate water runoff

Section D

Renegotiation of road space & pedestrian platform

Along the road, the proposed modifications considered existing conditions as well as potential opportunities.

This included nature-human conflicts, but also pedestrian-vehicular intersections.

The mountain, the cheese, and the rocks - Year 3 Semester

Folding Screens

Year 2 Semester 2

National University of Singapore

Studio Ronald Lim

In partnership with Matz Goh

Studio Ronald Lim focused on an investigation of a precedent and explored its adaptation to a climatic device.

In Folding Screens, that investigation centered around the perforated screen, which through manipulation and modification could respond climatically to sunlight, wind, and rain.

This system was then applied to a local school, which further opened the project to programmatic and functional opportunities.

Angled Wall Study

Average Wind Direction

Average Temperature


Maximum direct light penetration

Transient Corridor Space Corridor & Classroom



Utilisation of indirect light


Classroom and Shared Spaces

Variations of the facade system are applied to North-South and East-West faces to allow for sensitive control of sun and wind.

Multi Purpose Hall

Wind is directed up to prevent disruption to wind-sensitive sports.

School Hall

Light and wind acceptance is maximised to accommodate large gatherings of students.

Year 2 Semester 1

National University of Singapore

Studio Yang Han

Studio Yang Han focused on an exploration of a cuboidal analogue to unlock spatial opportunities through aggregation.

Voxels explored the idea of communal living to its extreme through a dense network of visual and physical connectivity, within, between, and through dwellings. The application of these dynamics were guided by programmatic affinities for privacy and connection.

Interior and exterior spaces were assigned a level of access and visual privacy, which guided the design process.

Aggregational Block

Comprising 6 spatial and visual analogues, the Aggregational Block is interweaved with layers of physical and visual connections.

Structural System

Each Aggregational Block is supported by a central core off which each unit cantilevers.

Matrix of Openings

Ground Plan

The four structural cores mark the entrances to the building, with the Aggregational Blocks at the ground level converted to form communal spaces for residents.

Intermediate Plan

Openings in the aggregated form relate to site pressures of privacy. Throughout the building, a tight weave of visual and phsyical connection is present.

Staggered voids offer private balconies for all residents.

Floating? Platforms

Year 2 Semester 1

National University of Singapore

Architectural Tectonics Course

This course focused on designing a open public gallery while incorporating architectural tectonics in the design process.

Floating? Platforms played with the idea of intersecting circles on plan, utilising concentric RC walls as the structural system, as well as to block views and provide shelter.


Year 1 Semester 2

National University of Singapore Studio William Ng

This semester explored the fundamentals of spatial design. In the course of our projects, core considerations such as program, site response, formal expression and spatial quality were introduced.

Hollows utilized wind flow as its primary form-driver due to programmatic necessities. This, in turn, informed the project’s formal expression, as well as arrangement of spaces.

Programmatic Mapping

An understanding of the occupants routine and occupation informed the programmatic network and thus the spatial connection of these functions.


Spaces were defined by their intended functions and the spaces required.

Site Response

An analysis of the wind characteristics on site served as the main site response in Hollows

Formal Adaptation to Wind

Spaces are oriented diagonally from wind paths according to programmatic needs.

Periodic openings allow for greater ventilation

Rounded cross-sections reduce turbulent wind flow around corners

Plan 1

Spaces which are more public occupy the first floor, with the Art Studio and Bar facing and open to the main road.

The Office is located in line with a wind channel on site, but is oriented diagonally to ensure high ventilation while moderating wind speed.

In comparison, the Back of House, located along the same channel, is oriented in line with the wind.

Privacy is ensured for the most private spaces in the home by staggering the rings at the openings.

Studio Section
Back Entrance
Art Studio

Ramp Section Living Room

The Heart of Song Wat

29 July to 4 August 2024

Joint International Workshop Organised by Meiji University & Chulalongkorn University (INDA)

In partnership with Chien Ting-Jung, Haruto Sudo, Natthaphat Chotananwut, Poran Buragohain, and Wachiraporn Aramnueyporn

The docks in Song Wat were the center of trade in a growing Bangkok. In the present, however, it exists as a quieter industrial warehouse and a quickly gentrifying creative space.

Even so, Song Wat remains a home for a community away from home: workers in the area who live far away.

This project sought to protect this space for them, fostering their second home while contending with the contrastive contexts on site.

My first stab at design was a big personal project prior to starting university. The goal was to design a conducive space to live, sleep and work during architecture school.

January to February 2022 Personal Project

Learning Blender taught me the fundamentals of 3D modelling and allowed me to figure out the construction details of key aspects of this project, such as the 1500 x 750mm foldable desk. ( 3 years down the line, I’m proud to report it still works perfectly! )


The renovation consisted of several smaller projects, including processing and constructing wooden elements as well as painting walls and furniture.

This whole project from visualisation to completion took 2 months.

To document my process, I recorded my journey and compiled it into a video log series.

Renovated Room

Wood Dyeing
Bedroom Redesign - 2022

Other personal projects

Free Time

I love keeping myself busy. In between classes and commitments, I enbark on creative projects, big or small. I also freelance when possible.

Some of my work have been for corporate clients such as AXA and HSBC.

I’ve also designed album covers and product stickers for friends. In the remaining time, I enjoy diving into personal projects, such as designing app icons, or redesigning infographics.

These projects have been essential for me to hone technical skills and learn new approaches to projects.

I have collated some of my personal projects in an Instagram page.

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