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Vol. TX


Absorption ___



_ 57

A II ---------------------------------------· ---------A~ c re~ ed to Our New Pi Kappa Phi Brothers --------------------

News --------------------------------------------------Ch anta, The Convention Citv of Dixie -------------------------af/ter Letters · ____ n· . --------------------------------------------lstmctive Pi Ka

2 64 51 91 88

F'ftl . . appa Ph1, The -------------------------------B1. 1 Dlstnct Holds Conclave _________________ ----- ------------B~s~ory of Omega Pi Local Fraternity ---------------------------I lS ory of Mercer University -----------------------------------lv~stallation of Alpha-Alpha, The-------------------------------emory, A ___ _

44 34 37 31 50


:::::~:,;~:: ~;:~;:;i':~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ·l ~~rsonal Sketch~;-~f--0~~--F~~~d~~~=============================So~~ra~~:~teFa~t~at's \Vh




A 11 ---------------------------------------= ~~ ---------------------------------------------ream Clouds Gather------------------------------------- 47

T Cha~~ ST~R AND ~AMP is published under the direction of the Supre!Tl,e Decemb Fthe Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the months of October, E t er, ebruary, and May, at Charlotte, N. C. N. e~~d as matter of the second class at the postoffice at Charlotte, Accept~~ accordan~~ with the Act of Congress apprm;ed Marc_h 3, 1~79. 1103 A ce for mailmg at special rate of postage provided f9r m SectiOn The ~:of Octo~er_3, 1917, authorized April 19, 1921. .. Sing] lfe_ subscnpt10n is $10 and is the only form of subscnpt!On. e copies are 50 cents. edi[;!~ ~ath~ial intended for publication should be in the hands of the Cl -m-e ief by the 15th of September November, January, and April. f0 ,.,;a;:,g~{ in address should ~e prompily reported to the editor. Use le back of the maga::me.








Don't think becoz you wear th' pin, an' hold yer head up high, That you are worthy to be called a true Pi Kappa Phi; Don't think that" you've done reached yer goal, when you are once tuk inYer obligation only starts, when you put on th' pin. If you're ·not true gold, you won't hold out, fer such folks never do; If you wanta bring honor to yer bunch, you gotta be loyal and true. You gotta be mighty careful 'bout how you talk an' actWhen you hurt yerself, you hurt yer frat; no gettin' around that fact

You'll find two different typ~s of boys in every bunch, I guess: Them that do their bit, and them that leave it to th' res'; There ain't no room in a Pi Kapp fold fer loafers, drones, an' suchYou can always help a little bit, if you can't do very much. You'll see a feller now an' then, that's been out o' school a while, An' when he sees yer Star an' Lamp, he'll say with a wistful smile, "Look here, ol' chap, give me th' grip; when I was young like you, Up there a-do it1' A. B. Stunt, I wuz a Pi Kapp, too!" Just put it down he ain't much force, if he begins that way, A-tellin' what he tised to be, 'stead o' what he is to-day. He shoulda learned this long ago: A real Pi Kappa Phi, When once he's one, he's always one, till he lays him down to die. Then remember this, my new-found friend: A true Pi Kappa Phi Is avatar of all that's good, an' noble, an' true, an' high. So hitch yer wagon to th' Star, an' steer by th' Lamp's bright glow, An' ten to one, you'll play yer role, as on through life you go.






~eot •~nl


"I looked into the future." That line may be the dreaming of a non.-practical poet, but the man .who today fails to "look into the future'' is soon a back-number. Unless some calculation of the future is made, unless some thouaht is given as to what the future may b·· b • • Img f orth and unless some plan to meet the extgencies of tl1 e d ays to come IS · made when the future does reso 1ve It· · t h . .' · · · self h. In t e present, mne times out of ten, the opportumt1es


w ICh are there for the prepared flit by.


. The editor would call the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi to "look 1!1to the future" and plan for the bi-ennial convention in Atlanta, December, 1923. Now is the time to prepare to attend that event, which is being heralded as the greatest gathering . of PiKa pps 111 · t11e annals of the Fratermty. 1 . 'he brothers who are to entertain the convention are "lookIn. g mto · · the future.'' They have already set up an organtzahon which is now preparina to receive convention delegates in a stvle · 1·tty. J an d manner with theb true rina of Southern hosp1ta p· 1 :1ey are working for the bigges; meet ever attempted by 1 I<.appa Phi and the editor takes this oportunity to urge upon the br 0 tllets . to mark clown on thetr · schedule the last cays 1 of J?ecember, and look to those days as the time when he shall !ourney to Atlanta and be one of the hosts of Pi Kappa Phis 111 convention gathered . It Is · needless to recount the joys and pleasures wh1ch · WI·n come to tl1e men who wtll · be on hand. Just for a mom en t , 1·e- · member that brothers of your chapter will be there, brothers of far-away chapters will be greeted face-to-face and the bond of fraternal feeling will be bound tio!!hter because of the personal b contact Wit . 11 each other. Be there.



The first written account of the early days of Pi Kappa Phi presented in attractive style by Brother L. Harry Mixson, one • · of the three founders, is being published in ~~~llatory this issue of The Star and Lamp. The events Y IX&on lead-ing up to the founding and following in the first few years of our history, are pictured and presented to us through the pen of Brother Mixson, who was on the ground and who played an important role in the launching of our Order. Brother Mixson has rendered service to the Fraternity for which he can never be repaid by a grateful brotherhood. Those all important meetings, those discussions, those movements of the fall and winter of 1904 down in Charleston, have been reduced to cold type and will never fade .frGm the memory of the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. These historical efforts of our brother may not now be as fully appreciated as they should but there is coming a day when that mystic circle of honored brothers may still further be broken and then the story of those early days would go untold from an authoritative source. This work is a service that only the years will tell of its real value. Now that Brother Mixson has stopped to recount the activities of the first chapter at the College of Charleston and of the Supreme Chapter during its early existence, we are assured of a story that can not disappear. We know how the Fraternity was formed, how its policies were shaped and how its ideals were grounded. It is a living story of the worthy deeds of tar-sighted brothers, who saw the vision of a new Order and who labored to bring into being an organization that would exP' ess in a concerted way their hopes and aims. 1t is ·a story that we, who have come after, should read, often and thoughtfully, for from it we can catch a vision and receive an inspiration that will carry us to greater efforts. F'rom it we can learn the purposes the founders had in mind and see the way that points.us to the every day living of those ideals.



By so doing we can honor the deeds of our founders and show that their purposes were based on unalterable truth and justify the existence of such a nob!~ group as the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The insta ll ation of Alpha-Alpha chapter at Mercer University marks a new step in the histor)r of Pi Kappa Phi. A new order AI h is undertaken for the combination name p Na-Alpha appears for th~ first time on our chapter rolL Our elVest . That indicates progress and growth, substantial growth of a sure and methodical nature. There i a wide gap between Alpha founded at the College of Charleston, December 10, 1904 and Alpha-Alpha established February 16, 1923. Yet in the gap are thriving. hustling, :veil organized chapters, integral parts of a smoothly functiontng unit. This is the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity to which we pledge undying loyalty anJ in which we take brotherly pride. Therefore, to the brothers of Alpha-Alpha comes an unusual honor. To them we offer our congratulations and extend to them a welcome into the ranks of our Order. They have an honor to bear in lesser measure similar to the brothers of the first Alpha and they should pride themselves on that fact. They are the true Pi Kapp type and being so shall work out for themselves and for the Fraternity a destiny that we feel sure sha1! not be confined, in its influence, to the scholarly walls of their own institution. Pi Kappa Phi, the mother, stand ready to aid her sons, in their every worthy endeavor. In the name of brotherly affection, we greet you. us and we are you.

You are




Th r ou gh This Door Went Brothers to the First Meeting of Our Fra t e rnity

Tm;; S路r.\R







FOUNDING AND EARLIEST HISTORY HE Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity was founded at the College of Charleston, December 10, 190..J., and the honor of fou~1cling her has been conc:ded t~ Simon Fogarty, Jr., 06; Andrew Alexander I'-roeg, OS; and Lawrence ITarrv Mixson, '07. The Fraternity was founded on the strict basis of friendship. Simon Fogar~y and Mixs~n had known each other before they entered the Charleston High chool, and though t~ley were a year apart in their classes, their friendship contmuecl and increaseq during the four year course there. Kroeg also. attended the same High School, and when the three met agam at the College of Charleston, their friendship was ready to blossom forth into intimacy. Their interests in the different forms of student activity were identical, and the founding of the Frate1:nity was but the natural result. l\Ioreover, all of the other charter members had attended the same High School, and were on more or less friendly and intimate terms one with the other even before they entered College. The first meeting which led to the definite organization of Pi Kappa Phi was held at the home of ?v[ixson, 190 \Ventworth Street. This was November 29, 1904. Kroeg was selected chairman and l\Iixson secretary. Pi Kappa Phi con iders December 10 however as her birthday for it was on that date ' charter' members met at ' 90 Broad Street and tIlat the seven definitely decided to form a Fraternity. The following were Present:


James Fogarty, '08 Simon Fogarty, '06 Theodore Barnwell Kelly, '08 Andrew Alexander Kroeg. 路os.



90 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Here the Fraternity was Formally Organized, December I 0, 1904.





Lawrence Harry l\Iixson, '07 Thomas Franc"is Mosimann, '07 Anthony Pelzer Wagener, '06. At this meeting the name was selected and committees to draft a constitution and by laws and to propose a design for a pin were appointed. A week later, the committee on constitution composed of 1\Iixson, S. Fogarty and vVagener reported ~nd it was unanimou Iy adopted as proposed. It is indeed ~nteresting to note how ma11y features of this rough and Incomplete constitution are still present in the one 路we now use. In no case has the spirit or intent been changed, and every now and then identical passages will appear. Witl.1 a few minor changes made at different times it served the Fraternity until October, 1906. ' Dnder the laws an election of officers was held with the following result: ' Archon _____________________ A. ~路 Kroeg Grapter ________________ L, Harry Mixson Arguropares _______________ Simon Fogarty At the time of the election, the names of the officers were English, but March 11 they were changed to Greek. On this date the office of Thuripanioktes was created, James Fogarty being appointed. May 20 the office of Historian was provided for, and L. Harry Mixson was elected. The committee on badge, which was to have reported on December 17, did not, finding that much more than a week's Work was necessary, and indeed it was not until April 22, 1905 th~t a design 路 was submitted by S. Fogarty, J. Fogarty and Mixson, the minutes reading as follows: "Frater Simon Fogarty of the pin committee submitted two designs for the Fraternity's consideration. Frater Mixson moved the acceptance of Design No. 280." This design is exactly the same as the present day pin, size ~lene being changed from time to time. While, therefore, it IS true that the early members were without a badge for over four months, the one that was selected has stood the test of





time and it has worked out for the best interests in the long run, for if a design had been hastily路 selected, it would most likely 路 have been changed. At the time of the organization of Pi Kappa Phi there existed at the College of Charleston three national fraternities-Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alj)ha (Southern), and Phi Kappa Sigma. The student body of the College did not number more than seventy, and it can therefore be seen the uphill fight Pi Kappa Phi was to have. It is, howevtr, wi lling to place itself on record as regards the literary and athletic attainments as a whole of its early members. February 25, 1905, Henry Klugh Purdy, Verdery, S. C., was received into membership, and March 11, L. Orr Bruce, Townville, S. C. was admitted. The minutes of the meeting in both instances read that they ''were initiated'', but no set ritual, such as we know it, was used. In fact, it was not until after the introduction of IJmce, or to be exact, ~larch 25, that a committee was appointed to draft rituals of initiation and procedure. This important work was in the hands of Mixson, chairman, and Simon Fogarty and A . Pelzer Wagener. The colors and grip were adopted Apri l 1, 1905. The writer believes he i correct in that both were the ideas of S. Fogarty. The minutes show that the formal motion was made by Mixson. The full report of the committee on ritual of Procedure was presented May 20, 1905 and adopted without change. As a matter of fact no very radical changes have been made at any one time, and what changes have appeared were made with the view of keeping the original intent and purposes the same. The report of the ritual of initiation was deferred, and obviously there was no hurry about this, inasmuch as the College year was drawing to a close and no new members were to be taken in till the next session of College which was to start in October. Pi Kappa Phi disbanded, therefore, for the summer. Seven of the nine members were, however, living in Charleston and were in more or less constant contact during the three months



vacation period. Before disbanding a ban.quet was held at one of the local clubs. Simon Fogarty, Archon-elect for the next term, was toastmaster and the toasts were responded to by A. A. Kroeg, L. Harry Mixson, T. F. rv1osiman and A. P. ';~gene~路路 During the first year of her existence Pi Kappa l ht achieved a real place in student life at the College of Charleston and was a recognized factor in all student activities. Its emblems, badge, colors, constitution and by laws, and ritual of proceedings had been decided on, and the band of men constituted a Fraternity in every respect. In reveiwing the work of the first college year, it is very evident that no one man did all the work. It is certain that the first constitution was written by Mixson; that the badge was selected very largely by S. Fogarty and l\1ixson; that the 路grip and colors were the ideas of S. Fogarty; that the ritual of Procedure was written by S. Fogarty and l\ I ixson; and that Kroeg as Archon exercised a leadership over the entire body, ?ut it is to be remembered that Pi Kappa Phi wa a Fraternity 111 the strictest sense. It was but natural that two or three men should have the initiative in certain respects, but they always had the counsel and opinion of the others. The writer remembers well as do others who were in the Chapter with him, that it was ~bsolutely impossible to see one member during the day without seeing one or more with him. The problems of the Fraternity were a constant source of topic and the thoughts and plans of any one man were always passed around to the others. It is undoubtedly true that it was this close bond of Fraternity that made College life so full of interest and pleasure to the early members. Of course differences of opinion arose, but they were entirely matters of detail, the men ~ways planning, always hoping for the best interests of the } raternity. In the next College Year (October 1905-June 1906) Simon Bruce dtd not return to College and Kroeg was lost by graduation, but being a resident of Charleston he was present at most of

~ogarty and A. Pelzer 路w agener served as Archons.



the meetings. The r-eport of the Committee of ritual of initiation was presented and ad~pted October 21, 1905. This ritual has been changed and amplified a great deal since then, but the original has always been kept in view. November 25 the red rose was adopted as the Fraternity flower. The records for the year also show that the robes provided for in the rituals were used for the first time February 17, 1906 at the installation of officers for the second half of the College year.

BIRTHPLACE OF THE SUPREME CHAPTER. In first floor room to left (where shutters are closed) the Supreme Chapter was brought into being. This residence at 50 Philip Street, was also use das chapter rooms by Alpha for three years.

Up until February 24, 1906, and since the organization, the meetings had been held at 90 Broad Street, in a room provided without charge by Simon and James Fogarty, and it was in



the e rooms that most of the early work was done. However, February 24 the Chapter met at SO St. Philip Street on account of the serious illness of James Fogarty, 路and an offer to use the rooms from Frater Kelly was accepted. They wtre across the street from the College and dormitory, and were therefore convenient as well as commodious. It was at this meeting that Henry Patrick Wagener was n01i1inated for membership and accepted. He was "initiated March 24, the team consisting of Kroeg, S. Fogarty and Mixson. This was the first intiation carried out under the ritual and it proved a success in every way. April 28, 1906 it was decided to occupy SO St. Philip Street permanently as <?hapter rooms, and it was there that the Grand Chapter of the Fraternity was born.

Birth of the Grand. Chapter-History to the Convention of 1909. 路 When Pi Kappa Phi was founded, there was absolutely no thought of it ever extending outside of the College of Charleston, and it is very doubtful if the thought occured to any of the members during the first two years of its existence. These two years had been, however, very successful and the members Were satisfied that they had the right ideas and ideals regarding a College Fraternity, and the thought gradually and finally became fixed in their minds that in the same way other Fraternities had other Chapters, Pi Kappa Phi could have likewise. If, therefore, Pi Kappa Phi was to expand, machinery for operating more than one Chapter had to be provided and a constitution delegating authority to some central body had to be put in force. The first mention of this was in the minutes of October 6, 1906. At this time L. Harry Mixson was Archon, Theodore B. Kelly was Grapter, and the other members ;ere T. F. Mosimann, James Fogarty, and Henry P. Wagener. n addition to Kroeg, S. Fogarty and A. P. Wagener had been lost by graduation, but Kroeg and Fogarty attended most of the meetings, living_in Charleston. Purdy had also been lost,


Tru; S·r.\R



•o definite action was taken as he did not return to College. at the October 6 meeting, but October 31 the proposed constitution was read and accepted. Most of the work on it was done by Kroeg. Since then the method of raising revenue, provision for the STAR A:-.'D LAMP, method of . electing delegates, etc. ha,:e been changed, but to all intents and purposes from a broad standpoint, it is the same now. Cp to this point, therefore, the history of the Fraternity was that of the Alpha Chapter, but from now on it is that of the Grand Chapter, and the authority of the lpha Chapter over itself was delegated to the Grand Chapter. This Grand Chapter as provided by law therefore held its first meeting, the following men being its members: S. Fogarty, A. A . Kroeg, L. Jlarry ~Iixson, T. F. ~Iosimann. and A. P. \\'agener. This meeting was held January l. 1907 and is in reality the first convention of the Fraternity. The Constitution was ratified and all of the rituals and emblems were accepted without change. The following were elected: Em in ent Supreme Archon _____________ A, A. Kroeg Eminent Supreme Grap~er___________ imon Fogarty Eminent Supreme Arguropares ___ A. Pelzer \Vagener Eminent Supreme Historian _______ L, Tlarry l\1ixson En'inent Supreme Thurepanioktes ___ I-T. Klugh Purdy The Eminent Supreme Counc il consi ted of the Archon and Grapter ex-officio, and l\Iixson, \Vagener and Purdy. As far as the Alpha Chapter was concerned, no change in its internal affairs was experienced. It now operated under a charter from the Grand Chapter and wa subservient to its laws, instead of being under authority from itself. Extension occupied most of the time and attention of the Supreme Council. Under law, three was required for a quorum and in as much as Kroeg, Fogarty and l\fixson lived in Charleston, it was very easy to have a meeting at any time, and frequent meetings and conferences were held. Finally 1arch 10, 1907 the application from what was to become South Carolina Beta Chapter at the Presbyterian College of South Carolina was





r.ead and accepted, Alpha already having voted in the affirmatlve. At this meeting the motto "Nil Separabit" was selected. L: Barry Mixson was appointed instituting officer and together WI.th Kroeg successfu~ly installed the Chapter. When, therefore, this second Chapter was instituted the Fraternity and all the r .. equJsJte working forms: all rituals, emblems, badge, motto, colors, and flowel'. It lacked the coat of arms, this not being adopted until some time later. S. C. Beta since its birth 路was inactive for a time on account of adverse Fraternity legislation, but has always been a most loyal chapter .Of course, being located at a small College the number of its active membership Will never be large. The second annual convention was held December 31, 1907 and January 1, 1908. All of the Supreme Officers with the exception of Purely were pre ent, the Eminent Supreme Archon appointing vVilliam Fogarty for the duration of the convention. H. P. \Vagener and James Fogarty represented S. C. Alpha, ~1 d B. Frazier and J. P. dBryan, S. C. Beta. Past Archon fosimann of Alpha was also present. There were, therefore, ten qualified votes. A great deal of detail work was done at this convention. 1 Tothing radical was attempted and the constitution and one of the rituals were touched, although it Was the consensus of opinion that the ritual of initiation should be amplified and more stress laid on the meaning of emblems and colors. This work was given to L. Harry Mixson and James Fogarty. Later in the deliberations of the convention Henry P. \Vagener and l\Iix on were appointed as a committee to do some work which would coincide very much with the Work of the former named committee, and they therefore Worked in conjunction. In our present ritual, the meaning of the emblems and colors as explained is the work of these men, anc] the phraseology has never been changed since. One subject of serious debate was the method by which the supreme body was to derive its revenue. The method adopted Was to a sess each ubordinate Chapter an annual tax, as well as a per capita assessment on each man received during the





College year. This was the motion of Mixson and the vote being a tie, the Eminent Supreme Archon voted in the affirmative. It can easily be seen that at the present time, with chapters of different sizes, such a plan would be impractical. It was at this convention that the publication of a "Catalog" was discussed, and in fact it was decided to publish one. It was, however, soon seen that the Fraternity had not grown to the extent of needing one, but it shows that the men present had broad visions and ideas, farseeing many of the things that ·Pi Kappa Phi was one day to do . .Now's tho day, a11d How's t.he hour."

.Auuual iiatUturt Of Tile

Ji 1!\appa J~t ~ rat.rrutty Q!nll&g.r nf C!!l7arl.rstnu Monday, June 18,





"Now aood d11e11ion •ah OD appclltt, Uld l!.e&ltla


TOI&lotaw.tcr • L. H. MiaiOil 07

"'n b<Hh

''My hun iJ th.i.nty lor that uoble pled a e. •• l-'1 Kappa Phi · A. P. Waa:ener o6 "MyfneAd thebrothaofmylovr." Senior Clus- S1mon Fogart)', Jr. of• ''Grat heiahu are huudous to the wuk bed'' Fr:~.temity- T. B. Kellyo8 " A fdbr fcrllnr makn ocu: wondrous kbd, ••


Cl•e•.Jot!>lratws BroJIK Blue FtJh



"The Dee to the b,mous anton rrp.~u."


Ju.nior Clal>.'t- T . F. MDlimanu 07

P1 K•PJM Pht Pun ch


l.:adin- A. A. Krocg, Jr.


"Wtda all thy laulu I love thu stUi." Aopollln•rls

Sophomore Class- H. K. Purdy oS


' 'VOilllJ ftlloww will be JOWII ltlb,. " the Pi Kappa Phi ·J .. PopnyoS "FOil the futurt: il ol ,_arc CCIUCQUtDCt thu tlae pa•L" Freshman Clau • H . P. Wapett o.; ''Howarun)'OIIueudtrtlb.'



C lltlrS FINIS






The election of members to the Supreme Council resulted in L: Harry Mixson, T. F. Mosimann and J. D. Frazier, together With A. A. Kroeg and Simon Fogarty, ex-officio, being chosen. ~- Pelzer Wagener, feeling that he could "not satisfactorily ch_scharge the office of Eminent Supreme Arguropares, presented his resignation, and after its acceptance, T. F. Mosimann was elected. Frater Wagener was elected then to the office of Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, which up to this time had been unfilled The next Chapter to be admitted .was California Gamma at the University of California. This Chapter was the result of the Work of Theodore B. Kelly,路 one of the original charter members, who had left the College of Charleston in the Winter of 1908 and Brother Kelly was given authority to institute it. The institution of this Chapter was one of far reaching importance to the Fraternity, for tho~Igh for many years as was but natural, the Fraternity was most active in the ection of the country where it had the most Chapter and men, latter day developments in the Fraternity show the immense influence of California Gamma not only in supplying good material for executives; not only in being the means of other Chapters being established west of the River; but in giving to the other Chapters a show of loyalty that cannot be excelled. For years ~1 e C_hapter labored entirely alone, seeing no one from South arohna and the other States where the other Chapters were located, and from sheer lack to touch many another body of men would . have become discouraged. Pi Kappa Phi owes much to California Gamma. March 12, 1909, application from what was to become South Carolina Delta at Furman University was read and accepted March 20 was the date set for the institution, and L. Harry Mixson was master of ceremonies. He was assisted by E. S. A. Kroeg, as-well as several men from S. C. Beta. A few days prior to the institution-March 18, 1909 to be exact-the first coa~ of arms was adopted. It differs mainly from the present design in that there were two stars instead of three; a student




lamp appeared where we now find the crossed swords; and instead o [ being surmounted by the student lamp, it was .a hand holding a reel rose. It is路, indeed, the only one of the wbrking forms of the Fraternity that has been materially changed. From the Convention of 1909 Through the Convention of 1911. The next bi-ennial Convention was held at the Isle of Palms near Charleston, July 13, 14, 15, 1909. The last convention ~ent on record as favoring convention held in the summer instead of during the Christmas holidays. All the Supreme Officers were present, with the exception of Purdy. Delegates were present from S. C. Alpha, S. C. Beta and California Gamma. The voting strength was fifteen, and there were also present a large number of non-voting members. The convention devoted ,most of its time, not in drastic reform work, but in getting into sliape the machinery for the running of the Fraternity in a busine slike and systematic manner. When the question of finances came up for discussion, it was decided to assess each Chapter entirely on the per capita basis, payable in two installments. Rules regarding the ordering o{ pins were adopted, and strict regulations laid clown for the rendering of Grapters' and I-:Tistorians' reports to the respective Supreme officials. A pledge button, circular in shape, half white, half gold was adopted, and it was decided to issue membership certificates. No changes of any kind were made in the constitution and by-laws, Chapter charters, emblems, colors, flower, badge, coat of arms, or any of the rituals. It was decided to authorize the use of a shield, and a committee was appointed to submit a suitable design. It was at this Convention that the publication of an official Magazine, The Pi Kappa Phi ]o11rnal was authorized, and all active members were required to subscribe. Henry P. \Vagener was its first editor and L. Harry :\Iixson, business manager. It was published for the next two years with some degree of regularity, finances being its chief stumbling block,






but. it was always kept alive, and from it grew the present STAR A.'o LAMP, the name beino- charwecl at the Columbia, S. C. c011 Vfntion of 1911. 0 b 路 In as much as this was the bi-ennial convention, an election of officers was held with the following result: Eminent Supreme Archon __________ T. F. l\fosimann Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon _____ Simon Fogarty Eminent Supreme Grapter ________ Theodore H. Kelly Eminent Supreme Thesar:ophulax ___ Th~s S. Simpson Eminent Supreme Ilistorian-__ -Henry P. \Vagener Eminent Supreme Thurepanioktes ______ Gus E. Reid The Supreme Council consisted of A. A. Kroeg, J. Roy Geiger and .L. Harry Mixson, together with ::Vlosimann and Kelly, exofficro. During the winter of 1909-1910 it became evident to Brothers ::\Iosimann and Kelly that they could not discharge the work of their resr)ective offices and their resignations f 0 11 owed February 20, 1910. Brother ' Kroeg was elected to fill the unexpired term of Eminent Supreme Archon, and Mix, on that of Eminent Supreme Grapter. In as much as th:se two were already members of the Supreme Council, there exrstccl two vacancies and Mosimann and Kell)' '"'ere elected t0 f ' rl l them. The personnel of the Supreme Council, therefore, remained the same as before. During the time between these changes in office and July, 19 11 when the next bi-ennial convention was held, the affairs of_ the Fraternity went along very smoothly. One of the Prmcipal things desired, was to bring California Gamma into closer touch with the Fraternity, but due to conditions this Wa practically impossible. The South Carolina Chapters were, ~owever, closely cemented. An annual Convention was held 1 ~ the summer of 1910 again at the Isle of Pa lms, but very ~ttle work was attempte?, and nothing of importance ~one. efore the next conventwn two new Chapters, S. C. Srgma at the University of South Carolina and South Carolina Zeta at \Vofford College were instituted by L. Harry Mixson,




assisted by a number of men from other Chapters. Wben, therefore, the next bi-ennial convention was held in the Summer of 1911, the Fraternity numbered five active and one inactive Chapter, South Carolina Beta having some time previous surrendered its charter on account of anti-fraternity regulations. These have however, since then been withdrawn, the Chapt~r re-instated, and in fact Dr. Douglas, President of the College, has stated in the press his high regard for Fraternities, testifying to their w.holesome effect on student life at the Presbyterian College of South Carolina. The third bi-ennial Convention was held for the first time away from Charleston, and it proved an unqualified success in every way. It was held at Columbia, S. C., the home of S. C. Sigma, July, l 911, at the Colonia Hotel. Thet:e were present practically all the Supreme officers, and all of the Chapters were represented, except California Gamma. A spirit of work soon manifested itself, and it is indeed impossible to imagine a body of men more imbued with Fraternity spirit than was this body. It was obvious that we had passed over the hardest part of our road and although much hard work was still ahead, it was in a great degree a question of keeping our footsteps guided in the right direction. It was also a very noticeable fact that from the Chapters recently installed appeared men who showed themselves strong in Pi Kappa Phi spirit, who entered into the weightiest discussi.ons before the convention, and whose ideas were in many cases adopted. Several men who later became important executives made their first fraternity appearance at this convention. It was easily seen that the older men in the Fraternity, powerful as they no doubt were, were ready to receive and adopt any good suggestion, abrogating to themselves no "divine right" because they had first caught the vision. Possibly the most important matter under discussion was the official magazine. Plans were adopted to place it on a firmer financial basis, and \iVa de S. Bolt and Charles K. Dillingham, both Sigma men were selected to handle its affairs for the next



two years. Its name was changed to THE STAR AND LAMP, and the office of Eminent Supreme Journalist was created for the Editor-in-Chief, Dillingham. One of the chief cliscitssions of the convention was the attitude that the Fraternity should assume to sub-rosa Chapters. On account of the "Teat number of CoJJecres in South Carolina h . . 1:> "' avmg antt-Fraternity laws, this was a weighty matter. It Was unanimously decided that it would be manifestly unfair to ~sk the then existin.g sub-rosas to surrender their Charters, but tt Was on the other hand determined that no more be admitted, and that if one of the present sub-rosas lost its charter it could not be recovered. There are now no sub-rosas on the Chapte~· With the exception of a few minor changes, nothing was done to the constitution but certain changes were made in the Ritual of procedure but 'none in the ritual of initiation. It was very appat:ent, however, that a thorough revision was needed. As it then stood, it differed none from the very first ritual except that the explanation of the meaning of the colors and emblems had been amplified. L. Harry Mixson and John D. 1-Iamer were therefore a\lthorizecl to suggest changes or to Write a new one, this was later done and is the ritual we are in the Coat of Arms was also authorized• now using. A chancre 1:> and the present one is the result very largely of the work of John D. Can-ol! Officers electe~l for the two years wer~: Eminent Supreme Archon _________ L, Harry Mixson Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon_Henry P. 'iVagener Eminent Supreme Grapter ----------John D. Carroll Eminent Supreme Thesarophulax __ Herbert Langford Eminent Supreme Historian _________ Simon Fogarty Eminent Supreme JournalisL_Charles K. Dillingham Emiw·nt Supreme Thuripanioktes _______ Gus ·E. Reid SUPREME COUNCIL L. Harry Mixson, ex-officio John D. Carroll, ex-officio W. 1-I. Monckton (From East Dave P. Hardy (From West) Herbert Langford (At Large)





The College of Charleston and its Influence on the Early History and Development of Pi Kappa Phi.

The w ri ter has no doubt but that many a P i Kapp has路 been struck with the comparative slow growth of the Fraternity during the first few years of its existence. Founded in December, 190-t, it had three year later only two Chapters,

COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON Main Building Looking Through Gate.

and a total membership not exceeding twenty. Some o t this slow grow th was certainly clue to the unfortunate circumstances of its being founded in South Caro lina, which state is notably anti-fraternali tic. In none of the state Colleges are Fratern-



itie allowed, and many of the denominational institutions had and many still have regulations against Fraternities. The progress that was made therefore was accomplished in the f ace of difficulties. ' ' A great deal of the slow growth was, however, clue to conservatism, and this conversatism was unconsciously imbibed from the College of Charleston, the place of its nativity. C?nservatism there is almost a religion. Founded in 1785; \Vtth a long and unbroken line of illustrious professors and alumni, it has always and will always stand for the very highest in literary eclucation, preferring a small student body to a large one. On enteFing the Campus of the College through the Lodge and walking up the avenue of stately oaks, one is forced to remember the lines of Horace-''Odi frofanum vulgus et. arceo, favete linguis." It pride itself on its unique ideas, With ideals that cling rather to the past than with visions that look forward to the future. 1\ othing extreme is ever attempted at the College of Charleston; there are no innovations; and lllany a suggestion of real merit tending to progress is looked at askance if not with alarm. There is, however, no gainsaying the fact that the training received is thoroughly and masterfully accompli heel. . A word or two as expressed bv the president of the College Itself place 路 it position squarely- before all: ''Colleges and universities differ greatly, and the difference that counts for most is not in wealth or numbers but in character. A college has路 character when its past has ripened into a. Well defined traclitiqn and its present is directed by clear cut allns. In other words, a college should stand for something a~1 d when a high-school graduate is choosing a college, he nghtly wants to know what it stands for. ''The College of Charleston is 'conservative' in its reliance on a student tradition of gentlemanly conduct and路 personal honor <4S a far greater influence than any admonition or regulations of the faculty; in its unwillingness to sacrifice its standard for the sake of numbers; in its cautious attitude to



educational e'x periment. It regards character and good citizenship as the proper products of a college life, but disserits from the view widely current and sometimes expressed, that this product is best obtained by 'activities' other than those of mental effort.. It holds that the citizen hip which is unaware of the nature of clear and accurate thinking is not effective citizenship, and that the student who has neither the disposition nor will-power to make a mental effort cannot be classified as a high type of character. The strengthening of one's intelligence it regards as a moral essential."

COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON Lodge at End of Campus.

\i\Tith , 'therefore, these traditions and this conservatism ever present both consciously and unconsciously Pi Kappa Phi did not make rapid strides. Every step was carefully thought out and every stand that was takeri was based as far as possible



on the bed rock of certainty. Under other circumstances its progress would have been more rapid, but it is doubtful if it Would have been more lasting.

PERSONAL SKETCHES OF OUR FOUNDERS L. HARRY MIXSON Lawrence Harry l\lixson was born in Charleston, S. C., August 19, 1887 .. He received his primary education in the public schools of Charleston and his high school education at the Charleston High School, grad uating in 1903. He entered the College of Charleston the following Autumn, pursuing the . urse leading to the A. B. degree. During his four years at that institution, Fraternity work occupied most of his attention, but he devoted considerable time ~

L. HARRY MIXSON One of the Founders.

~0 athletics. He made his varsity letters as follows-football,

904-1905 as left end 路 baseball 1905-1906 as catcher: and b ' ' . asketball, 1905-1906 as manager. He did not engage 111 athletics during his last year in College.





IIe erved the Chre tomathic Literary Society in several capacities as an officer, and was always deeply interested in its work. I-Ie was Secretary in 1905 and President in 1906-1907. As a Pi Kapp he wa interested from its very inception. Tie wa one of the three Founders and the meeting leading to its definite organization was held in his home. He was Grapter of the first Chapter; served at different times as Arguropare~, Hi torian and Chaplain and was Archon in 1906-1907. \Vhen the Grand Chapter wa organized. he was one of the original members and was elected to the first Supreme Council. He was the first Eminent Supreme Tlistorian, and was one of the incorporators of the Fraternity, the charter under the laws of South Carolina being granted to A. A. Kroeg and him. lie wrote the first constitution and by-law and with Simon Fogarty prepared the first rituals of procedure and initiation. Ile served and w-orked on every committee since 190-1- and 1911 charged with revi ing these rituals, and the present ritual of initiation ( 1923) is his work. He was again elected to the Supreme Council in 1909. and in 1910 was elected Eminent Supreme Grapter. In 1911 he was elected Eminent Supreme Archon, serving until 1913. From 190-1-1913 he had, therefore, continuously been a member of the Supreme Council. He was instituting officer for S. C. Deta; S. C. Delta; S. C. Sigma and S. C. Zeta. At the convention of 19~2 he was elected to the Supreme Advisory Doard. Immediately after he left College in June, 1907 he chose the seed business as hi life work and connected himself with the seed department of the Southern Fruit Company of Charleston. After a trial year, this department was expanded into a business on its own footing as the \\". Il. l\fixson Seed Company, with him as manager. In 1917 it was incorporated, he being selected vice-pre. ident and general manager. His company is now the largest wholesale seed dealers in the southeastern states. He is identified with the work of the American Seed Trade Association, becoming a member in 1908, and is also connected with the work of the Southern Seedmen's Associa-





tion ' h avmg · · commit· served on the executive and membership tees. At present he is on the arbitration committee. Early in life he became a l\Iason and is a member of Strict ~bservanc~ Lodge, ::-Jo. ~3, A. F. l\I.; Carolin~ Chapterr ~o. 1 · A. l\I. , South Carohna Commandery, i\ o. 1, l~mghts Templar; and Omar Temple Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of th . . ' e .Mystic Shnne. For a year or more he was the youngest Shrmer in the state. '· He was married February 6, 1912 to Elizabeth Howell ::\IcCartl1Y, L'Ittle Rock, Ark.,· and to them have been born two soi~s,. Lawrence Harry, Jr., and ::.Iarion Clarke ::\Iixson. By rehgion he is a Lutheran. A.A.KROEG Andrew Alexander Kroeg was born in Charleston, February 1885. His primary education was obtained in private schools, anc] his high school training in the High School of Charleston. He graduated in June, 1901 and entered the College of Charles~?11 the _following October. His course led to the degree of Jachelor of Arts and he was graduated in June, 1905.



I~J~oeg was always actively identified with all forms of student act1v1tY c1unng · · course and in fact after ·· h1s · grac · 1uat1on, · h'IS h1s devotion to his Alma Mater was unfailing. He was manager of the football team in 1904 and i1i 1905 was president of the · L"1terary Soc1ety · . Chresto · mat111c . His college life was, however, chiefly marked by his interest In p·1 Kappa Phi. I [e was one of the three Founders, and ?ecame Archon ~f the first Chapter. .-\!though he was really In th e act1ve . chapter but the part of a year, after h1s . gra dua t"ton he c · · . ontmued to reside in Charleston, and was present at prac~ICa!ly all the meetings. IIe at once began the reading of law 111 the office of \Villiam Henry Parker and the legal training received was obviously very valuable to 'the fraternity when the Grand Chapter was organized and it embarked on its program of expansion. He practically wrote the first constitution under Wh'1.ch the Grand Chapter operates, and outlined the relative · Po ttions of Grand and ub-orclinate Chapters. In fact, he ~ave




to the Fraternity it scheme of government, which is, with a few changes made from time to time, the same now.

\Vhen the Grand Chapter wa organized he became the first Supreme Archon, and was therefore a member of the




first Supreme Council. He was one of the incorporators of the Fraternity, · the Charter being granted to himself and lM"Ixson. At the Convention of 1909 he was again elected to the Supreme Council and in 1910 was called back to the office of Eminent Supreme Archon, serving until 1911.. He again served as a member of the Supreme Council from 1920-1922. Expansion occupied most of his time and attention and a number of the earliest Chapters are due entirely to his ~fforts. Once engaged on a duty he had an unbounded capacity for work, and with a fund of tact he was very successful. . Be was admitted to the bar of South Carolina and practiced m Charleston. He also engaged in the real-estate business as Rrc~g & w·Itsell. He wa!': building up a lucrative · busmess, · a~d in fact the ground plan of his business life had just been ~~d when he was called to join the Chapter beyond the skies. ts death was very sudden being taken ill in his office, and ex · · ' ptrmg a few hours after. This occurred on February 8, 1922. Be was married to Oliverius Witsell and his widow and two children survive him. He was a 1\iaster Mason and Past Ch~ncellor of the Knights of Pythias. By religion he was an Bp;swpalian.

s· SIMON FOGARTY H 1111 0n Fogarty was born in Charleston, S. C., June 20, 1887. h" e r~ceived his primary education in the parochial schools, and ts htgh school training in the High School of Charleston, graduating in 1902. He entered the College of Charleston at the vpening of the next session and was in the Class of 1906, taking tl1e course leadmg · to the Bachelor of Science · degree. O~tside of Fraternity work, his principal student activity ~~as In athletics. He made his varsity letter in football in 1903, ~ and 1905 as tackle and half back; in basketball in 1904, 5 and 1906 as guard. He also worked with the baseball squad in 1905.



Be was a member of the Chre tomathic Literary Society, ~ntering enthusiastically into his work and was vice president In 1906. '





The name of Simon Fogarty always must and will be identified with the early history of Pi Kappa Phi. He was one of the three Founders, and it was at his home that the definite organization meeting \NqS held on the memorable December 10,


He served as the first Arguropares, and in 1906 was

Archon of the Chapter.. When the Grand Chapter was organized, he was one of the leading spirits and was its first Eminent Supreme Grapter




serving from 1907-1909, and was therefore an ex-officio memb · Ser 0 f tl1e first Supreme Council. r fe then served as Emment upreme Deputy Archon from 1909-1911. Ile was very 1argely instrumental if not entirely so in selecting our badge, · and colors, and with Mtxson · as well as gnp wrote t 11e fi rs t adopted 1ituals of initiation and procedure. At hi own expense he published the first cataloa of the Fraternity. After completing- his college cot~rse he embarked in the banking· d I · ' out. tI1at ecI ucatwna . I an )UStness world.but soon found work w I · 1·f · · ·d ·fi d . as 11s 1 e calhng and he has stnce 1912 been 1 entt e w1.th the public school system of Charleston. He is at present Prtnci[)a[ o f t1e 1 J uhan · · l\T1tchell School one of the 1argest an d most 111 0 d e1·n chools 111 the State. In order to be better fi tte d f o I· r 11 work, he has taken several special post graduate courses at the . . of 1'ennessee (1913) anc CT mvers1 . •t y o f !I. . lT mverstty I1ch1gan (1915). On June 20, 1916 he was married to i\Iarv Eugenia Reid, ;nd they have two daughters, Iary Elinor and Elizabeth ·w all b ogarty. He is the brother of James and \Villiam Fogarty, Bo:~. 0 .f .whom .were prominent in. early P~ Kappa Phi work. K) . ehg10n he 1s a Roman Cathohc. He IS a Fourth Degree C n1gh.t of Columbus, holding membership in P. N. Lynch ounc11, No. 74.








he er




Supreme Secretary

EBRGARY sixteenth, nineteen hundred and twentythree marks another mile stone in the history of Pi Kappa Phi for on that elate Alpha Alpha chapter was established at l\f ercer University, Macon, Georgia. Not only was a new chapter established, but for the 1 first time one of our chapters will have two Greek eetters f or a chapter name. Thi makes the fifth chapter to I)e · the State of Georgia. · stablish ec1 111



The installation ceremonies were held at the new club rooms of the chapter on the campus under the direction of George M. Grant, Supreme Secretary and Ray K. Smathers, Chapter Inspector for Georgia. They were assisted by Brothers John Barnett of Iota chapter, John Varnedoe of Pi chapter and B. M. Bowen of Eta chapter as a regular installation team. In addition to these there were about forty brothers from various chapters who materially assisted the degree team in their work. The charter members of the chapter are James T. Ross, Jr .. W. Baxter Coke, Paschal Muse, Joe Adolphus McClain, Jr., Lewis CornelJ Cobb, Joseph Louie Buchanan, Daniel Hammock Davis, 1 Torman Felder, John Marvin Pharr, Jr., Ralph Tabor, William Moore, William Bugg, Ralph Lee, Earl Fleming. Corry Lynch. Following the instaJlation exerci es formal presentation of the charter was made and certain regulations explained by the Supreme Secretary. After this the chapter organization was perfected and talks made by various members of the Fraternity. George Grant spoke for the Supreme Chapter, Ray K. Smathers for the Georgia chapters as a whole. He asked Alpha Alpha chapter to help the other Georgia chapters in their state organization and promised the cooperation of the other chapters with Alpha Alpha. A representative from each of the Georgi.a chapters spoke on behalf of their respective chapters and welcomed Alpha Alpha into our brotherhood. These were followed by other brothers who extended their best wishes to the new brothers. In fact it was a real Pi Kapp pep meeting and did not stop until every man in the chapter rooms, including about fifty had "gotten something off their chest." The social feature of the occasion following the installation exercises was the banquet held the next evening at the Lanier Hotel. The chapter acted as hosts to about fifty guests including several members of the faculty and two representatives from each of the fraternities at Mercer University. Six courses were erved, after which John Marvin Pharr, Jr., acted as toastmaster. Dr. Clay Walker, Dr. Claud McGinty and


. \,\'!)

L.\~1 1'




TilE S'l'.\R ,\ ' D LA!\! I'

Prof. George parks were introcluc d and poke in behalf of the univer ity. Joe McClain, one of the new members spoke for Alpha Alpha a an organization. James T. Ross, Jr., traced the hi tory of the local Omega Pi from the time that it wa. organized until the present time. Ray K. mathers told of his inspection of the local and his impression from the outset of the memh •rs w ho composed the petitioning group known as Omega Pi. Thomas E. Buntin, hapter ] n pector for "\labama . . ketched the growth of the Xational organization and welcomed Alpha Alpha into the fold of Pi Kappa Phi. Representative of the Pan- llel lenic ouncil spoke and welcomed Pi Kappa Phi to ;\Iercer L' niversity. George Grant closed th program with an expres ion of congratulation and best wishes to the new chapter from the Supreme Chapter. lie made an earn st appeal to the new members to live up to th ideals and aspirations of the Fraternity.


T the beginning of the Fall term of 1921 Brother James T. Ross, former ly of Lambda Chapter, Pi J(appa Phi, regi tered at :\ [et-cer L'niversity. l3rother Ro wa invited to become an honorary member of the Pan-llellenic Council. At the suggestion of the Pan-Hellenic Council, and seeing th need for another fraternity at l\Iercer, Brother Ross began work to e. tablish a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at :\Iercer Cniver ity. \\' ith this object in view, he with the aid of the Pan-Hellenic Council, selected a group of students to compose the Omega Pi Local Fraternity. petitioning Pi Kappa Phi 1\'ational Fraternity.


ST.\R .\ ND L.\llfP


The members were: Robert Lee Bennett, Joseph Louie Huchanan, ] r., William naxter Co ke, Everett Newborn Broadwell, Lewis Co nn ell Cobb, Daniel r-Tammock Davis, Norman Lawson Felder, Ralph Gordon Miller, Paschal Mu se, Joe Adolphus McClain, Jr., John Marvin Pharr, Jr. , Carlton L. Purvis. l1roth ers J ames T. Ross, Jr., and \Valter C. 1\k\Iillan being members of P i Kappa Phi were made honorary members of Omega P i. December 13, 1921, O mega Pi L ocal Fraternity held its first regular meeting. A t this meeting officers were elected and a constitutioil and by- laws were drawn up to govern the local fraternity. ( lmega l)i Local Fraternity was very desirous of obta ining ~ charter from Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and bega n work

Immed iately with thi s prominent view in end . The fir st step necessary was to secure permis ion from the Pre ident of the lJniversity and the Board of Trustees for the establishment of a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in case the charter Was granted. This being done, a petition "as drawn up by the loca l. and accompanied by letters of recommendation. was sent to the Supreme Secretary, March 21, 1923. . Awaiting action on the petition Omega l'i continued with Its regular meeting.路 hoping to hear the result of their efforts before the close of the scholastic year .. However, at the time that schoo l closed nothincY had been heard as to the result of the Petiti on . Plans were 1~ade for pledging good men at the Opening of the Fall term and the fraternity. with hope hig h, held its last meeting for three months, l\ ray 27, 1922. Omega P i held its first reg ular meeting after the opening of ~he Fall term, October 4, 1922. At this meeting, two pledges, iVilliam L. l\Ioore and Ralph R. Tabor were welcomed by all the members and letters were read which were very encouraging, in regard to the g ranting of the charter. .:\otice was received that Omega Pi would be in spected and plans were made for a dinner, to be given a t the Hotel Lanier, October 1_;,


TJIE ST.\R .\ND L.\)f I'

1922. Brother Ray K. Smathers :vas the guest of the local fraternity at this dinner. Plans and arrangements were made for the furnishing of new r.hapter rooms. The assembly hall is wainscoated four feet hi?;h and finished in white with a gold baseboard and a gold strip at the top of the wainscoting. During the Fall term four more men were pleclg路ed: Earl W. Fleming, \Villiam A. Bugg, Corry '\T'.,T. Lynch, and Ralph C. 路Lee making a total of six pledges. The brothers returned from the Christmas holidays anxious to know if the charter had been granted or not but up to this time nothing definite had been learned; however, January 20, 1923, Omega Pi received official notice that a charter had been granted and that our chapter was to be known as Alpha Alpha. Having learned that the charter had been granted, preparations were begun immediately for the installation proceedings, a banquet being planned for the night following the installation ceremony. February 16, Brothers George M. Grant, Supreme Secrc tary, and Ray K. Smathers, Chapter Inspector for the Fifth District, arrived in Macon accompanied by an initiating team composed of members of the chapters in Atlanta, and also a number of visiting brothers including Thomas E. Buntin, Chapter Inspector for the Seventh District, which performed the installation ceremonies, initiating fifteen members into Pi Kappa Phi. The charter members and officers of Alpha Alpha are: James T. Ross. Jr., Archon; Joe Adolphus ~IcClain, Jr., Treasurer; Paschal Muse, Secretary; Joseph Louie Buchanan, Jr., Alumni Secretary; John. l\Jarvin Pharr, Jr., Chaplain; William Lafayette :\ roore, \Varden; William Baxter Coke, Lewis Connell Cobb, Daniel 1-Iammock Davis, 1 orman Lawson Felder, H.alph Rivers Tabor, Earl \iVooten Fleming, Vvilliam Adolphus Bugg, Ralph Cail Lee, Corry 路w alker Lynch, Clayton Harris Buchanan, pledge. The following night, February 17, the installation banquet




wa , g iven at six o'clock at the Lanier Hotel. After dinner ' peeches were made by members of the faculty and several of the .· Siting ·· . brothers. Broth ers Ross and l\1cCiam were the speakers for A lpha Alpha chapter and Brother Pharr acted as toa t-master. d Following the banquet th e visiting brothers attend ed the ance g iven at the Idle Hour Country Club. A lph a A lpha wishes to express her deep appreciation and ~lappiness at havi ng the right to call a ll '' Pi Kapps '', brother · and we w ill try to show, by our actions in the futme, our love for Pi Kappa P hi , and its id eals.



liE Georgia Baptist Convention held its annual sess ion '""" "'""'"' in the spring o{ ] 83 1 at the Big Buckhead Dapti:;t Ch urch in w hat is now J enkin s County. The resoluti on which led to the establi shm ent of a clas ical and theological school was introduced by Rev. Ad~el Sherwood, one of the few scholarly mini sters of his day. The establi shment of this school followed the next. year w!1en fo Ut· 11undred and fift y acres of land seven m1les · nort11 o f G Creensboro was purchased for $1,450. Rev Billington l\lcarter Sanders was chosen as principal and steward, and he Was .aut! lOnze · d to make the necessary a rrange m ent ~ ~01· · t 1H' openmg of tl11s . scI1ool m . January, 1833. Pr est'd ent Sanders was ass isted by Ira 0. l\fcDamel. . Among 1 ot1er ea 1·1Y teachers were: J. F. Hillyer, J. · \V. Attaway, Vi' · D · C tl OWcl ry, A W illi ams, and Shelton P. Sanford . Dr. Sanford, le most d 1stmgm · · · shecl mathematician the state 11as ever proc1need, Was connected with Mercer U niversity for over fifty Years. C Mercer Unive rsity, like Wake Forest College and Richmond o!Tege, Was foundeq upon th e Fellenberg idea in which manual





labor is combined with study. The experiment was given up two years after it was introduced at Richmond College, four years after at Vlake Forest College, but continued at l\{ercer L: niversity for eleven years, longer perhaps than at any other institution in the South. The Baptists of Georgia in ] 836 undertook to establish "The

MERCER UNIVERSITY Campus from Tattnall Square.

Southem Baptist College." !\ year later it was reported that a subscription of $100.000 had been secured, of which amount $40,000 had been given by residents of Wilkes County in which \i\ 'ashington, Georgia is located. r\ financial panic chilled the zeal of the friends of our proposed college. Division arose as to the location. Hon. Mark A. Cooper favored \ iVhitehall. now a part of the City of Atlanta. Jesse Mercer and the influential men of Wilkes County insisted upon \;vashington, Georgia. President Sanders and others urged that Mercer Institute should be advanced to the grade of a college.



When the Board met in Athens in August, 1837, the trustees of the college abandoned the project and surrendered the charter to the convention. The following year Mercer Institute by an act of the Legislature was advanced to the grade of a college and authorized to con fer literary degrees. This charter was approved December 22, 1837, George R. Giltner beit•.g Governor. Dr. Billington McCarter Sanders, a gradtiate of the University of South Carolina, discharged his duties of "landlord, farmer' teacher, preacher, and financial agent, as well as president." Rev. Otis Smith was chosen president in 1840, remaining at the head of Mercer University for a period of. three years. Rev. John L. Dagg, D.D., served as president of the institution for ten years, beginning 1844, and by his superior mental endowments, his varied and solid scholarship, his affable manner, his aptness in teaching and steadiness in discipline, commanded the love and reverence of every one. He was followed by Dr. N. M. Crawford, son of William H. Crawford, who was st1cceeded after ten years of service by Dr. H. H. Tucker who later became Chancellor of the University of Georgia. Dr. Archibald J. Battle became president in 1872, serving for seventeen years, a period longer than that of any other president of the institution. Rev. G. A. Nunnally, D. D., was elected in 1889, remaining with the institution until the close of 1892. Dr. J. B. Gambrell was president of Mercer University and professor of theology from 1893 to 1896. Pro fessor P. D. Pollock came to the presidency in 1897 after serving as chai t•man of the faculty for one year, and he remained until hi s death in 1905. Dr. Charles Lee Smith has lh e distinction of serving as president of Mercer University for the briefest period of any of the thirteen men who have ~1elcl this position. Dr. S. Y. Jameson in 1906 accepted the tnvitatio'l of his brethren to become president of Mercer UniVersity. Concerning him the president of the Board of Trustees .ludgc Thomas G. Law on, wrote: "Under his administration


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the college has prospered as it has never prospered before .. , C"pon the resignation of Dr. S. Y. Jameson, June, 1913. the Board of Trustees elected Professor ]. F. ellers as acting president, who served until June, 1914. Rev. \V. L. Pickard, D.D., a graduate of 1\Iercer University and a distinguished pulpit orator, accepted the presidency and served until 19], '. During his term of office there came to the college the Barbara C. Dodd bequest, amounting to $50,000, and the Caroline 0. Sanders, amounting to $35,000. On a Friday in the month of July, and the year 1918, Rufus Vv. Vveaver, LL. D., was elected the thirteenth president. The School of Law was established soon after the institution was removed to 1\Iacon, Ga. Carlton B. Cole, as isted by lion. Clifford Anderson and Walter B. Hill, later Chancellor of the University of Georgia, formed the faculty of the School of Law, which opened in 1873. Judge Emory 'peer. one of the most distinguished jurors in the South, was dean of the School of Law from 1887 to 1918. The present faculty is recognized as the ablest in Georgia. The course of study covers three years and the school is in process of meeting every requirement made by the Association of American Law Schools. During the past two years the School of Commerce, the School of Education, and the School of Journalism hrtve been ~sta 1 J路路 lished. In working out the present plans for the development of Mercer University, the Board of Trustees have determined to provide thorough college and university training for all younq men \VhO are destined to become the moulders of public opinion and the interpreters of religious thought. Realizing that a preparation more thorough than that which is given in the typical business college was deman led, and appreciating the fact that business men are becoming more inAuential in the moucling of public opinion. the scho 1 of Commerce with Dr. Francis Jerome Holder as clean, came into existence January 1, 1919. Less than ten percent of the public school teachers of Georgia are men. It is increasingly difficult to secure trained college



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lllen 111 the pi路ofession of teaching. Believing that there rests llpon every Christian school the obligation to provide graduate.;; properly equipped in the field of public education, the School of Education was opened in September, 1920, with Professor

MERCER UNIVERSITY Main Building, Rear View

Peyton Jacob, clean and Dr. John G. Harrison. professor and others who a1~e members of the regular college faculty assisting. The chool of Journalism undertakes to provide the training and instruction which is needed in preparing students to become 11 . ewspaper men. An experienced faculty assisted by the leading ]Ollrnalists in Macon and elsewhere furnish the instruction.



The . ~Iercer Cluster, the organ of the schools of the Mercer LTniversity System, the best college weekly in the South, affords opportunity for practical journalistic work. One of the main purposes in the establishing of Mercer Institute was the training of young men for the ministry. The founders made great finan cial :;acrifices and gave with lavish generosity. A large part of t. e money donated stated distinctly that the incom e should be w:ed for a theological instittt · uon. Th ere rests upon the manage m ~ nt of :M ercer U niv<:;rsity the lega l and moral obli gati on to use the income solely for this end. Th e chief difficulty which our fa th er:> met in promoting an ed ucated ministry was not in th e rai sing of money, not in the establi shing of the schoo l, but in the secu ring of a sufficient number of m en who were wi lling to tak e the courses of study 11hich they needed to fit themselves to preach . . :\fe,·ce r's progress in athletics during the last three yj'!ars ha..; indeed been . remarkabl e. L'w'er the cap:tble lea dership of C'o:.> ch Joshua Cody, one of the South ':; gr.?atest tackles, being selected on \i\falter Camp's all -American, she In s J: roduced ccn. i~:tent winning team s in all branches of ath letic>. In basketball. Especially has she stood out in prominence. last :ear winnin_:-; the S. I. A. A. basketball tou,rnament, and bein ·~ third in the nati onal ba sketball. In football she has a ls:l ~ hom1 wonder ful progress ancl bid s fair to compete with the S mth' s be r t ~a m s in the next few years. :\ lercer has always I e"n known for her winning baseball teams and has always r::- tcd with the best. However, her present prospects are en :Jug-il to w:! rrant even g r l!ater expectations. Although 1\IJ ercer' s pa st has be en a glo ·· iaus o:1e yet her futur e hold s out even greater prospects for her. :\building program ha s been launched that wi ll equal any co ll ege· in the whok Sou1h land. The bu~lclin g of an athletic stadium. rat ing as one of th e largest in the South, has been planned and work will bt started imm ed iately after plans are completed. llcsicles thi~, numerou s dormitories, a new law building and in stallation '>f


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new and modern equipment in all departments, are to go up this summer. At present, the enrollment of Mercer is 900 with assurance that next year will see it reach over 1000.

PROCRASTINATE-THAT'S ALL By 1vhcii.\EL J. Scnur.Tz, Ch拢 If there's a word we all should hateThat is the word," "procrastinate.'' More harm is done in its domain Than tongue can tell or speech proclaim. \1\lhen there's a task that's urging you. Something that you must simply do, And you would kill as sure as Fate, Just take in this: ''Procrastinate". \Vhen there's a friend that you should greet, One whom again you may not meet, And you would use envenomed bait, Don't shun him, boy, procrastinate . .vVhen there's a smile that you should give, Thus help some other soul to live, You need not show to him your hate, Just sit 路right down-procrastinate. \1\lhen there are promises to prove To friends you know just how to move To break them all, inaugurate The awful word, "procrastinate". Around the house, in class room, too, You'll find this saying always true: ''The meanest scoundrel in the state Is he who does procrastinate.''







Fifth District Insp ector

HE first district convention ever held in the history of Pi Kappa Phi was the fifth district convention in Atlanta April 20-21, during '..vhich time more real Pi Kapp spirit was manifest than ever known before in this section. The convention opened with an elaborate banquet at the Daffodil Cafe at 6 o'clock on Friday evening over a hun dred strong from Eta, Iota, Pi, Lambda and Alpha Alpha. After dinner, music was provided by "Warner's Seven . \ ces" which did much fo arouse the pep in those present. During the latter part of the dinner, a number of vaudeville stunts brought forth applause and pep never before witnessed at a former fraternity banquet. Following the banquet the convention opend its business session with Chapter Inspector Ray K. Smathers presiding. Brother Boone Bowen, formerly a member of Alpha chapter and at present Archon of Eta chapter, introduced the honor guest of the evening, L. Harry Mixson, of Charleston, one of the Founders of Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Bm.ven paid tribute to Brother :Mixson. Brother M_ixson spoke at length on the hi story of Pi Kappa Phi and discussed a number of the fraternity problems of today. In speaking of the founding of our beloved fraternity, Brother Mixson emphasized the fact that it was the outg.r owth of "friendship", a friendship that had 路 existed between the founders even before they had entered the College of Charleston. This friendship, he said, continued to grow and it was the principle on which Pi Kappa Phi was founded. He also traced the development of Pi Kappa Phi to the present time and urged the cause of "Nationalization" of the chapters-and progress toward a common end. His address brought a cheering





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applause by every Pi f app pre~ent. A yell was also given''Hi, Harry; Hi, 1\Iixson; Hi, Hi, Hi, Harry Mixson." Brother Smathers followed Brother Mixson and paid tribute to the founding of Pi Kappa Phi and its Founders. He urged that all Pi Kapps keep the faith and forge ahead to write the name of Pi Kappa Phi at the head of the list of all other college fraternities. Urother Smathers, in discussing fraternity problems, emphasized the need of '路Nationalization" and the need of a full time executive secretary. He urged that Pi Kapp of the 5th District turn all their efforts toward three things路 ( 1) that chapters in thi s district get together more than in the past and put everything on an organization basis (2) that every one get on the band wagon to make the coming national convention in December the biggest and best convention ever held in the history of the fraternity-"Let's bring one thousand Pi Kapps to tlanta in December and send them away with enough pep and enthusiasm to give the fraternity momentum to forge ahead as never before''; and (3) that Pi Kapps turn their efforts toward educating the fraternity at large to the need of a full time executive secretary. Brother Lamar 1\Iurdaugh, member of Lambda chapter, was next on the program. He endorsed the plans outlined by Drother Smathers and said that the time had come for Pi Kapps to make a decision-stand still or plunge ahead. Tie urged a progressive move forward. Brother John Barnett, Archon of Iota, pointed out what organization in this district was doing and endorsed the mow to make the convention in December a big success, by starting early and getting the pep going. lie also approved the idea of an executive secretary. Brother McClain of Alpha Alpha spoke and pledged hi s chapter's support in the plans 路to go forward. Brother E. R. W. Gunn, who was introduced as the "Daddy of Pi Kappa Phi in Georgia" was present with hi s usual pep and enthusiasm. IIe talked at length on fraternity problems, commended the work that was being clone in this section, and




appealed to all loyal Pi Kapps to get the spirit of progressiveness and talk and work for a bigger Pi Kappa Phi. T-Ie said the time had come when Pi Kappa Phi mu st have an executive secretary, that it had to be clone at the December Convention, and that the district convention should go on record at this time as being in favor of an executive secretary. He concluded hi s appeal my making a motion that the district convention go on record as favoring a full time executive secretary and that every effort be made to bring it about at next .Tational Convention. Brother Varnadoe, Archon of Pi chapter, seconded Brother . Gunn's motion and also appealed to the gathering to get the spirit of bigger things for the advancement of Pi Kappa Phi. The motion was passed unanimously that the District Convention go on record as favoring a full time executive secretary and that THE S路rAR AND LAMP be notified. The meeting ended-being called a big success by all. Detail arrangements for the dinner were made by a committee for 路 the disctrict council composed of Brothers Robert Jackson, Sinclair, Hammond and Flournoy. Following the banquet, Eta, Iota and Pi chapters entertained with an elaborate dance at the Brookhaven Country Club. The dance was another excellent example of the Atlanta 路pi Kappa Phi spirit, because it was the first one that had eve路r been given jointly by any fraternity' three chapters at Emory. Tech, and Oglethorpe. Warner's Seven Aces, the sensational outhern dance orchestra, swelled the air with splendid music from ten until two o'clock. The guests included fifty of Atlanta's fairest and a score. or more girls from out of town. The active and alumni members of Lambda and Alpha Alpha joined with the members of the Atlanta chapters in making the dance what many visiting Pan Hellenes termed ''the best in many a clay." The banquet and the dance certainly put Pi Kappa Phi on the map of Georgia in big letters. And, what is most important, it served to pep up every Pi Kapp in the di strict for the





coming convention. The ''one thousand'' brothers who attend the convention will have a chance to see this spirit in action. "We'll meet you in Atlanta."



R l\hLT,ER, Upsi! on

~-....., \ :\ Y, many years ago when I was a sophomore, I used

to get a lot of fun out of painting rosy pictures of the things I was going to do in the future. Oh, the fascination of those sophomore fantasies! You know the kind. Blissful illusions of a Rolls-Royce income adorned with such necessa ry side excursion as world tours, summer homes, winter re iclences, mountain lodges, and so on ad infinitum. ,\s most dreams do, these elysian picture came when the lngerso lls pointed to the infant hours of路 the morning- after some freshman was persuaded to place another chunk of wood on the smouldering den fire, to donate a pipeful of tobacco and to run down a vagrant match. Of course my fraternity connections, after 1 had persuaded the university authorities to donate me a sheep-skin, occupied no &mall part in the roseate scheme of things the happy Tomorro\\' would bring. ''Yes,., l mused as [ began to lay the colorful pigments on canvas, ''l'l_l have lots and lots of time to hobnob with the brothers. We'll have a continual round of gala occasions. luncheons, smokers, stag parties and dinner dances. It will be mighty nice to drop ar unci during business hours to some of the brothers, give _them a hearty grip, an hour of friendly chatter and smoke some of their best cigars. vVhen I'm passing路 through a town where I know a Pi Kapp hangs out, I'll sure look him up. extend greetings to the wife and路 children and " then take him out for dinner. And so the dreams wafted high and mingled with the tobacco smoke on its way to the ceiling. Not long ago-T think it was about New Year's when a


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perturbed conscience prompts one to take mental inventoriesI recalled some of the kaleidoscopic pipe dreams that were the bright spots in the memories of my happy sophomore days. It was a cold night and the wind outside whistled and howled just like it used to do in our frigid arctic dorm. This time I put the wood on the fire myself. Then I emptied the last pipeful of tobacco into my fifty-cent meerschaum, lighted up and let the sm.oke waft ceiling-ward the dreams as of yore. Right now I am going to confess truthfully I haven't clone a tenth of the things that in my dreams ] promised myself to carry out faithfully. A mental survey of the bright pictures of sophomore clays told me so-quite forcibly. As to the illusion I once had about dropping in on some of the jovial, good-natured brethren for an hour's chat in the middle of a busy afternoon,-well, that belongs to the halcyon visions I once had when I pictured myself a combination bank president and part owner of the Mi sissippi River. I had an office where I worked an hour once or twice a month and it was fitted with mahogany glass-topped desks and thick green carpets. It doesn't work so well for a struggling young college man, who has to wipe his feet on the office door-mat every morning at exactly eight bells, to come down ~rom his perch on the high stool and gamble a few golden hours in exchanging fraternity gossip and pleasantries. The baldheaded time-keeper doesn't like it. Besides office help usually aren't allowed to smoke during office hours. It makes the air bad for the stenos. But post-graduation days haven't all been filled with clouds and shadows. There are the fraternity luncheons. Refreshing oasis in a barren vastness of work! Food always tastes better w•hen you eat it with a Pi Kapp. The common garden variety of steak becomes filet mignon when flavored with Pi Kapp tidings and seasoned with piquant yarns. One of the best breakfasts I have ever eaten was one not long ago when Paul \i\Talker yanked me out of downy covers at six on a cool morning. I-Ie had a half hour between trains-probably of the

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big mastadon freight variety-and wanted me to buy his breakfa t. V-le ate every doughnut in that Child's restaurant. These little eating fests are sure to smooth out the wrinkles of a troubled brow. They make me forget that I have a pile of Work equal in height to one of the smaller Egyptian pyramids awaiting my return to the office. Even tl1e haunting memory that the next payment is due on that last summer's suit is completely lost over the fragrant aroma of steaming coffee. And on other occasions the fraternal love of Pi Kappdom has Rowed abundantly. There is the time a couple of years ago when Carl Kirk and I roughed it for a fortnight or so 'way up in the wilds of vVisconsin where the wolves are bed-fellows of the bob-cats. I don't know what made us want to attempt such a thing. Our idea of rough life in the Great Outdoors was confined to an occasional Saturday afternoon hike out by Crystal Lake Park, which is a peaceful little cow pasture and Oower garden not far from Urbana's main street. Somewhere We had read about some lumber jacks. They were wild men. They were up in northern \1\Tisconsin. We wanted to be wild, too, so we went two thousand miles to see 'em. We also had read about muskie fishing. In time we found that Wisconsin muskalonge are wild, too. Vve never realized before how practical and comforting it Was to know something about the stars, especially when you've tramped twenty miles in hob-nailed army shoes-when you are hungry enough to devour a dozen sirloin steaks, and just don't seem to be able to find the darned camp. There weren't many fraternity men among the grizzled, unfriendly lumber jacks, either. Then the glinting stars peeped out. "Know anything about stars?" I questioned Carl. "I've seen a few," came the laconic reply. "Now just take a squint at the big dipper. Yep, there's the Pole Star. That's South, I'll bet my Sunday's dessert!" And so two wayfaring Pi Kapps, lost and straggling, were guided safely to camp by the fraternal stars. Luckily we remembered our fraternity lore.



Last -summer the Rolls-Royce of my sophomore dream s drifted into a world of realities. Dut it was a Aivver. Li'l' Nell, we chri stened the creature, clue to certain suspicious fits of coughing and a tendency toward lung trouble. L'il' I ell took Ca rl and me to \ i\Tisconsin again . After a rou gh eige of sailing that would have mad e even a veteran sailor sea-sick we landed somew here in the vicinity of the Pole star. Fo r two weeks I borrowed all hi s good ties and clean handkerchief while he used my razo r and slept in the south end of my pajamas. l~ raternity ti es will make one stand for a lot of things. Sin ce starting to write this I've thought of a lot more fraternity matters I ought to have attended to but didn't. As I glan ce over my correspond ence file a half dozen unanswered letters glare at me. I feel g uilty. I'm neglectful. Some howling wintery night w hen l indul ge in the luxury of some more pipeclreams J'm go in g to try to find a reason for not answering my correspondence.






A memory comes back to me Of happy days passed by; I seem to be in memory Back with P i Kappa P hi. As in a spell my thoughts still elwell With my fraternity; T long to tell those I loved well Ju st what they mean to me. Their faces fade, th o friendships made Seem clearer as years fly ; Th e bond then made thu long have stayed, And will, Pi l(appa Jlhi!

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ATLANTA, THE CONVENTION CITY OF DIXIE By Fn:v:n HouSER, Sec1路etar路y Atlanta Convention Bureau


0 路w RITE. about Atlanta _is an ea_sy task for me-

that's my JOb and I love It; for, hke the more than 200,000 other residents of this city who have contributed their share in n:aki~g Atlat:ta the Metropolis of the Southeast, I beheve m the city and her future. For this reason I enjoy telling the world why Atlanta . ts always ahead. Emblazoned on the coat of arms of the city is the Phoenix__:_a symbol chosen, at1d well chosen, too, truly to represent this great modern metropolis which has risen on the ashes of her ruins to the "Convention City of Dixie". Laid low by the torch of an invading army in 1863, the fire thus kindled blazed forth after the war into a burning love of her citizens for the city wrought a resurrection that has been the marvel of Southern history. Atlanta was literally loved back to life and achievement, and the crystalization of that love has become nationally known as the "Atlanta Spirit." 'l'hat is the thing that has made it possible for the Convention Dureau to bring to Atlanta in 1921, 353 conventions with. a total registration of 100,000 delegates, for conventions are like business, they go where they are well treated for that same reason. Situated among the foothi lls of the Blue Ridge mountains at an altitude of 1,050 feet above sea level, the citv enjoys a climate unsurpassed by any. Statistics show that last year 111 0re hours of sunshine were enjoyed by Atlanta than by any other city of her size in the United States. The winters here are mild and mountain breezes temper the summer's sun so that the climate never reaches an extreme of cold or heat. The annual temperature of Atlanta is 61 degrees, being within a half degree of that of Los Angeles. Atlanta is the commercial and railroad center of the South-




east. Fourteen lines or railways radiate from the city and furnish easy and rapid transportation to the busy eastern and western markets, as well as to the Atlantic Coast and Gulf seaports; and interurban trolley lines connect the city with several thriving suburbs.

GEORGIAN TERRACE, ATLANTA, GA. This is co nvention headquarters, where the hosts of Pi Kappa Phi will gather.

路 The Federal Reserve Bank of the Sixth District is located here, and all the large insurance and industrial concerns of the country have their Southeastern headquarters in Atlanta. There





are twenty-seven banks and two trust companies conducting thriving businesses in the city. Atlanta is rapidly approaching metropolitan proportions with . ._ cosmopolitan population, it still retains the atmosphere of a city of homes and on the outskirts of Atlanta will be found many beautiful residential parks, such as Druid Hills, Ansley Park, Pace's Ferry Road, and Peachtree Road, long famous for its beautiful residences. In these homes there is dispensed by gracious women and genial men that hospitality which made the South famous before the Civil War. While Atlanta is the commercial, financial and manufacturing center of the Southwest, she also ranks high as a center of art and education. She is the only city in the United States, except New York, where Metropolitan Grand Opera is produced. One week of each year music lovers from all over the South flock to Atlanta to hear the world's leading artists in their master ro les, produce opera equal to that enjoyed in New York. Encircling the city is a chain of colleges that take first rank with institutions of learning anywhere in the country. To the east, six miles away, is located Agnes Scott College, one of the leading colleges for women in the South, ranking with Wellesley and Vassar. Emory University, a co-educational university under the auspices of the Methodist church is also to the east of the city. This school embraces a group of marble buildings unsurpassed by any school in the country in architectural design and picturesque setting. Here is located the great Wesley Memorial Hospital, just being comp leted, which will rank with John Hopkins and other institutions of its kind in surgical kill and in the treatment of diseases. To the north of the city is Oglethorpe University, another co-educational college of first rank, which before the Civil \Var Was lnc::ttecl at \Vashington, Georgia, and graduated from its halls Georgia's famous poet, Sidney Lanier. West of the city is Georgia Tech-the home of the famous "Golden Tornado" rated as the second best techniological school




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in the United States. Georgia Tech is in the midst of a campaign to raise an endowment of $5,000,000 which when procured will put the school in the very forefront of the educational institutions of the country. At College Park, a suburb southwest of the city, are Cox College for women and the Georgia Military Academy for boys. both of which rank in their respective fields. Tn addition to these schools, there are several private schools of merit in the city, and only last year the city voted a bond 路 issue of $8,500,000, one half of which goes to erecting suitable grammar and high school buildings to meet the growing needs of the city in this line. Atlanta is also a city of churches. Every denomination is represented here and the church buildings are beautiful and commodious. The city has forty-four parks and playgrounds. At Grant Park is located the cyclorama which houses the wonderful painting of the battle of Atlanta, here also are Fort Walker and the old war engine "Texas". There, too, is the zoo which has quite a representative collection of animals and fowls. Six club hou ses with their spacious grounds add attractiveness to the city, and the climate enables golfers to enjoy the sport the year round. On the East Lake Links, Alexa Stirling, former national woman's champion, and Bobbie Jones, amateur champion, received the training that won them their titl es. In this city, Henry Grady won his laurels as a journalist and here is erected a bronze statue to his memory. Here also is the home of "Uncle Remus" and "Snap Bean Farm" which ha s become a shrine where lovers of the folklore made immortal by Joel Chandler Harris travel each year to pay tribute to his genius. Here, Frank L. Station sings his sweet songs about Georgia. \11 these things contribute to the interest and busy life of our city, but the thing that makes Atlanta desirable as a convention center is her ample hotel accomodations, which are

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modern in every respect and second to none in the country. There are over 3,000 rooms and 1,600 baths in the hotels of the city and our restaurants accomodations are in keeping with those found anywhere.

WAR MEMORIAL AT PERSHING POINT, AT ANT A Hundreds of other points of interest are to be seen in the Convention City.

There are amusements here in plenty for those who need to be amused. \Vithin a few路 hour ride of the city are the famous battlefields of Lookout Mountain and Chicamauga Park. One night'!'> ride reaches Savannah, beautiful and hi. toric city by the sea. Twenty miles to the north is Kennesaw mountain, the scene of one of the fiercest battles of the Civil War. Sixteen miles to the no'rth is Stone Mountain, the largest solid rock in路 the world, on whose side Gutzton B01路glum, the famous sculptor, will carve a monument to the Confe::l erate dead that will be as enduring as the rock itself. At Marietta, twenty miles away, and connected by trolley, is one of the National cemeteries. where more than 12,000 Union Soldiers of the Civil \\' ar lie buried.


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Atlanta has had the privilege of entertaining such disting uished bodies as the International Rotary Clubs convention, the Shriners Convention of America, the International Advertising Clubs. We are delighted that Pi Kappa Phi is to hold its next convention in Dixie. \\' e"ll try to entertain you in keeping with your high ideal s and when you go away we shall hope that you will feel a desire to come again to "The Convention City of Dixie."

MAYOR EXTENDS I TVITATION On a letter head, bearing the seal of the City of Atlanta, Mayor 路w alter A. Sims, chief executive of Atlanta, the meeting place of Pi I apps in December, has forwarded to the editor of TnE STAn A n LAl\fP an open invitation to members of the Fraternity to attend the convention. The letter follows: Members of the Pi Kappa Fraternity: By a representative of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, I am informed that your body will hold its 1'\ational Convention in Atlanta, December 27-29. It is a source of keen pleasure to direct to your fraternity advance greetings and a word of welcome. 1 To finer group than delegates representing the Chapters of Pi Kappa Phi will visit Atlanta in 1923. Atlanta looks forward to the occasion of the Convention with no less lively anticipation than do the members of your fraternity. The city is noted for the warmth of her hospita1ity, and I am sure the Pi Kappa Phi delegates will feel that thi s reputation is well deserved and will want to return again. \"ery truly, ,路WALTER J\. SIMS . . Mayor.


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ABSORPTION By Jonx .-\. \ T_\nxEnoE, Pi ITE ideal chapter of any fraternity a composite chapter. It contains men of every type, the grind, the wit, the tea-hound, the athlete and the scholar. Xo chapter should have its members of any one type. Containing all of the elements of the above named types a chapter is enabled to keep live, peppy and awake mentally, morally and physically. Fre hmen enter a college fraternity for different rea on~. Each however has a right to expect from his fraternity some return for the allegiance, time and money he puts into it. The greatest need of a man in his freshman year at college i~ direction. His energies only need to be shaped and then released. This is the duty of the chapter. The chapter having men in every branch of the school activities is in a position not only to give the fre hman the opportunity t路o enter these activities, but also to promote his welfare and help him along these lines. To do these things it is necessary for the chapter to literally ABSORB the freshman, to take over his entire school Ii fe. Let his fraternity be both Alpha and Omega. Let it be the beginning of his college life, keeping him stead fast on the road to higher achievements and at last turi1 him out as one who has achieved big things. Then he has been ~ member of an organization broad, inspirational and competent to give him the stimulus for the life after college. This is not an impractical idea. It is capable not only of Working but of giving wonderful results. Each freshman ha some college activity in which he is interested. Let the old men see that this freshman follows this activity up actuall路y. ::\Iake it compulsory for the freshmen to take part in some college activity. They will thank you for it later. Thus, by having men in every activity, the fraternity grows toward the composite chapter. It keeps in touch with all things that go on.



You will find that in your "bull sessions" all of these things will be discussed. Then each man learns something about the other fellow's work. Is not this th~ ideal college education? Does it not give the polish, and finish, and the well rounded mind that is so desired for the college man? Then, when these men go out into the world, to whom will they remain most loyal? Surely to the Pi Kappa Phi, the l\[other, the fo under of much of their inspiration, of their brotherhood, of their fun, and so much of the real and the good things of life.

SONG BOOK FACTS By W.\DE S. Bor,T, Editor of the So11g Book I TE compilation of a song book necessitated writing each chapter a personal letter. The letters to the chapters went out in May, addressed to them as of the last address given in the fraternity journal. In those letters went requests for music of any kind and sort which had become peculiarly adapted to Pi Kappa Phi uses. Two or three of the letters were answered. Two or three voluntary contributions were received. The summer came with no material on hand other than that which has gone out to subscribers as the first four pages of the song book. It has been a proposition to get in touch with the music publishers, cover manufacturers, electrotypers and engravers, and, in addition to earning a livelihood, carry on a correspondence with chapters and individuals. The editor of your song book is faced with the proposition of providing for his family first, which takes some eight to ten hours of the clay some days and twelve to sixteen some other days, with the accent on the other clays. \ \' orcl has come to me that some of the chapters have felt a bit slighted on receiving no requests for material. To each and every one is offered a public apology. I thought, when

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I had written one letter to each and appealed through the magazine for material that my preliminary duties were done. The greatest stress I have placed upon getting out a cover and just four songs, for I realized that even four were to be appreciated. Right at present it is the title page and return address (for notification of changes of address) cards that \\'e are working on. Another four page section of songs will go out sometime within two or three month . The editor does not propose to make the songs a one-man collection. nut, the first few arc going to trend just that way unless some voluntary contributions of words and music arrive. It has been suggested that we offer a prize for compositions. V/e little desire to reveal the naked truth, but, to elate it has cost us just $415 in round numbers to proceed as far as we have, and we have received $100 from the fraternity and $35 in subscriptions. \iVhere do we go from here. in offering any prizes?

If we receive a sufficient income in the future to \\'arrant the offering of prizes, it is probable such inducements will he offered. Our desk is piled and decked with correspondence. If you have written us and received no answer, bear with us. But, heed an earnest plea! Send anything that you han of a musical nature. l t can't all be published in the fir :;t few sections, but we expect to avail ourselves of all material in some manner. Again, shake loose from the extra simoleons and send us a subscription. May we summarize thus: we need words, music, 路 money, sympathy. Does your loyalty inspire you to aiel us in some one way? A gentle tip: ''The Sweetheart of Pi Kappa Phi" will appear in the third secti.on of songs. The song will be in waltz time, and suitable for dance music. The composer's name a yet is unknown.




A~D L.\111P

HOW FRESHMAN. MAY SERVE HAT can the Freshman, or neophyte, do for the good of Pi Kappa Phi and his Charter? Freshmen can be an asset as well as a liability to the Fraternity, if they so desire. They must realize that an honor has been con fer red on them, and they should try to make themselves worthy of that honor. To begin with, they can show that they respect the old er men in the Fraternity. The older men have made the Fraternity what it is, and because of this, they shou ld have the respect that is due them. They do not expect the new men to feel below them as man to man, but they do expect the new i11en to regard their seniority in the Fraternity. or Chapter, a nd refer to them as advisers in fraternity affairs. Following this undestanding, the neophytes shou ld strive to promote the ideals of P i Kappa Phi. They should study the career and growth of the order so that they can take a real pride in calling it the,;r Fraternity. In the coming years they are the men who will perpetuate the lofty ideals of Pi Kappa Phi. They can very well profit by the mistakes and success of those who have gone before. Last, but by no means least, the new man should believe in the Fraternity to wh ich he belongs. He should feel that hi s Fraternity is right, and help to make it so. He need not be dogmatic or narrow in his views, but he can be firm in his beliefs. Nations are merely incorporated differences existing because of necessary and permanent divergencies in interest. So it is with groups within a nation . Like-minded men group together to g ive and receive. A fraternity i ~ a great brotherhood. Let u all "carry on" and be an asset to our noble Pi


Kappa Phi.

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HEADS ILLINI QUINT !Jrother "llank'' Potter, who for the last three years has been a basketbatt Rash nn University of Illinois courts, has been elected captain of the University varsity basketball team. Two years ago he played with the Frosh var ity and made his numeral. During the 1921 season he won his varsity letter by (.>laying in the majority of the varsity games. .Last season he was one of the regulars. and because of his speedy and accurate play won the title of "Iltini Minute l\hn." At the basketball banquet he was given the highest basketball honor when he was elected captain of the team for next year.



ScnuLTz, Chi

ITAT "Hell is paved with good intentions'' is an apt saying, every thinking man will agree. There is not one of us, however pel'fect, but has at least one stone in that pavement. Some unfulfilled promise; some unrealized purpo e; some lost enterprise. All have to ay "Guilty''; all must confess their failure in some respect or other. \ racation time is near at hand. \Ve shall alt be thoroughly


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tried during the summer in more points than one regarding our loyalty to Pi Kappa Phi. Now and again opportun iti es will come up be fore us-opportunities to cooperate as brothers . . Tever let it be cha rged to your account that you knew of a good man going to a coll ege where a chapter of P i Kappa Phi is, and you did not notify that chapte r of it. This is a sad leak in our cooperation. How often does it happen that a brother knows a worthy fellow who is going to an in stitution with a chapter of Pi Kappa Ph i, does not ''put the boys wise", and on hearing that the fe ll ow has "gone something else'', proceeds to bawl out the chapter for its neglect! By the sacred star an d lamp, avoid it! Avoid it, I say. A word and a two-cent stamp in time will save such a situation. Therefore. cooperate. Prevention is better than cure in fraternalism as well as in medicine.路 Here's just a hint to the wise, which may prevent a deal of anxiety and even abuse on the part of some brother whose feelings are easily bruised. lt is known to the writer that some men have met with brothers from other chapters who literally acted the snob. \Vhat! can it be true of a Pi l(app? Tndeed, it is, and that to the shame of the guilty ones. It casts a reproach on the chapter represented in the rude fellow; breeds unfriendliness; and dulls the love of many good and valuable men, who notice things of this nature more than others. VIe hate the nob, and that rightly. Tt is true that the taste of some groups of men does not ah,路ays suit that of another. But this is no ground for snobbishness-the meanest of all vices. One can at least be civil, if not intimate with the new acquaintance. It is better to have the good word of any man than to have the censure of the commonest. There is enough in common among all Pi Kapps to allow for whatever idiosyncras ie may crop out in the new man you meet, and to make the greeting at least respectable and tolerable. To all who go on your vacation, and love cooperation : watch this matter, and cooperate again. "Say 'Rullo!' and 'How d'ye do?' Other folks are good as you.



\Vhen you leave your house of clay, \Vandering in the far away; \Vhen you travel through the strange Country far beyond the range, Then the so.uls you've cheered will know \Vho you be, and say 'IIullo !'" \Vith these two point in mind, let us go out of our respective colleges and universities read y to enjoy the good summer with its wealth of pleasures. \Ve congratulate every brother who ha s persevered to the end of the year and his course, and wish every benediction upon all men who wear the diamond pin.



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Pi Kappa Phi's phenomenal and substantial growth throughout the nation is reAected well in its strides in the state of Florida, and particulady in the city of Tampa, during the last three years. Three years ago, as far a the writer can learn, Brother Bryan S. Pemberton, Eta, was the only Pi Kapp in the Cigar City. Now there are fourteen loyal wearers of the Diamond and Scroll who claim Tampa as their home. nrother Julian L. 1-Jazard, Chi, is judge of the Hillsborough county court. Brother II. Blaine Peacock, Chi, is municipal justice of West Tampa. Brother Richard ).1. Daker, Chi, is practicing law in partnership with District Attorney William l\f. Gober. Brother Bryan S. Pemberton, Eta, is connected with the Hollywood Realty Co. Brother Louis A. Russell, Chi, is employed by a large auditing concern. Brother Raymond Nixon, an active member of Eta chapter, is on the staff of the Tampa Times. In addition to the alumni and activities mentioned above. there are eight other Tampa Pi Kapps who are now in college. These include Brother J. Allen Vleaver, Iota, who is noll' attending the Massachusetts School of Technology; Brothers John Nunez, Tom Kennedy, and 路w alter Heidt. of lot~; Brothers Alva Knight and Norman Newsom, of Eta, and Brothers T. L. Vaughan and V\1. Fred Ferman, of Chi. Within the next year the Tampa alumni h,ope to obtain a charter as an alumni chapter. In the meantime, every Pi KapP




in the city of Tampa is determined to pull together for the continued advancement of the fraternity in the metropolis of South Florida. The chapters throughout the country may rest a!sured that th.ey will receive recommendations on good men from Tampa who may matriculate this fall at colleges where we are represented. As a part of the summer's activities, the Tampa Pi Kapps propose to stage an elaborate dinner dance some time in August. It is expected that Pi Kapps from all over the state will join in making this a memorable event in Tampa society. Any brothers who may be living or visiting in Tampa at this time, and who are not included in the above list, are urged to get in touch with the other members at once in order that they may be included.



Brother A. B. Stallworth, now district manager of the Equitable Life In~urance Co., is stationed at Raleigh, N. C. Brother J. B. Hicklin has accepted a position on the staff of the Greenville Piedmont. Brother ]. T. Richardson, '21, is now located at Rock Hill, S. C., with the Equitable Life Insurance Co. Brother M. C. Bailey is at present connected with the Sadler Neely Motor Co., at Rock Hill, S. C. Brother S. C. Brown has been transferred to Omaha, Neb., where he is in the insurance business. Brother W. W. Brimm is teaching at Cheraw, S. C. Brother Herbert Crawford is principal of the high school at Blairs, S. C. Brother H. L. Eichelberger is in the insurance business at Greenville, S. C. Brother F. S. Hay is truck farming at l\fartins Point, S. C

66 路 Brother J. H. Hunter is bursar of the Presbyterian College of South Carolina. 路 Brother J. H. Huey is in the drug business at Rock Hill, S.

C. Brother J. P. Young is connected with the Hotel Statler Co., in Detroit, Mich. Brother W. G. Neville, '20, of the Columbia Seminary, visited in Clinton for several days last week. Brother George Burgess is now working in Atlanta with an insurance company of that city. Brother Vv. C. Flanagan, '20, is connected with the Columbia 路 Compress Co., of Columbia, S. C.




Karl Wagner is a landscape architect at Hollywood, Cal. "Fuzzy" McHenry is selling Lincoln automobiles in Los Angeles. "Wede" Erickson is with the State Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Zeph Shafor will graduate this May from the University of Southern California in dentistry. Ernie Adams is _a geologist with the Union Oil company, Los Angeles. George Armstrong is a sociated with large sellers of electric supplies in Los Angeles. In the same city Don Bilick and Frank Strack are promoting a $150,000 smelter. Tobe Hurt is farming at Hemet and Cliff Stewart is a banker at Perris. Bill Barnhill recently purchased an orange grove at Colton. Bud Wright is a cattle raiser at E!cajon. Richie Richardson is now a student at the University of Southern California. Wed and AI Holler are operating a lemon grove at San Fernando, and Ted Kelly is teaching school at Santa Anna.





Ted Heitmeyer is connected with the Standard Oil company and is located at Whittier. Frank Nottage is now selling real estate at "Wilmington Beach. "Scotchy" 1\IcCrea is in the oil gam~, whiling away the time at Huntington Beach. Earl Sanborn is with the Wood Lumber company at the same place. 'Bud'' Millington is doing t1:ee surgery at Pasadena. Sam Laverty is municipal engineer for the city of Fresno. In the same city is Dean Oliver, a real estate operator. Melvin Paulsen is a jeweler at Sonora. Boyd Oliver is an organizer with the Sapiro Co-operative enterprises. Irving Fulton and Jim Armstring are both ranchers. Irving is at Sultana while Jim is at Selma.

ZETA CHAPTER Brother John C. Lanham, '18, graduated from the Law School of the University of South Carolina last term, and is now a full fledged lawyer. I-Ie was a successful candidate for the state legislature last summer, having been elected 'to the Bouse of Representatives on the first ballot. Brother J. Cham Freeman, ex-'24, dropped out of school this Year, and is now associated with L. L. Allen & Co., Cotton Brokers of Spartanburg. Cham keeps in close touch with Zeta, and is considered one of the most valuable men in the Chapter, even though he is not rated as an active member. Cham expects to finish his course at Wofford in a year or so. Brother Paul F. Carroll, '21, who turned husband last October, is now teaching at Carlisle School, Bamberg, S. C. This is Paul's second year down there, and they all say he is about the most popular member of the faculty there. Brother J. T. Smith, Jr., better known as "Jet", who was a member of the Class of '21, is teaching physics and chemistry in Greenwood High School. He remembers us with a visit

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now and then, and seems to keep up a lively interest in the affairs of Zeta. We are always glad to welcome him back at the school, and wish some more of our alumni would form the same habit. Brother W. L. Bozeman, '20, is also numbered among the most faithful of the old guard. At present he is holding down a position with the Woodside National Bank at Greenville, S. C. "Boze" is always ready to lend a hand when we call, and we count strongly on him. Brother Vernon Earle, '20, who was a famed football star in his college days, finds the old home town too good to leave. He has a position now with The Bank of Commerce here in Spartanburg. Brother Bobo Burnett, '13, is associated with his father in the practice of law at Spartanburg. He also holds the position of City Recorder. Brother J. J. Burnett, Jr., '16, holds a position with the American National Bank of Spartanburg. He also acts as financial advisor of the chapter at Wofford, and does his duty well. Brother Boyd Nash, ex-1919, is connected with the law department of the Southern Railway in Washington, D. C. He honors us with a visit once in a while, and is always interested in the things Zeta does. The Rt. Honourable "Babe" Smith, a brother of the class of '22 is at home in Hickory Grove, S. C., where he has extensive agricultural interests. He was a good scout, and we miss him in this, the first year of his absence from our midst. Brother William P. Hood, '21, is connected with The Hood Drug Co., at his home, Hickory Grove, S. C. Brother H. L. Josey, '14, is engaged 'in the wholesale and retail shoe business in Orangeburg, S. C. Brother J. D. Parler, ex-'23, is a Junior in the Law School of the University of South Carolina. Brother J. W. Potts, '20, is studying medicine at the Medical College of South Carolina. He is in his third year there.



Brother George W. ~路icGee, ex-'23, is associated witli his father in the real estate business, and at present is engaged in improving lots for summer homes at Tuxedo, N. C. Brother Herbert Langford, '11 , is bookkeeper for a large corporation in Columbia, S. C. Brother J. F. iGnney, Jr., '18, is in the manufacturing business at Bennetsville, S. C. Brother J. C. Hyer, '13, after leaving Wofford, graduated from the Law School of Georgetown University in 1916, and is now engaged in the practice of his profession in Fort Worth, Texas. Brother Charles A. Harris, ex-'20, has recently opened up his cotton brokerage office in Spartanburg. For the past few months he has been in the cotton business in Greensboro, N. C., and we are all glad he decided to come back to his native town to do business. Brother R. M. Edens, '16, attended the Harvard Law School after his graduation at Wofford, and received his degree there in 1920. He is now practicing law in Atlanta, Georgia. Brother George E. Simmons, '17, is boys' secretary of the Spartanburg Y. M. C. A. Brother C. B. Johnson, '18, received his law degree from the Uni:rersity of Virginia in 1922, and is practicing his calling at Allendale, S. C.

IOTA CHAPTER By F. E. vVmTELAw Cliff Alden is in San Francisco doing business as a chemical sales engineer. G. R. Barker is a captain in the army and is stationed at Ft. McPherson, Ga. Keff Barnett is following in Barker's footsteps and is a First Lieutenant in the coast artillery at Ft. H. G. \Vright. Keff has been married since September.



Roy Breen IS 111 the hardware business at Jesup, Ga. Geo. E. Bronson is in Memphis, Tenn. Clyde Byfield is still selling Appersons with the ByfieldApperson Co. of Atlanta. Cosby Byrd is in Rock Hill, S. C. J. J. Calnan is in Brunswick, Ga. Frank Carreker is a big clog with the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph in Columbia, S. C. C. C. Carson is with the Southeastern Underwriters in Norfolk, Va. Wright Campbell is practicing electrical engineering in Baltimore with the Western Electric Co. "Skinny" Cochran is in Jacksonville, Fla. \iVhat are you doing, "Skinny"? Elyea Carswell is holding clown a big job with the Gas Company of Atlanta. Som Cook is in Atlanta with the Elliot Co. "Ep" Courier is with the Southern Car \iVheel Co. in Birmingham. Fish Davis is staying quietly at home in Commerce, Ga. Stewart and Louis Dawson are in Charleston with their father as the Dawson Engineering Co. Ed. Davis is roaming around somewhere in South Car.olina or North Carolina. Anyone knowing his whereabouts kindly notify the alumni secretary. Charles E. Denton has .the high position of secretary of the Miss. Ice Uanufacturing Association. Charley is in Shelby, Miss. C. W. Dillinghai11 is in Anderson, S. C. J. Lawton Ellis is a professor in electrical engineering at Georgia Tech. R. Lindsey Emerson is in Fort Worth, Texas. Bill Evans is supposed to be in Mexia, Texas. Bert Filbcr is in the big city of Decatur,路 Ga., as a tester for the Western Electric.



C. W. Franklin is assistant superintendent of sub-stations in New York City. D. D . Fouche is working with the Fulton Bag Co. of Atlanta. Gene Gartner is in Augusta, Ga., with the state highway departr ,ent. George Griffin is coaching the track team at Tech and turning out a fast bunch. W. C. Glass is in l'.Iarlin, Texas. Tarman Hailey is rooming with Elyea Carswell and is with the Credit Service Exchange. 路 Hodge Havis i working with the Finley l'.Iethod Paving people in Atlanta. Barney Heyward was in the Chapter House the other night and said he was working hard with his advertising. He is with an advertising firm here in Atlanta. Otto Hood is in Lake Charles, La., and that is all we know about him. Dick Hucks is in Akron with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. When you write to Dick congratulate him because he has a on that he is crazy over. E. E. Hunt is doing highway work, building them, with headquarters in Memphis, Tenn. ]. E. Hutchinson is in Senoia, Ga. T. V. Hyman is in Cordele, Ga. Thurman Hood is in Commerce, Ga. D. C. Jones is with the Georgia Railway and Power Co. in Atlanta. R. M. Jones is in Griffin, Ga. T. L. Johnson is with the Atlanta Blueprint Co. Archie Jackson is going to Emory University and is now married. W. P. Lee is in Grantville, Ga. Dick Liltiott is with the Standard Oil Co. in Atlanta. Frank Little is with an automatic sprinkler company in Atlanta. Punk Lowndes is an engineer with the City of Atlanta.


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Eck McAfee is with the \Vestinghouse Electric Co. in Atlanta. Shannon McCreight is in Jacksonville doing business as a salesman. R. V.f. McFarland is somewhere but he has not told us where. Curtis McCree is engineering for the Seaboard Air Line in Norfolk, Va. . Fletcher Martin is with the H. K. McCamm Co. national advertising agency in Frisco. Victor Manget is in the cotton business in Macon, Ga. He took part in the installation of Alpha Alpha Chapter. J. L. Metcalf is president and manager of the Henderson Light and Power Co. in Henderson, Minn. T. R. Mize is an engineer with the Southern Car and Wheel Co. of Birmingham. Jack Little is teaching school and also taking some regular work at Tech. Jack hopes to graduate in June. Johnny Nelms is now with the Standard Oil and is doing construction work all over this state and in Florida. Robbins Patton is managing a coal mine in Coalfield, Tenn., and wrote that it was some job. Jan Patton is with the Tennessee Power Co. and has just completed an inspection trip up north. 1\lanuel G. Quevedo is a civil engineer in Cuba. D. D. Rice is still making lots of money in Atlanta. E. F. Rober is in Springfield, Ohio. W. P. Robinson is in Post City, Texas. Bartolo B. Rodriguez i in Tampico, Mexico, m the cattle business. H. E. Scott is in Herradura, Cuba. F. B. Seanor is in Fitzgerald, Ga., selling real estate, insurance and bonds. In fact most anything. ]. W. Setze is in Charlotte with the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph. R. C. Stubbs is in Dallas, Texas with the Vitrolithic Co. E. L. Thomas is in Lyons, Ga.



]. V. Thomas is with the Southern Car \i\Theel Co. m Birmingham. A. R Taber is somewhere in the United States. Paul Calvert Thomas is assistant secretary of the Spartan Mills in Spartanburg, S. C. Benny Wilkins is making and wearing overalls in the Tennessee Overall Co. of Tullahoma, Tenn. J G. Wilbourne is a laborer in the open-hearth process in the steel mills of Birmingham. H. E. Teasley is going to the University of Pennsylvania. ]. F. 路w illiams is purchasing agent for Gude and Co. in Atlanta. G. W. Shoemak~r is holding down a big position with the Seaboard Air Line in Jacksonville.

LAl\IBDA CHAPTER Lamar Murdaugh, former Archon, and a charter member of Lambda, is practicing law in McRae, Ga. W. N. Colman, a charter member of Lambda, visited his old Chapter for the week-end of April 14. Brother Colman is now living in Culverton, Ga. Vernon Coile is selling automobiles in Athens, and says that his fortune will soon be made. George A. Howald has taken to the wild and wooly west to seek his fortune. His address is Dixon, N. l\Iex., care of 1\Iinera l Mining & Milling Co. Oneal W. Chandler says that the world owes him a living and he intends to get it teaching school at Garfield, Ga. Lewis Merritt says that the automobile business in Americus, Ga., is fine, especially when you demonstra~e to the sweet young things. F loyd Calhoun is engaged in the real estate business in Perry, Fla. R. F. Harris is still selling insurance in Athens and even at that, he is looking prosperous.




Brother Carroll Beach who is now living in Xew York City, where he is connected with the American Dible Society, announced to his old friends that March 26th, 1923, he became the proud father of a bouncing baby girl, Dorothy Anne. Pi Kapps in and around Roanoke were extremely sorry to learn of the death of Frank C. ~ oel's father. Brother H. J. Pflum, Jr., who is pastor of a church in Rockville Center, Long I land, N. Y., paid a brief visit to the house a 路few weeks ago. Drother H. E. Erb, who is manager of the National Cash Register branch office of Bristol, Tenn., was with us for a few days Easter. Drother 0. F. Blackwelder of the Virginia Heights Lutheran Church, Roanoke, Va., delivered a sermon to Xi Chapter, on the evening of April 8. The chapter attended in a body, and 路 needle s to say, everyone appreciated ihe talk very much.


B;.' R. 0.


Brother Lennox E. -~IoTgan is with the Goodhart Tomkins Company in Atlanta. Drother Vv. D. Acton has joined the rank of the Beneclicts and is secretary-treasurer of the Gadsden Buick Co., of Gadsden, Ala. Brother C. C. Hill is with the American Express Co. at Dalton, Ga. Brother Roy Carlyle is with the Aetna Insurance Co. m Atlanta, but still calls ~ orcross, Ga., his home. Drother Elmer \Vaits _has a position with the A. D. & A. R. R. and gets hi mail at ~ranchester, Ga. Drother George H. Standard is in business at Danberg, Ga.



Broth6r Vl. L. Gordy is attending school at Ga. Tech in the mornings and abides his time in the afternoon and evenings with the fairer sex and his studies. Brothers C. I. Pirkle and Jack Cain are working for an M. D. at Emory University. Brother Frank Simpson is teaching and studying in Atlanta. Brother Lester l\lcLung is in bu iness with his father Ill Clearwater, Fla. Brother H. M. Bonney is with an advertising company 111 New York. Brother Bill Rhodes is working in :l\Iacon, Ga. Brother Walton B. Sinclair i teaching and studying in the University of Minnesota at St. Paul. Brother ]. L. (Bud) Bussey i manager of the Lovelace Lumber Co. at Lincolnton, Ga. Brother S. D. Wilkes has a position in Augusta, Ga. Brother Bill Lewis is married and managing his father's business in Cottonwood, Ala. Brother J. A. Hailey is with the Texas Oil Co. at St. Petersburg, Fla. Brother Ford D. Little is with the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. in Atlanta. Brother L. L. Bass is manager of the .Borden Springs Hotel at Borden Springs, Ala. Brother S. H. Gilkerson is managing h路is father's business at Summerville, Ga. PHI CHAPTER-Brother Charles Pishney, attending the University of Chicago, is now first tenor in the University quartet. Brother Paul Dunham, who is a student at the Chicago Y. M. C. A. School, was a member of the varsity basketball team. Brother Percy Appleby, who was graduated from \Villiam Jewell College last year, is now attending the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at Louisville, Ky. Brother Edward Mars, who i at the University of Oklahoma, is assistant director of the 0. U. Band.




CHI CHAPTER Brother Thos. ]. A. Reidy has been heard from, but we are still at a loss to know his address. He was out in Indianapolis last month. We hate to see him lose his STAR AND LAMP, for we don't know where to send it. \i\Trite us, if you know his address. Brother Claude G. Varn is very busy in his law practice in Bunnell, Fla. Brother T. F. Chalker is with the bank at Cocoa, Fla. We were sorry to hear that Brother G. A. Dulmage, Palatka, Fla., was ill, and could not attend our annual banquet. The return postal announcing our banquet brings word from Brother Earl E. Whidden, Mulberry, Fla. We are glad to hear from him, for we thought that he was either dead, or fallen into one of those deep phosphate pits. Brother C. J. Ericson, Miami, F la .. paid the Chapter a short visit in March, and we were glad to see him looking so well after his long illness. Brother George B. Everson spent a couple of days with the Chapter during the middle of March. Same old jolly, genial, hard-working George! Brother John G. Leonard, Sanford, Fla ., is a strong booster of Chi and Pi Kappa Phi in hi• city, and we were glad to hear from him. Brother Frank A. Berger spent several week-ends at the Chapter house this term, coming over here from his position in the Daytona Beach High School to arrange a triangular debate between the high schools of DeLand, New Smyrna, and Daytona Beach. Frank is professor of mathematics. We sent out not less than 55 stamped folders announcing our annual banquet to ou1· alumni, but received only 20 answers. We wonder why the men do not write. Is it thus with other chapters? If so, this is a worthy problem for the next convention-"How to Keep the Alum•i Interested?"



Brother Carl R. Miller, Upsilon, is in the plan department of Adamars company, advertising and sales promotion, St. Louis. Rev. George A. Odgers, Nu, who is on a furlough from his missionary work in India, is taking post graduate work at the U niversity of Washington. His address is 7049 18th ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. BIRTHS Brother and Mrs. John . Lathrop, Upsilon, announce the birth of a daughter, Phillis, March 14, 1923. Brother and Mr . M. E. Brame are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl born December 2, 1922.





FROM .SIGMA CHI QUARTERLY In the past two issues of the Sigma Chi Qnarterly that fraternity lays claim to the following-which we consider a pretty fine list: James C. Scrugham, new Governor of Nevada; S. S. Hutchison, film industry pioneer and moving spirit of the American Film Company; nineteen college presidents; 33rd Degree Masons; the finest new house in the fraternity at Oklahoma; a retiring general of the U. S. Army with thirty seven years' service, General FrankL. vVinn. l\i[u of Theta Chi, at the University of California, has a splendid new home. Beta Chapter of the same fraternity has bought a new home in Uoston. The Delta kappa Epsilon Q uartcrly contained an article on "The Grouping of Fraternities" in which is discussed the various plans which have been advanced for grouping, viz.: size. location, social conditions and age. The general policy and character of a Fraternity, says the Quarterly, must to a great extent be governed by the m1mber of chapters. The argument to that end follows: "Two Fraternities, namely, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, now have about ninety-five chapters, and with Phi Delta Theta, Sigma r\ u, and Beta Theta Pi with now eightythree or more chapters, will soon reach at the present rate of increase the路 number of 100 active chapters or branches in all parts of the country, and located in every sort of educational in.otitution. Next come Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Chi, with something over seventy-five chapters, and Delta Tau Delta





and Phi Gamma Delta with ten less each. We then come to a group of Fraternities having a number of chapters in the SO's, namely, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Kappa Alpha, Southern. Delta Upsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Phi Kappa Psi have from forty-eight to fifty chapters, and Delta Kappa Epsilon comes next with a drop in figures to forty-three, which number has not increased for ten years. In the thirties we have Theta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, and Phi Sigma Kappa. With between twenty-five and thirty chapters there is Theta Delta Phi, and Psi Upsilon. All the other Fraternities have less than twenty-six chapters, running clown the line to Theta Alpha, just founded, with only two. Of this number the first twelve appear to follow a policy of rapid extension and will soon have chapters at practically every institution where it is possible to 111aintain one. The next group including Theta Xi extend more slowly, with a probable average of two chapters or so in two years. The majority of the rest of the recognized social Fraternities are small because of their being recent organizations, which in most cases are ready, able and willing to extend rapidly, and in the near future will take their place among the large or general Fraternities. 'rhe exceptions in this last named class are Chi Phi with twentyfour chapters, Chi Psi with twenty-two, Delta Phi with fourteen, Sigma .Phi with ten, Kappa Alpha, Northern, with eight, and Delta Psi with seven, all of which Fraternities have either entirely given up the idea of extending the number of their chapters or only add to their number at such long intervals. and under such unusual conditions as to cause them to be considered in the non-extending group. Generally speaking, therefore all our Fraternities may be grouped in the above classes based on their policy in regard to extension, which seems to be the te. t for the form of government, social viewpoint and general characteristics of each. In the December issue we reported a fraternity building



which was being erected in New York City. "The Lyre" of Alpha Chi Omega reports a Pan-Hellenic building, plans for which originated in 1920. A capital of $900,000 is to be invested in the proposition. Among the members of the President's cabinet, Secretary of Agriculture Wallace is a Delta Tau Delta, and Secretary of State Hughes is a Delta Upsilon. In Congress Sigma Chi has the lead, with three Senators and ten Representatives. D. K. E. has two more Senators but fewer Representatives.-From the Car路n ation of Delta Sigma Phi. The name of the national publication of the Acacia h路aternity has been changed from The Journal to The Triad. Delta Sigma Phi has recently become international by establishing its Alpha Omega chapter at McGill University, in l\Iontreal, Canada. The September issue of the K. A. Journal contains life sketches of three K A college presidents: Pres. T. D. McCartney, of Transylvania; Pres. '0/. A. Candler, of Emory, and past president, H. A. Doaz, of Southern Methodist. With the retirement of Bishop Candler from the chair at Emory, Dr. I-:Tarvey W. Cox, another Kappa Alpha, will succeed. New York Delta Mu, at Rensselaer Polytechnic, and North Dakota Delta Nu, at the University of North Dakota, are two new chapters reported by Alpha Tau Omega. A splendid report of the system of fraternity exchange dinners at Illinois is given in the December issue of The Palm of Alpha Tau 0 mega. These dinners are perfectly in formal and arranged for in advance, and are reported as establishing better relations between the fraternities, improving chapter standards, etc. So well and so good. Now, if the initiating Greek Letter societies of the outside world, myriads in number and aims, begin such a practice, won't it be great when the Tau Alphas (tonsorial artists) have as their guests the Alpha Beta Ch is (assista nt bank cashiers), Delta Gamma Chis (dry goods clerks), Gamma Delta Betas (grocery delivery boys), and the Eta Delta Epsilons (hair dressing experts)?



The University of California is to have a $100,000 Masonic clubhouse. The plans call for a Masonic library, clubrooms, pool tables, committee rooms, dance salon, and banquet hall. • The building will be erected adjoining the campus. It will be the rallying point for all students who are Masons or who are tnasonically inclined.-Greek E.rchange. Phi Mu has entered Bucknell University~ Lewisburg, Pa., with the installation of its Beta Kappa chapter. Beta Kappa is the thirty-eighth chapter on the active roll. Governor-elect Brandon of Alabama is an S A E. ¡ Senator :t\1. M. Neeley of West Virginia, a Phi Sigma Kappa. Alpha Kappa and Alpha Lambda chapters of Alpha Xi Delta have been installed recently at Kansas State Agricultural College and the University of Oregon, respectively. President William A. Halnon, of Vincennes University, of Vincennes, Indiana, was made an honorary member of Sigma Pi at the national convention of that frate;nity which was held in Vincennes in December. Sigma Pi was founded at Vincennes, but withdrew from the university in later years when the institution failed to maintain its rank in university circles. Jumbo Mcl\1illen, captain of next year's gridiron team at Illinois, is a Sigma Pi. September 8, 9, 10 at Drake University, Zeta Delta of Phi Mu was installed. Delta Tau Delta ha a new field secretary, Mr. Ralph M. \Vray, of their University of Colorado chapter. Colorado's progressive new governor, Hon. William E. Sweet, and the newly appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, Ron. Pierce Butler, are members of Phi Kappa Psi. Sigma Chi will convene at West Baden Springs, Indiana, for the 36th Grand Chapter, June 26, 27, 28. Phi Mu may be given credit for commendable labors in behalf of public health in Georgia, having operated a "Healthmobile", making medical examinations, exhibiting free health pictures, etc.





Phi Kappa Psi will enter the University of Oregon by chartering the present local, Kappa Theta Chi. Oklahoma State College has welcomed Delta Tau Delta as its eighth fraternity, Gamma Delta chapter having been installed there in December. The Dekes held their national convention in \i\T ashington in December. Twenty five years had elapsed since their previous convention in the national capital. Kappa Alpha may indeed claim honors in the person of Lieut. John A. )Y.[acready, who, 1~ot being satisfied with the holding of a world's record for altitude, has won the laurels for sustained flight. Oregon Agricultural College is stated by the Augelos of Kappa. Delta to have the only college saxophone band in the United States. SaysThc Sigma Chi Quarter!~路: "A year's education at Indiana University in 1844 cost $68.16. Nowadays this amount will almost pay part of the expenses in importing the gi1'l for the Junior Prom." Two new chapters in Alpha Gamma Delta are Epsilon Beta, University of Kansas, and Alpha Alpha at University of Buffalo. Kappa Alpha has reinstated Alpha Iota chapter at Centenary College, Shreveport. La. Kappa Delta announces the in tallation of three new chapters: Sigma Kappa at Ohio State, Sigma Lambda at Alabama Polytechnic, and Sigma Kappa at George \iVa hington. We read with care the engagement announcements in our women's fraternity exchanges. Thereby we note that Oscar Stephenson, one of our Omicron brethren, has invaded the Alpha Delta Pi camp, while Brother Stmgis Victor, Up ilon, has exacted a promise from a good Alpha Gamma Delta. Success to these brothers. Alpha Chi Rho has three new houses, having been recently erected by chapters at La fayette, Illinois and \i\T ashington and Lee.





Alpha Gamma Delta opened a new summer camp last summer at Crispwell Lake, near Jackson, l\Iichigat1. Fire swept the P i chapter house of Phi Gamma Delta, at vV;:tbash, last October. Fortunately, most of the men were out of the house at a foot ball game at Indianapolis, or there might have been a loss of life. In reporting the incident, the article in The Phi Gamma Delta gave the following bit of humor: "Collegians have a habit of finding humor in every situation, and our fire was no exception. 路 "Gathering around a water-soaked piano, the brothers lifted their voices in 'Smoke Dreams!' " The first chapter 路of the Sigma 1\'"u Phi legal fraternity in North Carolina was installed at Trinity College, Durham, N. C., April 5. 'fhe North Carolina chapter of the Acacia Fraternity was installed at the University of North Carolina路, April 14. This is Acacia's debut among Tar Heel Hellenes. The Beta Iota chapter of the Alpha Kappa Kappa, national llleclical fraternity, was installed at the University of North Carolina in April. Alpha Kappa Kappa claims to be the oldest purely medical fraternity now in existence, having been organized September 29, 1888 at Dartmouth College. It now has a total of 53 chapters. A memorial, huge boulder, with bronze marker, weighing 12,000 pounds, has been erected in Memorial Park, New Castle, Ind., to Wilbur 'i\fright, the first man to fly in a heavier-thanair machine. The memorial was erected by the Phi Delta Kappa Fi路aternity. The new governor of Kansas, Jonathan M. Davis, is a Sigma




Nu. He unexpectedly defeated Billy Morgan, a Phi Gamma Delta. Walter F. George of Georgia is the second Sigma Nu to go to the United States Senate. Sigma Chi has had six. Phi Gamma Delta has withdrawn its charter at Trinity College, Conn. Kappa Delta is the first Sorority to maintain a chapter house at George Washington University. Lambda Chi Alpha lost four members of its Colby Chapter lily death on December 4, when a part of Cl~aplin Hall, a century-old building used by fraternities as a dormitory, was destroyed by fire. When a Greek is doing something wrong, do his fellow-students say, ''Hm! John Smith's working crooked politics again;' or, ''Nellie Jones, strolling around with a man after hours!" They are more likely to say. "An Umpity-Ump at it again. You know they always-" Is there anything in a name? t any rate, there is a Kissam Hall at Vanderbilt University, and 路it's a co-educational institution, too! Indiana Univer ity is . omewhat of a "mother of college presidents," 24 institutions having chosen her alumni. Among tRem are two Sigs, Presidents Lindley and Holland of Kansas and Washington State, respectively. There is a growing aversion to the world "agricultural" in connection with names of colleges. Michigan Agricultural College alumni are now agitating a change of name. Undoubtedly petitioning groups there feel that they have a better chance of making an impression by deleting the ''cow college" element. Phi Kappa Sigma has purchased a club house in Chicago costing over $100,000. It will also be used as the \i\Testern headquarters of the fraternity. Lee 1\1. Russell, the anti-fraternity governor of llli'ssissippi, got a taste of much needed persecution in his recent $100,000 betrayal and breach of promise uit brought by his stenographer.



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During the trial students at the Univers'tty of 1fississippi burned the governor in effigy. A visit to Arlington cemetery in order to decorate the grave of the "unknown soldier" and of the late Rear Admiral Robert E. Perry, was one of the features of the D. K. E. convention held in Washington in December. Fraternity men and women at Northwestern University filled 2,000 Christmas stockings and dressed 500 dolls for distribution among Chicago's poor. Achoth, a national sorority composed of members of the Eastern Star, will hereafter be known as Phi Omega Pi. Alvin M. Owsley, a Beta, was elected National Commander of the¡ American Legion at the New Orleans convention. Phi Kappa Psi has four members in the United States Senate: Dill (Washington), Stephens (Mississippi), Watson (Indiana), and Smith (South Carolina). Senator Kenyon, also a member resigned recently to accept an appointment as a federal judge. February will see the installation of a chapter of Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Oregon. Alpha Tau Omeg0 has new chapters at the University of North Dakota aild Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute. Fifty-eight, or two-thirds, of Kappa Sigma's chapter houses are owned. Hooray! Phi Sigma Kappa and Delta Chi have a new Dnited States Senator in the person of Matthew M. Neely of \IVest Virginia. Dual memberships are quite the thing now that the Delta Chi law fraternity has become general. Thâ‚Ź University of Rochester has entered upon a new era of pr.o .perity. George Eastman, of Kodak fame, has given several m11hons for endowment and equipment, and his generosity has encouraged other gifts. Roche ter has for many years been a stronghold of the so-called Eastern "fraterllities. Kappa Alpha Theta placed a new chapter at the University of Nevada in November. Purdue fraternity freshmen are now required to pass all of their work before initiation may take place.



The Phi Chi medical fraternity has absorbed the Pi Mu medical fraternity, which was founded at the University of Virginia irt 1892.

WIT, HUMOR AND ELOQUENCE From the Exchanges The Delta of Sigma Nu brought to our attention the following, for which c~edit was given to The Engiueer of Beta psilon: ((AMEN" A frat paper is a great invention, The gang gets all the fame, 路 The printer gets all the money And the editor gets all the blame.

This one from The Siren by way of the Triad of Acacia draws the silver-enameled bathtub as a prize: "\Vhat would you do if you saw a woman being washed out to sea?" "I'd throw her a cake of soap." "Why a cake of soap?" "To wash her back." Kappa Sig111a Caduceus gave us another little ditty in rhyme which tells a woeful, yet wonderfully. true tale: "Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust; If the others won' do it, The secretary must."

\Valter Ben Hare, in "the pep page': of A T 0 Palm says: "Professor Epenetus Crabb, our faculty phrenologist, rises in our midst to remark that the bump of knowledge is probably at its maximum period during the three weeks before a freshman enter coll ege."



The Tomahawl~ of Alpha Sigma Chi gives us this one: An officer was showing an old lady over the battleship. "This," . aid he, pointing to an inscribed plate on the deck, "is where our gallant captain fell.'" "No wonder," replied the old lady, "I nearly slipped on it my elf." Speaking of political ditties. how's thi:> on.e? \Vhatever trouble Adam had No man in days of yore, Could say when he had told a joke "I've heard that one before." -Lawrcutian. to which we add. \路V hatever boasts old ); oah heard, X o man to him could say: "Concerning risky ocean trips, I've seen worse in my clay." In "rushing" remember: That many a white vest carries . an empty pocketbook; that a fur-lined overcoat may hide a ?irty undershirt; that many a fellow with four pounds of keys ln his pockets, can't change t\~enty-five cents.-Phi Gamma

Delta. Professor-Success, gentlemen, has four conditions. Voice from back row-Tough luck, the clean will kick it out of college.-Oklahoma Whirlwind.







j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A truly ''Distinctive Pi Kapp" at Washington and Lee is Brother Earl Wallace Bibb of Helena, Mont. Distinctions have been won "fast and furious" by this brother, his latest achievement being initiation into the "Circle," Omicron Delta Kappa, the national fraternity for leadership and the high路 est honor a man can receive for campus leadership at Washington and Lee. Since his entrance into the Fraternity three years ago Drother Bibb has never failed to maintain a grade higher than 95 per cent. At the same time he has been active in Y. M. C. Awork, athletics and other campus activities. He is also a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, national commerce fraternity. So rapid has been the enrollment in the School of Commerce and the Economics Department at the University of North Carolina that the number of instructors has increased from two to eleven in four years. This has come through the leadership of Brother D. D. Carroll, member of Kappa chapter, who has been dean of the School of Commerce since its foundation in 1919 and the Department of Economics. Dr. Carroll, who was appointed by Governor Morrison as a member of the North Carolina Ship and Water Transportation Commis路 sion, is now secretary of that body. He is a director of the Bank of Chapel Hill and is a trustee of Guilford College. D_r. Carroll is one of the few members of the Fraternity listed tn


89 ""W ho's \Vho.'' Dr. Carroll has ever been interested in the affairs of the Fraternity and was the guiding spirit in Kappa's purchase of a chapter house. Chi Chapter is "there" when it comes to furnishing material to Stetson's debating teams. Two brothers, one a Freshman and the other a Junior, nosed out . everal seniors for berths on the forensic teams. One is Drother G. Kerfoot Uryant, of Lakeland, Fla. He, with a Pi Kapp as a speaking. mate, will tackle debaters from :\lercer University and Baylor University, arguing the merits of the proposition, ''Resolved, That the "United States should enter the League of I\'ations." To be one of the debaters i. one of the highest honors which can come to a sud_ent at Stetson. Brother Bryant is that. A record unequalled bv another athlete is that of Brother Joe Sewell, of Omicron, ~rho this spring was baseball coach at the 路university of Alabama. Brother Sewell in the spring of 1920 was playing on the Alabama baseball team. In the fall of that same year he was 路playing in the World's Series, the greatest baseball classic of the universe. Before the close of the college season Brother Sewell was signed with New Orleans of the Southern League, where in a few weeks he was placed at the top of the batting order. \i\Then Chapman, shortstop of the Cleveland Indians was accidently killed, Brother Sewell was called upon to fill his post, which he did by helping Cleveland to finish with a clash and to win the World's Series. It is a tribute to him that he polled four votes of the American League trophy comtnittee as the best player in the American Le;gue. While in College, Brother Sewell was honored by election to many of-



among which was the presidency of the student body. He was also a notable football player.


The other debating twin of Chi Chapter is Brother Chandler Stith, of DeLand, Fla. Brother Stith is a Freshman and left a number of seniors rubbing their eyes when the judges announced their decision as to the selection of representative . debaters. He, with Brother Bryant, will debate the League of Nations question, taking the negative against Mercer and the affirmative against Baylor. Brother Stith shares with Brother Bryant the honor of !路epre enting Stetson on the speakers' platform. This is hi s first year as a varsity debakr and brothers of Chi are confident that he will carve his name high in the hall of fame at Stetson before the completion of his four years. IJrother George I-:Toward Redfern, of Asheville, N. C., is one of the athletic triumvirate at North Carolina State Col路Jege, the others being Brothers George Murray and John Hugh Norwood. Brother Redfern is this spring captain of theN. C. State nine. In the Fall of 1922 he signed with the New York Yankees and is shortly expected to report in fast company. He is one of the outstanding short-stops of the south and can hit 'em with a wallop, his batting average being around .308. He was assistant manager of the basketball- team, vice-president of the Senior class and secretary-treasurer of the Monogram Club.





Ar,PnA CHAPTER, College of Charleston-Every Pi Kapp 0t :A-lpha is now enjoying a short rest after the second term exammations. Five were able to go home before the final lap, which Will end in June, when all hope to have completed a successful Year. Our ranks were increased from ten to eleven active mel\ !ebruary 8, when Adolph C. Lesemann of Charleston was mitiated. At our last meeing in February, officers for the spring term Were elected: Archon, C. N. Wyatt; Secretary, W. A. Teague; T-reasurer, C. E. de Vineau; I-1istorian, J. C. Going; Chaplain, G. E. Scheetz; Correspondent, F. M. Petit; Warden, ]. E. Royall. 'l'he high esteem in which the members of Pi Kappa Phi are held at the College was further manifested by the appointment of Brother Royall as swimming manager. This makes the fourth managership of the various college athletic activities Which is held by a Pi Kapp this year. Three of us, one the manager, of the basketball squad, on the trip up-state, were fortunate in being able to have the opportunity to visit Beta and Zeta. At each chapter, we were cordially welcomed and at the fraternity hou se, we spent as long a time as possible in fraternal union. Baseball has commenced at the College, and Alpha will be We]] represented on the nine as she had previously been both in





football and basketball. Brothers Hall and Teague will be the mainstays of the College on the slab this year. Alpha alumni have been glad to receive another installment of membership certificates this week, and wish to thank Brother Grant for his efforts in getting these out.

BETA PLEDGES AND INITIATES By H. M. BRn.n1 BETA CHAPTER, Presbyterian路 College of South CarolinaSince our last communication t0 the STAR AND LAMP sundry things of note have happened to Beta. Foremost among these was the pledging of eight good men and true, four of whom have encountered the trials, tribulations and perils of initiation and are now full-fledged Pi Kapps. The names of the four infant brothers and a brief description of each follow: George W. Blalock of Clinton, S. C., a member of the Freshman class, a man of excellent scholastic ability, a first string end on the Freshman Foot-ball squad. James E. Ferguson of Clinton, S. C., a Freshman who has shown himself an exceptional student, a stone wall at the pivot position in the Freshman line and is now a promising contestant for track honors. S. N. Hughes of Seneca, S. C., president of the Freshman class and a man of proven worth. \V. M. Sims, a Freshman who has also shown his athletic ability on the foot ball field and in track, and a man of whom we expect much in the line of college activities in general. Our pledges are no less note-worthy. They are G. M. Foxworth of Sumter, S. C., A. 'vV. Edwards of Darlington, S. C., R. Adams of Fort Motte, S. C. and L. 0. Lawton of Dalton, Ga. These four Freshmen are all members of the College Glee Club and in addition Foxworth will be heard from later on the football field, having played guard in several Freshman games during the past season.

I I l



February 23 our annual banquet was held and while space will not permit a description of this event nor allow for any raving as to the swell time we had, we do want to state that we believe this was the best one we've ever pulled-and that is some statement. A more informal affair but one that lacked nothing in festive joy was a chicken supper held the night following one of our initiations. 路 The fowls were furnished by the neophytes and furnished, by far, the most enjoyable part of the initiation. Before allowing Gamma's correspondent to proceed with his letter, we feel bound to mention some of the work our members have been doing this year but we promise to make our remarks very brief. On the Student Council this year we are represented by Brothers Hindman, Dendy, M. C., Lewis, \iVallace and Cornwall. On our annual, The Pac-Sac, Brother Dendy is editor in chief. On the Collegian our literary magazine, Brother Lewis is assistant editor-in-chief, Brother Hindman business manager, Brother Cornwall advertising manager, and Brother Wallace local editor. \Ve have on the Blue Stocl~ing, the weekly college paper, Brother Wall ace as managing editor, Brother Buckner alumni editor and Brother Cornwall advertising manager. Brother I-:Tindman is president of the Junior class and Brother Buckner treasurer. Brother Wallace is manager of the basketball team next year. Lewis is captain and first string pitcher for the base ball team this year and Hindman is putting up a scrap for the second sacker's job. Brother Dendy is director of the glee club and orchestra and on these two aggregations we boast seven brothers. vVe have given the above bunch of statistics not in a boastful way but simply to let you fellows know that the members of Beta are doing their bit for Pi Kappa Phi.

GAMMA HAS NEW OFFICERS By H. BROWNLEE PERKINS GAMMA CHAPTER, University of {California.-This letter finds the members of Gamma preparing for their second set of



mid-term "exes." We have been going out here for about three months now and the end of the semester draws near. At our first formal meeting we installed the following officers: Archon, W. A. Talley; Vice-Archon, K. A. Davis; Secretary, M. F. Boerger; Treasurer, J. F. Connolly; House manager, J. F. Hamilton; Alumni Secretary, H. B. Perkins; Warden, L. Vv. Wrixon; and Chaplain, C. L. Kluck. Also, after a very strenuous rushing season, we initiated the following neophytes: H. E. Erdman, PhD., the professor of marketing at the university; E. P. Jenanyan for Psi chapter; Thomas C. Quayle-Chris hails from Berkeley and is a Sophomore in college. When not working the various labs, he tries bis hand at eccentric dancing. Herbert W. Barrett, Herb is of the class of '25 and is in the college of L. and S. with a PreMed. major; J. Robert Peebles, this boy is also a Sophomore in college and hails from Greybull, Wyoming; vV. J. Winston Petty, '25, who is in the varsity glee club and hails from Berkeley. As is cu tomary, I will now give a short resume of what the boys are doing on the campus: Brother J. F. Connolly added two more societies to his pedigree this semester, namely \Golden Bear, the Senior honor society, and Phi Delta Phi, international legal fraternity. Brother P. N. McCombs was recently initiated into Alpha Kappa Psi, the national commerce fraternity. E11gineer. Brother C. M. Kennedy is now manager of The California Brother Walter Wrixon is playing shortstop on the varsity baseball team. Brother R. C. Fisher made his letter on the varsity soccer team. Brother P. S. Boren is back at his old place on the var ity track team, getting out around 23 feet. Pledge Hershel Hyde is now ranking second man on the Freshman tennis squad.



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Brother M. F. Hoerger is president of Pan-Xenia, international foreign trade society. Brother E. F. Hall is on the varsity rugby squad. Brother C. L. Kluck is on the freshman track team, running the high sticks. Other brothers are out for various activities, but these are some of the most important. \\'e are now in the midst of a campaign to purchase a new house and as we have sent out men to cover most of the state, we will have some very interesting news for the next issue of TnE STAR A:\'D LAMP.




ZETA CII.\PTER, Vloff01路d College.-Since the last issue of TnE STAR AND L.\MP came from the press, another wearer of the Diamond has appeared on our campus. Although he is ret only a pledge, still, since this number of our good magazine is the last for the present year, we choose to be a bit premature, and introduce our new pledge, Caroll ("Frog") Reames, of Bishopville, S. C. This lad, although barred by an inter-collegiate rule from participation in varsity games, is rated among the very best ath letes of the Freshman Class. He had a regular job as quarterback on the first year football team last season, and was always right in the midst of the fray. This Spring, he is playing shortstop on the Freshman baseball team, and is a star both in the field and at the slab. Reames is a splendid student, and will doubtless pro~e one of the strongest men in the Chapter at Wofford. A few days ago, we were honored by a visit from Brother Ray Smathers, chapter inspector for the fifth district. He gave us a very helpful talk, and, among other topics, told us of his efforts to have the Fraternity employ a full-time, salaried secretary. vVe subsequently discussed this question, .and voted as a Chapter to go on record as being heartily in accord with



his idea. Without prejudice to the incumbent, who we think has been unusually faithful and efficient in his duties, we endorse the plan of Brother Smathers. While we are deeply appreciative of the services of Brother Grant, who has given of his time and talent without stint, we think that the increasing volume of work attendant upon the growth .of our Fraternity has outgrown the pale of gratuitous service. Vve feel that the work devolving upon this important officer has reached that <;tage where it cannot be discharged without entailing a serious neglect of his other business interests. Therefore, Zeta moves that the idea of Brother Smathers be sanctioned by the Fraternity, and the position he advocates be created. We believe we are asking too much of Brother Grant, who discharges, in addition to his regular business duties, the clerical business of the Fraternity, and receives therefor only a nominal salary at best. Largely through the efforts of Brothers Freeman and Nash, we have at last succeeded in renting a much more desirable down-town Chapter Room than we have previously occupied. We have moved from the Harris Building on North Church Street to the Cannan-Fetzer Building on East Main Street. 'Ne have a capacious hall on the second floor, facing the street, and just in the midst of the business and social life of the city. We are obliquely across from the "Elite", and one door below "Finch's". Thanks to the tireless and efficient work of our good friend, Miss Harriet McCoy, we now have the interior of our hall as cozy and home-like as the best of living rooms. The manner in which all the active men and alumni have taken new interest and pride in the Chapter and in our new Chapter home has been a revelation to us all. We wish to commend this plan to all our sister chapters. Even in the ease of those who have a house on or near the campus, it is well, where possible, to have a down-town recreation hall, centrally located. where active members and alumni can conveniently drop in for a moment's chat, rest, or recreation. It is true that the rent


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is con iderably higher in our new location, but not a man of our number would be back in the old hall, if rent were free. Aside from our new home, our interest centers on the national pastime at Wofford. Ze1 a is represented on the varsity in the person of Brothers "Zero" Lindsey and Wilton Holcombe. Wofford got away to a flying start in the first intercollegiate contest of the season, which is the only one t0 have been played to date, and the prospects look very bright foi· our nine to lead everybody in the race for the state rag this season. Speaking of baseball teams, Brother .Ed Nash was recently elected manager of the Freshman team, and is busy arranginb a schedule. Brother Nash was elected from the student body at large, and his decisive victory over his opponent attests to his general popularity. Zeta is always at home to visiting brothers, and her sons are always glad to welcome them. '0/ e invite you all to colllc to see us at our new home, 1180 East Main Street, whenever opportunity permits, and look over the new location Brothers Freeman, Nash, eta!. treated us with·-------------------- ··-


By RAYMOND B. NJxON ETA CnA PTER, Emory University.-Opening of the Spring Quarter March 20 found every active member of Eta back in his place with the determination to make a glorious home stretch of a banner Pi Kappa Phi year at Emory. The Spring is the most exciting part of the year at Emory in several ways, because it is the time of the annual receptions and dances, of the intercollegiate track meets, of the student body elections, and of some real hard class work. The dance given by Atlanta Pi Kappa Phis at Brookhaven, April 20, naturally was the big event of April for the three Atlanta chapters. There has been a splendid spirit of co-operation among Eta, Iota and Pi this year, and especially has it been in evidence in the social festivities of the season. The



brothers at Emory, Tech, and Oglethorpe, as a result, are coming to know each other better than ever before. Eta hopes to have several representatives on 路 this year's varsity track team. Brother "Highpockets'' :t'\ewsom, our sixfoot-four champion of the cinder path and cage court, is in excellent form to lead Eta's group of athletic aspirants. Brother Newsom is the captain of the basketball team which u11held the name of Pi Kappa Phi in the recent Pan-Hellenic tot~rna颅 ment. Eta made a good showing in this contest. Emory this year is back to its old "open politics'' system, a11cl some unusual stump oratory is anticipated as a result. Eta has a number of men who have been accomplishing thing<> in student activities this year, and we have no fear but thctt a share of the college honors will fall to wearers of the Diamond and Scroll this time as in the past. The faculty now publishes the scholastic standing of tlte various fraternities, and as a result Eta is making a determined effort to raise the quality of its class-room attainments. Sotne clay we hope to see the scholarship cup in our house. House-building plans are progressing slowly but surelv. The motto is "A home for Eta by 1925,'' and the gratifying response of both active and alumni members to the endowment ins11rancc plan indicates that our goal is in sight. More than thirty men already have taken out policies, a $100 equity in each of which is payable to the Eta Chapter Alumni Association. In this, our last letter of the present school year, we wic;h to list the men who have entered the mystic portals of Pi Kappa Phi at Eta during the last nine months. They are: Edwin Cecil Bruce, Jr., Brunswick, Ga.; Lewis T. Bullock, Atlanta, Ga.; William M. Camp, Jr., Atlanta, Ga.; Wilbur L. Dickson, Adel, Ga.; Aubrey Fairfax Folts, Ripley, Tenn.; Simion Woodard Fouche, Cordele, Ga.; Wallace Smith, Atlanta, Ga.; Thomas Marion Strickland, Jr., Plant City, Fla.; W:illiam Anderson Walker, Jr., Ocilla, Ga.; Charles Yarbrough, Atlanta, Ga.; and Roy B. Skipper, Ozark, Ala. We already have four fine pledges lined up for next fall,


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and a number of other good men in sight. We wish again to remind the brothers of the other chapters that Emory opens the last week in September, and that we would like to have their recommendations on new men at least by September 15. The mail address of the chapter is Emory University, Ga., and the telegraphic addre s is the same, via Atlanta, Ga.



IOTA CHAPTER, Ga. Tech.-Iota wishes to introduce through TnE Sl'AR AND LA 1\fP to all Pi Kappa Phi brothers our three latest acquisitions, Brother S. A. Marshall of Rome, Ga., Brother A. M. Smith of Brunswick, Ga ., and Brother J. A. Stuart of Atlanta. They compose our last batch of pledges to be taken in and make the total of thirteen freshmen in the chapter. The next thing on the program down in Georgia is the dance that is set for April 20th . It is sponsored by the three Atlanta chapters, Emory, Oglethorpe and Tech. They are to be hosts to the Georgia and Mercer chapters. There is also a banquet planned for just before the dance, a kind of get together meeting with something to eat along with it. This year is the first time in four years that Iota has failed to win the eros -country run. Thi year we placed second with the Phi Delta Thetas running first. We had two legs on the cup that was offered three years ago but this year our fast lllen were not here to run for us, con equently we have to wait until next year to put our third leg onto it, and have it for keeps. Brother Turner is looking mighty good in the hot section between second and third base. He is playing the short stop's Po. ition to perfection on the varsity base ball team With the close of school coming on many begin to feel weak We lose fourteen men. Three finish in Chemical Engineering,



five in Mechanical, three in Textile and three in Civil. These men will be mi sed next year in every way. They could be called the daddys of the chapter for every one of them has done his share in putting Pi Kappa Phi where it is on the Tech campus. The second term officers were elected a few meetings ago, as follows: John Barnett, Archon; Herman Turner, Secretary; Brett Hammond, Treasurer, and Gay Keith, Chaplain. These men are in for all they are worth and are determined to do some big things with this chapter this term. The out going officers were, Atchison, Archon; Barnett, Treasurer; and Dimmock, Secretary. To these men belong lots of credit, for they took over the chapter with it in debt. Now it is as firm financially as any on the campus. and everybody in the chapter is making every effort to help their brothers in any way possible. The Glee Club at Tech is running fine, Iota has two men on the roster of the club in Chris Kohlruss and Harry Garden. Harry Garden is publicity manager while Chris is the orchestra director and will run Sousa a hot race for his job. Iota sends best wishes for a grand finale of the year's work to everybody and sincerely hopes that they will start the new school year off with a bang.

KAPPA ENTERTAINS THE LADIES By T. P. GROI,SON KAPPA CHAP1'ER, University of North Carolina.-The gentle breeze that hovers about our campus, is no longer laden with the .odors of cedar, and the stately oak trees that witnessed the founding of our University. Instead "Djer Kiss" and "Mary Garden" perfumes hold full sway-and instead of the songs of the birds-or the hoarse voices of men-the voices of females-full melodious, and such as cause the pulse of man to quicken, are heard, for the Easter Dances are on in full sway-and the beauty of the State is gracing our campus in




the form of girl -beautiful, attractive, winsome-and so lovable. It is said that one sober Senior viewed the visions as they lanced by and solemnly declared that Heaven must he a lonely place during the dances, as all the angels were here. However, enough about dances-for when a man very much in love begins to rave on beauty-'-old age is the only method of stopping without violence. "W ith basketball packed away in the moth balls, baseball has heard the song of the robin-~nd in his uniform as a warrior. brother John Coffey may be seen on the diamond as a member of Carolina's varsity pitching staff. 'Tis rumored that Coffey's arm is better than 路last year-and that at the rate he is going each unsuspecting batter will experience a nightmare attempting to knock a home run when the ball is safely in the catcher's mitt. There is much worry in the Geological Research Department for fear that the speed that Coffey has, aided by a lengthy arm used with a stiff arm throw, will create vacuums so numerous, and so constant, in the air, that the countryside will be subject to cyclones and tornadoes of disastrous nature. Kappa chapter boasts further of second baseman Joe ?IT ci ean-the same old trusty, steady second sacker who is now a seasoned veteran on Carolina's varsity. Joe's record is indeed envious, -and so far-his record for the coming sea on will remain good. Errors around in Joe' territory are as scarce as horseshoes in Henry Ford's plant. To Jeff we doff our hat. Other shining lights in athletics are missing at this season in the chapter. "Christy" Fordham of football fame is using his strength on the shot and javelin in track. If he can throw the javelin as well as he fights-then we warn the population of Egypt not to be frightened at seeing a new comet sail by-for it will only be a javelin thrown from Chapel Hill. During a moment when the team was off guard F. P. Gholson Was elected captain of Carolina's. Gym . Team. However, everyone knows that the brother didn't rate it as it is no secret that as a gymnast he should be exploring King Tut's tomb.






The other athletes, which are the majority, are in good training and a great season is in progress. These athletes are named parlor athletes-and noticeable among them are Brothers Harris, Smith, who is captain, Doone, \Villis, Fetter, Armfield and Stroud. Wishing Alpha Alpha the best success-and best wishes to the gang.

LAMBDA BACK AT IT By C. E. DnocKINGTON LAMBDA Cn.\PTER, University of Georgia.-Wt• have just returned from our annual spring vacation and on calling the roll, find that Brother Lucius A. Bailey of Beaufort, S. C., is 1mssmg. 'vVe do not know why he did not return, but the attitude of our remaining brothers is to work harder and put more enthusiasm into our machine, in order to make ourselves better Pi Kapps. Our Alma Mater has an exceptionally good baseball schedule this season with the majority of the games played at home. Lambda extends to all Pi Kapps a cordial invitation to come and visit us during this time. Dances have been planned after all of the big games which will certainly promise you a most enjoyable time. We are looking forward to the Inter-Fraternity track meet which will be staged on April 20th. Our team is going fine, and we intend to win the lovinf.; cup which has been offered the winner. We made a splendid record for ourselves during the Inter-Fraternity basketball tournament. Although we did not win the tournament, our "dashing" quintet carried us to the semi-finals. It was pas eel in our last Chapter meeting to have the best house-party we have ever had, during Commencement. So, we are all getting together and trying to decide on the girls we

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want to have. Of course, we want to.have them all, but fearing they might get together and tell each other everything we have ever told them, we do not deem it best. However, watch us, for we are going to give a party that the "fair damsels" will never forget. Brother Ray K. Smathers, our Chapter Inspector, was with us a few路 days ago and he explained to us in detail what was being clone for and by Pi Kapps everywhere. Lambda favors the appointment of an Executive Secretary. Lambda has thought this over and weighed it well, and we want to take this opportunity to say that we are in favor of it, and heartily endorse the movement. This man would relieve the .Supreme Secretary of his many duties, and therefore, would tend to keep the Chapters in closer touch with the officers of our Fraternity. Is it true that we do not keep in close enough touch with our ~tlumni? \i\T ell, we wish to say that we are doing everything 111 our power to get in touch with ours. At the present time, our alumni record is in better shape than ever before, for we have all the elope about them, with the exception of three or four. Since the last issue of Tn:e STAR AND LAMP we have initiated three men, and take pleasure in introducing them to you-G. P. Holland, Augusta, Ga.; Oliver C. \i\Timbish, Savannah, Ga.; W. A. (Bud) Foster, Dallas, Ga. By the time this issue reaches most of us, co)lege will be nearly out. Lambda sends her best wishes to each at1cl every one of you, for a most successful and pleasant vacation. Further, during vacation, we wish to. foster a spirit of thorough co-operation among all the Chapters in the matter of pledging new men. While at home, take an active interest in pledging good men, from your home town, who are going to other colleges, as well as those who are going to your own, then Pi Rappa Phi would be greatly benefitted.





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Ml. CnAPTER, Trinity College.-The initiation is over and the new men look good with their pin of Pi Kappa Phi. They are now doing their bit for the Fraternity by falling in line with the oiJer brothers and are already showing an unusual interest that will sometime in the near future be of profit to the Fraternity. The new initiates are Ray Downey of High Point, N. C., Garland Greene of Raleigh, N. C., Lionel Tucker of Madison, N. C., and William Phifer of Monroe, N. C. These are the names of the men who were initiated at the annual initiation-four in ail. Since then another important member has been added to our list-one Sloane \i\/aller Payne of Taylorsville, N. C. We are fortunate in getting Payne, and a better boy does not live. 路 Mu chapter still has its eyes open for good men, and we are almost certain to get one or two more men before the finals. We want the fraternity to know that we are after the very best material that can be had, and if any are in doubt about this, just come to see us. We shall be glad to show you our town. Of course we have our eyes open, for good men is the most important thing that we must do, yet we are not lacking in anything that is for Pi Kappa Phi's benefit. Our hall is not to be excelled by any other on the campus. As a popular fraternity, no other is as popular, socially or in activity work. Vve are trying to make our chapter come out on top. We now have thirteen active members. Before Easter we had fourteen, but Brother Caldwell, our famous football star, had to leave us to prepare his way for entrance to Vvest Point sometime in July. He is a good brother and we are going to miss him here, yet we know that he is still a Pi Kapp and that he is a credit to the Fraternity. Someday we may have a great general in our midst, and we hope he will have the best of luck with his new career. The active members are Huckabee,




Spencer, Tyler, Dempster, Bailey, Teague, Pegram, Ritch, Downey, Payne, Phifer, Green, and Tucker. February 14 the new officers were elected: Huckabee, who returned to us after Christmas, was elected Archon; Tyler, secretary; Caldwell, chaplain; Ritch, historian; Dempster, correspondent; and Bailey, warden. With this crew, Mu chapter hopes to make rapid and steady progress . .i\Iu chapter is interested in the other chapters. \Ve want to 路know and learn more about what is going on outside, and any suggestions as to how we can make a better acquaintance of these distant brothers will certainly be appreciated. vVe are doing all we can to associate with the chapters near by and We have succeeded somewhat in doing this. It means a whole lot to the Fraternity to be better connected and it will certainly help the local chapter. Help us, brothers, like we are trying to help you and associate more with these distant brothers.


Xr CHAPTER, Roanoke College.-So far, this year has proven to be XI's greatest. \Vhat have we done, someone might ask? Well, as briefly as possible, I will try to relate a few of the most important items. The second semester opened with a Aurry and every one Was crowding around the bulletin boards to see what the >ernester averages were. Pi Kappa second, among the fraternities, with Brother Chapman holding a first distinction. That wasn't bad at all, was it? Then bidding season opened and after a day of unrest, we summed up our total of eleven '路goats'", the pick of the flock. and all of them live men who take things to heart. \Ve are now finishing up on our initiations, and as the boys tread the "hot sands" of the desert we are instilling in them, the old Pi Kapp spirit. The following is a list of our pledges: Francis




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Davies, Waveland, Ind., R. S. Wright, Strasburg, Va., H. N. Rowzie, Christiansburg, Va., P . St. Rutherford, Bristol, Va., M. C. Davis, Savannah, Ga., Anthon Gieson, Radford, Va., Fred Poteet, Roanoke, Va.,Lester Englby, Roanoke, Va., Frank Crockett, Dublin, Va., C. S. Chapman, Salem, Va., and Curtiss Dobbins of Radford Va. This brings our grand total to twenty-nine members, each working and trying to outdo the others in everything that is good for the Fraternity. Then to tell you about our base ball ·prospects, we have four letter men wearing the 1Iaroon and Grey: Ould (Capt.), Litts. Davis and Couk; and Brothers Martin Giesen and Chapman, who are scrapping for a regular berth. Brother Roller 'is manager and Brother Underwood is assistant manager. Brother Rol ler has arranged a fine schedu le and prospects are very bright for a successful season. Xi and Rho including the Alumni Chapter of Roanoke City ar·e planning a get together in the form of a banquet and ball. This will be in the near future and everyone is anticipating a wonderful time, when the brothers of the two schools may exchange the grip and keep alive the Pi Kapp spirit. In conclusion, X i wants everyone to keep in mind the convention, and using Brother Harper's words, ''On to Atlanta", let's all try and be there. Now is the time to start preparing and Xi hopes to have a great number of her active members and alumni ready to enter when the doors open on the morning of December 29.

TWO· PI KAPPS CANDIDATES By rr. w: STEI'HENs 0MlCRON CH.\PTER, University of Alabama.-Campus politics are the theme of the hour. The annual election of officers under Alabama's syftem of student government is to come off on the· 27th of April. Two Pi Kapps .have thrown their hats





into the ring. Marvin Kelley, our erstwhile treasurer, is in the race for president of the student body and Julian Pinkston is out for business manager of The C01'0lla . Two men have been pledged since the last edition of Tm; STAR AND LAMP. They are Adam Dreher, Cullman Ala., and R. R路 Carruthers, Oak Hill, Ala. Their initiation will take place sometime within the next two weeks. Qmicron Chapter will hold its sixth annual banquet in honor of the founding of the chapter on the 17th of Apri l. This banquet, the holding of which has become a custom, is always the final gathering of alumni and active members of the chapter in the scholastic year, and is invariably looked forward to with pleasure. This year there is an added interest in that the chapter is planning to erect a home of its own on the campus Within the coming year and the gathering of the clan on the 17th is expected to prove a great incentive to the movement. This year we count ourselves fortunate in that we will lose only seven men through graduation. This means that next Year we will return to sch9ol an almost complete chapter.



PL CHAPTER, Oglethorpe University.-Pi chapter is near the end of its most successful year. Vlith its finances in the best of condition and posse sing more than its share of the campus honors littl e more could be wished for. The fraternity spirit Prevails very strongly and we feel that the presence of it is responsible for our accomplishments. In order to list the honors that Pi chapter has achieved we refer to the Un iversity directory. In the letter men's club Brother Morris is secretary and treasurer and Brother Davis is Vice president. The football captain of last year's team was Brother David and for the next year it is Brother Brown. The baseball captain of last year's team was Brother Little and for



this year is Brother Morris, with Brother David as alternate. Brother Varnedoe is manager of the team. Brother Selman was manager of the ba ketball team. Brothers Gordy and Campbell compose the tennis team. Brothers Caldwell and Scruggs are two of the cheer-leaders that help keep up the school spirit.

OMICRON BOTHERS Captains of Oglethorpe's Athletic Teams.

The Yamacraw, the college annual, has for its business manager Brother 路w atkins with Brother Yarnedoe a assistant. Our weekly paper, The Pef1'el, is guided by Brother Lawrence as editor, Brother Watkins, assistant editor, Brother Sinclair, circulation manager, and Brothers Yarnecloe and 1\Iorris are two of the leading columnists. Brothers Watkins and Jackson are on the debating team. Brothers Varnecloe and \Vatkins are members of the Boars Head, an honorary club.



Brother Lawrence is president of the glee club and sings a "mean" basso. Brothers Varnedoe, Jackson, and Jordan are members of the Oglethorpe Players Club. Brother Varnecloe is vice president and Brother Watkins is business manager of this club. Brother Varnecloe is vice president of the Senior class, and Brother Lawrence is historian. Brother David is president of the Junior class, Brother Morris is vice president and Brother Brown is secretary and treasurer.

Pi Kappa Who Compose Oglethorpe's Tennis Team

Brother David has the distinction of being the president of each of his classes since he entered Oglethorpe. Pi Chapter won the inter-fraternity baseball championship last year and we are putting a strong team in the Jield this year. We expect to win the title again. Oglethorpe's last year football team was composed of eight of our good brothers including the captain and manager. This Year's baseb~ll team has five of our members. Under the captaincy of Brother :\!orris we are expecting a winning team





this year even though it got off to a bad start by being defeated by Yale and Penn State. The three chapters in Atlanta, Iota, Eta and Pi, are to give a formal dance at the Brookhaven club April 23. About four hundred invitations have been issued to the college contingent of Atlanta. It is to be one of the largest and best affairs of the commencement season. Pi chapter entertained in her chapter rooms March 2 at an informal dinner dance. About thirty good brothers and 'theirs" enjoyed themselves until the proverbial zero hour. April 5, Brother vVatkins. gave Pi chapter and its pledges a dinner at his home. The outgoing brothers gave us a talk expressing their regrets at the parting. Brother Varnedoe gave a very impressive talk on the "Soul of a Fraternity." Everything went off in great style. We have three pledges that will be initialed on April 16. They are John H. Frazer, Cedartown, Ga., Calhoun H. Young, Union, S. C .. and Clarence Wimbish, Atlanta, Ga. The best has been saved for the last. Don't forget the Convention. We are going to make this positively the largest and best convention that the l)i Kappa Phi fraternity has ever had. We have everything prepared and are just waiting for the month of December to roll around so that we can show all of you what Pi Kappa Phi is and what it mean clown here.


J. F. 1 rr:NDoN

Rno CHAPTER, Washington and Lee Univer ity.-In introducing the seven new brothers initiated into Rho Chapter at Washington and Lee this year we believe that we have seven of the best rounded men in the l"reshman Class and we are justly proud of them. They are, Paul Irwin Dest of Fremont, N. C.; Edgar Rudolph Lane of Fremont, N. C.; Archibald Howell McLeod of Lakeland, Florida; Paul Henry Page of

111 Asheville, N. C.; Jesse Thompson Stallings of Birmingham, Ala.; George William Summerson of Norfolk, Va.; and Digby Clarke West of Berryville, Arkansas. Already several of our new brothers are distinguishing themselves in various bancl1es of campus activities. "Very" Best has twice made the cast of the Troubadours, the dramatic organization of the University. Out of the twenty tryouts for The Ri11g-tum Phi staff, Jesse Stallings was one of the seven men who made it. Digby West is working hard as an assisstant manager of football in Spring practice. Rudy Lane has already captured his class numeral in Freshman basketball and is now playing regularly with the Freshman baseball team. The coaches regard him as varsity material for next year in these two sports. Brothers Summerson and McLeod are out for track and football respectively. The Chapter now includes twenty men. All are interested in the one big purpose, that of keeping and always improving the standing and recognition of Pi Kappa Phi on the campus. Scholastically we stood fifth in the fraternity averages last semester. We are now represented in all branches of campus activities and leading in ome. Our student body election comes within the next month and we hope to announce a success in that by t~e next issue.



TAu CHAPTER, North Carolina State College.-We are all back from the Easter vacations except Brother Lucian I1. 1Iarris, Jl'., who left school to accept a position in Charlotte last February. Several did not go home Easter as they were connected with the baseball team and also wished to stay for the Easter dances. We have played our first games of the season in basketball Under the leadership of om new captain, Brother Redfearn.




Brother George Red 拢earn was all-state short-stop last season and is now the property of the Yanks of New York. We have dreams of Brother Redfearn bringing us through with the state pennant this season as we have played several of the strongest teams of the state and have not been defeated yet. Our track team promises to make as enviable a record this year as it made last year. We have just had a meet with our Brothers at Trinity and brought home the laurels. We are depending on our track and baseball teams to make up for our defeats in football and basketball last fall. We had a "feed" at the Blue Moon Inn on Dixie Trail last January which was indeed a great success, we believe. It was for the sole purpose of "rushing" and indeed that is what it succeeded in doing. We had several of the alumni back with us. You can be路 sure that we certainly did enjoy having them with us too. We have decided to celebrate the "Founding Day of the Chapter'' which was 1ay 1, 1920. Invitations will be sent to all alumni and we are looking for them to make us a vtstt. We will have a banquet at the Blue Moon Inn on the ''Founding 1\'ight." l\Iay 1, we have a baseball game scheduled with Davidson College to be played on our home diamond and the next clay we have a game with Richmond University. Vv'e would be glad for the alumni to stay for both these games. 'T'hi.c; vear has been the best in the history of the college as far as the Fraternities were concerned. There were more Freshman material to be had as Fraternity men than ever before, and it was surely gotten too. Last year the national fraternities at this college sent bids to twenty odd men February 1, and this year they sent forty odd bids out on "Bid Day". Of course Pi Kappa Phi received her share of the Freshmen. We got three of the finest boys on the campus. And now, permit me to introduce you to these new Pi Kapps. They are: Urother l\' onnan Thompson Smithwick, whose home is at La Grange, N. C. He is indeed an asset to old Tau, but he is not at all by himself. Making him a Pi Kapp assures us of another sister.





Brother Edward A. Sutton, another member of La Grange. and not a better boy to be found on the campus. He is a sure man to get nineties and always can be depended on. Tie is not at all far from home when with the ladies himself. He was a member of last years baseball squad at Bingham Military chool and we are depending on him pushing someone for a place on the varsity squad next year. Brother Edward Allwodren Robison who comes to us from Pi Kappa Phi's State of South Carolina reflects credit on the fraternity. His home i at Columnia and he knew quite a number of Pi. Kappa Phi's before he came here. He went to Newberry College last year. Eddie is an all around good fellow and we are proud to have him as one of us. . , Last, but not least in what he does, tho small in size, is Drother hom as Mortimer Harris, a member of the Junior Class. He 15 from Louisburg, N. C., and is one of the textile boys, who claim to be the best on the hill. \Vhen he smiles you just can't help but like him. . Brother Hines is a member of one of the committees which IS to make the dances at the finals a success this year. \Ve are all looking forward to these with great anticipation.





DPSILON CHAPTER, University of Illinois.-Spring seems to be here even if we do get frozen now and then for a couple of clays. Among other things, a young man's fancy turns to baseball and other outdoor sports. \Ve, at one-o- ix, are bringing our gl.oves, baseballs, and the rest of our equipment from the background to the center of attention. Basketball is a thing of the past now. Boys, you should have seen "Dill" Voight step around the other night in the pony chorus of our student opera, "The Red Flamingo." He made a fine ''girl" and is now dated up for the TP.st of the year. The opera was given at Decatur, Illinois


during the Easter vacation. Brother Brame was selected from the opera orchestra along with some others to go to Decatur with the show to play with the Decatur orchestra. Shortly after the beginning of the semester, one-o-six was the scene of many strange sights. Ten men were initiated at that time and, as they say, a good time was had by all. Since the initiation we are glad to announce the pledging of two good men. They are: 1-Iarold Peet, '24, of Chicago and Paul Alberts, '25, of Palestine, Illinois. A few days ago Pledge Peet was initiated in~o the Scabbard and Blade, honorary military ociety. . Brothers Wickhorst and Harris Jones are路 working right along at football and editorial work, respectively. Our political wizards are not standing still by any means. Brother Howard will have to find time to do his路 work on another committee, the Junior . Informal, but he wi ll do it some way. Did you ever see a busy person who did not have time to do just one mor~ thing? 路





Prn CIIAPTEH, University of Tul sa.-Here we are again, and going as strong as ever. With the advance into the school year the chapter gets on a better working basis. The most noteworthy event of this year has been the initiation of those pledges who have made their grades and have fulfilled all requirement for becoming fu ll fledged Pi Kappa P hi members. Our initiation was held on the 26th ?f February and at that time we initiated seven pledges. Phi is very proud to present these pledges to the other brothers of Pi Kappa P hi and feels that these newly initiated men will live true to the principles of the Fraternity. The new men are: George Matthew Dill, Haydon l\[acDonolcl, George Todd, Edward Fike, Earl .Barrett, Ted Gettinger, and Charle Zimmerman. Phi has two pledges ready for initiation after the fir st six weel{s



of the second semester. These pledges are Fay Hixson, and Britton Havenstrite. These two men will soon be initiated, and Phi will have added more worthy men to her roll 路and to the roll of Pi Kappa Phi. For the second semester we have pledged one man, Frank Butler, and he is now undergoing the. mysterious and laborious hardships and pleasures of a pledge. Just before initiation the pledges put on apleclge stunt night. This i an annual affair in Phi Chapter, and there was a b.ig array of the stunts, in which the pleclg路es were in one way proving themselves worthy to be members of our esteemed Fraternity. The main affair of the night 路was a short play Presented by the pledges called "Flowers". It was well pre. sented and enjoyed by all. Owing to the resignation of our Archon, Louis P. Reeves. Phi has been called upon to elect another. Joe Trimble \vas chosen for this place. Brother Reeves found it necessary to leave school. We were very sorry that Brother Reeves could not stay in school. Since the last writing three brothers of Phi found it necessary to quit school. These brothers were, John \Vooleery, Louis Reeves, Arthur Small, and John Crowder is spending the second semester at Oklahoma Univ:ersity. Phi feels the loss of these brothers. We engaged in the inter- fraternity basketball tournament and were successful in defeating one team, but lost to the Phi Deltas by a very close score of 15-20, thus losing the club champion hip and winning second place. Phi i centering her interests on the Spring banquet. This is an annual affair in Phi Chapter and the date is set for l\Iay 4. \Ve look forward to this with a great deal of anticipation.


l\frciiAEr, ]. ScHULTz

Cur CHAPTER, Stetson University.-There is much that we Would like to say, seeing this is our last chance to communicate

116 with you all through the medium of 'Tm~ STAR AND LAMJ' before commencement, when we all shall separate-some for a while only; some permanently. However, we must be brief, and limit ourselves to a mere skeleton of events which have transpired among us since the last issue. A thing of interest to most of us, and enjoyed by some of the more interested ones, was our annual b_anquet at the Tiotel C<?llege Arms. Such a group of jolly fellows with their best friends ha s never been seen in the limits of this little city, the "Athens of Florida." There were some sixty people in attendance from far and near over the State. What is the usc to attempt a description of the almost indescribable banquet hall, the excellent menu, the lovely ladies, etc, etc? Ask any one .who was there, and they will tr)• to tell you of the good time enjoyed on the night of 1\ 1arch 16, but they will inevitably exclaim, ''Boy, you should have been there!" This Chapter was strongly represented in the recent and successful Shakespearean Dramatic Festival, put on at the Athens Theatre. Brothers Hlain, Dryant, Stith, Layton, each having major roles in the classic plays. Brother Henderson has ju st left for Atlanta where he will spend a few days, and thence he goes to Chattanooga to attend a Students Conference, being chosen from the student body as a delegate. He is in cha rge of the min strel . how which will be the mean s of financing the two inter-collegiate debates in which Stetson University shall engage in during May. Drothers Bryant and Stith are successful debaters representing Stetson and Chi. 'vVe are now about to introduce our newest pledges, whom we value highly as timber for the Fraternity. These are all thorough-going men, and representative of a well-rounded college fraternity. Carroll Vv. I-Terbert, '24, Law, Miami, Fla. j ~seph Jennings, '26, Liberal r\ rts, Jack~onville, Pia.; Evald Peterson, '23, Science, Pierson, Fla.; Berkley D. Lambert, '2o, Arts, Hunnell, Fla.; Norman Skeels, '26, Science, DeLand, Fla.; Gilmore Anderson, '2-1-, Commercial, DeLand; Charles \i\Tatson, '26, Science, DeLand, and \Villiam Parsons, '26, Arts, DeLand.




Among those to leave this year are men whom we will all miss greatly, but we feel confident that the new men will soon develop the ability to hold the honor of the Chapter to its pre ent high standard. Schubiger, Blain, Dickey, Schultz, Myers, l\IcClain, all finish their courses here. Steele has already left to take up another course at the University of Florida. The Chapter appreciated the short but pleasant stay of Judge II. Blaine Peacock, Tampa-a member of the former local. Our alumni always find a warm welcome and a home at the Chapter house when they visit with us. This applies as well to visitors from other chapters. vVe will soon have an intin~rary of the roundrobin letter made out for the summer, and if any of you wi h to get your names on it, you had better act immediately. It would be remarkably nice if we could get one through among all our alumni, also. Another one of those magnificent spring picnics is in store for ns, and we would like to be able to say more about it here. The weather is ideal and, of course, baseball is flourishing along With . wimming, boating, fishing, camping, etc. in which our lllen take active part. Now, in conclusion, we extend to all our brothers from the Atlantic to the Pacific most hearty congratulations for their splendid achievement in the completion of their college courses, and wish for them all many long and ha1 py years of useful service to their respective chapters, the Fraternity, their families, and to humanity at large.



S. Uo\\"ELI,

Psr CHAPTER, Cornell University.-The election of officers for the econd term to "carry on'' for Psi gave us Brother ''Mac'' Clark as Archon, Brother ''Sherry" Sh~rwood as Treasurer, Brother "Dar" \Varcl as Secretary, Brother "Sam" Howell



as Alumni Secretary, Brother "Don" Proctor as Chaplain, and Brother "Pricey" Price as V..Tarden. The officers have to aid them the excellent committee system instituted by Brother Walker, which we have formally adOj)ted, and we feel sure that the second term at Cornell will be a productive one. Junior V\Teek passed into history with its usual records of triumph and failure. It proved altogether too much for Paul vValker, for after attending an afternoon tea, the Junior Protn, and a breakfast dance in unbroken sequence, Paul said he guessed it was time he was returning to the "corn belt". It was with sincere regret that we bade Paul goodbye. 路 He has been very much of a brother to us, and Psi will not soon cease to show marks of his handiwork. We said goodbye with the hope that one day he would return among us. We are waiting, Paul. "Cnusual happenings are always eagerly seized by a journalist, and I see no reason why this rule should be broken now. We surely had an astonishing experience at our last Pi Kapp dance in Bements' Studio. Every member was present but one, and that one was physically unfit. Take notice, all Ye Old Timers I We surely enjoyed ourselves, too. In a silvan atmosphere of evergreens, with many-colored balloons suspended from above, the music beguiled us of the moments and we fleeted the time ''carelessly, as they did in the golden world." Such was the dance. We returned to work the next day feeling that the party was a decided success. It is with deep pleasure that we announce the pledging of Russel Doig, '23, and Henry Bellar, '26. We have every reason to believe that this list will be increased during the next week, so that after vacation we will have several more to cross the desert sands. Bl other Willard E, Georgia, '25, announced his engagement to Miss Blanche Holton, of Syracuse University, after his return from vacation, and recently Brother Darwin A. Ward, '23, announced his engagement to Miss Doris Hildreth of the Ithaca Conservatory of Music.



'I'he que tion about a suitable lodge for next year-an annual question with us at present-is now in the proce s of being solved. It will be a glad day for Psi when she can claim a home suitable to her needs. Realizing that Rome was not built overnight, we are content with waiting for a year or so until the time becomes ripe for us to build or buy. Brother Robert P. l\Iason is engaged in a competition leading to the managership of the Sibley J ourual of M eel! ani cal Engineering. Urother :Norman Miller has sufficiently recovered from his recent operation to resume his activities with the crews. Brother 'Vilbur Howell is with the varsity debate team that meets Drown University at Providence April 13. Brother Claude Drownell has a strong prospect of being made editor-inchief o£ the Ch•il Engineer. . Since P i is located somewhat out of the way of the majority of Pi Kapps, we feel more and more the need of a more vital contact with them. We earnestly solicit any brother who comes into the East to visit us-even if his stav is but an hour. Our door is always ajar. • .


OMEGA CHAPTER, Purdue Univer ity.-April finds Omega in high spirits and going strong. Our nine pledges are to go on .p robation April 9 and they will be initiated on April 23. They are: I. L. Thurston, '24; P. E. Simmons, '25; B. F. Tellkamp, '25; F. l\1. Richards, '26; L. C. kelton, '26; ] . A. Timmons, '26; F. L. McDonald, '26; ]. ]. ~Iattes, '26; R. ~J. ~Ic­ Connel, '26. :March 17, L. T. 'Evans, one of our ex-'24 men, returned for a short visit and was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi· Evans expects to be back in school next year. March 24 we gave a poverty dance at our Chapter House anc] "a fine time was had by all." ''Rusty" Tilton is in charge of our social affairs and he surely knows how to show us a



good time. Unique costumes and decorations, "hard times" eats and seats, and best of all, pretty girls-can you imagine a more enjoyable combination? W. S. Bolt, Sigma, with his wife and daughter, were among the guests. Bolt is a whole party by himself and we surely do enjoy the times when he and his wife favor us with a visit. Since the last issue of THE STAR AND LAMP we have been admitted to the Pan Hellenic Council. Brother Shimp is our senior and Brother Harrell our junior representative. Brothers Behr and Amick, and Pledge Thurston will appear in this year's Harlequin Show, one of the big events of the year. The presidency of the Y. M. C. A. lies between Brother Harrell, recently initiated into Eta Kappa Nu and pledged to Scabbard and Bla.de, and a single opponent. Pledges Richards and McDonald are out for the freshman varsity baseball squad. Inter-fraternity baseball begins tomorrow and we are hoping to make a strong bid for the championship.


ALPHA ALPHA CnAP).'ER, Mercer University.-Alpha Alpha Chapter, installed at 1\Ierce,r University, Macon Georgia, February 16, 1923, pledges loyalty to all Chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. Our personnel consists of sixteen men, each of whom will, I believe, prove himself both true and worthy. Officers elected on night of installation are Brothers: James Thweatt Ross, Jr., Archon; Paschal Muse, Secretary; Joe Adolphus McClain, Jr., Treasurer; John Marvin Pharr, Jr., Chaplain; William Lafayette Moore, \Varden; Joseph Louie Buchanan, Jr., Alumni Secretary. Brother 路william Baxter Coke is at present Chaplain, Brother Pharr being unable to be with us during the third emester. We expect to again enjoy his presence and counsel at this fall session.



Brother Norman L. Felder has been one of our shining lights on the varsity football squad for 1921 and '22. This little half-back was the only man on the team who was able to go through the Auburn line fm路 a touchdown. \Ve will see him do even better in 1923. Brother Corry W. Lynch was a scrub in 1921, but he showed that he "knew his stuff" and therefore landed a regular place on the team for 1922. "Coot" is one of the hardest working l11en on the team and has assured himself a place on the team for 1923. He is a member of the Ciceronian Literary Society. Brother Joseph A. l\IcClain, Jr., is another hard working ~ootball player, having been a crub in 1921 and a varsity man m 1922. Someone will have to work hard to beat Joe out of his place in '23 for he "sho" knows how to pick up his feet and lay 'em down! He i our representative on the Pan-Hellenic Councii and is a member of the Ciceronian Literary Society. Brother William Baxter Coke is a member of the student tribunal, which is Mercer's student governing body, a member of the Phi Delta Literary Society and represents us on the PanIIellenic Council. 路 Brother Lewis Connell Cobb is a member of the Phi Delta Literary Society, a member of the College Orchestra, of the Mandolin Club and Glee Club. Brother Ralph R. Tabor is a member of the Ciceronian Literary Society, of the college orchestra, of the Glee Clubof which he is (best in College, too) pianist. . Brother Daniel H. Davis is band instructor, leader and lllstructor of the College Orchestra and is a member of the Glee Club. We will put him up against any trombone, saxoPhone or any other horn, bone or phone路 player and defy him to out blow Dan. Brother Paschal Muse is a member of the Ciceronian Literary Society and is secretary of the Junior Class for 1922 and '23. Brother James T. Ross, Jr., was an honorary member of Pan-Hellenic Council for the years 1921-22 and 1922-23 until February 16, 1923, when Alpha Alpha was installed. He is a



member of the "Macon Club" and the "Mercer Medical Club." Aloha Alpha has greatly enjoyed visits from Brothers: Ray K. Smathers, Eta, Chapter Inspector for Georgia; Wright C. Vinson, Lambda Alumnus; Louis. N. Betts, Lambda; Lamar Vinson, Lambda Alumnus; \iVilliam '路Dill" Rhodes, Pi Alumnus; Thomas "Tommie" Partridge, Eta; Earl Wilson, Iota Alumnus; Leland Smith, Lambda Alumnus, and will be glad to have them again.

BROTHER HARPER'S FATHER DIES H. G. Harper, Sr., father of J fenry G. Harper, Jr., Supreme !Treasurer, died at his home in Charlotte, 路wednesday, April ] 8, following a stroke of paralysis the night before. Funeral services were conducted Thursday. l\Ir. Harper was for more than 25 years secretary-treasurer of the John M. Scott and Company, one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the South. He was a man of pleasing manner and was always greatly interested in his son's Fraternity. He took pleasure in entertaining many brothers who from . time to time were guests in the Harper home.




l}t 1Sappa l}bt 1\


of tbe 11frattntity

FOUNDERS Simon Fogarty, Jr. L. Harry l\lixson Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. (Deceased) SUPREME CHAPTER

~upreme Archon ..... Roy J Heffner, 1338 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal.

Supreme Secretary . ............. George M. Grant, Box 324, Troy, Ala. Supreme Treasurer, H. G. Harper, Jr., 13 Providence Rd., Charlotte, N.C. upreme A lumni Secretary, Ed· George D. Driver, 1309 Telephone Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ttor, THE STAR AND LAMP, Richard L. Young, 515 Louise Avenue, Charlote, N. C.



o~ D. Car:oll .. .......................... . ......... . Lexington, S. C.

1 W

arry Mtxson ......................... ... ........ Charleston, S. C. ade S. Bolt. ..... . ............................... . ... Otterbein, Ind.



First District K. C. Lauter, 2640 Kenmore "Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Second District. Dr. A. P. \Vaguer, Roanoke College, Saiem, Va. Third District Nathan l\•Jobley, 300 East Boulevard, Charlotte, N. C. Fourth District. Sa rold ]. Mouzon, 13 Thot~as Street, Columbia, S. C. Fifth District. Ray K. Smathers, 216 He:J.Icy Building, Atlanta, Ga. Sixth District. Rupert J Longstreet, Daytona Beach, F la. Seventh District. Thomas E. Buntin, Dothan, A la. . Eighth District . . Donald D. M'cGuire, 137 N. Gifford St., Elgin, 111. Ninth District. Harvey L. Rice, Woods Brothers, Lincoln, Neb. Eleventh District. Arthur E. Mead, 2736 Bancroft V\Tay, Berkeley, Cal.



illqr J\rttur


ALPHA-4th Dist., College of Charleston, Cha rleston, S. C. Archon, C. N. Wyatt; Secretary, VI' . A. Teague. BETA-4th Dist., South Carolina Presbyterian College, Cl inton, S. C. Archon, ; Secretary, . GAMMA-11th Dist., Un iversity of Cali fornia, 2614 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. Archon, Vv .. A. Talley; Secretary, l\IL F. I foerger. ZETA-4th D ist., Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Archon, G. W. Begg; Secretary, Ralph Sm ith. ETA-5th District., Emory U niversity, Emory U niversity, Ga. Archon, - - - - ; Secretary, . IOTA-5th Dist., Ga. Tech, 17 East S ixth street, At lanta, Ga. Archon, John Barnett; ' Secreta ry, l-1erman Turner. KAPPA-3rd. Dist., Un ive rsity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Archon, ; Secretary, . LAMBDA-5th Dist., University of Georgia, 158 Daughtery St., Athem, Ga. Archon, Louis N. Betts; Secretary, Jim Phinazee. l\TU-3rd Dist., Trinity Coll ege, Durham, N. C. Archon, Secretary, . NU-9th Dist., University of Nebraska, 1342 F St., Lincoln, Neb. Arc hon, ; Secretary, . XI-2nd Dist., Roanoke Co llege, Salem, Virginia. Archon, - ; Secretary, . OMICRON-7th Dist., U niversity of Alabama, Univers ity, Ala. Archon, Norville Price; Secretary, ]. F. F letche r. PI-5th Dist., Ogletho rpe U niversity, Oglethorpe Un iv., Ga. Archon, - - - ; Secretary, . RH0-2nd D ist., Washington and Lee Univ., 54 Washington St., Lexington, Va. A rchon, H. D. Leake; Secretary, G. L. Hill. TAU-3rd Dist., North Ca rolina State College, Raleigh, N. C. A rchon, - - - ; Secretary, . UPSILON-8th Dist., U niversity of Illinois, 106 E. Green St., Champaign, Til. Archon, S. L. Victor; Secretary, W. C. Brame. PHI-lOth Dist.. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. Archon, Joe Trimble, Secretary, Ralph Veatch. CHI--6th Dist., John B. Stetson U ni versity, DeLand, F la. Archon, H. A . Schubiger; Secretary, G. Kerfoot Bryant. PSI-1st Dist., Co rn ell Un iversity, 308 Bryant Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Archon, ; Secretary, . OMEGA-8th Dist., Purdue Univers ity, 128 Wiggins St., West LaFayette, Tnd. Archon, l\T. W. House; Secretary, K. E. Stoll. ALPHA ALPHA-5th Dist., Mercer Un iversity, Macon, Ga. Archon, ]. T~ Ross, Jr.; Secretary, Paschal Muse. ALUMN I CHAPTERS At lanta, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala. ; Charleston, S. C.; Charlotte, N. C.; Chicago, Ill.; Greenville, S. C.; New York, N. Y.; Omaha, Neb.; Roaneke, Va.; San Francisco, Cal.; Shreveport, La.; Spartanburg, S. C.

The First Section of



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Attention, Pi Kapps! The mailing list of The Star and Lamp is in the hands of the editor. All inquiries regarding nonreceipt of magazine or announcements of change in address should be sent directly to him.

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