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Oly fttr auk! Kamp OF THE

Ft Kappa PIO Nraternitll Vol. I.


No. 2.

Grand Journalist and Business Manager CHARLES K. Diu.nvoHAm....618 Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. Associate Editors HENRY P. WAGENER 6 Green Street, Charleston, S. C. J. DECHERD GUESS Hastoc School, Spartanburg, S. C. D. P. HARDY 1547 Euclid Avenue, Berkely, Cal. T. J. LIPSCOMB, JR. 1621 Marion Street, Columbia, S. C.


A Camping Trip in the High Sierra Nevada Mountains of California 27 "Steamboat Bill" 31 Institution of the North Carolina Epsilon Chapter 32 Constitution of the Inter-Fraternity Conference 36 Editorials


Chapter Letters


Historian's Department


Greek 'Clippings


Issued in November, February, May and August. Published by The R. L. ,Bryan Co., Columbia, S. C., Official Printers to the Fraternity.

(Officers of tile Pi Kappa 1111i 3)Traternitg HEADQUARTERS, CHARLESTON, S. C. ORGANIZED 1904.

Grand President L. HARRY Mixsox, Alpha...40 Montague St., Charleston, S. C. Grand Vice President 6 Green St., Charleston, S. C. H. P. WAGERER, Alpha J. D. CARROLL, Sigma

Grand Secretary Box 240, Columbia, S. C. Grand Treasurer Fowler, Cal.

H. L. Lorna, Gamma

Grand Historian N Broad St., Charleston, S. C. Stsiox Foomrry.,,Ta., Alpha Grand Journalist CHAS. K. DILLINGHAM, Sigma,618 Highland Ave, Newark, N.J. Grand Chaplain Hartsville, S. C.

C. E. BYRD, Delta Grand Custodian Gus E. REID, Beta

Rock Hill, S. C.

Grand Council L. HARRY MIRSON, Alpha...40 Montague St., Charleston, S. C. Box 240, Columbia, S. C. JOHN D. CARROLL, Sigma W.H. Moxcivrox, JR.,Sigma..803 Richland St., Columbia, S. C. Prosperity, S. C. HERBERT LANGFORD, Zeta DAVE P. HARDY, Gamma 1547 Euclid Ave., Berkely, Cal.

011r ftr atth itiamp Published in the interest of and under the authority of the


Vol. 1.


No. 2.

A CAMPING TRIP IN THE SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA. It was on June 29, 1908, that a camping party of one hundred and fifty' "lovers of nature" left Oakland to spend a month's vacation in the magnificent mountains of the Golden State. This party of jolly campers—ready and willing to experience all the inconveniences and hardships of mountain tramping—was made up wholly of membecs of the Sierra Club. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose and a few other cities were represented. The "Sierra Club" is to California what the "Appalachian Club" is to New York State. Its objects are: "To explore, enjoy and render accessible the mountain regions of the Pacific coast; to publish authentic information concerning them; to enlist the support and co-operation of the people and the Government in preserving the forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada Mountains." After passing one night on the special train, we arrived at Porterville at 4:40 a. m. Here we found stages awaiting to transport us to the foothills, a distance of thirty miles. The delightfully cool air of the early morning, enhanced by the fragrance of the beautiful orange groves, caused the first half of the ride to be most enjoyable. Breakfast was served




at Springfield, a small country village, typical of California, in an old farmhouse, whose appearance testified of the days of '49. Four hours more of stage riding through a hot and dusty stretch of country brought us to the spot from which our tramp was to begin. A narrow, steep and dusty trail, encircling and winding back and forth up the low Sierras, ascended 3,000 feet to the place selected by the "Outing Committee" for our first camp. It was with no little exertion and courage that this first climb—so long (eight miles), so tedious, and so extremely hot—was slowly made by the "hikers ;" and it proved to be the most fatiguing of the trip. At 6 p. m., June 30th, we reached our first camping spot on the banks of the Tule River. The commissary department had arrived earlier on burros, and arrangements for dinner were nearly completed. The pack train had brought in the baggage. The latter consisted of dunnage bags, stamped or tagged with the owner's name, and containing not over forty pounds of effects. Upon arrival at camp, each one rushed to the pile of bags to secure his or her bag, and then to carry it to a spot selected for a bed. After the sleeping bags had been arranged, the party was called to dinner by the beating of a large tin pan. The description of the camp at meal time and evening was appropriately expressed by one of the youthful poets in the party: "0 hear the call to dinner, and the people rushing up Make a grab, and get a plate, a knife and fork and cup. Get plenty of potatoes and lots of bread and meat, And set you down upon a rock, and eat and eat and eat!



"The bread-line stretches far away, but amble to the end, And take your place behind the line, and do the stunt again. Just jolly up the servers, and get the things you like; For it's food, and plenty of it, that helps a man to hike. "And when you've eaten all you can, and wish to sit and rest, Just get you to the campfire, for that's the place that's best. Listen to announcements which are sometimes pretty long; Then to Hasting's banjo, and a good old-fashioned song. "At length, stumble to your sleeping bag, and endeavor to forget That the spot you've picked is rocky, or full of ants, or wet. The mule bells and the clatter may keep you long awake, But, at last, you get forgetful; and again the march is at stake!" Twelve miles of steady climbing the next day brought us to Fish Creek, where we spent the night. Off in the morning at five, we arrived at our first permanent camp, at Kern Lake, the water of which is so clear and peculiarly deep blue, giving rise to the distinctive appellation of "Kern Lake blue." Here we remained a week. Daily side trips were taken to explore the neighboring country, or to fish in the lake. Two other permanent camps were held; one at Kern River Canon, and the other at Giant Forest.



The scenery throughout the trip was at times picturesque and beautiful, at other times grand and impressively sublime, and oftentimes awe-inspiring. Mere words fall far short in power to picture the beauties of nature offered to the eye. Passing over sandy foothills, the trail led through wooded slopes and ravines, across mountain torrents, then ascending to the region of fir and pine, traversing beautiful mountain meadows 8,000 to 10,000 feet in elevation, from which arose high snow-capped peaks. Now and then was crossed a deep canon with gigantic precipitous walls, showing markedly the effects of glaciation. A red lava bed of broken rock, the remains of an extinct volcano near by, was traversed with difficulty. The climb to the top of Mount Whitney, 14,500 feet above sea level, was the most enjoyable and thrilling side-trip taken from Kern River Canon. Spending the night on a plateau, 10,000 feet high, we were awakened at three o'clock in the morning to find the covering of our sleeping bags frozen. At this early hour it was dark and bitter cold. A hurried breakfast was served around the campfire at 3:30 a. m., after which the climb began. The scenery was most entrancing when it became sufficiently bright to see. The sunrise was a picture beyond description; the coloring, delicate and deep in turn, stood out in bold relief to the dark effect of the high snow-covered mountains, interspersed with small blue lakes. After a very rocky and steep ascent, at times quite dangerous, the summit was reached at nine o'clock—large patches of snow and ice having been crossed on the way. The superb view from the top, on all sides, impressed us forcibly with the thought of being in the Switzerland Alps—jagged mountains rising upon mountains,



rugged and snow-covered extending indefinitely into the distance. To the east, from the summit, the highest point in the United States, one can look down into "Death Valley," the lowest point, which is about three hundred feet below sea level. Briefly, I have tried to enumerate a few of the interesting and heart-thrilling experiences that may be met,on a camping trip in the Sierras. Let me urge all who ever have the opportunity not to miss a visit to this wonder-ground of nature. THEODORE BARN WELL KELLY. Colton, Calif., January 17, 1912.

"STEAMBOAT BILL." (The editors have received the following letter, and desire to present it to the consideration of the fraternity at large): "Perhaps it would be of interest to some, especially to those who attended the convention last summer, to hear a word concerning "Steamboat Bill," our 'gator mascot. It will be remembered that he was left with a well known member of our Chapter for safekeeping until the next convention. Alas, it is too sad about "Steamboat." He was never a very amiable nor agreeable fellow, as several of the fraters can testify, especially Reid and Jones. So, having been made a trusty by his master and put upon his honor not to leave, he betrayed his trust and made his escape. From that day until this his whereabouts has not been learned, although strict search has been made for him everywhere. Perhaps he has made his way back to his sunny home in the Land of Flowers, and lies basking in the sun on the bank of some beautiful river, enjoying a quiet



snooze which, I dare say, he never did while in the custody of his keeper. Wherever he is we wish him peace and a happy New Year. Taking all into consideration we do not think it a very great loss, for we do not deem him worthy of being the honorable mascot of Pi Kappa Phi, who would so basely and wilfully violate his obligation R. E. M. and trust.

INSTITUTION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA EPSILON CHAPTER. The North Carolina Epsilon Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity was instituted at Davidson College, Davidson, N. C., on the evening of February 3, 1912. The ceremonies were presided over by Fratres John D. Carroll, Chief Instituting Officer, and William M. Monckton, Jr., assistant, and Fratres John D. Hamer, Herbert Langford, D. G. Maxwell, Robert Macfarlan, and Gus E. Reid participated. Several of the established fraternities on the hill made very kind offers of the use of their halls for the institution, and, while at first it was thought best to use the unfurnished rooms procured as the home for the new Chapter, after some consideration the generous proposal of the Kappa Alphas was accepted and the ceremonies carried out in their hall. Owing to a sudden premonition that somehow he was in imminent danger of losing his beautiful bride out across the Father of Waters, Grand President L. Harry Mixson, who was to have been present, made up his mind right on the eve of the institution that he would put an end to his anxiety by seeking out the fair lady and settling the matter for all time.



Consequently, at the last moment he wired his inability to attend the institution. This institution, therefore, was unique in that it was the first in the history of the Fraternity not in charge of one of its original founders, and needless to say there were misgivings and anxiety in the minds of those upon whose shoulders rested the responsibility of the success of the occasion. Once under way, however, each part of the program was executed with clock-like precision, and in an orderly and fitting manner. There was not a hitch nor an interruption, and during the tedium of the ritualistic ceremonies there was the same characteristic solemnity and simple impressiveness that has been so pleasantly conspicuous on similar occasions. Absolute orderliness and dignity prevailed throughout, and it is with mingled pride and gratitude that the writer records here that there was not a single visiting brother, and, of course, none of the local men, in any way at any time while on the hill under the influence of intoxicants—a condition so sadly mistaken by the average college man as altogether essential to the proper performance of his duties at such functions. At the conclusion of.the ceremonies in the Kappa Alpha Hall, a return was made to the rooms that were to be the future home of the Chapter, where a generous and elaborate banquet had been provided. To all human appearances, each man seemed to consider that it devolved upon him individually to demonstrate his appreciation -of the timely repast that had been so thoughtfully prepared by taking care of just a little More of it than the other fellow, Well, yes; it was a right close match, but history repeated itself and by general concession the event was declared won by Jno. D. Hamer. Short infor-



mal speeches of welcome were then made by Fratres Langford, Maxwell and Carroll, following which Frater John T. Young read several congratulatory telegrams which he had received during the evening from some of the South Carolina Chapters. Now, a word or two about the men themselves. Every walk of college life at Davidson is represented. Many of the men are leaders, among them being John T. Young, president of Epsilon Chapter; Paul L. Schenk, editor-in-chief of Quips & Cranks, the college annual; Everett L. Booe, captain of the 1912 baseball team and best athlete in college; J. L. Smith, junior speaker, 1912, and assistant business manager of the annual; George Howard, Jr., on the management of the Glee Club, etc. All of them maintain good standing in their classroom work, and some are active in the Christian life of the college; in a word, they are all men, sturdy, sterling men, and that is what the Fraternity most wants. The faculty does not allow Chapter houses at Davidson, but they allotted two rooms on the ground floor of the Phi Hall, which'the Epsilon men all say is the best location on the hill, and these rooms have been thrown together and will be used both as meeting place and reception hall. They have been handsomely finished in mission and luxuriously furnished in the same style at considerable expense. All the fratres are justly proud of their quarters, and well they may be, for they are fortunate enough to be outfitted vastly better than some of the larger fraternities wlien they first established Chapters there. All in all, then, the institution of Epsilon Chapter was a delightfully pleasant occasion, and one that is indelibly impressed on the minds of those who were present. And many there were, when these had returned from their pilgrimage to Davidson and



rendered an account of the trip, who were sincerely sorry that they had not attended. Before closing, the instituting officer, as chairman of the Committee on Extension, wishes to acknowledge gratefully the untiring efforts of Frater Jno. T. Young in behalf of the new Chapter. It was he who gave impetus to the movement and who also rendered invaluable service to the Committee on Extension while the application for charter was in their hands. It was in just and fitting appreciation of his labor of love that Epsilon Chapter elected him their first president. The writer is confident of voicing the sentiment of all the visitors in heartily thanking the whole Davidson Chapter for their delightful entertainment while on the hill, and to assure them that the time spent there was very pleasant, indeed. In conclusion, just a word of lwarning to the Chapters who at present feel secure in their own strength. The Davidson fratres are all in earnest. They are going to do everything in their power to build up in that institution as fine a Chapter in every sense of the word as there is anywhere in the Fraternity, and to this end we wish them Godspeed, but to you Chapters in South Carolina especially who are proud of your past and your present, I say look ye to your works, and be on the alert, lest your zeal be excelled and your efforts surpassed, and the flag for the banner Chapter be flung aloft J. D. C. to the breezes of the Tar Heel State.



CONSTITUTION OF THE INTER-FRATERNITY CONFERENCE. (I) The Inter-Fraternity Conference shall be composed of three delegates from each men's general college Fraternity which has at least five Chapters and signifies its intention of participating in the Conference. Delegates shall be chosen in such manner as their respective fraternities determine. On roll call in Conference each Fraternity represented shall have one vote. (II) The purpose of the Inter-Fraternity Conference shall be the discussion of questions of mutual interest and the presenting to the fraternities represented of such recommendations as the Conference shall deem wise, it being understood that the functions of such Conference shall be purely advisory. (III) The Inter-Fraternity Conference shall meet annually at New York on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, unless the place or date shall be changed by majority vote of the officers. Notice of all meetings shall be issued by the secretary. (IV) The officers of the Inter-Fraternity Conference shall be a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, elected annually by a majority vote. (V) In order to meet the necessary expenses of postage and printing, each Fraternity participating in the Conference shall make an annual contribution of fifteen dollars. Expenditures may be made by the treasurer at any time on the authorization of the chairman. (VI) This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the fraternities represented in the Conference.

0.11r 'tar auIi amp Published in the interest of and under the authority of the PI


Grand Journalist and Business Manager CHARLES

K. DimArraitAm....618 Highland Ave., Newark, N. J. Associate Editors





6 Green Street, Charleston, S. C. Hastoc School, Spartanburg, S. C. 1547 Euclid Avenue, Berkely, Cal. 1621 Marion Street, Columbia, S. C.

EDITORIALS. It is with a great deal of regret, as well as with considerable hesitation, that we once more head the department of editorial comment with a sermon on nonsupport. We have said so much and so often upon this question that, to tell the truth, we hardly know what to say. But the fact remains that despite the universal endorsement received at the convention THE STAR AND LAMP has not met with the same measure of support as was accorded The Jounal in time past. We assuredly thought former support was weak enough. Our complaint this time must include both active Chapters and alumni members, and must embrace both financial and literary consideration. We cannot publish the magazine without money; neither can we publish it without material. THE STAR AND LAMP is yours—it belongs to the Fraternity at large, not to us individually. Without money and without matter it cannot live. Are you going to sign its death warrant?



One of the chapters—and to do it justice we must say that it is one of our few supporters—has questioned: "When is the next STAR AND LAMP coming out? And will it be fatter than the last?" The answers to both these queries lies with all Phi Kappa Phi. From the alumni in general we have somehow come to expect nothing—whether from fault of our own or of theirs is an open question. But from our Chapters we have ever felt able to ask for news at least with a fair chance of meeting with a ready acquiescence. For the last half year, however, nothing but cold water has been dashed upon our ardent spirits, and we are about to freeze. We do not wish by any means to create the impression that the Fraternity is dead. Far be it from us to say so. For the Fraternity was never more alive. Successful efforts for extension have been made in excellent and most promising directions. Interest in extension is intense. And each individual Chapter spirit seems to be good in the extreme. But in our efforts at growth we are largely forgetting internal needs and internal problems of organization, and hence we are neglecting one of our most potent influences for binding together alumni and active Chapters, each with each and each with the other, and for keeping circulating the true Pi Kappa Phi spirit and preventing it from stagnating or from localizing in one particular spot or channel and we are failing to make use of our most powerful medium for bringing our Fraternity and its accomplishments before the fraternity world, and for giving to Pi Kappa Phi the advertisement it needs for its proper and successful growth. Brothers, look into THE STAR AND LAMP. See if its purposes and its aims will not appeal to you as well worth while. Look over the field carefully




and ask yourself whether you can afford to lose the opportunity of helping the official organ of your Fraternity to do the work it was intended to do. Does Pi Kappa Phi need a journal? If so, and we think there can be but one answer to that question, are you not ready to do your share?

We wish to say a word about the method of conducting Chapter meetings. Recently we were present at what purposed to be a regular meeting of one of our Chapters, and we were surprised and disappointed at the manner in which the meeting was conducted. In the first place, the fratres seemed to fail to realize that their meeting was for a serious purpose, namely, the transacting of the business of the Chapter. The meeting was characterized from start to finish by disorder. The very first thing that attracted our attention was the failure of the fratres to rise when addressing the presiding officer. It is certainly expected that he be so respected, if for no other reason, then by reason of the office which he holds that the man rise when they wish to address him, and it is only courtesy to rise in addressing any body of men. The next thing of which we wish to speak is the form applied to the presiding officer. At this meeting he was addressed as "Your Honor." If he were a judge, that form of address would be all right, but he is not. This meeting of which we write was most important, as matters of great import were brought up and settled, and yet very little semblance of parliamentary order was maintained. Important matters were brought up and settled with little or no thought, and no orderly discussion. The way in



which this meeting was conducted was not nearly all the fault of the president for the fratres themselves did not co-operate with him in his efforts to maintain order. We have a ritual of procedure for the conducting of Chapter meetings, and the meetings should be conducted in accordance with this ritual. The meetings should be orderly and thoughtful and to secure this result the men must observe parliamentary usage. Business is business, and must be treated as such. The meetings of the Chapters are for the purpose of transacting business and the business of the Chapter should be attended to just as carefully as any other business. Let's try and make our meetings businesslike, and after-our business, then let us play.

We have noted in several of our recent exchanges reference to and minutes of the third annual session of the Inter-Fraternity Conference held at the University Club, New York City,lon Saturday, December 2, 1911. Twenty-seven fraternities were represented, and many important and enteresting matters were discussed. We wish that we had space enough to reproduce all of the discussions and addresses, as they contain much that would be beneficial in shaping and enlarging our ideas as a growing Fraternity and would show us how to meet many of the problems that will inevitably confront us. The discussion of the topic, "Chapter Financial Accountability," would be particularly helpful to us at the present time. Other topics of interest were: "The Relation of Faculties to Fraternities" and "The Traveling Secretary."




Under the head of "Local Inter-Fraternity Councils," the following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That we recommend to our several Chapters that at each college where there is more than one fraternity represented, they call a conference of representatives of several fraternities and confer together concerning any evils of the rushing system existing at that college; that they devise regulations tending to lesson such rushing evils as they find exist, including excessive expense in entertaining men. "Further Resolved, That we urge upon our several Chapters the necessity for acting harmoniously together as members of associations having generous rivalry, but kindred aims, and pledge to the Chapters our cordial co-operation and support so far as we can extend it." One other resolution was presented which we personally would like to see legislated in our Fraternity. "Resolved, That the members of the third InterFraternity Conference use their influence to have enacted by the several fraternities represented, legislation to the end that on and after July 1, 1914, no fraternity herein represented shall initiate into membership any active college student until such student shall have been regularly matriculated, and shall have completed satisfactorily to the rules of his college at least one full term of the freshman curriculum." This resolution was not adopted, but it affords fertile ground for thought. The officers of the Intra-Fraternity Conference who will serve for 1912 are: Chairman—Dr. Oscar H. Rogers, Sigma Phi, 346 Broadway, New York. Secretary—Francis W. Shepardson, Beta Theta Pi,



the University of Chicago. Treasurer—O. H. Cheney, Phi Gamma Delta, 78 Madison Ave., New York. The Constitution of the Inter-Fraternity Conference is represented in another portion of the journal. We believe that the Inter-Fraternity Conference is a potent influence for good in the Fraternity world, and we sincerely hope that Pi Kappa Phi will become a member of the Conference and will be represented at its next session.



Chapter Letters Each and every Chapter of the Fraternity is urgently requested to send in a Chapter letter for each number of THE STAR AND LAMP. Chapter letters should be in the hands of the editors at least one month before the date of issue, namely, on the lath day of October, January, April and July. For further information on the subject of Chapter letters address: J. Decherd Guess, Hastoc School, Spartanburg, S. C. (East), or D. P. Hardy, 1547 Euclid Avenue, Berkely, Cal. (West).

Alpha. Since our last letter, the mother Chapter of Pi Kappi Phi has been leading an existence as happy as its annals must prove short. Founders' Day, falling this year on Sunday, was celebrated on Saturday, the ninth of December, by a banquet given in the private dining room of the Commercial Club. Besides the active members of the Chapter, we had with us Fratres Harry Mixson, Simon Fogarty Tom Mosimann and William Fogarty, and Frater Fred Jones, of ex-Delta, paid us the compliment of coming to the city especially for this occasion. Toasts were given which sounded so clearly" the spirit of devotion, which has animated the Fraternity from its founders on down, that it would have been impossible for the young fratres to get out without a greater love for THE STAR AND LAMP and the principles for which they stand. Athletics at the college are generally on the wane during the intermission between the baseball and football seasons, but the relay race from Summerville to Charleston has been run, with Fratres Mouzon, Hartz and Abernathy participating, and Frater Hartz is playing basketball as a member of the varsity. The future alone can disclose the secrets



of the baseball team, but we are to send several candidates into the field and Pi Kappa Phi will doubtless make a place for herself on the diamond at Hampton Park. Frater Mouzon, the orator and all-round "shark" of our Chapter, has already commenced work on a masterpiece which he intends to deliver in competition for the Bingham medal, and for the right to represent the college at the S. C. Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest. Recently Alpha, with the other Chapters, voted on the establishment of a new branch of the Fraternity at Davidson College, N. C. We should all be proud of the extension of our sphere of activity, not merely as growth, but as a reward of the generous activity which has been displayed by those who are at our head, and as an expression of respect and approval which has been created in those who look upon us impartially from the outside. T. P. ABERNETHY. Fraternally, CHAPTER NOTES. Alpha Chapter is fortunate in having Frater Hefron added to the list of city alumni. He has gone into business here and frequently visits our hall. Frater "Si" Fogarty has recently obtained the position of assistant principal in the Simonton public school of this city. Both of our alumni of the class of '11 are teaching; Frater Scherer being assistant principal and instructor in English in the high school at Elberton, Ga., and Frater Guess, instructor in English in the Haston school at Spartanburg, S. C.



Sigma. Sigma Chapter is keeping up the good work which she started this year. Since our last letter, we have initiated two neophytes. They are both splendid men; one is a star varsity half back. We have also affiliated with us a charter member of Beta Chapter. Only two of our fratres failed to return to college after the holidays. Sigma celebrated Pi Kappa Phi's birthday by an initiation and a banquet, at which the greatest amount of brotherly love was displayed. Many Sigma men went to Davidson for the institution of Epsilon Chapter. Every man who went came back deeply impressed with the fine bunch that comprise Epsilon. Sigma wishes, through THE STAR AND LAMP, to congratulate again our E. S. A. on his winning such a charming wife. Our fratres here had the good fortune of seeing her when she and the E. S. A. passed through our city. Every Sigma man was happy that he was able to give the sister grip to such a charming young lady. May they both live long and prosper. We are all looking forward with the greatest of anticipations to the convention in July. You can count on Sigma's being well represented by a live bunch of representatives, and each with a "fair dame" for the house party afterwards. W. H. M., JR.

Zeta. Nineteen hundred and twelve finds Zeta in the best condition she has ever enjoyed. First of all she has leased rooms for this year so that no longer



will she have to resort to hotels for a meeting place. We have engaged two nice rooms, and we expect to soon have them arranged in an attractive manner. We have adopted a set of comprehensive Chapter By-Laws, and expect to hold from now on regular weekly meetings. We have initiated three new men since Thanksgiving. Several others are pledged and we expect to soon bring them into the fold. Most of our old fraters will leave us in June because of graduation and consequently we are watching with eager eyes for good men in the lower classes. The spirit of the Chapter is still fine and every man seems to be enthusiastic for the welfare and success of the Fraternity at large. By the time this letter goes to press a new set of officers will have been installed, and under their leadership the Chapter expects to continue to prosper. R. E. M.

North qarolina Epsilon. Though only a month old, we are glad to report to all interested brothers the best of conditions and a prosperous outlook. It was through the untiring efforts of Brother Young, formerly of S. C. Beta, that on the 3d of February, 1912, a new charter was granted the N. C. Epsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Fratres Carroll, Monckton, McFarland, Hamer, Reid, Maxwell and Langford came up to attend the installation. Much has been accomplished in the past month, and our new hall will be ready for occupancy by March 9th. We are much grieved to report the departure of Frater Booe to Pittsburg, where he will join the big leaguers for this season. Frater Booe was cap-



tam n of last year's football team, and is pronounced one of the best players in the South beyond a doubt. Brother Schenk, editor-in-chief of the 1912 Annual, has just completed his labors and the book is now at the press. Brother Smith, assistant manager of the Annual, is still busily engaged helping to straighten the accounts. As soon as it was known that the Chapter was to be installed, the Sigma Alpha Epsilons, together with the Kappa Sigmas, gave a reception in the Kappa Sigma Hall. There followed in quick succession similar attentions from the Pi Kappa Alpha, then from the Kappa Alpha and Beta Theta Pi together in the Kappa Alpha Hall. Our welcome to the Fraternity ranks at Davidson has been most hearty and cordial窶馬ot a single opportunity has been lost by the Sigma Alpha Epsilons for extending to us those little courtesies which make life a pleasure. We recently initiated into our ranks Brother McWhirter, of Jonesville, S. C. We are all looking forward with keenest expectations to the spread of Pi Kappa Phi in North Carolina since its introduction into Davidson.



Higtorian's Department Several weeks ago, as historian, I sent to all the Chapters a letter requesting them to furnish me a list of all the men on their rolls. So far I have had only three replies. As was stated in the letter, I am preparing a catalogue which I hope to make a complete list of all Pi Kappa Phi men. No such record has ever been compiled, and it is of great importance that this work be gotten up as soon as possible. Every year men are going out into business and thereby separating themselves from their college friends. With this catalogue, a copy of which will be sent to each frater, we shall all know the names of our Fraternity brothers and their present addresses. It will be useful in assisting the Convention Committees in sending notices of conventions, and as a matter of record its value will increase each year. I want to impress upon the historians of each Chapter the absolute necessity of their complying with my request. Any news at all concerning a member will be received and noted, but the following are the essential points: Full name and address of each member, the town he comes from, and the date of his initiation. Then, if possible, such data as his age, his achievements at college, and his present occupation. Also if he should be married, whom did he marry and when, and any other information. With this at my command, I could easily give any frater any information he might desire concerning any other frater. At present we do not even know who belong to Pi Kappa Phi, and such a state of affairs should not be allowed to continue. Necessarily my information from the



Chapters in some cases will be incomplete. To remedy this I would like to have some of the older members, who are out of college, send me the desired data concerning themselves. This will not take up much of their time and will assist me materially. I hope the Chapters will realize the situation and send in their lists at once. SIMON FOGARTY, JR.



Greek Clippings It is the desire and purpose of THE STAB AND LAMP to exchange with all Fraternity publications, and the staff will appreciate any assistance towards the extension of its exchange list. Exchanges should be sent to J. Decherd Guess, Hastoc School, Spartanburg, S. C., and Henry P. Wagener, 6 Green Street, Charleston, S. C.

For several years it has been the fashion among the faculties or presidents of some of the larger universities to attack the fraternities and to charge them with exerting an unwholesome influence on their members. The charges more specifically are that: 1. Fraternities are not democratic. 2. They are expensive. 3. They exercise a detrimental effect on scholarship. 4. Some students, through their Fraternity associations, are led into dissipation. It appears probable that certain university professors and presidents have jumped to these conclusions without making sufficient investigations. They have seen develop in the last quarter of a century conditions which they deprecate. Without examining the causes of the changed conditions, and after taking a superficial view of present conditions, they place the blame on the fraternities. Such a judgment is as unjust as it is illogical. The accusation that fraternities are responsible for the evils apparent in student life today cannot be substantiated. On the contrary, it can be shown that these evils are as prevalent, and probably more pronounced, at institutions where there are no fraternities, or where fraternity influence is admittedly weak, as at the universities which have many fraternity chapters. —Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.



Secrets of Greek Letter Societies. The following paragraphs are clipped from a copyrighted and newspaper syndicated article by George Fitch: The Greek letter society was invented over one hundred years ago in an American college and there are now so many of them that the Greek alphabet is becoming sadly overworked and. must soon be enlarged to take care of the rush of business. Greek letter societies are harmless, and, moreover, are of great good. Many a collegian has, through them, learned the Greek alphabet so thoroughly that he has remembered it long after French and trigonometry have cantered from his memory. Contrary to popular supposition, the members of these societies do not spend their time writing letters in Greek. No doubt they could if they chose, but the kind of letter that father understands and answers most kindly must be written in English, and the Greek letter member is usually a most faithful correspondent as far as his father is concerned. A Greek letter society is secret and its members are supposed never, no never, to reveal what has happened behind the black curtain with the cross bones on it. Anything secret is suspicious, as John D. Rockefeller has found out. But we are about to divulge the four principal secrets of the Greek letter society. (Turn down the lights, please). They are as follows: 1. The rent of the chapter house is now two months overdue, and tomorrow the high priest of Delta Flush Chapter is going to try to jolly the landlord along another month. 2. If a certain towheaded freshman is made president of his class he can be snagged away from the other frats and into our noble order. Vote, brothers, vote. 3. On the third of next month an informal dance will be given



with an imported orchestra, and when the Eli Gammas hear of it they will expire with envy. 4. On next Saturday night at midnight three shuddering neophites will be inducted into the awful mysteries of our mighty band. Let no brother forget to bring a barrel stave. There are a few other dark secrets, but none as black as these. Little, Brown & Co. have published "At Good Old Siwash," a compilation in book form of the Siwash stories by George Fitch, which were published originally in the Saturday Evening Post. He is a member of B 0 H, was graduated from Knox College in 1897, and is managing editor of the Peoria Herald-Transcript. The Beta Theta Pi calls him "the proprietor and faculty of Siwash College." In a letter to the editor of that journal, he says: You may be interested to know that the first Siwash story was written about ten years ago for the Beta Theta Phi magazine. However, in those days "literature" was a side line, and in the press and turmoil of getting out a weekly paper in two days and journeying around on an annual pass the other five, I never revised it. Three or four years ago I rewrote it and the desire for a stack of hard dollars at that time led me to send it to the Saturday Evening Post. The stories are not photographic of any college. Of course Knox people recognize some things in them. But so do Kansas University students and Minnesota men and Michigan men. Most of the incidents are not true, but might have been. Ole Skajarssen happened, but not in that dialect. As a matter of fact I think he happens in almost every college, for I have heard of not less than a score of him since he made his bow.—Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.



George Ade Makes an Appeal. That George Ade is a whole lot wiser than he is foolish is illustrated probably better by his writings on Fraternity topics than in any other way. Here is one of his latest very pertinent utterances as reported in the Sigma Chi Quarterly: "It seems to me that the most significant fact of .the present Fraternity situation is the growing desire of the Chapters to co-operate with college faculties so as to promote a good standard of scholarship and a clean and businesslike government of Chapter houses. The average Chapter no longer regards the faculty as an intrenched enemy, and the average faculty no longer favors sending a man to the gallows because he is caught smoking a pipe. College authorities seem to have learned, as witness recent important reports, that the Greek letter society is to be an abiding institution; that it exerts a wholesome influence, and that discretion should prompt them to deal with it tolerantly rather than in a spirit of blind opposition. "As for the Greek letter men, an overwhelming majority of them want to stand high in scholarship and acquire credit in other ways. They are willing to work in harmony with college authorities, if these authorities will concede the reasonable • fact that a young man of twenty or thereabouts who is getting ready to engage in a tussle with belligerent circumstances and meet all kinds of men without fear or handicap, should not be coddled as an infant nor propped up as an irresponsible. "I have a kindly feeling and a measure of respect for the typical college professor. He is usually learned, often kindly, sometimes just, and nearly always sincere. But his environment and the close




angle at which he views men and affairs are quite different from those of the mercantile or professional alumnus, who is in the thick of a fighting career. His estimates are too often adjusted to the short range of the campus. I have known men who were given the stamp and seal of faculty approval, who did not amount to a whoop when they became engaged in the real mix-up of life. Also I have known men who took the double degree of N. G., and G. B., who later became highly successful, even when success is measured by a strict Presbyterian standard. "You could pick out twenty scholarship stars and put them together in a Chapter house and result might be a dreary bunch of misfits. Conversely, I can imagine twenty men, all of them hanging on the ragged edge of faculty disfavor, who would squirm their way into your inmost affections and warm the cockles of your heart before you had known them for twenty minutes. I can imagine such a Chapter because I have known it."—K. A. Journal.

Careers of Firtit Scholars. The college man who ranks highest in his class has often been a subject of doubious speculation. He has been a "dig," a "grind," or even a "greasy grind." He was a precocious child, and will suffer an early dulling of his mental powers. Or, he has undermined his health by too much study, and will succumb to the first epidemic that comes his way. At any rate, his subsequent career will not be brilliant. He will not fulfill the expectations of his friends. Most college men can recall cases of classmates who attained high rank, and after graduation





drifted into obscurity. Is this the rule with first scholars? The Harvard Graduates' Magazine says it is not the rule. It reprints and augments the list in King's "Harvard Register," of 113 first scholars in Harvard's classes during the century from 1777 to 1888. Only nineteen became parsons, and of these sixteen were graduated before 1848. Very nearly half of them, fifty-five, were lawyers, of whom five became United States senators, ten were congressmen, three members of President's cabinets, two ministers to Great Britain, and three more ministers to other countries. One first scholar became a justice of the United States supreme court and six were judges of the United States courts and of State supreme courts. Then there were two presidents of Harvard and one acting president, many who became educators of high rank, and a large number of lawyers whose work has associated their names with great industrial affairs. Few were bookworms or invalids. They did not die at thirty. The average age of Harvard's first scholars at death has been over fiftyeight and one-half years. The "American Tables of Mortality" show an "expectation of life" at twenty-two the age of college graduation, to be 40.85 years, representing a longevity of 62.85 years. But that is the present average, not the average of a century or even of fifty years ago. The twentyfive first scholars of this list who are now living average 59.70 years each, and will die at the normal age or older.窶年ew York Times, through Phi Delta Theta Scroll.

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