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LICappa 3,l1fl /fraternity

Founded at College of Charleston, December ro, 1904

FOUNDERS SIMON FOGARTY, JR. L. HARRY MIXON ANDREW A. KROEG, JR. GRAND CHAPTER . Eminent Supreme Archon ROY J. 1-14F1NER 1801 Rose Street, Berkeley, Calif. Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon HENRY G. HARPER, JR. 803 East Ave., Charlotte, N. C. , Eminent Supreme Grapter JAMES W. SETZE, JR. P. 0. Box 336, Raleigh, N. C. Eminent Supreme Thesaurophulax J L. ELLIS, JR. 39 East Sixth St., Atlanta, Ga. Eminent Supreme Journalist RICHARD L. YOUNG 459 Beaumont Ave., Charlotte, N. C. Eminent Supreme Historian JOHN E. HAVIS 1889 East Sixty-sixth Street, Cleveland Ohio Eminent Supreme Counselor JOHN D. CARROLL Lexington, S. C. Eminent Supreme Chaplain BooNE M. Bowtx • Mt. Pleasant, S. C. Eminent Supreme Thurepanioiktes D M HAvEs Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Ga.

For the East


J S BRYAN Wilson, N. C.

For the West GEORGE D. DRIVER 1309 Telephone Bldg., Omaha, Neb. At Large NATHAN MOBLEY 300 East Boulevard, Charlotte, N. C. THE STAR AND LAMP Editor-in-Chief RICHARD L. YOUNG 459 Beaumont Ave., Charlotte, N. C. Business Manager J. COZBY BYRD 3216 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Associate Editor E. H. SANDERS West Point, Ga. Alumni Editor JOHN HAVIS, At Large Cleveland, Ohio Exchange Editor WADE S. BOLT Otterbein, Ind.

11r fttr attb Kamp \u1. VII

October, 1921


CONTENTS Alumni News . Beware Academic Freedom Brief History of Phi Beta Psi Fraternity Brief History of John B. Stetson University Bulletin From the E. S. T Bulletin to All Chapters Bumping Up To Darjeeling Chapter Eternal, The Chapter Letters Editorials Eminent Supreme Journalist Weds Etas Give Tea Football at Nebraska History of Gamma Sigma Kappa Fraternity History of Zeta Xi Installation of Chi Chapter, The Installation of Phi Chapter Installation of Upsilon Chapter Pi Kapp in China, A Pi Kapp Spirit South Carolina Situation, The. Sparks From the Phi-re Truth About Hula, The University of Illinois, The You Alumni ..__

PACE 63 48 15 18 57 59 40 67 70 3 54 48 55 23 31 10 28 19 44 49 50 61 32 26 47

THE STAR AND LAMP is published under the direction of the Supreme Chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the months of October, December, February and May, at Charlotte, N. C. Entered as matter of the second class at the postoffice at Charlotte, N. C., in accordance with the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1879, Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized April 19, 1921. The subscription price is $2.50 per year. Single copies are 65 cents. Change of address must be promptly reported. Copies of the magazine lost from changes in address cannot be duplicated unless the change was reported to the editor. All material intended for publications should be in the hands of the editor by the fifteenth of September, November, January, and April.


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ED1TOR When charters were granted to petitioning bodies that became Upsilon, Phi, and Chi Chapters of Pi Kappa Phi, the Fraternity took its greatest single forward step in the Steady number of additional chapters. Never before Expansion in the history of Pi Kappa Phi have as many charters been granted at a single issuance. Yet from the reports of all the installing officers the Fraternity did not make a mistake when it granted charters to Gamma Sigma Kappa at the University of Illinois, Zeta Xi at the University of Tulsa, and Phi Beta Psi at Stetson University. The men in these chapters have shown to officers of the Fraternity that they will bear with honor and dignity the diamond-shaped badge of Pi Kappa Phi. They are men of seriousness, loftiness of ideals and enthusiasm for Pi Kappa Phi's further success. Such men as we have received will lift high the flaming lamp from which glows the warmth of true brotherhood and genuine fraternalism. They will surely ever strive for the attainment of those qualities symbolized in our star. Strength to your courage, which we have deemed of our standard. Success to your undertakings. Joy to your Fraternity life. New brothers, our hands are offered. As we clasp in the grip of our order we pledge the earnestness of brother's purposes. As you step through the portal of Pi Kappa Phi and enter the brilliance of the star and lamp there is one thing we ask of you. Put your shoulder to the wheel and assist us to "carry on." When you have done this you have done all that is required. You will have played the man and the part of a true brother. Satisfaction of accomplishment and the joy of having worked will come to you.



What more could a man ask for? Yet many other things will be added to you. Welcome. Greetings. Let's all go fora bigger and better Pi Kappa Phi. December 28, 29, 30, and 31, are the days set for the holding of the eighth biennial convention at Berkeley, Calif., according to an announcement made by Bro. Roy J. HeffConvention ner, Eminent Supreme Archon. A word about Date the convention to a Pi Kapp should be sufficient. The mere mention of that gathering should stir within the heart and mind of a brother a desire to be there in the joys of brotherhood. Undoubtedly the 1921 session of the Supreme Chapter will be the most important in the history of Pi Kappa Phi. The Fraternity now stands in the doorway of everything big. We are like the youngster, who steps into the clothing store to buy his first pair of long trousers with more or less fear and trembling and a sense of awe at the possibilities of the future results of his act. Pi Kappa Phi is ready to don the habiliments of a "grown" Fraternity. The organization is no longer young and inexperienced but solidified and united in a steadfast purpose of serving young American manhood. The convention at Berkeley will be but another step in the Fraternity's progress. This is the word that should start Pi Kapps everywhere thinking of the convention and preparing to make that trip across the continent with brothers from all over the country. The next issue of the magazine, which appears December 1, will be an exclusive pre-convention number. All phases of the convention's business will be discussed by officers and individual brothers. What the Fraternity should do, what it should not do, what policy should be adopted, what method abandoned, all these questions will be discussed and settled at the big four-day meeting. To the chapters, be sure that a representative for each subordinate chapter is present at the roll call at the opening session. The chapters are the living organisms of the Fraternity and the



convention is primarily for the good of the chapters. Unless a spokesman for each chapter is on the convention floor and unless a man is there to take back the inspiration to the brothers in his chapter, then the chain of efficiency is broken.

Away over in the vicinity of the "Black Hole of Calcutta" lives a Pi Kapp, who gets his joy out of life by teaching the young natives how to read and write and to be Sister Pin, good citizens. Even though thousands of miles Banner, Flag from the rest of the Pi Kapp world that brother is thinking of the fraternity and pounding on a typewriter, bringing into physical concreteness ideas about the growth and progress of Pi Kappa Phi. One of the latest suggestions that reached the editor's desk from Bro. George A. Odgers, who was a charter member of the Nu chapter, was that of a sister pin. He also submits a drawing showing how the pin should be made. The pin itself is the scroll that adorns the face of the fraternity badge. On one end of the scroll is the star and on the other the lamp. In the center are the Greek letters, Pi Kappa Phi. The design incorporates all the symbols of the fraternity and to our mind is a fine suggestion, that should be worked out by the fraternity. Bro. Odgers also suggests that the next convention make the ruling that the fraternity badge be worn only by initiated members. In other words, he would place under the ban the gentle art of planting pins in the pale moonlight. Pi Kapps only can wear the pin. That's his idea. Begin thinking about it. The question may come up on the floor of the convention at Berkeley. The alert brother also sends designs of a fraternity flag and a banner, drawn in colors. The flag, according to Bro. Odgers' plan, should be made of three stripes, upper and lower of gold and the middle of white. On the middle stripe are initials or three stars ascendant a lamp between two red roses. The flag, which should be made of bunting, is to be flown on the chapter house and in public.




Proportions of the flag include the following: Length or fly, 30 parts; width or hoist, 20 parts; upper and lower stripes, six parts each, gold; middle stripe, eight parts, white. The official banner of the fraternity, says Bro. Odgers, should be of white satin with the coat-of-arms painted or embroidered thereon, the whole to be hung from a horizontal bar. The satin should be edged with a three-quarter-inch gold galloon on the sides and a one-and-a-half-inch fringe at the top and bottom. The measurements should be 18 inches wide and 27 inches long. The banner should be cut burgee shape at the bottom with an angle of 120 degrees. It should never be used outside of the fraternity house and should be used as an ornament in front of the archon's shrine and on special occasions.

During the last spring term the editor of The Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha conducted a department with the above title in which were set forth the views What's In a of the members of Pi Kappa Alpha on the Name? nickname of their order. Some of the men, writing to the magazine, have put in a bid for the adoption of the nickname that has been universally and. generally accepted as the street and campus name of members of Pi Kappa Phi. Tlw suggestions are only unlike our nickname in the method of spelling, Pi Kappa Alpha advocates spelling it "Pikap," while we make it two words and spell it thus, "Pi Kapp." We have nothing to do with the action of our brother fraternity but we would desire to call attention of the officers and members as well to the extent of the results that will necessarily follow the adoption of a nickname that has been used so generally by another fraternity. Were Pi Kappa Alpha to officially call its members "Pikaps" we can readily see the confusion that would arise not only for Pi Kappa Phi but also Pi Kappa Alpha. At institutions where both Pi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Alpha have chapters some distinction would naturally be made, which would work itself out locally regardless of the edicts of the



national organization. Such a circumstance would be the very same condition that the Pi Kappa Alpha editor is attempting to avoid, the Use of different names in different localities. Most of the communications to the Pi Kappa Alpha journal bear out our experience with the nickname of the brother organization. We have never heard a member of Pi Kappa Alpha called anything.other than "Pika" or "Pi K. A." In our section of the South the term "Pika" is universally applied to Pi Kappa Alpha men. As one "Pika" puts it in his letter, "Let's all get together on this and be united so that a Pi Kappa Alpha man will be a Pika in Atlanta, Ga., Seattle, Wash., or Hong Kong, China." The idea of uniting on one name is admirable so long as the uniting is not concentrated on "Pi Kapp" or any term similar. We praise the editor of The Shield and Diamond for his efforts in getting the same nickname, for we can speak of the advantages of having a universal nickname. We trust that when the time for action arrives on the question, Pi Kappa Alphas will consider seriously their course. We also trust that "Pi Kapp" will not appeal to them and that they will disregard the desires of certain members for that appelation. We claim first honor on that contraction and priority should govern. Our position can not be challenged on 'Ti Kapp," for our ranks are united, while those of our neighbor are broken, evidenced by the requests of the editor for opinions as to what nickname would be best.

After the death of Bro. Jack O'Connell, who was a member of Epsilon Chapter at Davidson College, a check of $50 was received by the Eminent Supreme Journalist Hail to the from Bro. O'Connell's sister, who said that the Spirit check had been made out before the Angel of Death came and beckoned him to the "chapter house beyond the skies." Word comes from Bro. Roy J. Heffner, Eminent Supreme Archon, that the money should be placed in the permanent endowment fund of the fraternity because "the spirit



of the gift more nearly accords with the spirit in which gifts to the endowment fund have been and will be made." Jack O'Connell, even in the waning days of his life, which was cut short by an insidious disease, was thinking of Pi Kappa Phi and what the fraternity had done for him. Realizing that he could not give of his energy, Jack wrote a check to be sent to the fraternity but before the money could be dispatched his spirit winged its flight and today the body of Jack O'Connell sleeps beneath the sod of his home town, Charlotte, N. C. Jack O'Connell is dead. Those who knew him about the chapter rooms at Davidson back in the early days of Epsilon Chapter will not be able to see him. Jack O'Connell is dead yet his spirit lives on and is an incentive for nobler living. Others have and may present larger gifts to the fraternity, yet none can reach the height, the depth, the breadth of the spirit of gratitude of the gift of Jack O'Connell, gentleman, friend, brother.

Editor Banta, in the July issue of The Greek Exchange, contends that the meetings of the Interfraternity Conference have become localized in their personnel as the result Let It Be of the New York City sessions. Since the New York organization of the conference all the meetings have been held in the nation's metropolis. He is, therefore, asking for a switching of the meeting from New York to Chicago every other year. "We implicitly believe that the conference will promptly feel a new impetus and new life immediately after it has held one of its annual meetings in Chicago," he avers. We are inclined to agree with Editor Banta's musings in one respect. We agree that a Windy City meeting will make its appeal to fraternity men in that section, who would probably not attend the odd-year session of the conference in New York. These men would thus enter into the life of the conference when a New York meeting would not touch them. The extension of the influence of the conference through the



actual attendance of the Middle West and Western fraternity men would thus be furthered. It has been the custom of the conference to appoint as its officers men who live in Greater New York. This plan is obvious, for the ad interim work of the conference must be carried on by the officers, who must meet frequently. This work of the officers is really the great task of the conference. In his suggestion for alternate meetings Mr. Banta does not say anything about the appointment of officers. He does not touch upon the question of having to elect part of the officers living in New York and the other part in Chicago. To our mind, if such a procedure would result from holding alternate sessions in New York and Chicago, tliat would be suicidal. Even if Chicago officers were elected one year and New York officers another the problem of efficient ad interim work would not be solved. Occasions have arisen and will continue to arise when a certain officer or officers must be re-elected for the success of definite undertakings. Close-knit co-operation and actual contact could not be acquired if some of the officers lived in Chicago and others in New York City. Probably we are stretching our imagination too far on this subject but we earnestly believe that officers living in the same city will be able to accomplish far more than when the executive personnel is scattered to the four winds of the earth. Sad has been the experience of many a fraternity with its officers scattered and out of personal touch. We would not like to see the further success of the Interfraternity Conference jeopardized by similar circumstances.



THE INSTALLATION OF CHI CHAPTER By NATHAN MOBLEY, Kappa in The month of May, 1921, goes down as a red letter month of the annals of Pi Kappa Phi. That month marked the birth three new thapters of the fraternity—the extension of the Star and Lamp into three new States, Illinois, Florida and Okla-

homa. Following closely after the installation of Upsilon Chapter at the University of Illinois, and simultaneously in the instal-

oma, lation of Phi Chapter at the University of Tulsa, Oklah sity, Univer n Stetso B. Chi Chapter was installed at the John r, DeLand, Fla. Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon H. G. Harpe Reese Pat y and Jr., E. S. T., J. Lawton Ellis, Nathan Moble acting as installing officers. estabChi Chapter is the first chapter of the fraternity to be fraterlished in the State of Florida, and the second national being nity to be established at Stetson University, the first r of numbe a are there er, howev Sigma Nu. In addition, national sororities. a young Stetson University in term of the age of colleges is and is al, cation co-edu university. It is privately endowed and sity univer The a. the leading educational institution of Florid other any is very cosmopolitan in nature, possibly more so than personnel Southern university. This is due to the fact that the States as is made up of students from Northern and Western reason it well as Southern, who winter in Florida, and for this ities. is an excellent field for the development of college fratern a local as ago years ten zed organi The new Chi Chapter was e becom has it time in that and fraternity known as Phi Beta Psi s, campu n Stetso the on a well established social organization the college. embracing in its membership the leading students of a loyal had , As a local fraternity it occupied its own ,house made that alumni organization and possessed a fraternal spirit person The Phi. it highly worthy of affiliation with Pi Kappa rs membe its nel of the chapter is of exceptionally high order, e activities, colleg other and cs athleti rating high in scholarship, experimental stage. and as a local fraternity it has passed the



It enter's the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi fully capable of taking its place along with the other chapters in forwarding the growth of the fraternity. Eighteen under-graduate students coming from ten different States—New York, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania—compose Chi Chapter. On Friday night, May 21, these eighteen under-graduates received the ritual and were inducted into the bonds of the fraternity. For their instruction a model initiation was conducted by the installing officers. The undergraduate charter members of Chi Chapter are the following: William E. Roebuck, Wm. Clintock Graham, Paul Spaulding Williams, Byron Lee Turner, Kirby Wm. Blain, Michael Joseph Shultz, Ernest Hatcher Dickey, Harold Alfred Schuliger, Joseph Leo Anderson, Carl Junius Ericson, Stanley Dayton Sloan, George Kerfoot Bryant, Earl Bernard Jacobsen, Thos. J. A. Reidy, Richard M. Baker, Walter E. Wilkins, Almer M. Felton, James S. Day, Jr. On the following afternoon fifteen alumni of old Phi Beta Psi assembled in DeLand to become members of Pi Kappa Phi. At this time the installing officers were assisted by eighteen brand new Pi Kapps who grabbed at the chance to return good for the evil they had once received at the hands of their older brothers on a previous occasion with some assistance, and well did they assist. It was a regular initiation marked by all the dignity and mysticism that such an occasion should have as well as by hilarity—all that eighteen youths with the buoyancy of youth from old man Ponce De Leon's fount could furnish. Following the installing exercises formal presentation of the charter was made by talks from Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon Harper, and E. S. T. Ellis. After this the chapter was perfected, the following officers being elected: Archon, Herman E. Turner; Grapter, E. B. Jacobsen; Thesaurophulax, Carl E. Ericson; Historian, J. S. Day, Jr.; Chaplain, M. J. Shultz; Thuripanioiktes, Almer M. Felton. The alumni members initiated at this time were as follows: George B. Everson, Palatka, Fla.; Claude G. Varn, Bunch',



Fla.; John J. Leonardy, Sanford, Fla.; Rupert J. Longstreet, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Clayton 0. Codrington, DeLand, Fla.; A. J. Parkhurst, Port Orange, Fla.; Albert Chalker, Cocoa, Fla.; Richard Wipple, Daytona, Fla.; William Pointer, Daytona, Fla.; Frank Burger, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Benjamin Ketchum, Key West, Fla.; Earl Whidden, Mulberry, Fla.; A. Fulton White, Fort Meade, Fla.

THE BANQUET The social feature of the occasion following the installation exercises was the Pi Kappa Phi banquet held at Hotel Montezuma, in Sanford, Fla., a city located twenty miles from DeLand. The trip being by motor over a beautiful route was an added attraction to the visiting brothers who were seeing Florida for the first time. The banquet was a Pi Kappa Phi event in every detail. The dining hall was appropriately decorated with the fraternity colors and flower was in evidence throughout the hall. In addition a red rose was found at every place. The decoration scheme was carried out even to the refreshments, Pi Kappa Phi gold and white ice being served with diamond shaped cake. Acting as toastmaster for the occasion was W. E. Roebuck, a senior and one of the most active of the Chi men. He presided over the banquet in a happy manner. The event was full of fun from the start and there was an abundant overflow of real enthusiasm. Everybody was a Pi Kapp. Speaking for the alumni, Brother George B. Everson, an attorney of Palatka, Fla., expressed the happiness of the new Pi Kapps with an oratorical overflow that only a lawyer who makes a living orating could possibly do without something at least as embracing as tomato wine. Following this outburst came another lawyer, Brother Pat Reese, once of Lambda, now a great advocate of Preacher Catts for governor and the staunchest Pi Kapp in all Florida—of course, with the exception of those eighteen brand new Pi Kapps and their older alumni brothers. Pat was in great form that night and he showed signs of at least having had a whiff of roastneer wine.





But we don't believe a word of it. Pat is just naturally getting to be "some speaker." And before many moons he will be running Florida. Brother John J. Leonardy, still another lawyer and a very loyal Chi alumnus, "spoke after Brother Reese. The interest and enthusiasm he displayed was characteristic of all the alumni of old Phi Beta Psi who were able to be present for the installation. A most interesting speech of the evening was by Brother Rupert J. Longstreet, who was the organizer of the local ten years ago. In an interesting manner he related the birth of the old Phi Beta Psi, of how it grew into a strong local fraternity on the Stetson campus with over a hundred loyal alumni scattered throughout the United States and now of the culmination when Phi Beta Psi in seeking a bigger outlet for its growth was affiliating with Pi Kappa Phi. Then came talks by Brothers Harper and Ellis, who welcomed the new brothers into the fraternity and who portrayed the ideals and the aspirations of the fraternity. Brother Ellis as Eminent Supreme Thesaurouphulax made an instructive talk on the national organization and what should be the relation of a local chapter to it. Of course, Brother Mobley was a feature.' He had had neither tomato nor roastneer wine. He spoke at great length but said nothing. Thus went the banquet with plenty of eats and fun thrown in,'and above all that indefinable feeling that comes over a man when he sits down with a group of fellows drawn close to him by that force known in college fraternities as brotherhood. It was a grand occasion. THE FLORIDA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Preceding the banquet the alumni members of Chi Chapter met in the Hotel Montezuma for the purpose of organizing a Florida Pi Kappa Phi- Alumni Association. It was the opinion of the meeting that such an organization would be the best way for keeping the alumni in active touch with the local chapter.



In addition this would be an effective way for the development of alumni chapters and for the extension of Pi Kappa Phi into other Florida colleges. And that this would also be a means of financing a campaign for a new fraternity home for Chi Chapter was the opinion of the meeting. The tentative organization was perfected with the following officers: President, Rupert Longstreet, Daytona Beach; Secretary, Clayton Codrington, of DeLand, and Treasurer, Aris B. Prather, of DeLand. The following were elected as directors: A. Fulton White, Fort, Meade, Fla.; George B. Everson, Palatka, Fla.; Leon B. Anderson, Pensacola, Fla.; Ben William Ketchum, Key West, and W. E. Roebuck, West Palm Beach, Fla. SIDELIGHTS ON CHI Every active member and every alumnus subscribed to THE STAR AND LAMP. Over the top from the start. Chi has the jazziest jazz orchestra in all Florida. Chi has its heroes, too. Three active members were wounded in the service. Brother Ericson lost an arm in France, Brother Jasobsen was gassed in a submarine and Brother Felton, of the Marines, was wounded at Belleau Woods. We are proud of them. Brother Herman E. Turner, Chi's first Archon, is captain of this year's baseball team at Stetson. We are rooting for him both ways. Chi's members come from eight different States. Brother Ben Will Ketchum if you go to Cuba. Ben lives at Key West.


During the spring term of 1912, Dr. Lincoln Hulley, President of John B. Stetson University, realizing the need of a third fraternity in this university, called into his office Rupert J. Longstreet and Franklin M. Goodchild, and told them that if



they would proceed with the organization of such a fraternity, they would have his hearty co-operation. They at once took up the matter with Robert S. Bly and Arius B. Prather. The four, realizing the practicability of such an organization, agreed among themselves to work on the project during the summer, and to complete the organization in the fall. The new fraternity grew slowly at first, but as the months and years went by, these men increased in the favor and good will of the faculty and student body. They rented a chapter house from the university, which they still occupy. • Though the Phi Beta Psi Fraternity is young, it has an alumni list containing over one hundred names. A large number of them are located in Florida, but there is also a goodly representation throughout the whole United States, owing to the cosmopolitan character of the university. A number of them have made their debut upon the stage of their country's activities, but the rest are yet too young. This fraternity has always maintained a high standard of admission, and has always been strictly a college fraternity. The scholarship of the members.has been equal to and above that of their rivals. They have always played a prominent and important part in the athletic line and campus activities. During the world war, the members of the fraternity did their "bit" in every way. It was at this time that the alumni's plans for building a chapter house were shot to pieces. However, new plans are now being formulated, and we hope to soon have our own house. These brief facts will give the reader an idea of the motives, standards and traditions of the Phi Beta Psi Fraternity, and will give him an insight into our past, which we hope will substantiate our reasons for, aspiring to become a member of a live, growing, national fraternity.





BRIEF.HISTORY OF JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY By EARL B. JAcossEN of John B. Stetson University was founded under the name tion. DeLand University, in DeLand, Fla., in 1883. The founda of the school was made possible‘ by the liberal donations of Mr. every H. A. DeLand, who for many years aided the school in howity, univers the of ion expans future way. Foreseeing the John Mr. ted he interes , capital for d ever, and the greater deman ed happen who and ed renown B. Stetson, whose hats are worldthe to ly liberal gave n Stetso to be wintering in Florida. Mr. institution and it grew rapidly. Mr. DeLand, not willing to protake credit for work done by Mr. Stetson's money, in 1889 sity, posed that the name be changed to John B. Stetson Univer which was done. Since that time, new dormitories and buildings have been and added, new equipment provided, the attendance increased, institu the now until sors, profes of consequently, the number of s campu ul beautif a on d situate tion has seventeen buildings slightly thirty-three acres of oak and pine trees, an endowment of five t body studen a , dollars in excess of a million and a half pronine of thirtyfaculty hundred and forty, and a splendid fessors, and assistants. instituThe universal recognition of the high standard of the Univer the , tion is shown by the fact that Mr.William Harper of an agreesity of Chicago, while on a visit to Stetson, concluded until lasted which s, school two the n betwee ment of affiliation espeare Arts l Libera and Law of es 1910. The Stetson Colleg 1900. cially strong, having been added to year by year since all at ation t examin withou Stetson graduates are accepted y. countr the higher institutions of learning in colleges, Although small in comparison with other larger cs in athleti of rd Stetson has always maintained a high standa sports. minor football, basket-ball, and baseball, as well as the been large. Her proportion of State championship teams has



Besides State schools, Stetson includes in her schedules Georgia and Carolina colleges and universities. Though non-sectarian in character and principles, Stetson has always been under Baptist influence, but not until 1920 did the school come under their entire control. At present a majority of the Board of Trustees are Baptists, the Baptists of the State are backing it with their money, and the future is very bright. The attendance last year broke all previous records, but it is hoped and expected that this year will set a still higher high-water mark of attendance. In that case, there will be a need for a new men's and a new woman's dormitory, which will be built as needed. Stetson is fast growing out of the smallschool class—just wait and watch her dust!

INSTALLATION OF UPSILON CHAPTER By KARL GIBBON No doubt most of you readers of THE STAR AND LAMP are already familiar with the fact that on Thursday, May 19, 1921, Gamma Signa Kappa, local fraternity at the University of Illinois, was installed as Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. And also that the installing officers were Roy J. Heffner, Gamma, Eminent Supreme Archon; James W. Setze, Jr., Iota, Eminent Supreme Grapter, and George D. Driver, Nu, Supreme Councilman from the West. The three installing officers arrived at the chapter house at One-O-Six Wednesday evening, May 18. For a long year we had looked forward to the day on which we would have the privilege of opening our doors to these individuals, and, believe me, they were more than welcome. We had already had the pleasure of a visit from both Brother Heffner and Brother Driver, and although the former visits were under more trying and formal circumstances, we felt them to be old acquaintances. Jimmy Setze is not unusually hard to get acquainted with, and by the time he had been in the house half an hour every man considered him his own personal friend. We believe



ourselves fortunate indeed in having been assigned three men so worthy of the fraternity and so prominent in its affairs to perform the ceremonies in connection with the installation. The alumni brothers had been coming in since the first part of the week, and by Thursday noon, fourteen had assembled. We think this a good representation. Among the fourteen were eight of the twelve charter members of Gamma Sigma Kappa and two past commanders of the local, Brothers McGuire and Broom. I might mention here that Brother Newcomb, the first commander of Gamma Sigma Kappa, has since been initiated into Pi Kappa Phi. Our three faculty members, Brother 0. A, Barnes, of the chemistry department; Brother W. E. Eddington, of the mathematics department, and Brother D. E. Woods, of the electrical engineering department, were present. Brother Faust, who had come from Indianapolis, Ind., to take the initiation, was ill and unable to leave his room at the hotel. The members of Upsilon will always remember the kindness of the installing officers in giving him the ceremonies in his room. I think that every man assembled in the chapter room that day for the last meeting of the local will admit that it hurt somewhat to give up the Gamma Sig badge to which he had become so attached, and to obtain which he had worked and made sacrifices, but orders are orders and must be obeyed. So with a happy thought of the new and better organization into which we were soon to be brought, we turned them in, and proceeded with the destruction of Gamma Sigma Kappa. After adjourning from this meeting we had a few minutes intermission. Then we assembled a second time and anxiously awaited the pleasure of the installing officers. We were not kept long in waiting, for in a few minutes the ceremonies began. The work was well presented and we were much impressed with the beauty and impressiveness of the ritual, and were pleased with the high ideals of Pi Kappa Phi. Before it was over, the realization that we were responsible for upholding them in a large section of the country was brought home to every man. You may be sure that each brother was proud to receive a membership certificate from the hands of Jimmy





Setze, and to have a Pi Kapp badge pinned upon his breast by Brother Heffner. Having completed the ceremonies, the installing officers proceeded to tell us what Pi Kappa Phi expected of Upsilon. Brothers Walker, McGuire and Broom assured them that the men they had chosen to wear the Pi Kapp pin at Illinois were not in the habit of permitting disappointments, after which we adjourned for a two-hour recess before meeting in the banquet room of the Hotel Beardsley for the installation banquet. Besides the forty-two active members, the seventeen alumni members, and the three installing officers, the following university officials attended the banquet: Dean C. M. Thompson, of the College of Commerce; Dean F. H. Rankin, of the College of Agriculture, and Professor Ira 0. Baker, of the College of Engineering. The tables were arranged in the shape of a large I. At one end sat the installing officers, the guests and the first officers of Upsilon. At the other end sat the charter members of Gamma Sigma Kappa. The room was decorated in orange and blue, Gamma Sigma Kappa colors, and gold and white, Pi Kappa Phi colors. On the table were flowers of both the red and ophelia roses. When the six-course dinner had been completed and we sat about the table smoking, we listened to a number of talks in which good advice was 'tingled with good humor. Brother Paul Walker, the first archon of Upsilon chapter, officiated as toastmaster. Toasts were given by the following: Bro. R. J. Heffner, Bro. E. N. Turnquist, Bro. J. W. Setze, Dean C. M. Thompson, Dean F. H. Rankin, Bro. G. D. Driver, Bro. G. P. Brock, Prof. I. 0. Baker. It was 11 o'clock before the banquet ended, and it was near 12 before we reached home, but even then these new Pi Kapp brothers were not ready to end this great day in their lives, and a good part of the remainder of the night was spent in singing, playing the piano, and plying the supreme officers with questions.





HISTORY OF GAMMA SIGMA KAPPA FRATERNITY By STURGES VICTOR Tradition tells us that the idea of the formation of Gamma Sigma Kappa Fraternity was conceived by five young men meeting one evening in the spring of 1917 in a basement room of an apartment house in Urbana. It is also said that these founders of the fraternity voted on the measures brought before them on that evening by raising their right foot, signifying thereby that they would give their right foot ere they deserted their organization. These men had studied the field at the University of Illinois, and had decided that there was an opening which an organization with the proper ideals might take advantage of and prosper. For one thing, they were impressed with the number of men to be found about the university who came from the very best of families and through their work in college activities and in their studies had demonstrated that they had veal ability, but for various reasons they had refrained from joining fraternities. It was therefore resolved to form an organization which would appeal to at least some of these men. Accordingly it was determined that the outstanding principle should be the choice of men because of the actual merits of the men themselves—if a man should be found to be made of the proper material, it should not matter whether he carried an inexhaustible bank account or worked for each dollar as he spent it. We have attempted to keep this principle before the members and to make it a real honor to be chosen for membership in our organization. Although these five students laid the foundations for the building of the fraternity, not a great deal was accomplished in the way of organization in this spring nor in the following fall except in the selection of seven other men for membership. •When the real work of organization began in the spring of 1918 and the University Council of Administration was peti-



tioned for permission to form a fraternity, there were in reality twelve charter members. Their names and the order in which they were received into the fraternity follows: Walter H. Newcomb,'18; Huber Honens Rathbun,'18; Elmer Nels Turnquist,'18; Mybert Eustace Broom,'21; Robert Miller Pearson, '20; Eugene Robert Eleson, '18; Millard Everett Brame, '20; Roy Leslie Barker, '21; Marshall Everett Newton, '21; John H. Wamsley,'20; Rudolph Albert Faust,'20 (deceased); Carl Roscoe Miller, '20. The goal to be obtained by these men continually advanced as each successive task was accomplished. Plans were immediately begun for the enlargement of the membership, and for the securing of a house for the following fall. During the period one more member was initiated and a contract entered into for a house. When school opened in the fall of 1918, the war had brought about a number of radical changes. The university had taken over all fraternity houses to be used as barracks. Six of the brothers had already entered military service, and three of the four remaining at school entered the Students' Army Training Corps. Even under these discouraging conditions, however, two men were pledged and initiated, and a number of meetings held. Immediately after the disbanding of the S. A. T. C. and the return of the university to normal, the fraternity again became active and work in organization was carried on in earnest. Nine men returned to register the second quarter of the school year. (The university had divided this year into three twelveweek terms called quarters.) By the end of the quarter the chapter house at One-O-Six Green Street had been contracted for, six men initiated into membership, and six others pledged. The first meeting in the new house was held March 31, 1919. The greater part of the remainder of the year was spent in obtaining the necessary equipment for maintaining a house and in perfecting the organization. During the period, however, three more men were pledged, and six of the nine pledges initiated.



With the return of twelve members and two pledges in the fall of 1919 things didn't look any too promising, but these men put in some good hours and pledged eleven freshmen early in the semester and two upper classmen later. This made a good sized body with which to carry on the work. The four upper classmen pledges were initiated late in the semester. It was this body of men that promoted the remodeling of the house and the addition of new furniture.


Late in the autumn of 1919 what seemed heretofore to be the impossible was accomplished. Arrangements were made for the purchase of the house at One-O-Six. In order to do this, it was necessary to organize the Gamma Sigma Kappa Building Association. This was done by obtaining a charter from the Secretary of the State of Illinois so that the association could operate as a lawful corporation under the State laws. The corporation consisted of every member of the fraternity. The first semester of 1919-20 was closed with a very good scholastic record. Gamma Sigma Kappa stood second among the local fraternities and sixth among all social and professional fraternities, numbering approximately fifty. After a short vaca-



tion between semesters all the members came back with lots of pep. Among other things they organized an intermural basket eleven the of Ten ng. ball team which made a good showi the pledges were initiated, one not returning to school. During were and d pledge first part of the semester six more men were initiated near the close of the school year. It must not be thought, however, that it was all work and no play, for four d at house dances and many other social functions were enjoye the house. In the fall of 1920 eight men were pledged, which was a good sized bunch with which to start the year. All of these nity, men were initiated and took active parts in the frater t accoun on home his to return except one, who was forced to the that ll season footba this of of sickness. It was at the close of our first freshman varsity numerals were presented to one freshin als numer won men. Before the year was over another first our ented .man varsity basket-ball and baseball. This repres step in university athletics. ves on the While working hard to make a name for oursel activicampus of the University of Illinois by delving into all of the spring the In ion. alizat nation of ties, we began to think alizanation ds towar taken were preceding year the first' steps been had letters few a spring tion. Before school ended that nation the 1920 of fall the sent to Pi Kappa Phi officials. In Comand r, membe every alization idea was first in the mind of t. Our mander Paul Walker proceeded with this work in earnes g waitin of ambitions and hopes were realized after a year n Upsilo as when, on May 19, 1921, we were presented a charter Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS By KARL GIBBON partly within The campus of the University of -Illinois lies partly within and a Urban of the corporate limits of the City two muniThe aign. the corporate limits of the City of Champ thousand -nine cipalities form one community of about twenty


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inhabitants. They are located about 118 miles south of Chicago. The city halls of the two towns are two miles apart and the campus half way between. They are located in the heart of the "corn belt" and form the business and social center of a rich farming community. The institution was chartered February 28, 1867, under the name of Illinois Industrial University, and the funds for its maintenance appropriated by the State. The university opened March 2, 1868, giving instruction to men only. In 1870 women were admitted and have since formed from one-fourth to onesixth of the total enrollment. In 1885 the name of the institution was changed to the University of Illinois. The growth of the university has been steady and comparatively rapid. New colleges and schools have been added at intervals until at the present time thirteen independent and single units are included. These are as follows: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The College of Engineering. The College of Commerce and Business Administration. The College of Agriculture. The Graduate School. The Library School. The School of Music. The College of Education. The School of Railway Engineering and Administration. The College of Law. The College of Medicine. The College of Dentistry. The School of Pharmacy. The Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy are located in Chicago. The land occupied by the university amounts to 238 acres, besides a farm of 991 acres which is conducted by the university under the supervision of the College of Agriculture. There are at the present time some fifty-three buildings on the campus. These are used as class rooms, offices, laboratories, or experimental stations. The university maintains no dormitories



for men and only one residence hall for women. The average number of students at Urbana at any one time during the past year was 7,500. The total number of students enrolled during the year, of course, would amount to considerably more. This year an increase of ten per cent. is predicted. The University of Illinois has a good representation of Greek letter fraternities, there being forty-four national social fraternities, and nine locals located about the campus. Besides these there are six professional fraternities and two clubs which have houses. In the line of sororities we have seventeen national and two local organizations. The university is at the present time growing fast, and as there is not much probability of other large national fraternities establishing chapters here for some time, because there are only a very few not already represented, we believe we have a good field for building a successful chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

THE INSTALLATION OF PHI CHAPTER By J. W. SETZE, JR. On the morning of May 21, after journeying from three corners of these United States, Roy Heffner, George Driver and I landed in Tulsa, Okla. This was the realization of a dream for the three of us, as for over eighteen months we had corresponded and inspected Tulsa. After careful consideration the petition of Zeta Xi was granted and the installation date set. We were met by a large group of the petitioning body and rushed off to our rooms at the Hotel Tulsa to prepare for breakfast. After breakfast the boys took us out to the University of Tulsa, where we were to install the new chapter during the afternoon. While at the university we met the rest of the bunch and a finer lot of boys you have to go a long way to find. Arrangements were made to hold the installation promptly at 3 o'clock, so after dinner we finished our preparation and started the good work promptly on the hour. We found






twenty-three men waiting for us and anxious for the cererponies to start. After the usual ritualistic work the installation was closed with several talks. Brother Heffner spoke of the relations of the under-graduate chapter to the supreme chapter and of the fraternities' relations to the Inter-fraternity Conference. Brother Johnson, Archon of the new chapter, followed Brother Heffner and pledged the support of the new chapter to the national organization. Brother Driver, the more practical of the installing officers, spoke of a man's obligations to his college, his fraternity and his fellowman. Brother Setze presented the charter to the new chapter after a few words about the privilege of being a fraternity man and the duties of the new chapter. Brother Graham, one of the leaders of Zeta Xi, accepted the charter for Phi Chapter. The installation was finished about 6:30, and since the boys had a banquet planned for 7:30, we had to hustle to get there on time. It was there that the surprise of the day awaited us. The dining room of the Hotel Tulsa was filled with long tables forming the letter Pi and was lighted by an electric duplicate of our pin. The sight was beautiful. The colors of gold and white were carried out in every detail from the flowers on the table to the ice cream and cake. Tulsa is a co-ed college, and since it is the custom for the fraternities there to entertain certain of the fair sex each year, every man brought his lady-love. And her heart was gladder, for at her place she found a beautiful corsage of red roses. You can't get ahead of our Western boys, for they do things right. After the eats we finished the day with talks from the following: Brothers Gerald Kleinkmecht, Oscar Williams, J. H. Robinson, D. L. Perry, Paul Havenstrite, Roy J. Heffner, and Otto C. Seymour. Brother Hugh C. Graham acted as toastmaster. The next morning the boys carried us for a ride over Tulsa and out to the oil fields. This was a sight indeed to us, for the most we had seen of oil fields had been on paper. Some of us even thought that there was no such thing as an oil well.



At 1 o'clock Roy, George and I left for those three different corners whence we came. It was a sad parting at the station that Sunday morning, for it was a hard job to leave a place we had learned to love in so short a time. But the best of friends have to part, so we bid the boys good-bye, wishing them every success.

HISTORY OF ZETA XI By J. H. ROBINSON For about a year a group of friends had constantly been going together on all occasions and believing that the bonds of friendship could be strengthened by a common tie they decided to form a club. Later, headed by Otto C. Seymour, this same group of friends formed a local fraternity and decided to admit others into the bond. During the years the organization grew in influence and power in the college. The members supported all worthy college activities, none of them being emphasized to the detriment of the other. In the fall of 1918 the dream of our organization began to materialize. We had by hard work secured the sanction of the faculty and they granted us a constitution early in the school year, in this manner recognizing our value as an organization. After careful thought and investigation, it was decided that we could better further the bonds of friendship and at the same time be in a better position to help our school if we were a chapter of a national fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi was, after long deliberation, decided upon as the national we were to petition; so in the spring of 1919, after many hours of hard work, the finished petition was forwarded to Wade Smith Bolt for handling with the proper officia'.s of the fraternity. Our work was just begun then, for we had not only to live up to the ideals of the men who founded our local, but also see that we were above criticism. After many months of waiting, much correspondence, and the visits of several inspecting offi-



cers, our dream became a reality. A telegram out of a clear sky from Brother Setze brought the news that our petition had been granted and that our chapter would be installed on the night of May 21. It is hard to say whether there was more rejoicing on the night we actually received our charter or on the day we received the message that our petition had been accepted. It is needless to say, however, that on May 21 the last chapter of the history of Zeta Xi was written and the first chapter of the history of Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was begun.


In a recent issue of this very magazine one of its editors (who conceals his identity by perplexing use of the terms "we," "our," etc.) was guilty of publishing a malicious attack upon me and upon my motives, in which it was accused that my presence in the tropical land of Hawaii had certain sinister connections with hula dancers, grass skirts, and other supposedly fascinating features of that land of moonlit lure. The exact language of the insult I cannot recall, nor would I if I could. The spirit of its malignant message still rankles, though. I have resolved that the fair name of the fraternity shall not be clouded by the unfounded and unwarranted publication of a paragraph which might tend to throw doubt upon the sincerity of purpose displayed by one of its supreme officials. In protection of the fraternity's reputation and in defense of my own intentions, I therefore challenge the editors of the magazine to publish to the world the truth concerning the Territory of Hawaii and my business therein. Once upon a time the United States Army was looking for civilian "educators" to help it train its young in the many vocations of which its recruiting service has so glibly spoken in recent months. An arm chair veteran of the late war was searching the halls of the University of California for a savant



who would sail to far away Hawaii and assure the army officials there that their pedagogical plans were of the best. But, alas, the hour was late and the wise men had left their seats of learning. It so happened that in his fruitless quest for sages the veteran cast his eye upon my lowly self as I was busily engaged in dusting off the seats aforementioned. "At least," said the veteran, "here is a man who can throw a good bluff at being busy," and so I was straightway engaged as "Educator de Luxe" and in due time set sail, or more correctly, took steam for the land of waving palms and dropping cocoanuts. Suffice it to say "I went—I saw." There didn't seem to be much to conquer. Everything in Hawaii has been captured ages ago. And so, as I write this, I am bounding o'er the billows on my way back to San Francisco and "God's Country," after having put in ten perilous months in contact with ignorance, and after seeing yea many scores of Uncle Sam's trustfuls safely on their way toward literacy and homesickness. Hawaii is a surprise—in many instances a disillusion. One fond ideal after another goes crashing. Take for instance that base insinuation about the hula girls. Control your emotions a moment and look at exclusively posed photograph No. 1—a beautiful maiden with grass skirt, ukulele, lei, "an' everything." I see you quiver as you ask me, "What's wrong with that?" Well, just this—she's not Hawaiian—she's Portuguese, and you never see the likes of her outside of a photograph studio. Oh, yes, there are hula dancers! Witness the real article in photo No. 2. Yes, there is a difference And even these come out but occasionally and then only when the rattle of the tourists' silver is plainly audible. The real old hula dance occurs in modern Hawaii about as frequently as stage coach robberies in modern California. Sad but true, there are probably more grass skirts and ukuleles in action east of the Mississippi right now than on Honolulu's coral strands. Now to consider our second blow. Grass skirts having been thrown into the discard, possibly they have more grass to use for building houses. Witness engravure No. 3, which shows the domicile of the old Hawaiian chieftain of whom we read.



"And are there many of these interesting huts?" I hear you ask. No, you may search for days without a suggestion of one. Look at picture No.4 and see Honolulu as she is today. I can fairly hear that traffic cop's words burn the balmy air: "No parking on the Ewa side of Fort Street, and only half an hour on the Waikiki side." Oh, that mystic word "Waikiki!" You can fairly imagine the ukuleles strumming and see the anklets flashing on the silvery sands midst the laughter of sweet toned voices! But wait

Behold etching No. 5, which shows an old Hawaiian "luau" or feast, featuring roast pig from the emu, with poi, aku, and okolehau. (N. B. The last named is a native drink which greatly overbalances the mild nature of the Hawaiian race). We feel sure that these people have just been riding the surf boards at Waikiki, and that they will return to the water as soon as the feast is over. Now know the truth: Luaus are staged mainly for the tourists at $2.50 per victim, and lucky indeed is the wanderer who attends a real one. Behold scene No. 6, which shows where they eat nowadays. (The Moana Hotel at Honolulu, and in the foreground the famous "beach at Waikiki"). Do you see any bashful nut brown maidens? No, you do not, nor did I. Practically all the maidens are ordinary beings, tanned, and the scantiness of bathing apparel indicates no bashfulness in their make-up. They run a poor second to Mack Sennett's tribe. Waikiki, the much heralded, is full of rocks and coral, and needs a good dredging out. This I will say: the water is a heavenly temperature the whole year through—the best I ever hope to find. And so it goes, from one thing to the next. The truth is that the islands are tourist trafficking, and profiteering. Prices are atrocious and accommodations likewise. Shopping is absurd. You almost apologize to the storekeeper for possessing an intention to buy. Take the single instance of the fish industry. Where, I ask, could a man expect to get good fish to eat at reasonable prices if not on an island absolutely surrounded by billions of fish? Yet fish was usually selling at 50 cents per pound in Honolulu markets, due to the efforts of the Oriental





Fish Trust (principally Japanese) and on one occasion rose to $1.00 per pound: If you buy an automobile in Honolulu you pay several hundred dollars over and above the cost f. o. b. factory plus freight to Honolulu. If you don't like it, you don't need to buy. The principal business enterprises, including the navigation companies, are in the hands of some two dozen families, intermarried and intermingled into a combine so strong as to practically eliminate any rank outsider who tries to establish fair prices for his wares. Then again—the Japanese population of the islands predominates! As I recall it, there are about five Japs to every white man—I do not remember the exact figures. Within a short time the Hawaiian-born Japs (who of course are American citizens) will control the islands in all respects, unless Congress comes to the front with a genuine protection against the yellow peril. But enough of this pessimism! Suppose we think of things more pleasant. Recall the view showing the rice fields and cocoanut palms on the Island of Oahu. These places are all worked by Orientals. I think of the way the pineapples look in the field. My mouth waters as I remember how they taste! They are simply great! One sees the harvesting of sugar cane on Oahu. The cane is first burned; the stalks are then cut into short lengths and loaded on the cars. Grinding mills make molasses and raw sugar, the latter being shipped to California for refining. Refined sugar at retail costs more in the islands than on the Pacific Coast, due to this peculiarity of commerce. There are some things in Hawaii which have no connection with industry—which can never be spoiled by commercialization and exploitation, and which will always remain as new and as wonderful as when they were created. Of these let me mention, by way of beginning, the extinct volcano Haleakala (House of the Sun) on the Island of Maui. Photo No.7 shows a portion of the interior of the old crater. The wife and I climbed to the rim, which is 10,000 feet high, and spent the





night on its summit. The chill winds howled, the moon cast shadows into the old cinder cones, the clouds surrounded the mountain and cut us completely off from civilization, an old goat skull on the rocks lent atmosphere. Need I add more? Really it seemed like the beginning or the end of the world, and we were not sure which. The picture can give only the barest idea. Those "anthills" in the center of the crater are each hundreds of feet high and are the relics of the last sputterings and flows from the volcano. The crater is about eight miles wide and twenty miles long. ' No, not all of the volcanos are dead ones! Witness view No. 8. showing Halemaumau (The House of Everlasting Fire) the fire pit of the active volcano Kilauea on the Island of Hawaii. This cauldron is in the center of a crater about six miles in diameter. To reach it you walk or ride over the lava flows of previous years, jumping the cracks where hot steam is rising, and climb a slight incline to the rim. To describe Kilauea would be to paint the lily! It will always remain for me the most wonderful thing in the world, bar none, that I have seen or ever expect to see. Recall the color and appearance of molten iron in a foundry. Imagine huge lakes full of just such a fiery fluid, steaming, hissing, boiling, bubbling, spouting, fountaining, splashing and pouring into the gaping mouths of underground caverns the walls of which are heated to incandescence. Smell the sulphur and brimstone, watch bits of the rock crag fall into the cauldron. and melt before your eyes, look at the vapors rising between you and solid ground, listen to the roar, and wonder what there is inside this little old earth of ours. The picture shows a stream of molten lava just starting to overflow the rim , of the firepit. Words are useless in such a case. You simply look at it all, turn around 185 degrees, and say to yourself loudly and with assurance, "No, it couldn't be so!" You see, but you don't "register." The good transport Sheridan is just two days out of San Francisco as I sign this article., and we've been six days on the water already I wouldn't give a good deal for my island trip,





even though I did lose my childlike faith in some things. I wouldn't take a good deal more, however, to turn around and

go back!

Maybe some day—but not now! One last look at the moonlight shining on the palm trees and the surf (Photo No. 9) and we're ready to say "Hello. San Francisco!"


Life in India consists largely of going to bed and getting up, eating, tea drinking, and coming and going. We sleep twice during the twenty-four hours, eat at least five times a day, and annually migrate to the mountains to escape from the worst of the hot season. This migration is a most upsetting and unsettling affair, and most missionaries have two homes, one on the plains and one in the mountains. About the first of May the exodus commences. Mothers with their children often leave a month or six weeks earlier. The school didn't close until May 15, and immediately afterwards we commenced to pack. If you have never lived in India, or traveled here, you can't appreciate what it means to prepare for a vacation in the mountains. You have to take all your penates with you, as well as all your hot and cold season clothing, also all your dress togs—morning, afternoon, mess, and full dress. .And don't forget your bedding. Every man in India carries his bed with him, and woe to the tourist who comes without his bed. So into our trunks we stowed evening gowns and dress suits, tramping togs and afternoon frocks, morning suits and pajamas, woolen golf stockings and daintily embroidered silk hose of the feminine variety, needles, glue, books, and what not. We packed, and pushed, and shoved, and jammed, and squeezed, and pounded our trunks, boxes, and bedding rolls until we all but melted. The last roll rolled and strapped, we sat down to tea. Temperature 106 in the shade, and the electric punkah vainly trying to create a cool breeze in steamy, broiling Calcutta. How we



longed for 4:30 to arrive. We sent our luggage to the station with the school sergeant, and followed in a taxi. An Indian railway station is the most interesting place on earth —but that some other time. Dragging my wife and carrying numberless odds and ends, and oozing at every pore, I shoved through a jostling crowd of Bengalis, Madrassis, Ooryias, and Hindustani log, with a goodly sprinkling of British, Chinese, Japanese, Americans and Anglo-Indians, and others. I bought my tickets and having deposited half of myself in our reserved compartment, joined the mob that was fighting around the booki ng desk. In India we book our luggage. When you come out here forget "check." Two articles were for the van, and two I placed with the guard for which I received a small square with number 27. I found my seat beside my wife, and luxuriated in the breeze of the ceiling fan. At 16-6 (4:30 p. m., Calcutta time) the Darjeeling Mail pulled out from platform No; 5, Sealdah Station, and I bade farewell to school and care. The railway sections of all large cities are the same, so I turned my attention to my compa rtment companions and found them to be a young Italian and his wife, a middle aged Scotchman and his girlish wife and their baby, and my wife. Outside the city we found ourselves passing through the flat rice fields of Bengal with the usual palm trees and bamboos and typical Bengali villages and hamle ts. We gave ourselves up to iced lemonades and to cursi ng a country "where a white man can't live decently any longer." The Italian and the Scotchman did the cursing, and I did the listening. Meanwhile I inspected the scenery. At Sara we crossed the famous bridge which was erected only seven years ago. It is a mile and an eighth long, has fifteen spans, sixteen piers, one of which was sunk 160 feet below lowest water level. I was told that it has been estimated that two and a half million feet of water passes under this bridge every second during the monsoon season. Night came on, and after dinner we dozed and wonde red why we didn't arrive at Santahar. For it is there that we have to alight from the standard broad gauge train and take the metre



gauge to Siliguri. The train was one and a half hours late, and we didn't get our beds made and to sleep until after midnight. Fortunately we had a compartment to ourselves, and were able to sleep undisturbed until daylight awoke us. The g scenery was as monotonous as that we had seen the evenin the as far as side either before. A huge, flat plain stretched on eye could reach, varied here and there by large jhils where flocks of ducks and snipes frolicked, here and there villages sur7:25 rounded by bamboos and an occasional mango grove. At Darthe we arrived at Siliguri, and after locating our seats in jeeling-Himalayan Railway train and rebooking our luggage, we and went into the refreshment room for a chhota hazri of tea toast, ham and eggs. the At Siliguri I for the first time saw a large number of Bengal of tracts in Mongoloid peoples who inhabit the mounta and Sikkim. Their almond eyes, flat faces, and high cheek bones, and their Tibetan-like costume sharply differentiated them from the plainsmen. The women wore ear-disks as large d as saucers, and handsome necklaces of gold and silver, gemme ear ise turquo se immen wore men The ise. with jade and turquo rings, and necklaces of amber and jade. They seemed a happy, vigorous lot, and the women were enjoying as much freedom as the men. The D. H. R. R. is a unique piece of engineering. This line, raila two feet gauge, is perhaps one of the greatest feats of roading, and the trip from the plains to Darjeeling is a neverare toyto-be-forgotten experience. The engines and carriages up a tons fifty of train a haul like, but the former are able to will picture ng panyi gradient of otie in twenty-five. The accom cost line The give a fair idea of the train, and of the track. cart $17,500 a mile, and was originally laid on the Government to road, but in recent years alterations have been made in order nment Gover radii. the se increa to improve the gradient and road, and spent $30,000 per mile for the construction of the cart all the Like seen. ever have it is the finest mountain road I y militar for lly origina great roads in India, it was constructed purposes.



After leaving Siliguri the track runs straight to Sukna, elevation 533 feet, where the ascent begins. We passed through dense forests of sal, jungle undergrowths of ferns, bracken, and shrubs, and overgrowth of great vines. The line wound in and out along the hillsides, with stupendous precipices now on the side and now on the other. At every turn fresh beauty revealed itself. Below and behind the great fertile plain of Bengal, stretching away to the horizon, bathed in sunlight, with meandering, silver ribbon-like rivers. Ahead the mighty foothills of the Himalayas. As the train ascended we passed through

ON THE WAY TO DARJEELING impenetrable jungles, the haunts of tigers, rhinos, buffaloes, deer and wild hog. Oaks, plantains, acacias, and fig were common up to 2,000 feet, and these are interspersed with great bamboo clumps. Higher still we entered the tea gardens, and at 5,000 feet saw the beautiful Himalayan tree-ferns, fifteen or eighteen feet high. Soon afterwards we entered the clouds, and from then on to Darjeeling travelled in the rain, and had to be contented with near views. The trees were heavy with mosses and great lichens, and orchids were to be seen on the trees. The line twisted and turned in such a way that from our seats in the rear cab, we were able to see the engine most of the timer



and at places it formed a complete circle, the train being carried over a small bridge above the spot it had just left. A most interesting feature of the track is the goompties. These are long zig-zags, or reverses, along the hillside. The train ran ahead, then backed up the hillside, ran ahead again and again backed up, and then continued to run ahead, until it came to another place where the engineers had found it necessary to make another of those wonderful pieces of engineering. It was quite a sensation to be in a train backing up hill.. The line reached its highest elevation at Ghum, 7,407 feet above sea level. We were six hours in making the ascent. We then descened 600 feet to Darjeeling. Heavy clouds enveloped us, and the rain poured. The water cataracted down every gully, and roared in the gorges below. And we bumped on into Darjeeling. Yes, bumped, for the D. H. R. R. carriages jiggle and jerk and bump every inch of the way from Siliguri to the station on the mountain top. Just before we pulled into the Darjeeling station the clouds lifted.and broke, the sunshine poured in, and we saw before us the mountainsides dotted with picturesque, red-roofed villas, and across the valleys and lower ranges towered mighty Kangchenjunga in all her grandeur. Suddenly the clouds lowered, and the rain poured as we steamed under the sheet iron roof of the station, and the little train bumped to a standstill. We were in Darjeeling.

A PI KAPP IN CHINA By DILLARD B. LASSETER (Front a Personal Letter to the Editor) I am now stationed in Antung, Manchuria, in charge of the American Consulate here. My district consists of the territory on the Manchurian side of the Yalu River and stretches about half of the distance from the Korean frontier to Mukden, the capital of the province of Fengtien, or Southern Manchuria. The population is composed of about 15,000 Japanese, 6,000



Koreans, and 100,000 Chinese and Manchus. The princi pal industries are the raising of pongee or wild silk and the shipping of timber secured from the upper reaches of the Yalu River. On account of proximity, ownership of the only railway, and other political advantages, Japanese trade interests predo minate in my district, but American goods still find a good marke t and the Standard Oil Company and the British-American Tobac co Company maintain American representatives here. Before being transferred to Antung, I was stationed in Tientsin, which is a larger port than Antung from the standpoint of white residents, there being a white population there of severa l thousand people, including about 700 American civilians and 1%500 soldiers, and the social life there was quite gay from an American standpoint, with modern theatres, jazz palaces, etc. There is an association of fraternity men in Tientsin under the name of the North China Pan-Hellenic Association, and it might interest Pi Kapps that we were represented with two members, J. F. Shafer, of California, being the other membe r besides myself. We were as largely represented as any other fraternity. Bro. Shafer is manager of the Standard Oil Company in Peking at present. To any Pi Kapps contemplating coming East, I might say that Kipling was not far wrong when he said that if you once hear the East calling you cannot heed anything else. One's first impressions on arrival are that it is a conglomeration of all the filth, both physical and moral, gathered from the seven seas and deposited in China. But upon becoming acclimated to the odors and sights of poverty among the natives, the fondn ess for the life of ease in this Elysian field of good and cheap servants begins to grow and from my personal experi ence I was extremely unhappy for the two years I was absent . While speaking of servants I might state that a good valet can be obtained for $7.00 a month, a wonderful cook for the same, and coolies for the heavy work for half that sum. The only objection an American could possibly have to life out here, is that a man can still raise a thirst in this east of Suez



territory, prohibition being an unheard-of imposition upon the inherent freedom of man. In every port of any size there is a club for foreigners, consisting of a bar (I will have to place it in first place, as it is the most frequented department of all Eastern clubs), library, card rooms, and in the larger clubs restaurants and living quarters. Golf courses and race-tracks also abound in most of the ports. Social life is still, more or less, governed by British fashions and modes, as they have always in the past been the largest in numbers among the foreigners, but in cities such as Shanghai and Tientsin, the American jazz band is rapidly bringing the staid and self-sufficient Britishers to our way of enjoying life. Entree into the social life of any Far Eastern community is more or less decided by what business one is engaged in, rather than in his personal capacity for social absorption. For instance, foreigners working in a retail business are not considered of good social caste, whatever their earnings may be, while a clerk of a bank or some of the large foreign firms, is accepted anywhere. The government services of course usually occupy the,place of first rank socially. Chinese and foreigner do not associate together very much in their homes, the only meeting place being business, but social contact with the Chinese is becoming more and more the order of the day, with the return of American and European educated Chinese to their native land. The general moral standard as regards the petty vices, if one wants to designate them thusly, such as drinking and gambling, is very much lower than in the United States, and the opportunity to indulge in these diversions to one's heart's content has proven the downfall of more than one promising young American. I hope that I have not bored you with this delineation or attempt at such, but I know from experience that the young American in college is usually casting his eyes in all directions ation for a post-college career, and that possession of inform times, at e is valuabl press the in hed that is not usually publis this letter, and normally uninteresting material as is set forth in is of acute interest to some people.



With best wishes to you in your efforts to make THE STAR AND LAMP a success and with best regards to Pi Kappa Phi, I am, Fraternally, DILLARD B. LASSETER, Eta, '13. P. S. I will be more than pleased to answer any questions about China that I am able to, should there be any points that

need clearing up.


One dark night last fall I overheard an unforgettable dialogue. "Why did you join that fraternity ?" asked someone ahead. Distinct came the answer: "Why, man, their alumni were out at the house all during rush week and all of them were interested. They believe in sticking together. That's just the kind of a bunch I was looking for." It is very natural for us to ask you alumni to tell us about the boys entering college from your home towns. Lots of you do. Unfortunately, though in the larger cities where so many of our chapters are located, this information is seldom asked, for few except teachers could give it. These cities, however, are the very places in which you alumni could help most. It is safe to assume that practically all of you are interested enough in the institutions you attended to know when they open. It would be little trouble, during the first few days, for any alumnus to revisit his chapter house. Why not come out, meet the prospectives, and show them you are interested? By showing only indifference then, you will aid us in losing men of the highest values—the men who "believe in sticking together."



ETAS GIVE TEA By J. DERRICK JONES An entertainment which was the most prominent in the social functions at Emory University was the afternoon tea given by Eta on the afternoon of April 13, immediately after the State track meet. The guests were met at the door by the Archon and his staff of officers. They were then shown the house, which was beautifully decorated in white and gold and also blue and gold. Speaking in terms of Pi Kapp lingo, "The young dames there would make a bull dog break his chain." Absolutely, they were the "Peaches of the South." Dan Hayes and his bunch of "Atlanta Tea Hounds" from Pi were just in time for the first refreshments, which consisted of a delicious salad course and the best punch with the exception of the "Kentucky moonshine" I'm sure you've heard tell of. No casualties! At about 7 o'clock the members of the Pan-Hellenic Council and the faculty departed and left the "good brothers" and their damsels to enjoy themselves the remainder of the evening in true Pi Kappa Phi style. Everybody was feeling as gay as a "Peruvian humming-bird in a bed of honey-suckle vines." Later on in the evening a course of ice cream in fraternity colors and angel food cake was served. Brother Pinkston was found behind the davenport exhausted because of overtaxing his eating capacity!. In finishing this little treatise on "How to Have a Big Time" the writer wishes to say that every Pi Kapp proved himself a good sport and a lover of a good time. Brothers, we had some time!

BEWARE ACADEMIC FREEDOM At a recent meeting of the executive committee of the Interfraternity Conference, a report was heard from a special committee appointed at the April meeting to consider and report


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the matter of the proposed development at Harvard University of the so-called Intercollegiate Liberal League. In concluding its report to the executive committee, this special committee presented a recommendation that the following resolution be adopted for transmission to the general officers of fraternities members of the conference and for publication in fraternity journals. I therefore hand you herewith the formal resolution as passed by the executive committee: "The executive committee of the Inter-fraternity Conference

recommends that the general fraternities represented in the conference advise their chapters of the need of great caution on the part of under-graduate fraternity men in participating in the activities of organizations enlisted under the attractive banner of 'Academic Freedom.' Fraternity men in college are under a peculiar obligation to maintain and display loyalty both to their colleges and to their country; and it is quite certain that a great many of the individuals promoting such organizations are in fact earnestly endeavoring to undermine both the educational and the political foundations of all real democracy in America. It is therefore important that our under-graduates should inquire closely into the antecedents and affiliations, both local and general, of those with whom they are invited to associate themselves in organization of this class." P. H. NYMEYER, Secretary.

PI KAPP SPIRIT By BRO. J. DERRICK JONES, Eta Many fraternity men, after their college days are over, seem to lose the brotherly spirit, and when speaking of their college days they say,"I used to belong to that fraternity." Now that is certainly a slam on their fraternity. Pi Kapp brothers, do not put the interest of your fraternity aside as you step from the college campus into the world. If you have ever been a member of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity you still are a Pi Kapp and you always will be. We are a young band of brothers and have still a great task before us.



We must realize that unless we stick and pull together we will accomplish nothing. We can "never be separated" if we all strive for our goal together. It would be well to adopt the slogan: Pull for Pi Kappa Phi or pull out. THE STAR AND LAMP has on at present a campaign for life subscriptions to our fraternity magazine. Brothers, send in a check and fill yourself again with that spirit typical of all Pi Kappa Phis. Learn what our different chapters are doing; familiarize yourself once more with your fraternity which

afforded you so much pleasure while in college. Come on, let's have a stream of checks pouring in and show that Pi Kappa Phi is on the map and there to stay. How about it, fellows?

THE SOUTH CAROLINA SITUATION As Reported to the Inter-Fraternity Conference Mr. Musgrave offered the following: Reporting to you relative to my personal investigation of the fraternity situation and the South Carolina Inter-fraternity Conference, I have to advise that on March 17, 1921, I stopped off at Columbia, S. C., and had a personal interview with the Secretary thereof. The result of that investigation I have already reported to your chairman. Pursuant to my report of the situation relative to the sub rosa organizations in the University of South Carolina, Chairman Almy advised me by letter that he had secured the co-operation of the officers of Sigma Nu to withdraw their charter from the local there, and I was able to advise the officers and members of the South Carolina Inter-fraternity Conference thereof when I met them on April 28, 1921. While still in Florida I advised Chairman Hughes, of Union, S. C., of my intended visit and asked his assistance in reaching as many fraternity men and women as possible. His reply by letter and wire was to advise me that he did not think it wise to call such a meeting, that he had other business that conflicted with his presence, and that he had referred my letter to Secretary Hodges and Mr. Lumpkin,



with the request that they secure as many as possible for an informal conference with me. On April 28 I met Messrs. Lumpkin, Hodges and John D. Carroll, Eminent Supreme Counsellor of Pi Kappa Phi, of Lexington, S. C., in Columbia in Mr. Lumpkin's office. Mr. Van Mater, the Sigma Nu of Columbia, was not present and I have had no response from him to my letter. Judge Hamer could not be with us. In the course of this conference it developed that the reason Hon. John Gordon Hughes had been selected as chairman was

that he was also chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina and they thought at the time a man who would take a keen interest in the fraternity cause. Instead, they found it a source of embarrassment to them, and Mr. Hughes as well, when the war between the sub rosa groups and the students broke out more than a year ago. He also lives at Union, seventy miles away, and for this reason is not available when needed. Also an unfortunate encounter between Senator Laney, the leader of the opposition, and Secretary Hodges, of the South Carolina Inter-fraternity Conference, took place just about the time the vote on the bill was to be taken in the State Senate. Laney met Hodges in the lobby of the capitol and ordered him out of public property and called him a vile name. The result was a fistic contest that was sensational and fatal to the fraternity cause then pending. They give Senator Laney,credit for being absolutely honest in his opposition and as being almost a fanatic in his opposition. I found that when he was a student there he missed a chance to be selected as a member of one of the several groups then holding forth, and as a consequence his ambitions were thwarted in that direction. Since then he has been bitter but honest, they said, in his opposition. I told them bluntly while I admired their credulity as to his honest opposition to their cause, that having been battling the same kind of bird these many years, I recognized the plumage wherever and whenever I saw it, and that disappointed ambition was the cause of the fanaticism



instead of a firm conviction of the evils of the fraternity system per se. We discussed the advisability of taking the lead in organizing the campus into a number of student clubs, but the weakness of this proposition was soon apparent. As a result we decided on a strictly "hands off" policy and strong co-operation to bring about complete abolition of all sub rosa fraternity groups. We decided to agitate for a repeal of law or resolution proscribing fraternities but in the meantime to strictly observe it in letter and spirit.

I then outlined to the gentlemen present the evolution of our own organization, and suggested that the South Carolina Interfraternity Conference be reorganized and intensively developed by the selection of men and women in or near Columbia to serve on its executive committee and fill its official positions. That these officers work together in much the same way as our own executive committee here in New York and be so circumstanced geographically thereby as to practically accomplish in a few hours' conference each interval of meetings what so far has been impossible under their present plan of organization. I advised them that I should make a report to your committee and append some recommendations thereto and would have a copy of the recommendations sent them. I accordingly append herewith some recommendations for your consideration, revision, rejection, or amendment as to your judgment shall seem proper. I also strongly urge the continuation of our work in accumulating data for our forthcoming book in favor of the fraternity cause in order that we may arm our South Carolina friends with information that is authentic and strongly in favor of the change we all desire. I think it advisable to convey the Mississippi plan to them without recommendation, leaving then to decide for themselves whatever thereof they wish to adopt. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made as a result of the two personal investigations of the South Carolina Inter-frater-



nity Conference and the situation in that State. My investigations were made on March 17 and April 28, 1921: 1. The reorganization of the South Carolina Inter-fraternity Conference by the selection of its officers and executive committee members within the City of Columbia and its immediate vicinity. 2. Frequent meetings of this body to discuss circumstances as they arise and provide ways and means to put the State of South Carolina in harmony with the forty-six States in the

Union where fraternities are recognized and welcomed. 3. Co-operation between this reorganized body and our own national body in every way to bring about the desired results. 4. To wage judicious but persistent campaigns to convince the Legislature of South Carolina of the justice of our cause and ask the repeal of prohibitions against fraternities in its State institutions. 5. Secure the active, aggressive, and sympathetic co-operation of all fraternity men and women in South Carolina to abolish all sub rosa fraternities, clubs, and organizations inimical to observance of the present law and to strictly enforce and obey it while it remains in force to the end that we shall not be classified as outlaws or in sympathy with outlaw organizations. 6. Transmit a copy of these resolutions to the secretary and chairman of the South Carolina Inter-fraternity Conference and request them to lay the same before that body for its consideration. 7. Endeavor to reach every fraternity man and woman in South Carolina, ask them to affiliate with their State organization and co-operate with its work, and secure their support in this movement. I also suggest that the Mississippi plan be laid before them without recommendation for whatever action they may deem wise. The conditions in the two States are similar in some and different in other respects, and our South Carolina friends should determine for themselves how much or how little of the plan to adopt.





EMINENT SUPREME JOURNALIST WEDS (From Charlotte News) In one of the prettiest wedding ceremonies in the history of Ninth Avenue Baptist Church, and also one of social note and interest, Miss Jean Conklin, of Ontario, Ore., on Tuesday afternoon became the bride of Richard Leonidas Young, the ceremony being performed by Rev. L. R. Pruett, pastor of the church. The pulpit was banked with palms and ferns, making a pretty setting for the nuptial scene. The hour of the wedding was 4:30. Relatives and friends filled the church to witness the marriage of the young couple, whose lives chance of war had brought together. Before the ceremony Miss Louise Young, sister of the groom, who is organist at the church, played Raff's "Cavatina," with violin obligato by C. A. Workman. There were no attendants. The bride and groom entered the church together to the strains of Lohengrin. During the ceremony, which was impressive in its earnestness and simplicity, "Souvenir," by Drdla, was softly rendered by Miss Young and Mr. Workman. The young couple left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn. An auto was in waiting and amidst a shower of rice the young couple drove off to the Seaboard Air Line station, where they took the train for Wrightsville Beach. They spent two weeks at the beach, being guests at Mrs. W. H. Northrup's cottage. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Conklin, of Ontario, Ore., her father a prominent rancher of eastern Oregon and formerly superintendent of schools at Pendleton and Ontario, Ore. Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Eckersley, of Cove, Ore., were among the earliest pioneers of Oregon, and to their efforts and others of like mentality and strength of character was due the progress of the State along civic and educational lines. She attended Oregon State College, where she was a member of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, and was a leader in class work and college spirit. When war was declared with Germany she volunteered for nursing service, and



was called during the greatest severity of the influenza epidemic. She was stationed at the base hospital at Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash., where she met Mr. Young. He had been commissioned second lieutenant in field artillery, graduating from the Field Artillery Central Officers' Training School, at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky., from where he was ordered to Camp Lewis, Wash. Thus fate played its part in bringing together the "Girl from the Golden West" and the soldier from the "Sunny South." Miss Conklin came to Charlotte last fall on a visit, and having the offer of a position in the First Ward School, she decided to remain here for the winter. Her rating as teacher was with the highest. She is a girl of charming refinement, petite, pretty and distinctive in her charm of mentality and personality. She has won the hearts of all with whom she has come in contact during her stay in Charlotte. Yesterday she was perfectly dressed in a suit of midnight blue cloth distinctly stylish in cut, with a becoming hat of jade green georgette, and corsage of lilies of the valley and roses. Mr. Young is a son of the late Arthur Young and Mrs. Margaret Leonora Young, now Mrs. Ross, and is of a family widely known and highly esteemed in the Palmetto State. He graduated with honor at the Charlotte public schools, and later at the University of North Carolina, and is national officer of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. He took a high stand at college. A little over a year ago he joined the reportorial staff of The Charlotte Observer, which position he still holds and is known in newspaper circles as one of the best reporters in the State. He and his pretty little bride will, on their return, make their home with Mr. Young's mother on Beaumont avenue, Elizabeth Heights.


If prospects have anything to do with it, the University of Nebraska will turn out the greatest football team of its history this fall. This is no mean statement, as the caliber of Corn-



husker football is well known all over the country. In bygone years many famous teams, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, have tasted defeat at the hands of Nebraska athletes. Beef and speed are the two predominant characteristics of the 1921 Nebraska gridsters. The line will average well nigh the two hundred pound mark, while half a dozen of the backfield candidates can clip a hundred yards in ten flat. Three veterans, who were last yeay given all-American mention, Pucelik, tackle, Wright and Hartley, halfbacks, will again fight under the Scarlet and Cream. •Captain Swanson and Scherer, two varsity ends of last year, will be in the line-up again. The freshman squad of last year affords a wealth of varsity material. Carl Peterson, a stalwart brother in Pi Kappa Phi, is a very likely candidate for the center position. Pete held the pivot berth of last year's freshman eleven and is considered sure of a varsity position this year. He formerly played with Bethany College, Kansas, where he was chosen as All-State Conference center. Pete is a hard worker and is determined to wear the "N." A new hand will guide the 1921 Cornhuskers. Fred T. Dawson, formerly of Columbia University, has been selected as head football coach, and is on the job. Dawson is just the kind of man needed in a mid-western institution. He knows football as it is played in the East. The progress he has already made at Nebraska assures his success. Student backing of athletics at Nebraska was never as fully demonstrated as it has been this fall. A new plan has been developed whereby season tickets for all athletic events are sold. The ticket admits to every athletic contest to be staged under university supervision during the entire year. In fact, it is practically a voluntary single tax. Football, basket-ball, baseball, track, wrestling, tennis, etc., are included. The sales have now almost mounted to two thousand and the campaign is still under way.



BULLETIN FROM THE E. S. T. To All Chapters: At this, the beginning of another school year, I wish to Impress upon each chapter the importance of keeping its account straight with the supreme chapter. Any negligence on the part of any chapter in regard to sending in its reports will be deemed sufficient for the E. S. T. to recommend to the Supreme Council that the chapter be suspended or expelled. A supply of necessary blanks has been mailed to each chapter by the E. S. Grapter. Additional banks may be obtained from J. W. Setze, Jr., E. S. G., Box 336, Raleigh, N. C. Immediately after each initiation one of the initiation blanks must be mailed for each man, together with the remittance to the E. S. T. The monthly report must be mailed with remittance on or before the last day of the month. One copy with remittance to the E. S. T. and one copy to the E. S. G. In no case will a chapter be excused for not having its monthly report in on time. Any excuse for not sending in the remittance must have the approval of the E. S. Archon but you must have the report in on time. . . . On the tenth of each month the E. S. T. will send to every chapter and officer a report for the preceding month showing the number of men, dues, time report received, etc., for every chapter. Therefore, it is up to each chapter to make a good showing. Reports are required for eight months. Most chapters send reports for October-May, inclusive. If your school opens the first part of September you may send reports for September-April, inclusive. The monthly dues are 75 cents per active man. If a man is initiated before the 15th of the month you must remit monthly dues for him for that month. The supreme initiation fee is $5 and the membership certificate $1. Every man initiated is required to take a life subscription to TnE STAR AND LAMP. The remittances for these must be sent to the E. S. T. Additional notes can be secured from the E. S. T. Please note the new address of the E. S. T., 39 East



Sixth Street, Atlanta, Ga. All badges must be ordered from the E. S. Grapter. Wishing each and every chapter a very successful year, I remain, Yours fraternally, J. LAWTON ELLIS, JR., E. S. T.

BULLETIN TO ALL CHAPTERS Biennial Convention of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity The Biennial Convention of the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi will be held in Berkeley, Calif., December 28, 29, 30, and 31, 1921. These dates have been set in order that the delegates from the Eastern colleges may be able to return to school not later than Monday, January 9, and in order that they may be in California at the most auspicious time, in so far as the holiday season is concerned. It was not practicable to select dates which would be mutually acceptable to all chapters, and in setting the dates above mention, the Eminent Supreme Archon believes that he has made the best possible choice, all factors considered. It is with pleasure that he announces the unanimous vote of Gamma Chapter, accepting the dates above of mentioned. These dates occur absolutely in the middle Gamma's Christmas vacation period, and necessitate a return by to college about two weeks ahead of time. The spirit shown dable. commen this chapter is most its Plans are already under way by Gamma Chapter and who Kapps Pi all t of ainmen alumni for the housing and entert tentashow up at the Golden Gate at the holiday season. The n Pullma tive schedule for the trip is as follows: one or two cars (according to the number of Pi Kapps coming) will leave , on some central point in the Southern States, probably Atlanta ly probab route, a direct by go will They or about December 23. and o, Chicag to Palm, Royal that of the Dixie Flyer or the nd Limited then West by another direct route, either the Overla Cheyenne, h throug or the Scenic Limited to San Francisco, should cars The Ogden, etc., or through Denver and Salt Lake.



arrive in San Francisco not later than the 27th, and preferably early in the day. From the 27th to the 31st, inclusive, all Pi Kapps will be the guests of Gamma Chapter, active and alumni, and will be housed in Berkeley at the Pi Kappa Phi chapter house, and at other chapter houses if there is an overflow. The four days of convention will be overflowing with business and recreation of all kinds, the wind-up being on Saturday night, which is New Year's Eve, and a particularly appropriate time to wind things up properly. On Sunday, January 1, the Pullmans will proceed to Los Angeles, arriving there not later than Monday morning, January 2, which is the legal holiday for New Years. Pi Kapps will then proceed to Pasadena to see the Tournament of Roses, and the football game that afternoon between an Eastern and a Western team, not yet selected, departing from Los Angeles Monday night or not later than Tuesday morning, the 3rd, via the route Sunset Limited through New Orleans, or else via the Santa Fe. The cars should arrive in Atlanta not later than Saturday morning, January 7. All Pi Kapps, it is believed, can arrange to pick up these Pullman cars at some point on the journey. The cars can be side-tracked at Los Angeles and used as a hotel. The rate per day at present is $59.00, and the number of persons who can be accommodated • depends only upon the extent of convenience enjoyed by those present. The minimum number of railway tickets per car is twenty-five. This makes a cheaper arrangement than having individuals pay their own Pullman fares. All the Pi Kapps in the West are in a state of enthusiasm about the convention, and are resolved to make it the biggest and best in the history of the fraternity. They have been warned by the E. S. A. that they will have to "go some," for he has attended some mighty fine conventions in the South. There is much legislation of importance to be presented, and also much in the way of recreation to be enjoyed • in the San Francisco bay region. This metropolitan area, with its population of one million, affords the best in the world, and we all claim San Francisco "knows how."



In selecting a delegate to represent your chapter, be sure that you keep in mind the advice that was given last spring. Be sure to get a:man whose interest and ability has been demonstrated by his present and past performance for the fraternity. Be sure to get one who will return to college after the convention for at least one semester, if not longer. If, by chance, the man who has these qualifications is also the oldest man in the chapter, that is all right, but his seniority alone does not entitle him to be the delegate. The delegate should be familiar with the constitution and by-laws of his chapter, and likewise with the ritual. He should also be familiar with the finances and accounting system of his chapter. Each chapter is expected to begin at once to tell how many of its men will be able to come, either as delegates or as visitors. All are welcome—doubly so. One man, however, will cast the votes for the entire chapter, although all men have the privilege of the floor at the convention. Gamma Chapter assures us that no expenses will be incurred while here, except those which are voluntary. Announcement will be made within a very short time of the person who will receive and compile the lists of delegates and visitors, and who will make all necessary arrangements for the Pullman cars, the routing, etc. In the meantime, each chapter will gather its information together and be prepared to submit it to the proper person at the place and time to be announced. Remember that each chapter must have a delegate present. There has been ample discussion about this conventiton, and there can be no excuses acceptable to the Eminent Supreme Archon for hailure to be represented. Here goes for the biggest and best convention Pi Kappa Phi has ever held. Fraternally, ROY J. HEPPNER, Eminent Supreme Archon.


With the revival of Psi Chapter at the University of Virginia, Phi Sigma Kappa boasts of an unbroken chapter chain. The fraternity has thirty-one chapters.

Pi Kappa Phi's record is not so bad. Eighteen wide-awake chapters with four dead ones is our count. Two of the deceased chapters are in South Carolina, where the fires of anti-fraternity have been raging in the halls of legislation. University of South Carolina and Furman University are interred in South Carolina soil. Epsilon Chapter at Davidson College went under during the war. But wait. Then there is the withdrawn charter from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. The only charter that has been voluntarily withdrawn by the fraternity.

Fraternity men led non-fraternity students in scholarship at the Oregon Agricultural College in the spring term. A student body average of 84.56 was made. Men in fraternities made aggregate average of 83.73, while those not identified with an organization made 83.58. The average of women in sororities was 86.80 and those not in sororities 86.25.

Lip sticks, mobile eyes, and winning ways have supplanted the fountain pen, midnight oil and text-books, and California girls, noted for their beauty, are winning their class marks at the University of California with these substitutes. Thus charges The Daily California, the student paper at the big school. The paper declares that "certain of OUT unbearded



instructors are still susceptible to feminine charms" and adds that the co-eds, the sorority sisters, are aware of that fact. And because of their famed beauty the California girls are easily winning their degrees. The student paper has opened a vigorous campaign against the "vamping" of professors.—(Associated Press Dispatch.) Women students have been received this year for the first time at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He who wears the pin and does nothing else is lost. Watch for the next issue of THE STAR AND LAMP—pre-convention dope. Make arrangements to board that Pi Kapp special bound for Frisco.



KAPPA CHAPTER Brother '1'. C. Smith is in the insurance business with his father in Charlotte, N. C. Brother Fenner Anderson is connected with the Piggly Wiggly Stores Corporation in Lynchburg, Va. Brother C. P. Spruill, Jr., Rhodes scholar, spent his Easter vacation of six weeks in Paris. Brothers R. C. Bernau, Jr., and Charles M. Hazlehurst were on the Hill for the Easter dances. Brother "Shorty" Griffin was on the Hill for the Virginia game, April 25. "Shorty" is in th'e lumber business in Goldsboro, N. C. NU CHAPTER Brother Paul Anderson is spending the summer in Sheridan, Wyo. Andy attended the Montana School of Mines last winter. Brother Ralph Anderson is teaching commercial aviation at Erick, Okla. Bruce Brown, who has been attending University of Southern California, expects to return to Nebraska this summer . Walter Christensen is visiting his parents at Lincoln. He has been teaching journalism at the University of Montana , Missoula, and expects to go into the newspaper business in this town. Brothers James and Lyle Cornish are in the newspaper business at Rock River, Wyo. Brother Floyd Pegler is auditor for Roberts Sanitary Dairy and is making a name for himself and the fraternity in the business world.



Dwight (Doc) Davis was in town a few weeks ago taking the State board medical exams. He received his degree from University of Illinois Medical College this spring and expects to serve his internship in a Seattle hospital. Clyde Dempster, '17, is in charge of his father's factory at Beatrice, Nebr. Brother H. 0. (Fergie) Ferguson is on the Standard Chautauqua Circuit but expects to be with us again in September in time to again resume his duties as director of music at Lincoln High School. Brother Jay Ferguson is proprietor of the Ferguson Pharmacy at Pueblo, Colo. Last reports were that his flood damage was not very great in the great flood which recently swept Pueblo. Brother Harold Gribble, of Dakota City, Nebr., passed through Lincoln on his way to the oil fields of Oklahoma and Louisiana. He was driving his Cadillac speedster and we are expecting to see him hit the,road north again pretty soon. Brother Romaine Halverstadt has just received his master's degree from Chicago University. His Chicago address is 4144 Sheridan Road, Seville Hotel. Romaine won a commission as ensign during the world war. Brother Earl Johnson returned from Wichita, Kans., last Christmas and surprised us by introducing his wife. They are now located at Stella, Nebr., and have our sincere congratulations. Walter Jungemeier is selling Cadillacs in a little town north of Seattle, Wash., and reports good business despite money conditions. Brother Ralph Park is located at Humbolt, Nebr., where he has a responsible position as auditor and manager of a chain of lumber yards. Ralph was recently married to Miss Betty Denman, Chi Omega, and we receive calls from them nearly every week. Brother Edwin Partridge is chief chemist for the Refinite Company, manufacturers of commercial water softeners. His home is at 2719 Poppleton avenue, Omaha, Nebr.



Brothers Wilbur Johnson, Harold Lewis, H. 0. Ferguson, Harold Banta, Fred Sturm and Thurlow Lieurance are on the Chautauqua platform this summer and it is likely that some of our chapters will receive calls from them. Brother Frank Park is manager of the Sack Lumber Company at Crete, Nebr. Brother Charles Reed, who was a member of the House of Representatives at the last session, has received the appointment of Deputy Attorney General for the State of Nebraska. charles" graduated from the Law College of the University of Nebraska this spring and received his appointment shortly after having been admitted to the bar. Charles and the fraternity as a whole were pleased to 'entertain Miss Elizabeth Lummis, of Miami, Fla., during commencement week. We hope Elizabeth will soon make her home permanently in Lincoln. Brother Stoddard Robinson, our Archon for last semester, who graduated this spring, is working,in a bank at Cedar Rapids, Ia. Brother Ray Scott, engineer for the Burlington, has recently been transferred to Burlington, Ia. Scotty has been in the railroad game ever since he graduated in 1919 and is another one of our bachelor brothers who has broken faith with us and taken the plunge. Good luck to Scotty. Brother Fred Sturm was a visitor of the active chapters the last weeks in May just before starting out for his summer tour on the Chautauqua. Brother Sturm is in charge of a Saxaphone Sextette Company and seemed very enthusiastic over his work. Brother Joe Thomas and wife, 4156 Burt street, Omaha, Nebr., announce the arrival of a ten-pound son on the fourth of March, 1921. Joe is accountant for Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company. He got his degree in 1918. Brother Harlow Weatherbee, 1918, is another one of our alumni in Omaha. His address is 327 Dartmoor Apartments. He is engineer for a large contracting firm there. Bro. J. L. Barnett, Zeta, is located at Gastonia, N. C., and is working with the Citizens National Bank there.



Thomas Buntin, L.L.B. '21, is practicing law in Dothan, Ala. George Cornish, '21, is with the Birmingham Age Herald, , Birmingham, Ala. Joe Starnes, LL.B.'21, is practicing law in Guntersville, Ala. James Lowell Black, '21, is principal of the Canon High School in Cario, Ga. "Red" Burns Parker, L.L.B. '21, is practicing law in Wedowee, Ala. Paul J. Hooten is practicing law with the firm of Hooten & Hooten in Roanoke, Ala. Robert Vernol Jansen,- L.L.B. '21, is practicing law in Mobile, Ala. Harry Prater is with the First National Bank of Anniston, Ala. Joe Sewell is with the Cleveland Indians again this season. • Rex Almon is connected with the firm of Almon Automobile Company in Gilbertown, Ala. Walter E. Hovater is football coach at Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. Bernie E. Jones, who was professor of law in the law department of Alabama University the past year, is now practicing with the firm of Jones & Kelly in Evergreen, Ala. Luke Sewell is now with the Cleveland Indians of the American League. During the past season he has been twice let out by the Indians and recalled both times. Leo H. Pou, L.L.B. '21, is practicing law in Jasper, Ala. James R. Price is with the Interstate Commerce Commission in Washington and is also attending Georgetown University. Arthur Stephens is with the Montgomery Towel Supply Company, Montgomery, Ala. Ward Espy is with the Espy Cotton Company in Temple, Tex. Bro. W. D. White is practicing law at Walhalla, S. C.



THE CHAPTER ETERNAL R. A. FAUST Funeral services for Brother Rudolph A. Faust, Upsilon, who died August 28, were held in the chaptel at Arlington national cemetery. Full military honors were accorded by a detachment from Fort Meyer. Brother Faust, who was twenty-four years old, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faust, 1020 Seventeenth street Northwest. He was born in Washington and attended the local schools, graduating from McKinley Manual Training High School in 1916. He entered the University of Illinois the following year and was graduated in June, 1920, with the degree of bachelor of science in chemistry. He was taking a course to prepare himself for a position on the faculty of that university at the time of his death. During the war he served in the First Company, 155th Depot Brigade. Surviving him are his parents and two sisters, Mrs. James Berkley, and Miss Helen Faust. JASPER O'CONNELL At the end of a brave fight for life death came to Brother Jasper O'Connell, Epsilon, July 9, 1921, at his home in Asheville, N. C. The body was accompanied to Charlotte, N. C., where it was laid to rest in the family plot in Elmwood cemetery. The services were attended by members of the Charlotte Alumni Chapter and the American Legion, an honor coming froth that organization. Brother O'Connell matriculated at Davidson College, class of 1915, where he was initiated into



Epsilon in the halycon days of that chapter. He was ever alert and interested in the affairs of the fraternity and even in the hour of death was thinking of Pi Kappa Phi. He was a kind; considerate, courteous gentleman, a true, faithful and loyal brother. In less than two months after America entered the world war Brother O'Connell enlisted in the army at Raleigh, N. C., where he was then engaged in the insurance business. He served in the Seventh Anti-Aircraft Battery, C. A. C. He went to France in June, 1918, returning to the United States March 7, 1919. He was discharged from the service of his country at Camp Lee, Va., March 25, 1919. I. D. CHAPMAN,JR. Friday, June 17, while seeking shelter from a severe storm, Brother I. D. Chapman, Jr., was struck by lightning and instantly killed. He and a younger brother had been harvesting when the storm came up and drove to the barn for shelter. The same bolt hit both of them but did not injure the younger brother. The news of Brother Chapman's tragic death spread rapidly to the community and the members of the fraternity who had returned home after the year. close of the college The funeral, which was held at the Chapman home, was conducted by Rev. Mr. Rudisill, assisted by President Charles J. Smith, of Roanoke College. Six Pi Kappa Phi brothers served as active pallbearers, while his classmates, together with ten other brothers, served as honorary pallbearers. The services were concluded at Fairview cemetery with the salute from the firing squad of the Salem post of the American Legion. From the Roanoke Times of June 19, 1921: IN THE MIDST OF LIFE God took him and he was not. From out of the heavens the lightning came with its divine summons and a young life already useful and con-



taming the promise of still greater usefulness to the world went out. The consuming fire from on high in a twinkling changed a home of mirth and happiness into a house of mourning and desolation. The future lay surpassingly bright and alluring before him. Just one week ago he sat with his classmates and listened to the baccalaureate • sermon. Today he sleeps beneath the grassy sod of a Virginia hillside, his eyes closed in the long sleep. Only last Wednesday he received his college diploma and heard measured words of advise fall from the lips of older men of known experience and proven ability. Advice that he was not to need, as it turned out, for already the sands of life were running low and the grim reaper stood waiting to touch him on the shoulder within the week. A devoted son, a true husband, a loyal friend—it is natural that there should be grief sharp and acute at his untimely end. The world had need of him. That we know. But God had still greater need of him. That we must believe. And so his young life remained but a memory, a very precious memory and for the sake of that memory those who knew him and loved him will be better men, better women.

Thus the community praised his life and mourned his death. Pi Kappa Phi, knowing him better, has even greater praise to speak of him and feels more deeply his loss than does the community. A brother to us all and twice a brother to one. For four years he had been a true and loyal Pi Kappa Phi, always unselfish and sacrificing. I. D., as we all called him, won a place in our hearts that no one can fill; he had a lovable and a bright and cheerful countenance that would not allow gloom to hang over his presence. Xi can never estimate the value of his services to her. Whether in the office of Archon or not he always gave his best. Certainly he was always willing to lend a helping hand to a brother. To his young widow, to his family, to his brother and our brother, we wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy and to say that we, too, feel keenly the loss of such a lovable companion, a loyal brother, a true friend, and faithful worker. We loved him.






ALPHA CITA PTER College of Charleston. Charleston. S. C.

Grapter, G. E. Schcctcz S. C. Charleston, Street, Meeting House, Chapter Active Members, 14

Archon, G. A. Byrd, Jr.

Dear Brothers: Things at Alpha are .on the boom. Brother Heffner's visit certainly had the desired effect. We did not realize that we needed him so much until he had come. Listening to his talks was like reading a book on the fraternity: 'What he told us made us feel more strongly the bonds of fraternal union. Every brother is filled with enthusiasm for the great things which he has in view for the fraternity. All that is needed to make these plans realities is for every Pi Kapp to put his shoulder to the wheel and do his part. Alpha is determined to deliver the goods. Watch us lead off at the opening of the next school year. Every brother, everywhere, get ready to fall in. We have in view the opening of a fraternity house sometime in the near future. We always have a number of brothers at the State Medical College, which is located at Charleston. It is our plan to have these join with us in this undertaking. Only by such plan will a house at Alpha be possible. The long-talked-of Pan-Hellenic Council has not as yet become a reality. However, we are still living in hopes. The annual aluinni banquet was pulled off June 4. We send our heartiest greetings to every Pi Kapp, and as we promised Brother Heffner, we promise them, to do all in our power to further the plans for improvement. Most fraternally, J. H. McLcon, Correspondent.



BETA CHAPTER Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Clinton, S. C. Archon, H. Crawford Grapter, M. C. Dendy Meeting Every Saturday Night, 7:30 Active Members, 8

To Pi Kapps Everywhere—Greetings: College opened September 6 with only eight of Beta's old men back, but why should we worry when these eight are all one hundred per cent. Pi Kappa Phi. We lost eight by graduation and two failed to return. However, we hope to have one of them back next semester. First, allow us to introduce the following men who have been initiated since our last letter: William W. Lewis, Chester, S. C., class of '24. Heyward J. Hindman, Chester, S. C., class of '24. Robert A. Buckner, Clio, S. C., class of '24. Thomas G. Dulin, Clover, S. C., class of '23. William W. Brimm, Clinton, S. C., class of '22. William F. Pendergrass, Florence, S. C., class of '24. Morgan C. Bailey, Rock Hill, S. C., class of '24. These men are showing the Pi Kappa Phi spirit and with this we can see nothing but success for the chapter. As for college honors, we certainly have won our share. During the past year Beta furnished the following as captains: Brother McMillian, football; Brother Eichelburger, baseball, and Brother Richardson, track. On the football field we were represented by Brothers Richardson, Eichelberger, and McMillian, the two latter being AllState men for three years. We also furnished the squad vvith.a "tea hound" manager, Brother Stallworth. On the baseball diamond we were represented by Brothers F,ichelberger, Stallworth, and Lewis, the latter, who was only a freshman, did some wonderful pitching. As for literary honors, Brother Stallworth was first honor graduate, even if he did go to sleep almost every night while he was studying.



On the track we were represented by Brothers Richardson and Bailey. This year we already have several honors. Brother Dendy is manager of the Glee Club; Brother Crawford is manager of the basket-ball team; Brother Bailey is captain of the track team; Brother Dendy is also president of the junior class and Brother Lewis president of the sophomore class. Meantime we have not allowed our social side to be entirely forgotten. Just before the last semester closed we had our annual banquet, when a lot of jewelry was transferred and the prospects for transferring more were very bright indeed. Since then we have had several parties. We hope to have our first one of this semester next week. We are all glad to see Brother Eichelberger back in the city again. He is here selling insurance. Ike says he is doing a big business. More than likely it is due to his heavy line of bull. Brother McMillian is back at the college as assistant athletic director. He is an all-round good athlete and we hope to see some real games here this year. Brother Dendy seems to find a conflict in his schedule this year, that is, a trip to Columbia about once a week, but we notice that he never "cuts" it, so undoubtedly he must be making good progress with her. It looks now as if one or two of the others are putting the same trip on their schedules, but of course with other girls. I am sure all of us are pleased with the outlook of the fraternity. Beta has been reinstalled only a few months but since then there have been three new chapters installed and the prospects for more look good. Brother Pi Kapps, let's keep that old spirit up and soon we will see Pi Kappa Phi on top. With best wishes to every Pi Kapp and promise our co-operation in anything for the betterment of Pi Kappa Phi. Fraternally yours,

MORGAN C. BAILEY, Correspondent.



GAMMA CHAPTER University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Archon, Ferlys W. Thomas Grapter, Edward B. Parma Active Members, 33 Alumni, 115

To All Brother Pi Kapps—Greetings: Gamma Chapter returned this semester with the determination to make this year the greatest in the history of the chapter. All the brothers arrived a few days early and this enabled us to get off to a flying start.

The semester opened with twenty-five active members on deck. Eight of our fold failed to return. These were Jack Bramlage, Sandy Fish, Mac McCrea, Paul Boren, Tad Ring, Art Sinnock, Gib Gibeaut, and Manny Solari. Jack Bramlage embarked upon the sea of matrimony and at present is with the Bank of Italy in San Francisco. Gib Gibeaut, Art Sinnock, and Manny Solari all succeeded in graduating at the end of the spring semester. Gib is with the Emporium in San Francisco. Manny is assistant manager of Foy's Paint Store in Santa Barbara, and Art is connected with the Western States Life Insurance Company of San Francisco. Tad Ring, Mac McCrea, and our two track stars, namely, Paul Boren and Sandy Fish, will all be back with the opening of next semester. We are expecting great things from Sandy and Paul in track this year, and are looking forward to their return. Sandy is capable of eleven feet six in the pole vault, and Paul is credited with over twenty-three feet in the broad jump. Gamma held her first formal meeting Monday night, August 15, 1921, at which time the new officers were formally installed, as follows: Ferlys W. Thomas, Archon; Edward B. Parma, Grapter ; J. Lester Erickson, Thesaurophulax ; Robert Fisher, Historian; Emerson M. Morgan, Correspondent; Robert B. Huddleston, Chaplain; Jewell Welch, Thurepanioiktes. Initiation was held Saturday, September 3, and the following men were taken into our fraternal fold: Phillip McCombs, Oakland, Cal.; William R. Kern, Vallejo, Cal.; Ruben C. Clark, Vallejo, Cal.; Malcolm G. Ochs, Fresno,



Cal.; Boyd W. Rea, Greeley, Colo.; Harold A. Parma, Santa Barbara, Cal.; IL Brownlie Perkins, Vallejo, Cal.; Kenneth A. Davis, Long Beach, Cal. The following Friday night, September 9, Gamma held a house dance in honor of the new members. The dance was under the management of Jess Schwarck, Wes Talley, and J. 0. Blair. The affair was a huge success and a great time was enjoyed by all. Many of our alumni were there, among them our Supreme Archon, Roy Heffner. Brother Heffner has honored us with several visits lately and is watching our progress with the keenest of interest. Besides being involved with numerous house activities, many of our brothers are out and doing things on the campus. This year Ed. Wallace, '22, is varsity tennis manager and expects great things of California's tennis aggregation. Conny Connolly,'23, is business manager of the California Pictorial. publication is the first of its kind to be published by any university in the United States. Mort Morgan, '23, is associate manager of the 1923 Blue and Gold and is working hard to make this year's annual greater than any issue previous. Jack Gregory,'24, is doing great things in the sophomore class. He is on the sophomore managerial staff of the Blue and Gold and is also on the managerial staff of the California Pictorial. Ken Dogan, '23, and Bob Fisher, '23, are also on the staff of the Pictorial. Phil McCombs, one of our new members, is on the sophomore staff of the Daily Californian. Athletically, this looks to be California's banner year. This year's football season points to a great success for Cal's Wonder Team. Even greater things are expected than from last year's eleven, for it will be the same team with the exception of two


men. Some of our men are out chasing the pigskin and we hope they may develop into varsity material. Crew season opened this week and Brother Jess Schwarck is out for the varsity. Brother Ray Kern looks to be a coming oarsman and before the season is over, we expect to see him for the pull a mean oar on the Frosh crew. Dip Collins is out



coxswain's berth and we wish him a lot of success, for he looks promising. This week opens the inter-fraternity baseball series. Under the able leadership of our first sacker, Rusty Parma, our ball club looks mighty promising. Several practice games have been played. Coley Coleman and Brick Laws compose a battery that is hard to beat. Our first game of the series will be played September 22 with the Psi Upsilon. With baseball well under way, we are looking forward to the inter-fraternity track meet to be held next month. Phil McCombs, who placed second in the Frosh broad jump; Duke Welch, who placed second in the high hurdles and first in the high jump in the Frosh meet, and Ray Kern and Curt Clark, who hail from Vallejo with an enviable record as track men, will be among those representing us in this meet. With such bright prospects in both house and campus activities, we expect Gamma Chapter to have one of her biggest and , most successful years since the beginning of her existence on the California campus. Hoping that this will be the biggest and most successful year for all the chapters, we send our greeting and best wishes to all our brother Pi Kapps. EMERSON B. MORGAN, COrreSPOntient. ZETA CHAPTER Wofford College, Spartanburg,,S. C. Archon, H. E. Dillingham Grapter, W. S. 'Toole Correspondent, Ed Nash Pledge's, 0 Active Members, 9 Alumni, 60

To All• Pi Kapps Since the last publication of THE STAR AND LANIP, Zeta has been fortunate in initiatng the following men: Brother 0. Lindsay, star basket-ball and baseball player of some renown, and a good student; Wilton and Neville Holcombe, the former a tennis champ, the latter president of the freshman class last year; "Babe" Smith, senior this year and brother of Jet of '21. Of the old men, we have back Brothers Dillingham, Hoole.



Rivers, and Bill Begg. Bill went to Sewanee last year, after one year with us, and we are glad to welcome him back to Zeta. On the football team Brothers Hoole and Rivers are showing up fine. It looks as if Bill Hoole will be the varsity quarter- • back, and will run the team in our first game October 1. Brother Dillingham is captain of the basket-ball team for the coming season. He made a splendid record last year, and was materially responsible for Wofford's coming out second in the race for the State championship. I am sure all of us are beginning to think seriously of the convention. As we are not permitted in this number of THE STAR AND LAMP to discuss this at length, I will say no more than that all the Pi Kapps here are getting excited over it already, and are wondering who the lucky one or ones will be to go from here. • I came very near overlooking a very important factor, namely, our present prospects for new men. At Wofford the rushing season is from September 15 to December 15. In that time many desirable men can be won and lost, but at present we feel certain that we have made good use of the time spent so far, -and have a number of mighty promising men lined up. The loss of Brothers Carroll, Harper, Hood, and Smith necessitates hard work on our part to get good men to help fill their places. Here's hoping every chapter has as bright prospects for a good year as Zeta in all activities of college and fraternal life. We invite all Pi Kapps to visit us, and wish you luck. ED. NASH, Correspondent.

ETA CHAPTER Emory University, Ga. Grapter, E. Clyde Smith t Overstree T. R. Archon, Alumni, 130 Active Members, 30

Brother Pi Kapps: Eta Chapter was greatly honored by having with us one of the fraternity's founders, Brother A. A. Kroeg, Jr., in the spring. All of us were very sorry that he was unable to attend



our reception held during the afternoon of April 30 after the State track meet. We can say with pleasure that several of our men were on the honor roll during the spring term. In the State track meet, held here April 30, the gallant Emory team, led by Brother "Coach" Smathers, laid low the colors of Oglethorpe, Georgia, and Piedmont, though Tech postponed her defeat till next year. And, in the undying words of Cicero Sapp, "We'll do it thorough." The immense gathering above Emory's magnificent cinder track was delirious with joy, as the three Emory runners leaped across the line, in the two-mile race, far ahead of the nearest competitor. From our chapter house can be seen Emory's spacious hospital, which, when completed, will have no peer in the South, either in size or equipment. This reminds us of the campaign for $3,500,000, now being waged for Emory, and which will be largely devoted to the Liberal Arts Department, giving us a new library and a new dormitory. Let me introduce to all Pi Kapps Brother M. B. Grant, Louisville, Ala.; Brother Oley Poer, Broxton, Ga.; Brother Henry T. Jones, Jones Mills, Ala.; Brother H. S. Rowe, Elba, Ala., and Brother F. E. Blue, Elba, Ala., who have entered the pale of the Star and Lamp since the last chapter letter was written. "Doll" Grant is the most timid freshman on the campus but we are expecting great ihings of him when next year rolls around, and he wields the bloody hatchet of the Soph. He will make Pi Kappa Phi an even better man than his brother, Geo. M. Grant, Archon of Omricon Chapter. Oley has a big car with which he vamps the ladies to perfection. He is proprietor of the University Store, and if you happen to be a Pi Kapp he will charge that dime's worth of oranges or that Psychology text-book. Naturally, he's the most popular fellow in the world. With regard to Henry T. Jones, we are still in the dark as to the location of Jones Mills, Ala., but we can easily reconcile the idea of a cool, deep mill pond with this strapping medical student. He belongs to the famous family of the five Jones brothers, all of whom wear the key of Phi Beta Kappa; he makes



the third who has the honor of becoming a loyal Pi Kapp. Rowe, a member of the Medical School, is a prize, having made guard on the All-Southern football team in 1917. He still claims that we "got" him in order to show the efficiency and fearlessness of our initiating team in tackling him. The latest man to eat his breakfast off the mantle is "Doctor" F. E. Blue, a senior of the Medical School. Although only pledged at the time, he showed the true fraternal spirit by winning the contest of having the prettiest girl at our reception. Rumor has it that Brenau has become very enticing to Brother J. L. Pittman, Jr., and several other of our men are reported to have become rather amorously inclined as the warm weather has crept on and the air is laden with the fragrance of honeysuckle and apples blossoms. Emory wishes all Pi Kapps the best of luck, both in the daylight and the moonlight. HENRY C. JONES, JR., Correspondent.

KAPPA CHAPTER University of North Carolina Chapter House, Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, N. C. Grapter, W. F. Falls Archon, H. E. Fulton Alumni, 39 Active Members, 20

Kappa has been getting along nicely and smoothly for the last few months, and as the school year is drawing to a close, we feel that we have accomplished some things this year that are indeed worth while. We have kept and maintained our new house with great success, and we are somewhat proud of ourselves as business men in that respect. The Easter dances at the University were "simply wonderful," and we all enjoyed them to the utmost. Several of the prettiest girls in the State were here for the dances on Pi Kappa Phi bids, and we had a feed every night at the house after the big dance was over. The house was decorated specially for the occasion, and everything was made to look as "homey" as possible.



• On the Friday night after the dances, we had our annual "Freshman Feed," and it came off fine. All of .the boys had some stuff sent up from home for the occasion, such as fried chicken, country ham, etc., and what we didn't get from home was easily obtained elsewhere. The freshmen came around, thirty in number, and we proceeded to make them feel at home right away. The eats were passed around after the general bull session was over, and everybody stowed away as much as was possible, and what they couldn't put away then, they carried home .in their pockets for future reference. We had a

huge time, and according to all indications, the freshmen were very favorably impressed. We hope they stay in that frame of mind until next fall when the initiations are held. On Friday and Saturday evenings, April 29 and 30, the Carolina Playmakers produced three new plays which met with wonderful success. Brother Gholson had a part in one of these plays, and played his part to perfection. On Friday evening, after the plays, a Satyr Carnival was held in Swain Hall, and Brother Denny, who was in charge of all details, was largely responsible for the success of the evening. The carnival was something different from anything that had ever before been pulled off on the Hill, and was largely attended, not only by the people of Chapel Hill, but outsiders as well. The biggest event that has happened lately, of course, was the visit of Roy J. Heffner and Jas. W. Setze. We had long been waiting for this visit, and were very glad to see our supreme officers when they turned up. Brother Heffner had many good suggestions to make for us, and also had ready answers for the numerous questions that the various chapter officers had to ask him. A special meeting was called for one afternoon while Brothers Heffner and Setze were with us, and all the problems we had on hand were discussed and thrashed out satisfactorily. Brother Heffner commented very favorably on the standing of the chapter, and we were glad to be able to make a good showing. We wish our supreme officers could have made a longer visit, but as they could not do so, we will have to wait until the next convention to see them again. All



our preparations are already made for the coming convention, and at least two representatives from Kappa will make the trip to Berkeley. As the school year is nearing a close, Kappa would like to congratulate all the chapters individually, and the fraternity at large, on the excellent work that has been done by all concerned. May we all hope for the continuance of the good work when school opens again next year. J. NEVELAND BRAND, JR., Correspondent. LAMBDA CHAPTER University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Grapter, J. Lewis Merritt Archon, 0. W. Chandler Chapter House, 158 Dougherty Street Alumni, 63 Active Members, 14 Pledges, 7

Dear Brothers: In spite of the fact that we lost three good men through graduation and that our Archon decided to leave us and enter one of our lesser branches, the prospects of Lambda Chapter are brighter this year than ever before. We have returned fourteen old men, have seven men pledged, and have one of the best fraternity houses in Athens. We have probably a higher standing in scholarship than any fraternity, which is largely due to our knack of turning out high honored men. We supplied only fifty per cent, of last year's Phi Beta Kappa men, to-wit, E. Way Highsmith and J. R. Thaxton. The former was also valedictorian. Our other senior, J. 0. Futral, was one of the best men in the senior class of the law department. No three better men ever finished at Georgia. Brother A. 0. Benton, who was elected Archon last spring, failed to return, so the first business we attended to was to hold an election for Archon in which Brother 0. W. Chandler was elected. Lambda feels sure that the new Archon will lead the chapter to further honors. Allow me to introduce our new Pi Kapps: Brother I. J. Ricks, of Reynolds, Ga., and Brother L. N. Betts, of Athens, Ga., both of whom were taken in the latter part of last year.



The University of Georgia has very good prospects, too. Although no Pi Kapps are on the team, we have the best in the , country. Watch Georgia win from Harvard and Dartmouth. School has just opened, so there is not much to tell, since nothing much has happened. Lambda Chapter, however, is determined to work as never before to put Pi Kappa Phi on top in every respect. We believe that we can and will, although we have mapped out a hard program. In our next letter we will introduce our pledges. They will all make good Pi Kappa Phis. Lambda wishes all chapters the best of luck. EDWIN THOMAS, Correspondent.

MU CHAPTER Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Archon, B. S. Borland, Jr. Grapter, D. S. Harper, Jr. Rooms in Alspaugh Hall Active Members, 9

Pi Kapps Everywhere—Greetings: Mu looks forward to this scholastic year with more real enthusism than she has before in the past. With our new h6me in Alspaugh Hall, the return of nine men, and the prospects brighter than ever before for new men, there is no reason why this year should not be one of the greatest in the history of Mu Chapter. Alspaugh Hall is situated about one hundred yards north of our old location in Jarvis Hall. It is directly in front of the gymnasium, so old members will have no trouble in finding our new location. We were extremely fortunate in obtaining these rooms. We are here to stay for a while, at least, and we do not want a Pi Kapp to come to Durham or pass through Durham unless he comes to see us. We extend to every visiting Pi Kapp a cordial invitation to visit us in our new home. It is a great pleasure to have visiting members come around to see us. It helps us to know each other better. So now, look us up and make yourself at home when you come to Durham. Mu is still holding her good record in student activities. Brother Leach, who is captain of this year's football team, is there with the goods, and says he is going to put out a winning



team. Brother Huckabee is a member of the squad, and Brother Harper is also trying out for the squad. Football is about the only activity that has gotten under way so far, and it is hard to say just now what we will have in other lines of athletics. At this early date it is hard to say how we will rate as to scholastic standing, but we hope to be at least as high as we were last year, and that was second place. Brother "Reube" Waggoner probably has more honors than any one in the chapter, being the manager of football, president of Hesperian Literary Society, editor of the Chanticleer, and no one knows what else. If he doesn't hold up a bit, there'll be nothing left for the rest of the fellows. Brother "Dick" Bundy is also one of our shining lights in the scholastic line. "Dick" Spencer is back with us this year, and promises to be a "leader" in his class (sophomore). John Tyler is the smallest member in the chapter, but says he is going to do "big" things. We hope for him a successful year as assistant manager of basketball. Brother "Billy" Borland is also back with us this year. Brother Borland is manager of basketball and is trying to figure out how he can cover all of the United States on his basketball trip. Brother "Sooner" Powell finishes his course in law this year, and our only regret is that he will not be back with us next year. We hope to see "Sooner" make a star of himself on the tennis courts this year. D. S. HARPER, JR., Grapter.

NU CHAPTER University of Nebraska Grapter, Orvin B. Gaston Archon, Kenneth McCandless Active Members, 18 Alumni, 101 Pledges, 14 Hello, Gang:

Hope you are enjoying the 1921 fall opening as well as we are here at Nebraska. It looks like a good year and the Nu boys have started with the old fire. The first week of school is just closing as this epistle is being typed. We haven't quite settled down to normal yet, for a



combination of rush week and first school week constitutes a peptonic mixture which gets all through the system and brooks no rapid return to normalcy. The fellow who can go through these two weeks without exhilaration has a bum part somewhere. He's like the fellow who doesn't get seasick. One of our ex-gobs got it direct from his skipper that such a bird either has a wooden head or a leather belly. Now don't get me wrong! The boys have started to hit the old scholastic ball and have gently and firmly led the timid freshmen (several of them are scholastically timid) up against the grindstone and several healthy yelps have resulted. Some distressing and dismal moans have arisen from certain brothers and frosh as they hit the buzz saw. All of which, mixed with the remarks of the youngsters who are green among us, as they received instruction in the traditional and impressive significance of the lowly barrel stave or the super usefulness of the bath tub, has sustained a disturbed atmosphere. All of which may be all right as an introduction, but let's get into the real story. The active men at Nu are: Knox Burnett, sophomore, arts and science; Winfield Ehnen, junior, law; Ralph(Jack) Ford, senior, law; Orvin B. Gaston, junior, arts. and science; Wilbur Johnson, junior, arts and science; Harry Lanning, junior, law; Robert McCandless, junior, electrical engineer; Kenneth McCandless, senior, journalism; Carl Peterson, sophomore, business administration; Burgess Shumway, senior, law; Clifford Simpson, junior, pharmacy; William Simpson, senior, pharmacy; Harry Stevens, senior, law; Robert (Duke) Wellington, junior, business administration; Verne (Pooch) Thomas, junior, law; John Van Aucken, senior, law; Allan Wilson, junior, law; and Stoddard Robinson, graduate, working for an M.A. in economics. Our pledges are: Harold Lewis, freshman, engineer, Horton, Kans.; Monte Kiffin, freshman, business administration, Lincoln; Wilbur Wehmiller, freshman, arts and science, Clarinda, Ia.; Reid Tracy, freshman, business administration, Lincoln; Sutton Morris, sophomore, business administration, University Place; Dean McMillan, freshman, pharmacy, Genoa,



Neb.; Frank M. Smith, freshman, business administration, Broken Bow, Neb.; Edwin Geistfeldt, freshman, pharmacy, Washington, Kans.; Carrol Thompson, junior, law, Fullerton, Neb.; Eldon Kiffin, freshman, business administration, Lincoln; Keith Catchpole, freshman, business administration, Sterling Neb.; Herman Weigel, sophomore, business administration, Sterling, Neb.; Oscar Koch, junior, business administration, Broken Bow; Kenneth Catterson, sophomore, arts and science, Sutton. Catterson, Thompson, Koch and Eldon Kiffin were pledged last year and their pledges renewed this fall. The other ten men were pledged during the recent rush week. Most of our active men are in school activities in one way or another. The freshmen are also kicking into things. I wish all of you fellows could drop into the chapter house on the way to and from the convention. The old nest is sure decked out in attractive shape. A new grand piano adds to the dignity of the parlor and a new rug helps iet it off. Thanks to the kind assistance of Sister Helen Storms, the first floor windows were improved during the summer by the addition of beautiful old rose draperies. Helen had previously done her share toward a similar redecorating of the Kappa house. When the work was finished the Kappa chaperon pronounced the house attractive enough to suit the taste of any sorority on the campus. The study rooms have been made more comfortable by the substitution of double deck two-passenger beds for the old standard variety which takes up most of the space in the room. It goes rather tough on the fellow on the upper deck at times if his mischievous bedfellow below takes a notion to bounce him a little, but on the whole we think the new beds add to the appearance of the rooms and we are sure they leave more space for the study tables, chiffoniers and rocking chairs. There are twenty brothers, pledges and mere freshmen cohabiting our chapter house this year and they are determined that conditions shall be kept favorable for intellectual exertion. To this end, some husky and serious minded brethren have been



drafted into the house committee. This committee has practically unlimited powers in the ways of law and order, discipline and enforcement. Big Bill (Simpson), chairman; second floor, Peterson (varsity football center), and Koch; third floor, Lanfling and Ford, two students of the law and endowed with the intellectual and physical strength and inclination necessary for enforcement. The poor freshmen with their green skull caps have had a hard time of it these opening weeks. At least that would be the induction from the groans they have emitted when led to the back yard and the basement on Saturday morning. During the summer, many thick and widespread branches were sawed from the large elms in front of the house. These limbs have .been stacked up at the rear of the house awaiting the return of.the frosh. Saws and axes and sore backs have transformed the scraggly branches into a neat pile of little logs which will lend cheer to the living room as they glow in the fireplace later in the season. In so far as possible, the freshmen have been paired off with upper classmen. The theory is that the new and inexperienced will be able to profit by the advice and example of their elders. Let us add here that we have six students of the law abiding. with us this year. This species have been segregated unto the third floor. We figured that they should get as close to heaven as possible while among their brothers, for "When the roll is called up yonder, There'll be no lawyers there."—Amen. Perhaps ye men of other chapters would like to know our plan for steering Ye Goode Shippe Finance. As our eminent Brother Heffner suggested on his memorable visit, there must be a line drawn between brotherly love and bread and butter, imaginary and illusory as this line sometimes is. Bitter and unfortunate experience has taught us that such a line of demarcation is indispensable. We have drawn the line and believe that Brother Simpson is the skipper who can steer Ye Goode Shippe Finance.



At the first meeting of the year the following plan was passed unanimously: All bills are due the first of the month. regardless of amount. If not paid in full by the fifth, a fine of ten per cent. is added. If not paid then by the tenth, the neglectful brother automatically becomes inactive. With Big Bill to steer her off, we believe this plan will continue to succeed. The first part of the voyage has been gratifying. Well, boys, I believe it's time to stop. Any of you who have been ambitious enough to read this stuff have no doubt said several thousand words back that that Nu Chapter epistle has already hogged too much of the precious space in this zestful issue. There are many things, I hope interesting, which could be said about us as we are, what we plan to,be, have been and wuz. If you don't believe it, watch for us in the next. P. S. The following high spots can't be left out: The boys here are still talking about the short visit of Brothers Shaw and Litton from Alabama and Oglethorpe, especially those of us who were at the house that evening last summer when Shorty and Bill furnished the entertainment. The other day the fellows were delighted to make the acquaintance of Brother Tapscott, ex-chapter brother of our Supreme Archon and Brother . Heffner at Gamma. A fortunate circumstances also led to several of the Nu men making the acquaintance of Brother Brock, of Illinois. Our former chapter brother, "Toby" Krause, was traveling from South Dakota toward the University of Missouri, where he has since entered the college of journalism. On the Pullman, his Pi Kapp pin attracted the attention of a fellow traveller, who happened to be Brother Brock. "Toby" got off at Omaha with him and took him around to the alumni and active members resident there. You know, you can't help forming your opinion of an institution largely by the people belonging to it, consequently those of us who met Brother Brock have concluded that the chapter at Illinois is one of the best anywhere. Of course we had heard that from other sources but we are darn sure of it now. KENNETH MCCANDLESS, Correspondent.



XI CHAPTER Roanoke College, Salem, Va.

Dear Pi Kapps: Old Roanoke College has opened and on the campus many of last year's Pi Kappa Phis have gathered. The majority of our men are out for football and are showing up well. Brother Potter is captain of the team and Brother Corbin is manager. Brothers Caldwell and Brachbery made their letters last year, and continue to hold their last year's positions. Brothers Quid, Lifts, and Kinzer are also out for the team. Brother Woodson is with us this year and will be one of Roanoke's star basket-ball players. Brother Woodson made his letter last year. Brother Dobbins will make his presence on the campus known as a leader in various activities. He is Art editor of the Roentgen Rays and incidentally a baritone in the Glee Club. Brother Painter is also back. He, too, is a vocalist and a leader among the students. Brother Davis is back also. Davis had planned to enter West Virginia University, but later decided to return to Roanoke College. Brothers Smith, Demit, and Harvey have been initiated since the last issue Of THE STAR AND LAMP. Brother Smith has been a familiar figure on the campus for several years. He received his A.B. degree in 1916 and his master's degree in 1917. Since then he has done work on a higher degree. At this time he is professor of chemistry at the college. He is an excellent fraternity man and man's man in general. Brother Demit was a member of the local from which this chapter sprung. He is a leader among us, although not a fellow student. He is a resident of Salem, and holds a position with the city. Brother Harvey was also a member of the local and a leader and influential man among the students. He returned to the



college last spring to be with the other alumni at their annual gathering. While here he was initiated into the fraternity. Brother Wagner is one we are especially glad to have with us. He is one of the founders and a charter member of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. He has often told us about the time that Pi Kappa Phi was a dream and of its final realization at Charleston College. Dr. Wagner holds the chair of Greek and Fine Arts at the college. No new men will be bid this year until December 1. We have several men on the table at present. With a class of one hundred freshmen, we have a chance to get some excellent fraternity men. We .will tell you of some of our plans for the year in the next issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. Few plans have been formulated thus far. Fraternally yours, C. W. KINZER, Correspondent.

OMICRON CHAPTER University of Alabama, University, Ala. Archon, Marvin Kelly Grapter, M. P. Anderson Active Members, 20 Alumni, 66

Pi Kapps—Greetings: School opened September 7 with the best prospects for Omicron in the history of the chapter. Seventeen men returned, most of the older ones having graduated last year. No time is being wasted and every man in the chapter has started out in earnest. We have a great year ahead and the outlook is distinctly encouraging. We are glad to welcome into the chapter Brothers Merrill Grant and Julian Pinkston, of Eta. Both are splendid men and are showing the old Pi Kapp spirit. We feel lucky in getting them, although it must have been a great loss for Eta. We feel sure that both will make us fine men, and we are always glad to have men from other chapters, as in every case heretofore they have proven real Pi Kapps.



At present we have two pledges, Charles Buckart, of Cullman, and Dwight Mixon, of Elba. Buckart is a good athlete and a fine fellow. He is showing up in good form on the gridiron, and we feel satisfied that he will make the team. Mixon is a man that will do credit to any fraternity. He. is business manager of the Crimson-White and has been conne cted with several other college publications. We feel lucky in pledging both of these men and it is undisputed that they will help us in every way. Coach Scott has gotten down to business at the University and in the sweltering heat of the past few days has been testing out material,on the gridiron. Only five men who helped the crimson team last year have returned. Howe ver, we have lots of new material that looks good. Brother Robi n Hood, a varsity man of '19, is expected to arrive in a few days, and it is undisputed that he will add much strength to the "thin red line." Brother Whittaker, who was initiated into the fraternity last March, will no doubt make the backfield on the Crimson Tide and we all feel confident that he will devel op into one of the best men in the South. Our other football man, who has been referred to before, is Buckart, a pledge, and this man also is expected to star on the football team. He is a backfield man with the build of a Stephenson, so that explains all. Last year, as has been the case before Omicron won the interfraternity baseball championship and made a brave stand for the basket-ball championship, losing by only one game. We have had a championship team in baseball for the last .two years, and we expect to repeat it this year, and add two more cups to our string. Omicron made a record last year that is hard to beat and we greatly feel the loss of men like Sewell and Hovat er. Brother Sewell (Luke), brother to Joe, was captain of the baseball team and the mainstay in all the games. On the football squad he .was one of Coach Scott's dependables, as well as was Hovater, and we can rightfully boast of such a record. We take pleasure in introducing our new Archon, Marvin Kelly. He has been a true Pi Kapp for three years and is one



of the most influential men in school. He was manager of the baseball team of '21, belongs to various student organizations, and we feel sure that such a man, with so perfect a record, will make a good and worthy leader for Omicron. Brother Shaw, on his trip this summer, visited Upsilon and Nu chapters and was favorably impressed with the members he met and the hospitality extended him. In closing, we extend to all Pi Kapps an earnest invitation to visit us at any time and wish you the same success through the coming year that we expect to have. Fraternally yours, WARREN BAILEY, Corespondent. RHO CHAPTER Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Grapter, 0. F. McGill Archon, L. W. Milbourne Chapter House, 73 South Main Street Alumni, 10 Pledges, 2 Active Members, 10

To Pi Kapps: Once more we are back at school and ready for another fine year. Rho has ten old men back this year and one pledge. We expect to take in the pledge in a very few days. Compared with other fraternities on the campus, we are lucky indeed. Some of the fraternities have lost over half of their men because of the bad financial condition. Rushing is in full swing now and the new men are being pledged up fast. We have two fine fellows pledged, and expect to see our pledge pins on about five more in two or three days. Washington and Lee is crowded with fine freshmen this year, and we feel that we have singled out some of the finest ones on the campus. Brother McGill Spent the summer in Lexington, and he and Mrs. Shannon, our house mother, gave us a very pleasant surprise when we arrived. The house has been enlarged, and the house and grounds beautified, until it is no longer a fraternity house, but a fraternity home.



We are sorry to report that our last year's Archon, Shirley Robbins, has not returned. He is in business in New York, and is making a great success. Truly, we lost as fine a fellow as ever graduated from W. and L. whe n Shirley left us. "Red" Wilson and Johnny Walker are also among the missing. Red says he is going to be a dentist and get revenge on other people for the trials he has had in the denti st's chair. Washington and Lee not having a course in dentistry, he has gone to Richmond University this year. Johnny Walk er has decided to quit school and the last we heard of him he was pitching great ball in the Eastern Carolina League. There have been several changes in the faculty this year. Several new professors were needed in the Commerce School, which has in the last two years grow n to be the most popular course at school. Three-fourths of the freshmen are matriculating in this school. Now for athletics. Our first football game is October 1 and practice has been going on for abou t a week. Our line this year has every prospect of being able to withstand almost anything and our backfield is going to be a streak of lightning. Undoubtedly the "Generals" football team of '21 will be heard from before the season is over. Brot her Stolz, captain of last year's freshman team, is a strong cand idate for center, and Brother Hill is sophomore assistant mana ger. He has every intention of being, and we expect to see him, manager two years from now. All of the fellows are out for some publ ication staff or athletic team, and you will hear from them as the time comes. Wishing you the best kind of a coll ege year, and looking forward to our convention in Californ ia this winter, I am, WILLIAM HEWER, Correspondent. PHI CHAPTER University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla.

Dear Brothers: You will recognize this as the first letter from Phi, your baby chapter. We trust, though, that we shall soon be able to



convince our older brothers that our age is not in direct proportion to our size and accomplishments. Our chapter was installed a few days before school was out in the spring and, of course, we were not able to do much in the way of fraternal activities before the close of the school year. During the summer, however, there were a number of the men in the city and weekly luncheons were held, in which we combined business with pleasure. Owing to the stress of financial conditions, there are a few of our brothers who are not able to be with us this year. Too, there are a number who are leaving for the larger schools in the East to finish their technical and professional training. There are at present eight active men in school: Brothers Hilford, Johnson, Pulliam, Thompson, Fleak, H. Perry, F. Perry, and L. Perry. Around this nucleus we are expecting to build up a chapter that Pi Kapps everywhere will be proud to call part of their own. Brothers Havenstrite, Aurerswald, Melone, Pishney, Dunham, Setser, and Williams are in the city and are present at every meeting. They are in close touch with conditions here at school and are of nearly as much service to the chapter as if they were active. We have the largest freshman class in the history of the university and everything points to one of the most successful years that we have ever had. We are quite confident that we will secure our quota of the pick of this new material and Phi Chapter stock will rise a few points. We are leaving no stone unturned to see that we get who we want. Brothers Fleak and Pulliam are working with the varsity football and will probably both receive good berths this season. Brother Johnson is editing the school paper, The Co1le9ian, while Brother Thompson is brushing up his costumes preparatory to another season as one of the stars of college theatricals. Phi is going strong after a house and we feel sure that by the next issue we will be able to announce something definite. We have plenty of room for any visiting Pi Kapps and cordially invite and urge any one in this territory to pay us a visit. Phi wishes to announce the following elections of officers:



Archon, Lawrence Johnson; Grapter, Ray Fleak ; Thesau rophulax, Oscar Williams; Thurepanioiktes, Hugh Perry; Historian, Fay Perry; Chaplain, Paul Dunham; Corresponden t, Glen Hilford. Our very best wishes go to every Pi Kapp and we would like to hear from some of our brothers from time to time. Fraternally, LAWRENCE W. JOHNSON, Archon,.

CHI CHAPTER John B. Stetson University, DeLand, Fla.

Chi Chapter started its new year September 21 with the following old men back: H. A. Schubiger, K. W. Blain, G. K. Bryant, B. L. Turner, E. H. Dickey, J. S. Day, S. D. Sloane , C. Ericcson, D. Whipple. The men of the local chapter not yet initiated into Pi Kappa Phi who are returning to school are W. Wallace, C. B. Rhode s, and C. Costar. The immediate plans for the rushing season include two smokers to be given September 21 and September 27. The prospects of the school and the local chapter are especia lly bright this year, as there is the largest enrollment in the history of the university. We are again located in our old house, being the only fraternity to have a home on the campus. Coach Allen is returning for his third year and expects the best football season ever. The schedule includes: Jacksonville American Legion at Jacksonville, Rollins College at Winter Park, Mercer University at Macon, Furman University at DeLand, Oglethorpe University at DeLand, Georgia A. & M. College at DeLand. A game with University of Florida at Miami is pending. Interest seems to be greater than ever and more than fifty men are trying out. Stetson is facing teams of greater streng th this year than ever before, but around a nucleus of six varsity men we are fast rounding into shape a "crackerjack" team.



Schubiger is our only varsity man returning but we are confident of several more varsity positions. Turner, Dickey, and Day were with last year's scrubs and are going better than ever. Besides them we have Bryant, Blain, and Whipple on the squad. It is too early in the season to say much concerning the school's prospects in other athletics, but it is safe to predict that the Hatters will stick another feather in their cap by adding the State championship in basket-ball for the third consecutive year. Prospects for baseball are equally bright. We were very sorry to learn late in the summer that our Archon, Thesaurophulax, Grapter, and Chaplain, Brothers H. Turner, Graham, Jacobsen, and Schultz, were not returning. Their successors are Brothers Schubiger, B. Turner, Blain, and Day. Turner has entered as a Junior at Georgia Tech and Jacobsen has gone to the University of Illinois. Graham and Schultz expect to return after the holidays. Brother Rhodes, who finished at Oglethorpe last year, is spending this winter in DeLand. Although living in town, we hope that he will make our house his headquarters, as indeed we wish all visiting brothers to do. Brothers Parkhurst, Longstreet, Berger, and Painter are located at Daytona• Beach for the winter. Fraternally, K. W. BLAIN, Grapter.





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