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-DurNald w. owen, Mx· Pi KaPPa Pbi zoos FALL 200G



IT WAS SATURDAY, JUlY 29, 2006-DAYTWO OF THE 50TH SUPREME CHAPTER IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS. IT WAS AGREAT DAYTO BEA PI KAPPA PHI. Our morning startro with the alumni breakfast Adrian Cronauer of "Good Morning, Vietnam" fame regaloo the alumni with the status of the rnis<;ing POWs who serval our great oountJy in Vietnam. We moved on to the first Supreme Chapter session. After the delegation had been seated, we witnessed a parade of some of the greatest Pi Kappa Phi leaders in our history as Past National Presidents, Mr. Pi Kappa Phis and past Executive Directors were presented to the convention prior to the seating of the ational Council. A1 the Foundation lunch, Chairman of Accenture joe Forehand, Alpha Iota (Auburn), talkoo about leadership and the lessons he learned as a student when he was archon of his chapter. You can read his remarks on page 14 of this issue. At the second Supreme Chapter session that afternoon, we paid tribute to recentlydeceasal alumnus Frank Havard, Gamma Phi (South Alabama), with a presentation of his Merit Citation for meritorious service to the fraternity, which was accepted by his wife, Lyn, and daughter, Anne. This was especially personal to me as I took Frank's place on the Headquarters staff in 1980. He continual to serve his bel oval fraternity in so many ways since then. Read about Frank on page 23. That evening at the Supreme Banque~ we recognized our best and brightest students, chapters and alumni culminating in the presentation of the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2006 award to Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke). His best friend and fraternal brother, Past National President and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1983 recipient Ted Scharfenstein, Beta Beta (Florida Southern), eloquently reminded us of Durward's contributions to the fraternity both before and after his retirement in 1994. Durward reminded us our focus should be on "small acts of great love." Read more about Durward on page 10. Lastly, the evening culminated with our Ritual of Initiation ably performoo by men from Eta Chi Chapter at Texas Christian University and the initiation of our model initiate, Patrick Rummerfield. Patrick is the first fully recovered spine injury quadriplegic. Patrick shared his own heroic story from the automobile accident that injured him through his arduous journey to full recovery. He was honored to join a fraternity that puts "Leadership through Service" in action everyday through Push America. You'll find more about Patrick on page 9. Afterwards, as I sat in the Ritual of Initiation room, I turned to ational President Ernest johnson and said that if the students didn't understand what true fraternity is all about after experiencing today, they will never get it. It was a great day to be a Pi Kappa Phi.

Our focus for our second century is to redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. As such, we are leaders by choice, but understand we have chosen an obligation to lead, just as these men you read about in this issue have done. Ma>t of all you can be proud that your fraternity is still relevant todayand continues to pa;itivelyimpact young men's lives~ the countJy at a time when society neals true fraternity more than ever. Every day is a great day to be a Pi Kappa Phi.

Yours in the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi,

~ÂŁ .-~ Mark E. TI.Il1l11es

Chief Executive Officer mtimmes@pikapp.org

Growing the Fraternity THETA IOTA WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Pullman, Washington Founding Members: 47 Founded: September 10, 2005 Colonized: Fall 2004

EXPANSION TIME LINE UC-Berkeley Utah Cal State Long Beach Ohio

Installation Officers: Past National President Phillip Summers, Alpha Psi (Indiana) National Secretary Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas) Initiation Teams: Alpha Delta (Washington) I Alpha Zeta (Oregon State) I Zeta Phi (Colorado State)

T"'ETA LAMBDA MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Founding Members: 34 Springfield, Missouri Founded: April 1, 2006 Colonized: Spring 2005

• • • •

Western Michigan Oklahoma State UTTyler Tennessee Tech

Installation Officers: Regional Governor Chuck Howard Ill, Delta Delta (Truman State) Past Official Michael Zolezzi , Delta Delta (Truman State)

• Texas • Ohio State

Initiation Teams: Beta Epsilon (Missouri-Columbia) I Gamma Lambda (Missouri-Rolla)

• North Carolina • Emory

BETA SIGMA NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DeKalb, Illinois Re-founding Members: 29 Re-chartered : April 22, 2006 Colonized: Fall2004 Installation Officers: Past National President Phillip Summers, Alpha Psi (Indiana) Regional Governor Ken Forti, Sigma (South Carolina) Initiation Teams: Alpha Phi (liT) I Epsilon Mu (Bradley) I Theta Theta (Iowa)

MU DUKE UNIVERSITY Durham, North Carolina Re-chartered: September 16, 2006

• Villanova • Southern Cal • Winthrop

Re-founding Members: 50 Colonized: Spring 2005

Installation Officers: National President John Andrews, Delta Delta (Truman State) Past National President Phillip Summers, Alpha Psi (Indiana) Regional Governor Frank Wrenn Ill, Mu (Duke) Initiation Teams: Xi (Roanoke) I Epsilon Alpha (Elan) If you are interested in

helping with Pi Kappa Phi's expansion efforts, contact Volunteer Director of Expansion and National Historian Tom Sullivan at tsullivan@pikapp.org.



STAR&IAMP FALL 2006 Vol. XCV, No. 4



Deep in the Heart ofTexas As the first convention of Pi Kappa Phi's second century, the 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas did not disappoint, reuniting brothers from across the nation and renewing the fraternal spirit.

Five Lessons in Leadership This is the second installment in a series we're calling "leadership in focus." Alumnus Joe. Forehand, Alpha Iota (Auburn), shares the lessons he has learned about effective leadership over the years as CEO and chairman of Accenture.






Test on the 1Oth Addressing an important men's issue, Pi Kappa Phi has developed a campaign to promote awareness of testicular cancer. The campaign encourages members to perfonn testicular examinations on the 10th of each month.











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COVER Durward W. Owen, Xi (Roanoke), was acknowledged as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2006. Owen quoted Mother Teresa in his acceptance speech at the 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas.


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KRG CAPITAL AND CASE LOGIC PRESENT JOURNEY OF HOPE 2006 The Push America Challenge is a new program geared towards providing opportunities to participate in physically demanding endurance events while raising funds and awareness for people with disabilities. From scaling mountains to running marathons, a number of individuals are already signing up to serve for Push America with the mission of understanding human ability. The Push America Challenge is not limited to past event participants or even members of Pi Kappa Phi. Push America encourages anyone to sign up for an event, begin fundraising and spreading awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities.

' ' The Push America Challenge is our way to further spread the message of understanding human ability. It can be your way to make a difference in the world.'' "We feel that The Push America Challenge is a great way for anyone to get involved and stay involved with Push America ," said Chad Coltrane, CEO of Push America . "Until now, Push America has limited its events to members of Pi Kappa Phi, but The Push America Challenge enables us to open our doors to all who believe in the abilities of all people ." The Push America Challenge is also a great way to get your family involved and show them how amazing it is to not only serve others, but overcome great obstacles in the pursuit of truly understanding human ability. n America today, 20 percent of people live with a disability, and the chances of obtaining or developing one at some point during a lifetime is very high. There is a misconception in society that people with disabilities require a great deal of special treatment. Though there are various levels and degrees of disabilities, the majority of individuals living with a disability are able to operate and provide for their communities as fully functioning citizens.

Push America would like to thank KRG Capital Partners, L.L.C. and Case Logic for their continued support as presenting sponsors of the Journey of Hope. Both organizations have provided the resources to propel Push America's cross-country cycling event into elite status in the philanthropic community. As presenting sponsors of the event KRG Capital Partners, L.L.C. and Case Logic have enabled Push America to increase the financial support it provides to organizations across the country that help to serve the disability community. "Though KRG Capital and Case Logic have been a part of the event for a number of years, it never ceases to amaze me how committed they are to the mission of Push America and the Journey of Hope," Push America CEO Chad Coltrane said. "We are fortunate and honored to have KRG Capital and Case Logic as our presenting sponsors and look forward to what the future has in store for us." In addition to their monetary contributions, KRG Capital Partners, L.L.C. and Case Logic have provided support to the Journey of Hope in a number of other ways. Whether hosting events along the routes or donating products to the disability community, both organizations have proven their commitment to raising funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Push America would also like to recognize Case Logic as the 2006 presenting sponsor of Build America, Push America's premier construction program.


It is Push America 's goal to raise awareness for people with disabilities and to show that the ir abilities exceed their disability. The Push America Challenge is our way to further spread the message of understanding human ability. It can be your way to make a difference in the world . If you are interested in making a difference in someone else's life and want to participate in The Push America Challenge, please contact Kyle Thomas, director of marketing, at (704) 504-2400 ext. 124 or kthomas@pushamerica .org and let him know what challenge you would like to undertake.

ABOUT KRG CAPITAL PARTNERS, L.L.C. KRG Capital Partners, L.L.C. is a private equity investment firm specializing in acquiring controlling interests in middle-market companies and growing them into significantly larger enterprises through the combination of internal growth and selective strategic add-on acquisitions. KRG Capital invests in companies with a history of operating profitability and strong growth prospects in specialty or "niche" manufacturing, distribution or service industries. www.krgcapital.com ABOUT CASE LOGIC Case Logic was founded in 1984 in Boulder, Colo. Beginning with just two audiocassette storage cases, they helped to create and expand the growing field of audio storage, spurred in part by the success of the compact disc. Today, they offer more than 300 products. They are known for innovative design and functionality, and offer the most complete selection of storage accessories in the industry. Case Logic has most recently developed products for people with disabilities. www.caselogic.com





A SUPREME CHAPTER DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS They say that everything is bigger in Texasand from July 28 to August I, 2006, "fraternity" was definitely larger than life I or more than 500 student and alumni delegates, spouses and guests who attended Pi Kappa Phi's 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth,




As the first convention of Pi Kappa Phi 's second century, the 50th Supreme Chapter did not disappoint. The event delivered on its promise to reunite brothers from across the nation and renew the fraternal spirit. Prior to "Cowtown," the Lone Star State had played host to Pi Kappa Phi's national convention only once before-in 1987 when the 41st Supreme Chapter was held in Dallas.

A Western Welcome As students and alumni arrived for checkin on Friday, the board members of Push America and Pi Kappa Phi Properties met for lunch to report on their progress for the year and refine their goals for the future. The afternoon agenda was set with chapter regional meetings and an Archon's Academy. In the evening, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation hosted its annual Trustees and Governors reception to acknowledge and thank those leaders who, since the last convention, have completed their service on one of Pi Kappa Phi 's four affiliate boards. Recognized that evening were Dan Barry, Alpha (Charleston), and Eric Almquist, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), from the Push America board of directors; Jay Stucke!, Beta Epsilon (Missouri), from Pi Kappa Phi Properties; outgoing National President, Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn); and Eldred Harman, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State), and Tom Carter, Gamma Delta (Memphis), from the Foundation board of trustees.

The kick-off event for the convention was also held Friday evening. And what would be more appropriate to open the 50th Supreme Chapter than some Texas barbecue and a championship rodeo? Guests were transported to the Stockyards for dinner at the famous Riscky's BBQ, followed by an authentic rodeo at Cowtown Coliseum where the Pi Kappa Phi flag made its way around the arena by way of a rodeo cowgirl on horseback.

Goooood Morning, Pi Kappa Phi Saturday began with the alumni breakfast where alumnus Adrian Cronauer, who was the inspiration for the movie, "Good Morning, Vietnam ," was the guest speaker. Brother Cronauer, alumni-initiated in 2002 at the 48th Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C., spoke of his experiences as the voice of the armed forces radio network during the Vietnam War to a crowd of nearly 150. He also discussed the enduring quality of American values and their acute importance to our nation today.

Following the breakfast was the first of four sessions of the Supreme Chapter Meeting. As the formal meeting was called to order, the Supreme Chapter continued the tradition of presenting to the delegation all Past National Presidents, Mr. Pi Kappa Phis and former Executive Directors in attendance. Those recognized were Ted Scharfenstein, Beta Beta (Florida Southern); Phillip Summers, Alpha Psi (Indiana); Jerry Brewer, Sigma (South carolina); Nathan Hightower, Omicron (Alabama); J. Patrick Figley, Chi (Stetson); Harry caldwell, Omicron (Alabama); Joe Alexander, Gamma Alpha (West Alabama); Greg Elam, Beta (Presbyterian); and Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke). Also in attendance at the conference were Past National Presidents Lonnie Strickland, Omicron (Alabama), Steve DePalma, Beta Alpha (NJIT), and David Lane, Omega (Purdue).

Following the opening session was the Foundation awards lunch, which recognized deserving alumni leaders and student scholars. Then-Chairman of Accenture Joe Forehand, Alpha Iota (Auburn), delivered a keynote to a crowd of more than 400. In his

address, Forehand, who was inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame in 2004, shared the importance of his chapter experience in helping to direct his personal success in business. He also spoke of key leadership observations he has made over the years at the helm of one of America's most successful business consulting firms and challenged students in attendance to stretch themselves in their pursuit of leadership. After the lunch, the second session ofthe Supreme Chapter Meeting was conducted, during which the slate for the new National Council was presented. Towards the end of the session, the Supreme Chapter concluded its business to recognize the late Frank Havard, Gamma Phi (South Alabama), with a Merit Citation for his dedicated service to the fraternity. Havard, who is fondly remembered as the first and only unofficial "national social chairman" of Pi Kappa Phi, lost his battle with cancer in May-only two months prior to attending what would have been his fourteenth consecutive Supreme Chapter. On his behalf, Havard's wife, Lyn, and daughter, Anne, accepted the award as the floor of the Supreme Chapter rose to its feet in applause.

Summers Student of the Year award; and the Founders Awards, which recognize the top chapters in the fraternity. (See pages 12-13 for a complete list of award winners.)

The Stars at Night are Big and Bright

Also during the Supreme Banquet, Pi Kappa Phi was introduced to Patrick Rummerfield, Theta Iota (Washington State), the model initiate for the 50th Supreme Chapter. Rummerfield's spine was severely injured in a alcohol-related car accident in 1974. Doctors saw little chance for survival-death within 72 hours. But he chose to fight, and his extraordinary self-will, positive attitude and spiritual guidance prevailed. Rummerfield is credited as being the world's only fully recovered spinal cord injury quadriplegic, and his determination to "never give up" became the cornerstone of his new life.

The stars of Pi Kappa Phi were out on Saturday night, and they shone bright during the evening's much-anticipated Supreme Reception and Banquet The event began with dinner, which was followed by the presentation of chapter awards. Among the awards given were the Push America Cup, Push America's most prestigious award; the Phillip M.

Since his recovery, Rummerfield has dedicated his life to impacting the lives of others, helping them to "never give up" on their dreams. "I made a promise to God that if he gave me a second chance to walk and use my hands, I'd help others less fortunate than myself," said Rummerfield.



Small Acts of Great love To end the evening, Pi Kappa Phi turned to its brightest star. Before a crowd of more than 500 attendees, Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke), was recognized with the highest honor to be bestowed upon a member, the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi award. Presenting the award was Owen's longtime friend, Past National President and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1983 Ted Scharfenstein, Beta Beta (Florida Southern). Rummerfield was first introduced to the fraternity on a flight from St. Louis, which he shared with members of Theta Iota Chapter (Washington State) who were returning from Mid Year Leadership Conference. They shared with Rummerfield the mission of Push America and found they had a instantaneous bond as proponents of the abilities of people with disabilities. Later in the banquet, Pi Kappa Phi introduced David Morgan, Beta Omicron (Northwestern State), as the Hall of Fame inductee for 2006. A leader in the insurance industry for more than 30 years, Morgan shared that being the first in his family to attend college, joining Pi Kappa Phi, becoming archon and choosing to lead set him on a path to succeed. In his acceptance speech, Morgan spoke from the heart about how he had invested so much into his fraternity but kept getting more and more out of it. He closed his remarks memorably by saying, "at some point in the past, you got into Pi Kappa Phi, now, let Pi Kappa Phi get into you."



Scharfenstein gave a moving introduction and spoke of Owen's faith and family, revealing to the hundreds in attendance the personal side of a man seemingly known so well by all Pi Kappa Phis. Before recognizing Owen 's accomplishments since his retirement in 1994, Scharfenstein contrasted the fraternity that Owen agreed to lead in 1959 against the strength of today's Pi Kappa Phi. In his introduction Scharfenstein helped to illuminate for an entirely new generation of Pi Kappa Phi students the indelible impact Owen has had on Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. "There are no great acts; there are only small acts of great love," said Owen in his acceptance speech, quoting Mother Teresa. He acknowledged the "small acts of great love" that underpinned the service of those Mr. Pi Kappa Phis who came before him. "There are 38 of these Mr. Pi Kappa Phis, all of whom have their own small acts of great love. I am unworthy and humbled to be among them. "

He challenged the audience to ponder their own small acts of great love for Pi Kappa Phi. "Alumni, what are your small acts of great love? Students, what will be your small of acts of great love? You see, it is these small acts of great love that have made Pi Kappa Phi what it is." Owen thanked his three children, all of whom were in attendance, for "committing thousands of small acts of great love, " which he said enabled him to serve Pi Kappa Phi for the past 47 years. At the end of his speech , Owen 's voiced quivered with emotion as he delivered a touching contradiction for his final line. "Mother Teresa was wrong, however, for one person did indeed commit, and continues to commit, one great act of unbelievably great love-Connie Manning Owen, who, 54 years ago, married me." He then exited the stage to kiss his wife, as a moved audience erupted with a lengthy standing ovation in deep admiration and appreciation of Durward Owen, Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2006.

Official business concluded with the acknowledgement of Ernest Johnson's service as outgoing national president, the presentation of the National President's Badge from Johnson to incoming President Andrews, and the inaugural address by the new national president.

Saturday evening ended with host chapter Eta Chi (Texas Christian) performing the Ritual of Initiation for Patrick Rummerf1eld with an audience of initiated members. Rummerfield was initiated into Theta Iota Chapter (Washington State).

Values and Courage spouses and guests gathered for their twelfth biennial black tie banquet. Nu Phi welcomed eight new members into the society, hosting the banquet at the beautiful Bass Performing Arts Center.

Following a non-denominational prayer breakfast on Sunday morning led by brothers Patrick Figley, Ch i (Stetson), and Phillip Summers, Alpha Psi (Indiana), Push America hosted its award lunch to recogn ize those students and chapters who have excelled in their efforts to raise money and awareness on behalf of people with disabilities.

A ~ew Sheriff in Town On Sunday afternoon the Supreme Chapter continued its business. Most importantly, the Supreme Chapter accepted by acclimation the slate of officers . proposed by the nominating committee. While the convention attendees had Sunday night off to explore Fort Worth , the Nu Phi Society along with their

In his address, Andrews spoke of "Values and Courage." During his presentation he stated that "courage " was what Pi Kappa Phi would need to lead, and endure as an organization. ~s a parting gift, he gave a commemorative

On Monday morning former employees of the greater fraternity gathered for breakfast and a brief program. Following the final committee meetings, the fraternity hosted its awards lunch to acknowledge those chapters and individuals who have distinguished themselves in their service to Pi Kappa Phi. The fourth and final session of the Supreme Chapter Meeting included the swearing-in of new officers-President John Andrews, Delta Delta (Truman State); Vice President Jeff Wahlen, Alpha Epsilon (Florida); Treasurer Mark Jacobs, Delta Psi (Texas-Arlington); Secretary Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas-Austin); Historian Tom Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M); Chancellor Dudley Woody, Xi (Roanoke); and Chaplain David White, Beta Alpha (NJIT). The new National Council will guide the fraternity for the next two years.

gold coin to each member in attendance, which was to serve as a reminder to carry courage with them at all times. Members of the fraternity and their guests gathered one last time that evening for the closing event-a double-header baseball game between the Fort Worth Cats and Pensacola Pelicans.l



PIKAPPAPHI NATIONAL AWARDS The Pi Kappa Phi National Awards were given during the 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas

PI KAPPA PHI HALL OF FAME Inrecognition of those who have distinguished themselves in their profession, bringing honor and respect to Pi Kappa Phi DAVID MORGAN, BETA OMICRON (NORTHWESTERN STATE)




PUSH AMERICA CUP Most outstanding achievements in total fund raising ETA CHI (TEXAS CHRISTIAN)

Exceptionally meritorious service in the Greek community DON MILLS, TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY















FOUNDERS AWARDS The highest honor for acollegiate chapter




Most outstanding chapter in the nation on acampus with scvat or 1m NICfraternities EPSILON ALPHA (ELON)

Most outstw1ding chapter in the nation on acampus with eight to 17 N1C fraternities ETA CHI (TEXAS CHRISTIAN)

Most outstanding chapter in the nation on acwnpus with 18 or more N1C fraternities DELTA ALPHA (VIRGINIA TECH)

7O~~CTIVES AWARDS SUPERIOR ASSOCIATE Forcxce cnce in the 7Objectivcs













Mostoutstandingmanlxrchdopmcntprogramming ETA CHI (TEXAS CHRISTIAN)

Largest percentage growth in recruitment ZETA XI (AVERETT) [73%]


EXECUTIVE AWARD Most outstanding achievement in recruitment ALPHA PSI (INDIANA) THETA DELTA (FlU) ETA GAMMA (COLORADO)




CHAPTER MA.~AGEMENT Most outstanding chapter operations DELTA ALPHA (VIRGINIA TECH)










W.E EDINGTON AWARD Most outstanding grade point average PSI (CORNELL)





T IS GREAT TO BE HERE AT SUCH A milestone event, the 50th Supreme Chapter meeting. My last participation in one of these meetings was in 1968 in Virginia Beach. Times have certainly changed in the last 38 years. And when I think about what I have learned and how I have changed since then , I can truly say that Pi Kappa Phi has been a big part of my life. Much of what shaped my leadership style and who I am today goes back to my fraternity days. I vividly recall finding a true brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi with friends who worked and played together. I fondly remember our housemother, Mom Eve. She was a socially graceful woman. She taught us etiquette, like how to eat properly and how to treat ladies. That awareness of social grace and style has served me very well. It stayed with me as I moved up through the ranks of the business world and, over the years, entertained business people from around the world . During my sophomore year, I was elected archon. I didn't realize it then, but this was a transformational experience for me. I had always played things pretty safe in life, never taking too much risk. As archon, I was in a bit over my

head, but I became much more confident. I also recognized that you can't really grow unless you stretch yourself. I learned that herding a group of men toward a common purpose was challenging, but fun. I learned about setting priorities and managing conflicts. I learned how important it is for a leader to be able to sell ideas to people who aren't obligated to buy them. And I learned that you earn your right to lead, not because you are the boss but because you gain respect. As I look back, I can clearly see how my Pi Kappa Phi experience has influenced my career. It's been a great ride. I came from a middle-class family in a small town in Alabama and went on to spend 34 years with Accenture, a wonderful company where I eventually had the opportunity to be CEO and then chairman. I guess I would call it living my version of the American Dream. Pi Kappa Phi gave me a good foundation and also a sense of the leader I wanted to be. Now let me shift gears and share with you what I have learned about leadership in my "post-college" years. And I hope these lessons will give our students something to think about as our leaders of the future.

LESSON ONE: LEADERS ARE OPTIMISTS The first lesson I'll talk about is that leaders are optimists. Well-respected leadership expert and author Marcus Buckingham has said, "The opposite of a leader isn't a follower. The opposite of a leader is a pessimist." I have seen in my own experience that optimism is the basis for conquering problems and creating big opportunities. Leaders who are optimists can inspire ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. One of my personal role models is Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City. Giuliani was a symbol of optimism and hope in the aftermath of 9/11. This tragedy was very personal for Accenture as, sadly, we lost 12 of our colleagues. At one point during the recovery efforts, we got a call from the mayor. Prior to 9/11 we were doing some consulting projects for the city, and he asked for our help with one of his biggest crises-helping the families of the victims. In 48 hours, some 300 of our people volunteered to convert an empty warehouse into a Family Assistance Center with computer networks, phone systems and even a day care center to support the families. Giuliani later attended a memorial service for our colleagues. After the ceremony, he told me that, to him, the Family Assistance Center was like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. I asked him how he was able to generate such optimism in the face of that tragedy. He said, "There is no other option to get our city back on its feet. Who would follow a pessimist?" This was a powerful reminder to me that leaders must always be optimists.

LESSON TWO: LEADERS TAKE RISKS AND STRETCH THEMSELVES The second lesson I've learned is that leaders take risks and stretch themselves. By this, I mean having the courage to seek out experiences and create opportunities-because thafs how you grow. I've already talked about being a little over my head as archon. About five years later, as a young consultant with Accenture, I faced another real turning point. I had a major presentation with a dient executive. He was smart, tough and demanding. He could chew people up and spit them out As I was preparing for the meeting, I felt this intense, almost nauseous, feeling. My palms became sweaty. But that nervousness kept my adrenalin going, and my meeting was successful. I would soon find myse~ in more and more of those situations, dealing with executives who were older and more experienced than me. I realized I needed those "sweaty palms" and if I didn't have them often, I was not developing or growing. Later in my career, I also found that it was easier to demand higher standards from my teams when they saw me rolling up my sleeves and stretching myse~. So, even today, I always try to experiment with opportunities that give me "sweaty palms."

LESSON THREE: LEADERS MASTER THE ART OF EFFECTNE COMMUNICATION Turning to my third lesson, leaders master the art of effective communication . I really learned about the power of communication at a point in my career when I was asked to take over an operation that was losing a lot of money. It was a daunting challenge and a real test for me. The previous leader had to downsize the organization , and employee morale was low. It was my job to give our people hope that a better day would come, to paint the picture of a brighter future and show how we could get there. We turned things around in about eight months, and I can say that open, honest, two-way communication was critical to our success. I have learned that good leaders know how to express themselves. They are approachable. They communicate relentlessly. They also encourage "loud debate" from their teams. They must be receptive to different perspectives and to hearing the bad news along with the good. I'll also say a few words about listening, because this has been especially important for me. Good leaders are great listeners. I have found that the more I get my clients to talk, the more effective I can be in shaping a solution. Listening helps me use the right words to connect with my clients. So, being an effective communicator-as both a speaker and a listener-is crucial to good leadership.

LESSON FOUR: LEADERS TEACH VALUES My next lesson is that leaders teach values. The values may vary from company to company, but I have always found that integrity, honesty, and respect for the individual are values of enduring organizations. Over the years, I have come to know Jack Welch. Jack spent 20 years as CEO of GE and transformed the company from a slumbering bureaucracy in the early 1980s to a global economic powerhouse. Jack is known for his values-driven leadership at GE, and a few years back, I spent a couple of hours with him at his office in New York. We had an animated conversation about how important it is for executives to instill the right values in the organizations they lead. For example, Jack firmly believed in rewarding leaders who delivered the numbers with the right values. He also very openly fired leaders with the wrong values, even when they achieved business results. His unique and very effective style got people's attention and got them focused on the right values forGE. Remember one thing ... to be an effective leader, you must be a teacher. You must lead by example in living your values and work as hard on developing others as you do on developing yourself.

LESSONFNE: LEADERS EMBRACE HARD WORK My final observation on leadership is that leaders truly embrace hard work. Early on, my impression of a leader was someone who motivated, inspired and delegated. But it's much more. It takes sacrifice, preparation, attention to detail, flexibility and a willingness to change even when you're at the top of your game. One leader I admire immensely for his work ethic is Tiger Woods. You may have seen some of Accenture's advertising featuring Tiger. I have come to know Tiger over the past few years and have been fortunate to play golf with him several times now. To me, Tiger truly embodies the traits of a great leader. He has a relentless work ethic. Twice, while at the top of his game, he changed his swing in order to get better, because he knew competitors were not standing still. He is the most mentally disciplined individual under pressure that I have ever met. Having that work ethic and ability to change course quickly helps leaders navigate when things get messy. I have found that I have grown, both as a leader and a person, in adverse times ... and every leader sees them inevitably. Leadership is never about quitting. It is about recognizing that the solution to any problem is staring at you in the mirror. It means always believing in yourself and your team. I'll say one last thing about hard work. One of my favorite quotes is from Gary Player, a famous go~er. He said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." O, TO SUM UP WHAT I HAVE LEARNED about leadership in the past few decadesleaders are optimists; they take risks and stretch themselves; they master the art of effective communication ; they teach values; and they embrace hard work. I want to close by wishing each of you a successful journey on your path to leadership, and I encourage you to make the most of your experience with Pi Kappa Phi. Take this time to start shaping your own authentic style of leadership. I will end my remarks where I started, on optimism. I keep something called "The Optimist's Creed" in my briefcase, and I would like to share some of it with you . It goes like this: "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your mind; to make all your friends feel that there is something in them ; to think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best; to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own; to give so much to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others; to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."l




To carry out the campaign 's m1ssJon, Pi Kappa Phi will provide undergraduate chapters with posters, emphasizing the importance of performing regular selfexaminations and raising awareness about the risks of testicular cancer. The posters are to be displayed in high-traffic areas around the chapter house. Each chapter will also be provided with self-examination shower cards. The cards, which hang from shower heads, provide instruction on how to properly conduct a testicular exam and serve as a reminder to " test on the 10th" of each month. To meet the third point of our mission, a team of alumni, undergraduates and staff is developing an activities guide, which will provide ideas and resources to chapters who wish to raise awareness among their members and campus community.

the best defense: early detection


aking good on legislation passed at the 48th Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C. , Pi Kappa Phi announced at the 50th Supreme Chapter its plans for a campaign to promote awareness among its members of an important men's issue- testicular cancer. Pi Kappa Phi is once again leading the way as it promotes awareness of this issue . Other men may choose not to talk about testicular cancer. Then again, those men might choose to not talk about values and leadership. But we are fraternity men; more importantly, we are Pi Kappa Phis . As such , we choose to address th i s important issue wi th you - as fellow brothers , as fellow men.

the issue: who's at risk? Why is this issue important to our members? For starters, testicular cancer is primarily diagnosed in younger men in their 20s and 30s. While documented cases are comparatively low, testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer for men who are 20 to 34 years old. It is the second-most common cancer for men ages 35 to 39 and third-most common for boys, 15 to 19. So why is this issue important to Pi Kappa Phi?because more than 29,000 Pi Kappa Phis- roughly 40 percent of our membership- fall within the age group most at risk.

enter: "test on the 1Oth"

In efforts to bring awareness to this issue , Pi Kappa Phi has developed a campaign called "Test on the 1Oth, " designed to foster pro active behavior among its members. Its mission is three-fold: to educate members about testicular cancer, to encourage members to perform monthly self-examinations, and to inspire members to share their knowledge about testicular cancer with others.

Detecting testicular cancer in an early stage greatly increases your chances of surviving it. This is why it is so important to perform regular self-examinations. The cure rate for testicular cancer is as high as 99 percent when detected in Stage I; the rate can drop as low as 50 percent when the cancer is detected in more advanced stages. So remember to test yourself on the 10th of each month; it's your best defense.

testicular cancer: the staqes stage I: The cancer is confined to ihe testicle. When detected in this early stage, 98 to 99 percent of cases are cured . stage II: The cancer has spread beyond the testicles to the lymph nodes in the abdomen, located near the kidneys . stage III: The cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes to the vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs or brain. When testicular cancer is detected in this stage, the survival rate varies between 50 and 80 percent.

more about testicular cancer Testicular cancer spreads quickly and can advance from Stage I to Stage Ill in about four months- equivalent to one semester. Because of the quick progression of testicular cancer, it is important that you see a doctor immediately if you detect anything out of the ordinary. Testicular cancer usually presents itself in the form of a lump, but other symptoms include enlargement of a testicle, a sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum , a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum , a dull ache in the abdomen or groin. There are certain groups known to have significantly higher risks , including children born with an undescended testicle, and men who have an immediate family member diagnosed with testicular cancer. While the causes of testicular cancer are still unknown, you can take a pro-active approach to this important men 's issue by educating yourself about the risks , performing routine self-examinations, and sharing this information with others. - by Steve Evans, Alpha Sigma (Tennessee)



a survivor's story: brad robins, tau (nc state) As a member of Push America's Journey of Hope team in 1991, I was naturally a fan of cycling. As such, I followed the career of Lance Armstrong. When he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, I couldn't believe it could affect such a strong athlete. Even so, I never thought I would have to deal with it-not until perhaps later in life anyway. I was 35 when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Life was great. I had been married for nine years, and we had two wonderful little girls. We both had become successful in our careers, and we never had any serious health issues. But in May 2004, I noticed a hard mass similar to an acorn on my left testicle. I didn't know what it was, but it scared me. It turned

out to be cancerous, and my left testicle was removed. I was referred to an oncologist, and upon my first visit, he light-heartedly asked me, "What are you doing here? You 're only 35." I was wondering the same thing. But I learned that I was actually on the upper end of the scale; the average age to get testicular cancer is 18 to 35 years old. After discussions with my oncologist, it became clear I would need chemotherapy. The good news was that my type of cancer reacted very well to chemo and the success rate for treatment of my cancer was more than 98 percent. The bad news was that the regimen of chemo was very intensive-nine weeks to be exact. Some weeks required six to eight hours of treatment per day. As difficult as my treatment was, I always felt I, as the cancer patient, had the easiest job. My wife had to keep our family

running while dealing with the emotional stresses involved with my illness. We were very fortunate to have family, friends and coworkers who were always willing to help with everything-driving me to treatments, taking the kids to school, cooking meals and praying for our family. On September 28 , 2004, I completed my chemotherapy, and two days later, my doctor confirmed that the treatment had been successful. I now have checkups every six months, and I still have some side effects from the treatment, like tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and peripheral neuropathy (tingling or numbness in the hands and feet). However, I know I am very fortunate to have a clean bill of health, and I am very grateful for all of the support I received from family and friends.

a survivor's story: rick hollis, eta delta (kennesaw state) I was 34 when I first found out. It was winter of 2001. I was back in school, finishing my degree. I was watching Tom Green on television, and he did a special on his battle with testicular cancer, which prompted me to do an exam. That's when I noticed a lump on my right testicle. I delayed going to the doctor until I was sick with another ailment-although looking back, I know I shouldn't have waited. I said, "While I'm here, I've got something you should look at." "It's probably nothing," the doctor said, "but we'll send you to a urologist." The urologist examined me and found a lump the size of a pea. "It's probably nothing," the urologist said , "but we'll put you on antibiotics to see if it's just an infection." Months went by, and during graduation I accepted my diploma in pain. This is when I went in to have a sonogram. After the procedure, the doctor told me it was testicular cancer, and it had to be removed. "The tumor?" I asked. He said, "No, the testicle has to be removed." I was in shock. I began thinking about my girlfriend, my parents, if I would be able to have kids. I knew cancer ran in my family-my dad had survived thyroid and skin cancer, and I lost an aunt to ovarian cancer. But I thought I was invincibleuntil cancer proved otherwise. My parents were great. They were very supportive- behind me 100 percent, and I adopted the attitude that I was going to beat this. The lab reported that my tumor was embryonal cell carcinoma. However,

after a few more tests, I found out my cancer was in Stage Ill- the most advance stage. I thought was going to die. Before I left the doctor, I scheduled the surgery that would remove my testicle. They call it an orchiectomy. It was one of most frightening experiences in my life. After surgery, my oncologist told me he had discussed my case with Dr. Larry Einhorn, Lance Armstrong's doctor. It surprised me when he told me that. He also told me that my body would be going through hell for the next four months, but that I was going to come though this. He was right. During my chemotherapy, I lost my hair, suffered nose bleeds, fought back nausea-and sometimes lost. I was the weakest I have been in my life. But it was my belief in God and the support of my family and fraternity that helped me through the tough times. My chapter brothers were always there to encourage me, support me and make me laugh when I needed it the most. After my final chemo treatment, I got the all·clear sign but would be on a strict regimen of blood tests, x-rays and doctors visits for the next five years. When I learned a resolution to develop a testicular cancer awareness program had passed at the Supreme Chapter in D.C. , I cried for a long time. I am honored to take part in the efforts to bring awareness the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. God bless our fraternity.

A testicular self-examination is best administered during or after a warm shower. +1p: The warmth relaxes the scrotum, making it easier to feel for any abnormalities.

Examine each testicle by gently rolling it between your fingers and thumb. Feel for any lumps or changes in firmness or size.

Lumps are most often found on the sides of the testicle. You'll feel a soft, tube-like structure at the top and back of each testicle, which is normal. +1p:

If you find anything unusual, see your doctor immediately! +1p: There is no excuse not to seek immediate treatment. Not all lumps are cancerous, but the earlier you find out, the earlier you can be treated.

If you don't notice anything, "test on the 10th" next month! +•p: Remember, early detection

is your best defense. When treated during early stages, as many as 99 percent of patients survive testicular cancer.



Pi ap a Phi al mnus named new presi ent • ALUMNUS, FORMER PROFESSOR AND FORMER DEAN RETURNS TO WASHINGTON AND LEE BY JULIE A. CAMPBELL The evening of March 7, 2006, was a typical night in the life of the Ruscio family of Richmond, Va.-Ken, wife Kim and teenage son Matt. Kim had just arrived home from work. Matt, fresh from lacrosse tryouts, was hungry. Pickles, the dog, wanted someone to let her out. Ken, who was cooking dinner, left to return a phone call. When he walked out of the kitchen, it was as the dean of the Jepson School of Leadership Sntdies at the University of Richmond. When he got off the phone and returned to the kitchen, it was as the 26th president of Washington and Lee University. Kenneth Patrick Rusdo was born in 1954 and grew up in Red Bank, N.J. When this first-generation coUege student decided between Georgetown and Washington and Lee, "it reaUy carne down to a gut feeling," he says. ln Lexington, "I felt intuitively that I could thrive and flourish-and have a good time." He studied politics and public policy. "I carne of age in the late '6os and early '70s, when students were interested in political issues," explains Rusdo about his choice. After taking classes in American government and political theory, he found himself "captured by the whole area, the relationship between political philosophy and public policy." He relished his studies, especiaUy a legislative process course where he and his classmates conducted a mock version of the ongoing Senate hearings into President Nixon and Watergate, with Rusdo playing general counsel to the House judidary Conunittee. [ln addition to being a member of Pi Kappa Phi] , Ruscio belonged to Omicron Delta Kappa (a national leadership honor sodety founded at Washington and Lee) , the Student Recmit Conunittee and Pi Sigma Alpha (the national honor sodety for political science students). He also worked at the Ring-tum Phi [(the student newspaper)] and as a dorm counselor, and was heavily involved with Mock Convention. He graduated cum laude with a B.A. in politics.

"What I remember most about mytime at Washington and Lee, both as a student and a faculty member, are the extraordinary friendships I made," he said. 'The kind of friendships that lead to lively inteUectual debate and inquiry, the kind of friendships that helped me understand the tme meaning of tmst, and the kind of friendships that reminded me of d1e importance of respect for other individuals, no matter their differences." John Cocklereece, a friend from [Ruscio's undergraduate] days, said, "I never thought I'd know someone in our class who'd be the president of Washington and Lee, but if I had to choose someone, I'd choose Ken." Ruscio earned an M.P.A. and a Ph.D. in public affairs and public administration from Syracuse University. (When it comes to athletic loyalty, he's a General and an Orange, the Syracuse mascot.) He taught at Kansas University and Worcester Polytechnic Institute and then returned to Washington and Lee in 1987, joining the Willian1s School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics.


Pi Kappa Phi alumnus Ken Ruscio, Rho (Washington and Lee), was named university president of his alma mater this spring. Editor's note: Photos are by Washington and Lee University Photographer and Pi Kappa Phi alumnus Patrick Hinely, Rho (Washington and Lee).


"There is no position with more potential to have such an impact on generations of students who, as alumni, will serve their fellow citizens, their society and their professions." -Ken Ruscio

nuscio rose tlu路ough tile professorial !"dllks in tiJe politics department, f tworked as assodate dean of tiJe Williams School and seiVed as dean of freshmen. "Ken brought an unusual breadtiJ of vision of higher education generally, as well as uncommon good sense and sound judgment," says Lewis G. john, retired professor of politics. "He was quick to establish a very strong rapport witiJ students, botiJ in tiJe classroom in his teaching and outside tiJe classroom as dean of freshmen. It was evident from tiJe start tiJat he had the personal and leadership qualities to be particularly effective. And he was." During his 15-year stint as teamer and administrator, Rusdo opened his office door to many oilier responsibilities. "As dean of freshnlen, I used to tell entering students tiJat at no oilier time in tl1eir lives will tl1ey grow so muclJ as individuals, yet feel so much a part of a conununity," he said. He proved tiJat point by serving [several campus organizations] as faculty adviser. It's no wonder tiJat Ruscio received tiJe 1991 Ring-tum Pbi award for service to students. "If memory selVes me correctly, it was Ken's idea that I apply for tiJe Rhodes," says fom1er student Pat Lopes Harris. "I had never heard of it until he called me to talk about it." WitiJ t!Je encouragement of Ruscio and other professors, she went on to be Washington and Lee's first female Rhodes Scholar. "Ken helped shape my college career so t!Jat I was wortl1y of consideration for the Rhodes," she says. "He helped me see tiJe value of giving back and being active outside t!Je classroom. And all along t!Je way, he made a very deep impression. Academics mattered. But so did getting involved. Ken was an advocate of community service before community service carne into vogue." Those concepts crop up in a review of Ruscio's professional and volunteer involvements. His national leadership of ODK-he's t!Je immediate past president-tops tiJe list. On tiJe community level, he's held offices in such groups as CARITAS, a Richmond nonprofit for tiJe homeless; the Rockbridge Area Recreational Organization and tiJe Rockbridge Area Conservation Council; and t!Je PTA at Lexington's Waddell Elementary School.

As a scholar, Ruscio has contributed articles and book reviews to 1\everyt!Jing from Tbe Encyclopedia ofleadersbip to tiJejournal of PublicAdmin.istrationl?esearcb &Tbeory. He's !\vice received tiJe Laverne Burchfield Award for tiJe best review essay in Public Administration Review, and he's autl10red a book, Tbe Leadersbip Dilemma in Modem Democracy. [Rusdo] said he is "humbled by tiJe trust tiJe board has placed in me, aware of t!Je challenges t!Jat lie allead and tiJrilled by tiJe opportunity to once again be a part of one of t!Je finest institutions in higher education."

Ruscio's official introduction to Washington and Lee as president-elect in March 06. From left to right Acting President Harlan Beckley, Debby Beckley, Ken Ruscio and Kim Ruscio.

While t!Jere is no question t!Jat t!Je job of niversity president is a daunting one, Ruscio finds "t!Jere is no position \vitiJ more potential to have such an impact on generations of students who, as alumni, will se!Ve their fellow citizens, their society and t!Jeir professions," be said. "It would be irresponsi ble to let t!Jat opportunity pass by, especially at a place like Washington and Lee." When it comes to students, [Ruscio says], "I look forward to ... helping them discover and develop their leadership potential, and helping them understand the duties and responsibilities t!Jat come with any position of leadership."


he Washington and Lee community is brinuning \vitiJ confidence that t!Jey've found t!Je right leader. "He is conunitted to tiJe values that have made Washington and Lee a distinctive university," says Harlan Beckley, [tiJen ]-acting president of Washington and Lee.

"He listens well and works to persuade and build consensus \vitiJ tiJose around him," says Bill Garrison, anotiJer friend from Ruscio's student days. "He is also a leader, and at the end of the day will, I believe, make the tough dedsions t!Jat tiJe most capable leaders are required to make. Washington and Lee will benefit from Ken's strength of character." "He inspires by example," [says] Pat Lopes Harris. "And isn't tiJat a big part of tiJe presidency-inspiring otiJers to be tiJe best tiJey can be?" I

Source: This is a redacted version of an article that originally appeared in the 81:2:2006 issue of W&L: The Washington and Lee University Alumni Magazine. Used with permission. 漏 2006 by Washington and Lee University.




Centered c4(i;acle '

Friendship, Football,


"Centered by a Miracle" Steve Rom, Alpha Kappa (Michigan) An inspirational chronicle of Rom's 10-month battle with leukemia and his fnendship with former Michigan football center and Superbowl champion Rod Payne who rallied Steve to beat cancer. www.centeredbyamiracle.com

"Magic Marker Mustache Mayhem" Josh Vassallo, Gamma Rho (lander) A collection of hilarious "true" short stories and circumstances WCNen together like a fine rug-perhaps an Oriental rug or even a Persian rug. It's probably more like atapestry, so never mind the whole rug thing. www.mustachemayhem.com

d- Vokonoes

"Wine, Communism & Volcanoes• Walker Rowe, Sigma (South Carolina) An account of th is Virginia vineya rdowner's three-month adven tu re working for a Chilean winery, wh ich takes the reader into the culture of Chile's people and •ts wine. www.walkerrowe.com

Darkhorse Marine decorated for valor ALUMNUS RECEIVES NATION'S FOURTH HIGHEST AWARD BY MARK SIXBEY CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq-A Darkhorse Marine from Gamma Epsilon Chapter at Western Carolina was decorated with the nation's fourth highest award for valor by the 1st Marine Division commanding general on May 19, 2006.

automatic weapons fire on a stairwell. He evacuated them from the house and learned insurgents isolated additional men on the second floor. He quickly organized an assault force and raced to an adjacent house under constant small arms fire to recover the men.

Pi Kappa Phi alumnus and U.S. Marine 1st Lt. Alfred L. Butler IV, Weapons Company executive officer, 3rd Battalion, 5tlJ Marine Regiment, received the Bronze Star Medal with Combat Distinguishing Device from Maj. Gen. Richard Natonski.

Cpl. justin Butler, a mortarman in the platoon, saw his platoon commander, Lt. Butler, from across the street while laying suppressive fire.

"I knew his father, and I tltink he's follmving in his footsteps," Natonski said. "This is his third deployment to Lraq, and he's done a marvelous job over here."

The 27-year-old from jacksonville, .C. , earned the honor for his actions and leadership while commanding an 81 nlffi Mortar Platoon on Dec. 23, 2004, during combat operations in Fallujal1. He is currently on duty in Lraq with Regimental Combat Team 5. " It was one of those days when

everyone ran out of ammo," said Butler, a graduate of Western Carolina University. "We even used AK-47s." According to the award citation, as insurgents ambushed his platoon, Butler rushed to the attack where he found several men pinned under heavy



"When we were on the roof, he was the first one I saw standing up to see the situation while everyone was getting shot at," said Cpl. Butler.

U.S. Marine Maj . Gen. Richard Natonski presented the Bronze Star Medal with Combat Distingu ishing Device to 1st Lt. Alfred L. Butler IV, Gamma Epsilon (Western Ca roli na), outside the battalion 's command post in Camp Fallujah, Iraq. Photo courtesy of Mark Sixbey

Lt. Butler led his team to clear two buildings, jumping from roof-to-roof. He shielded the bodies of the fallen Marines when a grenade landed nearby \vith complete disregard for his own safety, then threw two grenades into a room filled with insurgents.

things you read about in books. What they do for each other and what they sacrifice for each other makes you not want to leave the Marine Corps. They hold up tiJe tradition of 3/5 and live up to the legacy."

While delivering cover fire, Lt. Butler moved the men across to an adjacent rooftop, personally evacuating a wounded Marine while under constant small arms fire and grenade attacks. His actions preserved the lives of the men. He credited the decoration to the Marines under his command. "I owe those Marines my life," he said "The things they did that .day are the sort of

Alfred's father, Alfred Butler Ill, was a Marine major who was killed in Beirut when his son was only 5 years old. Lt. Butler said most of what he knows of his father he learned from Marines who served \villi him. "It's nice that he [Maj. Gen. Natonski] knew my father and served \vith him," he said. "From what I understand, [my father] was a great man, great Marine, husband and father. UI can be half of that, I think I'll be fine. " I


Delta Lambda member elected to district court


Smith has experience as a dvil and criminal trial lawyer, arbitrator, advocate, negotiator, business manager and mentor to new attorneys, which gives him a strong fundamental knowledge of the legal system. Smith received his juris doctorate degree in 1991 from North Carolina Central University School of Law. I Friends and supporters celebrate with Judge Tim Smith, Delta Lambda (UNC-Charlotte) on election night. Smith was elected to a four-year term as a district court judge.

CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR The following chapters will be celebrating milestone anniversaries over the next six months. For more information on an event or for help in planning an event for your chapter, contact Director of Alumni Services Christian Wiggins at cwiggins@pikapp.org.

CHARLOTIE, N.C.-During the elections this ovember, Tim Smith, initiate of Delta Lambda Chapter at UNC-Charlotte, was elected to serve as a district court judge for Mecklenberg County. Smith beat his opponents by capturing nearly 57 percent of votes. His four-year term on the bench begins in january 2007.

100tb BETA Pictured are members of Omicron Chapter from the 1950s. FRONT: Curran Wade, Jack Blasius, Bob Jefferies, Jerry Tucker, Alex Oliver, Robert Shepard . BACK: Don Norton, Bill Taylor, Wayne Parker and Bill Sutton. NOT PICTURED: Warren DeBardelaben Jr.

GULF SHORES, Ala.- Alumni members of Omicron Chapter at Alabama from the 1950s converged on Orange Beach during the first week of May for their annual "fling." The men from 'Barna look forward to the reunion each year to enjoy fishing, golf and good company. Atotal of 11 brothers made the trip to the Gulf Coast this year. Alumnus Curran Wade said of the reunion, "Our group was smaller this year, but our hearts were bigger and our memories stronger." I

PRESBYTERIAN Founded: March 16, 1907 Event Dates: March I - 4, 2007 Evenr Conract: Christian Wiggins cwiggins@pikapp.org

50th BETA XI CENTRAL MICHIGAN Founded: February 25, 1956 Event Contact: Basil Lyberg blyberg@pushamerica.org BETA PI EASTERN MICHIGAN Founded: May 24, 1957

25th EPSILON MU BRADLEY Founded: February 26, 1982 Event Contact: Kevin Machak kmachak@bradley.edu

ATLANTA-Geo'6'ia Trend magazine identified Jeff Esola, Gamma u (LaGrange), as one of 40 individuals under 40 who are leading Georgia's commercial, cultural, academic and governmental institutions into the future.

in 2001 , setting records for recruitment, actively spreading the Chamber's resources throughout the rest of Georgia and overhauling the staff. One of the secrets to his success: 'We don't make any distinction between Atlanta and the rest of the state,' Esola says. 'There has been too much of that in the past.'

Georgia Trend, a monthly publication that

monitors and analyses business and political trends across the state of Georgia, publishes its list of "40 under 40" annually. At age 33, Esola, a former leadership consultant and director of expansion for Pi Kappa Phi, was named to the list for his work as vice president of operations at the Georgia Chamber of Commerce in Kennesaw, Ga. In addition to publishing the list, Geo'6'ia Trend profiles each recipient in an issue. The foll01ving is Esola's profile in the October 2006 issue of Georgia Trend.

'Jeff Esola has been a one-man dynamo at the Georgia Chamber of Commerce since joining the staff there

Esola's recruitment skills can be traced to his fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. ot only was he a member of the chapter at LaGrange College, he was a leadership consultant \vith the organization's Charlotte, N.C.based national headquarters. In 2003, Esola was promoted to vice president of

operations for the chamber. Last year he managed a successful fund drive for soldiers and their families on the eve of the 48th Brigade's departure for Iraq. 'I believe we gave them a giant boost in morale as they left our great state,' Esola says." I source: www.georgiatrend.com

EPSILON NU CAL STATE SACRAMENTO Founded: February 26, 1982 EPSILON XI LASALLE Founded: April 16, 1982

20th ZETA ZETA NORTH FLORIDA Founded: May 1, 1987 Event Conract: Chris Huebener chris@chrishuebener.com

JOtb ETA PHI MARYLAND - BALTIMORE CO. Founded: February 22, 1997 Evenr Conracr: Marrhew Garono mgarono I @umbc.edu

OCTOBER 1, 2005 - OCTOBER 1, 2006


Mr. Samuel Middleton Hines Mr. james Walker Saunders

XI Mr. Emest Wade Ballou Mr. john Louis Bitzer Mr. William Wesley Burch Mr. Rodney joseph Fringer Mr. Lucian Whitaker Hiner Mr. Richard Quentin Hite Jr. Mr. Weldon T. Lawrence Jr. Capt. Thomas Hayes Moore Mr. Paul Bryant Payne Mr. jack Felix Ward Mr. TI1omas Leftwich Wilkerson



Mr. james Paul Anderson Mr. Walter IV. Griffin Mr. john Harvey Felts Rev. Ralph TI10mas Lowrimore Mr. Arthur Miller Procter

Mr. George Gunn Jr. Mr. David L. Stokes

Mr. Thomas Cameron Bonner Mr. julius Eugene Burges Mr. Wallie Bemard jones Jr. GAMMA

Mr. Howard Charles Leach Jr. Mr. james Edwin Weilbrenner EPSILON



Mr. Theodore Harrison Garlick Jr. Mr. Ben Harrison Hall Jr. Mr. Donald Chapman johnston Sr.

Mr. Randolph Byrd Kilmon Mr. jolm Gerald-Victor O'Brien Mr. David Benjamin Smith



Mr. David D. Cameron Jr. Mr. Thomas james Collins Dr. TI10mas Glenn Massingale

Mr. Carroll Ashmore Campbell Jr. Mr. Reuben jackson Gambrell Jr. Mr. john Sibert Holland Mr. james David Loyd Jr. Mr. Karl Gene Smith


Mr. john Fenn Peck Mr. Charles Alden Rowland IV Mr. joseph Edward Vallotton MU

Dr. George Andrew Bishopric Mr. Welsford Farrell Bishopric Mr. Thomas Walker Borland Mr. Gerald Clare Bostedor Mr. William Magness Byers Mr. Skinner Ambrose Chalk jr. Mr. Robert Lee Chapman Jr. Rev. john Maxwell Cline Dr. Charles Allen johnson Mr. Aquilla H.JoynerJr. Mr. Richard Carl Morrow Mr. Charles Otto Muscheck NU

Dr. Herbert Glen Krohn Mr. Richard Ellis Martin Mr. Albert junior aber



Mr. Albert T. Carter Jr.



Mr. William Henry Carlin Mr. Ira jerry Giroir Mr. Samuel Lincoln Lupfer lll Mr. Walter Frank Maim borg Mr. Arthur ewth Morris Jr. Mr. Lloyd Eugene Williams Jr. PSI

Mr. Frederick Charles Harper Mr. George LeRoy Knapp Mr. Donald J Miller Jr. Mr. William Edward Stevenson



Mr. FrankL. Dennis Mr. Eugene Hodges Salmon

Mr. james Palmer Black Mr. james Robert Doyle Mr. Lewis Byron Everett Mr. Chester B. Mayforth Mr. Frederick G. Sawyer Mr. john B. Smiley


Mr. EI11Siey Foster Cobb Mr. Harold Wilbert johnson ALPHA ZETA


Mr. Robert Houston Bagley Mr. Walter Joseph Bardy Jr. Mr. Danny Lee Easunan Mr. Melvin Donald Knorr Mr. james Spencer Marsh Mr. Don jon Mason Mr. Paul Mowry Mr. Richard Otto Panzer Mr. Alfred joseph Peano Mr. joseph Clinton Ross Jr. Mr. jack David Zeller

Mr. Haskell William Crawmer Mr. Kenneth Marion johnson Mr. Gregg Anthony Kugler Mr. Ronald Arthur McFall Mr. Robert Knight McKean Mr. William jay Rickert Mr. Kent Harold Townley


Mr. james Bryant Beaty Mr. Bruce Knox Evans Jr. Dr. Robert Ottis Lauderdale Jr. Mr. Ted Kaywood Mauldin Mr. Hugh Frank Smith Mr. Her.man Douglas Thomas ALPHA THETA

Mr. Henry J. Anderson Jr. Mr. George Edward McKay Sr. Mr. Donald Duane Rice ALPHA IOTA

Mr. Henry Huguley Ar.mstrongjr. Mr. Elton Ray Bailey Mr. Thomas William Emfinger Mr. john Philip Roberts Mr. Robert Gay Robie Mr. Ernest Charles Rushing Mr. james Washington Vaughn Mr. Robert Marlow Wagnon ALPHA KAPPA


Mr. William Baird Adam Mr. Robert Edward Bergman Mr. Dennis Carl Czajka Mr. Robert Henry Dunn Mr. james Hunter Ewing Mr. William Walter Eyers Mr. Thomas Russell Gilmore Mr. Kenneth Edwin Kuffner Mr. Harvey Adam Leich Mr. Roy Wade Purchase Mr. William Anton Roberts Mr. Kieran Orin Spencer Mr. Ralph Bickerton Wainright Jr. ALPHA UPSILON

Mr. William Harold Miller Mr. Henry Stewart Pursel Mr. Paul D. Secunda Jr. Mr. Frederick Hennan Staiger Mr. Valdemar Zalaman ALPHA CHI

Mr. Grover Cleveland Barron Jr. Mr. Craig Charles Gruber Mr. jack Nelson Salter Mr. Roy S Williams Jr. Mr. Nathan Paleologos Xantl1os

Mr. Roscoe Clark Bowhall OMEGA

Mr. Roi Ellsworth Baugher II Mr. Peter William Beck Mr. William Edward Bruse Mr. Gilbert Lewis Campbell Mr. George Grant Fassnacht Mr. jerry Alter Ho~nan Mr. Thomas jack Lonson Mr. Malcolm j. Miller Mr. Richard 0\vight Miller Mr. Leslie McKendree Millholinjr. Mr. Harold Richard Monfort Mr. Robert Sears


Mr. William Clayton Adair Jr. Mr. Robert james Davidson Mr. William Edgar Diefenderfer Mr. William Franklin Dietrich Mr. james Frederick Henderson Mr. joseph Randall Quickel Mr. David McAllister Sullivan Mr. William Robert Walker ALPHANU

Mr. Homer Hudson Henrie

Mr. Alva Earl Elliott Mr. William Harry Hutto Jr. Mr. Charles David Killion Mr. Robert Cole Nelson Mr. Wallace Eugene Rutherford Jr. ALPHA OMEGA

Mr. Don Edward Blytl1e Mr. Durward Lawton Boyles Mr. Thomas Estes Dolbow

"Oh, death could be triumphant-death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril, could be glorious if it were proud death, gaunt death, lean, lonely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love, and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died!" -The Web and the Rock by Thomas Wolfe, Kappa (North Carolina)



Mr. Reinhard Dieter Baars Mr. j ohn Richard Fagan Mr. Robert Edmund Moore

Mr. j oseph j ames Fenty Jr.

GAMMA XI Mr. Lanny Michael Morgan

BETA BETA Mr. Robert Stetser Dalbow Mr. john Carl Dink! age Mr. William Henry Hawthorne Mr. Robert Gunther Newcombe Mr. Warren Walton Wolfe

GAMMA RHO Mr. Frank Alexander Neil Jr.

GAMMA TAU Mr. Matthew Albert Gower



Mr. Larry C. Powell

Mr. Hal Wayne Hightower

JULIUS E. BURGES ALPHA Julius Burges passed to the Chapter Eternal on June 27, 2006, in Charleston, S.C. He was 92. At the time of his passing, Burges was the oldest living alumnus of the Alpha Chapter. A lifelong resident of Charleston, Burges remained active in the affairs of both Alpha Chapter as well as Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity throughout his life. Burges was named as one of four honorary chairmen for Pi Kappa Phi's Centennial Celebration, held in August 2004 during the 49th Supreme Chapter and was acknowledged as the only alumnus to have held official position at the 50th, 75th, and 100th anniversary observances. Burges served as the chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in the early 1980s and was a member of the Foundation's Nu Phi Society. He was named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi in 1986. Though preceded in death by his wife, Margaret, Burges is survived by family and friends, including grandson, Michael Lake, an alumnus from Alpha Alpha Chapter (Mercer), and many others who still hold his memory dear.



Mr. Harold Eugene Pewick Mr. William M. Torgler

Mr. Frank DuBois Havard




Mr. j ohn Mark Hume


Mr. Billy j oe Isenhower


Mr. Alvin Carl ton Brown Jr.

Mr. Richard August Bideaux Mr. Howard H. Hummer



Mr. Brian Venard Gomes Mr. john Pendleton Thomas

Mr. james Daniel Burket


EPSILON EPSILON Mr. Christopher Lee Boggs

Mr. Fred Cedric Barksdale

Mr. Michael Alan Rachels



Mr. john Andrew Moeller

Mr. james Michael Kacpura Mr. justin j acques Mizanin Mr.Jim Wasielewski

BETA TAU Mr. Benny Lee Mitcham BETA UPSILON Mr. jeffrey Lynn Chewning

ZETA RHO Mr. Frank R. Martinez ETA DELTA


Mr. Woodrow Lee McEver

Mr. Dennis Raymond jones


Mr. Landon Richard Daniel Casillas

Mr. Reed Norman Leech

THETA THETA GAMMA GAMMA Mr. Laurence Channing Thomas

GAMMA DELTA Mr. Robert Murray Biesiotjr.

Mr. Mark Montgomery McCloy

In February 2006, after having just been diagnosed with cancer, Foundation Trustee Frank D. Havard, made a promise. He acknowledged the difficult road that lay ahead, but promised to join his brothers in Fort Worth for the 50th Supreme Chapter. After all, Frank had attended each convention since 1977, and he was determined to attend his fourteenth consecutive Supreme Chapter. Despite his brief but intense battle, Frank, at age 49, passed to the Chapter Eternal on May 15-two months short of his goal. He began his 28-plus years of service to Pi Kappa Phi by first serving his chapter as archon and served the greater fraternity in numerous capacitie~s a national fraternity staff member, Nu Phi Society member and dedicated alumnus. In a touching remembrance, the 50th Supreme Chapter recognized Havard with a Merit Citation presented to his wife, Lyn, and daughter, Anne. Lyn and Anne were recognized with a standing ovation for their courage and desire to keep Havard's promise to attend the convention.

MARK M. McCLOY THETA THETA Archon Mark McCloy, a founding father of Theta Theta Chapter, passed to the Chapter Eternal on Saturday, March 18, 2006. Mark and four other University of Iowa students were struck by a drunk driver on their way home from Spring Break in Colorado. He was 21. Mark was well-loved on campus and within his chapter. Fellow students and chapter brothers would say, "you couldn't know a better guy." And even in his short time as a member of Pi Kappa Phi, Mark was described as passionate for his fraternity. His mother said of his dedication to Pi Kappa Phi , "He loved the young men at the fraternity." A memorial was established at Push America in memory of Mark's love for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.





ln just under a year since re-chartering, Xi Chapter has made its presence known both locally and nationally. In addition to many national awards, Xi received Roanoke's awards for scholarship, leadership, service, diversity and improvement. It has built a strong reputation throughout the campus and surrounding community.

Since Psi's re-founding just two years ago, the chapter has grown immensely as an active brotherhood. At of the end of spring semester, Psi ranked third highest on campus for chapter G.P.A and fourth largest of more than 40 fraternities at Cornell University. In intramurals this fall, the chapter claimed the sand volleyball championship and is aiming for a second as tl1ey enter the playoffs in flag football.

The chapter's home in the brand new all-Greek residence hall was fully furnished by alumni who continue to support the efforts of tl1e undergraduates. The new residence was a major recruitment tool for fall informal Rush. In fact, the Beta class consists of 13 men, the largest class on campus by far. And just days after Beta class's bid day, tl1e brothers were focused on formal Rush in the spring. Service continues to be an emphasis for the chapter. The chapter is developing a

relationship with the Brain Injury Services of Southwest Virginia (BISSWVA) and has volunteered at the organization's annual golf tournament and at a Thanksgiving dinner for them as well. Push America has been a major focus for Xi, and the chapter is planning at least one road block per semester to raise funds. Xi also plans to reach a larger percentage of students by starting a "Push Club" to help other students at Roanoke understand the mission of Push America. ate Unroe and jeremiall Morrow participated as cyclists on the 2006 journey of Hope South team, and Morrow plans to return for the 2007 journey of Hope. In addition, Xi hopes its annual empathy dinner will begin to receive as much acclaim as its Alumni Weekend Pig Roast, which is considered one of the premier alumni events on campus.



as director of publicity. The chapter also has members involved with Lower Board, Greek Marketing Team and Greek Press. Troy Wright and Mike Thompson serve as president and vice president, respectively, of the Purdue Scuba Diving Club. Jinl Miller is captain of the Purdue roller hockey team. And Pi Kappa Phi continues to be very involved in Purdue's freshman orientation program, Boiler Gold Rush. Homecoming for Omega Chapter was a great success this year, with alumni in attendance who were initiated over the last

Psi's biggest event of the semester was Horoo:x>ming, during which the chapter relebrated its 85th anniversary. (The chapter was originally founded in 1921.) Approximately20 alunmi attended the event, and the chapter presented commemorative polo shirts for those in attendanre. Psi has also had a sunWul semester in terms of servire. They chapter sent members to a Give-A-Push Weekend in Connecticut

and plans are unrerway to send brothers on a relief trip to '.eital, N.Y., where flooding this summer caused massive damage to the town. In addition, the chapter has planned a campus-wide poker tournament to raise funds for Push America. The event will double as a recruitment event Lastly, the chapter is excited as three brothers have begun training and fundraising for the journey of Hope 2007. WWW.CORNEUPIKAPP.COM

40 years. Also making an appearance was Past National President of Pi Kappa Phi and Omega alunmus David Lane. For the first time in recent memory, Omega Chapter had a brother on the Homecoming ballot. Philanthropy Chair and fom1er Treasurer josh Stolarz was one of seven finalists for the honor. Stolarz, an Indianapolis native, carries a3.97 G.P.A in business management and accounting, and is the chaimlan of Purdue Student Publishing Foundation.


Last fall, Pi Kapps placed fourth overall in

True to Pi Kappa Phi's founding principles, members of Omega Chapter continue to lead on Purdue's campus. Pi Kapps have the highest representation of any fraternity on the Interfraternity Council. Zach Isbell serves as vice president of administration; Brian Franke as director of risk management; and Steve Holtsclaw

campus in tram urals. The chapter continues to excel in a variety of sports, including football, soccer and basketball. Last year, Pi Kapps won the billiards, tennis and table tennis championships, and advanced to the semifinals of nearly every event. The chapter's intramural fan base is also of note. Flag football games typically draw 50-plus brothers and friends.

ABOVE: The Omega Chapter at Purdue poses for a photo at the chapter house.

NEXT PAGE: Members of Alpha Mu Chapter are pictured at Penn State's annual fundraiser, THON, the largest student-run philanthropy in the world.

Last year was a very successful year for Omega in Push America fundraising. Omega Chapter finished third nationally, raising more than $10,000. Much of that came from the Pi Kapp 100, which featured four alumni riders. The chapter's fall philanthropy, the Greek Open with Alpha Phi and Alpha Gamma Rho, took place on Sunday, September 17, and both fraternity and sorority involvement in the event was up from last year. The chapter is also planning two "AccessABILITY" projects this semester to benefit the greater Lafayette area. WWW.PURDUEPIKAPPS.COM

organization that facilitates participation of people with disabilities in sports such as skiing, bicycling and kayaking. Through MAS, chapter members will travel to Pine Knob or Crystal Mountain to teach people with disabilities how to ski this winter. To promote more effective communication between Alpha Kappa members and their parents, the chapter has begun a monthly newsletter, The Pi Kapp Parent, which highlights scholastic, philanthropic and athletic accomplishments of the chapter as well as outstanding individual accomplishments. With the help of the

is involved in several intramural sports this fall. In softball Alpha Mu finished fifth of 35 teams, and the chapter is currently undefeated in football. For Homecoming, the chapter has partnered with Pi Beta Phi sorority and is planning some very exciting socials. The two organizations are working together to create a fiesta-themed float. Plans for Homecoming also include alumni events such as a dinner at the ittany Lion Inn to discuss the chapter renovation project, a tailgate, and a dinner with a live band. Alpha Mu expects around 150 to 200 alumni to attend the Homecoming festivities.

Last spring Alpha Mu raised more than $207,000 with sorority partner Alpha Chi Omega during "THO ." THON is the Penn State lFC!Panhellenic Dance Marathon, a two-day fundraiser for kids with cancer that takes place every February. It was started in 1973 and raised $2000. Today, it is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, raising more than $4.2 million at the 2006 event.

ALPHA KAPPA MICHIGAN Alpha Kappa Chapter at the University of Michigan experienced a very successful fall recruitment with 20 new members. The Alpha Omicron class has shown overwhelming enthusiasm in getting to know the brothers and about Pi Kappa Phi. The new class includes a former University of Michigan varsity wrestler and an all-state soccer player. If all 20 initiate, Pi Kappa Phi will be one of the five largest fraternities on campus.

newsletter program, the chapter was able to host its first successful parent weekend in recent years. Over the past two years, Alpha Kappa has had a lot of success in intramurals. Last year, the chapter was named Intramural sports Champion; Brother Jon Bos was awarded Fraternity Atblete of the Year in 2004 and Intramural Athlete of the Year in 2005; and brother Dan Baltmanis earned Fraternity Athlete of tbe Year in 2006. In addition, Intranmral Chair Pat Flynn won Intramural Manager of /be Year in 2006. WWW.MICHIGANPIKAPPS.COM

The chapter has developed a relationship with the St. Louis Center of Chelsea Michigan, where members will be able to volunteer and interact with people with disabilities. In addition, 2006 Journey of Hope cyclist Ben Luster has arranged for Alpha Kappa to partner with Michigan Adaptive Sports (MAS) , a non-profit

ALPHAMU PENN STATE Alpha Mu's fall recruitment class is made up of 16 fine young men who will soon join the chapter's active membership of 59 brothers. The chapter


Above all this, Alpha Phi continues to emphasize academics. As Alpha Phi's academic coach, brother Fernando Alessandrini continually helps the men excel in grades. The chapter is on target to earn the highest G.PA among fraternities for the third consecutive semester In the fall of 2005, the chapter earned a G.PA of3.12 and a3.!9 in the spring of 2006. The chapter is striving to break the 3.2 mark and continues to set an example for the rest of tl1e campus to follow:

BETA XI CENTRAL MICHIGAN Gordon Grzybowski, an undergraduate member of Beta Xi, is currently serving our

country in Iraq in the Marine Reserves. He will remain in Iraq until late March. Upon brother Grzybowski request to stay involved in the chapter during his tour of duty, the chapter asked associate members to include Grzybowski via e-mail in their "brother interviews." Upon his return, brother Grzybowski will continue living in the Beta Xi chapter house on Pleasant Street in Mount Pleasant, Mich.


ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Alpha Phi chapter began the fall semester with 17 associate members and has retained each of them thus far. The associate members are from all over the country, and one member is from France. The chapter's events for the fall include designing a Homecoming float, planning an Air Soft trip for a brotherhood event, and the annual Parents' Dinner and Alumni Smoker. Alpha Phi has also raised money for Push America by holding toll roads, and the chapter sent five guys to a Give-APush Weekend in October. In addition, Alpha Phi is planning a 5k race to fundraise for Push America.

After 46 years Pi Kappa Phi has an active chapter at NIU. The chapter was recolonized in October 2004 and re-ÂŁhartered on April 22, 2oo6. As an associate chapter, Beta Sigma placed

second with partner Sigma Lambda Sigma in the Anchor Splash competition hosted by the Delta Gamma. The following year, the chapter placed first in the same competition with partner Sigma Kappa. The chapter is also very dedicated to Push America, raising more than $1,000 each of the past two years as an associate chapter. Additionally, last summer brother Dan Melchin became the first member of Beta Sigma to participate in the Journey of Hope. Melchin was a crew member on the Trans America route. LEADERS BY CHOICE


GAMMA DELTA MEMPHIS Over the past 12 months, Gamma Delta has experienced quite a turnaround. During the 2005-2006 academic year, Gamma Delta found itself with significant debt and low membership. Stuck in a rut, the chapter partnered with Campus Fundraiser and The Memphis Redbirds (the AAA affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals). With a little hard work and dedication, the chapter paid its debts and was able to focus its efforts and resources on recruitment. Currently the chapter has approximately 30 initiated

the past year. Voting for this award was done by monetary donation at each of the No Boundaries Week events. Gamma Delta was able to raise more than $4,000 in five days for Push America, doubling the combined amount raised over the past two years. Gamma Delta has continued its volunteer relationship with the Madonna Learning Center, a local school for children with special learning needs. Each semester several brothers attend seasonal events and participate with the children of the center. The chapter also

GAMMANU LAGRANGE To increase its invol\ffilellt in their community, Gamma Nu Chapter recently partidpated in the American Heart Walk in LaGrange. The chapter's efforts paid off as the chapter was the sole student organization from LaGrange College to partidpate in the walk and was able to show tl1e community the chapter's commibnent to seiVice. The community was genuinely excited at tl1e chapter's involvement In early October, the chapter hosted a Homecoming event. The annual alumni cocktail party had a great turnout with 6o to 70 alumni attendees. In attendance was Gamma Nu initiate No. 9 who was a founding member of the chapter in 1969 and the first archon of the chapter.

DELTA ETA MOREHEAD STATE Last spring the chapter held its inaugural "No Linlits" week. During the week the chapter hosted several events including

New associate members are pictured here with the men of Delta Psi Chapter (Texas-Arlington}. The new 20-man class doubled the chapter size.

members, and 28 associate members-the largest class since the chapter was re-chartered in 1996. By the end of the semester, the chapter will have more than $3,000 in savings, and is continuing its fundraising efforts for housing renovations some time next year. Gamma Delta has recently completed its No Boundaries Week for fall 2006. The events of the week included a sand volleyball tournament, a 100-hour Wheelchair Push and a Push America empathy dinner. University of Memphis sororities were invited to attend and/or compete in all three events. In line with Push America's goal of promoting volunteerism, Gamma Delta also gave out its annual Volunteer of the Year Award to the sorority member who made the biggest commitment to service over



plans to help teach physical education classes at the Madonna Learning Center this winter and spring. The chapter is currently planning several events. During Founders' Day, the chapter is planning to celebrate both its 40th anniversary (original founding) and its lOth anniversary (re-chartering). All alumni and undergraduate members have been invited to attend. In addition, Gamma Delta will be hosting its annual Active/Alumni Golf Challenge next spring. This event will be a two-man scramble in which one alumni team is paired with one undergraduate team. Gamma Delta will also host its first parents and alumni weekend in the summer of 2007, which will include a reception and dinner, and a softball game and cookout. WWW.PIKAPPMEMPHIS.COM

an empathy dinner. The event was the chapter's first spring Push America event, and the chapter raised $300. Delta Eta plans to expand the event in the future and raise even more for Push America. Also last spring, the chapter built a ramp for a Morehead resident who uses a wheelchair. The indoor ramp helped her access rooms in her home more easily. This fall, Delta Eta hosted its o Boundaries Week, raising more than $I ,000 for Push America. The events included a date auction and a Miss Push Pageant.


games. The chapter decided to donate the first $1,000 raised to Push America. The chapter also held its first scaffold sit to benefit Push America. The chapter is looking forward to the completion of the new chapter house in january. The new chapter house is part of the new "Greek Village" on campus.

DELTA PSI TEXAS-ARLINGTON "I am going Pi Kappa Phi!" That was the phrase shouted by the 20 new associates of the Delta Psi Chapter as they ran to greet their new brothers on bid day. All of the brothers are extremely exhausted from six months of recruiting, but they doubled the size of their chapter. The chapter at UT Arlington has been struggling to find its place on campus. In january 2006 they slimmed down the chapter from 30 men to just 20. Anew executive council was elected, and they set out to change the face of the chapter. Strategic plans were

formulated with the help of alumni, and goals were set forth to grow and enhance the chapter's reputation. Internally, the executive council had to gain faith from the brothers as well as boost morale. Externally they needed to stand out and become recognized. The brothers grew closer, and they implemented new and innovative marketing techniques to lure prospective members. The chapter remained focused on their goals all through the spring and summer semesters and up to bid day at the beginning of the fall semester.

UNC-CHARLOTTE Fall 2006 is looking good for Delta Lambda Chapter, which recruited 20 new members during the first official week of Rush. This was the second largest recruitment class on campus. To fundraise for the chapter, the men of Delta Lambda have been working Carolina Panther

It was evident that their efforts paid off when they doubled their chapter size. This is a big milestone for the Delta Psi chapter in Arlington, and there will be more to come as the strategic plan is still in place and there are still goals to be met. There is more to come from the Pi Kapps in Arlington, Texas.

EPSILON ALPHA ELON The men of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Elon University are having an exciting and s~l fall semester In October the brothers of Epsilon Alpha organized a No Boundaries Week on campus. The week will be filled with events to raise funds and awareness about people with disabilities. Events included a bike-a-thon for which students made pledges based on the number of miles completed by the brothers, and an empathy dinner where guests were assigned a "disability'' for the evening.

Witl1in in tl1e past year, Epsilon Epsilon has also initiated several faculty members of The University of Virginia's College at Wise. Those initiates include the head of campus ministries, a professor and the head of Greek life. The chapter hopes the addition of these prominent members of the community will help advance its status and strengthen the brotherhood. The chapter has also planned fundraisers for Push America, including a doughnut sell and a dunking booth at tl1e town's fall fling, and cleaning the streets after the event ends.

Outstanding New Member, Sagar Patel; Outstanding Chapter President, Patrick Melli$; Philanthropic Award;Most Service Hours; Student life Excellence Award; Alumnus ofthe Year,jeff Rodgers; Greek Man ofthe Year,jonathan Cayce; and Most New Members into the UAB Alumni Society. The chapter remains very involved in campus organizations, including: Ambassadors, Trailblazers, New Student

sports and won the football and volleyball championships. Chapter Archon Benjamin Shae was elected to the IFC, and he is believed to be the first member of Epsilon Omega to do so. The chapter is currently planning a month-long Push America fund raising event, working with local sponsors including Buffalo Wild Wings. The chapter is also working to fundraise for the purchase of a lot for a new lodge. WWW.TXTECHPIKAPP.ORG

EPSILON MU Prior to the empathy dinner, the chapter hosted a faculty event, during which the chapter honored brothers who received a 3.85 or higher last semester, presented a slideshow of all the accomplishments from the year, and recognized a faculty member who has impacted brothers of the chapter. o Boundaries Week concluded with the Sorority Football League, a flag football tournament Each sorority on campus submitted a team to compete in the annual tournament, and the brothers participated as coaches, referees and cheerleaders. In intramurals, Epsilon Alpha advanced to the semifinals of the Campus Recreation League and won the Greek League. The brothers are also currently participating in com hole, Wally ball, team tennis and will soon begin outdoor soal!r. The teams are doing their best to win in hopes of winning the fraternity intramural point's championship again this year

EPSILON EPSILON VIRGINIA AT WISE The past year was a tough one for Epsilon Epsilon caused byseveral changes in the Greek community, including deferred Rush. Epsilon Epsilon also graduated several brothers, leaving the chapter numbers low at the beginning of this school year. The chapter however adjusted to the deferred recruitment period and recruited the largest fall class, which doubled the size of the chapter size. Furthennore, the chapter recruited several prominent students including the president of the student government association, members of the resident advisor staff and several other well known and respected members of the campus community.

BRADLEY The men of Epsilon Mu have been preparing for their 25th anniversary at Bradley University in late March 2007.11Je celebration will include a fom1al dinner and an aJUOlni v. actives softball game. Other events are currently being planned as well. The chapter is also making its mark on Brndley's campus, as members hold prominent pa;itions within the campus community. Christopher A&<iise is currently the IFC president and Byron Irving is the student body president Epsilon Mu had four brothers participate in Push America summer events in 2oo6. Byron Irving and Daniel Mulch were both crew members for the journey of Hope, and Bill Coons and Nicholas Clemens were members of the Build America team. In addition, the chapter raised about $825 for Push America by participating in a toll road in a suburb of Chicago. The chapter also participated in its fust Are\W.B!U1Y project in October. They constructed a deck and wheelchair ramp for the Peoria A.wciation of Retarded Citizens (PARC), a group home in East Peoria, Ill. The chapter is 1\{)rking to build a wlunteer relationship with PARC.

EPSILON PHI ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM Epsilon Phi Chapter has had much success at the University of Alabama-Binningham over the past few years. In fact, the chapter received more awards and recognition thru1 anyother fraternity at the 2oo6 UAB Greek awards ceremony. The awards and honors included: Mr. UAB 2006, Ankit Patel; Intramural President Points 7ropby;


Members of Epsilon Omega (Texas Tech) pose with the Pi Kappa Phi flag.

Orientation Leaders, Co-ed Cheerleading, Resident Assistants, Student Alumni Society, IFC, Order of Omega, USGA Committee Chairs, University Honors Program, Gamma Sigma Alpha, Into the Streets Day of Service and Alternative Spring Break. In tei111S of philanthropy, Epsilon Phi Chapter raised $8,500 for Push America. Three Epsilon Phi members participated in Gear Up Florida 2006, and one member participated in the journey of Hope 2006.

EPSILON OMEGA TEXAS TECH Bouncing back from substantial debt and the loss of their lodge, Eps.ilon Omega is proving to have a stellar year in 2006. In the spring, the chapter ranked third in G.P.A. among the other NIC fraternities. During fall Rush, the chapter recruited 12 associate members, making the largest associate class in the past three years. The fall has proven successful for the chapter's intramural teams as well. The chapter advanced to the finals in several

This fal l the men of Zeta Tau Chapter recruited a five-man associate class, which ties for largest class on Barton's caropus. The chapter has placed a lot of emphasis on recruitment, holding events like spaghetti dinners, Halo 2 tournaments and ultimate frisbee games each Thursday, which have attracted a lot of potential members. Zeta Tau has set the standard for recruitment as both other fraternities mimic the chapter's tactics. For Push America the chapter arranged a week-long scaffold sit in the center of campus. The scaffold was manned 24 hours a day, and the chapter raised $273 as well as awareness about Push America and Pi Kappa Phi. Zeta Tau is also planning an empathy training event as well as some other fundraisers. The chapter is also planning its annual Founders' Day dinner to be held on December 9. This is a formal event held on campus and is a great evening for undergraduates and alumni alike. For Homecoming the chapter planned a cookout and the alumni vs. undergraduate football game, a beloved tradition at Zeta Tau. The chapter is currently focusing on alumni relations by revamping its alumni database, chapter Web site and alumni newsletter in an attempt to reach out to alumni. LEADERS BY CHOICE


ZETA CHI ALBRIGHT This yea r, Zeta Chi Chapter held upperclassman Rush in the fall for the first time in its 16-year history. Asmall chapter with 24 members, Zeta Chi was able to recruit a class of four men who will begin member education in the spring of 2007. For underclassman Rush, Zeta Chi held its traditional rushes-Safe Sex BBQ, Milk and Cookies Eating Competition Rush, Dodge ball Rush, Push America Rush and Formal Rush. Zeta Chi is currently the largest fraternity on Albright's campus, and the chapter is looking to bring in a large class in the spring-potentially doubling its numbers. For the first time at Albright College, an intramural soccer season was started. Zeta Chi entered two teams

In addition, Zeta Chi holds a scaffold sit each spring during the chapter's Push Week. For 100 consecutive hours, two brothers man a 20-foot scaffold, raising awareness and collecting donations. As the chapter's most successful Push America fundraising event, the scaffold sit is anticipated by all on campus and in the community. Alumni involvement at Zeta Chi is at an all time high right now following


The 2005-2006 academic year was a banner year for Eta Sigma Chapter in terms of philanthropy. Most notably, the chapter hosted one of the largest events on campus, Battle of the Bands. The concert, which was nearly sold out, included five top-notch local bands including Hopefield, Aviatic, Faulter, Free Rob G and the Paper Models. Kris Roe from The Ataris was the headlining act. The event was hugely successful and raised just under $8,000 for Push America and nearly $15,000 total (the chapter put on the event in conjunction with UCLA's Community Service Commission, splitting the profits). In 2007, the event looks to be even bigger and the chapter has decided to solely host the concert in January with a lofty goal of raising $20,000 for Push America.

anniversary at the University of Kentucky. The celebration commenced with the initiation of the chapter's Upsilon class. The chapter also recently completed improvements and added new furnishings to their home on a private floor of the Blanding Tower dom1, and Eta Tau is working to establish an alumni chapter to improve alumni involvement in the chapter. In tenms of philantllropy, Eta Tau is participating in a Jesus Prom and Special Olympics Bowling in December. The chapter will complete an AccessABILITY project during in the spring semester. In the summer of 2007, two members of the chapter, Ryan Goy and Daniel Rabidoux, will be cyclists on the Gear Up Florida team. With a new vision and direction, Eta Tau is looking forward to continued years of success and growth at the University of Kentucky.

Eta Sigma was also actively involved in the community as well. During the winter and spring quarters, the chapter worked in conjunction with Easter Seals to renovate and repair two houses in the West Los Angeles area. The work included painting the interiors, building lawn furniture, gardening and various other tasks. They also helped finance the projects through grants from UCLA's student government. Eta Sigma is also scheduled to work at an Easter Seals camp in the San Diego area this fall.


Members of Theta Delta (FlU) are pictured after the FlU Greek awards banquet.


Th e chapter was recognized with six of the nine major awards presented.


brother Vince Fabra was appointed chief of staff, and brother Drew Etheridge was honored as the SGA's Most Outstanding Cabinet Member of the Year.

into the competitive league and both teams look very promising. In the spring of 2006, Zeta Chi brought home the dodge ball championship as well as the softball championship with a senior-laden team.


For the past three years, Zeta Chi has held a Miss Push America Pageant. The pageant consists of three competitions: talent, evening wear and knowledge of Push America. The week-long competition raises funds for Push America as people donate money for their favorite contestant. Girls from almost every organization on campus participate in this great fundraiser and awareness event. The chapter is currently planning for its fourtl1 annual pageant.


the development of the Zeta Chi alumni chapter nearly one year ago. The a.lumni chapter has planned a trip to Las Vegas, and is planning a Golf Tournament to benefit Push America that will be held in the spring.

The Eta Tau Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is currently expanding and redefining its role at the University of Kentucky. Through successful year-round recruitment and numerous brotllerhood events, tile brotllers of Eta Tau are excited about tlleir future. This October, Eta Tau celebrated its lOth

SOUTHERN MISS The men of the Theta Alpha Chapter have continued to foster the brotherhood that has established them as the leading chapter at The University of Southern Mississippi. Theta Alpha once again brought credit to the fraternity by competing for tl1e highest G.P.A. on campus as well as continuing its involvement and influence in the Student Government Association. Brother David Meigs was elected SGA attorney general,

After Supreme Chapter in Fort Wortll this summer, the chapter was privileged to bring home the "Living tile Ritual" Award for tile second consecutive year. Theta Alpha's commitment to Push America was also

reaffirmed by sending four members to participate in Push America events this summer. Archon Linsey Mingo, a cycUst on the journey of Hope, was honored with the Bruce Rogers Award.

community took part in the empathy training dinner hosted that evening. Theta Delta was also honored as brother Phillip Hamilton was presented with this year's Thomas H. Sayer Award by Push America

The chapter celebrated Bid Day in September with 30 new associates, the largest pledge class on campus. Xi class is the largest pledge class in Theta Alpha's seven-year history and consists of numerous honor students, Leadership Scholars and three Presidential Scholars. With the support of the new associates, the chapter recently won its first Homecoming title with Delta Delta Delta and hopes to bring the chapter to new heights in the coming semesters.

With preparations for the chapter's first-ever War of the Roses to benefit Push America, informational sessions for parents of new associates, and social events with local alumni, Theta Delta presses forward in its goal to redefine the fraternity experience for men at FlU.


THETA DELTA FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL The 2005-2006 academic year has been deemed a sucoess for Theta Delta. With a goal to embody excellence on their campus, the Pi Kapps at FlU have made their presence known on their campus. This past spring semester, the chapter swept the university's Greek Awards, receiving six out of nine awards presented, including Fraternity President of the Year and Fraternity Man of the Year The chapter brothers were further honored with the university's Senior of the Year and Most Spirited Student Theta Delta continues to strengthen its foundation with the addition of 55 new brothers and four alumni initiates this past year. Currently, 23 associate members make up the chapter's Rho class. Once again, Pi Kapps at FlU have filled two seats on the IFC executive board. In addition, brother Randy Mora was the first Theta Delta member to be inducted into honors fraternity Phi Beta Kappa. ever before has the chapter been more enthusiastic in its efforts toward Push America. Last year the chapter doubled its fundraising total from the previous year. And it was an honor for the chapter to welcome the Gear Up Florida team to Miami for a stellar kick-off weekend. The GUF team enjoyed four days of fun in the sun with the chapter, and many organizations from the FlU Greek

THETA IOTA WASHINGTON STATE The brothers of Theta Iota at Washington State University have had many accomplishments since chartering one year ago. Each semester breeds new and stronger men, with the last rush period resulting in the second largest class among fraternities on campus. Combing fonnal recruitment efforts, summer signs and continuous recruitmen~ Theta Iota's Gamma class now stands at I9. All associate members are learning what it means to be a Pi Kappa Phi, not only as part of a brotherhood, but as part of a Greek community. This translates into continuing Theta Iota's vision of "not to be differen~ but to make a difference, and in doing so leave a legacy for those who come after us." Theta Iota has the second highest G.PA among fraternities at the university. Aside from excellent academics, Theta Iota managed to finish second overall and first among Greeks in Homecoming competitions. In spring 2006 the chapter won Greek Week Achievements are not limited to life at Washington State University, but extend to the community. Several members participate each Friday in a program called Swim Gym, which facilitates athletic activities for children with disabilities. Other philanthropy-related events included Family Enrichment Weekend, during which brothers gained foresight into the lives of parents of children with disabilities. Also Theta Iota rose to the occasion when asked by Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity to be the opposing team in a benefit football game to raise money for their brother who passed away in a motorcycle accident.

Collectively the brothers of Theta Iota are making a difference, but individual brothers are also making substantial accomplishments. Brother Ian Turner was appointed as the student representative to Pi Kappa Phi 's National Council. In the summer of 2007, Theta Iota will be represented by brother Todd Wright as a member of the journey of Hope team.

The men of Theta Lambda (Missouri State) support the Bears with their chapter tradition of "painting up" for each home football and

THETA LAMBDA MISSOURI STATE Since receiving their charter last spring, the men of Theta Lambda have focused on leading at Missouri State. As an associate chapter, Theta Lambda began a tradition of strongly supporting Missouri State athletics and has continued that tradition by "painting up" for every

home football and basketball game since last fall. The chapter has been a big part of reviving school spirit and upholding traditions. Theta Lambda is currently searching for a place to call home and has located several prospects near campus. This fall the chapter recruited a Beta class of 19 men who are passionate about fraternity. The chapter is preparing for Homecoming, and archon Matt Valenti is a member of the Homecoming Court. Last year, brother Greg Faupel was a member of the Homecoming court. Perhaps Theta Lambda's most exciting news is in the area of philanthropy. The chapter currently has two members on the Build America 2007 team, and two on Gear Up Florida 2007. The chapter is also planning a "No Boundaries Week" this semester and the second ann ual Founders' Day Banquet.

basketball game.

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