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My Brothers : During the past two years, all of us involved in the academic world have become acutely aware of the unsettled conditions that exist on the campuses of some of our colleges and universities throughout America. Unlike the past, the unrest has not been localized in one area or another of our country. But, rather, students on campuses in all regions of the United States, as well as those in some foreign countries, have allowed an emotional approach to the problems of modern existence to prevail over a more rational, peaceful approach, and the result has been disruption of classes which most students can illafford to miss, a destruction of property, both public and private, for which the students or their parents will eventually pay, and a general disillusionment among the alumni of those institutions at which the upsets have occurred. One of the most noticeable and most unfortunate results of such student action has been the withdrawal of support of the schools by those alumni who have contributed millions of dollars annually to support faculty salaries, to provide tuition supplements and scholarships for students, without which many students could not even attend colleges or universities, and to construct the facilities most institutions desperately need to educate an ever-increasing student population. Just as our Fraternity needs the support of its alumni in order to remain solvent, so does a college or university have to be subsidized by its graduates in order to exist. The two major reasons for student unrest are, in my estimation, the constantly and rapidly 2

changing social scene that is America and[~~ attempts by many students at the alm?st ·tu· possible task of making an established mstl uit tion change its policies and functions to ;ave student demands. The American people di· demanded an ever-growing supply of comrl1°ut· ties ranging from instant homes to instant ~jed tonholes, and the manufacturers have suPP}licb them. But there are at least two items W ell· cannot be supplied instantly: babies and edUore tion-at least, not yet! We are spoiled to t_h.e c of by affluence and the consequent a vailabd~ty tbe almost anything we demand, but Nature; ~n tbe case of babies ; and academic institutions, 1nwitb case of learning, are patient and careftJl two their products, for what they yield are the cb commodities we value most: wisdom and ell other! t'o!IS

Let us, too, be patient with out institu 1 us as they try to adapt to modern demands. Let \V~ too, be careful in our labors, so that whate~erwill produce may be so well-constructed that 1t atendure as well as have those old truths w_e pi tend classes to Jearn. Let us, as Brother~ III lid . Kappa Phi, become examples of leadershiP lllli· 1 responsibility, so that all the colleges an? uac· versities at which we have Chapters w!Il Jlle 1 knowledge our worth and our desire to beco s involved in school affairs and will take st ~1 to assure us a reasonable role in the sc community. Let us take a rational stand in this matter·



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Dear Mr. Editor: M I was very proud to note in your ay, 1969, issue of "The Star and L amp" that Mr. George Grant had been named "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi." When my chapter, Gamma Alpha, Was initiated into our frat ernity, we Were honored to have Mr. Grant atf~nd the ceremonies. If a finer man wes, I have yet to meet him. Mr. Grant's service to his country and fraternity certainly merit him the name, "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi." Mr. Grant is the second Alabama man to receive this honor. Needless ~,0 say, Mr. L eo Pou has also been tagged" "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi." We thank Mr. George G1·ant and Mr. L eo Pou for enabling Alabama Pi Kappa Phi's to swell with extra Pride. Two great men have been justly honored by their fraternity. My congratulations to those responsible. Fraternally, George L. Sadler (Gamma Alpha) P.S. I was sure glad to see that you complied with Brother Eli R eese's request and cancelled his subscription. His letter sounded like he would be from a place like Walnut Creek. (Calif.)




Contents Young Pi Kapps Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Student Lamp Key Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rensselaer and Pi Kappa Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Glen Brock to Receive lllini Award . . . . . . . . . . 9 Notable Pi Kapp, Hazard Reeves .. . ....... .. 1 0 Morris Elected President of Orange Bowl Committee ....... ... ....... 13 Pi Kapp V.I.P.'s .. . ... ..... . .......... ... 14 10 Year Review of Pi Kappa Phi ............. 15 Campus Growth Continues ................. 19 Short Shots . .. . ... .... ..... ... . .. ... . . . . 22 Golden Legion .. . ..... .. .... .. .... . ...... 24 Campus News Quarterly ..... .. ... .. . . .. . .. 25 Chapter Eternal ... .. ....... .. . . ... . ... . . 27 Directory ............................... 30

Durward Owen Editor-in-Chief The Fraternity regrets the loss of Brother Tom Dalton's services as Director of Alu11_1ni Affairs. Tom was the second to fill thiS Position and did a commendable job. He joined the National Office staff June 1, 1968. His resignation effective July 1, 1969, was understood to be a necessity in view of a new job opportunity offered him. He b~­ came the Assistant to the Director of Agncultural Experiment Stations, University of Georgia. In the new positio?, Brot~er Dalton will be Director of Public Relatwns. and Publications for the Experiment StatJ?ns. This is a function for which he was specifi~­ ally educated at the University of Georgia where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Journalism. The National Office will miss hil1_1, a~d wishes him success and happiness Ill hiS new field of endeavor.

THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C., in the months of February, May August and November. The life subscription is $15 and 'is the only form of subscription. EDITORIAL OFFICE: National Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 224 W. 2nd St., Charlotte. N. C. 28202. Second-class postage paid at Charlotte, N. C. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES, ipi associates, 2007 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22301, Phone 703/ 548·3626. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. c. 28204. All material intended for publication either for advertis· ing or news should be in the hands of the managin~ editor or ipi associates bY the 1st of the month precedmg the month of issue. Member-College Fraternity Editor's Association

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young Pi Kapps discuss:

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WHAT TODD? These young men are Pi Kapps and they are talking about issues which concern us all. They are (l-r) Dale Whiddon (Alpha Alpha), Mike Hill (Alpha Epsilon), Jeff Wojciecnoswki (Alpha Mu), and Sam Parry (Beta Omicron). Not pictured but taking part in the discussion were Bill Marks (Beta Phi), and Charles Romberg (Beta Xi). This is the seventh in a continuing series of dialogues by undergraduate members of the Fraternity. A wide range of subjects will be discussed in coming issues : violence, religion, morality, conformity, individualism. The undergraduate Pi Kapps participating in these dia-



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logues were selected at random and repres h- j!e k chapters on campuses large and small thr 0 ~~se ~~\V~ out the country. What they have to say o~ t of !only topics should, therefore, reflect the thinking many of today's college fraternity men. t?h <JY Pleat~ Some things our undergraduates saY ~tl; Rq路 a1 please you. Other comments may shock Y}1iS rj 1de 8 but you're likely to learn more about what t jts generation has in mind for its country and der jot tl>E fraternity. Your comments are welcome. Read.!l' treeh 1 response to this and other undergraduate B~ end~. 0t \Vi logues will be presented in future issues of 1' STAR AND LAMP. li<:

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. is: 11: u The first question q'<lbJe




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''Why do some individuals risk the crimi-

nc;/.:~~harges, public ostracism, and possible

a~tction to try the many halltucinatory actds, drugs, and other addictive chemical 8 ubstances (natural and man made)-some 01 Which have proven harmful effects and others which have allegedly very little?"

th~ll{E HILL .: Anythin~ that. is illeg~l ... h~s ing effect of bemg mysteriOus, mterestmg, excrtChah etc. We have been told no, so it becomes a I t enge to know why. As an example, before cauurned 21 I tried to buy beer all the time beagese of the risk involved . . . now that I am of ' I rarely buy anything. li e~ILL MARKS: I agree with Mike, and I beof th that the risk has become an integral part tic e Whole drug "kick." For many people, parag~ 1arly those of high school and early colle~e osit' t~e risk involved probably outweighs curr1w 'J In their decision to try drugs. In other 0 ea{dbs! maybe the risk is their way to buck the a hshment. by the hallucinatory acids can not be justified merely by the condition of today's society. th;liARLES ROMBERG: If I might broaden "Is the use of drugs and hallucinagens as l e current chain of thought, I feel that young prevalent among our youth as the mass Of0f~e, and they are the ones around which most media would have us believe?" the ~ drug controversy rages, tend to accept Sin l'Isks and dangers more readily-especially BILL MARKS: Of course not. Sensationalism sells papers and magazines and the drug story hea~ the world seems to be in a. perJod ?f. upis but another story to play up. However, I do as d ai. The threat of social ostracism rs !llmm~al ~to rug usage is more accepted by their socral believe that in some areas of the country the use of hallucinagens among youth is relatively sill ~Ps. The legal risk even seems to be rather heavy and that marijuana users are far from ~~~a I, because few arrests are actually made. ),>hYWay, most young people are experimenters, uncommon. ~~if have a desire to learn for the.mselves, d~­ CHARLES HOMBERG: No, I agree with Bill. the e all risks. This desire is especially true I? Controversial or sensational stories are usually ~id case of marijuana whose dangers aren t blown out of proportion by the mass media. This indiely accepted. But, of course, there are tho~e is on a national level; however, locally the situl~tu VIduals who just wish to lose themselves m ation may be different. For instance, at _____ R".s, and to them the risk just doesn't matter. _______________________ people tend to think of the student body as conservative and think that drug ~~J\.1\f PARRY: In my opinion, there are two usage is very low. Little has been published &t (Ps of people who use drugs and acids. The about drugs on campus there. The real facts the8 Of these and the most numerous, I feel, are would show that drug usage is more common at and thrill seekers. They know that they are weak ---------------------------- than most people realize. j ~ek t~ey have to have an equalizer. These peoJ?le JEFF WOJCIECHOWSKI: I think the main ~0 kicks" from a bottle, a hypo, or a prll . question lies in the interpretation of and not the on!Wever, instead of hiding their weakness, they distortion of drug use as reported by mass media Y advertise it. . .. Although reported incidents appear regular~'l'he other group is the followers of the "Dr. ly in the news, they still involve only a small ~lear'Js." They seek an "experience." These p~o­ percent of the nation's youth ... ~idare not weaklings; they are strong ~u.t misSAM PARRY: Sensationalism it is, and this ti 8k ect. They are sincere. They are wrlhng ~ 0 is a tragedy, because in this treatment of drug 'elt "criminal charges," etc. in search of t~err uses and abuses, the mass media do not show jOftterience" ... or whatever you call the obJect what tremendous problems accompany drug lte eir search. They are barking. up the wrong usage. I watched in sorrow as a personal friend elide, because it is possible to achieve .th~ above gradually became an addict after trying his Ot ~.through other means without artrficral help "reefer." From a nice guy to an addict, a first Ithout endangering the health. thief, and a mental case is a long way, but the lhi~li:~p WOJCIECHOWSKI: Sam and I are distance is shortened greatly by the use of drugs. lhe bng along the same lines. I can see only As a pre-med student, I have had people call me 'lab Use of hallucinatory acids by mentally unin the middle of the night asking me if I knew ~eectle and unsatisfied persons: ~one the less, thd where they could get some dope. Could it be that to experience an unrealistiC realm create








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G u sr, 1969


drug usage is so common that sensationalized copy about it is all that will sell? "A r e today's laws regulating the use and/or sale of nar cotics and the hallucinag ens r ealistic or archaic?" MIKE HILL: I have never given this a great deal of thought; therefore, I just don't know what to say. I do feel, however, that maybe they should be reviewed for their relevance. I will add, however, that my thinking along this line is influenced by my knowledge of the debacle of the anti-liquor laws during the "prohibition era." SAM PARRY: I definitely feel that the antidrug laws and the entire judiciary process is archaic, badly so. The early laws were established before there were the many drugs and acids we have today. The laws need to be brought up-to-date . . . streamlined and strengthened. Additionally, we must stop handicapping those men who are trying to protect us. JEFF WOJCIECHOWSKI: I feel that our laws regarding the sale and use of drugs are outdated ... I am referring specifically to the treatment of the user. In most cases, the addicted persons are regarded by the courts as criminals because of possession and use of drugs instead of mentally ill, which they are. I don't think the laws should be so lax as to invite everyone to venture into the use of drugs, but neither should they needlessly punish the person who is snarled in the trap of drugs. BILL MARKS: I disagree with Sam and Jeff. I think the current laws are on the right track; however, I feel they should more strictly control the trafficing in drugs and hallucinagens, as some of these compounds have proven to be dangerous-both to the user and the user's offspring. CHARLES HOMBERG: Both Bill and Jeff have made good points and I agree in part with both of them ... Certainly the laws should be strict about the sale and use of heroin and LSD, but the real legal emphasis should be on punishing the "pushers," manufacturers, and smugglers. The users and addicts should get better medical and psychological help, rather than arbitrary jail sentences. "What are the sociological implications of drug/ hallucinagens use for the individual?" BILL MARKS: The users of the drugs, at least the hard core users who admit their addiction, have chosen to remove themselves from society's mainstream ... Now, they are viewed as an alien to society per se. What these individuals don't realize is that once they are "tuned out," which is relatively easy for them to accomplish, it is extremely difficult to get back into their place in the society. SAM PARRY: Drugs make a person unfit to take his place in society. If a man is always on 6


a "trip," how can he be bothered with the Jess ~ exciting things, like a job? CHARLES HOMBERG: ... My feelings a~~ that drug use itself is not the major issue of .th~s question ... The real problems are those th 1.n) in our society (environmental and otherW 15 ~e that cause people to begin taking drugs. TheoJI are the things that should be attacked botp al the individual and group, or organization level. JEFF WOJCIECHOWSIH: . . . to the f!le;.; 1 tally unstable or weak-willed person, the "hlg I· created by drug use is a hiding place from rease ity and its problems. But tragically t~~ch 1 j ~'highs" do _not eradicate the real world! W e. IS once agam present after the "high" IS gon J1 To the real world, the addict has long bee!l ab· outcast and a liability. Hopefully, recent dPXc· licity has shown us, however, that drug a \ s tion is not just an individual problem bnt 1 society's problem as well. "What approaches should be used to ed1J,cate our youth to the potential hazards of drug use?" ·vate MIKE HILL: Greater public and ~rl er· awareness of the dangers of drug usage IS cef· tainly needed. I have been impressed by the the 1 forts put forth by such organizations as. tY American Cancer Society, Tuberculosis socl~ng: etc., in their fight against cigarette smo~l ug Why can't the same things be done against /cts usage? Why not the creation of a Drugs Ad 1uld Anonymous? Funds for such approaches co come from public and private sources. . ter· BILL MARKS: Mike has expressed an 111 to esting concept, but I feel that more efforts ers l liere educate the population to the possible dangbliC 969 Stt of drug use must come from the various punts· service organizations of the local governrne )d SAM PARRY: I believe that children ~h 0~g be introduced to the dangers of drugs beg1nn hi~ in grammar school. They should be thorouguse familiar with drugs and the damage the~ cf.Jlle 1 upon completion of high school ... By thiS 0e the novelty and strangeness of drugs should ut gone. JEFF WOJCIECHOWSKI: Education ab~as drugs in the schools is necessary, as Sam not said. But it must be realistic and truthful 118s "hedged upon" or "taught around" as se" ·set• been done. I feel that it would be more WI Jier however, to begin the drug education no e.ar rethan in the junior high schools, and aga!Il viewed at higher levels-say college.






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I~ Winners GUESS WHO?

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to ed'/Jr "tazards

ACH year the Fraternity presents its Student Larnp Key Awards to the member attaining the highest scholastic average in each undergraduate chapter. The selection of the Student Lamp Key winners is based on grade averages of the preceding two semesters or three quarters, and is coordinated through the offices of the deans of colleges and universities where Pi Kappa Phi chapters are located.



l9~erse are the winners of the tudent Lamp Keys :

~1 1lh ~eta:_}iGlenn

F. McConnell

Alpha Upsilon-No one submitted Alpha Phi-Andrew S. Riddle Alpha Psi-Richard Bender Alpha Omega-Donald D. Lasselle Beta Alpha-George M. Newcombe Beta Beta-Rudi Moeyck Beta Delta-John B. Snyder Beta Eta-Robert A. Milstead ut Beta Iota-Gregory Shoemaker on abhO"S t.._N arl L. Wangsvick Beta Kappa-Charles Cathey Sa::rl'l •t 0 orman Olsen, Jr. Beta Lambda-Burl A. Huffman ful no ohn L. Thomas Beta Mu-Robert Searle }lllS tephen R. Haughney Beta Xi-Alden W. Bjorklund ;thse:lC, e!• C. Pruitt Beta Omicron-Samuel W. Parry re WlSJ'et A .. Lauridsen Beta Tau-James C. Odom ear 1 ---.eremiah Scott Beta Upsilon-Elliott C. Haley i!l re- st.._B arry Densmore Beta Phi-Ellis S. Banks, Jr. 10 aga ruce D. Spear Beta Chi-Greg L. Richards 0 ~lllliaa-Thomas G. Tierney Beta Psi-Stanley Jones Alp?-a-Johnny D. Mixon Beta Omega-Elmer M. Taylor D. Snyder Gamma Alpha-Charles G. Boothe Eeta-Robert P. Marx Gamma Beta-Thomas Treichler llha ta-John K. Wright Gamma Gamma-David Walker Theta-Mike Andrews Gamma Delta-J. David Siebert E . Riddle Gamma Epsilon-Robert F. Cochran llha :x.·u-Robert M. Walter Gamma Zeta-Thomas E. Riester I-Richard C. Mondello Gamma Eta-No one submitted ,1lha . Nick Zervos Gamma Theta-Norman M. York, Jr. !J1Icron-James F. Wiegand Gamma Iota-Ravmond J. Puigh, II 1 0 llha Tigma-Peter M. Hodges Gamma Kappa-William F. Larkey 8 l au-Thomas O'Konski Gamma Lambda-Paul Shearer

~allllb. obert. A. Strozier ~llsiJ ~-D:;vid B. Hawes eta--.J-Mike Payne ~ta-ames C. Hardin 1 l allPaRobe:t. T. McCrory ~alllbct Wilham K. Rollins Ju.._Ra-T. Dale Twilley ~~---C en Vickery


~lllicr S~o..._Sn-J ~~~a tau--~ames cf.~'1!--.L silonob~rt ~llleg ~lllha ~lllha ~psllon-Robert ~ lllha ~lllha ~~llha ~ta-Michael ~~






In this issue of The Star and La_mP •. we are presenting our thtrd m a series of pictures of selec~ed alumni and clues to aid you m their identity. For the individual who correctly identifies our mystery Pi Kapp not later than September 1, 1969, we will send him a copy of the 1968 Directory of Members~ip. In the case of correct dupllcate answers, the one with the earliest postmark wins. Each new issue of The Star and Lamp will contain an additional clue to the identity of our mystery alumnus until he is correctly identified. All Pi Kapps are eligible and are encouraged to participate, even the "mystery man" himself. Our clue for this issue is : A founder and builder of Pi Kappa Phi-Iota and Kappa-was he, Until Castro came down from the mountains and closed the sea. 7

Rensselaer and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is a private technological university which last year had an enrollment of 4,800 students from 45 states and 42 foreign countries. It is located in Troy, New York, which is noted as an industrial and research center maintained by several large corporations. Rensselaer's educational goals today are rooted in those upon which it was established in 1824 when Stephen Van Rensselaer, its founder, organized it as a school where students would be taught to apply scientific principles to the common purposes of life. Amos Eaton, the first head of RPI, developed the first engineering curriculum to be created in this country, and The Rensselaer School gave the first engineering degree--that of civil engineering-in 1835. The second RPI head, B. Franklin Greene, lengthened the course of study from one to four years and made plans for a new, expanded campus. Unfortunately, the Civil War disrupted the school's development and a fire destroyed existing buildings. The school was shortly rebuilt, however, on the site it now occupies.



From 1900 to 1934, the student body gre~ from 200 to 1700 and the faculty grew f~~is 20 to over 140 members. It was during Jlt 20 year period of Rensselaer's developrne 3 that the fraternity system emerged. Pi l{aPPb ~hi was established on the RPI campus ~brou:l. 1ts currently active Alpha Tau Chapter Ill 19 to Since 1934, the student body has grown to nearly 4,000, with a corresponding increase 318 full time faculty members. f The school has over 1,500,000 square fee~~ floor space, assets of more than $130-:rni11~ 0!1' and an annual budget of more than $20-:rniJitO e. ~ During its nearly 150 years of existen~i: \1 Rensselaer has developed from a small e:xpe i路 mental school into a modern technological u;e versity. Its development has paralleled growth of American industry and technolo~[j It is justly recognized as a pioneer in neal of everything found to be of value in methodstbe j instruction used in the scientific schools of country today. er THE STAR AND LAMP salutes Renssela Polytechnic Institute.





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;~; 1GM&O Chief, Glen Brock :~~:~ 1lo Receive ILLINI Award

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Glen Brock (Upsilon), president of e]e ulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad, has been lJ1/ted,, along with two other gr:=tduates of ~h~ ~Chyers1ty of Illinois, to receive the Ilhm tee levement Award the university announced ently. '

chain man, brakeman and switchman in road and yard service, and yardmaster; served briefly in the Army, and earned a bachelor's degree at the University of Illinois, where he was graduated from the College of Commerce and Business Administration in 1922.

lJ11~he award is the highest honor given by the

Entering the service of the Gulf, Mobile & Northern in the fall of 1922 as a cost statistician, Brock later worked as an inspector, assistant general manager, and then general manager. In 1940 he was elected vice president and general manager of the combined system known as the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio. He became executive vice president and general manager in 1952 and president in 1957.



'~ersity of Illinois Alumni Association.

te!resentation of the award was one of the ~8 Ures of commencement exercises held in the Of Se:tnbly Hall, June 14, 1969. A color portr~i! u ~rother Brock will be mounted in the Ilhm 1\>j~on Building where pictures of 37 earlier ners are on display.



eq&nly three achievement awards are !fiven Soci ~ear to alumni selected by an Alumm Asno ~bon committee from a large number of ql!~lnees suggested by faculty, former students others. . / ~~>a~rother Brock, the son of a railway engineer, ._. , Sta~ horn Nov. 22, 1896, near Alden, Iowa, and ql! ted his railroad career in 1912 as a caller ti d Yard clerk for the Illinois Central at Pales11 e, Ill. In the ensuing decade he worked as a



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Brother Brock is chairman of the board of trustees of the United Fund of Mobile County, a director of the Red Cross there, and a director of the Mobile Area Public Higher Education Foundation . The Brocks have two children, Paul and Glen Porter Brock, Jr., both attorneys, in Mobile. 9


HAZARD REEVES His wave length is communication.




Reprinted in part from the December 14, 1968, issue of NESS WEEK by spec ial permission. Copyrighted 漏 1968 bY Graw-Hill, In c.

~I ~ 10



/ l ig~az~rd ~· ~eeves

(Iota, Georgia Tech) de-

to between $20-million and $25-million in 1969. Profits on last year's $10.3-million volume came hatt e D. S. that dominates his East Side Manto $800!000, and Reeves is projecting a 20 % e)( an .office. Each new pin marks a step in the annual I_ncrease over the next five years. di~ean~IOn of Reeves Broadcasting Corp. as a Bu~ nght now, says Reeves, "my one job is 1' rsified communications company. t? bmld Reeves Bro11;dcasting into a communica62~year-old "Buzz" Reeves enjoys the tion~ co!llpany o~ermg a broad range of comIhtnaphe mumcatwns services." uu .routme, because "he gets his fun from toge~hn~ companies-getting the right people . Through the years, Reeves' wheeling and dealti111 er aJ?-d raising the money," as one longI~g has been tuned to his interest in communica1\lith associate puts it, though "he gets bored tions .. He spent seve~al years in his early 1' the day-to-day details of administration." twenties as a sound engmeer at Columbia Phono1sev Oday, a lean and trim Reeves can tick off graph and the Harvard University Film FoundatiOn, and then set up his own shop/ fro~al . substantial operations that resulted Reeves Sound Studios-in Manhattan in 1933. eng· this drive during a 35-year career as audio Viceineer and entrepreneur: There's Audio DeThis company, which mixes sound tracks for the s, ~nc. i ~~eves Industries, Inc.; several ~f ~lms, has, remained the one constant company ca . ~~SIC diVISIOns of Dynamics Corp. of Amerim Reeves career. Out of it came most of the 1\.J] merama, Inc.; and Reeves Broadcasting." vent~re capital for his later endeavors, and to''l'h but the last are now owned by other people. day Its annual sales of $6-million account for l st e :market," he adds, "values companies that over 40 % of Reeves Broadcasting's total revenues. $220art~d~ or had a hand in starting, at about -nulhon." "Reeves is a promoter," says H. W. Clapper c0 ~ 1 ong .the way, he was instrumental in the p~e~ident of Reeves ~ndustries, "but he is alway~ Cin l'llercial success of such diverse products as Willmg to put up a piece of the action." Between Nerama and the Waring Blender. 1~50 and 1960, Reeves sank sc;>me $500,000 into Cmerama; when he sold out eight years ago he Bra ow, a~l of his attention is on the Ree':es cleared about $5-million. ' ted adcastmg map, which he's festooned With The Cinerama venture pointed up another 1\.A:t and blue pins. The red pins represent: two side of Reeves' nature. Randolph B. Marston a j lion-F'M: radio stations and two television staneighbor of Reeves in exclusive Tuxedo Pa;k l~>iths; a growing network of CATV systems, N. Y., recalls that Cinerama's inventor, Fred lnc 50,?00 subscribers; the offices of Previews, Waller, could not afford to buy stock in Cinecern an International real estate marketing conrama, Inc.; so Reeves lent him $1,000 to buy in b; several real estate development projects 100,000 shares. Some years later, when Marston Sou oth North and South Carolina; and Reeves settled the inventor's estate, those shares IVh fd Studios, Inc., with which he started the brought his widow $1-million. ; e thing in 1933. "It is difficult not to get emotionally attracted c0111 he blue pins mark a burgeoning program to to the man,': says a~other Reeves acquaintance. tee Puterize the real estate industry through a "He is considerate m a rugged sort of way. If lncen tl~ acquired subsidiary named Realtron, you are sick, he calls you up, inquires about your a c' his Detroit-based operation makes use of health, and then asks you how soon you can be theeDntral computer to acquaint brokers across back on the job, because something important ,, · S. with available properties. has come up." suc~ur conventional broadcasting componen~s, Associates contend, though, that personal v<ll as radio and TV stations, will move up m loyalty makes Reeves inclined to stick too long Of Ue," Reeves adds, "but they lack the dyna.mics with unsuitable pe.ople j~ :positions of authority. c0 ~rowth to make us a national or internatwnal Well aware of this cnticism-and of his own Of thany. Real estate, on the other hand, is one impatience with administrative routine-Reeves !l e largest industries around." is concentrating now on revamping his top Srsteeves sees Realtron as a communicati.ons management team to make sure Reeves Broad~01• e~, though -not a real estate operati~n. casting continues as his business memorial. ~e hun, it is one more plank on which to bmld "Money is easy to get,'' he says. "It's people lareves Broadcasting into an active rival to such with imagination and initiative we need." He &r;er concerns as Metromedia, Inc., and Storer vows that he will slow down once he has the comI 1'adcasting Co. . . , . pany firmly organized under a strong manageIVhi he. Reeves Broadcasting chairman .Isn .t JUSt ment. But he is also aware that it only takes a ~to sthng Dixie when he talks about this kmd ?f new challenge to start him running again. ls 66'th. The company took its present form. m Of course, if he tires of running, he can a.Iand through a merger of Reeves Sound Studws / tev Southern Broadcasting Corp., and 1961 ways fall back on the $100,000 ham radio station that he operates from his hill-top mansion usr o111 enues came to $1.8-million. Now, Reeves, who in Tuxedo Park-or turn to managing the Duck otb: t~• tevlls 30 % of his company's stock, predicts. t~at 8 Cedar Inn that he owns on nearby Route 17. enues will jump from this year's $14-miliJOn Of ths In stickmg pins into the large scale map



















A p ~ I 4 lJ G






Pi Kapp Herman Hipp


I~ ted l B~other Herman N. Hipp (Delta) was eJec I president and chief administrative officer of :L~t·

Becomes President of Liberty Life 'lr



A LffiERTY BELL IS RINGING FOR A PI KAPP There's a small liberty bell ringing in Charlotte, N. C., for Pi Kapp Edwin L. Jones, Jr. (Mu-'44), and there's not a crack in it. It is bell number 0111 in a series being produced by the Newcomen Society. Cast in the same Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London, Brother Jones' bell is an exact replica of the original bell, made in 1752. The replica weighs about 20 pounds and stands 131!2 inches high. It is one of about 2,400 such bells which will be produced for the bicentennial of the American Revolution in 1776. "We thought we'd like to have one here," said Brother Edwin Jones, Jr., President of J. A. Jones Construction Company. "We plan to use it to open our meetings of the Board of Directors and other groups." An inscription at the top of the bell proclaims liberty and indicates that the bell was made on orders of officials of Pennsylvania. "Thomas Lester of London made me in 1752," the inscription says. Reprinted by special permission of THE CHARLOTTE NEWS.


erty Life Insurance Company at a recent rtl~ 5 C)• ing of the board of directors. Herman succe his brother, Francis M. Hipp, also a Pi J{apP·e ~.B1 1 Francis Hipp will remain as chairman of ~re th a~ board and chief executive officer of LibertY :Ll rd lll~t' as well as president and chairman of the bOll ~ 0 1 of The Liberty Corporation. . t~ half .Brot~er He~ma~ Hipp has been as~ocl~ d· . 11:, with Liberty Life smce 1935, following hiS gt!l 5• !IJ. A uation from Furman University. He beca:rne ;43 bur· sist3:nt secr~tary in 193.6, was promoted in lv~s he ~ to vice president and director, and in 1954 ~ pl Com elected Agency vice president and director. F10 d late 1 811 1~61 to 1968, he was senior vice preside~t 0{ ~ist~­ director, and for the past year held the tit!~ nsl ~toti executive vice president of insurance operatJO fjtQJ. and director. f j )958 In addition to his position as an executive ;d 1S di; Liberty Life, he is executive vice president ;·c~ ness director of The Liberty Corporation, of W kr ChaiJ Liberty Life is a primary subsidiary; direcp!l' 1 Of M and vice president, Cosmos Broadcasting C?\ Br, 1·: ration, another Liberty Corporation subsidil11li~ recto· and director of the Greenville board of So late · 8 Carolina National Bank. 1. 1 litu.t Brother Hipp serves as a member of the Ftlrdj Of th man University Advisory Council, and the bO!ltJS' ~tga: of associates of Converse College, and as a tr j ~; A tee, Greenville Hospital System. ·~ ake A native of Spartanburg, Herman is rnarr~o- se As to the former Jane Fishburne of Walter~J rl' ~ tve They have five children: Herman Neel, Jr., •v~lllle' 1bed ( 0 Ladson, William Franklin, Edward Fishb~l' i~ ~ atd and Jane Gage Hipp. The family residence iS ~cto1 Green Valley Estates near Greenville. ercE



~I ~

lJ G

cted ~~ 1

l.• ALLEN MORRIS Elected President 1969-70 Orange Bowl Committee

eedS Qf .pP·tne ~ia13 ro.ther L. Allen Morris (Iota), a prominent jfe, the~~ real estate executive, has been elected Jllrd lllitt st president of the Orange Bowl Comnow}e. He was a vice president of the Orange ted ban d9~n;mittee last year and headed the foot!1 d· 11.- lVlSIOn. rll s· 1lq · "torri A.tl s, 55 , graduated from Boys High SchooI 9 g43 / buri anta and from Georgia Tech in 1936. v s he Wng the early years of his business career, 1,. 91 Corn orke~ with Scripto and Vicks Chemical 00 and late/any m Atlanta and New York City. He , of Sista rnoved to Miami, Florida, in 1947 as as~0s ntotht to the president of the Keyes Company. ijttn er Morris formed his own real estate of 1!958 The Allen Morris Company on April 1, ! is di · In addition to running his own firm, h.e 00 ne rector or board chairman of 28 other busi\~ 88 Cha. firms in real estate and related fields and cr Of ~~rnan of the Board of the Northside Bank P,., 13 1arni. rf~ teet rather Morris has also served as past di1 tate or of the National ~ssociation of .Real EsStit Boards; past president of N ahonal In~~ Of u;e of Real Estate Brokers; past president Or e. Florida Chapter of Young President:s JS da 15~n1zation; regional vice president of Flori' ~ak ssociation of Realtors; and chairman of e<' A. e .America Better committee of NREB. ·O.Iset s lf he didn't have enough to do, Allen has r! ~ected as governor of the Ame~ican Nat~onal ~~ boa Cross; chairman of the natwnal advisory iP tec{d of Georgia Tech; vice president and dilller or of Greater Miami Chamber of qom~ ce; past director of the University of M1arn1


kr /



I 4

Citizen's Board; president of the Council of Financial Affairs for Campus Crusade for Christ. He is an Elder of the Granada Presbyterian Church. Morris was elected as an associate member of the Orange Bowl Committee in 1955 an active member in 1958; and vice president Football Division, 1968-69. ' He is married to the former Ida Akers of Atlanta, Georgia. They have three children: Mrs. James Frank Bell, Jr., of Atlanta Georgia; Kathryn C. Morris, a student at Bell~ haven (Miss.) College; William Allen Morris a student at McCallie School, Chattanooga' T~neuea ' 13



IlK <Jl V. I. P. 'S. N ere us C. English, III, President, Carolina Underwear Company, Inc., Thomasville, N. C. Mu Chapter, Duke University J. N. Valianos, President Arizona Biochemical Company, 30 Woodland Hartford, Conn. Gamma Chapter, University of California-Berkeley W. F. Gittler, Sr., President Catawissa Lumber and Specialty Company Baker Ave., P. 0. Box 176, Catawissa, Pa. Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Drexel Institute of Technology Kenneth E. Boring, President Dalton Rock Products Co., P . 0. Box 1608, Dalton, Ga. Alpha Sigma Chapter, University of Tennessee J. E. Kirkland, Managing Partner Davis-Kirkland Gin Company, 820 Harlingen, Texas Iota Chapter, Georgia Tech


Recent statistics from Fo1路tune Magazine reveal that of the 500 leading businesses and industries in the United States that 80 per cent of these are led by fraternity men. Pi Kappa Phi, of course, has its share of industry leaders. Some of these men are presented below, and the STAR AND LAMP salutes each for the contribution they have made to their Fraternity and American Industry. .Jack C. Inman, President Corporate Group Service, InC路 520 Virginia Dr., Winter Park, Fla. jtV Chi Chapter, Stetson Univers 路 R. Y. Atlee, President Dominion Electric Protection Company 468 Kingsway, Islington, Ontario, Canada Alpha Tau Chapter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Ins. D. D. O'Brian, President O'Brian Mace Company Industrial Supply 1500 Madison Avenue, Florence, S. C. h Iota Chapter, Georgia Tee J. A. Cox, President H . L. Cox and Son Princeton, Florida Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Florida

Joseph E. Moody, President Southern Coal Products Ass'n. 735 Southern Building, Washington, D. C.

R. E. Y de, President Bob Y de Associates FIB路 1307 S. 9th St., Leesburg, Omicron Chapter, University of Alabama

G. G. Murrah, Jr., Owner Professional Pharmacy 214 E. Newman St., Zanesville, Ohio Alpha Eta Chapter, Samford University

W. H . Lawrence, President Carswell of Carolina, Inc. Hilton Head, S. C. Epsilon Chapter, Davidson College

David L . Diana, President White Hen Pantry, Division of J ewe! Company 1955 W. North Ave., Melrose Park, Illinois Psi Chapter, Cornell University

C. H. Reid, Preside_nt 1)' 91 Carolina ConstructiOn CornP San Juan, Puerto Rico 1 Epsilon Chapter, Davidson College THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA


The Years

of the

















These are the years of the "big question".and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is definitely part of the era. The administration of Pi Kappa Phi for the past decade has witnessed a parade of triumphs and tragedies, yet each event ' success and failure, has in its own way led us ever forward. Remaining are the questions - viable and penetrating - which are in the minds of alumni and undergraduates alike. Where is the Fraternity going and how will it get there- but first, where has it been? An alumnus and an undergraduate have presented a succession of questions_ the Executive Director has answered- together, questions and answers, they constitute his annual report to the Fraternity.

1 $4:

How is the National Office housed, equipped, and staffed now as compared to Ten years ago? Then we had a two-room, street-level office, with one much needed window air-conditioner. The equipment was about what you would expect to find in an office of a medium-sized church building. Our staff consisted of the Executive Secretary, a Traveling Counselor (for five months of that school year), and two typists. ' We now have a nine-room, colonial-style building, air-conditio'ned, which is bursting from the seams and suffering from its forty-two years of age. The structure is sufficient for the present, but will require replacement in five years if we are to keep up with our current growth pattern. Our equipment is completely sufficient for present needs- what additional services the future demands may change that. The ,Executive Director administers with an Assistant to the Executive Director, a Director of Undergraduate Affairs, a Field Secretary (we all travel as if we were field men), an Office Manager , and two typists. We need more but that requires additional income.






the in 1






ho 1 in it of:


You mentioned the Fraternity's growth pattern- Are you referring to expansion?


To a great extent- yes, although there are oi:her areas of growth to consider. During these ten years we have chartered twenty-one new undergraduate chapters and rechartered three former 路inactive chapters.



for cor

I ~~ fin,


Does the Fraternity have ari Expansion Policy or Program?


The National Council maintains a preferred list of ten schools and requires the Executive J)irector to commeuce a colony on at least one of these campuses a year. For example, we start the development of a colony at the University of Oklahoma in_September of this year. This will be for the reactivation of the now defunct Alpha Gamma Chapter.

~he equl

We follow a program of building outward from existing chapters' strength. Until this past year, our efforts were primarily directed towards solidifying our position in the Southwestern United States. Now we are moving outward into the Midwest and also into the Pennsylvania and New Jersey area. This year we are also moving ahead on the West Coast. What is the greatest problem faced in the Expansion effort? Money, personnel , tirrie- you name it! Yet the greatest need is for alumni and undergraduates to realize the National Office staff cannot do it all. We should have a national committee responsible for expansion with the National Office staff supporting the committee~s efforts. What other areas of growth were you referring to? In 1959 we had fifty-one chapters - fifteen of these chapters with less than ten undergraduate members, and an additionill seven chapters with less than fifteen members. Now, with sixty-six chapters, each one is returning to school in September with more members, the smallest having twenty returning. Our average undergraduate chapter is 1959 had nineteen members, while this year the average chapter has thifty-nine members. Thirteen new pledges and eleven new initiates were average per chapter, while now they average twenty-two pledges and nineteen initiates per year.



1959 -11 1969-19

Ofp inte largt



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1n 19


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~lur abso Prog

IIexpr We I

area! area

alum and i


s ~he entire na~ional organization in I 9S9 was operated with an income of eve ,OOO.OO. Th1s past year our operating income was $134,000.00. Howfa r$ You must remember that in 1959 we were employing a good typist ha~ ~00.00 a month. Now she expects and deserves $400.00. So, costs e likewise increased.



lJOther evideJ~ce of financial growth can be seen in comparing the Star and lheOlp Fund WJth $104,000.00 in 1959, and now being worth $272,000.00in surplus and funded :accounts with the National Office were $33,000.00 1959, and now amount to $85,000.00.


th Does

Housing Assistance for Undergraduate Chapters come from ese monies?

~o! Iino~smg gr

The Fraternity had no real means of financial assistance for under-

ha ~ate housing until Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. was created as our


authority in 1967. Although founded only by $5.00 from each

I 0 /~ation fee; this corporation, in three years, has accumulated in excess


3 111 _70,000.00 in assets. It now owns s.ix chapter houses, and is implefo entmg a p'rogram, on a time schedule, to provide and upgrade housing c r all chapters. Its initial effort has been spectacular; however, to be 1 ~ 01 Pletely successful in the future existing chapter houses need to be 0 rnect over to the Properties by local alumni housing corporations. enWnership, legally speaking, is conveyed to Properties; and therefore, . nable's the corporation to pyramid its assets and thereby gain greater nanc1al fexibility. .


le VVhy would any Chapter Housing

1959-$43,000.00 1969 - - -.$134,000.00

C~rporation want to release its

9al ownership of an existing Chapter House?


like to say because of its fraternal attitude- but that is not all. local corporation retains control and is always guaranteed its share of Of~Jty. Al~o, it elects one of its own members to the Board o.f D!rectors int ropert1es, thereby insuring its representation and protectmg Jts Ia erest. Of great importance is its ability, in the future, to renovate, enrge, build or remodel thr~ugh the larger financial flexibility of Properties.


Speaking of Alumni, what are they contributing to this Financial


in ;a thing in 1959, but through the Voluntary D~es Program, institut~d bul63, the alumni contributed $19,600.00 to th1s past yearS operatmg get. We expect $25,000.00 next year! A.re Alumni still interested in their Fraternity?

4I~e t~ink so, and路 the Fraternity is now structured for a Di~~ctor of.


abs Oln1 Affairs to prove this belief. We do know that alum~1 mt~rest



Olutely necessary for the Fraternity to prosper and contm~e ~ts f~rward e~ gres~. We do know that the average alumnus is now more llm1ted 111 the Presswn of his interests than in years past.


a We need a staff of one thousand participating alumni. These needs are in /eas of expanded alumni chapter advisory committees, area governor and 路 a/urea c~unsel?r positions, a multitude of natwnal comm1'tt ee f unc t'1ons: a l11n1 housmg corporation personnel for undergraduate chapter hous1ng, e"d in other miscellaneous activities such as the aforementioned need in l:pansion. Why don't you offer to help?

~hat if I, an Alumnus, can't do any of the things you mentioned? Show your interest indicate your desire to participate, and I assure you e Wil , I find a way for you to contribute.


1959 -13 1969


So I agree, tell me what 1路 can do for the Foundation? The Pi Kappa Phi Men1orial Foundation's greatest need is to increase its assets- so, you can give, or assist in its fund raising efforts. This educational endowment did receive its IRS exemption during the past ten years; and therefore, gifts of any nature are deductible for the donor. Scholarship loans and grants for undergraduate Pi Kapps are its prime purpose, and there is really a greater need for such than the average alumnus would believe as he views our affluent society. Is the Fraternity System dying? No, and in fact has experienced greater growth during the previous ten years than in any other decade of its history.


Yet, the communication media would lead me to believe otherwise? A misconception without fact. I will agree that its effectiveness is diminishing- and this I feel is a definite weakness on the part of all fraternities, including Pi Kappa Phi. Our undergraduates do not seem to be as active on their campus as they should be, and in fact arc negating their traditional leadership role to the more destructive elements such as the S.O.S. Perhaps this "noncommitted" attitude constitutes our greatest weakness today.





Does this mean that the Pi Kappa Phi Undergraduates ar.e different from those of ten years ago? Yes, to some extent! I do not see them as heavy drug users, hippies, and destructive protesters. However, they do try to be more honest, more moral, and I believe, more intelligent. I fear that they are missing the trend toward idealism as being expressed by the more vocal student, and in too many instances, arc quite materialistic- contrary to their impression of themselves. In other words, one question they ask, which is contradictory to the basic student of today, is "What material value do I get out of it?''. This has never been a concept of fraternity life- where members have traditionally determined that they receive as they give. What is Pi Kappa Phi doing to meet the changes which are occurring? Not enough, I'm afraid! We do have a "Special Study Committee" working on the total concept of Pi Kappa Phi, and how it should relate to today's society. We have developed a leadership school know as Pi Kapp College to which we bring together the officc:rs of all undergraduate chapters for a week of discussion and instruction. We hope that therestructuring of the leadership of the rratcrnity will make it more viable. We continue to engage in too much non-relevant activity, and as a result do not seem to be as vibrant and exciting as we should be. I am thinking of time and money spent on homecoming displays, tloats, pranks, and other similar activities. Instead we should be sharing in the leadership determination of the campus, aiding the institution in meeting its goals and objectives, in service to the community at large, in expanding the educational program of the membership , and other more worthwhile objectives. Is Pi Kappa Phi assisting the destructive elements on campus? To an extent by not participating! We constitute that great majority of constructive students. My wish is for our membership to become a constructive part of the activists movement. Perhaps we shall sec this in the coming year. What do YOU consider the real purpose of Pi Kappa Phi to be? As so well-stated by another Executive Secretary- "to help a young man become a better man". I believe we are accomplishing this purpose- we can do a better job!


1959 $000.00 1969-$19,600.00


t ~New


Campus Growth Continues

All fM fM



ALPHA DELTA--University of Washington GAMMA MU-Belmont Abbey College GAMMA NO-LaGrange College GAMMA XI-Georgia Southwestern College GAMMA OMICRON-Bethel College

---------------------------------ALPHA DELTA: Rechartered April 26, 1969, at the University of Washington. Twenty-two men were initiated into Alpha Delta by chartering teams from Alpha Omega (Oregon) and Alpha Zeta (Oregon State). Dr. George Odgers (Nu), alumnus, and Kurt Engelstad (Alpha Zeta), Area Governor, served as Chartering Officers. Alpha Delta was first chartered in 1924 by Executive Secretary George Sheetz. The charter became inactive in 1957 and was recolonized in July, 1967 by Traveling Counselor Bill Dicks. Earl Layman (Alpha Iota) serves as Chapter Advisor, and was the alumnus most responsible for the chapter's reactivation. Rechartering members of Alpha Delta are: Robert Bux Richard Navert Douglas Conrad William Lane Charles Caldard Robert Schmidt Gregory Whitcomb Douglas Vercoe Dale Rudolph William Maurmann Murray Cassidy 40



Frank Manning Marc Lacy Indy C. Crowley William Arnold Nicholas Hippert Stephen Etchemendy James Blakeway Donald Julien Donald Frick Craig Sheets J. Scott Farquhar

All 19

GAMMA MU: Chartered April 26, 1969, at Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, N. C. Twenty-one undergraduates and six alumni were installed as Gamma Mu Chapter by ritual teams from Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina) and Epsilon (Davidson). Brother Elmer Jost (Chi), National Chaplain, and Anthony Brown (Gamma Epsilon), National Scholarship Chairman, served as Chartering Officers. Brother Bernie Jones, Past Executive Secretary and Past National President, was the keynote speaker for the Chartering Banquet. Henry Sheppard (Gamma Alpha) is serving as Chapter Advisor. Char


Charter members for the Gamma Mu chartering are:


Philip Ford John Glenn, Jr. Robert Kelly Guy Piche John Farrell George Fell, IV John Nolan Timothy Donovan Bruce Martin Gregory Kusic John McMahon Edward Olsen, Jr. Alan Smith

Ronald McCoy George Seargeant I John R. Cottingham, I Marshall Hamrick Kevin Hauser Loring Jones Donald Logan Hudson Harris .John L. Farris, Jr. Lawrence Willis Frederick Louis John Beam Bennett Smith

l\1 Gurney 1; Cou \'v~ne C J lilian Jalnes W路Tign C lilian llharles ,. 0 hert Ji'V路l1 !ian oseph llalph J !\.lex N David < Larry ]

GAMMA :N1J: Chartered May 10, 1969, at LaGrange Collegd LaGrange, Ga. Twenty-one undergraduates all, seven alumni were initiated as charter rne;s hers of Gamma Nu Chapter by initiating tea n from Alpha Iota (Auburn) and Gamma l{aPP' (Georgia Southern). Brothers Phil TaPP{ (Lambda) , Area Governor V, and Donald ~a g ton (Lambda), alumnus, served as installl~s officers. Rev. C. F. Granger (Chi) served t guest speaker for the Chartering Banqlle d Seale Hipp (Eta) is the Chapter Advisor, ~~e along with Alpha Iota Chapter, is responS1 pi for this new chapter becoming a part of Kappa Phi. Charter members for the Gamma Nu chartering are: Joseph McLean Michael Zimmerman Joel Conway Robert Williams Kenneth Bosserman James Menge Edwin Maner Ernest C. Stevens, Jr. Samuel Lanier James G. McDonnell, Jr. Howard E. Staats, II Scott Gordy Edward Whitener William 0. Mims, Jr.


Steven Welsh Charles Robinson Michael Regan Clifton Byrd Thomas Walkup Thomas Burgess Joseph Bryant James Dodd Dennis S. Tosh, Jr. James Smith P. Danforth Neal, Jr. Victor Viti E. Murray Newlin



~ lJ G


GAMMA XI: Chartered May 17, 1969, at Georgia Southwestern College, Americus, Ga. Twenty-seven undergraduates and four alumni were installed as charter members of Gamma Xi Chapter by initiating teams from Beta Tau (Valdosta State) and Alpha Iota (Auburn). Chartering Officers were Fluker Stewart (Chi), Director of College Relations, Valdosta State, and Bill Fuqua, accountant, Augusta, Georgia. The Chartering Banquet guest speaker was Dr. S. Walter Martin (Delta), President of Valdosta State College. Brother Donald Dalton (Lambda) is serving as Chapter Advisor, and along with Beta Tau Chapter is responsible for this new chapter becoming a part of Pi Kappa Phi.

I ring are:

m, II

Charter members for the Gamma Xi chartering are:

~au] McDougald

I t'

Gurney Adams Courtney Houston \V·ne Creech J lliiam Walters 1 /'ln~s H. Leamon, Jr. 'ii,}~gner Blackman Ch ham Brown aobrles J. Huckleberry, Jr. W· ~rt Thomas Jollham M. Bailey, Jr. a ~eph H. Brannon III Af Ph Burke ' D.e~ Nisbet t <~Vtd Suppes arry Everson

Sherrill Ridley J. Russell Autry, Jr. Charles 0. Cates, III Thomas Griffin James C. Ellis John Grant Robert La~ton Farnum M1ley James Muench Cecil 0. Myers, Jr. William Winter James Holloway Theodore Horton Carl D. Williams, Jr. William Seth





\. :NlJ: 1 ~hartered May 17 1969 at Bethel College, MeCollege, d :t tes at1 Jl'l'

: ~ re:JI'ls

l{apPP TaPPY ld pal· a !lit1g tsta d IJS ~rve \let· :anq and ~or, 'ble pon£1 pi





Tennesse~. Sev~nteen


band six alumni were initiated as char.ter..m~m-

t ers of Gamma Omicron Chapter bY mi t Iat m g ~atns from Alpha Eta (Samford) ~nd Gamma foe!ta (Memphis State). Chartermg. Officers Ill the occasion were Ted Schar~enstem (Beta aeta), former Assistant Executive Secretary, ~d Tom Ashe (Beta Beta), alumnus. Br~ther l> el Metcalfe (Alpha Gamma), Past Natwnal resident, served as the Chartering Banq~et I ~\lest speaker. Also present for the char.termg I as Brother Charles Tom Henderson, PI l{~p­ I' ra Phi National President. Brother John.Wmiers, an alumnus initiate of Gamma Omicron, J ' serving as Chapter Advisor. Charter members for the Gamma Omicron chartering are:



Michael McGrady Roy L. Stephens, Jr. Lowell Rose Jack Stephens Larry Barnard James Jumpeter Bruce Haver Thomas Farris Seth H. Cozart, Jr. James T. McDonald, Jr. Billy Bowden Charles Carter

Barry Osborn James Kegley Michael Poer Jarrell V. King, Jr. Bradford Melton John Winters Edwin Lamberth Darrell Smith Rual Wilhelm Andrew B. Frazier, Jr. Charles Cowell

21 A p


1 9 6 9

ZETA Dr. Marvin A. Owings, Professor of English and University Marshal at Clemson University, has been named head of the newly created department of English at Clemson. His appointment, announced by President Robert C. Edwards, becomes effective July 1, 1969 when the present department of English and modern languages will split into separate academic units. Brother Owings has been a member of the Clemson faculty for almost 23 years. He came to Clemson in 1946 as an associate professor of English and was named as one of the institution's seven Alumni Professors in 1966. His total teaching career spans almost 35 years. In addition to his tenure at Clemson, Marvin has served as an English instructor at St. John's High School in Darlington; as a teaching fellow at Vanderbilt J{APPA University; and as an associate Former Governor Dan Moore professor of English at Georgia has left the Governor's office of Teachers College. He received the bachelor's North Carolina to resume pridegree from Wofford College vate law practice. Unable by law and the master's and doctoral to .succeed himself for a second degrees from Vanderbilt. He term, Brother Moore has been served with the Army during praised by many North CaroWorld War II and currently linians as, "that good steward in holds the rank of colonel in the the fullest sense of the word." "Historians will say of Dan Army Reserve. A native of Rock Hill, Dr. Moore's administration that he Owings is the author of "Arts left the state in greater underin the English Metrical Ro- standing of both its strengths mances," a book published in and .shortcomings than it enjoyed when he took office." 1956.




0 R





XI Felix J. Ward, a Roanoke lawyer, was recently appointed the new Craig County comrno~t wealth's attorney, by CircuJ Judge Earl L. Abbott. A native of Pulaski, Ward re· ceived his B.S. degree in che~· istry from Roanoke College ~ 1947 and his law degree fr? , Washington and Lee UniversJt) in 1953. r He is married to the forrne Miss Frances Camper of Le~: ington and they have two ch~n dren. Ward came to Roanoke 1 1954.

OMICRON .. d Sam D. Harrison has J_ornee· the staff of Harrison Pubhc R lations, with client servicell~~ signments in Atlanta as we to other locations, according Phil Harrison, principal. d· Sam is a marketing and a i· vertising graduate of the l]ne· versity of Alabama and prhe viously was associated with t of public relations departmen~ st West Point-Pepperell, Inc.,. eed Point, Ga. He also was ass1~J1 us to the employee communicati 0 department of the companY· RHO .5 Brother Page D. Cranford ~f the Regional AdministratF'ftll National Banks for the National Bank Region. A~ ll· youngest Regional AdminiS~~y tor of the 14 in the coun. 1 e~ Brother Cranford superv~w the regulation of some 270 ·ell tiona! Banks in a four-state ~ir· encompassing the States of




Roanoke Jpointed :ammo~·


Vard re· n cher!l·

liege in ee frorn tiversitY former of Le~· wo ch~l­ tnoke 1!1

, joined bliC Be· <;ice as· well as ling to l. d and a: he 1JJ1l· re· 1 d p ne vith t f nent 0t

~~n!a, North Carolina, West Virb n1a, and Maryland, plus all \,~nks. in the Nation's Capital, h· ashmgton, D. C. Appointed to t:s position by the U. S. Campa oiler of the Currency in Janub~ih 1966, Brother Cranford is •• a lawyer, banker, and ad111 stll~strator. He supervises a hea of 100 bank examiners 1 cit~dquartered in 10 towns and t" les. Applications for new Nae~onal bank charters, bank merg1 th s, and branches are processed e/0 UJ5h his office. Reports of baa~_mations of the some 1,300 te~· mg offices in his region are C lewed and analyzed by Mr. r:anford and his staff. Corpobate legal problems, National de nk stock sales and stock divihi nds, are also handled through s office. an.A.n av~d gardener, swimmer Crd boatmg enthusiast, Brother a·anford makes his home in w~chrnond, Virginia, with his ~/e, Virginia, and daughter, lzabeth Page.



c., wes

LSSjgJ1ed icatioll 5



ioi\Villiam G. Loeffler, Jr., has ln ned Cargill, Wilson & Acree, a{' as account executive in the &c Vertising firm's Charlotte ofia e. Mr. Loeffler's appointment Dt a~nounced by Edward Acree, omes1dent and chief executive a"' cer of the Southeast's largest .,ency. Lolnftl his new position, Brother e er will be responsible for



p ~I

the Sonoco Products, Inc.; Carolina Mirror Corporation; CoxCosmos Inc.; and Peoples National Bank accounts. He joins CW &A from General Electric's Advertising and Sales Promotion Department in WinstonSalem where he was an account supervisor. During his three and one-half years at General Electric, Mr. Loeffler was also an advertising copywriter and a news publicist on varied electrical products. A Marine v~teran, ~rather Loeffler is a native of Arlmgton, Virginia, and a grad~ate . of Washington and Lee Umversit:y. He is married, and he and his wife have two children. CHI Ronald S. Spencer, Jr., ::: member of Chi Chapter,_ PI Kappa Phi at Stetson Umversity where he graduated in 1951, has recently been named general manager of the Florida State Chamber of Commerce. . Brother Spencer, executive director of the Florida Fores~ry Association _and a ~an of wide experience m Flonda government and business, wa.s elected unanimously at a special meeting of the Chamber's Board of Directors at Tampa.







Army Private Steven K. Sullivan completed with highest honors . a UNIVAC 1005 progra.mmmg . course, April 16, while servmg with the 1st Armored Division at Ft. Hood, Texas. Brother Sullivan is a computer operator with the division's lOth Data Processing Detachment. Prior to entering the Army, he was a programmer at Oregon State University in Corvallis before entering the Army in September 1968. Brother Sullivan was graduated from South Salem High School in 1962 and received a B.S. degree in mathematics in 1968 from Oregon State University, Corvallis. His wife, Rachel Marie, lives at 1940 N. W. Connell, Hillsboro. Army First Lieutenant Alan C. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Renold C. Smith, Alpena, S. D., recently received the Bronze Star Medal near Bien Hoa, Vietnam. He was presented the award for meritorious s e r v i c e in ground operations against hostile forces in Vietnam. Brother Smith entered the Army in March 1966 and was last .stationed at Ft. Carson, Colo., before arriving overseas in April 1968. He holds two awards of the Army Commendation Medal. The 28-year-old lieutenant graduated in 1959 from Alpena High School and received a B.S. degree in 1964 from Oregon State University, Corvallis. His wife, Elizabeth, lives at 423 Aspen Way, McMinnville, Oregon. ALPHA UPSILON Robert C. Wolfinger, Drexel Institute of Technology, has been named brokerage manager of Pacific Mutual Life's SeattleByus agency. He had been a sales representative in the agency since 1964. He will now be responsible for the administration and merchandising of PML's insurance products through brokers in the Seattle area. 23

&8LB N LB618N Brother George Shoemaker {Iota '19) is presented the

Go~d~n Legion for fifty years of membership in Pi KaP~~

Ph1 m rec~nt ceremonies at his home in Norfolk, va., 1 {1-r) Don A1tcheson, Richard Zendizian and Bob Wolfe, al members of Gamma Beta Chapter, Old Dominion College.

Brother C. E. Webber {Xi '19) is pictured with his Golden Legion Award after presentation ceremonies in his office in Salem;Roanoke, Virginia. The award was presented by members of Xi Chapter, Roanoke College.

The Golden Legion is presented to Brother John RiC~~ ardson {Beta '19) during a recent visit to his home 1r Raleigh, N. C., by Barry Alexander, Archon of Tau ChaPteer North Carolina State. Mrs. Richardson looks on as husband accepts the shingle.

It ~I

The officers and Chapter Advisor of Gamma Eta Chapter, Athens College, Athens, Alabama, are shown presenting the Golden Legion Certificate to Brother Kelly Bitting {Pi '19) of Athens, Alabama. Individuals presenting the award are {1-r) John Calvarese {Archon), Martin Darico {Historian), Ken Hudson {Chapter Advisor), Mike Jordan {Secretary), Gordon Stables {Treasurer), and Joe Helm {Chaplain).


Brother Edwin H. Rappe {Eta '19) is presented ~~:. 0l Golden Legion Certificate by Brother Sabino Martinet•. ed J ~I {Alpha Epsilon) in a recent visit. Brother Rappe is ret•~c· 0f and lives in Clearwater, Florida; however, he remainS es 1e1 tive as President of Swift and Company Retired EmploYe ~~ Group for the West Coast of Florida. Ce



!!_K <ll Campus News Quarterly ITK <Jl I ~


1 NO.1





a What do the girls think \lfe}lraternity should be? cou j recently we asked a hea~ e of _Pi Kapp SweetA.Iphts, M1ss Patti Svane, !lr a. Epsilon, and Miss Be~nc1s Mitchell, Beta

ISh~~~ne: I a.

nted the Pi KapPa c, Va., bYII Nolte, a College.

. : . a fraternity bela . ProVIde a sense of ~idunfm.g. Unless an indi~en a Is extremely indeces ~ent, this is a vital ne1 br0~~Y- It should provide a Shou erhood for life. It lunitld ~rovide an oppor~0 Y . 1!1 self-governing ~el Up hvmg. It should dellle op the potential of its a11 JOhers- both leadership ity cooperation. A fraternasti shoul~ encourage schol~olvc achu:vement and in~es ement m campus activiZar路 It should be an organifti~on ~ased on love and Shou1~shlp. .A fraternity thin provide all these Sh gs - and each member ~a~fld feel he is an integral flle and can make of his ~ilrbership whatever he's be lng to. Dissention should Sho non-existent. Harmony ~prevail. Fraternities




hn Ric~路

home 1n



Delta Phi Omega ~ofony Help Lay 0 tnerstone

as her

Miss Mitchell

West Lafayette (PKP): Area VIII chapters, Upsilon, Omeg~, Alpha Phi and Alpha Ps1, held a recent Pictured above are Brosuccessful conclave at Om~颅 thers Beckman (I) and Dalga Chapter, Purdue Umton (r) presenting the Arversity. The conclave was chon of Alpha Phi Chapter, led by Bill Beckman (Beta Mike Koffend, the Area Beta), Area Governor. To~ Trophy for g reatest atDalton, Director of Alumm tendance. Affairs, also attended.

~hi ega Colony of Pi Kappa

~~t' was among those who

ains a~

le~e orthwestern State Col~ticJ Alva, Oklahoma, on


cere ay,

January 24.


ltat~ony was conducted by

Solli ~

leaders of the Mac lodge.


1 9 6 9

Beta Tau Performs Community Service

Hold Conclave

1 Om1ar~lva (PKP): Joe Koby' Archon of Delta Phi


choose one of the most important facets of the molding of his character. College is a place to learn about yourself and to learn to stabilize yourself. Therefore, I feel that the fraternity one has chosen should be a body of men that reflect the ideals and outlooks that he most admires. Not only does it serve as a foundation for the building of character but more specifically, and something I've found to be more important, a Fraternity is the backbone a g uy needs to learn of the bad points of life as well as the good. Besides, there is always a friend to call upon.

Valdosta (PKP): A community service is provided by members of Beta Tau Chapter at Valdosta State play an important role on College, who have received today's campuses and alCity Council approval for though they are the target of much criticism they are offering to paint house most worthwhile if the numbers on curbs throughproper goals and ideals can out the City of Valdosta. be kept in view at all times. Contributions from resiMitchell: Not unlike a dents who desire this servsorority, a fraternity to me ice will go into the Chapis a chance for a guy to ter's campaign to raise funds for eventual purchase Rho To Celebrate 50th Anniversary of a house. The project was weekend ceremonies to be Lexington (PKP): Rho kicked-off at the VSC Presheld November 9-11, 1969. Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi ident's Home. VSC PresiAll alumni of Rho are inwill celebrate 50 years of dent! S. Walter Martin, also vited to attend the annivera PI' Kapp, Mrs. Martin c o n t i n u e d existence at sary and class reunion fesand new Beta Tau Archo~ Washington and Lee Unitivities to be held at the David Ratcliffe (standing versity during homecoming chapter house. right) of Tifton look on as t~e number is painted by Area VIII J1m Kozak of Moultrie, Ga., Chapters and Jerry Bishop (foreground) of Tifton, Ga. Miss Svane

Dendy Presented Resolution

he~ad .some mortar in Jted the Of thrat10n for the laying .tme z' Jr.d ~hy . e cornerstone at the s retire. Of ~leal Etiucation Center


Tuscaloosa (PKP): Emmett Dendy, Chapter Advisor for Omicron Chapter, is presented the Pi Kapp_a Phi Resolution of App~ecJ颅 ation by Sammy Harnson, Archon for the work he has done a~ an advisor to the chapter.

Area V Chapters Hold Conclave Jekyll Island (PKP): The nine chapter State of Georgia held a recent Conclave here under the direction of Area Governor, Phil Tappy. More than ninety young Pi Kapps from across the state gathered at the Wanderer Motel for a weekend of relaxed work and pleasure.

During the Conclave awards for the Best Chap: ter, Undergraduate of the Year, and Alumnus of the Year were presented by Area Governor Tappy to Lambda Chapter, Dale Gerrald (Gamma Kappa), and Tom Dalton (Lambda), respectively.


NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Jerry Matthews, Alpha Eta-Samford University, has accepted the newly created position of Director of Undergraduate Affairs for the Fraternity. Jerry has spent the past eighteen months as a Field Secretary. Jerry attended Cumberland School of Law at Samford for a year; and served six months in the Army before joining the fraternity staff February 1, 1968. He is from Birmingham, Alabama, where he graduated from Tarrant High School. At Samford, he was archon and .secretary of Alpha Eta Chapter; served as chairman of several committees and represented the chapter at the 31st Supreme Chapter. He was also active in intramural sports.

JIM DALEY Field Secretary

Jim Daley, 22, a 1969 graduate of Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, and a member of Alpha Eta Chapter, has recently assumed the duties of Field Secretary for the Fraternity.

JERRY MATTHEWS Director Undergraduate Affairs

On campus Jerry was president of the rFC, a senator in the student government, a~d. n member of the Association of Business MaJ 0 ~~ Skippers social honorary, Circle K, and t A Cappella Choir.

Although born in New York, Jim grad~ated from Detroit High School, Detroit, Michigll~ He was recently graduated with a degree.~ Business Administration from Samford. Ji calls ~irmingham his ~orne. . . p, Wh1le at Samford, J1m served as H1stor1\ Treasurer, Vice President, and Archon of Ar pha Eta Chapter. He also served as Treasuree of the IFC and Samford's representative to th Intercollegiate Business games. 'S Jim was a frequent member of the Dea!lof List for academic excellence and a membe~路ve Alpha Kappa Psi, Skippers, and the Execu 1 Cabinet. . ed His father, James L. Daley, Sr., is a ret1r agent for the FBI.

33rd Supreme Chapter To be held at the Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois August 27-30, 1970 Make Plans to Attend Now




~I rFC,




:1 the


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lean'fs ,er o :utive ~tired

®ur Qtqupttr 1£ttruul

ALPHA '09-Rev. Paul E. Scherer #17 '10-J ohn Hiram May #22 '13-Charles Willis Birchmore #37 '16-George Archibald Martin #47 GAMMA '10-Denair Butler #26 '14-Fred R. Richardson #69 '21-Malcolm G. Ochs #147 '31-Floyd Howard Taber #256 DELTA '55-Robert M. Hildebrand #246 EPSILON '12-Everett Little Booe #4 '13-Ralph Knox Robinson #15 '24-Rawls Howard #19 ZETA '16-Eugene W. Breeden #32 '19-J. L. Breedon #118 '65-J. D. Ledgerwood #396 ETA '29-J ohn R. Bell #195 '47-C. Jackson Bernhardt #278 '50-Boone M. Bowen, Jr. #314 IOTA '18-J ohn H. Barnett #58 '67-Emmett E. Usry, III #674 KAPPA '16-Wilbur H. Currie #17 '28-George F . Newman, Jr. #113 '30-Buxton B. Williams #135 '61-Richard L. Young, Jr. #301 LAMBDA '18-John C. Mitchell #44 '25-Seth S. Belcher #104 '30-Albert S. Newton #195 '35-Albert E. Hutchison, Jr. '36-Charles R. Mayes, Jr. #255 '37-Charles D. Wesley #268 MU '16-Harvey S. Pollard #11 '43-C. Wesley Gilbert #290 XI '24-Edward D. Myers, Jr. #77 OMICRO?'T '18-Hubert Hayes Martin #31 '18-William B. ShaW #32 '53-David M. Bonner #640 PI '23-Shaffer B. Wimbish #61A '34-Robert H. Kuppers #176 SIGMA '35-Jack A. Edens #75 '46-Louis P . Gantt #198 TAU '37-Hodges S. Boswell #143 CHI '21-James S. Day, Jr. #9 '24-Lawrence J. Bernard #78 '24-George C. Freeman #79 '27-Harold L. Mutispaugh #113 '45-Joel E . Pierce #294 '46-Richard GordY #316 PSI '51-Thomas J. Shea #247 '56-Gervase Y. Gates #316

OMEGA '22-J ohn Foster Eberts #6 '22-Paul H. Stanley #25 '29-Charles L. Porter ALPHA ALPHA '23-William B. Coke #lC ALPHA BETA '24-Percy A. Phillips #28 ALPHA GAMMA '24-Lawrence W. Ferguson #40 '24-Chester P. Sappington #43 '25-Jess W. Stunkle #57 '32-George C. Smith #187 A ALPHA DELTA '24-Edwin L. MacNaughton #15 '24-George H. Finland #31 '24-William N. Powers #40 '24-John W. Wernham #56 '26-Walter Douglas Willix #92 '40-Robert P. Hotelling #230 ALPHA EPSILON '25-Hilliard S. Malpas #34 '46-Louis A. Sweet '27-Dr. J . Martine Pearce ALPHA ZETA '31-Don H. Reed #95 ALPHA ETA '25-Robert H. Bradford ALPHA THETA '33-Gardner S. Eversole #157 '38-Asa P. Gray #215 ALPHA LAMBDA '30-D. Gary Griffith #32 '37-Durward T. Collins #74 ALPHA MU '56-Edward P . McDowell #439 ALPHA XI '28-Ernest G. Heeren #74 '28-Richard P. Walsh #27 '28-Howard B. Tickle #50 ALPHA RHO '31-Linwood H. Young #31 ALPHA SIGMA '33-Sam S. Vinyard #58 '43-Jimmie C. Walker #138 ALPHA TAU '31-James F. Matthews #73 '60-Robert J . Bond #480 ALPHA UPSILON '33-F. Arthur Tucker #26 ALPHA PSI '47-Chester E. Clark #3 '56-Thomas G. Hartley #111 BETA ALPHA '53-Joseph Fitzgerald #83 BETA LAMBDA '55-Vernal Hair, Jr. #49 BETA PI '59-0liver M. Peltonen #58 BETA CHI '63-B. B. Blair #10 '66-Everett W. Everett #37 GAMMA BETA '68-Claude T. Jenkins #65 GAMMA THETA '68-Patrick D. Piner #45



1 9 6 9

Gamma Epsilon brothers at Western Carolina University present a Jeep vehicle to the Jackson County Rescue Squad. At the wheel is Frank Willis of Eden, N. C., chairman of the Jeep project, and beside the vehicle are Jackson County Deputy Sheriff, chief of the rescue squad, and Mike Shields of Canton, N. C., Chapter Archon.-WCU Photo by Jim Kotila.




~ ~Gu

PI KAPPA PHI MEMORIAL FOUNDATION The educational foundation of Pi Kappa Phi was created by action of the 22nd Supreme Chapter held in Detroit in September, 1948. The ~oun~ation was to be named. the Deve~eaux D. Rice Memorial Foundation m memory of Past Natwnal President, Devereaux Rice, who past away during his term as National President. In order to comply with provisions of the Internal Revenue Service code regulating tax exempt organizations, this educational foundation was reorganized and renamed the Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Foundation in 1963. It is administered by a board of life trustees appointed by the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The Chairman of the Trustees is Brother George Helmrich, Birmingham, Michigan. The stated aim of the Foundation is to assist and promote the scholastic attainment of deserving young men, who in the opinion of the Trustees should be encouraged to attend or remain in college. During the past twenty years the Foundation has assisted a number of young Pi Kapps to finish their college education. One such individual is Brother Louis D. Templeman, whose thoughts on the Foundation were expressed in a recent letter to the Foundation Trustees. Louis "I windicated as at thethat, point of despair before I was informed that the Fraternity offered a student loan. Had it not been for the loan ($600) I would have been forced to discontinue school ... " " ... the memorial loan is the greatest benefit, besides that of the camaraderie of brotherhood, that I have received while being a member of the Fraternity. Ignorance of this loan (fund) is its main abuse. All brothers should be informed of its existence and of its value. It is unmistakably one of P_i Kappa Phi's greatest assets." Contributions a codicil in your will, memorial gifts, and beneficiaries are all means Pi Kapps can aid their Foundation, and all gifts


are tax deductible. Contributions and inquiries should be sent to: Jack Bell, Treasurer 6764 Laloma Dr. Jacksonville, Fla. 32217 All checks, beneficiaries, or transfers should be made payable to P1. Kappa Phi Memorial Foundation. 29

l lJ G





PI KAPPA PH I 1924 Vail Avenue, CharloHe, North Carolina Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C.-December 10, 1904



NATIONAL COUNCIL National President-Charles Tom Henderson, 717 South Ride, Tallahassee, Fla. 32303 National Vice President-Jack W. Steward, 4375 Pearl Street, Eugene, Oregon 97405 National Treasurer-John C. Wilson, American Red Cross, 17th and D Streets, Washington, D. C. 20013 . . National Secretary-William Brinkley, Director of AdmiSSIOns, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 National Chaplain-Elmer C. Jest, Glenwood Rd., Rt. 2, Box 598, Deland, Florida 32720 National Chancellor-Robert L. Bennett, 401 Main Street, Towanda, Pennsylvania 18848 Past National President-Kim Jepson, 4218 Marmoor Dr., Lansing, Michigan 48915

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C. 28207 Executive Director-Durward W. Owen Assistant to Exec. Dir.-Lou Bowen



Dir. of Undergraduate Affairs-Jerry Matthews Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Durward W. Owen Field Secretary-Jim Daley

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Trust Investment-Chairman, John Deimler, 1149 Green Tree Lane, Narberth, Pa. 19072 . 2990 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation-Chairman, George B. Helmnch, 3 Lahser Road, Birmingham, Michigan 48010 O gol Pi Kappa Phi Properties-Frank H. Hawthorne, President, P- · 687, Montgomery, Alabama 36101 723 Scholarship-Chairman, Anthony Brown, Cullowee, N. C. d28 Rt- 2, Ritual and Insignia-Chairman, Elmer C. Jest, Glenwood R ·• Box 598, Deland, Florida 32720 T wers. Advisory-Chairman, Kim Jepson, 930 Michigan National 0 Lansing, Michigan 48915 . VB· Alumni-Chairman, Ellis Lever, 802 Summit Ave., Alexandna, 22302 suite Endowment-Chairman, Richard Viquerie, 1825 Conn. Ave., 216, Washington, D. C. 20009

AREAS OF PI KAPPA PHI AREA I-AI Brown, 522 Devon St., Kearny, New Jersey 07032 Psi-Cornell University, 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. 14851 Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11233 Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. 12180 Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering, 249 High St., Newark, N. J. 07102 AREA 11-Richard G. Andersen, 121 Charles St., Annapolis, Md. 24101 Alpha Mu-Penna. State Uni· versity, Box 836, State College, Pa. 16801 Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Institute of Technology, 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 AREA Ill-Warren Harper, 12005 Trim Lane, Bowie, Maryland 20715 Xi-Roanoke College, 219 Market St., Salem, Va. 24153 Rho-Washington and Lee Uni· versity, Locker Drawer 903, Lexington, va. 23510 Beta Upsilon-University of Va., 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22903 Gamma Beta-Old Dominion College, 1516 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, va. 23517 Gamma Zeta-West Va. Tech, 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, w. va. 25136 AREA IV-Ernest L. Zinkowski, 4645 Sylvan Drive, Columbia, s. c . 29206 Alpha-College of Charleston, 35 Philip St., Charleston, S. C. 29401 Bela-Presbyterian Co I I e g e, Clinton, S. C. 29301 Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. 29301 Sigma-University of South Carolina, Box 4711, Columbia, s. c. 29204 Kappa Phi (Colony) Lander College, Box 160, Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 AREA V-Phil Tappy, 558 Timberland Dr., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. 30305 Iota-Georgia Institute of Technology, 831 Techwood Dr., N.W., Atlanta. Ga. 30313 Lambda-University of Georgia, 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Ga. 30601

Alpha Alpha-Mercer University, Box 867, Mercer Univ., Macon, Ga . 31207 Beta Kappa-Georgia State College, 33 Gilmer St., S.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Beta Tau-Valdosta State College, Box 433, Valdosta, Ga. 31602 Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southern, P. 0. Box 2184, Statesboro, Ga. 30458 Gamma Xi Georgia Southwestern College, 216 Brown Street, Americus, Ga. 31709 Gamma Nu-LaGrange College, LaGrange, Georgia 30240 Kappa Phi Colony- Augusta College, 2423 McDowell St., Augusta, Ga. 30904 Kappa Phi Colony- Armstrong state, Box 98, 11935 Abercorn St., Savannah, Ga. 31406 AREA VI-Ralph D. Saffy 2532 Lofburg, Jacksonvi li e, Florida 32216 Chi-Stetson University, 1241 Stetson, De Land, Fla. 32920 Alpha Epsilon-University of Fla ., P. 0. Box 14423, Gainesville, Fla. 32603 Alpha Chi-Univ. of Miami, Box 8694, Coral Gables, Fla. 33124 Beta Beta-Fia. Southern College, Box 416, Lakeland, Fla. 33802 Beta Eta-Florida State University, Box 3085, Tallahassee, Fla. 32306 Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, 304 Plant St., Tampa, Fla. 32606 AREA VII Dr. Fred Hoskins, 3040 Madeira, Baton Rouge, La. 70810 Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Box 708, Lake Charles, La. 70601 B eta Omicron-Northwestern State College of La., Box 3684, Natchitoches, La. 71457 Beta Chi-East Texas State University, Box W, Commerce, Tex. 75428 Gamma lota-L.S.U., University Sta. Box 18640-A, L.S.U. Baton Rouge, La. 70803 Delta Phi Omega (Colony}Northwestern State College Alva, Okla. 73717 Delta Alpha (Colony)- North Texas State, 1512 W. Hickory, Denton, Texas 79605

AREA VIII- William Beckman, 3950 Lake Shore Dr., Apt. 1130, Chicago, Ill. 60613 Upsilon-University of Illinois, r.?.6 ~. Gregory, Champaign,

61 22

Omega-Purdue University, 330 N. Grant St., West Lafayette, Ind . 47906 Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, 3333 s. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60616 Alpha Psi-Indiana University, 408 North Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. 47403 AREA IX-David G. Wahr, 2161 Chesapeake, Grand Rapids, M ich. 49505 Alpha Theta-Michigan State University, 121 Whitehills Dr., East Lansing, Mich. 48823 Beta Iota-University of Toledo, 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio 43606 Beta Xi-Central Michigan University, 508 S. Collel(e St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 48858 AREA X-Vacant Nu-University of Nebraska, 229 N. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508 Alpha Omicron-Iowa State Uni· versity, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa 50012 Beta Delta-Drake University, 3420 Kingman Blvd., Des Moines, Iowa 50311 Gamma Lambda-Univ. of Missouri-Rol la, 1704 Pine, Rolla, Mo. 65401 AREA Xi-Kurt Engelstad, 4032 Camellia Dr., S., Salem, Oregon 97302 Alpha zeta-Oregon State Uni• versity, 2111 Harrison, Corvallis, Ore. 97330 Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, 1790 Alder St., Eugene, Ore. 97401 Alpha Delta (Colony) Univ. of Washington, 4733 17th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash . 98105 AREA XII-James E. Merritt, 960 Dennis, Palo Alto, California 94303 Gamma U. of Calif., 2395 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Californi a 94704 AREA Xlll-Thomas J. Deen, Jr., P. 0. Box 9411, Charlotte, N. C. 28205 Epsilon-Davidson College, Box 473, Davidson, N. C. 28036

e c.,


Kappa-University of Rd·• 216 Findlay Golf cours Chapel Hill, N. C. 2751 4 sz, 46 Mu-Duke University, BOX N· Duke Station, Durham. 27706 1 fra· Tau-N. C. State, 2401 ~es staCI8 ternity Court, N. . · ('l. · College Station, Raleigh, 27607 lid'' Beta Phi-East Carolina C~~jlll• 1301 E. 5th St., Gree N. c. 27833 caroGamma Epsilon-western 1113, lina College, P. 0. f~; Cullowhee, N. C. 2~ n . Gamma Theta-Wilm1nS~~ 1'/11· College, 4612 Market ·• mington, N. C. 28401 Abbe!• Gamma Mu - Belmont Belmont, N. c. 28012· I'J. C· Kappa Phi Colony-U- of N- C· at Charlotte, Charlotte, 28205



AREA XIV-John E. eabe~ings· 4541 Glen Brook Dr., port, Tenn. 37664 . f rao· 0 Alpha Sigma-UniversitY A~l·• nessee, 1810 Melros~ 7 gl6 s.w., Knoxville, Tenn. ness~ Beta Omega-East Ten 1'/15 5 State University, C~Y1 Poplar, Johnson 1 • 0 3760 2 esie1' Beta Psi-Tennessee WAl~en 5 ' College, 344 Lynn Ave., Tenn. 37303 stall• Gamma Delta-MemphiS r,1ei11' 3841 Spottswood Ave., phis, Tennessee 38111 I col· Gamma Omicron- Belh 83azOl lege, McKenzie, Tenn. 2151 AREA XV-Fox H. Brunson, Ail· Ralston Road, Mobile, 35606 Als~: ' omicron-Uni_versi~Y Aote., r~ rna, 312 Un1vers1tY caloosa, Ala. 35407 - ~ersi~' 1 Alpha Iota-Auburn ~~~n. A I 255 College St., AU r! ~36830 -~erslrl' Alpha Eta-Samford ~~~~ersi ' I Box 1032, Samford Birmingham Ala. 3520 1 ,oo



j "ta ·

Gamma Alph~-L I v i 11 g/ ~if State University, BoX ' 1 ingston, Ala. 35470 51~~· Gamma Gamma-TroY y, A University, Box 135, TrO h. bama 36081 coil~" ••tel Gamma Eta- Athens ~' Athens. Ala. 35611 !Tles ·~all Kappa Phi Colony-Ja x 11 ~ ~d 8 Pledger, Secretary,_ ~5 itY AI~' d South Hall, UnMivebjie, South Alabama, o '-....... bama 36608


"'' I



p ~I llJ I

WANTED g90 eoJ ~3.




;iO'• ;iO'• l

RUSHEE Rushee for Pi Kappa Phi is wanted to make your fraternity strong. Rushee was last seen in your area. Look around-he is among your friends; he is the son of your fellow employee, neighbor, church and club associate. If you know of the where abouts of Rushee, you are urged to get in touch with your National Office via the form below. You may attempt to apprehend the Rushee by yourself. He is not dangerous. A reward is offered-a strong Pi Kappa Phi.


to :

Pi Kappa Phi P. 0. Box 4608 ,tl ''' Charlotte, N. C. 28204 g~· / lit l recommend the following individual(s) for f· ~ e.tnhership: ·~ ~a.tne(s): - - - - - - - - - - - -- , ddress ( es) :

College(s) (he) (they) WiJI Attend: - - - - - - - - - ____ Comments: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Submitted By: Name: ~-=~------------------------­ Chapter & Year: - -- - - - - - - - Address: Use a separate sheet of paper for additional rushee recommendations or comments. 31








For Sure

RL 1 \:>G I~ '· Ht..;i\t: O ''·:; c;sed _ _

Unclai r·'r·

un·.. nown ____,__ lnsull . ,c,:;s No sue s , , et iiuniber_ No su e . ..,,.:cc. .n s t a t e _

Addr es~;et

Do noi remail


this envelopt





TIDNK! of an undergraduate chapter receiving more guidance and direction from Traveling CounselorsTHINK of an improved and more meaningful "STAR and LAMP," your fraternity magazineTHINK! of improved and more varied fraternal services being provided all members-

Beat This 15,000 Last Yea1'

THINK! of the creation of additional chapters of PI KAPPA PHI on the new and emerging campuses, as well as the reactication of now dormant chaptersTHINK! of more available financial backing for housing for some chapters by the newly formed National Housing corporation-

10,000 THINK! of a greater PI KAPPA PHI-through YOUR ANNUAL DUES PROGRAM (for 1960-70)

OUR GOAL IS $22,000. Your statement will arrive soon.



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