Multilateral Comenius Partnership 2011-2013 – Project: HUMAN RIGHTS in EUROPE
30th Sept. 2011 Begin of work at 8:30 I. Reports: Germany: Posters about the countries participating in the project, working on the project in general, special Comenius lessons in school. Italy (Chieti): Three classes work on EU and hr (human rights); try to implement Comenius into the curriculum of every class (16- year-old students), reduction of working hours for several teachers for their work at Comenius. Italy (Nettuno): No time fort he work at the project, but it is easy to find students to work on the project, students (16/17). Informatics students are engaged in the project. They meet in the afternoon, not during the lessons and speak about EU and hr. The students have prepared a presentation of their school and the town Nettuno.
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Multilateral Comenius Partnership 2011-2013 – Project: HUMAN RIGHTS in EUROPE
Greece: Discussions only with the teachers, 6 teachers involved in the project, no reduction, 2 hours reduction only for 1 teacher (social and environment "umbrella", integration oft he project in the lessons (especially in informatics). A blog has been prepared: Spain: Group of 5 teachers involved in the project, no group of students, work during the lessons in the classes, all communities in school know the project,, interdisciplinay work, reduction of 4 hours (for 3 people) Cyprus: Meeting with students for exchange, no working hours’ reduction for teachers, power point on violation of hr in Cyprus, plan to involve more teachers. France: No working hours’ reduction, meeting with students (15 years), students from different classes, work at the project is still at the beginning. Poland: No hours’reduction, the teachers try to include the project into the curriculum. 8 teachers (languages, Informatics, History, Music, Art), contest on the country where the meetings are taking place in order to choose the students who will visit that country, try to include as many students as possible. Czech Republic: No reduction, Barbora has got most of the work to prepare the meeting, several (English) teachers involved in the project.
II. Coordination tasks of the partners: Czech Republic and Germany: Coordination concerning music and communication Poland: coordination of Arts (Photo, painting) France: Theatre Cyprus: Theatre and logo Spain: evaluation Italy (Chieti): poetry Italy (Nettuno): IT Greece: IT Deadlines for the tasks were discussed. According to the students’ questionnaire in order to know if and what students know about human rights Holger proposed to formulate 10 questions. Poland: who is responsable for the coordination of the questionnaire? Different proposals: the students could make and compare statistics. The coordinator for it will be the school in Nettuno. The informatics course in Nettuno will work on the statistics and compare the results of the different schools. The questionnaire questions should be closed (such us multiple choice). Yes-no questions can also be prepared. All the results oft he questionnaire must be sent by the end of November. III. The annual meetings 2 from 5
Multilateral Comenius Partnership 2011-2013 – Project: HUMAN RIGHTS in EUROPE
Discussion about the date of the meeting in Cyprus. Some delegations cannot go to Italy at the fixed date. Proposal: meeting in Cyprus from 4th to 10th March. The proposed date has bin fixed. The meeting in Chieti in May: from 2nd to 8th of May. Not sure how many students can come. Question: Is it possible to bring groups of more than two or three students? The school must decide. Number of students in Cyprus has been decided: two or three for each delegation. More students at the end of the year meeting (Chieti).About 50 students would like to take part in this meeting. The art-exhibition will take place in Poland, but the end products should also be exposed during the end of the year meeting in Chieti. Is it possible to bring a theatre-group to Chieti? Idea: Common poem written by students of the different countries.Who organizes the last meeting in 2013? Italy? Both schools? Spain? France? France will ask, if it is possible to have the final meeting from 2nd to 8th of May 2013.Nettuno: February/March 2013? Spain: Meeting in February 2013? IV. Special events: - Europe Day on the 9th of May 2012 - Day of Human Rights on the10th of December 2011 Poland ideas: School magazine on hr, film: Green Mile, Italy Nettuno: local office of Nettuno : Collegue can present problems about hr. Chieti: special week France: nothing planned Greece: nothing planned Cyprus: Posters in different classes, more activities in this year Spain: Film: Diamonds of Blood or Diamonds blood? .... Posters about all the hr Germany: Invitation of human rights organisations, panel discussion.
3rd October 2011 Discussion on the place for the final meeting in 2013. Result: final meeting in Germany: 2nd to 8th of May 2013. As a consequence the date for the meeting in France is from 6th to 12th February 2013 Meeting in Chieti: Andrea reports on the decisions taken in his school: It is possible to go to Chieti in May 2012 (from 2nd to 8th) for 20 teachers and for about 40 or 50 students. It is not possible to have all of the students in host families. We need a hostel. It won’t be possible to have meals for the students staying in the hostel. Not all students can take part in the lessons. Teachers have to keep them occupied. As there is a poetry competition in the school at the time oft he meeting, Andrea suggests that the Comenius partner schools should take part in it .Every school has to send one – three poems (in English) to Chieti until April 2012. There will be a subcommittee that will decide what poem/poems will take part in the general contest. Andrea will send the conditions of the contest. A presentation of the selected poem/poems must be prepared (in Chieti??). We can try to create one common poem. It is possible to make a sort of book to collect the different poems (may be in the mother language and in English).Powerpoint presentation (ppt). Every school should create a ppt on hr in its own country. Everyone will send the ppt to Katerina until December or the beginning of January 2012: max: 10 MB. Two parts: 1. Historical development in one’s own country, 2. violation of hr in one’s own country. Katerina will send the presentation to all schools in files. As far as the second part of the presentation (situation nowadays) is concerned it could be put together with the questionnaire (qu): We’ll develop a qu., which is the same for every school. Age of the students: 14 - 16, number of students involved: 50. The questionnaire of Adriana’s students will be the basis.
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Multilateral Comenius Partnership 2011-2013 – Project: HUMAN RIGHTS in EUROPE
Questionnaire: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Where are you from? What is your sex? Have you ever heard about the Declaration of Human Rights? Does your government respect individual liberties? Are equal rights extended to people regardless of colour in your country? Are equal rights extended to people regardless of their religion? 5.Is there a discrimination because of sexual orientation in your country? Is everyone protected equally by law in your country? Is freedom guaranteed for everyone in your country? Does the legal system in your country provide effective remedies for people whose constitutional rights have been violated? In your country can anyone apply for political asylum to avoid persecution from another country? Have you ever heard about activities or (national or international) organizations having to do with human rights? Do you know where to go if your rights have been violated? Does everyone have the right to get the citizenship of your country? In your country is everyone guaranteed the freedom of thought and conscience? In your country is everyone guaranteed the freedom of religion? In your country is everyone free to form his/her own opinions and to express them publicly and privately? Is education available to everyone in your country? In your school are students discriminated because of their lifestyle, for example form of dress or frienship with certain people? In your school do you have the right to express your opinion without fear of being punished? Do you think that males and females are treated equally? Have you ever violated anybody’s rights?
4th of Oct. 2011 Questionnaires We’ll use the questionnaire above for statistics. We’ll use the qu. on the first ten rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights prepared by the international students‘ workgroup in Celakovice in our schools. Project logo Students are creating logos right now. Designs should be made in every school. We’ll decide in Cyprus who is the winner. Katerina would like to put all the logos on the internet platform. (1 from each school) Small competition in each school. Jury in Cyprus (may be of students). We have to put the best logo of each school into the blog until the end of January. Song about HR and further organisational issues Every delegation should work on a song in Cyprus (own language, translation, self-made song or existing song).Andrea: difficult to develop it in his school, because there are no music lessons. We will bring the songs to Chieti. There should be a teacher to coordinate the work of the students. Cyprus
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Multilateral Comenius Partnership 2011-2013 – Project: HUMAN RIGHTS in EUROPE
will try to organize this. It will be possible. We need a person who writes the results. The schedule of the meeting in Cyprus should be prepared. Cyprus will suggest a plan in November. The coordinators will add their points. Greece needs the program to get the permission to go to the meeting. There should be a schedule for students and teachers. Cyprus would like to know the exact number of students and teachers by the end of November. The students should communicate before the meeting (chat).Poland: Contest on knowledge about Cyprus. (Geography, words, famous people, history). Students who are going to participate in the meetings must prepare for them. Another aspect: we should not select the best, the winner is not always the best, but the most interested. There should also be a chance for students who are not so successful in school. We have to prepare the families, if there are special problems. Will they be willing to host someone who has got some kind of problems? Students should be prepared what kind of problems are to be expected. Communication and working platforms After a presentation of Katerina’s blog and oft he etwinning platform the group decides to use Katerina’s platform to put in and present the projects’ results/products and to use eTwinning for teacher’s communication. Teachers’ chat session: Every first Monday of the month at 8 pm., the first one to be held on 7th of Nov., platform: eTwinning. Students’ chat session: Every first Sunday of the month at 7 pm, the first ona: on 6th of Nov., platform: Facebook. Holger will communicate the topic. Coordinators of the student’s chat are the Greek pupils: Fabio and Christina (Their e-mail addresses are available). Questionnaire concerning the evaluation of the meeting in Celakovice. Carmen presents her q. It will be simplified (language, yes and no). Feedback about the meeting in Celakovice France: long time free during the weekend, better mix of work and free time, good information on the project, question: What is the aim of the project work? Chieti: As there are many delegations and a lot of people, it would be better to work in little groups. The decision about the student’s work will be taken during the meeting in Cyprus: a bit tiring, we spent too much time discussing the meeting places, realizing a lot about the project, disappointed at the beginning, difficulties in the atmosphere, better during the meeting, acceptance of each other. Spain: better knowledge to prepare the students concerning Cyprus, working in groups, good: information on concrete activities, rich experience, at least one hour for lunch, we did not introduce ourselves, introduction student and teachers together, talk between the meetings is very important, learning a lot. Greece: thank to the coordinators and to Barbora, students very happy (super), 7 days rather long, distance from the hotel to school was difficult, positive: time to speak, proposal: only 5 days fort he meetings. Poland: better mixture of work and free time, work in the morning and other activities in the afternoon. Real work should be done at school. Work in groups, more activities outside the school; wish to see more of the partner school. Czech Republic: thank for coming, difficult to organize, apologize for some problems, better work with the students, more time to get to know each other, Italy (Nettuno): meeting good, very tiring, former meetings: more time with students, only negative aspect, students very enthusiastic. Germany: The present group is not the same as the one which participated in the prep meeting in Karben. It was planned to have the weekend in between. It is impossible to work only in the morning, and it is difficult to work in groups to fix the dates of the meetings. More breaks mean longer work in the afternoon. Student work: more work together with the students is a good idea. The European evening was good. It is important that the delegations do not change completely at each meeting. Poland: More preparation before the meeting, better communication.
……………………………………………………………………………..…Written by Monika Rhein
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