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Editot·'s Note: The cover of our November issue of the STAR AND LAMP depicts perhaps one of the most impot·tant actions of the delegates at the t·ecently held 82nd Supreme Chapter. It r efl ects the concern of our membet·s fot· the presently existing trend of violent diss ension in America. Below is a reproduction of a portion of the Oct. 4, 1968, "Congressional Record," in which the r esolution is presented to Congt·ess by Bt·othet· Syd Herlong, R ept·esentative from Fl?t·ida.

HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. of Florida In the House of Representatives Thursday, October 3, 1968 Mr. HERLONG: "Mr. Speaker, because of the great amount of unrest that seems to be prevalent on many college and university campuses in the United States at this time, I think it is of great significance that at the 32nd Supreme Chapter meeting of my college fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi, the undergraduate delegates present at the convention adopted a resolution supporting the right of dissent and demonstrations within proper and reasonable limits, but also calling on all other such organizations to join with them in a concerted effort to provide constructive leadership on all college and university campuses toward the goal that student controversies may be presented within the bounds of established school procedures and with due regard for the rights of fellow students. I commend these undergraduates for this action and include a copy of the resolution in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD."

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Gentlemen: My hea1·tiest cong1·atulations to you for ?·ep?"'ln . t.mg "Campus o1· Battleg?·ound?" by Robert Hessen in yom· cun·ent issue (August). · . I t is only 1·egrettable t hat the maJority of t lLe ct't tzem·y . . g1·eat of tins count1·y may not be enhghtened . th?·o ug h access to such well founded thinking. F1·aterna lly, H . Cli ff ord Ha1·rison A lpha Epsilon '58




Contents Supreme Chapter Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Dea1· Du1·ward : L Re : August 1 968, STAR AND _A MP and t he article on t he UniverStty of Ge01·gia. I would like to co?"rect an e?"'I'01' on r;:u e 28, the 4th sentence. L ambda of t Kappa Phi was founded in 1915 not 1904 . b I have a fifty yea1· certificate signed Y you in 1 965 . I was numbe1· five ·i n the o1·iginal chapter. Thank s, Richard Har1-is, S r. L ambda '15 (Ed. T he Edito1· must hang his 1 ~ead, because he, too, is a member of . ambda Chapte1·, and B1·oth er Ha1"ris ts absolutely c01'1'ect.)

Supreme Chapter Oandid Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Notable Pi Kapp-Raymond Miller ..... . ..... 10 The Uses and Abuses of Freedom .. . .. . . .. . . 12 Pi Kapp's Big Four in Football . . ...... . ..... 15 The National Council .. . ...... .. .......... . 16 Disney Commands Navy Justice School . ... . .. 18 "If You Ran Pi Kappa Phi" .... . ...... .. .. . . 20 "Yes Durward Owen Does Exist" . . .. . ....... 24 Difference Without Division ................ 26 Supreme Chapter Model Initiate . . . .. .. ..... . 27 Guess Who .. . .. . ... . ... . ...... . ......... 27 A Pi Kappa White Paper ................... 28

~--------------~ L. G. Balfour Company Attleboro, Mass. B and Urr, Patterson & Auld Co. 2301 Sixteenth Street Detroit, Mich. 48216

Durward Owen Editor-in-Chief

Tom Dalton Managing Editor

THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the National Counci l of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave ., Charlotte, N. C., in the months of . February, May August and November. The hfe subscnpt1on 1s $15 and' is the onlY form of .subscriptio':l · EDITOfliAL OFFIC~: National Office of the p, Kappa Ph1 Fratern•tY, 1924 Va•l Ave., Charlotte, N. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 224 V':'· 2nd St., Charlotte, N. C. 28202. Second -class posta ge pa1d at Charlotte, N. C. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, P. 0 . Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C. 28204. All material intended for publication should be in the hands of th e Mana ging Editor, P. o. Box 4608 , Charlotte, N. c. 50 days preceding the month of Issue.

official jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi, an . . nounce that catalogs and price 1Ists a re avat'1able on request. ~

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Maloney AwardedMerit Citatioll In a recent ceremony held at Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Florida, Brother Frank E. Maloney was awarded the Merit Citation of Pi Kappa Phi for the exemplary manner in which he has given of himself to further the causes of his fraternity. Brother Maloney was presented the Citation by newly elected National President, Charles Tom Henderson. The Citation reads:

f t~l "Brother Frank E. Maloney, now Dean o ~ College of Law at the University of Florida,~~ a long-time Chapter Advisor to Alpha EP 91 1 Chapter. As a student and professor of.~~~~ Brother Maloney has played a strong, gutd~i路 role in housing and alumni work for Alpha, ~路 silon Chapter, and his interest in and exerttO ~ for the brothers of Alpha Epsilon will l~IIg ol felt and acknowledged at the UniversitY Florida and by this brotherhood. _-/

___________________________________________________________ . announc1ng ... PI KAPPA PHI



Each member should have a copy on his desk for pers 5e: use. Update your contact with fraternity brothers. All addres and chapter rosters complete and current.


Pi Kappa Phi- P. 0. Box 4608- Charlotte, N. C. 28204

1 1

IIthe Enclosed is my check for $3.00. Please send me a coPY I 1968 Pi Kappa Phi Membership Directory. / Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------- I IAddress -------------------------------- ______________________________________________ ~ 01


----------------------------------------------------------------- ____________..../


p·1 Kapp Blazer and Coat of Arms lhink Your earn of the impact upon a group of rushees, upon rne Pbs, or at that Saturday night donee party if 1 kapp ~I er of the chapter is wearing his Navy Blue lh ozer and coot of arms I. °Ctu rer ~ughh spec1o · l arrangements ·with a clothing monuit"ldividu~t. e Notional office con assist a chapter or on 0 Ve ry lo In ~urchosing the blazer and coot of arms for lh w pnce. or e blaze bl Otely. Th r on d coot of arms must be purchased sep0zer e coat of arms does not come sewn onto the

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Vv~c ron I Woo o)llllller Wei T)h t __________________________________ $30. 00 (~ lonne hter I)Wei 9 h t ------ ______________________________ $28. 00

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(G~i d %e~~~ Th-;~-~d)__________________________ $ 3. 75

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end Order t y our check for the total amount of the Pi 0 the Notional Headquarters. Sure et~s~ al_low 30 days for shipment, and be 111er or 1 ~d1cate whether you desire the sumWinter weight blazer.

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In a recently held "high finance" meeting at Lambda Chapter, University of Georgia, the three-year-old son of Lambda's past chapter advisor, Tom Dalton, purchased a $100.00 debenture bond from Lambda Housing Corporation. The money used to purchase the bond by Tommy Dalton, III, was all pennies. They were delivered to the chapter house by Tommy's father in a heavily laden pillow case. Tommy had saved the pennies over a two-year period. In the picture above, Tommy receives his bond from chapter Archon, Steve Woods, in exchange for the pennies. The money collected from the sale of such 30 year, 4% debenture bonds by the Lambda Housing Corporation will be used to retire the existing $30,000 mortgage on the present chapter house and land so that the construction of a badly needed new chapter home can begin. An additional $25,000 worth of bonds must be sold. Alumni interested in the purchase of a bond should contact the Chapter at 930 South Milledge, Athens, Georgia 30601, for information. 5




SUPREME CHAPTER ACTIONS National Housing Plan Adopted Virginia Beach-In the recently held Pi Kappa Phi 32nd Supreme Chapter at Virginia Beach, Va., the 300 undergraduate and alumni delegates present adopted a housing plan designed to provide competitive housing by 1976 for each chapter of the Fraternity not already in such facilities. The program had been developed under the guidance of the National Council and Executive Director of the Fraternity. It includes provisions for the construction of fraternity housing through the utilization of cash funds provided by Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., a national fraternity subsidiary, undergraduate chapter funds, anticipated alumni funds, and lease-purchase funds secured from major lending institutions. The total line-of-credit required for this construction program is in excess of 3.6 million dollars. Two major mortgage and construction firms have expressed an interest in participating in this ambitious construction program, which reflects the forward thinking momentum permeating the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi. Scheduled implementation of the housing program is to begin with the construction of a chapter home for Alpha Eta Chapter, Samford Uni6

versity, and a lodge facility for Alpha .A.IP~~ Mercer University. Occupancy dates for th~~ two units are tentatively scheduled for septe l ber, 1969. Ch; ·or'

In conjunction with the passage of the ?at~·o' al housing program, implementing legislll \ was adopted which will allow the National c~of cil and the Trust Investment Committee 0 11, Kappa Phi to commit up to 50 per cent of ~ Star and Lamp Trust Funds for prograJI'IJI1 housing needs. National Council Structural Changes


In order to improve the efficiency of the oi ternity's operations, several changes were ]'11~ in the organizational structure of the Fraterfl~~· One such change was the creation of the 0 1 ·oJI· of Vice President, who would assist the Nat! . 1 President, or serve in his absence. In add~t~~ the office of National Historian was a bollS. 1 to allow for the creation of the post of Na~ 1 ~ ~, 0 Chaplain. Officers elected to these new poslt1• ( are Jack Steward, Vice President, and El!!le1 J ost, Chaplain. ~

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The National Council of Pi Kappa Ph 1• ,, order of rank, consists of the offices of Pres!·ae··if· Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, ChaP 1~: and Chancellor, all of which have two year tel THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA



'I'A.hWARD WINNING PUBUCATION e Refl e? t or of Alpha Eta Chapter, Samford tJ niversit

dent's p(' Is the winner of the 1967-68 PresiPUb!icat· aque for the best individual chapter 'I' Ion of Pi Kappa Phi. he awa d dent IC r was presented by National Presithe 3 ~: Jepson to the Chapter delegation at 'I' Supreme Chapter. he Presid · awarded each year en t' s p laque IS to th e und PUb!icat" e.rgraduate chapter having the best Selected 1 ~n m th~ opinion of a panel of judges 'I'h· Y the Director of Alumni Affairs. basis lSof Yea r ' s wmner . was determined on the three content and journalistic creativeness, by 'l'hese ~embers of the journalism profession f essor Judg f es were: Mr. John T. Russell, Pro-· Georgia~ Journalism at the University of Good li' M:r. Paul R. Plawin, Travel Editor for Stnith ousekeeping Magazine; and Mr. Bennett l>rint.' Publications Coordinator for Observer 'I'h lUg liouse, Charlotte, North Carolina. \Vith: Reflector is a lively looking publication Interes t·mg articles on alumni and chapter activiti \Vorth es. It also has timely editorials of newstingui~h~haracter and engaging profiles of disa d Alpha Eta alumni. Chiz~~~er-up to the Reflector is the Chi Chapter e.




Gamma Epsilo~Champion Mast er Chapt e?'

FRATERNITY AWARDS PRESENTED Awards for distinguished chapter achievements during the 1967-68 school year were presented at the Kick-off Banquet of the 32nd Supreme Chapter. The award winners were: Theron Houser Award for Chapter improvement: Alpha Psi, University of Indiana; Champion Master Chapters: Alpha, Charleston; Gamma Epsilon, Western Carolina; and Alpha Eta, Samford University. Master Chapters: Mu, Duke; Beta Upsilon, University of Virginia; Beta Psi, Tennessee Wesleyan; Beta Xi, Central Michigan State ; Gamma Zeta, West Virginia Tech; Xi, Roanoke College; Alpha Mu, Pennsylvania State; Gamma Eta, Athens College; Alpha Phi, Illinois Institute of Tech.; Zeta, Wofford College; and Epsilon, Davidson College. The featured speaker for the Awards Banquet was Pi Kappa Phi National Historian, James Golden. Brother Golden discussed responsibility in government and the role of our young people in changing the courses of all governments. In addition to his speech and other contributions to the 32nd Supreme Chapter, Brother Golden played an important role in the drafting and adoption of the Law and Order Resolution appearing on the cover of this issue of the Star and Lamp. 7

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Al Brown, wife Pat, and Mel Metcalfe enjoy joke. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI



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Pi Kapps and ladies enfoy "masterful" master of ceremonies. 0 VE MBER,




Brother Raymond H. Miller, Gamma, cently stepped down as Park Commissioner Oakland, California, but his impact bas ~~ felt and could lead to a revolutionary neW 1 in park development across the country . • • e~i

With the support of many Oakland cttJZ il ' Brother Miller is pushing his idea of develoP ~1 1 a series of "vest pocket" parks throughout 11 city that will not have a blade of grass, a tr , or flower on them.


According to Raymond, "Our present plll'~ aren't serving 80 per cent of the people. 'l'J)l:' is simply because we acquire large costly ch~e€' of land and then plant them with expensive tJ :1 BV' flowers, and lawns that cost a fortune to J1l / tain. Rangers must then be hired to keeP v k dais away. Why? I'll tell you why. The peoP'\' who need the parks are frustrated. TheY }JB no place to play. If they start a game, a rallg runs them off." "Our parks are built for beauty and uP:~ class people who don't need parks because t e.' have the money to find recreation elsewber


Raymond Miller- Financier, ~~ Philanthropist and Darn Good ~, Pi Kappa Phi- Develops Ne'JI Idea For Parks. 10






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In addition to talking about park development, Brother Miller has devoted much of his time and money to carrying through his ideas. According to Oakland Park Director, John Peetz, "I don't know of a park in Oakland that Mr. Miller and his wife Inez have not contributed thousands of dollars to help develop."

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A native of Colorado, Miller and his wife picked Oakland for their home 26 years ago. Brother Miller lives on a beautiful 21-acre estate, which boasts an olympic size pool that he has never been in and a fabulous home built during the Korean War with boiler plate off an old battleship used for support.

widei titeP: :JopiPI

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The career of Brother MiiJer sounds like a fairy tale, but every part of it is absolutely true, and he has a plaque or award to prove it.

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He has been a bronco riding champion, a gold prospector, an outstanding orator, an insurance salesman, a builder of 52 financial institutions, an oil wildcatter, and is now concerned with gold and copper mining in Nevada and Arizona.

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He holds three honorary doctor of law degrees, is on 21 charity boards, and has helped more than 100 colleges and universities with financial advice. He and his wife, Inez, helped finance and raise the money to build and equip the Humanitarian Building, which houses a speech and hearing clinic, on the campus of his Alma Mater, Colorado State University.




is a e ~ust reverse our approach. What we need . series f City th o vest pocket parks throughout the ha"e at cover a half block or a whole block and noth路 Of a . Ing growing on them. Then the people kick t~eighborhood can play baseball, football, e can, or whatever pleases them."

In addition to his many civic and business affairs, Brother Miller is active in the affairs of our Gamma Chapter at the University of California, Berkeley. His office is always open to the chapter members for advice, and he has recently expressed an interest in the building program of the chapter.


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Looters escaping with clothing stolen from Washington, D. C., stores during riots which followed assassination of Reverend Martin Luther King .

Rarely in U. S. history has o1<1 ~ 1 cept of f?·eedom been as hotly de~:~~ 1 ~nd as seriously threaten ed, as IIi tn these trou bled tim es of rebe 01 655 and defianc e. In this percepti~e 1t the distinguished author-phtlos~~r!. t1·aces the tortuous trail from l!b to license. Should my freedom, or yours~~ limited in any way? Why? Or Jet not? These questions raise prob rtf never solved once and for all. The cf~ son is that they depend upon the 1,' text in which they appear-inte!le~ef a!, emotional and political. jj;v( generation must therefore find i~ tolerable solution, even though 1 ~sfl• probably be less than wholly satl Jw tory and certainly not final. T~e : ~ 5 tion will depend upon: what kill 1~f freedom are most cherished at ~ time, and how far a significan.t ~rfl' her of citizens tend to push their doms beyond comfortable limits. ) t S~'' Most of us who think abo~ JW subjects are temperamentally i!lct ;. to long for logical and permane~ 1 rive lutions. We therefore tend to a r t· definitions and general principleS~· which we can always appeal _....Jti' hope - and resolve any difficU 01• 5 that arise. The most popular of 1 concepts is: liberty but not Jicense·dl is obviously useless because it t 6 mands two impossibly simple d~0~ tions and because (what comes. re • to the same thing) one man's ~~~, is certain to be another man's liC.Jllt Philosophical anarchists so~.et; 01r offer another absolute as thell 11~ tion: everyone should be absolUV'' free to do anything he chooseS· tD~ even they are likely to admit that 1c solution is acceptable only if one pt' 8 cepts a premise along with it: 8fsocial or destructive acts are . alii'jjll: merely protests against restrail1t' t 1 if there are no limits to freed 0!1 one will abuse it. ~()' At an opposite extreme are t ~~~ who explain away both the meaP


Uninhibited looters help themselves to groceries from burned-out Safeway store.

Edi t or's N ot e : Th e f ollowin g ar ticle f r om THINK magazine is certainly in k eeping wi th the law an d o1·der them e of this issu e's cover. It is 1·ep1-int ed to p1·ovide our membe1·ship f ood f o1· thought, and do es n ot necessarily r efl ect the views of the editor s.


Accompanying the m·ticle are h e1·eto unpublished photog1·aphs of the Washington, D. C., riots, which occu?T ed immediately following the assassination of R ev. Martin Luther King. Th ese eye witness photogmphs of a1·son and looting were taken by B 1·other Ellis L ev er, Sigma, who wor ks for the WASHINGTON POST.




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; nd Abuses of Freedom and th e Valu f cornlnonl e o freedom as they are mmwn over others, a fact of history that free speech meant fr eedom to exYou arrj; conceived. By this process demonstrated only too many times. press political, social, intellectual and 0nly des· e at the conclusion that the The Pilgrim Fathers furnish the clas- religious thinking. It probably never to do .n·able freedom is the "freedom sic example. The South African Boers, occurred to them that any considera tight" " Ccordin or the freedom to act whose struggle for political indepen- able number of influential people ~er,. g to God's will " A d 't · b ' lnUch j'1 . n I IS dence elicited the sympathy of all lib- would raise the question of four-letter Yso~ne S .ke the concept arrived at erals a few generations ago, are an- words and descriptions of sexual acts. free In OVIet theoreticians: the only other. And one need not look far for In 18th century England there were Sire toe; are those who no longer de- even more recent examples. occasional legal proceedings against to the d_o or think anything contrary The 18th century libertarians strug- what were regarded as indecent books, Win O Ictates of the state. g led with many of our problems and, as in the notorious case of John Cle'l'h lie, lose One as everyone knows, the American Con- land's novel now generally known as ere · a.bstract ~· of course, no such thing as stitution represents an attempt to Fanny Hill and a best seller in rebase a legal and political system upon spectable bookstores. SJ~e. 1'h reedom, total and all-incluOn e of th ere are on IY specific · freedoms. the acceptance of their solutions. For In the United States, the undefined e)(· em a good many years the solutions apof decency were generally tacitlimits tst With may, and often does, copeared to work pretty well. On the ly accepted so that the most publicized darns • the denial of - other free• <1. st · llland of I'Iking example was the de- whole, the majority of our citizens be- legal battles did not revolve around lieved both that they enjoyed the free- those who would enlarge them but ~01itical Irish revolutionaries for doms they most desired and that around the Comstockian attempts to no soon Independence. But they had It era ch'Ieved it than their "free abuses of freedom were being kept ma ke them narrower-attempts which O~etn th lllent" d . . epl'lved 1ts citizens of within limits. But new questions aris- were, in general, frustrated . If there e tight fact that to Publish certain books. The ing out of changed conditions, both in- is a different problem today, it is only ~referred most of the Irish probably tellectual and sociological, required because a large and influ ential section of the public, including not only fteed0 1U Political independence to new interpretations. The best known of such interpreta- writers and publishers but also rech <~nge thfrom censorship does not freedolll e. fact that they lost one tions are, of course, such things as bellious students insist upon some"separate but equal" and "clear and thing it never insisted upon before. bictat While gaining another. present danger." The first was accept- Manners and the law Ill' · t!ted orsh Ips have sometimes perable for a time and then rejected as le e:>ctre . Even the courts sometimes recogctual me freedom for all mtelthe result of further changes in the nize that the problem is created by a as activ't· 1 Ies and personal habits long atmosphere. The second question changed intellectual and moral atmoscations ~s neither had political impliwhat constitutes clear and present phere. When they do, they base their ;ellJ, d~e5 emocracy, as a political sys- danger - is more and more bitterly opinions on whether or not a given breed01U not guarantee any specific disputed. We do not find it necessary act or work of art should be called obal!ot \~:>ccept the right to decide by to try defining terms or concepts and scene in the context of the prevailing lllay l>e~ ~ch are legitimate. And it setting bounds to this or that freedom manners and morals. To take that atrestrict· lllit Voters to support the most unless some change encourages new titude is to say, that, sometimes at ~0t IVe . ers t measures. The less these definitions, or unless there are con- least, law is governed by conduct, not 1 ~ ghts end to recognize minority spicuous transgressions of laws tacitly conduct by law. This, in its turn, is to . elliocraand tastes, the nearer their accepted previously though not de- yield willy-nilly to the current ten18 11I. cy approaches a totalitarianfined. dency (notoriously illustrated by the It is literature or Pornography? Kinsey Report) that no distinction lllany even more obvious that of the A conspicuous case in point is the can be made between what men ought lllen l>ossible freedoms individual unsatisfactory attempt of the law to to do and what they do. o11 0 r soc· t · ' . e and Ie Ies may ardently desire struggle with the question of free The existence of a clear and present ts an ev remain cool to others. And it speech versus obscenity. Along with the d .en more troublesome fact that danger cannot be demonstrated except this is the attempt to set up workable w· eslre t 0 b lth th e free often coexists criteria like "real literary merit" on by the fact that a substantial majority Of oth e desire to limit the freedom the one hand and definitions of "hard- of the population believes that it does !treat 1!:ers · A s Th omas Hobbes, the core pornography" on the other. The exist. ll!e 11 nglish political theorist said· Anyone who in, say, the year 1900 Founding Fathers were not faced with naturally desire freedom a~d do~ the problem because they assumed addressed a meeting of Negroes and Na V E MBER, 1968 1:3




Uses/ Abuses urged them to set a city on fire would probably not have constituted a clear and present danger; most persons would probably have agreed that his freedom to use inflammatory language was less objectionable than the precedent set if this right were challenged. Today, when so much mischief is afoot, it is at least a debatable question whether or not the same attitude is the wise one. No liberty is safe unless a margin of abuse is permitted. Within limits, the lunatic fringe is a valuable safeguard to freedom of speech. It is like a buffer state in political geography. If a fanatic is permitted liberty, that of reasonable men is less likely to be attacked. But the question of what constitutes a legitimate margin of license is one we cannot answer in the abstract but must decide in the light of prevailing conditions. "Any government is better than no government." So wrote Hobbes, whose realism often approached the cynical. And his pronouncement is almost absolutely true because anarchy itself is nearly unbearable and because anarchy almost inevitably results, first in the government of the gangster, and soon after in that of the supergangster called dictator. During the happiest periods of a nation's history, society seems to be threatened by neither anarchy nor the police state. Much of Europe and North America seemed to be in that happy period during the late 19th century and the first decade of the 20th. But the period was doomed when the Russian Revolution ended in a dictatorship which was the predictable outgrowth of the anarchistic liberalism of theoretical communism. Because disorder provides the would--· be dictator with "necessity, the tyrant's plea," Hitler and Mussolini could use fear of Communist dictatorship to establish their own. The "free nations" have, ever since, been unsuccessfully attempting to reassure themselves with an, "It can't happen here."

Twin Threats and Storm Centers Of course, it could. In all troubled times-and ours is surely a troubled time-the twin threats of anarchy and the police state are clear and present dangers. Such things as campus rebellions against faculty regulations and the 14

Does this picture remind you of Berlin or Seoul, Korea, aftU.er .~ ravages of war? Would you believe Washington, D. C., in the f'll States in 1968? _,~ insistence of popular novelists upon their right to push farther and farther the limits of free speech are both minor storm centers. Black Power and Civil Disobedience are obviously more serious aspects of the same, and they raise in the most distressing form the question: What freedoms are, under present conditions, tolerable? The present seems to be one of those times conspicuously exposed to the opposite threats of anarchy and the police state. Riots which would have been unthinkable a decade ago are now phenomena expected to recur, and they are, in fact, local and temporary outbreaks of anarchy. So, on a less serious scale, are the anti-draft disturbances, which are defiances rather than protests. Yet the attempts to control both the riots and defiance have been gingerly : though they may represent clear and present dangers, they might also become the excuse for the gradual development of a police state. Both threats are, it seems to me, very real; and they are not to be avoided by abstract definitions of freedom or even by logical limits set to specific freedoms. They can be met only by pragmatic decisions made as such decisions are always made when they are successful-in the light of the specific situation and its whole context. At the moment, an important part of the context is the general atmos -


phere of dissatisfaction with al~~~·i every aspect of contemporarY .cl'9: zation which finds expression 111 tt' and literature as well as in the ~\" tudes of the young. Anoth et. redee.11r. aspect of the context is the ten 9, toward violence in almost everY tivity, from sport to crime.


Dealing with Violence

tori!' How can all this be satisfac of. dealt with? Indeed, can it be? ~;tiP' knows. But there are a few dt gd~ tions which I think ought to be rn rr These are minimal and do not eng( us very far, but they are necess . preliminaries. t tt.· 1. Protest and defiance are no tt. same thing. Perhaps the right. t~t t first should be absolute; the rtg the second cannot be. uti~: 2. Free speech and free sho 110: are not the same thing. You maY .;er in the name of free speech, pr.~ 1 • others from being heard. And 1 rc 8 analogous way, any protest t11 ti0i sit-down, or other physical ace.~ cannot be claimed as part of ePt· guaranteed freedom if it pre~ lr others from exercising their o¢1 gitimate freedom. t 3. Civil disobedience may ofte~gf.' a duty, but it is not an unlimited 1·~1' because any government whic~ ite' fessed to recognize such an unltJ1lgo~ right would be an anarchy, not a ernment.



Reprinted by p ermission from Thirt zine, published by IBM, Copyright 9ot!ltJC International Business Machines C<>rP




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P; Kapp' s Big Four


College Football

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Linema a l3eta C n Larry Quinn is also rel~tt a llativ hapter member. He is ndevt: a freshe of Evans, Georgia, and :r Y sr ~ man at Presbyterian.

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Defensive halfback Keith Parker is a member of Beta Chi Chapter, East Texas State in Commerce, Texas.




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Keith is a freshman and recent initiate of Beta Chi from Longview, Texas, who recently started his varsity football career in an East Texas romp over Southwest Missouri 52-0.

Defensive lineman Tim Denham is an Alpha Eta Chapter member from Titusville, Alabama, who has been a member of the Samford University (Birmingham) football team for the past three years. Tim has been named Samford's Outstanding Lineman for the past three consecutive games.

allle eman Rollin McLaughlin is

bne~ber of Beta Chapter, Preslto]Ji~a~ College in Clinton, S. C. S. c 18 a native of Florence, ., and Is · a freshman. p~ I


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National President Charles Tom Henderson, Chi-Stetson, has become National President of Pi Kappa Phi after long and distinguished service to his fraternity as a member of the National Council for the past six years. Charles Tom has served two years as National Chancellor and the past four years as National Treasurer. A graduate of Stetson University, Brother Henderson has been one of the prime movers in the creation of Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State. He has remained actively involved as Chapter Advisor with Beta Eta since its chartering. He has als8 served Pi Kappa Phi as President of District VI, Florida, and has long been active in all affairs of the Fraternity, both in Florida and nationally. Charles Tom has been an instructor of law at Stetson University, and recently retired from the office of Assistant Attorney General of Florida.

Vice-President Jack Steward, Alpha Zeta, has been elected the first National Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi. He has previously served the Fraternity as National Historian and National Secretary. Jack has had a long and varied Pi Kappa Phi career which began with his initiation into Alpha Zeta at Oregon State College. While in the Alpha Zeta Chapter, he served as Archon, Secretary, Historian, and Chaplain. His first job after graduating from Oregon State was as a traveling counselor for the fraternity. Prior to joining the National Council in 1964, Jack served as District President for the West Coast area. Brother Steward is now serving as Director of Personnel for the Univer>ity of Oregon. He is also a member Jf the College and University Personnel Officers Association.

Treasurer John C. Wilson, Eta, has been elected National Treasurer. He has served the Fraternity for the past nine years as an Advisor to the Executive Director, has been Chairman of the Annual Dues Drive, and has served on an ad-hoc committee for fund raising. 16

From left to right: Kim Jepson, ert Bennett, and Bill Brinkley. He is Executive Vice President of the American National Red Cross, with primary responsibility for administration and coordination of the organization's activities. He is second in command to the President and exercises the functions of the President's office in the latter's absence. John is a native of Covington, Tenn., and has been both a teacher and principal in schools there. He attended Emory University in Atlanta and got his B.S. degree from George Peabody College, Nashville, where he also did graduate work. Brother Wilson is married to the former Miss Lyda Lane Walker of Wartrace, Tenn. They have two children-a son, John C., Jr., now serving with the Army overseas, and a daughter, Mrs. M. Kuban, Landover, Md. T H E STAR AND



Bill Brinkley, Mu, has been er11( as National Secretary after se 0 ' the past two years as ChairJll·~tet 1 the National Scholarship Colli~ Jl/ Brother Brinkley was born 1n d ~ mond, Virginia, but later !ll 0~~ 9 tr Greensboro, N. C., where he gra b" from Greensboro Senior High. jl Bill attended Duke Universlt~ef graduated in 1944 with an A.B· , in Economics. . 1 ~JI; While at Duke, Brother Brl~ ~ was initiated into the Mu chaPte ·~· served the chapter as Treasurer Archon. V' Upon graduation from Du~:· Vt entered the employment of thl p9· 9 versity and served in variou~ c ,l ties for the next 23 years, wh 1cb

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of Kiwanis, and a practicing Christian of the Christian Church. Elmer and his wife, Lillian, have 4 daughters and 12 grandchildren.

Chancellor Robert L. Bennett, Alpha Alpha, has been elected to the post of N ationa! Chancellor. A native of Jesup, Georgia, Brother Bennett attended Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, where he was initiated as the 26th member of Alpha Alpha and where he received his LL.B. Upon graduation Robert went north to Pennsylvania and was admitted to the state's Bar in 1933. He has lived in Pennsylvania since this date. Brother Bennett is now the Senior partner in the law firm of Bennett, Davis, and Murphy, with offices at 401 Main Street, Towanda, Pennsylvania. Upon the recent reactivation of Alpha Alpha Chapter, Robert has been most generous with both his advice and financial support. Mr. Bennett is presently the President, Chairman of the Board, and General Counsel to the Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Towanda, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Commonwealth Telephone Company of Dallas, Pa., and the Business Men's Insurance Company of Harrisburg. Brother Bennett is married and has one son, Robert, a student.

John Wilson (insert), Jack Steward, Rob-


te aleed With . ctor of D his appointment as Di- after his retirement as an investment ]eel" Oll Ju} ndergraduate Admissions. counsellor with the New York firm of 1 ·r'1~ ~ltte I:>i y • 1967, he left Duke to be- Grimm and Company. ,n ' 0llkins :r~t~r of .Admissions at Johns Elmer is a native of Long Island, ttel, a_lll addit' lliversi~y, Baltimore, Md. New York, and attended New York ~it l}J has Jon to his University duties, University, where he studied economd I· 'as·lolls serv ed p·I Kappa Phi on ocics, business, and finance. However, alld <\~ as Ch ap t er Advisor . lsti for Mu he received no degree, a fact which •ea G ~vernor for Area XIII. ~" has proved very advantageous to Pi sr Kappa Phi. In 1957, Elmer moved to Florida B! and established the Nirvana Ranch di to Iller C J d t·1 the tl. · ost, Chi, has been elected at Groveland. He later purchased the 0llaJ Crst term of the office of Na- Flying C. Ranch in Astatula, Lake as a "'' hapiain, which was created County, Florida, which he currently a2 ·~at· lld S IonaJ Council post by the operates as a cattle ranch. He is also l:!rothuPreme Chapter the builder and developer of several Ch er J 0 t . 5 allte:r Of .s was pledged to Chi subdivisions throughout Florida. ' 1964 PI Kappa Phi on October In addition to his many business and toll lllellt• at th e age of 52 upon his . en- fraternity duties, Elmer is a Mason, at Stetson University and Scottish Rite and Shrine, a member



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1 9 6 8

Past National President Kim Jepson, Alpha Theta, becomes a member of the National Council as Past National President. In addition to two years as National President, Kim has served four years on the Council as National Secretary. Kim is President of Jepson-Murray Advertising Agency, Lansing, Michigan, and is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. Brother Jepson has lived in Michigan since entering Michigan State University in 1934. Before joining the National Council in 1962, Kim had served as President of Pi Kappa Phi's District IX, and had been active for a number of years as President of the Alpha Theta Housing Corporation. Brother Jepson is a member of the Rotary Club, the Lansing Sales and Advertising Club, Advertising Roundtable of Southern Michigan, and Advertising Federation of America.


Disney Commands Navy Justice School An initial attempt to secure a legal educati: at Harvard Law School was interrupted bY t . ~~ outbreak of World War II. Brother DisneY'~ commissioned a naval line officer and served 1 combat posts aboard various heavy cruisers,~ 0 tack transports and destroyers. He holds, a:rl'l other decorations, the Purple Heart. While serving as Executive Officer of the d~ stroyer USS BROOKS, at the close of worrt War II, Mitch, a lieutenant, was selected to P~~· in commission and command the USS BAJ{ ethen a new destroyer. However, wishing to reO sume his law studies, Mitch chose to be rele!!S ~ from active duty to re-enter Harvard. lie eS0,.,. sequently graduated with an LL.B. degre. eO 1947; but shortly after graduation, he retu1•11 cl to naval service once again and has served S111 as a Navy legal specialist.

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Naval service for Mitch has included dutY~ ~~r S"' the Office of the Judge Advocate General, vv~ ~ ington, D. C., and at the Naval Air Statt;~ ~ Quonset Point, Rhode Island; as Comnll:lil b Mine Forces, Pacific, in Hawaii and Long BeaCJ California. He has serveCI in the Sixth :Na~ District Headquarters, Charleston, South C~ lina; the Naval Air Stations in Argentina ~pi Newfoundland; The Legislative Division of ·nf Office of the Secretary of the Navy, Wash'.• • 1e•· ton, D. C.; a Member of Navy Appellate ReV ~ · Activity, Washington, D. C.; and special le~ assistant to the Surgeon General of the :Na · On August 26, 1968, Captain Mitchell K. Disney (Rho) U. S. Navy, took command of the Naval Justice School, Newport, Rhode Island. For the past two years Mitch has been head of the Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Association, Washington, D. C. Brother Disney was born in Oklahoma in 1919 and in 1936 moved east to Washington, D. C., when his father, Richard L. Disney, was appointed Judge of what is now the Tax Court of the United States. He entered Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, in 1937. Mitch pledged Rho Chapter in 1938, and was elected Archon shortly thereafter. He graduated from W. & L. with an A.B. degree in 1941. 18

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IO Mitch's newest assignment is considered 1; be one of the most important legal assign:rl'lellni ~~ in the Navy; and, in fact, is the only cOJ:n:rl'l~~ ~ billet available to members of the Navy Ju \\ta Advocate General Corps. stu )'I Of Brother Disney is admitted to practice bef~! 1 the U. S. District Court and the U. S. Co ~ Sh1 of Appeals for the District of Columbia, th~ Y~rl he] Supreme Court and the U. S. Court of lV.llltt• ;. Appeals, and has continued his educational P~l! ab< suits in addition to duty assignments. As a re~sl llai of an "after hours" program of study, he ~ Dte recently received (June 1968) a Master's degrf tu~ in Governmental Administration from Geor Of Washington University.






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Ass . recent meeting of the Omega Alumm · ttract°Clat·lon at the Purdue Chapter house, undertant Uate and alumni gathered to discuss imp_orcor.,.. matters concerning the Chapter's housmg ~-'oration

'I'h . ll.ow)ose Present from left to right were: (Back Stev Dennis Dayton, James Karaginis, and 1'ho e Wheeler. (Front Row) Mark Allion, bon~as Gi!rowski, John Ruby, James Ramsey, 1tY i~ ller~e~ Ratter, William Nemicek, Guthrie Karr, 7'/asP· t Meyer, and Jeffrey Coffel. atio~

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'I'he Moblle · Alumni Chapter of P1· Kappa Ph"1 1\ras stud a recent summer host for local high school Of ~~~8 planning to enter college in the fall


During the past nine months the Chicago alumni have formed a new and active alumni chapter. Luncheon meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at the Palmer House -Town & Country Restaurant. All alumni in the area, alumni passing through Chicago, or undergraduates in Chicago are cordially invited to join us for luncheon. Reservations are not necessary. Our active membership includes alumni from over 15 undergraduate chapters. The first fall project was Rush at I. I. T., where the Alpha Phi Chapter ended up with 25 top notch pledges. Our second project will be laying the groundwork to bring Beta Sigma back to Northern Illinois' campus, and to assist the Upsilon alumni in their work at the University of Illinois. Our third project is to publish a Chicago Area Alumni Directory in October. The officers of the chapter are: President, John Phillips- Alpha Theta '60 (Michigan State), who is a National Convention Representative at the Palmer House; SecretaryTreasurer, Bill Beckman, Beta Beta '66 (Florida Southern), who is manager of the new Sears Men's Shop at Oakbrook Shopping Center and the new Area VIII Governor for Pi Kappa Phi ; Membership Co-Chairman is Wylie MummaAlpha Phi '65 (I.I.T.). Wylie is an architect with Conne & Dornbush in Chicago. John Parsons-Beta Zeta '55 (Simpson College), is serving as Rush and Membership CoChairman. John is engaged in Systems work at Michigan Chemical Corporation in Chicago. Senior Advisor to the Alumni Association is Tom Porter-Xi '23 (Roanoke College). Tom recently retired from the Journal Box Servicing Corporation in Chicago.


ln add. lbon · · to being served a plate of bro1"I ed Shrirn help" P, the rushees were dished a generous A..lng of Pi Kappa Phi Brotherhood. ab rnong those attending the party and pictured 0 ~at"~. left to right, were Brother Leo H. Pou; Drep ltns, rushee, Brother James L. May, who rusharect the seafood meal; David Barrineau, Of t~e; and Brother Charles Hartwell, President e .Alumni Chapter. p~ l ~0\1 EMBER,




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These men are Pi Kapps and they are talking about issues which concern you. They are from left to right: Brooks Mosher (Gamma Alpha), Bill Roberts (Alpha Tau), Gary Baker (Beta Beta), Paul Jirka (Beta Lambda), Ed Savage (Gamma Delta), Ed Tucker (Tau), Clarence Spannuth (Alpha Mu), Dick Howard (Gamma Beta), Ron Thorn (Alumnus), John O'Neil (Alpha Omicron).




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Pi Kappa Phi"

· the fifth in a continuing series · of d'Ialoo-1'his Is <>lles bY Undergraduate members of th e F ratern· cu8 Ity, .A wide range of subjects will be dis· Issues: · ·· confsect in commg dope, re 1·Igwn, mora li'ty , Dart?~lnity, sex. The undergraduate Pi Kapps tandlCipating in these dialogues were selected at 0 and ln and represent chapters on campuses large ha\' small throughout the country. What they ten e to say on these topics should, therefore, ftat:ct ~he thinking of many of today's college c. rnity rnen 'JQ • Plea lne things our undergraduates say may Yo"'se You. Other comments may shock you; but "te I"k . erat" I ely to learn more about what this gentern~on has in mind for its country and its fral'esp~ty, Your comments are welcome. Rea~er loll'l!e nse. to this and other undergraduate diaS1'A,~ Will be featured in a future issue of THE l AND L.AMP. . i · Would you push controverszal matters nth F C! e raternity? the ;renee Spannuth: Pushing controversy for Dos lire sake of controversy would have no purtha:· but dealing with problems in such a . . . way seh controversy would occur, in an intellectual ••se "· t' · ~ion. ' vvoul? greatly increase member pa~ lCipalde ln this way you will get many different Dosa~ anct certainly some good arguments against con~IbJe stereotyped answers. I would push for Drobroversy in the Fraternity by giving out our elns to the chapters and saying, "Help,




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what's the answer?" In other words, I would throw major problems out to the chapters and hope that controversy among the members would aid in their solutions. Dick Howard: If I were Executive Director, I would certainly push controversy, because only through argument and debate can an organization hope to push forward. In most cases, controversy brings an answer or at least a means to a remedy for many situations. In this manner, at least some progress can be made. Ed Savage: I can't agree with either Dick or Clarence, because stirring up controversy in the Fraternity would only draw bad publicity and individual chapters could then expect more restrictions from their universities as a result of the ensuing publicity. Paul Jirka: I don't believe that bad publicity from controversy within a chapter would result. However, controversy over trivial matters should be discouraged. None the less, matters dealing with prominent aspects of fraternity life, i.e., finances, .rush, pledging duties, etc., must be advocated as controversial issues. Gary Baker: Yes, definitely, controversy should be presented. However, this controversy should not be limited to the Fraternity's weak points, such as finances, etc., but should also include our success, our top leaders, and the how and why we were able to achieve such success. Often times when the Fraternity does something well, the elements of success are overlooked by all but a few; and thus, a tremendous amount of workable knowledge is lost. Brooks Mosher: I must dissent and agree with Ed Savage, because there is enough controversy in the average chapter which causes only confusion and disorganization. This controversy can start in the smallest chapter and spread into the national organization. II. Would you try to expand ou1· fraternity as ra.pidly as possible, aiming for quantity rather than quality? Bill Roberts: It should be apparent that if a group is not a credit to Pi Kappa Phi as a colony, then it would stand little chance of being a credit to us as a chapter. Size has never denoted a good chapter; likewise, size cannot necessarily make us a better national fraternity. We should look at a prospective new group of men as we would look at a prospective new pledge, and no doubts should exist when we give them the right to 21



DIALOGUE wear the badge of Pi Kappa Phi. Ron Thorn: Here I think we will all unanimously agree that quantity without quality would be disastrous to our fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi owes much of its success to the fact that it has not only been selective in the individuals to be chosen but also in its group expansion. Paul Jirka: To be sure, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's main objective is not to simply see how large and extensive it can develop a network of chapters. The primary objective should be the attainment of a strong, united, and closely built organization; of qualified, devoted, and quality possessed individuals with the future aim of creating a geographic representation of chapters from these United States. John O'Neil: What do we wish to be? I think our idea of expansion as it is now is the best. Quality is much better than quantity. Gary Baker: . . . It is more essential that we build strong chapters for a stronger national; and not many chapters for a larger national. Dick Howard: I don't mean to throw cold water on the discussion of this question, but I feel that the Fraternity should expand as rapidly as possible, because as the old saying goes, "There is strength in numbers." A larger number of chapters would help the Fraternity grow stronger, fraternally, politically, and financially. This idea of quantity rather than quality always strikes a sour note with me, because to me this phrase denotes a feeling of low standards. The word "quality" can mean so many things, and they are all so difficult to define. III. Realizing the past history of undergraduate orientation, would you put inc?·eased emphasis on alumni chapters? Ed Savage: This is a good idea and is one phase that needs quick attention. There seems to be little to draw the alumni to the individual chapters and as a result there 'is little active participation by the alumni. The alumni chapters ... they need to be made to feel that their services are badly needed, and I am sure that our graduate brothers would then gladly and willingly help. Ed Tucker: In developing alumni chapters, emphasis should be placed on orienting the alumni toward the fact that the Fraternity is geared to aiding our young men in the undergraduate chapters. The purpose of the fraternity is to 22

work to help our younger members sociallY,~~ demically and in developing their leaders 1 abilities. Alumni chapters through their contar81 with the undergraduate chapters can helP complish these objectives. ~rooks Mosher: Yes, the alumni of Pi J{~~ Phi have a better understanding of the NatJO 1 organization. Additionally, through alumni ebB an• h ter functions, the rushee or pledge has a c 1 to benefit from the wisdom of the older grB'I ua~.

Paul Jirka: Undergraduate orientation sho~; each brother that his main responsibilitY ill \, chapter is financial integrity. ConsequentlY• 31 an alumnus brother, the primary step th 1.• would initiate would be an overall increase . . d ·niO ' a Iumm payments. Dues would be divide 1 1, hierarchy with both alumni and undergradU~ participation. The alumni funds would, the 11 fore, serve to supplement the undergradUB chapters' budget. ., I· Ron Thorn: I strongly disagree with pau, co:nments, which seem to indicate that th~ o;; thmg the alumni can offer is money. This 15 1~ • prime reason why we have inadequate a]uP~~ participation. Everyone must remember th!ltb;. has many more years as an alumnus than }le as an undergraduate. . Ed Savage brings up the basic proble!Jl· ~; as alumni and you as undergraduates rn 1 change our approach if we, as Ed says, areb~ "Rejuvenate" a strong alumni backing. It to be a two way street. IV. Would you work for a general better· . M11' ment of undergraduate cooperation and "' derstanding? ~ Paul Jirka: Yes, alumni-undergraduate cooP~ ation should be an outstanding and definite a~P&'' of fraternity life. The alumni chapter pres•d u~ and the undergraduate chapter president shO c' develop programs which would require t00¢ 1ei 3 operation from both alumni and undergradll 9 Dick Howard: Paul 'is certainly correct, ~; chapter cannot exist without alumni ... .A)t!OI~' 0 hold the past experience necessary for a s!Jl running chapter. Besides this exchange of d~ periences, it's surprising to find that an un p¢ graduate and an alumni can become more t Jll' just occasional acquaintances, they often beco good friends. Gary Baker: One important thing to rerPe~ her in beginning an alumni relations prograJII






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Jy, all that such the Und a program is for the alumni, not for rr should ~rgraduates. AU activities and functions 01118 r Joh e Planned to their tastes and interests. 8 elp n O'N Progra ei·1 : Part of the pledge education rnl should include an orientation of all I{aPf llation . soa alunm·I ac t'IVI·t·Ies, so that the pledge can ·atiolll ga1n i ch8f llationa~; Perspective of alumni obligation to the h , CI raternity. C 80 arence S • grs~ COoPerat· Pannuth: Working for the better and Und Ion and understanding between alumni shot aillts fergraduates should be one of the primary • ~~~ 0 tgani~ t ~ny chapter as weU as the national t;~, & a chapt:rio.n. I ~hink it's pretty hard to beat that l!ates w In Which the alumni and undergrad!ase i' 1~ho Pu~r~ together. Let's face it, it's the alumni into' there is e money into the houses and unless adual' the two cooperation and understanding between tJterf he the groups, the money just isn't going to aduall llndergre unless there are an awful Jot of rich can h lraduates. In addition to money the alumni e p t0 ' pau~'· as advi make a better chapter by serving the alu~nr~. In order to build a great fraternity, 1e oP· •., I is tl gether. and undergraduates must work to:lets~

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in th ou you strive for more education nifica e Undergraduate chapters on the signity<J nee of belonging to a national frater-

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ahnon .'!'hom. Ob . I h ' . ow th · vwus y, t Is IS needed. We must J11°' brother e brotherhood and particularly future 1 are ~~~ old st that the social fraternity is not just It h~ 1a just rad't' I Ional order, but is a concept that Ceived as new today as when it was first con. ,., -the "'t" · basic . brotherhood. ttB1' , .today• I Is 1 . 'lt1 ' Of total ds student emphasis seems to be that ~ollleho evelopment of the individual. We have ·ooP~I ~a incon"'· allowed ourselves to believe that this 'asPel .heliev s~stent with fraternalism. In actuality, Jsid~ lllty dee ~t Was the basic thought behind fratersJtoU . ed T Ve op:ment. oq6 ~ 18 lleed:ck~r: More fraternity oriented education JuiiW Rtaduat d In the chapter because many under. 8s' 8tandin es reaJJy don't have an adequate under:·JuPl'; ter and of th.e relationship between the chap1110ot ~eneflt he national organization, nor what major of ef 1llg co: accrue from such a relationship. Travelund~ 11ece88 nselors could be used to best achieve the , t!J9' Gar ary Understanding. .~coJll' ettect ~18 Baker: . . . To me, the program now in brothe satisfactory. It is unfortunate that all ~JII~ ~dllcat~~n:~npnot attend thhe preps~nKtly avCai Iable ,a.JII r ., the .rograms, sue as I app o11e~e ~ National Convention. It, therefore, IS ...



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essential that those who attend make a good report to their individual chapters of the insights gained. VI. Where should the Fraternity be going during the next ten years? Ed Savage: The Fraternity is going up, but from the national standpoint there is going to have to be an increase in the pay scale for the national office staff. This increase is necessary in order to keep the best qualified men ... The number of Traveling Counselors needs to be increased ... Precautions should be taken against a slow down in the number of chapters which we have been taking in each year. Clarence Spannuth: With changing times, a future program is necessary. Maybe a ten year plan. Without one ... the Fraternity w'ill just stagnate and die off. Basically, we should be moving in a direction so that each Pi Kapp will be proud of his fraternity and a better person because of it. There should be a stress on better understanding between national and the chapters. Ron Thorn: We should be moving toward a greater understanding and cooperation between the chapters and the national organization and between chapters . . . strong chapters should help the weaker chapters in each district. Brooks Mosher: In the next ten years, areas of expansion should be planned and weighed for prospective new chapters. Plans should also be made to reactivate those chapters which have lost their charters, and more alumni chapters need to be formed where there is a large concentration of Pi Kapps. Dick Howard: I'd like to reinforce Brooks' comments about alumni chapters. Pi Kappa Phi must have strong alumni chapters if it is to be a recognized national fraternity. I would put emphasis on alumni chapters, because not only are they a way of making undergraduate life immortal, but they are also a great source of talent to draw from, both for the National and for the undergraduate chapters. Clarence Spannuth: I would like for National to consider the idea of appointing part time advisors to every office and major committee. In this way there would be a person each chapter committee chairman could write concerning a specific problem. In other words, a regional president might be a rush advisor, while another might be a financial advisor. 23

Yes, there is a Durward Owen! Contrary to the opinion of some Pi Kapps, he does exist, and is not but the imaginary figure a number would declare. At the age of thirty-eight he is tall, skinny, and topped off by white hair-not gray. He is the Executive Director (by action of the 32nd Supreme Chapter) of Pi Kappa Phi, and has been the Fraternity's Administrator since July of 1959. He claims his employment was a "job forced on me," yet those who know of his feeling of obligation to Pi Kappa Phi have not believed this accusation. Instead, they insist his "love addiction" commenced when he was initiated by Xi Chapter at Roanoke College in 1950. He has always remained in awe at "having been unanimously selected for membership by sixty-four assumedly intelligent upper classmen in spite of being such a non-descript nobody." "They truly created in me a desire to become a better man." Brother Owen has been accused of taking a rather drastic chance placing his, and in turn his f amily's future in the employment of the Fraternity. He sees no problem here, for he " . . . once asked for and received a transfer from the United States Air Force to the Army during the Korean War. The Army was more intelligent and later made me a Captain."


Following graduation in 1955, he W~ 5 i ployed by another Pi Kapp in the truck 111 011 dustry. Later a brief encounter with gr~ P:路 studies, financed by service station owners~;) automobile leasing and public relations, co~~ tioned him to the wide variety of knowledge!. abilities required in fraternity managexne!l


t a' I


Durward will not hesitate to tell you th~ ~路 out success he has enjoyed in the administrat1掳 0, that the Fraternity is "directly related to the 011 / llha1 standing and helpful attitude expressed b~P' belj~ best Pi Kapp I know-my wife, Connie.'' a' to!l'e . tr t eolQ you cons1.d er an average of 130 days Jl1 9 each year, requiring his absence from hoJl'le~~ OlJ.J~ family, it is not difficult to comprehend the !ai 1 ~art for such an understanding wife. It also e1CP~ n the why he cannot visit each chapter as ofte115: ~res he would like to. The children are to be .c~ 1! lllitt ered, and they, too, must share him ~Jt (Jr ~Sse Fraternity-all three: Melissa ( 12), DavJd ~ati and Sarah (8) . ~~ pi ~ 0



(l ~he Owen family from left to right are: Melissa

(12), Fritz (the dog), Durward, David

' Sarah (8), and Connie.

thoug:ec~tive Director's time and energy. Al~hare h .P1 Kappa Phi has on occasions had to to~eth

lt to be necessary. "We either work eoltl.pJi e~ or we will individually fail in the ac01\l~ s s :tnent of our viable purpose." He not he Corrates actively, being a Past President of bt.esenti ege ~raternities Editors' Association, a tqlttee Y acbve member of the Executive Com-

When asked to name his hobbies, he names only one "work." Observing his sixty and seventy hour work week you would almost agree. However, you cannot be around him but a few hours without knowing he has blown his mind completely over water skiing. He does it in warm weather and talks of it in cold weather. Rotary and the Methodist church both get some extracurricular time. What does he have to say about this life he lives? ·"I imagine that I'm stuck for life. Fraternity has been a very personal thing for me. I hope I am making it possible for others to receive but a few of the values I have enjoyed."

a Interfraternity Conference. N



25 1968

Difference ••• \Nithout Division This story is old and doubtless you have heard it before, but it is also new and it changes with each passing year. As each generation mellows with age, there appears with greater intensity that phenomenon referred to as the "Generation Gap." Much comment has been made concerning this "gap" and some of the comments have been worthwhile. However, not enough has been said in a positive manner about the "gap" in relation to Pi Kappa Phi. In order to more properly survey the situation we must look first to one of the prob1ems involved in this separation of the generations and then see how it is solved in Pi Kappa Phi. Possibly the greatest complaint those on the higher rungs of the generation ladder have with those of us on the lower ones is the naturally rebellious nature of youth. The rebelling youth can be found even in the Fraternity. We don't vent our frustrations in the same way you did. Some swallowed goldfish, others started "panty raids," but it was all in fun. Nowadays some people cram live human bodies into small places in hopes of a record or stage marathons of various types. Yes, we find different things to do, but the greatest amount of cordiality is still behind the act. Some, who claim to know, charge that your generation accepted things at face value and my generation refuses to do so. While I agree that mine is a terrifically inquisitive generation, it does not seem possible that the questioning college students is such a new thing that mine is the first generation to enjoy the privilege. When Pi Kapps boldly left school in the 1940's to travel to the battlefields, I strongly doubt that many failed to look at the issues involved and ventured all simply to answer the call of emotion. Indeed not, most probably looked and saw a dreadful menace -pushing a spellbound army over a hel-pless continent and knew that it must be stopped. However, my generation seems more rebellious as 'i t faces the conflict in Southeast Asia. The young men of today who trouble themselves to study the situation choose to either volunteer their services, refuse to go, or nebulously bide their time awaiting the decision of the "local board." This indecision may be the result of a greater confusion of issues, but you may note that I know no Brother who selects the second choice. In addition, one must remember that youth may appear more rebellious today because as methods outside the Fraternity change, those inside must also be altered. Often this change appears to be a difference in direction which to some would seem unfortunate. 26

By Orbie Medders, Jr. Editor-A-Eta Reflector With these comparisons in mind, one cand~ that the rebellious nature of today's youth pi: not carry him far from the precedent set bY rP predecessors, especially within the Brothef~vt' of Pi Kappa Phi. We Pi Kapps share the. 5rrs· secrets, the same three men founded oui )1~11 ternity; we sing the same songs and we similar goals. ' tb' The first three similarities are obvious, S0J]eJ: latter may b~ extended t~ show stro?g pat!ld~r between earher days of PI Kappa Phi and toyoti We all want success in a special waY· 111 have attained yours and you started wheresi~ are now. Today Alpha Eta Brothers d.~ict achievement in the area of high public ser 5tit the financial world, the literary field, schO1a ~· activity, aesthetic contributions, religious l forts and numerous other areas. But ba" ot Brothers from your generation already been 5~ cessful in each of these areas? Then maybe are not so different after all. )Jef' The common denominator then is the Brotftef hood we all share in Pi Kappa Phi. I aill 0 rfJ:~ reminded of the constancy of this Brother)J ~ by the slogan, "Once a Pi Kapp, AlwaYS agll Kapp." If we all sincerely believe that sl1gtJtl then Pi Kappa Phi will live with vigor unt!KeJll' last man to wear the cherished Badge of 1v> bership grabs his last fleeting breath. e f. Indeed we have a few differences, but 11 Kapps will never be divided. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA p


~ 0

Supreme Chapter Model Initiate The model initiate for the recently held 32nd Supreme Chapter 路 Jerry Leon Dalton of C IS rawford, Georgia. t路 Leon was approved for initiat~n at ~he Supreme Chapter by e National Council of the Fraternity, and the initiation was conducted by the Convention's ;ost chapter, Gamma Beta of ~d Dominion College, Norfolk, Irginia. Brother Dalton is a graduate of the University of Georgia, where he received a B.S. in Educat路Ion in 1964, and a Master's Degree in Career Guidance in 1967. He has served the past year as Director of Guidance and Counseling at Georgia Southwestern College in Americus, Georgia. While in Americus, he served the cause of Pi Kappa Ph路I through his representation of our expansion effort at Georgia Southwestern.




GUESS WHO In this issue of the STAR AND LAMP, we are beginning a series of pictures of selected alumni and clues to aid you in their identity. For the individual who correctly identifies our mystery Pi Kapp not later than January 1, 1969, we will send him a copy of the 1968 Directory of Membership. In the case of correct duplicate answers, the one with the earliest post mark wins. Each new issue of the STAR AND LAMP will contain an additional clue to the identity of our mystery alumnus until he is correctly identified. Every Pi Kappa Phi is eligible to participate, even the "mystery man" himself-after all, 'i t has been a long time. Our clue for this issue is: "A North Carolina Tar Heel was our man; but since those days, he has forsaken us for Kennedy Land." 27



Sensationalism in the American media of mass communications has become an integral part of the media scheme of news presentation. This is due largely to the intensity of media competition and the subsequent requirement that each news medium provide a product which will sell more papers, magazines, etc., or which will attract more viewers and listeners. Objective-the facts-reporting has been supplanted by interpretative reporting which, as a result of human bias, is often times misleading. Although the accompanying reprint, which is only a part of the UPI release, Fraternity M ember-ship on Decline in U. S., cites Gamma of Pi Kappa Phi as being a model of what a fraternity should be, let us examine the facts on fraternities. Decline of fraternity membership taken out of context implies the worst of the situation, as there has been a steady increase in the number of young men pledging fraternities and the number of chapters organized on old or new fraternity campuses. The growth of Pi Kappa Phi, as depicted in the annual report of the Aug. 1968 Star and Lamp, is indicative of the typical fraternity's growth. Specifically, for the period July, 1967 to July, 1968, 20 campuses gained a new national fraternity or sorority chapter, which reflects only a portion of the 67 chapter net increase in fraternities for 1967 over 1966. Additionally, 49 campuses have "opened-up" for national fraternities for the first time since July, 1964, and the trend continues upward. The number of individual members increased some 5 per cent from 2,141,673 in 路1966, to 2,247,738 in 1968, a gain which is typical of the past 23 years. Where then is the "decline"? The growth in fraternity membership has failed to keep pace with the rapidly accelerated growth of the student population and has dropped in recent years from about 12.0 to 9.2 per cent of the total student population. Herein lies the basis for the declarations from the prophets of doom, which are made without recognition of the fact that much of the decline is due to unrealistic restrictions placed on the "Rush" of fraternities by the school administrations. But as more and more four year colleges and universities begin to open their campuses to national fraternities, and as national fraternities begin to organize on the junior colleges that are springing up across the country, the ratio of Greeks to non-Greeks should begin to approach a more healthy 10 per cent ratio.


PI ~{J-\PP 'IVI-II . fE PJ-\PER By Tom 0掳



~ ~0 28






On 92 Campuses Nationally, fraternities have gained entrance at 92 campuses in the last decade and now have 4,000 chapters, but the percentage of Greeks among the total of students has been drifting downward.



BERKELEY, Calif. (UP!) ; The. fraternity system at j e Umversity of California, Ust as on some other big carnpuses, is on the decline.

8 .~'They used to line up outth e our door for rushing by e hundreds," says Ted Mc~lure at the Phi Delta Theta .;use. "A brother would say, ou, you and you-bug out'." th l\Tow the• Phi Delts, one of t¡ e n a t'Ions largest fraternihles, have 30 active members g ere and only 14 live in their w~~nd three - story mansion, of lch was the college home J William Randolph Hearst,




"I think the fraternities really in trouble," said B Udent body president, Dick rneahrs. He noted fraternity ernbership has declined to 13 a Per cent of the eligibles nd Predicts one-third of the ~~I?us' 42 chapters will die In a few years.


This situation does not please school administrators, both here and on some other campuses, although not long ago some of them were wishing the system would collapse. At Berkeley the administrators argue that sman group living provides leadership opportunities, lasting friendships and a chance to identify with something values hard to achieve on the huge 28,000-student campus. Had Monopoly in '30s In the 1930s, the fraternities and sororities had a virtual monopoly on campus talent, including poets as well as athletes. Lemmon said one reason for the fraternities' strength was their housing. State universities didn't offer much dormitory space, and nonGreeks were driven to less

desirable boarding houses. Now, Lemmon said, dormitory accommodations are at least as attractive as the fraternities. Original Rah Boys What's got the Greeks in trouble, many administrators say, is sticking to ideas formed in the era of raccoon coats and goldfish swallowing. Their image is one of political conservatism, wild parties, disregard for social problems and standards of values rapidly being rejected by many students. Set Good Exam pie College deans cite as a model the local chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, down three years ago to only five members. Now it has 56. The chapter campaigned to attr¡a ct individualists. In intramural athletics, Pi Kappa Phi will bench a star who hasn't practiced and play someone less talented who has, and the fraternity emphasizes brotherhood of all men. Brotherhood, after all, is what fraternities' founders intended.






A revised version of "Pi Kappa Phi Sings," more fraternity songs. Hear and sing once again some of your favorite Pi Kapp songs. Available 1 December, 1968. Cost-$4.00.

An attractive 'rep' tie! The colors of the Fraternity, in a tasteful design, is not only a welcome addition to your wardrobe but a continuing remembrance of Pi Kappa Phi. Order from National Office with check for $3.00.

Do you need a shingle, or .rT1:1: ship plaque, for your den, offtc50 1f' If so, you can obtain one for $1·c~a~: the National Office. Indicate when ordering.























A New Record of Interest to All Pi Kapps




Rare is the organization having its early history available in the spoken words of those who . were intimately involved. In the case of a fraternity, this is even more unusual. Pi Kappa Phi is fortunate to have a remarkable record available, recording for all to hear the beginning days of the Fraternity in the words of two of its three original Founders. In 1961, just prior to the death of Founder Mixon, Brother Richard Young of Charlotte, N. C., went to Charleston, S. C., equipped with a tape recorder. There he visited the two surviving Founders, L. Harry Mixon and Simon Fogarty. During this visit he interviewed the two, questioning them of their recollection of the creation and early days of the Fraternity they founded. Dick Young, himself a significant part of the story of Pi Kappa Phi, was at that time a reporter for the Charlotte News and a quite capable interviewer. For a number of years in the 1930's and 1940's, Brother Young was the editor of The Star and Lamp. He has


always remained interested and involved ~ jP affairs of Pi Kappa Phi, and his assistanc pc multitude of areas has been valuable throtJg the years. . . . rie1 Th.Is new record 1s o.f t~e long playmg V!lrer; and IS most unusual m 1ts contents. T~e tnt niscing of these two fine men, both IIl pd' eightieth year, is remarkably clear and ~cP standable. The soft Southern accent, the to 55 ' Charleston, the pride and love they expre !I 'f combine to allow you to relive "Pi KaPP In The Beginning."

h, be t

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Order a copy now by sending your with a check in the amount of $5.00 to:


Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P. 0. Box 4608 Charlotte, N. C. 28204

Ct ~et


s; 2


AR£j bE


P' N c 30







Vail Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolina founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston,$. C.-Decernber 10, 1904

~A 1'1




A. .KnoEG,

COUNCIL N asse resident Ch ationare·,pa. 32 3 aries Tom Henderson, 717 South Ride, Talla· N&ene 0 •ce Pres·d ~•onar f;gon 97 4 'u~nt-Jack W. Steward, 4375 Pearl Street, Eu· Nar Street easurer-Joh W . H'Onar ss, Washington" D · 6"olson, American Red Cross, 17th and N .oPkon ecretary-w· r' · ·. 20013 1:lnar sChlJniversity M~?t'!l Bronkley, Director of Admissions, Johns Na .aroda aplain-Er •more, Maryland 21218 J•ona 1 c3272o mer C. Jost, 10 Valley View Court, Deland, Pa ennsyr hancellor R b ~~ Nariovanoa 18848 ert l. Bennett, 401 Main Street, Towanda, ansi nar Pres·d ~A ng, Michog~n e2~9i~im Jepson, 930 Michigan National Towers,





ONAL HEADQUARTERS 0 orect 0 :e Director {524 Vail Ave., Charlotte N. c. 28207 Of Alum :--- ur!'Jard W. Owen ' no Affa.rs-Thomas w. Dalton, Jr.





Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Durward W. Owen Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Thomas W. Dalton, Jr. Traverong Counselors-Lou Bowen, Jerry Matthews

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Trust investment-John Deimler, 1149 Green Tree Lane, Narberth, Pa. 19072 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation-George B. Helmrich, Chairman , 32990 Lahser Road, Birmingham, Michigan 48010 Pi Kappa Phi Properties-Frank H. Hawthorne, President, P. 0 . Box 687, Montgomery, Alabama 36101 Scholarship-Bill Brinkley, 6 Bellclare Circle, Sparks, Md. 21152 Ritual of insignia-Elmer C. Jest, 10 Valley View Court, Deland, Florida 32720 Advisory-Kim Jepson, 930 Michigan National Towers, Lansing, Michigan 48915



AREA Xffi-Thomas J. Deen, Jr., Delta Alpha (Colony)- North iota-Georgia Institute of TechP. 0. Box 9411, Charlotte, N. C. nology, 831 Techwood Dr., Texas State, 1512 W. Hickory, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30313 Denton, Texas 79605 Epsilon-Davidson College, Box 473, Davidson, N. c. 28036 Lambda-University of Georgia, AREA VIII- William Beckman, 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Kappa-University of N. C., 390 Lake Shore Dr., Apt. 1130, Ga. 30601 216 Findlay Goff Course Rd., Chicago, 111. Chapel Hiff, N. C. 27514 Alpha Alpha-Mercer University, Upsilon-University of Illinois, Mu-Duke University, Box 4682, Box 867. Mercer Univ., Macon, 306 E. Gregory, Champaign, u k e Station, Durham, N. C. Ga. 31207 Ill. 61822 7 70 6 Beta Kappa-Georgia State ColOmega-Purdue University, 330 Tau-N. C. State, 2401 West Fralege, 33 Gilmer St., S.E., N. Grant St., West Lafayette, ternity Court, N. C. State Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Ind. 47906 · ~~~~r station, Raleigh, N. c. Beta Tau-Valdosta State ColAlpha Phi-Illinois Institute of lege, Box 433, Valdosta, Ga . Technology, 3333 S. Wabash Beta Phi-East Carolina College, 31602 Ave., Chlcaeo, Ill. 60616 1301 E. 5th St., Greenville, Alpha Psi-Indiana University, Gamma Kappa-Georgia SouthN. C. 27833 408 North Indiana, Bloomingern , P. 0. Box 2184, StatesGamma Epsilon-Western Caroboro, Ga. 30458 ton, Ind. 47403 lina College, P. 0 . Box 1173, Cullowhee, N. C. 28723 Pi (Coiony)AREA IX- Robert S. Kuhlman, P. 0 . Box 19 Gamma Theta-Wilmington 940 Alvison Rd., Toledo, Ohio Oglethorpe College Coffege, 3902 Market St., 43612 Atlanta, Ga. Wilmongton, N. C. 28401 Alpha Theta-Michiean State Sigma Alpha (Colony)University1 121 Whitehflls Dr., Belmonl Abbey East Lansong, Mich. 48823 Belmont, N. C. 28012 AREA Vi-Ralph D. Saffy, 2532 Beta iota-University of Toledo, l n""'rg, Jacksonville, Florida 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, 32216 Ohio 43606 Chi-Stetson University, 1241 Beta Xi-Central Michiean UniAREA XlV-Vacant Stetson. De Land, Fla. 32920 versity, 508 S. Collel!e St., Mt. Alpha Sigma-University of TenAlpha Epsilon-University of Pleasant, Mich. 488511 nessee, 1810 Melrose Ave., Fla., P. 0. Box 14423, GainesS.W., Knoxville, Tenn . 37916 ville, Fla. 32603 AREA X-James B. Sinatra, 828 Beta Omega-East Tennessee Brookridge Rd., Ames, Iowa Alpha Chi-Univ. of Miami, Box State Unrverslty, 515 west 50010 8694, Coral Gables, Fla. 33124 Poplar, Johnson City, Tenn . Nu-University of Nebraska, 229 37602 Beta Beta-Fia. Southern ColN. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Beta Psi-Tennessee Wesleyan lege, Box 416, Lakeland, Fla. 68508 College, 344 Lynn Ave., Athens, 33802 Alpha Omicron-Iowa State UniTenn. 37303 Beta Eta-Florida State Univerversity, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, sity, Box 3085, Tallahassee, Iowa 50012 Fla . 32306 Beta Delta-Drake University, 3420 Kingman Blvd., Des Beta Lambda-University of AREA XV-Fox H. Brunson, 2751 Moines 11, Iowa 50311 Ralston Road, Mobile, Ala. Tampa, 304 Plant St., Tampa, 35606 Gamma Lambda-Univ. of MisFla . 32606 souri-Rolla, 1704 Pine, Rolla, Omicron-University of AlabaMo. 65401 ma, 312 University Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. 35407 AREA Vff Dr. Fred Hoskins, 3040 Madeira, Baton Rouge, Alpha iota-Auburn University, AREA Xi-Kurt Engelstad, 4032 La. 70810 Camellia Dr., S., Salem, Ore255 College St., Auburn, Ala. gon 97302 36830 Beta Mu-McNeese State ColAlpha Zeta-Oregon State Uni• Alpha Eta-Samford University, lege, Box 708, Lake Charles, versity, 2111 Harrison, CorBox 1032, Samford University, La. 70601 vallis, Ore. 97330 Birmingham, Ala. 35201 B e t a Omicron-Northwestern Alpha Omega-University of Gamma Alpha-L 1 v i n g s to n State College of La., Box 3684, Oregon, 1790 Alder St., EuState University, Box T, LivNatchitoches, La. 71457 gene, Ore. 97401 ingston, Ala. 35470 Beta Chi-East Texas State UniAlpha Delta (Colony) Univ. of Gamma Gamma-Tr?, State versity, Box W, Commerce, Washington, 4733 17th Ave., ~an~.;r~~~i Box 135, roy, AlaTex. 75428 N.E., Seattle, Wash. 98105 AREA Xff-Richard M. Williams, Gamma iota-L.S.U., University Gamma Delta-Memphis State, 3514 East Maple, Orange, CallSta. Box 18640-A, 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memtorn ia 92667 L.S.U., Baton Rouee. La. 70803 phis, Tennessee Gamma-University of CaliforDelta Phi Omega (Colony)nia, 2395 Piedmont Ave., Gamma Eta- Athens College, Northwestern State College Athens, Ala . 35611 Berkeley, Calif. Alva, Okla. 73717





Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N. C.





THINK! of an undergraduate chapter receiving more guidance and direction from Traveling Counselors-


For Sure

THINK! of an improved and more meaningful "STAR and LAMP," your fraternity magazine-

THINK! of improved and more varied fraternal services being provided the alumni and undergraduates15,000 THINK! of the creation of additional chapters of PI KAPPA PHI

on the new and emerging campuses, as well as the reactivation of now dormant chapters-

THINK! of more available financial backing for housing for some chapters by the newly formed National Housing corporation-


THINK! of a greater PI KAPPA PHI-through




OUR GOAL IS $20,000. If you have not returned your statement and check, please do so, as you can see by our barometer, membership participation is down from last year.


Beat ThiS Last Yea


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