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CONTENTS A Successful Convention


Fraternities in South Carolina


On the Road to Mandalay


Matthew VII:20


The Inter-Fraternity Conference






Notice of Expulsion


Henry W. H. FitzSimons


Chapter Letters


With Pi Kapps in General



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WADE SMITII BOLT 0tterbein, Indiana


J. COSBY BYRD so East North Ave.

Atlanta, Georgia

Published at Otterbein, Indiana, by Wade Smith Bolt, Official Printer to Pi Kappa Phi.




PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Founded at College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C., December 10, 1904. Chartered under the laws of the State of South Carolina. GRAND CHAPTER

Eminent Supreme Archon—John D. Carroll, Lexington, S. C. Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon—Roy J. Heffner, Chicago, Ill. Eminent Supreme Grapter—John L Henderson, Burlington, N. C. Eminent Supreme Thesaurophulax—J. Lawton Ellis, Jr., 9 East North Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Eminent Supreme Journalist—Wade S. Bolt, Otterbein, Ind. Eminent Supreme Historian—Bobo Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C. Eminent Supreme Counselor—J. Boyd Oliver, San Jacinto, Cal. Eminent Supreme Chaplain—J. Blanton Belk, Columbia, S. C. Eminent Supreme Thurepanioiktes—Cecial A. Carlisle, Culloden, Ga. SUPREME COUNCIL

For the East—Julian Walker, Jesup, Ga. For the West—Leland G. Landers, Norfolk, Nebr. At Large—Andrew A. Kroeg, Charleston, S. Carolina

ANNOUNCEMENTS WANTED: Copies of any of the issues of Volumes I and II of TIIE STAR AND LAMP to complete files for two sets that are in demand. Any brother having the desired numbers will please mail same to Wade S. Bolt, Otterbein, Indiana. ALInvfm NOTICE: There is a full-page announcement in the advertising section, at the back of this magazine, which should interest you. Read it! Consider! Then act!



011r fttr aub •iliattw Official Journal of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Published Quarterly



$1.50 per year

Single Copies 50 cents

Editor-in-Chief P. 0. Box 383, Otterbein, Ind.


Business Manager 9 East North Ave., Atalnta, Ga.


Exchange Editor 423 N. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr.

Associate Editors Lander College, Greenwood, S. C. ISAAC NEWTON EDWARDS Trinity College, Durham, N. C. REYNOLD C. WIGGINS Alumni Editors BOBO BURNETT


Spartanburg, S. C. 3237 Broadway, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Entered at the post office at Otterbein, Indiana, as second class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879.


Nom All Exchanges please send copy to Editor-in-Chief and Exchange Editor. Contributors will please send all material for publication to the Editor-in-Chief.



A SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION Many events are heralded with promises of greater importance, or greater enjoyment, than they can fulfill. But, in the instance of the eighth Convention of our Supreme Chapter, not so. It was all, and more than we were expecting it to be. There was not the gala, nor pleasantry that one might suppose to be included in a national fraternity convention. In fact, the banquet was the only social feature in which the entire body participated. But, we all went about the business that was to be transacted in such a sincere and concerned manner that there was pleasure in the accomplishment of the desired results. Itarrnony was distinctly prevalent throughout the sessions and the work that was ,done assumed voluminous proportions. (We can vouch for this statement, for we typewrote the minutes of the sig sessions.) Minutes of the sessions have been typewritten and sent to the Eminent Supreme Archon, •who will interpolate the by-laws and constitution and approve the Minutes for printing in pamphlet form to be sent to the chapters and officers. Brother, if you were not at the Convention, you missed more than you ever before experienced in three days of your life. It was a grand experience for a Pi Kapp. Brotherly love prevailed and the interchange of greetings, the Pi

Kapp grip and the exchange of experiences was exhilirating. We cannot understand how one who has once attended a convention can refrain from a repetition of the pleasure. It would require a regiment of German infantry to prevent our presence at the next Convention. The Constitution and By-laws, as soon as forwarded to us in the amended form, are to be printed These are to be as revised. sold to the chapters and members at a nominal cost, which will be advertised in a future issue of the magazine. The initiatory work is to be revised. If posible, we wish to make the work more impressive. The official badges of the fraternity are to be henceforth distributed through the office of the Eminent Supreme Thesaurophulax. There will be no jeweler permitted to sell these. The novelties, coat-of-arms jewelry, and the like will continue to be catalogued by the jewelers, however. The Eminent Supreme Grapter is to receive a salary in the future. Realizing that the duties were such that more than the spare time of a brother was necessary for,the work of the Grapter, the Chapter passed a resolution which will partially, at least, reimburse the said officer for his time and trouble. Changes were made in the time limits of the payment of dues, assessments, etc. A provision for a pro-rata assessment to cover the



A SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION expenses of delegates from each chapter was passed. Many improvements of a minor note (yet, which combine to make our constitution stronger and more complete in scope) were made. The yearly subscription price to THE STAR AND LAMP .was reduced to $1.50 and the life subscription was increased to $25. But, provisions were made that permit of the same being paid in installments of satisfactory denomination. It w;11 be a pleasure to the editor to lake the matter up personally with any brother who wishes to subscribe on the payment plan. Next, let us inform you, there. is a whistle and a whistle call that is "standard according to the rules and regulations," having been officially adopted by the Supreme Chapter in the Convention. The call is short and will not be difficult to memorize. There is also an swer. The notes of the call and the answer are to be found on a succeeding page of this issue. It was planned that a standard 'nickname' should be adopted, but this was left for future deliberation. Last of all, we must relate the story of the banquet. This was a ,memorable event, indeed. On the evening of Thursday, December 28, 1916, in the tea room of the New Savannah Hotel the banquet of the Eighth Convention was held in true conformity with the spirit ,of the convention. Brother A. A. Kroeg, A, of Charleston, S. C., one of the Founders of the Fraternity, presided as toastmaster. The menu was beyond description, ab-

solutely impassible, and was quite highly enjoyed by the diners. No little merriment and good humor was shown, for it is when dining together kindred spirits are most enjoyed. Four toasts were given in the course of the evening, being: "What the Fraternity Means to an Alumnus," Roy J. Heffner, 11; "Pi Kappa Phi and Nu in the I Fest," Leland G. Landers, N; The Magazine," Wade S. Bolt, ; "The True Fraternity Spirit," John D. Carroll, E. We can give a truthful appreciation of the inspiring remarks made by Brothers Heffner, Landers and Carroll, all responding with timely and fitting toasts that would do justice to a senatorial graduate, but we cannot say as well for the fourth. An editor's development is one-sided, being reportorial rather than 'talkatonal.' However, we promise to make amends for our failure by a more strenuous effort in our editorial capacity. We must tell you that the next Convention is to be held in Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte has one live bunch of Pi Kapps, both active ;and alumnus. Our Epsilon, Kappa and Mu chapters are located near Charlotte, and in addition Henry G. Harper, Jr., lives there, so you may depend upon it that the 1918 Convention promises to be among the greatest ever to be chronicled in the history of the Fraternity. It is well to begin to planonow to attend. If we are living at that time and able to navigate, the trail of our smoke will be southward. To Charlotte in 1918! Onward!


THF, STAR AND LAMP In conclusion we will state that the election of officers resulted in an almost entirely new Supreme Chapter, only two of the former Chapter being re-elected. A complete list of the Chapter officials is printed in the directory on page fifty-five. The illness of Brother E. R. W. Gunn, E. S. G., prevented his be-

ing present and the writer (E. S. J.) was appointed acting secretary. The absence of Brother Gunn and the failure of our baby chapter, E, to send a delegate, were the only disappointments of the sessions. Thus we conclude. A more detailed report will be obtained in the minutes which are to be sent to the chapters.—The Editor.

FRATERNITIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA In the Greek world the state of South Carolina is most deplorable. There is only one other state in the United States to share this fate and that is Mississippi. The decline of fraternities dates from the War of Secession and up to the present day they have slowly pined away. South Carolina has, by legislation, abolished the fraternities at state controlled colleges, or „seriously limited the privileges of their membership. The constitutionality of such legislation has never been tested. Litigation has occasionally arisen out of the attempt on the part of the college authorities to prohibit the fraternities at their several institutions. This, it has been held, may. be lawfully done at a college maintained by private endowment but not at the colleges supported by public funds. In the latter case all classes of the public are equally entitled to the same privileges and members of the fraternities may not be discriminated against. The College of Charleston, founded in

1783, at Charleston, South Caroilna is the only college that can boast of continued wide-open fraternities. This college is heavily endowed and does not depend on the public for funds, consequently the student body is very small, having on an average of only about sixty-five to seventy-five students. She was for four years the only college in South Carolina that had wide-open fraternities having three nationals and a local. Since the College of Charleston has been founded there have been five active chapters of national fraterniK A, H K 411, ties namely—A T K E, E A E, and a local. Fate doomed it and all pined away exK A, and H K cept A T which still exist and are doing splendid work. Wofford College, the Methodist Episcopal South College, at Spar, tanburg, South Carolina abolished fraternities and for four years after quite a bit of deliberation the trustees and faculty of Wofford decided to admit wide-open fra-


FRATERNITIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA ternities but under strict supervi- death, we have the following tombsion of the president of the college. stones erected in South Carolina During the four years that frater- to the different fraternities:— nities were not allowed five boys ALPHA TAU OMEGA—Univerwere expelled for joining fraternisity of South Carolina, Citaties at other colleges while matricdel and Wofford. ulated students at Wofford. In BETA THETA Pt—University of 1916 wide-open fraternities were South Carolina. reinstated and up to the present DELTA Psi—University of South date K A, K E, and H K (1), have Carolina. already been revived and a local is DELTA KAPPA EPSILON—Unipetitioning E A E. versity of South Carolina. Fraternity life at the College CHI PHI—University of South of Charleston is different from Carolina and Wofford. that at any other college. The colCiii Psi—University of South lege has absolutely nothing to do Carolina, Wofford and Furwith the chapters, but the students are under the supervision of the man University. College, which is responsible for PHI DELTA THETA—University the student's conduct whether or of South Carolina and Wofnot on the college precincts. The ford. chapter houses. can be located any Pitt KAPPA SIGMA—College of place in the city and are never inCharleston. spected by the president or faculty. PHI KAPPA Psi—University of Questions concerning fraternities South Carolina. are never asked by the president, PI KAPPA ALPHA—University faculty or trustees. The grading of South Carolina, Citadel, in one's studies does not debar him Wofford and Presbyterian from joining a fraternity. Pledges College. are not given until the fraternity Pi KAPPA PHI—University of has had one meeting and initiation South Carolina, Presbyterian usually begins about two weeks College and Furman Univerafterwards. sity. KAPPA SIGMA—University of Has it ever occured to you the South Carolina. colossal material lost every year at KAPPA ALPHA—University Of the University of South Carolina, South Carolina, Citadel, FurSouth Carolina Military College man University, Newberry ("The Citadel"), South Carolina A. & M. ("Clemson"), Furman Erskine Colleges. University, Prebyterian College, SIGMA CHI—Erskine College. Erskine and Newberry Colleges, SIGMA PHI EPSILON—Univeretc.? In some of these colleges sity of South Carolina. sub-rosaS exist to-day. Together SIGMA Nu—University of South with the war, state law and natural Carolina and Citadel.


THE STAR AND LAMP SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON —University of South Carolina, Citadel, College of Charleston, Furman University, Erskine and Wofford Colleges. Virginia is the mother state of fraternities and so far there have been few national fraternities founded south of Old Dominion in the southern states. The first national fraternity founded was st B K in 1776 at William and Mary's college at Williamsburg, Virginia. The first fraternal journal ever published was by B 0 H in 1872. Our STAR AND LAMP is wonderful, considering and the editor and staff deserve unlimited praises for their work. South Carolina is one of the few states that can boast of the birth of a national fraternity. The charter members of II K 4:1) were nearly all Charlestonians, and after securing a good foot-hold in Charleston, expansion began. The expansion of H K cl) was due to the constant work of the faithful officials who have been at the wheel ever since the fraternity was founded. While in the bloom of youth the number of chapters were cut down by the state law. In 1904 South Carolina Alpha was founded at the college of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. In 1909 South Carolina Beta was granted to the Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina. In the same year that California Gamma was granted to the University of California at Berkley, California, South Carolina Delta was granted to Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina.

In 1910 South Carolina Sigma was issued to the University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. In 1911 South Carolina Zeta was chartered to Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina. In 1912 North Carolina Epsilon was granted to Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, and in the same year Georgia Eta was chartered to Emory University, Oxford, Georgia. In 1913 Theta was granted to the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. The same year Georgia Iota was granted to The .Georgia School of Technolgy, Atlanta, Georgia. In 1914 North Carolina Kappa was chartered to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Georgia Lambda was granted in 1915 to the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Nebraska Nu was issued in the same year to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. North Carolina Mu was granted to Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina that year. - In 1916 South Carolina Zeta was reinstated at Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina. In the same year Virginia Xi was granted to Roanoke, Virginia. From all these chapters II K 413 has worked herself into the Greek world. Fraternities have advantages and disadvantages and people look at them in different phases. Every fraternity aims to be select aid to pick its members from the mass of incoming students where, however, the material to select from is not abundant and the rival frater-


FRATERNITIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA nities are numerous. Care in selection is impossible and the chapters at any one college are apt to secure much the same general type of men. Many fraternities have however, on account of the persistent selection of men of about the same taste at different colleges, acquired a distinct character and individuality. It is no exaggeration to say that these apparently insignificant organizations of irresponsible students have modified the college life not only of South Carolina but of America, and have had a wide influence. Members join in the impressionable year of their youth; they retain for their fraternity a Peculiar loyalty and affection and freely contribute with money and influence to their advancement. Fraternities form a little aristocracy within the college community. At some colleges the line of separation is invisible, then again sharply marked. Sometimes this condition militates against the college discipline and then again it assists it. Conflicts not frequently occur between the fraternity and non-fraternity element in college.' It can be readily understood how voting men living together in the intimate realtionship of daily contact in the same house, having much the same, taste culture of aspiration, would form among themselves enduring friendship. Each fraternity has a reputation to maintain and this engenders esprit du corps, which at times places loyalty to fraternity interest above loyalty to college interest or the real advantage of the indivi-

dual. Often this collegiate aristocracy has led to jealousy among those not selected for membership to the existing fraternities, thus sometimes causing another fraternity to be founded or petitioned for. I hope in the near future that fraternities will be allowed in every college in South Carolina. Fraternities and atheletics are drawing cards for some students. When one goes to college he knows the book comes first but a little mixture of pleasure and diversion will not harm anyone. It is up to the student. "For yau I have only a comrade's frankness, fidelity, Fraternity, if you like; a neophite's respect and sub-mission to his hieropliant, nothing more." CHARLOTTE BRONTE (Jane Eyre—xxxiv.) "The first aspect in which Christianity presented itself to the world was a declaration of the Fraternity o f men i n Christ." LECKY EUROP (Morals—II:190 jr. CHESTER REEVES, SO. Carolina Alpha, '16. Atlanta, Georgia, January 20, 1917. To the Point. Barber—"I want a motto from Shakespeare to hang up in my shop. Can you give me one)" Student—"Of course. How will this do? 'Then saw you not his face?."



ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY The ocean pathway across the Pacific is crowded to-day with many ships. This is the twentieth century ocean. In the nineteenth century the Atlantic was the scene of the world's greatest - commercial activity. But to-day with the awakening of the Orient, brought about by Dewey's victory in Manila - Bay and the planting of the Stars and Stripes at that far away i land outpost of American Civil'zation, the expansion of commercial interests resulting from the restoration of peace between Japan and •Russia, and ,the present European war, the movement of the world's trade and travel is upon the Pacific. The younger civili-afons are coming into cantact with the older. The enterprise that stands for progres3 is transforming Japan, China, 'Chosen, rrid the islands of the South Seas. All wide-awake people, who move abOut are eager to learn, are desirous of seeing and knowing the lands of pictured story—Japan, China,. Siam, India, Burma-lands, the names of which are ever used to conjure the artistic, the unusual, Vie p!cture.;que. Time was when the trans-Pacific voyage Was an undertaking not to be thought rhout without deep concern, ifivolving- adjustments of life insurance and the parting from friends and relatives as if a wilderness of venture were before the traveller. Put. to-day modern steamship enterprire as changed all this. The tourist voyager may move across

the ocean as comfortably as if taking a run down the Hudson, across the Schuylkill, or up the Columbia. The palatial and elegantly apro.nted "Empress of Russia," or her sister ship, "Empress of Asia," will take you from Vancouver to Yokohama in ten days. All the way you can enjoy the comforts of the Ritz-Carlton. From 'Frisco leave many ships bound for the Far East. But none are more homelike, more comfortable, and more staunch than the "China." "Westward over the ocean blue" this veteran and one time Queen of the Seas bore me "on the way to Mandalay." The sailing of a Pacific liner is a great event from a picturesque standpoint. From early morning to the delayed hour of departure, the ship and wharf are buzzing with the hurrying crowd. Great vans filled with passengers' luggage thunder into the warehouse. Men and women run here and there making final preparations. Silk and satin-robed Orientals give an Eastern flavor to the throng. The last good-byes are said. The ship slips away from the pier. You thrill as you feel the steady beat of the engines. ,You lean,against the rail: One arm is full with flowers. With the other you wave to the friends ashore. Friends .and curious spectators crowd the pier, watching and waving, while the big vessel gets underway and 'the Golden Gate. heads towards' Gradually the day closes in be-


ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY hind the ship. San Francisco is hidden front view. Across the bay to the east, towers the snow white, needlelike Campanille on the university campus in Berkeley. The hip slips thru the Golden Gate, into the swelling Pacific. Clift House, Seal Rocks and the old Spanish brick fort on the south l'eadland, the steep bluffs and the :sharp volcanic cone of Mount Tamalpais to .the north fade in the distance, as the ship moves over the ocean westward bound. Day • follows day quickly. Neptune demands his toll. Safrron complexioned, sea-sick mortals bow to his power. The agonies of it all! The bottom of your stomach drops out. Then it comes hack with an upper cut that sets the world topsy-turvy. You ache from head to foot. and back again. Nothing stays with you. Even your friends desert you. Either they are having experiences of the:r own that are similar to yours, or they are fussing some 'class skirt' on deck. The day finally comes when you feel sheepish for having despaired of life. A great gnawing seizes you near the . floatint); ribs. You arise from your bed of pain, get out your Gillette, and rcrape off a promising growth on your lip and chin. You do your bc!st to hide the sallowness of your skin beneath some rouge offered to you by the girl in the stateroom across the way. She has tried it. Tt worked with her. You appear at the dinner table. Every one remarks how well you look. You begin to feel real pert. By the time

the meal is over you are yourself again. Then come the days of ease. At sea the days are much the same. But, over all is an inedfinable charm of idling inactivity, broken only 'by the recreation of shipboard and -the alluring enjoyment of creature comforts. The dining saloon is an oft-recurring attraction. The salt air, the sea breezes, the exercise on deck, the joys of good company, all tend to put the traveller on the best terms with his appetite. The well-equipped tables, the snowy damask, the silver and other accompaniments, joined with the triumphs of an excellent chef placed before one by oriental waiters, in spotless white, all tend to bring joy and comfort. To add to the pleasantness of the moment a Filipine stringed orchestra plays 1:0-1:nd a palm-screen. On the seventh morning out you awake to find the ship riding at anchor. YOu make your toilet and hurry on deck. Before you lies a cresent harbor. Your eyes feast upon the verdure of the cloudtipped mountains. Directly ahead on the shore stands a city that looks as if it were a part of Fairyland. The harbor inspectors pass the ship. AcCompanied j host 'of brown-skinned diving Hawaiian boys, who swim about like fish, the vessel moves up to the pier. After some delay the gang plank is lowered. Friends greet friends. All are off for the day. Breakfast over, six of us pile into a "Cad." 8. Thru narrow streets past fine business buildings,


THE STAR AND LAMP out into the residence district. Soon we are in a jungle. Up, up we go. Past waterfalls. Around mirror lakes. Beneath great crags. One more great exertion. The car stops upon the mountain top. We are at the Pali, the scene of the great victory of the invading Hawaiians over the once mighty Cahuans. The invaders drove the retreating host up the mountain side, and hurled them over this high precipice. We cling to the balustrade and gaze at the scene below you. There thousands of feet below are extensive pineapple plantations. They stretch from the feet of the protecting cliffs to the distant shore line, where the ocean is dashing its heavy waves into a silvery spray. An auto no larger than an ant is creeping along a road no bigger than a thread. But we must not linger long. There are many other places to visit before evening. We spin to the Heights, from which a splendid view of Honolulu can be had. We serpentine down the mountain, and fly from place to place. Quickly we pass through the Bishop Museum, Royal Palace, Fort Ruger, and the world-famous Aquarium. A battle with the surf on the beach at Waikiki ends the day. We speed back to the wharf. Soon the "Paradise of the Pacific" fades from view. In our dreams brownskinned madens dance the hula for us. We pass beautiful masions of many pillars. We flit down along palm drives, and revel in the rich foliage and gorgeous flowers. Once more we are in the island capital

that is fast taking on the characteristics of a metropolis. The lapping of the waves on Waikiki awaken Hs. But we find ourselves out of the sight of land Dazzling sun shines on an oily sea. We are reminded of the Ancient Mariner's 'slimy sea.' Day follows day. Today a chess tournament. Tonight a concert. To-morrow a contest in deck sports And so on with fancy dress dinners, masquerades, musicales, and stunt parties. Each afternoon we swim in the big tank on the fore deck. "University Club" meeting in Social Saloon at 3:30 p. m., -cads a notice on the bulletin. Twenty-six colleges are represented by thirty-five alumni. The "S. S. CHINA Pan-Hel" enrols a Deke from Colby, a Phi Delt from Columbia, a Delta Tau from Illinois, an A T S2 and an A E I from California, an Eleusis from Cornell and a Pi Kapp from Nebraska. Westward, ever westward the steamer noses her way. Each day we lose at least fifteen minutes. One day drops out althogether. On the fourteenth day out from Hawaii the ship enters the great port of Japan, Yokohama. The harbor is filled with the ships of neutral powers. Ships carrying the red moon swarm in the bay. Japan commands the Pacific. The trade of the world travels in her boats. It is high time that America bestirred herself. The United States can give no reasonable excuse why


ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY she should not be the great marine power of the world. She stands between the East and the West. At her back door stands South America. She possesses unlimited wealth with which to subsidize a merchant marine. If America is to rule the world she must do it commercially, and not politically. Two years ago Germany was the ruler of all the nations. Not even England excelled her. Had she continued in her peaceful campaign all others would have been forced out of the contest. Let America profit by what Germany did not do. Not many months ago the "Stars and Stripes" was unseen on the Pacific. Thanks to a spiteful, partizan Seamen Act, which killed every American shipping company operating on the Pacific. Small wonder that the Wilson administration has the animosity of marine interests. It is ,to be hoped that the unfair and dastardly piece of legislation will soon be repealed or become a dead letter, like many other American statutes. But now the newly organized China Mail and Pacific Mail Companies strive to regain for us our lost position. Americans in the Orient rejoice to see these two companies appear. They mean much towards the advancement of American interests in the Far East. Several large American banking institutions and commercial firms have already come out becaluse of the revived shipping companies. Americans, awake to your opportunity! Japan is reaching out for the coveted prize. Germany is off the sea.

England and Japan are your only rivals. Five days in Japan with trips to Tokyo, Nikko, Kamakura, and a visit in Yokohama gives one only a small and very limited knowledge of "The Wonder of the East." To understand and appreciate its people it is necessary to live with them for many years. But one cannot help but be impressed by the progressiveness and genius of the Japanese even during a short stop in the Flowery Kingdom. Japan is rapidly transforming herself into a modern nation. But much of the required knowledge is so superficial that unless a person is careful he will judge the people as a set of cheap imitators. The East is East. The West is West. You cannot mix them. Neither can one be hid beneath a veneer of the other. Japan has taken some Occidental customs that are going to destroy her unless she shakes them off along with some of her own evil habits. But the Jap is a keen chap. Trust him to watch out for himself. Yokohama is modern Japan. plus Europe. She boasts a population near unto half a million. Her streets hum with life and progress. She developed from a small and insignificant village into one of the world's greatest commercial centers. Yet here the tourist finds many quaint and interesting bits of life in Japan. The streets and stalls are an education to the curious and wide-awake. The visitor never fails to spend some time in the Benten-dori with


THE STAR AND LAMP theme of Japanese song its shops, Isezaki-cke and vicinity been the story. and and tea-houses with its theatres, In Tokyo, the tourist becomes 'joints.' acquainted with the jinrikisha well An eighteen mile ride over the nly known as the "richcommo or pioneer railway of the country shaw," the two-wheeled cart in brings the traveler to Tokyo, the which the natives haul one about Here capital of the Empire. for a moderate fee. It is the most things Japanese are found in their comfortable riding of all of the typical perfection. Japanese civiOriental vehicles. The "richshaw.' lization is seen epitomized in this is universal, goes everywhere, is city of two million souls. With the always at hand, and exceedingly Imperial Palace and its beautiful table for short excursions. grounds in the center, guarded by comfor chair of Hong Kong is sedan The a moat, the city contains many at- too jiggly and makes one sea-sick. tractions. The Imperial Museum, The trams of the Orient go rockthe Zoological Garden, the Impera-by. The ticci gharry is a rural ial Library, the Academy of Music mail-wagon de luxe. Me for the and Fine Arts, the numerous "rickshaw." theatres and agora of Naka-Dori, It was at Nikko that Sir Edwin parallel to the main thorough-fare, , famous poet and traveler, Arnold of with its wonderful collections days that proved of many spent many the of are curios and wares, to literature. Every profit lasting points of interest. Uyeno Parrh r with his writfamilia is who one of s ground is the chief pleasure this mountain refor longs the city. Here are to be seen the ings b says, prover se Japane A treat. great tombs and temples of the can not Nikko, seen not has "Who is east the to Shoguns. A mile ul it beautif And ul." beautif Asakausa, with its wonderful say up g Nestlin words. beyond is temple of Kwannon. Just beyond the ins, mounta d pinecla across the river, where are held against the scenery of its surthe university regattas, is the superb natural the magnificent and ngs roundi Nearby Coney Island of Japan. s, Nikko is Shogun the of at the Temple of Ekoin are held shrines Nearby is ed. renown wide worldfor the great wrestling matches ii. On Chuzenj Lake ul which Japan is famous. Shiba the beautif r resumme r popula a is shore its Park, a mile south of the Imperial Palace, contains many famous sort. Kaniakiira is fifty minutes' ride Buddhist temples. We visited Yokohama. The Japanese from when g Shiba in the bright mornin popular resort aside the delicate beauty of its Oriental know it is a us attractions. Here religio its from prt work is best apparent. The bronze statue of Temple of Sengakuji is the burial is the great tsu," an image "Diabu a, Buddli place of the famous Forty-seven feet high with eyes of Ronins, whose vendetta has long about fifty


ON TIIE ROAD TO MANDALAY gold. The sensualism of the face, the coarse lips, the veiled eyes fascinate and disgust. But the rich decorations about the statue and the priceless treasures in the temple adjoining are the source of increasing pleasure to the aestheticist. Enoshima Island lies near Kamakura. The drive along the coast between the two places is very picturesque. Leaving Yokohama and sailing westward the ship hugs the coast. The rugged, forest covered mountains remind one of the Palisades on the Hudson. Sacred Fugi,yama, 12,365 feet high, floats phantomlike on the sea of silver clouds. Its Stu:4y peak glistens like the petals of a lotus flower. The trip thru the Inland Sea resembles, but far surpasses, the trip down the St. Lawrence among the Thousand Islands. The Inland Sea, a fairyland of islands, temples and trees, possesses a charm that even the pictureque Lafcadio Hearn's polished language failed to fitly depict. Here is Japan in all her pristine beauty. There are many islands here where the foot of white man has never trod. The sea has a length of 240 miles. At points the picturesque shores lie so Closely near each other that a pebble can be thrown over the deep running water. Islands and islets rise out of its clear depths. Now a barren, rugged rock launching a bold defiance toward the elements. Then some beautiful oval with its green terraces, winding walks and shady groves. At the end of this sea is Naga-

saki, an old city dating back to the twelfth century. Here the Christians settled in the sixteenth century. But they and the flourishing Spanish and Portugese traders were expelled in 1637. From then to the opening of the treaty ports in 1859 the only foreign intercourse was with the Dutch and Chinese. The city has points of interest, including a magnificent temple and a fine poreclain bazaar. Here is an opportunity to visit the famous Tategami dock, carved out of solid rock at a cost of a million dollars. Close by are the largest ship-building works in the Orient. Nagasaki is celebrated for tortoise-shell wares. The fish market is said to have only a few rivals in the world. As far as I know its odors are unrivaled, Canton not excepted. The next stop is Shanghai on the Yangtsze-kiang. Here the tourist receives first impressions of China. Unless he visits the old walled city, and sees the 700-yearold Mandarin garden where the great Manchu princes came to sip tea and plot, the Willow Tea House —which gave Wedgewood his dein for his famous chinaware, the old shrines, and walks thru the narrow and filthy lanes, and rubs against the hundreds of foul beggars, he doesn't see China. Modern Shanghai with its wide and sightly streets, beautiful buildings, immense shops, and imposing Bund is a bit of Europe. The French Concession is a minature Paris. The rest is Liverpool. No one fails to see the Bubbling Well, Li Hung Chang's Gardens, the col-


MR STAR AND LAMP leges, and the Arsenal. Bubbling Well Road is one of the most fashionable drives in the world. The elite of the city drive here in their big motor cars and dashing victorias. Men and women alike are resplendent in gorgeous silks and satins and costly jewels. In Shanghai China's best and worst are to be seen. The worst is terrible and disgusting beyond description. But when a person sees the best he realizes that there are great possibilities. He can not but see that China when fully awakened and active will shake the universe. The recent revolutions are mere twitches as compared with the exertions to come. Again in Hong Kong the good and lasting qualities of the Chinese are impressed upon the observer. Even the coolie has an air of culture that is astonishing. The better you know the Chinese the better you like them and the more you admire them. Bishop Bashford's new book entitled "China" is the best appreciation of the Chinese people that has ever been written. After a five-day journey along the most impressive coast line in the East, Hong Kong is reached. It is an island on the fringe of the Chinese Empire. It is an English possession. At present because of the war the colony is under military rule. The traveler has to register himself with the police and obtain permit before he can leave the city. Here gather all sorts and conditions of men. There are Christian churches and schools, Buddhist and Shinto temples and

European shops, a floating city of native house-boats. In Victoria, its port, are many large granite buildings and luxurious villas built along the side of the Peak. For natural beauty Hong Kong has few rivals. England was indeed wise when she took this port. This and Singapore are the most strategic points in the Orient commercially. Leaving Hong Kong on the night boat the traveler arrives in Canton the next morning. Canton is the great commercial center and capital of South China. The city is typically Chinese. Its streets are seldom more than eight feet wide. The sunshine never penetrates into the canyon-like lanes running in nearly every direction. The odors are the most impressive thing about the place. But all the Orient is noted for that. A person never realizes that there are so many varieties of stenches until he has been in the Far East. Canton is one huge bazaar :rom cne end to the other. Of all the cities visited it is the most mysterious. It is well worth one's time to visit the Chunka-chi Ancestral Temple, Temple of the 500 Genii, the Water Clock, City of the Dead, Flowery Pagoda, and the workshops of the natives where rice paper, Chinese embroidery, paintings, carvings and jade jewelry are made. Near the city is Canton Christian college, one of the best and best kown of the mission schools in Asia. The work done is equal to the highest accomplished in the best American colleczes. Institutions like this are moulding the future of the Orient.


ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY If one has the time—we were fortunate enough to have a long wait until our boat sailed for Singapore—the West river trip to Wuchow should be made. The trip is a most enjoyable one. The real interior of South China is penetrated. The river swarms with fierce-looking boatmen. Thousands of people are born and die on this river and never put fbot on land. Returning, we spent one day in Macao, a picturesque spot at the mouth of the Canton River. Macao is known as the Monte Carlo of the Orient. The Chinese love for gambling is here allowed to run away with itself. The Fantan Gambling Saloons are. the greatest attraction. The ruins of San Paulo are beautiful. The Camoens' Garden and Grotto, the temples, and the factories of opium tobacco and firecrackers interest everyone. A unique side trip requiring an extra half-day is that to the old Chinese walled village of Chin-san. Here one sees the na tives as they are, crude but hospitable. It is a good five-day voyage from Hong Kong to Singapore. The China Sea is said to be one of the roughest pieces of water on the globe. But I found it to be quite the opposite. We were fortunate enough to follow a heavy typhoon and had a calm sea all the way. The coast of Cochin China is very rugged and mountainous, and extremely picturesque. East meets west in Singapore. Evidently "there ain't no ten commandments" in the flourishing

captial of the Straits Settlements. It is believed to be the most cosmopolitan, and some say the wickedest city, in the world, Port Said not excepted. Sixty-nine languages are making the shekels in this eighth largest port. Altho the greater part of the population are Chinese, Malay is the lingua franca. And the Chinese it is who are making the shekles in this Magnificent palaces mint-city. and villas are evidence of their immense wealth. America has not all the millionaires. There have been just as many spectacular fortunes made in Singapore, as there have been made in the States. And the story is many times more thrilling. Few Americans are as low in the social scale as the collie Chinese who comes to the Straits to amass a fortune. In Singapore it is that finance for the great revolutions in China is raised. But it is the name of an Englishman that dominates this great city. Almost every institution in Singapore from the hotel up, and down, is named Raffles, in honor of Sir Stamford, who jammed one of the richest countries of the world clown the British throat. Another great name is that of 'Oldham.' He came to Singapore some twenty years ago, a young man with a great idea. He started a school that is called "The Singapore Phenom." To-day 1800 boys are attending that school. Plans are maturing to make the school a great university, with an endowment of thirty millions of dollars, and a building fund of half that


THE STAR AND LAMP amount. Today Oldham is the Bishop of South America for the greatest Protestant church in the world. All you have to do in Singapore is drop a shipload of goods or an idea and it immediately spreads-among sixty millions of people; As a result there are few more progressive and up to the minute places in the world than this great commercial mart of Southern Alia. The Paris styles are on the streets as soon as they are out. The latest model European and American autos speed up and down her wide and sightly streets. You can even buy 7-Point Gum in the shops. The pace is a killing one. Few Occidentals can keep up. The East gets them. Two days by fast boat to Pen-11g. Here is to be seen a wonderful waterfall and a beautiful Botanical Garden. The trip up to the Crags makes one thrill and squirm in his sedan-chair. At day break the boat glides out the bay onto the Gulf of Martaban. Then come three days of nasty weather. But the old- boat plows ahead and tosses not nor rolls. That is no small thing for which to he thankful. On the morning of the 29th of September the ship entered the mouth of the muddy, mirky Irrawaddy. -Lowlying mudbanks confine the great river. Heavy tropical vegetation grows along the shore. To the east green palms; fringe the grey sky. The ship, following the torturous current, toils upstream. Flat paddy.fields of a brilliant green creep - away to the low hills that far away touch the clearing, sky.

Sampans propelled by standing natives in gay garments throng the river. Water buffalo wallow- in mud on the banks. Soon the straining eye is rewarded by a gleam of light on the sky-line to the north east. It grows to a pillar of fire. Then we see the majestic, gold covered Shwe. Dago' n pagoda, towering above a, city of turrets, domes and spires. The end of my long journey is near..„The road to Mandalay is growing shorter. Many thousand miles have I traveled to this, the land rso dear to the heart of 1.Kipling and of every one else who knows it. Japan allures. China fascinates. Signapore mystifies. But Burma captivates. "When the mig • e is on the paddy field; . Alia the sun is handing low , to Mandalay I shall go. GEORGE

Rangoon, Burma,

A. OnGERs, , . NU. 'Ili.

Nearly Too Strong. Student—"See that 'professor over there? He is "a bombastic -nutt, a wind-jammer nonentity, a false alarm and an encumbrance of the earth!" Lady—"Would you mind writing all that down for me ?" Student—"Why in the world— Lady—"He's my husband. I chould like to usc it on him some •ime."


.1. View of Some of the Fraternity Houses—UNIVERSITY OF NO RTH CAROLINA.

Carolina. CLASS ATHLETIC FIELD—University of North sium in the Background. with Zoological Building, Law Library and Gymna


MATTHEW VII:20. "Flunk out?" Marcus Blank was a fraternity sir, my studies don't both"No of one of love the to Due man. It's worse than that." me. er pledged his townsmen, he had been "Too much high life?" n freshma his in to Pi Kappa Phi "No sir, I haven't the desire for year, and now, that he was a had. It's Junior, he was highly grateful for such. Nor could I, if I that I thal y wherewi necessar the which prestige and es the privileg lack." a as his he believed to have been "Mezuma, kale, cold cash, in result of his affiliation with that words?" other fraternity which we all love. sir. I shall not bother "Yes, wearily walking Blank was my troubles, however. with you house, chapter the toward along a worried look also." have You having on the drill of the afterno trouble isn't of that my "Oh, classof day tiresome added to his worn out with the just I'm sort. room activities. But some agency period and a drill lab a classes, five action into had spirited his brain through today. plowed have I that he which thought of upon a line aid to you?" of be I can me, had not previously followed. Tell you can. believe not do I "No, Pi make "What had he done to and luck, tough of matter a is It worthy was he that feel Kappa Phi itself. luck reverse hardly can you of bearing the name?" "What that which had the chapter done to merit an I have tried to evade every way in down me g unusual distinction among the score is draggin I shall of fraternities known within the and have failed. Tonight pull and gs belongin few my pack " campus circles? home." for Vine At the intersection of "All on account of cash?" street and The Boulevard he was "Yes." brought face to face with a fresh"I don't get you." man of whom he had known but "Oh, well, my story is rather little, and seldom seen. Yet, in and we are within a few paces long freshthe the jaded countenance of house, and I won't bother of your likeness mutual a beheld man he you." of his own fatigued condition. "You are coming right on in "Too much drill, classes bunched me. I am interested in your with old you, g bumpin been or what's A friend in need is a friend case. man?" he remarked to the freshn, if I can be such." freshma a to taking be man, who occasioned to like coming in. My do feel not "I n. directio the same not those you fellike are clothes "Oh, nothing of that sort. Just to your I belong do not wear. lows all," That's a bunch of tough luck. class." dejecof tone a was the reply, and "There is no class in Pi Kappa Con accompanied it.


TILE STAR AND LAMP Phi, Bogane. We are ,not desir,ous of having the clanigh spirit, title or appearance. You must come- in and go to my room with • me." appelafurther Bogane, whose tion was Bruce, reluctantly followed Blank up the steps, into a ipacious hall. Caps hung on the hall tree, they passed down hall' to a room which he found to be Blank's room. In and seated, Blank was the first to speak. "Now, my friend, out with it." "Last September I entered with prospects of taking a four year's course in Law. Father held a position at home as agent for the G. G. & K. Railway, getting a salary of one hundred dollars per month, including his express and telegraph salaries. Last week he was stricken with a slight attack Of paralysis. He has been compelled to resign, and, although he will receive a pension of fifty dollars per month, I am forced to leave as a result. I have spent three mornings, three noons and three evenings coursing about over the streets of the city, asking here and asking there for any sort of occupation that might be suitable for me to attempt and yet carry out my work. Every thing has spelled failure to me." "Well, are you broke? That is a personal question, but I'm interested." "No. I have more 'than fifty dollars, but I shall need that to get me to my home and tide me over until I can obtain a position of ome• kind."

"Well; Bogane; don't go home for a couple of days. Stick to the post until you hear from me. I haven't much business jumping in on your deal, but now that I'm in, I'm going to do my doest." "You are a Junior, and I have faith in your word in telling me to remain. I shall do so." "Come, let us meet some of the fellows," Marcus said by way of a change of subject. And, stepping to the door, he hallooed the fellows down from the upstairs rooms. Bogane met Bullis, an orphan who was working his way through the college, and Cantelly, a millionaire's son, on equal footing as brother. Pi Kapps. There was Isgrig, and Holman, Vonhilt and Manley, men whom he knew to be Phi Beta Kappas, yet more noted for their scholarship than for money. Riley, Price, Dudley and Platt were wealthy, but they had, always spoken to him, a freshman. very kindly. Here he was, in tti midst of them, with no eyes be'ng cast askance at his attire. Truly,. he was of the belief that a ,fraternity ws not the high-browed, swell-. headed element that he supposed it to be. Here was to be found only the most congenial spirtis. Bruce felt a regret that he. had .previously considered that fraternity men to be unconcerned and haughty. He was further surprised that a uumber of the fellows accompanied him to the door, and as he passed down the walkway to the street, invited him to return for further visits.


MATTHEW VII :20 Our story for the night shifts to double scenes. First we view Bogane in his plain room, in a cottage in the suburbs of the city, poring over his lessons, seemingly entirely occupied in study. But, he had not an exact composure of mind. There was the worry that flitted here and there to obstruct his continued thought on any subject. Still, he was more at ease than he might have been had he not encountered Marcus Blank. Study was finally finished and he retired to spend a restless hour or two, in conjecturing Blank's mode of proceedure, ere he closed his eyes. At the Pi Kappa Phi house the Situation was in marked contrast. A special meeting was called. Blank, who by virture of being a Charter member (the only one remaining in the chapter) was Archon and had brought before the chapter the case of Bruce Bogane, as the statements had come from the mouth of Bogane himself. In closing his remarks Blank said: "Fellows, This is an Opportunity to make our fraternity count. We,have an occasion to do a social service to a deserving man. I wish my name to be inscribed as first of a list to cooperate in enabling Bogane to reinain in the university. With several of us laboring toward the same end we will surely ,obtain support for him by some means." • Not a man failed to enter into the spirit of the occasion. The meeting was adjourned. Studies were indulged in rather than en-

gaged in. The men had lighter hearts. There was pleasure in knowing that something might be done to benefit a deserving man. The morrow came and each of the nineeteen men went out to classes, to business and to social calls with the ever present thought of -discovering an aid for Bogane. The reports at the house at the end of the first day were very discouraging. The evening of the second' day brought good tidings. Platt was the hero of the hour who sprang the good.news. During a conversation with the cashier of the Old, National Bank, Mr. J. P. Demasne, he had learned that that gentleman had need of the services of a young man, preferably a: college student, to assist in installing a new filing system and the maintenance of the system. Mr. Demasne had agreed to reserve first choke for Bogane, providing Bogane's qualifications pleased him. The work was of a precise nature but would require not more than two hours each evening. Blank gave the further report that he had the good • fortune to note a sign, "Boy Wanted," in the window of an embalmer's office, which he had inquired concerning. The embalmer wished an - office boy to remain at his office at nights, to answer calls, telephone calls, etc. The position carried with it a well-equipped room on the second floor of the building and an additional salary of three dollars per week, and the hours were from ten to seven. Bogane was called to the Pi


THE STAR AND LAMP Kappa Junior, an all-around honor man. Furthermore, Bogane is a Pi Kappa Phi of whom any fraternity at the University would be proud to claim affiliation.

Kappa Phi hotve. In company with Platt and .131ank he made appliction for the two positions and obtained them. Two years have passed. Bogane is a Phi Beta

THE INTER-FRATERNITY CONFERENCE. It was absolutely an impossibility for the E. S. J. to attend the Interfraternity Confe:ence. We have received no report frort our delegate who was to attend. Therefore, we appropriate, with credit to 43 2 K, the following accounts from The Signet. EXPENSES OF DELEGATES • In the payment of the expenses of delegates, we found the fraternities varied considerably. Prac::cally all of the men's general fraternities paid the expenss of one delegate from the active chapters. A few paid nearly all; and in only one or two instances did we find the chapters bearing the expense of the delegates. In this connection your committee would recommend to the fraternities generally that some scheme be worked out whereby the expenses of one delegate and the grand officers to each convention shall be paid from the fraternity treasury, and the expense placed upon the fraternity as a whole. Our reasons are that we believe this will insure attendance from every chapter. This recommendation, however, is not designed to have anything more than a suggestive influence upon fraternities in-

volved, for your committee recognizes that in the last analysis each fraternity will continue to transact its business along its own individual lines.—Report of committee on time of holding fraternity conventions. UPPER CLASS HONORARY SOCIETIES More or less closely allied to the foregoing are UPPER CLASS HONORARY SOCIETIES. TO be sure, your committee has no intention of representing such honorable societies as Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, or Delta Sigma Rho as antagonistic to fraternity ideals, but it does believe that the further multiplication of Greeklettered societies for the purpose of honoring students who show some proficiency in journalism, agriculture, music, public speaking, anthropology or what not, will tend to dissipate undergraduate energy and loyalty and to obscure the real purpose •for which the original Greek-letter •societies exist. Moreover, your committee is of opinion that honorary senior societies, "ribbon societies," etc., are already too much developed: such organizations further the clique idea, constitute a useless college aristoc-


INTER-FRATERNITY CONVERENCE racy, and prove, if not dangerous, at least unnecessary. Partially to control these upper class honorary societies, we recommend that each fraternity represented in this Conference adopt regulations providing that every undergraduate member must obtain special permission from the appropriate official of hi .national organization before aecepting membership in any honorary society, and that permission be withheld in the case of fraternity members delinquent in their obligations to their fraternity chapter and likewise in the case of honorary societies which appear to have no proper raison d'etre— Report of Committee on organiL-ations antagonistic to fraternity ideals. HIGH SCHOOL FRATERNITIES The youth away from home needs an artificial brotherhood. The adolescent at home does not need an artificial brotherhood. .An artificial brotherhood has dangers— due to its artificiality—and it requires all the keen and loyal intelligence of devoted alumni to meet and overcome these dangers. Yet, in spite of-these dangers, the college fraternity system is earnestly and sincerely supported by educational experts because of the need which it supplies. These same educational experts—thousands of whom are your fraternity brethren--recognize the fact that all those same dangers lurk in the high school fraternity, system, that there is a vastly greater inmaturity in these secret, boyish, self-perpetuating organizations, without any

real purpose that can not better be secured otherwise, and they appeal to you for help in doing away with them. Your action should be of the greatest assistance.- It could do no harm. The proposition is almost unanimously and heartily called for. It is in your power and you can do great good.—Report of committee on high school fraternities and their relation to college fraternities. CO-OPERATIVE FRATERNITY MANAGEMENT; THE CORNELL SYSTEM But few practical attempts to systematize and organize fraternity household management have as yet been made. Of these, the system introduced and carried on by Mr. A. B. Wellar at Cornell University is the best example. All departments of the business activities of about thriry of the fraternities at this center are controlled co-operatively. The activities include: (1) Building operations and repairs. (2) Hiring, discharge and supervisiori of- servants. (3) Buying and preparation of food. (4) Collection of accounts and auditing. According to this system the fraternity houses are managed either by members of the chapter or by stewards under the supervision of the cooperative bureau. Two sets of books are kept over a period of twelve months annually. One set covers the steward's department, the second all other in-


TIER STAR AND LAMP comes and disbursments. Trial balances are taken from these books each month, the causes of loss or gain studied and corresponding recommendations made to the presidents of the chapters. The advantges thus gained are obvious. Greater efficiency at a decreased cost is obtained throughout. Protection is secured against unscrupulous tradespeople. The houses are better kept. Food is bought in wholesale quanities and usually by contract, at reduced prices. Kitchen waste is lessened. The great bane of fraternity chapter, carelessness as to collection of dues and board, is eliminated by a uniform system of keeping accounts as well as by monthly auditing.—Report of the committee on food values and the steward's department. PUBLIC OPINION "In view of the ever-present danger of adverse legislation in the annual and biennial sessions of the legislatures, this committee makes the following recommendations: 1. The chapters in State institutions, instead of discouraging the creation of new chapters, should encourage local socities to apply to national fraternities for charters and should help them to organize. 2. Fraternities should not confine themselves to State universities and State colleges if there are other institutions that afford good material for fraternity membership. 3. It is vitally important that the fraternities should be con-

ducted in such a spirit that the members will consider it their duty to support the college or university first, "and their chapter or fraternity second." 4. Non-fraternity men should be treated by Greeks with more consideration than they are accustomed to receive. 5. It is important that all differences between fraternities as to rushing and other matters should : be settled amicably in local inter fraternity conference agreemnets. 6. The committee on publicity last year approved the plan of college faculties posting the average grades of the students and the average grade of the members of each chapter. We believe that- this plan will stimulate Greeks to make more creditable scholastic records. 7. The committee approves the rule that prohibits the initiation of students who have not successfully passed the examination of onc semester. 8. Rushing should be conducted in a dignified manner, and without extravagant expenditure for entertainment. 9. Mistakes by chapters and excesces in deportment by member:; may, to some extent at least, be .voided by the appointment of local alumni-advisers. 10. The chapters should set their house in order, so that there may be no criticism of the behavior of the inmates. II. The increasing tendency towards extravagance in chapter house life should be constantly resisted.


INTER-FRATERNITY CONFERENCE 12. We suggest that a collection fewer would go to other colleges. should be made of endorsements ,Report of committee on "What from men of national reputation. proportion of college fraternity —Report of the committee on pub- men fail to graduate and the reasons therefor." lic opinion. HEARD AT THE INTER-FRATERFAILURE To GRADUATE NITY CONFERENCE those These results agree with "1 thank God that I do not find obtained from the analysis of the results from college officers and many college fraternity men talkfrom fraternities considered sepa- ing about 'frats' any more."—Dean rately, and hence we may be rea- Shepardson of Chicago. sonably sure that they are the "The future of our causes which induce fraternity men lies in large measure infraternities the great If graduation. to leave before these are the true reasons the fra- agricultural colleges."—Professor ternities have the remedy to a large Bird of Virginia. extent in their own hands. Where "I know of very few high school the trouble is due to lack of funds, fraternity men who become good the alumni of the fraternities might fraternity men in college, and I arrange to loan money to worthy am glad that my fraternity has fraternity members. In almost legislated against them."—Dean every fraternity there are enough Clark of Illinois. alumni to subscribe to a fund large "When you go back to your enough for this purpose. Where fraternity be careful what you say poor scholarship, due either to in- and what you do, for to the underadequate preparation or to indiffer- graduates you are a hero and the ence to college work, is the cause most foolish fool in the world is the of students leaving, it is evident fraternity graduate who goes back that the fraternity has initiated to his college and acts like a boy .m en who are not inspired with high of sixteen."—Dean Holmes of ideals of scholarship. If the fra- Penn State. ternities had some kind of a "It would be the very best thing scholarship requirement for ad- possible if each of the fraternities mission, fewer of their members here represented should take in ten would leave on account of these new chapters during the next two causes. When a student leaves to years."—James B. Curtis, Presigo to another institution he usually dent of Delta Tau Delta. does so because he has failed in the "The fraternity must stand a institution where he is. Whether test, I will say, of sertest,—the the fraternities could effectually remove this trouble is not certain, viceableness."—President Demarbut if the scholarship requirements est of Rutgers. "There are times when the alumabove mentioned were insisted upon, fewer would fail and hence nus has not only the opportunity


THE STAR AND LAMP but the duty to interfere in chapter affairs."-0. H. Cheney, President of the Conference. "Forty-nine out of every fifty men will be perfectly happy in the fraternity to which they first pledge themselves, if no rival fraternity perniciously attempts to stir up dissatisfaction."—I Villiam C. Levere, Recorder of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.


"There is some peril in the luxury of our fraternity houses."— President Demarest. "The truest and finest experience of the whole matter is that in the fraternities we learn that fraternal feeling which we ought to carry out to other men, as far as our sympathies can reach, even to the ends of the earth."—Dean Holmes.


EDITORIALS In reading this issue of THE STAR AND LAMP you have possibly noted the changes in The the staff of the magazine. Such changes New have been due to sevStaff. eral causes. The new liminess manager was elected by a unanimous vote at the Convention. Although it would be a difficult matter to obtain a manager who would more enthusiastically fulfill his duties than did Brother Lawton Ellis, our former manager, we believe it was a byrd of an idea for the men at the Convention to place our new manager, Brother Cosby Byrd, in Brother Ellis' shoes. Brother Byrd is "right on the job" and the Life Subscription list is going to grow through his endeavors, as well as the advertising section. Brother Partridge, the future Exchange,4ditor, is a live-wire in Nu chapter and was highly recommended to us as "the" man for the office. Brother Partridge will be in charge of the department after this issue. We were not able to notify our exchanges of the new mailing list changes earlier. You need no introduction to I. N. Edwards, E, of Greenwood, S. C. Brother Edwards, who holds the chair of History in Lander College, at Greenwood, has been an associate editor for several years. Brother "Newt" will continue in his capacity as an associate. We wish to introduce to you R. C. Wiggins, North Carolina M. He

is a native of Denmark, S. C., and possesses the loyal and zealous attributes of a genuine Pi Kapp. He enters upon his editorial duties in this issue. To appreciate "Wig," a person must know him. Bobo Burnett, South Carolina Z, by virtue of his new duties of the E. S. Historian, falls heir to the position of an alumni editor. The advantages of his office in the fraternity should make him a 'rousing' good man for the position. It has been our privilege to meet Brother Burnett and we class him among the loyals who have only the best interests of Pi Kappa Phi at heart. J. L. Metcalfe, Georgia Iota, a graduate electrician now located at Fort Wayne, Indiana, has consented to assume the duties of the second alumni editor. The Iota boys spoke very highly of "Metty" to us when we visited them last December. *01110*

While a nickname is not essential to a fraternity, we are of the opinion that such a Nickname. nickname as might be used should at least be standard. We note that at Trinity our North Carolina M men are styled (and style themselves) Phis. Most of our chapters report the abbreviated Pi Kapp, which we have been taught to use. The HK A fraternity is just as much entitled to use the Pi Kapp nickname as we, but we are


THE STAR AND LAMP informed that they are generally styled Pikas. By all means let us have the matter settled. You Pi Kapp chapter men who are in the colleges where H K A is represented, provide the information as to the nick-name of that fraternity —please. The fraternity began the New Year officered by an almost entirely new Supreme Chapter— The Convention, the only two officers re-elected being the Eminent Supreme Archon and the Eminent Supreme Journalist. The Convention of the Supreme Chapter, in December, was a surprise in that respect. A more devoted and energetic roster of new officials could not be discovered, however. Brother Heffner, the new Deputy-Archon, is a California Gamma product, and a man thoroughly business-like and well-versed in the affairs of the fraternity. Our western brother has been for the past eight months in Chicago, but goes this month to New York City to continue in the employ of the Western Electric Company. He will prove a most valuable aid to Brother Carroll, E. S. A. The new E. S. Grapter is a man of sterling worth to Pi Kappa Phi. His brethren, of North Carolina K chapter, considered him so worthy of the position he now holds that Henry Green Harper (K) held the floor of the Convention for the most lengthy of the nomination

speeches that were delivered. We have gotten in touch with this so-

stated live-wire, Brother John L. Henderson, of Burlington, N. C., and can vouch for his sincerity. J. Lawton Ellis, Georgia Iota, is the new E. S. Thesaurophulax. A wise choice, for here is one whose ability has been well proven heretofore by his able management of THE STAR AND LAMP. Brother Ellis has launched into his work in earnest and will improve the office, and its accomplishments, if possible. We might go on at length and introduce all of the new officers, and the Council. But, they will in the future management of the affairs of the fraternity become so well known to you, and to each other, that our mere introduction would fall short of the mark and prove of little importance. We began with the intention of making remarks concerning the Convention. It was there.that "Fuzzy's" snorts became famous, and the expression, "Have a little snort my boy," has become as much a part of history as the pennings of the immortal bards. It was not until Convention days that it became so well known that Cosby Byrd was so accomplished in the art of "I Fecond the motion" procedure. A thrilling discovery was that our esteemed brother, John D., E. S. A., could make his minutes count for hours, and his hours for—plenty. Such a man can in one evening be the presiding officer at a session, sit in the orchestra circle at the theatre and out in the suburbs fill-


EDITORIALS ing a date. How it can "be did" only he can explain. There was so much business to be attended to that Ellis did not find time to make use of the dress suit that he took especially for those swell dances he had counted so much on. Landers was in love with the South, but, oh how dreamy-eyed when sororities (especially 1' I3) were under discussion. It would require seven pages to give you the humorous side of the Convention. We could write a book concerning the good that was accomplished. ,Are you not convinced that you should have attended? The man who attaches no importance to an ideal probably never had one. He is so inThe tensely interested with Ideal, the prosaic side of life that he considers it a loss of time to deal with ideals. Consequently, if we do not feel duty bound to look on high for our level, we shall find it close to earth, among the small and narrow things and the common elements of life. If we, as a unit, can not set a standard for Pi Kappa Phi on a high level, and, if we, as a unit, can not bring Pi Kappa Phi to that standard, then the fraternity is a veritable failure. We must appreciate the value of something higher up, —the value of an ideal. Some of us get accustomed to our stunted o narrow lives because we possibly do not know how to live up to these ideals, being satisfied with the tread-mill existence

which nets us nothing and leads to "nowhere." We are meant for better things. Carl Schurz said: "Ideals are like stars; but, like the sea-faring man on deserts of water, you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but you can follow them and reach your destination." If we, as Pi Kappa Phis, pin our hopes to high ideals, they will become brigther and better as time follows and shall influence our lives toward a better end. We cannot be entirely alone so long as we keep our faith in the eventual and inevitable realization of our souls' dreams and ideals.—R. C. WIGGINS, Mu. *0300*

The question of expansion is a vital matter, and yet Pi Kappa Phi stands today as an Expansion institution of sufficient size and scope that we need not search diligently in the highways and byways for an opportunity to expand. Some of the older fraternities have had experiences which should prove valuable examples to us. In many instances chapters were established in weak institutions, with weak local chapters or without sufficient Any of previous investigation. which is a sure and certain death warrant for the chapter installed. As this issue goes to press we are reliably informed of the possibility of entering two universities and a third is "on the string.:' In each instance the opportunity is for an added enthusiasm, an increase of


THE STAR AND LAMP power and influence and a positive step toward the zenith of our high ideals. Let it ever be so. Men of the stars, lamp and swords—have a care in the selection of a petitioning body which you may recommend. Safegaurd the future of the fraternity rather than bolster up the present. Pi Kappa Phi is "on her feet" and must be so regarded. *0100*

In what light do you view your chapter? In what manner are you supporting it? Are The you fulfilling your obChapter ligations to the fraternity by performing the proper functions of a dutiful member? By far too many men P re inclined to view the officers ot tha chapter as the machinery, or, in slang, "the whole works." That is a false impression. Each member is a vital part of the chapter, a necessary and essential unit in the mechanism. The officers are but the master-wheels and depend upon the remainder of the chapter •for the motive power. Get down to business, brother, if you have been lagging, and assume the obligation von ow" the fraternity. Thus, a better chapter. And, ultimately, a greater Pi Kappa Phi.

pery and proclaims to the world the existence of dudishness by the contrasts of vermillions and pea greans (even though, thank God, he is fast disappearing) is styled as a fraternity man. He wears the letters, due to the fact that "somebody blundered," and adorns his hull with the insignia. But, one can hardly think of him as being in the same class with the man who carries the dignity of his fraternity on a par with the dignity of his character, endeavoring to so live and- act that honor, rather than pomp and pride shall be given to his chapter. A young student artist once inquired of a man who had achieved fame as a landscape painter, "Sir, what do you mix your colors with to produce such excellent results?" The answer was returned like a shot, "With BRAINS, Sir." So it is with we Greeks. Every man of us who has, by any means, obtained possession of the fundamental principles of the mechanical side of the fraternity life and bearing, is styled a fraternity man and the world draws its impress'ons from the lowest standard— it seems, at least. Make an inventory of your active demonstrations—then include your actual ability and brains. A majority of us will be bettered by the attempt.

There is a difference in frater*04'0* nity men, just as there is a difference, or qualifying deWe regret that the entire chapBrains gree, in any class or ter list was not in attendance at sect and the fraternity. the Convention. Xi explains that For, the man who dons the fop- Archon Wagener's recent debut as


EDITORIALS a benedict accounts for their nonrepresentation. Archon "N e d"

graphically and otherwise, and despite these handicaps, which are a

Marshburn of Georgia A was also

little more than nominal or negli-

a delegate who allowed Cupid to prevent his attendance at the "big event."

ble, the West bids fair to be a

One of our exchanges has commented on II K (D's entrance into a formerly abandoned field, Roanoke College, Salem, Va. This esteemed brother editor did not realize the fact that in Brother A. P. Wagener, one of the original Pi Kapps, was a member of the faculty at Roanoke and the guiding ,star of Virginia Xi. And, from reports we have received from our E. S. A., material counts for much in Virginia Xi. We will bank on the accomplishments of these men of our baby chapter.

The Convention of 191e; is now history. We are indeed gratified at its results, viewed Retrospect from every standand point. It gave us a Forecast point of view from which we can look backward with gratitude and forward with great expectations. A meeting of this kind is always a stimulus to the life of the fraternity, and it can be truthfully said that this added much fibre and strength to our great and conservative order. Our brothers from California F and Nebraska N are indeed an inspiration to us. We appreciate their position, both geo-

realm of Pi Kapps in the near fuIt is hoped that definite steps will soon be taken to establish some more chapters in the West. This is good territory. We know, because, we have tried it. We must be conservative and at the same time aggressive. Start a new chapter right and you have practically insured it aginst failure. Start a new chapter wrong, and you have not only put a damper on the chapter itself, but you have put a damper on the whole fraternity. There are plenty of colleges in which chapters can be put, and if we keep our dignity, expansion is inevitable. Be not mindful, however, that this article is not addressed to the fraternity as a whole, but to every solitary Pi Kapp, no matter where he lives. "The whole is made up of its parts." Each member of Pi Kappa Phi is an indispensable cog in the fraternity's mechanism and like all other machinery, every part must work in unison. You get just as much out of fraternal life as you put into it. Emerson, in his essay on Compensation, very aptly said, "Thou shalt be paid exactly for what thou hast done, no more, no less." You cannot lose anything, fellows; with this inspiration let us renew our efforts and invest some good principles and activities that shall bear abundant fruit. Start now, not to-morrow.



THE STAR AND LAMP This is especilly applicable to Alumni. They are the ones who impress the outside world and they are the ones who influence the world's opinion of Pi Kappa Phi. Active chapters, don't wait until you have initiated a man before you look him over. Play the game cleanly and make a bid for character and stamina. Ignore the glaring outward appearance of a man, if he is not morally right at the bottom. This may sound like moralization, "but all things are moral; thus is the universe alive." Pi Kappa Phi is supposed to help and develop a man, but dare to take a man into the bonds of fraternal union who will not help Pi Kappa Phi. Here's to her future. WIGGINS.

In our pre-convention issue we had Georgia A slated as not replying to our call for a special article on the subject of the convention. While visiting the Lambda brothers

(enroute to the convention) we were informed by 'Brother Marshburn that a special delivery letter was sent. While we apologized to the brothers at the time, we wish to make an open apology for the loss of Brother Marshburn's letter and the failure to insert the article in the magazine. *0*0*

Do not let yourself worry about what the other fellow is doing? Just throw yourself into the work, of bettering your chapter and Pi Kappa Phi.

Learn Both of These Now. The official H K 4> whistle, both call and answer, as adopted by the 1916 Convention. Submitted by Bolt, X,'09.


r c.r L Answer at,1

r 88


EXCHANGES The following Exchanges have been received: The Acacia Journal; Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly; The Centaur of A K K; Alpha Phi Quartely; The Lyre of A X 0; Beta Theta Pi; The Crescent of r (I) B; The Anchora of A 1'; The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly; The Rainbow of A T A; The Shield of CI A X; The Rattle of 0 X; Kappa Alpha Theta; The Key of 'K K r; The Cadceus of K 2 (2); The Purple, Green and Gold of AX A; The Record of A E; The E K Triangle; I H Emerald; X Quarterly; The Communicator of IT) A X; The Shield of (I) K The Aglaia of (I) M; The Signet of

(1>1K. X X X

"Mothers and Daughters in Theta," which was accompanied by photographs of a number of the twogeneration Thetas. The E. S. J.'s boy is a girl, three years old thankyou, and we cannot look forward to a Pi Kapp pledge in 1932.

XXX The Communicator of (1) A X carried as an insert a large printed sheet containing the fraternity forms and blanks. In it are found the following: Registry Blank, Official Badge Order, Membership Certificate- Order, Information Blank, Grand Registrar's Report to Communicator and to Grand Treasurer. Such a system of forms means much toward a systematic administration.

Editor Rogers of A T A objects to the appropriation of "Delt" as a nick-name by other fraternities. We support Mr. Rogers in the objection. We have been educated to know a T A as a Delt, a (I) A o as a Phi ADelt, a B B II as a Beta and so-on. It is robbing an "oldline" fraternity of its time-earned and dessrving rights to "swipe" the nick-name. We have often ouestioned as to whether we of n K (V or the men of H K A are Pi Kapps.


In The Shield -of (I) K III we learn in the article, "Doubtful California," that President Thomas was not Woodrow Wilson, (I) K elected because he was the man for the place, the man of the hour and the nation's choice, but because the Los Angeles Alumni Association of (I) K 111 decided that it should be written in future hirtory that he was re-elected because of his being a Phi Psi. Well, fraternal allegiance is commendable. XX X The E. S. J. is a Wilson man and The Janurary issue of Kappa "voted 'er straight," and rejoices Alpha Theta was an Alumnae to know that the source of PresiNumber. A peculiarly interesting dent Wilson's victory has been at feature was the lengthy article, last permanently decided.


TIIE STAR AND LAMP A very interesting article in the Shield was "Bunk or Junk." The matter of useless expenditures for jewelry, leather goods, pipes, stationery and novelties was very forcibly impressed upon the reader. Like the author of the article, we are quite favorable to fraternity jewelry and fraternity novelties. But we do believe a fellow's pipe will be just as enjoyable and his socks stay up just as well without the fraternity emblem being emblazoned on the bowl of the pipe or the clasp of the garters. Buy jewelry and novelties with a sense of propriety and consistency. X X X

Some of the fraternity publications have been objecting to the idea of the "girls" calling their societies "fraternities." The aforesaid publications have maintained that "sorority" was the only proper term for their use. We accept the argument of the following article, which was found in Alpha Xi Delta:

"WOMAN'S FRATERNITY"-A VINDICATION Fraternity—surely a more gracious word never lent the charm of its presence to our Anglo-Saxon speech. Fraternity—Brotherhood universal—it is an old, old term which has epitomized loyalty and friendship since its creation. The atmosphere of symbolism and mystery which cloaks the word for college-bred men and women is but the case of dark velvet in which the pure lustre of the jewel is pro-

tected from the careless handling of indifferent passers-by.

And now we take up the gauntlet. A great deal of criticissm is heard from the masculine contingent of the Greek forces of the use of the term "fraternity" as applied to a woman's national Greekletter society. Admitting that fraternity literally means brotherhood, .may we waive the technicalities of word formation, and present our idea of a fundamental reason for the change from sorority? We see in it simply another phase of the twentieth century feminist movement. Now, do not fling the timeworn phrase at us, "women apeing men," as the change from sorority to fraternity means to us a more complete expression of the creed under which we wish to stand. It symbolizes the progression towards a higher goal, a more worthy ideal. Since time imemorial the "sisterhoods" of the world have been kept figuratively, and oft-times literally behind stone walls. They have been "shielded from the contaminating touch of the world," but this shield meant atrophied minds and hearts; it stunted the individual emotionally and intellectually, truly an unnatural existence. The brotherhoods of the world from the Knights of the Round-table, the Crusaders, the Knights Templar, down through the pages of legend and history have led a free and active life, have been righters of wrong—warriors in the open field of life.


EXCHANGES With the coming of the twentieth century, came a spirit of liberty for women; a dynamic force which is rapidly galvanizing society into an active admission of the fact that woman is man's intellectual, social and political equal, With this spirit the doors in the stone wall of prejudice have swung wide and the sisterhoods are entering upon a freer, more active participation in the world of action and purpose. The old idea of woman's colorless, passive sphere is outgrown—may we not then lay aside an outgrown term (even though speaking as a purist it may be correct), and adopt the one which seeems best to express our new purpose, to be active workers in the great world Of accomplishment? May We not march under the same banner, comrades-at-arms, militant against wrong and oppression? And then admittedly coworkers, shall we stoop to quibble over a mere linguistic technicality? Not the word, but the underlying idea is the vital thing. So, the term woman's fraternity" is not an anomaly but a declaration of a broader creed; an announcement of our enlistment as active crusaders, . with our motto—"Dux femina racti"—and the leader of the deed is a woman. ISADORE B. WHITLEY, Delta.


Frequently in these columns we have urged our Chapters to fully post a man who has accepted a bid in regard to the financial obligation he will assume when initiated. This is only fair to the man and will prevent possible future dissatisfaction to both parties of this mutual contract. But our Gamma Zeta Chapter goes a step farther. After a man has pledged, and before he is initiated, they address a letter, similiar to the one we reproduce, to his parents or guardian accompanied by a complete statement of all his expenses for the first year—dues, fees, board, room rent, etc. "The pledging of to the Wesleyan Chapter of the Delta Tau Detla Fraternity makes it desirable that you should have an official statement of the precise nature of the obligations which he assumes. At the outset we wish to emphasize the fact that the organization, both locally and nationally, stands for the highest ideals. It endeavors to opproximate home life and influences. It is the pioneer fraternity in the campaign for better scholarship and is on record for the encouragement of religious life. At the same time it is evident X X X that the problem of bringing In The Rainbow of A T A is the proper influences to bear upon twenty-five to thirty boys, found this valuable bit of information along the lines of chapter eduparticularly if self-government and self-dependence are not incation. Read, men of the chapters, and benefit. fringed upon, is difficult.


THE STAR AND LAMP In view of these facts the alumni organization of the chapter has assumed authority to co-operate with the parents in an effort to make certain that the expense and time involved in a college course shall make for the development of good business and mental habits. Accordingly it is proposed to inform you through the undersigned alumni as to the schclastic standing of your son each time that marks are available and to his financial relation to the chapter whenever he is measurably delinquent. We do this in the belief that frankness between all concerned—student, parents and the fraternity—is fundamental; and we trust that our action will aid in the development of sound scholarship, honest effort and prompt financial habits. We shall also be very glad to advise with you in any matters affecting him as a student and as a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity." Such a proceeding can not be too highly commended. It is only fair to the parent whose money is being spent, and the Chapter of Delta Tau Delta is able to clearly demonstrate the benefits to the son and the full value given for this extra expense. X X X

tention. The article is similiar in nature and construction to that of Brother Odgers, Nu, in this issue of the Star and Lamp. Brother Odgers and Mrs. Robertson (the author of the Adelphean article) are thousands of miles away, but their loyalty in contributing to their fraternity publications is truly commendable.

In The Adelphean of A A H we discovered a splendid feature article, "An Alpha Delta Pi in Thibet," which caused us to give at-

CANADIAN FRATERNITY MEN Statistics show that out of the twenty-five per cent of college men in Canada who have enlisted

X X X The following are clippings from The Quarterly of A K E: COLLEGE FRATERNITIES HIT BACK In the campaign that was waged a decade ago for the elimination of Greek letter fraternities from colleges and universities the chief point made made against them was that the members were deficient in scholarship as a result of the division of energy and time between scholastic and fraternity duties. According to a report made to the Interfraternity Conference in this city on Saturday the fraternity men now lead the non-member students not only in scholarship, but more "Greeks" than "barbarians" obtain diplomas, which is the highest test. This result was obtained through a "scholarship first" campaign which has affected most profoundly every institution in the country where fraternities are represented.—New York Herald.


EXCHANGES for service in the European war, "The Rattle" the only way that this over eighty-five per cent are fra- can be stopped is by a strict alumni N. ternity men.—Delta of supervision of all financial affairs of the chapters and also a superviCHAPTER FINANCES It has been brought quite forc- sion by the Grand Chapter, to ibly to the attention of the alumni whom the active chapters should lately that some of our chapters be accountable. It does not necesare not learning by experience and sarily mean that the Grand Chapthat last spring they allowed sev- ter should take entire charge of eral of their members to go away the financial operations, neverthewithout paying their bills. A stop less, they should be in a position to must be put to this. No chapter know how each chapter stands and must be allowed to let any of its • at the same time have authority to members run up bills. They can- take action to prevent any chapter not afford to, nevertheless, the fact allowing any more bills to be inremains that after all the urging curred by their members. If this and all the publicity that there has is allowed to go on without checkbeen given this question the chap- ing, as it has in the last few years, ters are doing the same thing over it means financial suicide for the and over again. In the opinion of chapters.—The Rattle of 0 X.


TilE STAR AND LAMP +4.++++444+++++++++4444+444444++++++++++++.14+++++++.14++ 4. + 4. + 4. + + * 4. ÷ 4444.. 4. + + + :I:

* •I• .1. + .1+ 4. q• 4 . 4.. ÷ .1. + 4.1. 4. 44. 4. + 4. +



4* +

.1. + + I

* + + 4. + + 4. + 4+ 4.4.



.1. + 4. + .1. .24.




herewith makes official public announcement of the . expulsion of

+ + + .2. .1. + + + .7. 4. 4. + + + 4. 4. .1. 4. + + .1. + +

RAY W. STRIBLING (Alumnus Georgia Iota Chapter) ATLANTA, GA.

+ 4. +

for conduct unworthy and unbecoming a member of the fraternity. The hand of fellowship must be supplanted by the FINGER OF SCORN.

+ 44. .1. 4. + + + + + + + .2. + + + + + + -1. .1. +

[It is with regret that this, the first expulsion in the history of our fraternity, is announced. It is a matter of regret to the loyal men of Georgia Iota that it should be the lot of their chapter to have introduced such an unworthy man into our bond of fellowship.]

4 4. 4.

4. +

4" 4. .1. .1.

4 . 4+ + 4 .

4. 4. 4. 4. .1.


+ .1.


4.. 4++++++.;•+:-1.4.44+.14+4..•444.4.÷



HENRY W. H. FITZ SIMONS It was with feelings of deepest grief that we learned of the death of one of our active brothers, Henry William Hendricks FitzSimons, of Savannah, Ga. After an illness of but a few days, he died on the morning of Wednesday, Feburaury 21st, 1917. It will be recalled by those who were present at the Convention in Savannah, in December last, that he was one of the representatives of South Carolina Alpha chapter. He matriculated as a Freshman at the College of Charleston last October, and by his attractive personality had made many friends, both at the college and in the city. Of clean habits a n d unstained character, he was recognized as one of the most popular young men in the student body, though he had been in college for a period of only a few months.


An energetic and enthusiastic brother was he, always working for the good of the fraternity. Very soon after his initiation he was elected Historian of our chapter, and at the time of his death he was Chaplain. Both of these offices he filled to the eminent satisfaction of the chapter. A faithful comrade and a kind friend, he had those sterling qualities which combine to make a true Pi Kappa Phi, and we realize that in his death the fraternity has sustained a great loss. We mention, also with pride, that he was a good student, and he was held in high esteem by his classmates and the faculty of the college. ALPHA CHAPTER, A. J. Kahrs, Wm. F. Peecksen.




COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON All brothers returned refreshed by the Christmas vacation and at the first meeting of the new year the semi-annual election of officers was held. The following were selected to handle the affairs of the chapter for the ensuing half-year: Bro. R. A. Moore, Archon. Bro. J. P. McMillan, Grapter. Bro A. J. Kahrs, Treasurer. Bro. H. FitzSimons, Chaplain. Bro. Archie Martin, Doorkeeper. We wish to introduce to II K 0 the following new members, who came in with us at the beginning of the new year: John Jeffries Emdelock, Gaffney, S. C. Samuel Boynton Ray, Denmark, S. C. We are in hopes of being joined soon by Brother Curry, who has been on a leave of absence from the college. Brothers Weinheimer and Bowen, alumni of the chapter and the college, are frequently at our meetings. We expect to have, as our guests for the college ball, brothers Anderson and Reeves, graduates of last year. Brothers Blitch and Jenkins have been chosen as members of the committee for the "Ball" from the senior class. Fraternally Yours, H. A. jENKINS, Historian. February 9, 1917.


On Janurary 13 Gamma opened her doors and by the 15th, when College opened, twenty-three men had returned ready for work. Of these there are at present eighteen living in the same house. Two of last semester's men did not return; C. G. Shafor, '16, having entered the sales department of an automobile concern in Los Angeles, and William Morgan, '19, who is engaged in the hardware business in San Francisco. However, two other brothers who had not been enrolled the last semester came back—Clarence Merrill, 'IS, and Jo Tapscott, '18. J. D. Stockton, while not with us all the time, is a frequent visitor. Three big events loom up before us and Gamma is planning to make each one a big success. The first one is initiation, which will be held February 10 and February 12—the first day being devoted to stunts and the ritualistic work following on the 12th. Five men are to become Pi Kapps: Alfred Clement, '20, who hails from Berkeley; Charles E. Magnus,'19' a Los Angeles man; Earle Sanborn, '19, from San Jacinto, Cal.; Sheldon Paul, '19, of Ridgeway, Wisconsin, and Ferlys Thomas, '20, of Santa Cruz fame. The other two events, to be held in the near future, are the annual


CHAPTER LETTERS formal dance and banquet. We are endeavoring this time to get a record number of the alumni to attend these functions. Although the term is but a few weeks old, we have had visits from brothers W. I. Fulton, Stephen Malatesta, Herbert Hardy, Doc Cook and J. B. Oliver. The latter are frequent visitors. H. S. Brink, '17, is practising with the Varsity baseball squad. There are three or four men out competing for positions on the track squad. Gamma is, however, centering her attention on the scholarship average and, as the latter is counting for more and more here each year especially among the different organizations, we want to lead the others this semester in that phase of college -life.

have been one of Epsilon's best, she stands at the beginning of 1917 with by no means a bad outlook. Of course, Janurary 8th, or "bid day," was the climax toward which we had been working all fall, and in a way measured the success or failure of our work. On that day we took in two men, I. S. Brinkley of Lexington, N. C., and W. J. Pharr, of Charlotte, N. C. But that was only half of the crop. The day school opened R. A. Dean of Winston Salem, N. C., a pledge of last year, having returned to school, was initiated. Then on February 5th we took in H. F. Coffey of Lenior, N. C., and, to find harder workers than these, you would have to look a pretty long way. Much to our regret, however, S. W. Robinson and Donald Wearn failed to return to school.

Epsilon has been making up for The first news of the Conven- the lack in number of freshmen tion has just been received and obtained by the outside work she Gamma's men are all highly de- has been doing., Brother Paisley, lighted with the results accom- after three years of hard work as Plished. Our delegate wrote us in a scrub football man, has finally glowing terms of the brothers in won his right to wear a "D." Also the east, and of the enthusiasm while on the football subject, it that was shown at the convention. might not be amiss to mention that we have the manager of the With best wishes. football team for next year. GoFraternally yours, ing a step lower, we have three ELWOOD MEAD, JR. men representing us in the class Feb. 5, 1917. football realm, and one varsity basket ball man. NORTH CAROLINA EPSILON On the intellectual side of life we still hold a prominent place on DAVIDSON COLLEGE the campus. Among the so called Notwithstanding the fact that "grinds," or honor roll men, Pi the past fall could not be said to Kappa Phi has three men trying to 97

THE STAR AND LAMP correct that false impression concerning the real student. If it were not for Epsilon, it seems to some that the college debating team could hardly get along. As you recall, we had two men on the team last year, and are expecting two more this year. Furthermore, in the oratorical line, a Pi Kappa Phi is to represent Davidson College in the Intercollegiate State Peace Contest. Epsilon's standing among other fraternities on the hill is clearly shown by the fact that her Pan - Hellenic representative is Chairman of the Council. Quite a stir was created in fraternity circles recently when it became known that the Faculty had passed a regulation that no fraternity shall take in a man until he has been on the campus one year. Several of the fraternities seem to think it will be injurious to them, but we are very glad to see this, which we think is a forward step. Lastly, and most important to the Juniors, there looms up, less than a month distant, Junior speaking. As usual we will be glad to welcome any of the brothers to the pleasures of this occasion. Fraternally yours, J. W. CLARK. February 9, 1917.

SOUTH CAROLINA ZETA WOFFORD COLLEGE Zeta was unable to send in a letter for the last issue of THE

STAR AND LAMP. We Will relate a brief history of our chapter from the first of the college year. Altho you have not heard from us, that does not indicate that wo are napping. We are growing stronger. Since September we have initiated four new men, one Junior and three seniors, all of whom are men of some distinction. J. F. Kinney, Jr., who hails from the husky town of Bennettsville, S. C., is the lone junior. "Johnny" was initiated in October and has proved himself to be of great value to us as an ideal and enthusiastic fraternity man. Of the seniors initiated this year there are R. H. Moore, of the historic Cowpens, S. C. T. J. Williamson, of NinetySix, S. C., and G. E. Simmons, of Spartanburg, S. C. Moore since a freshman has demonstrated a desire and determination to uph3ld the reputation of Cowpens, as a producer of heroes, by his gallant work on the gridiron. As a result, he was elected captain of last season's team. Williamson is our orator. He holds a big chance for representing Wofford at this year's state intercollegiate contest. He has also recently been elected last-term president of the Calhoun literary society. Simmonl is president of his class, president of the college honor system and is taking an active interest in Y. M. C. A. work in Spartanburg. Pledge season began February second. Since the dust has about settled, Pi Kappa Phi has nailed three good men. They are P. M.


CHAPTER LETTERS Kinney, of Bennettsville, S. C.; D. L. Harper, of Lowndesville, S. C., and R. M. Howell of Florence, S. C. This gives us third place in number of freshmen pledged, the Kappa Alphas holding the lead.

ful in the South, and new buildings are in process of erection there almost constantly.

Quite a little excitement , was caused locally when the Emory college library caught fire recently. It We regret very much the loss of fortunately did not seem to be built Brothers Rivers and Breeden. of a material which burns well, and Brother Rivers was compelled to was so speedily extinguished that return home in November on ac- we did not even get dismissed. from count of the sickness and death of classes that afternoon. The worst his father, but we expect to have event of the whole affair was when him back with us next year. Broth- one of the boys inadvertently kicked er Breeden was forced to drop out the Dean upon his head and knocked his hat off. of college at Christmas. G. N. Murray, of Columbia UniOur delegates to the Convention brought back information and versity, came down to see us after inspiration to the chapter, and we Christmas, and so well does this. are delighted with the idea of hav- patriotic "sub" love the South that ing the next convention at Char- he is not going back to New York until the snow has all melted. He lotte, N. C. is pursuing his law course, howOf the visitors, whom we wel ever, at the Lamar School of Law, corned with us this year, there were of Emory University. Brother Blitch, of • Alpha, and A letter from. J. Wilson RobinBrother Paisley, of Epsilon. son tells us that he is with the CarW. E. EASTERLING. negie Steel Co., as a civil engineer, Feb. 8th, 1917. at McKeesport, Pa. He is one of Eta's charter members and is still alive to the welfare of his fraterGEORGIA ETA nity and is anxious to hear from his fellow charter members. EMORY UNIVERSITY A Christmas issue of the Herald, Emory University is expanding Gainesville, Ga., gives an account of at a rapid rate these days. The how L. C. Fitts took unto himself a faculty is being made considerably Christmas gift supreme. An acstronger, and the manner in which count of the wedding will be seen the curriculum is being raised is elsewhere in this issue of THE STAR causing some of us to wonder if we AND LAMP. will live long enough to graduate. The Pan-Hellenic Council at The Emory campus in Atlanta is Emory is taking steps that wilt going to be one of the most beauti- make the organization a stronger


The STAR AND LAMP one, more watchful and potent for baseball team, she has a man for nearly every other college activity. the good of all Greeks here. Eta chapter is now giving her Brother Griffin was one of the own good standing certificates, and members of the football squad, has begun a fund for building a which won the championship of chapter house. Many good new this section of the country. He is steps have been taken locally since also a member of the varsity track the convention. Altho our mem- team. Brothers Byrd and Courier bership is very small at present— are out for the mandolin and glee for it is rather remarkable that clubs. over two-thirds of the men we Iota has been honored of late pledged in the fall left college, and with visits from our Lambda and most of them for excellent rea- Eta brothers. We trust that they. sons—our scholastic standing is will continue their visits. We also improving, and, as a whole, the have had the pleasure of enterwork of our members has been taining Brothers Mize and Calnan, commendable. who are with the Southern Wheel EUGENE H. SANDERS. Company, of St. Louis. We are going to have our first February 21, 1917. dance of the season on Feruary 24th, to which invitations have alGEORGIA IOTA ready been issued. We hope to the faces of several of our see TECHNOLOGY OF SCHOOL GEORGIA alumni, as well as some of the The fellows of Iota have just brothers from the neighboring started the second term of the scho- chapters. lastic year, after having experiSince the last issue of THE enced an exceptionally successful STAR AND LAMP Iota has initiated first term. We feel safe in saying three new men: Brothers Hucks that we are sure to be among the and Robisnon, who are seniors; first in scholarship among the fra- and Brother L. Y. Dawson, who is ternities here at Tech. a member of the class of 1920. It is a source of great regret to In Brother Dawson we have a Iota that she loses Brother George freshman of the very highest type R. Baker, who has successfully and Iota rejoices in having a man passed the examinations for a sec- of his caliber. ond lieutenancy in the United We are pleased with the many States Army. Had Brother Bar- legislations passed at the convenker remained at Tech until June, tion and are sincerely hopeful that he would have received his diplo- great things may be accomplished ma along with Brothers Ellis, Ni- ere another convention. mocks, Durant, Hucks and Thomas. W. P. LEE, Although Iota has not a man to Correspondent. fill Brother Wotten's place on the



Hazelhurst make up the trio of Pi Kappa Bulls, when it comes to making grades of 95% and over.

UNIVERSITY OF NORTII CAROLINA North Carolina Kappa Chapter is glad of the opportunity that comes to her, through the Star and Lamp, to show her sister- chapters, that down in the little University town of Chapel Hill there is a bunch of active and loyal Pi Kapps that are striving to uphold and better their fraternity, both locally and nationally. We feel that the final succFss of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity devolves upon us, the active members,of today. Tomorrow will find each one of us an alumnus of an organization, whose standing we ourselves .have largely determined. With this idea in mind the fellows of Kappa are performing their duties with more than ordinary ability. In this connection we are very glad to introduce as a new brother among us, Brother Frank Auld Clarvoe, '19, Phila. delphia, Penn. That Brother Clarvoe is a man of no ordinary , ability is shown by the fat that he had the distinction of being initiated into the / E Literary Fraternity at the beginning of his Sophomore year. An honor that no sophomore had previously received for many years. He is on the editorial staff of the University Magazine and The Tar and Heel, t,.â– () of the leadig publications of the University. His wok in the Classroom is further shown by the f.tet that he is a candidate for (I) B K. Brothers Clarvoe, Shepard, and

There are at present no official statistics available of the scholastic standing of the different Fraternities or Student Body as a whole, but Kappa is confident that the records,, when published, will show that Pi Kappa Phi ranks among the very first in the column of the thirteen Fraternities on the "Hill." Yet we feel that there is still more for us to accomplish, both for ourselves and for Pi Kappa Phi. We are sure that the Convention was a success in every way. The representatives there had the true spirit and clear-mindedness that will surely bring results for the good. In the midst of those serious thoughts the boys of Kappa always find themselves taking an active part in the athletics and social events. Brother Tennant is piloting the basket ball team to success this, year with the able assistance of Brother Shepard as one of the forwards. While on the gym team Brothers Marsh, Wilson and Crowell are to be found. Brothers Shepard, and Pippin are sure of places on the coming base ball team. And Brother Clarvoe bids fair to hold a position on the track team this year. The Fall Dances were pulled off with unusual gaity and splendor, at which Pi Kappa Phi was well represented each time. Already plans are being made, for the an-


THE STAR AND LAMP nual Easter Dances at which time we are expecting several Epsilon brothers to be present. North Carolina Kappa takes this opportunity to congratulate and encourage Nebraska Nu in her efforts for expansion. We believe that they have broad and high ideals in mind, and behind them they have the real punch and pep. We hope that more of us can get those ideas squarely in front of us, and I'am we will have the energy to drive it home. Kappa stands ready and willing to do its part. H. H. PERRY.

GEORGIA LAMBDA UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Dear Brothers:— Lambda opened the new year with twenty-three active men. Soon after school opened we pledged J. R. Martin, '20.

We regret that we had no representative at the Convention, but it was inevitable. We expected three men to go, but something happened to keep each and every one away. Brother D. K. Young has been initiated into A Z, the honorary agricultural fraternity. Brother Coleman has been taken into T Brother the freshman society. Patterson is a member of the Y. M. C. A. Promotion Committee. Brother Tippett made impromptu and champion debates. Brother Mathis is a member of the Y. M. C. A. committee. Brother Mott has a job which causes us all to envy him. He is the referee at the basket ball games at Lucy Cobb female college. He is our representative on the varsity basket ball squad.

February seventh marked the date of the push ball contest between the freshmen and the sophomores. The freshmen won 2 to 0. On January 16th Lambda cele- On the freshmen team we had Ball, brated her second anniversary as Duncan and Howell and on the chapter, with a banquet at the sophomore team were Reese and Georgian Hotel. James C. Lon- Lasseter, Countryman and Mcgino„N. B. '16, acted as toastmas- Whorter. It was the hardest game ter and the occasion was enjoyed ever fought on Sanford field. Unby all present. The banquet will less one has been in a game he does be an annual affair for us in the not appreciate the bruises, but we future, and all brothers happening who have participated rub our in or near Athens at the time are joints and are glad that we have cordially invited. no more games to play just now. Our house was entered on the New officers have been elected as follows: V. S. Parham, Archon; night of February sixth by a thief, N. E. Mathis, Treasurer; H. 0. who succeeded in relieveing us of a total of about twenty-five dollars. Robinson, Secretary. 102

CHAPTER LETTERS Brother Bolt, our journalist, at U. N. C. for the past few months visited us a few days previous to is thinking of coming back after the time of the convention, as he exams. We shall be glad to have was on his way to Savanah, and we "Bugs" with us again. enjoyed his stay. We were pleased Judging from the report that when he complimented our spirit Brother Wiggins brought back and house life. from the Convention, we are all Lambda sends greetings to all ashamed of ourselves for not going. Here's hoping that we shall brothers. start now to prepare for the conPASCHAL C. REESE, vention in Charlotte in 1918. Correspondent. Mu extends to all her best wishes. R. C. WIGGINS. NORTH CAROLINA MU TRINITY COLLEGE NEBRASKA NU In the preamble, let Mu introUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA duce to Pi Kappa Phi Brother W. B. Cox, Richlands, N. C. Brother The first semester has just Cox is a senior and a capital chap. The scholarship standings ended. He intends to return next year to been announced yet, but have not take either law or his M. A. de, every reason to believe have we gree. that we Pi Kapps will not be far On February 14, Mu will initi- from the top. The past few months ate three freshmen, viz: K. M. have found our men up and doing. Brim, Mt. Airy, N. C.; K. K. At the Agricultural Congress, held Council, Wanamish, N. C.; H. M. in Lincoln last month, Emmett Hurst, Paris, Kentucky. This will Catterson won first prize in the bring Mu's roll up to seven. The apple judging contest. The prize three old men are: C. C. Edens, was a silver loving cup and a trip Rowland, N. C.• Earle Long, Mil- to Boston next year. ton, N. C. and R. C. Wiggins, Den"Johnnie" Collins made the varmark, S. C. All seven of these sity basket ball team and took the men are coming back next year trip thru Iowa and Minnesota. and it will not be long until we will Johnnie plays a star game at guard. have our full quota of men. Just after returning he had the Mid-year examinations are on misfortune to break a bone in his now, and all Pi Kapps are making right hand, which will put him out a "killin'." Beware, lest Brother of the game for some time. Carroll's cup lands here next year. The week before Christmas we Brother Hickman, who has been had a tree at the Chapter house. 103

TIIE STAR AND LAMP The names of all the men were put in a hat and each one drew the name of one for whom he purchased a gift, the cost not to exceed twenty-five cents. Some merriment ensued when the engaged men were presented with baby clothes, nursing bottles, etc. Among the visitors the past few months were Brothers C. H. Collins, '16, with the C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.; Gene Liebendorfer, '16, who is Athletic Director at Sidney (Nebr.) High School; Guy Fowle. ex '17, who is with the Bell Telephone Co., of Omaha; Elmer Christenson, '16, Superintendent of the High School at Neligh, Nebr.; and H. F. Nelson, '16, who is with Waddell & Son of Kansas City. * In addition to the above we have enjoyed visits from the faculty members. At the last meeting we elected the following officers for this semester: Fred Garrison, Archon. A. V. Hlava, Sercretary. E. M. Partridge, Treasurer. L. E. Chamberlain, Chaplain. M. F. Clark, Historian. rnimett Catterson. Doorguard J. D. Davis, Social Secretary. R. W. Scott, Correspondent. Brother Ralph Anderson is in the race for President of the Junior class. Having four opponents, the race promises to be very interesting. Some of our engineers are looking forward to the annual inspection trip to Chicago in March. Anderson, Gribble, Fonda and Scott are out for track; Col-

lins and Peterson are out for spring foot ball. April the thirteenth we will give our big dance of the year at the Rosewilde party house. Representatives from all the Sororities and Fraternities will be invited. Brothers Wetherbee and Butter have returned to school this Semester. This gives us a full house. The second "Pan-Hel" party will be at the Alpha Sigma Phi House this month. Each fraternity and sorority put on a stunt in the nature of vaudeville. The University students here voted on the single tax last week and it was carried by a large majority. This tax is levied on all students registering and is used for the support of various student activities. Since writing our last letter we have pledged and initiated several • new men. The new initiates are: McKinley F. Clark, '17, Lincoln, Nebr.; Joseph F. Thomas, '18, Aurora, Nebr.; Vantrese Lafayette Taylor, '18, Tecumseh, Okla.; Roy , B. Ford, '19, Bertrand, Nebr. The new pledges are as follows: Everett J. Garrison, '18, Summerfield, Kansas; Russell E. Peterson, '20, Aurora, Nebraska; Sherman Oyler, '19. Wilber, Nebraska; Harry F. Geistfeld, '19, Washington, Kansas. The boys enjoyed- Lander's report of the Convention very much and from all indications Landers enjoyed the trip even more. He cannot say enough about the grand time he had in the South. In fact


CHAPTER LETTERS if it were not for a certain r 1 B lady here in school, we are afraid Landers would pack his trunk and move southward. Brothers Landers and Dempster have received sweaters for their work on the Senior foot ball team, which won the Class Championship. John Butter announces his engagement to Miss Mary 'I'. Tanner, of Lincoln. Leland G. Landers announces his engagement to Miss Mildred Rees, of Norfolk. We have a bit of news which we think will be of interest to all Pi Kapps. We have hopes of installing a new Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in one of the large middle west Universities and expect to be able to announce it definitely in a short time. We announce the withdrawal of Vern C. Catterson from active membership. We close with best wishes and regards to all Pi Kapps. Fraternallly yours, RAY W. SCOTT. VIRGINIA XI ROANOKE COLLEGE

With all due humility we contribute our letter on this occasion. We had had fond hopes that we would be represented at the con,•ention held during the holidays, but, owing to our depleted treasury which was the result of heavy initial investment, we found that our only salvation lay in Dr. Wagener, our Archon, who expected to be in

Savannah for at least a day. Of course the said gentlemn was married last summer and Christmas time offered the first opportunity to take his treasure to his home folks. It occasioned little surprise therefore, when he told us of his failure to find time to run over to the Convention. News from Roanoke is scarce at this time. Exams have just been passed and the results have indi• cated that two men have averaged grades equal to 96, while several others have achieved over 90. Indeed we can boast of a fine lot of scholars in Xi. Brothers Craft and Beach have been out for basketball, but Craft had to quit on account of his heavy work. These two men are also baseball stars and both are anxious for the spring season to open up. Craft, especially, has been looked over by professional scouts and it might be a hard proposition to hold him from some of the tempting offers for the coming season. Speaking of the convention, our failure to be there does not indicate, by any means, that we were indifferent to the affairs that were going on. In fact, we look eagerly for news that will tell us fully what was done and what plans are in store for the future. And here's hoping that II K ID is booked for "big" doings this year and a firm foundation stone laid for even "bigger" things in the years to come. Our best regards go out to every Pi Kapp in the land. H. J. PFLUM, JR



WITH PI KAPPS IN GENERAL The Lexington, S. C. Dispatch The bird, among the first killed on the in this immediate locality this gives an account of the prowess of Saluda season, is a fine specimen, not overly large, our esteemed E. S. A. John D. is but a genuine wild goose. a great sportsman. The following record of one of his feats (the account from the Dispatch referred A future Longfellow or Bryant, to above) proves that he has more a Lowell or Whittier, may be lurkappreciation of wild game than a ing within our fold. The followmajority of us would exhibit. ing article from the Atlanta Con"JACK" CARROLL WEARS BELT stitution seems to cast the most of Swam Saluda's Icy Water for Monster poetic suspicion about the person Wild Goose of one Eugene Sanders, H, who is "Jack" Carroll is the happiest man in a loyal figure in Eta circles. town today. He is as happy as a boy wearing his first pair of long trousers, and it is all because he killed a monster wild goose near Wyse's Ferry, on the Saludap at any early hour this morning, Not only is "Jack" proud of the fact that he killed his first goose, but because of the further fact that he had to swim the icy waters of the Saluda to "land" his prize after he had wounded it with 2 25calibre bullets from a savage rifle. Unhampered by the downpour of rain, Mr. Carroll, in company with his friend, Dr. W. W. Caughman, stormed the weather and went out on the chase, leaving home before daylight. Arriving at the river, they soon spied in the far-a-way distance a bunch of geese, said to be about 25 in number, and, after waiting in a secluded spot for some time, Mr. Carroll decided to "take a chance." At the crack of the rifle the birds flew, one fighting on the edge of the river's bank, apparently severely wounded. Mr. Carroll and his companion gave chase, and when they got near to the place where the bird was seen to light, he rose again, and Mr. Carroll, opened fire, with his shotgun. The bird fell into the river and was floating down stream; but "Jack" being a good swimmer and well clad in a hunting suit, plunged into the water and in a few moments he had his prize on land. Mr. Carroll and Dr. Caughman at once came to town, where they displayed their game at the Caughman & Sox market.

Emory College Poets Given Prominent Place In College Anthology Emory University, Oxford, Ga., Janurary 24.—(Special.)—The students of Emory university are much pleased at the stand their institution is taking in the literary world. In the recently published college anthology for 1915-16, "The Poets of the Future," edited and published in Boston. Emory has three representatives: Richard J. Broyles, who was graduated in June and is now on the reportorial staff of The Constitution, Atlanta; Thomas N. Morgan, Jr., and Eugene H. Sanders, of the present senior class. Mr. Broyles is represented by two poems and the others by one each. It is interesting to note, furthermore, that Emory is the first institution mentioned in the preface; that it is the only Georgia institution so honored; that very few southern colleges are included; and that Emory receives the same recognition that is accorded to Columbia, Harvard and Yale.

Another of our brothers is on his way to the Orient. Robert T. Bryan, K, will be located in China. D. B. Lasseter, H, is in China and George Odgers, N, is in India.


WITH PI KAPPS IN GENERAL The following item concerning Brother Bryan was clipped from the Wilmington, N. C., Morning Star. Robert T. Bryan, Jr., Will. Sail Soon for the Orient The many friends of Robt. T. Bryan, Jr., Esq., a promising young attorney of Wilmington, will regret to learn of his recent decision to leave the city to take up his work in other parts of the world. Mr. Bryan has been offered a splendid position with the Raven Trust and Development Co., of Shanghai, China, ana he has decided to take it. He will sail from the Pacific coast on the steamship, "China," on March 6th, and expects to arrive in Shanghai about May 1st. It will be remembered by close friends of Mr. Bryan that his father is a prominent missionary in China and has been for a long time; also that young Mr. Bryan has spent a great part of his life in the Orient. Young Bryan is of the opinion that the opportunities offered to young Americans in the Orient are many and various. It is exepected that with his knowledge of the Chinese language and their mode of life he will meet with sure success in his new work in the East. The connection which Mr. Bryan will assume with the Trust Company is one of a legal nature. Mr. Bryan came to Wilmington directly from the Uinversity of North Carolina Law school, where he graduated in 1916 with second honor and took offices in the Murchison National Bank Building with Judge E. K. Bryan, a relative. Since he has been in the city he has made many friends who wish him much success in this larger and more responsible work in the East.

As John D. Hamer, X, would have it in his day of editing, here is another Pi Kapp who has gone wrong by forsaking the blessedness of single life and joining the growing matrituary column of our fra-

ternity. Brother L. C. Fitts has taken unto himself a wife. The boys of his chapter, Georgia Eta, sent us the following account of the wedding. The clipping is from the Gainesville, Ga., Herald. Congratulations to Brother Fitts. Johnson-Fitts. A wedding which came as a surprise to their many friends throughout the stats was that of Miss Adele Johnson of this city to Mr. L. C. Fitts of Atlanta, which occurred at the home • of Mrs. W. A. Roberts on Brenau avenue, Tuesday December 26th, at 4 o'clock. The wedding 'was a very quiet affair, only the immediate members of the family being present, owing to the recent death of the bride's father. The home was decorated in holly and narctssus. Little Miss Frances Johnson played the wedding march. The bride entered the room on the arm of her brother, Mr. Carey Johnson, who gave her in marriage and was met at the improvised altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. W. A. Roberts, Jr. Dr. Eakes officiated. The bride wore a becoming plumcolored going away gown with hat and gloves to match. Mrs. Fitts is the eldest daughter of Mrs. D. D. Johnson, is a graduate of Brenau and a young lady of varied accomplishments. During her stay of three years in Georgia she has made man> friends, not only in Gainesville, but in other parts of the state. Mr. Fitts is a graduate of Emory and a promising young man in the educa tional world. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Fitts left for points South.

Copies of The Old Gold and Black, the official Wofford College weekly have been sent us from time to time. Number One is a tribute to Brother Moore, Z, who has been a successful captain of the Wcif-


THE STAR AND LAMP Mr. George A. Odgers arrived in Rangoon on Friday Septemeber 29th, to take up the postition of Headmaster in the Methodist Boys' High School. As mentioned in a previous issue Mr. Odgers is an alumnus of the University of Nebraska and has been an assistant instructor in that institution. He is a very welcome addition to our staff of workers.

ford pig-skin squad. We might also mention that his successor is aK

1. Captain Moore closed his football career triumphant over Furman Thanksgiving Day "Forty-One," as he is better known, has played star football since this sport was re-instated three years ago. The first two years he played guard and tackle and end. This year he did good work at end, and in the back field at half.

2. This explains itself—pledges. FRATERNITIES



Quite a Number Tread the Burning Sands According to the rules of the interfraternity council, no new men may be invited to join a fraternity until Feruary i. Only after that date may new men be "rushed." At present there are four K fraternities here—K A, K and _A 41. The following new men have been pledged: " •* " Pi Kappa Phi—P. M. Kinney of. Bennettsville, S. C.; D. L. Harper, of Lowndesville, S. C.; R. M. Howell and E. C. Mitchell.

3. Number Three was found in the "Calhoun Literary Society Notes" of which society Brother Easterling is a member. Mr. Easterling moved that a treasurer be elected to take the place of Mr. Breeden, who will not return to college this year. Mr. Easterling was elected.

In the Burma Mission Herald, a missionary publication from Rangoon, India, of an October number, the arrival of Brother George A. Odgers, N, was chronicled as follows.

Ross-Marshburn. Little did we suspicion "Ned'.' Marshburn of being married so soon when we visit the Lambda house on December 14th and 15th. He promised faithfully that Convention time would find him in Savannah. But, on December 30th, this live member (and one of the founders) of Lambdal chapter did take unto himself a bride. The present Mrs. Marshburn was Miss Ruby Rammage Ross, a charming young lady of Moultrie, Georgia, daughter of Mrs: Alice E. Ross. The ceremony was perFarmed gt the home of the bride by Rev. Dr. Meacham, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Moultrie, in the presence of only the immediate family of the bride. Following the ceremony rother and Mrs. Marshburn sojourned in Atlanta for a honeymoon of ten days. Brother Marshburn, whose name, by the way is, Nicholas Edward, which has been shortened to "Ned" for convenience, will continue his course in Agriculture at the University and was joined by Mrs. Marshburn for residence in Athens. May fortune smile upon them and their future be unhampered by other than success.


WITH PI KAPPS IN GENERAL H: F. Nelson, N, is located at 'Kansas City, and is in the employ of Waddell & Son, an engineering firm. Brother Nelson is an enthusiastic Pi Kapp, as you will note by his name appearing under the list of Life Subscribers.


ex-'17, Clarence C. Merrell, returned the first of the year from a trip to Honolulu. After a visit with his relatives in Los Angeles, Cal., he expected to return to the Hawaiian Islands to accept a clerical position.

Brother John L. Henderson, E. Brother J. Wilson Robinson, an S. G., remembered the editor in alumnus of Eta, who is located in the days of his joy. A neat and McKeesport, Pa., with the Carneappropriate little announcement of gie Steel Company, writes a correcthe birth of a daughter, Margaret tion of a statement in Nebraska Belle Henderson, February 2, 1917 Ntt's letter of the last issue. Says —to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hender- Brother Robinson: "I note they son, Burlington, N. C., is one of a say the Oregon Aggies have held ntimber that we have as keepsakes. the championship of the Pacific The boys of Kappa, who are al- coast for the past three years in ways on the alert for items for the football. I am a Washingtonian magazine, also sent in a notice of and would like to correct this. The the arrival of the little Pi Kapp University of Washington has a daughter. Congratulations! record of nine years' championship of the coast; not only championship, but clear record, not having lost a single game in that time. The Kappa lads also have sent "This is the record for the past in a wedding announcement, which games: three reads as follows: 1913—U. of W. 47; 0. Ags. 0. & Mrs. Clarence D. Sedberry 1914—U. of W. 0; 0. Ags. 0. announce the ntarriage of 1915—No game. their daughter 1916—U. of W. 35; 0. Ags. 0. May Hunter "The previous years will prove to similar scores. We have rolled up Mr. John H. Cook 1686 points to our opponents' 118 Wednesday, February fourteenth in the nine years. A record to be tilneteen hundred and seventeen proud of, and, in fact, of which no Fayetteville, North Carolina other college in the country can Brother Cook is an alumnus of boast." Brother Robinson also stated his Kappa, having affiliated from Epsilon chapter. He is the second of approval of the recognition pin. A the Kappa alumni to become a loyal alumnus, like he, is surely to be appreciated. benedict.


THE STAR AND LAMP Elbert McS. Brown, I' '14, is now connected with the Government Experiment Station at Honolulu, H. I.

George W. Griner, Eta, sends word from Dallas, Tex. that he is anxious to see a copy of the S. & L.

Roy J. Heffner, our new E. S. D.-A., is now located with the Western Electric Company, in the City of New York. Heffner is a Pi Kapp that is on the look-out for any thing that will advance H K (1). May fortune go with him. '


Rey B. Wheeler, was bound for Australia when we last heard front hint. In a letter, dated Jan. 1917, he reported his location W. E. Tate, A, is with the Wal- 12th, as aboard an ocean-going vessel in ker Pharmacy in Asheville, N. C. the Pacific, south of the equator. A loyal and enthusiastic Pi Kapp is he —proven by an enclosure of $2.00 W. Banks Huff, E, was. at 1216 for the magazine. If any of his N. Broadway, Baltimore, the last brother Pi Kapps wish to write him, time we heard of him. He was address 703 South Seventh street, taking a medical course at Johns San Jose, California, and the letter will be properly forwarded. Hopkins.


This page is a "dummy that will bring res Its." Hereon are twelve card sp ces which should be filled next ssue with profes-sional—cards= ales oil lequest. Come ahe d! Bryan, Burnett, Brewton,Carr ill, Hamer, Kroeg, Hydrick, La • beit, Walker and a score of othil s. Show the real Pi Kapp spirit. Chapters! Get on the heels ADDRES J. COS 9 E. N ATLA

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This may be paid in installments on terms that will be quite satisfactory to all. Any alumnus who is interested will please write the Editor,

[t) Box 383 Otterbein, Ind.

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