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Though not quantifiable and without concrete definition , brotherhood binds Pi Kappa Phi together. I offer my insights to the essence of the ethereal bond that enhances our fraternity experience and preview this issue's analysis of: brotherhood . by MARK E. TI MMES, CEO

As I travel across the country visit-

Brotherhood encompasses loyalty and service. On page 11 you will read about the latest brother recognized as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, Stephen DePalma from Beta Alpha Chapter at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Steve's lifelong love and support of Pi Kappa Phi serves as an example for all of us. Members of the Push America Journeyof Hope cycling team share a special brotherhood within the brotherhood. On page 5 you will read an excerpt from the team journal describing how the connection 'J'o what is this thing we call broth- he feels with fellow brothers and erhood? Like many of the most cyclists impacted the life of people important things in life, it can- with disabilities. not be readily measured, quanBrotherhood means generostified, or even accurately rkicribed ity. On page 6 Dick Baker, COO/ in words. Yet, it is just as real as Vice President of Development for the sound ofa ringing bell or the the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, talks light of our student's lamp. You about lifelong brotherhood and the know it when you feel it. generosity factor. Brotherhood means sharing One ofthe ways you can see broth- your time and talent. At the 48'h erhood, though, is through its re- Supreme Chapter in Washington, sults. Wben brotherhood is really DC the newest members of the Nafelt, when it is 'really there' among tional Council, your board of direca group of men, it enables them tors, was elected. Read about these to do and experience moments lifelong volunteers on page 12. which would otherwise be imposFor some, brotherhood means sible. ArmedWlih the recognition postponing their careers or graduate oftheties that bind them together, school in order to serve their fratervalues like loyalty, commitment, nity. Pi Kappa Phi is blessed to have responsibility and even love be- manyfine young men who work on the National Staff. On page 32 read comepossible. " about the latest young men who have In this issue, we attempt to chosen to serve our Fraternity. Brotherh<XXimeans rememberarticulate the many aspects of ing a fallen brother. Read on page 27 brotherhood. ing our Pi Kappa Phi chapters, I always like to ask the question, "What makes your chapter great?" Invariably the response is always, "We have the best brotherhood!" In the introduction to the White Diamond, Pi Kappa Phi 's guide to brotherhood provided to all associate members, Thomas H. Sayre Kappa (North Carolina), founder of Push America and former National Chaplain, possiblydescribes brotherhood the best:

EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Mark E T1mmes Alpha Epsilon (Florida) mtimmes@mkapo org

how the alumni of Zeta Xi Chapter at Averrett University recognized fallen brother Carlos Finocchiaro through a Pi Kappa Phi scholarship after he was killed in a car accident For others, brotherhood is simply keeping in touch. Brother Edward Keene Beta Alpha (NJIT) was one of five Pi Kappa Phi brothers killed on September 11th. Prior to his death, Brother Keene first called his wife and then called one of his chapter brothers from his office in the World Trade Center. Least we forget, we must recognize what brotherhood is not a misplaced sense of loyalty to our members. Brotherhood is not protecting a brother at all costs. As the new National President, David Lane Omega (Purdue) , describes in his remarks on page 15, it is not perpetuating the pervasive problem of alcohol abuse on college campuses and among ou r student members. Rather, brotherhood is holding a brother accountable and expecting him to live up to the ideals and standards of Pi Kappa Phi. So what is brotherhood? Reflect on this as you read this issue and feel free to share your thoughts. fl.

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BUILDING a bigger brotherhood by KEN NY OUBRE


fulfill Pi Kappa Phi's mission of being America's Leading Fraternity, our goal is to build ading chapters at leading institutions across the country. That is exactly what this ar's staff had in mind when they instituted a full calendar of expansions and recolonizations over the course of the 2002-2003 year. With 6 planned chapter openings, this year proves to be one of the busiest eras in the area of expansion. Since 1929, Pi Kappa Phi has had a presence in the state of Iowa with Alpha Omicron (Iowa State). Therefore, it was decided that it was about time to go the other side of the state and plant the Pi Kappa Phi flag at the University of Iowa. Iowa boasts a strong Fraternity community and is one of the leading institutions in the Mid-Westa perfect combination to build a leading chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. After four intense weeks of recruitment and chapter development, Leadership Consultants Tom Mosher Delta Eta (Morehead State), Lyle Dohl Theta Epsilon (Kansas) , and Dustin Alexander Eta Rho (Southwest Texas State) assembled a strong group of men that will be able to take on the challenge of becoming founding fathers of the new chapter. "The idea of being a founding father, the opportunity to leave my legacy at Iowa, the chance to make something different- there was no way that I could pass up the chance," said Chris Brown, the associate chapter's new Archon. The associate chapter's Board of Alumni Advisors is anchored by chapter advisor Emerson Linney (Alpha Omicron). Linney was a member of the headquarters staff from 1991 through 1995. Since then, he has served on the Housing Corp for Alpha Omicron (Iowa State). Many thanks to Brother Linney for stepping up in a big way to help steer the new associate chapter through their early stages of development. After the unfortunate closures of the Psi Chapter (Cornell) and the Alpha Theta Chapter (Michigan State) during the last school year, we are proud to be re-colonizing both of these historically strong chapters this fall. Leadership Consultants Dustin Alexander Eta Rho (Southwest Texas State) , Brandon Thdor Eta Upsilon (Miami), and josh Carroll Alpha Alpha (Mercer) have led the charge on the large Michigan State campus in order to find the right men to re-build the chapter, which was originally founded in 1925. Leadership Consultants Kyle Longest Alpha Psi (Indiana) and Todd Cox (Eta Tau) have been given the task of recruiting the core group of men that will reestablish the Psi Chapter. As the spring approaches, Pi Kappa Phi is excited to re-open the Upsilon Chapter at the University of Illinois and rejuvenate the Mu Chapter at Duke University. Pi Kappa Phi is working with interest groups of men at the University of New Mexico and Baylor University. If you know of any contacts or generai information regarding these institutions, please contact Kenny Oubre Eta Chi (Texas Christian), Coordinator of Chapter Development, at 800-929-1904 ext 145 or at koubre@pikapp.org. !l


The founding fathers of the University Of Iowa associate chapter show their newly found Pi Kappa Phi pride.








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STAR&LAMP Fa112002- Vol LXXXXI,No.3


locus Three brothers, three generations , share their experiences about one brotherhood .

o4 adavin thelile What it is a typical day like to travel across the country on a bike? Read an excerpt from the Journey of Hope team journal.


the centennial commission wants YOU The Centennial Commission is planning an experience like no other for the Centennial celebration . Find out how you can become part of the Commission .


knock knock The 2002-2003 Leadership Consultants are on the road . Meet them and see who will be knocking on your front door.


where vou Ulere;a Pi Kappa Phi brought over 1 ,000 people to Washington D.C. for the 48th Supeme Chapter. Were you one of the 1 ,000?


COVER Brotherhood is what Pi Kappa Phi is

about See the different perspectives of brotherhood from t hree very different brothers. Read their stories about the bui lding blocks of brotherhood on page 16. Concept


Artwork_ N8tahe & John McNeish, ETZIAll)ha(Conootd} Photort~phy Stephen wtlitby, Z&lliiOta (IUP)

l_J路路 路-- 路iiL=J STA R & LAMP I FALL 2002

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driven to care by BRAD M UMFORD

t SJ\TlRN.

the past nine years Push America has been lucky to ave a great partner in the Saturn Corporation. Since 1994, Saturn Corporation has been a major partner of Push America's Cycling Events through the sponsorship of support vehicleS for both the Journey of Hope and Gear Up Florida. Saturn plays an integral role in spreading the mission of Push America across the country. Saturn Corporation not only supports the events on a

national level, they also support us locally. Saturn Retailers across the country participate in supporting the team as they pedal from city to city. This year, more than 35 retailers helped support the teams as they journeyed to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. The retailers provided everything from meals and lodging, to sponsoring the team at a friendship visit at a local water park or Major League Baseball games. Many highlights of the summer come from the support of the Saturn Retailers across the country. Push America and Saturn Corporation have a common bond through cycling. Saturn Corporation is the title sponsor of the Saturn Cycling team. Saturn has been involved in cycling since 1992 when they fielded an an1ateur racing team that competed in more than 100 races. Since then, Saturn Cycling has turned professional and has competed in events such as the Tour DuPont, USPRO Cycling Tour and has had team members qualify for the Olympic Games. We were very excited to have the Saturn Corporation as a member of our team for the ninth consecutive year. This is the longest running sponsorship in the history of Push America's Cycling Events. For the 2002 events, Saturn expanded their support to include two 15 passenger vans that provided great roadside support for the team, in addition to the eight Saturn LW Wagons they have supplied in the past. Push America would like to thank the Saturn Corporation and the Saturn Retailers for their continued support. They are truly valued friends of Push America and we are very lucky to have them as a part of our familyof sponsors. If you would like more information about Saturn or Saturn Cycling, check on their websites at www.saturn.com and www.saturncycling.com. !l


a summer of a lifetime



ear's cycling events had several friends traveling with them on their mmer of a lifetime." Fifteen corporate sponsors signed on to support the of Pi Kappa Phi on their mission of raising awareness and understanding of the abilities of those with disabilities. Togethe~; the corporate sponsors made cash and in-kind contributions valuing more than $200,000. Their support of this year'sJourney of Hope and Gear Up Florida events have helped more funds raised by the events go into programs and projects that will benefit people with disabilities. Returning for their ninth year as a sponsor was Saturn Corporation (satum.com), the "Official Vehicle ofPushAmerica'sCyclingEvents." Saturn once again was a major supporter ofthe teanlS through the sponsorship of sag wagons and the involvement of more than 35 Saturn Retailers across tl1e nation for the two events. Also returning were the partners of KRG Capital Partners, L.L.C. This was their fifth year supporting the event through sponsorship. KRG Capital also supported the team as they passed through their hometown ofDenve~; CO by sponsoring several meals and events during the team's visit. We would like to thank our corporate sponsors for being a part of Push America's 2002 Cycling Events. TI1ese events would not be possible without their contributions and help along the route across the country. Thank you!!l Brad Mumford . Beta Xi {Central Michigan). is the Director of Development for Push Amenca For more mformation on sponsersh1ps, email Brad at bmumford@pikapp.org




Gear Up Florida 2002 Sponsors













Journev ol Hope 2002 Sponsors

51\TlRN. Verizon Avenue

something for everyone probably think that the projects and programs of Push America are just for dergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi. Well, you are wrong! Push America as several opportunities for a!~ to get involved and serve people with disabilities.

then Apply Now. For more information, contact Rob Kelly at (704) 5042400 ext. 128 or rkelly@pushamerica.org.

Journey of Hope Bu ild Amer ica

Build America is an opportunity to serve people with disabilities through rotNruction orientedservire projects and personal interaction with the people we serve while traveling across the United States. Dates:June 19- August 3 Fundraising Requirement:$3,000 How to Apply: go to www.pushamerica.org and click on the Downloads section to download the Build America application and cover sheet. For more information, contact Greg Sieman at (704) S04-2400ext 116org;ieman@pushameticaorg,

1'1 ICtlpp. Phi FNttrnlty SnY/1t,t PtJOplf Wit II Dlswbllitles


PI Kappa Phi FnDrnlty" Sefvlng


ot.llbllt ...

As an alumnus of Pi Kappa Phi, you have the

opportunity to cross the United States as a crew member of the Journey of Hope. For 63 days you will spread the message of the abilities of people with disabilities while handling the logistics of the trip from beginning to end. Dates:June 15- August 16 Fundraising Requirement: Crew- $2,500 How to Apply: go to www.pushamerica.org and click on Cycling Events, then Apply ow. For more information, contact Rob Kelly at (704) 504-2400 ext. 128 or rkelly@pushamerica.org.

Gear Up Florida

Gear Up Florida cycles through 13 Florida communities to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Every summer undergraduates and alumni of Pi Kappa Phi cycle 860 miles from Miami to Tallal1assee. Dates: May 8 - 24 Fundraising Requirement:Cyclist- $1,800 Crew- $600 How to Apply: go to www.pushamerica.org and click on Cycling Events,

AccessAB I LITY ,

is an opportunity to take part in a community service project by making homes accessible through the construction of wheelchair ramps. This progran1 is designed to benefit low-income families who have a family member with a disability. For more information, contact Greg Sieman at (704) 504-2400 ext. 116 or gsieman@pushamerica.org. Jl



FALL 2002



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& the generosity factor




recent trip to host an alumni America's Leading Fraternity. But ception in Houston, Texas I did you know there was a fourth stumbled across a little book while "T" to this list? I didn't either, until changing planes in Atlanta. I had I read this little book. And perhaps, a little time between flights, so I the fourth "T" is more important often browse through the bookstores than the others in these days of world that dot the concourses. The title unrest and the need I believe we all first caught my eye: "The Generos- feel to "reconnect" to the important ity Factor." Then the sub-title drew tl1ings in our lives. Things like famme in further: "Discover the Joyof ily and fraternity. Giving your Tune, Talent and TreaPi Kappa Phi has been a sure." That did it. I had to pick it leader in the Greek movement on up and thumb through the pages. our college campuses since its Needless to say, I bought a copy founding. We have enjoyed many and read it during my flight from "firsts" over our history and as the Atlanta to Houston. Centennial approaches, we hope to Written by Ken Blanchard (of have many more successes in tl1e ''The One Minute Manager'' fame) , years ai1ead. Following the tragic events of the book talks about the need in all of us to become significant; to work to- September 11'" last year, many ward lives ofsignificance, rather than charitable organizations experienced livesofsuccess. Itdoessobyexamin- a major decline in contributions. ing the lives of several individuals TI1e Pi Kappa Phi Foundation was and how their lives intertwine. no exception. The fourth quarter In Pi Kappa Phi, we often talk of 2001 was not our best. Likewise, a lot about giving of our time, talent the recent volatility of the stock and treasure to support our efforts market has impacted our overall to live up to the standard of being .investment portfolio.


However, 2002 has seen arebound. Our Annual Appeal, which makes up almost half of our total income, is well on track to meet and hopefully surpass its goal of $175,000this year. We'veconducted nine alumni receptions around the country with more planned for next year. Each time! meet with a group of alumni, I sense they come to these receptions because they are curious to learn what is happening within their fraternity. But in a much larger sense, theyare coming to reconnect. To see that chapter brother they haven't seen in manyyears. To meet other Pi Kapps who live in the same city. To rekindle the fraternal flame that still burnssomewhere within them. To "belong" again to a group that accepted them into their bond "for the whole of their life." The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation celebrates its 50'" anniversary this year. Half a century of working to meet the educational and personal development needs of the

I .

fraternity. Anniversaries are a tiri1e to reflect but also a time to look to the future. If you compare us to other foundations within the North American Interfraternity Conference, we are about "average" in tenns of total assets. Not the largest by far, but neither the smallest. In tenns of donors, per alumni, I am sorry to report that we did not sc01路ewell in that category compared to many otherfraternities. In 2001 , the Foundation had 2,801 donors, which is less than 5%of our known alumni! When compared to seven other fraternity foundations with similar numbers of alumni, we ranked smout of seven in terms of donors. I know we can do much better. Many alumni have told me that they would gladly help with a contribution, if only someone asked. Given our limited budget and small staff, it would be impossible to ask every alumnus face-to-face for a contribution. So, forgive the impersonal nature of this article, but please give your thoughtfu l consideration to making a tax-deductible gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation this year. If it's been some time since your last gift, I hope you will consider an increase. If you've never given, there has never been a better time to support the educational initiatives of your fraternity! You can review our Annual Report in the last issue of the Star and Lamp to see a list of the various educational prograr.ns and scholarships funded by the Foundation, or contact me and I will gladly send you a copy. As our 100manniversary approaches, the time is now to "reconnect" with your brothers around the world. I hope you will pick up a copy of "The Generosity Factor." Discoverfor yourself the fourth "T" (no, I'm not going to tell you what it is), learn about the "Three M's" and find the "key" in your heart to the Generosity Factor within you. When each of us first became acquainted with Pi Kappa Phi, we made three decisions. The first was choosing Pi Kappa Phi over all the other fraternities on campus. The second decision came when we took the oath of initiation. The third decision is the one most often overlooked and forgotten. It is the decision to be a caring, active Pi Kapp beyond the college years ... Lifelong Brotherhood. I hope you will renew this decision as our Centennial approaches and dedicateyourself anew to ensure the Pi Kappa Phi experience for those brothers yet to come! !l

EDITORS NOTE: Tax-deductible gifts to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can be mailed to P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC28224. You can also give on-line by clicking on the "Give to the Foundation" link at www.pikapp.org D1ck Baker Delta Beta (North Georgia) is the COO/Vice President of Development Pi Kappa Phi Foundation For more Information about the PI Kappa Phi Foundation. email DICk at dbaker@pikapp.or~


The Foundation's 2001 Annual Report, published 1n the Spring2002issue of the Star& Lamp contained two errors in the SustainingMem6ers section: -Epsilon Zeta chapter was incorrectly listed as Central Arizona rather than Central Arkansas -Stefan M.Wilcox,Zeta Mu,wasincorrectlylistedasStephan M. Wilcox. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation sincerely apologizes for these errors




grnnd like Washiogtoo D.C. was the perfect backdrop for the 48th Supreme Chapter. From August 3-7, 2002 ournation'scapital was home to America's Leading Fraternity, where Pi Kappa Phi reigned supreme and celebrated 98 years of brotherhood. Over 1,000 students, alumni, spouses, children, and friends of the Fraternity were in attendance tO celebrate our brotherhood and our ongoing journey to become America's Leading Fraternity It was additionally exciting to welcome the Journey of Hope 2002 team as they concluded their summer-long trek Over the course of the week members of the Fraternity met in legislative committee meetings, formal sessions, and educational meetings to decide the path of Pi Kappa Phi as the centennial anniversary approaches. The 48th Supreme Chapter was the largest event of its kind in Pi Kappa Phi history. As attendees were completing registration, the boards of Pi Kappa Phi Properties and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation were busily working to refine organizational goals for the new fiscal year. An "Archon's Academy" was held to give chapter leaders ideas and innovative ways to improve their leadership abilities. After the busy day of registration and




FALL 2002



meetings conclu(led, the day was capped off with the Supreme Banquet. Special recognition was bestowed on members of Pi Kappa Phi whose contributions to the private sector bring credit not only to their respective fields, but the greater fraternity as welL Brother Steve DePalma of Beta Alpha chapter (NJIT) was named as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. The 2002 inductee to the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame was novelist and screenwriter Robert Inman of Omicron (Alabama). Upon the dispensation of all awards and honors of the evening, Adrian Cronauer of Good Morning Vietnam fame gave some remarks regarding the conference and later s~rved as the model initiate to the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. For the remainder of Supreme Chapter, members were charged with the responsibility to chart the course of America's Leading Fraternity. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Push America, and Fraternity all celebrated their yearly successes through a series of themed luncheons. During the "Building Leading Chapters" Luncheon alone over 50 chapters were recognized for their hard work. Recognitions included notables such as "living the ritual" and "best website design." The week left all members excited and

proud of what Pi Kappa Phi is, and what it's bound to become. As our brotherhood approaches its centennial, numerous measures have been made to ensure a fruitful celebration in 2004. With that in mind, the Centennial Commission was announced and formed. The Commission is responsible for planning events incumbent to the 49th Supreme Chapter and Centennial celebration, scheduled to be held in Charleston, SC. The journey of Hope 2002 arrival at the steps of the Capitol set the tone of the conference and made Sunday morning a very special day for all that were in attendance. This was the first time in more than ten years that an arrival has taken place in conjunction with Supreme Chapter. It was a moving and magnificent event to welcome the 70+ men who dedicated themselves to the mission of Push America and Pi Kappa Phi.Fraternity. Additionally the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation inducted seven new members into the Jack M. Casper Leadership Society. Created and funded by alumnus Jack Casper of Alpha Upsilon (Drexel), it serves as a vehicle to annually recognize and reward seven undergraduare members who have demonstrated superior leadership and academic performance. The 2002 inductees are: jacob jon Albers, Theta Epsilon (Kansas), Michael E. D01melly, Eta Gamma (Colorado- Boulder) , 'Robert Anderson Haggard, Eta Tau (Kentucky), Nicholas A. james, Alpha Rho (West Virginia), Matthew Francis McHale, Eta Epsilon (Maryland), Keith Geordie Stewart, Theta Beta (West Georgia), Benjamin Charles Williams, Eta Chi (Texas Christian). Monday afternoon Push America held a

themed luncheon that spotlighted undergraduates' accomplishments via our national philanthropy. Push America profiled it's highly successful opportunities such as Give-A-Push Weekends, Push Camps, AccessABILITY, Gear Up Florida, and the Journey of Hope. Additionally, the highly anticipated Build America program was unveiled which will give undergraduates an additional 30 opportunities to develop their leadership skills through altruistic endeavors. The inaugural "Star of Hope" was awarded to the Eta Chi chapter (Texas Christian University) for their comprehensive understanding and usage of Push America's 3 focal points: disability awareness, fund-raising, and local volunteerism. Brother Robert Schneider of Zeta Phi (Colorado State University) was

extended the honor of the Thomas Sayre award, recognizing his efforts as the most outstanding of all Push Chairman in the nation. The Fraternity sponsored the "Building Better Men" luncheon to honor and recognize all the hard work completed by chapters throughout the prior academic year. Brother Kyle Longest of Alpha Psi (II)diana) took home the prestigious Phillip M. Summers Student of the Year Award. Brother John Englehardt of Iota (Georgia Tech) was the recipient of the Howard H. Baker Student Leadership Award, recognizing him as a strong leader not only within Pi Kappa Phi but on campus as well. Phillip Leslie of Omega chapter (Purdue) gamered honors as Archon of the Year. Volunteers who had an incredibly positive impact on the Fraternity were honored as well. Father Albertjenemann, Epsilon Tau (St. joseph's) was awarded the Volunteer of the Year award. Father Jenemann serves as Chapter Advisor and academic coach for the chapter. Under his guidance the chapter received the Academic Excellence award on campus. They also received the Chapter Development award and were recognized as Chapter of the Year. Regional Governor of the Year went to Chuck Howard, Delta Delta (Truman State). Brother Howard was honored for his work in Region 15. The District Counselors in his region are flourishing in their positions and all chapters have effective Chapter Advisors. Brother Howard hosted the first Volunteer Symposium and training weekend for 10 volunteers in Region 15. Devin Martinez, Eta Kappa (Plattsburgh State) is known for his hard work, persistence and does not allow chapters that he works with to settle for anything less than their best. He was named District Counselor of the Year for giving selflessly of himself to chapters in Region 1. With the installation of the new National Council headed by Brother David Lane, the Supreme Chapter recognized and thanked various brothers who have made a lifelong commitment to the betterment of the Fraternity. Individuals recognized for their service and dedication included outgoing national president Harry Caldwell of Omicron (Alabama), national secretaryJames KrucherofBetaAlpha (N]IT), outgoing Foundation chairman Kelley Bergstrom of Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), and outgoing president of the Push America board of directors, Bruce Rogers of Chi (Stetson). Hundreds of alumni from all over the country brought their ideas and opinions to Washington D.C. to help shape the future of the Fraternity and to foster new relationships with brothers from across the nation. This year was proof that Pi Kappa Phi's educational and leadership programs build better men. Honorees are among tl1e best that Pi Kappa Phi has to offer and we extend our congratulations to tl1em all. Attendees of the 48th Supreme Chapter left revitalized as the Centennial continues to approach. Our quest to become America's Leading Fraternity on every campus continues. ,a,




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Robert Inman inducted into the Hall of Fame for 2002.

Novelist and screenwriter Robert Inman is a native of Elba, Alabama where he began his writing career in junior high school with his hometown weekly newspaper. He left a 31-year career in journalism in June, 1996 to devote full time to writing. During his career, he set the standard for television journalism with his credible reporting and archor duties at WBTV in Charlotte. He also wrote a much beloved column for the Charlotte Observer. Inman ' s fourth novel, Captain Saturday, was published by Little, Brown and Company in January, 2002. It was chosen as a "Booksense 76" feature recommendation byindependent book dealers nationwide. He has t 11 _.· ' four published novels, Home Fires Burning (1987) , Old Dogs and Children (1991), Dairy Queen Days (1997) and Captain Saturday (2002). His first two novels received the "Outstanding Fiction Award" from the Alabama Library Association. Home Fir·es Burning was named one of the best books of 1987 by the Philadelphia Enquirer. In addition to his novels, Brother Inman has written screenplays for six motion pictures for television, two of which have been "Hallmark Hall of Fame" presentations. His script for Jhe Summer of Ben Tyler, a Hallmark presentation, won the Writers Guild of America Award as the best original television screenplay of 1997. Inman is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of The University of Alabama with Bachelor of Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees, and holds an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Queens College of Charlotte. He was named "Outstanding Alumnus" of the University of Alabama College of Communication in 1989. While at the University of Alabama, he was initiated into the Omicron Chapter, where he served as a leader, and was designated as "student of the year". He has kept fraternity in his heart throughout his career, serving on the Push America Board of Directors and as its President in the 1980's.n

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Dr. William V. Muse honored for his interfratemal work.

The Durward W. Owen Interfraternity Award is given to a non-brother and recognizes exceptionally meritorious service in the Greek community. This year winner, Dr. William V Muse has been an active supporter of Greek life for several decades. As a fraternity volunteer and educator, he has stressed the importance of Greek life in the personal development of today's college students. Dr. Muse was initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon on February 14, 1959, at Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at Northwestern State University in Louisiana. As an undergraduate, Bill served his chapter as Rush Chairman and President. Upon graduation, Bill joined the TKE staff as a Chapter Services Director. While a Chapter Services Director, Bill collected information which led to his dissertation for his Ph.D. at the University of Arkansas on ! I I I I "Management Practices in V • I Fraternities." ~ _.,. '[ Tau ' Kappa Epsilon has honored Bill by naming him a I I I I I I member of the TKE I I I I Hall of Fame and a Teke Alumnus of the Year. At the 1983 TKE Conclave, he was presented the Fraternity's highest award, The Order of the Golden Eagle. Dr. Muse is currently the Chancellor of East Carolina University, a doctoraVresearch institution with 18,000 students and a $400 million annual budget. Prior to assuming his post at ECU in August 2001, he served as President of Auburn University, which is a land-grant institution with 22,000 students and an active Greek population. He also served as President of the University of Akron from 1984 to 1992, as well as provided leadership as an administrator and faculty member at Georgia Tech, Ohio University, Appalachian State University, the University of Nebraska at Omal1a, Texas A&M University and worked with the U.S. Department of Education. Dr. Muse has served as an example of leadership in the boardroom, the classroom, the campus community and the fraternity house. He has devoted more than two decades to improving the greek life in America, and for his time and service to the cause of lnterfraternalism, we was proudly award Dr. William V Muse with the Durward W. Owen Award for Interfraternity Service. !J.

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FALL 2002





Brother DePalma honored for lifelong commitment.

WHEREAS, the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has established the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Award as its highest honor, and WHEREAS, Stephen P. DePalma was initiated into Beta Alpha Chapter at the New Jersey Institute of Technology on February 23, 1969, and WHEREAS, he has always given unselfishly of his time, leadership, and sound character in numerous capacities and in small acts of kindness, and WHEREAS, Brother DePalma, as an undergraduate, served the Beta Alpha Chapter as Historian, Warden, and Archon, and WHEREAS, he led by example as an undergraduate member in serving as a member of the Council of Archons, and WHEREAS, in his capacity as Area Governor he assisted in the colonization of the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Seton Hall University and was awarded Area Governor of the Year in 1979, and WHEREAS, Brother DePalma has served the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi as Treasurer, Vice President, and President, and

Adrian Cronauer initiated into brotherhood .

Having heard the now famous line, Good Morning, Vietnam, many of us think of the movie by the same name that told the story ~fa young Airforce serviceman working for Armed Forces Radio during tl1e Vietnan1 War. Now, Pi Kappa Phis will hear the voice of a famous brother and one of our newest initiates. At tl1e 481h Supreme Chapter in Washington, DC, Adrian Cronauer, of Good Morning, Vtetnam! fame, was the model initiate for the Fraternity. Brother Cronauer, who is the Special Assistant to the Director of P0 WI MIA Affairs at the Departn1ent of Defense, remembered his Supreme Chapter experience. "Iwas a little puzzled as to what was about to happen next, and what struck me as being impressive was tl1e Joumey of Hope arrival at the Capitol." Brother Cronauer also enjoyed meeting many of the alumni and student delegates at Supreme Chapter. "The students were asking very good, serious, and thoughtful questions," mentioned Cronauer. Brotl1er Cronuer joins tl1e list of model initiates which include: former IA Dodgers manager Tommy LaSorda and Senator Ernest "Fritz" Hollings. Eta Epsilon Chapter from the University of Maryland performed the ritual initiation and the debriefing was done by past National President, Dr.]. Patrick Figley.

WHEREAS, in serving as National President, Brother DePalma created the National President's Circle which has grown to over 2000 members since inception, and WHEREAS, in honor of his service he was awarded the Merit Citation for exceptionally meritorious service to the Fraternity by the 44m Supreme Chapter in 1994, and WHEREAS, he has given his utmost attention, dedication, and effort to the Greater Fraternity by serving on the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Board of Trustees, and WHEREAS, Brother DePalma has fulfilled his duties to his oath of brotherhood by serving as an example for all members through his unselfish loyalty to Pi Kappa Phi, NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Brother Stephen P. DePalma be extended the Fraternity's deepest appreciation for his proven care and devotion to lifelong brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ational Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity does hereby declare Brother Stephen P. DePalma to be Mr.. Pi Kappa Phi 2002 . .0.

"To be a Dr. Summers Award recipient one must exemplify the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi as well as tl1e community as a whole." Brother Kyle Longest, Alpha Psi (Indiana), senior History and Sociology major is the 2002 recipient. Within the Alpha Psi chapter Brother Longest has been involved in intramurals, served as tl1e Alumni Relations Chainnan as well as President of a chapter of over 170 men. Kyle has accomplished this while maintaining a 3.95 GPA and being involved with Phi Beta Kappa. Additionally he was selected as tl1e Student Representative to tl1e National Council during this past academic year. It is no wonder that he was recognized by his University as IFC President of the Year and Greek Man of the Year while leading his chapter to receive their University's Chapter of the Year Award. Kyle continues to serve his fraternity by dedicating his time and leadership skills as a Leadership Consultant for the National Headquarters.)...(


,rl 11

www.pikapp .org

Dlllinated, elected, installed The 48th Supreme Chatper unanimously elects new National Council









Initiate #835 of the Omega Chapter at Purdue Universitfi David Lane is starting his 11t year on the National Council. He held the position of National Chancellor from 1989 to 1996, with this past term as Vice President. He has also served the greater fraternity as Area Governor, Pi Kappa Phi Properties executive board President and Counsel , Council of Archons , Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Board of Gover-

Brother J. ErnestJohnson has served on the National Council as Chaplain , Secretary, and two terms as Treasurer prior to his election as Vice President. Before his time on the National council he served the fraternity as a staff member and the President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties , Inc. Brother Johnson was initiated into the Alpha Iota chapter at Auburn University where

This will be Brother John R. Andrews first term as National Treasurer after his two terms as Historian and one term as Chaplain . John was on his chapter's Housing Corporation , an Area Governor, and participated as a staff member for every Pi Kapp College and Supreme Chapter. Since being elected to the National Council he has been the Liaison to Pi Kappa Phi

nors, and chairman of the local committee for the 1989 Supreme Chapter in Washington DC. He graduated from Purdue in 1971 with a Bachelor's of Aeronautical Engineering, and then obtained a Juris Doctorate in 1974 from Georgetown Law . Brother Lane was the Co-Chair for the "Campaign for Omega ", in which he helped raise nearly 400,000 dollars to rebuild the Omega house . And as an undergraduate at Purdue he held the office of Archon and Song Leader. Currently he resides in Mclean , Virginia with his wife Mary Beth and is a partner at Venable Law Firm , in its Virginia office .

he received his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration-Accounting. While at Auburn , he served his chapter as Chaplain , Secretary, Treasurer, and Archon. He currently lives with his wife , Susanne in Houston , Texas where he is a partner in the national real estate firm , PM Realty Group. "The Fraternity has meant so much to me , it would be impossible to place a value on the experiences. Serving on the National Council is an honor that allows me to give back to others what has so generously been extended to me ," said Brother Johnson.

Properties for 2 years and 4 years as a member of the Push America Board of Directors. As a Student Member of the Delta Delta 路chapter he served as Archon , Treasurer, Secretary, and House Manager. Brother Andrews graduated from Truman State University with a Bachelor's de-


gree in Mass communications and later he earned an MBA from the University of Sioux Falls. He currently serves as CEO for two councils of the Boy Scouts of America . He currently resides in Lake Elmo, Minnesota with his wife Cheryl , daughter Tessa , and son John Alexander.

J. JEFFRY WAHLEN NATIONAL SECRETARY Though Brother J. Jeffry Wahlen is initiated as a member ofthe Alpha Epsilon chapter at University of Florida, he graduated from Florida State University. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Accounting, and then later he picked up a Master's in accounting and a Juris Doctorate also from Florida State . He was elected National Secretary after previously serving as National

Chancellor and Chaplain . Prior to his service on the National Council , Brother Wahlen served as Chapter Advisor and Housing Corporation President for Beta Eta (Florida State), and as an Area Governor for Florida . After receiving his Master 's in accounting he practiced as a public accountant for Arthur Andersen & Co for 2 years before he decided to return for his Law degree. Since then he has been practicing law with Ausley & McMullen in Tallahassee, FL where he currently resides with his wife Kris (Kappa AIpha Theta) and sons Benjamin and Daniel.







Mark F. Jacobs is starting his

After a break in his National

first term as National Histo-


Brother Michael Allain is starting his first position on the National Council , as National Chaplain. He was awarded the Regional Governor of the Year award for 2001 and has been serving as a Regional Governor. During his undergraduate years, he served the chapter as Archon and Treasurer; and also held the position of Treasuer for IFC at Beta Omicron (Northwestern State).

representation ,

rian, previously holding the

Dudley Woody was elected

position of National Chaplain.

Chancellor. In 1998 he was

He has also served as the Area

elected Chaplain. He comes

Governor for Texas and the

into this position having Push America , Secretary of Xi

Midwest (three time Area Govern or of the Year) . He was the President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties Board , has been a speaker at Pi Kapp Colleges and has served as a Charter-

ing Officer multiple times . As a student he earned a Bachelors degree of Business Administration from the University of Texas-Arlington in Finance , and an MBA from Butler University. During his time at the Delta Psi Chapter he served as Archon , Vice Archon , and Warden . He


also the Chapter's first Legacy under his brother, founding father Billy Jacobs. Brother Jacobs is now a Vice President with GE Capital

chapter's Housing Corporation and as their Alumni Advisor. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration from Roanoke and later went on to receive his Juris Doctor-

Michael resides in Kenner, LA with his Wife Judy, ginia School of Law. He curwhile his daughter Katheryn rently is a practicing attorney is away at Tulane University. at law for Woods , Rogers , & He is the Vice President of Hazlegrove , P.L.C. He lives in Western Area Sales for Roanoke with his wife Natalie , Kendall LTP. and three daughters Lauren, "This Fraternity has alNancy, and Michelle . ways represented the very "The Fraternity has been best in me and in those men truly a family to me with close I know as brothers . The Pi relationships in good t imes Kappa Phi experience proand bad . I have received from foundly affected me when I was young and after an 18 the fraternity much more year absence due to my than I have given . Service on National Council is my oppor- . chapter 's closing, I discovtunity to give back a small er~d that the passion and fire ate from the University of Vir-

Corporate Lending Group, Chi-

part of all I have received ,"

cago and lives in Indianapolis with his son Landry Bryant.

says Brother Woody.

I felt as a young man burned brighter and hotter in me than ever," said Brother Allain regarding his appointment to the National Council.




NATIONAL COUNCIL student representative


e rule set during the 47th Supreme Chapter, the student representative the National Council has been chosen. John Stewart, Delta Omega xas A&M) went to college with little intention to join a fraternity, but it wasn't ever completely out of the question. While his mother, Karen was his only Greek family member, she didn't push her influence upon her son to join in Greek Life. His father, Michael also attended Texas A&M. He was in the Cadet Corps, and going 9reek was never an option. John's first semester at college was spent being, "brainwashed into thinking that fraternities had nothing beneficial to offer me. I started having the 'Rent a friend, join a frat' mentality." During his second semeste~ an old high school friend convinced him to attend a rush function. Thus began his journey to Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Stewart is a senior geography major from Plano, Texas. Since becoming a Pi Kappa Phi ,John has done much for his chapter. His chapter roles include serving as Risk Manager and Chief Justice of the Standards Board. He proudly represented his chapter on the Interfraternity Council as a student representative. He later served as Vice President of Administrative Affairs. He currently holds the position of IFC P.resident. He has also been involved in the school's Student Government Association throughout his academic career as well as being on the Presidential Search Committee Panel to nominal~ the new University Administrators. He was awarded the Buck Weirus Spirit Award, bestowed to the top 52 student leaders of all45,000 Texas A&M students. "Being appointed to the National Council is a huge honor for me. I never expected anything like this to happen, but I am very willing to accept the challenge. Pi Kappa Phi has provided me so many opportunities throughout my collegiate career. I can not wait to give back to this great fraternity," said Stewart when asked to comment on his new posi- 路 tion on with the National Council.!l

'to be america's leading fraternity

ngs to all of you from the of communications with and beon's Capital. As I write this, traf- tween alumni, as well as the at a standstill due to tl1e ac- Regional Governors and District tions of Anti-Globalization protest- Councilors. More of you will know ers. It all reminds me of tile go- of, and will have tile opportunity to ings-on when Iwas an undergradu- be a meaningful part of Pi Kappa ate member of Omega Chapter in Phi's programs and events. If you do choose to become re-involved witl1 tile late '6os. What an honor it is to have tile Fraternity, I promise tl1at you been elected to serve you as Pi will find it rewarding... and \vill tllorKappa Phi's National President oughly enjoy tile experience. on tile eve of our Fraternity's lOOth As with all fraternal organiAnniversary! And what a chal- zations tilese days, we do have our lenge! Those of you who attended share of risk management chalthe Supreme Chapter here dur- lenges allead of us. The joint exing the hot, sultry days of early pertise of]effWalllen (National SecAugust have already shared some retary) and Dudley Woody (National of the excitement surrounding Chancellor) , both of whom are the planning for the anniversary skilled, practicing attorneys is becelebration in Charleston. john ing targeted at our ongoing, and Andrews, our National Treasurer, severe, risk management issues. is also serving you as the Chair- jeff will head our new Risk Manman of the "Centennial Commis- agement Task Force of highly qualision" whose charter is to plan the fied individuals having exceptional activities and events leading up experience witl1 insurance and risk to the 2004 Supreme avoidance policies and practices. Chapter. john and the large Dudley, in his role as tile Council's number of Brothers who sit on legal member, will address day-to the Centennial Commission are day issues as tl1ey arise. Our bigextremely dedicated to making gest .challenge is, as in the past, the celebration a huge success, curbing the pervasive problem of and we all look forward to being alcohol abuse on college campuses with you in Charleston. and among our student members. Witil all tilis in mind, Mark Illegal hazing and sexual abuse acjacobs (National Historian) and tivities also must be stopped. The Michael Allain (National Chaplain) efforts of tile Task Force will be foare in tile process of implementing cused on pursing all workable tile Council's plans to dramatically means to integrate tile concepts of increase alumni involvement in the responsibility and accountability local and regional activities of your into tile operations of our student chapters. Botil are firmly commit- and alumni chapters around the ted to tile implementation of plans country. Those chapters whose to increase the quality members choose to repeatedly ig-

nore Pi Kappa Phi's risk management policies will be closed. On the fiscal end of things, Ernest johnson (National Vice President and President-Elect) will continue as the Council's liaison witil the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and, of course, will work witiljohn Andrews and the Administrative staff to manage tile financial operations of tile Fraternity. Under the guidance of Harry Caldwell (Past National President) and Mark Timmes (the Fraternity's Chief Executive Officer) we enjoyed terrific financial results in 2001 - 2002, and we are pledged to continue tilat trend this year. We on tile National Council are extremely honored to have tile chance to work \vitil john Stewart from Delta Omega (TexasA&M),our student representative for tills year. Finally, our affiliate organizations, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Push America and tile Pi Kappa Phi Foundation are off to a great start for tile next couple of years. We also are pleased to have one of tile best administrative staffs (per-


the building.blocks of

a three generations three brothers one brotherhood





ophy (pronounced a-truh-fee) is the tenn used when the fibers a muscle deteriorate due to lack of use. The shortage of amino acids- the building blocks that make up muscle fiberwhich causes atrophied muscle is due to inactivity and can be prevented with some form of resistance training. Many elderly, injured, sedentary, or paralyzed persons must undergo therapy to protect certain muscle groups from atrophy. Now that the anatomy and physiology lesson is over, we can make a comparison to that eternal, inexplicable virtue called "brotherhood". Like its peers- truth, honor, hope, love et aldefining brotherhood can prove challenging since most of the time it's a case-by-case, person-by-person virtue. Over 80,000 men have experienced the amazing privilege of initiation into Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity since 1904. If polled, theyall would probably give similar definitions as to what being a Pi Kappa Phi brother means. However, no two definitions would be identical. What you would find identical, though, are the experiences each brother (including the author of this article) has shared with other Pi Kapps to develop that intangible, amazing bond of togetherness and pride in our fraternal order. If analyzed, you would discover that these experiences are the building blocks of that fraternal emotion we first experienced in our collegiate years. You'd also learn that those members who reap the most benefits of our brotherhood are those who continue participating in the Pi Kappa Phi experience beyond their undergraduate

ans- having had contact wiili ilie "real world" - used their past experiences to make Beta Eta one of the more successful chapters on campus. This togetl1emess and teamwork taught Bowlin about life, family, and how to deal with the diversity of all sorts of people. These are lessons he took with him on his life's journey. "Brotherhood is a bond of respect and love for our brothers tl1at even death carmot break," Bowlin says. "Even though you may lose track of your broiliers' whereabouts, memories bridge all gaps on life's highway." Bowlin's many decades of broilierhood experiences were also enhanced by his Christian lifestyle. For him, tl1e two are joined togeilier and enrich his daily activities in business and social settings. He's learned what it means to truly listen to what loved Don Bowlin ones have tosay and how to react Beta Eta "It could be a phone call, an e-mail, or in a positive and productive way. (Florida State) To Bowlin, brotherhood in Pi Lifelong Brother it could even be a news story in TenKappa Phi is more than just a Since 1956 nessee and I'll wonder how Ande word or a loose connotation. To Brother Bowlin is a wildlife him it is someiliing tangible that Demetriou (a fellow Journey of Hope should be worn like a badge. "It artist and author of mystery brother) is doing," novels who resides in Houshas to be nurtured and exerton, Texas. He and his wife cised," he says. "It roots into Susan, an Alpha Gamma your heart and mind, becoming Delta alumnae, have three a purpose and reason to expand children and three grandchildren. event," recalls Bowlin. " We were pumped up your horizons and point the way for you life's After his discharge from the U.S. Air Force in and ready to deliver for an audience whose ap- success." 1955, he visited the Florida State University cam- plause told us we were a hit. We sounded so He concludes, "You always have the assurpus in preparation for the second semester. He good iliat the ladies in ilie audience were dab- ance tl1at your brotl1ers are never far away. Once was informed by a mutual friend tl1at childhood bing at their eyes." you attain brotherhood, you never let it go." comrade Jin1 Nettles was living in the Pi Kappa The teamwork and unification the chapter Phi fraternity house. Having not seen each other displayed to win ilie Fraternity Campus Sing Nelson Wong in several years, Bowlin was welcomed with open helped to establish the relatively new Pi Kappa Eta Theta arms by Brother Nettles. And Nettles being a Phi chapter at FSU. Brother Bowlin attributes (University of San Francisco) good salesman tookonlyminutesbefore he start- this success to the unique experiences his chap- Lifelong Brother Since 1993 ing selling Bowlin on the Fraternity. ter shared with the age differences within its Due to his military years, Bowlin was hesi- membership. Astrong brotl1erhood developed Brother Wong is a supervisor for Farmers Intant at first pledging in a fraternity with broth- between the younger broiliers and the dozen or surance in San Francisco, California. He was ers younger than he. He found comfort in that so older and more experienced brothers. The first introduced to Pi Kappa Phi ilirough a classNettles had also been recently discharged from junior members taught ilie elder members about mate who invited him to join some friends for a the Air Force and several members of his pledge ilie National Fraternity, and in return, the veter- movie. Before he knew it, Nelson was taking a years. And just like with our anatomy and physiology lesson, inactivity in our Pi Kappa Phi experiences causes our brotl1erhood "muscle" to deteriorate and atrophy over the years. As Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity reaches its 100"' anniversary in 2004, it is important that we all "hit the weights" and start flexing Pi Kapp muscle, so to speak. The more constructive fraternal encounters we have witl1 each other keeps the feeling of brotl1erhood- despite how you define it- healthy and strong. To help recount the ongoing epic tale that is brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi, we take a look at three brothers from three generations and the "work outs" they use to attain and maintain brotherly strength.

class were also veterans. The fraternity stereotype also caused a little concern. However, it wasn't long before he realized that Pi Kappa Phi wasn't a social club that just "partied". In addition to the social aspect, he became aware of the structure, discipline, and emphasis on academics tl1at life in Pi Kappa Phi offered. Brother Bowlin first recalls consciously experiencing broilierhood when Beta Eta Chapter won first place in ilie Fraternity Campus Sing of 1957. Performing "The Battle Hymn of tl1e Republic" and "In ilie Still of tl1e Night" wearing white dinner jackets, ilie winning of tl1e competition brought ilie chapter closer togeilier and put Pi Kappa Phi indelibly on the campus map. "We worked hard together preparing for the

FALL 2002



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chartering exam and was a later part of the founding group at San Francisco State. Though he enjoyed the time he spent with his chapter brothers (i.e. impromptu and informal meals and get-togethers) , Nelson first experienced brotherhood the summer of 1993. Fresh off of the chartering of his chapter, he paid his way to Pi Kapp College at the birthplace of our Fraternity- the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. At PKC, he realized the world of brotherhood that existed outside the forty men he worked with to charter. "I looked around," he says, "and saw hundreds of men that were just as much a brother of mine as the men back at USE" If) Charleston, he made another important discovery that would alter his perception of brotherhood permanently- the Journey of Hope. Pi Kappa Phi's very own cross-country cycling event to raise funds and awareness on behalf of people with disabilities would teach Nelson some valuable lessons in fraternal excellence. "Brotherhood is not always one singular event," he explains. "Rather, it's a string of relationships. (Discovering the Journey of Hope) was the beginning of the greatest string I've had thus far." Better yet, his experiences as a crew member and for the Journey of Hope teams in 1994, 1995, and 1996 (he was a project manager on the 1996 ride) is a string of relationships that still continues strong today. "It could be a phone call, an e-mail, or it




could even be a news story in Tennessee and I' 11 wonder how Ande Demetriou (a fellowJourney ofHopebrother) is doing;" he says. Even at the time he was participating in the development of this article, Nelson was preparing to fly to Atlanta for the wedding of another ex-Journey of Hope team member, jon Hamby. "TI1e first team in 1994 opened my eyes to what fraternity and Pi Kappa Phi was all about," he remembers. "Yes, I was a founding father, but at the time, I was thrown into a 'chartering train' as roster fodder. With (the Journeyof Hope) , I was part of a team." Nelson recalls the lessons in brotherhood he picked up in his local chapter. As a freshman , a senior brother explained to him that, 'Just because you're a member of a fraternity - or any group - doesn't mean you have t0 agree with or like everything. But you work with each other for a bigger picture". He also learned that brotherhood, is sharing in someone else's gains. "We are all a product of our past," Nelson says. "But being a Pi Kapp does not end with graduation." His lifelong commitment to brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi is something that Brother Wong takes seriously. He volunteers for the National Fraternity as a District Counselor so that he has an outlet to share his experiences with tl1e current Pi Kapp student leaders. He keeps in touch with his chapter and Journeyof Hope brothers to this day through the convenience and speed of current technology. "Outside of the Journeyof Hope," he explains, "I am learning more about brotherhood today than I did as an undergraduate. I made a commitment to lifelong brotherhood (at initiation) and following up on that pledge has been one of the best choices I've made." Nelson offers to all brothers, "It's never too late to get back into the Pi Kappa Phi picture. Opportunities for great brotherhood experienceS are going to go by with or without you. You might as well enjoy some for yourself and take advantage of the opportunities to help our student and alwnni chapters." Fa ust (Trey) Po ll oc k, Ill Eps ilo n Omega (Texas Tech )

Lifelong Brother Since 1997

Brother Pollock is a career counselor at

New Horizons Computer Learning Center in San Antonio, Texas. His younger brother is a legacy mem!Jer at his chapter at Texas Tech University where Treywas a re-founding father and chaplain for Epsilon Omega Chapter. Pollock was introduced to Pi Kappa Phi by two National Fraternity staff members who were on-site recruiting unaffiliated men to re-establish the chapter on campus. Intrigued by the idea of starting his own fraternity, he attended a short informational meeting, learned what Pi Kappa Phi had to offer, and quickly signed on the proverbial dotted line. His time as a pledge/associate member was quite unique as it is for most founding fathers. With no initiated brothers to educate and guide the path, the chapter operated as one large new member class who taught themselves the civics of the Fraternity and slowly built a bond of brotherhood and unity. One of the events that Trey remembers helped to develop a sense of brotherhood was winning the homecoming competition. He recalls, "It was amazing to see all of our hard work and determination pay off." Probably the most significant memory he holds of brotherhood is a retreat the chapter held early in their inception at the ranch of the parents' of one of tl1e members. The events of the retreat included football in the mud, card games, and subordinate rituals. However, be-


desirable conduct are just afew of the nega- at the threshold of graduation. It is in brothertive stigmas that plague fraternities today. hood that we learned trust, the value of diversity Society has the microscope on fraternity of thought, the greater scope of brotherhood and life and prospective members and their par- life beyond our chapters and campuses, and the ents, the press, and the general comnm- true meaning of love for fellow man. These are nity are watching carefully. As a recent all tenets that hold true for all stages of life. So student leader, Pollack confirms that the the question isn't, "What is brotherhood?". Inpressure and stakes have never been higher stead, it may be asking yourself what's been keepfor Pi Kappa Phi and other national frater- ing you from re-establishing bonds \vith your nities to prove their worth. chapter brothers or dropping that overdue phone "Fraternities have a bad rap and we call to that brother you looked up to that you have much bad press to overcome," he says. haven't spoken with in a while. "I know it's not easyto always to the 'right Muscle only atrophies when it's not used. And thing' but we need to keep in mind that wllile we all can't be the Arnold Schwarzenegger wherever we go and whatever we do, we're of brotherhood, we can work to string together always representing Pi Kappa Phi." tl1e building blocks of experiences and memories He adds, "I know that if we keep in (old and yet to be had!) that make us part of mind what's right and make the right de- America's LMdingFraternity, and build astrong cisions, then the rest of society will see and tone brotherhood for tile ages. fl what we already know- that Pi Kappa Phi is the best fraternity in the world." So, we find don't ourselves with the chal-

lenge of tryingto find an exact definition for brotherhood, but rather realizing that brotherhood indeed is a muscle that must be exercised. Too often we leave that fraternal warmth that made us so loyal toeach other

yond the schedule, Pollock remembers a small group of re-founding fathers gathered around a guitar on the ranch's floating gazebo. What began as a casual talk about life between a few evolved into a large group discussion on what brotherhood meant to each and every member of the chapter. Most shared and some even revealed deeplybedded secrets. In the end and before the overweighted gazebo began to sink, all of them caught their first glimmer of what it meant to trust your brother. "Brotherhood is something different for everyone," Pollock explains. "To me it is a vow that supercedes rules, laws, life, and death. It is a commitment to never leave or forsake your brothers even in the darkest hour." And this is a viewpoint shared by many young Pi Kappa Phi alumni and student members. With fraternity chapters having more "eyes" on them now more than ever, as Pollock would describe, current brothers are having to make up for poor choices made by their predecessors. Risk managemen~ binge drinking, alcohol and sexual abuse, poor academics, and less than




With significant breadth of experience in a number of industries on a global scale, Forehand is well-suited to create a bold future for Accenture, its people and its clients.

Alpha I (Auburn), is the Chairman & CEO of Accenture of Pi Kappa Phi. In this photo. Forehand stands in front of Accenture's offices in Irving, Texas.


innovations into results



ng over the reigns of one of the ld's leading management coning and technology services organizations with more than 75,000 employees spread over 47 countries around the world and net revenues of $11.57 billion is no easy task. Yet for Alpha Iota (Auburn) alumnus joe Forehand, it seemed destined.

Zeta Zeta (North Florida) alumni come home to celebrate Zeta Zeta's 15 year ann iversary.

Forehand joined the company in 1972 in the Atlanta office and became a partner 10 years later. During his tenure, Forehand has held leadership responsibility for 11 of Accenture's 18 industry groups. Prior to becoming CEO on November 1, 1999, Forehand was the managing partner for the organization's Communications & High Tech operating group. In that role, he managed key components of Accenture's global eCommerce efforts. In addition to his role as CEO, Forehand was named chairman of the board of directors in February 2001. The company became public in July 2001 with a successful $1.67 billion !PO, trading shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ACN. According to Forehand, the key to longevity in his 30-year career with the company is "seeing to it that every day is a little better than the day before." Accenture traces its roots back to 1953 with the installation of the first computer for business application at General Electric. In1989 the company was established as a separate and independent business unit devoted solely to management consulting and technology services. Under Forehand's leadership today, Accenture delivers innovation to its clients by helping them identify and capitalize on their most important business and technology opportunities, and by providing solutions to their most complex and critical challenges.

Born in Alexander City, Alabama, Forehand graduated from Auburn University in 1971 with a bachelor of science degree in industrial engineering. While at Auburn, he became president of the Alpha Iota fraternity his junior year. Forehand then received his master of science degree in industrial administration from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University in 1972. He and his wife Gayle currently live near Dallas, Texas and are the parents of twin sons. In January 2001, Information Week magazine selected Forehand as one of the 15 most inspirational figures in the information technology industry. Later that year, Consulting magazine named him the number one most influential consultant and credited him with leading Accenture "to the outer edges of consulting's frontier." In November 2001 , VARBusiness magazine chose him one of its top visionaries and CRN magazine named him one of its top 25 executives for 2001. Forehand wants to ensure Accenture is the company clients and potential clients turn to when they want to translate good ideas into results that enhance their business performance. Known for his collaborative and inclusive workstyle, Forehand believes that lasting competitive advantage comes to those companies who fulfill and realize ideas. So, it is not surprising that this point of view is reinforced in the tagline from Accenture's latest advertising campaign: "It's not how many ideas you have. It's how many you make happen." fl

Alpha Epsilon (Florida) alumnus Christopher Cathey joined Uber & Berne, he will be a member of the firm 's Business Litigation Group .


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When I graduatOOfrom Indiana University in May2000with aBS in Finance, tl1e last tlling I expectOO to do was become a university trustee. Just two years later however, I was elec!OO to tl1e IU Board of Trustees by the alumni of Indiana University. As an undergraduate I had no aspirations of taking on such a role. I did care deeply about IU though and was interestOO in

finding a way that I could give something back to the university. I wasn't really sure how Iwas going to contribute until I received a mass e-mail from our Alumni Association infomling me of the trustee election. Only tl1en did I start to tllink seriously about running for a seat on the board. I did some reading about the board and learned a bit more about their responsibilities. As I researched the position it became obvious to me that the current board was not an accurate representation of the IU alumni base. Of the nine board members, only two (one being the student trustee) were under tl1e age of 55, despite the fact that 81%of IU alumni are younger than 55. I believed I could offer a different perspective to the board and so I decided to run for the open seat In order to be placed on the ballot I had to obtain the signatures of 100 IU alumni. While I knew more tl1an 100 IU alumni, I didn't know where I could get them all in one place to sign my petition. Luckily, the Alumni Association was having a pep rally for the IU basketballteamduringtheBigTenToumament. Soiventuredover to Indianapolis and was able to attain the n~signatures from tl1e many IU graduates that attended the pep rally. Once I was officially on the ballot tl1erewasn't a whole lot I could do but wait. The election was handled by mail and so it wasn't until about three montl1S after turning in my signatures tl1at the votes were countOO.

Kappa (North Carolina) alumnus Thomas Sayre (middle) was presented with his Silver Legion certificate. for 25 years of Fraternity service . .,..

During those months I did all of the campaigning I could afford on a fmancial analyst's salary. I e-mailed everyone I could remember from school and asked them to spread the word about my candidacy. Ialso set up a web site tl1at informed voters of my background as \veil as my position on various issues. Since there are no polls or updates on the election, I had no way of knowing how I was doing. I never really got nervous throughout tl1e election prooess, until of course the daythe votes were countOO. Iwas told that candidates would find out the results by the early afternoon, and when the early afternoon came and went I figured that no news was bad news. As I was about to leave for dinner, I got a call from a reporter at tl1e Indianapolis Star who infonned me tl1at I had won. Apparently the university didn't have my correct contact information and had been trying to reaeh me all afternoon. They fmally got a hold of me tl1ough and officially told me the goodnews. I ended up defeating seven other candidates for the position and nobody was more surprised by the results than me. I went to dinner the night I found out and could hardly bring myself to eat because I wassoexcitOO. To tllis day it still really hasn't sunk it tl1at I've won. I'm about two months into my three year term and the experience has been amazingtlmsfar. Ican'tput into words how thankful I am to have been given such an opportunity. To be able to make an inlpact on something that I care so much about is a great feeling. I am also very proud to represent our fratenlity, and I'm confident tl1at I would be not in tllis position if it weren't for my involvement with Pi Kappa Phi. My experiences as chapter president and a member of the Journey of Hope have more than prepared me for the challenges that I will face as a trustee, as well as in life. I hope that other young graduates will draw inspiration from my election and seek to make an inlpact on something that tl1ey care about. As evidenced by my victory, there is no linlit to what we can accomplish. )..(

Ch i cago -Are-a .,.. alumni gather for the sixth annual "Pi Kappa Phi Open ". organized by Bruce Swanson Beta Delta (Drake) .

www. p i kapp .org

The National Council recently approved the fonnation of a special group who will be charged with the planning and execution of all Centennial events surrounding the 100111 anniversary of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi. The Centennial Commission will be led by a fifteen member Steering Committee, which has been appointed bythe National Council to oversee the lOOtl' anniversary, which will be highlighted during the Centennial Supreme Chapter in Charleston, South Carolina in the summer of 2004. National Treasurer John Andrews Delta Delta (Truman State) will serve as the General Chairman of the Centennial Commission. "The mission of the Centennial Commission is to assemble every man of Pi Kappa Phi who will step forward to provide spiritual and literal leadership and who will provide funds to fully prepare and celebrate the 100111 Anniversary Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity," said Andrews. In order to make the 2004 Supreme Chapter the largest and most memorable in the fraternity's history, a massive campaign is now underway to find the volunteer leadership and funds necessary to make it a success. The Centennial Commission is looking for dedicated and loyal Pi Kapps who want to be a part of this historic occasion and who are willing to help with the planning and execution of over 50+ special events and activities that are now in the planning stages. The Centennial Commission has also announced the appointment of four prominent alumni, who will serve as Honorary Chainnen for the Centennial. They are: Julius E. Burges (Alpha), Retired banker and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1986; Dr. James B. Edwards (Alpha), fonner Governor of South Carolina, fanner U.S. Energy Secretary and President of MUSC; Dr. Harry W.Freeman (Alpha), noted professor at the College of Charleston and Marion C.



"Hack" Mixson (Beta),son of Founder Mixson and retired Air Force Colonel. The Steering Committee is now in the process of seeking alumni and student members who are willing to join the Centennial Commission and assist with these plans. Centennial Commission members are also asked to make a special designated gift of $1,000 or more to help underwrite the costs of the educational programs and special events that will be the centerpieces of the Centennial Supreme Chapter, as well as help to provide for the 100111 Anniversary Gift to the College of Charleston. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has established a special fund for the celebration and will administer the gifts, therebymaking those funds used for educational and charitable purposes fullytax deductible. To date, over 80 Pi Kapp alumni have committed to join the Centennial Commission. "! am confident we can have 250 or more brothers join in this effort," said Andrews, "And we are well on our way to that number already with just 'word of mouth' interest to date." Centennial Commission members will also receive special recognition at all Centennial events and programs, plus VIP seating andotherptivileges in appreciation for their leadership and commitment to the fraternity. "The members of the Centennial Commission will be remembered for years to come for demonstrating their leadership and commitment to Pi Kappa Phi and it is our hope that hundreds will come forward to participate in this historic event," said Andrews. Interested brothers can learn more about the Centennial Commission bycontacting anymember of the Steering Committee and requesting an infonnation packet, or contact the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation at 800-9291906 or vi a email to: centennial@pikapp.org. Infonnation will also be available on the website in the near future.)l


STEERING COMMITIEE : Julius E. Burges (Alpha) Dr. James B. Edwards (Alpha) Dr. HarryW. Freeman (Alpha) Marion C. "Hack" Mixson (Beta) STEERING COMMITTEE: John R. Andrews (Delta Delta) General Chairman Dan Barry (Alpha) Push America Events Tom Carter (Gam ma Delta) Centennial Special Events Scott Gasparini (Zeta Alpha) Marketin&fPromotions/ Registration '-

Pat Kuhnle (Omega) Historica l Observance Bob Lane (Alpha Omicron) Push America Events Mark Jacobs (Delta Psi) Foundation Events David Lane (Omega) Specia l Guests/ Dignita ries Dr. Pat Rgley (Chi) Education/Legislation/A~ards

nm Ribar (Xi) Historical Observance David Simas (Gamma Beta) Centennial Specia l Events Dave Vawter (Alpha Zeta) Education/Legislation/ Awards Allen Woody (Xi) Foundation Events Jerry Brewer (Sigma) Marketin&fPromotion; Registration

J. Jeffry Wahlen (Alpha Epsilon) Budget& Rnances CHAIRMAN OF THE GIFT COMMITTEE : Durward W. Owen (Xi) HEADQUARTERS


Mark nmmes (Alpha Epsilon) Chief Executi ve Officer Steve Whitby (Zeta Iota) Assista nt Executive Director Dick Baker (Delta Beta) COO/Vice President of Development Tom Atwood (Beta Eta) Director of Alumni Services

these elements essential to living a fulfilling life. I am often asked, "Why? Why strive to After graduation I became intrigued with clinlb mountains that reach the altitude jet airadventure, specifically the type that challenged liners fly at?" For me it was broken down in to the body and mind, and forced one to break the simplest fom1s of reasoning. I found my through those barriers of the inner self. I found zeal was toward high altitude mountaineering, what I was looking for in the solitary tests of and that was that; no doubts, no regrets, no high altitude mountaineering. I soon discov- looking back, and only lO'oking forward. Life is ered brotherhood played an important role in to be lived, not watched. Do not wait for life to my new passion as well. include you, and never think you cannot acMost seasoned mountaineers convey that complish what your mind dreams. Life really is a mountain is a living, breathing entity that a short ride so make every moment count. should be respected. If the high winds, crevasses, My next goal many adventurers consider deep snow, or sheer ice faces don't physically to be the biggest challenge offered in extreme and spiritually annihilate you, the tl1in air will. endurance and high altitude mountaineering. Therefore, I feel a kind of mental brotherhood I will attempt to reach Mt. Everest's summit between climber and mountain is essential for witl1out the use of supplementary oxygen, which survival at high altitude. At 26,000 ft. there is only 7Americans have ever accomplished. More SWEET ...;..~'t'""t-j::IJ~ no margin for error. With one wrong decision Americans have walked on the Moon than SUCCESS Top Photo: IIO~W:JJJ.~~~!.etil or misstep, one could die. reached the summit of Everest by this method. summit and 1st Ascent. Gronau On a number of past expeditions I climbed I am currently trying to obtain sponsors to work Nunatakker with a partner. Establishing a strong brother- with leading medical professionals interested in Region. East Greenland. hood between one anotl1er was a principal ele- studying me while I climb in the pharmacology Middle photo: Summit. ment in making an expedition successful, as and physiology of high altitude life sciences and ShishapanfJTla well as getting back home alive. On one such fitness. In addition, I want to organize a fanlily (26.552ft). Tibet mountaineering expedition in Greenland I was health care initiative program where our trekBottom Photo: Summit of stuck in a tent with my clinlbing partner for king team and I distribute non-prescription, ShlshapanfJTla, eight days while a polar stonn's fury dropped first-aid supplies Tibet five feet of snow outside. Our first night under to families of loOur brotherhood clear skies, anxious for some first ascents, we cal villages completely overextended ourselves and were ex- within Nepal saved each other. hausted on our down-climb after a twelve-hour while traveling summit bid. We got careless and walked right to Everest base camp. over a snow bridge, and my climbing partner Before climbing above base camp on plunged into a deep crevasse. Arope and my Everest, my expedition support team and Sherpas partner were the only lifelines between life and will hold a puja ceremony. The base camp puja death. Luckily I pulled him out. Our brother- is an observance requesting for pem1ission to hood saved each other. climb the mountain, and for protection and I have been fortunate and grateful for these good weather. I truly believe in order for me to brotl1erhoods with mountains and climbers, and accomplish the task of reaching the summit have reached summits around the world. Some of without oxygen and getting back down safely, a theseaccomplishmentsinclude: attainingthesum- brotherhood will need to be established between mit of the 13~' highest mountain in the world, me, my climbing Sherpa, Everest, and the Gods. Shishapangma (no supplementary oxygen), at Onlyonce I possess this, will I be ready to reach of brotherhood 26,552ft, in Tibe~ soloingAconcagua in Argentina for that apex in the sky and to stand on top of by SEAN BURCH (the highest peak in the Southern and Western the world. I hope every Pi Kappa Phi brother Hemisphere) in 7hours and 20 minutes from base will reach for their aspirations,路 and live out camp. Additionally I established a world record in their dreams that are forever expanding and the jump-rope at altitude by jump-roping on the shifting like the glaciers on the mountains that summit of a 22,84lft peak; I am the only moun- have come to mean so very much to me. f.l. e essence of brotherhood has played a continu- taineer in history to reach the summits of three ous role in my life since entering the Xi chapter of different glaciers with 14 ftrst ascents, 2 of them 路 Kappa Phi fraternity my very first day of college solo, in a previously unmapped and w1explored over 14 years ago. Looking back now I am in- area within the Arctic Circle in Greenland. To my stilled with a belief I am sure most of us all have credit I have 3first ascents of mountains in the St. Sean Burch Xi (Roanoke). is a mounta ineer. freelance writer 1 photographer. motivational speaker/ presenter. and - the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi were my saving Elias Range, Alaska; one of them being Mt. Schou. endurance fitness and martial art instructor iivlngln Northern VirgJnia . You may contact sean about sponsorship for Everest grace through college. Fraternity taught me the I have also stood on the summits of high altitude 2003. upcoming expeditions. orjoin his trekkingteam to Mt Everest. at wwwAipinelceExpeditions.com value of brotherhood and friendship, and I find peaks in the U.S., Mexico, and Ecuador. STAR & LAMP I FALL 2002






,' •


cess of publishing an alumni newsletter, the Alpha Kappian. Through this and several other efforts they are gradually rebuilding our alumni relations. With an associate class of 12 men and house morale at an all time high, the Alpha Kappa chapter is on their way to becoming the leading chapter at Michigan.



www.pikapp .org

Alpha College of Charleston

The brothers of Alpha had a remarkable 2001-2002 academic year. Alpha received honors for being the Best Fraternity 0~ campus, as well as being recognized as the chapter.that performed the most comprehensive community service award. Drew Holder took home the hardware, winning Best New Member of the Year. In addition to their strong commitment to brotherhood, Alpha has been equallystrong in the classroom and on their campus. For the 20012002 school year, Alpha had the highest overall GPA out of all fraternities at the College of Charleston. Theyalso were victorious in the annual Greek Week competition last spring. Alpha has now won Greek Week 21 out of the past 25 Greek Weeks. One of Alpha's goals is to improve upon the great job they did last year. They are off to a great start for the 2002-2003 year. With 18 new associate members, (the largest class for Alpha in the past four years), Alpha had one of the largest recruitment classes on campus and puts the total chapter size at a total of 43 men. Alpha is now the largest fraternity on the campus of The Co~ege of Charleston.

Delta Furman University

During the two short year.; since the rechartering of Pi Kappa Phi at Furman Uni~rsity, the men of the Delta Chapter ha~ claimed a pa;ition in the spotligh~ both at local level and at aNationallevel. At Funnan, Delta Chapter was awarded




FALL 2002


DELTA AND MIXSON . MEANT TO BE Brothers of Delta (Furman ) gather together and show their pride for the Mixson Award that they received at supreme Chapter.

Alpha Kappa University of Michigan

At the Alpha Kappa chapter things have been looking good for the the prestigious Mallory Cup last year, fall. They finished the spring with given annually to the leading frater- several awards and much recognity in the areas of religion, leader- nition at the University of Michiship, scholarship, athletics, and gan. Pi Kappa Phi competed in general achievement on the Furman every available Intramural event campus. Prior to last year, Furman's and finished the year fifth in chapter of Sigma Nu had claimed rankings and qualified for "Suthe trophy since the early 1970's. per Teams", a weekend long tour- · Furthermore, the chapter also re- nament at the end of the year of ceived Furman's "Commitment to the top fraternity Intramural Community Award" for dedication teams. Events consisted of basto Push America and innovation in ketball, football, volleyball, softawareness and fund-raising projects. ball, racquetball and tug of war; In the national arena, the men Alpha Kappa finished third in this of Delta were further honored with year's tournament. Pi Kappa Phi the Mixson Award at Supreme Chap- finished second in the voting for ter in Washington, D.C. this past frater.nity of the year and was recsummer. The publicity of these ognized as a Fraternity of Excelawards, coupled with hard work lence bythe Interfraternity Counfrom the chapter this fall, has proven cil. To add to the list of accombeneficial for the chapter'simage and plishments, they won Greek Week Rush numbers. by a landslide with partners Pi Though freshman Rush Beta Phi and Beta Theta Pi. doesn't occur until late January, The summer treated Alpha Delta took an Associate Member Kappaverywell. Whileotherswere class of Sophomores this Septem- · relaxing the brothers were hard ber three times the size of their fall at work with rush and also made class last year. numerous improvements to the Delta has also been busy re- Alpha Kappa house. The imcently with their 2"d annual No provements were possible due to Boundaries Week, culminating with the combination of hard work by awell-attended Empathy Dinner and the brothers and Housing Corpoa 24-hour Scaffold Sit during ration President jeremy Meuser. Furman Parents' Weekend. With all Alpha Kappa made astrong showthe successes enjoyed bythe chapter ing at Supreme Chapter with five last year, enthusiasm is hard to hide. student delegates and Brother Yet the men at Furman are working Meuser as an alumnus. to repeat and surpass last year's Brotherjohn Scatamacchia, record with humility and diligence. Historian, is currently in the pro-


Beta Theta University of Arizona

The Beta Theta chapter has experienced an exciting start to the 20022003 school year. Beta Theta's recruitment was particularly suocessful, as 20 quality men were preinitiated; while the uni~rsity's rush numbers were less than half that of fall 2001. Additionally, the chapter ranks second on can1pus in academics, with an average GPA of 3.018. With the election of a new Archon,Dan Fritcher, chapter meetings have been streamlined and efforts ha~ been made to increase accountability of the executive counciL Due to such efforts, the chapter has seen an o~rall improvement in participation byall its members. Continuing with tradition, the chapter has scheduled this year'sfirst chapter retreat as homecoming approaches. The chapter will participate in events with Sigma Kappa Sorority. The chapter has established a new alumni listserv, to which this year's first alumni newsletter will be sent. In continuation, the chapter is anticipating strong attendance at this semester's alumni barbeque on Homecoming weekend. Participation in philanthropy events will be very strong byBeta Theta's men this year. The chapter is sending men to GAP weekends in Colorado and California, and the chapter's annual Powder-Puff Sorority Football To.urnament is scheduled for the weekend of October 19.

Beta Theta has an excellent semester in store, which will showcase Pi Kappa Phi as a leader on the University of Arizona campus, the Thcson community, and the greater Southwest.

Beta Iota University of Toledo

BEAT THE VOLS The men from Delta Iota (Middle

Tennessee State)

Associate chapter show their school spirit outside of Neyland Stadium in Knoxville. for

the Tennessee versus Middle

Tennessee Stae football game.

BALD! That's how members of Beta Iota kicked off the 2002-2003 school year. Inspired by the will and determination of chapter brotherJoe Faley, the brothers of Beta Iota returned to school with no hair. Brother Faley underwent numerous radiation treatments for Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of incurable bone cancer. He was diagnosed with the condition in 2001 and passed to the chapter eternal on September 23, 2002. Brother Faley credited his brothers with the suppmt that kept a smile on his face and recharged his surviving spirit on a dailybasis. Brothers were known to stay the night in tl1e hospital witl1 him, and also offered to donate blood when needed. The men of Beta Iota receive a large charge of inspiration from their fallen brother. There's no stronger illustration of what the bonds of brotherhood can transcend.

Gamma Alpha University ofWestAiabama

The brothers of Gan1111aAipha Chapter at tl1e University of West Alabama just received an associate

member class of eight men and are excited to gain new faces and new ideas. The new class is ready to take on whatever challenges come before them and will do what it takes to become a member of America's Leading Fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. The brotl1ers of Gamma Alpha had a busysummer and look forward to the rest of this fall semester In July, the brothers welcomed once again theJourney of Hope team to Livingston, Alabama for an overnight visit. They truly enjoyed the times shared with tl1e wonderful men and sincerely tl1ank tl1em for their commitment tl1is summer. Also, a brother of Gan1111aAipha,Travis Crocke~; was acrew member for Gear Up Florida 2002. He was well respected on the trip, and was a good ambassador for the chapter and tl1e University of West Alabama. Recently, Gamma Alpha has been visited by an individual from the National Office. Leadership Consultant,Josh Carroll (Alpha Alpha), challenged tl1em to excel in all areas of need. Gamma Alpha also held its first Strategic Planning Retreat and found it to be well instructed and a necessity for us to improve. In the early fall, Gamma Alpha participated in Move In Day once again and held a scaffold sit as part of a Push America Project. They strive to continue to promote the the mission as well as the projects and programs of Push America They had a successful recruitment in part due to thesee\~nts. The brothers of Gan1111a Alpha are planning manyevents for the upcoming fall including road trips to Gamma Gan1111a Chapter, Delta Epsilon Chapter, and hope-

fullyIota Chapter Theystarted walkouts last year and find it a good way to meet other fraternity brothers from throughout the southeast. They look forward to doirig it again this year and also cannot wait to become bigger, stronger, and of course America's Leading Fraternity on the University of West Alabama campus.

Gamma Phi University of South Alabama

The Gamma Phi chapter is not only pushing to be the leader on campus, but in its community as well. The chapter has gained distinctive recognition by the University of Soutl1 Alabama'sAthletic department and the Dean of Student Affairs. With a semester total of 200 hours of community service, Gamma Phi is at tl1e forefront in the betterment of society on the local level. Last year, Gamma Phi contributed the highest number of volunteer participants in the Give-APush Weekend in Jackson's Gap, Alabama. When asked about the event, treasurer Sean Marks responded, "It really opened my eyes to the potential for the good we can accomplish as a fraternity. " Showing their resolve, twenty other brothers also spent their Saturday that same month constructing a playground for Eight Mile Elementary School. Working from the first rays of dawn until past dusk, the members of Gamma Phi Chapter permeated a strong and unerring sense of unity and brotherhood. The brothers have also organized a 60-hour scaffold sit outside of WaiMart where they can raise awareness a,nd funds for Push America. The proud winners of formal rush, never to be outmatched, also had high academic achievements as its associate member class finished with the highest GPA at the University of South Alabama. Several brothers were awarded with recognition on the President's List and

the Dean 's List. Using the advantages of modem technology, the chapter is also attempting to improve communications with its alumni, and exchange ideas with other chapters. Gan1111a Phi implemented an internal alumni database that includes positions and companies, for which alumni work. This will help graduating brothers network with alumni in their chosen profession and find first-class career opportunities in a difficult job market. Thanks to increasing alumni support and an expanded willingness of members to devote more of their time, Gamma Phi is confident that it will make Pi Kappa Phi the leading Greek organization on campus and in the community.

Delta Iota (AC) Middle Tennessee State University

The months since February 2002 have been more than exciting for tl1e members of Delta Iota, the associate chapter at Middle Tennessee State University. Last spring, the men of Delta Iota ended the semester with the highest GPA on campus, anumber one finish in regular season play of intranwral arena football, and a good start on the chartering goals set in March. On August 11, 2002 Delta Iota sent one of its members to the Chapter Eternal. Matt Holt, his father, and his brother-in-law were tragically killed when their plane crashed shortly after take-off. To remember and honor Matt's contributions to Pi Kappa Phi and to Delta Iota, the chapter has decided to save a seat for him at every meeting by placing his white diamond in a chair in the front of the room. Although the fall semester started out \vith a tragic loss, brotllerhood is at an all-time high. Delta Iota picked up 18 fine young men during fall rush, making the grand total46 members. Open recruitment is also yielding several promising fu-



FALL 2002



November. Other Push America projects in the works include toll roads, a date auction, a hole-inone golf tournament, and selling glow sticks at local area high school football games. The men of Delta Iota have been given an opportunity that most men of Pi Kappa Phi will never have: to build a chapter from tl1e ground up.Always diligent, they are working hard to oomplete their goal of having the best chapter in the nation.

www.pikapp .org

Delta Omega Texas A&M University

ture Pi Kappa Phis. Delta Iota has been very active outside of rush events. As of October 41h, the chapter competed in the Sigma Phi Epsilon mud volleyball tournament, went bowling with Alpha Chi Omega, won Battle of the Sexes with Delta Zeta, field(Xl intramural teams for football, soccer, and volleyball, and attended all four football games including road trips for games at Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The men of Delta Iota also make up the majority of the "Rowdy Raiders" a group of dedicated fans who run the team out onto the field before all home games and lead cheers and chants from the stands. As a result, the Pi Kappa Phi flag is displayed proudlyin a picture featured on the MTSU athletics' homepage. Almost all of the male Raider Reps (campus tour guides) are Pi Kappa Phi's, as are half of the male First Year Experience Academic Assistants. Pi Kappa Phi is very well represented on the Up Till Dawn committee with three members and is preparing several teams for entry into the Zeta Tau Alpha Lip-Sync contest. In up coming weeks, Delta Iota will be hosting a campus wide Thgof-War to benefit Push America and an empathydinner scheduled for early




FALL 2002


The brothers of Delta Omega had another phenomenal year in 2002. The Chapter excelled once again in scholarship, leadership, and intramurals. For the last four semesters their associate classes have had a GPA over 3.0, and over the last three semesters their active brothers have had a GPA over 2.9. Delta Omega also had a great year for recruitment by initiating 32 men, and this fall they have 18 associate members. For campus leadership, the Chapter has had a Pi Kapp representative on every search committee over the past year for various A&M officials including: the Dean of Student Life, Director of the Counseling Center, Campus-wide Leadership Initiative, Health Center Director, all key Risk Management officials, and the Associate Director of Student Life. At Delta Omega there has always been a strong history ofbrotherl1ood through sports, and this year was no different. They held the Greek Cup and 12"' Man Cup for intramurals,while winning the AllGreek Volleyball and All-University Football Championships. This new year has already started off with a bang, as the Chapter had one of its largest turnouts ever for its rumual Alumni Weekend. The brothers of Delta Omega know that this year will be one of their best.


Epsilon Alpha Elon University

The Epsilon Alpha Chapter have started off great at Elon University. After a successful chartering in 2001, the chapter is off to a great start by implementing many new ideas aimed at breaking down Greek stereotypes on campus. Early this semester they all participated in a Strategic Planning Retreat in which Executive Council and tl1e chapter wrote out a strategic plan for upcoming semesters. They've implemented two new tactics this year to recognize helpful faculty and staff on our campus. The Rose Award will be given once a semester to a university staff member that has dedicated time and energy toward assisting our chapter. The "Semester Scholar Program" will be given once a semester in recognition of a faculty member who is an exemplary scholar ru1d mentor of a brother who has taken the initiative to succeed in the classroom. Another new event that will take place this fall on campus is "No Boundaries Week." In order to raise awareness, funds, and volunteerism for Push America, our brothers are devoting a whole week to activities. To incorporate the Greek community, they are hosting a a variety of events where Elan's fraternities and sororities will battle it out to see who comes out on top. APush America presentation will be made and all proceeds will benefit the philanthropy: To increase the commitment to academics,路the chapter has created a tutor plan with a tutor list beiween brothers. They are also working on a more effective plan to work with our Academic Coach.

As the largest IFC chapter on Elan's campus, tl1eyhold the highest GPA out of all fraternities and wish to continue to rise above the goals that have already been met.

Zeta Gamma University of North Dakota

The Zeta Gamma Chapter is now celebrating their sixteenth anniversary. The Chapter was founded on November 21, 1986, by some very persistent brothers led by Brother Mimael O'Donnell (Alpha E!X'ilon). Although the chapter has been around for sixteen years, the past few years have been the most dramatic for the chapter. Along with a strong Housing Corporation game plan, Zeta Garnma has improved in many other aspec With numbers that wer~ continually dropping, the house membership dropped to just fourteen members over the summer of 2000. During the fall of 2000, with tl1e help of Alumni and hard work, the chapter initiated fourteen new members, doubling the size of the chapter and bringing it back to life. With these new future leaders at the helm they have taken the chapter to new heights. The chapter has rewritten its constitution, obtained a Scholarship Advisor, a UND Faculty member with twenty seven years in advising experience, and created from the ground up a new scholarship program. The chapter has also written a brand new recruitment and big brother program, in order to aid the chapter in recruitment and retention. The brothers adopted a sober brother program to provide transportation for brothers on weekends. The chapter's website has quickly be-

MOV ING OJII UP Brothers from Zeta Phi (Colorado State) and Eta Gamma (Colorado) take

a break from the hard work at Give路A路Push Weekend in Empire.

come one of the best sites on the internet, providing all of the brothers of our chapter, alumni and active, with the most up to date information of chapter events. It also serves as a location for the Chapter's history, a complete listing of all brothers (including em ails), and a place for brothers to interact with each other through on-line polls and story posting. The Zeta Gamma Chapter is also proud to be the most diverse fraternity chapter on campus, with active brothers from nine different states and three countries. The Chapter is also proud to have two active Native American Brothers, who joined despite a campus wide debate concerning the universities nicknan1e, the Fighting Sioux, and many campus publications that have printed articles stating that Fraternities are encouraging the

racism on campus. Recently the Chapter recruited twelve new men tl1at make up t11e Alpha Theta Associate Class for tl1e Fall2002 semester. Five new alumni advisors have been recruited for tl1e chapter and we were also nmner up for the Lighthouse award for the best member education program at Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C.

By overcoming obstacles and deconstructing the stereotypes of Fraternity life, the Zeta Ganlilla Chapter has shown the University of North Dakota that Pi Kappa Phi is working hard to become the leading fraternity on campus by 2004.

Zeta Xi Averett University

When their brothers needed help, tl1e alumni of Averett University's Zeta Xi chapter got involved. Concemed brothers formed the Zeta Xi alumni chapter one year ago to support the active students, improve relations with tl1e school, and continue the brotherhood and friendships established in college. "I think our chapter is unique," said alumni chapter archon Tim Carter, Zeta Xi 51. "We do a good job keeping in touch witl1 everybody and maintaining those relationships.'' Alumni have bolstered tl1e active chapter \\~th advice from rush to pig-cooking techniques, given professional guidance, and financial help. Agroup of Zeta Xi alumni work as professional pilots, and started an annual seminar to shepherd aviation students along their career paths. In tribute to a fallen brother, the alumni established the Carlo Finocchiaro Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship two years ago. Finocchiaro, known as Carl to his brothers, was killed in a car accident in February of 1997. "He's the only brother of our chapter who has passed onto tl1e Chapter Eternal, so we wanted to honor his memory," said Rob Arnold, Zeta Xi 17. Amold created and administers the scholarship. "His family was really happy and touched. " The scholarship, funded by alumni donations, offers $2,000 to a student who has

been a brother for two years, held an executive committee position for t\vo semesters and maintained a grade point average of 3.0. "We wanted it to be a leadership thing, grades and leadership together," Amold said. "We wanted someone who would step up to the plate." The fraternity plans to raise a $25,000 endowment to keep the scholarship going. "Looking back, it was a catalyst," Arnold said. "I think the scholarship idea served to get people motivated."

Eta Rho Southwest Texas St. Universi'ty

Zeta Phi Colorado State University

The Zeta Phi Chapter at Colorado State has experienced much success in the past semester. In March, Zeta Phi became the first chapter in the nation to complete an AccessABILITY event under the new format. The Zeta Phi men volunteered 811 hours in the spring to local philanthropic organizations, much of it to the Adaptive Recreation Office (ARO) , with whom it shares a volunteer relationship. Much of tl1is was done under Rob Schneider, Zeta Phi's Push America chainnan and the 2002 recipient of the Thomas Sayre Award. 1\vo brothers became Pi Alpha's this past summer. Archon Chris Cole was a part of Gear up Florida, and Josh Bridgeman made the 4000 mile joumey of Hope. Zeta Phi shows their commitment to Push America and people with disabilities. Zeta Phi won many chapter and individual awards on campus last semester. Most notably, Zeta Phi was recently awarded the title of Colorado's States Most Outstanding Fraternity. This fall, Zeta Phi welcomed 20 new associate members, the second largest new member class on can1pus. The future looks very promising for the Zeta Phi brothers, as they strive to become the leading fraternity at Colorado State

The Eta Rho Chapter at Southwest Texas State University finished a great semester last spring. They placed 3111 of 15 fraternities in intramurals, beating their previous high finish of 8"' place. Theywon the Soccer chan1pionship with Chi Omega Sorority and tl1e all-men's indoor soccer tournament. Eta Rho is off to a great start this fall. Through Rush, they recruited 30 new associate members. They have recruited 20 or more men each of the last 3 fall semesters. With the new class (Mu), they have reached 75 total members. They have also requested a Strategic Planning Retreat for later in the fall. Eta Rho is becoming the leading chapter on its campus!

WELCOME TO ETA RHO The men of Eta Rho (SouthwestTexas State) celebrate their accomplishments at Mens Step's (Bid Day) this September.







Eta Upsilon Miami University

The Eta Upsilon chapter at Miami University has enjoyed many successes in the past two semesters, and is continuing to work hard to uphold the high standards set by Pi Kappa Phi. At the Miami University Greek Awards Banquet last spring, Eta Upsilon went away with the 2nd highest number of awards of any chapter on campus. The awards include theAcadernic Achievement Award, Chapter Academic Excellence Award, Dean's Achievement Award, Community Service Award-Honorable Mention, Innovative Programming Award, New Member Education Award, Shirley Mintz Greenfield Philanthropy Award, and the Chapter Achievement Award. Current Pi Kapp leadership consultant Brandon Thdor received the Greek Values Society Exemplar Award. These awards exemplifY how highly regarded the Eta Upsilon chapter is in the Greek community at Miami University. This summer, Eta Upsilon continued its tradition of high participation in Gear Up Florida and the jour-

ney of Hope. The chapter sent two riders on GUF: Gene Dubick and Brian Dickman. Jay Wampler served as project manager of the trip. Eta Upsilon was also proud to have four JOH participants: Matt Hameroff,John McGarry, and josh Wellen. Brian Dickman served as a crew member. In the fall semester thus far, Eta Upsilon is highly focused on its goals that were set during an in tensive strategic planning retreat at the beginning of tl1e semester. 1\vo of the goals include recruiting 20 men during formal recruitment injanuary, and achieving at least a 3.1 overall chapter GPA. It should be noted that Eta Upsilon finished the spring semester ranked 3rd in grades among all fraternities on campus. Eta Upsilon is well on its way to manymore successes during the 2002-2003 academic year.

Eta Chi to new levels of excellence. Not only was the chapter well represented in Rush, but Eta Chi was also represented out on the road. This past summer Eta Chi was represented on the Journey of Hope by six men committed to the mission of raising funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Their dedication to excellence was portrayed at Supreme Chapter in Washington D.C. when Eta Chi attained The Fogarty Award for the third year in a row, which has never been previously achieved. The month of September has been a testament to their will to excel in every aspect of operation: Rush, Push Week, Parent's Weekend, and Homecoming. Immediately following Rush, an incredible Push Week raised a total of $5,000. Sororities and different organiEta Chi zations of the community par路 Texas Christian University ticipated in events such as 3 on 3 Wheelchair Basketball and The Eta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi an exciting Empathy Race, Fraternity at Texas Christian Univer- which simulates different dissity exemplifies all around excellence. abilities. The message of Push Hard work by Rush Chairman,] Kupe~ America dwells in the Rise the Rush Committee, andothermem- School on TCU's Campus. The hers has shown with a new associate Rise School is a school for chi!class oonsisting of t\venty-seven men. dren with Down syndrome and Each active member expects the best other developmental disabilities. out of these men, and these new pro>- During Push Week and the Fall pects are all oonfident they will take Semester the members of Eta Chi along with other students around TCU volunteered oumerous hours each day and continue to do so. Immediately following Push Week was Parent's Weekend. Eta Chi was able to estab!ish a long-awaited Parent's Club, which will be beneficial to Eta Chi in numerous ways. It will serve as a key support and motivational group for the chapter through house improvements, help with chapter relations, and other surprises along the way. Lately, Homecoming has

THE e IN ETA UPSILON Miami University wins the Web Site of the year award and the SummitAward at Suprme Chapter.




been the talk of the town around TCU, and Eta Chi is striving to defend its title and receive donations to Push America through victories in three Homecoming competition categories. The Eta Chi Chapter is operating on every cylinder possible and is ready to take Texas Christian University, the Fort Worth Community, and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity to unthinkable boundaries.

Theta Alpha UniversityofSouthem Mississippi

The start of the fall semester has been a great one for the Theta AIpha chapter at the University of Southern Mississippi. They started with a great fall rush, picking up 19 high quality associate members. These new members included five leadership scholars, a football player, and several others involved in numerous activities on campus. Following rush they dominated the Greek Awards banquet, picking up five of the eight awards. These awards included top active GPA, risk management award, community service, and the two most coveted awards the Aubrey K. Lucas Scholarship award, and the 5 Star chapter of the year. The Aubrey K. Lucas Scholarship award is given to the chapter with the top overall GPA. The 5 Star award or President's Cup is given to the top overall chapter on campus. The Theta Alpha chapter has also started a board of alumni advisors along with implementing an alumni banquet.


Collegiate Chapter & Individual Award Winners 2001-2002 Wl.~lllllll

Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with 7 or less NIC fraternities. Highest honor for a student chapter.

Delta (Funnan}


Highest combined chapter GPA from last calendar year.

Alpha Mu {Penn St.)· 3.18

........_ . . SIWIII..

If EIUIIIU 1111111

Alpha Epsilon {Florida)

Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with 8 to 17 NIC fraternities . Highest honor for a student chapter.

Eta Upsilon (Miami)

Eta Cbl (Texas Christian}


• • . 11111111111

Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with 18+ NIC fraternities. Highest honor for a student chapter.


Most superior programming for their members.

Delta Chi (Kansas State)

Eta Gamma (Colorado)


Most outstanding chapter in each geographical region . 1 Beta Alpha (NJIT) 11 Ganna Delta (Mempbls)

Eta Nu {Pennsylvania) Not Awarded Eta Epsilon (Maryland) Not Awarded Epsilon Alpha (Eion) Delta (Funnan) Lambda {Geof#la) 9 Theta Delta (Florida lnfl) 10 Epsilon Phi (UA-Birmlngbam)

Eta Tau (Kentucky) Eta Upsilon (Miami) Alpha Psi (Indiana) Delta Chi (Kansas st.) Beta Omicron (Nortflwestem Sl) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Eta Ganna (Colorado) 19 Gamma Delta (Memphis) 20 Not Awarded

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Most meaningfully contribution to the overall improvement of their community.

Alpha Psi (Indiana)


Five or more alumni initiates in the past falljspring. Delta Chi (Kansas Sl)

Delta (FUnnan) Alpha Eta (Samford) Beta Nu (Houston) Delta Epsilon (JacksonYIIIe Sl)

.... _.._

Epsilon Alpha (Eion) Eta Cbl (Texas Christian)

Chapter with the highest annual fund raising in the nation.

lwi*& Ill fiiiiiiU Innis

Eta Nu (PennsyiYanla} · $25 000

Successful in attaining yearly recruitment growth goal.

Beta (Presbyterian) Lambda (Georgia) Alpha Mu (Penn Sl)

Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) Alpha Psi (Indiana) Beta Phi (E. Caronna) Gamma Alpha (W. Alabama) Gamma Rho (Lander} Delta Eta (Moorehead Sl) Delta Rho (USC)

Delta Omega (Texas A&M) Epsilon Epsilon (VIrginia-Wise) Epsilon omega (Texas Tech) leta Alpha (Ciem$on) Eta Mu (Wingate) Eta Nu (Pennsytranla) EtaS~ (UClA) Eta Phi (Ma!Jiand-Ball Co.) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Delta (Florida lnt'l)

, ar'•• ..___. .... Chapters that achieve excellence through well-run chapter operations. including: rank in the upper 50% of fratern itie$ on campus in membership and scholarship; meet recruitment goal: and initiate 80 percent of all men pledged.

Alpha Psi (Indiana) Eta Chi (Texas Christian}


Most improvement in chapter operations over the past year.

Alpha Epsilon (Florida)

lr. . . . . . ~ ............. Most outstand ing individual student member in the nation.

Kyle Longest, Alpha Psi (Indiana)

........... lll~l slirlllllll

......... _

Most outstanding campus leader outside of Pi Kappa Phi.

John Englehart, Iota (Georgia Tech)

Phillip Leslie, omega (Purdue)

*'.._.., .. _

Clayton Solomon, Theta Delta (Aorlda lnt'l)

'11111111 I. ........ Most outstanding Push America Chairman in the nation.

Rob SChneider, Zeta Phi (Colorado Sl}


TAKE A ROAD TRIP and discover yourself




today's unsteadyeconomy, every college student knows that the job arket and life after college will be tough. Companies are downsizing; competition for the best jobs is fierce. Today's graduates must be more prepared than ever before, with marketable skills and qualities that distinguish them from the rest of the pack. Pi Kappa Phi seeks to assist its undergraduate members, alumni, and volunteers byoffering dynamic personal and career development opportunities. The Fraternity continues to support its members through thePKP Leadership Institute featuring Covey's 7 Habits as well as Life 401: Creating a Life Strategy. Both programs offer opportunities for members to reflect on their personal goals while learning techniques to make them more successful and happy in career and life. As America's Leading Fraternity; Pi Kappa Phi is committed to Building Better Men bycontinuing to offer this leading-edge programming to its chapters in spring 2003. The Pi Kappa Phi Leadership Institute featuring Covey's 7 Habits is a program designed to teach valuable lessons in productivity and taking a proactive approach to life. Past participants have called this the "ultimate" in productivity improvement workshops. The workshop helps you learn what it takes to build real trust as a leader, develop stronger and more rewarding business and personal relationships, discover ways to communicate that lead to fair and positive outcomes, and learn the best ways to confront a crisis before it escalates. The program teaches universal tools and ideas that equip you with the knowledge and confidence to achieve success in every endeavor you undertake in your life and in your work. Life 401 is a dynamic career and life success workshop facilitated by Fortune 100 consultant Brother Jolm Spence, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) . John teaches the same advanced ideas and techniques to high level executives at major corporations including Microsoft, AT&T, GE, and IBM, that he teaches to members during the Life 401 program. Life 401 will teach you how to run your life smoothly, how to reduce everyday stress, learn ways to make positive success oriented life decisions, and most importantly teach you ways to map out your life to obtain your dream job at any age. Pi Kappa Phi recognizes the importance of building leaders in our chapters. We offer these leadership development opportunities for the minimal cost of $20 per participant. This fee covers the cost of all materials and lunch. Take advantage of these opportunities to make plans, set goals and get the most out of your fraternity experience. Take a road trip, and get to know your brothers across the country. But more importantly get to know yourself and what you want out of life! The schedule for 2003 Journey Events is coming soon. Please check for updates this fall at pikapp.org. fl.


leading chaptersr..\ www .pikapp .org

org by ERIK GARREn

ffst over a year ago, Pi Kappa Phi proved its commitment to staying on the cutting edge technology by launching an updated website befitting of its members. It was veloped with the intention of sharing important infonnation while appreciating the de audience it would appeal to. The Fraternity developed a site that shared news articles related to Pi Kappa Phi and its constituents. The website offers online conference registration as well fratemity history, among many other facets of our organization. But as long as technology grows, so must our use of it. N3 stated above, Pi Kappa Phi is committed to staying on the cutting edge of technology. With that in mind, the Fraternity is currently engaged in re-emphasizing and redesigning our official website, pikapp.org. The site will appeal to everyone from prospective members, to an alumnus with 50 years of association, as well as tl1e most basic web user who has had no prior exposure to Pi Kappa Phi. Our transition this time is not only one of design, but one of functionality as well. Previously, pikapp.org has presented useful infonnation about our history, our brotherhood, among many other aspects of what it means to be a member of Ameiica's Leading Fraternity. Wh.ile that infonnation has been will and always remain a part of our \vebsite, advances in technology have allowed the Fraternity to take the next step. The website will take advantage of some key software donations, allowing tl1e Fraternity to transfonn certain aspects into multimedia displays of infonnation. This \vill include instructional tools for our volunteers, recruitment presentations and various other resource materials for our undergraduate brethren, and new ways to present our h.istory, to name but a few items that will enhance the site's look. The website team is currentlyfocused on cleaning up the website's appearance, giving it not onlya more aestl1etically pleasing look, but also a new organizational scheme that \vill make the site easy to navigate, tl1ereby increasing functionality. Novice to experienced web users will enjoy the botl1look and usability of ilie updated site. However, presenting pikapp.org with a fresh look is not tl1e only objective behind the redesign. In the near future, ilie Fraternity plans to use tl1e site as a communication tool, railier than just a source of infonnation. Prior to ilie Centennial in 2004, pikapp.org will support a fully functional online community for our members. The eventual goal is to provide infonnation to members of all tenure and allow for infonnation exchange. Members will have access to documentation and reports that will help Undergraduates excel on tl1eir respective campuses, and will allow Alumni to keep in touch with tl1eir chapter. Pi Kappa Phi has put togeilier a team to bring together the many distinct aspects of fraternity in a single source tool of communication, infonnation, and marketing. Please feel free to visit the current website at wwwpikapp.org to find out how to contact the fratemity to路share ideas With us or to offer any help in the development of this site. Atimetable is still in development, however the new design will be displayed at tl1e Mid-Year Leadership Conferences this coming]anuary, where the announcement of the "Go Live" date will be made. Please join us and be ready. to UNVeiL! !l



!l 31

www.pikapp .org


year, Pi Kappa Phi hires a group young professionals to serve as front line warriors in our quest to Build Better Men, Build Leading Chapters, and Promote Lifelong Brotherhood within our membership. This year our Leadership Consultant staff consists of seven men from across the country, from various chapter sizes and with a vast range of Pi Kappa Phi experiences. Each Leadership Consultant visits between 18 - 22 undergraduate chapters during the year to advise them on chapter management, leadership development, recruitmen~ membership education, fraternity operations and opportunities with Push America. They also play an integral role in creating new chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. This year the LeaderShip Consultant staff will start new chapters at the University of Iowa, Michigan State, Cornell, Illinois and New Mexico. Leadership Consultants also serve as faculty members at Pi Kapp College, Supreme Chapter and at Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. Through their expertise in training, these travelers impart the wisdom and knowledge of Pi Kappa Phi to the 6,!XXJ undergraduate members that run our chapters evecy day.

"Traveling for Pi Kappa Phi was clearly a dPjining expmiencein my life. 7he daily challengespresentedto me on the roadwere greatpreparationfor meeting the demands ofthe higheJt levels ofgovernment Believe mewhenlsaythatyouwillgetback much more than you ever give.'' Brother Tom Carter (Former Leadership Consultant) Gamma Delta (Memphis) General, US Air Force Reserve For more information when a Leadership Consultant will be knocking on your door go to pikapp.org.




Pi Kappa Phi is now accepting cover letters/resumes for the following employment opportunities with the National Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carol ina. You can also get more information on working for the Fraternity on the national website. Visit www.pikapp.org and go to "H eadqua rters Job Postin gs ".



AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY:Pi Kappa Phi wants you to become a LEADERSHIP CONSULTANT for America 's Leading Fraternity! Have you ever been to a baseball game at Wrigley Field? Have you ever watched the sun set from atop Seattle 's "Space Needle "? Have you ever sat on a Miami beach talking Fraternity with a brother until two in the morning? Have you ever wanted to attend Big 10 football games for free ? Or have you ever spent an afternoon walking the French Quarter in New Orleans . . . and getting paid for it?

AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: The Coordinator of Vo l unteer Services is a full-time . coordinator-le vel staff pos ition The Coordinator of Volunteer Services is respons ible for and involved in, the admin istration of the Volunteer 2004 Program of the Pi Kappa Phi Headquarte rs collegiate serv ices division . Some travel and weekend wor k is requ ired . The Coord inator of Volunteer Serv ices focuses on the recruitment. training and servicing of our volunteer team , but. as a member of the Collegiate Services Team. will also play an essential part in all of the programs and projects of the America 's Leading Fraternity Initiative of the Pi Kappa Ph i Headquarte rs. Dynami c ind ividual dedicated to a t eam environment that is committed to creating change in Pi Kappa Ph i Fraternity. Position NOT LIMITED to members of Pi Kappa Phi Fratern ity. Proven ability to estab lish and maintain effecti ve. professional working relationships with students. facu lty. staff. alumni . campus professionals. and national organizat ions . Excellent verbal and written communication skills are necessary. Membership in a collegiate nationa l Greek organ ization highly desired . Experience in volunteer servi ces , non -profit leade rship, event planning or leadership program development desired .

All of these things (and more!) have been done by Pi Kappa Phi Leadership Consultants. Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters is currently accepting resumes and completed application packets for the exciting position of Leadership Consultant for the 2003-2004 academic year. Only Pi Kappa Phi 's finest will be accepted as an LC. Do you have what it takes . to be one? A Leadership Consultant: * is a full-time , salaried employee of Pi Kappa Phi based at the National Headquarters in Charlotte, NC.


* serves as the official liaison between the National Fraternity and the local undergraduate chapters. official volunteers. and alumn i.

AVAILABLE SPRING 2002: Full-time internships a,re available for the fol low ing departments:

* manages a territory of up-to 25 undergraduate chapters and their corresponding constituents . * is tra ined to be fluent in the art of recruitment leadership tra ining, chapter management, member education. event plann.ing. motivation. account administration, and brotherhood building. * participates in two months of summer training and development while living (renVutility-free ) in the Fraternity Condominium located in one of the nicest communities in all of Charlotte. NC. * has the opportunity to see the Unites States of America in a fresh and exciting way. Every week . you will vis it a different state. a new town . and an exciting college campus .

Collegiate Servi ces Communication Web/ Information Technology Alumni Serv ices

www. pikapp .org

Visit the national website at for qualifications and further details for details on all of these openings .

Extens ive travel and amazing experien ces are inclusive with this pos ition .




ALPHA (Charleston )

MU ( Duke )


Mr. Donald Lee Alexander Mr. PatrickJason Rathbun

Dr. William Henry Bridgers Mr. Heyward Levin Drummond Sr. Mr. David Hany Dunaway Mr. George Mario Esposito Mr. Eric Davis Potter Mr. Warren ewton San1S Jr. Mr. Carl Rudolph Wessell1oft

Mr. Jewell Vandever Burk Mr. Ralph Orson Howard

DELTA ( Furma n)

Mr. Robert Andrew CrawfordJr. Mr. 0. KUpchurch EPSILON

( Dav idson )

Mr. Samuel Mills Hemphill Dr. Hany Vance Hendrick Mr. Ketmeth Vauglm Lawson Mr.l\titchell Patton Mr. Thomas Ware Raymond Mr. Bert Clifton Whisenant

NU (Nebraska)

Lt. Kyle E. Engel USN

Mr. Andrew 1\vichell Sheets

ETA ( Emo ry)

Mr.JulianJames Barfield Mr.james Carr Grizzard

Mr. Philip J. Malouf Sr. Mr. George Pennell Moore Jr. OMICRON (Alabama )

'Mr. William joseph Brunson

MrJohn Bryan Davidson Jr. Mr. Lee Richard Flowers Jr. Mr. Mack RayHer.ring Mr. Edward Pagelsen PI (Ogleth rope)

IOTA (Geo rgia Tech )

Mr. Armand Banks AlexanderJr. Mr.James Alexander Byars Mr. Fred Columbus Davis jr

Mr. Charles Beverlyjohnson Mr.john Robert Katz Mr. Edgar Florentin Lindgren Jr. Mr. William Charles McFee Mr. Joe BoydMcRee Mr. Mruvin Oliver Mylru1d Mr. Robert McBride PryorJr. KAPPA ( North Ca rolina)

Dr. Edmund Baxter Hopkins Mr. BeverlyCooper Moore Mr. DannyEugene West LAMBDA (Geo rgia )

Mr William Lanier Allen Mr Harris Calvin HinelyJr. Mr.John Douglas Maclary Mr. Stephen LaBruce Powell Mr.james Edgar Wilson Jr.


Mr. Theodore Charles Heisig PS I (Cornell )

Mr. HalseyW Buell Mr. Marvin Aiden Clark

Mr. Harold Stephen Le.vis Mr. orman Russell Miller Rev. Kenneth Daniel Perkins

XI (Roa noke )

ZETA (Wofford )

Mr. Richard Leon Britt Mr. Roache! DentKingjr. Mr. Douglas Mark Roberson


(Illinois )

Mr. Samuel Jefferson Clinkscales Sr. Mr.John William Whitesides

OMEGA (Purdue )

Mr Lorenzo Emery Armstrong Mr. Donald Snider Burge Mr. Robert Walter Cas~vick Mr.Willard Choate Mr. Carson Lockwood EddySr Mr. Walter Gerard Fassnacht Mr. Richard Bui11S Fitts Mr. Johnjan1es Hinga Mr George Albert Holderbaum Mr. William Andrew Swanson Mr. Murray Francis Williams ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma )

RHO (Wash ington & Lee)

Mr. Robert Millikin Briede Mr.Charles Elisha Eldridge Mr. Frederick Robert Landrigan Mr. Harold William Laugl11in Mr.Theron R. Rolston Jr. Mr.jacob Chester Shively Mr. Howell Frank Snodgrass Mr. David Johnston Wallis Mr. Hany Burgess WoodJr.

Col. Russell Decatur Fagin USA(R) Mr. Clifford Arthur Stein Mr. Frru1k Sru1ders Tho~pson ALPHA DELTA (Washington )

Mr. Talbot Louis Hartley

Mr Brett Akio Jensen ALPHA EPSILON (Florida)

Mr. Philip de Beixedon Coombs Mr. Frank Newton Holley III

SIGMA (South Carolina)

Mr. Peter Apollo Dr.James Edward Bell Jr. Mr. Niels Christensen fl I

Mr. james Sonm1erfeld McDonald Mr. Victor Wade McKenzieJr. Mr. Harold Lamar Monk Mr. Frank Alton Pagnini Mr. Edward Allen SundySr.

TAU (North Carolina State)

Mr. William Mariner Hackett Mr. Richard Wilson jones Mr.Arthurjackson McGinty Mr. Thea Robert Potter


Alpha Iota (Auburn)

Frank H. Hawthorne, father of three, Frank Jr., Raymond, and Mary and husband to Esther Rae passed onto the Chapter Eternal on April 8th, 2002. He was a huge contributor to the success of our fraternity. Brother Hawthorne served on the National Council as Historian, Treasurer and Chancellor for 3 consecutive terms. He was a charter member of the u Phi Society, and attended every Supreme Chapter between 1946 and 1996 excluding the two of 1977 and 1981. In 1990 he received a Pi Kappa Phi's highest honor by being named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. He also served people outside the fraternity just as intensely. He was involved with everything from the American Bar Association and the Salvation Army, to the Board of Directors of Montgomery Chamber of Commerce. As a student he was Archon of Alpha Iota (Auburn) and Omicron (Alabama) chapters.




ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) Mr. Neil William Fritts Mr. RoyOctave Malo Jr. Col. Leroy Charles Porter USAF Mr. Donald Edward Tomlinson

BETA MU (McNeese State) Mr. Robert Earl Dougherty

DELTA NU (West Kentucky) Mr. Harold Dwight Ricketts

BETA PI (Eastern Michigan) Mr. Willian1 Francis Fitzpatrick Mr. William Work

EPSILON ALPHA (Eion) Mr. Timotl1yDean McPherson

ALPHA ETA (Samford) Mr. Wilford Heyman Lane Mr.'J\vyman D. Mitchell Mr. Joe Wilbur Vaughn Jr.

BETA CHI (East Texas State) Mr. Kevin Wayne Blake

ALPHA XI (Polytechnic) Ltc. George A Carleton Ill

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Mr. Carl Lee Edwards Dr. James Hiram Patrenos Sr. Mr. Robert PUpchurch

EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Mr. Brian Keith Dooley

GAMMA GAMMA (Troy State) Dr. Brooks Thompson

ZETA IOTA (Indiana Univ. of Penn .) Mr.James Kennetl1 Stoehr

GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Mr. Richard Clayton Hall Mr. Craig Lee Koon Mr. William l11omas Siebert

ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Mr. William Richard Cokeley

ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Mr. Harry Bartlette Henry BETA ALPHA (New Jersey IT) Mr. Clifford Gary Malarek Mr. Walter Albert Stahll BETA BETA (Florida Southern) Mr. Winifred Toya Howard BETA DELTA (Drake) Mr. Charles Ray Deaton BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Mr. William]. Gleason Jr. BETA ZETA (Simpson) Mr.James Peterson BETA ETA (Florida State) Mr. Bemard Morse Eaton Mr. Michael]oseph Tolomea BETA IOTA (Toledo) Mr. Wendell Edward Dorf Mr. Joseph Michael Faley BETA LAMBDA (Tampa) Mr.John Eugene Chlebicki Mr. Verlin Ward Guemsey Mr. John Blanchard Timmennan Mr. Guy Walton

GAMMA ZETA (West Virginia Tech) Mr. Thomas Arthur Miller GAMMA THETA (NC-Wilmington) Mr. Edward Allen Sundy Jr GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Mr.Jolm Michael Ellington Mr. Bill David Williams Mr. Dale Tenny50n Warren GAMMA LAMBDA (Missouri-Rolla) Mr. Alan WLammi

EPSILON THETA (Seton Hall) Rev. Francis Thomas Gavin EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) Mr. Peter Gerard Gelinas

ZETA RHO (California State-Fullerton) Mr. John Martin Deacy ETA NU (Pennsylvania) Mr. Jeremy S Pal ley ETA PHI (Maryland-Baltimore Co .) Mr. Mark Charles Schmitt THETA ALPHA (Southern Mississippi) Mr. Rodney Michael Curtis UT-CHATTANOOGA (AC) Mr.Matthew]ohnHaase

DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) Mr. Russell James Nicholson DELTA BETA (North Georgia) Mr. Charles Zeigler Bennett Mr.11JomasJoseph Persia DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee State) Mr. Matthew Preston Holt


Alpha Delta (Washington)

BrettJensen, a nineteen year oldsophomore from Cascade, Washington and a member of the Alpha Delta Chapter (Washington) died on May 7, 2002, from injuries suffered as a result of a fall from the balconyarea of the chapter house. He was a wonderful brother and epitomized tl1e virtues of CIAยง (Character, Leadership, Academic;, Sportsmanship and Service). Brett, from a very young age, was a leader among peers. He was president of his class from 7"' grade through II ~, Governor of Boys State durin g the summer of 2000, class valedictorian, and Cascade High School's ASB president for 2000-2001. 1\vo of his most impressive awards 1vere a testin10ny to his intellectual ability: Washington State and The 1ational Coca-Cola Scholar'sAward. During his brief timeas avalued member of Alpha Delta, he served as Associate member Class President and

had recently been elected Rush Chainnan. Brett was known for hiscreativity, intelligence, sensitivity, andcharisma. Brett is survived by his parents Donald and Janice and his sister Megan. Remembrances can be made to tl1e Brett AkioJensen-Cascade Memorial Scholarship Fund c/o of the National Fraternity.


nnivanarias www .pikapp .org


The Star & Lamp would like to honor and recognize the chapters celebrating upcoming milestone anniversaries.



Shop online for all of your official Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity merchandise. Visit our national website www .pikapp.org and go to "Vendors" .

Omega Purdue University - West Lafayette . Indiana Found ing Date: November 24, 1922

WATCHES Insignia Corpor ation

Alpha Alpha Mercer University - Macon . Georgia Found ing Date: February 16, 1923

Pi Kappa Phi watches with Pi Kapp symbols, letter>, and crests. Call (roo) 253-6197


SPORTSWEAR Spirit Recognit ion



Alpha Mu Chapter Pennsylvania State University - State Co llege . Pennsyl vania Founding Date: November 5. 1927

The exclusive home of Pi Kappa Phi sweatshirts, hats, t-shirts, and other merchandise/apparel made of superior quality at reasonable prices. To order a product or catalog call (800) 321-7747.

25YWS Delta Ups i lon Chapte r University of Pittsburg - Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania Found in g Date: February 24 . 1977

JEWELR Y Burr Patterson & Auld


Maker of fine Pi Kappa Phi jewelry, including: member>hip pins, jeweled pins, rings, lavalier>, and more. Call (roo) 422-4348 to order or request a catalog

5YWS Eta Chi Chapter Texas Christian University - Fort Worth . Texas Fo unding Date: March 7, 1998


Please contact the National Headquarters if you ha ve any questions regarding these chapter anniversaries. or if yo u are involved in planning the celebration and would like us to pub licize to your alumni . Co nta ct the Director of Alumni Services Tom Atwood at (800 ) 929-190 4 ext. 104. or tatwood@p ik app.org. Visit www .pikapp.org!

Name of Prospective Member (PM): - - - - - - - - - - -

Ban k

www.applyonlinenow.comjusj pikappaphi Carry the only credit card that helps support Pi Kappa Phi. Call (roo) 5237(/;6 for more information or to apply.

WorkjVolunter Experience: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Home Address :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name of Parents/Guardians: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ College PM is attending:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Pi Kappa Phi Relatives (names, relationships &chapters):._ _ _ _ _ __ College Address/Phone:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-mail : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YearlnSchooi :FR


Major._ _ _ __


HighSchool:_ _ _ _ __




Relatives in other fraternities/sororities:: - - - - - - - -- -



City/State:_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Your Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


Chapter/Schooi:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yearlnitiated:

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hen Andrew Alexander Kroegjr. died in 1922 he left more than the legacy of Pi Kappa Phi, he also left his 9 year old son. Andrew Alexander Kroeg III (Alec) who was born Sept. 9, 1912. Growing up in Charleston after his father's death, Alec knew a great deal about Pi Kappa Phi. After deciding to attend the College of Charleston he was detrmined to become an Alpha brother of Pi Kappa Phi. That's exactly what happened. Alec became the 130'hinitiate of Alpha on january 1, 1930 as the model initiate at the 15th Supreme Chapter. "I was really impressed with the activities at the convention," said Kroeg, one of over 200 attendees at the Supreme Chapter celebrating the fraternity's 25th anniversary. If you were to sit down with Alec and talk about days of old, you would certainly hear stories of all sorts. You may hear about one of the brothers jumping off over the Cooper River Bridge at 4in the morning. This took place after a school dance and a social engagment at the Alpha house where said brother had a little too much "punch". You might also get to hear stories about the unbreakable bond of brotherhood. Alec may tell you about the day that an alumnus' wife needed a blood transfusion. Without delay the entire undergraduate chapter went to the hospital and donated blood regardless ofwhethertheywere a match. He might also tell you about his father's funeral and about those who collectively mourned him. People came from all around; not just Alpha brothers, but from the surrounding areas. Some hitch-hiked their way to the funeral , and some even stayed in the Kroeg Attic. But surprisinglymost of them had never met his father. It really impressed him that these people would show up to mourn with his family, but so few of them had even met his father. Upon completing his undergraduate work Alec went into the insurance business after meeting an executive from Liberty Life, while visiting his uncle. "I asked if I could go work for him and he said 'Sure, but you'll have to move to Greenville.' To that I replied, 'That's no problem, I can hitch-hike there. "' He also said that it was essentially the onlyoption for him because he graduated in 1933 during the middle of the depression. He later married june Black, and they had two children: a daughter Pamela and a son john. He maintained a career in insurance his entire professional life. Alec is now retired just outside Greenville, South Carolina. Regarding the insurance business and in life in general, he would tell you that if you want to succeed you need to have two key attributes: One is diplomacy and the second is the ability to look the other way... sometimes! His other life philosophies include: take everything one day at a time, not worrying about the small things, and the fact that something doesn't have to be big to be good.!l

--~--~--*~~--~~~~*~-~~*·~~~* MR . RICHARD GARDINER ANDERSON 3 - DIGIT c44 264 5 ST ERRETT RD. 0002 PO BOX 75 BROYNSBURG VA 24415-0076

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