b~~ Star an~路 Jtamp l'Kappa 路ll~i
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r:_erother (}eorge Sheetz
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1' its Nashville meeting held during July, the Supreme Council elected Brother
llti~rge E. Sheetz, of Alpha chapter, as Exec-
She e Secretary of the Fraternity. Brother etz · the li' lS a man upon whom the confidence of eno raternity can be bestowed. He is young hro~gh to have the spirit of the undergraduate essa er and old enough to have the poise nectak ry for the important job he has underen.
Ctea:Other Sheetz steps into a new niche gin ed for the Fraternity, a position that be8 lie • a new area in the life of Pi Kappa Phi. the ~s the first full-time officer employed by lli l{ raternity. His interests and energies are the ;Ppa Phi's. He is working constantly for grad raternity, for you brothers in the underha\1 Uate chapters and for you brothers who \\>or~d left ~lma mater and gone out into the Of th · If1s office is to be the clearing house shou~ Fraternity and through him all business h d be transacted. ~or h' and un we bespeak the hearty co-operation A.n assistance of every man in the Fraternity. lind especial appeal is made to the officers of can ergraduate and alumni chapters to heed his ing fromptly and painstakingly. He is workSuer. or the Fraternity and if his task lis to be ·essfully done you must help.
Pi Kappa Phi has taken a big step. A movement has been launched. The Fraternity has reached the point in its development where such a full-time officer was necessary to handle the affairs of the Society. The Executive Secretary is a decided indication of the importance of the Fraternity and his appointment is a step in which all Pi Kapps should take pride.
Warm Welcome for Old Epsilon HAT is the Biblical statement about the shepherd leaving the ninety and nine and going out in search of the one strayed from the fold? What is the statement about the great rejoicing over the recovery of the lost sheep? While Pi Kappa Phi always rejoices at the addition of a new chapter to its gradually and surely increasing roll it is doubly delighted at the return of a chapter that once enjoyed the privileges of our Fraternity. Joy and thanksgiving at the revival of "old Epsilon," which back in the old days nobly represented Pi Kappa Phi at Davidson College, prevailed throughout the Fraternity last spring. Now that Epsilon has been duly re-instated and is now a full-fledged member of the Fraternity, we pause here to give official welcome
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back into the fold. To the young men of Davidson, who have met the standards set up by Pi Kappa Phi and who are members of New Epsilon, with inspiring traditions behind, a most cordial welcome is extended. You have a fine opportunity to live the life of true Pi Kapps. Your example, placed before you by the brothers of the old chapter, is ennobling. We are confident that you will measure up in the fullest fashion. ~\14:.,
The Constitution RE now the new constitution, drafted by the Supreme Council at its summer meeting in Nashville, has reached the various chapters. This revised constitution has been submitted for ratification. Members of the Supreme Council, armed with authority from the Supreme chapter, at its last meeting in Atlanta, gathered in Nashville, during the hot days of July and for two days and part of two nights, labored unceasingly in the rebuilding of the Fraternity's constitution. The result of their work has been submitted to the chapters for approval. Carefully study the draft, not with the idea of picking minor flaws, but with the purpose of ascertaining if the work meets the requirements of the Fraternity. Let your vote be thoughtful and remember that the officers, long experienced in the conduct of the Fraternity, have set down what they deem the best working rule for Pi Kappa Phi.
A Jf/_/ember Worth While VERY individual, with a spark of ambition, desires· to be a worthwhile part of any organization to which he belongs. Real, red-blooded Pi Kapps, endowed with that fraternal spirit that permeates our Order, surely have the desire to be worthwhile. Worthwhileness means service. If you are serving your Fraternity you are proving a worthwhile integral.
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· · ns .ioY If you answer the followmg quest!O the affirmative, you are serving the Fraterrut and are proving to be worthwhile: 1 Are yo.u an enthusiastic member of yo~ chapter? Have you that capacity to !11 3 e I your enthusiasm contagious. . what· Are you always ready to serve it m ever way you can? d Do you do this without being asked, begge or plead with? Do you attend all meetings regularly? . Do you take part in the initiations and ell ter into the spirit of the ritual? Do you take an active part in obtain:ng new men? Do you pay your dues promptly? Are you courteous and polite to non-fra· ternity men? . 1 ttotl· Have you attended at least one conven f')V Are you a subscriber to THE STAR A LAMP? Have you contributed to its pages? Do you take an interest in reading it? tO Are you on the alert for good men goi.ng a I College where Pi Kappa Phi mainta1ns chapter? Do you write the chapters informing tbe(ll of these men?
Founders Day lf N a short time, there will come ro!litl~5 ll around that mystic date which means much to Pi Kappa Phi: December 10. ee On that memorable day, in 1904, those tbr it revered brothers met together, pledged the~· hearts and lives to fraternal living, and laun'te ed a fraternity. All chapters, undergradua~e and alumni, should observe the passing of; iS day with fitting ceremonies. December 1 pi a day that stands out in the history of i· Kappa Phi; so let us this year make the an~r versary of our founding memorable ~or. ~es reconsecreat:on to the ideals and pnnctP 110 which led Fogarty, Mixson and Kroeg, to ba pa themselves together and to give us Pi I{aP Phi.
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jo1· OcToB~R, 1924
Executive Secretary
THE STAR AND LAMP for OcTOBER, 1 924 I ----------.----1..__
By L .
EORGE E . SHEETZ, the new ly-elected Executive Secretary, is a native of Greensboro, North Carolina, being born there J anuary 9, 1898. He moved shortly after to V irg ini a, where he li ved till 1915 and where he secured hi s ea rl y educati on. f-Te attended prepara tory school at the Porter Military Academy, Charl eston , S. C., and was graduated in 1917 with th e rank o f cadet li eutenan t-quartermaster, ent-ering the office of that in stituti on as secreta ry to the Rector, wh ich position he held un ti l the fall of 1918 when he resigned to ente r the S. A. T . C. Uni t o f the Coll ege of Charl eston. \1\f hen that corps was di sbanded in December he r eturn ed to the work at the Porter Mi li tary Academy. ln the fo ll ow ing October, 1919, he entered th e Coll ege of Charleston, continuing to hold hi s pos iti on a t Porter, and did so during hi s fouryea r co ll ege course. He majored in E ngli sh and hi story, and in May, 1923, rece iv ed th e degree o f Bachelor of Science. ·Some of hi s coll ege honors and activities are: Track team , ' 19, '20, '21; Chrestomathi c Literary Soc iety, '20; president Freshman class, '20 ; Sophomore honor committeeman , '2 1; pres ident Juni or class, '22; p resident Sen ior Class, '23; Y. M. C. A., '20, 121, '22; Coti lli on Club, '20, '21 ; assi stant manage r footba ll , '2 1 ; GJee Club, '21; co ll ege magazine staff, '2 1, '23; ed itor- in chief of magaz in e, '22; Gyco club, '22, '23; won magazin e prize, '22; Comet s taff, '22; editor-inchi ef of Comet, '23; vice-president of " Th e Bats," '23. After hi s g raduation from coll ege, he agai n conn ected him se lf with the Porter M ilitary Aca demy, teaching E ngli sh and com mercial subjects, as well as ta king post-graduate work at the coll ege of Charleston. For the past six yea rs, hi s summers have been spent as coun cil lor and in structor at Camp Osceola, Hender sonv ill e, N . C. Brother Sheetz was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi by Alpha chapter , November 17, 1920, and
din ith, from th e ve ry s tart was greatly intereste uiri;JJ" work. T he other men of the chapter were q hitt to realize thi s, and successively honoredCI aP dgt with the offices of Chapter A rchon , and \ 11r g, ( la in , as well as sending him as delegate to delinde . • atten 1 Berkeley conventton 111 1921. He a 1so er Ude 1 1 the Atlanta con vention of 1923. ln short, tl te ' a J, are very few men if any who have had a gr:a ~ ·oned in fluence for good in A lpha chapter. 1-Te ith 1 . N~ present pres1dent of the Char.leston f 1 l!g
Chapter. The positi on of execu tive secretary haS ne. e )recC 'eorg been fill ed before. 1-{e has, therefore, no l 1itl r 1 dents to go by, but those men who 1<11 oW dit qu·Y, · best feel sure that he wiJ I not on ly fi ll it cret it ct 'Pr. . . . . g otl llct ably, but that the pos1t ton w tll best 1Jnn ha' er him the qu aliti es and tal ents he ha s. T-fe derro an • • n ne had an unu sual amou nt of expertence ttl 11 vi lth ' graduate chapter work, and th erefore, k n~',. ,,.er t!l ., te from fir st hand th e tri als of a chapter. 11 t A. th e Berkeley conv ention he has been in const~h' ' r t . of Ol!r touch w1th the supreme government f ontlft ~ frate rnity, and therefor e knows th e storY r ofnit~r th at sid e. . Add to t hese quali fications, that re· 1:ahl . . d . bl 111 om1ta e perse1·verall gc n t\c strong persona Itty, 1 and tactful diplomacy. And above all c~o~er ·a~ S heetz is a tru e P i Kapp, lov ing hi s chaptet, dlt ru s, .I I 1 . . . I . th rot'" rga tc ea s anc mstttut10n s. P i Kappa P 11 th~' ' 11: her new ly-created office wi.ll bring out all g1 Ud · . . f Ge~ ~ stronger many of the ftn e tra1ts o 1P1I•a· 1\'. "' v· Sheetz, and in turn George Sheetz will en phi \ C' size many of th e fine points of Pi Kappa ~Is · . er 'te ~~"c: s~~ ~~~. . l en
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ELLIS-ALLEN ENGAGEMENT . Jt ol Announ cement ts made of the engagemet , Jiii· Miss Catherine A ll en to Brother John C. £ tfl both of Toledo, Ohio, the wedding to be an eve~ of late fall. Mr. Elli s is a member of Onteol chapter, Class of 1921. He is a lso a member itt Tau Beta Pi and was former ly an instructor i' th e Michigan College of Mines. Miss AJlel1 a very charming and talented young lady.
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: quir ' the afternoon of May 20, 1924, there d hitd gathered in the ante-room of the Pythian ChaPb ge, 011 the top floor of the Piedmont Buildtht g, Charlott N f 16 · to lind ' e, 1 • ., a group o se n oustende u ed YOung. men. These clean-cut. youths were 1 tl1er cents o f D avidson College who for a year 1 ' te a lo 1 ' ~rea ca group known as Kappa Phi had petiis a 0ned p·1 T( ~ 'tl r appa Phi and who now had come, Junill 1 1 he . . ' f arts aglow, to be received mto the full ttlgen J]CI e ce .. of the light of the Star and Lamp. .·c ,. II1Itiatory ceremonies, in charge of brother pre• •Org M , hili ry e · Grant, of Troy, Ia. , supreme secre1 dil !U.' Were conducted in the spacious and well~~t i1 dt:~r~;l Pythia~, Hall. Brother Grant as chief . ]ia:er Was assisted by Brothers Henry G. Har.e derfonancl Richard L. Young, Kappa, and J. Ralph Jilow~lth e,1 Mu, in the exemplification of the ritual. ~in~" 1 i:t ~ ~~others of the Charlotte Alumni chapter tant At c 111 the administration of the final degree. os' · · · group was carnec · 1 f th' ~ro the begmmng, t 11e entire fronllfte:gh t.he pledging service by Brother Young, of Oitj W~lich each one was taken through the 1a t a1 ct · . ce· 1'h 1VISIOn of the ritual. rail Ose · · · . rd< n , 1 111ItJated were: F. C. Kulger, vVashmgeo" her ·all!''~. C· •· W . M . H eston, A t Ianta,· B . \i"v. W'lI gl1 ~~r s, Greensboro, N. C.; E. T. Pullen. Jr. , rollthe · 1r gaw, N · C ., C . M . B rown, J· · 1. , W as 11111gton, 11 rgc~·~dt · Streibich, Okolona, Miss.; James Biddy eo]!a·ll'. \~' Greensboro, N. C.; E. 1. Buck, Richwood, nl~hi :. C: ~-;I: ~-T. Hall and J. C. Fowler, Statesville, j~ls ·,W itham Gracey, of Tennessee; John M. ;reeer, Spartanburg, S. C.; Kenneth Lewis, .. pn~o . ro, . C.; Caldwell P. Johnson and R . S~"'ttic:e, Charlotte, N. C., and H. L. Shaw, Jr., .,, er S C . 'l'h ' . . 1 3! ~ letecle in_stitution of _the new c~apter was comglh-11\ i]J· With the election of officers as follows : :,,en11 ~tta:an 1 Gracey, archon; E. T. Pullen, Jr., sec1Je~ lr ~; Kenneth Lewis, treasurer; FL L. Shaw, :r of 1 :.\~, lin1ni sec retary; E. 'r. Buck, chaplain, and 11 Jf i. t\r · Williams, warden. ~11 1; r,ns ter the re-in stallation and initiation which ttn1ecl I . l~et t 1e entire afternoon, an elaborate ban\Vas served in a private dining room at the
Ffotel Charlo:te GLll·ing the evening. Drother Price acted as toastmaster and right well did he perform. The new chapter was welcomed to the David-
son campus by R. R. Jones, president of the senior class and representative of the Pan-T-Tel lenic Council. 1r. Jones, who is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, spo ke in the highest terms of the group and said that the chapter shall ma 1<e a mark for itself and measure up to the fine tradi-
cl'i'h .
tions handed down by the old E .psilon. Other Sl)eeches were made as follows: "Weicome Into Pi Kappa Phi," Henry G. Harper, Jr.; respon se, \A/. M. Heston; ·'The Traditions of Old Epsilon," W. H. Neal; "Responsibiliti es of New Epsilon," \iVil.liam Gracey; "Greetings from the Alumni," Richard L. Young; "History of Kappa Phi," C. M. Streibich; "The Supreme Chapter,'' George M. Grant; "Broader Fraternalism," E. T. Pul.len, Jr. Brother Barnett Garrison, who was the last man initiated by Old EpsiJon, spoke happily of the days when Epsilon flourished at Davidson. Brother Price, at the close, read a number of congratulatory messages from supreme officials of the Fraternity and from several of the different chapters.
BYRD-SMITH NUPTIALS Brother George Adam Byrd, Alpha, and Miss Pierrine St. Clarie Smith were married in St. John's Lutheran Church, Charleston, S. C., the eveing of June 25, 1924. Brother Byrd was always prominent in fra ternity affairs while in College and was Archon of Alpha; after hi s graduation in 1921 he taught at the High School of Charleston for several years, but has now gone into business in Greenwood, S. C., where he and hi s bride will make their home. Miss Smith is also a grad'.tate of the Co.llege of Charleston, of the Class of 1922, receiving the highest honors of the class for her work during the entire four years-
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By JoHN D. (F ro 111 /li e files of
No rth Carolina E psilon chapte r of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity wa in st i~ tuted at _Dav id son College, Davidson, ·,C .. on the evenmg of February 3, 19 12. rhe ceremoni es were presided over by F ratres John D. Carroll, chi ef in stituting officer, and \ V'J. J I !ram M. Monckton, Jr., assistant. F ratres ohn D. Framer, Herbert Langford, D. G. Maxl~e.ll , Robert Madarlan and Gus E. Reid , parlrc1Pated.
. Seve ral of the establi shed fraternities on the 11111 made ve ry kind offers of t he use of their 1
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~all for the in stitution a nd while at fir st it was
Ught best to use the rooms procured for t he new chap ter, after some consideration the generou Proposal of the Kappa r\ lpha's was accepted anct the ce remonies carri ed out in their hall. Owing to a sudden premonition that somehow 1 le Was in imminent danger of losing hi s beautiful b · ~> nde out across the Father of \Vaters, G rand br res 1'dent Harry L. Mixson, who was to have een present, made up hi s mind on the eve of the in sti tution that he wou ld put a n end to h is ~nx:iety by seeking out the f air lady a nd settling 11 e ma tter for all time. Consequently at the last ~ 110 11lent he wired of hi s inability to attend the 1118titution . . 1'his institution was, therefore . uniqu e, in that It Was the first in the hi story of th e Fraternity not · Ill cha rge of one of the founders, and need1 ehss to say th ere were mi sgivi ng and a nx iety in t e . mmd s of those upon whose shoulders rested 6e responsibility for the success of the occasion. nee und er way, howeve r, each part of the pro~tam was executed with clock-like precision, a nd In an orderly a nd fittin g ma nn er . There was 110 1 a hitch or interruption, a nd during the tedium Of the rituali s tic ce remonies th e re was the same · · · an d srmp · Ie rmp · resslve· chara ' 'c t ensttc o 1emn1ty 11.e s that had been so pleasantl y consp icuous on 81 1 .n ilar occasion . Absolute orde rlin ess and dig111~Y prevai led throug hout a nd it is with mingled Ptrde and g ratitude th at the writer reco rds here
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that there was not a singJe visiting brother, and, of course, none of the local men, in a ny way at any time while on the hill under the in fluence of intox icants- a condition so sad ly mistaken by the average co ll ege ma n as altogether e senti a l to the proper performance to hi s duties a t such functions. At the conclu sion of the ce remoni es 111 t he Kappa A lph a hall , a r eturn was made to the rooms, th at were to be the future home of the chapte r, where a generous and elaborate banquet had been provided. To a ll hum a n appearances. each man seemed to cons id er that it devolved upon him indi vidu a lly to demonstrate hi s appreciation of the timeJy r epast that had been so thoughtfully prepared by taking care of just a littl e more of it than the other fellow. Well , yes, it wa a right close match, but hi sto ry repeated itse lf and by general concession the even t was declared won by John D. Hamer. S hort informal speeches of we lcome we re then made by Fratres Langford, Maxwell , and Ca rroll , fo llow ing which F rater John T. Young, read several cong ratul atory telegrams, whi ch had been received during the evening from some of the South Carolin a chapte rs. Tow a wo rd or two about the men themselves . Every walk of coll ege life at Davidson is represented . Many of the men are leaders, a mong them being J ohn T. Young, president of the Eps il on chapter ; Pau l L. Schenk, edito r-in -chi ef of Quips and Cra nks, the a nnu al ; Everett L. Dooe, capta in of the 1912 baseball team and the best athlete in coll ege; J. L . Sm ith , junior speaker, 1912, a nd assistant business manager of the annual; a nd Geo rge Howard, Jr., on the management of the Glee CJub. A ll of them maintain good standing in th eir class room wo rk, a nd some are active in the Christian life of the institution; in a word they are a ll men, sturd y, sterling men, a nd th at is what the F raternity most wants . The faculty does not a ll ow chapter hou es at Davidson, but they a llotted two rooms on the
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-------------------------------------------------------~ g roun d fl oor of the P hi Hall , whi ch the E psil on men all say is th e best location on the hill , and these rooms have been throw n togeth er and will be used both as a meeting pl ace and reception hall. T hey have been handsomely fini shed in
. ml.sswn and have been lux un.ously furn1.sI1ed iii 11 th e same style at considerabl e expense. All t ~ f ratres a re justly proud of th eir quarters, ani ugJ well th ey may be, for th ey are fo r tunate eno f t1iC to be outfitted vastly bet ter than some 0
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larg c' er fraternities when they first established napters there. te Ail in all, then, the institution of Epsilon chapthr \~as. a delightfully pleasant occasion, and one IS tnd l"bl . . lVIat e t y tmpressed on the mmds of those 10 Wer e present. And many there were, when
these had returned from their pilgrimage to Davidson and had rendered an account of the trip, who were sincerely sorry that they had not attended. Before closing, the instituting officer, as chairman of the committee on extension, wishes to
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--------------------------------acknowledge g ratefu lly the unti ring efforts of Frater John T. Young in behalf of the new chapter. It was he who gave impetus to the movement and who also rendered invaluabl e servi ce to the committee on extension while th e appli cation for the charter was in their hand s. It was in
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I0 路e just and fitting appreciation of hi s labor of ' .. that Epsil on chapter elected him their first presl
dent. f 'fhe writer is confident of voic ing sen timent .~ all visitors in heartily thanking the whol e DaVI ; . delightful . so n c11apter f or the1r enter t路aJ.nlnen
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tha t the lines on th e hill , and to assure them . Pent th ere wa. very p.l easant, tnd eed. 1n cone ] 路 路 .
ch u ston, Ju st a word of wa rnmg to the apters 1 '!'he )) .w 1o fee l secure in their own strength. avtdson fratres are a ll in earnest. They
are go ing to do everything in their power to build up in that in stitution as fin e a chapter in eve ry sense of the word as there is anyw here in th e F rate rni ty, a nd to this end we w ish them God spee d but to you chapters in South Carolina
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especia ll y, \vho are proud of your past and present, I say look ye to your works and be on the alert, lest your zeal be excell ed and your efforts surpassed, and the flag for the banner chapter be Aung aloft to the breeze of the '.L'ar Freel State.
FIRST CHAPTER LETTER OF OLD EPSILON (Fro111 the Februm-y, 19.12,
HOUGH only a month old, we are glad 'o report to all interested brothers the best of conditions and a prosperous outlook. It was through the untiring efforts of Brother John T. Young, formerly of S. C. Beta, that on February 3, 19 12, a charter was granted to . C. Epsilon of Pi Kappa Phi. Much has been accompli shed in the past month and our new hall will be ready for occupancy by March 9. 'vVe are much grieved to report the departure of :Prater Booe to P ittsburgh, where he will join the big leaguer s for this season . Frater Booe was captain of last year's baseball team and is pronounced one of the best players in the south. Brother Schenck, ed itor-in -chi ef of the 1912 annual, has just completed hi s labor and the book is now off the press. Brother Smith , assistant manager of the annual, is still busily engaged in helping to straighten the accounts. As soon as it was known that the chapter was to be installed, the Sigma A lph a Epsilon's and the Kappa Sigma' s gave a r ception in the Kappa Sigma hall. There followed in quick succession similar attention s from the Pi Kappa Alpha, then from the Kappa A lph a and Beta Theta Pi together in the Kappa A lpha hall. Ou r welcome to the fraternity ranks at Davidson has been most hearty and cord ial- not a sing le opportunity has been lost by the S. A. E.'s for extending to us those littl e courtesies which make life a pleasure. \11/e recently initi ated into our ranks Brother McWhirter, of Jonesville, S. C. VVe are looking forward with the keenest expectations to the sp read of ] i Kappa Phi in North Carolin a sin ce its introduction at Davidson.
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I as al· PSILON chapter, new to the £ole,I 1 . g 1 · ready passed the teethmg an d wean11 1 rea stage and is now enjoying some of t11e r meat of fraternity life. New Epsilon chapt~d 0 in trying to li ve up to the reputation of. 10 Epsi lon for being the best fraternity evet . f rea1 function at Davidson, has et for ttsel a the task. But to all loyal P i Kapps . the harder all· job the better they shine. 11 Epsilon is handi capped in hav ing a small 'nlo The trustees of the coll ege have recently cod be ( es an ented to the building of chapter hous ·on ll( . ·ectt steps are already bemg taken for the et ·ne fr 111 of a new home for Epsi lon. Unti l the d b, )Jete . when the new hou e shall have been com ! nd . I . . t pace the chapter IS en argmg 1ts presen s . a,.ill when this task is compl eted, Pi Kappa Phl 'of have a hall second to none on the campus. •ill 11 course, and needless to say, the new I10t1se itl f atern be nonpareil. Tn every respect the r . deed. situation at David.son is :'looking u.p" as 1;~hree the whole coll ege ts growmg extenstvely. ted 1 new and large dormitories have been com~ e,inwithin the .last two years and a $400,000 a n oci ~tration building is. in. the process of cOI~rha' t10n. A new athl et tc f1eld that cost $30,0 • 111 just been completed and adds much to the ca
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pus. . . . at the Eps tlon has only nm e men tn her ~old :N c., present. G. R. Sims, '27, of StatesvJile, has been pledged. Due to the faculty and dged Hellenic rulings no freshmen may be pie her until December. Pi Kappa Phi will get ,110 11 share Of the best Of the new men. ']'h e Inenoar· are in the chapter now are: C. P. Johnson, . 1d1111 lotte; C. M. B rown and F. C. Kugler, \ll/aS ~f 11 · C. Fowler and J. H · Ha borO· ton, J. C.; J. Statesv ill e, N. C.; Kenneth Lewis, Greens T f,. 1 N .C.; W. M. Gracey, Covington, Tenn.; ~"'''• Burv<• Shaw, Jr., Sumter, S. C.; E. T. Pullen, " N.C. er· 11 Epsilon is working hard for the inter-f~; , as nity scholastic cup . Last year the fraternt) i, a local led the entire school and the chapt~~ettl st ri ving to repeat and win the beauti fu 1 e!11 )
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IZJng the Student's Lamp of Pi Kappa s·Jm s, as center for the snarling ove ~~ts, played hi s part in our recent victory is tl · C. ( ha rd luck, Beta). · B rother Gracey · · and le. ca< Pt a 111 of the track team for th1s yea r IS c .I ons1c ered th e most ver satil e track man 11 I\ i!J· Pled ge
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in coll egiate circl es in the state. A ltogether, Epsilon is looking forward to a ba nne r year at Davidson a nd is goi ng to do its utmost to mak Pi Kappa Phi take its logical and rig htful place on the ca mpu s here a nd in the fraternity world at la rge.
History of Ka ]p>]p>& Phi N. th e fall of 1923 there were onl y five na-
ceive the petition. With the fraternity's permiss ion to petition, steps were at once taken to draw up the petition, which was finally arranged under the direction of Brother Stith. Meanwhile Kappa Phi went her way, st rengthening her m embership and standing among th e other groups on the campu s. Social functions a. d were held within the immedi ate group and in an 13 roth 11 cooperation with other fraternities on the Hill. the p 1. C. Stith , of Chi chapter, who saw 1vi!l Of . J'li T\:osslbilities of re- in stating Epsilon chapter of A lumni of Pi Kappa Phi res iding in Charlotte will appa Phi at Davidson, imm ed iately set to were invited a nd were interested enoug h in the petitioning g roup to accept and often visited th e ~it)' chapte r h use. One of th ese visits was the ineed spection by Brother Tom Henderson, of Chartree lotte, who was officially appointed by S upreme ted Archon Driver. These social ventures and vi. i:s ,iw helped to more firmly establish Kappa Phi on the campu s. The chi ef event in the hi story of th e local J(appa Phi was the reception of the news May 14 that its petition had been accepted and that th e M . C. STITH charte r, for the re-establi shm ent of Epsilon chapFOUNDER OF NEW EP S ILON ter of Pi Kappa Phi, would be granted. The IVork ''pi T\: to organize a loca l whose slogan became date for the re-in stall ation was set as May 20 in IVith ttPpa Phi or Nothing." Th e organization Charlo:te. This news brought to a close the sho rt 1 a hall : name of Kappa Phi soon a rra nged for histo ry of a n organization which did all in its J'li T\' l11creased its membership a nd petitioned power to be worthy of the na me of Pi Kappa Phi. Ptese appa Phi. Befo re the petition could be latio ntec] th e diffi culty of P i Kappa Phi's reg u11 req · · Of a Lllnng a t least a year for organization 1 GARIS AT SAVANNAH 11 ocal was encountered ' •rothe - W . . . Brother G. F. Garis, Jr., Xi chapter, new phyStith IS . M. Heston, R. L. Pnce, and M. C. Of 1: Were sent to Davidson to present · 61aiftl s s i ~al directo r of the Savann ah Y. M. C. A., ha <> 11i 1·'app1 rhi at the national conventi on of afrived, an d ·. Ls::.:.n ciw arranging - hi s personal satj~aPpa Phi. Th e question of a special dispen- affa irs preparatory to taking up hi s work wi th 11 reg ~hd i . a r d'111g the Davidson local was made the assoc iation. The new director is expec ted l'otect View of ce rtai n condition s, th e conventi on to soon go into plans for the fall athletic acti vito se t aside the one-year rulP a nd to re- ties of the Jocal association.
tJonal a nd three local fraternities at Davidson · ·oil' low the Coli . ege~ a num1Je r r~cogn1zed as f ar beand ( bod P1oport10n to be des1red, for a studenttioi1 nal of nea rl y 600. The agitation for more D11als h . inle frttit on t e Dav1dson camp us began to bear ted. Delt When the nachelors' Cl ub went Phi Ga mma
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P resbyterian s, who set- is to be replaced by a mu ch better fire-proof tied P 1edmont Carolina a quarter of a building, the const ruction of which is already well Wit] century befo re the Revolution, brought under way. O ne of the dormitories was also 1 of th e.m th eir love of libe rty, of religion, a nd destroyed by fire in the winter of 1923. This 1 le bearnlng. The fir st culminated in the Meck- dormitory has been repl aced sin ce that tim e by n urg D 1 . I .. est b . ec a ra t10n. t 1e econd bore fnnt 111 the a thoroughly fire-proof structure. a a hshm ent o f num e rou s high-grade classical The Library building wa erected through the cade · • Ao 111 les, and a half-century later burst mto generosity of Mr. A ndrew Carnegie at a cost of . . Wer · '!'] . In t11e foundmg of Dav1dson College. twenty thousand dollars. It contain s 21,000 a lelr Patriotism, religion, and love of lea rning bound volum es and an unusually full series of re blend d . co]] e 1t1 every word o f the motto on the the public docum ents and state papers of the le e~e seal, Alenda. lwr ub-i orta libcrtas (Let U nited States Government. arnmg be c I1en.shed w here liberty . has an.sen). A new athletic field has recently been prepared 0 11 ca. March 1, 1837, D av idson College began its and is one of the best in th e Ca rolinas. Tt conIeer wit!1 s1.x ty-s1.x stu d ents 111 . attendance, an d tain s two football fi eld s, a baseball diamond, a nd IVitl 1 den Dr. Robert I-:T all Morrison as its first Presi- a quarter-mile cinder track with a straight-a-way and t. .. Several presbyteries of the state united of two hundred and twenty feet. There is a 1 tio alsed funds for th e support of the in stitu- fr eshman a thl etic fi eld in addition to this la rge llt1~'. and many promin ent men also contributed. one. The college also maintain s several tennis courts and a nin e-hole golf course. Of Just as the college was entering upon a perio:i Based on original cost and not on present ca Prosperity a nd wider influence th e Civil \Va r llle t 0 . Of tl c1l eek 1ts development. O nly one-fourth value the plant investment amounts to approxth ~e endowm ent surv ived the finan cial ruin of ima tely $605,000 and th e E ndowm ent a nd Scholout!1 that followed in the wake of the war. arship Endowments amount to $607, 121, totaling 11 th ero1 c self-denial and untiring labor during $1 ,212,000. At current valuation the plant and co~] 1lalf century following the war, howe ve r, the equipment would a mount to more than $750,000 Ces ~ge Was able to maintain its standard s. Suc- or a total in vestment of $1,352,000. The total ha Slve campaign s in 1908, 19 15, 1918, and 1923 expenses for th e year 1923 were $ 177,000, not inve g 'f'l reatly increased the endowment a nd plant. cluding the expenses of the R. 0. T. C. departhv le college is situated in Mecklenburg County, ment which probably amounted to $50,000 more. . enty .I The stud ent body has grown much more rapid]Ji d 1111 es north of Charlotte, 111 the famous 1110 nt section of the Carolinas, noted for its ly than the plant and endowment justify. Con . . seq uently th e numbers admitted have for several be a th. can d beauty. ,.. .1 he campu s 1s spaciOus a nd autJful . . I f f' . I1 yea rs been limited. A t present the enrollment of ad . , compnsmg a Jout orty- 1ve ac res, w1t Jacent go lf links conta ining about forty acres the coll ege is approximately 600. 111 ore 0 Thi s student body, however, is unique among IV] • • n the front twenty-five acres, most of llch · · to IS 111 the lawn, there are thirteen buildings, in stitution s of learning and the moral a tmosphere !ifnn ecte d 1)y a system of walks, shaded by beau- is striking ly different from that prevalent at the ;~1 elm s and great oaks. ma jority of other in stitution s. The habits and huiJ~~ larges t building of the coll ege, Chambers tradition of the college a re all in f avor of purity, 19 lllg, was. dest~·o):ed by fire in November, sobriety, and gentlemanly conduct. The stud ents 21 ro · In th1 s bt11ldmg were num e rou s cl ass are a picked body of men, two-thirds of them bed 1a boratones, . onl s th e museum, the Com- ing the sons of church officers, a nd on the average 111e · an more than nineteen out of twenty are th emselves f11 ncement Hall, and dormitory accommodations r one I1un d r e d a nd twenty students. Chambers professing Christians.
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======================================~ THE STAR AND LAMP
The activities of the college are many and varied. Because of their fight and stamina Davidson athletic teams have won for themselves the well -merited nickname "Wi ldcats." Teams in footba ll, basketball, baseball, track, tennis, wrestling, golf, and shooting are maintained. Social, religious, departmental, debating, musical and honor societies play an important part in the life of the co ll ege. There are four debating societies, a glee c.lub, a dramatic club, and about a dozen honorary fraternities and clubs, Ph i Beta Kappa being included in these. T he publications are The Davidsouian, the weekly newspaper of the coll ege recently adj udged the best coll ege paper in the Carolin as; the Davidson Colleg'c Maga::rine, the literary publication of the coll ege; the Quips and Craulls, the college annua l; and the Y. A1. C. A. H audbook, issued at the opening of each year. There are eight national fraternities and two locals. Only during the past year did the faculty grant permission to the fraternities to build and li ve in their own houses, and it is hoped that before very long many of the organi zations will be situated in homes of their own in phce of the cramped quarters which they now occupy. ~·~
of Ma.rch, 1914)
. o f Epsilon . man we owe the foundmg 0 t I11s chapter-a debt which we can never repaY
. . carrymg . . I1 earnes t ness the I11m, except 111 on wtt work which he started so well. C He came here from S. P. C. at Clinton, S. '' . f nJltC 1I where he had been a P t Kapp. ter
EASTERBY-ACKERMAN The weddi ng ceremony of Mi s \!Vinnie ckerman and f1rother J. Harold Easterby, A lph a, Tuesday, September 2, was performed at the home of the bride's parents, at Reel Oak, Cottagevi ll e, S. C. Brother Easterby is prom inentl y con nected with the College of Charleston, being head of the hi story department. He is a honor grad uate of the Coll ege and a post-graduate of Harvard. Brother Easterby and his bride will make their home at Hampton Terrace, 142 F ishburne Street, Charleston, S. C.
WOOD-WILLARD NUPTIALS Edw in K. vVoocl, A lph a-Gamma, was married to Miss Frances Elizabeth Wi ll ard, of San Marcos, Texas. Brother \i\Tood is acting head of the H istory Department, East Texas Teachers Cnll ege, Commerce. Texr~.s.
worry and no littl e labor, he, with \N. M · Shil ,.'• I enc~· John Barry, Geo rge Howard, Jr., Paul Sc 1 all 11 E. L. Booe, and J. M. Smith, fixed up the ' r whi ch we now have a nd obtained our chart\1 After doing that they took in several more 111 .e ~ thus giv ing us a good start on an equal foottl1tl with the other fraternities which had long b~~i establi shed here. To him we extend our h~atall est thanks. and wish him as much success 1 ~ 'g 111 of hi s undertakings as he met with in foun r. C. Eps il on of P i Kappa Phi.
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for OcTOBER, 1924
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· Jlhan1 1v.r · Charles Streibich, more popularly known 1s a mor Gracey Jr. of the class of '25 111a 11 ' ' ' ' o1v 11 whom Davidson is proud to call her a mongst hi s friends as "Low-Pockets," drifted · a· nativ e of Covington, Ten - in from Mississippi in the fall of 1919, entering llesse· Gra cey IS al!.r0 e, and without a doubt is one of the best Davidson a year ahead of the rest of the clas lttrne~nd track men that this in stitution has ever of '24, but he liked the bunch so well that he lltake out. He began, in hi s freshm an year to stayed out a yea r to let the rest catch up . "Low" a,,d a name fo r him self in thi s branch of spo rt began to make a record for him self at once by ever · Staun Sin ce tha t time he has been one of th e his hig h ma rks in hi s studies and by his splendid c1le t the ci d upporters of th e Red and Black on showing on the cinder path. He was a feature 11 the J. er Path. .H e holds the coUege record for of the \Vildcat track team from th e beginning aveli,1 tl every 1row and is high point man in nea rly and was always an A- 1 hurdl er and pole vaulter. lea111 • ~:et.' He is the capta in-elect of the 1925 He hold s the college record in this latter event. ter to .Sides this he is Archon of Epsilon chap- He captained the track squad during the past Which he devotes much of hi s time. 1924 season.
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E men who are so unfortunate as to be floating around over the country in one capacity or another to earn our daily bread often have diffi culty in finding entertainment over a week en d. One Saturday ni ght last summer I wired 1-J arry Mixson from Augusta, Ga., that I would spend Sunday with him in Charleston on my way into Savannah. He met me at the train the next morning. The week-end is a thing of hi sto ry now with me. In fact it is Monday morning and I am writing this en · route v ia the Atlantic C oast Line into Sava nnah. Pi Kappa P hi has always m eant a lot to me. It means more to me thi s morning th an eve r before. Far more. I wish every real man in our brotherhood could meet the men of A lpha that I met yesterday in Charleston; visit the campus of th e College of Charleston where our order was founded. I beli eve every one of you would be better just for having stood before the grave of Brother Andrew Kroeg, one
the of our founders, who has been cal led to the Eternal Chapter by th e Supreme A rchon of U niverse. e Somehow I feel different now that J ha'11 visited th e old chapter rooms there in Ch arl eslt~; I I re tC· and hav e seen some o f th e old pictures anc of 1 that were quite important in the early days c 111 our existence. Pi Kappa P hi means more to ~ \11/e men of Pi Kappa P hi owe it as a du~Y , 1 1 our fr aternity to visit Charl eston whenevet 1 a re near. Charlestonian hospitality is sinccr: . ton . s I1ave t I1e1r . M ecca; tI1e1r . Jet·usaletll· R e I tg ' ··h· th eir Salt Lake City and Benton Harbor, Mtt f 0 igan. Fraternities in turn have th eir shrine 1• pilgrimage. Ours is Charleston. There Andre'd Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and Harry Mixson Jighdt\ . I to a. the lamp and pointed to th e star whtc 1 th.e help s to direct our brotherh ood throughout . :gven Janel. Aga in I t·epeat, go to Clnr: eston! ·e Pi Kappa P hi man is welcome. I know. I ]la' ju st been there.
of e~ 111
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P &Lbriotism
Qur First D1Ult-y
By G. W. B. EveRSON, X NCE more th e prid e of A meri ca's intellect ri ses lik e a mighty and invin cibl e army and with a cadence of music and .laughter enters the coll eges and uni versttt es of our country to secure th e bless ings of an education that is now becoming widespread and alm ost uni versa!. The primary purpose of the care and training of this vast army o f young A meri can manhood and womanhood should be to deve lop th em into sturdy, vigorous men and women, fitted for efficient citi zenship and use fuJ members of society. T hi s requires something more th an mere boo k learning. It is of the high est importance for their li ves to be so directed that th eir activities and experiences will be organized in order to in sure the developm ent of th e stand ards and ideals th at
. t I1em to apprecta . tion no wt'11 g ut'de ancI .msptre oft onl y o f th eir rights ancl pri veleges, but alsO thl th eir duti es and obligations as citi zens of conu11unity, state and nat ion. . the O ur co ll eges and uni ve rsiti es should b'e .J 1 -~ very cradl e of American id eals and id eas. 'J en~il' ing and believing in America and A meri can :Jd . .ons, patnottsm . . an d I ove o f country shotail stttutt t I1I< be th eir a im. A far greater .l oyalty and fea l ~ ri 1510
one has for hi s A lma Mater. Never in th e h ed of thi s g reat republi c has th ere been such a ne f' to more closely and more ri g idly foster and pe11. . • ntSI petuate a one hundred per cent A mertca 1.. 1 Never has th ere been a g reate r need of true ~ ' 1 11 alty, patriotism and respect for the ConstitU of of th e U nited States of Ameri ca and th e flag f' te our country. A cancerous growth is even e11
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lour colleges and universities. The very vital. My good brothers of Pi Kappa Phi, we must a r e being poisoned by communists, r emember that our constitution is the basis of levtst and reds. Their paid speakers tear all law and that our f.lag is its symbol. The 01 tr consft . 1Ttt10n I 1 tJl' it to threads a nd tatters and hold Amercan flag, the emblem of our country, is I, np as . f ftt a stg ned and sealed bond of sla very. They t.h e third oldest national flag in th e world, older . 111 1 a tgn th h of e c aracters and question th e integrity than the U nion Jack and the Tri-Color of France. hare e. the fou ncIers o f thts . g reat republtc . and th en \iVe must ourselves love and respect it and teach ~st.ott. I )(tenc] the·. d . in It arms an say, "'vVe want eve rythmg the coming generation to stand up and take off ·ehr· Anl eri ca . . . R . . e·J \ c as 1t IS 111 uss1a." Tobody IS arrest- their hats, when the Stars and Stripes are dis'S oI , . Ve h 1 u1c. 1Vh . ave aws that enabl e us to arrest a man played. Some may titter. It is · in the blood 0 1 ty to kee Ptts on th e sid ewa lk, but th ere is no .l aw to to deride all expressions of noble sentim ent. · tmg · on t 11e constitutiOn · · o f t 11e 0 ne may blaspheme on the streets and no one .P illen f rom sp t: r ,,·e 1 l' ilttec] S cerl'·l fr tates. \ Ve hav e law s that keeps men will pay mu ch attention to you, but if yo u should on1 c1· . . Jetll: bo tssemmatmg poison that might destroy the get down on your knees and pray to A lmighty 1 cy b t ,... fich· se . ' l1 we have no laws to prevent men fr om uod, or if you should stand with bared h ead W tng · · our national emblem passes by, somebody eo f Pais POt on in the soul s and hearts of men , a w111le 11 jre''' , ,~ that destroys their patriotism. wil.l think you a re showing off, but don 't mind , ·hted Paicllere are no less tha n twenty-five tho~ts::J.nd when that grand flag comes by sa lute and let ada)' and ~rators preaching that kind of doctrine d:tily them think what they please . . thC y rntghtly in the U nited States. You may think For all th e signs and symbol s since the be011 veri' bnt country, my country and our coun try i. safe g inning of creation none is so full of meaning 1 Jtal'e 'i'he et me inform yo u thi s country is not safe. as th e flag of our country. That emblem m eans for y have been preaching that kind of doctrine many thousand years of struggling upwa rd toYears ward a higher goal. It is the blossoming flow er Linles · . sens s eve ry A men can wakes up to a keen er of liberty . It stands for a glorious future. 1t to h~ and appreciation of hi s civic duty, hi s duty is th e flag of tomorrow. It stand s for liberty. 1111 · country a nd h 1·s family, · · S t1ce ' an d d emocracy. It san t d s f or tl1e cornerhe t Se!f , t o h ts unless JU lllov a1<es Part in a great nation-wide educational stone of our country's welfare-our public gent~lllent, long continu ed, well directed, intelli - school s. no illY formul ated to meet th ese false arguments, Brothers, you have much to do to carry on not the tn can afford to give bond for the security of the principles those before you developed and, of should a cri is ever com e which requires a so lid \ Uture. Russia has already gone by the board. 0 the kno v long will it take her to get back ? No one phalanx to ra lly for its defense against any foe, first's. Max Gorky, after th e bolshevists had you will ri se as a my riad host, who have every are rtaken possession of Russia, exclaimed, "We day see n floating over you the fl ag of the free cit· lion .eaching the beginning of the end; civiliza- a nd upon your hearts will be emblazon ed in itt' I iun ts crumbling; ma n is once more back to the characters of living light the broadening, th e ele1 tld A.nl!r~·:· I do not believe it, but I do believe that vating sentiment, "Our Country." at1 JlrAs tea, the last citadel of civilization, mu st be ~~~ ~~ ~ ~'~~ ... erv 1 ~~~ IVitl ec to save th e day. The only troubl e l llS i . that we have alloiVec] n tJ1e U mt. ed States ts ODGERS WELCOMES NEWCOMER 1.\V.vv t.~em to sell communi sm, sociali sm a nd tl· Born to Brother and Mrs. George Allen O dlhat · ~ 111 and all the "ISMS" and th e schi sms 1" j ~ltro sp nng form th e di seased mind s o f social gers, at their home at Rockwood, Darjeeling, ,tt Prop Pe, .but nobody has thought about se lling, Calcutta, India, a daughter, Aljeanne Elizabeth, ISN! agatt~g a nd developing the greatest and best on June 27, 1924. Brother Odgers is a member eve ' Whtch should spring from the heart of of N u chapter and is now in charge of the ry American and that is A mericaw·sm. Methodist Episcopal Mission, Pakaur. 0[
1 bol:Jle t~ation
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==============================~~ ~ THE STAR AND LAMP
f-TILE it is an almost in conceivabl e feat fo r a coll ege man alone to place hi s coll ege in the limelight, cer ta inl y Brother Lonni e S. McM illian, of Beta chapter, has clone more th an a ny other student to bring Presby terian Coll ege in to prominence. W hen McM illi an en tered the little col lege at Clinton, S. C., back in 1915, the extent of activities along athl etic lin es may be judged by the fact that only fif teen men turn ed out for foot -
f or
1 92 4
A t hi s return th e A rkansas youth found that , I ge a great change had taken place. T he col e rt 0 had g rown tremendously, and w ith th e suPP . . . . Jace tO o f ac tive alumnt , was ready to take tts P t· t he athl etic world . For two seasons, thi s veld eran player led teams to v .tcto ry. ]-re cot! . t,,.o pl ay any pos ition equally well , and fot ·r· yea rs th e state newspaper criti cs had little che· fi culty in choosing an end for their mythical s lection s. Gradu ating in 192 1, a fter a year of ach.\~~~; ments that were remarkabl e ind eed, McMt d · ter' art f coached in hi s coJiege town for one w 111 at ·its close was call ed to assist in the work ~I 1 moulding teams out of th e promi sing mate~'. '. that now thronged th e college g rounds. 'I'he !11 . . the f 0 \lo'"' auguratton of f reshman fo otbaJJ 111 1 .mg yea r, cause d I11s . appomtm . ent as f r eshn,at5 111 mentor, and since tha t time th e f irst year\ tea. g of the in stituti on have t aken a proud standt!l among th e leading a thl eti c machines of that sec· tion of th e south. d McMilli an is now head coach in track, at\ alth ough he is largely occu pied by pioneer word in th at directi on, hi s efforts have effecte I romi sing r estults. r as, H av ing chosen as his brid e one of Caro 111 a ma idens, "Lonnie" is now back at hi s j\J!ll'1 . . . f r eshn,etis M ater, trammg a squa d o f ft.ghtmg 1 that have every possibility to achi eve fam e t ~)' autumn. Some of th ese boys wer e coached !I him in th eir high-school clays, and th ey are al· · co eager to . how their love, not onl y for th etr . d .l ege, but also for th e coach who has tranle th em so well.
ball. T he young coach, just out f rom a normal school, was obliged to scrimmage one side of t he lin e again st th e other . A mong th e men who donn ed uniform s th at first season, was B rother " Pistol-Ball Lonnie." McM illi an ma de hi s na me fa mous fo r two seasons, and th en answer ed the call of th e U ni ted S ta tes government to defe nd her li beM:ies.
BROTHER STRICKLAND WEDS ried Thomas M . S tri ckl and , Jr. , E ta, was mar G;t. Jun e 10, to M iss Cl eo W ebb, of El berton . .'tit B rother Stri ckland is engaged in bu siness wt c1 1311 hi s father under the firm name of Strick Bros. at P lant City, Fla.
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I tho! lege )Or!
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R. D. D. CAR ROLL, Dean o f t he School
go to Ox ford where he has been asked to serve as tutor for a whil e, which means he will tell the E ng li sh students through .lectures of econo mic conditions in merica. A lso he will visit th e U ni ver ity o f B irmingham and Manchester, noted for th eir exce ll ent courses in busin ess. D r. Ca rroll w ill call on a number of promin en t E ng li shm en, among t hem J. Roun tree Gill ett, a student of economics, .w ho visited the · nive rsity yea r before last .and w hose brother is a membe r of th e labor 1 a rty in the B riti sh House of Commons; P rofesso r Macek, of th e U niversity of Pr ague in Czechoslovaki a, and S ir ] Ienry ] Tiggs. A la bama, gathered togeth er at a banquet in A nni ston, A labama .
of Comm erce, Uni ve rsity of North t . Carolin a, and a broth er of Kappa chape,' has a il ed for foreign coun t ri es to spend a Year ab road in study and t rave l. D r . Carroll a~d his fa mily sail Saturday, eptember 13, ~ oard the Cuna rd liner Lancastria, a new oil lLJ rner. T hey go first to E ngland .
dif· se·
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is Jj
. \V hi!e ab road D r. Ca rroll w ill devote some t1n1e t o a study of ship and water transpo rta. t Ion b . Pro .!ems. He was secreta ry of the comllliss·101 th .1 whi ch recently submi t ted its report on De sh1p and water transpo rtati on in thi s State. t] r. Carroll said before leav ing he was confident t~: Peo~)]e of the S tate will eventuall y approve th n1a111 recomm end ations of the report. If e 111atter is not settl ed this yea r he has a plan to Ilav · th e It th reshed ou t before the peop le t hro ugh .e annu al high-schoo l debates under the aus1 ).'ces t he Extension D ivision o f the U ni versIty of I . \ · n th1 s way more than 2,000,000 persons ovfoulcl hear both sides of th e questi on, is th e v iew act b'~·· Ca rroll , who refu sed to lobby fo r the °Pti on of t he repo rt bu t feels ce rtain th e high8 1 t~ 1001 debates as a last resort woul d convince e '11 ost skeptical. ec b r. Ca rroll will ma ke a study of soc ia l and 1) anomie co nd iti ons in th e principal countri es of <:.tlro );' . Pe, among them E ng la nd, Scotl and, Spa in , Crance, Ita ly, Belg ium, Ge rm any, Sw itzerl and, t zechos lova ki a, A ustri a and Russia. He w ill a~~~'el by automobil e mos t of th e tim e, thus eneli In~ him to make a cl ose study of th e rural ~Jet a well as t he citi es. b 11 reaching E ng land one of hi s first ca ll s will e at the U ni versity of London. Later he w ill
SOLDIER KI KAPPS HOLD BANQUET O n Monday evening, Jul y 21, the foll ow ing named member s of our fraterni ty, in attenda nce at Summ er T raini ng Camp at Camp McClell an, A labama, gather together at a banquet in A nni ston, A labama. E el. Ben ton, Eta, E mory; J oe Cantey, Zeta, Wofford; N. S. Morgan, O mi cron, Alabama; R. R. Ca rothers, Om icron, A labama; C. H. Torton, A lpha Epsil on, F lorida; R. C. \iVilli ams, O micron, A labama; B. L. Eddy, A lp ha Epsi lon, F lorida; H. J . H indm an, Beta, P resbyterian College of South Carolina; W. M. Sullivan, Eta, E mor y; L. R. Benn ett, Lambda, U niversity of Georg ia; G. D. Hamilton, A lp ha Eps il on, U nive rsity of F lorid a; Cha rles Swoope, A lpha Eps ilon, F lorid a; W. L. R ive rs, Zeta, \iVofforcl; R. A F lourn oy, Eta, E mory. B rother Bull ock, of E mory U ni versi ty, acted as toastmast r. T hi s was a rep resentative gatherin g fro m t he entire southeast, and as each brother was call ed on he p refaced hi s rema rks wit h a shor t ou tline of the pl ans o f hi s chapter fo r the coming year .
11rother T. L. Thurston, O mega, is managing a fa rm at H a rtsv ill e, Ind.
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I By G.
NE Saturd ay afternoon in the latter part of A ugust, in Shreveport, La., I was standing on th e corner in front of th e post offi ce awattmg a r ath er delayed appointment when from out of th e noise and bu stl e I hea r d a shout of "Duke." T. turn ed and saw a taU young man with a three-day gr'Owth of beard, who was dressed in a slouchy pair of kni ckers. Judging by hi s coat of tan I thought he mi ght be a life guard on som e beach in th e Pana ma Canal zone. After staring at him for about two minutes I fin all y penetrated hi s venee r of whi skers and recogni zed my own broth er of R ho, Bill Helli er , f rom Alabama. Now Bill is reall y a nice-l ooking chap, and of course my couri osity was ar oused as to "why" and "wher efore" as to what he might be doing in my home town without letti ng me know. So I asked what he was do ing here. To whi ch he repli ed that he w ith B roth er Rudy Lane and McLeo d ha d motored from Los A nge les to S hreveport and did not have much time. I th en inquired "if they were trying to estab.li sh a trans-continental speed record . He said that they had wired broth er A l A ment to make
dates fo r th em in Bi rmingham for Monda)' ni ght. t ]kT hen I rem embered las t fin als they we re a · · mg a b out d n·vmg to C a J"f 1 orm·a a f ter sc I1 ool was theY out but I never doubted for a minute but . Ja would change th eir mind s and go to F lort C' in stead. Then I looked down th e street and saW a dust-covered sport m.odel But·ck. o f passt· ana~ olf red, loaded down w tth eve rythmg from g cl ubs to cookin g utensil s. Bill and I strol.l ed to th e r oad-weary mota: a~d a ft.er looking among the luggage for a~~c ft ve mmutes I a t last found R udy and · about half asleep. ·1 A fter exchanging " H ell os," etc., R uddy s~tc, "Goll y, Shreveport's got some good looktt1g girl s." I said , "Of course, you are staying over." "No," said Mac, "we a re du e in Hirminghant Monday." ,, " Th ere's a good dance on th e R oo f tonig~t~ "We have pl enty of tim e to get to Birmtnt> . e r est would do us goo d ," says h am, Mac, a httl ' R udy and Bill . They stayed.
By FE RLvs vV. THoMAs, r ~ h o uld
like to take this opportuni ty to call to the attenti on of the vari ous chapter s of Pi Kappa P hi , a more or less minor point, but one that w ill lead into diffi culti es if over looked too long. T he past few years have been very g ratifying f rom the standpoint of nati ona l expansion , and 1 should like to direct th e attenti on of th e chapte rs to what may be termed local expansion . By thi s I m ean th e building up of the personn el of th e chap ter f rom different geographi cal locali-
ti es, different cities, and , if possibl e, dt'ff erent states. . ]I A survey of th e additi ons to th e Chapter Ro re· of Gamma chapter made several years ago . 5 veals one striking thing: the number of memb~ JI registered from the same city or citi es. . , .f. attot1· t h ese men embodi ed the necessar y qua l t tC ·e tha t go to make up a tme P i Kapp ; they wet _ all splendid a dditi ons to the chapter . Neverth~ less th e locali zati on of the source of membet ship resulted in diffi culti es for the chapter at a
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litter d t . ate. As it happened the suppl y of fraerntty . mate nal fr om th se "st rong hold s" was not llff1 . . Of · C1ent 111 late r yea rs to fulfiLl the needs Pr ~~le cha pte r. The cha pte r th en faced th e 0 em o f obtai ning its members from other ources · 'l'h 1s . proved a stony path to follow f o r Otneti b re me, ut has been safely traversed, as th e . th cent a dd'1ttons to the chap ter roll show. Neve re1ess tl . . ll 1e JOurn ey over th1s path was not as I casant . . •, as 1t mtg ht have been. 1 "1- . he loca li zation of member ship in a f ew ' 1tes ·1 d WJ 1 also r esult in a better cha nce for the tlevelopment of factions in the chapter, one of le illost I. . the . c 1sastrous thmgs that can happen. If th· vanous m embers com e from different cities 1 10 s developme nt o f f action s is much less .liable Occur
]:;'rom .
that a pe rspect ive of seve ra l year. 1t eem s in th'the 1·d ea 1 course for the chapters to follo w IS rega rd would be a se riou s e ffort to es-
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tablish a new st rong hold each year, w ith ou t losing the hold on those a lready fixed. Thi s will tend to broaden out the life in the chap te r in general, as well as avoiding seve ral things that are bound to be detrimental to the chapte r. The burden of this " locaJ expansio n" rests, nl ess the alum in a la rge part, on the a lumni . nu s is willing to look over th e possible fraternity material in hi s di stri ct, a nd report on such to the chapter, the expansion is difficult to say the least. H owever if a ll the a lumni w ill cooperate with their r espective chapters in this r ega rd half the battl e wil.l be won. \ Nith the kn ow ledge that th eir alumni a r e behind them in this ma tter the active m embers wi ll put added effo rt into the wo rk. As an is ue directly connected with this, the r elationship between th e a lumni and th e chapter will be strength ened . n thing mu ch to be desired.
,, (Fro m flll rr-Fra leru ily Co ufereure Bullrtiu)
A TERN IT Y id eals. Th ey are much talked about in a vague way, but f ew a re tha able to say, "Her e, these a re th e id eals t fra t·ern1t1 · ·es stand for ; here are the funda111 e11 fr tal .Precepts, principles a nd id eals upon which a1ern 1t'tes a re founded." Genera ll y, fraternity 111 e 1 ha~ cred it all fraternities with those idea ls which f.' e lll eant mos t to them in their own societies. fraactts l~a ve been lacking. The A meri can coll ege . thereern 1t Y IS older than the Republic, and yet 1 sis las neve r yet been a n a uth o ritative a na lyspa o: the fundamentals as announced by re· oftctals. · · ltnstbl . e f 1·a tern tty 15 ahv tru e, undoubtedl y, that the ideals a r e not ' ays r1 tiv Ved up to. The question of the e ff ec· · ·e 1s · llqeness · of tl1e avo weeI a1ms o f f ratern1t1 Por~
Wever, a part of thi s study.
It is im -
~in ant enoug h to know what are frate rniti es' 15
and t o assum e that their con sta nt r eiterat · IS tnflu . nce mind a nd cha r acter. itie ~ number of m en 's general nation a l fraternS IS · . . esttmated at 70, w1th a membersh1p of t· 0
11 n11
app rox imately 470,000, of which about 55,000 are underg r aduat es . Total m ember ship in cr eases at the rate of about 20,000 a year. The well · ('Stabli~hed fraternities w h1·ch are assoc1ated in the Interfra ternity Conference num ber 54, with 2n aggregate li ving m embership of 423,000. Of these 51 , with a membership of 398,000 a nd a n average founding da te of 1877, r epli ed to the que stions upon which the r eport was based. lt is reasonably safe, then, to predicate an appraisal of the idea ls of the col.l ege fraternity upon the findings o f this repo rt. . . 1'1 . d'IV1ci . Let it be no ted t I1at f ratern1t1es, 1<e 111 ua ls, differ. They have many traits in com mon, but sweeping gene ralities would be more · · ·es co I sw ecpmg t I1an accurate. A l so, f ra t ern1t1 not stand still, a lthoug h changes a re slow. Th e followin g subj ects we re taken up, in question form, sue11 as: "D oes your f rate rnity either in constituti on or in ritua l declare te:1ch o r req uire allegiance to the Govern ment of the United S tates?"; Patriotism, recognition nf
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Deity, Scholarship , Participation in Campus Activiti es, College Loyalty, Moral Living, Liquor, Gambling, Racial or Religious or Politi cal Prejudice, Racial or Religious Limitations upon Membe rship, Friendship, Service to Man kind , Honesty, Charity, Snobbery, Philanthropic Activity, Monetary Limitation upon Membership, Donation of Chapter "Ef ouses to the Governm ent during the war." The report classifies the replies rece ived exactly. 1n this summary there is space only to say that the replies show that fraternities encourage a recognition of and a proper respect for the Deity, encourages moral living, discourages gambling, discourages the u se o f liquor, places a high premium upon friend ship, emphasizes the virtue of honesty and integrity, urges the virtue and practice of charity. As far as the individual is concerned, it was shown that fraternities si ncerely and earnestly attempt to play their rol e as a vital and helpful part of the machin ery of education by encouraging hig h scholarship, requiring participation in campu s activities and urging coll ege loyalty. T he weight of influ ence of fraternities in matters pertaining to community interests may properly be su mmarized as follows: Fraternities are intense ly patriotic, promote concord among groups o f different religious and racial and political backgrounds, teach the duty and privilege of serv ice to mankind , denounce snobbery and the fetish of social demarkation on the basis of wea lth or family , foster to a sub stantial extent parti cipation in social se rvice or philanthropi c work. The report concludes: "lt is apparent that fraternities began as essentially socia l clubs. The premium was on the personali ty of the individual. If he was congenial sociall y and intell ectually he was material for membership . It would seem that the earli er literary purposes which, according to a ll availab le hi stori cal so urces, were the prime interests of th e original (and for th e most part now ex tinct) fraternities, gave way to the club notion. "Comrad eship, fellowship, recreation and reli ef from university discip.line were the bond s. It is not unlikely that the intere sts of the fraterni-
ties before 1850 were not infrequ ently at vari· ance with those of college and community. . . "A sense of responsibility in both these dll·ec tions apparently began to develop abou t thed 1 midd le of the nin eteenth century and this fo,1:' 11 e r . 1 , express ion in consciou sly adopted po IcJ es. 1 fraternities founded in the late 's ixti es and earl) 'seventi es mu st have sensed thi s, for the wo rc · 1 ·mg o f the1· r constitutiOn · · s or ntua · 1s spo'l' e to pe point, though by implication. _ '·Th e late 'eighties crystallized the metanl~r. and the constitution . . s or ntua . 1s o f frateii1 phos1s it:es founded on the average then and there; afte r sp ecifi ca lly enjoyed upon the membef ·_ 1 th e I i vi ng of II· ves of usefu 1, 1a w-a b'IC1·mg, Goc · · · zens, trame · d 111 · mm · d an d I)0 dy ' Ioya 1 fca nng citi . . . pecll' to their co ll eges and appreciative o f t I1eir r· li ar ob liga tions to serve and help the less fo tunate . 1 . 't o\I'I. The fraternity ideal has come mto I s . 1 In principle and intention the part it plays . ~ univ ers ity education is vital and probably 11 · uPt replaceable. The task of keepi ng practice to th e high plane of precept challenges the b~S 10 effo rt not only of fraternity men, but of all ~" wish to conserve and improve the good things that are in cid ent to public education." Editor-in-chief of Liberty, the new we.ekl~ magazine, is John E. Wheeler, a Sigma Chi, ~e Columbia U niversity. The first cover for t . h o!l new journal was drawn by John T. McCutc e who is also a Sigma Chi from Purdue. . r thC Sorrow abounds throughout Acacia ove . t · death of Dr. Jam es M. Cooper, 'O f Detroit, fu·s of the founders to die. ~\11.!..
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Chi Phi, with 26 chapters since its foundi~f in 1824, ha s revived its chapter at Vanderbi · ~1 '-!.,
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]'Je''' Hughie J ennings, head .coach of the ·l er 1 York Giants, and Harold "Muddy" Ruel, catc " 0 for the victorious vVashin~ton Se~1ators, are ~~·s Phi Delta Theta's who f1gured m the War Series.
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DR. A. P. WAGENER I AISON officers of P i Kappa P hi are the S eco11d District chapte r in spectors . T hey are the means of inter -communi cation bet ween th e F raD r. Wagener was one of the f irst members of ternity's outposts and the nati onal headqua rters. th e F raternity, having been ini tiated back in 1906 1'hey are the m ost important cogs in the ma- when P i Kappa P hi was ope rating at th e Coll ege c!11. 11ery of our governm ent. And as a r esult, of Charl eston be fore the clays of nationali zation. they bear upon th eir shoulders the responsibiliti es H P. was identifi ed with all the early hi story of of keeping th e chapte rs in closer r elationship with th e F ra ternity and took a leading part in the esthe F raterni ty as a whole. tablishment of the nati onal organi zati on. So it is with great pleasure that we prese nt He held vari ous offices in th e local chapter the new in spectors, of whom several have been including t hat of archon. He was also depu ty re-appointed a~d others designated for th e fir st ar chon and treasurer of the national F raterni ty. tin1e. Broth er Wagene r was graduated from th e College of Charl eston in 1906 with highest honors. KURT C. LAUTER A fter four years postg rad uate wor k, he received Fi·r st D1:strict the degree of P h. D. at J ohn s Hopkin s U niversity. H e is at p resent head of the department of Latin and Greek at Roanoke Coll ege, Salem, Va., where he was instrumental in securin g a charter fo r X i chapter.
RALPH RONE Thi1·d District
. From the organi zation of Komos local fraterWhich later became Psi chapter of P i Kappa Phi, Broth er La uter has been interes ted in fra~erna] affa irs. He first saw th e light of T HE 1 'An AND LAMP when Psi chapter was in stall ed November 24, 1921. . llJty
1'he first year after the organi zation of Komos he held the pos iti on of chapter secreta ry. H e left orn ell m 1918 to enter th e army but return d . li e and 111 1919 and 1920 was house m anage r. e Was on the Cornell track squ ad in 1919 and
· .
B is present ad dress is 2640 Kenmore P lace, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Broth er Rone was a charter member of Mu chapter and since hi s entrance in to the F rate1'ni ty has been constantly interested in the welfare and advancement of not only his own chapter but of the entire F r aternity. He received the degree of A . B. from T rinity College in 1916 . \1\fhil e in col.l ege Brother Rone was active in coll ege affairs. For three years he was a member of th e Varsity baseball team and played cl ass basketball fo r two years. He was for two years a singer in th e Glee clu b and during hi s senior yea r managed the organi zation. He was a lso a member of T he Tombs, t he hig hest honor con fer red upon a T rini ty man. A fter g radua ti on and until the outbrea k of the World \Var he was a salesman for R. J. Reynold s Tobacco Company and traveled the states of Main e and New York. He was fo r a time in an a rtill ery battery at Camp J ackson and was .l ater a candidate in th e third officers trai ning
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the South ern Fruit Company, importers and wholesa le fruit and produce dealers, Cha rl eston. In 1922 he was a rchon of the Charl eston Alumni chapte r. He is a member of the 1 fa· sonic Order, of the Exchange Cl ub, of the Charleston Country Club and of the Charl eston RiAe Club.
JOE A. McCLAIN, JR. Fifth Distric t
camp, grad uatin g with the commi ss ion of second li eutenant. TT e is at present city salesman for Haralson & G ri ce, Charlotte, N. C.
WILLIAM HAMPTON MIXSON, JR. Fo11rlh District Mixson is a magic name in 1 i Kappa P hi and the subject of this sketch bears with honor that cognomen. O n October 4, 1909, he was initi ated into Pi Kappa Phi, w hi ch his brother helped to launch. 'W hil e at the Coll ege of Charl eston he played varsity football for two years and was treasurer of A lpha chapter in 1911. In the fall of 1911 he entered the University of South Carolin a and because of the one-yea r rule cou ld not play varsity football but was captain and quarterback of the class team. I-Ie was archon of S igma chapter in 1912. lf e left the University in the summ er of 1912 and worked for the United Fruit Company at New Orleans and Galveston. From 19 13 to 1918 he was located in Colum bia, S. C., but returned to Cha rleston in 1918. He is now manager of
Brother McClain entered Mercer Un iversity in the fall of 1921 and from the beginning was rrc minent in student activities. H e played foot· ball for three yea rs and was a member of the Ro~md Table, an honorary orga ni zation . Jn hi s seni or yea r he was interco ll egiate d ~ bater and judge of the student tribunal. lT e ~~~l~ g rad uated from the Me rcer Law School IV 1 first honors last spring. In 1922 he was treasurer of A lph a-Alpha c11'ajJ· ter and archon in 1923. He was also rep resenta· tiv on the Pan-Hell eni c council and in 1924 was president of the Council. 1-le is now assoc iate professor of law, Mercer U ni ver sity.
T. E. BUNTIN S e11enth District L]ni· Brother Buntin was graduated from the . 111 versity of A labama with the degree of LL. B.. 1 May, 192 1, and sin ce then has been practic ~g 1 law at Dothan, A la. In November, 1923, ~ was appointed judge, court of common pleas, a Dothan, to serve until January 15, 1925. He was elected in May this year to serve four years, commenci ng J anuary 15. ·d He hold s a commi ssion in the N a tiona! Guat I c1 of A labama with the rank of capta in and ea l summer spends fifteen days in training at for B ragg, J . C. 'c; Brother Buntin is chairman of O mi cron: 11 Building Association, which now has $3,500 ; 0115 hand for the erection of a $15,000 chapter h , . 1 at labama. Fo r ever y dollar wh1c 1 an'~ 1 F raternity will raise the U ni ver sity of A labat1 ', will present two; so O micron 's goal of a ne:'. ss 1 ~ chapte r is not far off. M uch of the succe due to the efforts of B roth er Buntin .
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B rother Bolt, than whom there is none more famous in the Fraternity, was a member of the • , l3rother f.atham ente red the Law Sc hool of class of 19 12 at the U niversity of South Caro1ulane TJ · · S ep tember 1920 and was lina. He was co-fo under of The E ma non Club, L . ntve rstty, grad ' ' N uated Jun e 6, 1923. He opened an office in which became S igm a of P i Kappa P hi. During ew Orleans, January 1, 1924, for the excl usive his freshman year he was hi sto ri an of his class Pra ct'tee of civil law. a nd m anage r of the freshman footba ll team. Later he was an associate editor of T he Gamep· wa president of the local, whi ch petitioned 1 cock, and played right guard on the varsity baskappa Ph i, at t he time of its in sta llation as ~\ lpha-n eta c11apte r, a nd was the ftr · t a rchon of ketba ll team for two years. A1Pha-Beta. He, with hi s father, for severa l years, ha had a monopoly on the public utilities at Otte rbein, In 1922-23 Brother Latham was treasurer of th e 1' M ulane Squ a re a nd Compass, interco ll egiate Ind . Last March he disposed of hi s interests in asonic Fraternity a nd was a delegate to the the lig ht and power plant of the town and pur. l.convent'ton of thts. order held at vVashmgton a nd chased the local telephone system. atee _niversity, Lexi ngton, Va., in January, 1923, J Je is a past master of the Masonic Lodge, is f Wht ch time he was elected national treasurer a member of M. \ V. of A., Ame ri can Legion, and 0 the organ ization. -tO Hommes et 8 Cheveaux. \ VJ . ltle at T ul a ne he was president of the Law class of 1922-23.
Eighth District
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RALPH E. ANDERSON E lcvc11th District
A va ri ed a nd distinctive career has been ca rved out by Drother A nd erson. H e attended the Un ive rsity of Nebraska from 1913 to 19 17. For two yea rs he was on the cross-country team and was captain of the fres hma n track team. He was a member of the D ramatic Clu b, of the Univers ity P layers, was assistant secretary of the Y . M. C. A. a nd was p resident of th e Tuni or class. In the sp ring of 1917 he enli sted in t he air serv ice a nd for two yea rs was a fl y ing in tructor in Texa . Later he was commi ssioned a second lieutenant. He was award ed permanent Aying in structo rs' wings by specia I order of the command er-in -c hi ef and was decorated by the Secretary of the Treasury for fl yi ng work in beha lf of L iberty Loan . He was eli charged in Octobe r, 19 19, a nd ente red commercial av iation and had th e general ma nagement of the Central Co ntin ental Flying Schools at Ok lahoma City. He is now sta te manager of the Cedar Rapids Life Insuran ce Company for Neb raska a nd sti l.l find s time to do a good dea l of fl ying. Drother A nd e rson is at present a director of the Pi Kappa 1 hi Bu ilding As ociation for N u chapter, alumni adviso r of N u chapter a nd president of the L in col n A lumni chapter.
Ninth District
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FERLYS W. THOMAS Thirteenth District
Twelfth Dist1·ict
Brother Rob in son was a cha rter member of Phi chapter and was cl~airman of the petitioning committee of Pi Kappa, which became AlphaGamma chapter of Pi Kappa P hi at the University of Oklahoma. A g raduate of Bliss Business Co ll ege, Columbus, O hi o, Brother Robinson .taught com mercial subjects at Tu lsa whil e pu rsuing hi s scholastic work. He was vice-president of Zeta Chi , loca l in 19 1617. and at the same time was manager of the football team, and ath letic editor of The Collegian. T he next year he was business manager of The Co lll'gian and of Kenda llabnwu. l~or two yea rs he was a member of the vars ity debate team. 1-Te studied 111 di cin e, 1921-22, at George \Vashington ( ni ve rsity, Washington, D. C., but next year entered the Medical School at the U ni vers ity of Oklahoma. Brother A nderson is also a member of Phi Beta Pi, medi cal fraternity, and Pi Kappa Delta, forensic fraternity. He is a Master Mason.
Those P i Kapps who were fortunate enough
. n ;~l to attend the eleventh biennial conventtO Berkeley, will remember the chap in charge of the enterta inment features. He is now chapter in spector for the thirteenth district. 11 Brother Thomas was initi ated into Gat11' ;~ chapter in February, 19 17. From May, 1917, to · er· August, 19 19, he was absent from the UntV sity, for he had a little job to do for U ncle Satll· He was a second Jieutenant of coast artiller~ while A meri ca was tak ing part in the \ Vorl f . the \ Var. In 1920-2 1 he was house manager ot f 0 chapte r a nd was archon for the fall semester 192 1 and for the sp ring semeste r of 1922 . ,,,, F rom 1922 to 1924 he had a teaching fe 11 0 f ship, in the geology department, nivers t'tY 0. Californi a. At present he· is in terested ,·n agrt' cultural deve lopment at Moreno, Calif.
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only aerop la ne compa ny in the north west a nd one of the ia rgest in the United States. He hold s a positi on of marked responsibility in the expe ri m enta l departm ent.
Fourtee nth District
h t
Broth land . er Jon es was born in Birkenhead, E ngYear' ~11 1900, a nd went to Seattle in 1916. Last act . e became a citi zen of th e country of hi s 0 Pb on l~nt · he ~s e n_n ~ th e Tnive rs ity of Washington in 19 19 thr Pec,al!zecl in aerona utical eng ineering and ougho t 1 . . . Viable l1 11 s coll ege ca reer mamta med a n en fli schola tic record. E lected to Tau Beta 1 Ye~r 10110 rary eng in eering frate rnity in hi s junior h ~rh e later became president a nd as a crowning to ll Was sent by the local chap ter as delegate 1 li le e nat" c Ion a convention in the east. Ci11 b Was one of the founders o f the Canadia n anct i n Cl11· ·ops1·1 on chi after holding va ri ou 8 off lleg0t" '.ces was elected archon in 1923. In the John H. \ Vamsley, L psilon, is employed in TT Pl11. regar d"mg the . grant"Iat,on s W I"tl1 p·1 J.'-appa the genera l offices of A rm our & Co., U. S. Ya rds, and lllg of a cha rte r he played an important part Chi cago. he \as a m ember of the in stallation committee (L Vorked a . 11 y 111 . mter . . 11e ss1"d uou s1y, espec1a estmg ~ 1lltnni. 11lce . Capt. Herbert Hardy, Gamma, is assistant payllcq ~raduat iOn B rother Jon es has been con1 ee With the Boeing Aeroplane Company, the maste r of the Marin e Corps, a t Quantico, Va.
Brother L. H arry l\ lixson sends in the fo ll owing inte resting bit of news: The College of Charleston M aga:;ine ha jusl publi shed an lunmi N um ber, con ta ining articles written by different a lumni which de cr ibe conditions a t the College during t he tim e when they were stud ents. O ne of the articles is by J. \ Virron Willson , a Kappa Alpha, of the Class of 1908, a nd who was at the Co.llege when Pi Kappa P hi was founded. Perhaps it w ill be of interest to the Fraternity in general to see how he felt about it. He says: " \ Ve reca ll that a bunch of goo d fellows associated themselves together, declined a charter in a fraternity of nation al fame, and began a new fraternity, which now has chapte rs in many of th e co ll eges of the country with our own Col lege of Charleston as the mother chapter. Th e writer being a member of anoth er fraternity was not connected with this movement, but it has hi s sil ent endorsement and ad mirati on." \ Vill on was one of the most popular men in Co.llege, and I had the pleasure of pl ay ing baseball w ith him two years as catcher when he was shortstop and captain. H e i now cashi er of the Bank of Sparta nburg. 'T'o me, it is just a littl e significant that he, a nother fraternity man , should remember and write about the founding of our Fraternity, after twenty yea rs have passed.
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f o r 0 c '1' o B E R, 1 9 2 4
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I riS notice is to offi cial ly announ ce th at Drother George Sheetz has been elected Executi ve Secreta ry of th e F raternity. His add ress is Roo m 11 , Exchange Bank Build ing, Charleston, Sou th Carolin a. . \II chapter repo rts and membe rs' reco rd ca rd s shoul d in the f utu re be sen t to th e Executi ve Secretary in stead of to thi s offi ce. T he Sup reme Coun cil asks fo r t he f ull est deg ree of coope rati on fr om a ll chapter s, both alumni and undergradu ate. B roth er Sheetz w ill be on the job at all tim es and will render any membe r of the F raterni ty such ass istance as may be necessary.
Gr.:ORG I~
M. C R.\ N'I', S nprcme Secre tar·y.
WHAT THE SECRETARY SAYS I n accepting th e wo rk of Execu tive Secr etar y fo r the F ratern ity I was imp ressed prin cipall y by its poss ibiliti es, bo th of developin g th e job and of satisfaction to be deri ved fr om the work ; and af ter several cl ays of delving into th e accum ul ated reco rds thi s im pression is still growing . T here is mu ch work to be clone, bu t t here is a lso mu ch persona l pleasu re to look for wa rd to in attempting to f ull y use such an or po rtuni ty fo r serv ice to I i Kappa P hi . The purpose in estab li shing thi s offi ce (w hich has been di scussed thoroughl y at th e last two conventions) was to prov id e an effi cient wo rking unit to reli eve and unify the wo rk o f th e Supreme offi cials and of t he F raternity at la rge. T hi s I hope to acco mpli sh. Th is is the central office- the national headq narlcrs. l.:lere your r epor ts, clues, compla in ts, et cete ra, shoul d be sent- eve rything except copy fo r the Ed ito r of Tr-11~ STAR A D LAM!', wh ich shoul d go to him direct. Th e ma iling li st of 'J'r1r~ STAR "No LAM I' w ill be handled here, howeve r, and any fu ture subsc ripti ons or changes of add ress should be sent to thi s offi ce. A ny bu sin ess whi ch should go before th e Supreme Coun cil will be handl ed through thi s offi ce a lso. Matte r s not already p rov ided for in our Constitu tion and Laws, or through th e established poli cies and customs of th e Sup reme Council ,
11ave to be settl ed on thetr · mertts · a s the)' · 1 a ri se, but I can and do pl edge you thi s, that \~~~ C bu sin ess o f thi s office w ill be handl ed prompt]) son .. of ne h and th at to the best of my abtltty the L aws ,~\ F rate rnity will be ca rri ed ou t and enforced. 1}1 1 t I1e ac t1ve . cooperatt .. .on o f every Pi ](apP/1 cha I as< in accompli shing these end s. Make it 111.\' fall list if you can, but do your bit first. hu: to 1 September 26, 1924 · W L' II
\I tl General Juformation . ]tl· II' Ol ' l I n ord er that all th e r outin e wo rk o f Ol dl sev. gan ization shall be car ried on w ith despatch ant- dra . . tch nt ~ th at there be no lack of m fo rmatton on st . ,e ~l i · to ttil ' ters, Bull etm wtll be tssued f rom t tme · _ nty fore 111 from t hi s offi ce, as ha been clone hereto . ting to 1 di vidu all y by the Supreme Officers, acquat n ·,g . etttl th e chapters wtth any changes made or 5 !d forth any general facts w ith whi ch th ey sholl be fami liar . :\ ALL REPOR TS, DUES, l N L'l' I A'I' f,~·II T 1 FEES, O R GENERAL CORRES PON D £!\ c- Tn SF-IOULD BE ADDR ESSED TO TH E EXE Yot the LJT l VE SECRETAR Y. tha Reports a11 d Rem-itta nces ,, 1aV• to Th e offi cia l mont hly r epor t w hi ch you e~;1 cr Se 1 been sending to th e Sup reme Secreta ry, tog for af f with th e monthl y dues o f O ne Do ll a r ($ 1.00} the Of each acti ve member as o f th e last day 0 • 11 ~ Slit I -unnt " month , beginning with Sep tem be r 30 anc 1 ']'ti£ through A pri l 30, should be for wa rded by : ng beat' CH J TER SECR E T A R Y to thi s o fli ce·, 1 ~st f the a postma rk not la ter th an midni ght o . ' ]Je 11 clay of th e mon th ; oth erw ise th e chapter \l~cei'' 0 subj ec t to a fin e. A full li st o f chapter ti"e shoul d accompany thi s repo rt and t he Execf·ll nl' 0 fl Secretary should be notifi ed imm edi ate 1Y changes in thi s li st. ,e,,· ca 1 W ithin fiv e days a f ter th e initi a ti on o f a a11d (;< member the Chapter Secreta ry hall fill ou\er's be fo r ward to th e Executi ve Secreta ry a Met11 w be Recor d Card and Initi ation Report Blank, for 11), geth er with th e Chapter T reasurer's cheC~ 1 to th 101 $2 1. 50, covering $ 10.00 for a L ife Subsc ri pt
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L AM r; $10.00 for Supreme ChapCe, 1n,t' .. Ia t'Ion F"'ee; and $1.50 for a Membership
ert, fIca te. the}' tt thel Orde1's for Insignia 1pLi)'· 80 )rd er your badges direct from Burr, Patter,£ the ho~ & Company, Detroit, Mich. The order, 'l'f.rv~ve r, MU~1' BEAR THE APPROVAL OF r\apP eh E CHAP1 ER SECRETARY. A list of a ll · office and a jail II listapter offilCers vV I'II be I<ept at th1s be supp'ied n'lirrofp all chapter secretar ies will , . to ' atterson & Company. 1 he same app l1 es 1 24. p edge buttons and other suppli es. T C'o11stitntion a11d By-La·ws Ati n accordance with the instructions of the . uunng _, . the latte r part of . J anta' convent10n, r ot· u1y the S se upreme Coun cil met and agreed (after an Vera! · 1 ' dl d. llig 1ts of hard work) upon a revi eel mat· 'aft of . . . e k our ConstitUt iOn and Supreme Law. tii11 InJeog.1 h . . . . e in- 111 ap eel copies of th is draft will be Ill 1 toy lands in a few clays and will then be mailed 1ting Yo t1 · · With full instructions for handling. tting September 27, 1924. 0 uld BULLETIN NO. 2
ro.\' ~CE
The F..recutivl' OffiCi'
lllietins more in detail wi.ll be issu ed shortly. EC- 11 the meantime, please regard this office as Yollrs · . . th )'\ 111 every sen se. Tt IS here for serv ice to e t' rat . 1' that '", ernity. . he new Constituti on provides 1 •C to a he Supreme Counc il shall have authority 1 1 ther Se employ or discharge a full-time Executive · for affcretar . Y w 110 shall have act1ve charge of th ~ the Of aiirs of the F raternity subj ect to the clirect;on 1 ,ing Sti/ : Supreme Counc il. " That is a ll the Conf{'£ 111 a lltJon has to say about it. At first gla nce that ing appear rather meagre treatment of the subas! th t, but on second thought you w ill find thnt at st· t . IJC ever a ement covers the matter from pnct ica ll y ~r; 11r Y angle. You will receive sho rtl y from . ot 1ler D . S . i1•e 'nn- ·] nver, upreme A r chon, a Jetter clefm" t 1e · · n.l' ret POSition more fully. T he Executive Secar h Prof Y as und ertaken this work with a very :11· ear ound sense of the responsibility and qualifiI':.I Co~~:· ti.nvolved. The legislation of the Atlanta 11 he Ion mu st be carried out; nothing mu st 1 r be ~ lowed to relax or drag behind. A ll this can ,r 1110 one on ly by all working together in the como the~ cause and cooperating w ith this office a nd llpreme Council. y
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Chapters are urged, therefore, at the outset, to be prompt in sending in reports and dues and in supplyi ng any in formation requested by this office or through the Chapter Inspector. ,w...
OMAHA PI KAPPS GET ORGANIZED By C. H. COLLINS 1f T has been the . custom of the Oma~a bunch to meet occasiona lly and have dinner together at some one of Omaha's famous or infamou s eat ing houses . There are about a dozen Nu men located in this burg. \ Ne usua ll y meet about once a month, sometimes selclomer, and each pays for hi s own meal except when Deyo Crane (the vice-presid ent of the Peterson Ba nking Company ) pays for them and then forgets to coll ect f rom the others. Well , this spring we cleciclecl to organize an alumni chapter in Omaha and we elected Barlow Wetherbee as president and Steve Brown secretary. Now you should know something about Steve Brown. He came to Omaha from clown in Carolin a somew here. \Ve thought it wou ld be on ly fair to the south to make Steve an officer and not Jet Nu chapter hog it all, so Steve became secreta ry. Now, Steve "clone us wrong" and left shortly thereafter. It then developed that he had been married for eight months without notifying any of us and to make matters worse he went and left town without giving any of us a chance to kiss the bride. We presume that the Equitable told him to leave and we hope he wil l enj oy the New York atmosphere as we ll as we enjoyed having him with us. Then yo ur humbl e servant became secretary. 'J he bunch tinely got a petition sig ned up and we now have a beautiful charter in black and gold with ribbons o n it and everything. The fellows decided to do someth ing for the cau se this fall and September 6 we had a real banquet a nd O rpheum party at which we entertained a bunch of likely young fe llows who are attend ing Nebraska this year. We filled them with enthusiasm for Pi Kappa P hi and sent them t·o T incoln rejoicing, leaving it to Archon Morris :- "rl hi s cohorts to do the rest. \ Ve had the pleasure of seeing our old friend "'ncl brother Edw in Partrid g-e at this funrtiO'l . T'~··tridge is now located in Hanmmond . Tnrl .. "'"rl exnPrts to see the Chicap-o men occasionall y ..,,d tell I'OW we do it out at Omah'l.
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a By
'- fE convention of the Alpha Chi Omega was held during th e last week of Jun e, at Swampscott, Massachusetts.
Three new chapter hom es were repo rted by
The Palm of A lpha Tau Omega in the May issue. Th ey a re located at U niversity of Iowa, U ni versity of F lorida and O hi o Wesleyan.
Th e Zeta Beta Tau Quarterly j s a more r ecent addition to our exchange fi les. Let us say of this publi cati on that it is frank and fea rl ess in its poli cies. The organ of a Jewish Fraternity, it presents to its members as well as to the publi c the probl ems which face the Jewi sh stud ent of today, togeth er with suggestion s for improvements.
S igma Alpha Epsi.Ic:m proves claim to twelve basketball captain s during the last toss ing campaign, viz.: Kansas, Franklin , Case, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Southern Method ist, Montana State, Tennessee . P ittsburgh , Kentucky, George ·w ashing ton and A ll egheny.
O hi o E psilon chapter of ~ A E are rectptents of a chapter home as a m emorial to J ames Gambl e N ippert, one of the chapter members. N ippert was a plu cky member of the U niversity of Cincinna ti footba ll team, who as a result of injuri es in a game on Thanksgiving Day, di ed Chri stmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. N ippert, hi pa rents, a re donors of th e memorial chapter house.
P hi Gamma Delta is reputed to have "sworn off " on expansion for three year s. A t leas t th e statement is g iven thti s in Th e Arrow of Pi Beta Phi and credited to th e A. T . 0. Palm.
S. 1101:1' . of the Pi Beta Phi, proud in its possess ton First Lady of the Land, held its eastern co~ ference in Wash ington, D. C., Apri l 11 and :r"' , J. ustt )' 1924. fhe attendance was so large as to f . g 0 th e claim that it was th e largest gath enn fraternity women ever held .
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T he 'l'hulanian s at 1\'1 inneso ta became Alpha .Pi of Th eta Chi .
'·Calvin Cooli dge, Fraternity l'vran," which was featured by Brother Young in one o f 0 ur rerecent numbers of TnF. S'l'AR AN D LAMP, was printed in f ull in The Arrvw of Pi Beta Phi.
o· ,,
f being
J. au chapter of Delta Gamma boasts o cat11' . the fir st women's fraternity on the ] owa f Delta pus to bui ld its own home. A lph a R ho o . T\f a)'· Gamma was install ed at O hi o Wesleyan tn
d N[on-
A lr)ha Gamma Delta has recently entere U\V tana State. We are also informed at Depa d . tate . the dormant chapter (Eta ) has been retn s
Kappa Delta's three newest chapters at Geo rgia, Montana and North Dakota.
. . . . . atiotl S tgma .Pht S tgma, unttl 1919 an organ tz da of but four chapte rs, installed her Larn~is· chapter thi s spring at M issouri . Mu, at \~ ·d consin , and Nu, at O hi o State, followec1 towa' th e end of th e scholastic year. 1 Rurt A. Ingwerson, head foot! all coac I Tow a, is a Phi Kappa Psi.
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'I'0 sti mulate scholarship among its members and t 0 I s 1ow the Fratern ity's recognition of sc hol· . . clStJc attainments, Phi Kappa Psi has deCided t o purchase and to present to each undergracluat . e membe r of the Fratern1ty who may be e1ectecl t PI . . . o 11 Beta Kappa the of flc1al key of 11 le honor society. .
Pi Gamma Sigma, a new local, has just been
. Frganized - ancI recogmzed by the faculty at Wake
as ·e· ·e·
leorest College. Less than two years ago col'l'ge officials lifted the ban on fraternities. \Vo . th . nationals now exist there: Kappa Alpha, e f, rst t d . IVith o en~e.r, an Ch1 Tau, formed ~ecen~ly Of No t_he coah~IOn of_ .l_ocals at the u_mversity an] 1th Carolma, Tnmty, North Carolma State llitc Wake Forest. Chi Tau is the first fratery to be organized in North Carolina.
1'he fo rmat10n · of the new fraternity Theta Psdon 0 ' . OtJ mega, from a group of locals at vans Colle · Co f ges, accomplished at the last Plenary 11 ere a110 th nee, was attended with such success that Co f er WI·11 probably be formed at this next t; .
111 a erence. ] udge vViJiiam R. Bayes, chairlvh~1 of the Committee on Expansion, under . 'TI1eta U ps1'I on Omega was formec1 se aus Pices G' announced that he had been notified by eorge B frat . anta that the formation of another new ern t · for .' Y IS already in process. Details of the . probab]'l1ation b are not yet d'1scI osed, and wlll c/f e held until the Committee reports at the 11 erence . . graJudge B~c yes reporte d t I1at an mterestmg prolllnl e . b . fere IS emg arranged for this year's Con11 Of ce of local s which wi lJ be held at the time 1 c he Tovember convention- Interfrat ernity Dnference Bulletin.
In thr a 111 ee of the last four presidential elections ~lee ~~~lber of Phi Ka_ppa Psi, has been the nom_i,11 the D emocratic party. In 1912 and agam 1916 );'tat : V\loodrow \Vil son, a member of the gini ern,ty' chapter at the University of VirDena, Was the successfu l standard-bearer of the locra['lC party. In 19 24, after the unprece-
o r 0 c '1' o B E R, 1 9 2 4
dented session of the Democratic convention, John W. Davis, who was initiated into l hi Kappa Psi at \ Vashington and I ee, was named a. the Democratic nominee. A co-incident in this section is the fact that two .leaders were students at Virginia universities. l ot content with copping the Democratic nomination Phi Kappa Psi's also played an important part in the balloting for the vice-presidential nomination at the Republican convention. Judge William S. Kenyon, Iowa A lph a, and Senator James E. Watson, Indiania Alpha, were among the leaders. Judge Kenyon, with 172 votes received the next to the highest vote on the first ballot whi le Senator \Vatson received 79.
At the Inter-fraternity Conference Executive Committee's first meeting, held September 18, at the Delta Kappa Epsilon Club in New York, with Chairman A. Bruce Bielaski presiding, plans were discussed for the next Plenary Conference, scheduled for the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York on November 28 and 29, the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving Day. s has been the case every year, thi s Conference wi lJ mark another stride forward in interfraternity hi story. Intere st in the Conference is already noticeable in the correspondence between numerous fraternity men and the officers 9f the Interfraternity Conference. Probab.ly more fraternity men than ever will attend the Conference, although care will be taken that the meetings will not become so large as to be unwieldly. Committee work wilJ again be relied on for the transaction of most of the business. A general luncheon, with dinners of editors and secretaries, are again being planned. In addition, such important allied meetings as the Conference of Locals and the Undergradutes will again be held. P lans for the Conference are not yet com pleted, but they are going forwa-rd rapidly. Certainly there is not any lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Conference's officers, if attendance at the first meeting may be taken as a criterion. Fourteen officers were present at the first meeting of the year.-Tnterfratern ity Co nfcrence Bulletin.
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The Pulse of the Fraternity Fourteen Back at Beta-9amma Initiates Eight-Eta Has New House-f{appa all Spruced Up- Upsilon Wins Five Cups-"9iant" is Chi Neophyte FINE YEAR LOOMS FOR BETA By Cr-r :\ RLES L. \tVoonsmE
cl asses who weJr th e badge of P i Kappa Ph i. Bct 1 is also well represented on th e staffs of th;; va ri ous co ll egiate publications.
ITH the opening of coll ege, Beta chapter has fourteen men to, begin anoth er year. We will mi ss very g reatl y six of our GAMMA INITIATES EIGHT leading men who will not return . Four of th ese g raduated last spring, and two are unabl e to reB,l' NORM.\N C. KLOTZ turn on accoun t of business. 'vVe hope, howN A ugust 12 th e toys of Gamma asse!11 bled ever , to be abl e to fill these gaps with new men, ac路 at th e chapter house with a husky tan whom we feel we ca n eas il y get from the maquirecl during three months vacati on and eager ter ia l we now see in th e freshm an cl ass. We have two brothers from oth er chapters to start the new coll ege year with a bang. . tel)' R ushing maneu ver s were taken up immecI ta with us thi s year : Bill M eaclows, from R ho un der new ly formul ated plans whi ch resulte.rl chap ter , and E el Reid , f rom E psil on chapter. Th e ru shing season is just beginning. and we in g reat success. Competiti on among the var~颅 hope to get some fin e men from the new class . ous houses was very keen at th e beginning of thtS We find th at we have some ve ry good frater- semester clu e to th e limited suppl y of lik ely p ro~ni ty materi a l in a cl ass of 11 5, whi ch is the . deed ttl pects. Gamm a was ve ry fortun ate .111 larges t in the hi story of th e college. hav ing the honor of form all y initi ating eigh~ S ince last year two new buildings have been nuggets on Septembe r 8. Th e initi ates were路 erected on the campus. A spl endid dormitory, Walter Yoy le-" T a r-H eel. " has just been compl eted, and th e Le roy Springs J ohn ]-:Iayden Pe rkin s-"Pe rk ." Gymn as ium, ra ted as one of th e bes t in D ix ie, F rederi ck W illi am Cooper-"Freclcli e." is nea r ing co mpletion. 'vVe have a lso two new R obl ey E merson Passa lacqu a-" Passy.'' a dd itions to th e fac ulty. T he coll ege is making rap id progr ess in every way. Lawrence W ilm er Dill on-"D ink." I n the coll ege activities, we a re well repreHarold Randolph Hartz-" H al." sentee!. Broth er Fe rg uson is sl1 ow ing up wel l on \Valter E d wa rd s M itchell- "Mitch." the g ridir on . and we hope to see him f ill th e J ohn :Ma rshall H erndon-"M ush." ,, pos iti on at center thi s fa ll. O n th e cr oss-coun Walter Hoy le. our "Black Coal .Mat11 111 Y try sq uad we have Brot hers f-lug hes and Gra f- from l orth Ca rolin a, is going big on th e man; ton. B rother Corn wa ll is managing foo t ball age ria l staff of th e Pelica11, leading th e fi eld b) thi s yea r , and is also p res ident of th e senior a la rge margin . cl ass, w hil e Droth er Dendy is presid ent of the ''Pe rk," who ha il s f rom Val.l ejo, is out for bas路 Y. M. C. A. F rosh footba ll an d basketball. He played . h Beta cha pter takes an im po rtant pa rt in the ketball and foo tball two yea r s for Va ll ejo Btg liter a ry work of the coll ege. B rot her H indman and should make good. . hOt was salu tatori an of the cl ass of 1924, and we "Freddie" comes from the w tde open find oth er men leading scholars in the younger country, namely, Y uba City. He has alrea dY
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th e Frosh Glee Club a nd the A. S. G. C.
of regret comes over us when we think of those \ Ve who e coll ege courses are compl eted. '' l'as " . . . . ' sy 1s go mg out for basketball. 1.1 e was g radua ted six men last Jun e-each one of whom 1 ' teammate of " Perk" at Vallejo High and we gladly intrust with the good name of Pi ;ltancJ s a goo d chan ce of .landing a position on Kappa Phi : "B ill" Regg who has entered th e le 1928 team. wholesale produce bu siness in Spartanburg; Wil, ''Dink," small but mig hty, is trying out for ton II olcombe, coach in Easley High School ; coxswa in on the Frosh crew and is also out for R a lph Ow ings, who is teaching at Swonse:t ; Rocce. II IS ' homo town is \ Valnut Creek. 1 , · "Bill" Hool e, coach of the Sparta nburg II igh C ;! Ia!" is on th e ed itorial sta ff of th e Daily Schoo l ; Theron Houser, pride of St. :\I atthews; h a.tfornian . He is sure to forge ahead, having ''Ze ro" Lindsay. at present in business in ort;.cl experi ence on the publi cation s of Berkeley folk. In addition to th ese men who graduated, lllgh, Brother Kiels Nix, of Greenville, fail ed to re11itch" hail s from Carlotta, among the giant turn to schooJ . .c · ; 1 \ <Woo ds of north e rn California. He is on the The seni ors are: "S tumpy" Ilanks, Archon; '1 · S. l ' . . band and pl ays for va riou s campus Lawrence Rikard, who is captain o f football; 1ances. J. T . Ff ud son, J oe Cantey, Ralph Smith and ''Mu sh., is at present working after college "B ra nch" Ri ve rs. hou1·s , , and has littl e time for ca mpus activities. Among the juniors we have: Claud e Chipl ey. 1 ho he soph omores a nd upper clas men in th e Frank Rogers, Frank Ow ings, "F rog" R ea mes, . Use have aga in ass umed their camJ)US activi- and Nev ill e Holcombe. tJeT ~. hey are ai.J out eith er for a thl et ics o r And meet th e sophomores: Clarence Lee, Ed 80 ~c ca mpu s publications or in the Glee Club. win Carroll, O'N eale La ndrum , " 13uck" Swett, f 11 Augu st 20 broth e r Paul Boren return ed John Cantey, "B ill" Beckham, a nd Eel T enn ent. to Pari s with th e OlymJ)ic T eam· As for the fres hm en, those on our campu s are l) r~tJn111 i hi s trip . . ' 11 ey gt llg ~ With h1m all th e souvenirs of a J·our - a nybody's game so far, as Pledge Day comes l•ran ce a nd E ngland. All of th e other November 15. Subsequent to that elate, we are 111 en h::td tI . . . . St l eu· t1111 e well occup1ed dunng th e confident that we shall be able to cat;tlog the . llllnJe. . I . . names of seve ral new men who can be entru sted l I ~ 1t 1er workmg or away on tnps. l lan f . 1.a 1. s or the new P1 Kapp home ha ve been to exemp.Jify th e noblest ideals and tenets of our P d!y progress ing and by next fall we hope to Fraternity. 111 Ove . t Ill ·o our new hou se. Of course, in the realm of spo rts, - the thud of livAt !~resent there are 31 men in the house, all the old pigskin is the order of th e day, and the \V' Iel Wires, and Ganm1a during the ensuing yea r football squad is the center of attention. Our I. ce t · Califo _r ~ 1 11 ly continue her upward trend on th e team is making the bes t record of eve ral years. 1Ili a campus to the top where she belongs. Brother Rikard , captain a nd center . is pl ay ing the best game o.f his career, and it is la rgely ~""' ~"~ ''""' clue to hi s in spiring leardership that th e old team ~ ~ ~ is spreading the name of Wofford abroad. \ Ve TWENTY RETURN TO ZETA a re further represented in the lin e by Brother By J. N . H oLcOMBE Joe Cantey at end , and by Brothers "11uck" Swett, "Pike" \ Vest, and "Frog" Reames in ~ ~ A entered . th e new coll egiate yea r with th e ba ckfield . llt an enrollm ent o f twenty- rath er a large \Ve have recentl y mov ed into a new chapter lllJbc. . . . in . 1 Ill relat1on to th e s1ze of th e coll ege. or hall , located just one door further down Eas t con, 1J · · 1 . anson w1t 11 our past reco rd. Main street than our former location . vVe excle t IS not the province of thi s lette r to chroni- tend to any visiting broth ers a most sin ce re in rrow r reco rd g loom; yet, in spite of our vitation to make our hall their headquarters lll ea allre 1 Ill reassemblin g with all the good while in Spa rtanburg. Th e unattached end of ltothers I w ~ o returned to schoo l, a ce rta in no te ou r latch st ring is always on the outside.
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66GLAD T idings of Great Joy"-such is a fitting title for any news from Eta ch apter as she prepares to enter upon what promises in every way to be the most successful year in he r entire history. Each brother is waiting im patiently fo r the tim e when all will gather 'round a nd we wi ll strive together once more for the g reater advancement of Pi Kappa Ph i. T he great spirit, frequent visits. continu al correspondence, and earnest work on the prospective pledges, whi ch a ll have shown throughout the entire summ er, arc decided indications that each member of the chapter is going to devote hi s every effor t to the increasing of our a lready high stand ing on the J~ mory campus. \11/ e are very sorry to hear that B rothers B. K. Bilbry, Tallassee, A la., Bill Parker., W t·ightsvi ll e, Ga., Roy Dorm in ey, Fitzgerald , Ga., a nd Marshall Vandive r, Rome Ga., will not be back with us this year; however we know that Marsha ll a n d hi s far-famed trumpet will be welcomed by R ho chapter at Washington and Lee, and hope to have the other three back with us by next year. As Boonie Bowen from Charleston, S . C ... was the on.ly man we lost by gradu ation last year we expect to have quantity as well as quality as a characteristic of our chapter this yea r. T he Pi Kapp spi ri t has been especially hi gh in Atlanta this summer where there has been a continnal round of dances and receptions in honor of the " 1924 Atla nta P ledge Club" of P i Kappa P hi. We feel that we have the pick of the At la nta boys who wi ll enter coll ege t hi s year in th is clu b, and they feel a lmost as if they were already a tr ue follower of the "Star a nd Lamp." Tn keeping with our growth a nd advancement in other ways, Eta is to have a wonderfu l new house for the coming year. For the first Lime the entire chapter w ill be allowed to stay in the house; so we have secured one la rge t noug h to accommodate them all. It is the la rgest house on the camp us, has been very attract:vcly furnished, a nd we expect it to make quite a hit w ith the freshmen. T here are a lso several rooms reserved for visiting P i Kapps, a nd we
send a co rdi a l invitation to any who can possibl)' come to see us. 1 The entire chapter wi ll be on hand severn days before school starts in order to co11lplcte . our elaborate plans for rushmg season. 11Y thC time of the next issue of Tm~ STAR AND l.,.l~~~· we expect to have made some very valuable .. d tt10ns to our 1'tst o f pledges, all o f w I10 11 , '''' , measure up to the high standa rd set by tho;~ who are already wearing the '' 1 iamond" of Kappa P hi.
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. . . ,~'E~ openmg o f. t I1c U mverstty o f ~orth . I Caro lin a found Kappa chapter well ftxct · 23 o.ld men an cl t '1'0, as to old men . \11/e returned ~~ pledges. fhe pledges are Werth Eaby frot11 · . , 1 I evtiC· . A Bern a nd John F ras ter Glenn from . s 1 d T hey are both fine fellows and can be counte on to become good Pi Kapps. .g House Manager W illi s has been renovatll' , -ter5· I 11ouse. \11/e have very comfo rtab le qu<~t t1e 'fl1ere are f ourteen men roomtng · here an d tnorc
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are expected later in the quarter. . 111 Kappa is well represented on the football fte this fall. B rother Chri s Ford ham has been go; ing lik e a house-a-fire at hi s regular stand g~. guard. J~ff Ford ham turned up weighing 1 • . I . . g var J.e ff ts p aytng at ha lf on the second strtn f [I~1 , stty. No doubt he wi ll play in many o ; games this season. l-Ie is one of the main co~~ in what looks like a great aggregation of ba~t 1 field men for the Carolin a team . Last ye ar ' 1 the South Atla nti c track meet, Brother fot;~: ham placed first in the discus. He now hO the State record. l'lti Jean A rmfi eld was award ed the coveted . ,vtt~ !:lela Kappa key last sp ring. ] e££ Fordhat11 ri~ elected president of the Junior Class. Cit .. Fo rdh a m is president of the Un iversity Mhlc;;~ Assoc iation. Paul S mith m ade Phi A.l jJha l)e 1]1 ' Legal Fraternity and !Jill Cox is a ch arter t11e . Coil,. ber o f t he chapte r of the A lp ha Kappa P st . ~ merce Fraternity which w ill be installed 111 ?I 1c· week or two. Claud Boseman and Donald · , 'j'hert Rae m.ade P hi Chi Med ical Fraternity.
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are too many honors, if yo u will permit me to 0 call th em, that I haven 't time no r space to Put them clown. 1'1' 11 Ilave ngs look bright for a prosperous year. vVe severa l freshman prospects who a re con nected . I ']'J W1t 1 the fraternity through their brothers. 1 f e . chan ces are that we w ill pledge a bunch 0 fJrst class men. cl ]f any old Kappa men o r brothers fr om othe r 1 ~Pte rs wish to pay us a visit com e on down. 1 ve 'tt II be g Ia d to see yo u. Would adv ise yo u to ' tencJ the V. M . I. game here November 11 , if You . WJsh to see a real foo tball game and meet !I1e 1· )Jggest bun ch of old g rad s. [ came very near forgetting to ad d the nam e f no I'Jrot I1cr Jeff 11ynum to our li st of faculty 1 · an old Kappa ·, Cntb Ci·s. 13rother Bynum 1s nan 1 -J . . • · e ma de a g reat reco rd w h!l e 111 school '1nc1 · I B.1 IS 1ere to teach Geo logy. Kappa welcomes and M rs. IJynum back agai n and hope tl latOther tl , ley wil.l stay with us for ma ny yea rs to
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Tm~ STAR AND LAM!' goes to press, we can do no more than "ance cl' . ove r our prospects a nd ma ke a few prelctJo , tl ns 111 rega rd to the success of M u. A llOLtgl1 I t 1e n ew term is not well unde r way as Yet '" ',.we ca n a lready see ri Kapps g radua ll y e1e~'1 111 g themselves into a ll ph ases of activ iti es, ~ c 1 one doing hi s part to uph old th e sp irit oi h/alty, enthu siasm, and agg ressiveness which 5 fe . cha racte rized l\tru in th e past. T he same e1l llg .of co~o p era t10n . . . . and a n d cIete rmmat10n ex 1sts, hi • With th1s, how can we help but atta in the 1 lhg, crow n of success which li es waiting for ~se Who onl y would but achi eve it. a 1\ Jth the ope ning of a n ew year, and likew ise lew era at Trinity, we see twelve of our Jast Ye ar' · lh s e1g hteen l'i Kapps returning. Each of Sirese b1·i ngs with him hi s same ambition a nd dehe e to foster the progress of Mu a nd to place · th e realm of active · lier . for emost 111 chapter s. Sides tl lJr . l ese t we lve men, we take g reat please Ill . , llltroducmg our n ew pledge, A. H. Bor~>J
;o. tr·
S the first issue of
land of Durham, who has already demonstrated hi s ab ility as a ha rd a nd willing worker . \1\le predict g reat things for "Bus." No news, howeve r, was ever received more cordiall y than th e fac t th at "B ig J ack" Caldwell is in the cam1. of Coach Jones. For two years, brother Cald well was a bulwark of strength in the B.lu e Devil lin e a nd this yea r promi ses to be even greater. A long with him , we find brother Pickens working faithfully, w ho received first call for the center posit ion as Coach Jones lin ed up hi s men again st N. C. State September 27. Drother P ickens deserves a great deal of cred it as he has never before taken part in a football contest, a nd , in addition to thi s, as man ager of basketball, he has already arranged us an in te resting sched ul e. Th e footba l.l team, as a w hole is well taken ca re of und er the able management of brother R ay Downey, who has been with us only two yea rs, but, during that time, he ha s proven a most worthy member. In addition to I rothers P ickens and Downey, we also have in th e class of '25 Broth er ]. E . Dempster, Jr., and brother C. H. Pegra m. Th e former is this year's captain of baseball, senior rep resentative on the student coun cil , a nd a member of quite a number of honorary organizat ions. During the portion of hi s tim e which is not taken up by the ladies, we find brother Pegram a bl y managing The A1·chive, our m onthly publication, a nd we must say in this conn ection that he a lways does things well. Brother Harvey John son, a junio r, w ho has fullbacked for the B lu e Devils for the past two yea rs, has decid ed not to play this year, owing to th e fact that he is going to follow baseball a nd wants to avoid all chances of injury to his throw ing a rm which won for him the position of a ll -state catche r last year. Brothe r J ohn so n is a power on both offense and defense and will be quite a loss to Coach J ones' squad. Lest we forget at this tim e we menti on brother " /:il.l " Bail ey who in stituted w restling at Trinity Coll ege and who, for the past two yea rs, has worked wond ers in hi s branch of sport. Last yea r he coached a champi onship team a nd , with practically a ll of hi s men back, he bid s fair to "open the eyes" o f a 11 the followers of w rest ling . As for other branches of
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spo rt , a nd actt vlttes, br o th e r Ralph .R aifo rd w ill no doubt ma intain hi s pos iti on on th e cinder pa th , whil e broth e r B ri ght fr om last yea r's fre shmen looms up as one of the best tenni s aspirants. Bro th er " Bill " T ay.lor will tra ns fe r hi s bas ketball a bility fr om Freshm an to V arsity, whil e brother Bundy will no doubt uphold and bet te r hi s reco rd in literary acti viti es. Broth er Vest' s tim e will be well ta ken ca re of bet ween the new ma te ria l a nd th e ladi es, bu t, in spite of th e latter . we hold him up as one of th e best a ll round men in th e chapte r . Thu s we have a ri g ht to predi ct g reat things fo r M u dur ing th e coming season and we take thi s opportunity to extend to each and eve ry cha pter a nd th e fr a te rnity as a who.le our bes t wishes f o r th e mos t success ful yea r in th e hi sto ry of Pi K a ppa Phi .
f or Oc'l' OB J.:R , 1 92 4
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D ighy \\'est, whil e th e a lumni secreta ry tS '· Fa rra r. W as hing ton a nd L ee is developing a co111Par~: ti vely lig ht, but speedy, eleven to uphold her reP' tation in the football world. c Th e fir st day of ru shin g ]Jassed with titre. .. 'J'ItCI n ew acldtlt ons to our g roup of broth ers. e ;-- re Freel !\'ow ell of Birming ham , AIa.. J)a\ 1 Co rn egycs o f S hreveport, La., a nd Freel Croll'le o f La ke C ity, Fl a. arc By th e number of wh olesome ·' Recs." we' anti cipa ting a ve ry acti ve year. ~\l f.t..
U DG I 1\'G from a ll indi cati on Rho is looking fo rw a rd to one of th e mo st success ful yea rs in he r hi sto r y. T o beg in with a spacious 15- room house with huge po rches on three sid es, sta nding almost hi dden o n a cool shad y law n in th e cente r o f th e l_,ex ington res identi al secti on has 1Jeen secured to bear th e letter s of P i K a ppa Phi on its bal cony. H av ing one of the best houses•on th e campu s is conside red a n a dmirabl e asset to pl edging a nd also to th e va ri ous social activiti es beg inning with Tha nksgiving ba iL Fifteen bro th er s have returned to resume th eir ac ti viti es a nd a lso studi es, dropped last fin als. Thi s a lso in clud es " D oc" Leake wh o has been in du ced to ass um e th e respons ibility o f conducting classes in S pa ni sh a nd E conomi cs in th e lJ ni ver s ity. \Ve a re a lso g la d to have am ong u s a broth er f rom E mo ry whose co rrespond ence, in th e sum mer will be rece iv ed by him if a ddressed to Mr. M a rsha ll Vandi ve r, Rome, Ga. Th a t pos iti on of responsibility, A rchon , is bein g capabl y fill ed by " Reel " R osebo roug h and eq u a ll y capabl e th e dut ies of sec reta ry a nd treasure r a re be ing carri ed out by A I ment and
J I JS letter finds T a u beginnin g Its
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year with only fi ve of its old J11C 11 ~dbe: Frt al·' back. O ur first m eet ing was held 11 II September 19, a nd offi ce rs for th e Fa ten1 1 , A 1·ch0 • . we re elected . fh ey are as foll ows: J. H. Klutz ; Secreta ry, H. H . R edwin e;. 'frea~ a1w urcr. 1:<.. A. S utton ; Chapl ain , E. .Robt son, \\ 'a rden , N. T . S mithwi ck. ]t•tl'l' VV e a re a ll planning a big yea r and we ' ~eve ra l good men in v iew. , 11 ·. W e a lso ha ve with us thi s year IJrother 1). 1• . E . chal \\ ..1.11 tam s wh o comes to u s from ·• ps11on 111311 ter and looks \'er y pre mi sing o n th e fresh football tea m. _ , stll'' Tn conclusion we wi sh eve ry Pi l'"a pp '1 cess ful yea r in every respect. ~\1 ¥
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IIJ:<. past year fo r Upsilon has been one 0 ,;· S !J O1'1' mos t uccess ful years in its hi sto ry.' c ·cr· ti c standing has been con s id era bl y abo ve the a' ac · ·es I1ave b een stressecI IJY a' J a r~ ~ age an d act1· v1t1 1 1 · · 0.f t I1e l] pS!I· On P1· ]( a pp s, at the lll aJOI'Ity . .sa" ·gil· . I<eep:ng . . t 1me t I1e sc h o Iastt.c stan d tng vel')' hI·ell' • 0 ps ilon ra nked in th e first fifteen of th e se' ·itll 11 ty-od 'l C ni versity of lllin ois fr a terniti es tl' . f .. t sel re f erence to scholasti c ave rages th e · " 5 a J1IOI1• ester . En ' hu siasm has been at its hig hest a
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L'psilon members to attain scholast ic hono rs and We care very prou d to have attamed . . the standmg that ha . been accomplished throug h sincere endeavor.
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spect Mac's ability with hi s arms and legs. \11/ e anticipate large attainments for Brother McCoy in the field of sport. Not on ly is brother McCoy accompli shed in the art of wrestling but hi s 'l'he individual activities of ' psi lon Pi Kapps scholasti c standing warranted hi s attaining honhave b . b een vaned and numerou s and honors have ors of Phi Eta Sigma in hi s first semester. peen scored by quite a number of our chap~er. Brother Walker tied for first place in the inq·other Glenn Potter . captain of the Illinoi s termural track meet, event of the high jump, 1 I w1t . I1 h1.s team to a con- winning for him se lf the honor of sharing with fJasketb a II t am, f o ug1t ~ren ce victory, th ereby giving Upsilon an added one other the distinction of clearing the bar for dlstin ··f . f or one o f tts . The watchword is ~ 1011 o f h avmg members the first time at 5" 7'. one so successful in attaining hi s highest ambition, .. Watch George from now on." one of the high est atta inm ents of coll ege lif e, Brother Bucher who was pledged last March and initiated in May made his numerals on the al~cl we, broth er s of "Goudy," are mighty proud Of I. 111 Frosh varsity baseball, filling the position at _ 11, not on ly for hi s accomplishment as an <tl~llcte and scholar , but for hi s personalitv and second base. Brother Bucher is fast on hi s feet IV 11li . ngness to ever help the brothers in wlntever and every chance that came hi s way, he took 'Vay he could se rv e. without error. V\ ith his ability, he should make llro ·l1er ·1)otter graduated this June and has th e regular varsity nex t season which we sin acce f I~ t ecI a position as coach at a school in Cali- cerely a nticipate and are most hopeful. s~;·,nla . _ t~ I though brot~1er Potter ha s left ~1 s, These are the accompli hments of a few UpOut st ncer e best wtshes extend o ut to htm sil on Pi Kapps for which the chapter as a whole on 1 · f lt s new tasks of break ing in hi s new nnterial is very proud, but the chapter itse.lf was also 01 · 111ps, · . ' hi ·s f u t ure c11amptons a nd may th ey be very active in scoring honors at intermural great in thir capacities in California as hi s sports, capturing four cups the last emester of ast One at Illinois the past year, which adorn the mantle over the . llrot her Wickhot:st attained the honor of mak- fire place at th e chapter house. These were Ing the football sq uad, although play:ng in but attained through winning the fraternity division 011e . game due to a bad shoulder sprain ed ea rly in baseball, one for the interscholastic circus In the 1-,.>rother Wtckhorst . . eason. has gamed stunt, one for the best pair of clowns entered a World of experience under Coach Zuppke and in the circus, Brother Frank Howard entering \Vh"n I · ll . ... 11 S two hundred pounds gets in the line in this capacity and with hi s partner, took the ~ 15 .ea. on, George will be there with the goods honors for being the most entertaining. The ~nng home another winning team for Illin ois. last cup was won form Gamma chapter at Cali1 '~"Otl1er Thompson worked hi s way into a fornia, through the v ictory of Illinois over the Positio n on t 11e F rosh varstty . University of California. It can be readily seen football sq uad anc1 Iiip 1 · } . ' e •rot 1er Wtckhorst, ht·s pa t years' ex- that Cpsilon is as much in the run as most of 1 II e I11111 . to gtve . I11s . con ' enders our other chapters and even larger achievements thCrtence . W I'II _e na}. ttffest lone! of competition for the position a re expe ted this year as we participate in th e / 0 'rl fu ll -bac k on the regular varsity sq uad. Brother fall activities as well as the spring. Playground 10 comes from the home town of ball and basketball appear to be the first fields 1Jrothnlpson - 1-, eJ otter, O range Ca lifornia, which spea ks for conquests and with the past year's team1. ltghly for the town. work and practice. things should go very smoothly going toward organizing a winning team in Hrother McCoy has been very successfu l in \VresT b contests entered. ' mg outs on the gym f loor and with his one I d Prospects are mighty good for winning more lun reel and seventy pounds he has given n1e 11 t cups to help adorn the mantle, with the return , wenty pounds heav ie r than he very stiff olllJ) e t·,tton ' . of old members who played last year. . Upsilon boys have learned to re-
=========================================~ T I-IE S·rAR AND LAMP
chapter is fortuna te thi s year 111 having fo urteen active memb er s back to carry th e P i Kappa standa rd into all phases of co ll ege act ivity . S tetson University opened with a twen ty-f ive per cent. in crease in th e student body. F rom th e f in e crowd of new men, Chi has secured the best seven as neophytes, and expects to bid in one or t wo more to g ive us our usua l quota . O ne of our pl edges is th e best banj o pl ayer seen on th e campus in a number o f yea rs, oth ers a re ou t fo r foo tball , tenni s, a nd the g lee clu b; but our r eal cla im to di stin cti on fro m thi s group. is in th e pe rson of Neoph yte Rob in son who hail s from T a mpa, F la., he is six fee t and f ive inches in heig ht and can hold up hi s head in any crowd. O ur house is .l ookin g fin e and homelike thi s yea r w ith th e help of a new set o f furniture and a ,)l ew phonograph to li ven things up a bit. Seve~·a l o f th e fell ows a re p ainting th eir r ooms to sui t th eir taste and th e resulting color schemes are wond erful. B rother 'vVa lker, the Su p reme A lumni Secretary, was w ith us for a day and gave u a num be r of ve ry help ful suggesti ons. We are loo king fo r ward to a gr eat yea r along all lin es of activ ity. In football Lay ton is sure · of a pl ace a t encl . In basket ba ll Smith is our fas t lette r ma n and t wo o f our pledges were whirl wind s in high school , }{end erson and K ing a re both bac k for tenni s and Neophytes McCl a in a nd Ma rsh a re go ing to try to get th eir p laces. Chi furni shed f ive va rsity baseball men last yea r a nd with the excepti on o f L a mbert all a re back. \\'e a re represented in th e Glee Club by seven men and in dra mati cs by three. O ur a lumni a re wid e awa ke, a number of th em be ing back for th e opening o f school to help things get sta rted. B roth er Ben Ketchum wh o is practi cing law in K ey Wes t was here. He is ve ry much interested in getting th e a lumni of th e state lin ed up to take a more active interest in things perta ining to co ll ege and fra ternity. B roth er Pe terson of Pi erson, F la., also was here.
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\\ 'e a re always glad when the alumni drop in to see us. O ur pledges thi s year a re: McClain , A uburndale, F la.; M cCambell , vVest P alm Beach, l•la.; J ohn son, D etroit, J\t1 ich. ; Carr, St. P etersburg, F la.; R obin son T ampa, F la . ; Ma rsh, 11iami , 1~ Ia. ; S tewa rt, Daytona Beach, F la. ~~~
Mon T oN
2 :1 re o:1ce ag:1' n sta rt ing th e annual
routi ne of the s:.· hoo l year , alth ough s::: min gly altered at P u rd ue. r urdu e ·tS fast '· developing into an outstanding univer si ty. At th e present tim e there a re t hree buildings and a s ~ acl ium under construction, anoth er buil d ing being just co mpleted. T hese buildings a re an electri cal bui lding, un ion building, and a powe r house-th e poultry building being just completed. 'l'h e ca feteri a o f th e S tudent Memo ri al Union nuilding is operating at th e present time, and t he fir st dance in th e new hall was held September 20. We boast of thi s building as a re~ ma rkabl e achi evement of t he students and alumnt qf P urdu e U ni versity. Th e " R oss-A de Bow.I'' -call ed such in honor of George A de and Davtd R oss, alumni and chi ef promoter s of construetion- is r eceiving much o f th e stud ents' atten- li on . It is hoped t hat th e hill side, which was onl y a pasture at the ending of th e schoo l tertll last spring, will be transformed into a beautiful concr ete stadium by " Hom ecoming," N ovember
22, 1924. A lth oug h young in year s, O mega at P urdu_e is fast becoming recognized throughou t the un~ ve rsity. Th e professo rs and leaders of th e un.t· ve rsity a re not hes itant in making known thetr confidence in P i Kapp men. 'vVe have been very success ful with pl edges thi s yea r. A t present we have pl edged fiv e and have seve ra l prospects lin ed up . Th e pl edgers a re Geo rge E. S pence r, \!\falter 'l'. Spencer, John E. Drul ey, Ru ssell J . Ch ance, a nd L end ell D. Crowell. Th e first three of th ese have sta rted off th eir ac ti vity li st by ma king the J urdu e Ba~d . " D oc" Crowe ll is lining himself for the var sttY
[ 40]
~===================================== TI-l l\ S 'I'AR AND LAMP
track team. Chance a n uppercl assman was business ma nager and ed itor of the P urdue Hand Book.
OO'I'B A I L occupies th e ma jor attention at th e Lr ni vers ity of Florida as the Fall term gets un de r way. Sixty F res hm en have reported for workouts a nd man y new asp irants have shown up with the Va rsity. New steel bleachers that wi ll seat several thousand sr)ectato rs arc b. . .:ltlg rap1dly assembl ed and the new sodded l:e]cJ i in fine hape. Pour of our chapter we re with brother P i l(apps a t the R 0. T. C. camp at A nni ston, A la. . Last spring we didn't see a new house in ~' J ew but in two weeks we moved into a new 10 11le on U ni ve rsity aven ue just one Jot from the campu s entra nce. A reception room extends ~cross the front with a la rge homelike fireplace ~ 11 the cente r. The terraces in front and bricked111 sid e porch a re di stin ctive features. In the ~eparate li vin g quarters a re two baths a nd ten :edrooms furnished uniformly with twin beds or twenty. 11rother Gerry Adams was tran sferred to Cornel.!. \ Ve hate to lose him but trust that he IViiJ make g reat friends at P. i.
f or
1 924
Brother J. C. Babson is with the Sanfo rd Light and Power Company. Drother H. E. Behrens is with the Kenn edy Construction Company at A von Park, F la. Brother J. C. Byrd is having fine success with Maxwe l Daxte r Jaw firm of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Brother B. L. Eddy was w ith the 4th Corps area rifl e team at Camp P e rry O hio until October first. l\ la ny new buildings a re goi'ng up on and near the campus. Th e new admini strat ion building is being rushed to compl etion. The new L ibra ry is well started. ~ A E and IT K A have new houses near the campu s, the former is ad jacent to the n K <l>'s new home. 1 eophyte Lewi s is with a law firm at \Vest Pa lm Beach . Brother Nort on rep resents IT K <l> on the Va rsity Footba l.l team at guard a nd five neophytes a re out for freshman football. Brother Ca rp en ter toured th e \Vest v isiting Ca lifornia, VVashington, a nd other places of interest. O ur neophytes a re: Bi ll y A ll en, Palatka; Geo. Curri e, Palatka; Kirk M ullin s, Crescent City; J rothe r Renfroe, Lake City; F rank Thrower, Q uincy; N. Ed B ridges, O rl a ndo; Chas. Crozier, Clea rmont ; Brother Melson, Jacksonville; 1-Til iarcl M alpas, Sa nford ; M a rsha.JJ Mea dows, shevill e. N. C., and A lton C. Goode, Orlando.
1'I-I E
1 9 24
O c'l' OB E R,
JR. ( D eceased )
W o ff ord Coll ege
.............. S par ta nbur g, S. C.
Eta G•· Emo ry U ni ve rs it y ......... ... ............................. E m ory U nivers it y, Iota
SUPREME CHAPTER Supreme Archon George D. Dri ve r , I 309 T elephon e Rld g .. ............ Om a ha, Ne br. George
~ 1.
Gra nt,
Supreme Secretary F o lm ar Huildin g .............................. Troy, Ala .
Supreme Treasurer William F oga rt y, 90 Broad S treet ..................... Cha rl es to n, S. C.
Paul W a lke r
Supreme Alumni Secretary ........ ..... .... ....... .. ..... .. ............. ......... (;rcenup , Ill.
Editor, The Star and Lamp Ri c ha rd L. Youn g, 2 As hl a nd Ave nue, M id wood M a n or, Ch a rl otte, N. C. Executive Secretary C eo. E. S h eet z, II Excha nge B a nk Buildin g ..... Charl est o n, S. C. CHAPTER INSPECTORS
U niv ers ity o f Nor th Ca ro lin a ........................... Ch:t pe l Ifill, N. C.
Lamb~ a
... Durh a m , N.C.
Nu U ni ve rs ity o f Ne bras ka, 1548 H Street .... ..
.... Li ncoln, Nc\Jr.
X.i...................................... Sale nt ,
Hoa noke Co ll ege ........................
U nive rs it y o f Al a bam a .......................... .................. U nJ vcrs lty,
Pi . G•· O g le th orp e U ni ve rs ity ........................ Ogle th o rp e U niverSi ty, Rho VV as hin g to n and .Lee U nive rs it y, 54 Wa s hin g to n S tr ee t, \':tL ex in g tou,
Tau No rth Caroli,·a S ta te Coll ege ................. .. .... W est l'_,·,,I e•'gh. N. C. U nive rs ity o f Illin ois , l 06
U ni vers it y o f Tul sa ................
Fourth District II a mpt nn Mi xso n , 2 17-1 9 E as ty llay ...................... Cha rl es ton, S. C.
.. Ath ens, G•·
Mu Trini ty Coll ege ................................................ .
Second District Dr. A. P. W age n er , R oan ok e Coll ege ............................ Sal e m, V a . Third District
~ t. ........... ... .
U ni ve rs ity o f Geo rg ia , 158 Daug he rt y
First District K . C, L a ute r, 2640 K e nm ore Pl ace .................... Brookl y n, N. Y .
j . Ralph R o ne, 3 Colonia l A venu e ..................... Charl otte, N. C.
Geo r g ia Sc hoo l o r T echn o logy, 17 Eas t S ix th S t ....... Atl a nta.
J o hn
S tree t ...... Cha mpaign, Til.
~~i................................ : rul sa,
Chi U ni ve r si t y ............ .......................... D e La nd . fl•·
B . S t e tso n
Psi Y Co rn ell U ni ve rs it y, 301 Edd y S treet ............. ........... Ithaca, N. · Omega [11d Purdue U ni ve rsity, 128 Wi ggin s S t ............ W est L aF aye tte, .
Fifth District ,1. A. M cCla in , Jr., D e pt. o f Law , O ffi ce o.f Sec'y M e rcer U ni. ~la co n , Ga. Sixth District ............................... ............ Palatka , Fla. George B . E ve rso n ......... .
~_rul a n e
Seventh District T. E. Buntin ................................................................... D oth a n, Ala.
U nive rs it y o f Okl ah o m a, 532 B o ul ev;a rd ............... Norm an,
Alpha-Alpha M e rce r U ni ve rs it y
................ .................. ................. .. .... 1\ll acon,
------~~~-~-~-~ ~~~~---·············New
U ni ve rs it y
Orl ea ns, t_.:t .
Eighth District C la ncy F. Lath a m , 120 1 H ibe rni a l31d g .......... New O rl ea ns, L a.
Alpha-Delta w ash· U niver sity o f Wa shin gton, 52 12 18th Ave ............. Sea ttl c,
Ninth District Wad e S. B o lt .............................................................. Otterbe in, Inc.l.
U ni ve rs it y o f l' Iand a, U m ve rs tt y Av c nuc ............ Ga n
Tenth District V. R. Fl e min g , 306 No rth S tate S treet.. .............. Ch a mpai g n, Til.
Twelfth District }. R . R o bin son, U niv er s ity H ospital.. ........ Okl a h oma Cit y, Okla.
. t svill c, Jl\a·
Atlanta, Georgia Ch est er R eeves, 17 Eas t S ix th S treet
A1·ch on :
Shreveport Louisiana y W. A. P ea vy, P eavy- Byrn es Lumb er Co111P" 11
A rc h on :
Spartanburg, South Carolina Arc ho n: Pa ul C. Th om as, S pa rta Mill s
Thirteenth District F e rl ys W . Th om as , Ri ve r s id e Co mpan y ................ M or eno, Calif. Fourteenth District W a lt er R. J o nes , 703 4 Syca m o re A venu e ................ Sea ttl e, W as h.
Eleventh District R a lph E. A nd e r son, 9 19-92 0 Termin a l Bldg .. ...... .. Lin coln, N ebr.
Roanoke, Virg inia
R. R. Ru sh, 608 Wind sor A ve nu e
A rc hon :
New York City, New York " K. C. L a ute r, 264 0 K enm ore Pl ace, Brook 1Y
Arc ho n :
Los Angeles, California
UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS Alpha Coll ege o f Charl esto n ............................................ Charl esto n , S . C. Beta South Caro lin a Presbyte ria n Coll ege ....................... Clinto n, S. C. Gamma U ni ve rs ity o f Ca liforni a, 26 14 Dwi g ht W ay ........ B erkeley, Calif.
Epsilon D a vid so n Co ll ege ........ , ........................... .... .. ............ D avidson, N. C.
Archon :
L es te r Erickson, 864 North Orange Gro ve /C \ v,a~i f~r;lin
A rc ho n:
P asad ena, Greenville, South Carolina L . D. D od son, 509 W . W ashin g to n S t ree t
A rc hon: Archon:
A rc h o n:
Chicago, Illinois Carl Kit·k, 4 708 D rexel Bl vd. Bris tol, Tenn.-Va.
J, F. Fl e tc he r, l 011 South 16th S treet Omaha, Nebraska C. H. Collin s, 25 05 D e wey Ave nue
School Catalogs and Illustrations
FraternitY and Class Stationery
Chas. H. Elliott Co.
The Largest College Engraving House in the World OFFICIAL ENGRAVERS OF PI KAPPA PHI CERTIFICATES Order through your Secretary
Dance Programs and Invitations, Leather Dance Favors and Covers, Commencement Invitations, Class Day Programs, Class Pins and Rings
,,. ra. Ja.
Seventeenth Street and Lehigh A venue PHILADELPHIA
Calling Cards, Menus
Wedding Invitations
....................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................i.
. ......................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... t~. ...................
•· •·
ATTENTION, PI KAPPS! . The mailing list of The Star and Lamp is in the hand s of the Executive Secretary. All Inquiries r egarding non-receipt of magazin e or announ cements of change in address should be sent directly to him.
When ma king a change of address pl ea se fill out this form, detach, and m ail to Geo. E. heetz, 11 Exchange Bank Bldg., Charleston, S. C. Date S
I t
Chapter ............................................................................Class Numeral
OLD ADDRESS Nam e Street ........................................................... -·. ------ ... . -- ....... -- .. --.............. ·- ........................................................ --- ....... . ~-.
City and State ............................................................................................................................................................ .
.. ........ . ... .......... .................................... ........ .... ...................... ........ .............. ...............................................................
Nam e .................................................................................................... .......................................................................... Street ·············································································· ............................................................................................. . City and State .............................................................................................................................................................. ADo
~·· ·•· ·•··•··•··•··•··•··•··•·····•··•···
I I I I I I I I ~
~ n I
n Q
-~! p:~It:J.~~ you-in some shape; but it takes years of experience to plan and carry out the work so that it will properly carry your ideas and create a favorable impression. ~We have learned how to coordinate type, ink, and paper in a manner to produce the best results, and we have the equipment that enables us to produce high-class work at a reasonable cost. ~f If you want printing that will represent you, we can be of service.
Booklets, Folders, Catalogs or anytking tltat is
OBSERVER PRINTING HousE I11cor1>orated
Prit1lers and Blattk Book Mamifactt~rers CHARLOTTE, N. C .