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The 50tb Supreme Chapter/ Fort Worth, Texas


n December of this past year, Pi Kappa Phi lost one its earliest and most distinguished leaders, W. Bernard jones Jr. An initiate of Alpha chapter at the College of Charleston, Bernie seiVed as the fraternity's first executive secretary post-World War II. From 1947 until1955, he led Pi Kappa Phi back into a position of strength during a time that was vulnerable for all fraternities.


Bernie's resignation as executive secretary in 1955, however, would not be the end of his involvement with the fraternity. On the contrary, he later seiVed as national president from 1958 to 1960, during which time my predecessor, Durward Owen, was hired. Bernie later went on to serve as a member on the board of directors for Pi Kappa Phi Properties, on the board of governors for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation and on the board of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Within the greater Pi Kappa Phi family, Bernie was truly a man for all seasons. He translated his passion into action, and todaywe enjoy a better Pi Kappa Phi because of it. While Bernie's life proffers an example of lifelong leadership for us to examine, it should also serve as instructive because in Bernie's case, he made the choice to lead. Not only did he recognize that being a brother of Pi Kappa Phi meant something substantive and different, but he also fully inherited the mantle of responsibility which calls all brothers to service of each other, their chapter and their community. As I have mentioned in previous columns, this is the new mantra for Pi Kappa Phi: Leaders by Choice. As such, not only will Pi Kappa Phi continue to recruit some of the finest leaders

on campuses across the country, but 1ve will also work to instill a sense of obligation to lead, empowering students to invest their talents in the world around them. ln the coming issues of this magazine, you will begin to see more about leadership and "leading by choice." Indeed, as you move through the pages of this issue, you will notice that choosing to lead can manifest itself in many ways. ational President). Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn), writes about leadership in the first of a multi-installment series on leadership and choosing to step forward. In future issues, you will see other prominent Pi Kappa Phis share their thoughts on the topic as 1vell. Also in this issue, Chainnan of the Foundation Allen Woody, Xi (Roanoke), reports on the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's successes in 2005. As lead steward of Pi Kappa Phi's charitable assets, he knows better than most that making a financial investment through a gift to Pi Kappa Phi is one of the most impacting ways to lead. I knew Bernie jones, though not as well as I would have liked. Age and infirmity took him from us before the Chapter Eternal called him home. What he left us, however, is timeless and priceless-a living example of what leading bychoice looks like. Thank you, Bernie, and in the words of Hamlet's Horatio, "may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest" Yours in the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, ~ÂŁ . -~

Mark E. Tunmes Chief Executive Officer mtimrnes@pikapp.org

by Matt Hunt, Alpha Ph1 (Ill]

In the Footsteps of ourForefathers Our student creed teaches us to strive to make our chapter into an ideal chapter, and to do our share to make it so. For the majority of our members, "doing your share" involves choosing to become a leader in the chapter, on campus or within the community, and working with fellow brothers and alumni to make gradual adjustments that will ensure the long-term success of the brotherhood. Within the national fraternity, we have a unique group of brothers who are faced with a larger challenge-building an ideal chapter from scratch. Indeed, the founding fathers of our associate chapters make a choice-a choice similar to the one made by Mixson, Fogarty and Kroeg in 1904. The tasks these men face are great, but the memories and friendships forged along the journey are even greater.


Indiana State Arizona State Rutgers

UC-Berkeley Utah

Drexel Oklahoma State UTTyler

This year Pi Kappa Phi has welcomed six newly chartered chapters into its ranks. Of those six, three chapters-Xi (Roanoke), Beta Sigma (Northern Illinois) and Delta Phi (Radford)-were revived from dormancy, enabling more than 1,500 alumni to celebrate the return of Pi Kappa Phi to their alma

Ball State Miami(FL)

Villanova Southern Cal TOP: The re-founding fathers of Xi (Roanoke) and prominent alumni are pictured at the Xi chartering banquet on Oct. 29, 2005. LEFT: The founding members of Theta Kappa (Baylor) are pictured after receiving their charter Nov. 5, 2005. RIGHT: The men of Oelta Phi (Radford) are pictured with volunteers and national headquarters ....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,._. representatives at their banquet on April1, 2006.

The other three-Theta Iota (Washington State), Theta Kappa (Baylor) and Theta Lambda (Missouri State)-have begun their history as newly installed chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. The founding fathers of these chapters are creating a new tradition of Pi Kappa Phi on their campuses that will be remembered by generations of brothers to follow. The men of Xi, Beta Sigma, Delta Phi , Theta Iota, Theta Kappa and Theta Lambda share a special bond with each other, a bond that rings true to the choice made by our forefathers-the choice to lead.

If you are Interested 1n helping with Pi Kappa Phi's expansion efforts, contact Volunteer Oirector of Expansion Tom Sullivan at tsullivan@pikapp.org.




CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS The following chapters are planning anniversary celebrations later this year. For more information on an event or for help in planning an event for your chapter, contact Director of Alumni Services Christian Wiggins at cwiggins@pikapp.org.



June 9- 11, 2006 contact: Chris Garber chris_garber@yahoo.com


September 15- 17,2006 contact: Basil Lyberg blyberg@pushamerica.org BETA OMICRON NORTHWESTERN STATE

Ocrober 27 - 28, 2006 contact: David Morgan dmorgan@aol.com


September 29- October 1, 2006 contact: Chad Coltrane ccoltrane@pushamerica.org EPSILON KAPPA SOUTHERN TECH

May6, 2006 contact: David Nelson dnelson@idi.com EPSILON LAMBDA USC-SPARTANBURG

August 2006 - TBD contact: Frank Allgood fallgood@gsabusiness.com



Summer 2006 - TBD contact: ANDe Demetriou ande@demerrioufamily.com ETA RHO TEXAS STATE

July 28 -August I, 2006 (Supreme Chapter) contact: Shiloh McMasters shiloh35@hormail.com ETA SIGMA UCLA

Jw1e 2006- TBD contact: Blake Holland blakejholland@mac.com ETA UPSILON MIAMI

September 15 - 17, 2006 contact: Josh Lundell joshlundell@hotmail.com




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A Lesson in Leadership In this first installment in a new series we're calling "leadership in focus," National President Ernest Johnson explains that lessons in leadership can presentthemselves to us in the most unlikely of places.


Kappa Phi Job Board

Pi Kappa Phi proudly introduces an innovative career service tool aimed at enhancing the fraternal experience for students and alumni.

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foundanon Annual Report 2005




It all began with a choice to lead. The Foundation's annual report for 2005 names the year's leading donors and chapters, and includes a complete listing of all who gave to the Foundation in 2005.





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We hope to see )''all there!-At the 50th Supreme Chapter in Fort Worth, Texas. From July 28 to August 1, 2006, Pi Kappa Phis will converge on the city "where the West begins." Register online at 50th.pikapp.org.



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COVER Fort Worth, Texas-host city for the 50th Supreme Chapter-is renowned for its legendary cowboy heritage. The cover depicts sillhouettes of a rodeo cowboy and the Fort Worth skyline against a Texas sky.

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by J. Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn) National PresidenL Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity I have never been a fan of Allen Iverson, the perennial allstar point guard for the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association. But on March 1, 2006, I abruptly made a 180 degree tum on my opinion of Mr. Iverson. At the risk of repeating myself, I believe we should look for leadership lessons in every opportunity life presents to us. I did not go to watch my Houston Rockets take on the 76ers with the thought of being presented a leadership lesson; it just happened. A leader cannot afford to rely on weak or spotty intelligence in their decision making process. The better the infomnation in possession of a leader, the better decision they will be able to make. I admit to being guilty of poor judgment in my evaluation of Mr. Iverson. I had judged Mr. Iverson on what I had heard on radio talk shows, what I had read in national sports publications and what I had seen on 24-hour sports networks. Words I would have used to describe Mr. Iverson would include spoiled, selfish, ball-hog, lazy, disrespectful and insubordinate. Throw in thug and punk just to round out a nice set of adjectives. Over the oourse of the evening, I had the opportunity to wipe out this weak basis of perception and oome to appreciate Mr. Iverson as a leader. Okay, I admit second row seats at an NBA game provide a much different perspective of what is happening on the oourt. And from my second row seat, I witnessed one of the most amazing examples of leadership I have ever seen.

Wrth less than two minutes left to play, the soore was tied. Yao Ming and Tracey McGrady of the Houston Rockets had put on quite a perfomnance on the offensive end of the floor. All 7 feet 5 inches of Yao oould not be stopped whether it was a power move for a dunk or the deft tum around jumper he has developed this season. The 6-foot-7 McGrady is one of the great streak shooters in the NBA. When he is hot, he is HOT. Softly sinking jumpers from 15 to 25 feet out, he was a force. Yet the person who took oontrol of the game was the 5-foot-1 0, 160-pound Allen Iverson. The smallest guy on the court was the biggest player when it oounted. Houston called a time out with the score tied. It was obvious what had to be done, and it was easy to hear what was being said, 'Get the ball in to Yao or clear out for McGrady, but do not let Iverson beat you.' Philadelphia brought the ball in through Iverson; a slick crossover dribble coupled with the quickest release in the league put the 76ers up by two. It's Houston's possession and neither Yao nor McGrady touch the ball as they head downcourt-a shot and a miss. Philadelphia rebounds with an immediate outlet pass to Iverson. While he sets the play, Houston goes into a zone. Iverson drives right up the middle past three defenders and lays the ball up and in with Yao and another 6-foot-9 defender all over him. There was literally more than 500 pounds of defense against 160 pounds of Iverson. How he got the ball between them, how he got the ball above the rim and how he made the

shot literally right in front of me was the most amazing athletic move I have ever personally witnessed. What leadership! Iverson took charge, accepted responsibility, and used his energy to keep his teammates in the game. In the past, I have judged Mr. Iverson on what I have heard. I do not know how much of it is true. More importantly, I have not lived his life and therefore should not judge him by what I do not know. Has he had lapses in judgement? I am sure he has just as everyone has. But, in the future, I will judge him on the example he sets on the basketball court and his commitment to his teammates. I will judge himon what I have seen. He played clean; he played fair. He pushed his teammates and himself. He is a leader. On the other hand, I know what each undergraduate has been exposed to in the leadership training provided through Pi Kappa Phi and more importantly, through the oommon ritual of initiation we all share. I know each of you has been exposed to the best leadership programming in the fraternal wond. I do not need to sit in the seoond row to judge your chapter. Time and time again, we bear witness to chapters that make amazing strides to beoome leaders on their campus. Conversely, we also see chapters without leadership struggle to survive, running in circles due to a lack of commitment to purpose.

As an undergraduate or an alumnus, what role are you playing in your chapter and your fraternity? Are you taking charge? Are you involving the entire chapter? Are you setting an example? Are you willing to step up and take the hard foul to put your team on the board? Can you do it at the critical time in your chapter's hour of need? Do you have a goal in sight, and are you oommitted to attaining that goal? Do you refuse to lose? Do you have the will to win? Simply stated, if you cannot answer the above questions, you may not be part of the leadership team your chapter needs. Back to the ballgame-lverson exercised every bit of leadership he could muster and worked and willed his team to perfomn. As time expired, the score showed Philadelphia up by eight. Iverson's leadership had made the difference. Iverson politely tossed the ball to the official as his teammates gave him hard-earned 'high fives.' The Rockets came over to him, shook hands and even hugged the 5-foot-1 0 giant who had just kicked in their teeth in front of their home crowd. The arena was still at capacity, and as Iverson trotted off the floor with his head held high, he flashed a smile at the crowd, waved a tattooed amn above his head. The fans stood and applauded the floor general who led the charge that beat their team. Leaders earn their respect every day. In that game, Allen Iverson certainly earned mine. What have you done today to earn yours? Some leaders are chosen, others are made, but all make the choice to lead.

LEADING THE WAY Pi Kappa Phi aims to lead Greek Community in career services with launch of online job board Pi Kappa Phi has long been recognized by its peers in the Greek


community as an innovator Pi Kappa Phi is leading the way once again.

As a job seeker, you can browse for jobs and internships in your field or expertise. The site enables you to specify certain fields of criteria relevant to your job search including profession, salary, location, company, etc. Before searching for jobs, you'll first need to create a profile wh ich enables employers to search for you as well . You'll be able to upload cover letters, resumes and portfolios to your profile . Whether you are an undergraduate looking for an internship, a graduating senior looking for your first job or an alumnus looking to make a career move, the Pi Kappa Phi Job Board offers an opportunity to explore exciting employment opportunities and to network with potential employers and other Pi Kappa Phis across the nation.

just as it has done in the past with leadership development, philanthropy and alcohol education, Pi Kappa Phi is now setting the standard in the Greek community in terms of career servicing for its members. With the introduction of an online job board, Pi Kappa Phi has created an virtual meeting space for employers and job seekers to connect. "Most university career centers do a poor job of helping students transition into the world of work, " said National Chaplain Rob Shindell. "Pi Kappa Phi is leading the way by providing a service which will help to fill that transitional need for our members." And while a handful of other Greek organizations provide links from their Web sites to external career service sites such as


Monster.com or CareerBuilder.com, no other fraternity or sorority

As an employer, you'll be able to post your available employment opportunities as well as browse for potential employees. The site enables you to narrow your employee search by specific criteria including profession, degree, major, G.P.A., chapter, school, etc. Through the Pi Kappa Phi Job Board, you'll be able to search a qualified pool of candidates who meet your specific requirements. More importantly, you'll be helping fellow members of Pi Kappa Phi by providing valuable career opportunities to some of the best and brightest leaders of tomorrow.

offers a customized job board exclusively for its members. Powered by CSO-a company that specializes in career service systems-the Pi Kappa Phi job Board is designed for both job seekers and employers. And while the " job seeking" function of the job board is available exclusively to members of Pi Kappa Phi, the site does not limit who can post employment opportunities. The Pi Kappa Phi job Board is result of legislation passed at the Centennial Supreme Chapter and aims to enhance the fraternal experience for undergraduates and alumni members alike. "While we cannot guarantee with this service that a job seeker will find employment or that an employer will locate an employee, it will certainly complement the efforts of both job seekers and employers by serving as a means of connecting the two, " said Shindell. You can access the job board from Pi Kappa Phi 's Web site,







> Located at www.pikapp.org > Free Service For Pi Kappa Phis > 24-hour Online Assistance > Create your own Profile >Search for Jobs and Internships >Post your Resume > Rnd a Mentor

> PostJob Opportunities > Search for Employees >Volunteer to be a Mentor

MENTORSHIP The Pi Kappa Phi Job Board also provides a unique, double-sided mentorship tool. Through the site, alumni members can volunteer their time and talent by indicating their qualifications as and desire to become a mentor. In turn, students can search for qualified mentors within their profession.





louttNEY Of HoPE

• byKyteThomas,AiphaGamma(Oklahoola)

PUSH AMERICA INTRODUCES 'ENDURANCE CAMPAIGNS' IN MEMORY OF TODD J. PORTERFIELD AND JASON R. TIRADO, TWO BROTHERS WHO GAVE SO MUCH Pi Kappa Phis of all ages from different areas of the country are swimming, biking and running hundreds of miles to raise funds for Push America all in the name of a fellow brother. At 5:00 in the morning, the majority of us are still in our beds enjoying those last few hours of quality sleep. The same cannot be said for Ryan McCarthy, Psi (Cornell). Ryan is already swimming laps, cycling on his trainer or running the streets of Miami. Ryan, a former Journey of Hope cyclist, made the decision to do more. For the last few years, it has been Ryan's goal to participate in an lronman triathlon-which involves swimming 2.4 miles, cycling 112 miles and running 26.2 miles. Such a goal might sound out of reach for some of us, but Ryan's motivation involved a higher purpose-to fulfill a dream for a fellow brother. In the summer of 2000, five days before the Journey of Hope would arrive at its final destination in Washington, D.C., one of Ryan's teammates was struck by a vehicle and killed. Todd J. Porterfield, Alpha Delta (Washington), was more than a team member; he was a friend and a brother. The last months of Todd's life were dedicated to Push America and serving people with disabilities. "He was a leader in so many ways," said Ryan. "Besides being the fastest guy on the bike, I think Todd exemplified the ideals of of Push America in every1hing he did." Though Todd Porterfield's service ended tragically, his legacy has continued to touch many lives. A memorial fund was established in his name, providing a grant through Push America for organizations across the country that serve people with disabilities.

FooOOed in 1977 by Pi Kappa Phi, Push Ameoca is the fraternity's na1iooal philanthropy. Both student and alumni members of the fraternity actively participate in Push America to raise funds and awareness on behaW people with d'ISabllites. For more information on Push Ameoca, visrt www.puslmlerica.org



Ryan McCarthy, Psi {Cornell), maintained a grueing, eight-month training regimen to prepare himself for the lronman Arizona. To date, his TJP Endurance Campaign has raised more than $14,500 for Push America and the TJP Memorial.

Through the Todd J. Porterfield Memorial, Ryan saw an opportunity to make a tremendous impact, and at the same time, honor the life of his teammate, friend and brother. At that moment, Ryan decided he would compete in an lronman triathlon for Todd, and he would raise money to support the Todd J. Memorial. At that moment, he decided he would "race for a reason ." Backed by Push America, the Todd J. Porterfield (TJP) Endurance Campaign was born. The TJP Campaign enables individuals to participate in any endurance event and fund raise for Todd's memorial. In doing so, Push America honors a man who gave so much all while further spreading awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities.

' ' Such a goal might seem out of reach for some of us, but Ryan's motivation involved a higher purpose-to fulfill a dream for a fellow brother. ' ' Brett Erickson, Beta Theta (Arizona}-also a cyclist on Todd's Journey of Hope team in 2000--was the first to finish aTJP Campaign. Brett completed the Tour de Phoenix, a 75-mile cycling event through the desert of Arizona. He raised more than $3,400. Not long after, Ryan McCarthy successfully completed his TJP Campaign-the lronman Arizona. Ryan's fund-raising total has reached $19,900 and continues to climb. Ryan says waking up at 4:30 in the morning for eight months of intenseand sometimes painful-training wasn't a problem. "It wasn't an issue for me because I was doing doing something for a reason larger than myself," said Ryan. "It wasn't about completing an lronman, it was about honoring Todd. Todd always wanted to do an lronman. He never got his chance, so it just seemed like the right thing to do." Collectively, the two teammates have raised over $23,000 for the TJP Campaign and Push America. Though their events are finished , both have pledged to continue fund raising and recruiting other participants in pursuit of reaching $100,000 for the TJP Campaign this year. Push America CEO Chad Coltrane said, "Ryan and Brett's efforts have been very inspiring, and $100,000 is a very attainable goal. Obviously the more people we get to participate, the easier it will be to achieve. I, for one, believe it can be done." "I am finished with my event, but by no means am I finished working with Push America," said Brett. "And this isn't stopping at the end of the year. I want to see this grow into something special." Ryan and Brett plan to continue their recruitment efforts for the campaign. Working with Push America, they want to see hundreds of individuals-Pi Kappa Phis as well as non-members-every year spreading the awareness of people with disabilities, raising money for the memorial fund and competing in honor of a man who meant so much to so many people. In its inaugural year, the TJP Campaign is nearing 20 participants who are all excited about the mission and the opportunity to meet the goal. Push America has also established the Jason R. Tirado (JRT) Endurance Campaign, a memorial fund in honor of Jason Tirado, Zeta Epsilon (George Mason), who passed away while planning logistics and event details as project manager for Gear Up Florida in 2000. Push America encourages anyone who wants to participate in an endurance event to "race for a reason." If you are interested in participating in an endurance event for the TJP Campaign, the JRT Campaign or for Push America in general, visit www.pushamerica.org/events for more information.

RAYMOND JAMES &ASSOCIATES HEADLINES GEAR UP FLORIDA Push America is excited to announce Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC, as the presenting sponsor of Gear Up Florida 2006. Now in its tenth year, the two-week, 800-mile cycling event starts in Miami and ends at the State Capitol in Tallahassee. As presenting sponsor of the event, Raymond James will enable Push America to increase the financial support it provides to organizations in Florida that help to serve the disability community. In addition, Raymond James plans to involve its workforce in the evenl Employees will participate in team arrivals and friendship visits where they will experience the abilities of people with disabilities. Pi Alpha Ryan Patrick, Tau (NC State), is the individual responsible for introducing Push America to Raymond James &Associates. Ryan first pitched the idea of the sponsorship to his father, Bob Patrick, a manager with the company. His father anranged an appointment for Ryan to present the idea to Raymond James & Associates' director of marketing. With the two organization's shared goal of enhancing the lives of others, a partemship was forged. Push America CEO Chad Coltrane said, "This is a fantastic opportunity for Push America to partner with a company that believes in our mission and wants to make a tremendous impact in communities across Florida. We are fortunate and honored to have Raymond James &Associates as our presenting sponsor." Headquartered in St. Petersburg, Fla., Raymond James has a strong presence throughout the state and is dedicated to giving back to the communities whiclh it serves. Caring for peopl~hildren, the elderly, people with disabilities or anyone in need-was a grounding principle that, as the firm has grown, has become more resolute over the years. Whether supporting education programs, those in need or the arts, the company's objective is to enhance the lives of others. If you are interested in participating in or voluteering with Gear Up Florida presented by Raymond James & Associates, contact Brian Dickman at bdickman@pushamerica.org or (704) 504-2400 ext. 133. ABOUT RAYMOND JAMES &ASSOCIATES Raymond James &Associates, whiclh has built a national reputation during the past 43 years as a leader in financial planning for individuals, corporations and municipalities, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE-RJF), a financial services holding company. Through its three broker/dealer subsidiaries, Raymond James Financial has more than 4,800 financial advisors serving 1.2 million accounts in 2,200 locations throughout the United States, Canada and overseas. In addition, total client assets are approximately $163 billion, of which approximately $30 billion are managed by the finn's asset management subsidiaries.

RAYMOND JAMES & ASSO C IAT E S , IN C. Member New York Stock Exchange/SI P C






In 1904 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity was founded by men who made the choice to become leaders-leaders in the classroom, on the athletic field, in campus politics and within the community.

letter from the chairman Each year I have the privilege and honor of representing your foundation to hundreds of students who attend one of the fraternity's leadership and personal development conferences. It is a wonderfully uplifting experience that puts me directly between the constituency I represent-the thousands of donors who support the Foundation-and those who benefit from their patronage-the student leaders who advance the mission of Pi Kappa Phi on their campuses. I can tell you, the men who lead our chapters represent some of the finest students enrolled at the 135 colleges and universities where Pi Kappa Phi currently operates. They are self-determined and interested in improving themselves and the chapters they lead. And it is the goal of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation to assist them in their overall pursuit of personal and chapter excellence.


But, why?


Why is it important to make such an investment in our student members?


Beyond the oath that compels us to remain involved with our fratemity "for the whole of our life," Pi Kappa Phi believes that the challenges of tomorrow require thoughtful and intentional leaders who possess the skills to not only build consensus, but drive outcomes as well. Our nation is in search of leaders who can positively impact their community. Moreover, Pi Kappa Phi also believes that a good fratemity experience, which includes the national programs supported by our alumni, cannot be easily matched in its ability to build and hone those skills. In short, this fast-paced, technologically complex, pluralistic, and at times ethically challenged world needs good men. Pi Kappa Phi already has them, and we have the tools that can make them better. Your charitable dollar goes to support those methods-the innovative programs that are delivered to over 1,000 students each year. You can read about those initiatives currently supported by your foundation on Page 1 of the 2005 Annual Report. While the Foundation works to enhance the undergraduate experience for our over 5,000 student members, we do so in a way that connects Pi Kappa Phis from one generation to the next. Toward that end it is you, the dedicated alumnus or considerate friend of Pi Kappa Phi, who makes all of this possible. And as your chairman , I am happy to report to you some of our key successes from the past year. Last year the Foundation raised a total of $626,005, up from $429,031 in 2004 and $530,006 in 2003. This represents an 18 percent increase in total charitable donations in the last two years. In addition, the average gift to the Foundation's annual appeal, our largest source of unrestricted revenue, increased 14 percent to nearly $98 per gift. I am also pleased to report that the Foundation was notified by over 30 members that they have included Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans. Lastly, through a combination of fund-raising efforts and market appreciation, the Foundation's total corpus once again stands at nearly $5 million, up from $3.8 million as recently as 2002. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation looks to build on the good work accomplished over the last two years. New horizons for Pi Kappa Phi include a new home in Charlotte, N.C., as well as continued support of the leadership and personal development initiatives of the fratemity. While we have an ambitious agenda, I am convinced we will get there together. On behalf of the board of trustees and board of govemors, thank you for your continued support. We are truly fortunate to have such loyal brothers and de~~cy.t:d friends.


Allen 0. Woody Ill Chairman Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

t:1.ble of contents



COLLEGIATE SUCCESS PROGRAM: ACADEMIC COACHES Throughout the undergraduate experience , the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation supports and provides academic coaches. These volunteers receive an annual stipend from the Foundation and work exclusively with our undergraduate chapter members to deliver our Collegiate Success Program curriculum . The academic coach serves as an advisor and mentor to the chapter, providing group and individual assistance to ensure the academic success of our student members. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national collegiate fraternity to provide academic coaching for its undergraduate members, yet another example of why Pi Kappa Phis are "Leaders by Choice ." SCHOLARSHIPS Each year, the Foundation awards merit-based scholarships to deserving undergraduate members. The Turnaround Scholars, Outstanding Associate Member Awards , Pi Kapp Scholars (our oldest and most prestigious scholarship) and Cra ig A. Winkelmann Health Professions Scholarship programs are designed to recogn ize and motivate academic excellence in our chapters . Moreover, these scholarships underscore the Foundation 's bel ief that success in the fraternity first begins with success in the classroom . Academic success , chapter leadersh ip, and community involvement are the broad criteria by which students are evaluated , thus illustrating to the review committee well-rounded candidates . LEADERSHIP SCHOOLS The Foundation grants money to offset the educational costs of Pi Kappa Phi's leadership schools , including Pi Kapp College , Recruitment Boot Camp and Mid-Year Leadership Conference for undergraduates. By attending these schools, undergraduate members not only learn effective techniques in chapter managment, but develop their personal leadership skills too .

LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE WITH COVEY'S 7 HABITS The hallmark of our Leadership Institute features an outstanding program, Stephen F. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This seminar is corporate-level leadership training conducted by Covey-trained Pi Kappa Phi facilitators, giving our members an edge in an ever-competiUve world. Past participants have called this the "ultimate" in productivity and improvement workshops. Through program funding by the Pi Kappa Phi .Foundation, students receive the same materials and training that is offered to management employees of major corporations at a fraction of the price. This program is presented annually through several regional conclaves. LIFE 401 LIFE 401 is a dynamic career and life success seminar that helps prepare undergraduates for life after college. Designed by Fortune 100 consultant and Pi Kappa Phi alumnus John Spence, Alpha Epsilon (Florida), LIFE 401 is another Foundation-supported program that provides a decisive advantage as our young graduates prepare to enter the "real world" and begin their professional careers. ALCOHOL EDUCATION Thanks to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, every Pi Kappa Phi chapter received one alcohol education program during the 2005 academic year. In an effort to provide comprehensive alcohol education, Pi Kappa Phi uUiizes three alcohol education programs. AlcohoiEdu, the nation's first online alcohol abuse prevention program, is the world's most widely used online education course. AlcohoiEdu gives students medical and science-based information they need to make responsible decisions. The Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) is unlike most alcohol education programs, as it acknowledges the behaviors of college students, and expresses that any step toward reduced risk is a step in the right direction. Lastly, the Ladder of Risk program is designed to educate students and chapter volunteers with respect to the fraternity's risk management policy. The intended outcome is to narrow the gap between understanding and chapter behavior in regards to FIPG.

CASH OR CHECK Payments made by cash or check are the most popular and direct method for making a donation. CREDIT CARDS & ONLINE DONATIONS We accept most major credit cards which allow you to pay over a period of Ume. This can also be used for monthly deductions for multiple gifts. You may also make a secure contribution through www.pikapp.org by clicking on the "alumni" tab on the home page, then the "give to the foundation路 link. SECURITIES Appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be transferred to the Foundation through your broker. This type of donation allows the donor to avoid capital gains taxes. CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Many companies offer to match employee's personal donations to qualified charitable organizations at an equal or greater amount. Ask your employer if they participate in a gift-matching program or contact us for a list of companies that support educational foundations. ENDOWMENTS AND MEMORIALS The Foundation can establish a special endowment or memorial gift in perpetuity to meet your personal or estate plans and desires. Please contact the Foundation for details and requirements for this specialized gift.

PLANNED GIFT You can provide a gift of personal assets through your will. The Foundation will work with you and your estate planner in designing a planned gift that meets both your short and long term financial goals. Planned gifts can include cash, stocks, bonds, retirement plan assets, insurance policies or other negotiable items. The Foundation has established a Gift Acceptance Policy and can only accept gifts under the terms and conditions of this policy. We will be happy to provide you with a copy and assist you in making a planned gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Bequests are often a significant source of financial support for charitable organizations, and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is no exception. Your gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can help ensure strength and continued success of our brotherhood as we enter a new era of fraternity. As you create or revise your estate plans, please take a moment to remember what Pi Kappa Phi has given you. If you wish to include the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your will, the appropriate language is as follows: "I give, devise, and bequeath (the sum of/percentage of/residue of) my estate to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices in Charlotte, North Carolina, to be utilized for the general benefit of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation (or the specified program within the Foundation)."

lifetime donors Honored here are those donors who have reached the Council Club giving level or higher through cumulative donations totaling $10,000 or more over their lifetime. Their contributions solidify their choice to lead and enable thousands of others to make similar choices. STAR AND LAMP SOCIETY ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) ' Robert L. Bennett Sr.

COUNCIL CLUB ALPHA (Charleston) Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell ' E. Lawrence Powers ' George E. Sheetz

FOUNDERS' CIRCLE :~:~;~:-e~GH~~i3t Tech)

IOTA !Georgia Tech) Terry T. DeWberry ' Lonnie A. Morris Jr. Carl D. Ring Robert M. Snuggs Ill

XI (Roanoke) Allen 0 . WoOdy Ill CHI (Stetson) Bruce L. Rogers


~~ta~~sCarolina) LAMBDA (Georgia) •J. Rodney Hams Frank L. Lane


XI !Roanoke! Nicholas A. Soccella Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen

~~nH~. ~~~q~ (Florida)

OMICRON (Alabama) Raymond E. Cartledge R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian Paul C. Wesch

~~~~: ~~~



$250,000- $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE

$100,000- $249,999 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000- $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000- $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000 - $24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

ORDER OF THE ROSE KAPPA !North Carolina) ' Otis R. 'McCollum

RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anaerson ' Howard D. Leake

$5,000- $9,999

XI (Roanoke) James C. Turl<

SIGMA !South Carolina) Jerry T. Brewer

$2,500 - $4,999

OMICRON !Alabama) Harry E. Caldwell Jr.

TAU (North Carolina State) Robery C. Cline

$1 ,000-$2,499

OMEGA !Purdue) David G.l.ane

~~fe7~.EC~~LON (Florida)

ALPHA ETA (Samford) Anonymous

David W. Henn Robert J. Patemo J. Jeffry Wahlen


ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) ' James N. Crump

BETA ALPHA INJIT) Stephen P. DePalma

~;:¥.'-~~~ahMj~issippi) ALPHA RHO (West Virginia) Craig A. Winkelmann

ORDER OF THE BELL IOTA !Georgia Tech) ' Charles R. Simons XI (Roanoke) Duatey F. WOody

ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer) Gordon B. Wright

~kbb~~ W,~~~eWrexel) Walter K. Sheppard

~.~.1 ~L~~~elAlt~/S:~d Ill

BETA ALPHA INJIT) James A. Krucher John F. Lee Jr.

UPSILON !Illinois) Richard F. Bangert

BETA BETA !Florida Southern) Theodore A. 'Scharfenstein

PSI (Comelll ' Rotiert J. Wilcox


~be~R.~~~~ON (Iowa State)

GAMMA ALPHA (VI'est Alabama) Joseph L. Alexanaer

Frank M. Parrish Ill

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall

ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) John M. Casper

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. F1nney

ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Phillip M. Summers

~~~kMt. ~~~~~th Alabama)

BETA KAPPA !Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs

~oi~T~.~~!~ruman State)

BETA OMICRON !Northwestern State) David D. Morgan Sr.

~~~~.~~~~xas - Arlington)


FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Cornell University Shirley L. Hardee ' Betty Lowell Omicron ChaRter Pi Kappa Phi Properties

• Deceased


$500-$999 CHEVRON CLUB



financial summary The following data is based on financial statements of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation for the 2005 fiscal year, and provides infonnation on the Foundation's sources of revenue as well as the grants and scholarships funded by the Foundation.


2005 REVENUES $626,005




$250,000- $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE

$100,000-$249,999 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000- $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000- $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000-$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000- $9,999 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB


$1,000 - $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB

$500-$999 CHEVRON CLUB



ALPHA {Charleston) Council Club Julius E. Bu~es Foundation lub David H. Jaffee Sam Stafford Ill Richard B. Voomeveld Lamplighter"s Club Gary A. Catterton James B. Edwards Robert W. Marlowe Terence N. Moore Gre~o~ D. Padgett Damel avenel Executive Director"s Club Greg R. Alexander Harold F. Davis Ill WilliamS. Gaud Ill Richard P. Pierce Stephen L. Thomas Leon K. Wo~e Jr. Gold Star Club Michael T. Finch Jr. Harry W. Freeman Jr. Michael R. Renault Chevron Club Philip S. Duwel Michael B. Hartnett Crossed Swords Club David B. Backus Josehh W. Cabaniss Step en U. Davis Marcus A. De Biasi Erik N. Hall Dennis M. Jaffee Mark S. Toliver William F. Wright BETA {Pres~erian) Foundation lub Clinton E. Massey Executive Director's Club Arthur G. Maxwell Jr. Samuel G. McGregor Gold Star Club Jim and Doris Ballard Walk C. Jones IV Thomas H. Steams John W. Steenbergen Chevron Club John H. Broughton Gary E. Brown Dav1d K. Dixon John R. Ritter Jr. Crossed Swords Club Mrs. William Franklin Harris Tyler and Amy Henson Brian J. Sacco Robert N. Spurrier Frank C. Young Jr. GAMMA {California-Berkeley) Lamplighter"s Club Steven S. ~der Charles F. annice Executive Director's Club Vincent A. Consul David J. Dayton Jack N. Downer James F. Meater Lawrence J. 0 son Ron~el

James . Seiler Young D. Stewart Gold Star Club Walter A. Eagan Robert C . E~emoen Jr. David H. a Simone Hoelck James P. Kinlock Benjamin T. Laflin Jr. Spencer B. Larson Paul A. Peterson Eugene Roberts Harland R. Ross Chevron Club Richard G. Houston Robert D. O'Malley

Crossed Swords Club R~rCampbell

Ro rt J. D1 Piazza E~ar C. Farrel Philip V. Hurley Fayette W. Knap~ Thomas J. Meag er Robert D. Parmelee Paul J. Petruzzelli Morgan A. Pike DELTA {Furman) Executive Director's Club Joe D. Sparks Jr. David C. Ullman Gold Star Club Kessler L. Holzendorf Crossed Swords Club Michael V. Arthurs Jose_tp A. Murrell nm . aston II JoeiT. Rice Bartley W. Sides EPSILON ~avidson) Gold Star lub Ernest B. Hunter Jr. Harold B. Kernodle Jr. Philip C. Winstead Chevron Club William H.Ciayton Jr. Wilson S. Hendry Harry L. Powe Jr. Crossed Swords Club Frank C. Cenegy Jesse C. Fisher Jr. Thomas F. McAfee Ill John S.Tolbert Joseph H. J. Vernon William H. Walker Jr. ZETA {Wofford} Executive Director's Club James H. Belcher Mark 0. Bundz, Thornton W. rouch William B. Evins Jr. Deward B. Woolbright Jr. Gold Star Club Jack L. Ka~an Robert D. cJunkin Alex O'Daniel Chevron Club Frampton W. Henderson Ill Crossed Swords Club Dewey E. Lewis Richard B. Long Bill Murrah Connie M. Snipes Jr. Zeb C. Williams ETA {Emory) Lamplighter s Club Primus S. Hipp Executive D1rector"s Club Kenneth C. Kiehl Crossed Swords Club Robert E. McDuff IOTA {Geor~ia Tech) Council Clu Robert M. Snuggs Ill Foundation Club James G. Pritchett Jr. Lamplitter"s Club Michae V. Cowan Robert A. Parrish Robert B. Rowe Lloyd J. Skidmore Executive Director's Club Robert B.Costley Robert A. DeFurio Christo~her E. Doyle Greg Eliott Charles R. Ferguson Frank C. Hodge

Bruce M. Jewett Tom Lowndes Jr. Robert C. Murray Jr. John H. Puckett Bruce C. VanDerhoof Gold Star Club Stewart H. Carlin Thomas F. Christian Jr. James C. Coo:sr Michael L. Cri asi Russell R. Johnson Michael Jones Joseph Luciani George V. Rouse Chevron Club Mark A. Boxer Mr. and Mrs. David Cunnold Frederick E. Fuchs David M. Hull John R. Paus Dean W. Russell Kenneth G. Scott Crossed Swords Club Chuck Edwards Brian D. Ehrich Joseph W. Gelletich J. Enc McEntyre R~r L. Nails Sr. Mi ael R. Niehoff Evangelos J. Panousis Bryan G. Ramey II Leonard B. Sheffield Jr. KAPPA {North Carolina) Council Club W. Stuart Hicks Foundation Club William K. Rollins Thomas H. Sat re Lamplighter's lub J. Council! Leak Executive Director's Club Harold A. Barrett George W. Braun Steven L.~anti Glenn D. son Jr. Woodrow W. Gunter II Clifton M. Hux Jr. Robert T. McCollum Wayne N. Scott James L. Thompson Robert C. White Winton G. Wilks Jr. Gold Star Club Charles P. Adams Bejamin F. Ball Jr. Fr erick V. Coville Alvin W. Daughtridge Walter S.Fuller James B. Uttle Jr. Jose~h M. Mahoney Cha es T. Stewart John W. Usse~ Wa~er W. Vat r James M. Wilmott Mark H. Winston Chevron Club Robert M. Bums James B. Collawn John F. Falconer Mark R. Gorham David F. McAllister Kenneth D. Owen Jr. Donald C. Young Crossed Swords Club John H. B~ers Jr. Bradley S. anover Jerome W. Stanislaw Randolph B. Wright LAMBDA {Georgia) Foundation Club Isaac W. Lang Jr. Executive Director's Club Floyd L. Langston Chad V. Powell

Gold Star Club David F. Black Robert H. Cofer II Thomas W. Da~on Jr. William J. Harp Jr. Thomas R. Jackson Jr. Chick Munhall Richard L. Patrick Jr. Charles K. Wagner Jr. Chevron Club Joseph S. Barton Phill~ R. Brown Ran olph H. Bryan Thomas J. Campbell John S. Davis Dennis R.t Devlin Mr. and Mrs. J. Troy Green Ted A. Grab Ill Julian R. Lang Bill and Carolyn Miller Jack Minch Ray B. Tucker Chris and Sunny Turner Thomas R. Wood Crossed Swords Club Alberry C. Cannon Jr. Jeffre~ M. Earnhardt Terry . Elder Ralph F. Geronimo Eric M. Glenn Kevin M. Krehmeyer T. Monty Lee Jr. Fred M. Thrower MU (Duke) Foundation Club William D. Fuqua Lam~l~ hter's Club Fran . Wrenn Ill Executive Director's Club George M. Benda Anders W. Hall John D. Moylan Gold Star Club Robert F. Clayton Bart N. Stephens Brian E. Swab Charles H. Taylor Chevron Club Nick G. Anas Charles and Alice Beidler Michael L. Marable Stephen J. Schnurr Jr. Douglas E. Underwood Crossed Swords Club John W. Bingaman Carlyle A. Clayton John T. Cogbn Jr. Rockwell F. avis Manassa N. Hennessee Ill George W. Ules Alfonso Romero James P. Vidas Frank T. Wrenn Jr. Matthew Zullo NU (Nebraska) Lamplighter's Club James A. Guretzky Executive Director's Club William J. Wesslund Gold Star Club Edward J. Bierl James R. Boling James S. Christal Thomas C. Miller Robert M. Werner XI (Roanoke) Founders' Circle Allen 0. Woody Ill Order of lhe Rose James C.Turk Order of lhe Bell Dudley F. Woody

Council Club Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen Foundation Club Stephen A. Esworthy Raphael E. Ferris John J. Ribar Jr. Lamp~hter's Club Edwa J. Bennett Lyman N. Fairbanks Ill Cameron R. Ogilvie DeWitt R. Petterson Tod N. Senne James S. Sturn~ Jr. E. Joseph Von ulin Executive Director's Club David L. Barnes Paul C. Caldwell George B. Naif Richard M. Newman Carl B. Sherertz Gold Star Club Robert S. Barber David W. Coates Harry I. Johnson Jr. Louis J. Mullineaux Matthew W. Plasket Kyle F. Schindel Chevron Club John R. Churchill C. Troy Keeney Michael C. McGough Robert J. Patane Jr. Crossed Swords Club Ancel B. Davis Jr. Ed Bridgwood . Steven J. Cody Henry H. Downing Jr. Richard J. Goeres Matthew G. Hasted! Richard E. Hill Jr. Patrick E. Leardo Ronald McCormack Matthew P. Piper Matthew A. Rose Fredric S. Schneider Joseph Z. Simmons OMICRON (Alabama) Order of lhe Rose Harry E. Caldwell Jr. Order of lhe Bell A.J. "Lonnie" Strickland Ill Council Club Gene Cartledge R. Nalhan Hightower Travis P. Julian Paul C. Wesch Lampl~hter's Club David . Adams Jack E. Brunson Joe C. Cassady Emmett 0. Dendy Ooston L. Gurganus Executive Director's Club William T. Bishop Jr. Jack M. Blasius Thomas B. Henderson Robert F. Inman Joe and Martha Lee Mack 0. Matthews Clinton H. Paulsen Robert L. Shepherd ~rus S. Steed Ill lliam G. Sutton William C. Taylor Richard S. Taylor Jerry B. Tucker Sr. Gold Star Club William L. Brunson Jr. Martin T. Ditto Jonalhan F. Fravel David L. Hinton RabeH . Mclaughlin Ro rt E. Morrell Ill Ollie W. Nabors Stewart Powell

Ralph T. Russell William M. Schroeder Michael S. Teal David C. Wells Chevron Club Herbert C. Bowling Randy Cimorelli Charles W. Fleming Jr. Harley R. Ho~ Bryan McCul ick Albert C. Skaggs Crossed Swords Club James C. Baldone Jr. John R. Blevins Levi M. Crumpton Ill David G. Etheridpe William T. Gaskil William G. Goodman James H. Johnson Jr. Kennelh N. Letson Nick 0. Wilmott Thomas M. Wilson PI (Oglelhorpe) Chevron Club Louis J. Ptacek Jr. RHO (Washington and Lee) Council Club Richard G. Anderson Lampli~ter's Club Bob L. ade Thomas R. Warfield Gold Star Club Edwin P. Garrelson Jr. Malcolm H. Squires Jr. Kennelh B. VandeWater Jr. John D. Wallace Charles H. Warner Chevron Club George Z. Bateh William H. Clark Jr. John H. Moore Paul F. Van Avery Crossed Swords Club Bob and Helen Ballantine David J. Baluk Brian Crowley Floyd B. Garrett Dederick C. Ward Ill SIGMA (Soulh Carolina) Council Club Jerry T. Brewer Foundation Club Paul D. Carter Jr. Walter H. Pickens Jr. Lampl' tter's Club Kenne J. Forti Danny W. Reynolds Gold Star Club Hughes K. Boswell George Delay Robert M. Gatti Julius B. Harrelson Richard C. Mims Thomas J. Stafford II John R. Stokes Chevron Club Herbert L. Benson Jr. Earl E. Cashon Jr. Sidney T. Floyd James T. McKinnon Wright T. Paulk Jr. Bobby D. Sanders Frederick and Caroline Sojourner Crossed Swords Club Michael G. Lukridge Joseph L. Murray WilliamS. Reynolds Ill William J. Van Ee Ill Ken B. Whitworth TAU (North Carolina State) Council Club Robert C. Cline Lamplighter's Club Wallace L. Reams

Executive Director's Club Fred A. Collins Jr. Clyde N. Humghrey Harry L. Mash urn Stephen D. Seymore Jr. Gold Star Club Hunter B. Atkins Maurice D. Atwell Jr Tony and Kalhy Evans F. Leon Joyner Jr. Christoter M. Miers Richar H. Norrel Hartwell K. Sledge Ill Chevron Club William H. Gurnee Ill John H. Hardage Steven M. Leamon Kennelh A. Long Bradley D. Robins Edward R. Thomas II Crossed Swords Club Sydney H. Deck Paul R. Castile Melford R. Damron Jr. Hunter M. Davis Zachary R. Johnson ScottW. Rose Ed and Kalhy White UPSILON (Illinois) Foundation Club J. Gunnar Schalin Lamplighter's Club Glen E. Hesler Michael A. Lowery John 0. Roeser Executive Director's Club James M. Bayne James A. Fowler Stephen E. Mumford Robert M. Murphy Ill Stephen D. Trahey Ike Trogden Gold Star Club Ronald Robert Jo. danoff Joseph L. Johnson James K. Kutill Stewart W. Ramsey Chevron Club Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Clyde Larry A. Munson James P. PottenQer John R. Stroehlem Crossed Swords Club Charles N. Moka Carl J. Poleskey Evan P. Rolek


CHI (Stelson) Founders' Circle Bruce L. R:'Cers Foundation lub J. Patrick Figley Executive Director's Club Edwin H. Culver John K. Snellings Michael J. Sweney Jr. Gold Star Club Larry W. Anderson Anlhony A. Biancarosa II Thomas M. Wrenn Chevron Club Gabriel L. Gehret Ira J. Giroir Donald L. Johnson Bruce M. W~gle II Crossed Swords Club Carl M. Efird Matthew A. Foreman Christopher D. Garbow Peter W. Hogue Nicholas M. Jamros Edgar C. Jones Jr. Bi~er Seiland Wa ter F. Malmberg Reid E. Stubbs Matt G. Smilh




$250,000- $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE



$50,000- $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000 - $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000- $24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000 - $9,999 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB


$1 ,000 - $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB





$1 - $249

PSI (Cornell) Founders' Circle JohnS. Kirk Foundation Club William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer W. John Zyqmunt Jr. Lamplighters Club John H. An~ us George F. einrich Michael J. Piscitelli Calvin E. Role Frank A.Sherer Executive Director's Club Gregory J. Della Rocca James E. Emig Gary R. Fisher Gold Star Club Leroy W. Carlson Jr. James R. Kao Bertram A Lindsey William B. Matthews David D. Prescott Erwin A.Tschanz Richard C. Yudin-Fitzherbert Chevron Club George C. Bullis Michael A. Davis Crossed Swords Club John K. Beresny William C. Berthold Daniel A. Chambers Charley S. Potter Charles F. Shafer OMEGA ~ rdue)

Order of Rose David G. Lane Foundation Club Emmanuel O'Drobinak Lamplighter's Club Jack K. Bertien Patrick J. Kuhnle Gregory V. Linder Executive Director's Club Hugh M. Flanagan Rikard Eugene Hill Grafton Houston Jr. William G. Kanouse Richard H. Lowe Palmer A. Porter Herman G. Riggs Robert A. Rust Donald C. Swa~er Ed and Mabel homson Jeffel C. Vogt John . Weaver Christos C. Ziogas Gold Star Club James R. Bertien Duane M. Davis Cart J. Gerlach Harold R. Johnson Jr. Alfred G. Kirchner Jr. Daniel R. Leininger Robert M.l Little Edward J. Masline Jr. David L. Mitzner William D. Peace Jr. William L. Swager Robert C. Wingard Jr.

Chevron Club William C. Bradshaw David R. Davis David F. Davis BryanS. Freed Manish B. Gandhi Hilton B. Henry William H. Hounshell David W. Peggs Robert L. Roth Robert J. Rowan Edwin T. Sherwood Thomas L. Weakley Robert K. Whitford Crossed Swords Club Matthew F. Bouma Sean M. Cowie~ Robert W. Mac eth Patrick N. McDowell Gordon G. Shaw Robert D. Sills Clarke F. Thornton Bryan L. Williams ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Executive Director's Club Ledford C. Carter Douglas B. Clendaniel Au~ustus F. Martin Ill God Star Club John C. Garvin Jr. Charles R. Melton Ralph B. Montgomery Bradley L. Waters Chevron Club Thomas Lowndes Ill William Maratos Crossed Swords Club Christopher A. Beecher Jesse H. Belyeu Kevin G. Berry Raoul P. Calimlim Alfred J. Greene Drew N. Hartley Hollis C. Lewis Jr. Mitchell B. Murchison Lee M. Seelig Stephen E. Spisak ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) Foundation Club Robert E. Holly Lam~l~ter's Club Jay . oms Robert J. O~bom Executive Director's Club Joseph C. Haines Jr. J. Dylan Romo Gold Star Club Mark Argo David E. Groom Jim "Trip~路 Hall Ill Gary R. iller Adam I. Muchmore Chevron Club James G. Gonders Jr. Daniel R. Hogan Fran cis W. Scichowski Jr. Rocky B. Wehling Crossed Swords Club Brian D. Butler Michael T. Dean Gregory C. Fisbeck Joshua L. Snyder

ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Foundation Club Robert C. Bux Executive Director's Club Robert J. Hansen Brian P. Walker Gold Star Club Robert D. Kelly Jr. John R. Pedersen Chevron Club Joshua A. Berger Nathan C. Rosas Crossed Swords Club Shane and Margaret Campbell Paul N. Lutz Chad C. Miller ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Council Club Peter C. Barr David W. Henn Robert J. Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen Foundation Club Albert E. Luer Robert B. Newman Mark E. nmmes Lampl~hter's Club David . Charland Hugh A. Gower Robert M. Hal crow Benjamin G. Holdorf Howard W. Pettengill Jr. Charles A. Stewart Executive Director's Club Frank 0 . Brass Jr. Paul S. Enrico Fabio M. Fasanelli Mr. and Mrs. Mark French Scott W. Hamilton Ira T. Hancock Eliott D. James Peter T. Lanaris James P. O'Donnell Roy and Joan Olsen Ben/amin F. Overton Joe B. Radford Charles R. Rigl Robert N. Scott Christopher J. nee Sr. Gold Star Club John S. Crown Jr. Peter T. Cummings DeHaven W. Fleming Alfredo I. Hernandez Christopher S. Hill Robert S. Neumann Stuart C. Stockton Mark H. Thurn Chevron Club John P. Arnold Thelmon B. Chastain Michael L. Crovatt Skip Dvomik Page M. Eppele Thomas E. Johnson George D. Johnson Jr. Kenneth V. Purcell EricA. Rail Samuel A. Saxon Ill Harold and Maureen Simmons Frank H. Thomas John M. Turco

Crossed Swords Club Kenneth D. Barker Jr. Kevin G. Bennett Barry C. Junnier Edw1n S. Lofberg RobertS. McKinney Joshua A. Peck Diego R. Santa:lllelo Glenn and Jenni er Shapiro Chandler H. Sharon Jr. Michael A. Stephens Victor G. Vill:flas Gordon B. Zel ers Ill ALPHA ZETA (Orgeon State) Foundation Club Frederick W. Raw Jack T. Reviglio Lamplighter's Club Gary S. Munn Jack W. Steward David H. Vawter Executive Director's Club William S. Alldredge Earl D. Barton Robert J. Hers Noel B. Flynn Ra~ond C. Temune God Star Club Anthon~ L. Amort Kennel M. Hawke Jr. Greg and Jennylee Nesbitt William W. Thomas Roger A. Tumer Chevron Club Edwin K. Engelstad Leon 0. Ramsey Gary L. Smith Crossed Swords Club Brian D. Collins Fraser C. Grant Robert G. Harris Tim~thC' R. Large Cra1g . Nelsen Edward F. VanZandt ALPHA ETA (Samford) Lamplighter's Club Warren W. Hilson Sr. Executive Director's Club Robert C. Chandler R)iffiinald B. Clay Wil iam W. Dixon Jr. James E. Purvis Dw~ne K. Todd Go Star Club Jimmy R. Bell Glenn A. Olivent>aum Gilmer T. Simmons Henry J. Yeackle Ill Chevron Club James F. House Jack R. McDonald Crossed Swords Club Timoth~ W. Knight David . Parrish ALPHA THETA (Michi~an State) Executive Director's Cub Kenneth G. Adams Theodore D. Aylward William and Maxine Cleary Bruce T. Lessien Matthew J. Shaheen Donald E. Viecelli Gold Star Club Brian R. Connell~ Daniel F. Ciemic Brian R. Connelly Wallace M. DeMaagd Scott E. Evans Jeffre w. Hill Paul . LoVJl Gerald F. ajda


Chevron Club Curtis W. Estes Jr. Todd M. lfkovits Edward N. Lynch Alan W. Perl1ngiere Crossed Swords Club Robert J. Blett Frank W. Brutt Jim and Nancy Coon Robert and Joan Ellis Frederick B. Grant Raymond Howard Brian S. Kirsch Robert W. Laird Thomas H. Marra Roger W. Nelson Christoter B. Nelson Riyad . Palia LlOyd P. Pardee David R. Sargent Jerome S. SzJl!lrldowski Robert A. Whiting ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Order of the Rose J. Ernest Johnson Lamplit ter's Club Ralph . Foster Jr. William Wesley Jones Jr. Executive Director's Club Robert L. Ferrell William S. Finn?c Joe and Gayle orehand Thomas W. Fuller Tommy W. Gordon Moyer D. Harris Nathaniel D. McClure IV Lawrence C. Pharo Jr. Joel T. Radman Louis A. Reynolds Jr. Robert C. Ward Gold Star Club Charles and Evelyn Beaird G. Stuart Blackwell John 0 . Christiansen Jr. Tommy K. Hartwell Chevron Club Charles S. Blackledge Jr. Troy I. Coroin Crossed Swords Club William H. ~kes Edward C. ealy Curtis J. Park Ill John R. Richey John R. Segrest ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) Lamp~hter's Club Mark . Perrin Executive Director's Club Patrick M. Walsh Chevron Club Kenneth B. Goldberg Crossed Swords Club Daniel J. Baltrnanis David J. DeWeerd Paul C. Johnson Gerald B. Kozak Gordon M. Krueger ALPHA MU (Penn State) Lamplighter's Club Kevin K. Murphy Executive Director's Club Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Grube Richard C. Heim William E. Johnson Maurice P. Ranc Jr. William Simon Ill Gold Star Club Jon D. Benedetti Richard W. Brown Jr. Bruce R. Foster William J. Vernon Jr.

Chevron Club Robert D. Buchwald H. V. Gedney Ill Bruce J. Kent William W. Lawrence Ralph W. Moyer Scott D. M$ers Robert N. enko Crossed Swords Club Mark D. Ber~r Stephen C. tta Robert W. Boyd Edwin A. Friend Jr. Michael W. Myers Michael J. Wells ALPHA XI &St. John '~ Executive irector's lub Richard P. Brady William L. Friend John J. Molinelli Paul J. Schwanenflugel Gold Star Club William V. Delnicki Louis T. Destefano Richard F. Groller Antonio G. Quilon Harry F. Roener Siegfried A. Rotter Chevron Club Albert Aiello Jr. Stanley C. Harazim Crossed Swords Club Arthur J. Karle Robert S. Kwong Henry G. Lenz Joseph McCann Michael G. Power Roy D. Sarcona Anthony S. Shami Paul M. Tierney ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Founders' Circle Kelley A. Bergstrom Eldred J. Harman Order of the Bell Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish Ill Foundation Club Warren R. Madden William J. Rickert LampliJSier's Club EricJ. ~ist Jeremy D. alvin Hubert M. Lattan Emerson D. Linney Executive Director's Club Bob and Joyce Bateman Robert 0. Brown James R. Carson Gilbert L. Comstock Jeremy D. Dickinson Philip J. Dvorak Kenneth R. Hook Gerald D. Love Harold D. Osoorne Ralph H. Ruedy Thomas J. Ruzicka John 0 . Sanderson Thomas J. Tott Gold Star Club Keith J. Bader Delmar E. Burkett William W. Chmelar Dale M. Cochran Benjamin D. Foot Stanton E. Fritz Forest L. Goetsch David L. Hancock David K. Little Charles J. Rehman Jr. Jose L. Torres John J. Veak

Chevron Club Lawrence S. Carlson Barry L. Croucher David A. Duda Richard L. Ewen Greg~ M. Rusk Cesar . R. V~a Crossed Swo s Club Robert A. Handelman Harold J. Reihman ALPHA RHO (West Virginia) Lampl~hter's Club Victor . Folio Gold Star Club Nicholas G. Evans Robert J. Laughner Crossed Swords Club L. Joseph Ciervo Ill Charles E. Smith ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Lamplighter's Club William T. Sigmon Executive Director's Qub Thomas H. Banks James T. Cogdill Frank M. Pugh J. Alfred Southerland James R. VanFrank Jr. Gold Star Club Christ'lf.her J. Palmisano David . Sftalding Chevron Cub Gre~ and Teresa Carpenter Rob1n B. Meadows Crossed Swords Clut> Michael A. Ashe Wei J. Chiang Kenneth R.Parkinson Henry C. Settle ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer) Council Club Gordon B. Writ t Lampl~ter's lub Cedric . Dustin Ill Executive Director's Club Benjamin M. Cahill Jr. Dav1d B. Dobson Robert E. Hawkins Charles P. Kapp Geo~e W. Kirkland Jr. Davi M. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Powell Edward Rebula Bill and Bette Roberts Stephen S. Strunck Hakf Zimmer Gol Star Club Richard J. Andrews Jim Bernstein David Dropkin George J. Hoffer Gelston Howell Jr. Steven H. Kaitz John W. McMahon Erik B. Nagel Christopher J. Parks Kermit G. Pratt James F. Rappolt Jr. Ernest R.Stacey Chevron Club John B. Ma~enot Jr. Benjamin T. porn Crossed Swords Club Milton C. Beveridge Jose G. Castro Anthonl and Amy DeGiulio Oscar . Prat



$250,000- $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE

$1 00,000 - $249,999 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000- $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000- $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000- $24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000 - $9,999 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB


$1,000 - $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB

$500- $999 CHEVRON CLUB


$1- $249

ALPHA UPSILON {Drexel) Council Club Walter K. She~ard Lampli%hter's lub Martin . Burrows Leonard J. DiCarlo Frederick W. Schmehl Executive Director's Club Samuel J. Costa Jr. Harold A. Cowles Raymond L. Davis John D. Knoll Jr. John N. Marshall Vicko J. Mel ada Clifford M. Price John W. Simmons II Richard L. Sullivan Gold Star Club Robert D. Austin Thomas E. Berl< John H. Buhsmer Jr. Walter W. Dearolf Jr. Kenneth J. Dirl<es Philip R. Earley Gino A.Fortunato John H. Gardner Nonman E. Grede ~mond H. Griffin ur J. Jones Eu~ene R. Kiehl Ra ph E. Klesius Charles S. Kuntz Osborne C. Miller Jr. Samuel R. Parris Robert F. Thorp Jr. Frederic S. Woerth Chevron Club Dale R. Haring Gregory R. Hess Robert E. Imbrogno Walter W. Lovell Frederick H. Staiger David C. Waltman Crossed Swords Club David W. Alberts Clarence R. Crede George M. Fitchko William H. Hitchens Andrew J. K~el Jr. George B.Mu in Joseph A. Sheppard John A. Webb

ALPHA CHI {Miami) Executive Director's Club Melford C. Hopkins Chevron Club Richard H Dougherty Jr.

ALPHA PHI {II~ Lampli~hter's Cub Martin . Kotsch Kenneth J. Peterson John P. Sachs Executive Director's Club Nathanael P. Gombis James M. Kelly Roger L. Peterson Edwin N. Searl Paul W. Wagner Alan W. Wendorf Gold Star Club Michael F. Barr John T. ~ins Richard . ughes Matthew E. Hunt James D. Leberle Chevron Clu Ed and Marsha King Jack R. Piper Crossed Swords Club Steven J. Banaska Joseph M. Conti Thomas A. Francescangeli Jr. Joshua P. Hahn zachaz P. Hartnett Jesus . Iglesias Riaz A. Moledina Edward Sicher Jr. Kenneth L. Slepicka Charles H. Small Andrew Be. Swantek Richard D. Thompson II Christopher D. Tyson

BETA ALPHA {NJIT) Order of the Rose Stephen P. DePalma Council Club James A. Krucher John F. Lee Jr. Foundation Club David M. White Lamplighter's Club Joseph J. Manfredi John E. Pu81iesi Executive ireclor's Club Frederick Becker Jr. Theodore D. Cassera Edward J. Klebaur Jr. Richard M. Labinsky Richard J. Rodrick Gold Star Club John R. Albright Richard V. Comiso Patrick Guerra Karlis V. Kopans Donald C. Linske Alvin Olsen Richard Pedersen Kenneth J. Scheck Jr. Jacob VanBroekhoven Chevron Club John A. Alfonso Alan lanuzzi Lawrence A. Kominiak Sr. William J. Krouse Karl Kubak Anthonb V. Mangone James . Snodgrass Jr.

ALPHA PSI {Indiana) Order of the Bell Phillip M. Summers Lamplighter's Club Rodney L. Gunning Jefferson S. Shreve T.J. Sullivan Executive Director's Club Wiliam D. Day Jr. Joseph F. Lux Richard L. Stutz Gold Star Club Gerald L. Allen Max A. Fawley David C. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Louderback Kevin L. McDonald Chevron Club Brandon A. Baltz James R. Crews Jr. Joseph M. Drozda Jr. Nicholas A. P. Foote James P. Halsey Brian D. Kelly James M. McCollough James E. Witek Crossed Swords Club Bradley C. Davidson Steven W. Dean John J. Fierst CarlT. Harlan Michael Hole Wesley A. Huesman Michael C. Petro Richard D. Spear Jim Williams ALPHA OMEGA {Oregon) Gold Star Club Donald D. Lasselle Stanley C. Lynch Robert D. Potts Chevron Club Robert E. Davis Gil and Miriam Lissy David A. Stewart

Richard H. Stephan Robert G. Vande Vvrede Francis J. Wood Christopher R.Wymer Crossed Swords Club John Bernet Sean P. Butler Louis Chen Scott Jolliffe Vincent A. Salzone Jr. Dan D. Trass BETA BETA {Florida Southern) Lamplighter's Club Carl M. Koch David L. Robertson Executive Direclor's Club Donald P. Brown Gold Star Club William M. Fraser Jr. Kennis S. Ketterer Jr. BETA GAMMA \Louisville) Lamplighler's Cub Spencer E. Harper Jr. Chevron Club Winson L. DeWitt BETA DELTA {Drake) Council Club James D. Hornbrock Foundation Club Robert A. Cione Executive Director's Club Jeffres D. Miller Gold tar Club Paul H. Gilman Robert M. Moody Kenneth J. Piller Norris D. Rowland Chevron Club James Labiak Bruce N. Swanson Crossed Swords Club Paul H. Davis Alan S. Gamis Dru D. Goodman Martin R. Radtke John M. Street BETA EPSILON {Missouri) Foundation Club Jay J. Stuckel Executive Director's Club Keneth X. Lissner Walter T. Richards Laurence G. Trudell Gold Star Club Matthew J. Basta Chevron Club Bradle~t路 Barondeau David . E~rson George E. rjyde Jr. Kenneth C. ~and Crossed Swor s Club Gregory J. Chase Harry L Dilley Jerry M. Dowell Charles H. Garner Andrew D. McCarthy Willitt S. Pierce Christofher c. Vomund Michae S. Wallace Frank J. Wilfing BETA ZETA {SimP.son) Crossed Swords Club John and Louise Parsons Robert Spencer Trevethan BETA ETA {Florida State) Foundation Club William J. Niedenthal lamplighter's Club Howard E. "Buz" McCall Jr. Executive Director's Club Thomas H. Atwood Christian J. Downs Gilbert G. Fernandez James Morrow Lloyd James W. Newman Jr.

Gold Star Club Leo Almerico Brian C. Baber Donald A. Bowlin Charles D. Chao John R. Corbett Hugo H. deBeaubien Alfred R. Dickey Jr. Jeffr~ M. Holler Guy . Hollingsworth Michael S. Loy Kenneth K. Majewski James B. Newman Jonathan E. Stevens Nonnan D. Stoddard Chevron Club Raymond W. Jones Michael R. Kryzanek Crossed Swords Club Jolyon D. Acosta George M. Carter George T. Cottrlll Charles R. Cutajar Michael R. Gaudio Ryan C. Hay Jeffe~ E. H~an Seth . Klan ar Henry P. Land Jr. Stephen A. Messer Jesse A.Mohney James D. Nigro Travis S. Olson Dave and Tana Pavesic Christo~her L. Ricci lan E. hapiro Chris H. Spring Eric S. Wahlen Greg Winter BETA THETA (Arizona) Gold Star Club Sam R. Andress Russell T. Gilbert Chevron Club James R. Hambacher Sean P. Mahoney Crossed Swords Club Daniel J. Baker James C. Fritcher Ryan D. Leahy Ben J. Usen BETA IOTA g oledo) Foundation lub Robert C. Friess Lamplighler's Club J. Robert Shindell Gold Star Club Christopher E. Barton William G. Frederick George H. Hershman Craig A. Mlers Roger W. chiller Chevron Club Elmer J. Newness William C. O'Shea Gene E. Peterman Richard G. Rose Paul C. Simmon Richard H. Small~ Jr. Crossed Swords lub Edward Bachmeyer Jr. Nicholas T. Buchman BETA KAIPPA (Georgia State) Order of the Bell Kenneth J. Cribbs Executive Director's Club David R. DeMarco John B. Whitley Gold Star Club John W. Barber Patrick J. McCabe Donald E. Perkins Christopher M. Wilsey Chevron Club Eric C. Berry Larry C. Reinhardt Jr.

Crossed Swords Club Donald W. Clark Eli J. Cohen Alton P. Ewing Jr. Shawn M. James Ryan 0. Maldonado BETA LAMBDA (Tampa) Lamplit ter's Club Richar C. Swirbul Gold Star Club Wade Birch James R. Crosb~ James A. Gallag er Robert A. M~ers David J. Su ivan Chevron Club Wayde Manning Crossed Swords Club David Villarroel BETA MU (McNeese State) Foundation Club Richard B. Smith Lar~)Ji~ter's Club C. it IIAdrian Gold Star Club Paul A. Brown Crossed Swords Club Paul E. Cox Daniel R. Wilds BETA NU (Houston) Crossed Swords Club Timothy S. Ford Everett E. Magill Jr. Robert L. Matusek Kevin M. Visentin BETA XI (Central Michigan) Executive Director's Club Duane M. Valerio Gold Star Club Dale R. DeWaard Crossed Swords Club David R. Barberi Derek J. Berger BasiiJ.~rg

Mark P. ieslrak BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Order of lhe Bell David D. Morgan Sr. Chevron Club Jack P. McCain Jr. Crossed Swords Club John H. McTryre BETA RHO (Clarkson) Crossed Swords Club John F. Kruse BETA SIGMA (Norlhem Illinois) Chevron Club Nonnan J. Pollock Crossed Swords Club Robert E. Berry Gregory Bolotin Steven J. Jenkins Daniel Melchin Steven J. Peters Bryan S. Svercauski Jeremy L. Zafiros BETA TAU (Valdosta State) Executive Director's Club John T. Brooks Timothy R. Steedley Gold Star Club James M. Dowd Jonathan R. Scott Mark A. Waddell Hubert H. Wilford Chevron Club Charles M. Woodruff Crossed Swords Club Jason J. Diaz Dana T. Ingram Ill Tony Taylor Sr.

BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Foundation Club Daniel B. Kimball Jr. Lamplighler's Club Josep~ B. Yount Ill Executive Dtrec!or's Club John B. Browning William Couper Harwood W. Hughes Charles L. Nesbt! Jr. Gold Star Club Thomas G. Haudricourt Donald D. Slesnick II William J. Watson Ill Crossed Swords Club Jeffrey S. Craigmile Robert C. Ripley BETA PHI t Eas! Carolina) Gold Star lub Dennis R. Barbour Lawrence W. Haussmann Chevron Club Thomas C. Sadetta Crossed Swor s Club Thad A. Hart Jr. James E. Sams Ill BETA CHI bTexas A&M- Commerce) Executive irector's Club Kenneth L. Park Chevron Club Calvin L. Draper Timothy C. Lee BETA PSI t Tennessee Wesleyan) Gold Star lub Barry A. Saunders Chevron Club Nonris C. Bishop Jr. BETA OMEGA ~East Tennessee State) Lampl~hter's C ub DaVId . Evans Executive Dtrector's Club Byron C. Brown Ronald K. Younger Gold Star Club John N. Boronkay Jr. Edward P. Bowers Eugene W. Smith Chevron Club Thomas A. ManninPt Crossed Swords C ub Michael C. Moody Robert J. Spirko GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Council Club Joseph L. Alexander Executive Director's Club Hal W. Bloom Jr. Gold Star Club James J. Withers Chevron Club Jack S. Garnett Jr. Seth C. Jackson Terry Tate Crossed Swords Club Truman H.Brown JeffretS. Grimsley Jr. Ba~ . Outlaw Tren A. Ta~lor Joshua A. anZile GAMMA BETA ~Old Dominion) Executive Direc or's Club Matthew St. Claire Parker David Simas G. Thomas White Gold Star Club Philip C. Davenport Jr. William G. Jenktns Paul L. Moses Thomas E. Treichler Chevron Club Samuel F. Bryant Donald L. Dixon Richard G. Howard Michael P. Rosenblatt Joseph H. Simas James C. Vollmers Crossed Swords Club William E. Dengler William W. Kirby IV

GAMMA GAMMA (!rot State) Executive Director s C ub Laurence S. Tunrin Crossed Swords Club William A.Caulhen Jr. Shawn and Julie Gillis John J. Harter! GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Order of the Bell Thomas L. Carter Lampli~hter's Club DaVId . Everson Executive Director's Club Robert M. Biesiot Jr. Richard D. Franklin Henry H. Groves Gold Star Club Herbert W. Blow Charles L. Hall II Todd M. Peterson Gary A. Vanasek Chevron Club ArthurN. Demetriou Thomas F. Lynch Crossed Swords Club Ryan C. Crews Benjamin P. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Wes Russell Ryan A. Smith GAMMA EPSILON (Western Carolina) Lampli~ter's Club Marvin . Cope Executive Direclor's Club Larry F. Callicutt William F. Willis Gold Star Club Robert B. Shaver Sr. Crossed Swords Club James C. Hincher Brian C. Killius GAMMA ZETA (West Virginia Tech) Gold Star Club Clifton A. Smith Chevron Club Dennis "Den" C. Neidert GAMMA ETA (Athen~ Executive Director's lub Thomas S. Reinke Chevron Club Stephen C. Jones GAMMA THETA (North Carolina- Wilmington) Executive Direclor's Club James M. Corcoran Gold Star Club Leonard H. Hanris Henry C. Menritt Jr. Chevron Club William D. McCaujlhan Jr. Hugh C. Newkirk r. Francis L. Wootton Crossed Swords Club Larry M. Long GAMMA IOTA (Louisiana State) Gold Star Club Geoffrey R. BeattY Beaur~ard A. Fournet Ill Michae G. Porche Crossed Swords Club Brant D. Blanchard GAMMA KAIPPA (Georgian Southern) Council Club Glenn Aspinwall Foundation Club Perry W. Buffin~ton Executive Direc or's Club Roland M. Berry Martin W. NeSmith Josej:>h W. Odom Jr. Gold Star Club Lee W. Davis Buford L. Keene St~hen L. McClure Ri ard W. Seaman Chris and Christine Wagner Chevron Club David J. Centofanti Jamie L. Deloach Matthew L. Woodcock Crossed Swords Club Eric T. Decker Kelly C. Penn Jeffrey B. Thomason

GAMMA LAMBDA (Missouri - Rolla) Crossed Swords C(ub Ryan M. Francka GAMMA MU (Belmont Abbey) Gold Star Club Gregor~,F- Kusic


$250,000- $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE



$50,000 - $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000 - $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000-$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000- $9,999



$1 ,000 - $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB

$500 - $999 CHEVRON CLUB

$250 - $499



g~s~~ ~~rds Club

Bruce A. Martin

GAMMA NU (LaGrange) Executive Director's Club J. Wiley Bryant Ralph D. S1ms Gold Star Club Ronald L. Farr Crossed Swords Club Patrick M. Await GAMMA XI (Georgian Southwestern) Council Cluli William L. Finney Executive Direcfor's Club Michael W. Hall David W. Suppes Gold Slar Club Boyce E. Miller Ill Ean W. Woodward Crossed Swords Club Anson L. Booker Jr. Brandon W. Crandall Brian C. Czerw Daniel R. Dupree Theodore H. Horton Cecil G. Strickland Jr. GAMMA OMICRON (Bethel) Crossed Swords Club William G. Bender GAMMA RHO (Lander) Executive Director's C(ub James T. Lusk Gold Star Club Stephen P. Kodman Marion E. Thomas Barry C. Young Chevron Club Glen M. Chaney John and Lynn Stanfield Crossed Swords Club William C. Chewning Toby A. Hollingsworth H. Michael Longshore Richard E. Loper James B. Pearson Everett B. Stubbs Ill GAMMA TAU (North Texas) Chevron Club Thomas R. Hall

~nd~~:~~~~~N (Oklahoma State) Barry L. Howell Lamplighter's Club Gilbert 0 . Sanders Crossed Swords Club Brian D. Stanley

GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) Council Club Frank D. Havard Gold Star Club Michael E. Gabel K. P. Hendrix Bill and Joan Ishee Thomas B. Peterson John G. VanDerwood Chevron Club James C. Dalton David V. LaRosa Jr. Crossed Swords Club Matthew B. Corl<er Charles L. Downing Stephen J. Niehuss

g~~r:tB~~bari Ryan L. Stinnett

GAMMA PSI (Augusta) Executive Director's Club Justin and Erin Benfield

~:~:Veo~~~~r(~~?~tvallo) David E. Wigginton Gold Star crub Royce L. Lader DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) Gold Star Club Robert M. Loadwick William J. Ryan Chevron Club Glenn N. Byrd Paul W. Dennis Edward R. Dieterle II George M. Rowland Crossed Swords Club Hung-Yu Hsu Robert A. Quicke Jr. Robert B. Ritchie Jr. Timothy J. Sowder William A. Taylor Ill DELTA BETA ~orth Georgia) 1

ยงr:V~ ~g~te~~c~~on

Andy 0. Smith Executive Director's Club Richard C. Barr Jr. Jonathan W. Woodward Brian J. Yarbrough Gold Star Club Viclor C. Eilenfield Victor D. Irvin Richard P. Moultrie BiiiW. Pope P.J. Rodgers Chevron Club Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fabozzi Jerry H. Purvis Jr. Thomas D. West Jr. Col. and Mrs. Paul W. Wingo Crossed Swords Club Todd E. Baldonado Reginald L. Banks Chnstian and Angela Durham Roy L. Fishel Kurt T. Fricton Stephen J. Fugedy Daren S. Knanch Charles E. Mitchel Stephen B. Pritchett DELTA DELTA (Truman State) Council Club John R. Andrews Foundation Club Charles J. Barnard LamQiighter's Club Irvin P."Howard Ill Executive Director's Club Darryl C. Beach Dav1a L. Ewigman


Stephen R. Schneider Josh A. Wansing Michael R. Zolezzi Gold Star Club Michael R. Wood Chevron Club Tim B. Barth Vernon E. Wunnenberg Jr. Crossed Swords Club James M. Shumake g~ ~T~~f8 1~~N (Jacksonville State) 1 1 Horace D. Buttram Jr. H. Joe Patterson II Chevron Club Barton L. Chandler Joel S. Shedd Crossed Swords Club Josef[ L. Johnson Jr.


DELTA ZETA (APpalachian State) Lamplighter's Club Gregory A. Honeycutt Gold Star Club


William E. Maycock Steven E. Miller

Chevron Club Michael H. Buff Bruce E. Greenland Crossed Swords Club Richard Batson Jim Mason DELTAETA (Morehead State) Executive Director's Club John F. Moser Gold Star Club Gregory L. Kring Chevron Club Gerald E. Slone Crossed Swords Club Jonathan E. Conwell Scott A. Murphy Bruce R. Pommier R. "Neno" Reynolds II Jared M. Rosselot DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee State) Gold Star Club Kevin R. Hunter Chevron Club J. Scott Davidson Crossed Swords Club James P. Allen Jonathan E. Campbell Patrick I. Garcia Matthew T. Hughes Lonnie L. McCOy Ill Steven M. Peters Joseph R. Torrento Joseph E. Whitehead

g~';~~~~~~N8~ Carolina - Pembroke) Bruce E. Tanner DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina - Charlotte) Foundation Club William C. Jackson Jr. Lamplighter's Club Francis "Bo" Proctor Jr. Gold Star Club Michael J. Bolton David S. Higgins Charles A. M"arus Chevron Club Rese E. Farrish Jr.

ttifl~~ k~~~Yd


William S. Mumford

t~~s~~:grds Club

Michael J. Grass Robert A. Higgins Brian K. Roland James G. Smiley Ill

g~~~~~~estem Kentucky) Carlos D. Tatum Crossed Swords Club William T. Shouse DELTA XI (North Alabama) Crossed Swords Club Gregory F. Gray Terry E. Lewey Jr. DELTA OMICRON (Nicholls State) Chevron Club Jacques D. Frere RayS. Hebert

~~~ta~~W~t state> Bruce K. Rockwell DELTA RHO (Southern California) Executive Director's Club Edward A. Lang Ill Gold Star Club Charles M. Sarture II Chevron Club Richard K. Dukes DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green) Executive D1reclor's Club John P. Babel Gold Star Club Joseph L. Boroi John Kim Kevin M. Lotosky Crossed Swords Club Thomas J. Gadus

DELTA TAU (James Madison) Executive Director's Club Je:IJ P. Keilsohn Gal Star Club Brian D. Baldwin Crossed Swords Club Neil C. Dunn Scott J. Lewis Mark Moroney nmothy L. Reynolds DELTA UPSILON (Pittsburgh) Executive Director s Club Cha~es J. Rusbasan Crossed Swords Club Thomas J. Kaynak Joseph M. Lanzetta David J. Maccarone Michael G. Matthias DELTA PHI (Radford) Gold Star Club Kevin R. Keys Chevron Club John R. Spannuth Ill DELTA CHI (Kansas State) Executive Director's Club Michael C. Kallas Cra~ A. Swenson Gal Star Club Edward L. Enyeart Andrew G. Lammers J. nmotht Lindemuth Chevron lub Steven C. Hill Matthew C. Keller Patrick L. Thaete Dewey D. Williams Crossed Swords Club Dale W. Bushyhead DELTA PSI (Texas - Mngton) Council Club Mark F. Jacobs Lamplighter's Club Billrc L. Jacobs God Star Club Bill W. Alexander Crossed Swords Club Michael J. Laningham Anthony Robledo IV Todd A. Branson Anastacio J. Vargas DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Foundation Club Jason K. Dodd Executive Director's Club Thomas B. Sullivan Gold Star Club Enos C. Inniss Chevron Club Kenneth and Janene Martinec Crossed Swords Club David R. Ca~son Mark F. Munsell Matthew B. Fancher EPSILON ALPHA (Eion) Chevron Club Alan B. Medeiros Christian A. W~gins Crossed Swor s Club Lawrence J. D'Angelo Patrick C. Gallagher Trent R. Gilbert Alan F. Medeiros Brian C. O'Shea Michael J. Dunlap James B. Leslie Kyle A. Shade

EPSILON BETA (Grand Valley State) Foundation Club Ted R. Lukomski Crossed Swords Club Paul C. Johnson EPSILON GAMMA (Longwooo) Executive Director's Clu Donald C. Sisco II Gold Star Club Dale W. Rankin Crossed Swords Club Randi L. Zaremba

~~~~tg~ g~~fo~~~~~



Jackson Jr. David M. Smith Jr. Crossed Swords Club Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hartford nmothy N. Hatch EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia- Wise) Foundation Club D. Michael Donathan Gold Star Club George R. Becerra Chevron Club Francis G. Hunt EPSILON ET~nthro~ Executive Dir or's Clu Jeffre~ A. Mahoney Gold tar Club Thomas J. Sacco

~~~~t~~ b~~J~i~~~ Hall)

EPSILON NU /;California State- Sacramento) Lampli~ter's lub Robert . Langbein Executive Director's Club Todd J. Rehfuss Gold Star Club Waleed K. Alhashar Kim A. Spannuth Chevron Club James A. Cassinelli Steve and Lessley Curtis EPSILON XI (LaSalle) Chevron Club Nicholas A. Lordi Jr. EPSILON PI (Virginia Commonwealth) Chevron Club Brian C. Herrod EPSILON RHO (Lenoir-Rhyne) Foundation Club Donald R. Jarboe Executive Director's Club Kenneth C. Brown Gold Star Club Jeffrey W. Voletto Chevron Club Bill Rhyne Crossed Swords Club John V. Austin Jr Bruce R. Royer EPSILON SIGMAc!rhristian Brothers) Crossed Swords ub Jeffrey M. Sutch Kenneth D. Tucker

Leonard S. de Palma Gold Star Club Michael S. D'Amico Chevron Club Steven J. Veil

EPSILON TAU \St. Joesph's) Lampli~hter's C ub Vincen J. Thompson Jr. Crossed Swords Club Paul M. lngiosi

EPSILON IOTA (North Carolina- Greensboro) Executive Director's Club Chad A. Coltrane Jim and Kristi Shaw Crossed Swords Club Cha~es R. Cote Bruce P. O'Keefe

EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) LampliEhter's Club David . Hohnadel Roger G. Smith Executive Director's Club Jason R. Fischl Gold Star Club Perry W. Burton William C. Williams Chevron Club B. Lamar Doolittle Crossed Swords Club Jason D. Candler Donald M. Crume Parker A. Burdell Nathan B. Cohn Derek "Di[ly" Crume Justin A. Si:hooi;J Michael B. Taibi Jr. James C. Webb

EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Tech) Lampli~hter's Club Michae L. Hubsky Executive Director's Club n mothy S. Jackson James A. Ransom Gold Star Club Denis Hernandez Crossed Swords Club Daniel M. Gaines Hulet L. Norvell Elliott P. Skiles Lance S. Williford EPSILON LAMBDA(South Caolina- Spimlburg) Executive Director's Club William S. Weathers Jr. Chevron Club Kenneth 0. Saad Robert L. Wilder Ill EPSILON MU (Bradla) Executive Director's ub Paul T. Rice Chevron Club Robert J. Gromala Crossed Swords Club Ca~ L. Aten Nicholas P. Clemens Daniel J. Mulch

EPSILON PHI (Alabama- Birmingham) Execu~ve Director's Club Scott L. Mcleod Gold Star Club Joseph S. Davis Chevron Club Steve and April Lawrence EPSILON CH~Denver) Crossed Swo s Club Adam B. Andrews EPSILON PSitSiippery Rock) LampliJhter's lub Dav1d . Conn Chevron Club James J. Ramsey

Crossed Swords Club Ken Klimchock J. Scott Pilotti Kenneth A. Clare Travis R. Enscoe Andrew H. Hartwell Andrew E. Hlavsa Scott R. McCaskey EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Foundation Club James A. Weddin~ Lampl~ter's Clu Robert . Welsh Executive Director's Club Peter L. Dudle~ Edward G. Fin a Chevron Club David P. Galla~ her Jr. James T. Smi Wardell C. W~ht Jr. Crossed Swo s Club Drew A. Roberson Gregory B. Turner ZETA ALPHA ~lemson) LamJ~hter's lub Sea . Gasparini Executive Director's Club John R. Bradford Ill William A. White IV Gold Star Club Frank Yarborough Crossed Swords Club Jarrald Woodcock ZETA BETA bCalifomia- San Diego) Chevron Clu Andrew J. Ch~man Crossed Swo s Club Danton T. Kono ZETA GAMMA ~North Dakota) Executive Direc or's Club Erik D. Granstrom Steward E. Sandstrom Chevron Club David W. Kirkland Kirk J. Rustvold Crossed Swords Club Ryan W. Laffen Andrew J. Lutz EricJ. Matt Michael R. Nowacki ZETA DELTA (Shippensburg) Chevron Club Steven T. Merkel Crossed Swords Club nmothy J. Heffner Jeffrey H. Hiltner Matthew J. LaNeve ZETA EPSILON (Geo~e Mason) Executive Director's Cub Alan P. Duesterhaus Gold Star Club nmothy J. Quick Chevron Club Jeffr~ M. Armstrong Lee . Quick Crossed Swords Club Peter C. Sfe1jllar Michael U ell ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Executive Director's Club Steven J. Borowiec Chevron Club Matthew A. Berling Louis P. Venturella



$250,000 - $499,999 FOUNDERS' CIRCLE

$100,000-$249,999 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000- $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000- $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000-$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000 - $9,999 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB


$1 ,000 - $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB

$500-$999 CHEVRON CLUB


$1 -$249

ZETA THETA (Texas) Foundation Club Tracy D. Maddux Chevron Club Trek and Angela Oberpriller Jac Salmon Crossed Swords Club Marl< E. Mackenzie

ZETA CHI (Aibrigh~ Crossed Swords C ub Richard L. Carrione Jr. Andrew R. Holets

ZETA IOTA ~ndiana - Pennsylvania) Foundation lub Stephen E. Whitby Chevron Club J. Ross Jordan Crossed Swords Club Dirl< Boehmer Vaughn Koter

ZETA OMEGA (Towson) Gold Star Club Kevin D. Yates Crossed Swords Club Benjamin D. Wade

ZETA KAPPA (Richard Stockton) Crossed Swords Club Steven C. Meincke ZETA LAMBDA (Cal~ornia State - Chico) Lampnhter's Club Damel . Hitzke ZETA MU tCalifomia State- Northridge) Gold Star lub Charles R. Liu Stefan M. Wilcox Crossed Swords Club Eric D. Cearley, Ryan M. Pring e Rogers L. Adams Chnstopher J. Holden ZETA NU (West Chester) Crossed Swords Club John E. Twohig

ZETA PSI guPUI) Executive irector's Club Lance K. Burnside

ETA ALPHA (Concord) Gold Star Club Michael S. Spain Crossed Swords Club Douglas J. Montgomery ETAGAMMA ~do) Lam~i9/lter's lub

Erik . olle Executive Director's Club Bret M. Heidemann Chevron Club John N. Like Crossed Swords Club Kevin D. Graff David C. Shanklin ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Executive Director's Club Kenneth S. Smith Chevron Club Roy H. Little Ill WOodrow L. McEver Crossed Swords Club Robert D. Evans Robert K. Henson

ZETA XI ~verett) Chevron lub David J. Thomas Crossed Swords Club nmothC: S. Carter Brian . Fisher Gerald N. Isabelle Ill Christopher Jachimiak Anthon$ R. Martinez Derek . McGinthy

ETA EPSILON (Maryland) Gold Star Club Ross W. Knoblauch

ZETA PI ~arshall) Chevron lub Scott A. Roweka~ Crossed Swords ub Jerry B. Wiley

ETA THETA (San Francisco) Executive Director's Club Cosmo A. Taormina Crossed Swords Club Brian G. Hook Nelson E. Wong

ZETA RHO (Cal~omia State - Fullerton) Lamplitter s Club Victor . Valencia Chevron Club William T. Hite David Brian Reule Armando R. Sanbrano Crossed Swords Club Sean S. Kim RobertS. Kosch James J. Torres ZETA SIGMA (Camornia - Davis) Chevron Club Brian D. Jones Crossed Swords Club Andrew W. Kodis Tony and Lillian Moses ZETA TAU (Barton) Chevron Club Jason T. Ricks Crossed Swords Club James K. Beazley Ill Jesse Geyer ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg) Chevron Club Thomas M. Muller ZETA PHi l Colorado State) Chevron Cub Steven T. Gaiser Crossed Swords Club Patrick D. Hutchinson Walter H. Pape IV Drew W. Stroberg Michael T. Wilbourn

ETA ZETA (Queens) Crossed Swords Club James R. Connelly ~P. McGrath

1chael A. Surlak Scott M. Thomas

ETA IOTA tChristopher Newport) Gold Star lub Timothy D. Campbell Crossed Swords Club Marl< and Amy Bemecker ETA KAPPA (SUNY - Plattsburgh) Crossed Swords Club Robert Arnold Timothy and Jennifer Gray ETA LAMBDAt SUNY - Brockport) LampiWhter's lub J. Sco Atkinson Chevron Club William R. Wilkinson Crossed Swords Club Christ~her P. Mayer Robert . Rector ETA MU ~ingat~ Crossed words lub Corey A. Fulk Marl< A. Rollins ETA NU ~ennsylvania) Crossed words Club Gerard R. Levin ETA XI (SUNY- Albany) Gold Star Club Todd M. Wangler ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State) Gold Star Club John N. Harasciuk

ETA P~Coastal Carolina) Cross Swords Club Brian Behrens Ryan P. Kelly NeilS. Rose ETA RHO ~exas State) Executive irector's Club BrettJ. Lee Gold Star Club Robert L. Moffett Ill Crossed Swords Club Dustin L. Alexander Richard H. Kalmick Chad A. Schroeder B~an T. Whisenant K~e S. McKemy A ert C. Nftuyen Andrae L. umer ETA SIGMA ~UCLA) Chevron Clu Robert Soldat Crossed Swords Club Kenneth M. Chong ETA TAU ~Kentu~r? Crossed words ub Jon Nett William A. Jackson Patrick C. Proffitt Adam L. Story ETA UPSILO~Miami- Ohio) Executive Di or's Club John T. Healy Gold Star Club Brandon J. Tudor Chevron Club Erik D. Garrett Kyle P. Haeussler RobertJ. Hite John R. Tudor Crossed Swords Club Daniei M. Strom Eric T. Berl<e~ Adam N. Blo Brandon A. Jackson Joshua M. Poling John R. Smith Adam J. Solarz ETA PHI ~Maryland - Baltimore County) Crossed words Club Alex Bardakh Jordan T. Hadfield Christopher M. Manger Michae J. Rice ETA CHI g exas Christian) Crossed words Club Jeff D. Crane Jr. Alexander M. Johnson


Marl< J. Curg Matthew J. oust Joshua R. McNamara ETA PSI bCentral Florida) Chevron lub Joseph M. Sarrubbo Jr. Crossed Swords Club Peter R. Barnard Jr. Joseph Regenstein IV ETA OMEGA (New Mexico State) Crossed Swords Club Patrick and ~an Camunez Abel 0 . Garcia David I. Guerra Jean-Paul A. Monge Juan J. Suazo THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss) Foundation Cluti John W. Langley Crossed Swords Club Brandon J. Belote THETA DELTA (Florida International) Crossed Swords Club Aaron N. Abramoff Christopher B. Chong Oscar L. Grau Phillip L. Hamilton Jorge I. Tnay Jr.

~~T~t~!6~LbON (Kansas) BrianA. Rock Crossed Swords Club Jared W Thurston NEVADA-RENO ASSOCIATE CHAPTER Crossed Swords Club Jonathan R. Beitia Brian J. Matthew FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Council Club Estate of J. Rodney Harris Shirley L. Hardee Executive Director's Club Schoor DePalma Sue and Paul Cote Marion M. Miller Zeta Alpha Housing Corporation Gold Star Club Coca-Cola Compnay Matching Gifts Program Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ann WAtwood Mrs. Funmi Moka Mary L. Williams Rob1n J. Woolery Chevron Club Tractebel North America Services, Inc. United Way of The National Capital Area Action For Boston Comunity Development, Inc. Integrated Fiber Optics, Inc. Coca-Cola Enterpnses Bottling Companies Well Point Associate Giving Campaign Wachovia Foundation Mafching Giffs Program Obinna Asonye P. Dianne Damper Treve and Grace Gore Sandra J. Hudspeth Mojisola 0 . Manieson Nuru-Deen Olowopopo Kathleen A. Parker Mary A. Slade SBC Telecommunications, Inc. Crossed Swords Club Bank of America United Way Campaign T. Rowe Price Associates Foundationlnc. Pfizer Foundation Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Belden COT, Inc. Patricia Taiwo Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Rosamma Alexander Thomas D. Allison Jr. Alpha Phi Chapter Donna S. Anderson Ndudi C. Aniemeka Shola A. Bakare Dan S. Blalock Jr. Renee P. Brown Kiran Clayton-Grooms Adrian Cronauer Cart DeJongh Emeka S. Dunu Lori Hart Ebert Cotelia Fulcher Janet M. Griften

~~~eSf.W:Json Impact ~ealty, Inc. Jan L. Johnson Beverly B. Kercher Dorothy Kernan Beth A. Lehman Michael, Cherie and Jason Licamele James and Susan Lieber Jr. Victoria Mbachu Benjamin T. McCarthy John N. McClure IV Jane W. Meigs Mark S. Musselman Sampson Nkuku Margaret A. Noguez Samuel 0 . Nwaobasi James M. O'Connor Emmanuel C. Okafor Luciana Oloyede Tony A. Onyeabo Zachary ana Melissa Parker Annette L. Pucheu

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation works hard to accurately reflect each name in the annual report. If your name was omitted or misspelled, or if you found any other error, we appologize in advance for this oversight. To report a mistake, please contact Betsie Fehr at (800) 929-1904 ext. 103 or via e-mail at bfehr@pikapp.org .

Mark I. Roth Stevan G. Sarac Sanjay Shah lkecllukwu C. Ukeje Edwin 0 . Ukpaby Adaeze I. Umeh Josephine A. Uwazurike Emily S. Weseman Betty J. Wilson DaVId Zaboli Aventis Matching Gifts Prggram Gamma Zeta Cliapter of Delta Gamma JustGive AT&T Lockheed Martin Allstate Giving Campaign Patrick and Jennifer Acurio Chika and Kate Aguanunu George and Stella Anele Kalaj1ne E. Anigbogu Reg1na W. Banaszewski Rachel Barksdale Lizbeth Bistrow Kenneth and Phylis Blasingham Laneen Blount Barbara H. Cathey Angela Cloud-Simmons James C. Cole Paul and P.O. Collingsworth Ellen Connolly Cristen Covarriba Debra L. Dell Luke A. Detolve Kath\' Detolve Jide Ebietomiye Vitto Ezeji-Okoye Helen N. Ezenwa L R. Green Marie A. Grimaldi Paula Holderman Impact Realtv Inc. Dwight and Charlotte Jackson Ke{foundation Ke1th and Monica Kinslow Frank Konrath Kreative Xpressions John and Clara Littau Rosa Lopez Lori A. McCurdy Nancy and nmothy McDonath RebeCca L. McKinley Carolyn Merrill Paula Nelson Cheryl D. Nwankwo E S. Nwansi Chinwe Nwazota


Margaret 0. Ogunlari Chnstiana Okoye Emmanuel ancf Clarice Opara James and Sandra Pletz Theodore and Priscilla W. Porter Thomas and Marie Pryor Linda Rayford Mohammad and Tahira Sarwar Georgean B. Simmons Robert C. Sneckenberger Helen Tannenbaum Lydia 0. nema nmoth_y and Peggy Tripp Lolita E. Tuohy Joe I. Ude Christian Ukachukwu O~~ard Ukaegbu Susan C. Vondrak Jo Ann Wadley

schol<u-ships Endowed through the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, this program annually recognizes deserving student members with merit-based scholarships. The names listed below are the scholarship winners for 2005. Pi Kapp Scholars The oldest and most prestigious of the fraternity's academic awards, the Pi Kapp Scholars program recgonizes juniors and seniors who combine consistently outstanding academic performance with leadership and service to the fraternity on their respective campuses. Brandon J. Belote I THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss) Jonathan M. Cayce 1EPSILON PHI (Alabama- Birmingham) Matthew R. Myrick I ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota) Justin M. Smith 1ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Thomas E. Wei 1PSI (Cornell) Zachary S. Zimmerman I THETA EPSILON (Kansas)

Turnaround Scholars Presented to brothers who demonstrate hard work and character by making significant and sustained improvement in their academic performance. Cameron S. Sparks 1ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Brenden D. Tower 1ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer) Outstanding Associate Members Awarded to associate members or newly initiated brothers whose academic performance sets a standard and example for other chapter members to follow. Anthony J. Hoover ITHETA EPSILON (Kansas) Adam C. Passarelli IALPHA PSI (Indiana) An kit K. Patel ! EPSILON PHI (Alabama- Birmingham)

chapter investment funds


The Foundation maintains restricted , chapter endowment accounts for each of Pi Kappa Phi's undergraduate chapters. Known as Chapter Investment Funds (CIF), alumni can support the Foundation, while at the same time, earmark their tax-deductible gift to directly benefit the leadership and academic development initiatives of their own chapter. Listed below are those individuals who supported Chapter Investment Funds in 2005. ALPHA C{haMeston) David H. Jaffee Dennis M. Jaffee Richard P. Pierce KAPPA (North Carolina) Harold A. Barrett John H. Biggers Jr. Steven L.Briganti Robert T.McCollum Walter W. Vatcher LAMBDA (Georgia) Mary A. Slade XI (Roanoke) John R. Churchill Ancel B. Davis Jr. Henry H. Downing Jr. Stephen A. Esworthy Ronald McCormack Matthew W. Plasket James C. Turk E. Joseph VonCulin Allen 0. Woody Ill OMICRON (Alabama) Microsoft Matching Gifts Program David R. Adams John R. Blevins UPSILON (Illinois) Patrick and Jennifer Acurio Chika and Kate Aguanunu Rosamma Alexander Thomas D. Allison Jr. Alpha Phi Chapter George and Stella Anele Ndudi C. Aniemeka Kalaiine E. Anigbogu Obinna Asonye Shola A. Bakare Rachel Barksdale Lizbeth Bistrow Laneen Blount Renee P. Brown Barbara H. Cathey Kiran Clayton-Grooms Angela Cloud-Simmons Ellen Connolly Cristen Covarriba P Dianne Damper Debra L. Dell Kathy Detolve Luke A. Detolve Emeka Samuel Dunu Jide Ebietomiye Vitto Ezeji-Okoye Helen N. Ezenwa Cotelia Fulcher LR. Green Janet M. Griften Marie A. Grimaldi Debra S. Hogan Paula Holderman Whitney A. Hudson Impact Realty, Inc. Dwight and ChaMotte Jackson Jan L. Johnson Dorothy Kernan Keith and Monica Kinslow Frank Konrath Kreative Xpressions Beth A. Lehman John and Clara Littau Rosa Lopez Mojisola 0. Manieson Vicloria Mbachu Benjamin T. McCarthy Lori A. McCurdy Nancy and Timothy McDonath Carolyn Merrill

ChaMes N. Moka Mrs. Funmi Moka Mark S. Musselman Paula Nelson Sampson Nkuku Cheryl D. Nwankwo E S. Nwansi Samuel 0 . Nwaobasi Chinwe Nwazota Vince A. Nyenke James M. O'Connor Grace E. Odibo Margaret 0. Ogunlari Emmanuel C. Okafor Christiana Okoye Nuru-Deen Olowopopo Luciana Oloyede Tony A. Onyeabo Emmanuel and Clarice Opara Kathleen A. Parker Patricia Taiwo James and Sandra Pletz Linda Rayford Stevan G. Sarac Mohammad and Tahira Sarwar J. Gunnar Schalin Saniay Shah Georgean B. Simmons Helen Tannenbaum Lydia 0. Tiema Timothy and Peggy Tripp Lolita E. Tuohy Joe I. Ude Christian Ukachukwu Edward Ukaegbu lkechukwu C. Ukeie Edwin 0. Ukpaby Adaeze I. Umeh Josephine A. Uwazurike Susan C. Vondrak Jo Ann Wadley Emily S. Weseman Mary L. Williams Betty J. Wilson Robin J. Woolery David Zaboli CHI (Stetson) J. Patrick Figley PSI (Cornell) Pi Kappa Phi Properties Richard G. Anderson John H. Angus Robert A. Cione Kenneth J. Cribbs Michael A. Davis William L. Finney Michael, Cherie and Jason Licamele James and Susan Lieber Jr. William F. Newell James G. Pritchett Jr. Thomas and Marie Pryor Mark I. Roth Edmund A. Sayer David M. White Richard C. Yudin-Fitzherbert OMEGA (Purdue) Patrick J. Kuhnle William F. Newell ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Brian P. Walker ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert D. Kelly Jr. Brian P. Walker Stephen E. Whitby

Todd Porterfield Scholarship Robert D. Kelly Jr. ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Mark 0 . Bundy ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom Frank M. Parrish Ill Thomas J. Tott ALPHA PHI (liT) Matthew E. Hunt BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Krutcher Scholarship James A. Krutcher BETA DELTA (Drake) Paul H. Davis BETA ETA (Florida State) Allen 0 . Woody II I GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Thomas L. Carter Arthur N. Demetriou William L. Finney GAMMA IOTA (Louisiana State) Gamma Zeta Chapter of Delta Gamma Laney Gascon and Brant Blanchard Kenneth and Phylis Blasingham Paul and P.O. Collingsworth Treve and Grace Gore Zachary and Melissa Parker Annette L. Pucheu GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Matthew L. Woodcock GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney Boyce E. Miller Ill GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) John G. VanDerwood DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Hardee Memorial ShiMey L. Hardee David W. Huss William E. Maycock DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee State) Arthur N. Demetriou ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Paul and Sue Cote Kevin Cote Memorial John R. Bradford Ill Rebecca L. McKinley Zeta Alpha Housing Corporation ETA LAMBDA (SUNY- Brockport) J. Scott Atkinson ETA UPSILON (Miami- Ohio) Erik D. Garrett Kyle P. Haeussler John T. Healy Daniel M. Strom Brandon J. Tudor Stephen E. Whitby ETA PSI (Central Florida) Joseph Regenstein IV

gateway society The Gateway Society recognizes those individuals who make known to the Foundation their plans to include Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans or have made a gift to the Foundation through a bequest, trust, annuity or life insurance benefit. Members who have indicated that Pi Kappa Phi has been included in their estate plans are listed here. ALPHA (Charleston} Daniel B. BarT)' Julius E. Burges David H. Jaffee Jason A. Schall Richard B. Voomeveld Ernest L. Zinkowski GAMMA (California - Berkeley} Neil B. Weatherall Robert L. Whelan ZETA (Wofford} Jesse C. Crimm ETA (Emory) Primus S. Hipp KAPPA (Norlh Carolina} W. Stuart Hicks LAMBDA (Georgia} Frank L. Lane James L. Lester Thomas P. Tappy David E. Tidmore XI (Roanoke} Edward J. Bennett Daniel R. Clow Edward L. Corson II Reginald W. Gravely, Jr. Durward W. Owen John J. Ribar, Jr. James C. Turk Allen 0 . Woody Ill Dudley F. Woody OMICRON (Alabama} Travis P. Julian A.J. "Lonnie" Strickland Ill RHO (Washinglon & Lee} Richard G. Anderson SIGMA (South Carolina} James A. Quinn II UPSILON Illinois James G. Schalin Thomas H. Watts Phillip S. Whipple PSI (Cornell} Richard S. Shull OMEGA (Purdue} David G. Lane David L. Johnson Edwin T. Sherwood

ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer} Jamey R. Porter ALPHA DELTA (Washington} Slanley J. Gratis ALPHA EPSILON (Florida} Albert E. Luer Michael L. O'Donnell Mark E. Timmes ALPHA ZETA (Orgeon State} David H. Vawter ALPHA THETA (Michigan State} Stanley J. Gratis

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State} Kenneth J. Cribbs John B. Whitley BETA UPSILON (Virginia} Walter H. Brinkman Glenn A. Dickson BETA PHI (East Carolina} Douglas L. Uttiken GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama} Roger L. Reed

ALPHA IOTA (Au bum} Bogart S. Reed

GAMMAKAPPA(Geagia Southern} Glenn Aspinwall PerT)' W. Buffington Patrick 0 . Manning

ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan} Mark E. Perrin

GAMMANU (LaGrange} Ronald J. deValinger

ALPHA MU (Penn State} Kevin K. Murphy

GAMMA XI (Geagia Souttmestem} Benjamin G. Croxton William L. Finney

ALPHA OMICRON {Iowa Stale} Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Frank M. Parrish Ill ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee} Michael D. Mynatt ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel} Richard N. Mensch ALPHA PSI {Indiana} Phillip M. Summers ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon} Dade M. Wright BETA ALPHA (NJIT} Stephen P. DePalma James A. Krucher Louis R. Miceli BETA BETA (Florida Southern} William J. Wallace Robert M. Weitzner BETA GAMMA (Louisville} Ronald E. Krebs Warren D. Robb BETA ETA (Florida State} Christopher D. New Jonathan E. Stevens

GAMMA PHI (South Alabama} Frank D. Havard GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo} R. Jeffery McGhee DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech} Jonathan A. Barney DELTA DELTA (Truman State} John R. Andrews DELTA EPSILON (Jackson~ State} Clyde J. McSpadden DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State} Arthur J. Quickenton DELTA LAMBDA (UNC- Charlotte} MatthewS. Brown William C. Jackson Jr. DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green} John P. Babel Kenneth N. Kaiser DELTA TAU (James Madison} Earle M. Copp Ill DELTA CHI (Kansas State} James T. Lindemuth DELTA PSI (Texas-Arlington} Mark F. Jacobs

16 EPSILON IOTA (Norlh Carolina- Greensboro} Steven T. Kirkman EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock} Matthew P. Stuart EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech} Timothy E. Haen ZETA ALPHA (Clemson} Jacob L. Carter Ill ZETA EPSILON (George Mason} Alan P. Duesterhaus James H. Perkins Jr. ZETA KAPPA (Stockton} Franco F. Catania ZETA LAMBDA (California State - Chico} Arden T. Anderson II ZETA XI (Averett} Peter A. Blum Jr. ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg} Paul W. Hadzor Ill ZETA PSI (IUPUI} Michael F. Gorski II ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State} James E. Jeffares ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State} Eric C. Hammer THETA ALPHA (Southern Miss} John E. Bezou Jr. John W. Langley THETA DELTA (Florida International} Alain D. Sanchez FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Lillian Jost Including Pi Kappa Phi in your estale plans is a powerful way to make a lasting impact on your fraternity. For more information about Pi Kappa Phi's Gateway Society, or general information about making a planned gift to your fraternity, please contact Tom Atwood at (800} 929-1904 ext. 104 or via e-mail at tatwood@pikapp.org.

memorial gifts The following members and friends of the fraternity made a memorial gift in memory of a brother or loved one who has passed to Chapter Eternal.


ALPHA (Charleston) Gary A. Catterton, i11 memory of Do11ald L Alexander

BETA ALPHA (NJIT} David M. White, in memory ofRobert]. Wilcox

BETA (Presbyterian) Frank C. Young Jr., i11 memory ofjohn T. You11g

BETA BETA (Florida Southern) Donald P. Brown, in memory of Miriam C. Braum

GAMMA (Cal~omia- Berkeley) Thomas J. Meagher, i11 memory of Stephen M. Deftos

BETA DELTA (Drake) RobertA. Cione, in memory ofRobert]. Wilcox

EPSILON (Davidson) Jesse C. Fisher, Jr., in memory ofHooper Alexander m Thomas F. McAfee Ill, in memory ofThomas F. McAfeeJr.

BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Charles H. Gamer, in memory ofAkmj. &wie

IOTA (Georgia Tech) Tom Lowndes Jr., in memory of Edwin F. Womack Jr. Evangelos J. Panousis, in menwry ofjoh" R Katz James G. Pritchett Jr., in memory of Robert). Wilcox LAMBDA (Georgia) Ralph F. Geronimo, in memory ofFra11k Cichanowic:z ill XI (Roanoke) Durward W. Owen, in memory of Hooper Alesa11der m Durward W. Owen, in memory of Mrs. Hele11 Blake Durward W. Owen, in 11Je1110ry of Thomas G. Carter Durward W. Owen, i11 memory of Wallie B./mzes]r. Raphael E. Ferris , in memory of PhilipJ. Malouf Sr. OMICRON (Alabama) James C. Baldone Jr., in memory ofjames C. Baldo1ze Sr. Herbert C. Bowling, in memory ofSidney F. F7emi11{J RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anderson, in memory of Wallie B. jonesJr. Richard G. Anderson, in 111e1110ry ofRobert]. Wilcox Robert L. Wade, in memory of Thomas B. Hobbes TAU (North Carolina State) Hunter B. Atkins, in memory of Burress L Kirkley UPSILON (Illinois) Charles N. Moka, in memory of Charles 0. Mokajr. PSI (Cornell) John H. Angus, in11ze~~wry of Robert]. Wilcox John K. Beresny, in memory ofRobert). Wilcox MichaelA. Davis, in n~e~nory ofRobert). Wilcox William F. Newell, in '1Je11107Y ofRobert]. Wilcox

BETA ETA (Florida State) Thomas H. Atwood, in memory of Thomas G. Carter Gilbert G. Fernandez, in memory ofjames E. Nettles Dave and Tana Pavesic, in memory ofjames E. Nettles BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs, in memory of Robert]. Wilcox GAMMA IOTA (Louisiana State) Brant Blanchard in memory ofNicholasJ. Stidham GAMMA RHO (Lander) Barry C. Young, in memory of Frank A. Neil Jr. GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney, i11 IIJertwry of17wmas G. Carter William L. Finney, i11 memory of Robert]. Wilcox Boyce E. Miller Ill, in memory of Wesley Scott DELTA BETA (North Georgia) P.J. Rodgers, in memory of]. A. Moore Brian J. Yarbrough, in n~e~nory ofjerenry A. Chandler DELTAZETA (Appalachian State) David W. Huss, in n~e~11ory ofjabe V. Hardee ll William E. Maycock, i11 nwnory ofjabe V. Hardee ll DELTA TAU (James Madison) Neil C. Dunn, in memory of Evelyn Dunn EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) Perry W. Burton, i11 11Jer110ry of Terry P. McKi,.,.ie Derek "Dirty" Crume, i11 memory of David Cntme ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) John R. Bradford Ill, in memory ofKevi11 C. Cote

OMEGA (Purdue) David W. Peggs, in n~e~nory of Kenneth C. A11tmry

ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Roy H. Little Ill, i11 memory ofRonnie A. Kiser Roy H. Little Ill, in memory of William C. Maxwell

ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Peter T. Cummings, in memory of Morris V. Cummings

ETA RHO (Texas State) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kalmick, in memory of Melvin Kalmick

ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) Edwin K. Engelstad, in memory ofRichard 0. Panzer Craig C. Nelsen, in memory of Leroy E. Wamer

FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY In memory o{Henryj. Andernm]r. Donna S. Anderson I11 memory ofjoseph F. Banaszewski Regina W. Banaszewski In t11e1110ry ofKevi11 C. Cote Rebecca L. McKinley Zeta Alpha Housing Corporation In memory ofJabe V. Hardee ll Shi~ey L. Hardee

ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Lloyd P. Pardee, in memory of Ralph Fuller ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Lawrence C. Pharo Jr., in memory of Lawnmce C. Pharo ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Gilbert L. Comstock, in memory ofjudith Comstock

In memory ofNicholasj. Stidham Kenneth and Phylis Blas1ngham Paul and P.O. Collingsworth Gamma Zeta chapter of De~a Gamma Laney Gascon Treve and Grace Gore Zachary and Melissa Parker Annette L. Pucheu In memory of Robert]. Wilcox Michael, Cherie and Jason Licamele James and Susan Lieber Jr. Pi Kappa Phi Properties Thomas and Marie Pryor Mark I. Roth In memory of Charles 0 . Mokajr. Patrick and Jennifer Acurio Chika and Kate Aguanunu Rosamma Alexander Thomas D. Allison Jr. Geol})e and Stella Anele Ndud1 C. Aniemeka Kalajine E. Anigbogu Obinna Asonye Shola A. Bakare Rachel Barksdale Lizbeth Bistrow Laneen Blount Renee P. Brown Barbara H. Cathey Kiran Clayton-Grooms Angela Cloud-Simmons Ellen Connolly Cristen Covarriba P. Dianne Damper Debra L. Dell Kathy Detolve Luke A. Detolve Emeka S. Dunu Jide Ebietomiye Vitto Ezeji-Okoye Helen N. Ezenwa Cotelia Fulcher L R. Green Janet M. Griffen Marie A. Grimaldi Debra S. Hogan Paula Holderman Jan L. Johnson Dorothy Kernan Keith and Monica Kinslow Frank Konrath Beth A. Lehman John and Clara Littau Rosa Lopez Carolyn Merrill Mojisola 0 . Manieson Victoria Mbachu Benjamin T. McCarthy Timothy and Nancy McDonath Mrs. Funmi Moka

Paula Nelson Sampson Nkuku Cheryl D. Nwankwo E S. Nwansi Samuel 0 . Nwaobasi Chinwe Nwazota Vince A. Nyenke James M. O'Connor Grace E. Odibo Margaret 0 . ()gunlari Emmanuel C. Okafor Christiana Okoye Nuru-Deen Olowopopo Luciana Oloyede Tony A. Onyeabo Emmanuel and Clarice Opara Kathleen A. Parker James and Sandra Pletz Linda Rayford Stevan G. Sarac Mohammad and Tahira Sarwar Sanjay Shah Georgean B. Simmons Helen Tannenbaum Lydia 0 . nema nmothy and Peggy Tripp Lolita E. Tuohy Joe I. Ude Edward Ukaegbu Christian Ukachukwu lkechukwu C. Ukeje Edwin 0 . Ukpaby Adaeze I. Umeh Josephine A. Uwazurike Susan C. Vondrak Jo Ann Wadley Emily S. Weseman Mary L. Williams Betty J. Wilson Robin J. Woolery David Zaboli Alpha Phi Chapter Impact Realty, Inc. Kreative Xpressions

honorary gills The following members made an honorary gift to the Foundation in appreciation of a brother or loved one. ALPHA (Charleston) David H. Jaffee, in honor of]olm E. Huguley Jr. Dennis M. Jaffee, in honor ofjames B. Edwards BETA (Presbyterian) William F. Harris, in hmwr ofMrs. William F. Harris KAPPA (North Carolina) James L. Thompson, in hmwr of Willard B. Apple James L T'hofr4lson, in honor of David D. Camenmjr. James L T'hofr4Json, in honor ofWrlliam H. Willrenon LAMBDA (Georgia) Alberry C. Cannon Jr., in honor ofjohn F. Peck

BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma, in honor ofjoyce Goodman

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney, in hmwr of William S. Finney William L. Finney, in honor offoel M. Forrester Wdliam L. Fmey, in l•m>aro/Gharlesj. Huckleberryjr. William L. Finney, in honor ofjasper A. Maloy William L. Finney, in hmwr of Boyce E. Miller Til William L. Finney, in honor ofjames B. Pmul William L. Finney, in honor of William F. Walters William L. Finney, in hmwr of Edward S. Ward

BETA UPSILON (Virginia) J. B. Yount Ill, in honor of Durward W. Owen

EPSILON PI (Virginia Commonwealth) Brian C. Herrod, in honor of Newman Harrell

XI (Roanoke) Allen 0 . Woody Ill, in hmwrofThomas H. Atwood OMICRON (Alabama) Robert F. Inman, in honor of Durward W. Owen UPSILON (Illinois) Carl J. Poleskey, in ho•wrofCi•uli

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Joseph L. Alexander, in hmwr of Du1Wllrd W. Owen

nu phi society Members of the Nu Phi Society are alumni members who have attended five or more Supreme Chapters, who have been named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi or who have been inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. Each member makes an annual contribution calulated in relation to the date they were iniated. The following are the current members of the Nu Phi Society. ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel B. Barrt Julius E. Burges Sam Stafford II I Richard B. Voomeve/d GAMMA (California - Berkeley) Steven S. Ryder IOTA (Georgia Tech) Michael V. Cowan KAPPA (North Carolina)

W. Stuart Hicks J. Council/ Leak Thomas H. Sayre MU (Duke) William D. Fuqua Frank T. Wrenn Ill

XI (Roanoke) Edward J. Bennett Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen John J. Ribar Jr. James S. Stump Jr. James C. Turk Allen 0 . Woody Ill Dudley F. Woody OMICRON (Alabama) Harrt E. Caldwell Jr. R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian A.J. "Lonnie" Strickland Ill Paul C. Wesch

ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) William S. Finney Ralph S. Foster Jr. J. Ernest Johnson ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Eric J. Almquist Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Eldred J. Hanman Robert A. Lane Emerson D. Linney Warren R. Madden Frank M. Parrish Ill ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Walter K. Sheppard ALPHA PH/ (liD Nathanael P. Gombis ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Max A. Fawley T.J . Sullivan Phillip M. Summers BETA ALPHA (NJID Stephen P. DePalma Patrick Guerra James A. Krucher John F. Lee Jr. John E. Pug/iesi Kenneth J. Scheck Jr. David M. White BETA DELTA (Drake) Robert A. Cione

RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard G. Anderson

BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Jay J. Stucke/

SIGMA (South Carolina) Jerrt T. Brewer Kenneth J. Forti Walter Hays Pickens Jr.

BETA ETA (Florida State) Thomas H. Atwood

UPSILON (Illinois) Michael A. Lowery J. Gunnar Scha/in CHI (Stetson) J. Patrick Figley Bruce L. Rogers PSI (Come//) JohnS. Kirk William F. Newell OMEGA (Purdue) Patrick J. Kuhnle David G. Lane Gregory V. Linder Emmanuel O'Drobinak ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Albert E. Luer Robert J. Paterno Mark E. nmmes J. Jeffry Wahlen ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) David H. Vawter ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Matthew J. Shaheen

BETA IOTA (Toledo) J. Robert Shinde/1 BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs David R. DeMarco BETA MU (McNeese State) C. Mitchell Adrian Richard B. Smijh

DELTA BETA (North Georgia) Jonathan W. Woodward DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John R. Andrews Charles J. Barnard Irvin P. Howard Ill DELTA ETA (Morehead State) Gerald E. Slone DELTA LAMBDA (UNC- Charlotte) William C. Jackson Jr. Francis C. 路ao路 Proctor Jr. DELTA CHI (Kansas State) G. Lawrence Keller II/ J. Timothy Lindemuth DELTA PSI (Texas - Arlington) Billy L. Jacobs Mark F. Jacobs DELTA OMEGA (TexasA&M ) Thomas B. Sullivan EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia - Wise) David M. Donathan EPSILON NU (Cal State- Sacramento) Robert E. Langbein EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) Joseph A. Brady Ill EPSILON TAU (St. Joseph's) Vincent J. Thompson Ill EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) David L. Hohnade/ EPSILON PHI (Alabama - Binmingham) Scott L. Mcleod EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Scott C. Gasparini ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) Alan P. Duesterhaus ZETA ZETA (North Florida) Steven J. Borowiec

GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Joseph L. Alexander

ZETA THETA (Texas) Tracy D. Maddux

GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) David Simas

ZETA IOTA (Indiana - Pennsylvania) Stephen E. Whitby

GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Thomas L. Carter

ZETA RHO (Cal State - Fullerton) Victor C. Valencia Jr.

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Perrt W. Buffington

ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Bret M. Heidemann ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Kenneth S. Smith

GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney Earl W. Woodward

ETA OMICRON (San Francisco State) John N. Harasciuk

GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) Frank D. Havard

ETA RHO (Texas State) Brett J. Lee

In the end, the choice is

SLATE OF OFRCERS As determmed by the

nomination committee, the following candidates have been endorsed as the official slate for the 50th Supreme Chapter. Each individual IS listed with a biography under the office for which he was nominated. These men and any others successfully

nominated from the floor will be voted upon during the third session of Supreme Chapter on Sunday, July 30, 2006.


NATIONAL PRESIDENT JOHN R. ANDRaVS f.s an urxi!rgrOOuale,John ~~Ita Wta chapter at 1h= Slate Uni1~ty as !B:relaly, lrel&Jrer and ardJoo. f.s an alwnnus, he~ hl; chapter as

housing OO!p. presi<l!nt and capital campaign chaiJ: He has bren honorErl as Wta~lta's "Altunnus r:i tl1e Year' tllfre times, and 16:1 tlJe plruming, fund raising and 001icatioi1 r:i a oo.v ~as 111:!!1 as W~1 Wta's 25tll annil~ gift to tlJe unil~ty. Nalionally,john has ~oed alma;t eight}~ as a regiooal ga.en101; four}~ as a menmr:i Push America's board r:i dirooots. has stalfoo Pi Kaw College since 19'Xl, seMI! as chainnan r:i tl1e Centennial Commi5sion ruJd Centennial Supreme O!apleJ; and was ali tor r:i 71Je Brotberl.xxx:i. History ofPi Ko{pa Phi. On tlJe National Couocil,john has~ as natiooal chaplain, !wire as natiooal historiru1, national lrel&Jrer and national vice presicH!t john holds an M.BA and has~1tmore tllan 20)~ as a prr:iessional witll tl1e Boy Soouts r:i Anlerica He is cwrently tlJe CEO r:i a HXJ,<XXJ youtll n-enrer Boy Soout Couocil in Minre11XJ!is..&. Paul \\me he lile; witl1 his wife, O!eri, and their II\~ children.


NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT J.JEFFRYWAHUN Jeff is an initiate of the Alpha Epsilon chapter at the University of Florida and practices law in Tallahassee. His areas of practice include school law, telecommunications, public utility regulation, and consulting on election, gift and lobbying laws. jeff has a bachelor's and master's degree in accounting from Florida State University and graduated from tlle FSU College of Law. jeff has served as national chaplain, national chancellor, national secretary and as national treasurer. He has served as chapter advisor for Beta Eta (Florida State) and as an area governor for the state of Florida. jeff was Pi Kappa Phi's "Student of tlle Year" in 1985. He serves on the florida Board of Bar Examiners, recently finished service as chairman of the Greater Tallahassee Area Chamber of Commerce and is a graduate of Leadership florida. He has been married to his wife, Kris, for almost 20 years and has two sons, ages 10 and 7.

NATIONAL TREASURER MARK F. JACOBS Mark was initiated into the Delta Psi chapter at tlle University of Texas- Arlington on December 10, 1979. He was the chapter's first legacy; his brotller was a founding member. Mark served as historian, warden, vice archon and archon, and graduated with a B.BA in finance. He later received his M.B.A. from Butler University. Mark is a tllree-time recipient of the "Area Governor of tlle Year" award, and he's served 10 years as a board member for Pi Kappa Phi Properties-four as president. Mark has served on tlle national council previously as national chaplain, national historian and is currently national secretary. Mark resides in Dallas and is tlle senior vice president and manager of the Southwest office forGE Commercial Finance where he manages a staff of eight corporate lenders who specialize in large cap lending throughout Texas, Okla., Ark. and La. Mark has a son, Landry, who lives in Indianapolis, Ind.

NATIONALSECRETARY TRACVD. ~DUX Tracy is a founding father of the Zeta Theta chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. Tracy served his chapter in the office of archon as an undergraduate, and on the Zeta Theta Housing Corporation as an alumnus. Tracy worked as a staff member at national headquarters and as executive vice president of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. Inc. He has served as a chapter advisor for Alpha Psi chapter (Indiana) and as area governor for the Pacific Northwest Region. For the past two years, Tracy has served on the ational Council as the national historian. Tracy received his bachelor's degree in government at the University of Texas at Austin, and his M.B.A. in finance at Indiana niversity Kelley School of Business. Tracy lives with his wife, Donna, near Portland, Ore., where he is currently the president and CEO of Logic General, Inc., a manufacturer of CDs and DVDs.

NATIONAL HISTORIAN THOMAS B. SULLNAN Tom is a member of Delta Omega chapter at Thxas A&M University, from where he ean1ed a bachelor's degree in journalism and a master's in university administration. As an undergraduate, Tom completed temJS as Push America chair, chaplain and vice archon. As a recipient of Delta Omega's "Brother of the Year" award, Tom also represented his chapter as a vice president of t\&M's lnterfratemity Council. As an alunmi member, Tom was on the national headquarters staff as director of chapter services and has filled several advisory roles, including chapter advisor for Eta Chi (TCU), recruitment advisor for Delta Omega (Te.xas A&M) and faculty advisor for Eta Rho (Te.xas Stale). He has also served as a regional govem01; and was recognized as "Regional Govemor of the Year" in 2003. Also in 2003, Tom became the volunteer director of e.xpansion. Tom currently li~ in Austin, Te.xas, where he is director of student life forSt Edwards Unil'ersity.

NATIONAL CHANCELLOR DUDLÂŁY F. WOODY Dudley was initiated into Xi chapter at Roanoke College in 1971 where he served his chapter as treasurer and archon. Dudley graduated summa cum laude from Roanoke in 1974 with a bachelor's of business administration degree. He received a juris doctorate from tl1e University of Virginia School of Law in 1977. For 10 years Dudley served on the board of directors for Push America, holding positions as president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. Dudley currently lives in Roanoke, Va., with his wife, Natalie, and daughters Lauren, Nancy and Michelle. He is a principal in the law fim1 of Woods, Rogers, P.L.C.

NATIONAL CHAPlAIN DAVID M. WHilE Dave graduated from the New Jersey Institute of Technology with a degree in chemical engineering. As a student he was initiated into Beta Alpha chapter at NJIT and served temJS as archon, warden and chaplain. Since, Dave has proven himself as an active alunrni membet; volunteer and leader within the frarernityserving as a chapter advisor for Zeta Kappa (Stock1on Stare) as well as Beta Alpha (NJIT), as a member of the Beta Alpha board of overseers, and most recently as a regional govemor for the Empire Region. At the Centennial Celebration in 2004, Dave was recognized at "Regional Govemor of the Year'' and was inducted into the Nu Phi Society. Dave was also a member of the Cenlennial ConUllission. Acyclist on the Gear Up Florida 1ean1 in 2003, Dave has been involved with Push America as well. Raising more than $11,000, he was the top fund-raiser for the event Dave currently li~ in Middletown, N.Y., with his wife, Paula, where he is vice president of !echnical sales for Cardinal Color.

To register or to find more information, visit 50TH.PIKAPP.ORG .

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