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How do we build a lifelong brotherhood of leaders? slo • gan (slo'gan) n. 1. Adistinctive cry, phrase, or motto of any party, group, manufacturer or person ; catchword or catchphrase. 2. A battle cry of a Scottish clan.

Dr. Don Mills, vice chancellor of student affairs at Texas Christian University and friend of Pi Kappa Phi, recently spoke to a gathering of interfraternity leaders at the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) meeting in Atlanta. He talked about where fraternities fit in the modem university. Among many observations, he asked two very pointed questions-firs~ "What is your fraternity's value proposition?" and second, "Are you creating an environment that promotes personal growth and organizational excellence?" Where Pi Kappa Phi is concerned, the answers to these questions are found in our second century mission, "We Will Lead," and in our second century vision, "Pi Kappa Phi will redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders." We have encapsulated this new mission and vision with the slogan, "Leaders by Choice." Certainly for Pi Kappa Phi, we are already recognized interfratemally as the industry leader in leadership through service with the good work of Push America. But at the same time, 1ve recognize that leadership encompasses more than philanthropy. Last spring National President Ernest Johnson and I met with Joe Forehand, Alpha Iota (Auburn), the past CEO and current chairman of Accenture, one of America's leading companies. He expressed that he enjoyed his undergraduate experience as a brother of our student chapter at Auburn University and learned a great deal about leadership as chapter archon which has served him well in his career. So what does leadership really mean for a brother in Pi Kappa Phi?

Stephen R. Covey may have said it best in the dedication to his book The Eighth Habit: ''To the humble, courageous, 'great' ones among us who exemplify how leadership is a choice, not a position." For the Pi Kappa Phi experience to be truly impactful, leadership needs to be not only a choice, but an obligation as 1vell. We must also be leaders by design with a plan to successfully build leaders for our fraternity and our country. We are in the process of assembling a work team to define how Pi Kappa Phi can develop the leadership skills of our student and alumni members through innovative, cutting-«lge programs. More importantly, we need to determine how we can truly inculcate an obligation of leadership in our brothers, not only as a student member of the chapter, but also as a member of the campus community and as a citizen in our great country upon graduation. We would like to hear your stories about how the fraternity developed your leadership skills. We want to know your thoughls on what the fraternity should do to enhance those leadership skills in the young men who join Pi Kappa Phi today. Please e-mail your thoughls to our Director of Leadership Dan Wrona at dwrona@pikapp.org. just as the word "slogan" derived from the battle cry of the Scottish clan, so must "Leaders by Choice" become our battle cry. Our founders foreshadowed this direction as they established a fraternity on the premise of campus leadership--Nu Phi, the on-Fraternity. The future of Pi Kappa Phi now demands it. Yours in the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi,


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Mark E. Tunmes Chief Executive Officer mtimmes@pikapp.org

Steady Growth In pursuit of our expansion goals as laid out in our second century vision-to grow the fraternity in order to lead-Pi Kappa Phi is aggressively and continuously seeking new campuses and universities on which to expand. In 2005 alone, the search resulted in new colonies at the University of Nevada-Reno, Missouri State University, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Utah State University, Duke University and the University of Delaware.



And Pi Kappa Phi's associate chapters are excelling on their respective campuses by creating a new culture and competing with well-established chapters. These young chapters are truly making the choice to lead on their campuses. It should come as no surprise that those very chapters have the potential to become leaders in Pi Kappa Phi as well.

TOP: National Vice President John Andrews and Regional Governor Chuck Howard pose with the founding fathers of Theta Theta chapter at the University of Iowa during the chartering banquet in the spring of 2005. BOTIOM : National Vice President John Andrews, National President J. Ernest Johnson, CEO Mark E. Timmes and Regional Governor Chuck Howard present an official charter to the delegation from Upsilon (Illinois) during the Pi Kapp College awards banquet in June. Upsilon re-chartered in the spring of 2005.

Furthermore, some associate chapters are meeting the requirements for chartering in less than a year, resulting in several chartering banquets each semester. During 2005-while colonizing associate chapters at six universities-Pi Kappa Phi granted charters to seven associate chapters. In the spring , Upsilon (lllinois), Aipha Theta (Michigan State), Theta Eta (American), and Theta Theta (Iowa) received their charters. This fall, Theta Iota (Washington State), Theta Kappa (Baylor), and Xi (Roanoke) were granted charters as well , bringing Pi Kappa Phi's total number of active chapters to 127.


With each new colonization and granted charter, the fraternity becomes ever closer to reaching its goal of 175 chapters by 2014. And as Pi Kappa Phi continues its steady growth in its second century, we will continue to lead by choice.


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Spring 2006 Deadline 04/15/2006

SUBMISSIONS Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

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PUB USHER/ POSTMASTER Star & Lamp. (USPS 519-QOOI, Issue No. 2 is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 2B271·3373. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.




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BUILDING CAMP ASCCA For the past 25 years, Easter Seals Camp ASCCA, located on 230 acres of lake front property near Jackson's Gap, Ala., has provided barrier-free recreational and educational programs for children and adults with disabilities in ~s mission to help members of the disability community achieve equality, dignity and maximum independence. "ASCCA"-pronounced aska-is "Alabama's Special Camp for Children and Adults." Though it was primarily built for campers with disabil~ies-spi na bifida, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, quadriplegia, Down syndrome, autism and others-Camp ASCCA is inclusive of people of all abilities who enjoy a unique camp experience. Push America's involvement with Camp ASCCA began in the spring of 1993 when ASCCA hosted a Push Camp. Push America volunteers spent the week building a boardwalk along the lake and a horse-riding shelter with fencing .

' ' Every time I give a tour of camp, I can't help but talk about Push America. Everywhere you look, you see something they've built. ' ' Push America CEO Chad Coltrane said of Push America's relationship with Camp ASCCA, "It was a real good match from the start. They wanted us to come back, and we wanted to come back." And so for the past 12 years, Push America has returned to Camp ASCCA each year, continuing to help build an accessible, barrier-free environment. "We are extremely proud of Pi Kappa Phi's Push America volunteers who work year after year to build better, safer, and accessible projects for our campers at Easter Seals Camp ASCCA," said Dana Rickman, ASCCA's director of public affairs and development. Through programs like Push Camp, Give-A-Push Weekend, Build America and Journey of Hope, Camp ASCCA and Push America have been able to really make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.



Over the years, Push America volunteers have built accessible projects such as a fishing dock, a climbing tower with zip lines, a high ropes course, a gymnasium add~ion , cabin decks, a nature trail boardwalk, as well as many others. Camp Director Matt Rickman said, "Every time I give a tour of camp, I can't help but talk about Push America. Everywhere you look, you see something they've built." M. Rickman also commented on the strong work ethic of Push America's volunteers. "We've had workers when it's raining , waking before breakfast to get an early start on projects. I've had to personally stop many of them after dark. They are bound and determined to finish the job." He also said he's seen some guys "swinging a hammer with their left hand because their right hand was blistered and taped up!" John Stephenson, Camp ASCCA administrator, said Push America's commitment to building leaders by instilling the principle of serving others in the members of Pi Kappa Phi is what makes the organization truly unique. M. Rickman added, "It is indeed rare for a volunteer group to bring funding and labor to complete a project. No one else has come to us with that." "It is not typical of many college students to give their spring breaks and summer vacations to others, improving and strengthening the opportunities for people with disabilities," said D. Rickman. "I am proud of Push America. Their work has made an important impact on our programs for campers with disabilities. Their volunteers have left a lasting impression at Camp ASCCA, and we hope their experience at Camp ASCCA leaves a positive impression on them as well.路 D. Rickman's favorite memory of each Push America visit is always the same, "when the group comes together, for the final dinner of Push Camp or for 'circle up' during Journey of Hope and Build America visits, they share their accomplishments, thank others, and look at each other with great pride because they realize they've completed a job that will positively impact a child with a disabil~."






RED LEAF RAISES $40,000, SETS FUND-RAISING RECORD Nate Redleaf, Gamma (CaliforniaBerkeley), a cyclist on the 2005 Journey of Hope, South, set a new record with fund-raising efforts that topped $40,000. His fund-raising total eamed Redleaf the Journey of Hope 2005 Top Fund-Raiser Award and is the largest amount raised by a single team member in Push America's history.


The previous record, $31,072 was set over the course of two years by Chris Oldham, Eta Chi (TCU), after cycling the Joumey of Hope in 2001 and 2002. Each Joumey of Hope cyclist is required to raise a minimum of $5,000 prior to the event.

THE NEWLY REDESIGNED PUSHAMERICA.ORG ENABLES USERS TO DONATE WITH THE CLICK OF A MOUSE AND INTRODUCES A HOST OF NEW, USER-FRIENDLY FEATURES SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PUSH AMERICA FAMILY. In mid-December, Push America unveiled its new Web site which is more user-friendly and more consistent with Push America's brand. The new site replaces the former site created in 2001 . Push America staff members began researching and planning in early 2005, and construction of the site began over the summer. From the beginning , the site was designed to provide useful information for Push America's audiences and accommodate the specific needs of thbse audiences. In order to meet those needs, the site introduces several new features including online giving capabilities which make it possible for Push America to accept donations through its Web site. Thus, the new site makes it is easier than ever to help Push America enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. With a simple click of the mouse, anyone can make a secure donation to an individual team member or to the organization through pushamerica.org. The new pushamerica.org is also compliant with Section 508 of the

federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 508 is an amendment made in 1998 to establish guidelines for making information on the Internet accessible to people with disabilities. Push America's new site uses assistive technology to provide textual, graphic, audio and video information in alternative formats, increasing the usability for people with disabilities. The new site will also include other new features like team member profile pages and online fund-raising capabilities which enable team members to create e-mail campaigns to raise funds.

Push America's new Web site is just one accomplishment in a series of strategic goals to further develop the organization as it grows and continues to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities while providing life enriching service opportunities for members of Pi Kappa Phi.




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Push America's team eventsBuild America, Gear Up Florida and Journey of Hope-raised $439,047 to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities in 2005 . Pi Kappa Phi is doing much on behalf of people with disabilities, and individual achievements such as this will continue our efforts of enhancing the lives of people with disabilities.

Push America team members create their own profi le page with a photograph, biography, and their fund-raising goal and total. Users can view the profiles and make a donate directly towards a team member's fund-raising goal.


Of Red leafs accomplishment, Matt Brooks, Push America's director of public relations, said, 'We are very thankful for Nate's commitment to Push America and the Journey of Hope. His dedication to enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities is evident in his extraordinary achievement, going above and far beyond the minimum fund-raising requirement."






MAKING A PLANNED GIFT TO THE PI KAPPA PHI FOUNDATION TODAY HELPS BUILD A BRIDGE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE YOUNG MEN WHO WILL WEAR OUR LETTERS TOMORROW. erhaps you were one of the thousands who have attended a Supreme Chapter, or saw the Blue Ridge Mountains for the first rime because you attended Pi Kapp College in Roanoke, Va. Perhaps you are a founding or re-founding member of one of Pi Kappa Phi's 200 chartered chapters. Maybe you are one of the tens of thousands who simply had a great liaternity cxpeticnce, found value in the leadership skills <mel friendships you developed, and care deeply about the future of your fraternity. Reg-.trdlcss of the motivation, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation exists to connect you with your fratemity and the student.~ who follow in your footsteps.


As the charitable arm of the greater fraternity, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation supports the educational outreach initiatives of Pi Kappa Phi. Whether that is Pi Kapp College, our biennial summer leadership conference, or the Pi Kapp Scholar program, the merit-based scholarship of the fraternity, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation works to enhance and make more affordable the benefits of fratemity life for the 6.000 undergraduates who are members today. One way to make a lasting impact on your fraternity is by making a planned gift to the Foundation. Whether to benefit the fraternity as a whole, or your chapter specilica.l.ly, a planned gift not only memorializes your allinity and allegiance to Pi Kappa Phi, but helps to create opp01tunirics of personal development and advancement for future Pi Kappa Phis. How exactly could a planned gift benefit Pi Kappa Phi?-By including your frd.ternity in your will or estate, or by donating a life insurance policy, you help to lund aw.u路d-winning leadership development prog1ams such as Life 401 with .John Spence and tl1e fraternity's involvement witl1 tl1e Covey Leadership Institute. These are just a few of tl1e programs eligible for support. The bridge to tomorrow across which our students will pass is supported by the generosity of today's alumni members. To underpin the values of friendship and personal development tJu路ough a planned gift to your fraternity today, please contact Tom Atwood, executive director, at (800) 929-1901 ext. I 0 t for more information.

by Jody Murphy, Eta Alpha (Concord College)



Americans today are fascinated with gambling. We see it in the mainstream media with the World Series of Poker broadcast on ESPN and Celebrity Poker on Bravo. We see billboards and ads using debauchery to promote Las Vegas' tourism industry. We can access card tables and casino games via the Internet at any time from virtually any computer in America. It is now easier than ever for anyone to partake in gambling. Good or bad, the question is simple. Once we've gone "all in," is there any way out?


But for every Moneymaker, there are hundreds of guys like Cliff; guys who have become addicted to the allure of gambling-the mirage of making a quick buck, the thrill of out-smarting the odds. A great number of these players who dream of being the next Chris Moneymaker end up deep in debt.

The popularity of gambling is on the rise in the U.S.-and since the advent of online gambling, the audience is becoming younger and younger.

"Financially, it didn't hurt me in the long run. I would say I came out up," says Cliff. And though he did lose money playing cards, specifically online poker, Cliff was able to get out without ending up head-to-toe in debt. But some of those people who got him involved in gambling weren't so lucky.

hen Cliff thinks back about his roller coaster days as a high-stakes gambler, he considers himself lucky. He got away from the game before it swallowed him-although on some occasions, very narrowly.

One member of Pi Kappa Phi, Chris Moneymaker, Alpha Sigma (Tennessee), invariably gave the sport a boost in 2003 when he, as an amateur, won the World Series of Poker. Moneymaker acquired his taste for poker as a student at Tennessee. He earned the trip to the tournament in Las Vegas by winning an online poker tournament.



"The guy I played with, who introduced me to everything, went to law school and ended up never passing the bar because he played cards all the time," Cliff recalls.

''My manger at work [when I was a bartender], he was really in to sports gambling. He had a real bad week and got into some shit he shouldn't have done. He got fired for stealing to pay off a bookie. He had a wife and a child, and they knew nothing about it. He was 35 years old." As for Cliff, he started small. A sophomore in college, he began betting on sports with a bookie. But it wasn't long before he got in over his head. A $20 bet on a game quickly manifested into a $1,500 debt. Cliff had to lay-low for most of his sophomore year, dodging his bookie. He didn't answer his door; he screened his calls; he constantly watched over his shoulder. Even with a bookie hounding him for money, Cliffs urge to gamble wasn't satisfied. He started playing casino games-roulette, black jack, poker.

I was playingcards

and bartending. I was working, but alii cared about was getting my shift covered and leaving to go play. I could see myself making some serious money.

From there, the addiction escalated. Eventually he became involved in an underground, high-stake poker ring on a regular basis with men three times his age--old cotton farmers with "loads" of money. He was pulling down $200-$300 a night working as a bartender, but that paled in comparison to the money he was making betting on games and playing cards. "I was playing cards and bartending. I was working, but all I cared about was getting my shift covered and leaving to go play. I could see myself making some serious money." He says his bank account fluctuated by thousands in a weekend. A big insurance settlement check convinced Cliff to up his ante and go after even higher stakes. He recalled collecting an insurance settlement check for $8,000 and sitting down at a big money no hold 'em game that was way out his league. "I got my ass kicked and lost like $3,000. People were setting down $2K, $3K and $10K."




Cliff, typical of most gamblers, says money was just a small reason to gamble. "The money did matter," he admits, ''but it was all about a mind game. It was like a big game of chess. I wanted to control everyone at the table-outsmart them. I wanted to out-bluff them, or out-read them when they tried to bluff me. It was the mental aspect of the game." After losing the $3,000, Cliff says he tried to attend Gamblers Anonymous, but there was no chapter near hin1. He did, however, find someone who was certified in dealing with gamblers and addictions. Cliff says he spent six weeks in counseling, but admits the help never really sank in. Fortunately, Cliff was able to walk away from gambling-at least temporarily-to start medical school.

The Inone~id

matter. but it was all about a mind game. It was like a big game of chess. I wanted to control everyone at the table-out-smart them. I wanted to out-bluff them, or out-read them when they tried to bluff me. It was the mental aspect of the game."

"Really the only reason I quit playing was because I came to medical school," he says. And even now, Cliff admits to occasionally striking up a "friendly" game with buddies where th e winner may walk away with a $120. "I still get the thrill," he says. "I know that's a bad thing, and often times I think I shouldn't be playing." "I think I learned my lesson, but I know in the back of my mind I have a problem and it never got fixed all the way. I still have an itch. [In med school], I have no way to scratch that itch." So the game may not be over for Cliff. With medical school preoccupying his time, gambling has taken a back seat. But med school won't last forever, and the thrill of "dragging the pot" remains. Will Cliff be able to control his urges to gamble, and let his old habits die? Only time will tell, but without further treatment, the odds aren't in his favor. Editor's Note: Cliffs name has been changed to protect his identity.





10 signs to spot

problem gambling D 1 D 2

You have often gambled longer than you planned.

D 3 D 4

Thoughts of gambling have caused you to lose sleep.

You have often gambled until your last dollar was gone.

You have used your income or savings to gamble while letting bills go unpaid.


What is problem gambling? Problem gambling is behavior related to gambling which causes disruptions in any major area of your life-psychological, physical, social or professional. The definition of "problem gambling" includes, but is not limited to, "pathological" or "compulsive" gambling, a progressive addiction characterized by an increasing preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money more frequently, restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop, "chasing" losses, and continuation of such gambling behavior in spite of mounting, serious, negative consequences.

Can you have a problem if you don't gamble everyday? The frequency of a person's gambling does not determine whether or not they have a gambling problem. Even though the problem gambler may only go on periodic gambling binges, the emotional and financial consequences will still be evident in the gambler's life, including the effects on any family members.


You have made repeated, unsuccessful attempts to stop gambling.

D 6

How much money do you have to lose before gambling becomes problematic?

You have broken the law or considered breaking the law to finance your gambling.

D 7 D 8

The amount of money lost or won does not determine when gambling becomes problematic. Gambling becomes a problem when it causes a negative impact on any area of an individual's life

You have borrowed money to finance your gambling.

D 9

You have been remorseful after gambling.

D 10

You have gambled to get money to meet your financial obligations.


You have felt depressed or suicidal because of your gambling losses.

If any or all of these statements are true for you or for someone you know, consider seeking assistance from a professional regarding this gambling behavior. You can contact the confidential National Problem Gambling Helpline Network at (800) 522-4700.

How can a person be addicted to something that isn't a substance? Mhough no substance is ingested, the problem gambler gets the same effect from gambling as someone else might get from using substances or having a drink. Gambling alters the person's mood and the gambler keeps repeating the behavior, attempting to achieve that same effect. But just as tolerance develops to drugs or alcohol, the gambler finds that it takes more and more of the gambling experience to achieve the same emotional effect as before. This creates an increased craving for the activity and the gambler finds they have less and less ability to resist as the craving grows in intensity and frequency.

What types of gambling cause the most problem gambling? The cause of a gambling problem is the individual's inability to control the gambling. Therefore, any type of gambling can become problematic, just as an alcoholic can get drunk on any type of alcohol. But some types of gambling have different characteristics that may exacerbate gambling problems. While these factors are still poorly understood, anecdotal reports indicate that one risk factor may be a fast speed of play In other words, the faster the wager to response time with a game, the more likely players may be to develop problems with a particular game.

How many Americans display problematic gambling behavior?

Source: The National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc. 21 6 G Street NE, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20002 e-mail: ncpg@ncpgambling.org httpJ/www.ncpgambling.org/ The mission of the National Council on Problem Gambling is to increase public awareness of pathological gambling, ensure the widespread availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and education.

Approximately 2 million (1 percent) of U.S. adults are estimated to meet criteria for pathological gambling in a given year. An additional4-8 million (2-3 percent) would be considered problem gamblers; that is, they do not meet the full diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling, but meet one of more of the criteria and are experiencing problems due to their gambling behavior. Research also indicates that most adults who choose to gamble are able to do so responsibly.

How many people gamble in the U.S.? Approximately 85 percent of U.S. adults have gambled at least once in their lives; 60 percent in the past year. Some form of legalized gambling is available in 48 states plus the District of Columbia. The two states without legalized gambling are Hawaii and Utah.

Alumnus with the Dale Earnhart Foundation helps to organize the "Ride with Dale Jr." eBay auction to benefit hurricane survivors ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR

After spending seven days at the top of eBay's "most watched" list, the opportunity to ride shotgun with NASCAR's Dale Earnhardt, Jr., sold for more than $42,000, all of which was donated to the American Red Cross. Executive Director of the Dale Earnhardt Foundation and Pi Kappa Phi alumnus Dick Baker, Delta Beta (North Georgia), alongside Dale Earnhardt, Jr., and the Wrangler速 brand, conceived an eBay auction to raise funds for relief efforts for the 2005 hurricane season. With a total of 65,703 online visitors and 61 bids, the eBay-hosted auction opened at $888 on September 23 and ended one week later on September 30. Bidding exceeded $10,000 in 10 minutes. The winning bid, $42,100, belonged to Don Crawford of Ocala, Fla. Crawford bid on the auction as a gift for his wife, Debbie, who is a Dale Jr. fan. Having felt the impact in Florida from last year's hur.ricanes, Don wanted to do something to help the people along the Gulf Coast. "We knew we had to help; we just weren't sure which charitable organization was the best conduit for our donation," said Crawford. "When we learned of the Dale Earnhardt Foundation's 'Ride with Dale Jr.' auction and that 100 percent of our contribution would pass through to the Red Cross, our decision was made. We are both huge fans of Dale Jr. as well as the entire Dale Eamhard~ Inc. organization. We are confident that our donation will reach those who need it most, and as an added bonus, Debbie will get a few laps around the track with her favorite driver."






BETA LAMBDA TAMPA April23, 1955 BETAMU McNEESE STATE October 29, 1955

Executive Director of the Dale Earnhardt Foundation Dick Baker, Delta Beta (North Georgia), Dale Earnhardt, Jr., and eBay bid-winners Debbie and Don Crawford present a $42,100 check to the American Red Cross.

Mrs. Crawford rode three laps with Dale Jr. in the No. 8 Budweiser Chevrolet at the "Take a Test Drive with Dale Jr." event held on October 26 at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte, .C.



The Crawfords were also provided with air travel, ground transportation, and accommodations in Charlotte, passes to the Richard Petty Rookie Driving Experience, a VIP "behind-the-scenes" tour of Dale Earnhardt, Inc. and lunch in the Dale Earnhardt, Inc. private dining facility. Founded in 2002, The Dale Earnhardt Foundation was established to carry on Dale's name and good works through charitable causes he supported during his lifetime, with a focus on children, education, the environment and wildlife preservation . Baker began his position at executive director of the Dale Earnhardt Foundation in the fall of 2003 after serving as the vice president of development for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation for two years at Pi Kappa Phi ational Headquarters.








August 29, 2005, changed the lives of many-the date Hurricane Katrina ripped through the Gulf Coast. Across America, people have opened up their communities, their homes and their checkbooks to the victims of this hurricane season. America has united in a common purpose-to extend a gesture of brotherhood to folks in need. To date, the American Red Cross has reported that more than $1.6 billion has been donated for Katrina and Rita relief-although more is still needed-and nearly 219,500 disaster relief volunteers from all 50 states have responded to aid the organization 's unprecedented relief effort.

For Gamma Phi Chapter at the University of South Alabama , this meant providing aid and shelter to the community of Mobile, Ala., and to the fam ilies of chapter brothers. In the weeks following the storm, the chapter worked to gather and deliver much-needed supplies to the storm 's survivors. The chapter also opened the fraternity house to fami lies of chapter members, providing sleeping areas, hot showers and warm meals-commodities that were hard to find in Katrina 's aftermath. Archon Ryan Stinnett said of Gamma Phi's relief efforts, "We were able to see how great our brotherhood was, in a time it needed to be its greatest." For another archon who lived through the hurricane, it brought about the best of Pi Kappa Ph i. I want to share with you a series of e-mails written by Brandon Belote, archon of Theta Alpha chapter at Southern Miss, in the days and weeks following Hurricane Katrina.

What I learned from Katrina is that in the face of adversity, brotherhood is what keeps us going. Our material "things" may be lost forever, but the generosity of neighbors, friends or sometimes strangers is what keeps people going. In terms of this fraternity, brotherhood has remained amidst the chaos, devastation and personal loss of Katrina 's aftermath. In interviewing chapter members who were impacted by the wrath of this year's hurricane season, I found brotherhood has certainly played a critical role in the recovery of our chapters on the Gulf Coast; it was brotherhood that kept those chapters together, and motivated to move forward. David Lupo, Theta Alpha (Southern Miss), stands with a group of 15 members of Theta Alpha chapter who volunteered to help Lupo remove debris from his sister's home. "It just blew me away," said Lupo. "What would have taken us two weeks to clean, took us an hour and a half. It is just unreal at times how much Pi Kappa Phi means to me."


Pi Kappa Phi paddles remain hanging In the severely damaged home of alumnus Parker Smith, Delta Omega (Texas A&M). Smith and his family live one block from the Gulf of Mexico In Pascagoula, Miss. Katrina's storm surge ripped through their home, tearing out walls, furniture and carpet, leaving only a few items Including his Pi Kappa Phi paddles.



Thu ., Sept. 1, 2005 [DAY 3 OF KATRINA' S AFTERMATH) Attached are some photos of our campus and house. It is a miracle that our house was left standing. As for our brothers, about half are accounted for. Most are with their families scattered from Oklahoma to Florida as refugees . Many of their houses we haven't a clue about . As for the other half of our membership , we don't know about them or their families . No one has been able to contact them yet. The phone systems are down ; communication is simply nonexistent. Nevertheless, three of us here in Madison, Miss ., are doing our best to establish a makeshift home base. We are asking all of our members to call here to get on our 'master list .'

one item from the house. He could have chosen the chapter's awards or personal belongings. He didn't; he chose the charter. That charter is more than just a certificate; it represents the "common loyalty" of the 146 initiates of Theta Alpha . Sun. , Sept . 4, 2005 [DAY 6 OF KATRINA ' S AFTERMATH) Just an update , we are now scheduled to resume classes on Sept . 12. We will do our best to get back into the swing of things as a chapter this semester . I think overall we were very lucky . I have managed to contact somewhere around 39 of our 45 guys . I can confirm four of our actives ' families no longer have homes , several others had minor to extensive damage . Most of our guys who are from New Orleans , thankfully and strangely enough , seem to have been virtually untouched . I have also been able to talk to a few alumni and can confirm that at least four alums ' homes are either gone or have extensive damage . I will do my best to keep you updated on our progress. Again , thanks for the thoughts and prayers . - Brandon Belote Tue ., Sept. 20 , 2005 [DAY 22 OF KATRINA' S AFTERMATH)

The PI Kappa Phi chapter house at Theta Alpha (Southern Miss) stands among fallen trees and other debris caused by Hurricane Katrina. While several buildings and other Greek housing sustained damage, the Pi Kappa Phi property avoided any major damage other than fallen trees and a damaged fence.


I have our charter , the only thing I could grab when we visited the house yesterday . The university is telling us we will resume classes on Tuesday, but we were there , and there is no way, just no way. The entire city' s infrastructure has taken a hit that will take much longer than a week to correct . Water, power, sewage ... it is a disaster area. The local news reported that a man shot and killed his own sister over a bag of ice yesterday. Hattiesburg really is uninhabitable at the moment. Here, where I am , we just got power yesterday and internet today . I will do my best to keep you up to date on our chapter ' s progress. Pray for the situation with us and in general on the coast. Thanks. -Brandon Belote

As I read Brandon's first e-mail, I was intrigued and impressed. If you will remember, the first phrase in the Student Creed of Pi Kappa Phi reads, " ...the ideal chapter is made up of men who are bound together in a common loyalty which transcends any personal selfishness. " Brandon had time to gather

Everyone has told me that times like these can defme a person or an organization . With that in mind , we have been doing our best to get back to normal . Rush starts tonight , our house is still a little funny lookin ' with our fence down and some trees still in the yard . The yard itself is all torn up , but those are the physical things . The chapter as a whole has bounced back unbelievably well . We have hit the semester with the notion that we can still improve on everything we do , no matter what is thrown our way . The attitude and morale of the chapter have been held high . I had thrown around the idea that our motto could be "Pi Kappa Phi 2005 , Unstoppable ." Well so far , that is what we are proving to be , unstoppable . I don ' t want to jinx us going into rush , but we are right on track to do real well . The buzz is that Pi Kappa Phi is the quality organization on campus . - Brandon Belote

As it turned out, Theta Alpha recruited a 24-member associate class-the largest in the history of the chapter. In less than one month's time, this chapter was able to rebound from the chaos of one of the most devastating storms in the history of the U.S. There is no doubt in my mind that the brotherhood displayed by these men post-Katrina was the very root of their success-the same brotherhood that remained strong in the face of adversity to keep the chapter moving forward. You have many brothers who need your brotherhood. As they are rebuilding their homes, communities, and lives, my question for you is this-Have you done your share? Have you donated to the Red Cross? Have you called your chapter brother who lives on the Gulf Coast? If nothing else, as Brother Belote reminds all of us, please keep your brothers and their families along the Gulf Coast in your thoughts and prayers. STAR & LAMP / WI NTER 2006



NEW ROLES REGIONS FOR REGIONAL GOVERNORS Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has approved and implemented a plan to overhaul its volunteer network in order to better-position its key volunteers to directly impact students and to further develop leaders. The plan, proposed by the volunteer committee, has merged the roles of regional governor and district counselor into

THE REGIONS OF PI KAPPA PHI Allegheny Region RG - Tom Hartwell (Alpha Iota) Alpha Mu - Penn State University Epsilon Psi - Slippery Rock University Alpha Rho - West Virginia University Bayou Region RG- Chad McCracken (Gamma Iota) Theta Alpha - Southern Miss Gamma Iota - LSU Beta Omicron - Northwestern State Gamma Phi - South Alabama Birmingham Region RG - Stephen Smith (Omicron) Alpha Eta - Samford University Epsilon Phi - UAB Omicron - University of Alabama Gamma Alpha - West Alabama Bluegrass Region RG - Ethan Martin (Delta Eta) Eta Tau - University of Kentucky Delta Eta - Morehead State University Zeta Pi - Marshall University Eta Alpha - Concord University Blue Ridge Region RG- Vacant Delta Zeta -Appalachian State University Epsilon Rho - Lenoir Rhyne College Epsilon Epsilon - Virginia at Wise


Capitol Region RG - Ken Forti (Sigma) Theta Eta - American University Zeta Epsilon - George Mason University Eta Phi - University of Maryland Bait. Co. Theta Zeta - George Washington University

Heart of Georgia Region RG- David Hohnadel (Epsilon Upsilon) Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern State U. Alpha Alpha - Mercer University Epsilon Upsilon - Georgia College & State U. Gamma Kappa - Georgia Southern

Empire Region RG - Dave White (Beta Alpha) Eta Lambda - SUNY Brockport Zeta Omicron - SUNY Cortland Psi - Cornell University Alpha Tau - Rensselaer Polytechnic

1-4 Region RG -Jason Ciofalo (Beta Lambda) Chi - Stetson University Eta Psi - University of Central Florida Beta Lambda - University ofTampa

Gateway Region RG- Chuck Howard (Delta Delta) Beta Epsilon - University of Missouri Gamma Lambda - Missouri-Rolla Delta Delta -Truman State University Southwest Missouri State University (AC)

Jersey Region RG - Len De Palma (Epsilon Theta) Alpha Xi - St. John's University Beta Alpha - NJIT Epsilon Theta - Seton Hall University Zeta Kappa - Richard Stockton

Lowcountry Region RG - Cub Berrian (Beta Tau) Alpha - College of Charleston Eta Pi - Coastal Carolina University Gamma Theta - UNC Wilmington Metro-Atlanta Region RG - Scott Gasparini (Zeta Alpha) Epsilon Kappa - Southern Polytechnic State Eta Delta - Kennesaw State University Theta Beta - University of West Georgia North Florida Region RG - Rob Raesemann (Zeta Zeta) Beta Tau - Valdosta State University Beta Eta - Florida State University Zeta Zeta - University of North Florida Alpha Epsilon - University of Florida

Grand Canyon Region RG -Jeff Mitchell (Eta Omega) Eta Omega - New Mexico State University Beta Theta - University of Arizona

Land of Lincoln Region RG- Vacant Beta Sigma - Northern Illinois University Alpha Phi - Illinois Institute of Technology Upsilon - University of Illinois

North Georgia Region RG - Chet Mirabel (Beta Tau) Lambda - University of Georgia Delta Beta - North Georgia College &. State Iota - Georgia Tech Beta Kappa - Georgia State University

Great Lakes Region RG- Vacant Alpha Kappa - University of Michigan Alpha Theta - Michigan State University Beta Xi - Central Michigan University

Lone Star Region RG - Brett Lee (Eta Rho) Delta Omega - Texas A&M University Beta Nu - University of Houston Eta Rho - Texas State University

North Texas Region RG - Dustin Alexander (Eta Rho) Delta Psi - University ofTexas at Arlington Eta Chi -Texas Christian University Theta Kappa - Baylor University


EGIO AL GOVERNOR RESPONSIBILIT ES The committee cited several reasons for necessitating the change. Most importantly they recognized that the hierarchical complexity of the volunteer structure inhibited direct interaction between students and the fraternity's most experienced volunteers- its regional governors. Moreover, vacancies continuously plagued the system that required an exhaustive number of qualified volunteers to effectively support the fraternity.

Semester Visits-Regional governors will visit each chapter in their region at least once per semester. During such visits, the regional governor will address chapter strengths and weaknesses, and work with the chapter leadership to complete the 7 Objectives Report.

Though the plan more than doubled the number of regional governors, ultimately it has reduced the total number of volunteers necessary to support undergraduate chapters from 74 to 41.

Training-Regional governors will receive training annually to foster consistent and effective volunteer leadership for all chapters.

The extensive realignment further required that adjustments be made to the regional layout of the fraternity. During the restructuring process, lines were redrawn to form new regions of Pi Kappa Phi. The new regional make-up consolidated the former 19 regions and 55 districts to form 41 new regions. Comprised of three to four chapters, each new region is comparable in size to that of the former districts. The newly drawn regions also received new names. Rather than listing the regions numerically as in the past, the new regions were given physically descriptive names based on geographic location.

Region Conclaves-Each regional governor will coordinate an annual event with the region 's chapter members and chapter advisors to promote brotherhood within the region.

Annual Review-All regional governors will participate in an annual performance review to determine whether or not they should continue to serve in their position. Chapter Advisors-Regional governor will oversee the performance of the chapter advisors in their region. Volunteer Recruitment-Regional governors are responsible for recruiting volunteers to serve as chapter advisors and city event coordinators. National Headquarters Liaison-Regional governors will serve as a key liaison between the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Headquarters and housing corporations, alumni chapters, board of alumni advisors, city event coordinators and chapters within their region.

Northern Ohio Region RG - Mark Urrutia (Beta Iota} Delta Sigma - Bowling Green State Beta Iota - University ofToledo

Panhandle Region RG - Jimmy Brann (Alpha Gamma} Alpha Gamma - University of Oklahoma Epsilon Omega - Texas Tech University

Sierra Nevada Region RG - Nelson Wong (Eta Theta} Gamma - University of California Berkeley Eta Omicron - San Francisco State University Nevada at Reno (AC}

Northern Plains Region RG -Jeremy Galvin (Alpha Omicron} Theta Theta - University of Iowa Alpha Omicron - Iowa State University Epsilon Mu - Bradley University

Ph illy Region RG - Vince Thompson (Epsilon Tau} Epsilon Tau - St. Joseph's University Zeta Nu - West Chester University Eta Nu - University of Pennsylvania Zeta Chi - Albright College

Smoky Mountain Region RG - AN De Demetriou (Gamma Delta} Gamma Delta - University of Memphis Delta Iota - Middle Tennessee State Alpha Sigma - University of Tennessee

Queen City Region RG - Dick Baker (Delta Beta} Delta Lambda - UNC Charlotte Eta Zeta - Queens University Eta Mu - Wingate University

So Cal Region RG -Todd Sargent (Eta Sigma} Delta Rho - USC Zeta Mu -Cal State Northridge Zeta Rho - Cal State Fullerton Eta Sigma - UCLA

Ohio Valley Region RG - Carl Nelson (Gamma Gamma} Eta Upsilon - Miami University Alpha Psi - Indiana University Omega - Purdue University Outer Banks Region RG- Vacant Zeta Tau - Barton College Beta Phi - East Carolina University Eta Iota - Christopher Newport University

Roanoke Valley Region RG - Steve Esworthy (Xi} Xi - Roanoke College Delta Alpha - Virginia Tech Delta Phi - Radford University (AC}

Pacific Northwest Region RG - Mike Podobnik (Alpha Delta} Alpha Delta - University of Washington Alpha Zeta - Oregon State University Theta Iota- Washington State

Rocky Mountain Region RG - Bret Heidemann (Eta Gamma} Zeta Phi - Colorado State University Eta Gamma - University of Colorado

Palmetto Region RG -Tony Tam (Epsilon Lambda} Beta - Presbyterian College Sigma - University of South Carolina Gamma Rho - Lander University

Shenandoah Region RG - Mike Valentine (Epsilon Pi} Rho - Washington and Lee University Beta Upsilon - University of Virginia Delta Tau -James Madison University

South Beach Region RG - Jeff Pujals (Beta Eta} Theta Delta - Florida International Sunflower State Region RG - Larry Keller (Delta Chi} Delta Chi - Kansas State University Zeta Gamma - University of North Dakota Theta Epsilon - University of Kansas

Talladega Region RG- Vacant Gamma Nu - LaGrange College Alpha Iota -Auburn University Delta Epsilon -Jacksonville State University Gamma Gamma -Troy University Tobacco Road Region RG - Adam Bennett (Upsilon} Kappa - University of North Carolina Mu - Duke University Tau - NC State University Triad Region RG - Eric Searls (Epsilon Iota} Epsilon Iota - UNC Greensboro Epsilon Alpha - Elon University Zeta Xi - Averett University Upstate Region RG - Ron Johnson (Epsilon Lambda} Epsilon Lambda -South Carolina Upstate Zeta - Wofford College Delta - Furman University Zeta Alpha - Clemson University

Regional governors are appointed by the national president at each Supreme Chapter to serve a two year term . If you are interested in serving the fraternity as a regional governor, chapter advisor or in any other volunteer capacity, please contact Denise Nelson at (800) 929-1904 ext. 112 or dnelson@pikapp.org for more information.




GAMMA CALIFORNIA- BERKELEY Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity National Headquarters, in collaboration with the University of California-Berkeley, has taken disciplinary action against its Gamma chapter following an investigation into allegations of hazing during an associate member activity on AprilS, 2005. As a result of the investigation, Gamma chapter was placed on suspension for a period of one year, prohibiting all chapter operations and activities during that time. All student members were immediately placed on early alwnni status. In addition, disciplinary pi"OC!ffiings will be held for the individuals directly involved in the hazing incident with a recoiTIITiendation of expulsion. Pi Kappa Phi will recolonize the chapter in the fall of 2006. The chapter \vill then ~rate under conditions agrred upon by the national fraternity and the university in order to maintain a status of good standing with the fratemity and the university. Also at this time, a membership review of the former student members will take place to determine whether it is appropriate to include any of them in the new group.

America's events. Brother Dan Franklin and Ryan Patrick were cyclists on the 2005 Joumey of Hope, and brother Matthew Seaman was a cyclist for Gear Up Florida this year. The men of the chapter have also scheduled a No Boundaries Week for this fall to raise funds and awareness for Push America and people with disabilities. It is the chapter's goal to surpass last year's event by educating more people and raising more money!

UPSILON UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The men of Upsilon chapter at the niversity of lllinois celebrated the opening of their new house this October during Illinois' Homecoming. The event provided alumni with a chance to show their support for the newly re-chartered chapter and tour the house. The new structure, which opened its doors this fall, accommodates 49 members in suites and features a chapter room and underground parking. The new house was constructed on the existing site. Upsilon chapter was originally chartered in 1921 and was re-chartered during the spring of 2005.


TAU NORTH CAROLINA STATE Tau chapter continues to grow and improve each year Tau's fall2005 associate member class is enthusiastic and outgoing, and will contribute much to the chapter, the campus and to Pi Kappa Phi as a whole. The men of Tau chapter have improved their academic performance and are expected to contend for the Presidenrs Cup in for collegiate intramurals at CState. Additionally, the chapter has scheduled more alwnni and social events for the year. Furthermore, Tau has continued its long-standing tradition of supporting Push



TOP: Members of Tau chapter pose for a photo to send in to the


NC State yearbook. BOTTOM: Undergraduates and alumni of


Upsilon chapter gather during Illinois' Homecoming Weekend in front of the newly constructed chapter house. Pi Kappa Phi

After completing fall recruitment, Alpha Alpha chapter received 11 new associate members. The new class is currently going through member education, reading The White Diamond and learning our national and local history. They are also in the process of becoming acquainted with the active brothers, as well as the many alumni in the Macon area. They should be finished with their associate duties sometime prior to winter break.

CEO Mark nmmes attended to present the chapter with the Pi Kappa Phi flag seen in the photo.

Additionally, Alpha Alpha members are working to improve brotherhood. ''We have made great strides in improving our brotherhood events over the past semester 'Dinner-and-a-Movie nights are something that everyone looks forward to each month." Plans are also being made for a skeet-shooting weekend as well as a paintball \veekend.

One semester after earning their charter, the men of Theta Theta chapter at the UnMIISity of Iowa nKMid Into their,_ chapter house at



April 29, 2005, marked another milestone for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Less than six months after turning 100 years old, the fraternity granted a charter to its 200th designated chapter, Theta Theta at the University of Iowa. Colonized in the fall of 2002, the Iowa Associate Chapter worked for more than two and half years, experiencing some growing pains, but not without successes. "Instead of solely focusing on chartering over the past few semesters, we've acted like a chapter that has already chartered," said brother Kyle Mullen. "We've participated in campus-wide events like Greek Week and Homecoming. Our involvement will encourage us to maintain that level of productivity and avoid becoming stagnant." In fact, as an associate chapter, Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Iowa did more than just participate in those events. In the spring of 2005, Pi Kappa Phi won Greek Week with partner Alpha Chi Omega, placing first in the blood drive, first in Iowa Follies and earning Greek Week Gold Chapter status for a second consecutive year. The previous fall, the chapter won Homecoming \vith partner Delta Gamma, placing first in the float competition and second in Iowa Shout. Such successful involvement in Iowa's Greek community came as no surprise to Iowa's Greek Advisor jason Pierce, given that the young chapter's first interfraternal venture turned heads in 2004 with an unexpected second place finish in Greek Week.


"I've watched this group develop into true men of class-men who should be emulated by every chapter on campus," said Pierce. When time came to charter, the 34 founding members of Theta Theta chapter had plenty to celebrate, including their future as an outstanding chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. "We've already become a leading chapter on our campus," said Archon Thomas Duffy. " ow we're working to become a leader in Pi Kappa Phi." Chartering officers for the four-day event were National Vice President john Andrews, Delta Delta (Truman State), and Regional Governor Chuck Howard, Delta Delta (Truman State). It just so happens that Delta Delta chapter was the LOOth chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, founded 33 years ago, coincidentally on April29. Presenting the charter to Theta Theta, Andrews said, "After two and half years of blood, sweat and tears, this group of men has created a culture at the University of Iowa,"-a culture that the 200th chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is sure to continue.




Alpha Alpha is getting serious about Push America. Over the summer, two Alpha Alpha members, Kevin Berry and Bradley Bodiford, participated in journey of Hope. Their enthusiasm for Push America has seemingly spread throughout the chapter, and the members plan to increase the chapter's fund-raising and disability awareness efforts. To do so, members are planning a Push Week each semester. The members of Alpha Alpha chapter have also announced a rerent overhaul to their Web site, to which content is continually being added. They plan to use the site as a

for people with disabilities. The men of Alpha Phi are also working on their first partnership grant with Easter Seals. The brothers volunteer their time each week to help at the school, culminating in a yearend luncheon at the chapter house with the Easter Seals community. Upcoming events in the chapter include a faculty luncheon, parents' dinner and the chapter's annual Founders' Day celebration. Also, a spring rush agenda is in the works in order to keep the momentum gained from such a sucoessful fall rush.

two brothers participated in journey of Hope (one as a cyclist and one as a crew member), and one brother participated in Build America over the summer. Beta Epsilon members are also volunteering with VSA this semester.


The new associate members of Beta Iota {Toledo) are shown here with their

recruitment tool as well as a tool to keep alumni updated on the chapter's current events. You can visit Alpha Alpha's site at http!/www.mercer.edu/pikappaphi/.

ALPHA PHI ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TI1e year 2005 has been full of excitement and achievement for Alpha Phi. FollO\ving the chapter's 70th anniversary celebration in the spring, Alpha Phi was successful in recruiting liT's largest class since 2002. The success of fall rush is an exan1ple of Alpha Phi's detennination and motivation at it strives to be a model chapter. The new associate member class consists of young men who have the motivation and abilities to lead Pi Kappa Phi in the very near future. Alpha Phi is taking 'Leaders by Choice' seriously, as members are active on liT's baseball team, cross country team, soccer tean1, ROTC, and as teaching assistants. Alpha Phi also intends to lead the campus in promoting philanthropy with its first No Boundaries Week. Through events focusing on disability awareness, fund raising and volunteerism, Alpha Phi plans to show the liT community the importance of Push America and enhancing the quality of life




warden. The 28 men make up the largest class in the chapter's history.

MISSOURI The future of Beta Epsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is one of advancement and growth. Beginning August I, 2oo6, the brothers at the Diversity of Missouri will be moving into a new 52-man house. The chapter members are excited to have a home to officially call their 0\vn. Each semester marks new growth as every associate class increases in size from the previous. ot only has the chapter as a whole succeeded, but individual brothers are achieving goals which add credit to the chapter. One member of Beta Epsilon chapter was appointed to the Disabilities Commission for the City of Columbia. This was the first time in the history of the city that a college student has been appointed to this office. Another member is on the ballot for student body president. Overall, Pi Kappa Phis at the University of Missouri are becoming more active on can1pus as well as in the community. The chapter has also become very active in Push America, holding a fund raiser each month with events like empathy dinners, selling concessions at football gan1es and other special events. Additionally,

BETA IOTA TOLEDO This fall is an exciting time for the brothers of the Beta Iota chapter at the University of Toledo. They concluded an excellent Rush Week in which the brothers pledged 28 new members, a record for the chapter. The new members are all Leaders by Choice, and will help the Beta Iota chapter to continue its growth and expansion on campus. The brothers put on a week of fun filled events such as a night at a pool hall, a Texas Hold 'em Toumamen~ and an "invitation only" dinner. The new associate members will be sure to carry on the rich traditions the brothers enjoy with the University of Toledo, such as shooting the cannon at home football gan1es, the week-long No Boundaries Week scaffold sit outside the Student Union, winning the campus Songfest competition 3 out of the last 4 years, and the success the chapter maintains in intramural competition. All in all now is the time to be a member of the Beta Iota chapter!


is proud to announce that Epsilon Alpha was the recipient of the Mixson Award at Pi Kapp College, which recognizes Pi Kappa Phi's top chapter with seven or less chapters on campus. The members of the chapter are extremely proud of the honor, and look to continue with such success.

ELON The Push Committee of Epsilon Alpha has been working diligently this fall to plan the chapter's annual "No Boundaries Week." Asorority football event will kick off No Boundaries Week-last year the chapter raised over $2300 for Push America with the event. Other events include a "Kids on the Block" perfonnance, an empathy dinner, and other events that will raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. The week is especially important to the chapter because it increases awareness at Elon for people with disabilities, and gives the chapter an opportunity to interact with those who are directly impacted. Epsilon Alpha is also proud to have two new Pi Alphas. Brothers David Zell and


EPSILON TAU ST. JOSEPH'S For the second time in two years, a member of ~ilon Tau has been cha;en for the coveted pa;ition as the St. j<lieph mascot After a lengthy application prore..'i that included several interview.;, brother Andy Moral was cha;en to be the Hawk. The St joe Hawk has been nationally recognizal and is known as "the H~ that will never die." During men's basketball games, the mascot continuously flaps its wing;.




in their annual Regional Ride, 'Cycle to St. Augustine.' The cycling event. which starts in Jacksonville and ends in St. Augustine, raises funds and awareness for Push America.

This semester the chapter has recruited an associate class of seven men and recently held a pledge retreat in Akron, Ohio, during which the associates learned various team building skills. This semester the chapter also held its annual scaffolding for Push America and has raised over $1 ,000 this year so far for people with disabilities. Toward the end of October, the chapter will be attending the Give-A-Push Weekend in Pittsburgh. On Founders' Day the chapter 1vill host its first parent's reception and dinner for the active chapter members and their families. The chapter is happy to announce that brother Andrew Hartwell participated in Push America's Build America over the summer, and brother Craig Pienkoski returned safely from his tour of duty in


Additionally, the chapter has created a new partnership with an organization called "Actors without Boundaries," a group of people with disabilities who perfonn plays in the community. The chapter is excited to pursue the new partnership. In other news, the Epsilon Tau was recognized as the chapter of the year at St Joseph.

(North Florida) participate


jason Pressberg returned from the journey of Hope this summer, reporting that it was one of the most incredible experiences of their lives. The entire chapter is proud to continue Epsilon Alpha's short but impressive Pi Alpha history. In late October, the Epsilon Alpha was involved in the re-chartering of Xi chapter at Roanoke College. Being able to aid a peer chapter was a great experience, enabling Epsilon Alpha to improve communications and chapter relations. Last, but definitely not least, the chapter

The past year has been busy but SLKX:eS'ful for Epsilon Psi chapter at Slippety Rock University of Pennsylvania At Pi Kapp College, the chapter was recognizal as the most outstanding chapter in region 3 with the Summit Award and was also recognizal by Push America with the Community Impact Award for their partnership with the Woodlands Foundation in Wexford, Penn. In addition to winning national awards, the chapter was also recognized by Slippety Rock with the Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award and the Presidenrs Rising Star Award for exceptional

Iraq. Welcome back Craig! Epsilon Psi would also like to send their hopes and prayers to alumnus and advisor, Tony Calderelli, while he is on his tour of duty in the Middle East.

ZETA ZETA NORTH FLORIDA The brothers of Zeta Zeta chapter have, without a doubt, chosen to lead at the University of North Florida As champions of Greek Week, Homecoming, and the intramural Greek Cup, the chapter has won some major events on campus. Additionally, the men of Zeta Zeta achieved the highest collective G.P.A. among Greeks 1vith a 2.9. Furthennore, the chapter recently initiated the largest class on campus with 27 initiates, and recruited the largest associate class on campus this fall with 23 associates. Zeta Zeta has also continued its success in raising funds and awareness for Push America with its annual "Cycle to St. Augustine." The event


!J. 21

included more than 50 participants. The chapter's upcoming events include a "No Boundaries Week" in November and Greek Cup football and soccer where Zeta Zeta is favored to win.

ZETANU WEST CHESTER With 15 new associate members, fall 2005 brought continued suocess to Zeta u chapter at West Chester University. Since the beginning of the year, members of the chapter have been elected to leadership positions such as student government president and IFC president as well as IGC and IFC executive board positions. Former Archon Ryan King is the second consecutive member of Pi Kappa Phi to serve as the IFC president. To build on that suocess, Zeta u chapter recruited 15 new associate members this fall. Furthennore, to date the chapter has raised more money for Push America than anyother chapter at West Chester has for tl1eir respective philanthropies. 111is feat has been accomplished in addition to actively supporting West Chester's Greek philantluopy, Camp Oreamcatcher-a summer camp that supports children whose lives are affected by HN/AIDS. For more infom1ation, visit www.campdreamcatcher.org. Zeta Nu continues to raise the bar for other Greek organizations on campus. This was evident with the recognition and awards that were received by the chapter last spring. Ryan King was recognized as Greek Man of the Year and Chapter President of the Year. Other awards received were Community Service Volunteer of the Year, ew Member of the Year and Most Improved Chapter of the Year. The chapter also eamed its second consecutive !FC Cup which is awarded to the chapter \vith the best overall perfom1ance in Greek sports. The chapter dominated the fraternity league, winning every major port in both the fall and spring semester. Zeta Nu's campus achievements have come in conjunction \vith success offcampus as well. 11tis summer the chapter secured the largest and arguably the nicest chapter house at West Chester. The



fraternity house, located at 315 South High Street, was reconstructed in January and has since been equipped with a big-screen TV, poker and ping pong tables, chapter paddles, awards, composites and a total of 20 members of Zeta Nu chapter. The new chapter house serves as a beacon for Zeta Nu's detemtination to succeed and for its potential on a quickly growing campus.

ZETA RHO CALIFORNIA STATE- FULLERTON Fall 2005 has alreadyproven to be successful for Zeta Rho. The semester started with great recruitment efforts by Vice President Bobby Kosch who led the chapter to recruit 25 associate members. The Zeta Rho chapter at CSUF also has intramurals to add to its list of accomplishments. Leading tl1e point system for Intramural Team of the Year, Zeta Rho looks to take the title once again. The end of the semester promises to be eventful for Zeta Rho, with events lined up for a No Boundaries Week, including a Battle of the Bands, a Miss Push America Pageant and soccer tournament for sororities, an empathy dinner for CSUF staff and Fullerton City Council, and a quarters race throughout the week. The month will then end with Zeta Rho's annual trip to Arizona's flag football regional tournament. Expectations are high since Zeta Rho's football team is

currently ranked No. 2 in the nation after playing in the national tournament in ew Orleans last year.

ETA SIGMA UCLA The men of Eta Sigma have continued their dedication to Push America and community service tltis semester. The chapter teamed with two other Greek organizations for Halloween to host a haunted house for children from Special Olympics and Best Buddies, an organization for children with disabilities. In January, the chapter plans to host a battle of the bands benefit on UClA's campus in conjunction with the UClA Community Service Commission. The chapter has also developed a very special relationship with the Los Angeles Easter Seals. For the past year, all associate member classes have spent a weekend at the Easter Seals campsite in the San Bernadino Mountains to build and renovate facilities in order to create an accessible environment. In doing so, associate members learn about Eta Sigma's detern1ined efforts to serve the cause of Push America. Every associate member class described the opportunity as "invaluable." In other news, Eta Sigma dominated Delta Gan1ma sorority's philanthropy

State Fullerton) intramural football team pose for a photo. The team is nationally ranked.

competition, "Anchor Splash," which involved a talent contest, swim races and a synchronized swimming routine. The chapter absolutelyblew the competition "out of the water." The chapter is also proud to announoe that three members are also members of the UClA cheer squad. N; the squad continues to charge through the national rankings, the brothers of Eta Sigma are behind them every weekend.


followed the next weekend with the annual Eta Chi lake party. This year, the chapter rented an entire private beach with catered food and multiple boats. This semester Eta Chi also hosted its most successful Push Week ever. Activities included wheelchair basketball, an empathy race and sorority penny jar wars. This year's events raised more than $8,000! In addition to fund raising, Eta Chi continued its tradition of volunteerism and spreading awareness. More than 1,6oo people attended the week's events.


THETA ZETA The men of Eta Chi chapter announced an outstanding Nu Class of 29 associate members who represent the strongest men going through recruitment at TCU! The

GEORGE WASHINGTON Theta Zeta chapter at The George Washington University is on track LEFT: The 29 associate members of Eta Chi's Nu Class pose with a Pi Kappa Phi banner for a photo taken following formal recruitment at TCU. RIGHT: Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority at TCU cheer on their team at wheelchair basketball tournament during Eta Chi 's Push Week.

u Class members have already exceeded expectations and have developed strong goals to make a lasting impact on the chapter. In order to achieve such high standards, the chapter strategically spaced rush events throughout the summer to offer a variety of activities for rushees. Notably, the chapter began by hosting a rush event at the Jack johnson concert in Grand Prairie, Texas, which was extremely successful. In addition, Eta Chi periodically took rushees to dinner, golf outings and Texas Ranger baseball games. Onoe classes were back in session, the chapter hosted a successful barbecue attended by approximately 75 rushees, and then

to have another successful semester. Last spring, the chapter won a second consecutive Pikus Cup Award, and hopes to continue its success in intramural athletics with a third Pikus Cup victory this year. The chapter was also recognized with the Silver Chapter Exoellenoe Award by the university. This award is given based on community involvemen~ recruitment and academic accomplishments. The chapter is currently planning an barbecue during Parent's Weekend for local alumni. You can view other news from Theta Zeta at the chapter's new Web site, www:pikappgw.org.


fl 23


o o s Awards Summary The 2005 Pi Kappa Phi National Awards

Ceremony was held at PI Kapp College In Charlotte, N.C., In June.

FOUNDERS AWARDS The highest honor for a collegiate chapter




EPSILON ALPHA (ELON) Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with 7 or less NICfraternities

ETA CHI (TCU) Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with eight to 17 NICfraternities

ZETA PHI (COLORADO STATE) Most outstanding chapter in the nation on a campus with 18 or more NIC ftatern#ies

MR. PI KAPPA PHI DR. J. PATRICK FIGLEY, CHI (STETSON) Highest honor bestowed upon a member who exemplifies the ideal Pi Kappa Phi

NIC UNDERGRADUATE AWARD OF DISTINCTION DAVID BUCHANAN, THETA EPSILON (KANSAS) In recognition of overall leadership and excellence in the advancement offraternal ideals

NIC ALUMNUS AWARD OF DISTINCTION BRUCE ROGERS, CHI (STETSON) In recognition of overall leadersbip and excellence in the advancement offraternal ideals


SUMMIT AWARDS Most outstanding chapter by region




TOP: National Secretary Mark Jacobs and National Vice President John Andrews recognize Dr. J. Patrick Figley as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2005. LEFT: Brigadier General Edward Rodriguez of the NIC presents David Buchanan, Theta Epsilon (Kansas), with the NIC Award of Distinction. RIGHT: Shelley Sutherland from the University of Oregon receives the Durward W. Owen Interfraternity Award for her exceptional service to the Greek community.


ASSOCIATE CHAPTER OF THE YEAR WASHINGTON STATE ASSOCIATE CHAPTER LIVING THE RITUAL AWARD THETA ALPHA (SOUTHERN MISS) Most outstanding representation of the values ofPi Kappa Phi OUTSTANDING RECRUITMENT PROGRAM ETA CHI (TCU) EXECUTIVE AWARD ALPHA PSI (INDIANA), BETA THETA (ARIZONA), ETA GAMMA (OKLAHOMA) Most outstanding achievement in recruitment RECRUITMENT GROWTH ETA ZETA (QUEENS) [59%] largest percentage growth in recruitment LIGHTHOUSE AWARD ZETA PHI (COLORADO STATE) Most outstanding adJievement in member development programming W.E. EDINGTON AWARD ETA NU (PENNSYLVANIA) [3.4] Most outstanding grade point average MOST IMPROVED G.P.A. ETA SIGMA (UCLA) [2.59 TO 3.1] CHAPTER MANAGEMENT AWARD DELTA ALPHA (VIRGINIA TECH) Most outstanding chapter operations

THERON HOUSER AWARD ETA ZETA (QUEENS) Most improved chapter operations

THOMAS H. SAYRE AWARD NEALJACKSON, ETA CHI (TCU) Most outstanding Push America chair


PUSH AMERICA CUP ETA CHI (TCU) [$23,826] Most outstanding achievements in fund raising STAR OF HOPE ETA CHI (TCU) Most outstanding campus programming for Push America WEB SITE OF THE YEAR DELTA DELTA (TRUMAN STATE) JOE SEWELL INTRAMURAL AWARD BETA THETA (ARIZONA) Most outstanding achievement in intramurals

TOP: Kyle Robinson , Ga mma Iota


(LSU ), acce pts the Archon of


the Year Award from CEO Mark E. Timmes. BOTIOM: National President J. Ernest Johnson presents the Kroeg Award to Zeta Phi (Colorado State).


Mr. joseph Blair Allen Mr. Ray Franklin Asbelle Mr. George Ross Brantley Jr. Mr. William Robert Griffin Mr. Eugene Francis McManus Mr. Shirley Beach Palmiter Dr. Edward Lawrence Powers Jr.

XI Mr. Wilbur Earl Mann Jr. Mr. Roy Randolph Pollard Jr. OMICRON

Mr. Charles Webb Erwin Mr. William jack Hammack Col. Raymond Dunlap Hill Mr. Stanley Campbell Holmes


Mr. Hervey Francis Blalock Col. William Franklin Harris USA Ret. Lt. Col. Ned Sprunt Hays USAFRet. Mr. Dwight Andrew Holder Mr. james Wilson Livingston Dr. Henry Dibble Wyman GAMMA

Mr. john Louis Balzarini DELTA

Mr. William Cary Kendrick Mr. William Edwin Link EPSILON

Mr. Hooper Alexander Ill CFU FH Mr. Hunter Reeves Boykin Mr. Frank Carl Cenegy Mr. Horace Eugene Gray Jr. Dr. Ernest Waddill Larkin Jr. Mr. Thomas Clinton Niblock Mr. Daniel Wesley '!Yler ZETA

Mr. Frank Dalman Salters IOTA

Mr. john Emmett Griffin Jr. Dr. Leslie Hugh Jenkins Dr. Lynn Senter Mann Mr. William Howard McAllister Jr. Mr. Fredrick Louis Thurstone


Mr. john Craig Williams RHO

Mr. Seth Noel Baker Mr. Fred Eason Waters Jr. Mr. Robert Staples Wood SIGMA

Mr. john Livingston McGowan Esq. Mr. James William Parler Mr. Kenneth George Picha TAU

Mr. james Eldridge Blue Mr. Walter joseph Glod Mr. james Vmcent Gruzdis Jr. Mr. William Elmore Heruy Mr. Owen Reid jones Mr. Douglas T. Julian UPSILON

Mr. Dennis Wayne Armbrust Mr. Paul Bradford PhinneyJr. Mr. Richard Putnam Pratt Mr. Gilbert Lee Russell Jr. Mr. Alfred George Vitacco CHI

Mr. Ronald Smith Spencer Jr. PSI


Mr. Frank Cichanowicz lll Mr. Richard Foster Harris Jr. CLU Capt. jones Woodfin Purcell USNR Mr. David Hunter Quartennan



Mr. james Buchanan Cobb Jr. Mr. john Harris Selden Mr. Robert Gamer Small Mr. Robert Darwin '!Ylander Mr. Raymond Chelsea '!Ylander ALPHA ZETA


Mr. Walter Quinten Wilson NU


Mr. Richard Ellis Martin Mr. Albert Junior aber

Mr. Charles Richard Parker Mr. Earl Devon Williams


Mr. Hartley Emerson Barber Mr. Douglas Keith jones

Mr. Robert john Wilcox

Mr. Kenneth Charles Antony Dr. Ralph WMyerholtzjr. Mr. Walter Lucker Norrington Mr. Marvin Earl Russell Mr. Richard Hennan Suabedissen



Mr. Kenneth McBride Hawke Jr. ALPHA THETA

Mr. Robert james Blett Mr. Kenneth Gene Timpson Mr. Willis Chauncey Whorley ALPHA IOTA

Mr. james Shackleford GayJr. Mr. john jacob Roberts Jr.

d: t,q 1M, 11 :!!*Ill




Mr. Donald Henry jacoby Mr Dale Evans McElhattan

Mr. Robert Daniel Fortuna



Dr. Powers passed to Chapter Eternal on August 1, 2005, at the age of 89. The son-in-law of Founder Simon Fogarty, Powers was a loyal member of Alpha chapter for more than 66 years. As husband of Mary Eleanor Fogarty, Powers had many fond remembrances of lffe with Founder Fogarty. A biologist and researcher, Powers held instructional roles at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Texas. He always credited his success to a positive beginning at the College of Charleston and to his membership in Pi Kappa Phi. His generosity toward Pi Kappa Phi was clearly demonstrated later in life. Together, Dr. and Mrs. Powers were among the lead contributors to the Centennial Bell Tower Campaign.

ALPHANU Mr. CoiWin Daniel Hablitzel

Mr. james Frank Ritzenthaler Mr. Edward Albert VanGunten



Mr. Charles Schram Jr. Mr. Mark Gullo

Mr. Pat Shelby Todd


Mr. john Floyd Calhoun Jr. Mr. Thomas Ray Minter Mr. Laurence Channing Thomas

GAMMA GAMMA Mr. Fredrick Alexander Rogers Jr.

ALPHA SIGMA Mr. Billy Eugene Farmer Mr. Michael Kenneth Hamrick Mr. William Prescott Miller Jr. Lt. Col. Willard Donald Richardson USAR

GAMMA IOTA Mr. Nicholas james Stidham

DELTA BETA Mr. jeremy Alan Chandler

ALPHA TAU Mr. joseph Francis Banaszewski Mr. Richard Joseph Bouchard Mr. Haig Gary Garab Mr. Crayton Fowler Montei

DELTA ZETA Mr. Robin Dale Ferguson

DELTA OMICRON Mr. Steve john Fanguy

ALPHA UPSILON Mr. Robert William Babb Mr. Henry john Bartle Ill Mr. Robert Hubbell Birdsall Mr. ick DeBenedictis Dr. William Proud Fitzgerald Jr. Mr. Benjamin F Hallowell Jr. Mr. Joseph john Keyes Mr. Robert W Lambert Mr. Harold See! Norton Jr. Mr. ArthurW 1\mnelljr.

EPSILON IOTA Mr. Gregory Ronald Knowles

EPSILON RHO Mr. Brandon Lee Killingsworth


Mr. Robert Blane Maxwell Jr. Mr. Bob Stender Mr. Richard Joseph Szostak

ALPHA PSI Mr. Richard Dean Spear

BETA ALPHA Mr. Rocco Thomas Cardillo

BETA EPSILON Mr. Alan james Bowie BETA ZETA Mr. Richard Dean Campbell

Hooper Alexander Ill, Epsilon (Davidson}, joined Chapter Eternal on June 4, 2005, at the age of 75. A member of Pi Kappa Phi since 1949, Alexander never sought national prominence in the fraternity as a national officer or chairperson. However, his love for Pi Kappa Phi was very apparent in the innumerable acts of kindness and dedication he showed as an alumnus to his fellow brothers. He was well known for laking leadership consultants to lunch, sharing his expertise on life insurance with staff members and attending the many fraternity events in the Charlotte area. Brother Alexander never saw Pi Kappa Phi as means for political or economic gain, but rather a vessel for friendship and brotherllood. In many ways, Hooper Alexander was representative of the ideal fraternity man. Durward Owen, a close personal friend of Alexander's, said of their friendship, "When I count my friends, I count Hooper twice.'

ROBERT J. WILCOX PSI Robert J. Wilcox passed to Chapter Eternal on March 8, 2005. An inijiate of Psi chapter at Cornell University, Wilcox was an ardent supporter of Pi Kappa Phi. A former president of the Psi Alumni Corporation Board of Directors and a member of the Nu Phi Society, Wilcox volunteered on both the local and national level. For his many years of service to the fraternity, Wilcox was awarded the Merit Citation at the 49th Supreme Chapter in 2004.

Mr. Charles Wesly Huffmyer

EPSILON OMEGA Mr. Charles Christopher Chilcoat

ALPHA PHI Mr. Donald Leo Black


ZETA THETA Mr. Michael Rand Udick Mr. Adam L Reitz

ZETA PSI Mr. Aaron Michael Zeiher

ETA DELTA Mr. Ronnie Amos Kiser

ETA OMICRON Mr. Patrick Sean Savage

WILLIAM J. RICKERT ALPHA OMICRON William J. Rickert passed to Chapter Eternal on October 27, 2005, following complications from heart surgery. An active member of Alpha Omicron since 1943, Rickert was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's Board of Governors. In addition to his service on the national level, Rickert was also a director on the Alpha Omicron Building Corporation. Brother Rickert will be remembered by his fraternity as a generous and thoughtful brother.

Departures from Pi Kappa Phi and Push America prompt new htres at headquarte s PI KAPPA PHI


In August, fanner Assistant Executive Director Stephen Whitby, Zeta Iota (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) , left staff after a 10-year tenure at Pi Kappa Phi to pursue a position as director of creativity at his church. During his time as a staff member at Pi Kappa Phi headquarters, Whitby provided invaluable service to the fraternity in a number of roles including leadership consultant and director of the Journey Project. His leadership, creativity and energy will be greatly missed.

Changes were also seen at Push America. In October, Basil Lyberg, Beta Xi (Central Michigan), was promoted to director of development. In tltis role, Lyberg is responsible for the overall fund-raising strategy for Push America which includes the cultivation of the organization's donor base, securing major corporate sponsorships, and soliciting foundations and grants. He also works closely with members of the Pi Alpha Society.

To fulfill the student eduction component of Whitby's position, a new position was created. In October, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity announced the hire of Dan Wrona, Zeta Chi (Albright College) , as the director of leadership. In this newly fanned position, Wrona is largely responsible for student education and training curriculum for Mid-Year Leadership Conferences, Pi Kapp College, Supreme Academy and journey Events. Furthennore, he is charged with developing a cutting-edge leadership and ethics curriculum in support of Pi Kappa Phi 's second century vision as we broaden our commitment to leadership through the development of men who are 'Leaders by Choice.' This fall also brought change to Pi Kappa Phi's creative team. In midDecember, Creative Director Eric Rinebold, Epsilon Omega (Texas Tech), took another creative position in Charlotte, N.C., after three and a half years of service to Pi Kappa Phi as communications director and creative director. Rinebold's tenure at Pi Kappa Phi resulted in several changes in the fraternity's communications. He led Web site redesign for both Pi Kappa Phi and Push America, streamlined electronic communications and directed an award-winning creative team. Succeeding Rinebold as communication director is jared Thurston, Theta Epsilon (Kansas). As communication director, Thurston 1vill be responsible for producing the Star &Lamp and maintaining Pi Kappa Phi's brand in all communication and marketing collaterals. Thurston received his degree in journalism and mass communications from the University of Kansas and has worked under Rinebold as a member of the creative team since September 2004.



josh Sheffler, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), was hired to replace Lyberg as director of team events. Since 2001, he has participated in Gear Up Florida twice and Journey of Hope three times, last as project manager for journey of Hope, North, in 2005. As director of team events, Sheffler is responsible for the logistics and implementation of Build America, Gear Up Florida and Journey of Hope each year. Sheffler received a degree in management infonnation systems from Iowa State University. Departing from Push America's staff was Rob Kelly, Alpha Delta (Washington). Kelly left to pursue a position as executive director of another organization that serves people with disabilities. At Push America, Kelly served as director of team services for four years. Kelly's dedication to the organization helped Push America expand the Journey of Hope to three pennanent routes. David Shanklin, Eta Ganuna (Colorado), succeeds Kelly as director of team services. In this position, Shanklin is responsible for recruiting and providing support for Build America, Gear Up Florida and Journey of Hope team members. Shanklin was a cyclist on tl1e journey of Hope, North, in 2003 and a crew member for the journey of Hope, Trans America, in 2005. He earned his economics degree from the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Also joining Push America's staff is Brian Dickman, Eta Upsilon (Miami). As director of logistics, Dickman is primarily responsible for coordinating

all logistical aspects of Build America, Gear Up Florida and the journey of Hope, including lodging, meals, and programming events 1vith sponsors and volunteers across the country. Prior to joining staff, Dickman was a cyclist for Gear Up Florida and a crew member for journey of Hope, South, both in 2002. He has a business degree from the Miami University of Ohio.

CALL FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL NOMINATIONS Nominating Committee seeks "men who love, and are devoted to promoting Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity brotherhood." As chairman of the Nominating Committee, I run writing to ask you for

anysuggestions you may have for qualified men to serve on the ational Council of Pi Kappa Phi as we continue to grow in our second century. As in the past, we seek men who love, and are devoted to promoting Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity brotherhood. Previous service to, and a sound

understanding of the greater fraternity organization are essential. We also look for those who have demonstrated exemplary talents in their chosen professions, strong interpersonal traits and abiUties, and the willingness to make tough decisions when necessary. Simply put, we are looking for those men best quaUfied to serve on your fraternity's National Council. As those who have served know well, a considerable runount of time. energy

and financial resources go into service on the ational Council, but the rewards are clear-there are constant reminders of the favorable impact of your work on the lives of our active student and alumni members. TI1e task of the Nominating Committee is to prepare a slate of candidates to propose as leaders of tl1e fraternity for the period of August 2oo6 -August 2008, which begins at the 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas. The

Nominating Committee is comprised of five members: a student member who wiU be appointed in the fall, and four fonner national presidentsNathan Hightower, Dr. Pat Figley, Harry Caldwell and myself. Please notify me by letter or fax sent prior to February 15, 2oo6, if you have an interest in serving your fraternity as a member of the National Council (or in any other capacity), or if you wish to recommend a person you believe to be well qualified and interested. At least one member of tl1e Nominating Col1llllittee will contact those persons who are timely identified to obtain more infon11ation. Our recommendations will be published by the end of March 2oo6. 路 Send your suggestions to David Lane at 824 Great Cumberland Road, Me Lean, VA 22102-0008. You also may fax them to (703) 749-1297. It is critical that your suggestions be sent to me by the February 15, 2oo6, deadline. David G. Lane Past National President

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