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E W'WW .pikapp.org

After the dust settles and rubble has been cleared, we find ourselves •

looking at a new year and a choice to make. Tragedy strikes, forces us to examine ourselves and our world, and prompts us to choose how we will react. In the wake of tragedies like September 11, life goes on- how will we? BY MARK E. TIMMES, CEO

EING AN AMERICAN implies that I strive for the "American Dream" and am privileged to enjoy unparalleled opportunities and liberties. Well, I assume this to be true. However, in most recent times, we have all been reminded of how fragile our freedom is and how it makes us both strong and vulnerable. I believe that our greatest power lies in our ability to choose how we react to our circumstances. It amazes me how some people can return to the status quo after their world has been shaken by a life-altering event. Lifealtering events should be exactly that altering. And yet it never fails that there are those who do not grow from their life experiences, continue to make poor choices, or continue to let the choices of others influence the paths of their existence. I'm certain that most would agree that it is impossible to control fully the circumstances which are handed to us. We can, however, choose how we will react, learn from them, and improve ourselves. Last September, our nation was handed an unfathomable event. Our national leaders, whether right or wrong, chose how they would react to the tragedy. Millions of American citizens chose how they would react to the tragedy -by giving blood, by grieving for strangers, by contacting a loved one, or by changing their attitude on life. No one can relieve us of this innate power;.yet many remain passive. So, as in life, how do we move on? EDITOR~IN..CHIEF

Mat1<. E. T immes Alpha Epsilon (Aorida) mtimm~@QJkQ.Im....Q.tg

We choose to take what we've experienced and strive to become better men, fathers, children, spouses, leaders, and citizens. We look inward and see what time, talent, and treasure we have to offer our communities and our affiliations. Many have already taken this path. Have you? In this issue of the Star & Lamp we honor those lifelong brothers and friends of the Fraternity who have chosen to supportAmerica 's Leading Fraternity in 2001 through donations to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The people listed in the pages of the Annual Report help the Pi Kappa Phi experience to evolve, improve, and be enjoyed by future quality members. Go to page 6 to see which of your brothers have accepted the challenge and invested in their Fraternity. In the fall 2001 issue of the Star &Lamp, we looked at the negative "Animal House" stereotype that haunts and hurts all fraternities. We have been more than just a social experience since our inception and, with your help, we want to show the whole world. Your Fraternity chose to react to this negative stigma twenty-five years ago with the advent of Push America, our national outreach project which raises awareness and funds for people with disabilities. Read about how brothers such as yourself have impacted the lives of

people living with disabilities on page

3. Our chapters around the nation are actively choosing to demolish the fraternity stigma by stressing the importance of academics, leadership involvement, sportsmanship, and community service. Pages 4and 5list just a handful of the many chapters who are choosing to fonn positive public opinions about fraternity life before any negative ones can take influence. Through theSh4R Program , our alcohol education initiative, thousands of student members are making better choices about their alcohol uses. They are realizing how their choices not only affect themselves, but their chapter and the greater Fraternity itself. This August, over 1000 brothers and families will choose to converge upon Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 48th Supreme Chapter, where the entirejourney ofHope team will ride down Pennsylvania Avenue and be received by our national convention. It will be their largest reception to date and promises to be an emotional and unparalleled experience for all. Get all the details and schedule infonnation on page 30 of the magazine. Life goes on. That is inevitable. The choices we make and the actions we take in response to it are the power we hold. If we do nothing, the choice might be made for us. What choice will you make? Enjoy your Star & Lamp! 1.\



After a rollercoast er ride of working for their charter, the men of Beta Nu (Houston) celebrate their re-chartering in grand style .

.... VER INCREASING IT'S NUMBER OF CHAPTERS, the state of Texas recently .... rechartered it's newest chapter. On November 10, 2001, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity welcomed Beta Nu Chapter at the University of Houston back into roll of active chapters. After being dormant for forty years and operating as an Associate Chapter for two and half years the 38 men initiated that daytruly deseiVe the title of Founding Father. At the time of Chartering the chapter had a chapter GPA of 2. 77 and had established a solid foundation of "Leadership through SeiVice" by raising over $2,000 for Push America and having a cyclist on both Gear Up Florida and the Journey of Hope. ]. Ernest Johnson, National Treasurer, and Robert Lane from the Push America Board of Directors were given the honor of seiVing as the Chartering Officers for this momentous occasion. The Beta Nu Associate Chapter was established in the fall of 1999 through the on-site expansion work of Leadership Consultants Larry Keller, Delta Chi (Kansas State), Ben Roman, Eta Chi (Texas Christian), and Jeff Pujals, Beta Eta (Florida State). Visit Beta Nu Chapter at www.angelfire.com/txS/pikappaphi. ,Q

The Kansas Pi Kapps not only survive, but thrive, on a very competitive campus. And they now have a charter to show for it .

EVER GMNG UP, even after a year and a half of building a foundation for a new fraternity at the University of Kansas, 57 men were initiated into Pi Kappa Phi on December 8, 2001. The much anticipated weekend officially established the Theta Epsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at KU. National Historian, John Andrews; Regional Governor, Chuck Howard; and District Counselor, Larry Keller seiVed as the Chartering Officers while the initiation was performed by two teams, one from the University of Missouri-Rolla and the other from cross-state rival Kansas State University. The University of Kansas Associate Chapter was opened in the spring of 2000 through the on-site expansion work of Leadership Consultants Mike Young, Alpha Delta (Washington); Kevin Ohaver, Omega (Purdue); Kevin Nicoletti, Eta Chi (TCU); and Collegiate SeiVicesAssistantJared Hopkins, Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi) . At the time of Chartering the chapter had a chapter GPA of 2.94 and had raised $2,427 for Push America on behalf of people with disabilities. ,Q




FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE [Above] The re-found ing fathers of Beta Nu Chapter at the University of Houston have worked diligent ly for years to earn their charter and lay a foundation for years and years of leading their campus. Here they celebrate during their chartering weekend. [Right] National staff members pose proudly with the beginnings of the new Alpha Zeta Chapter at Oregon State.

EORGANIZING ONE OF PI KAPPA PHI'S OLDEST CHAPTERS is not a deci sion that's made lightly. The Alpha Zeta Chapter, which has operated continuously on the Oregon State University campus since its founding in 1924, underwent an overhaul when the few existing members were placed on alumni status to make room for a new generation of Alpha Zeta Pi Kapps. After four weeks of on-site recruiting, Director of Chapter Development John Healy, Eta Upsilon (Miami-OH), Leadership Consultant John Ferguson, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), and Collegiate SeiVices Assistant Ethan Martin, Delta Eta (Morehead State), recruited 20 campus leaders as refounding fathers who will work to regain the chapter's charter and become the leading fraternity at OSUin every way. The new Associate Chapter has a combined GPA of 3.07, which would rank them 1st among the 22 other fraternities for last academic term. Included in the group are three resident advisors, a Hall Council president, member of the OSU Marching and Basketball Pep Bands, the OSU swim team captain, coordinator of advertising for the school radio station, and a member of the Army ROTC.S'l








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s 7

Being a Pi Kappa Phi is something to be proud of. We are leading many efforts in building better men and leading chapters. In the 2001 Annual Report, we honor the lifelong brothers and friends of the Fraternity who chose to invest in America 's Leading Fraternity and help make us what we are today.


For a quarter decade, Pi Kappa Phi has been deconstructing the stereotype of "frat life" by promoting " Leadership Through Service" and the abilities of people with disabilities.



4 Our chapters are doing remarkable things around the nation. Here' s a little bit on a few of the many who are leading their campuses.



6 The greatest gift of all is the gift of life. Brothers around the nation are in need of matching bone marrow donor recipients. Learn what you need to know about this potentially life-saving procedure and how you might be able to assist a brother in need . •




29 Abe Bush, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), is more than just a Pi Kapp on the cover of this issue. Get to know Brother Bush better and how Pi Kappa Phi was with him the entire way.

30 The Nation ' s Capitol and the arrival of the Journey of Hope 2002 team are the backdrop for this amazing time of brotherhood , reunions, and family. Get the scoop and start planning your trip today!

COVER Pride for family, friends, country, and fraternity are all amazing side effects that spawned from last September's tragedies. Brother Abe Bush, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), took this to heart and kept loved ones and Pi Kappa Phi close by when working to defend our country. Learn a little more about Brother Bush's adventures on page 29.






Photography: Property of the United States Air Force Design Support: Natalie McNeish, nMotlon Design




POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Star& Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888 ext. 107 fax: (704) 504-0880 starandlamp@pikapp.or g h : /~ . ka .or

The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte, NC and at additional mailin offices.

Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Annual Report Designer Contributing Writers

Mark E. T immes Benjamin Roman Katie Baker John Healy Melanie Zachow Richard "Dick" Baker Jeremy Galvin

Materials for publication should be sent directly to the Managing Editor at the addr ess to the far left. Letters to the editor may also be printed at the discretion ofthe editors. Summer 2002 Deadline: 6/ 10/ 02 Fa112002 Deadline: 10/ 1/ 02

The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son in no longer in college, or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact infor mation to the address at the far left.

Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina, on December 10, 1904 by Andrew Alexander Kr oeg, Jr., Simon Fogarty, Jr., and Lawrence Harry Mixson.


SH AMERIC www .pushamerica.org

time building and renovating amenities at summer camps for kids with disabilities, ensuring that these special children have the same summer camp experience as every other child. And the need for this work is still necessary. "Now, more than ever, we

How time does fly when you're having fun and making a difference in the life of people with disabilities. Just like those we serve, we've all become better people through Push America


SPUSH AMERICA celebrates 25 years of serving people 'th disabilities, we reflect on how public views have evolved over the years and how Push America has helped to continue that evolution while spreading a message of understanding nationwide. Thirty years ago there were few opportunities for people with disabilities, as they were deemed helpless and confined to institutions that provided little learning opportunity. "The public opinion held in those days was that people with disabilities, especially children, were unable to learn and lead 'normal' lives," says Regina Moody, President and CEO of Holy Angels, a private nonprofit corporation that provides innovative programs and services for its residents, children and adults with disabilities. Holy Angels also hosted the very first Give-A-Push Weekend. She continues, "It was one piece of crucial legislation passed in 1975 that was the turning point to recognizing that people with disabilities deserve the same public support as every other citizen." That was Public Law 94-142 that, in summary, assured that children with disabilities would receive public education that

need to expound upon and explore more creative ways to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. The financial and volunteer support provided by groups like Push America will allow us to do that," Moody concludes. In 2002, Push America commemorates 25 years of "Leadership Through Service" and the celebration will culminate this summer at the 48th Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C. where we will join over 1,000 family, friends, fraternity brothers and alumni in welcoming the Journey of Hope team. We will also herald the amazing work Pi Kappa Phi and Push America have done on behalf of people with disabilities since 1977, and look to the future of how we will together continue in the tradition of serving others set so many years ago. !l

was designed for their special needs within the country's public school system. "That was when funding became available to explore innovative ways to engage people with disabilities in educational settings," Moody explains. "And when Push America came along in 1977 with the play unit, it was a great tool to allow children with disabilities to experience that aspect of a 'normal' childhood. Since then, great strides have been made to mainstream people with disabilities into society and Push America's projects and programs Melanie Zachow is the Director of Marketing for Push America. Y ou can ehave progressed in tandem." mail Melanie at mzacbow~QL!~b!.lmerica.or ,g. Push America's history is rooted in that therapeutic play unit designed by Thomas Sayre, Kappa (North Carolina), and the men of Pi Kappa Phi, initially led by Executive Director Durward Owen, have helped shape the last 25 years of service. In the past 12 years alone, almost 3million hours have been donated through Push Camps and Give-APush Weekends where BUILDING UPON TRADITION over 2,500 members spent [Top Right] Brothers from around the nation gather at Camp ASCA in


Jackson's Gap, Alabama, to assemble a climbing tower that will make the challenge course zip line accessible to all campers. It is one of the many types of projects since the original play-units that began it all in 1977. [Above] The original play-unit design created by Push America founder, Thomas Sayre, Kappa (North Carolina) .



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www .pikapp.org

RUNNING INTO ANNA [I to r] Delta (Furman) brothers Allen Webb, Nathan Crum, and Chris Dewitt pose with Anna Kourn ikova in a Detroit, Michigan raquet club. They met the famous tennis player while traveling together on their fall break . •

Delta Psi Univ. of Texas at Arlington www2.uta.edu/pkp

Alpha Sigma University of Tennessee www. web. utk. edu/ -pikappaphi

At Tennessee's Annual Greek Awards


Banquet, the Alpha Sigma chapter won several awards. Three awards were presented to Pi Kappa Phi just for academics alone. "Best Active Grade Point Average", "Best New Member", and an overall award for "Best Chapter Grade Point Average" with a 2.90 out of 23 fraternities at UT's campus were awarded to Alpha Sigma Chapter. On what some would consider to be an equal accomplishment to their scholastic success, Alpha Sigma will be participating in their Homecoming festivities with the ladies of Alpha Delta Pi and "All-Sing 2003" with Delta Delta Delta. Alpha Sigma also won the award for "Most Outstanding Chapter Progress". This most improved award was based on a long list of criteria such as a recruitment and retention rate, selVice hours, grades, campus involvement and many others. Alpha Sigma is well on its way to becoming the University of Tennessee's leading fraternity.

Last fall, Delta Psi Chapter received awards from the Greek Life office at the University of Texas at Arlington for "Most Outstanding IFC Community Service and Philanthropy" for their successful Push Week festivities. They also received "Gold Star" status through the CESAR Greek awards for "Outstanding Fraternity Operations". In the area of individual awards, the chapter received the following honors: "Outstanding Fraternity President" for former archon and current IFC President Brian . Rousey, "Outstanding IFC Active Member" for current IFC vice president of internal programming Robert Mendez. Brother Mendez was also the first Pi Kappa Phi to be the president of the IFC. The chapter was awarded $500 for their efforts which will go a long way in helping the chapter with their chapter budget. In the area of leadership development, the chapter was a host chapter for Pi Kappa Phi·s very own UFE 401 with Brother John Spence, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) this past April. They held the event in conjunction with a Pi Kappa Phi Region 17 flag football tournament that same weekend. Delta Psi is also keeping busy when it comes to Push America as well. They have both a Gear-Up Florida 2002 cyclist and I a candidate for one of the

cycling positions. The men of UTA Pi Kappa Phi are truly living up to the ideals of America's Leading Fraternity and are looking foiWard to seeing all of the brotherhood at Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C., this summer.

Zeta Zeta Univ. of North Florida www. unf. eduj gr oupsj pi_kappa_phi

Zeta Zeta Chapter's competitive flag football squad "Pi Kapp Blitz" had a very successful year both at the University of North Florida and throughout the country. With an overall record of 39-4 (with losses coming from the 2001 and 2002 College National Champions), "Pi Kapp Blitz" is a nationally ranked flag football team; currently ranked 7th by Flagmag. com (flag football's overall ranking body) and 6th by the United States Flag and Touch League (USFfL). They are the highest ranked fraternity team in college flag football with second place Sigma Chi from Baylor University being on their list of defeated teams. Out of 60 teams, "...Blitz" was in the top eight of the College National Championship in New Orleans. The have earned the UNF intramural league top spot for the past three years and running and continue to dominate sports on their campus.

Brother Brian Kerns was on the all-tournament team at the college regional tournament and was 2nd team all-offensive, all-American at the national tournament. Meanwhile, Brother Russell Caffey was 2nd team defensive all-American at the national tournament. Zeta Zeta Chapter was founded by a group of men that played football and has dominated flag football at UNF since their chartering. Through hard work, practice, and a lot of monetary sacrifices (most often out of the players own pockets), "Pi Kapp Blitz" has taken that local competitive spirit to the national level. They take much pride in representing their chapter and the national Fraternity in every tournament they play. · You can check out more on "Pi Kapp Blitz" through the chapter's website, www. unf.edu/groups/ pi kappa phi and by clicking on "sports" then "blitz" to get the latest information. Feel free to e-mail team captain Brandon Bascelli at zz164bdog@aol.com if you have any questions.

Zeta Omicron Cortland State University www.angelfire.com/ pikappaphi/ pikapp.html

The brothers of Zeta Omicron Chapter at the State University of New York at Cortland have awakened from the darkness of mediocrity which has plagued them for awhile. Going into CAUSING A SCENE




SPRIN G 2002

Delta Psi brothers stop traffic with their large Scaffold Sit event on the University of Texas at Arlington campus. The Sit was part of their successful "Push Week " festivities which raised awareness and funds for Push America.

WEST COAST SEND-OFF Eta Om icron (San Francisco State) brothers gather to send off members Matt Schneider and Rob Basuino t o be cyclist s on the Journey of Hope.

2002, the brothers are up to conquer the challenge and become the leading chapter on their campus. They are well on their way Pi Kappa Phi is becoming the leading fraternity in Cortland for many reasons. For one, they have a great relationship with the campus' faculty and staff. The main focus of the on- and off-campus activities of the chapter is focusing on Push America. The Zeta Omicron Chapter has raised approximately $1,100 for people with disabilities through events such as the 3rd Annual Date Auction, their 6th Annual Scaffold Sit, and their very first Christmas Gala. The date auction has become an event which helps the relationship between the brothers and the campus community and administrators. While the average student may be sleeping in on a Saturday morning, the Pi Kapps were perched atop a scaffold from 9a.m. until3:00 a.m. the next day to raise funds and awareness for Push America. Their first Christmas Gala was held at the YWCA of Cortland and allowed many young children to start Christmas early with games and even Santa Clause himself. Building upon the ongoing tradition of Pi Kappa Phi, the Cortland Pi Kappa Phi's are instilling pride in setvice to the Cortland university and community.

Zeta Rho Cal State Fullerton www.zetarho.com

The men of Pi Kappa Phi at Cal State Fullerton continued to do remarkable things in the late fall and winter seasons. Previous archon Mark El-Hinn Eta Omicron was selected as "Greek Man of the San Francisco State Year" and the Pi Kapps beat the rest http:/ ; user WMV .sfsu.eduj---pikapps of the fraternities with the highest number of members achieving a 3.5 Now at 42 men after initiating eight solid recruits, Eta Omicron chapter is GPA or above. The previous semester, the the largest it's ever been. In October, chapter's GPA rose 0.18 grade points they sent brothers to the Give-A-Push and placed them back near the top in Weekend at the RCH Center in San Francisco, where several brothers volscholarship on campus. Recently, three brothers were unteer on a regular basis, and were elected to the Interfraternity Council able to raise $2,200 for Push America. and a Pi Kapp is helped to coordinate Over the summer, brothers Matt an all-Greek Walk-A-Thon in March Schneider and Rob Basuino were the to raisemoneyforCamp Titan (a free first Eta Omicron Pi Kapps to particisummer camp experience for 150 lo- pate in the journey of Hope in six years. In March, the chapter held their cal underprivileged children). The men of Zeta Rho Chapter are successful Third Annual Give-A-Push also showing off their athletic prow- Dinner and Silent Auction. With a new chapter advisor in Matt ess. They took third place at the flag football western regional competition Legg, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), and held in Arizona, barely missing a trip a new Executive Council, the SFSU Pi to the national finals in New Orleans. Kapps entered the spring semester with They are again amongst the intramu- a new momentum and zeal for the ral leaders on campus taking first and future. To celebrate their accomplishsecond in flag football, and second ments, the chapter will be holding and third in 3-on-3 basketball. They their Rose Ball in California's beautiare looking forward to defending their ful wine country, Napa Valley. ultimate frisbee and softball titles this year and locking their tenth consecutive Greek Week win. Eta Psi

The chapter was also successful in their recruitment efforts as they recruited and initiated 31 men into their brotherhood. This places them near the top in size among 17 fraternities. With the addition of the spring class, Eta Psi hopes to pass the 100-man mark for the first time in their three year history. Eta Psi has made leadership on campus one of their top priorities. 1\vo brothers represented the chapter on the IFC executive board during the past year and four brothers were selected to be part of the upcoming 2002 new student Orientation Team. 1\vo Pi Kapps were selected for the 2001 Homecoming court (made up of 5 men out of over 36,000) with Brother Nathan Holic winning the title of Homecoming King and the chapter has won the "Mr. UCF" competition three out of the past five years. The chapter is once again showing their support for Push America by sending two brothers of the Gear-Up Florida 2002 team.

Univ. of Central Florida

Theta Delta Florida International Univ. www.fiu.edu/·~pikapp

www. pikappucf. com

·GI YE ._..,. A !,lJSH

Last fall marked a first for the chapter as they attained an off-campus house which holds fourteen brothers. They also dominated the playing fields as their flag football team went gold (top division) for the first time in history after an undefeated division championship season. Pi Kapp has also went gold in basketball, helping them in their efforts to attain the prestigious "Intramural Cup" next year.

Following yet another successful recruitment period, Theta Delta has doubled in size to a strong 78-man chapter. In addition to their size success and highest GPA on campus, the chapter hosted an Empathy Training Dinner, chapter strategic planning retreat, rank third in sports cup standings, sent participants to a Give-APush Weekend over 1,000 miles away, and cleaned house at the Greek awards, winning "Chapter of the Year".



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The majority of this article was taken from the NMDP website and informational materials. For more information on how to register, or simply for more information, contact the NMDP at (800} MARROW-2 or go to their website at www.marrow.org.




Dear Brothers and Friends of Pi Kappa Phi, The Pi Kappa Phi experience continues to enrich the lives of collegiate men by promoting values of brotherhood, leadership, community involvement and education. We also look to build new friendships and new connections for alumni members and friends of the Fraternity. As members of America's Leading Fraternity, we have had the opportunity to form a bond of brotherhood which extends beyond university borders.


This past year, in particular, has been challenging for all Americans. The events of September 11th will forever haunt us, and they have directly and indirectly impacted us all. We were directly affected by the loss of several Brothers and our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and to all the victims of that senseless tragedy. Never before have the bonds of brotherhood been put to such a test. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has experienced a year of changing environment for fraternity giving and an economic recession of our endowed assets. With this background, we continued to improve the focus of the Foundation to better serve the educational needs of our students, chapters and national organization. Changes included a restructuring of our staff, partnering with Merrill Lynch to manage our investments and refining our internal operating procedures. We are confident these improvements will produce results in the coming year. In total, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation contributed over $200,000 in grants during 2001 to support the educational programs of our chapters, scholarships and leadership programming. Of particular emphasis this past year was the STAR Program -Students Talking about Alcohol and Responsibility. Through Foundation funding of this important program, 16 chapters participated during the fall of 2001, with 70 total chapters scheduled to receive the training in the 2001 - 2002 school year. The STAR Program will again put us on the cutting edge of educational programs that benefit our undergraduate members in life skills development and responsible decision making. The events of September 11 , 2001 presented many charitable organizations with fund-raising challenges. Even with this difficult economic climate, our total gifts in 2001 exceeded 2000 by over $48,000. This achievement can only be attributed to the dedication of you, our Pi Kappa Phi members. In the pages that follow, we recognize those who have supported us this past year. You will also see special recognition of those who have reached Lifetime Giving plateaus. Pi Kappa Phi continues to be America's Leading Fraternity because we offer more leading-edge educational, service and leadership opportunities than any other national fraternity. In order for us to back up this claim, the continued support of a strong Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is necessary to provide a solid foundation on which the Fraternity stands. As we look to the future of Pi Kappa Phi and the celebration of our Centennial in 2004, we would like to thank you for being a part of our vision to build better men. We ask that you continue to actively participate and support our Fraternity for future members. Our purpose is far-reaching anq I invite you to join us in ~aying a solid foundation for the future of Pi Kappa Phi in this new millennium.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Ke A. Bergstr Chairman Pi Kappa Phi Foundation


The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report recognizes individuals, friends, companies and other foundations for gifts made in support of the Foundation.

SUMMARY OF GIFTS The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Appeal received $159,603.25 in contributions b January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001. This marked a 3% decline from the 2000 Ann Appeal. However, despite the tragic events of the past year, overall giving to all Foundati programs increased by nearly $48,000 for 2001. The future and vitality of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation will be ensured through continued annual financial support of the Annual Appeal, major gifts, and planned giving. As you c ... see from the graphs that follow, the Annual Appeal makes up approximately 40% of the Foundation's total receipts. However, it is concerning that of our 65,000+ alumni around world, only 1,833 made a financial contribution to the Annual Appeal in 2001. This is less 5% of our alumni. This giving total was I I approximately 30% less than the average for annual direct mail campaigns for national fraternity foundations in The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is committed to supporting the 2001 *. We hope to increase educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in order to this number in 2002 with a assist our undergraduate members in achieving superior results • • more aggresstve campatgn and leadership. in personal development, academics, service and an expanded alumni relations program. Increased giving would afford the opportunity to expand current efforts that benefit both student and alumni members. New donors and additional giving would allow the Foundat to offer more and larger scholarships; hire and retain outstanding staff members to coordinate programming efforts, increase support for student educational programs, and seek ways to expand alumni initiatives. The Foundation maintains and seeks to grow its overall endowment through the advice ... ·~ efforts of our investment managers at Merrill Lynch. As of December 31, 2001, our total endowment was valued at $4,628,000 with an investment allocation of 65% equities and 35% fixed income. As with any endowment, the principal is invested and a portion of the assets are used to fund the programs and activities of the Foundation. Currently, the Trustees have appro 'ettj five percent (5%) annual spending rule payout based upon a three-year average of the endowment balance. If a donation is non-designated or unrestricted, the funds can be for immediate needs.

SPECIAL NOTE: Every effort has been made to accurately list contributors who made gifts to the Pi Kappa · Phi Foundation during the calendar year 2001, or who otherwise qualify for one of the giving categories or societies listed in this report. The information herein is based on current computer data and financial records maintained at the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's National Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. We want to thank each of you for your contribution. We apologize for any errors and encourage you to notify us of any necessary corrections, additions or omissions. * Source: North-American Interfraternity Conference, 2001 Fraternity/ Sorority Foundation Survey.



2001 Finances


Appeal 404Ye

Funds 28o/o Unreetrlctecl Girts 13% Restricted Girls 8o/e Nu Phi Society lo/o Board of 3%

National President's Circle 1 o/o

Total $391 ,402

Bequests are often a significant source of financial support for charitable organizations, and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is no exception. Your gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can help ensure our Brotherhood's strength and continued success as we prepare tomorrow's leaders today! As you create or revise your estate plan, please take a moment to remember the many gifts Pi Kappa Phi has given you.


• c.ar.ta.

. lcho.......,. . . STAR • • . ......

1give, devise, and bequeath (the sum of/percentage of/residue of) my estate to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices in Charlotte, North Carolina, to be utilized for the general benefit of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation (or the specified program within the Foundation)." The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity and its Federal Tax 10 Number is 56-6070712.


·11% 8% Co8ches • 14Ye 1% -1%

Total $205,200

2001 Top Ten Giving Chapters r2ooo RankJ

If you wish to include the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your will, the appropriate language is as follows: 11

-81% &

XI (Roanoke) [2]

2.AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) [1]


0 OMICRON (Alabama) [4]

4.X CHI (Stetson) [12]

s.AI This information is intended to be of a general nature. We encourage you to consult with professional advisors concerning your own personal situation.

• The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 1-800-929-1906 foundation@ pikapp.org

ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) [9]

6.0 OMEGA (Purdue) [3]

7.AE ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) [5]




ALPHA DELTA (Washington) [21]

1o.A\}1 ALPHA PSI (Indiana) [26] •


Cash or Check - The most popular and direct method for making a donation.

Credit Cards - We accept most major credit cards, which allow you to pay your donation over a p eriod & On-Line


of time. You can also make a secure contribution through www.pikapp.org, by clicking on the ('Give to the Foundation" button on the home page.

Securities - Appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be transferred to the Foundation through your broker. This type of donation allows the donor to avoid capital gains taxes.


Corporate Matching - Many companies offer to match employees personal donations to qualified Gifts charitable causes at an equal or greater amount. Ask your employer if they participate in a gift-matching program. 2001 Corporate Matching Gift companies are listed in the Annual Report.

Endowments & - The Foundation can establish a special endowment or memorial gift in perpetuity Memorials to meet your personal or estate plans and desires. Please contact the Foundation for details and requirements for this specialized gift.

Planned Gift - You can provide a gift ofpersonal assets through your will. The Foundation will work with you and your estate planner in designing a planned gift from your estate. Planned gifts can include cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, personal property, retirement plan assets, insurance policies or other negotiable items. The Foundation has established a Gift Acceptance Policy and can only accept gifts under the terms and conditions of this policy. We will be happy to provide a copy to you and assist you in making a Planned Gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.




Philanthrop y is based on voluntary action fo r the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the qual ity of life . To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-p rofit organizations and causes they are asked to support) we dec lare th at all donors have th e fol lowing rights: To be informed of the organization :s- mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organizations governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities. To have access to the organizations most recent financial statements.

To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law. To expect that all relationships with individuals represen 路 organizations of interest to the donor will be prof essional in nature. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solici

To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.

To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted , ...n : mailing lists that an organization may intend to share. ""'

To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.

To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and receive prompt, truthful, and forthright answers.

Developed by: American Association of Fundraising Counsel (AAFRC), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AAHP), Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)



Honored here are those donors who have reached a minimum cumulative giving level of $10,000 or more during 2001. These individuals epitomize their commitment to Lifelong Brotherhood. •

The Star and Lamp Society ($500,000 and up) Mr. Robert Lee Bennett, Sr.,· ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer University) Mr. Pi Kappa Phi of 1978, Brother Bennett (Alpha Alpha #26) made the largest gift ever received by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation through a Charitable Remainder Trust of over $2 million. His generosity lives on through his bequest in support of th e educational mission of the Foundation .

Supreme Circle ($250,000 to $499,999) (No donor has yet achieved this lifetime giving level}

Council Club ($1 0,000 to $24,999)

Founder's Circle ($1 oo,ooo to $249,999)

Mr. Jerry Thomas Brewer SIGMA (South Carolina)

Mr. Robert Nathan Hightower OMICRON (Alabama)

Mr. Carl David Ring lOTA (Georgia Tech)

Mr. Julius Eugene Burges ALPHA (Charleston)

Mr. Ronald E. Krebs BETA GAMMA (Louisville)

Mr. Bruce Layton Rogers CHI (Stetson)

BG Thomas Lee Carter, USAFR GAMMA DELTA (Memphis)

Mr. James Alan Krucher BETA ALPHA (NJIT)

Mr. Raymond Eugene Cartledge OMICRON (Alabama)

Mr. Robert Anderson Lane ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State)

Mr. Theodore A. Scharfenstein BETA BETA (Florida Southern College)

Mr. Robery C. Cline TAU (NC State)

Mr. Howard Dayton Leake* RHO (Washington & Lee)

Mr. Kenneth John Cribbs BETA KAPPA (Geoirgia State)

Mr. David Dwight Morgan BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State)

Mr. Kelley Arnold Bergstrom, ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Ben Hill Griffin, Jr.,* ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mr. John Stuart Kirk, PSI (Cornell) Mr. Parker Holmes Petit, IOTA (Georgia Tech)

Order of the Rose ($5o,ooo to $99,999) Mr. Harry Edwin Caldwell, Jr., OMICRON (Alabama) Mr. James Lawrence Daley, ALPHA ETA (Samford) Mr. Eldred John Harman, ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. James Ernest Johnson, ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Mr. David Girdon Lane, OMEGA (Purdue) Mr. Frank Lewis Lane, LAMBDA (Georgia) Hon. James Clinton Turk, XI (Roanoke)

Mr. James Noble Crump* ALPHA lOTA (Auburn) Mr. James Terry Dewberry lOTA (Georgia Tech)

Mr. Allen Oat Woody Ill, XI (Roanoke}

Mr. William Lee Finney GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern)

Order of the Bell ($25,000- $49,999)

Mr. David William Henn ALPHA EPSILON (Florida)

Mr. Richard Fred Bangert, UPSILON {Illinois) Mr. John M. Casper, ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel)

Mr. William Stuart Hicks KAPPA (UNC-Chapel Hill)

Mr. Robert MaNin Snuggs Ill lOTA (Georgia Tech) Dr. A.J. Strickland Ill OMICRON (Alabama) Dr. Phillip Max Summers ALPHA PSI (Indiana)

Mr. Lonnie Allen Morris, Jr.* lOTA (Georgia Tech)

Mr. Dudley Foster Woody XI (Roanoke)

Mr. Talbot Baldwin Newman, Jr.* ALPHA LAMBDA (Mississippi)

Mr. Gordon Barnes Wright ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytech.)

Mr. Durward Warren Owen XI (Roanoke} Dr. Frank Megran Parrish Ill ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State)

Mr. Stephen P. DePalma, BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Mr. Otis Roberts McCollum,* KAPPA (UNC-Chapel Hill) Mr. Charles Read Simons, IOTA (Georgia Tech) Mr. Robert John Wilcox, PSI (Cornell)



The 1904 Society is the annual giving club for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Listed here are those individuals who made a gift of $250 or more to the Annual Appeal or other unrestricted gift in 2001. Their Lifetime Giving Level is noted after their name. A LAMBDA (Georgia)

Diamond Level

Gold Level

($2,500 or more)

Mr. Kevin W. Dalton • Mr. I. Ward Lang +

0 OMICRON (Alabama) Mr. Harry E. Caldwell Jr., @

::: XI (Roanoke) Mr. Dudley Foster Woody

OMEGA (Purdue) Mr. David Girdon Lane

0 OMICRON (Alabama) Mr. Travis Porter Julian •



AI ALPHA lOTA (Auburn) Mr. James Ernest Johnson

($250 to $499) :}€

P RHO (Washington & Lee) @

AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa St.) Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom ft::.Mr. Robert A. Lane 3€

Mr. Robert L. Wade D X CHI (Stetson)

Mr. Arthur N. Morris, Jr. + OMEGA (Purdue) Dr. Jack W. Powers • Q

Ruby Level ($1 ,000


A r ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma)


Mr. David E. Groom D

A LAMBDA (Georgia)

Mr. John B. Watson •

All ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Mr. Brian P. Walker •

::: XI (Roanoke) Skip & Christie Fidura + Mr. Allen Oat Woody Ill @

AE ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mr. Christopher J. Tice, Sr. •


SIGMA (South Carolina) Mr. Paul D. Carter, Jr. •

AZALPHAZETA (Oregon State) Mr. Frederick W. Raw +

T TAU (NC State) Mr. Robert C. Cline :}€

AJ ALPHA lOTA (Auburn) Mr. F. A. Maddox, Jr. •

X CHI (Stetson) Mr. Bruce L. Rogers 3€

AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Brian & Melissa Barringer 0 Mr. James B. Moon +

All ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Dr. Robert C. Bux •

AE ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mr. Robert M. Halcrow • Mr. Robert J. Paterno • Mr. John Jeffry Wahlen •

AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Eldred J. Harman, @ Dr. Frank M. Parrish Ill :}€


BA BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Mr. Stephen P. DePalma g MDELTADELTA (Truman State) Mr. John R. Andrews • L\qJ DELTA PSI (Texas) Mr. Mark Franklin Jacobs •

ffi EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Charles R. West •

Pearl Level ($500


A<l> ALPHA PHI (Ill. lnst. of Tech.) Mr. Kenneth J. Peterson +

BA BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Mr. Aivars Edgars Krumins • Btl BETA DELTA (Drake) Mr. James D. Hornbrook +


(Rensselaer Polytech) Mr. Gordon Barnes Wright

A Y ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Mr. Leonard J. DiCarlo + Mr. Frederick W. Schmehl •


A ALPHA (Charleston) Mr. Edward L. Powers, Jr. • B BETA (Presbyterian College) Dr. Clinton E. Massey +

Bl BETA IOTA (Toledo) Dr. Robert Charles Friess • fK GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Mr. Glenn Aspinwall •


GAMMA ZETA 0/'N Tech) Mr. Thomas Miller + !lL\ DELTA DELTA (Truman State) Mr. Chuck J. Barnard •

!lO DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Mr. Jason K. Dodd + EK EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Polytech State) Mr. S. Michael Weldon 0

EM EPSILON MU (Bradley) Mr. Paul T. Rice •

En EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fullbright D Mr. James Wedding •

K KAPPA (UNC - Chapel Hill) Mr. J. Council! Leak •



A ALPHA (Charleston) Dr. Terence Neal Moore • Mr. Leon K. Wolfe, Jr. D

B BETA (Presbyterian College) Mr. Guss C. Adams •


GAMMA (California - Berkeley) Mr. Lawrence J. Olson D I lOTA (Georgia Tech) Mr. Michael Vincent Cowan • Mr. Robert B. Rowe •

K KAPPA (UNC - Chapel Hill) Dr. John E. Barkley MD PA •!• Mr. William Rollins • Jimmy & Susan Thompson • A LAMBDA (Georgia)

Mr. J. Gibson Hull • David & Melissa Lerner D Mr. Chad V. Powell D

AZ ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) Mr. William V. Cook D Mr. Jack T. Reviglio • AH ALPHA ETA (Samford) Mr. Wilford H. Lane •!• A8 ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Mr. Dennis David Yanachik • AI ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Dr. James A. Flanagan, Jr. • Mr. Joe W. Forehand, Jr. • Mr. Lawrence C. Pharo, Jr. • Mr. L. Allan Reynolds, Jr. D AK ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) Mr. Patrick Walsh 0


ALPHA XI (Brooklyn Poly.) Dr. Joseph E. Flaherty • AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Delmar E. Burkett •!• Mr. Curtis C. Clifton • Mr. Harold Don Osborne • Mr. Dale J. Rickert •!•

M MU (Duke)

Mr. William D. Fuqua • Mr. J. Dudley Moylan • N NU (Nebraska) Mr. James Robert Boling 0


XI (Roanoke) Mr. Donald J. Kerr • Mr. Weldon T. Lawrence, Jr. • Mr. DeWitt R. Petterson, DSC • 0 OMICRON (Alabama) Mr. Charles E. Beard • Mr. William T. Bishop, Jr. • Mr. Robert Brannan • Mr. William A. Grogran, Jr. •!•

P RHO (Washington & Lee) Mr. Robert E. Glenn • l: SIGMA (South Carolina) Mr. Danny Wayne Reynolds•

Lifetime Giving Club symbols: Crossed Swords Club



• Chevron Club •.• $250-$499

Gold Star Club


$500 .,.. $999

Executive Director's Club • $1 ,000 - $2A99 Lampll~hter' s

T TAU (NC State) Mr. Wallace L. Reams •

Y UPSILON (Illinois) Mr. Robert M. Murphy Ill •!• Mr. John 0. Roeser • \f' PSI (Cornell) Dr. George Franklin Heinrich • Mr. Edmund A. Sayer •


OMEGA (Purdue) Mr. Jack K. Berlien • Mr. Daniel R. Leininger D Mr. Walter L. Norrington • Mr. Palmer A. Porter • Mr. Christos Constantinos Ziogas D

Club • $2,500- $4,999

Foundation Club $5,000- $9,999

Council Club


$10,000- $24,999

Order of the Bell

$251000 - $49,999

Order of the Rose

Mr. Robert E. Holly • AE ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mr. Peter C. Barr • Mr. David 0. Charland • Mr. Paul S. Enrico • Mr. Benjamin G. Holdorf •!• Mr. Charles G. Hudspeth + Mr. Robert Bruce Newman •!•


$501000 - $991999

Founder's Circle

Ar ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma)



$100,000- $249,999 0

The Star & Lamp Society * $500,000 & above *deceased

A P ALPHA RHO 0/Vest Virginia) Mr. Victor A. Folio +

fA GAMMA ALPHA 0/V. Alabama) Mr. Thomas J. Holliman D

AL ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee)

rr GAMMA GAMMA (Troy State)

Mr. Thomas H. Banks • Mr. Alfred S. Sewell, Jr. • Mr. Thomas J. Snow + Mr. Barney A. Tucker + AT ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytech.) Mr. George W. Kirkland, Jr. D Mr. Stephen S. Strunck D A Y ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Mr. Martin E. Burrows • Mr. William Joseph Cooney, Jr. • Mr. Sam Costa • A<I> ALPHA PHI (Ill. lnst. of Tech.) Mr. James M. Kelly •!• Mr. Martin T. Kotsch + A'I' ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Mr. Joseph Lux • Mr. Paul T. J. Sullivan D

Mr. Richard L. Dyke, Jr. •!• r~

GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Mr. Terry R. Benton • Mr. Robert M. Biesiot, Jr. D

rE GAMMA XI (Georgia SW) Mr. Michael W. Hall • f<f> GAMMA PHI (S. Alabama) Mr. David S. Rose D ~B

DELTA BETA (North GA. College) LTC Andy 0. Smith e ~Z

DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Mr. Patrick J. Danehy D Mr. William Miller Edwards • ~A

DELTA LAMBDA (UNC-Charlotte) Mr. William Carroll Jackson, Jr. + ~n

BB BETA BETA (Florida Southern) Mr. David L. Robertson +

DELTA PI 0/Vright State) Mr. Bruce K. Rockwell + ~Q

BE BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Mr. Jay J. Stucke! + BH BETA ETA (Florida State) Mr. Paul T. Aase • Mr. Howard E. Mcall, Jr. • Mr. William Jeffrey Niedenthal •

DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Mr. Thomas B. Sullivan •:• EA EPSILON ALPHA (Eion) Mr. Daniel L. Hart D EB EPSILON BETA (GVSU) Mr. Ted R. Lukomski +

BI BETA IOTA (Toledo) Mr. Robert S. Meyer •

EH EPSILON ETA 0/Vinthrop) Mr. William C. Moore, Jr. D

BY BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Dr. Daniel B. Kimball, Jr. + Mr. Joseph Byron Yount Ill +

EI EPSILON IOTA (UNC-Greensboro) Mr. James Lawrence Shaw R:J

CHAPTER INVESTMENT FUNDS The Foundation maintains and invests funds for these special chapter level endowments. Alumni can make a tax-exempt restricted gift through the foundation that specifically benefits their chapter's educational programs. These include scholarships, leadership schools and providing computers or libraries for the chapter house. Listed here are those alumni who contributed $250 or more to their chapter's Investment Fund in 2001. r

GAMMA (California-Berkeley) Gamma Chapter Alumni Association I lOTA (Georgia Tech)

Mr. Robert M. Snuggs Ill 3€

3 XI (Roanoke)

EK EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Polytechnic State) Mr. Michael Lloyd Hubsky • Mr. David Nelson D EN EPSILON NU (Sacramento State) Mr. Jayson G. Louie •

EE EPSILON XI (LaSalle) Dr. Scott Michael Royson D EY EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) Capt. Jason R. Fischl D


0 OMICRON {Alabama) Mr. Robert A. Brannan • Mr. Scott C. Hannon •!• Thomas Brooks Henderson • National Security Fire & Casualty Co. Mr. Bradley N. Ray ·:· Mr. James A. Robertson •!•

X CHI (Stetson) The Brothers of Chi Chapter Mr. Stephen Andrew Kilpatrick, CPA +

Mr. Chad W. Forsberg •!• Z\11 ZETA PSI (IUPUI) Mr. Lance K. Burnside •

HA ETA ALPHA (Concord College) Mr. Phillip A. Igo e Mr. Christopher L. McGown •!• HH ETA ETA (UC-INine) Mr. James A. Senechal • H3 ETA XI (SUNY-Albany) Mr. Todd M. Wangler D


Mitch and Amanda Franklin D Mr. Eric & Anna Gnann •!• Q OMEGA (Purdue)

Mr. John Robert Benninghove II • Mr. Nicholas Anthony Boccella • Mr. Robert S. Bonney, Jr. • Mr. Joshua Eric Ebert D Mr. Stephen A. Esworthy • Robert A. Fenner, PhD • Mr. Cecil M. Hefner • Mr. Donald J. Kerr + Mr. Raymond E. Markham, Jr. D Mr. Cameron Rob Ogilvie • Mr. John Eugene Osborne Ill • Mr. Lee Steven Peregoff Mr. DeWitt R. Petterson • Mr. Roy Randolph Pollard, Jr. + Mr. Tod Nelson Senne • Mr. John R. Stafford, Jr. • Mr. James Sylvester Stump, Jr. • Judge James C. Turk @ Mr. Michael Lewis Weddle •!• Mr. George Herbert Williamson D Mr. Allen Oat Woody Ill @ Mr. Dudley Foster Woody 3€

ze ZE I A THETA (Texas - Austin)

Mr. Patrick J. Kuhnle •

BA BETA ALPHA (NJI1) Mr. James A. Krucher 3€ Mr. John F. Lee, Jr. •


ALPHA DELTA 0/Vashington) Alpha Delta Alumni Association AE ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mr. David W. Henn X Mr. Robert W. McMullen II +

AI ALPHA lOTA (Auburn) Mr. James Ernest Johnson @ Mr. Jack H. Pearson


A3 ALPHA XI (Brooklyn Poly) The Brothers of Alpha Xi AP ALPHA RHO 0/Vest Virginia) Dr. Craig Alan Winkelmann +

r ~ GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) The Brothers of Gamma Delta Chapter Mr. Terry R. Benton • BG Thomas L. Carter, USAFR 3€ Mr. Mathew W. Lipscomb Ill •


GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Mr. Glenn Aspinwall •


GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) Mr. William L. Finney 3€ E<l> EPSILON PHI (Alabama- Birm .) Mr. Scott L. Mcleod D

A \l' ALPHA PSI (Indiana)

Mr. Daniel E. Brennan • Dr. Terry R. Brown • Mr. Robert W. Haller • Mr. Walter E. Hutton • Mr. Jefferson Scott Shreve • Mr. Paul T. J. Sullivan D Dr. John E. Unison •!• AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Kelly A. Bergstrom ~ Mr. Eldred J. Harman @ Dr. Frank M. Parrish Ill X

HI ETA IOTA {Christopher Newport) Mr. Jon P. Poulsen • HA ETA LAMBDA (SUNY-Brockport) Mr. J. Scott Atkinson D HY ETA UPSILON (Miami-Ohio) Mr. Stephen Joseph Gongola II •!• 8A THETA ALPHA (South Miss.) Mr. John W. Langley +




SUSTAINING MEMBERS Sustaining Members make up the largest group of donors. Here we recognize those who made a gift of up to $250 in 2001. Their Lifetime Giving Level is noted after their name. A ALPHA (Charleston)

Mr. David B. Backus 0 Dr. Franklin G. Boineau 0 Mr. Julius E. Burges ~ Mr. Gary A. Catterton • Mr. Harold F. Davis Ill •!• Dr. James B. Edwards + Mr. Harry W. Freeman, Jr. 0 Mr. William S. Gaud Ill 0 Mr. William A. Gordon Dr. Arthur L. Haisten 0 Mr. Michael Bernard Hartnett Mr. Eric C. Heifers 0 Mr. David H. Jaffee • Mr. Robert W. Marlowe 0 Senator Glenn F. McConnell • Mr. Greg Padgett • Mr. Richard P. Pierce Mr. Daniel Ravenel 0 Mr. Michael R. Rena·ult •!• Mr. Trey Riddle Mr. William L. Runyon, Jr. 0 Mr. Kenton Russell Mr. L. Andrew Westbrook Ill •!• Mr. Charles R. Williams

DELTA (Furman) Mr. John A. Batcheller 0 Mr. Kenneth S. Burnham 0 Mr. Joseph P. Erwin Mr. Kessler L. Holzendorf 0 Mr. John A. McArthur Ill Mr. W. M. McMillan 0 Mr. J. Scott Nelson Mr. James E. Neves, Jr. Mr. David B. Traggorth Mr. David C. Ullman • Mr. Bart Wallin Mr. Allen Kendall Webb t::,.

B BETA (Presbyterian College) Mr. Walter E. Brooker BGEN Gary Estle Brown, USMC 0 B. S. Creech , Capt. USN Ret. Mr. David K. Dixon 0 Mr. Clifton C. Goodwin Ill • Mr. Alva R. Hamilton 0 Mr. Tyler L. Henson Mr. Dwight Holder 0 Rev. Walk C. Jones IV 0 Col. Arthur George Maxwell, Jr. • Mr. Samuel G. McGregor • Mr. Donald E. Mclean 0 Mr. James L. McNair Ill Mr. James W. Milam, Jr. 0 Col. Marion C. Mixon, USAF • Mr. John R. Ritter, Jr. •!• LT. COL. Hugh M. Rutledge, USA (ret) 0 Mr. Thomas H. Stearns •!• Mr. John William Steenbergen 0 Mr. John L. Tritt 0 Mr. Eugene A. Vaughan •:• Mr. T. Vance Walker Mr. Richard P. Wilson 0


GAMMA (California - Berkeley) Paul J. Casale, DDS •!• Mr. Vincent A. Consul 0 Col. David Jack Dayton 0 Mr. Jack N. Downer • Mr .Robert Carl Engemoen, Jr. 0 Mr. Richard G. Houston •!• Col. & Mrs. 0. E. Howe Mr. James Pelton Kinlock 0

E EPSILON (Davidson) Mr. Hooper Alexander Ill • Mr. Kenneth B. Clary • Mr. William Harold Clayton, Jr. •!• Mr. Henry T. Gurley, Jr. 0 WilsonS. Hendry, M.D. 0 Mr. Ernest B. Hunter, Jr. •!• Dr. Harold B. Kernodle, Jr. •!• Mr. John S. Tolbert Mr. Joseph H. J. Vernon, DMin 0 Mr. Philip C. Winstead 0 Z ZETA (Wofford College) Mr. Joseph C. Alvarez IV Mr. James H. Belcher 0 Mr. James T. Bland Mr. Jeffrey S. Boggan • Mr. Mark 0 . Bundy •!• Mr. Gary W. Cooper, Jr. Mr. Thornton W. Crouch 0 Dr. William B. Evins, Jr. • Mr. Thomas M. Faile 0 Ltc. Jack Kaplan 0 Mr. Dewey E. Lewis Mr. Gerald F. Mount 0 Mr. John Alexander O'Daniel 0 Dr. M. A. Owings 0 Mr. Thomas P. Palmer 0 Dr. William M. Smethie, Jr. 0 Mr. Deward Boyce Woolbright, Jr. 0 H ETA (Emory) Mr. P. Seale Hipp + Dr. Kenneth C. Kiehl 0 Mr. Samuel H. Poston I lOTA (Georgia Tech) Mr. Robert L. Arroyo 0 Mr. Ronald A. Bergeron 0 Mr. John B. Boy 0 Mr. Stewart H. Carlin •!• Dr. Thomas F. Christian, Jr. 0 Dr. P. B. Cleaveland •!•

Lifetime Giving Club symbols:

Crossed Swords Club 0 $100 - $249 Chevron Club •.• $250 - $499 Gold Star Club D $500 - $999



Mr. Samuel Rayford Cowan 0 Mr. David D. Cunnold 0 Mr. Robert Allen DeFurio D Mr. Christopher E. Doyle 0 Mr. Charles R. Ferguson •!• Mr. Donald N. Fischer 0 Mr. Frederick Edward Fuchs 0 Mr. Colin D. Gillens LTC. Allan D. Guggolz, USAF (ret) 0 Lem L. & Ann Hemry •!• Mr. Frank C. Hodge • Mr. David M. Hull •!• Mr. Alan A. lmm • Mr. Bruce M. Jewett • Mr. Russell R. Johnson •!• Mr. Donald C. Johnston, Sr. • Mr. Lee A. Kidd •!• Mr. Jean E. Kirkland, Jr. 0 Mr. Joshua Jude Lang Mr. Thomas Lownes, Jr. • Mr. Robert Thomas Lowrance 0 Mr. Joseph Luciani •!• Mr. Timothy E. Marxen 0 Mr. Frederick A. Massey, Sr. •!• Dr. Robert Craig Murray, Jr. • Mr. Shamael Mustafa Mr. Robert A. Myers •!• Mr. Alan Parrish • Mr. John R. Paul 0 Mr. Paul G. Pomeroy •!• Mr. J. G. Pritchett, Jr. • Mr. John H. Puckett • Mr. Bryan G. Ramey II Mr. Charles S. Roach 0 Mr. Michael A. Rossi •!• Mr. Dean W. Russell •!• Glenn & Katy Scott 0 Jason and Nicole Shipman •:• Mr. William L. Smith 0 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Turner Mr. Bruce C. VanDerhoof • P01 Charles A. Wheatley, USN Mr. Jerome B. Withers, Jr. D

Mr. Thomas J. Meagher Mr. James F. Meagher 0 Mr. Mark A. Nielsen 0 Mr. Robert D. O'Malley 0 Mr. Robert D. Parmelee Mr. M. Wade Ritchie •!• Mr. Eugene & June T. Roberts •!• Mr. Harland Raker Ross 0 Mr. Steven S. Ryder + Mr. David L. Scruggs 0 Mr. Allen E. Sprague •!• Mr. Young D. Stewart 0 Mr. Elmo G. Switzer 0 Mr. Michael J. Trainor •:• Mr. Charles F. Vannice • Mr. Neil Beresford Weatherall •


K KAPPA (UNC-Chapel Hill) Mr. Charles Preston Adams 0 Mr. ArthurS. Barbee Dr. Joseph Y. Bassett 0 Mr. George W. Braun 0 CDR Steven L. Briganti • Mr. Andrews S. Bristow Ill 0 Mr. David D. S. Cameron, Jr. Mr. John R. Cauble •!• Mr. James B. Collawan Mr. James M. Collins Mr. Frederick Vernon Coville 0 Mr. Alvin W. Daughtridge •!• G. D. & Gail R. Dodson, Jr. • Mr. W. Scott Fuller 0 Mr. Jerry L. Gambill 0 Mr. Allen Richard Goodson, Jr. 0 Mr. Mark R. Gorham •!• Mr. Richard K. Holzworth • Mr. Clifton M. Hux, Jr. 0 Mr. J. Bryan Little, Jr. •!• Mr. Thomas L. Lloyd •!• Mr. J. M. Mahoney •!• Mr. David F. McAllister •!• Mr. Frank A. McNeill, Jr. Mr. Beverly Cooper Moore 0 Dr. Kenneth D. Owen, Jr. •!• Mr. Wayne N. Scott • LTC. Charles C. Seabrook •!• Mr. Jerome W. Stanislaw 0

Executive Director's Club • $1 ,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,999 Lamplighter's Club Foundation Club $5,000- $9,999 Council Club ~ $10,000 - $24,999


Mr. Tim Stewart 0 Mr. Gerald A. Teele D Mr. Joel T. Thigpen •!• Mr. John W. Ussery •!• Mr. Robert Crawford White 0 Mr. Winton G. Wilks, Jr. • Mr. James M. Wilmott 0 Mr. Charles B. Winn Ill 0 Mr. Mark Howell Winston 0 Mr. John H. Yokley 0 Mr. Donald Conklin Young G A LAMBDA (Georgia) Mr. David F. Black •!• Dr. Philip R. Brown 0 William T. & Jennifer P. Cantrell 0 Mr. John B. Clarke, Sr. •!• Mr. Charles Clements Ill Mr. Robert Hall Cofer II •!• Mr. Thomas W. Dalton, Jr. 0 Mr. Dennis R. Devlin 0 Mr. Michael & Christine Drayer Mr. Joseph B. Edwards •!• Mr. & Mrs. J. Troy Green •!• Mr. McHenry Hamilton Ill 0 Mr. William J. Harp, Jr. 0 Mr. Brannon A. Huntz 0 Mr. Thomas R. Jackson, Jr. •!• Mr. Martin B. Jones •!• Mr. Kevin Marvin Krehmeyer 0 Mr. Julian R. Lang 0 Mr. Leroy Langston • Mr. Bill & Carolyn Miller 0 Mr. John Minch Mr. Charles R. Munhall, Jr. 0 Michael K. & Brenda L. O'Connor Mr. Richard L. Patrick, Jr. 0 Mr. Henry T. Rogers, Jr. •!• Mr. Robert J. Ruinen •!• Mr. Sam M. Slade • Mr. Jack G. Slover, Jr. Mr. Ray B. Tucker 0 Mr. Charles Killian Wagner, Jr. •:• Mr. Thomas R. Wood 0 M MU (Duke) Mr. L. Edmund Atwater Ill •!• Mr. G. Gerald Barnett Ill 0 Mr. Charles F. Beidler 0 Mr. Welsford F. Bishopric •!• Mr. Carlyle Andrew Clayton Mr. Robert F. Clayton •!• Mr. Paul W. Fekas 0 Mr. Thomas H. Forsyth Ill Mr. F. C. Frostick, Jr. 0 Mr. Norman Gilbert Gibson •!• Mr. Nick Hennessee Ill 0 Dr. George W. Liles 0 Mr. Michael L. Marable •!• Mr. & Mrs. Heath L. Marcus 0 Mr. Andrew W. McCown Mr. Charles 0 . Muscheck 0 Mr. Charles R. Myers Ill •!• Dr. James O'Kelley, Jr. 0 Mr. Herbert T. Robins Mr. Michael A. Robinson 0 Mr. Stephen Schnurr •!• Mr. Bart N. Stephens •!• Mr. Brian E. Swab 0 Mr. Charles H. Taylor 0 N NU (Nebraska) Mr. Alexander S. Barbieri 0 Mr. Saline Beck •!•

Order of the Bell g $25,000- $49,999 Order of the Rose @ $50,000 - $99,999 Founder's Circle ~ $100,000- $249,999 The Star & Lamp Society * $500,000 & above

Mr. Edward Joseph Bieri 0 Mr. James A. Guretzky + Mr. Scott E. Hamilton • Dr. Warren R. Hill 0 Mr. Roy F. Horacek Mr. William J. Wesslund 0 3 XI (Roanoke) Col. Benjamin B. Albert, Jr. •!• Mr. William M. Babb Ill Mr. RobertS. Barber •!• Mr. David L. Barnes • Mr. Richard L. Bates 0 Dr. Paul C. Caldwell • Mr. Lindsey C. Claiborne •!• Mr. David W. Coates, Jr. •!• Mr. William Frederick Davis Ill 0 Mr. Douglas Alan Devine Mr. Jude Anthc;my Donato 0 Mr. Joseph Patrick Donohue •!• Mr. Donald A. Eamigh •!• Mr. Lee F. Esser, Jr. Mr. Raphael E. Ferris + Mr. Keith E. Fleming Mr. Teddy A. Garman 0 Dr. Kenneth Ross Garren 0 Mr. Donald D. Getman, Jr. Mr. Reginald Whitten Gravely, Jr. • Mr. Robert G. Gray + Mr. Doughlas Olaf Haas 0 Mr. James R. Hamilton, Sr. 0 Mr. Thomas James Hendry Mr. Russell Jack Hertzberg Mr. Richard Q. Hite, Jr. 0 Mr. Thomas James Hubsch •!• Mr. John Davis Jefcoat 0 Mr. Paul R. Jenkins Dr. Harry !.Johnson, Jr. 0 Mr. Robert William Kavash 0 Mr. Patrick J. Kenney Mr. James lan Lowdon, Jr. 0 Mr. James T. Lucas, Jr. 0 Mr. Daniel Carroll McCabe, Jr. •!• Dr. Richard Joseph Milan, Jr. 0 Mr. Mason Miller, Jr. 0 Thomas Hayes Moore, USN •!• Mr. Louis J. Mullineaux 0 Mr. Richard Murray Newman • Hon. D. F. O'Fiaherty e Mr. Randall H. Overby 0 Mr. Durward W. Owen 3€ Mr. James Peter Piedrafite, Jr. •!• Dr. George John Planavsky Mr. Donald J. Potter, Jr. • Mr. Stephen Y. Quinn 0 Mr. Richard E. Ramsburg 0 Mr. Cornelius H. Ramsey Mr. Ellis Gilmore Ramsey, Jr. 0 Mr. Roger A. Reyes Mr. Matthew D. Rice Mr. Thomas Joseph Robertson, Jr. 0 Mr. Christopher Glen Scharrer 0 Mr. Bryan J. Schmalbach Mr. Frederic S. Schneider Mr. William H. S. Seegar Mr. Philip M. Smythe •!• Mr. Brian J. Stuart 0 Mr. David Martin Tanis • Mr. Kevin James Taylor Mr. Rodney Garner Trussler Mr. Thomas S. Turner 0 Mr. David R. Vecellio, Jr. 0 Mr. Elliott Von Culin • Mr. James Richard Wilson •!•

0 OMICRON (Alabama) Mr. David R. Adams • Mr. George Edwin Aiken, Jr. 0 Mr. Ross F. Baerwald •!• Mr. Billy Joe Bartlett •!• Mr. Jack E. Brunson + Mr. Stephen & Lisa D. Bunn 0 Mr. Joseph Van Carmichael Mr. Kells C. Carroll Ill 0 Mr. Joe C. Cassady + Dr. Larry J. Contri 0 Mr. Martin T. Ditto •!• Dr. William J. DuBose •!• Mr. Charles W. Fleming, Jr. 0 Chip & Pam Flournoy •!•

Mr. Thomas Vester Gilbert, Jr. 0 Mr. Doston Lanier Gurganus • Mr. Paul Quinton Hewes Dr. David L. Hinton •!• Mr. Harley Rand Hope •!• Mr. Thomas Jeffrey House 0 Mr. Kenneth B. Hubbard Mr. John Clay Humphreys 0 Mr. Robert F. Inman • Mr. Paul J. Landers 0 Mr. Gary W. Limmroth 0 Mr. Mark H. Uvings 0 Mr. Matthew C. Lux 0 Mr. Mack 0. Matthews • Mr. Bryan A. McCullick 0 Dr. Ray Harvey Mclaughlin 0 Mr. Ollie W. Nabors •!• Mr. Leon B. Newman 0 Mr. Clinton H. Paulsen 0 Mr. Ralph Timothy Russell •!• Mr. William M. Schroeder 0 Mr. Robert Lenward Shepherd 0 Mr. Albert C. Skaggs 0 Dr. Willard Ralph Summerlin, Jr. •!• Mr. William G. Sutton • Mr. RichardS. Taylor • Mr. W. C. Taylor • Mr. Michael S. Teal •!• Mr. Joseph D. Thaxton 0 Mr. Jerry B. Tucker, Sr. 0 Mr. Allan C. Viguerie 0 Mr. Carl C. Weichsel 0 D. Christopher Wells, MD •!• Mr. Robert M. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Willard W. Young, Jr. •!•


PI (Oglethorpe) Mr. Louis J. Ptacek, Jr. •!• Mr. John Craig Williams P RHO (Washington & Lee) Mr. Seth N. Baker 0 Mr. George Z. Bateh 0 Mr. William H. Clark, Jr. 0 Mr. William B. Fitzgerald Ill •!• Mr. Robert L. Frackelton, Jr. 0 Mr. Richard W. Hoover 0 Mr. J. Winston lvey 0 Mr. Richard G. Leary 0 Mr. Bruce Macgowan 0 Hon. George F. Mcinerney* •!• Mr. Floyd W. McKinnon 0 Mr. Clifton D. Mitchell 0 Mr. Charles E. Nolte Ill •!• Mr. Paul R. Plawin 0 Mr. James E. Roane 0 Col. Malcolm Hart Squires, Jr. 0 Mr. Robert J. Taylor IV 0 Mr. Edward Archibald Turville 0 Mr. Paul F. Van Avery Mr. Kenneth B. VandeWater, Jr. 0 Mr. William A. Wallace •!• Mr. John D. Wallace 0 Mr. Dorsey M. Ward, Jr. 0 Mr. Charles H. Warner •!•

1: SIGMA (South Carolina) Mr. Douglas W. Bell 0 Mr. Herbert L. Benson, Jr. •!• Bill & Lib Bobo 0 Mr. George Delay •!• Mr. Grady T. Faircloth •!• Mr. Daniel Flessas 0 Mr. Robert M. Gatti •!• Mr. Jack E. Hardwick Mr. Julius B. Harrelson •!• Mr. Michael D. Harvath II •!• Mr. Mason H. Hubbard, Jr. 0 Mr. James T. McKinnon 0 Mr. Richard C. Mims 0 Mr. Wright T. Paulk, Jr. •!• Mr. Scott N. Peck Mr. Frederick E. Quinn •!• Mr. William S. Reynolds Ill 0 T TAU (NC State) Mr. Hunter Byron Atkins 0 Mr. Maurice Deal Atwell, Jr. 0 Mr. Donald B. Barker 0 Mr. William G. Barnhardt, Jr. •!•

Mr. Jeter P. Brawley 0 Mr. Wiliam Donaldson Campbell 0 Mr. Fred A. Collins, Jr. • Mr. Jason B. Deyton, Jr. • Mr. John A. Feather, Jr. •!• Mr. George W. Fox Mr. William H. Gurnee Ill •!• Mr. Clyde N. Humphrey 0 Mr. William M. Joyner •!• Mr. Francis Leonidas Joyner, Jr. •!• Mr. Jeffrey D. Kimball Mr. Harry L. Mashburn 0 Mr. Hunt McKinnon, Jr. •!• Mr. Christopher M. Myers •!• Mr. Mick Noland 0 Mr. Andrew D. Page, Jr. Sanjay & Sejal Patel • Mr. Charles L. Ribelin Mr. Thomas A. Saieed Mr. Stephen David Seymore, Jr. • Mr. Jacob Nathaniel Shepherd, Jr. •!• Mr. Hartwell K. Sledge Ill 0 Mr. Stacey A. Smith Mr. Edward R. Thomas II 0 Mr. Edward H. Woods II 0 Y UPSILON (Illinois) Mr. David Bein 0 Mr. Robert J. Bogdanoff 0 Mr. Fritz Herman Elich • Mr. Skip Fowler 0 Mr. Brent Frank 0 Mr. Christopher T. Gena Glen E. & Nancy B. Hesler • Mr. Ralph Orson Howard* 0 Mr. James T. Johnson 0 Mr. Joseph L. Johnson 0 Mr. David Jerome Kallal 0 Mr. James Ken Kutill •!• Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lowery • Mr. Lisle W. Menzimer • Mr. Warren Glenn Miller Mr. Benjamin M. Missele 0 Mr. Arthur Robert Moore* 0 Mr. Stephen E. Mumford 0 Mr. W. H. O'Donnell 0 Mr. Joseph E. Pehlman •!• Mr. Timothy J. Pemberton •!• Mr. Stewart W. Ramsey 0 Mr. Michael H. Reedy 0 Mr. Phillip M. Robb Maj. Daniel A. Shoor 0 Mr. Russell A. Tomes •!• Mr. Stephen D. Trahey • Mr. Elzy Warren Trogden 0 Mr. R. A. Van Der Heyden Mr. Walter T. Wahlfeldt •!• Mr. Thomas H. Watts 0 X CHI (Stetson) Mr. Anthony A. Biancarosa II 0 Mr. Edwin Haupt Culver • Mr. Thomas Jefferson Deen, Jr.* • Col. Richard V. N. Ginn 0 Mr. Ira Jerry Giroir 0 Mr. Kenneth T. Kincaid Mr. John-Michael E. Lenahan Mr. Raymond J. Martin, Jr. Mr. George L. Patterson, Sr. • Mr. John K. Snellings • Mr. Brandon J. Waters Mr. Christopher Todd Williams Mr. Thomas M. Wrenn •!• Mr. James Lee Young 0 \II PSI (Cornell)

Mr. John Henry Angus + Mr. Michael P. Carpenter, Jr. Mr. Robert T. Chatterton, Jr. Mr. H. R. Davidson Dr. Gregory J. Della Rocca 0 Lt. Col. Gary R. Fisher • Mr. Paul Haas, Jr. • Mr. James H. Hanson 0 Hon. John R. Heilman, Jr. Mr. Bertram A. Lindsey 0 Mr. William B. Matthews 0 Mr. David John Mazeika 0 Mr. William F. Newell • Mr .Michael John Piscitelli •

Mr. Stanley H. Pogroszewski 0 Mr. Calvin E. Rofe • Mr. Louis L. Seaman •!• Mr. Robert H. Steinfeldt 0 Mr. A. Chandler Taylor, Jr. 0 Mr. Erwin Arnold Tschanz •!• Mr. Harold S. Wright 0 Mr. W. John Zygmunt, Jr. • Q OMEGA (Purdue)

Mr. Mark C. Allion 0 Mr. Thomas S. Bentley Mr. James R. Berlien •!• Mr. Matthew F. Bouma Mr. Allen B. Craven •!• Mr. Russell Dagon Ill 0 Mr. David Davis Duane Madison Davis, PhD 0 Mr. Ronald J. Eyer, Sr. • Mr. W. Gerard Fassnacht 0 Mr. George Grant Fassnacht 0 Manish & Tricia Gandhi •!• Mr. Waldemar E. Goffeney 0 Mr. Bernard Terry Graser 0 Mr. John E. Gruwell 0 Mr. Donald J. Hendrickson 0 Mr. Hilton B. Henry 0 Mr. Neil T. Hentschel •!• Mr. W. Gary Hercules 0 Mr. Laszlo Z. Hertelendy 0 Mr. Willard C. Hill 0 Mr. Rikard E. Hill 0 Mr. George A. Holderbaum •!• Mr. William H. Hounshell 0 Mr. Grafton Houston, Jr. • Mr. James D. Jackson 0 Mr. Harold R. Johnson, Jr. 0 Mr. William Kanouse 0 Mr. Alfred G. Kirchner, Jr. 0 Mr. Mark D. Laurent Mr. Greg Linder • Mr. R. Michael Little 0 Dr. & Mrs. John E. Lovell + Mr. Richard H. Lowe 0 Mr. Robert William MacBeth Mr. John E. McDonald •!• Mr. David L. Mitzner •!• Mr. Eric J. Nachtrab 0 Mr. Philip E. Newhouse 0 Mr. Emmanuel O'Drobinak + Mr. Kevin J. Ohaver 0 Mr. Hichael H. Ohaver 0 Mr. Guy J. Overman 0 Mr. Andrew Parker Mr. Scott D. Patton 0 Mr. William Dunnett Peace, Jr. 0 Mr. Joshua A. Peter Mr. Herman G. Riggs • Mr. Robert L. Roth 0 Mr. Robert A. Rust 0 Mr. Edwin T. Sherwood •!• Mr. Halbert Smith, Jr. 0 Mr. Donald C. Swager 0 Mr. William L. Swager 0 Mr. Robert E. Thomson • Mr. Kim J. Tubergen 0 Mr. Michael S. Tyrrell 0 Mr. Kaz J. Vogelgesang 0 Mr. James Scott Wagner Mr. John L. Weaver 0 Mr. Mark K. Wilson 0 Mr. Robert C. Wingard, Jr. •!• AA ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Mr. Riley G. Baker Mr. John W. (Jack) Brooker 0 Mr. Brian Carver Mr. Douglas B. Clendaniel •!• Mr. Timothy M. Downie •!• Mr. John C. Garvin, Jr. •!• Mr. Michael E. Lake •!• Mr. Hollis C. Lewis, Jr. 0 Mr. William Maratos •!• Mr. Augustust F. Martin Ill 0 Mr. Ralph B. Montgomery •!• Mr. Joel Lee Tolbert

Ar ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) Mr. Trevor G. Francis CAPT. Joseph C. Haines, Jr. 0



, I

r ~-

Mr. Jeremiah C. Johnson Mr. Gary R. Miller D Mr. Lee Nenstiel Mr. Robert J. Ogborn • Mr. Matthew M. Pena Mr. J. Dylan Romo 0 Mr. Francis W. Scichowski, Jr. ·:· The Rt. Rev. A. Ervine Swift 0 Mr. Dana L. Taylor 0 Mr. Timothy Mark Welles 0 All ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Mr. David George Alexander 0 Mr. Joshua J. Almanza Frederick & Margie Brown • Mr. Shane D. Campbell 0 Mr. Indy C. Crowley •:• Mr. John J. Dailey 0 Mr. Evan A. Erickson • Mr. Manuel D. Esteban •!• Mr. Merlin Giles 0 Mr. Roy E. Grinnell Mr. Robert J. Hansen 0 Mr. John T. IIIias •:• Mr. Robert D. Kelly, Jr. Mr. Ronald L. Konopaski, DDS Mr. Chad C. Miller Mr. John Richard Pedersen •:• Mr. Thomas Polzin Mr. Blair Michael Teddy A E ALPHA EPSILON(Fiorida) Mr. Bartlett Arnold Ill 0 Mr. Bernie Barton •:• Greg A. & Cindy M. Bauer Mr. David D. Boden 0 Mr. William 0. Charland 0 Mr. Emsley Foster Cobb • Mr. Geary Walker Cotton • Dr. Michael L. Crovatt 0 Mr. Peter T. Cummings ·:· Mr. Fred C. Davant • Mr. Fabio M. Fasanelli •:• Mr. Robert J. Fink 0 LTC. Thomas M. Fitzgerald, USAF (ret) • Maj. James I. Forney ·:· Mr. Robert Earl Godwin 0 Mr. John Dowd Gornto, Jr. 0 Mr. Hugh A. Gower Mr. Jerry R. Groom 0 Mr. Murle E. Harrison 0 Mr. Christopher S. Hill •:• Mr. Robert H. Hoffman 0 Mr. Jack D. Howell ·:· Mr. Jeffrey Alan Huehn •!• Maj. Robert L. James 0 Mr. Thomas Elliott Johnson 0 Maj. Bill Keyes ·:· Mr. Peter T. Lanaris •:• Mr. Albert E. Luer • Mr. Robert S. Neuman 0 Mr. Michael Nozzarella •:• Mr. Jim O'Donell • Mr. Douglas J. O'Dowd Mr. Roy T. Olsen 0 Hon. Benjamin F. Overton • Mr. GeorgeS. Peek •:• Mr. Martin E. Perkins •:• Mr. Robert J. Perry Mr. George R. Ponczek 0 Mr. James E. Powell, Jr. Mr. John J. Powers • Mr. Joel B. Radford •:• Mr. Charles R. Rigl 0 Mr. Frank Walter Rivers, Jr. •!• Dr. Samuel Albert Saxon Ill 0 Mr. Anthony V. Scalese 0 Mr. Robert N. Scott • Mr. Glenn Allen Shapiro 0 Dr. Robert D. Snyder 0 Mr. Robert L. Southwell, Jr. 0 Hon. Mercer P. Spear Art & Linda Stackpole, Sr. •!• Mr. Steven Craig Stanford 0 Mr. Charles A. Stewart Mr. Edward W. Storin 0 Mr. Robert L. Sullivan • Mr. J. Dale Thompson 0 Mr. Mark Hans Thurn 0 Ray and Betty Tylander •




Mr. Christopher Ure 0 Mr. Rolando M. Veloso 0 Mr. Oliver Waite 0 Mr. John A. Weiss ·:· Mr. Kevin W. Wood 0 Mr. Gordon B. Zellers Ill 0 A Z ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State)

Mr. William Sumner Alldredge 0 Mr. Anthony L. Amort D CW04 Earl D. Barton, USA (ret.) •!• Mr. Robert E. Calkins 0 LTC. Roland E. Curtis, USA (ret) •:• Mr. Robert J. Elfers • Mr. Ronald Gustaff •!• Mr. James L. Guthrie 0 Mr. T. H. Hammond 0 Mr. Kenneth McBride Hawke, Jr. 0 Mr. George Jaska •:• Mr. Melvin D. Knorr •!• Mr. Timothy R. Large 0 Mr. David V. Ledoux Mr. Robert D. Manning •!• Mr. John W. Moore •!• Mr. Gary S. Munn • Mr. Jack R. Osburn 0 Mr. Thomas Patterson 0 Mr. Leon 0. Ramsey 0 Mr. Jack C. Riley Mr. Jack Willard Steward + Capt. Raymond Carey Terhune 0 Mr. William W. Thomas 0 Mr. Roger A. Turner 0 Mr. David H. Vawter • AH ALPHA ETA (Samford) Mr. Jim R. Bell 0 Mr. Calvert Hill Brown Mr. Robert C. Chandler ·:· Dr. R. Bradley Clay 0 Mr. William W. Dixon, Jr. • Mr. John Witherspoon Frierson V 0 Mr. Robert E. Greene 0 Mr. Warren W. Hilson 0 Mr. Robert 0. Lauderdale, Jr. ·:· Dr. Jack R. McDonald Mr. Orbie L. Medders, Jr. •:• Mr. James E. Purvis • Mr. Gilmber Tucker Simmons 0 Mr. Joe W. Vaughn, Jr. 0 Mr. Merle L. Wade, Jr. Mr. Stewart Watson LTC Henry J. Yeackle Ill ·:·

AE> ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Mr. Kenneth G. Adams • Mr. Henry J. Anderson, Jr. • Mr. Theodore D. Aylward • Mr. Thomas H. Bird 0 Mr. Daniel F. Ciernick •:• Mr. William M. Cleary • Mr. Charles E. Cogo •:• Mr. Joseph M. Colucci 0 Mr. Brian R. Connelly •!• Mr. Wallace M. DeMaagd •!• C. J. & Tami Estes 0 Mr. Scott E. Evans 0 Mr. Robin G. Ewen 0 Mr. Jason R. Garvey •:• Mr. Jeffrey W. Hill •!• Mr. Thomas R. Joy •:• Or. Bruce T. Lessien 0 Mr. PaulK. Markovs Mr. George E. McKay 0 Mr. Alan W. Perlingiere •:• Mr. Warren C. Spragg Ill •:• Mr. DouglasS. Sutherland Mr. Robert Trembath 0 Mr. Donald Earl Viecelli • Mr. G. F. Wajda •:• Mr. Michael J. Yanachick 0 Mr. Gregory William Zmich •:• A I ALPHA lOTA (Auburn) Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Beaird •!• Mr. Charles S. Blackledge, Jr. 0 Mr. G. Stuart Blackwell •!• Mr. Perrin C. Bryant 0 Mr. Michael Z. Bush


Mr. John 0 . Christiansen, Jr. •:• Mr. Troy Corbin •:• Mr. James C. Delaney Col. Robert L. Ferrell (ret) • Mr. W. Scott Finney Mr. Thomas W. Fuller • Mr. Tommy Wayne Gordon 0 Mr. Moyer D. Harris 0 Mr. Edward N. Henderson • Mr. James H. Hendry D Mr. James Milton Jones 0 Mr. William Wesley Jones, Jr. • Mr. Jim Lovell 0 Mr. Nathaniel DeHass McClure IV 0 Mr. George Hoey Morris 0 Dr. Dan Parmer 0 LTC. Gary M. Patterson, USAF (ret.) •:• Chip & Elissa Pope Mr. Michael V. Portacci Mr. Joel T. Radman • Mr. Ernest C. Rushing 0 Mr. David G. Scott 0 Mr. WardS. Taylor •:• Mr. Robert C. Ward 0 Dr. Joseph Warren Williams • Mr. Charles M. Wood •:• A K ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan)

Mr. Jonathan P. Albert 0 Mr. Hugh C. Hotchkiss • Mr. Michael C. Johnson Mr. Mark Edward Perrin • Mr. Carl J. Walker ·:• AM ALPHA MU (Penn State) Mr. Barry C. Anderson 0 Mr. David N. Back 0 COL. George & Vonda Beiler 0 Mr. Gary D. & Sheila C. Bello 0 Mr. Jon Drew Benedetti 0 Mr. Jason A. Borrelli 0 Mr. Stephen Charles Botta 0 Mr. Robert W. Boyd Mr. Curtis R. Butler 0 Mr. Palmer L. Davis, Jr. 0 Mr. Donald L. Drake •:• Mr. Edwin Abell Friend, Jr. 0 Mr. Michael A. Gardocki •:• Lewis B. and Bernice B. Grube • Mr. Richard A. Gundrum Mr. Richard C. Heim • Mr. Bruce Kent •!• Mr. Leon Melvin Knetz •:• Mr. William W. Lawrence 0 Mr. Richard E. Lesher 0 Mr. Frederick W. Martin •!•

Mr. Ralph W. Moyer 8 Mr. Scott DeYoung Myers •:• Mr. Elbur C. Purnell Maurice & Betty Ranc D Mr. Robert W. Ryan 0 Mr. Matthew L. Rzucidlo 0 Mr. Richard A. Sandala 0 Mr. Robert N. Senko •!• Mr. William Simon Ill D Mr. William J. Vernon, Jr. D Mr. William R. Walker 0 Mr. Michael J. Wells 0 Mr. Guy M. Williams 0 Mr. Edwin R. Yeager 0 Lt. Gen. John J. Yeosock 0 Mr. Anthony J. Zeme, Jr. 0

AN ALPHA NU (Ohio State) Mr. Corwin D. Hablitzel, P.E. • A"E. ALPHA XJ (Brooklyn Poly) Mr. William V. Delnicki •!• Mr. Louis T. Destefano 0 Mr. Bruce J. Elowsky 0 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flynn 0 Mr. Richard F. Groller ·:· Mr. Arthur Karle Mr. Denis George Klisz 0 Mr. Henry G. Lenz 0 Mr. Michael Levinton Mr. Robert F. Maggio (-'1 Mr. Patrick McArdle 0 Mr. John J. Molinelli 0 Mr. Edward Mulcahy Mr. Albert R. Muller •!• Mr. Charles D. Murn •. Mr. Rino Nori 0 Mr. Antonio G. Quilon 0 Mr. Richard Ramge 0 Mr. Harry F. Roener •!• Mr. William T. Roney, Jr. •!• Mr. Siegfried A. Rotter •:• Mr. PauiSchwanenflugel • Mr. Steven P. Solomon 0 Mr. Albert B. Steele 0 Mr. Christopher J. Witt •!• AO ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Mr. Eric J. AJmquist •:• Mr. Eldon H. Anderson 0 Mr. Keith Bader 0 Bob & Joyce Bateman • Mr. Robert 0. Brown • Mr. Troy W. Carmann Mr. J. R. Carson 0 Mr. William W. Chmelar •!•

Mr. Dale M. Cochran •!• Mr. Gilbert L. Comstock •!• Mr. Charles D. Cummings • Mr. Ajay J . Desai •!• Mr. Jeremy Dickinson •!• Mr. Philip Joseph Dvorak 0 Dr. Richard L. Ewen 0 Mr. John W. Ferguson 0 Mr. Benjamin D. Foot 0 Mr. Stanton E. Fritz D Mr. Jeremy D. Galvin 0 Mr. Forest L. Goetsch ·:• Mr. Guy K. Goodenow 0 Col. David L. Hancock •!• Mr. Terry E. Henricksen •!• Mr. Kenneth R. Hook • Mr. Hubert Mortimer Lattan +

Mr. J.O. (Phil) Linney Mr. David K. Little 0 Mr. Damian J. Lonsdale Dr. Gerald Dean Love • Mr. Robert K. McKean 0 Mr. Paul M. Muller • Col. William George Nechanicky • Mr. Richard Ohrt 0 Mr. Frederick John Phillips 0 Rev. Charles J. Rehman, Jr. •!• Dr. Ralph H. Ruedy 0 Mr. Thomas J. Ruzicka 0 Hon. John 0. Sanderson 0 Mr. Mark C. Schutt 0 Mr. Lawrene Mark Stella •:• Mr. &Mrs. Jose' L. Torres Mr. Thomas Joseph Tott • Mr. John Jolly Veak 0 Mr. Cesar R. Vega 0


ALPHA PI (University of the South) Mr. William B. Dickens Mr. John A. Johnston • AP ALPHA RHO 0/Vest Virginia) Mr. Alexander M. Adair 0 Mr. Robert Edward Allen Ill Dr. Nicholas G. Evans •!• Mr. Robert J. Laughner 0 Mr. John C. Marano, Jr. 0 Mr. Stephen L. Wiedmann Mr. Christopher M. Williams 0 Al: ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr. • Mr. William B. Boyter 0 Mr. Gregory D. Carpenter 0 Mr. R. Barry Cecil • Victor W. & Regina Edgman •!• Mr. David P. Everhart 0 Mr. James Gracy Mr. Claude S. Harvey Ill 0 Mr. John F. Lovegrove II 0 Mr. Kenneth R. Parkinson Mr. Frank Martin Pugh 0 Mr. Karl R. Schneeberger •!• Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sigmon 0 Mr. B. Frank Smith, Jr. •!• Mr. James A. Southerland 0 Mr. David B. Spalding •:•

Mr. James F. Steffner, Sr. 0 Mr. James H. Stilz 0 Mr. Arthur D. Sullivan 0 Mr. Shawn P. Tidwell •:• AT ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytech) Harish & Seetha Aiyar 0 Mr. Richard J. Andrews 0

Mr. Joseph F. Banaszewski Mr. Benjamin Marshall Cahill, Jr. • Mr. George D. Cook 0 Mr. David B. Dobson • Mr. David Dropkin 0 Dr. Cedric H. Dustin Ill • Mr. Jon Finke •!• Mr. H. Gary Garab Mr. Dieter M. Groll 0 Dr. Robert E. Hawkins • Mr. Gregory H. Herlan 0 Mr. George J. Hoffer •!• Dr. Steven H. Kaitz 0 Mr. Charles P. Kapp 0 Mr. Brewster LaMacchia 0 Mr. Robert J. Lyons 0 Mr. John Baptist Margenot, Jr. 0 Mr. John W. McMahon 0 Tom & Carole Myron •!• Mr. Erik B. Nagel 0 Mr. Andrew C. Nicholas 0 Mr. Christopher J. Parks 0 Mr. David M. Peter 0 Mr. Howard Wood Peterson, Jr. •!• Mr. Larry J. Powell 0 Mr. Kermit G. Pratt 0 Mr. James F. Rappolt, Jr. •!• Mr. Edward Rebula 0 Mr. Mark E. Richard 0 Mr. William A. Roberts P.E. 0 Mr. Nicholas Rusanowsky •!• Mr. Benjamin Theodore Sporn 0 Capt. Ernest R. Stacey •!• Mr. Paul R. Turgeon •!• Mr. Robert 0. Wagner •!• Mr. Ralph B. Wainright, Jr. Mr. Douglas Wiles 0 A Y ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Mr. Henry John Bartle Ill •!• Mr. Mark R. Blasser 0 Mr. John J. Buhsmer, Jr. •!• Mr. Barry G. Campbell • Mr. Raymond J. Cannon, Jr. 0 Mr. Douglas M. Clarke • Mr. Kevin M. Collins 0 Mr. William Conrad •!• Mr. Lawrence M. Dandrea •!• Mr. Raymond L. Davis • Mr. Walter W. Dearolf, Jr. 0 Mr. Joseph Deluca 0

Mr. Kenneth J. Dirkes 0 Mr. Philip R. Earley •!• Mr. Larry D. Egolf 0 Dr. William P. Fitzgerald, Jr. •!• Mr. Gino A. Fortunato •!• Mr. John H. Gardner •!• Mr. Daniel J. Ginsberg •!• Mr. John W. Goldschmidt, Jr. 0 Mr. Norman E. Grede •!• Mr. Raymond H. Griffin 0 Mr. Paul W. Gross • Mr. Dale R. Haring •!• Mr. Leopold Hauf Ill Mr. Alan D. Henderson • Mr. Guy C. Hess, Jr. •!• Mr. David A. Heydt 0 Mr. Robert E. Imbrogno •!• Mr. Arthur Joseph Jones 0 Mr. Joseph J. Keyes 0 Mr. E. Robert Kiehl •!• Mr. Ralph E. Klesius 0 Mr. John D. Knoll , Jr. • Mr. Charles S. Kuntz •!• Mr. Robert W. Lambert • Mr. Thomas A. LaRoe 0 Mr. Walter William Lovell •!• Mr. John N. Marhsall 0 Mr. Vicko James Melada 0 Mr. Osborne Canady Miller, Jr. 0 Mr. S. Ralph Parris •!• Mr. Marlin M. Patrick •!• Mr. John J. Peirce, Jr. •!• Mr. Stephen J. Pinkas 0 Mr. Clifford M. Price 0 Mr. Michael T. Romano Mr. Donald L. Schey 0 Mr. H. Arthur Schlater •!• Mr. Frederick H. Staiger •!• Mr. R. R. Tesno 0 Mr. Mark Tomasello 0 Mr. Felix T. Troilo Mr. Arthur W. Tunnell, Jr. 0 Mr. David C. Waltman 0 Mr. Thomas Mickley Watson Mr. Stanley Russell Wilson 0 Mr. Frederic Stanton Woerth 0 A <I> ALPHA PHI (Ill. lnst. of Tech.) Mr. Mike Adair •!• Mr. Gary C. Cathey •!• Mr. David A. Desilets 0 Mr. Cyril L. Dusell 0 Mr. Richard C. Frankenberg •!• Mr. Richard A. Gregory •:• Mr. Brian J. Hess Mr. John T. Higgins 0 Mr. John F. Humiston + Mr. Matthew E. Hunt Dr. Edward A. Kaschins 0 Mr. James D. Leyerle 0 Mr. Leonard J. Mance 0 Mr. Christopher L. McCabe Mr. Ramon L. Olson •!• Mr. Peter E. Ostrander •!• Mr. Roger L. Peterson • Mr. Jack Richard Piper •!• Mr. John L. Pottenger •!• Mr. John V. Roach 0 Mr. John P. Sachs • Mr. Edwin N. Searl • Carol & Burton Seiwell 0 Mr. Myron B. Stevens 0 Mr. Victor E. Terrana Mr. Scott T. Waicekauskas Mr. John A. Wheeler, Jr. •:• Mr. Brian Winkelmann 0 Mr. James C. Woodling •!• Mr. Charles Robert Woods •!•

Mr. Glen C. Crosier Mr. William Durbin Day, Jr. • Mr. J. Douglas Dowen •!• Mr. Harry J. English 0 Mr. Paul Fuggiti •!• Mr. David C. Gibson •!• Mr. Richard C. Hall •!• Mr. James P. Halsey •!• Mr. Jo Daniel Keeler Jim & Rosemary Keller Brian & Catherine Kelly 0 Mr. Lawrence Chung-Ming Liu •!• Mr. & Mrs. G. Scott Louderback, Jr. •!• Mr. Michael J. Mastropolo Kevin L. & Mary M. McDonald 0 Mr. Timothy A. Mercer 0 Mr. Ralph G. Mundy 0 Mr. Wayne G. Murray • Mr. Robert C. Nelson 0 Mr. Barry Gene Polley •!• Mr. MichaelS. Roth 0 Mr. James Roderick Ruckriegle 0 Mr. Terry L. Russell 0 Mr. Anthony P. Schlichte Mr. Bradley L. Shortridge 0 Mr. Steven W. Smith 0 Mr. Brian Sohovich Mr. Russell Sparks 0 Mr. Joel D. Spry Mr. Timothy R. Stephenson, RN Mr. Philip Mack Stocksdale Mr. Richard Lee Stutz 0 Dr. Phillip M. Summers X Mr. Kevin J. Turner 0 Mr. Richard E. Tyson Bob & Paula Williams 0 Mr. James N. Williams 0 Mr. James E. Witek •!• Mr. Robert F. Wood •:• AQ ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon) Mr. R. Glen Garrett 0 Mr. George Graves Mr. Sherman W. Holmes •:• Mr. Donald D. Lasselle 0 Mr. Gilbert Lissy •!• Mr. Stanley C. Lynch 0 Robert D. Potts, COL. AUS (RET) •!• Mr. David A. Stewart 0 Mr. Fred L. Streimer 0 BA BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Mr. Nick Adams 0 Mr. Fred Becker, Jr. • Mr. Harry James Bonfanti •!• Mr. Jeffrey L. Cutcher 0 Mr. Nichola Debendictis 0 Mr. Brian DeCastro Mr. Lawrence Fisher 0 Mr. Thomas F. Graham 0 Mr. Paul Hazzard 0 Mr. Alan lanuzzi, PE 0 Mr. Edward James Klebaur, Jr. • Mr. Lawrence Anthony Kominiak 0 Mr. Karlis V. Kopans 0 Mr. Joseph J. Manfredi • Mr. Anthony V. Mangone 0 Mr. Thomas M. McCann 0 Mr. Louis Robert Miceli 0 Mr. William V. Oakenell •:• Mr. Richard John Rodrick • Mr. Richard Rusak 0 Mr. Charles F. Sewell 0 Mr. James B. Snodgrass, Jr. •!• Mr. Anthony Tobey 0 William C. & Lynne R. Toth 0 Jacob & Ann H. VanBroekhoven 0 Mr. Robert G. VanDevrede 0 Mr. David M. White 0


Mr. Melford C. Hopkins • Mr. Wilson A. Rehfield Ill •!• Mr. Nathan P. Xanthos A \f' ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Mr. Gerald Allen 0 Mr. Mike Baccash ·:· CAPT. Lowell E. Bailey, Jr. 0 Mr. Richard D. Boyle 0 Mr. Curtis Collins 0

BB BETA BETA (Florida Southern College) Mr. Brian Todd Allen •!• Mr. John D. Davis 0 Mr. William W. Dicks 0 Mr. Stephen A. Driggers 0 Mr. C. James Evans •!• Mr. William McKinley Fraser, Jr. 0 Mr. Forrest Halter Mr. Stephen R. Hemman 0



Mr. Carl Michael Koch • Mr. David W. Schreck Mr. John E. Trufant 0 Ltc. Castner R. Waddell

Br BETA GAMMA (Louisville) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

John Tolle Cook •!• Spencer E. Harper, Jr. • James R. Hatfield James A. Kosehewa ·:· Joseph Henry Reagan, Jr. Herbert M. Zimmerman •:•


Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

BETA DELTA (Drake) Mark H. Crosthwaite •!• Charles Ray Deaton* G Paul H. Gilman 0 James Labiak •!• Jeffrey D. Miller 0 Kenneth J. Piller 0 Norris D. Rowland 0 Don B. Walter ·:·

BE BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Mr. Matthew J. Basta •!• Mr. John Edward Deutschmann •!• Mr. Robert J. Edler-Murphy •!• Mr. Brian A. Eiserman •!• Mr. David Epperson •!• Mr. Gregory L. Houelle 0 Mr. George E. Hyde, Jr. 0 Mr. Billy Joe Isenhower LT. COL. K. X. Lissner • Mr. Willitt S. Pierce Mr. Walter T. Richards 0 Mr. Laurence G. Trudell 0 Mr. Kenneth J. Weyand 0 Mr. Frank J. Wilting 0 Mr. Garrett Calhoun Williamson 0 BH BETA ETA (Florida State) Mr. Leo Almerico •!• Mr. Brian C. Baber •!• Mr. Barry S. Bell •!• Mr. John F. Brooks •!• Mr. James D. Bultman •!• Mr. Charles D. Chao •!• Mr. John R. Corbett 0 Mr. Robert P. Costin 0 Mr. Crandall Cunningham Mr. Hugo H. DeBeaubien •!• Mr. A. Reg Dickey, Jr. 0 Mr. Robert D. Elefante 0 Dr. Gilbert G. Fernandez 0 Mr. Ryan C. Hay Mr. Guy W. Hollingsworth 0 Mr. Carlton J. Johnson 0 Ltc. Michael E. Johnson G Mr. Raymond W. Jones G Mr. Michael R. Kryzanek 0 Mr. Henry P. Land, Jr. G Mr. James M. Lloyd • Mr. Charles W. MacMillin 0 Mr. H. Bruce Mciver, Jr. •!• Mr. Jesse A. Mohney Dr. James B. Newman •!• Mr. James Wilson Newman, Jr. 0 Mr. Paul L. Nichols Ill 0 Mr. Randolph M. Plotts •!• Mr. Douglas Prior 0 Mr. Frank M. Ryll, Jr. 0 Dr. Jack 0. Sipperley 0 Norman D. & Leilani T. Stoddard •!• Mr. Lewis Fred Symmes 0 Mr. Durwood Lawrence Thompson, Jr. 0 Mr. William P. Welch •!•

Mr. Robert D. Conley 0 Mr. John L. Eisenmann 0 Dr. William G. Frederick 0 Dr. George H. Hershman •!• Dr. Elmer J. Newness 0 Mr. Timothy A. O'Shea 0 Mr. Gene E. Peterman 0 Mr. Craig S. Reisdorf 0 Mr. Richard G. Rose •!• Mr. Roger W. Shiller 0 Mr. Paul C. Simmon •!• Mr. Scott M. Theus Mr. Mark A. Urrutia 0 Mr. James W. White, Jr. •!• BK BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Mr. John Wiley Barber •!• Mr. Donald W. Clark Mr. Clayton B. Doss, Jr. •!• Mr. Alton P. Ewing, Jr. 0 Mr. John M. Johnson 0 Mr. Jong Pal Lee Mr. Patrick J. McCabe 0 Mr. Donald E. Perkins G Mr. Jerry W. Ragsdale Mr. Larry Reinhardt, Jr. 0 Mr. Mark D. Sawyer •!• Mr. Robert E. Suddath, Jr. Mr. Christopher S. Thompson Mr. John Bryan Whitley • Mr. Christopher M. Wilsey 0 BA BETA LAMBDA (fampa) Mr. William Kendall Baker, CPA Dr. Wade G. Birch •!• Mr. James R. Crosby •!• Mr. Daniel H. Cuneo Mr. R. Sean Hoover 0 Mr. Patrick & Hope Ingle Mr. Christopher L. Jordan Mr. Stephen J. Krist G Rich & Penny Maun 0 Mr. Robert A. Myers 0 Mr. Timothy M. Rose •!• Mr. David J. Sullivan •!• Mr. Richard C. Swirbul •

BM BETA MU (McNeese State) Dr. C. Mitchel Adrian 0 Mr. Paul A. Brown •!• Mr. Edwin M. Potratz II 0 Mr. Roy E. Siller 0 BN BETA NU (Houston) Mr. Everett E. Magill, Jr. B:=: BETA XI (Central Michigan) Mr. Brian A. Battani 0 Mr. David Clappison 0 Mr. Dale R. DeWaard, CPA 0 Mr. Brian S. Houck Mr. Basil J. Lyberg Mr. William M. Slusher 0 Mr. Duane Valerio • 80 BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Mr. Michael E. Allain 0 Mr. Chad C. Black Mr. Robert Broadwell G Mr. H. J. Shawn Daily, Jr. 0 Mr. Jack P. McCain, Jr. BP BETA RHO (Clarkson) Dr. John F. Kruse 0

BL BETA SIGMA (No. Illinois)

Be BETA THETA (Arizona) Mr. Sam Ramsey Andress G Mr. Russell T. Gilbert 0 Mr. Charles H. Hausenfleck 0 Mr. Drew M. Hoffos Mr. Michael T. Maryott •!• Mr. Daniel T. Silveira Mr. Arthur William Vance, Jr. •!•

BI BETA IOTA (foledo) Mr. Edward P. Bachmeyer, Jr. Mr. Christopher E. Barton D Mr. Nicholas T. Buchman


Mr. Robert E. Berry 0 BT BETA TAU (Valdosta State) Mr. Andrews E. Bembry Mr. John Thomas Brooks • Mr. Pablo C. Campa 0 Mr. James M. Dowd •!• Mr. William R. Maxwell, CPA •!• Mr. Jonathan R. Scott 0 Mr. Vince Settle 0 Mr. Mark A. Waddell 0 Mr. William Benjamin Walker •!• Mr. Hubert H. Wilford 0


BY BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Mr. John B. Browning• Mr. Barry J. Ewald •!• Mr. Theodore Freeman 0 Russell & Diana Huber • Mr. StuartS. Moore • Mr. Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. • John Bertrand Rose, Ill, D.D.S., Ltd. 0 Mr. Jim Sencindiver 0 Mr. Douglas W. Varney Dr. William J. Watson Ill 0

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Richard J. Crews, Jr. Charles Arthur Demetriou 0 David L. Everson • Charles L. Hall II •!• Eric A. Hogan David E. Laffiteau 0 Thomas F. Leatherwood, Ill Thomas F. Lynch •!• Todd M. Peterson 0 James D. Siebert 0

fE GAMMA EPSILON B<l> BETA PHI (East Carolina) Mr. Ellis Sherwood Banks, Jr. 0 Mr. Dennis R. Barbour 0 Mr. James Guerry Bishop Ill •!• Mr. Dennis M. Brown •!• Mr. Chadwell H. Driggers Mr. John T. Geraghty 0 Mr. Lawrence Wayne Haussmann •!• Mr. Samuel Hicks • Mr. Stacey F. Johnson 0 Mr. Fredrick D. Judson G Mr. Jeffrey F. O'Geary 0 Mr. Franklin F. Ramseur Ill 0 Mr. George I. Ressequie, Jr. •!• Mr. Thomas C. Sayetta •!• Mr. Richard D. Scott •!• Mr. J. Scott Smith •

BX BETA CHI (East Texas State) Mr. Ken L. Park • 8\{J BETA PSI (fN Weslyan) Mr. Norris C. Bishop, Jr. Mr. Richard Burdette G Mr. Mark Plemons •!• Mr. Barry A. Saunders 0 Mr. F. Dan Wieser, Jr. 0 BQ BETA OMEGA (East Tennessee State) Mr. John N. Boronkay, Jr. 0 Mr. Edward P. Bowers 0 Mr. Byron C. Brown • Mr. William C. King 0 Mr. Thomas A. Manning Mr. Charles B. Motley, Jr. 0 Mr. Thomas Edward Siceloff 0 Mr. Eugene W. Smith •!• Mr. R. Keith Younger 0

fA GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Mr. Joseph L. Alexander • Mr. Archie C. Calhoun 0 Mr. Travis H. Crocker Mr. Jack Sterling Garnett, Jr. 0 Mr. Seth Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Matthews, Jr. Mr. Joseph B. Moore Mr. Harry L. Shiver 0 Mr. Roy Madison Underwood, Jr. •!• Mr. James Jonathan Withers •!•

rB GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) Mr. Joel Allen •!• Mr. Linwood A. Beverly, Jr. 0 Mr. Samuel F. Bryant •!• Mr. Philip 0. Casteel •!• Mr. Richard G. Howard •!• Mr. William G. Jenkins 0 Mr. Paul Moses •!• Matthew & Michelle Parker • Dr. Michael P. Rosenblatt 0 Mr. Paul Valentine Shebalin 0 Mr. David Simas 0 Mr. Thomas E. Treichler •!• Mr. Joseph VanCeleve Ill • Mr. James Vollmers 0 Tom & Jennifer White 0


GAMMA GAMMA (froy State) Mr. Shawn M. Gillis Mr. Gregory S. Ness, Jr. Dr. Brooks Thompson


GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Dr. Thomas H. Appleton, Jr. 0 Mr. Herbert W. Blow 0 Mr. Thomas W. Carrier, Jr.

(Western Carolina) Mr. Larry Franklin Callicutt 0 Mr. Marvin D. Cope • Mr. Max C. Daves, Jr. •!• Dr. Gerald E. Edlin 0 Mr. William M. Felsher •!• Mr. Matthew G. Mitchell Mr. Cliff Pickett Mr. Robert Shaver 0 Mr. Jerry A. Shepardson 0 Mr. William Stephen Smith •!• Mr. E. Jay Waller Ill •!• Mr. William Franklin Willis •


GAMMA ZETA (WV Tech) CAPT. William G. Conrad, Jr. •!• Mr. Michael J. Granieri, Jr. Mr. David L. Holt •!• Mr. Charles W.Hutzler 0 Kevin & Shannon Kirk 0 Mr. Clifton Albert Smith 0

rH GAMMA ETA (Athens) Mr. Thomas S. Reinke • Mr. Robert W. Slaybaugh II • Mr. Guy Z. Smith 0


GAMMA THETA (UNC-Wilmington) Mr. James M. Corcoran 0 Mr. James H. Farlow •!• Mr. Anthony C. Felts Mr. Jeffrey D. Hall •!• Mr. Leonard Haywood Harris 0 Mr. Larry M. Long 0 Mr. William D. McCaughan, Jr. •!• Mr. Henry C. Merritt, Jr. •!• Mr. Michael P. Waslicki G


GAMMA IOTA (LSU) Mr. Geoffrey Beatty Gamma G Mr. Todd Neelis Mr. Michael G. Porche 0 Mr. Ryan M. Thibodaux •!•

rK GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Mr. Roland M. Berry 0 Mr. Raymond Brown 0 Mr. Thomas E. Camp IV 0 Mr. Lee W. Davis D Mr. Buford L. Keene •!• Mr. Scott B. McElroy •!• Mr. Thomas J . McGrath Mr. Douglas E. McNiece, Jr. Mr. Robert J. Melton Mr. Joseph W. Odom, Jr. • Mr. Remer R. Pope •!• Mr. Richard W. Seaman 0 Mr. Jeffrey Bryan Thomason Mr. Christopher Arthur Wagner •!• fA GAMMA LAMBDA (Missouri -Rolla) Mr. Randy "Boom Boom" Curtis D Mr. Paul Keith Scherrer 0

rM GAMMA MU (Belmont Abbey) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Bolivar Green •!• Gregory Francis Kusic •!• Bruce A. Martin 0 Guy A. Piche D

iN GAMMA NU (LaGrange College) Mr. Jeffrey L. Esola •!• Mr. Ronald L. Farr 0 Mr. Jimmy Motes •!• Dr. Michael S. Rothschild •!• Mr. Ralph D. Sims 0

1=: GAMMAXI (Georgia Southwestern) Mr. Charles Cates Ill •!• Mr. Brian Christopher Czerw Mr. Steve 0. Perkins Mr. David Walter Suppes D


GAMMA RHO (Lander) Mr. James M. Manley, Jr. •!• Mr. Robert Mclean 0 Mr. Bernard F. Pannone 0 Mr. John W. Stanfield 0 Mr. Marion E. Thomas •!• Mr. Joel M. Wolbert 0 Mr. Barry C. Young •!• IT GAMMA SIGMA (Armstrong) Mr. Morgan F. Barnes •!• fY GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma State) Mr. Mark R. Christman • Mr. John Douglas Danvers D Mr. Dana L. Dillon Mr. Barry L. Howell • CAPT. (Or.) Gilbert 0. Sanders •


GAMMA PHI (S. Alabama) Mr. Michael E. Gabel 0 Mr. Larry H. Green D Mr. David L. LaRosa, Jr. 0 Mr. Thomas B. Peterson D Mr. J. Richard Rose •!• Dr. John G. VanDerwood •!•


GAMMA CHI (Jacksonville) Mr. Mickey Strocchi 0

r'¥ GAMMA PSI (Augusta) Justin & Marla Benfield D Mr. Russell M. Malone


GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo) Mr. Royce L. Lader •!• Mr. David L. Williams •


DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Mr. George M. Baldwin 0 Mr. Michael H. Buff 0 Mr. Douglas W. Edwards D Mr. Michael H. Gibbs LCDR Bruce Greenland •!• Mr. Gregory A. Honeycutt • Mr. David W. Huss •!• Mr. John R. Knier 0 Mr. William Earl Maycock 0 Mr. Steven Miller D Mr. Robert Anthony Moore Mr. James F. Overcash 0 Mr. Frederick W. Price 0 Mr. Jeffrey K. Shell D

.1H DELTA ETA (Morehead State) Mr. Jason A. Conley 0 Mr. Gregory Lane Kring D Mr. Thomas V. Mosher Mr. Trey Rigg •!• L1I DELTA lOTA (Middle TN State) Mr. Stephen L. Crass •!• Mr. Kevin R. Hunter •!•

M<. DELTA KAPPA (Pembroke State) Mr. Michael Douglas Quick DELTA LAMBDA (UNC-Charlotte) Mr. Michael R. Grubbs Mr. Mark C. Hall D Mr. David Scott Higgins •!• Robert A. Higgins, DDS 0 Mr. Charles A. Marus D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Miele •!• Mr. William S. Mumford •!• Mr. Richard G. Pope 0 Mr. Terry A. Reed 0 Mr. Eric C. Schott M

.1M DELTA MU (Methodist College) Mr. Roy M. Batton, Jr. 0 .1N DELTA NU (West Kentucky)

DELTA ALPHA (VA Poly. lnst.) Mr. Glenn Nolan Byrd •!• Mr. John N. Crist • Mr. Kelly James Hobbie •!• Mr. Paul M. Lavery D Mr. John C. Lucy Ill 0 R. Hall & Molly P. Squire 0 Stuart E. & Carmen G. Taylor 0 Mr. Stephan R. Weinland Mr. Christopher L. Wong •!• M

M3 DELTA BETA (North GA College) LTC Brian J. Austin 0 Mr. Richard F. Baker, Jr. •!• Mr. Richard C. Barr, Jr. D Mr. Steven G. Blackmon • CAPT Joel A. Brown Ill •!• Mr. Victor C. Eilenfield, MHA D LTC Scott 0. Fabozzi 0 LTC Victor D. Irvin D Mr. Charles A. May D Mr. Donald G. Morris Mr. Richard P. Moultrie •!• MAJ P.J. Rodgers, USA (ret) D Mr. Mason P. Sawyer Mr. Bobby L. Tefft 0 Mr. Tony Whitfield 0 CAPT Brian Yarbrough D DELTA DELTA (Truman State) Mr. Darryl C. Beach D Mr. David Ewigman •!• Mr. David D. Hennings II Mr. James C. Palmer D Mr. Steven Patrick Schmitt 0 Mr. Jim Shumake Mr. Josh A. Wansing 0 Mr. Michael R. Wood •!• Mr. Vern Wunnenberg 0 Mr. Michael R. Zolezzi •!• M

tiE DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) Mr. Barton L. Chandler 0

Mr. Bruce A. Masden 0 Mr. Donn E. Sapp D Mr. Carlos Tatum 0 L12 DELTA XI (North Alabama) Mr. Glenn Chaffin, Jr. 0 Mr. Stephen A. Pirkle •!• Mr. Jeffrey R. Suggs 0


DELTA PHI (Radford) Mr. James F. Collier CAPT. Michael P. Garlington 0 Mr. M. R. Ty Hamill Ill 0 Mr. Kevin R. Keys Mr. Jamie A. Penley Mr. John R. Spannuth Ill 0

EK EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Polytech State) Mr. Steve & Diane Brewer •!• Mr. Timothy A. Parham Mr. James A. Ransom 0 Mr. John D. Thompson 0 Mr. Bertinson N. Vu 0 •

AX DELTA CHI (Kansas State) Mr. Michael William Austin •!• Mr. Jeffrey C. Bullok 0 Mr. Steven L. Dreiling •!• Mr. Ed Enyeart •!• Aaron & Morree Floersch Mr. Steven C. Hill 0 Mr. Todd E. Johnson 0 Mr. Michael C. Kallas 0 Mr. G. Lawrence Keller Ill •!• Mr. Andrew G. Lammers D Mr. Bryan E. Meyer Mr. Henry V. Moyers Mr. William T. Ryan Mr. Craig A. Swenson 0 L1'¥ DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington) The Rt. Rev. Keith L. Ackerman 0 Mr. H. Grady Bell Ill •!• Mr. Billy L. Jacobs Mr. Michael J. Laningham Mr. Anthony Robledo IV 0 Mr. Bryan Heath Taylor •!• Mr. Keith L. Whitt D


M2 DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Lt. Abe A. Bush Ill •!• Dr. Enos Charles & Usa Joy Inniss •!• Mr. Kenneth Martinec 0 Mr. Brian W. Slay 0 Er EPSILON GAMMA (Longwood) Mr. James R. Dunn •!• Mr. Robert Stephen MeAra D Mr. Dale W. Rankin •!• Mr. Michael A. Schlegel Mr. D. Chauncey Sisco II D ELl EPSILON DELTA

(Auburn-Montgomery) SSGT. & Mrs. Russell Buckwalter Mr. Mark R. Cline D Mr. Timothy N. Hatch 0 Mr. David Maxwell Smith, Jr. •

.10 DELTA OMICRON (Nicholls State) Mr. Jacques David Frere •!• Mr. Ray S. Hebert 0

EE EPSILON EPSILON (Clinch Valley) Mr. George R. Becerra •!• Mr. Lee H. Lewis D Jay Patrick & Aleasha Stanley

.1P DELTA RHO (USC) Mr. Louis R. Fritz 0 Mr. Robert V. Graziano 0 Mr. Edward Anthony Lang Ill 0 Michael & Melanie Navarrete Mr. Charles M. Sarture II •!•

EZ EPSILON ZETA (Central Arizona) Mr. James R. Barker 0 Jeff D. Howard, Capt., US Army (ret.)


(Bowling Green State) Mr. John P. Babel •!• Mr. Anthony M. Bongiorno Mr. Thomas J. Gadus Mr. Anthony M. Kalich •!• Mr. Thomas G. Krach 0 Mr. Kevin M. Lotosky D Mr. Steven J. Trivisonno •!• Mr. Frank Veres, Jr. Mr. Kevin J. Yania 6 T DELTA TAU (James Madison) Mr. Peter T. Alberse Ill Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Grappone Mr. Erick A. Hansen Mr. Jerry P. Keilsohn • Chris & Kathy Kelly •!•

.1Y DELTA UPSILON (Univ. of Pittsburg) Mr. Scott V. Cesare Mr. Thomas J. Kaynak

EH EPSILON ETA (Winthrop) Mr. Joel H. Byars D Mr. Jeffrey A. Mahoney D Mr. Thomas J. Sacco •!•

EA EPSILON LAMBDA (South Carolina - Spartanburg) Mr. Richard W. Allen Mr. Don K. Foster 0 EM EPSILON MU (Bradley Unlv.) Mr. Carl L. Aten

CAPT. Don Chapman 0 Mr. Robert J. Gromala Mr. Gregory Jumbeck Mr. John H. Karagiannis Mr. Jason McDowell •!• Mr. Richard Proce 0 Mr. Michael E. Rudofski Mr. Brandon 0 . Webber •!• EN EPSILON NU (Sacramento State) Mr. Stephen J. Brown Mr. James Cassinelli 0 Mr. Todd J. Rehfuss • Mr. Kim Allen Spannuth D Mr. Stuart E. Volker D EO EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) Mr. Joseph A. Brady Ill • Mr. Patrick J. Brala •!• Mr. Stephen Charles Ferraro 0

Ell EPSILON PI (VA Commonwealth) Mr. James G. Brann, Jr. 0 Mr. Chris Herrod 0 Mr. Erik T. Larson Mr. David C. Menk 0 Mr. David A. Perkins 0 Mr. Aaron Perlut 0 Mr. Merle E. Robertson Ill Mr. Everett N. Taylor Ill •!• Mr. R. Michael Valentine D EP EPSILON RHO (Lenoir-Rhyne College) Mr. Kenneth C. Brown •!• Mr. Mark H. Dellinger Mr. William C. Farris, CPA Mr. James L. Gibson Ill Mr. Ronald Lee Ingram •!• Mr. Donald R. Jarboe D Mr. Aage Christian Lindstad Mr. Kristopher L. Utman Mr. William R. Rhyne, Jr. •!• Mr. Bruce R. Royer 0 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Voletto 0 Mr. John A. Williams 0 E:L EPSILON SIGMA (Christian Brothers) Mr. Bret F. Busch 0 Mr. Richard L. Erickson D Mr. Raymond H. Saunderson •!• ET EPSILON TAU (St. Joseph's) Mr. Arthur B. Paltz 0

Ee EPSILON THETA (Seton Hall) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Michael J. Alfonzo Michael Salvatore D'Amico Richard P. Haber 0 Peter M. Laurina Mohamad V. Mirghahari Steven J. Veit

EI EPSILON IOTA (UNC-Greensboro) Mr. Jeffrey J. Casterline Mr. William R. Clark Mr. Chad A. Coltrane •!• Mr. Charles R. Cote 0 Mr. David Craft •!• Mr. Robert L. Emory Mr. Gregory B. Larimore 0 Mr. Bruce P. O'Keefe Mr. John B. Peters Mr. Ronald E. Stark Mr. Elliott C. Wilson 0

EY EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) Mr. Wyatt H. Davis Mr. William C. Williams •!• E\1' EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) Mr. Jerrit M. Park Mr. Scott Pilotti 0

En EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech.) Mr. Peter Logan Dudley •!• Mr. Edward Gyula Finta •!• Mr. Matthew K. Grigsby 0 Mr. Jeff Kirsch Mr. Michael J. Kroeger 0 Mr. Toby Kubis Mr. James A. Kuch 0 Mr. Robert A. Kurima 0 Mr. James P. Martin D



Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. Ariel T. Melendez 0 Mr. Bradley J. Neu Mr. Drew A. Roberson Mr. Blake Andrew Thomas •!• Mr. Jason S. Valerius Mr. Wardell C. Wright, Jr. 0


ZETA PI (Marshall) Mr. Christopher L. Conley 0 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn David Francisco Mr. Brian T. Goldstein 0 Mr. John H. Lewis Mr. Christopher T. McNeely

ZA ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) John & Shea Bradford 0

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Scott C. Gasparini • James R. Heil 0 Michael A. Perotta Robert F. Turner Ill

ZB ZETA BETA (UC-San Diego) Mr. David Brian Bleiweiss 0 Mr. Eric R. McMillan 0 Or. Keith V. Rundle 0

zr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Paul Elliott Lewis Robert E. Perkins II 0 Robert D. Scott, Jr. David J. Thomas 0

ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota) Matthew Coleman Shad Fetters Jesse Shane Fool Bear Steven A. Gosnell 0 David W. Kirkland •!• Joseph C. Kraft 0 Kirk J. Rustvold 0 Steward E. Sandstrom • Jonathon M. Weiss Michael A. Welvaert 0

ZETA DELTA (Shippensburg) Mr. Chad A. Alban Mr. Timothy Jon Heffner 0 Mr. Richard H. Hiltner 0 Mr. Matthew James Lauro Mr. Michael K. Micheli Mr. Jeffery A. Neiderer U

ZE ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) Mr. Andre Arman Mr. Jeffrey M. Armstrong •!• Alan & Molly Duesterhaus •!• Mr. D. Richard Embrey 0 Mr. Juan J. Miyares •!• Mr. Timothy John Quick •!• Mr. Lee M. Quick 0 Mr. Joseph L. Suarez Mr. Michael Utell ZZ ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Mr. Leif H. Anderson Mr. Mattew A. Berling Mr. Steven J. Borowiec 0 LCDR. R. H. Cheyne, Jr. 0 Mr. Nicholas A. Centner Mr. Keith L. Edwards 0 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Powers •!• Mr. John C. Powers, Jr. 0 Mr. Tom my Yip

ZP ZETARHO (California State - Fullerton) Mr. John Martin Deacy* 0 Mr. David B. Ruele 0 Mr. Armando R. Sanbrano 0 Mr. Victor C. Valencia •

HM ETA MU (Wingate) Mr. Jeffrey T. Brown Mr. JeffreyS. Moody Mr. Scott A. Wilson

HN ETA NU (Pennsylvania) Mr. Joshua I. S. Bleier 0 Lawrence & Geri Kreiner Litt 0 HO ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State) Mr. Ripendip Bains Mr. Joshua C. Fergus HTI ETA PI (Coastal Carolina) Mr. John P. Burnside Mr. Mark J. Miller

ZL ZETA SIGMA (UC-Davis) Mr. Sean Patrick Green 0

HP ETARHO (Southwest Texas State) Mr. Robert L. Moffett Ill 0

ZT ZETA TAU (Barton College) Mr. Tim A. Osborn •!•

ill: ETA SIGMA (UCLA) Mr. Kenneth M. Chong

zy ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg) Mr. Thomas Muller 0 Z<f> ZETA PHI (Colorado State) Mr. Anthony C. Bolander ZX ZETA CHI (Albright College) Dr. John J. Dasher, Jr. 0 Mr. Robert W. Holliday


ZETA OMEGA (Towson) Mr. Brian C. Dempsey Mr. George E. Linares Mr. Benjamin DouglasMaknight Wade Mr. Kevin D. Yates 0 HA ETA ALPHA (Concord College) Mr. MichaelS. Spain 0 HB ETA BETA (Indiana State) Mr. Bruce Bursey 0

Hr ETAGAMMA (Colorado - Boulder) Mr. Eron Ashley Mr. Robert Gould IV 0 Mr. Michael Scott Hartman 0 Mr. Kenneth J. Heidemann 0 Mr. Bret M. Heidemann 0

HT ETA TAU (Kentucky) Mr. David J. Millay Mr. Jamey E. Yonce HY ETA UPSILON (Miami) Mr. Nicholas Ballinger 0 Mr. Axel Estable 0 Mr. Greg Grilliot 0 Mr. John T. Healy •!• Mr. Greg Lowe Mr. Brad Mawer Michael & Tara McKernan •!• Mr. Stephen E. Whitby + H<l> ETA PHI (UMBC) Mr. Stephen J. Grenfell, Jr. Mr. Bryan D. Sysko HX ETA CHI (TCU) Mr. G. Christopher Matthews 0 Mr. Kenneth J. Oubre, Jr. Mr. William Pinnell Ill Mr. Benjamin Roman 0 Mr. Charles T. Sewell

H'¥ ETA PSI (Central Florida) Mr. Joseph Regenstein IV Mr. Chip K. Volke HQ ETAOMEGA

f£1 ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Mr. Dan W. Boles Mr. Robert D. Evans Mr. Alton D. Fortney •!• Mr. Kevin M. Kline Mr. Roy H. Little Ill 0

(New Mexico State) Mr. Shane L. Bowden Mr. Ruben J. Talavera


ZETA THETA (Texas- Austin) Mr. Bob Rocket0 Mr. Tracy D. Maddux + ZI ZETA lOTA (I UP) Mr. Charles Geraci Mr. Stephen E. Whitby +

HZ ETA ZETA (Queens College) Mr. Douglas R. Biggs 0 Mr. Michael Register

ZK ZETA KAPPA (Richard Stockton College) Mr. Steven C. Meincke 0 ZA ZETA LAMBDA (CS-Chico) Mr. Shaw L. Grubb 0


HH ETA ETA (UC- Irvine) Mr. Arthur S. Charchian 0 Mr. Matt J. Traum HE> ETA THETA (San Francisco) Mr. Cosmo A. Taormina Mr. Nelson Wong

ZM ZETA MU (California State-Northridge} Mr. Rogers L. Adams, Jr. Mr. James Benson •!• Mr. Randy Lewis Plaice 0 Mr. Stephan M. Wilcox •!•

ZE ZETA XI (Averett College) Mr. Robert V. Alexander 0 Mr. M. Andrews Cervantes 0 Mr. Rafael Cervantes 0 Tim & Patty Chambers 0 Mr. Tommy Foster

HE ETA EPSILON (Maryland) Capt. Wesley J. Butts, USAF0 Mr. Michael John Friedman Mr. Ross Wesley Knoblauch 0 Mr. James E. Rzepkowski

HI ETA IOTA (Christopher Newport) Mr. Timothy D. Campbell, •!• •

HK ETA KAPPA (SUNY- Plattsburgh) Mr. Timothy C Gray Mr. Paul M. Schneeloch, Jr. 0 HA ETA LAMBDA (SUNY - Brockport) Mr. Richard W. Alden 0


0A THETA ALPHA (Southern Mississippi) Mr. Chad B. Cornett Mr. Jared 0. Hopkins 0 Mr. Kyle Thompson

FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNI Each year a number of nonmembers demonstrate their support of our efforts with a gift to the Foundation. Parents, spouses, relatives, employers, staff and other non-member donors are listed here with grateful appreciation of their generous support in 2001. Mrs. Susan D. Dhonau Ms. Lori Hart Ebert, PhD. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Fehr Mrs. Shirley L. Hardee Mrs. Lillian Jost Mrs. Betty Lowell*~ Mr. Walter Luhrman Mr. & Mrs. Trey Lyons Sally & Pete McArdle George W. & Rose Marie McNeese Most Blessed Sacrament Church Mr. L. Richard Pedersen Mrs. George E. Sheetz*~ Ms. Joann M. Westfall



NU PHI SOCI .... The Nu Phi Society recognizes those alumni who have attended five or more Supreme Chapters, as well as those who have held the title of Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, or have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. The 2001 Nu Phi members are:

THE OWEN INITIATIVE Mr. Joseph L. Alexander, This program was created to recognize individuals who make gifts in honor of Executive Director Emeritus Durward W. Owen, for his outstanding 35 years of service to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. In 2001, the following honored Durward by making a gift to The Owen Initiative.

Gamma Alpha rJVest Alabama) Mr. JeffreyS. Boggan, Zeta (Wofford) Mr. Evan A. Erickson, Alpha Delta (Washington) Mr. David Scott Higgins, Delta Lambda (UNC - Charlotte) Mr. Michael Leo O'Donnell, Alpha Epsilon (Rorida)

Mr. Julius E. Burges r GAMMA Mr. Steven S. Ryder I IOTA Mr. Parker H. Petit Mr. James Garrison Pritchett Jr. K KAPPA Mr. W. Stuart Hicks A LAMBDA Mr. Frank L. Lane M MU Mr. William D. Fuqua Mr. Frank T. Wrenn Ill E XI Hon. James C. Turk Mr. Durward W. Owen Mr. Edward Lyons Corson II Mr. Allen 0. Woody Ill Mr. Dudley F. Woody Mr. John J. Ribar, Jr. (Tim) 0 OMICRON Dr. A.J. Strickland Ill (Lonnie) Mr. Travis P. Julian Mr. Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. Mr. R. Nathan Hightower P RHO Mr. Richard G. Anderson l: SIGMA Mr. Jerry T. Brewer Mr. Walter H. Pickens, Jr. Y UPSILON Mr. James G. Schalin X CHI Mr. Bruce L. Rogers 'Y PSI Mr. Robert J. Wilcox Mr. John S. Kirk Mr. William F. Newell n OMEGA Mr. David G. Lane Mr. Emmanual O'Drobinak Mr. Greg V. Linder AE ALPHA EPSILON Mr. Richard C. Bartlett Mr. Robert J. Paterno Mr. Mark E. Timmes AZ ALPHA ZETA Mr. David H. Vawter Ae ALPHA THETA Mr. Matthew J. Shaheen AI ALPHA IOTA Mr. Frank Howard Hawthorne, Sr. Mr. James Ernest Johnson AO ALPHA OMICRON Mr. Eldred J. Harman Mr. Warren R. Madden Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom Dr. Frank M. Parrish Ill Mr. Emmerson D. Linney


ALPHA SIGMA Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr. AY ALPHA UPSJLON Mr. Walter Keith Sheppard A 'I' ALPHA PSI Dr. Phillip Max Summers BA BETA ALPHA Mr. Stephen P. DePalma Mr. James A. Krucher Mr. John F. Lee, Jr. Mr. John E. Pugliesi B.!\ BETA DELTA Mr. Robert A. Cione BE BETA EPSILON Mr. Jay Joseph Stucke! BK BETA KAPPA Mr. Kenneth J. Cribbs BM BETA MU Mr. Richard B. Smith Dr. C. Mitchell Adrian Mr. Wilfred R. Bourne, Jr. fA GAMMA ALPHA Mr. Joseph L. Alexander r.!\ GAMMA DELTA BG Thomas L. Carter, USAFR rK GAMMA KAPPA Dr. Perry Wayne Buffington Mr. Glenn Aspinwall rN GAMMA NU Mr. Shawn G. Zwilling rE GAMMA XI Mr. William L. Finney r<~> GAMMA PHI Mr. Frank DuBois Havard M DELTA DELTA Mr. John R. Andrews L\2 DELTA ZETA Mr. Gregory L. Ball M DELTA LAMBDA Mr. William C. Jackson, Jr. Mr. Francis C. Proctor, Jr. AW DELTA PSI Mr. Billy L. Jacobs Mr. Mark F. Jacobs EE EPSILON EPSILON Dr. David Michael Donathan EN EPSILON NU Mr. Robert E. Langbein EO EPSILON OMICRON Mr. Joseph A. Brady Ill 'ZA ZETA ALPHA Mr. Scott C. Gasparini 'ZB ZETA THETA Mr. Tracy D. Maddux ZP ZETA RHO Mr. Victor C. Valencia 1M ETA DELTA Mr. Kenneth S. Smith

Memorial Gifts Mr. Robert Broadwell, Beta Omicron (Northwestern State), in honor of Mr. George William Mandeville

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Shively in honor of Mr. Issac Glenn Shively, Rho (Washington & Lee)

Dr. William M. Felsher, Gamma Epsilon (Western Carolina), in honor of Mr. James Douglas Rollins

Mr. James Lee Thompson, Kappa (North Carolina), in honor of Mr. Walter Herbert Moore

Mrs. Mary Knight Hill, in honor of Mr. John Tillis Hill, Alpha Lambda (Mississippi)

Jimmy & Susan Thompson, Kappa (North Carolina), in honor of Mr. James Davis Worsham



THE GATEWAY SOCIETY The Gateway Society recognizes those individuals who make known to us their plans to include Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans or have made a gift to the Foundation through a Bequest, Charitable Remainder Trust, Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Lead Trust, Life Insurance, Charitable Remainder Annuity or a Deferred Gift Annuity. The Society was created to thank these caring and dedicated alumni during their lifetime for gifts that will be received at some future date. Planned gifts offer the donor significant tax advantages and afford them the opportunity to make a long-term difference through the Foundation. Those Brothers who have currently indicated that Pi Kappa Phi has been included in their estate plans are listed below: ALPHA Mr. Daniel B. Barry Mr. Julius E. Burges Mr. Thomas L. Hudson Mr. David H. Jaffee Dr. Richard B. Voorneveld GAMMA Neil B. & Maple M. Weatherall ZETA Mr. Jesse C. Crimm ETA Mr. P. Seale Hipp KAPPA Mr. W. Stuart Hicks LAMBDA Mr. Frank L. Lane Mr. James L. Lester Phil & Lisa Tappy Mr. David E. Tidmore XI Mr. David R. Glow, Ed.D. Mr. Edward L. Corson II Mr. Reginald W. Gravely, Jr. Mr. Durward W. Owen Hon. James C. & Barbara D. Turk Mr. Tim Ribar Mr. Allen 0 . Woody Ill Mr. Dudley F. Woody OMICRON Mr. Travis P. Julian Dr. Lonnie Strickland Ill RHO Mr. Richard G. Anderson SIGMA Mr. James A. Quinn II UPSILON Mr. Michael A. Lowery Mr. James G. Schalin PSI Mr. Richard S. Shull ALPHA EPSILON Mr. Albert E. Luer Mr. Michael L. 0 ' Donnell Mr. Mark E. Timmes ALPHA ZETA Mr. James S. Marsh Mr. David H. Vawter ALPHA KAPPA Mr. Mark E. Perrin ALPHAMU Kevin & Kim Murphy ALPHA XI LTC George A. Carleton, Ill ALPHA OMICRON Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom Mr. Walter C. Dorr


ALPHA PSI Dr. Phillip M. Summers BETA ALPHA Mr. Stephen P. DePalma Mr. James A. Krucher BETA GAMMA Mr. Ronald E. Krebs Dr. Warren D. Robb BETA ETA Mr. Christopher D. New BETA UPSILON Mr. Walter H. Brinkman Mr. Glenn A. Dickson Mr. George F. Shipp DELTA DELTA John & Cheryl Andrews DELTA ZETA Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton DELTA LAMBDA Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Cannon Mr. William C. Jackson, Jr. DELTA SIGMA Mr. John P. Babel Ken & Angela Kaiser DELTA CHI Mr. Tim Lindemuth DELTA PSI Mr. Mark F. Jacobs EPSILON IOTA Mr. Steven T. Kirkman EPSILON OMEGA Mr. Timothy E. Haen GAMMA KAPPA Mr. A. Glenn Aspinwall Dr. Perry W. Buffington GAMMANU Mr. Ronald J. deValinger GAMMA XI William L. & Jane S. Finney Michael & Jennifer Hall GAMMA PHI Mr. Frank D. Havard GAMMA OMEGA Mr. R. Jeffrey McGhee ZETA PSI Mr. Michael F. Gorski

NATIONAL PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE The undergraduate giving club of the Foundation, the National President's Circle allows student members the privilege of supporting the work of the Foundation through a small annual gift and a commitment to continue their support of the Foundation following graduation. The 2001 members are listed below. We thank these young men for setting the example for others to follow in supporting the continuing educational mission of the Foundation. ALPHA Mr. William A. Gordon Mr. Trey Riddle DELTA Mr. Joseph P. Erwin Mr. John A. McArthur Ill Mr. James E. Neves, Jr. Mr. David B. Traggorth Mr. Bart Wallin Mr. Allen Kendall Webb ZETA Mr. Gary W. Cooper, Jr. IOTA Mr. Colin 0. Gillens Mr. Joshua Jude Lang CHI Mr. Raymond J. Martin, Jr. Mr. Brandon J. Waters



OMEGA Mr. Joshua A. Peter ALPHA GAMMA Mr. Trevor G. Francis ALPHA IOTA Mr. James C. Delaney Mr. W. Scott Finney Mr. Michael V. Portacci ALPHA PHI Mr. Brian J. Hess Mr. Matthew E. Hunt Mr. Christopher L. McCabe Mr. Scott T. Waicekauskas BETA ALPHA Mr. Brian DeCastro BETA THETA Mr. Drew M. Hoffos BETA IOTA Mr. Nicholas T. Buchman BETA OMICRON Mr. Chad C. Black GAMMA ALPHA Mr. Travis H. Crocker Mr. Joseph B. Moore GAMMA DELTA Mr. Thomas W. Carrier, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Crews, Jr. Mr. Eric A. Hogan GAMMA IOTA Mr. Todd Neelis DELTA ALPHA Mr. Paul M. Lavery DELTA BETA Mr. Mason P. Sawyer DELTA ETA Mr. Thomas V. Mosher DELTA SIGMA Mr. Anthony M. Bongiorno Mr. Frank Veres, Jr. Mr. Kevin J. Vania DELTA CHI Mr. Bryan E. Meyer Mr. Henry V. Moyers EPSILON THETA Mr. Michael J. Alfonzo Mr. Peter M. Laurina Mr. Mohamad V. Mirghahari EPSILON LAMBDA Mr. Richard W. Allen EPSILON MU Mr. John H. Karagiannis EPSILON RHO Mr. Kristopher L. Litman ZETA GAMMA Mr. Jesse Shane Fool Bear ZETA EPSILON Mr. Andre Arman Mr. Michael Utell ZETA ZETA Mr. Leif H. Anderson Mr. Nicholas A. Contner ZETA MU Mr. Rogers L. Adams, Jr. ETA DELTA Mr. Dan W. Boles ETA PI Mr. John P. Burnside ETA PHI Mr. Stephen J. Grenfell, Jr. Mr. Bryan D. Sysko ETA PSI Mr. Joseph Regenstein IV ETA OMEGA Mr. Shane L. Bowden Mr. Ruben J . Talavera THETA ALPHA Mr. Chad B. Cornett ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS ST JOHNS Mr. Matthew Dandola Mr. Andrew Lyons DELTA EPSILON Mr. Anthony Easterwood Mr. Jason B. Wallace MARQUE I I E Mr. Nathanael J. Karow

RESTRICTED GIFTS Many donors choose to support specific programs of the Foundation with their contribution. These gifts allow these important programs and services to continue by providing a sound financial base. We gratefully acknowledge and recognize the following individuals for their special support this past year.

STAR Program

Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr, Jack K. Berlien Omega (Purdue) Mr. Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. Omicron (Alabama) Ms. Lori Hart Ebert, PhD Mr. Gregory J. Klein Omega (Purdue) Mr. Parker H. Petit Iota (Georgia Tech) Mr. Bruce L. Rogers Chi (Stetson)

Volunteer Initiative Fund Mr. Steven J. Borowiec Zeta Zeta (North Florida) Mr. Bret M. Heidemann Eta Gamma (Colorado) Mr, Irvin P. Howard Ill Delta Delta (Truman State) Mr. Walter Keith Sheppard Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sigmon Alpha Sigma (Tennessee) Mr. Dwayne K. Todd Alpha Eta (Samford)

Academic Coaches Mr. John R. Andrews Delta Delta (Truman State)


Corporate Matching Gifts Many companies offer to match employee gifts to qualified non-profit, tax exempt foundations and charities. Your human resources department can provide you with information on matching programs offered by your employer. The following companies made a matching gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in 2001:

Microsoft Corporation United Way XYZ Corporation

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation I

The mission of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is to provide support

for the educational programs of the Fraternity. Educational support provided by the Foundation in 2001 included: Leadership Schools



Leadership Institute

The Foundation grants money to offset the educational costs ofPi Kappa Phi's leadership schools, including Pi Kapp College, Supreme Academy at Supreme Chapter and the Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. By attending these schools, undergraduates learn effective techniques on leadership, personal growth and development, motivation and organizational skills. The hallmark of our Leadership Institute features an outstanding program, Stephen R. Covey's 7 Habits ofHighly Effective People.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People This seminar is corporate-level leadership training from the best in personal development. Conducted by Covey trained Pi Kappa Phi facilitators, this seminar gives our members an edge in an ever competitive world. Past participants have called this the ultimate" in productivity and improvement workshops. Through program funding by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, students receive the same materials and training that is offered to management employees of major corporations at a fraction of the price. The program is presented annually through eight regional conclaves. I(

Collegiate Success Program

Throughout the undergraduate experience, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation retains the services ofAcademic and work Coaches on every campus. These faculty members receive an annual stipend from the Foundation Academic Coaches exclusively with the members of the undergraduate chapter and deliver our Collegiate Success Program curriculum to chapter members. The Academic Coach serves as an advisor and mentor to the chapter, providing group and individual assistance to ensure the academic success ofevery student. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national college fraternity to provide Academic Coaches for its undergraduate members; yet another example of why Pi Kappa Phi is America's Leading Fraternity.


Creating A Life Strategy

A dynamic career and life success seminar that helps prepare the undergraduate for life after college. Designed by a Fortune 100 consultant, it is another Foundation supported program that provides a decisive advantage as our young graduates prepare to enter the ureal world" and their professional career.

An exciting new Foundation funded program, STAR - Students Talking about Alcohol and Responsibility" is a highly effective workshop which helps undergraduate members make informed and responsible choices regarding alcohol use. Following an intense half-day seminar, the STAR Program staff conducts follow-up - . -¡--research over a three month period, reporting results and positive change to our chapters. Sixteen chapters received STAR training in 2001, with 70 total scheduled to participate in the program in the 2001-2002 school year. If

Volunteer Initiative Like any large organization, it takes a dedicated corps ofvolunteers to make things happen. Pi Kappa Phi is blessed with thousands of alumni brothers who give something back with their time and talent. Acting as advisors and mentors to our chapters, these lifelong brothers serve as Chapter Advisors, District Counselors, Regional Governors, Ambassadors and more. Through support from the Foundation, our goal is to recruit, train and support 2004 volunteer leaders by the year 2004 - the 1OOth Anniversary of Pi Kappa Phi.

Chapter Investment Funds These chapter-level endowment funds, which are established through and maintained by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, encourage alumni and others to make tax-deductible contributions on behalfoftheir chapter. Grants are made to the chapter for approved educational uses, such as installing a computer, expanding a chapter library, and offsetting costs to attend Fraternity sponsored educational and leadership programs.


The Foundation provides a number ofscholarships to deserving undergraduates. Several are designed specifically for associate members and to recognize those who have made significant improvement in their grade point average. Each Pi Kappa Phi scholarship is awardedfor chapter, campus and community leadership and involvement as well as academic achievement, once again focusing on our goal to create men of CLASS - Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship and Service.


2001 FO""" DATION



Outstanding Associate Members Awarded to undergraduate new members whose academic excellence gets them off to the right start and sets an example for other chapter brothers to follow:

Peter Bacopoules, Eta Psi (Central Florida) Clay H. Britton, Epsilon Alpha (Elon) Darrell K. Grissen, Alpha Psi (Indiana) Shaun R. Lewis, Alpha Theta (Michigan State) Sajeed Popat, Eta Epsilon (Maryland) Jamie L. Walters, Sigma (South Carolina)

Turnaround Scholars Presented to Brothers who demonstrate hard work and character by making significant improvement in their academic performance:

James S. Long, Eta Psi (Central Florida) Michael B. Salisbury, Jr., Eta Psi (Central Florida)

Pi Kapp Scholars · Awarded to juniors and seniors who combine consistently outstanding academic performance with leadership and service to the fraternity and their campus:

Nathan A. Holic, Eta Psi (Central Florida) Brian D. Koosed, Eta Upsilon (Miami) Kyle C. Longest, Alpha Psi (Indiana) Joshua J. Phoebus, Epsilon Alpha (Elon) Claudio RoumainOchoa, Eta Gamma (Colorado) Todd G. Royles, Alpha Mu (Penn State)

The Jack M. Casper Leadership Society Funded by alumnus Jack M Caspe~; Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) and endowed through the Foundation, The Jack M Casper Leadership Society was created to annually recognize and reward sophomore or junior undergraduate members who have demonstrated superior leadership and academic performance in the name ofPi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Nominees must complete an interview and essay, have a 3.0 or higher GPA, currently hold or have held a chapter leadership position and show campus and community involvement beyond membership in Pi Kappa Phi.

•Recipients of the Jack M. Casper Leadership Society Award receive the following: •Recognition at Pi Kapp College or Supreme Chapter with an award plaque and provided travel and lodging. •One day participation in an outdoor leadership and training adventure school during the summer leadership conference. •Invitation to attend the Annual Trustees & Governors Banquet and be recognized for selection to the Society. •Full Scholarship to attend the North American Interfraternity Conference's "Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Institute" (UIFI) held each summer for Greek leaders nationwide. •Recognition in the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's Annual Report, along with notification to college and local newspaper of selection. The Foundation proudly recognizes the 2001 Jack M. Casper Leadership Society members: Pictured left to right:

Jared E. Dumpe, Alpha Alpha (Mercer) Nicholas W. Cook, Gamma Delta (Memphis) Scott LaGanga, Eta Epsilon (Maryland) Mr. Jack M. Casper Claudio RoumainOchoa, Eta Gamma (Colorado)





BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom

Chairman Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Allen 0. Woody III

Vice Chairman Xi (Roanoke) Mr. Jack M. Casper

Secretary/Treasurer Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Mr. Harry E. Caldwell, Jr.

National President Omicron (Alabama)

BG Thomas L. Carter, USAFR Gamma Delta (Memphis) Mr. Patrick J. Danehy Delta Zeta (Appalachian State)

COMMITTEES Executive Committee Chairman: Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom, Alpha Omicron (Iowa & BG Thomas L. Carter, USAFR, Gamma Delta (Memphis) Mr. Jack M. Casper, A lpha Upsilon (Drexel) Mr. Patrick J. Danehy, Delta Zeta (Appalachian State) Dr. Frank M. Parrish III, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Frederic "Fritz" Schroeder III, D elta Tau (James Madison) Mr. Allen 0. Woody III, X i (Roanoke) Alumni Relations Committee Chairman: BG Thomas L. Carter, USAFR, Gamma Delta (Mo" Mr. John Andrews, Delta D elta (Truman State) Mr. Jerry T. Brewer, Sigma (South Carolina) Mr. David Jaffee, Alpha (Charleston) Mr. Durward W. Owen, X i (Roanoke) Development Committee Chairman: Mr. Frederic "Fritz" Schroeder Ill, Delta Tau (.A Mr. Jim "Tripp" Hall III, Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma) Mr. Christopher L. McGown, Eta Alpha (Concord) Mr. Gary A. Meadows, Chi (Stetson) Mr. Wayne R. Moore, A lpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Kevin K. Murphy, A lpha Mu (Penn State) Mr. Robert Plummer, Beta Omega (East TN State)


Mr. Stephen P. DePalma

Beta Alpha (NJIT)

Distribution & Stewardship Committee Chairman: Dr. Frank M. Parrish III, Alpha Omicron (Iowa .... Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom, A lpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Jack M. Casper, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Mr. Stephen P. DePalma, Beta Alpha (NJIT) Mr. Glenn A. Dickson, Beta Up silon (Virg inia) Mr. R. Nathan Hightower, Omicron (A labama) Mr. David G. Lane, Omega (Purdue)


Mr. Eldred J. Harman

Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Frank D. Havard

Gamma Phi (South Alabama) Mr. R. Nathan Hightower

Omicron (Alabama) Mr. FrankL. Lane

Lambda (Georgia)

Investnzent Committee Chairman: Mr. Patrick J. Danehy, Delta Zeta (Appalachian Mr. Kelley A. Bergstrom, A lpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Thomas E. Camp IV, Gamma Kappa (Georgia Sout Mr. Jack M. Casper, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Mr. Eldred J. Harman, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Parker H. Petit, Iota (Georgia Tech) Mr. Allen 0. Woody III, X i (Roanoke) o..-M

Dr. Frank M. Parrish ID

Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) Mr. Parker H. Petit

Iota (Georgia Tech) FOUNDATION STAFF

Mr. Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer Alpha Epsilon (Florida) mtimmes~pikapp.org

Mr. Richard F. Baker, Jr. COON P of Development Delta Beta (North Georgia) dbaker@pikapp.org

Ms. Courtney Myers Director of Alumni Services cmyers~pikapp.org

Ms. Joann Westfall Foundation Executive Assistant jwestfall@pikapp. org

Board of Governors Mr. Richard G. Anderson, Rho (Washington & L ee) Mr. Richard C. Bartlett, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) Mr. Jerry T. Brewer, Sigma (South Carolina) Mr. Gene Cartledge, Omicron (Alabama) Mr. Jack M. Casper, A lpha Up silon (Drexel) Mr. William L. Finney, Gamma Xi (Georg ia Southwestern) Mr. W. Stuart Hicks, Kappa (UNC-Chapel Hill) Mr. R. Nathan Hightower, Omicron (Alabama) THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Prominent alumni who have served the Mr. W. Bernard Jones, Alpha (Charleston) Fraternity in a significant leadership Mr. Travis P. Julian, Omicron (A labama) capacity and who have been major donors are nominated to serve on the Board of Mr. David G. Lane, Omega (Purdue) Governors. These brothers have served as Mr. Durward W. Owen, Xi (Roanoke) a past official, volunteer leader, Mr. Pi Mr. Randy Y. Owen, D elta Epsilon (Jacksonville State) Kappa Phi or Hall of Fame Member. The Governors assist the Foundation in an Dr. Frank M. Parrish, III, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) advisory capacity; participate in national Mr. William J. Rickert, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State) and local alumni events and fund raising activities. They also support the mission of Mr. Walter Keith Sheppard, A lpha Upsilon (Drexel) the Foundation through a lifelong financial Dr. A. J. Strickland III, Omicron (A labama) commitment. Honorable James C. Turk, Xi (Roanoke) •



As a ninth generation North Carolinian, this Pi Kapp sticks to his roots and enjoys Hollywood success on the opposite coast. BY BEN ROMAN

or Craig Fincannon, Delta Lambda (UNC Charlotte), being part of an organization with deep roots in the South has taught him the value of heritage and the strength of camaraderie. He'll tell you that the concept of "integrity in all you do" was instilled in him by his parents, the Boy Scouts of America, and Pi Kappa Phi. "Undergraduate days are about finding yourself, fun, and growth,'' he says. "But you are also undergoing changes that you may not be aware of. As you go through this period, you are establishing life choices that will stay with you throughout your adulthood." Brother Fincannon joined Delta Lambda Chapter's first new member class in 1974 during his first semester. He was majoring in acting and had a flair for public speaking. That flair and a strong sense of spirituality eventuallybrought him to the office of chaplain. "Because the chapter had only been chartered the semester before I started school...the enthusiasm for this new endeavor was at a fever pitch,' he says. "I was swept up along with all my (pledge) brothers." Craig fondly remembers the flag ~

football game where the pledges beat the brothers (they exacted their revenge in the re-match), clearing the site for the new National Headquarters building, traveling as a chapter to the NIT and Final Four with their basketball team, and organizing a concert with the group Alabama for Push America. As an undergraduate at UNCC and through graduate work at the University of Virginia, Brother Fincannon trained as an actor and stage director. His earlygoal was to make a living as thespian, but he soon realized that he would need to make a big move to New York or Los Angeles to have a shot at substantial success. When all was said and done, hechose to marry, raise a family, and stayin North Carolina. Remarkably, the motion picture industry added North Carolina as a production center in the early 1980's and he was at the right place at the right time. Due to his acting background, he gravitated to the area of casting on his first project, "Straker Ace", a Burt Reynolds film. Through his company Fincannon & Associates, In c. , founded in 1979, he has been involved as a casting director, production executive, and producer on over 300 film

projects. His casting director credits include: "The Prince of Tides", "Days of Thunder", "The Patriot", TV's "Dawson's Creek", "Matlock", and "American Gothic". As a producer, he's working on the upcoming Showtime film "Waterproof' with Burt Reynolds and Orlando Jones. Fincannon &Associates, Inc. has been a family affair with his partners being his brother Mark and wife Lisa Mae. Through family (he has two children, Ashley and Erin) and life, Craig has learnedplenty of lessons. He offers this, "True success rarelycomes alone. Your ability to network with friends and colleagues will have the greatest bearing on your ability to succeed. Pi Kappa Phi laid a great foundation for me in this area." J.l

AND THE AWARD GOES TO • In 1998, Craig Fincannon, Delta Lambda (UNC Charlotte), was awarded the Emmy for outstanding casting in a miniseries, for " From the Earth to the Moon". " I was surprised how nerve racking it was for me," he recalls. " Sitting in the audience, you ' re coo l and collected ... until they read your name as a nominee. You can hear your heart in your ears. " o


IEUTENANT ABE BUSH, Delta Omega (Texas A&M) , grew up in Keller, -Texas, and received his degree in sociology from Texas A&M University in 1994. For two years after graduation, LT. Bush flew advertisement banners along the coast in South Carolina in old, Italian military biplanes. For another year, he flew cancelled checks for the Federal Treasury in King-Airs and Learjet 25's. LT. Bush received his commission through Officer's Candidate School at NAS Pensacola, Florida, in 1997. From there, he checked into the 8th Flying Training Squadron, a joint Air Force and Naval Training squadron, at Vance AFB in Enid, Oklahoma. While at Vance, he flew the mighty T-37B"1\veet". LT. Bush then moved to NAS Kingsville, Texas, where he flew the T-45 "Goshawk" and earned his "Wings of Gold". From there, he was transferred to NAS Lemoore, California, for F/A18 training for one year with the Rough Raiders of Strike Fighter Squadron 125. LT. Bush is still stationed at NAS Lemoore, but transferred to active duty with VFA-94, the "Mighty Shrikes" in the middle of 2001. In July of 2001, LT. Bush began his first 6-month deployment on the USS Carl Vinson as part of Carrier Air Wing 11. On September 11th, 2001 the Carl Vinson was passing the tip of India and entering the Arabian Sea to relieve the USS Enterprise and was immediately designated as the senior ship in command of the area. Abe wrote to his parents via e-mail on September 16th, 2001: "(September 11) was reallyshocking to all of us here.. .I can't tell you the amount of anger that was going around theship. I. ..saw theevents unfolding... and grew extremely angry and worried about everyone back home ... Be confident that I am perfectly safe here. We have a job to do and it will get done." The Pi Kappa Phi flag flew over Afghanistan in support if OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM. It has over 18 hours of combat time in the cockpit of a VFA-94 F/A-18 'Hornet' piloted by Brother Bush, who is very proud to be an American and a Pi Kappa Phi. J.l FLY BOY Lieutenant Abe Bush, Delta Omega (Texas A&M ), shows that family, friends, and Fraternity are with him always.




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T COULD NOT BE MORE APPROPRIATE for our national convention this summer to be in our Nation's Capitol. Now more than ever, we need to unify as a people and take pride in ourselves as Americans and Pi Kappa Phi's. This summer, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C., Pi Kappa Phi will do just that. From August 2nd through August 7th, over 1,000 brothers and family members will converge upon this great city to celebrate the 48th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Every two years, all130 chapters of Pi Kappa Phi dissolve into one Supreme Chapter for one week to make the choices that will direct the future of our fraternal order. Under the leadership of our elected National Council members, delegates from each of our undergraduate and alumni chapters will handle legislation that affects our Fraternity's Ritual, finances, and future. Supreme Chapter is the ultimate Pi Kappa Phi brotherhood experience and it's also the perfect getaway for you and your family. In addition to legislative sessions and committee meetings, we will be enjoying the arrival of the entirejourney ofHope team on the steps of the Capitol. Push America celebrates it's 25th anniversary and is one of the main reasons Pi Kappa Phi isAmerica:S Leading Fraternity. It's flagship event, the journey ofHope, is truly a sight to behold as over 70 cyclists and team members finish their

2-?, 2002 cross country trek in the name of Pi Kappa Phi and people with disabilities. There will also be activities for theNu Phi Society, spouses and children of members, the Board of Governors, our tradition of the Supreme Banquet and Awards Program, our model Ritual of Initiation, and plenty of time to tour the attractions of this amazing city. Pi Kappa Phi is leading the interfraternal world in many areas such as service and leadership development. Coming to Supreme Chapter is the best way to experience and learn more about everything we have to offer.





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Throughout the conference, we will have several exciting learning opportunities for all brothers to enjoy. The "Supreme Academy" is our leadership school which trains our undergraduates and their alumni advisors to better recruit, educate new members, nurture alumni relations, maintain sound chapter operations, and perform our Ritual. The Housing Corporation Symposium will also be available , courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., as an incredible opportunity for established and fonning housing corporations to develop and grow. Chapter presidents will also experience leading-edge training and development in our "Archon's Academy''. You'll experience the true power of your vote in membership during the Supreme Chapter legislative sessions where all decisions are made, including the election of our National Council. In the side-bar to the right, are the candidates slated by the Nomination Committee (chaired by the last National President) for your revtew. You won't want to miss a day of this time-honored tradition where you play the most important role. Mark your calendars and start making plans today to be in attendance for the ultimate brotherhood experience and family getaway. See the schedule on the back of the Star & l£lmp for more details and go online to www.pikapp.org for registration and hotel information. E-mail CEO Mark Timmes with any questions you may have at mtimmes@pikapp.org. America :S Leading Fraternity awaits you in America's Capitol. See you in D.C. where, for one week, Pi Kappa Phi will reign supreme! Jl. •


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