Xi Lites - Spring 2024

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What do you want to do when you retire?”

My wife presented me with this question in 2020 during the pandemic, and it was something I had been trying to come to terms with as my February 2022 retirement date approached. Most of us had reduced interaction with friends during the pandemic, and most of my best friends are my Xi Chapter fraternity brothers. I felt a strong desire to spend more time with them or reconnect with some I haven’t seen in years. Taking time in my upcoming “Go Go Years,” sharing new experiences with my brothers of Pi Kappa Phi and traveling to parts of the country I haven’t seen, seemed to be a good way to expand my social engagement.

first digital publication we intend to publish twice a year, sharing information from the undergraduate chapter and the activities of the local

We are working diligently to update our chapter contact list with current addresses, emails and phone numbers so we can keep everyone informed and invited to activities being planned. Hopefully, we can initiate activities outside the Roanoke area in the future.

Please complete the Xi survey using the button below. We will soon start a Facebook page to facilitate interaction of the brotherhood.

I invite your input and comments as we continue our brotherhood adventure. Feel free to reach out to me anytime at (540) 353-1519 or medgell@triad.rr.com.

This mission started with a goal to restart Xi-Lites. This issue is the

alumni chapter. We hope many of you will feel inspired to share your stories, pictures and experiences with your Xi Chapter brothers.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Mark Edgell

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Xi Chapter has had a long tradition of alumni involvement and excellence in developing leaders within Pi Kappa Phi. As an alumni chapter, our efforts in offering mentoring to undergraduate members can be a significant component in contributing to a successful organization. Along the way, both the undergraduate and the mentors can gain fellowship and a lifelong connection.

We would like to be able to offer the opportunity for each Xi brother to choose an alumni big brother. For each office holder in the undergraduate chapter, there are many alumni who held the same office or position and can offer advice and guidance. The assistance you offer can be via phone, video or in person. All Xi brothers will be looking for ways to network and find opportunities for a job or a career path after graduation.

If you haven’t already completed the Xi survey, please consider doing so, and in this way, we can match up your expertise with a brother looking for assistance.



On Wednesday, December 6, the alumni chapter organized a mixer with the undergraduate chapter at the Cregger Center on the Roanoke College campus. The Maroon women’s basketball team played Randolph College and celebrated a 52-47 victory. About 15 local alumni and 25 of the 31 current undergraduates participated in sharing a meal as well as being entertained by a caricature artist in one of the classrooms overlooking the arena. After the women’s game, most of our group headed down to Moir Court to cheer for the men’s team. Guilford won by a score of 65-53, but all agreed this activity was a good way to

share time with undergraduate members. We are looking forward to scheduling mixers and tailgates for future Roanoke College athletic events. Beginning in the fall of 2024, Roanoke College will have a JV football team and then move into Division III ODAC play in the fall of 2025. Barbeque tailgates, watching lacrosse and football games with our undergraduate brothers is a good activity for the alumni chapter members and their families and established a meaningful tradition in supporting Roanoke College athletic teams.



On December 11, Xi alumni, as well as a few area alumni from other chapters, attended a celebration of our 119th anniversary of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi at the Brood Restaurant in Salem, Virginia. Also attending were several brothers on the executive board of the undergraduate chapter. The event was organized by Xi Chapter’s own Steve Esworthy, chief advancement officer for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

Attendees of the event ranged from nearly 60 years of membership in Pi Kappa Phi to 2023 Roanoke College graduates. Dudley Woody, ‘74, was acknowledged for his years of work for both the national Fraternity and Xi Chapter, receiving his Mr. Pi Kappa Phi proclamation. Roger Malouf and Ray Ferris received their Golden Legion Awards recognizing 50 years of brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi.

Outstanding food and fellowship were had by all in attendance. The Brood Restaurant was the perfect venue for this event and is owned by Xi brothers Tod Polfelt and Crenshaw Reed. The event was the final in a series of more than 15 gatherings across the country to celebrate our Fraternity’s founding and renew the bonds of our brotherhood.


Oh, wouldn’t that be nice! To relive those carefree college days when that weeklong break was filled with a little travel, fun and usually some time in the sun somewhere? As your junior or senior years rolled around, these excursions were usually spent with a small group of your fraternity brothers. I can distinctly remember two spring breaks entailing long trips to Florida with Bob Barber and Scott Farinet on one trip and Ray Ferris and Tom Turner on another. Planning was not our strong point, more like ready, fire, aim! And our parents just allowed this chaos to happen. I think they just kept their fingers crossed and hoped we’d be safe. I’m just so sorry that I never took the opportunity to tell them a few stories of our trips, especially the trips to Myrtle Beach between

exams and graduation (I actually did it a second year with Ray Ferris, Bob Langton and others while I was in grad school at Virginia Tech). But the epic spring break trip was always the one you wanted to experience due to the fun and memories that we lived, felt and shared with our dearest Pi Kapp friends!

Moving forward 46 years and through many chapters of our lives, four Pi Kapps once again struck out on a spring break adventure. Two had retired, and two still pretended to work. And just about five years

earlier, I had taken a hastily planned trip to Iceland with another great Pi Kapp friend, Lew Borsellino. Lew had just escaped from New Jersey and was now enjoying a higher quality of life back in the Roanoke/ Salem area, obviously near Roanoke College and many of the local Pi Kapps. Our trip was hurried, but we got a real taste of what the country had to offer and how better to see it. And I knew I had to go back. Quite a few people I know have similar feelings for and attraction to anything “Iceland.”

It’s a spellbinding place, and “Island Addicts” must endure this affliction. Brothers Tod Senne (twice) and

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Richard Flora have also partaken of the Iceland magic.

What started as another two-person trip quickly expanded to four Xi alumni. Whit Gravely, ’75, Ray Ferris ’76, John Styron ‘78 and Mark Edgell ’78. And they actually trusted me to do most of the planning! Enjoyed every minute of it. But here we were, once again, four Pi Kapps sneaking off on a true adventure to see an exotic destination in the springtime! And without wives! A true guy’s adventure. We actually arrived in early April 2022, which is considered an off-season time and, thus, more affordable. Our itinerary was simple; circle the whole island, in a large van, on Highway 1 –The Ring Road, until we ended up in Reykjavik, the capital. Eight days of traveling on this marvelous road! But trust me, you should take 14 days or longer to do it right.

Now, I’m not going to bore you with details of the whole trip, but we saw unworldly scenery around every bend in the road. We ate and drank well and stayed in quite a few very scenic and accommodating cabins and homes along the way. Upon landing at Keflavik, we discovered, in the duty-free store, an incredible bourbon that is almost impossible to find in many parts of the United States: Buffalo Trace. We stocked up on the Buffalo and Gull and Viking beer - the local beers are quite good! But you know what we couldn’t find anywhere? An ice cooler. Guess they don’t see a need for them in Iceland. Duh! So, we had to improvise.

Ray, with a little help from his friends, had prepared, on Spotify, a great selection of 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s hits, including tons of Motown, Beatles, Springsteen and ABBA for Ray’s enjoyment, along with classics from Sinatra,

What started as another two-person trip quickly expanded to four Xi alumni.

Nat King Cole and many others. Internet access was great around the whole island, so we were able to enjoy about 15 hours of our music! All day long! You can still access the collection if you like. And of course, with the music, there was quite a bit of reminiscing and storytelling, focusing on the precious, short time we had as Xi undergraduates. Fortunately, it seems that the mid70s group developed quite close friendships and bonds, even as we parted for different parts of the country. And to this day, we stay in touch and still get together many times throughout the year to socialize and rekindle the bonds.

Our days and cherished experiences reach out over time to hold us together. And it still amazes me to this day how these relationships have endured. My dearest and closest friends are the Pi Kapps of Xi Chapter. And a trip to Iceland just carried on that spring break tradition. I challenge you to reach out to those friends of your era to keep the spirit of our shared Pi Kappa Phi experience alive.

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We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. We have some exciting news to share with our Pi Kappa Phi family: our beloved brother, Connor VanOrden, will be embarking on a remarkable journey next summer –the Journey of Hope!

For those of you who may not be familiar, the Journey of Hope is a philanthropic endeavor organized by The Ability Experience, the official philanthropy of Pi Kappa Phi. It is an awe-inspiring cross-country cycling event that raises awareness and funds for people with disabilities. Every year, a select group of dedicated Pi Kappa Phi members cycle thousands of miles to spread a message of inclusivity, compassion and empowerment.

Connor, our very own embodiment of the true spirit of Pi Kappa Phi, will be one of those courageous cyclists. He has chosen to devote his summer to this noble cause, and we couldn't be prouder of his commitment to making a real difference in the lives of those with disabilities.

Connor's journey will not be just a physical test of endurance but also an emotional and spiritual journey. He will be visiting various organizations and interacting with individuals living with disabilities to understand their unique challenges and needs better. The lessons he learns along the way will undoubtedly shape him into a more empathetic and compassionate individual.

In addition to the personal growth that this experience will undoubtedly bring to Connor, it is also an opportunity for our Pi Kappa Phi brotherhood to show our support and unity. We encourage you to join us in backing Connor's mission by contributing to The Ability Experience in his name and helping him reach his fundraising goals.

As alumni of Pi Kappa Phi, we have witnessed countless brothers who have gone on to become outstanding leaders and exemplary individuals in their communities. Connor's decision to take part in the Journey of Hope reinforces the legacy of our Fraternity, highlighting the values of leadership, service and dedication that we hold dear.

We'll keep you updated on Connor's journey and share more about his experiences as the time approaches. Together, let's rally behind him as he sets off on this incredible adventure next summer. Your support and encouragement mean the world to us and to Connor.

Thank you for being a part of the extended Pi Kappa Phi family, where lifelong brotherhood and a commitment to service unite us all. Here's to Connor and the inspiring Journey of Hope he's about to undertake.

Connor, our very own embodiment of the true spirit of Pi Kappa Phi, will be one of those courageous cyclists.
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In May of 2022, a month before my 70th birthday, I joined 23 other Pi Kapp Brothers from chapters all over the country to spend 15 days in Florida riding our bicycles from Miami, Florida, to Tallahassee, Florida, in support of The Ability Experience and persons with disabilities.

From attending Supreme Chapters in Washington, D.C., and from serving on the Push America (now The Ability Experience) Board, I have seen many arrivals of the Journey of Hope cross-country cycling teams at the capital in Washington, D.C. The sights as the dedicated Pi Kapp riders appeared on Pennsylvania Avenue and formed a line in front of the capital building were among my most memorable experiences with Pi Kappa Phi. I admit it also made me a bit envious of the great adventure the riders had just completed.

After retirement, and with the help, advice and encouragement of many of my Pi Kapp brothers, I decided to take on the challenge and adventure of Gear Up Florida, a 950-mile bike ride zig-zagging across Florida, beginning in Miami and ultimately ending at the capitol building in Tallahassee, Florida. A short days’ ride would be 40 miles, with the longest day covering 100 miles. Along the way, we mainly slept in places such as gymnasium floors, but on one occasion, we actually slept in a church sanctuary. Also, when in Tampa, the sleeping accommodations did not have shower facilities, so it was arranged for us to shower in a locker room at Tampa Bay Stadium.

It was wonderful to get to know my young Pi Kapp brothers, as was the spirit of brotherhood and support among the group. The story of Gear Up Florida, however, is not really about the ride or the brotherhood. It is about the population the ride is designed to support. Each rider is required to raise at least $2,500 to support people with disabilities, and at least once each day, the team had visits - called Friendship Visits - with members of the community The Ability Experience serves. These visits were far and away the most meaningful, emotional and unforgettable parts of the trip. When we arrived at these visits, we were always greeted with excitement showing the great anticipation and appreciation of the group we were

visiting. The visits could include anything from lunch to a dance party or a sporting event. I am happy to report that because our group raised a record amount from our fundraising, we were able to make a donation of $1,500 to each of the facilities we visited.

One facility we visited trained many individuals in computer programming or repair. Another facility taught individuals in various artistic crafts, and those individuals were allowed to sell their artwork and keep the proceeds. I am proud to say that our group of cyclists purchased more than 50 pieces of artwork at this location. Thankfully, the location was willing to ship the art home so we were not required to lug it with us on our trip.

The individuals I met on these visits were so friendly, so loving and so appreciative that these visits will remain some of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Learn more about Gear Up Florida on The Ability Experience website.




Excitement and pride fill the air as we reflect on the tremendous success of our fall rush week, where we extended a total of 11 bids to outstanding individuals who have now become integral members of our Fraternity. This achievement represents a significant improvement from last semester, during which we proudly gave out three bids. It is a testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment of our brothers to building a strong and vibrant brotherhood.

Pi Kappa Phi now boasts the second-largest pledge class on campus. This accomplishment speaks volumes about the positive trajectory of our chapter and the collective effort of our brothers to attract individuals who share our values, aspirations and commitment to excellence.

Throughout the rush process, our brothers demonstrated unwavering determination and enthusiasm. Ten brothers, in particular, had the honor of picking up little brothers or twins during this exciting period, further reinforcing the bonds of brotherhood that make Pi Kappa Phi a special and close-knit community. These mentormentee relationships are crucial in fostering a sense of belonging and support in our chapter.

The success of this rush season is a result of the extraordinary efforts put forth by our brothers. From meticulously planning events to creating a welcoming atmosphere during rush week, each brother played a vital role in ensuring that our fraternity continues to attract individuals who will contribute to the legacy and growth of Pi Kappa Phi.

It's not just about the numbers; it's about the quality of individuals who have chosen to join our fraternity. The diligence and commitment demonstrated by our brothers during the rush process have resulted in what we confidently assert to be one of our best pledge classes yet.

These new members bring diverse talents, perspectives and strengths that will undoubtedly contribute to the dynamic and thriving community that is Pi Kappa Phi. As we celebrate this achievement, we extend our deepest gratitude to each brother who dedicated time and effort to make this rush season a success. Your hard work has not only expanded our fraternity but has also enriched the bonds that hold us together as a brotherhood.

Pi Kappa Phi is not just a fraternity; it is a family, a community and a lifelong commitment to growth and mutual support. With our exceptional new members and the continued dedication of our brothers, we look forward to an exciting future filled with shared experiences, lasting friendships and the continued success of Pi Kappa Phi.


Archon: Mason Harris

(540) 797-0249 | mmharris@mail.roanoke.edu

Vice Archon: Jake Wilson (339) 236-5200 | jwwilson@mail.roanoke.edu

Treasurer: John Pierson

978) 760-7623 | jwpierson@mail.roanoke.edu

Secretary: Caden Thomas (540) 855-7872 | cethomas@mail.roanoke.edu

Warden: Gioacchino (Nino) Castorio (267) 250-9057 | gmcastorio@mail.roanoke.edu

Chaplain: Alexander (Xander) Vaughn (434) 249-4799 | alcvaughn@mail.roanoke.edu

Philanthropy Chairman: Daniel Graham (540) 739-4330 | dannybg2016@gmail.com

Risk Management Chairman: Brady Quirk (201) 669-5522 | bjquirk@mail.roanoke.com

Historian: Jackson Hardy (540) 808-7616 | jthardy@mail.roanoke.edu

Standards Board Chairman: Sam Bush (540) 204-7763 | sabush@mail.roanoke.edu

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