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DECEMBER, 1928 Volume XIV

Number 4

Fraternity Supplies THE STAR AND LAMP of Pi Kappa Phi, for life---------------------------------------------$10.00 Single copies, 50¢ each Apply to Central Office for prices on bound volumes. 1926 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY, each---------------------------------------------------------- .50 Membership listed alphabetically, geographically, and by chapters; 374 pages. A free copy with each five in group orders. .50 SONGS OF PI KAPPA PHI, per COPY-------------------------------------------------Forty-two pages of Pi Kapp melody. A free copy with each five in group orders. .10 CONSTITUTION AND SUPREME LAWS, per COPY---------------------------------------Complete and official, with index and examination questions. BAIRD'S MANUAL OF COLLEGE FRATERNITIES, Eleventh Edition _______ _ 4.00 Edited by Dr. Francis W. Shepardson. BANTA'S GREEK EXCHANGE, per year _______________________________________________________________ _ 2.00 News and comment from the college fraternity world. COLLEGE FRATERNITIES, per COPY-------------------------------------------------------------- 2;00 An exposition of the fraternity system published by the Interfraternity Conference. .50 INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE YEAR BOOK, per copy_______________ _ Minutes of the last Interfraternity Conference. ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (Revised), per copy_______________________________ _ 1.50 The official parliamentary guide of Pi Kappa Phi, based upon the rules and practice of Congress. MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES, each------------------------------------------------------------ 1.00 Handsomely engraved; size 8x10. Give full name, initiation date and chapter. HATBANDS, Official Pi Kappa Phi design, each __________________________________ _ 1.00 THE SHORT HISTORY, a reprint from the current edition of Baird's Manual, is sent on request. PRICES OR REFERENCES ON SUPPLIES NOT LISTED ABOVE WILL BE FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. THESE INCLUDE: RITUALISTIC PARAPHERNALIA ACCOUNTING SUPPLIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF FOUNDERS,


Orders for Pi Kappa Phi jewelry should be placed only with our Official Jewelers, Burr, Patterson & Auld Company, Detroit, Mich. Orders for regalia and ritualistic pharaphernalia should be placed only with our Official Costumers, the Ihling Bros. Everard Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. Other houses are not authorized to make Pi Kappa Phi designs and are not under the supervision of the Fraternity.





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TuE STAR AND LAMP is Published Under the Direction of the SuJ>reme Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the s of October, D ecember, February, and May, at Charlotte, N. C. ~~ Entered as Matter of t he Second Class at the Postoffice at Charlotte, N. C., in Accordance with the Act of Congress lg 170Ved March 3, 1879. Acceptance for Mailing at Special R ate of Postage Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, ' Authorized April 19, 1921. The Life Subscription is $ 10 and is the Only Form of Subscription. Single Copies are 50 Cents. l,n All Material Intended for Publication Should be in the Hands of the Edior-in-Chief by the 15th of September, Novemb-.r. uary, and April. Changes in Address Should be Promptly Reported to the Executive Secretary. Use Form in the Back of the Magazin~,






rich in history and ~ quaint charm, will welcome Pi Kappa Phi, at its fifteenth Supreme Chapter meeting next December. Wonderful magnolia gardens, unsurpassed· in beauty, are among the wonders to be seen there. The cover of this issue shows one of the many beautiful spots of the gardens. The plates are used by THE STAR AND LAMP through the courtesy of The Southern Telephone News.

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'Psi Sigma GJ3ecomes cAlpha, Xi ehapter By HOWARD D. L EAKE, Executiue Secretary of the Fraternity

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installation banquet held at the Hotel Brevoort on the night of Nof vember 28, marked the closing event 0 the ceremonies and procedure that incorpor~~~d the twenty-one-year-old local fraternity, 81 Sigma , of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, as Alpha-Xi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Frat~rnity : and also brought to an end a situation t at is unparalleled and unprecedented in the •n nals of the Fraternity and probably rarely ~nequalled by other national fraternities. There llrere In · attendance at the banquet approxtmate· 1 y two hundred men, composed of Alpha-Xi ~en, New York alumni and representatives torn the nearby chapters. As chief guests of the banquet, which was, in c0 ntb'Inat10n . , an occasiOn . b to we Icome t h e new Srothers and an alumni gathering to honor DUPreme Archon Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener, were I r..Parke R. Kolbe, President of the Brooklyn nstttute and Doctor Wagener. In addresses that I Were of inspirational and humorous character, these two noted educators sounded the keynote of the evening. Doctor Wagener portrayed a hit of history of the Fraternity and vividly e~Phasized the ideals and tenets, at the same 1 'nte welcoming Alpha-Xi to the joys and values ~f these and challenging the new chapter to upOld the traditions and purposes of the Fra1ternity; a brilliant address that was enthusia . st,cally received. Doctor Kolbe welcomed the new fraternity 0 ~ the campus and congratulated Psi Sigma on er affiliation. He pointed out that, in his estil lllation, the colleges of the future would take ~n an urban character and that the strongest 'nstitutions would be those located in cities. He &ave as his opinion also that the national fra · · were rna k'mg a mtsta · ke m · emp h a. termttes Sizing those institutions that were located at a distance from urban population and consisted ~~~ost entirely of the university campus. In tinging his message to a close, he pledged his


hearty and sympathetic cooperation to the new chapter. In a heart-felt speech, Albert W. Meisel, leading spirit in the founding of Psi Sigma and the bringing about of its national affiliation, reviewed the history of Psi Sigma and also expressed his great pleasure in the attainment of a more far-reaching brotherhood that possessed so similarly the ideals and standards 0f the local. He was given recognition by those gathered in a way seldom received by men . Rising to their feet the entire gathering cheered spontaneously and for a considerable length of time this " father of Psi Sigma." In commemoration of the founding of the local and the resulting influence of and pleasure derived from the organiation, the alumni of Psi Sigma presented to him a bronze plaque bearing the following :

PI KAPPA PHI Alpha-Xi This · tablet erected by the Fraternity of Psi Sigma in appreciatirm of the interest, guidance · and continuous serui(e of Brother ALBERT W. MEISEL who in the year 1901 together with Brothers HENRY T. LEES FREDERICK H . LANE OSKYTEL H. CLARKE HERMAN FUCHS founded at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn the Fraternity of Psi Sigma, which after twenty-seuen years of growth and fraternal influence was installed as the Alpha-Xi Chapter of the Fraternity of Pi Kappa Phi. To them we dedicate this tablet in recognition of their broad ·uision and sound management. May the AlphaXi Chapter carry on the traditions of " The Land Where Good Fellowship Reigns" Nouember 27, 1928. Other speakers were Walter Measday, Jr., Archon of the New York alumni. and Harold C. Wort, Archon of the Alpha-Xi Chapter. Impromptu speeches were made by District Archon K. C. Lauter, Robert Harper, Archon.

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of Psi Chapter, and Professor W. J. Berry of the faculty of the Institute and now listed as a brother in Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Measday delivered quite an effective address in which he pointed out the position and responsibilities of the alumni of the Fraternity. Actual initiation of the undergraduate members took place the evening of the 27th. Eighteen undergraduates and seven alumni went through the ceremony at this time, among the latter being two founders of the local-Brother Meisel and Brother Henry T. Lees. The remainder o( the alumni, numbering approximately one hundred, were initiated in a body Wednesday evening just before the banquet. To the members of the initiation team from Psi goes the credit for performing a perfect ceremony. They handled the ritual in a most effective and beautiful way without hesitation or hindrance. The men that made up the team were Robert J. Harper, who was responsible for arranging and rehearsing of the parts, Howard Knapp, H. Pitkin, Smith Tompkins, Charles Clade], Ted Taylor. Brother K. C. Lauter, as Chief Installing Officer, had an unenviable responsibility that was faced and com -

pleted in an admirable way. The entire insta\ 0 lation was handled in a manner deserving great praise.




GJ-eistory of cpsi Sigma HE Fraternity of Psi Sigma was organized twenty-seven years ago, October 9, 1901. Brooklyn Polytechnic In stitute, by Henry T . Lees, Oskytel H. Clarke, Frederick H. Lane, Herman C. Fuchs and Albert W . Meisel. These men, believing that there was room for a brotherhood based upon the highest ideals of morality, scholarship and democracy, laid the foundations of the organization as it is today. From the beginning the group prospered, as its principles appealed to both students and faculty alike. At the outset the Fraternity was housed in rented quarters, which were extremely modest, but the fire of the fraternity burned brightly on its hearthstone.

In its first year it undertook the issuance of~ paper known as The Woodbird , which was first read in the active meetings and later, as the membership increased, was mailed to the rne~· hers, alumni and undergraduates. Even at thtS early period its general scholarship stood high· and one of its members, Oskytel H . Clarke. v;as chosen valedictorian by the faculty in 1902. a? honor that was based upon the highest scholasttC standing. In extra-curricular acttvtttes the active chaP' ter, although small, was exceptionally represe~ · tative. It contained within its ranks the prest· dent of the football association, manager of t~e varsity football team, president of the athletiC association, captain of tbP varsity football teafll·







several class officers. several actors in the Poly 1907, 1910, 1912. 1913, 1915 and 1924, an J:l]ay, editor-in-chief of the Polytechnic (liter- unusual record and probably unrivalled. In 1907 the Fraternity incorporated itself as ary magazine) and several members of the edia New York membership corporation . As a torial board. entity its form of .government was somelegal Space will not permit the recording at this what changed . Its fiscal affairs were put into tirne of the various activities of the members of the hands of a board of directors, chosen an ~he Fraternity in the following years. Suffice nually by the alumni and undergraduates. Its tt to say that they followed in the steps of by-laws provided the fundamental law for both the initial members, possessing within their the active chapter and the alumni . After a trial group, at all times, their share of the campus of twenty years, those familiar with the results. Positions of honor and responsibility. Scholar- agree that the incorporation and the form of Snip records continued well above the average. alumni control which resulted, was of a vast Members of Psi Sigma were honored by selection benefit to the organization . The alumni paid as class valedictorians in 1904, 1905, 1906, dues and were constantly cooperating with the




'Cdv. <h•pt<< fo< th<i< mutu•l b<n<fit. As •bout forty-eight per cent of the alumni members were domiciled in Brooklyn, there was nothing difficult about securing their whole-hearted support. Unlike most chapters, where fraternity life ceases upon graduation because of removal from college town of its members, with Psi Sigma the fraternal activity was not so limited. While the budget and many organization matters were in the hands of the alumni. the active chapter carried on the usual functions of selecting and initiating new members and the management of the house and table, and in these respects was quite autonomous. When the war came in 191 7, practically all the active men and many of the alumni entered active service. The Institute itself was selected by the United States Government as a center for all Student Officers Training Corps, and fraternities were prevented by regulation from initiating new members. However, Psi Sigma continued to function and carried cheer to the men in the service with their publication, The Wood bird. As a corporation its could not be destroyed. In 1920, the Psi Sigma Realty Company, a New York stock corporation, was formed to buy a fraternity house. The war was now over and a syndicate of alumni underwrote a contract of $17,000 for the purchase of a house. Every member was requested to buy at least $100 worth of stock, and each initiate was required to , the ultimate plan being that these new subscriptions would be filled by those alumni who had purchased more than one share. The new house, a half block from the Institute, was purchased and occupied in 1920, the active chapter becoming the tenant of the Psi Sigma Realty Company. The new quarters at once became the scene of larger activity, as they were large enough for dances and other functions. Purchased in a time of low realty values, the consequent rise in values of property about the house, it was located near the center of the city, brought to the Fraternity flattering offers for their site. One of these was finally accepted. With the proceeds of the sale a larger house was purchased at 33 Sydney Place, just two blocks from the Institute. The title research revealed

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th< int<te"ing info<m"ion th" Atmnd• Hamilton once owned the farm which orginaliY of 1 included the lot on which the house standS· ~Ute, These new quarters we~e occupied in October. tntet 1926. Up to the present time it has been th~ 1 home of the Fraternity, and in the opinion fore: m· beca many, this property is the best and most co of L modious fraternity house on the campus. . 5 On October 9 , 1926 , Psi Sigm:a celebrated tt tons · · ga silver jubilee at the Hotel Brevoort by gtvtn the large banquet, which had in attendance

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/Stdent, Dean, and the President of the Board 0 s. Trustees of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Instid . on tts . ,er. ·tute • W ho congratulated t h e F raterntty the Interesting and useful history. 01 f 1'he subject of nationalization came to the m· tefront in 1927, when one of its members ;c{llle Chairman of the American Conference itS ? ocal Fraternities. Before this , on two occasIons. national fraternities had invited affiliation , 1 3 IIY




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Tolytechnic Institute

~HE present Polytechnic is the out~ growth of the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute founded in 18 5 3. It was incorporated by the Board of R egents in the State of New York in 1854, and Opened for the reception of students immedi~.e1y following. It is situated in New York ttY-politically, the Borough of Brooklyn, a community of two million persons, which ll]akes of it the largest subdivision of the City Of 'II. r P~ew York . . 1'he college offers the following courses lead~g to scientific de?rees: Ci.vil ~ngineering (C. · degree) ; Electncal Engmeermg (E. E. de &ree) ; Chemical Engineering (Ch. E. degree); and Chemistry (B. S. degree). Under its charte · r It also has the power to have an Arts course 1 eading to an A. B. degree. . 1'he Polytechnic is one of the oldest engineer;ng colleges in the United States, and is the argest in the City of New York, exceeding the ~&~neering schools of Columbia and New York fj ntversity. It has an enrollment of about fteen hundred students. . 1'he Institute was and is now on the original 1 lst of the Carnegie Foundation, and its professors are pensioned by that organization. It ~as also and is now on the original list of the ssociation of American Universities, the de&.rees of whose members are accepted by the for ~1&n universities. It is a member of the Regina! tandard Association of Colleges of the Middle

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but both times the alumni objected . As a resuit of the contacts made, however, and the inspiration received from attendance at both the National Inter-Fraternity Conference and the American Conference of Local Fraternities, the decision was finally arrived at to seek national affiliation. Pi Kappa Phi was sought and obtained.

Atlantic States and Maryland. In chemical engineering it is rated seventh among those institutions offering such courses. It cooperates with a large number of local industries in the giving of courses, and the in dustries frequently call upon and use its laboratories for the testing of their materials and the solution of their problems. The faculty of the Institute is well known and enjoys a country-wide reputation. Its President, Dr. Parke R. Kolbe, was formerly President of the University of Akron. Plans are underway at present to change the site of the Institute, its present quarters becoming too crowded to handle the popular demand of students for entrance. The new location will still be on Long Island, consisting of eight acres in that part of the Island that is famous as a battlefield of the Revolution. Its present hold ings are valued at four and one-half millions, this, added to the approximate million dollars as a beneficiary of the Charles F . Perkins' will and the considerable sum the Institute has invested , will give the Trustees ample funds to construct a magnificent set of buildings on an estate that will permit the promised future growth of the institution. The teams of the Institute meet in sports such opponents as Stevens, Lafayette, Renssalaer , Franklin and Marshall. Brown, Columbia , Syracuse, Tufts, Rhode Island State College, Worchester Polytechnic, City College of New




Y mk, Middlebmy College , Di,kinson , Rutgm, Princeton , M . I. T. , University of Virginia and William and Mary College. There are a total of ten fraternities at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Of these, in eluding the establishment of Alpha -Xi of Pi





K•pp• Phi, five m Mtiond in 'h"''"'· 'fh<

other national fraternities are : Alpha Chi Rh~· 3 Alpha Phi Delta, Theta Kappa Nu and AlP Kappa Pi. 0 Only Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Chi Rho oW their homes.


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THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI ~I~ I ------------------------


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Under the Students' [ .amp By DR. WILLIAM E. EDINGTON, U psi!on Chairman Scholarship Committee


Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 19 2 8 ~N Founders' Day, December 10, the second annual award of P1. K appa Phi scholarship pendants was made . These ~~ndants represent the tghest honor our great . can pay one of .frat ern1ty tts rne m b ers m . recogmt10n . . ~f h' sn路 ts outstanding scholartp achievements. These Pendants may be awarded Only to brothers who are juniors or seniors, and ~ot more than nine brothers may receive this onor in any one year. For the year 1927, !'8rothers Thomas H. Grafton , Beta, and Wil pa~ C. Pritchard, Omega, were the Pi Kappa b01 Scholars. Owing to the much greater num ~r of records received and the greater interest s 0 Wn in the scholarship awards, the committee on scholarship was much pleased to find the records of the following six brothers to have ~et the high standards required for this great ?.aternial honor and they thereby constitute the 1 Kappa Phi Scholars for 1928. '8 Arthur Wallace Grafton, Beta; Joseph R. ohbitt, Jr. , Kappa; Herman Gale Riggs, J0rnega; James Theodore Jackson, Alpha -E ta; Rohn Howard Weinberger, Jr. , Alpha-Mu; Ussell Conwell Newhouse, Alpha -Nu . b Br?ther Arthur Wallace Grafton, Beta, PresbYtenan College of South Carolina, is the l rather of one of the Pi Kappa Phi scholars for S927. He came to Presbyterian College from ~anghai, China, in 1924, and graduated in ay, 1928 . Brother Grafton made a most ~Plendid record not only in. scholarship but also tn general student activities. He was honored ~ith membership in Sigma Upsilon, honorary hterary fraternity, Chi Beta Phi. honorary

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scientific fraternity, Sigma Kappa Alpha , honor ary local scholarship fraternity, and Gamma Sigma , honorary local journalistic fraternity. He was also a member of the varsity track team, president of the Pan -Hellenic Council, editor of the college annual, and archon of Beta Chapter. Brother Grafton is now studying law at the University of Kentucky and also working in the insurance business. Brother Joseph R . Robbitt, Jr., Kappa, University of North Carolina, graduated in 1928. His college record includes many activities besides scholarship. He was honored with membership , in Phi Beta Kappa, the Order of the Grail and the Senior Order of the Golden Fleece, local honor societies. Boxing was his principal athletic activity. He was reporter, assignment editor, managing editor and associate editor, in turn, of The Tar Heel, the student newspaper. Brother Bobbitt was also secretary-treasurer of the Inter-Fraternity council and treasurer of the Order of the Grail. He was also a member of the German Club . He has been on the reportor ial staff of the Greensboro, N. C., Daily News since his graduation in June. Brother Herman Gale Riggs, Omega, Purdue University, is one of the two Junior Pi Kappa Phi scholars for 1928 . He has been honored with membership in Tau Beta Pi. honorary engineering fraternity , and Eta Kappa Nu, honorary electrical engineering fraternity, and he has bee n on the university list of distinguished students for three semesters. He has been a member of the Purdue University Military Band since his entrance into Purdue and for two years he has held the position of first chair solo trumpet. Brother Riggs has also been interested in the Y. M . C. A., and is a student member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. At present Brother Riggs is archon of Omega Chapter. He expects to graduate in June, 1929. Brother James Theodore Jackson, Alpha -Eta , Howard College, graduated in June, 1928, with.

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THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI the degree A. B. Cum Laude, his scholarship Brother Russell Conwell Newhouse, Alpharecord showing all his grades A with the excep- Nu, Ohio State University, is the second junior tion of one B. Brother Jackson was one of Pi Kappa Phi Scholar for 1928 , and like Brother the most brilliant students ever enrolled at Riggs , is an electrical engineer. He has been Boward College. and was elected president of honored with membership in Tau Beta Pi, hon the Howard College student body in 1926, at orary engineering fraternity . Eta Kappa Nu, the age of seventeen. Following is the com- honorary electrical engineering fraternity, and Plete list of honors earned by Brother Jackson, Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematical fraternity. He as Stated in THE STAR AND LAMP last May: is now vice-president of the Ohio State Chapter Honor roll ( 1. 2, 3, 4) ; Freshman Marshal. of Eta Kappa Nu and was its delegate to the Sophomore Marshal. Chief Marshal (3): Al- national convention held at Minneapolis early ternate Debater (2); Member Y. M. C. A., in November. He was a member of the Ohio (1, 2): Secretary Y. M. C. A. (3): Member State Chorus last year and was awarded a key Sigma Upsilon Honorary Fraternity, Member for his good work. Brother Newhouse has Beta P Theta B. Y. P . U. (3); Member made this excellent record and at the same time Men's National Pan-Hellenic Council (4): has earned entirely his own way since entering the university, working the past two years as Member Parade Finance Committee (3) : Ecodraftsman and civil engineer for the Ohio Fuel nomics Club (3) ; Allied Arts Club: Voted Gas Company, a position which he still holds. lllost unusual student and hardest working boy He is also an undergraduate assistant in the dea~ Howard in 1927; Secretary Debating Counpartment of electrical engineering at Ohio State, Cil (3); Member Y. M. C. A. State Council and is a student member of the American Insti(4) : Varsity Debater (4); Member Pi Kappa tute of Electrical Engineers. Brother Newhouse l'au Honorary Fraternicy: Archon Alpha-Eta expects to graduate in June, 1929. Chapter; Chaplain (2) and Treasurer (3, 4) Pi Kappa Phi is indeed proud of this splendid Alph a-Eta Chapter; Representative of Alphagroup of Pi Kappa Phi scholars. It is obvious Eta Chapter at the Birmingham Convention; that the group is composed entirely of men who Voted the most capable student at Howard in have not only made excellent scholarship rec1928, and awarded the Civitan Watch as being ords, but who have also been active in general the outstanding student at Howard ; President student affairs and have made enviable records of the Howard College student body, 1927in other than scholarship. Truly they are shin1928. ing illustrations of our scholarship mottoBrother Jackson is now teaching in the En'jorpi.a rtKij.-"Wisdom (or Knowledge ) Consley-Heward High School in Birmingham. quers." Brother John Howard Weinberger, Jr., Alpha -Mu, Pennsylvania State College, made Chapters Outstanding in Scholarship an excellent scholastic record and graduated in During 1927-1928 1928 . Brother Weinberger was honored with 111embership in Phi Kappa Phi. honorary schoKappa Chapter ranked first among thirtylastic fraternity, Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma four fraternities at the University of North Delta, both honorary agricultural fraternities. Carolina. Beta Chapter led the fraternities at Brother Weinberger modestly refers to his other the Presbyterian College of South Carolina. activities as being of a minor character and did Alpha-Delta Chapter ranked first among the ~ot refer to them explicitl y. However, his abil- national fraternities and third among the fortyIty was recognized elsewhere for he was granted six fraternities at the University of Washington. a fellowship at the University of Maryland, Alpha-Lambda led all the fraternities at the Where he is now a graduate student, doing work University of Mississippi during the second With the expectation of eventually obtaining the semester. These chapters are to be congratul?h. D . degree. lated on their excellent showing.

================================~~~; THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI


The cpineapple 1sles By


0 many of my friends seem to have forgotten both their geography and history that I am forced to write something about these beautiful mid -Pacific islands, which form the western outpost of the United States. Letters decorated with fiue -cent stamps and addressed to me at " Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Ocean," are not as rare as they ought to be. To have my supposedly enlightened university-professorish friends head their letters "Coilege Town, Old State, U. S. A. ," is a little too much . Because for a decade or longer I lived in strange and auslandisch parts of the globe, old pals can't imagine me living in a civilized country like Uncle Sam's. I am daily expecting to receive a letter from some one on the mainland addressed to me at Honolulu , Japan , Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, or Kamehameha Schools, Borneo. Yesterday, however, I received a letter from India, which was addressed to me at Honolulu, U.S. A. Last summer when I announced that I had accepted a position in Honolulu, many of my rela rives and cronies gasped and then exclaimed: "Why so far away? Isn't the old U. S. A. good enough for you?" La-la! What is a couple of thousand miles and an ocean vacation of seven days? If you don't know it, let me tell you that Hawaii is not at the end of the earth, but is at the cross-roads; that Hawaii is neither a foreign possession nor a dependency of the United States of America, but a territory of the same, and as such is as much a part of our country as any of the present ex-territorial states ever were. The annexation of these islands was consummated by a treaty on July 7, 1898. The territory was created and its government provided for by the organic act of April 30, 1900. It is therefore twenty-eight years old and about ready for statehood. The islands which constitute the territory are twenty' in number, eight of which are inhabited. They lie in the north Pacific Ocean,

just within the tropics, and are more than 2,000 miles from the nearest mainland. TheY 3 are entirely volcanic, being the summits 0 ~ 5 . . su b manne . mountam . range, w h'ch r,se gigantic I e1e· from the floor of the ocean. The highest vation on the islands is nearly 14,000 fe~t~ and within 30 to 50 miles from the shores tls ocean's depth is three miles. Extinct crate\ abound, Haleakala, on Maui. IS the large\ known. Kilauea, on Hawaii. is the larges active volcano in the earth. . ds The windward sides of most of the ts1anh have great precipices, some 2,000 feet in heig t. an· which are furrowed by deep and narroW c . 1 yons. On Oahu they rise fold after fold ~ unearthly beauty. The lights and shadows P!a g across them with weird effects. At even'~ the color tones of jade green, deep blue, purP e. n· and black are marvelous to see. In the mo~ g light they stand magnificent in their hauntllll beauty and impress one with an unforgetab e 1 other-worldliness. On Kauai and Maui are v~ · leys. which for beauty and color rival Yoserntte and the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. . t11e Coral reefs, some of rare beauty. 1we 5 shores of Oahu and Kauai. In the deep lagoonr are fish of unbelievable colorings and qu~e shapes. Outside range deep sea fish and shar s~ Both reef and deep sea fishing furnish excellen sport. . The islands are covered with luxuriant trop~· cal vegetation. The higher elevation of t e mountains are covered with forests, whos e 0 1. roundish trees and unusual green and graY c t orings produce tapestry -like pictures of greas beauty. In some places alien weeds and plant have almost exterminated the native fores~~j Large areas have been reforested; others w~ be. Existing forests are carefully preserv~ · The climate of the islands is much coo ~r than that of any other country in the same JaW . g tude. Because of abundant rainfall and coohn r northeast trade winds, perpetual early s.~n:rnes reigns without enervating heat. Hawau 15 much a summer resort as a winter resort.

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THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI cause of her wonderful climate, great beauty, and recreational attractions, Hawaii has become one of the most attractive play-places not only for the people of the Pacific basin, but .for the world. In Hawaii woman-not man-has painted the rose. She bas brought shrubs, trees, and vines of beautiful flowers and vegetation from all the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the globe. Jarul, acacia, cassia, and fici from In dia , fici from China, Poinciana from Mada gascar, Plumeria from Peru, cacti and creepers from Mexico. These are but a few. Hibisci of many kinds have been developed and are to be seen in all the gardens. Many of the species of indigenous birds have been exterminated by the invading rat and cat and by the imported mongoose. The commonest bird is the common mynah, which was brought from India to combat a sugar-cane

pest. This pert and interesting individual pre· fers to live in the towns and cities or nead the plantation houses. To stock the hills an e valleys, birds noted for song or plumage. ar being imported. . h· Man, for his part, has capitalized the nc ds ness of the soil. Today the Hawaiian !sian 1 are not only "The Pineapple Isles," and "V~c~ Sam's Sugar Bowl," but are also a great gar jes. of tropical and sub -tropical fruits and vegeta~~e Exports for 1926 totalled $100,145,020. 5 value of the pineapple and sugar exports. ~~ $34,842,200 and $59,716,696, respecuve. e. · ' ttV These figures spell romance, American inttta co· and perseverance, and oriental labor and operation. • 0 Although mid -Pacific, tropical and cosrn of politan , Hawaii is American . Here people se all races live and work in harmony. becaurs they are lovers of and loyal to the same Sta and Stripes.

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slipped away, carrying with it in its passage the anniversary of our founding . The recurrence of this date again gives us opportunity to honor the men, who a quarter of a century ago, banded themselves together by ties of fraternal devotion and made it possible for those Who have followed after to enjoy the blessings ~f congenial associations in the bonds of Pi •\appa Phi. b All hail our revered brothers. Honor to our eloved founders. May we, who today bear the name of Pi Kappa Phi . keep that name as Unsullied as when they decreed that their friendsh· k 1P and love, one for the other, should be nown a.s Pi Kappa Phi. ~

Here's Your ·Chance {c)]J liNDER the direction of Brother Pou ,

'-"U Supreme Historian, plans are being formulated for the publication next year of a history and directory in commemoration of the l'wenty-:fifth Anniversary of the Fraternity's founding. There is no more appealing method ?f signalizing our silver anniversary than the Issuance of such a practical book. lhe only thing needed to make this enterPrise a success is the support of the membership of the Fraternity. Brother Pou, in this issue of the magazine, is making an appeal to the brothers, undergraduate and alumni, to sub scribe to this publication. He is asking that you make use of the card, inserted in this magazine, and pledge your support in this worthy cause by agreeing to purchase one of these books. In Order for the project to be carried through , Brother Pou must know that the book will be ~anted in sufficient numbers to warrant its pubhcation. Only through this method will it be Possible to know that it will be financially successful. This must be assured and Brother Pou is seeking your help. If you want a practical.

every-day reference book and one that will offer you delightfully interesting information on the history of the fraternity, sign the card and mail it without delay. ~

Welcome Alpha-Xi fnX1LT IS with earnest sincerity that we wel\.JU.Jf come into our ranks Psi Sigma at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute as our thirty-fifth chapter. This local organization has had a brilliant history and no doubt will be a strong link in our chain of chapters. With a stable finan cial policy and steadied by ownership of its house , the new chapter starts its career as a unit of Pi Kappa Phi with bright prospects. It also has the beneficient influence of loyal alumni who have already displayed their interest in the organization. The new chapter comes to keep company in New York with Psi Chapter, which for years has been Pi Kappa Phi's lone outpost tn the Empire State. ~

Takes the Air ~HROUGH

the agency of the twentieth ~ century wonder , the message of Pi Kappa Phi has been this year hurled to the four corners of the country as Founders' Day celebrations were broadcast. The second annual broadcast of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter's Founders' Day program was a feature of radio station WSB the evening of December 10. The Alpha-Epsilon program was broadcast by WRUF, the University of Florida's broadcasting station . This was the first program of this nature to be broadcast by any fraternity on the Florida campus. The brothers who arranged these programs showed enterprise and are to be congratulated for their efforts. Those who listened in enjoyed the programs and doubtless there were some whose memories of " good old days" back in the chapter were aroused.

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In ~ligion?

By HERBERT E. EVANS Adviser to Student Religious Organizations, Columbia, University (In The Institute Magazine, Columbia University) ~HE following quotation from a s~ate­ ~

ment issued two years ago by Herbert E. Hawkes, Dean of Columbia C?l1 _ege, 1s an example of the interest that admtnIStrators throughout the land are indicating in religion, both as subject matter for objective study and the more personal phases, having to do With the life of the student: ''During the last few years the subject of religion both as an academic study and as part of the personal life of the individual, has been S((bjected to more searching analysis and careful Provision in Columbia University than .it has ever received before." Since the above statement was issued rapid advances have been made in the curriculum and expressional aspects in this field. Probably never before since the time when the majority of our larger colleges were organized for the training of men in the Christian ministry has such attention been paid to the development of religion in our educational institutions. Much Water has passed under the bridge since Harvard, !ale, and other institutions had as their major Interest the training of men for the ministry. 1'oday the universities of the land are approach~ng the problem anew, this time because of the Insistent demand from students for real and vital religious information. Observers are noting a like interest on the Part of the general public, and a response to that interest by the various magazines and periodicals published. Rarely may one purchase an important magazine that fails to contain at least one article touching the subject matter of religion in one or more of its aspects. Again this matter is called to our attention by the space ~eing given in daily newspapers to religious ttems. From our leading publishers come almost daily new books in this field; many of them a real contribution and others just paper, ink, and binding. The success of the press depends upon •

its meeting the appeal and needs of the reading public. Apparently indications point to the fact that the reading public today is interested in the happenings in the field of religion. It is significant and interesting to note the attitude of undergraduates in our colleges towards this matter. We find the average undergraduate coming to our educational institution with little religious background. We may almost safely assume total ignorance on this subject on the part of our new students. We may not and cannot assume, however, a total lack of interest. Courses in religious subjects are being largely attended and qualified faculty members are being asked many searching questions by their students. Of course, many students are disturbed and upset and sometimes appear to lose the little faith they had on entering college. It seems to me that this is the fault of a poor background rather than any failure on the part of the college. The University of Chicago, Columbia University, and many others, are conducting far-reaching experiments in an attempt to meet the religious needs of students. Religious courses are being given because students want to take them. Advisors and others are being appointed because students wish to go to them for advice. A very healthy development is taking place among undergraduates. Then we may ask, "Why this interest?" To answer the question adequately would take much more space than is at our disposal. Perhaps it is that with the development of the mechanical side of human life, the extension of invention, and the hurried complexity of modern living, we are beginning to feel the need of purpose and reality. If we could sum up in one question the various inquiries students are making. it would be "What is it all about?" David Seabury in his latest book, "Growing in to Life," speaks of the insistent restlessness

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of whom wlil lecture for the Institute duri~.g 15 the current season, that we must look for t constructive religious leadership of the futU~· Universities and colleges are facing this pro ' lem with courses on the subject matter of red ligion, taught from an objective viewpoint. an by the provision of adequate facilities for stUf 0 dents' worship and expression. In the field adult education, through home study courses. extension classes and the Institute programs. Columbia is attempting to make its contribU· tion.

and a searching for reality on the part of mod ern youth. The breakdown of old standards calls for new standards to take their place; the breakdown of old religious conceptions calls for new ones. In the days just past great religious leaders stood out and gave to the world a religious philosophy. In the days just ahead we shall all be asking for a constructive point of view from our religious leaders. It is to such men as Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Dr. William Adams Brown, and Dean Sbailer Mathews, all


C0pens C)\{gw CJ-eome By J . T. JACKSON

FTER four long years of unceasing toil Alpha-Eta is now comfortably situated in her new $25,000 borne. It was on Thursday afternoon, May 3rd, of this year, that Alpha-Eta held the formal bouse opening at which time open bouse was held and alumni and friends from all over the Birmingham district and surrounding territory paid the chapter a visit and thoroughly viewed the new home. The receiving line was composed of Dr. John C. Dawson , President of Howard College; Al bert Lee Smith , of Birmingham, an alumnus of Alpha -Eta and donor of $1.000 to the new horne fund; W. A. Berry, another outstanding Birmingham alumnus; Mrs. W . A. Berry, patroness of the fraternity ; Mrs. Albert Lee Smith, patroness of the fraternity; Mrs. Morgan, the house mother, and several members of the active chapter. Actual effort toward the building of a new horne was begun by Alpha-Eta in the autumn of 1925 . Some preliminary steps had been taken previous to that time but it was during the 1925 -26 scholastic year that money began to be contributed to the new horne fund. Work on the plans was continued through the 1926 -27 scholastic year until January of 1928. At that time, immediately following the 14th Supreme Chapter Meeting in Birmingham, the ground was broken for the new horne and the


house was under construction. It was approJCt' mately four months in the building. The new horne is a three-story brick house of Southern Colonial architecture and is as p:ar tical for use by a fraternity as it could posst? 'I be made. The first floor consists of a livt~g room , a sun parlor, matron's quarters, and pe dining room and kitchen. The second floor consists of eight commodious study rooms. t~~ large sleeping porches and a bath. The thtr floor is devoted wholly to a spacious chapter room. Alpha -Eta's new horne is the first neW fr~­ ternity home to be constructed on Howard Co'

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lege's regular fraternity row. It is beautifully situated on fraternity row as it is to be when the plans for Greater Howard materialize. Various visitors from other sections of the country have favorably compared this new home with similar ones of much greater cost at other colleges. Brothers who are passing through Birmingham are cordially invited to stop long enough to visit and inspect this beautiful new home. ~

The Higher Things They lift their eyebrows, They heighten their complexions, They tilt their chins, They raise their voices, They elevate their spirits, They build up their heels, They knee-high their skirts! And yet there are some people who say that the modern girls are do not devote any time to thinking about the higher things !-Kappa Alpha Journal.

Ostregren Receives Promotion Carl Ostregren, Psi, 1921 . has been advanced to the position of General Commercial Engineer of Long Island in the New York Telephone Company. Ostregren was arcbo!l of Psi Chapter and considered one of the best students in the chapter at Cornell. besides baV' ing interest in many outside activities. He is still very much interested in the fraternity, is a meril' her of the Board of Directors of II K cp in NeW York State, a regular attendant at the monthlY meetings of the New York City Alumni ChaP' ter and a member of the Crescent Club of Brooklyn, N.Y. ~

Births To Brother and Mrs. George T. Hepburn. Psi. of Montclair, N. J., a daughter, KathrYn Ann, on November 26, 1928. To Brother and Mrs. Harold D. Lukin. Alpha -Theta, of Portland, Mich., a son, Do uS' las D., on November 20, 1928.



c[J((ichigan cpi

1\gpps CJ-eold {3onclave

~HE first annual district conclave of ~

the Michigan chapters, held in the . Masonic Temple at Ann Arbor, ~lchigan, on the 17th of November proved to e an evening replete with interest and pleasure, ~~d must be listed among those events in the !Story of Pi Kappa Phi that indicate the progress and growth of the Fraternity. Mainly for the purpose of awarding the scholarship cups that are annually awarded to the men in each c~apter and the chapter which obtained the highest scholastic rating for the past year, the occasion was also one of social nature , com ~ining a banquet with a dance. Following, as It did , the annual football game between Michigan and Michigan State College, it was an ad ~irable opportunity to get together representa IVes of the two chapters and also a large repre sentation of alumni . Probably fifty Pi Kapps Were present and these , with the wives and dates, 111ade up a colorful assembly.

Brother G. Bernard He1mrich, formerly Professor of Engineering at the University of Michi gan and now advisory and managing engineer of the Detroit Edison Company, as Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the Detroit Alumni Chapter, awarded the cups to the winners and made the main address of the evening. In an excellent discourse, which was interesting and instructive, he emphasized by facts the materia] value accruing to the individual in the business world, who has attained distinction in his studies in undergraduate study. He made the awards in the name of Dr. Will E. Edington, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the national organization , who judged the com parative standing of the competitors. Others on the program were John 0. Blair, Gamma, archon of the Detroit Alumni; Otmer J. Schuster and Cecil A. Reed, archons respec tively of the Michigan State and Michigan chapters, who made appreciative replies to the pre-


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sentation of the cups; and Howard D. Lea~~ executive secretary. Ralph W. Goodall. "11 .t . quite humor that was dry and at the same ttrne convulsing. handled the position of toastrnas路 ter with the ease of a veteran,-and a lawyerwhich is his profession. h The two cups that were presented to t d~ highest ranking man in each chapter and awar ed in the name of the Detroit Alumni Chapter. were of standard design, standing some fourf 0 teen inches in heighth and bearing the coa~ arms of the Fraternity and suitable engravJJ'lg. Gerald F. McNerney, the recipient of the cuP from Alpha -Kappa Chapter is a literary college graduate of the Class of 1928. He attained the highest standing in his chapter with a poi~~ average of 1.88 on a 3-2-1 basis, or a "13 average. He maintained the "B" average throughout his entire college career. NcNerne_Y is at present at the University of Southern Cahf fornia, where he is assistant to the Professor .~ Chinese History. Having in mind as his 1~ e work diplomatic service in China, he was qut~e fortunate in making this connection. Be ~ !.....-..!::::==============--~ making a study of the Chinese language an













THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI · · · prospect upon comp Iet10n · h'has a postt!On m of ts study. Besides his exceptional devotion to Study while an undergraduate, he found time to spend energy and thought upon fraternity affatrs. · He served as secretary of the chapter and handled chairmanships of committees with fa Cl·1·tty and results. the winner of the cup in the Alpha -Theta Chapter was Harlow Bringham . He maintained ~ st_anding of a point average of 3.4 on a 4 -3-2 asts With a four years scholastic average of 2.25 on a 3-2-1 basis, which is better than a " B" ~Verage. He is at present working on his M. S. tn Chemistry and also teaching several advanced courses at Michigan State College. While an ~ndergraduate he attained an enviab le record. e became a member of Chi Rho, local chemical fraternity; Tau Sigma, local science honor ary; Alpha Epsilon Mu, national musical ; and A_lpha Phi, national honorary dramatic fraterntty. He was a member of the glee club for two years and took part in all the productions of the dramatic club. In the Fraternity he was quire active, in the end being rewarded by the election to the position of archon. The cup that was given by District Archon J. · w ·r · · t son Robinson to that ch apter matntamtng the highest average, is one of unusual and exceptiona ll y beautiful lines. It was won by the Alpha- Theta Chapter. This is a permanent cup, to be retained by the chapter winning until lost by maintaining a lower average. Telegrams from Supreme Archon Wagener and Supreme Historian Pou, expressing best Wishes for the occasion were read to the assembled by Brother Robinson . A man of most Pleasing personality and unquestioned ability, Brother Robinson is giving of his time and thought to the district and the chapters which it contains. The success of the event can be !aid to his energy and direction in a major way, and there is no doubt that his district will in the future be one of the most progressive. It certainly got off to a wonderful start. Recently the states of Illinois and Indiana were added to his district. An interesting and inspiring moment arose ~Vhen Brother M. W. House, of Toledo, was Introduced to the gathering. He and Mrs. House

had traveled from Toledo to Ann Arbor for the purpose of attending the conclave. In a short speech that had a world of meaning to the members of the Fraternity, he expressed his pleasure of attending and also promised the gathering that in the near future they would see an alumni chapter at Toledo. Brother House is from Omega Chapter.

Jackson Honored by Student Federation ~

NOTHER honor has come to Theodore Jackson, Alpha-Eta , '28. During his senior year at Howard College he wrote a thesis on " The Honor System," which won for him the distinction of honor graduate. So exhaustively did he search for material, and so thor oughly did he prepare his thesis, that President John C. Dawson, of Howard , considered it as about the last word on the subject, and caused it to be published as one of the regular bulletins of the college, and to be sent to educators and others interested in student government all over the country. This resulted in nation -wide attention to the brilliant Alabama student. and he has since been requested by the president of the National Student Federation of America to attend the Congress of that body at Columbia, Missouri, December 12- 15. 1928, and there to lead the discussion on the subject of his thesis. The invitation has been accepted , and we may rest assured that Theodore will more than fulfill what is expected of him. Brother Jackson was president of the student body at Howard, a successfu l debater on the varsity team, and an outstanding student during each of his four years. He served Alpha Eta most capably as treasurer and archon. and has been a hard worker for the fraternity since the day he was pledged . Recently the Supreme Council announced he had earned and wou ld receive one of the scholarship pendants this year. At present he is an instructor in English at the Ensley Howard High School, Ensley, Alabama. ~

-··<tfif 25 }ilt-··-



What CY4bout the CJ-eistory and crJirectoryl By LEO H. Pou, Supreme Historian

r:::Jlj[ JHAT

has become of the recommendation of the Birmingham Supreme Chapter that a Pi Kappa Phi manual be published and ready for distri bution to the membership by the twenty-fifth birthday of the fraternity? Has this matter been overlooked by the present administration? If not, what has been done about it ? These and other similar questions have been and are being asked by our members. We are glad that there is some active interest in the project. Its ultimate success depends upon th2 backing of all our members. It is for the purpose of answering these inquiries and attempting to gauge this interest that this article is written. The need for such a book as we hope to publish is undenied. Our present directory was issued in April. 1926. It was the first adequate publication of the kind which we bad bad. Since then our numbers have increased almost fifty per cent, many new chapters have been added, addresses and other data have changed. There are many other reasons why a new directory will be a pressing need by another year. The demand for a history of our brotherhood may not be so readily apparent, but is none the less real. On D ecem her 1 0 , 192 9, Pi Kappa Phi will celebrate twenty-five years of gloriously useful existence. It bas become a fixed insti tution in the college world of America . Its ideals have been carried by loyal sons into every industry and profession, and its name to all parts of the globe. Some of the wearers of its emblems over these years have burrowed deep into the sources of knowledge, or soared aloft to what the world calls prominence and fame. Many others have not thus achieved . notable distinction, but have labored quietly and in love for the progress and proper growth of the frater nity itself. Yet we have no connected and concise record of these things. The story of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi at a very small southern college, of the decision ~



to expand which resulted in the the second chaPf ter at another small institution nearby; then the establishment of the third, on the far-awa~ Pacific coast at the largest university in the Jan -these and the events which followed as the years passed are not merely history. TheY are romance of the finest sort. Every pledge, everY ht undergraduate member, every alumnus ou g to have an opportunity to read and kno~ theS~ things and thus to gain a fuller appreciatiOn what it means to be a Pi Kapp. Fortunate are we that ours is still a youn~ fraternity, and that most of those who have ba a part in the making of its history are still with us to tell us what that history is. But, "it is a record that should be set down before thC sources are too far gone down the path of the past." It would seem to be our duty, to get ~be main facts in writing while they are so eastlY obtainable, and to publish them in permanent• inspirational form for the benefit of all. This project has not been overlooked bY those charged with its promotion. Much titTle and thought have been given to it during the year. A definite plan has been evolved, looking to its fullest realization. The Supreme Council has approved an outline of the contents of the proposed anniversar~ book. It will contain ( 1) a short historY 0 the fraternity; (2) an up-to-date directorY of all members on the date of publication, listed alphabetically, by chapters, and by location; and (3) the constitution, supreme laws, and gen· eral information. The book will be bound irl handsome blue cloth, with the cover lettered irl gold. George E. Sheetz, former executive secretary, will be chief author of the history, and the directory will be compiled by Brothers Leake and Blalock at the central office. Such an undertaking involves a large outlaY of money. We have not considered issuing a cheap book. The occasion and the subject-matter deserve our best or nothing. Our members must realize that the fraternity has no special

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fund available for its financing. The project must pay for itself or we cannot afford it. We , must know in advance that it will pay for itself, Pr We cannot have it. The cost must be underw. . tttten by our members before any money IS expended . Estimates furnished by publishers cause us to berteve that we can publish and sell this book for $2.00 per copy. Obviously the price will be less if we publish two thousand volumes than ~f Only one thousand. So not only must we . ave sufficient advance orders for the book to JUstify its publication; but we must use these Orders as a basis for determining how many co . Ptes shall be published. In other words, we shall publish the history and directory only in a limited edition, if at all. Those whose orders are filed in advance will receive copies, others ll1ay not. 1'he plan is a simple one. Accompanying this issue of THE STAR AND LAMP is a card containing a form for ordering a copy of the Proposed history and directory, to be delivered When published next year. Each member is strongly urged to sign and mail this order at once. Let there be no delay. It is a matter of business. This is the only plan under which We can undertake to publish the book. If we .receive a sufficient number of orders to make the proposition financially safe, the history and directory will be published. If the number is too small to justify the venture, the Supreme Council will know that such a book is not desired by our membership at large and, of course, it will not be published . Thus the question which heads this article, and which has been propounded to the writer lllany times this year, is handed back to YOU and to the fraternity's entire membership. The decision lies with you. You must make the answer, WHAT ABOUT THE HISTORY A.ND DIRECTORY? ~

The Phi Gamma Delta for November is devoted to "War Memories," and contains several excellent articles dealing with what Fijis did in the great struggle which ended ten years ago. -~-tli{

Pi Kapps Gather in North Woods By WALTER H. DERNBERGER, A-ÂŽ On the shores of a small lake about fifteen miles from the northernmost point of Lake Michigan, hidden in a vast forest of greenleaved hardwoods, touched here and there with splotches of red of the changing maples and scattered groups of lighter hue of the birch groves, sits a little log cabin. In the cottage can be seen a blazing fire and grouped around are five Alpha- Theta "Pi Kapps" who have gathered from far and near. "Fritz" Graf, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; Guy, "Sailor Boy," Culbert, Hastings, Michigan; "Kayo" Brigham, Kalamazoo, Michigan; and "Walt" Dernberger,


Pontiac, Michigan, followed the various Indian trails to Manistique, Michigan, to be the guests of Archon " Ot" Schuster who hails from Manistique, upper peninsula, Michigan. Each one was glad to get a weeks' rest before the weighty duties of another school year fell upon them. Stories were the order of the evening and as usual " Ot" took all honors. Orders for the day were fishing , duck hunting, log rolling before breakfast, and football every time it stopped raining. A trip of 275 miles was taken to the Sault Sainte Marie Locks to see Brother McKenzie as he locked through on the S. S. Hartwell but due to the omission of A. M. in his radiogram he was missed by 12 hours. The trip however, was a success, for Canada was visited and the locks observed.

27 }31--


GJ-eistoric GJ-eouse Serves South ~arolina ~hapter By C. D. McDANIEL URING slavery times it was the customary thing for the master to have his office apart from the rest of the house. Here all business was transacted. In the yard of the DeSaussure Place at the corner of Gervais and Bull streets, of Columbia, S. C., is a little one room house that was the office of Chancellor DeSaussure . Tbe date of this building is not known, but it was standing when LaFayette came to Columbia in 1825, and he was entertained at the Randolph Place next to the DeSaussure Place on Gervais street . Some of LaFayette's attendants stayed at the DeSaussure Place and mention is made of this house in connection with the entertaining of LaFayette. The DeSaussure Place was sold after the Civil War and nothing was done with the house for forty years. It was then turned into a studio by Miss Blonde! Malone. Later it rvas used as a studio of an interior decorator. In 1927, it was rented by Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi where it became more or less the social center of all fraternities on the University campus. It is ideally located between the business, residential and university sections of Columbia. It was used as a chapter room and meeting place for all occasions, until Sigma found it necessary to have a larger and more spacious place for a growing chapter.

-··..ei 28


Upon close examination one will find tbi it is built of brick held close together with da.\ Over the old brick grow clinging ivy and Vl 15 teria . This has not only grown over the boU At but has entwined the trees back of it. In sprin: leriat it is a beautiful place, and the antiquity !ell~ !olJo an appearance of untold history. l. \] The wisteria has been the subject of severl Sout paintings. One of which won prizes in srat• S. C 1 shows. Brother Fowles' sister made an ' <re t painting for the chapter last year. It has been T the subject of much comment and is now bang; dane ing on the walls of the chapter house at 1OZ· ?. C Henderson street. Possibly nothing could bi the dearer, or stand as a better emblem of past B friendship , than a picture of the house in whic~ Ada Sigma began after being re-installed at the Vnt this versity of South Carolina. Gra





M aebius, Athlete and Scholar


Kenneth Maebius ts a senior in the engineering school at the University of Michigan and graduates in February. He has been very alert all through h i s college days as not only has he scholastic laurels but also he has built himself a reputation in athletics. Due to his earnest re· efforts and good scholastic average he was P. d sented with the Donavon Scholarship. Ast e from this he was admitted to the national e!1' gineering fraternity, Tau Beta Pi. AthleticallY he won the inter-fraternity wrestling wurna· ment in the welter weight class last year. AlsO he won the All campus meet in the same claSS· He has no competitor for the varsity this year but again graduation takes its toll.




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Second Beta Brother Given Scholarthi ship Award

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By J. R.


boU· A . nother rushing season has ended at Presby·pr!n• le · ' ; f rtan College and Beta Chapter announces the

len t llowing pledges : B. Wyman, Aiken, S. C.; S• W. Way , Orangeburg, S. C. ; Gus Adams, 1 evetf · S0 Uth Boston, Va .; B. H. Boyd, Mt. Pleasant, sta ' · C., and J. E. Price, of Seneca, S. C. All n o·I a b 1 re members of the Freshman Class. ege The Pan-Hellenic Council entertained with a da nee on November 16, after the 0 g IethorpelJail !. p 02 d bi · C. game in honor of the recent pledges and the visiting team. Beta was well represented. 51 J:~b Brothers Reid and Huggins along with Pledge ~~~- A~ams are scheduled to star in the Glee Club thts year. Another name from Beta, that of A . W . Grafton, Class of 1928, has been added to the list of those wearing the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarsh'tp Trophy. Brother Grafton , brother of T. !1, Grafton, Beta, 1928, who also won this trophy, is the second man from Beta to receive this honor. As for athletics, " Chip" Grafton 's drop kicking has been the means of P . C. winning the last two football games. He was sent in both the Oglethorpe and Erskine games after the touchdown had been made, and made the kick for extra point good in both cases. The score of both games was 7-6. Brothers Young and Neighbors also have been playing good football all season . Pledge "Jute" Price, who has been Playing end on the Freshman team, suffered a broken arm in the Wofford game and was un able to play for the rest of the season.


Gamma in New House By


Gamma chapter opened up this semester with Probably more pep than it has heretofore exPerienced, and has been keeping it up.

Rushing proved a great success as it added ten new men to our roll. This brought up our total to thirty-three active members and pledges, twenty-three of whom are living in our new, model chapter house. Leading the list of pledges is Blair Marshall. who is the ranking freshman on the Daily Californian , the campus daily newspaper. Then we have "Pickwick" Freytag, who, at the present, is the leading candidate for coxswain in the frosh shell. The competition for this position is unusually keen due to the large turn out for crew, California having won the World's Championship at the Olympic Games this year. Then we have " Benny" Hamlin and " Tiny " Dolan, two likely prospects on the cinder path . AI Croce and Ken Lawrence are two of the boys battling for a berth on the lightweight basketball team. Gamma will also be represented on the golf links, and on the diamond by Kenny White and " Mouse" Grimes, respectively. And not to be outdone by his sturdier brethren " Doc" Fisher is tooting a horn on the famous Cali fornia band. Bob Krost, our remaining pledge, is burning the midnight oil to help raise Gamma's scholastic standing. The active members themselves, not to be outdone by the neophytes, are also busily en gaged in campus activities. Jack Dempsey has just been elected assistant varsity yell -leader, and looks like a cinch for the position of varsity cheer-leader next semester. He is also junior class yell -leader, and one of the best collegiate divers on the Pacific Coast. " Duke" Valianos, varsity shortstop, who was captain of the frosh two years ago, made his letter. " Scotty" Macdonald , another one of the boys out for baseball, is · scheduled to stage a fierce fight for a regular berth on the varsity nme. Out for varsity crew we have Bill Wood ward. Bill was one of the mainstays on the


fresh shell last semester and made the trip to the Poughkeepsie regatta. Ted Grassi proved his worth on the gridiron by just finishing a successful season with the frosh eleven. " Shorty" Raeder is a member of the varsity water polo and swimming teams, having made his letter in each. Elwyn Sheets is on the editorial staff of the AnnuaL The Blue and Gold. In regards to house functions. Gamma recently held its pledge dance which was a "howling" success. We also held an exchange dance with Zeta Tau Alpha, and an exchange dinner with Theta Kappa Nu . Besides this the house has been playing a prominent part in interfra ternity sports, finishing well up in front in each. At the . recent house election the following new officers were chosen: Archon, John M. H erndon ; vice-archon, Scott A. Macdonald; house manager and treasurer. Robley E. Passa -

lacqua; secretary, Henry Hampton; historian· Ted Grassi; Chaplain, Raymond Moyle; war den, Charles R. Raeder.



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Epsilon Brothers Prominent By R. C.


On Bid Day. following a two -week rushing period, the following nine members of the eta~ of '3 2 were pledged by Epsilon Chapter : Rob~rk Thomas Covington. Clio S. C.; FredertC .. x n· Steven Curdts, Greenville, S. C.; George !Y10 roe Dickson, Manning. S. C.; Edward Stephen Grady. Wilmington, N . C.; Richard Anders~ Hall. Statesville, N. C. ; Francis McKoy Sout erland, Jr. , Wilmington , N . C.; Hugh Walker Turrentine. Jr .. Wilmington. N.C. ; John Co~ Wall, Jr .. Eastman, Ga .; and. Allen Balle!! Whitehead , Wilmington, N. C.


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On October 8 , the following four men were Pledged: Alen Jordan Graham, Jr., Greenville, , S. C.; Peter Seymour Knox, Thomson, Ga.; William Palmer Mills, Mooresville. N. C.. and, Duncan Carmichael Hunter, Clio, S. C. The first three named are also members of '32 while Bunter is a member of the class of '30. The latter was initiated into full brotherhood the night of November 15. New activities of some of the brothers include the following: Brother Hunter has been ll1ade a member of the Spanish Club. Brothers Geer and Harrison are student assistants in Eng!' . tsh and History courses. Brother Kugler 1s out for basketball, while Brother W. N. Middleton has made a " D" in varsity football. Playing a great game at end throughout the season. Brothers Hall and Alderman are assistant basketball managers. The neophytes are well represented in activi~ies. Pledge Curdts was our sole representative tn Fresh football. sustaining a broken collarbone, however, before the season got well underway. He, along with Pledge Covington, Pledge Graham and Pledge Mills will represent us in Freshman basketball. Pledge Knox will show his talent along literary lines, while the forensic arena sees him a coming orator in the Philan thropic Literary Society. Pledge Hall is engaged in " Y" work, and is engaged on the business side of the year-book. Pledge Grady is an aspirant for the Freshman wrestling team. Pledges Dickson and Wall are eagerly awaiting the spring-time when they will compete for the Pitcher's box. Pledges Southerland and Turrentine are helping the varsity basketball managers. Pledge Whitehead is doing reportorial Work for the Dauidsonian. Epsilon was host to a score of alumni and the same number of lady visitors on Homecoming Day, November 17. The chapter also had representatives at the Founders Day banquet and dance at the Myers Park Club in Charlotte, N. C., on December 10, sponsored by the Charlotte Alumni Chapter.

Zeta Athletic By J . A. MciNTYRE, JR. It is with pride that the brothers of Zeta sit in the stands and watch the Terriers of Wofford play football; for each time they go on the field, four Pi Kapps go with them. R. C. King, senior, has played the center position for three years. Four sophomores play with him. T. L. King plays end, while the punting of Brother Oates, tackle, is an outstanding feature of each game. Brother Jackson, hard hitting and driving back, has played an important part in every Wofford victory this season. Brother Spaeke, too, has had many chances to demonstrate his ability on the gridiron. All in all. Zeta has five brothers on the varsity squad, four playing as regulars. L. A. Jackson and Joe Hood were initiated October 16. D . A. Patterson and R. Poole were pledged November 15. In addition to these, the following freshmen were pledged : F . D. NeSmith, J. A. Cole, Jr., F. W . Fairey, Kingstree, S. C., D . H . Derrick, Walterboro, S. C.. and E. E. Rivers, Mount Croghan, S. C. C. E. Godfrey, Jr., Alpha pledge last year, was pledged by Zeta October 2. Zeta now has twenty-nine men , including pledges. In the recent Glee Club tryout T. T. Taylor and Pledge Godfrey were among those who were selected.

Fifteen Pledged at Emory By


With fifteen pledges to partly offset the loss of seven members. Eta started on September 25 what now promises to be a banner year. Among the seniors who were lost by graduation are George Patterson, Claude Frederick, Gordon Bennett and Bill Blalock. Patterson and Frederick are connected with the Retail Credit Company in Atlanta. Bennett is selling jewelry, and Blalock, besides studying art in Chicago, is serving Pf Kappa Phi as assistant executive secretary. Eta men are holding a number of campus honors. Brother Cannon is president of the

THE STAR AND LAMP OF Pr KAPPA PHI Business Administration Student Body, vicepresident of Phi Gamma Literary Society, secretary of theY. M. C. A., member of Activities Council. Track manager, member Athletic Council. member of Alpha Kappa Psi and Pi Delta Epsilon. Bob Bruce is a member of the Athletic Council. secretary of the Student Lecture Association, and assistant manager of the Glee Club. Ed Hughes is advertising manager of the Glee Club, publicity manager of the Dramatic Club, and a member of Pi Delta Epsilon. Bill Tumlin is assistant editor of The Wheel , college weekly, managing editor of The Phoenix, monthly literary publication, and a member of Pi Delta Epsilon. · We are represented in football by Brother Vallston and Pledge Puckett, who are both All-Emory guards. Brother Wilkins has made his letter in baseball. Social activities so far embrace an open house in honor of our freshmen and a smoker in honor of the members and prospective pledges

of Iota chapter. The annual dance will be given in the early spring. . can· Chapter officers for this term are: Joe , uJll· non, Archon; Bob Bruce , secretary; Bill T fo. lin, treasurer and historian ; Peter Wilkins. chap· ce1 lain; and James Grizzard, warden. · B, p T Jlassee. . Pledges are: W 11son atterson, .a Wil· I<.{ A la.; Buck Clements, Cordele, Ga.; M1tt a·1 R. D Iiams, Cedartown, Ga.; Snooks Hitchcock. bo las, Ga.; Arthur Robinson , Ashland, Ky.; Dean Roe· nc Harbaugh, Winter Haven, Fla .; Adolph C. mer, Montgomery, Ala.; John Bell. Monroe, Ga. ; Ed Worthy, Carrolton, Ga.; Jim Satcher: Augusta, Ga. ; Oliver Puckett, Atlan~a, ~~i: John D. Humphries, Atlanta, Ga. ; Ke1th son, Lake City, Fla.; Raymond Cole, Dal 1as. Ga.; James Murdock, Blakely, Ga. ~

The second volume of "The HistorY of Sigma Chi" was published during last surnrneri 0 The special feature of the book is an account Sigma Chi's part in the Civil War.



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Hugh Merritt and J. B. Hall are polishing up their golf with the view of becoming mem an· By BEVERLY MOORE bers of the golf team. un· Turning from athletic to scholastic interests, apf This has been an unusually successful year the interfraternity scholarship cup holds first or .Kappa chapter, as far as new men are conimportance. This makes the second consecu sec. ~rned. The following were pledged: Harper tive time that Pi Kappa Phi has won the trophy , /il· I(arnes, Adrian N. Daniel. Jr., and 0 . Wilbur which is a title to ownership. The cup is )al· Rochtitzsky, Jr., all of Wilson, N. C.; Theron awarded annually by the Interfraternity Coun ean b· Brown and John M . Gillespie, of Greenscil of U. N. C. oe· oro, N C .. ; T. Pittman Davis, Jr., of Roa Six Pi Ka pps are in the Ia w school : J. B. ~o.k.e, Va.; Charles Farmer, of Wilmington, N. ·oC· Fordham, Jr., Waddell Gholson, Jr., Frazier ·· and RobertS. Noble, Jr., of Raleigh , N . C. JCf• Glenn, Jr., Moore Bryson, Henry Powell. a ja.: Bobby Wilkins, a graduate of last year, is transfer from Epsilon, and Walter Hoyle, who 'il· ~ow teaching science and coaching football at was archon of Gamma chapter last year. Brother as. w~een.sboro High School. Brother Wilkins, Fordham is editor of the Law Review this year, C 0 ts a Golden Fleece man, plans to re -enter while Brothers Glenn and Gholson are on the arolina next fall to take a medical course. staff. Dan Moore, who finished in lew last ed·Joe Bobbit, also a '28 man, and managing spring, is now practicing in Sylva, N. C. of ttor of the Tar Heel, the school paper, last Bill Bobbit is again art editor of the Buccagar, now holds a position on the staff of the neer. George Newman is on the Yackety Yack reensboro Daily News. staff, and Beverly Moore on the Tar Heel . . C Frank Ellison, last year's pitching ace of Jimmy Williams, vice-president of the Y. M. arolina' s baseball team, did not return to C. A. , is busy organizing the "Y" administra S~hoot this year. Frank spent the summer with tion for the year. Charles Banner and Calvin t e .Kinston baseball club. Graves are also prominent in Y. M. C. A. work. Paul Wimbish is managing a quite successD· Several of those who did not return to school. ful dance orchestra, the Tar Heel Boys. Allen tck. Newell, E. C. Mcinnis, Wayne Welborn, Boren has also organized an orchestra which ~nd Charles T. Wilson, Jr., are now working gives promise of popularity. tn their home towns. A smoker for new Pi Kappa Phi pledges was ''Bud" Shuler is at present the Pi Kapp lumi- given at the Kappa chapter house on the night ?ary on the athletic :field. " Bud" is now play- of Thursday, October 18. Faculty members ~ng his third year as regular guard on the varsity as well as the active members of the chapter at:o.tball squad and is regarded as one of the tended. The function was purely social and I( atnst~ys of the team. Pledges ~rown and no business matters were discussed. Otchtttzsky are showing up well m freshman The Alpha Kappa Psi commercial fraternity, Practice. of which Hugh Merritt is president, recently Captain Bill Scott, of the varsity tennis held a banquet at the Carolina Inn. Brother tearn, is at present occupied with getting his Merritt was toastmaster of the occasion. squad in shape for the 'c oming season. MarKappa started off its social activities for the ~haU Rand, star of last year's freshman base- year Friday night, November 9, with a dance all team, is making a strong bid for the short- at the Carolina Inn. The ballroom was very Stop berth on this year's varsity team. effectively decotated in Hallowe'en colors and Four sophomores received sub -assistant man - in the fraternity colors, white and gold. A ~gerships this year: Paul Wimbish, football; large illuminated Pi Kappa Phi pin was sus·E. Pleasants. boxing ; George Newman, track; pended on one of the walls with a dark backand Beverly Moore, baseball. Allen Boren is ground of velvet. Music was furnished by the as · Carolina Tar Heel Boys, one of the features Ststant track manager.

Kappa Wins Scholarship Cup

-··..af 33


THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI of whose playing was their score of the "Angel of Pi Kappa Phi." The figure was led by Frazier Glenn, with Miss Ann White, of Raleigh. assisted by J. B . Hall, with Miss Mar tha Thigpen, of Tarboro, and Wadell Gohlson, with Miss Mary Leigh Seaton, of Sweet Briar.

Thirteen Mu's Forte By A. H.

game. The score was Nebraska 44, OkiahoJIIa 6. Out of these, 23 points were chalked up to the credit of Sloan and Zuver. Zuver, a bus~~ lineman, intercepted a forward pass and ran 3 yards for a counter. Sloan used every thing triple threat man can use and made it a long daY for the Sooners. · Jasr Zuver, a three -yea r letter man, played btS game when Nebraska met the Kansas Aggies on Thanksgiving Day. Brother Zuver has been one of Coach Berg's mainstays in the Nebraska • sc line. He is an all around utility man. It has been said by prominent sport writers that he gets them if they come his way, and if theY lt cl don ' t, he goes through and gets them anywaY· St Sloan is one of Nebraska's triple threat rn~~; tl Brother Sloan has an educated toe, a pass wh~C any football man would envy, and his dazzhng ., broken -field runs equal those of many of the fc games' greatest stars. He is now leading the p] Big Si x Conference in scoring points. er· IS Brother Ray Hall took the trip to Soon. B land . It is with much pleasure that we receive 3 · al news of the many activities of Alpha -GarnJ11 B Chapter. From Brother Hall's report, it seeJIIS that the Pi Kapps down there have a monopiY on editing the newspaper and year book. . Nu Chapter has four men in journalist!~ activities. Leslie Hedge is on the year boO staff, Charles McReynolds is on the Nebraska r. Blue Print staff, and Ralph Trester and John a Truell are on the Rag staff. Brother Gugler was chosen as the delegate tO new York on December 5, 1928. He wiJI re~­ resent the student branch of the A . S. M. P· · there. Captain Paul Pettygrove and his swimmers took the :first meet of the Interfraternity Water Polo competition last week. Nu's bowling team has two victories and no defeats thus · far in the interfraternity contestS· Brother Seldon Davey is out for varsitY bas· ketball. Brother Clair Sloan won another victorY bY being elected to the junior class presidency. . Clouds of cigar smoke may be seen drifting out of the chapter house due to Brother Argall ' bright's engagement to Miss Earlinor True!!. a Phi Mu at Nebraska.



Mu Chapter, beginning its thirteenth year, has had no fear of the superstition surrounding the number thirteen. Opening the year with thirteen active members, Mu soon had pledged thirteen . A new system this year enabled Mu to take pledges from quite a number of different states, rangmg from Alabama to Virginia. The new pledges are: 1. Rowland Folk, Riversid e, Illinois, who has just bee n initiated. 2. Brews ter Snow, Durham, N. C. 3. Fuller Holloway, Durham , N . C. 4. Richard Jordan, Newport News, Va . 5. Eugene Hughes, Hampton, Va. 6. Jam es G . Allen, Jr., Charlottesville, Va . 7. Frank Allen, Warrenton, N . C. 8. William Bundy, Charlotte, N . C. 9. Frank Rozze lle, Hendersonville, N . C. 10. John Lipscomb, Birmingham , Ala. 11. Percy Young, Walkertown, N. C. 12 . Benjamin Miller, Hickory Grove , S. C. 13. Belton Bryan, Duncan , S. C. Brother Bunting has recently been initiated into the " Order of Tombs." Brother Kirkpatrick has earned a place on the Glee Club. Brother Weatherby, powerful tackle on the Blue Devil football team, has played a splendid brand of football in every game this season. ~

N u Brother Star in Sooner-Cornhusker Clash By



It is with a great deal of pride that. our brothers look back on the Nebraska-Oklahoma

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Lynn Galloway, one of our pledges, belongs N~lpha Kappa Psi, Business Administration, attonal Honorary Fraternity. t

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Omicron H·as Thirty Members

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~he approach of the Christmas holidays finds llltcron closing one of the most successful sea' son8 · tn history. . We have thirty members with twenty-two 1 ~ the house. We have the most cosmopolitan raY· c apter in our history, having men from six ;~ates and being represented in seven schools in e University. ''A.T'.o. pervert one of Shakespeare's :fit sayings, f btltty will out." This is exemplified by the ~IIowing: Pledges Mackey and McGinnis are ~edges to Alpha Kappa Psi and Brother Butler ter· 1s .jve l3 a_ recent initiate. Brother Price is Assistant Ustness Manager of the Crimson White, being ma , ab1 l3 Y seconded by Brother Hudson. Brother 1115 JlY ob Mundine is Assistant Editor of the Crolla Md is a pledge to the Phi Alpha Delta. Brother l3 cGuire was recently tapped by Blue Key. d rather Ramsey is already anticipating the burb ens that beset the path of manager of the base(a all team. Pledge Davidson joins Brother Carroll as one of the Glee Club's most dependable artists. 0


R. La Bruce, archon; W . T . Garibaldi , secretary; R . B. Morrow, treasurer ; Mac Stout, G. M. Harrell, F. L. Joyner, J: F. Barwick, K. Byers, J . W. Fields. Fred Fletcher, W. M. Hackett. W. 0 . Spence, J . T. Stephenson. C. T. Wilson, H. S. Wimbish. Stout is playing his first year of football on the varsity. Stephenson is managing The Technician, college paper. Bill Garibaldi, pride of the military and popular cheer leader. is the managing editor of The Wataugan, the literary magazine. Through his cheer leading and writing he is well known to every one on the campus. Bunny Wimbish is one of Bill's excellent assistants in leading the State cheering, and with Brother Byers represents us on the Pan -Hellenic council. Byers also holds the honor of vice-president of the German Club. Harrell and Fred Fletcher belong to the college band and glee club. Morrow is out for the wrestling team this year. Of our pledges. Jimmie Halstead shows promise of being our most brilliant scholar, and he's no book worm either. Harvil Harris -is on the freshman football squad and Bill Bangs is out for Freshman manager. Strickland is working faithfully to make sophomore manager of the varsity and if work will win, he ought to make it. We are installing our own dining room under the stewardship of Dick Morrow and Bill Gari baldi. It will . be ready within a few weeks. ~

Tau Pledges Eleven

Upsilon Alumni Come Home for Big Time


Rushing season is over and Tau Chapter is By J. F. BRACKEN ~roud of her elevtn pledges. They are: Jimmie -,../!stead, Norfolk, Va. ~ Jack Foust, Ramseur, October 27 was the date set by the Univer·~. C.; Coleman Harris, Belhaven, N. C.; Har - sity of Illinois for Homecoming. so Upsilon Harris, Louisburg, N. C.; Howard Upton, decided to stage one of the biggest HomecomNaleigh, N_. C.; Jesse Dowdy, R~cky Mount, ings in the history of the chapter. n · C. ; Brll Bangs, Hendersonville, N . C.; The house was decorated. A big welcome ' ' 0 1and Noblin, Clinton, N . C.; Henry Moore, sign greeted each brother and a very clever illum~linton, N . C.; Irving Gillette, Smithfield, inated model of a viking ship with sails set ·~- C.: Howard Strickland, Nashville, N. C. for home. gave the atmosphere of homecoming . Of the :fifteen active members, ten are room- to the decorations. By Saturday noon standtng: in the house. The active members are: L. ing room only was available, and the house was


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full of old reminiscences of the "days that used to be." After the football game, a meeting of the Alumni and active chapter was held. Plans were formulated for the financing of a new home and the old grads pro~ised support that made the future look mighty bright.

Chi Enjoying a Successful Year By J. D.


With Christmas almost upon us, the Pi Kapps of Chi Chapter have settled down to the general routine of school and fraternity life, with the determination to make this the most successful year in the history of Chi. Bert Eustice, a senior lawyer, has been elected archon, Bob Montgomery, secretary, Joe Robinson, treasurer , Joe Hendrix, chaplain, and Esten Ulmer, warden. Chi can be justly proud of one of her men, Joe Hendrix, who aspires to be an Oxford graduate, and it seems he will capture a Rhodes scholarship and be able to realize his dream. He has been very active in all student activities, being president of the Junior class, business manager of the annual, a member of the track and tennis teams. Several of our brothers are occupying offices on the campus. Larry Bernard heads the Phi -·~ 36

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Alpha Delta, legal fraternity, J . T . Smith js ' steering the Sigma Nu Phi, legal fraternitY• Brother Hendrix was chosen to lead the Junio! class and Tom Smith was elected president of the student body. Brother Eustice is captain of the football 3 team and is playing center; Joe Jennings is hard hitting guard ; Brother Welshinger and Pledge Jenkinson are playing end; Cecil Grant is a fast half-back and is a consistent ground gainer, and Brother Mikel is playing quarter· back. Chet Freeman is enjoying a very succesS' ful year as freshman coach. Chi ended rushing by pledging thirteen, theY being: Jack Bush, Winchester, Ky.; StanleY Hunt, Leesburg, Fla.; Albert Woodle, Jacksonville, Fla.; Chas. Osborne, Umatilla, Fla.: James Justice, Lakeland, Fla. ; Bill Brown. De' Land, Fla . ; Duddy Ferguson, DeLand, Fla. ; Earl Jenkinson , Shelton, Iowa; Edwin Vos· burg, Johnstown N. Y.; Felton Mikel DeLand, Fla.; Harold Rand, Miami, Fla.; W~lter Wilcox, Delray, Fla.; Ray Ulmer, Palm Harlon• Fla. October 15 , the old men gave a banquet in honor of the Freshmen at the Stetson Manor Hotel.



Brothers Active at Cornell By A. S. HoKE t

At the close of intensive rushing Psi Chap-

p~r found itself the proud possessor of eight e;dges: John Barrett. '30, Norwich, Conn. ; p Ward Babcock, '31. Warwick, N. Y. ; Harry . i ne, '3 2, Edmeston, N. Y.; Kendrick Sears, 3 1'h~ By~nnis, Mass.; Charles Walker, '32, I . ee R1vers, Que., Canada ; Alfred Sullivan , 'N32 Yithaca, N . Y. ; Horace Riggs, '32. Ithaca, 路 .; Robert George, '32, Ithaca, N.Y. af l'he affairs of the chapter are being looked

ar~~r by the following: Robert J. Harper, e on; Charles E. Clade!. secretary; Norman Scott, treasurer; Alan S. Ritz, chaplain; h'Ichard W . Steinberg. warden; Arthur S. Hoke, IStorian.


it October 12, a formal dance was given and Proved to be a great success.

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Many of the

alumni were back for the dance, making it to some extent a re-union. Psi Chapter points with pride to its achievements in athletics. Last spring E. C. Hansel man was awarded a letter in baseball. playing the catcher's position; N. E. Scott and J. E. Moody were awarded the crew insignia of the Junior Varsity Crew; and Carl Brandt again earned a place on the baseball squad. This fall, Psi has three men on the football squad: "Norm" Scott, backfield; " Dick" Steinberg, line; " Jack" Barrett, backfield. " Jim" Donovan, a sophomore, in his first year of soccer competition , ranks as first substitute ; " Bob " George is expected to make his numerals as a member of the freshman soccer team; "Bud" Brandt hopes to crash through in basketball; and "AI" Ritz is working hard for the baseball managership. Psi is proud of the achievements of " Norm" Scott, who, as a "Frosh." made numerals in football and crew; as a sophomore, made a letter in football and insignia as a member of the Junior Varsity boat; and is now the most con sistent ground gainer on the football team. He was one of six men to be elected to Aleph Semach last year. Psi is not without achievements in other lines as " Dave" Dusinberre was recently elected to Chi Epsilon. honorary Civil Engineering Society. and " Bob" Harper was elected to the Savage Club, an entertaining society.

Omega Carries On

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As the football season comes to a glorious close, Omega Chapter looks forward anxiously to the Christmas vacation when the new chapter house will be occupied. The plastering work is now completed; floors have been laid; win dows are in place and a cheering spectacle, the other day, was smoke rolling out of the chimney (a comforting sight on these bleak cold days). Furnishings for the interior have been selected and they are in harmony with the general appearance of quality and good taste. Color schemes that would create envy in the hearts of the best of interior decor a tors have been carried


out by the house committee so that a real treat is in store for our visitors when they walk in under the Pi Kapp crest carved in stone above the entrance. At present, the best we can do is to show our guests the stately exterior, but at that, alumni returning on Homecoming Day, October 20, found reasons for enthusiasm and they voiced their joy in no uncertain terms. The guest roll for that day shows twenty-one names, ranging from alumni to ex-members accompanied by relatives of varying degree. In order to allay suspicions that the members sit on the curb to watch the stone-work go up, it is best to record something of the activities. Jim Beggs, our brainy long-distance man , is making a name for himself and Omega Chapter while winning points for Purdue on the varsity cross-country team. In two of the three meets that Purdue has participated, James Emory has finished among the winners. Now that basketball is under way, Daniels and MacGammon are engaged on the hardwood court every evening endeavoring to show "Piggy" Lambert why they deserve a position on the varsity five. Pledge Maxfield is going "great guns" with the gymnastic team. While these varsity men are doing their bit for Purdue, the remaining members will be in the inter-fraternity basketball tournament doing their bit for Omega. Prospects are bright for a "rip-snortin' " house team with Pledge Langston, an all -section high school back-guard and Pledge Condrey, a numeral man from Butler, forming the nucleus. Since going as far as the semi-finals in the playground ball tournament, the fellows are on edge for this event. Success of the members is not confined to athletic endeavors but extends scholastic efforts. Congratulations are in order for our quiet archon, "Gus" Riggs who was recently initiated into Tau Beta Pi; Henry Howard Thompson who is to be put through the work of Eta Kappa Nu and "Bob" Cline who is wearing the pledge ribbon of Scabbard and Blade. The pledge dance, held in the chapter house November 17, was a huge success. The pledging of three new men brought the neophyte class to a total of fourteen men.

Fraternity Row Planned at Mercer Prospects for fraternities at Mercer are bright, with plans of the Pan-Hellenic council for ~he establishment of a fraternity row advanc1.11f 1 rapidly and with a school administration W~ 1 ~ has expressed its cordial feeling for fra ternttteS in no uncertain terms. The young men wearing the gold diarn°~ d of Pi Kappa Phi are: Robert M. Coursey, Mt · lard A. Copeland, Jr., J. E. Rudisill, J. HillYe~ , Wilson, Felix Davis, Clarence Askew all Emory Connell. Three brothers returned to Mercer this year after being out of school for a year or more. we welcomed back to Alpha-Alpha, Wendell Rob· erts, Henry Cobb and Byron Spooner. nc Several Pi Kapps are becoming affiliated with professional fraternities. In addition to those who belonged to honorary groups last year. 2. Phil Etheridge is pledged to Phi Alpha Delta. 'W legal; Charles Davis and William Crouch are \V] pledged to Delta Sigma Pi, commercial. an Pollard Jent, archon of Alpha-Alpha, rece nt·. ly was elected vice-president of the Pan-HellentC council. Charles Davis is Pi Kappa Phi's other ni representative in the council. PI Bill Etheridge and Bob Martin have becorne ca members of the International Relations club· Ia Wendell Roberts and Max Chapman made th~ Dramatic club. Bill Etheridge has been electe to the Alembic club, honorary science societ)'f Howard Leonard was made managing editor 0 the Mercer Cluster, student newspaper.


Alpha-Gamma Ninth tn Scholarship By Ross HUME

Alpha-Gamma Chapter was ranked nin~h i~ scholarship among the twenty-three nattona fraternities and although we consider this rating very good, it was a rather severe drop from the second place we had held the preceding semester· The first chapter paper for the year was pub· lished recently just in time for Homecoming· All Pi Kappa Phi chapters have been sent copieS·

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and Fulkner at forward and Brothers Hays and Wieman, forwards, and Pangburn, guard, are our :first string players.

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Alpha-Gamma Pledges Active Alpha -Gamma's pledges have distinguished themselves notably on the campus at the University of Oklahoma. Starting at the top from left to right they are :





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'We expect to publish two more such papers this Year. Regret is expressed in losing Brothers Connors and Tate who withdrew from school to Work in the oil :fields in Texas. Our fall formal dance was held on November 2 ~ Our next dance is scheduled for January 4. e extend a cordial invitation to any Pi Kapps , l\lho may be in this vicinity then to drop down ALPHA-GAMMA PLEDGES and help us celebrate. . 1'he Alumni Association met Homecoming Everett "Red"· Goins, who plays the saxontght following the Nebraska game to discuss Plans for the new house. It is hoped that we phone and clarinet in the Oklahoman's dance can start the house by next spring, or at the orchestra is from Rocky Ford, Colorado. Russell Fagin is a lieutenant in the R. 0. latest, by early next fall. The night of Homeco 111tng, · T. C., and is a prominent member of the school an Alumni banquet was held. We of business. He is an Alpha Kappa Psi, and entertained Brothers Hall and Zuver from Nu comes from Altus, Okla. and Brother Smith from Omicron Chapter. All Ivan Ferguson is a younger brother of Law~~ree gave us an idea of what other chapters of 1 rence Ferguson who was here several years ago. Kappa Phi are doing and inspired our boys to keep hustling. The only blight on the Home- He is trying hard for a place on the fraternity coming affair was the 44 to 6 drubbing that basketball team . Mike Meaders toots the bass horn and plays Nebraska handed us in football. There was one bright ray in the game, however, for Brother bass violin in the Oklahoman's dance orchestra. Sloane made 17 points and became the leading He is from McAlester, Okla. scorer in the conference, while Brother Zuver, Franklin Ewing is a coming young journalist a guard picked up a fumble and made the :first from Higgins, Texas. He has recently been protouchdown of his career. moted from Telegraph Editor on the Oklahoma Alpha-Gamma's basketball team has already Daily, university student publication, to the Won two games and lost none. We have a very official capacity of news editor. This is a pro~rornising chance for the championship. We motion of four positions on the Daily's staff. eat Kappa Sigma 18 to 6 and Delta Chi 20 to Gene Salmon is another aspiring journalist 3 · Pledges Fentress at center. White at guard, who comes from Idabel. Okla. -··~ 39 ~·-


=~=========T=H==E==S=T=A==R=A==N=D==L=A==M=P==O==F=P==I=K==A=P==P=A==P=H==I====~::~ I~ Glen Dunnington is a pre-medic student from Cherokee. Horace "Red" Kent plays the banjo for the Oklahomans. He played with Jack Crawford's Victor Recording orchestra for a while last year. "Red" hails from Houston, Texas, and Oklahoma City. Ralph Johnson, the all -conference full -back from Grandfield , is making a name for himself in a social and scholastic way as well. Glen Brock plays with the Oklahoman's orchestra. He comes from Kendrick, Okla . Bob Lowrey, of Pawhuska, Okla., has been initiated since this picture was taken . Ralph White, who was a football man and captain of the Pawhuska basketball team, has won a place on the fraternity team, as a guard . Jess Faulkner, from Alva, Okla. , is playing regular forward on the fraternity basketball team. He has won a num eral also in Freshman football. " Mother" Walker cannot be classed as a pledge, so we are all wondering why she got in this picture. Claude Eurton from Fairview, Okla., is another journalist of note. He has been initiated since this picture was taken . Four pledges are not included in this picture. Charles Fentress, center on the basketball team, short-stop in baseball and ten second man on the dance floor , is from Tipton, Okla . Merlin " AI " Aldrich is the fifth man in this chapter from Pond Creek. Tom Garner, of Newport, N. C., is a recent addition to the fold. He was a freshman at Duke University. William Rigg , Taloga , Okla., is also a recent pledge. He is a lieutenant in the R. 0 . T. C., and a pharmacy student.

Alpha-Delta News By




Alpha -Delta again comes to the fore in schol arship. Among the forty -five houses on the University of Washington campus, we took second place last quarter. With a number of good students among the pledges, we hope to equal this record this quarter. Gilbert Kaynor was recently appointed ad vertising manager of the University of Wash-

· ington Daily. Working on the Daily with 1:!11 are Marvin Thomason, and Pledge Harm~n 10 Shay. " Chuck" Clay is student instructor the journalism school. and plays in a campus

ra le

n ,


dance orchestra. h's 1 Two social functions have been held t year, the Alumni Banquet in honor of Home~ coming, held at a local hotel, November 10. and the fall informal, held at the Seattle Golf an Country Club, November 17. Brothers Kess.Y '( and Wade of Alpha -Kappa were guests at thiS dance as well as about twenty-five mern bers from a local chapter at the College of Puget Sound in Tacoma. In all. about seventy-five couples attended the informal. Our building fund, financed by the insura~ce plan, is progressing rapidly, and we are begtnning to look forw~rd to building our new house in another year or two. b ln: Initiation for the fall quarter pledges will e ''F held some time early in January when we hope GE to be able to receive sixteen neophytes. N, Alpha -Delta has had its share of football rnen ' l\c · this year. Roy Squues rna d e h'ts 1etter o n .the 11; varsity squad, after some tough breaks durtng 1', the first part of the season. be Harold Hovies, husky pledge, also took f o at-


ball laurels , winning his letter on the frosh squad. On the varsity basketball quintet, AlphaDelta is represented by Pat Schlicting. He als~ plays on the house team, which has won ~I · season tn · tntra-mura · 1 con t es ts . ptlgames thts . f . the ing up scores, representattve o w h'tc h ts last one in which they defeated Alpha TaU Omega , 44-9. Evans Hanna, ~d. Karsbne~ Pledge Walt Crim, Hugh Schltcttng, Ralp Snider, and Pledge Maynard Pennell have been playing on the team. Alpha Delta has several men on the crew as well. Pledge Pennell is out for oarsman, Pledg~ Hoffman for manager, and Pledge McFarlan for coxswain . h Gordon Dodds and Talbot Hartley, bot won laurels last year in track. Gordon is a half-miler. He first came to the foreground in cross-country intramural running. setting new all University time records for the three mile cross-country course. Later he

-··-tlif 40 ~·-

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~an With the varsity team, easily winning his t~tter, and becoming eligible for competion for


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Olympic tryouts at Chicago. in which he as defeated.



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. Bartley was a freshman last year, and specialI IZes in 440. He easily won his numerals last . . . now gettmg . . fiYear in th e compet1t10n an d ts m

ne shape for his big "W."


Gator Growls from Sunny Florida By DANIEL A. KELLY, JR. Swinging into the home stretch of the first


~:~es.ter at full speed, Alpha -Epsilon Chapter

in · use

hvtng up to the hopes expressed prior to the Since the last issue of THE . T'AR. AND LAMP, we have pledged the follow Ing .. men : Harry Barcus, Leesburg ; Walter GRed" Barber, Sanford; John Davitt, Miami ; Nene Permenter, Jacksonville ; Jimmy Morris, Aew Smyrna; Hal Price, Gainesville. Jean lidams, Sanford ; Broward Poppell. Ft. Pierce; 1'arold Hubbard , St. Augustine; and Dan b 0 Wles, Meggets, S. C. This brings the num ~r of our pledges to twenty-one and indicates ~h~t Alpha -Epsilon's ranks will not be seriously tnned next year despite the fact that the 1 :~&est graduating class in the chapter's history tll be on the rostrum next June when diplomas are handed out. Bili Parsons and Herbert Frazier have been 1 e.ected to membership in Phi Kappa Phi , na tional honor society. Brother Parsons is also President of the Fourth Estate Club composed of journalism students, the club being in line ~0 receive a charter from the nation's outstand~g ~rofessional journalistic fraternity . Brother Brazter is secretary of Alpha Kappa Psi, and f rather Black has recently been pledged to this ~~ternity. Brother Herlong is vice-president of St, honorary musical fraternity. I Alpha-Epsilon is also well represented in the enter-Fraternity Social Clubs on the campus. rothers Owens, Chambliss, Wall and Kelly ~·members of the L ' Apache Club and Brothers tliiams and Walrath have recently been Pledged . Pledge Poppell is President of the


l. '0

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~tart of school.

-··otllf 41

Bacchus Club which is composed of Freshmen . Pledges Permenter, Barber and Andrews are also members of this organization. Pledges Ellsberry. Frye and Shrigley are members of the Gaucho Club. Maupin Wall has been appointed Major of the R. 0 . T . C. Battalion. Brother H erlong is a Second Lieutenant in the R. 0 . T . C. Band . Dan Kell ey has recently been appointed First Sergeant of Battery C of the newly formed Ar till ery Unit, and he was recently elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Junior Class. Among the candidates who are aspiring for positions on the varsity basketball team are Brothers H erlong, Walrath , Anderson , Owens and Kelly. On October 25, the old men were hosts to the pledges at an informal smoker. Among the invited guests were Dr. John J . Tigert, President of the University, D ean Tolbert, Brothers Wilson and Beisler, faculty members , and Brother Bachelor, acting Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of Gainesville.

Alpha-Eta Pledges Nineteen By WILLIAM C. DAVIS, JR. On the night of October 1. Alpha -Eta had its annual pledge banquet in the spacious dining room of our new home. All members of the active chapter as well as many alumni and several brothers from Omicron chapter were present. Nineteen were pledged, the largest number of men to be pledged at one time in the history of Alpha -Eta. The list includes : Ernest Askin , Alexas As kew and Horace Seymore, Al exander City, Ala .; James Crow and Collier Crow, Decatur, Ala .; Ted Cook, Phoenix City, Ala.; Eugene D en nis, Tunnel Springs, Ala.; Emerson Gay, Scottsboro, Ala. ; C. R. Jones, Athens, Ala. ; Dan Miller, Abbeville, Ala.; Winston Stewart, Pine Apple, Ala .; Earl Tomlinson, Huntsville, Ala .; Lem Traylor and Earl Wright, W edowee, Ala. ; Barnett Wiggins, Headland, Ala.; Brewer Yon gue, Lincoln, Ala.; Emmett Jackson, Hubert Vice and Conrad Welch, Birmingham.




Much of the credit for the good work done in getting these men goes to John W. Gay, Jr., Archon, and his corps of officers. Brother Gay has proven himself a very able leader during his term of office. He is also prominent in other activities, being president of his class this year and last, as well as having received many additional honors. Other officers are: Robert Padgett, treasurer; Clarence Land ham, sercetary; Wm. C. Davis, Jr., historian; Otis Lawson, chap lain; Lee Roberts, warden, and Bascomb Woodward, house manager.

.A lpha-Theta Active By


Alpha -Theta has been very active this term. The first of the school year witnessed the return of on ly sixteen actives. These willing members, under the guidance of Brother Schuster, have increased the roll call by almost their own number of active pledges. Karl Jepson, Marshall Burt, Glen Dailey and Norman Hurd will soon be initiated. The rest of the pledges who will be eligible for initiation in the winter term are: Floyd Driscal. Kenneth Eldrich, Basil Creager, Cletus Lyn, Howard Brigham, Robert Branch, Dean Shackleford, Edwin Kling, Ted Crooks, Ben Souvey. There has been a great deal of competition between Alpha -Kappa and Alpha -Theta, due to the interest shown by the Detroit alumni Chapter, which has given a scholarship cup to be awarded the chapter having the highest standing at the end of the year. Alpha- Theta won it this year and is going to do her best to keep it. The cup was awarded at a formal dinner dance, after a football game between the two schools.

Twelve Pledged at Michigan By SHIRLEY R. BRUMM The opening of the University of Michigan found eighteen brothers returning to AlphaKappa.

· · real· Bro The Brothers were taken by surpnse tn d izing that their dreams of new furniture an ~ 1\ar true. a new rug for the parlor had actually carne . elY sa Also they found the complete first floor enttr Por redecorated. nit) One of the outstanding events of the rushing Cal season was a smoker held in our parlors on ~ Sunday afternoon very soon after school hat started. Every Brother was there with a gues ' and there was entertainment for all. . urnber At present our pledges are twelve In n . 1 with the list growing day by day. These ar~t· John W. Barnard, '32. Engineer. of Dec:o~.:1 llle1 Mkh.: Lawrence D. Rahley, '32, Lit., of M1c l:\ gammi. Mich.; J. David Hayden, '31. P~;;: 19: macy, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Fred Flynn. thi1 ReY· Engineer, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Robert cha nolds. '32, Journalism. of Corning. N.Y.: fine rol Foster. '31, Lit., of Grass Lake, Mich.: Nor: nit1 man Kehrle, '32. Pre-Medic., of Warren. Pe~~·· I Sidney Mi ller, '30, Engineer, of BelleVIlle: he Mich.: Henry Pullen, '31. Pharmacy, of Be ef spr 0 ville, Mich.; Wilbur Chapman, '30, Li~·· f l\ Atkinson, Neb.: Richard Edwards, '30: Ltt~· ~. an, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Verne Hawkms. ho1 Engineering, Flint, Mich. Gr On November 3. all loyal to Alpha-.~a~~;, gathered round and "shook a wicked hoof W'l r their "Jung Frau" to the tune of Seyrnou Simon's band from Detroit. It was a verY ap; ' propriate evening after the first football victor of the season. ·h Wit It was the greatest of pleasure to h ave 11 · ere tar,' us as our guest, our new executtve se ]7 Brother Howard D. Leake, from November t co, to; to 19. He lost no time in winning the hear and admiration o~ every brother in the boll~~~ da Alpha-Kappa recetved great benefits frorn to short stay. . tic )l:z;a· Our greatest event and the one which rea he tion was actually above anticipation was t r l-I Annual Michigan Conclave held in Ann .Arbof at November 17. The affair was in the forrn °t ch a formal dinner dance with a short program• a which time a scholarship cup was presented tot se · hes Alpha-Theta Chapter for having the hi~ di· scholarship record in this district. .Also 1n. g . nt vidua l cups were presented to the man havln n, vea!· f the highest average in each chapter for last ' c

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~rather Gerald McNery won the cup for Alpha a ap~a. We are very proud of Brother McNerny s a~lde from his studies he was partly self-sup~rtlng and also was very active in the frater~~t~. Brother McNerny is now at University of altfornia.

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:IY ng a

h Ken Shaffer is sporting an " S" sweater which

manager. Bill Simon is the president of the Penn State Mandolin Club. Harry Rodgers has been elected first assistant manager of The Thespians. Dave Meade was a member of the freshman baseball team and we hope to see him make a place on the varsity this year. Charley Schissler is playing a trumpet in the sophomore band and is also conducting a dance orchestra. Alpha-Mu started this year with fifteen men , having lost eleven men by graduation last June and two more who did not return this fall. An initiation was held October 27 and three men were taken in. Bob Keiffer, Reading, Pa., a member of the sophomore class in electrical engineering. was taken into the active chapter. Earle A. Deily, of Philadelphia, a Chi Lambda Zeta alumnus, 1923 , was also initiated together with his classmate George I. Daugherty, of St. Albans, New York. Deily is with the U . S. Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington ,

s e .won as a member of the lacrosse squad last

D. C.

tttng. He also carries a Sigma Tau key and a 1 a Tau Sigma key and is a member of Scabbard hnd Blade. Ed. Werle is a member of Scarab, c;0 ?0 rary national architectural fraternity. Carl ttng has been elected first assistant lacrosse

There are four fellows wearing our pledge button at present. These are Dick Gollings, '3 I. of Pittsburgh. John Olmes, '3 1, of Swarthmore, Webster Taylor, ' 32, of Swarthmore, Walter Becker, '32, of Mt. Carmel.

ad st.

Doings at Penn State

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Alpha -Mu points with pride to one of her ;ernbers who was one of the winners of the tr· Kappa Phi scholarship trophies for 19271~ 28 2. th. · John Howard Weinberger, '2 8 , received ychis honor. The general scholarship of the ~ apter has also improved a few points and we . 'lnd r.. ourselves 16th among 4 3 national frater nities.


News of Nebraska c?llumni By RAY HALL Due to the removal of Jack Kendal from LinColn a vacancy occurred on the board of direc tors. Harlow Wetherbee succeeded Brother Ken dal as treasurer and Ray Hall was appointed t? the board of directors of the alumni association. A large number of brothers attended the l-iornecoming game with Missouri University and a number of them were guests of the active chapter at a dinner in their honor after the game. Ray Scott came all the way from Chicago to see the game. Joe Liebendorfer was also present. He has not been in Nebraska for quite some time but ~ow that he is again located here we are looking or rnore welcome visits from him.

Other brothers present were: Bob Garrison, Carroll Thompson, Ted Frogge, Dayton Darn, Duke Wellington, Ivan Garrison, Deyo Crane, George Herron, Monte Kiffin, Pete Strand, Carl Peterson , Harry Geistfeld, Budley Thompson, Neal Sloan, Ray Fonda, Dean McMillan, Sig Combs, Sawyer Abbott, Harry Stevens, Fred Earhart and a group of Lincoln brothers. November 17th was an occasion for a Nu Chapter House Party and besides being a very good party, we were glad to have a number of alumni present, as Walter Wheeler, Monte Kiffin , Dudley Thompson. Dayton Darn, E ldon Kiffin, Versa! Caton, Wendell Mumby, Fred Earhart, Fred Smidt, Chick Story, and Sawyer Abbott.

-·..ef 43 Jilt-·-

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PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C., December 10, 1904. Incorporated under the laws of the State of South Carolina, December 23, 1907.

FOUNDERS SIMON FOGARTY, 151 Moultrie Street, Charleston, S. C. ANDREW ALEXANDER KROEG, JR., Chapter Eternal. February 8, 1922. LAWRENCE HARRY MIXSON, 217 East Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.


Supreme Treasurer J. CHESTER REEVES 35 Walton Street Atlanta, Ga.

Supreme Archon A. PELZER WAGENER P. 0 . Box 12 Morgantown, W. Va.

Supreme Secretary ELMER N. TURNQUIST 829 2d Ave .. S. Minneapolis. Minn.

Supreme Editor Supreme Historian LEO H . POU RICHARD L. YOUNG 208 First National Bank Bldg . 2 Ashland Avenue, Midwood Manor P. 0. Box 342 Charlotte, N. C. Mobile, Ala. THE CENTRAL OFFICE Suite 319. 63 6 Church Street Evanston, Illino is HOWARD D . LEAKE, Executive Secretary WM. R. BLALOCK, Assistant Secretary All communications of a general nature should be sent to thr Central Office, and not to individuals. DISTRICT ARCHONS

First District K. C. LAUTER 2 709 East 19th Street Brooklyn , N. Y.

Seventh District V. HAIN HUEY 2 016 4th Ave., N. Birmingham, Ala.

Thirteenth District DR. J . H. ROBINSON Wesley Memorial Hospital Oklahoma City, Okla .

Second District W. F. CHAPMAN Salem, Va.

Eighth Di1ltrict JOHN E. HAVIS 1794 Elberon Ave., E . Cleveland, Ohio

Fourteenth District CLANCY A. LATHAM 120 I Hibernia Bank Bldg. New Orleans, La .

Ninth District J. W. ROBINSON 1651 East Grand Blvd . Detroit, Michigan

Fifteenth District UNASSIGNED

Third D istrict KENNETH M. BRIM Greensboro, North Carolina Fourth District JOHN D . CARROLL Lexington, S. C. Fifth 路District A. W. HARRIS Adair Realty Co. Atlanta, Ga. Sixth District GEO. B. EVERSON Hastings, Florida

Tenth District UNASSIGNED

i ~A.l

Sixteenth District UNASSIGNED

Eleventh District U r'!ASSIGNED

Seventeenth District WALTER R. JONES 6835 18th Ave., N. E. Seattle, Wash.

Twelfth District GEO. D. DRIVER 403 Old Colony Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa

Eighteenth District J. ROBERT PEEBLES 2403 Virginia Street Berkeley. California


Scholarship Committee DR. WM. E . EDINGTON, Chairman 822 N. Salisbury Street West LaFayette, Indiana

Advisory Architect J. COZBY BYRD First National Bank Building Charlotte, N. C.

Ritual Committee DR. J . FRIEND DAY, Chairman University of A lberta Edmonton, Alta., Canada

GEO. D . DRIVER Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 403 Old Colony Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa Term expires D ece mber 31. 1931

Committe on Endowment Investments T. R. WAGGONER, Chairman Trust Company of Georgia 822 Southern Finance Corp . Bldg . Augusta, Ga. Term expires December 31. 1933

L. C. GOULD Merrill , Lynch ~ Co. Ford Building Detroit, Mich. 9 Term expires December 31. 192


44 }at--




UN DE RGRA D UATE CHAPTERS l'hc I' l'iOTE :-The address following the name of the college or u .1ive"sity in every case is the official address of the Chapter. c •ne following the address indicates the date on which the C.•apter meets. Officers are requested to inform the Executive retary promptly of any changes taking place, either in person tel of officers or in dates of meetings.

ALpHCA, Disrict 4-College of Charleston.

harleston, S. C. Saturday evening.

~ICHOLAS DOSCHER, Archon. · B. HALSALL, Secretary. 8 tl'Ar' D IStrtct ' · 4-Presbyterian College of South Caro-


Clinton, S. C. onday evening.

A. F. MARSHALL, Archon. JAMEs C. REID, Secretary.



District IS-University of California . Jonday I 0 LeCo nte Avenue, Berkeley, California. evening.

J. M. HERNDON, Archon. HENRY HAMPTON, Secretary.

District 3-Davidson College. ax 276, Davidson, N. C. T hursday evening. R. C. GRADY, Archon. J VANDYKE MIDDLETON, Secretary.

SIGMA. District 4-University of South Carolina. I 022 Henderson Street, Columbia, S. C. Friday evening. C. D . MCDANIEL, Archon. J. W. HUNT, Secretary.


District 4-Wolford College. Partanburg, S. C. luesday evening. · C. KING, Archon. J. R. OWINGS, Secretary. .' t l'A . . . . • D tstnct 5-Emory Umvemty. l2 90 South Oxford Road, Atlanta, Ga . T hursday evening. J. W. CANNON, JR., Archon. ROBERT BRUCE, Secretary. 10 1'A, District 5- Georgia School of Technology· 27 Fifth Street, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 8 unday afternoon. MATHIS A. EZELL. Archon. MALCOLM D. REYBOLD, JR .. Secretary.



UPSILON, District 9-University of Illinois. I 06 East Green Street, Champaign, Illinois. Monday evening. F. SCHROEDER, Archon. L. H . THAISEN, Secretary. CHI. District 6-John B. Stetson University. E. Minnesota Ave., DeLand, Florida. Wednesday evening. BERT EUSTICE, Archon. ROBT. D . MONTGOMERY, Secretary. PSI. District !-Cornell University. I 15 Ridgewood Road , Ithaca, New York. Monday evening. ROBERT J. HARPER, Archon. CHAS . E. CLADEL, Secretary.

District 5-University of Georgia . M86 Hill Street, Athens, Ga . onday evening. WS · B. COLLINS, Archon. · J . Moss, Secretary .

OMEGA, District 9-Purdue University. 20 I Russell Street, West LaFayette, Indiana . Monday evening. H. G . RIGGS, Archon. R . C. DANIELS, Secretary.

..,lJ D·


ALPHA-ALPHA. District 5-Mercer University. 13 21 Oglethorpe Street, Macon Georgia. Wednesday evening. POLLARD JENT, Archon. L. S. LIGHTNER, Secretary.

· D tstnct 3-Duke University. urham, North Carolina. T hursday evening. · C. E. WEATHERBY, Archon. J · S . LEACH, Secretary.

' lJ, District 12-University of Nebraska.


TAU, District 3-North Carolina State College. 1720 Hillsboro Street, Raleigh, N. C. Monday evening. L. L. LABRUCE. Archon. W . T . GARIBALDI. Secretary .

District 3-University of North Carolina. 2W09 Henderson Street, Chapel Hill , N. C. ednesday evening. A. W. GHOLSON, Archon. CALVIN GRAVES, JR ., Secretary.

1\lvi~DA ,

, 1

PI . D'!StriCt . 5-0 get I horpe U niversity. Oglethorpe University, Georgia. Wednesday evening. ALLAN WATKINS, Archon. J. W. SUTTON, Secretary. RHO, District 2-Washington and Lee University. 85 South Main Street, Lexington , Virginia. Wednesday evening. JOHN B. TOWILL, Archon. HARRY S. STEPHENS, Secretary.

tPsr~ON, 2

OMICRON, District 7-University of Alabama. Pi Kappa Phi House, University, Alabama. Wednesday evening. J. R. RAMSEY, Archon. ROBERT ARGO, Secretary.

ALPHA-BETA. District 14- Tulane University of La. 830 Audubon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Monday evening. RALPH H. RIGGS, Archon. EUGENE HARDING, Secretary.

IB20 B Street. Lincoln , Nebraska . M onday evening. CARLETON HUTCHINS , Archon. KENNETH PRUDEN, Secretary.


i~trict 2-Roa noke Coll ege.

ALPHA -GAMMA . District 13- University of Oklahoma . 757 DeBarr Avenue, Norman , Oklahoma. Mondaq evening. WM. D . GARRISON, Archon. Ross G. HUME, Secretary.

~ Kappa Phi House, Salem , Virginia.

uesday evening. WM. I . ZIRKLE. Archon. H. LEE CANNADY, Secretary.

-..ef 45


THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI ALPHA-DELTA. Dist. 17-University of Washington. 5212 18th Avenue, N. E., Seattle, Washington. Monday Evening. LAURIE PORTER, Archon. RALPH M. SNIDER, Secretary . ALPHA-EPSILON. District 6-University of Florida. Box 2756, University Station , Gainesvi lle, Florida. Tuesday evening. J. W. CHAMBLISS , Archon. HERBERT FRAZIER, Secretary. ALPHA-ZETA. Dist. 17-0regon Agricu ltural College. 31 N. 26th Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Monday Evening. MAX ENGLAND, Archon. PAUL GEHRINGER, Secretary. ALPHA-ETA. District 7-Howard College. Pi Kappa Phi House, Birmingham, Alabama. Monday Evening. JOHN WILL GAY, Archon. C. B. LANDHAM, Secretary . ALPHA-THETA. District 9-Michigan State College. Pi Kappa Phi House, East Lansing. Michigan. Monday Evening. OTMER J. SCHUSTER, Archon. L. A. DAVENPORT, Secretary .

ALPHA-IOTA, District 7-Alabama Polytechnic Insti· tute, 209 W. Glenn Ave., Auburn, Alabama. Wednesday evening. 0. B. CARTER, Archon. THOMAS M. ROBERTS, Secretary. ALPHA-KAPPA, District 9-University of Micbigan807 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Monday Evening. CECIL A. REED, Archon. K. W. MAEB!US, Secretary. ALPHA-LAMBDA. District 7-University of Missis· sippi, Oxford, Mississippi. Friday evening. JAMES H. TABB, Archon. T. BALDWIN NEWMAN, Secretary. ALPHA-MU, District !-Pennsylvania State College; Pi Kappa Phi House, State College, Pennsylvanta· Monday Evening. W. W. HEFFNER, Archon. WILLIAM SIMON, JR., Secretary. ALPHA-NU. District 8-0hio State University. 118 14th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Monday evening. MARCY S. POWELL, Archon. CHAS. A. RUSLER, Secretary. ALPHA-XI. District !-The Polytechnic Institute. 33 Sydney Place, Brooklyn, New York.

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alumni officers are requested to inform the Executive Secretary promptly of aMy changes in personnel and addresses, or of agreement as to time and place of meetings.

ATLANTA. GEORGIA. (Anslev Hotel, third Thursday, 7 P . M.) 'r. T. TucKER, Archon




510 Bona Allen Building. E. W . HIGHSMITH, Secretary P. 0. Box 1341.

(1st and 3rd Mondays, Tail's, 424 West 6th Street) MARVIN G. OsnoRN, Archon 1001 Edward & Wildey Building. C. L. TAYLOR, SecretMy 6311 Lindenhurst Ave. CrrAs. 128 WM . 140

(2016 4th Avenue, alternate Wednesdays, 7 :45) J, FRANCIS FLETCHER, Archon 906 Pioneer Building.

BRISTOL. TENNESSEE -VIRGINIA. E. Ean. Arc/ton Smith-Blakley Co.


B. CosTAR, Arc/ton N. E. 25th Street. C. RITCH, SecretMy East Flagler Street.

MONTGOMERY. ALABAMA . W. K. UPCHURCH, Archon 500 Plum Street.

CHARLESTON. SOUTH CAROLINA. (Second Monday) D. CouLSON BARFIELD, Archon 20 E. Simmons Street. ALBERT P. TAYLOR, Secretary 6 Hal sey Street.




(Second Tuesday, Manufacturers' Club) R. L. YouNG, Arc/ton Care The Charlott-e Ne-ws. R. L. PRICE, Secretary 30 West Fifth Street.


(Old Town Coffee Shop, Hotel Sherman) KARL M. GIBBON, Arc/ton 11 South La Salle Street. E. H. OLSEN, Secretary 743 Brummell Street, Evanston.

WALTER MEASDAY, JR., Archon Box 91, Westwood , N. J, Loms L. SEAMAN, Secreta'] 284 High Street, Perth mboy, N. J,

(1st Tuesday, Elks' Club) FLOYD S. PEGLER, Archon 2315 North 60th Avenue. DoN W. McCourACK, Secretary 2306 A venue B, Council Bluffs, Iowa.


L. G. MusE, Archon 117 Broadway. R. R. Rusrr, Suretary P. 0. Box 1147.



(Green Parrot Tea Room, second Monday) DR . GLENN B. CARRIGAN, Archon State Hospital. T. MEADE BAKER, Secretary Care Federal Land Bank.

(Homestead Tea Room, Wednesday, 12 :15 P . M.) VIRGIL S. PARHAM, Arc/ton 317 First National Bank Building. JASON A. HAILEY, Secretary P. 0. Box 3831.



JoHN F. CoNNOLLY, Arc/ton 1125 Taylor Street. FRANCIS H. BoLANO, JR., Secrett11ry 2843 Green Street.

(Murray Building, first Sunday, 3 P. M.) WM. M. FAMBROUGH, SecretMy 303 11th Street.

DETROIT. MICHIGAN. (Webster Hall, fir st Monday) Jon N 0. BLAIR, Arc/ton 1212 Metropolitan Building. MILFORD A. TYRELL, Sccretar'l 618 First National Bank Building.

SPARTANBURG. SOUTH CAROLINA. (Second Monday) PAUL C. THOMAS, Archon Soartan Mills. J, CHAM FREEMAN, Secretar:y

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