Bronco Bulletin - Iota Psi September 2024 Newsletter

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Starting in September, there will be multiplePiKappaPhistaffmemberson campus,recruitingfornewmembersof the chapter. An interest group has already been in contact with staff and they will be moving forward as the foundation of the expansion project. If you know anyone unaffiliated with any otherorganization,pleasereferthemto joinPiKappaPhi!

PiKappaPhi IotaPsiPublication


ThePiKappaPhi-IotaPsiChapterat Boise State was charted in December 2014. The chapter got off to a strong start. We won the Greek Week Championship multiple times, won Champion Master Chapter, and a Founders’ Award; the highest recognition for undergraduate chapters Wealsotookhome4Battle oftheRosesvictoriesoverSigmaChi

After a series of strong recruitment classes and new found success, the chapter unfortunately closed in 2019 We agreed on a 5 year return, and we’re happy to announce we will be returning to campus this 2024 Fall Semester!


The timeline for the chapter to recharter sounds like it will be sometime in the Spring semester, March or April. The undergrad chapter, Pi Kapp staff, and alumni willworktogethertoselectalocation for a banquet and plan events for thedaysleadingup.Therewillbean opportunity to join the chartering committeeasthedategetscloser.



“My name is Ryan Carlson, I am from San Diego, CA. I attended Boise State from 2017-2021 and found my home in the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity where I met lifelong friends and brothers. After graduating, I pursued a career in the fire service here in the Treasure Valley and believe it to be the best job in the world.”

PiKappaPhi IotaPsiPublication


We have a new Facebook page, Iota Psi Alumni! If you aren’t in the group yet,feelfreetosearchthenameand requesttobeinvited.Ifyouareinthe groupandseeabrothermissing,feel free to invite them to join! The first post is a form to update contact information, express interest and a fewquestionstohelpusbetterknow how to serve the group. We encourageeveryonetofillthisout!

Pi Kapp staff have created a new Instagram as well. Make sure to follow@bsupikappforanynewsand updatesfromtheNationalStaff.


We have started to build out the Council of Advisors, which will consists of 10 roles Ideally most would be local to Boise, but some canberemotepositions Wearealso working on creating an Alumni Chapter, which will consist of 5-6 roles, and can be remote roles If you’re interested in either please reach out to Cavin Villarreal at 949331-5785


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