
Page 1


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Median Incomes and Total Life . Earnings in Relation to Education 1-The Untrained Man With Elementary Education r-:-t"'r-"----'-:s"i•'-----'4'-----'i '"~----;~• ..fooo 4ooo .lCJoo

z. ooo

He goes to work as a hoy of 14. - reachcs a maximum income at 40, on the average less than $1,700 a yeJr. Since hi s in come is largely depend ent on physical stren gth and manual dexterity, it fa ' ls off at 50 or earli er, often to a point belo·.v th e level of self-s upporl. More th a n .S:l ou t of eve ry 100 untra ined workers arc dep end ent upon others for s upport after th e ~ge of 60.

Total earnings from 14 to 60, about $64,000. About $2,000 may be earned in the four years that would have given him a hi gh school ed ucation.

11-The High School Graduate


H e goes to work at 18, passes th e maximum of the untrain ed man within ten years, rises steadily to hi s own maximum of approximately $2,800 at 50, and fall s off but littl e thereafter. Total earnings from 18 to 60, about $88,000. The $24,000 mo1·e than that earn ed by the untrained man r ep rese nts the cash value of high school-$6,000 for each of th e four years of the course.

.So oo

Ill-The College or Technical School Graduate


8ooo 7ooo - - - - - -

.S"oo 4-000


2,uoo #OOo

His permanent earnings begi n at 22, although a co nsiderable amount may be earned during the college com·se. By the time he is 30 his income eq ual s that of the high school graduate at 4.0, and it continues steadily to rise, practically without a break. Since his income is dependent upon his mental ability and training, constantly improved by practice, it increases instead of dimini shes each year. The graduate with the A. B. degrees averages $6,000 at 60. The graduate in commerce or business administration averages $8,500.

Total earnings from 22 to 60, $160,000 to $200,000. This does not include anything earned during coll ege period. The $72,000 more than that earned by the hi gh school graduate represents the cash valu e of college training.

(Copyright by and permission of Everett W. Lord)



Number 1

Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice at Evanston , Ill., in accordance with the Act of Cong ress approved March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized April 19, 1921.

Page The Morning's Mail and Dreams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IN TI-llS ISSUE


Architect's drawing of the Chapel of Duke University, now nearin g compl etion.

Alpha Sigma Installed at Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The 1930 Interfraternity Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Albert W. Meisel



In this issue is s tarted in earnes t the campaign to enli st your presence for the Sixteenth Biennial Convention of the Fraternity, to be held this coming August, 25, 26, 27, 28, in Detroit. Scheduling th e meeting during the summer should result in the greater attendance of alumni, if they will coincide th eir vacation period with a definite desire to allend . Attendance should be increased also through the use of a utomobil e as the means of locomotion. The weather will be suitable for lourin g, and there are few better road s to be found.

Under the Student's Lamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l By Will E. Edington Omicron Sponsors Successful Tri-District Conclave. . . . 13 By lames P. Lynch Another Aviator Who Was Long Overdue ............. 15 By W. F. Walthall China- Life Emergent, Dynamic, Developing ... ...... 17 By M. Theron Ranlcin Detroit and Environs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Detroit Alumni Encouraged. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 By G. B. Helmrich Mohawk-Hudson Pi Kapp Club Organized. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 By W. C. Hurt Large Attendance at Roanoke Conclave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Personals













Pi Kapps of Prominence ..... . ........ .... ........ . 30 •

Plan to spend your vacation in Detroit, Michigan, and Canada. Make up an automobile party in yo ur ci ty or territory.

The Life Subscription is $10 a nd is the on ly form of subscrip tion. S ingle copies are SO cents. Changes in address should be reported promptly to Central Office, Box 382, Evanston, III.

The Fourth Estate of Alpha Gamma ........ ..... ... . 33 By Franlc Ewing Meet These Men .. ............ . .............. . . . . . 35 With the Chapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

The Star and Lamp is Published at Evanston Ill. under the direction of the Supreme Council of the Pi Ka'ppa Phi Fratermty, m the months of October, D ecember, February and May. Supreme Editor Managing Editor RICHARD L . YOUNG HOWARD D. LEAKE Business Manager JOSEPH W. CANNON, JR.

All materia l intended for publica tion should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, Box 382 , Evanston, Ill., by the 15th of the month preced in g the month of issue.



The Morning's Mail and Dreams • • • • A rather dull day ... Nothing to give it special significance . . . The only quality to distinguish it from past days; the fact that it was another day. We expect much of a new, unknown year. So, too, in sublime hope we apply the tinted brush to anticipations that each new day brings us. Ordinarily a lover of brilliant colors, there was within me no incentive to paint that day. But with the usual eagerness I looked to the morning's mail to furnish an inspiration. It came-the letter on the page before you. Do you remember those youthful purchases of a box of candy or popcorn which contained intriguing little prizes? Do you remember the haste with which the contents were searched for the concealed trinket; the sadness or glee that followed its finding? Such is the morning's mail to me. What a mire of untold possi· bilities for joy or disappointment lies still unexplored in the pile of unopened letters. Will one bring an announcement of accomplishment and progress on the part of the fraternity, or of a brother? Will another bring a message of friendly interest from a faithful correspondent? Will another tell of grief or trouble? This time a prize! Why? It came wholly unexpected and supremely satisfy· ing; a voluntary action which showed better than volumes could relate that others were thinking my thoughts, had the same intense desire to see the fraternity prosper and improve, and were doing something to further this. Best of all a letter brings with it the personality of the writer so that his spirit is with me when I read, and I cease to be alone. This letter projected a vision. It was the "stuff o' dreams," and I cherish my dreams. The Endowment Fund has increased! Fuel and impetus were added to hopes that heretofore had had little foundation. I could see a fund ever increasing until it should reach the proportions to permit Pi Kappa Phi to carry out predestined activities. Here were loans to needy students . . . camps built for the underprivileged boy . . . chairs in struggling colleges . . . libraries enlarged. Rather ambitious were these air-castles resting on such a modest foundation. Most certainly; but we may dream without hindrance and cling to the knowledge that all projects, however great, have had their origin in dreams and in most cases have started just as modestly. It may not be my privilege to live that long, but the day will come when Pi Kappa Phi will accomplish some of these things; will place behind her the dulled stars of self-interest and introspection; and will follow the more glittering star of service to others. For in this lies the panacea of internal ills and needs; the supreme compensation for existence. HowARD D.










January 10, 1931.


Mr. Howard D. Leake, - Executive Sec•y, Central Office, 636 Church St.,. Evanston, Illinois. Dear


At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, I called attention to the fact that according to the •star and Lamp• there was the sum of $61.01 in the Endowment Fund, and suggested that the Chapter do something regarding a contribution to this fund, in the hope that possibly other chapters might follow example. Owing to the present financial conditions here, it was· impossible to make a large c.ontribution, but on the other hand the members of the Board of Directors felt that. we shoUld bring the sum ~n the treasury of the Endowment Fund. account up to round figures, so an appropriation was passed in the sum of ~38.99. This would make the total amount in the Fund $100.00. It was pointed o~t by someone that by making the figure a round sum we should be removing the incentive to even things up from other possible contributors, so a further and subsequent appropriation was made of one cent, so that the total might be published as $100.01. In accordance with the action of the Board I herewith enclose check for $39.00 to the order of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity for the Endowr,Jent Fund account. At the same· time the Board of Directors wishes me to express the hope that during the coming year there may be many other and larger contributions, so that the Fund may grow to ~esirable proportions. Yours fraternally, f-encl.

[ 3]

Installation Banquet Alpha Sigma Chapter








Alpha Sigma Is Installed at


of Front: R. M. Baker, secretary: Richmond McKinney, chaplain. Back: M. M. Baker, archon; W. R. Rollins, treasurer; E. H. Zwingle, histor路 ian; Barbee Hollingsworth, warden.


With the completion of the brilliant banquet, held at the Farragut Hotel, January 24., the ceremonies marking the installation of the second Tennessee and fortieth active Pi Kapp chapter were closed. Chi Sigma Delta of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, became Alpha Sigma of Pi Kappa Phi. Present at the banquet from the University and speaking were: President H. A. Morgan; Deans Hoskins and Massey; Victor M. Davis, Secretary of the Alumni Association and the Y. M. C. A.; Tom Elam, President of the Panhellenic. Fortunate circumstances permitted the attendance of Mr. Alvan Duerr, Chairman of the Interfraternity Conference, who was present on the campus at the time thruugh acceptance of an invitation to attend the annual University of Tennessee Pan hellenic banquet. Representing the fraternity were District Archons T. Croom Partridge of Five and Gene Dunaway of Two, Executive Secretary Leake, and Assistant Secretary Cannon. All addresses and speeches combined the attractions of inspiration, instruction, si ncere welcome and brevity. The high lights were the beautiful and scholarly welcomes of President Morgan and Dean Hoskins; the forceful address of Dean Massey, who was another Dean of Men to warn the new chapter of the usual slump following installation; the inspirational address of Victor Davis; the welcome of Tom Elam; and the pertinent advice and instruction of Chairman Duerr. Speaking for their chapters in extending a welcome to the new member of the Pi Kapp family

were: Scott Brown, Epsilon; J. E. Patton, Jr., Iota; Mont Lewis, Omicron; William McAfee, Xi; E. C. Jackson, Alpha Eta; J. T. Russell, Alpha Iota, and George Copeland, Alpha Pi. Other chapters represented were Eta and Rho. Several of the fraternity's songs were attractively rendered by Rogers Carroll, an outstanding local baritone. The in stallation ceremonies began Friday afternoon under the direction of Chief Installing Officer T. Croom Partridge and Assistant Scott N. Brown. Actual initiation began Friday night and was com路 pleted Saturday afternoon. Composing the initiation team from Sewanee were: George Copeland, Thomas Byrne, Charles Underwood, Fred Rogers, Walter McNeil and Preston Huntley. Jackson and Lewis also gave of their services. These men performed their duties in the ceremonies in a most pleasing and efficient way. Those initiated were: Robert M. Akin, Murat M. Baker, William P. Bracy, Robert E. Bratton, William A. Burnett, Fred L. Cunningham, Edward L. Dunnavant, Samuel G. Eddy, Barbee Hollingsworth, James M. Jones, Samuel H. Jon es, Jr. , S. G. Kent, Arthur C. McKinney, Richmond McKinney, Kenneth McPherson, William R. Rollins, George E. Seargeant, RobertS. Sneed, Joseph G. Tarboux and Earl H. Zwingle. Professor Tarboux ably performed the duties of Toastmaster at the banquet. Some fifty telegrams and letters of greetings from chapters and persons were received and read at the




banquet. One was to Bracy from a young lady of Hattiesburg, asking when she might expect to receive his pin. Pi Kappa Phi is well represented in the men that make up Alpha Sigma. Attractive men and active, the chapter is scholastically and financially sound and holds an enviable position in the esteem of both faculty and student body.



A T d. tl tl


Chi Sigma Delta National social fraternities as they are known today entered Tennessee when Zeta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was established in 1874. Since that time this number has had a consistent growth on the campus and their spirit and ideals have hallowed the "Hill" with many Greek traditions. The rapid increase of attendance at the University in the past ten years created a demand for more social groups and presented a wealth of available material. In answer to that demand five national fraternities have established chapters here, bringing the total to thir路 teen, and six local organizations have been founded. At present only twenty-nine per cent of men students belong to national groups. Chi Sigma Delta was founded in December, 1927, by a small group of students who had in mind the forming of a close-knit local fraternity which would ultimately be taken in as a chap ter of a fraternity of national scope. A charter was granted by the University Administrative Council, December 17, 1927. The efforts and ideals of that group of men were rewarded by the enjoyment of a peculiarly high type of brotherhood and fellowship. The charter members were: J. B. Akin, L. A. Brockwell, L. M. Brockwell, F. C. Biles, F. L. Cunningham, M. R. Draper, S. G. Eddy, T. W. Fisher, V. 0. Foster, E. R. Howard, J. M. Jones, S. G. Kent, M. T. Mansfield, B. W. Patton, J. A. Stevenson, J. L. Zwingle. The constitution and by-laws were drawn up, a ritual evolved and a pin designed, symbolizing the ideals. The members were brought together in a house February, 1928. The first location was at 708 Temple Avenue, but it became necessary the following year to secure a place with more capacity. In June, 1929, the organization moved to its present home at 1631 Laurel Avenue, located in an exclusive residential section, five blocks from the campus. The capacity of the house is twenty-six men, with possibilities of development for thirty-six. The property is held under lease for four years, the furniture and furnishings are owned by the fraternity. The organization has been always a leader on the campus ~n scholarship. Its members were prominent in the many activities of the campus. [ 6)

iJ n 0




a t

Upper: Alpha Sigma Center: Visitors Lower: Installing Team






The University of Tennessee The University of Tennessee is the oldest institution of higher learning founded west of the Allegh"ny Mountains. Chartered in 1794. by the Territorial Legislature as Blount College, it antedates the State of Tennessee by two years. It enjoys the distinction of being the first college in the country which was from the first, by law, a non-denominational institution. It is also the first co-educational institution in the country, women having been admitted as full students during the first fifteen years of its existence. Soon after the State of Tennessee was admitted to the Union, the name "Blount College" was discarded for "East Tennessee College." A little later this was supplanted by "East Tennessee University," and finally when the state definitely committed its undivided support to the institution, the name of the "University of Tennessee" was adopted. The "Hill" as the central portion of the present campus is known, was first occupied by the University in 1826. In 1869 the University was designated a Land Grant College under the Morrill Act, and the Agricultural and Engineering colleges were added to the previously established departments. As a capstone in the arch of the state's educational plan, the University of Tennessee is an integral part of the public school system and has become peculiarly dedicated and pledged to the service of the state and the development of its interests. The response of the state to this dedication has been one of spontaneous appreciation, evidenced by the steadily increasing appropriations made by the General Assembly for the enlargement and maintenance of the University. In 1921 the Legislature authorized the levying of a half-mill tax, each year, on all property in Tennessee for benefit of the University. In 1927 another appropriation of $500,000 annually for five years was made. With this generous aid, the University was enabled to inaugurate one of the most extensive expansion and building programs ever undertaken by a Southern institution. Two units of this program have been completed, and three more are under construction at present. Another ten-year program is now being drawn up which will more than double the facilities of the institution. The total valuation of the property of the University is $6,849,500, which includes the property of the Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Schools located in Memphis. Its enrollment in 1930, exclusive of summer school, was 3,385.

D.A.'s Partridge & Dunaway

The Columbus, Ohio, Association of Credit Men issues annually a credit rating of the fraternities on the Ohio State Campus. Alpha Nu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has been rated "A" for the last three years. From the high rating in general one would gather that the issuance of such a report has a salu• tary effect .on the fraternities, and could well be adopted by credit men in other cities. Since the initiation of the reports, the percentage of fraternities having "A" rating has increased from 4,3 per cent in 1928 to 60 per cent in 1930. The percentage of fraternities having a "D" credit rating, the lowest, decreased from 5 per cent to 0 per cent in the same period. A "D" rating signifies accounts in hands of collectors. James Gordon Cuninghame, Jr. , Alpha Eta, is~ probate judge in Clarke County, Grove Hill, Alabama. Joseph A. Clark, Jr., Omega, is a vocational agriculture instructor at Ashley, Indiana. Robert A. Linoki, Alpha Xi, is with the Standard Oil Company of New York at Albany, N. Y.

( 7]


The 1931

Greeks No Longer Inferior Scholastically

" The Interfraternity Conference might with justice claim part of th e credit for this showing. It has taken an active part in coordinating the efforts of various national fraternities to improve the standing in scholarship of their members. It can act only in an advisory way; national organizations can go further by suspending charters or otherwise penalizing chapters when the members of these make a poor average showing. Most important of all, however, has been a steady building up of ideals of scholarly excellence among the fraternity members themselves. "The Greek letter fraternity has often been under criti cism; not only has it managed to survive, but it has succeeded in growing stronger with the years. That it can be made an instrument for cultural and intellectual developmen t as well as for social advancement only its bitterest foes will deny. Whenever a loca l chapter is as eager for its members to win Phi Beta Kappa keys as to get varsity letters in sports its average of scholarship is likely to be high. Intensive and intelligent efforts to stimulate eagerness of that kind have been systemati ca lly supported by some of the national organizations. This commendable work, it is evident, now is beginning to bear fruit. "



A flattering amount of publicity in newspapers and periodicals followed upon the announcement of the Interfraternity Council that the Greeks were no longer the scholarship goats of the campus, and the New York Sun had this to say: "Men in Greek letter fraternities have been assailed for a long time on the ground that scholarship did not seem to thrive in a chapter house atmosphere. It is therefore with elation that the Interfraternity Conference announces this reproach is no longer well founded. This organization reports that records of 200,000 students in 125 colleges and universities show the scholarship of fraternity men to average 1 per cent better than the average for all undergraduates and 2 per cent better than for non-fraternity men.



• • • Scholarship was the most important topic at the twenty-secon d annual Interfraternity Conference, held at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City, on November 28 and 29, 1930. All Pi Kapps should be extremely proud that Pi Kappa Phi was a pioneer in this field, which has now assumed national im· portance. Through the efforts of ~he Conference Scholat· ship Committee, there are now available charts showing the standing of the member fraternities at every institution in the land,· where information has been furnished. The ratings, of course, are relative, because of different marking scales, but nevertheless give a clear picture of the general student average and the relation of the fraternity average thereto. Our Central Office is now in possession of all this data. The labor involved· in the preparation of these charts was largely due to Alvan E. Duerr, chairman of the Scholarship Committee. Through election, and largely in recognition of the importance and thoroughness of his work, he now becomes chair· man of the Interfraternity Conference for 1931, the other officers being Alexander C. Dick, vice-chair· man; E. T. T. Williams, secretary, and George C. Carrington, treasurer. Another important matter was the decision to continue the Information Service Burea1,1 , which had been under trial during 1930. Article VI of the Constitution was amended in this regard to permit an assessment not to exceed $50. The prevailing sentiment appeared to be that the service to the mem· her fraternities had saved them both time and money. Our own Endowment Fund Committee has received much valuable data through this bureau. By other constitutional amendments the Execu· tive Committee was increased from six to nine, three to be elected each year. All standing and special committees, ,. it was further provided, shall here· [ 8}

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As Reported by Albert W. Meisel and His

Scholarship Statistics :e • • • the

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after be appointed by the chairman with the consent of the Executive Committee. Albert W. Meisel, Alpha Xl, has been appointed chairman of the committee on Local Fraternities for 1931. This committee is now consolidated with the old Expansion Committee, and will endeavor to be of service in nationalization matters. It will also be the contact between the Interfraternity Conference and the American Conference of Local Fraternities, which meets concurrently with the former organization. Another item of interest was the invitation of the Interfraternity Club of Chicago to meet in that city in 1933, at the time of the Pageant of Progress. The Conference referred the matter to the next Conferen e with a favorable recommendation. During the sessions the Executive Secretaries formed an association, which should be of immense importance to its members. This was surely a welltimed action. The social side of the meeting was the banquet held on the evening of November 29, which was largely attended by the delegates. Hon. Charles D. Tuttle gave the principal address on the theme of "C operation." At the conclusion of the affair, mo· tion pictures of the recent Sigma Chi Seventy-fifth Anniversary were shown. Pi Kappa Phi was represented at the conference by Professor William J. Berry, Alpha Xi; Roy Heffner, Gamma, and Albert W. Meisel, Alpha Xi. During the coming year the Interfraternity Conference hopes to accomplish, among t other projects: l. The publication of a handbook giving constructive suggestions for a probation week:

Appointed Chairman Committee On Local Fraternities


HE charts of the Scholarship Committee of the Interfraternity Conference, just published, contain a large amount of data concerning the cholar· ship of the member fraternities. The information furnished by the deans of the reporting institutions has been analyzed by the committee in various ways. Chart o. 1 gives the standing of all the member fraternities from 1927-1930 as compared with the men's general average of this period. Pi Kappa Phi for the college year of 1927-28 was .2 of a point below the genera l average and .5 of a point below in 1928-29. In 1929-30 the rating rose to .2 above the men's general average. Chart No. 2 contains data regarding the scholarship of the member fraternities in relation to age for the period 1929-30. This shows very forcibly that the younger fraternities are considerably ahead of the older of the fraternities of more than fifty year of age; only four, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Phi, Chi Psi and Theta Chi, have a better rating than Pi Kappa Phi. Among the forty organizations of less than fifty years of age, Pi Kappa Phi stands twentysixth-a record which could easily be improved. Still another chart groups the fraternitie in relation to their ize and scholarship for 1929-30. This also indicates the smaller organizations have the edge on those of considerable size. Of tho e of forty chapters or more, Pi Kappa Phi is excelled only by Theta Chi and Alpha Tau Omega. There are twenty-two in this category and Pi Kappa Phi stands third, sharing this honor with Phi Sigma Kappa, 2. The familiarization of more college presi- Delta Sigma Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Beta dents with the work of the Conference; and Theta Pi. In the group with fewer chapters than Pi 3. A study of the problem of the non-fraternity Kappa Phi there are twenty-eight with better ratmen, and whether there is any contribution that the ings, and nineteen with inferi01:. So much for genfraternities may make to it. eral tatistics . (9]



Now follows an alphabetical list of our chapters: No. of Fraternities at [nslilutions 27 19 7 47


·······....········ ...... ·········· .... .......... .............. ...... ........ ...

Alabama Alabama Poly. Brooklyn Poly. California Charleston Cornell Davidson ............... Duke ........ ... .. ...... Emory Flo1ida Furman Georgia Georgia Tech .. .... ..... Howard ......... ....... lllinois ······ ......... Iowa State Mercer Michigan Michigan State .. .....•.. Mississippi Nebraska North Carolina North Carolina State ....• Oglethorpe .............. Ohio State Oklahoma Oregon State P enn State Presbyterian Purdue Roanoke Sewanee South Carolina Stetson Tulane .. .... .. .•.••••.•• Washington VVashington &Lee .... . ... VVest Virginia Wofford 0













1 Chapter Rating

Fratemity Ratin g

Fratemity Index

All Men'• Rating

5 4 1 23

+2 +2 3.147

1.1705 76.140

- .613 .665

1.2249 75.320

10 11 15 19

10 6 13 19

-5 +2 -2 -5

84.409 77.577 8.407 .825

- .143 1.590 +.557 +.200

84.520 75.640 8.304 .847



- 1




57 29 10 50 7

29 27 1 12 4

- 1 - 1 +2 +2 +2

3.1475 84.663 1.257 75.3 2.351

-.532 1.706 - .319 .474 1.8

3.1955 83.233 1.300 74.7 2.188


28 30 14

28 4 14

-5 +3 -4

1.9405 3.270 77.500

-.356 +.600 - .708

1.9765 3.340 78.270





+1 +2

2.255 .852 1.400 1.142 1.676 3.770


22 30 41 5 31

9 19 11 39 2 6

1.500 - .876 +.363 +9

1.270 1.220 1.633 3.640







c a I

19 37 19 21 7

16 6 6 6 1

+I +I +I +3

2.484 75.413 77.319 81.090

2.546 75.838 77.882 81.360



....... .........


.............. ················· ··· ······ ······ ············· ··············· .. ... ... ..

... ....... .. .. .... .......... ............ .... .. ... ... . ...... ...... .. ............... ··············· ................ ·········· ··· ·············· ·· ·· ········· ........... ........ ........

+3 -5


.853 .444 .509 .275

NoTE.- The Chapter Rating or average is calculated by the method adopted by the National Association of Collel Deans & Registrars (except for the sake of greater differentiation 20 intervals are taken instead of 10) and is obtain~ as follows : All averages are computed as plus or minus, the All Men's Average of that institution which is evaluat~ as 0; the range between the Men's Average and the highest mark obtainable in that institution (theoretical 100) I divided into 20 equal intervals designated + (plus) 1, +2, +3, etc.: an equal range below the Men's Average is diviM similarly and designated - (minus) 1, - 2, - 3, etc. A chapter's average is then evaluated according to the index r the interval into which it falls. Failure to rate indicates lack of statistics furnished by the Institution.

From this table it will be seen that three of our chapters held the first rank, Brooklyn Poly, Mercer and Wofford. Located in the upper third of the fraternities ranked at their respective institutions were: Alabama, Alabama Poly, Michigan, North Caro· lina, Ohio State, Presbyterian, Purdue, Washington, Washington and Lee and West Virginia. Below the first third and in the first half are California, Duke, Georgia Tech, Illinois, Michigan State, Oregon State and South Carolina.

V. Richard Damerell, Alpha Delta, is connecte' with the Chemistry Department of the Morle' Chemical Laboratory, Western Reserve Universit) Cleveland, Ohio. M. A. Copeland, Alpha Alpha, is working in hi; father's Coca Cola Bottling Plant in Brunswic~ Georgia.

1. W. Miller, Xi, is with the Electrical DepartmeV of the Viscose Corporation of'Roanoke, Va.

[ 10]

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Under the Student,s Lamp

First Call to Scholars for 1931



.955 !33 100 l88

)765 ~40

no 270 220 533 5-W


546 838 ga2 360 :ollel 1tain~ Lluat~

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CHOLARSHIP blanks will soon be sent out to the various chapter secretaries for the use of those active brothers who believe that their scholarship records should be considered for the award of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Trophies for 1931. To be eligible one must have Junior standing at the least and must have completed two years and one additional term of college work. The maximum number of awards that may be made is nine and thus far in the past years the greatest number of awards in any one year has been eight. The scholarship standards required for winning this award are very high in that at least three-fourths of the candidate's grade hours or grade points must be the highest given by his college and his record must show no failing grades. Scholarship only is considered in making the awards, although in the past the great majority of the winners have been leaders also in other student activities. To be awarded the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Pendant and to be chosen a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar is one of the highest honors our fraternity can bestow upon one of its members. Also each of the winners and each of the chapters represented by winners is presented a beautifully engraved certificate signed by the Supreme Archon and the chairman of the Scholarship Committee which formally gives the winner the title of Pi Kappa Phi Scholar and confirms his right to wear the Scholarship Pendant. It is hoped that every active member of Junior or Senior standing who has made a high scholarship record will see that his record is presented for con· sideration by the Scholarship Committee.

Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship for 1929-30 In the Interfraternity Conference Scholarship Survey for 1929-1930, the scholarship records of 1760 chapters of 70 national fraternities in 125 college and universities were considered. In this survey the scholarship ratings of 25 of our chapters are used to determine the relative standing of Pi Kappa Phi and the mean of these ratings is .04. above the average for the whole fraternity group. Pi Kappa Phi ranks thirty-first among the whole 70 fraternities considered. However, among the 26 fraternities having 35 or more chapters, our rank is fifth. Three of our chapters, Zeta, Alpha Alpha and Alpha Xi, ranked first among the fraternities at their respective colleges. Wofford, Mercer and

~~JbillWntrr.1 .



20 Ml .04 147



249 20







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'QJo ..all to ·whom this <$e.ni.ftcare nm.y come:

knuwn ll~t!l~l'~ E.~c.dknrit

that on accounr-of his Scholarship f\ttuinmcn-rs,



_ _ Ch.apttr

has been chosen. a c


llil(npttn]llp~dJltlnr for the year - -· anct thereoF is awoTdcd the


~i tkappa1\bi Scholarship U~

with all the honors pertaining- th.crc:to. u~n this ttnth day of Deconbc:r. _ _ , th.e ___ nnnim:rsary of the fuunctiug of du:: Pi R.uppa Phi fmte.mi.t-y,

Brooklyn Polytechnic. Obviously there is considerable room for improvement in our standing among all fraternities and the surest way to attain. a higher scholarship standing is to use the greatest care in the selection of pledges and to maintain a proper balance between study and extra-curricular activities. Our chapters should at all times welcome the advice of the Chapter Advisers in scholarship matters.

Membership in Honorary Fraternities The chairman of the Scholarship Committee is attempting to bring up to date the membership of Pi Kappa Phi in the older and generally recognized honorary fraternities, and the cooperation of the chapter secretaries and alumni is requested. At present we are compiling our membership in Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi and the lists will be published in the May number of the Star and Lamp. Membership in such societies is most desirable and the data are rapidly accumulating which shows that those who attain membership in truly honorary

[ 11)

(Continued on Page 44)






They Look Pleasant at Alabama )) )) ))

Upper: The Conclave. Lower: The Hosts, Omicron [ 12]








Omicron Sponsors

Successful T ri-District Conclave By JAMES P. LYNCH, Jr. A I & 0 .

• • • P

RESENTING a happy combination of every form of fraternal enthusiasm, from the exuberance• of freshman pledaes to the dianified pride of b 0 natiOnal officers, the Tri-District Conclave of the Fifth, Seventh and Fourteenth Districts, held under the auspices of Omicron Chapter at its home on the University of Alabama campus, D.ecember 6 and 7, ~stabl_Jshed a high standard of accomplishment W~Jch Will serve as a goal for future district gathenngs. The entertainment of the meeting was in the hands of a conclave committee, composed of Omicron undergraduates, who served admirably in arranging all the details. To the committee chairman, Henry H. Mize, goes the lion's share of the credit, but the others on the committee, William C. Davis, Jr., Theodore Jackson, Bob Mundine, Eugene Salmon a_nd J. A. Watts served capably and well. The entire chapter cooperated by turning over the house to ~he delegates and making every arrangement for then convenience and comfort. The conclave got under way Friday night, with an informal smoker at the chapter house. Entertainment was furnished by a corps of negro entertainers, while several campus sororities and fraternities aided in making the evening a success by "lending" talented members for parts on the program. By Saturday morning most of the delegates were present, and their number was strengthened during the day by the arrival of many alumni of Alabama and other chapters. Prominent members of the fraternity in attendance were two of the national officers, Supreme Archon Wagener and Supreme Historian Pou, past Supreme Secretary George M. Grant, and District Archons Chandler Burton Croom Partridge and Clancy Latham. Chapter~ represented, besides Omicron, were Eta Iota, Lamba, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, Alpha Eta, Alpha Iota, Alpha Lambda and Alpha Pi. Alumni groups represented were those of Birmingham, Atlanta and Montgomery. Also present were representatives of two petitioning locals, Chi Sigma Delta at the Univers!t~ of Tennessee, and Theta Kappa Alpha at Loms1ana State University.

District Archon Burton presided at the business sessions Saturday. After introductions and announcements, the morning program was filled with an extended discussion of such chapter problems as dining room management, the budget system, delinquent members, discipline, and the privileges of transfers. The discussions were free and frank, many. questions arose, the experience of the older men was furnished, and solutions were found for many perplexing difficulties of chapter management. The session adjourned at 12 :30 for lunch, and was called to order again at 2 o'clock, when statements were presented by representatives of the petitioning locals at Tennessee and L. S. U. The Pi Kapps fired numerous questions at their would-be brothers, full information about the petitioners was obtained, and the impressions created by the two groups were entirely favorable. Of course, the conclave was without authority to take any action on the petitions, except to obtain information and permit those present to formulate their separate opinions. A feature of the afternoon session was the presentation of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Pendant to William C. Davis, Jr., A-H and 0, which was made by Leo H. Pou, by whom "Bill" had first been recommended to Alpha Eta chapter almost four years ago. This was followed by the presentation by the archon of Omicron Chapter of a suitable gift to Clyde C. Pearson, architect and outstanding alumnus of the Auburn Chapter, in appreciation of his having prepared, without charge, the plans and specifications for the completion of the third floor of Omicron's chapter house. After the adjournment pictures were taken and various forms of entertainment were provided until 7 o'clock, when a formal banquet was served at the McLester Hotel in downtown Tuscaloosa. Presiding as toastmaster was the one and only George Grant, who appeared to be filling an accustomed role, judging from his continuing run of stories from Cleopatra and her escapades "in Egyptology."

[ 13 )

(Continued on Page 22)






Present and Prominent at Alabama





Upper left: RepresentatiYes of Theta Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Lotlisiana State. Upper right: Front row, D. A.'s Partridge and Latham and Supreme Historian Pou; back row, Past Supreme Treasurer Grant, District Archon Burton, Supreme Archon Wagener. Center: H. H. Mhe, Chairman of Arrangements. Lower left: RepresentatiYes of Chi Sigma De(ta, UniYersity of Tennessee. Lower right: Mrs. DaYis and W. C. DaYis, Jr., wife and son of the Lieutenant GoYernor of Alabama. [ 14}








Another Aviator who was Long Overdue / By W. F; WALTHALL,

r& A


The Victoria, B. C., Press devoted considerable space to the adventures of the aviator, and the following was clipped therefrom: "In his own terms Finland tells the story simply and forcefully: "'Things all started on September 16. The morning at La Range was beautiful, bright sun and a clear blue sky, so we did not anticipate anything like what happened. However, I checked my gas and thought I had enough for two and one-half hours' flying.

Ran Into Clouds

Finland, Al'l, and His Taxi

pRIOR to the development of wireless telegraphy there was nothing that stirred the imagination so keenly and pierced the heart so quickly with a thrust of horror like the news that a vessel at sea was overdue. Now that telegraphy has taken much ~f the unknown out of sea-going ships' movements, lt h. s been the destiny of the ships of the air to take then place in supplying the thrills of imagination and the mystery of the unknown. Much of the space 0 ~ prominent columns of today's press is taken up With the absorbing stories of aviators lost and the frantic searches made for them. Washington Pi Kapps, the entire Northwest, was caused a great deal of anxiety recently when the n~ws was broadcast through the press that Mike ~mland, aviator-geologist of the Consolidated Minmg and Smelting Company of Canada, was overdue and eviden tly forced down in uninhabited wilds of northern Saskatchewan. Day after day passed without word, and the friends of the aviator had almost reached the "poor old Finland, he was a good guy" stage when out of Victoria, Mike's home town, flashed the word that he had been located and was none the worse for his experience.

"'After about an hour in the air we ran into clouds and I went up over them. Timing our flight I calculated how long it would take to get over our destination, Southend. And on account of bad weather I decided to gas up and go south from there right away. The clouds were very thick at that point but there now appeared to be a break a few miles east, so I thought it better to fly over there than go down through the clouds. " 'A strong northwest wind blew us further east and south, so when I got below the clouds I was too far away and in just under two hours I landed with very little gas left. "'We pitched our tent and had lunch. Later we prepared a large fire to make smoke. The Indian hunted and contrary to newspaper impressions we had quite a few ducks and partridges. We had no butter or tea but four loaves went a long way. We specialized on duck soup with rice. Then we had prunes and apricots, loganberries, maple syrup, bear, bacon and a little coffee. Such was our fare the first week. "'Then I sent the Indian to try to reach Southend, 路 with instructions to get gas sent in. I also gave him a map of our location. I told him to come back if he couldn't find Reindeer River in two days.

No I ndi.an, No Gas " 'Six days passed and no Indian or gas showed路 up. There were less ducks now and partridge were well shot off. There was still lots of grub, though.

[ 15]


for a short time. In a letter home, he says he callel the place 'Lake Finland,' but whether this will hi officially recognized is another question." Upon graduating from the University of Wash ington Mines College in 1927, Finland entered th1 employ of the Consolidated Mining.& Smelting CoJll pany of Canada. Shortly afterward the co~pa~) became actively interested in mine exploratiOn 11 northern Canada, and from the start the airplan1 played an important part in the transportatior problems. Later the company decided to opera.l1 planes of their own, both in general mining and 11 strictly exploration work. Mike was sent to a flyinf school and upon attaining his pilot's license W8' given a small three-place cabin monoplane whi~l is equipped with skis in winter and pontoons JP summer. The plane is used merely as a means of travel in carrying out exploration and examinatiot· work.

Atlanta Alumni Broadcast Rated First Place By N. T. TEAGUE

No Question of Hunger

"'Thinking I was too far away to hear the planes and believing I could make Reindeer River in a few days I started out, but, fortunately, that morning they found my Indian, and so got gas and followed my sketch to where my plane was. " 'I heard them as I was eating lunch and drying my socks and shoes by the fire. I had traveled eight or ten miles. " 'I unloaded a bunch of grub and started back. Soon afterwards I heard the planes coming to find me as I had left a note saying how I would travel. As they got near I set a couple of trees on fire and they found me immediately. " 'They directed me to a nearby lake which I reached in half an hour or so, and the dirty part of the affair was over. " 'They found me on the thirteenth day of my absence with thirteen men in the party.'

Long Search "Eyes of the public on the whole of the continent were turned toward northern Saskatchewan during the search for Finland. His rescue followed an intensive scouring of the country by a fleet of eight planes and practically all hope had been given up when news caine that he had been found. "On resuming his trip south to Prince Albert, it will be remembered Finland was forced down again at an unnamed lake, although he was only delayed

HE Atlanta Alumni Chapter together with th1 three active chapters at Georgia Tech, Ogle thorpe, and Emory, 120 men in all, celebrate/ Founders' Day with a banquet at the Ansley Hotel followed by a radio program over station WSB. L. Harry Mixson of Charleston, S. C., was tlt1 principal speaker. He brought a message which waf inspir:ational and helpful to both the alumni ani active members. He stressed particularly the wa) in which Pi Kappa Phi was founded-ON FRIEND SHIP-and asked for a closer cooperation betweet the members in furthering the principles as laic down by the three founders. In addition to the se''' eral short talks, there was entertainment galore ranging from grand opera to comic dancing by on1 of the Pi Kapps. After the banquet, our radio program under tht direction of Ray Nixon went on the air over statioP WSB. Since the first program which was put ot! four years ago, many favorable comments have beeP received by the station and this year it was giV 811 first place over all local programs for December 10. About thirty telegrams were received from va· rious chapters and individual Pi Kapps over tl11 country who listened in. John W. Rourk was elected president for the conl' ing year, and under his leadership one of the ~e:: years ever to be enjoyed by the Atlanta Alumnl I· being looked forward to.


[ 16]

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II hi


d thf

Coni pan) m ir Jlant atiol eralf 1d ir lyinf

M. Theron Rankin has found in his work what all men look for: pleasure and peace of mind. Herein he vividly depicts something of the China of today. He is shown with some of his students in the accompanying picture.

wa· rhicl IS j~

1s ol atioi

CHINA-Life Emergent1 Dynamic1 Developing




God!" This was more than ten years ago. Of th~se years, I have spent nine in Canton, China, domg missionary work. I am sure this brother thought that to go to China as a missionary was a fate little to be desired by any one. But I venture to say that few of my brother Pi Kapps have spent any years which have been more interesting and worth while than my years in China have been for me.


Ogle ratet Iotel

B. s




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CAN still hear my brother Pi Kapp exclaiming,

"G omg . to China to be a missionary? Good

I wish I cou ld bring my brother referred to above to Canton and let him see for himself that my fate has not been so bad .as he seemed to anticipate. ~ere he to come, unfortunately I cou ld not take him back through the years to live over with me the many interesting experiences of the past. I s~ould have to be conten t with attempting to tell him about the China to which I came just len years ago; a country in a state of lassitude under the debilitating rule of militarists, the masses of the people apparently having littl e part and interest in the affairs of the nation. Then I should have to try to describe something of the changes which have com_e about since then; of the beginning of the atwnalistic Movement from Canton in 1925, with the various miliits • victorious army overcomin« 0 ta.nsts as it rapidly advanced northward, and its still more victorious Nationalistic propaganda which awakened the masses to a consciousness of nationalism and patriotism· of the establishment of the . ' Natwnalist Government at Nanking with its ensuing struggles and difficulties, its victories and successes ~o t~e present time. I should have to attempt also to mdJCate something of the tremendou s changes which

have come about in the National thinking and attitudes of the people of China, of the growing determination to become a sovereign country, to abolish all specia l privileges which foreigners have been granted in China; and to relate some of the experiences which we foreigners have passed through as a result of these changes, especia lly during the lime when the inAuence of Soviet Russia was strongest in China. About these and the many other intensely interesting and signifi cant happenings which have ocCUlTed during the past ten years, I cou 1d only tell my brother Pi Kapp. But this city of Canton-this ci ty with its fascinating history of centuries, with its phenomenal modern developrnent and progress; this city where the ancient and the modern meet and in some cases are blended with one another, while in other cases they repel each other; thi s ci ty where the extreme of life come together, where the ends of the earth meet, where East is still East and West is still West, but where in many cases, the twain do meet and are united; this city my brother cou ld see and feel and come to share its fascination and interest. In order to bring my visitor to feel the fascination of the history of this ci ty, I should take him first lo see one of the few remaining sections of the ancient city wall. From the hill around the ide of which the wall runs we have a beautiful view of the entire city of approximately one million inhabitants. And as we look, our minds are horne away through the centuries of Chinese hi story. This old wall itself takes us back, back to no one knows how many hundreds of years ago. Over in the distance stands out an old pagoda which has its

[ 17]



He writes : " My life here in Canton is a very normal one. I am happily located in my home wi th a wife and two little girls. Most of my work is dont in th e Graves Theological Semi nary, of which I am President. I do aD of my teach ing in the Chinese language, whi ch in itself is an und ertakinl of considerable difficulty. I get by with it some way or other with tht hope that my stud ents occasionally und erstand somethin g that I a~ tryin g to say. Ou r social contacts in the city are very pl easant. We ha~t numbers of fri end s among th e Chin ese in the city who have lived an received their edu cati on in Ameri ca. My prin cipal means of divcrsiol is tenni s playin g. My pa1·tn er and myself have succeeded in capturin! several cups in th e various city tourn aments. We are in the midst of plaf ing off sever al tourn aments just at the prese nt time. I am pl ayin g thi· a ft ern oon in th e first ro und of the Championship Tour nament of our club

M. Theron Rankin, Delta Doctor of Philosophy President, Graves Theological Seminary, Canton, China

"I have in cluded in my article all that I perso nally wish to say It th e members of the Fraternity, except that I hope you will express 111' a ppreciation for the "Star and Lamp" and th e "F okromix" and let 1111 brother Pi K apps everywhere know that over here in Chin a is one membe of the Fraternity, who, in spite of th e di stance whi ch separ ates us, i• keenl y interested in every thin g th at concern s th e Fraternity."

message of the centuries. Ju st in front of us can be seen the section of the city which even now is kn own as Lhe Tartar City because in the days when th e Grand Khans of Tartary, Genghi s and Kublai , ru led over Chin a, the representatives of th ese great rulers li ved in that section . From here we may go down into the city and still find the narrow streets, shady and secluded, where the occasional smell of burning in ense and the sing·song call of the bearers of a passing palanquin vividly r emind us that we are in Chin a, the China of centuri es, even though on every hand we may see signs of th e rapidly en· cr oachin g Western civiliza tion.

of th e present inlernal disorder we are apt to lool on China with contempt, we greatly need to get ir tou ch with these reminders of China's great achieve ment ; we need to r emind ourselves that China ha records of a high degree of civilization which datt back over two thousand years, that when Em·or was struggling through the Dark Ages, China, unde the T'ang Dynasty, was probably the most civilizcl co untry in the world. Professor Latourette of Ya11 Uni versity, says, " As late as the Eighteenth Centur) China was probably better governed than any king dom in Europe and was the most populous empifl on the fa ce of the earth. In political ability ani (Continu ed on Page 26)

We may go farther along and see the section where the ":foreign barbarians" were first permitted to li ve when th ey were allowed to reside in Canton about th e middl e of the 17th Century, which will call to our minds th e interesling hi story of those early attempts to open the closed gates of China to foreign residents. As we go fr om pl ace to place . we see on many sides r eminders of the ancient monarchical dynasties of Chin a, of her r eligions, Taoi sm and Buddhism, of her greatest of all moral teachers, Confuciu s. We may still see a few of the old examina lion stalls where the examinations for civil office were held , which examinations were based entirely on the ancient Chin ese Classics. Thus the centuries unfold before us and we are caught up in the spirit of their history. If, in view [ 18]

TratJquillity of Old China

0 F




The Potent Press





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king mpiti 'I ant

Laird, Game Record ..

<t ....

Roanoke Conclave receives excellent publicity in Roanoke Times; congratrtlations to AA, Macon News; Broom ("(') in limelight, San Diego Union; Harrison (E, extreme right) elected to Board, Charlotte News; Pledge McDavid (~) meets tragic death, Ch<trlotte Observer; Supreme Archon Wagener fulfils ancient crtstom, New York Times; Alabama Conclave noted in Tuscaloosa News and Birmingham News; Moseley (H), pioneer announcer, returns to "Mike," Atlatrta Constitution; Founder MixsotJ in headlines, Atlanta Journal; prominent head for Finland (A~) in Victoria, B. C., Press; new alumni chapter in prospect, Athens, Ga., Banner Herald; brilliant career before Valiatws <r> in football, watch him, San Francisco Examiner.

[ 19]




of Pi

Kapp Vacationists---

The Sky Line


F we may believe Detroit publicity, Pi Kappa Phi has selected " the most popular convention and tourist city in America" for th e scene of its Sixteenth Supreme Chapter Meeting. Without doubt it is a beautiful and a ttractive city in many ways, and certainly a t its best a t the time of the schedul ed gathering of the Pi Kapps. It is in itself an ideal place to spend several days, not to mention the many attractions of its environs. Already in various parts of the country Pi Kapps are getting their heads together and discussing ways

Historical Facts was found ed in .Tunc, 1701, by Antoine D ETROIT de Ia Mothe Caclillac. Det roit is th e oldest city in th e United States betwee n the All egheny Mo untains and th e New Mexico plains. Detroit was und er three fl ags: America n, French and British ; two of th em twice, French and British. Th e first governor of Michi gan was appoi nted by Congress in 1805. TJ1 e first bank in Detroit was established in 1806, call ed th e "Bank of Detro it." The first newspaper, "The Michi ga n Essay and Impartial Observer," was started in 1809. The University of Michigan was established in Detroit on Bates Str eet i n 1817, wi th 183 stud ents. Now lo cated at Ann Arbor, 38 miles from Detroit, wi th 11,452 students. " Walk-in-the-Water," the fir t steamboat on the Great Lakes, was la un ched in 1818. M ichi gan's fi rst delega te to Congress was se nt in 1819. The first auto produced in Detroit was made by Charles B. King in 1894. H enry Ford 'brou ght out hi s first a uto in 1896. Th e P ackard Motor Company moved to Detroit in 1903. Th e Mayor of Detroit and nin e Councilmen, nonpartisan, elected at large.

and means of making th e pilgrimage. The mosl popular idea seems to be th e concentration of avail able fin ances on an automobile trip. This combine¡ the advantage of less per capita transportation cos' with the enjoyment of traveling the paved hi ghways Balmy weather of summer and the leisure of thr vacation p eriod makes this a most f easible ideo t Those that plan to come by rail may be ass ured of t excellent connection s and speedy travel. Detroit and Ford to many are synonymous, bul there are other automobiles manufactured there, a• the fact that the factories of the city produ ce 60 pel cent of th e autos manufactured in the United State! proves. With fifty-seven concern s manufacturinf f airplanes, it may be expected to take th e lead in tha c produ cti on also. Altogether the city boasts 2,20( manufacturing plants, enough, if you are mechaii ically in clined and curious, to occupy yo u f or a fel' c days-such spare time that may be left to you . c The city has eleven miles of water frontage, b) 1: which, in season , a steamship pa ses every thre< minutes. It permits of delightful water trips as wei c as makes available another means of going and coJJl ing to th e city. In the Detroit River, and the pros f pective scene of a part of the convention progranl i is th e 825 acres of Belle Isle, considered the mo>1 beautiful of island parks of the world. Th e Indian' F sold it to the palefa ce in days of yore for the col1 t sidera tion of eight barrels of rum, six pounds of paint, three rolls of tobacco, and a belt of wampun1 We have not heard whether the paint was red or no! For those interested in zoology there are two gat' s den s of note; for those studying anthropology, thef1 are many bathing beaches and eight excellent theO p tres, besides a population of approximately tW1 to d million. The moving picture hou ses are too numer a ou s to mention. Hotel Statler has been selected as the headquaf' ~ ters of the convention. It is a hotel of one thousand


[ 20]





Detroit, the Ideal Convention City vivacious, hi stori c and romantic city, ABEAUTIFUL, near the center of population and easily approached by rail, by water and by road. An a bundance of mo~­ ern hotels, convenie ntly situated and reasonable m tariffs. Numerous attractive auditoriums, with seating capacities suited to th e needs of organizations of all sizes. Many a nd varied indoor and outdoor, public and private, recreation places for delega tes, their wives and their children. Glorious rivers and lakes, inviting excursions; splendid roads for automobile trips to places of interest. Stores whose buyers ransack the markets of the world for goods to meet the tastes and purses of visiting shoppers. An equabl e climate, free from extremes of heat and cold but furnishing diverting sports the year around. These are the things every convention considers when choosing a meeting place. And these are the things that have given Detroit its enviable record as the Convention City of America. In no slight degree, Detroit's amazing growth in population is a reflection of popular appreciation. of its spirit of welcome, and recognition of its glowmg opportunities for enterprising people.

Detroit and

Environs most

tv ail

bine: , cos! .vay5· f thf idea· ~d of

rooms, so it is thought that all Pi Kapps can be housed comfortably. It is situated in the Grand Circus Park, in the heart of the city, which will prevent its being difficult to locate. The manacrement is waiting to welcome you with every service known in the modern hostelry, has arranged for the recristration to take place on the Ballroom floor, ~nd urges that you make your reservations early.

, but

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The Environs Go abroad for a nickel! On the opposite bank of the river, less than a mile from the Detroit shore, lies Canada and the border cities.

The following appeared in an editorial of a Detroit paper:

Residents of both sides pass back and forth freely without passport formalities. Splendid ferry boats carrying both passengers and motor cars maintain a continuous service between the two shores. The Ambassador Bridge and the Vehicular Tunnel promise to lend themselves to the convenience of communica tion between two sister nations. From Detroit you can literally go abroad for a few cents. Once in Canada you will find much of interest. Good roads, thriving cities and marvelous scenery greet you on every hand. There are also places that remind you of the Old World and seem to intensify interest in touring the Dominion. Detroit is the gateway to Canada and yearly hundreds of thousands of tourists cross the border at this point and receive a royal welcome on the other side.

"The beauties of Michigan and its wonderful lakes

Canada, across from Detroit, too, boasts its fine paved highways and a broad network of roads leads to all parts of this "Foreign Country." Short, oneday side trips, week-end tours or long journeys by automobile may be made in all directions from Windsor or the Border Cities. [ 21 ]

"Vacation days will soon be here.

Hotel Statler, Headquarters


country are so easily accessible to everybody that it seems a pity so many thousands of our inhabitants have never seen them.

Detroit Alumni Encouraged Results oF Michigan Cup Competition

" There are parts of Michigan which equal in beauty of scenery that of any other country in the world. There is a bit of Switzerland, Japan, Norway, Scotland, Italy, Germany and a score of other countries in certain little nooks of Michigan. "The writer once found Prof. Edwin H. Lewis, hea d of Lewis Institute, Chicago, and his charming wife snugly tucked away on one of the many beautiful islands of St. Mary's River, where they were spen ding a vacation. "They joined a day's expedition directed by former Governor Chase S. Osborn to another little island to view a bed of rare fringed gentians, the largest bed in America. "'We have visited every country in the world on our vaca tions,' said the professor. 'We traveled somewhere for twenty-six consecutive years. A few years ago somebody asked us why we went so far to find a vacation land. And they asked us to look at the St. Mary's River. We came here first a dozen years ago and we have never gone anywhere else since. This is the most beautiful place in all the world. And for years it was right at our very doorstep and we didn't know it.' "Buy an automobile if you do not already own one and start out somewhere this Summer in Michigan. With a car you will be free to go where fancy calls. Get th e best automobile you can afford. If you cannot bu y a new one, get a used car. "Vacation time is just around the corner. In fact, in great establishments, some of the workers are already abo ut ready for their annual breathing spell. For such an auto is indispensable. Now is the time to get it. "Again the call of the open road is sounding. They who are wise will heed it and yield to its lure."

Successful Tri-district Concave {Continued from Page 13)

The program included many snappy speeches, including a welcome from Dr. Dabn ey S. Lancaster, dean of men of the University, and concluding with a stirring message from one of the " Original Seven,'' Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener, who was introduced by Leo H. P ou. After the banquet th e delegates attended a special pre-view of a motion picture at one of the local thea tres, arranged throu gh the courtesy of the management and Alvin S. Davidson of Omicron Chapter. The set program for the conclave ended , the

By G.


HELMRICH, Archon, Detroit, Alumni


N the Fall of 1927, the Detroit Alumni Chapter, in seeking out ways and means of encouraging higher standards of scholarship at the University of Michigan and Michigan State College Chapters, de· cided to award a Scholarship Cup to the chapter maintaining the highest scholastic standing and also cups to the individual in each chapter attaining to the highest standard. The indivi dual cups were awarded by th e Alumni Chapter and the Chapter Cup was presented by out District Archon J. Wilson Robinson. At this time G. B. Helmrich was appointed chairman of the Scholarship Committee with instructions from thl Alumni Chapter to encourage in every way possible an effort to improve scholarship in both Alpha Theta and Alpha Kappa. Both the District Archon and members of the Alumni Chapter consistent!)' stressed the value of scholarship in their frequent visits to th e chapters and the Alumni Chapter ha• reason to feel quite encouraged at the results. In each of the past three years both chapters have shown an improvement in scholarship over the pre· vious year. The competition between Alpha ThetD and Alpha Kappa for permanent possession of the Chapter Cup has been very keen, and consequently very interesting. The first chapter to win the cuJ' three times retains it permanently. Although Alpha Theta won out rather easily in 1927-28 she just barely defeated Alpha Kappa in 1928-29 and for 1929-30 Alpha Kappa took the lead and captured the cup for the first time. The constant improvement in the scholarship of both chapters together with the improved ranking of the individual winners haS made the Detroit Alumni feel that scholarship ac· tivities have been very much worth while. At the State Conclave held at Ann Arbor, Novern· her 15, 1930, La Verne Davenport of Alpha Theta was awarded the individual Scholarship Cup with a grade of " B" and it is interesting to note that Davenport was the second highest man the previous year. Fred Flynn was the winner for Alpha Kappa with the grade of "B+."


(Continued on Page 32)

visitors enjoyed " fireside fellowship" with the boys of Omicron until their leave-takings on SundaY· We of Omicron hope all of them will come to see us again!

[ 22}







)) )) Mohawk-Hudson Pi Kapp Club <Drganized



Front row (left to right): Athy, Miller, Jacob, Wieber, Hurt Back row: Kuehne, Vosburgh, Maynard, Harris, Van Voorhis, Linoki, Webber

By W. C. HURT, AI.


I KAPPA PHI now has three organized groups in the state of New York. There is Psi Chapter at Cornell University in Ithaca, Alpha Xi Chapter at Brooklyn Polytechnic in Brooklyn, and the New York Alumni Chapter. At a point some distance from these two geographic centers of fraternity activity is the so-called Capital District at the confluence of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers. Among the cities in the vicinity are Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Amsterdam, Johnstown, Gloversville, Saratoga and Glens Falls. One would expect to find some members of Pi Kappa Phi scattered over so populous an area, though at present there are no undergraduate chapters nearby. Any meeting heretofore of members has been accidental, as so few have known of the existence of the others. The directory lists some members as residing in the vicinity, and so, in one way or another, some of these Pi [ 23

Kapps found that quite a few were where they _could easily be reached. An inquiry showed that there was considerable interest in promoting some sort of get-together for the purpose of meeting one another. This get-together idea finally materialized as an informal dinner and meeting in Schenectady on the evening of December 10. At this little Founders' Day banquet were present twelve Pi Kapps representing nine chapters in widely separated parts of the country. W. F. Jacob, R. A. Linoki, and G. A. Wieber were from Alpha Xi at Brooklyn Poly.; Psi at Cornell was represented by S. A. Webber and W. C. Harris, and seven other chapters were represented by one member each, as follows: Chi (John B. Stetson Univ.) -E. Vosburgh, Jr. Alpha Delta (Univ. of Wash.)-}. E. Maynard. Alpha Iota (Alabama Poly.)-W. C. Hurt, Jr. Alpha Kappa (Univ. of Mich.)-S. E. Miller. (Continued on Page 45)






Large Attendance Features Second:rd

Walter Francis MeW ade Killed in Crossing Accident By D. F. MULVIHILL


P SILON suffered a distinct loss and parted with a staun ch and zealous worker during the Chri tmas holidays when Walter Francis McWade passed .i nto the ranks of the Chapter Eternal. "Mac," a fri end of all, met his death in an accident on Saturday, December 20, near Danville, Ill. He and hi s fi ancee, Miss Mary Sheets of Bismarck, Ill. , were both kill ed instantly when the car in which they were ridin g was stru ck by a Chicago and Eastern Illin ois exp ress train. He had lef t f or his h ome in Dormont, P a., for th e Christmas vaca ti on, but had stopped to visit Miss Sheets between train s. While waiting f or the train whi ch would car ry him to see his p arents wh om he had no t seen fo r a year, they went f or a trip in Mr. Sheets' car. They were returning to Bismarck wh en the accident occurred. "Mac" was a student of chemical engin eering a t th e Universi ty. He was an accomplished pi anist who added mu ch to the life of Upsilon. He was very active in chapter work and re pected and well-liked by a 11. The men of Upsilon all cherish the memory of "Mac" and regret that he has been taken from us.

APPROXIMATELY one hundred twenty-five dele.t\. gates from colleges and uni versities throu ghout Virginia and North Carolina were present at the second annu al Virginia-Carolin a conclave of Pi Kappa Phi held December 13, 1930, at Hotel Patrick Henry. The meeting opened a t one o'clock and closed with a banqu et and dance. Speaking a t the banquet, Dr . A. P elzer Wagener, of the Coll ege of William and Mary, Supreme Archon of the fra ternity, retraced with those present th e steps in the growth of Pi Kappa Phi. He lauded the idea ls of the broth erhood, and made a strong plea f or the maintenance of unity among all elements of th e orga ni za ti on. In conclu sion he urged allegian ce on th e part of every member to the ideals whi ch th e fraternity sponsors. George Stellj es, president of th e Roan oke alumni chapter of Sigma Chi, made the address of welcome a t th e banqu et, while E. D. Myers, of Princeton University, respond ed. Other speakers and th eir subjects were : C. B. Th ornton, Roan oke Coll ege, " The Idea l of Friendship"; William Caple, Washington and Lee, " Fraternity Lo oking On ward "; Lewis Steph ens, Roanoke College, " Our Duty to Pi Kappa P hi ," and Ri chard Faulkner, Washington and Lee, "The Idea l of Fra ternity Life." The f ollowing men gave greetings from their respective chapters : P. S. Knox, Davidson College; Henry G. Harper , Jr. , University of North Carolin a; S. C. Jon es, Jr. , Duke University; A. . Greene,

[ 24]



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Conclave Held in Roanoke « « «

Worth_ Carolina State College; D. S. Hostetter, ashmgton and Lee University; F. M. Cox, Roanoke College, and Reginald Price, Cornell University. _Gene Dunaway, district archon of the second distnct, served as toastmaster and crave a farewell add ress to the delegates. ~ A roundtable discussion was held on the afternoon of December 13, Dr. Wagener presiding. The p~·oblems discussed included finances, hou sing, Aedge contro l and rushing. The consensus on the h:~t t":o. problems was th at the chapter should adhIe. ng1dly to the fraternity budget system, and · at •1t shou ld maintain an atmosphere of quiet and t .]<r d omty at the chapter house. It was felt, with regard to the third problem, that attention shou ld be given t~ ~lledges, and that they should be given, during ~dell' period of pledgeship, special instruction in the ~ eals o~ their fraternity and of their alma mater. le sentlment on the fourth question was that each chapter should maintain an aggressive rushing prog~·am, hut should conform in letter and in spirit to t e rules of the pan-hellenic council of its institution.


ROut-of-state delegates were S. C. Jones, Jr., and R. E. Thomas, Duke University; Reginald Price, : S. Hall and P. S. Knox, Davidson College; John GIll . F . esp1e, Ienry G. Harper, Jr., and A. Hugh Mar· ~n, University of North Carolina, and A. N. Greene, orth Carolina State College.

Earl W. Bibb Back at Washington and Lee The Alumni Magazine of Washington and Lee carries the following in its January is ue: "Earl Wallace Bibb, '24, B.S., Assistant Professor·of Economics, appointed to the faculty this semester. Bibb is the youngest Washington and Lee graduate on the roster in terms of service to his Alma Mater. While his history here as a professor may be short, his career as a student in the commerce school is a story of honors and achievements. President of the senior class, he was also president of Alpha Kappa Psi, commerce fraternity. He gained three scholar· ships, the German scholarship, the Vincent L. Bradford, and the James McDowell awards. As one scribe wrote about him in his undergraduate days: "Since enro lling at Washington and Lee, this cowboy from Montana has succeeded in lassoing about every school honor that the campus affords." He is a member of the Pi Kappa Phi, social fraternity; Phi Beta Kappa, scholastic fraternity; and Omicron Delta Kappa, leadership fraternity."

[ 25}



R CHINA-LiFe Emergent, Dynamic, Developing


(Continued from Page 18)

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Modern Street of Canton

achievement, the Chinese have a record equal to that of any people." While we have been looking at this ancient city, we have at the same time been beholding the modern city of progress and development. Where once ran the ancient city wall, now runs a wide boulevard on which are to be seen coming and going most of the American makes of automobiles . The narrow treets with their atmosphere of the ancient East are rapidly being widened to become broad avenues of commerce. The palanquin, while still to be seen occasionall y, is being displaced as a means of conveyance, and the jin路ricksha, a comparatively recent innovation, is having to give way to the many motor busses which will take one to any part of the city. On many of these wide streets are to be found large department stores and other modern business houses. In place of most of the old secluded government "Yamens" are to be seen modern governmental buildings, in and out of which come and go, not only the officials of flowing robes and ancient classical learning, but also the modern officials with the most modern training in political and economic sciences offered by Western Universities. On the site where once stood the examinati on stalls for examining the candidates for civil office, now stands a modern University, dedicated to the memory of the modern hero of China, Dr. Sun. Almost within a decade this city has been transformed from an ancient Chinese city into a modern city. During this same decade phenominal progress has been made in the economic and commercial life of the city. This transformation becomes all the more marvelous

when we recall that it has been achieved in the midst of such conditions as would have made bankrupt any American city. Incessant civil strife, with the resulting heavy financial drain on the city, the constant disruption of commercial activity, strikes, communistic agitation, the seizure of the city and the burning of a considerable section of it by Communists, have been only a part of the difficulties faced by the city during this decade. One wonders what would have been achieved under normal conditions. In this city the ancient and the modern go hand in hand, the extremes of life are brought together and the ends of the world meet. While there are many other places in the East where the population is more cosmopo litan than here, still one may form contacts in Canton with many countries of the world. Among my own acquaintances are British, including all the Dominions, Germans, French, Italians, Portuguese, Japanese, Russians, Austrians, people of India of various nationalities. But the intermingling of the peoples in Canton is not so significant and interesting as the intermingling of ideas and customs and cultures. Here all of these are brought together in all kinds of combinations, some of which seem incongruous and discordant, while others seem to have been recreated and made more complete by being combined. As we go about the city we probably will meet a funeral procession. It may be a procession typical of ancient China, with a palanquin near the front bearing the picture and spirit of the deceased, followed by the many bearers who are carrying offer-

[ 26]

(Continued on Page 32)

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R. J. Longstreet Publishes Book of Florida Bird Lore

A Challenge Is Issued at Chicago's Founders • Day Banquet

N the J~cksonville, Florida, Times Union of Sunday, January 4, appears a review of the "Bird tudy in Florida," a recent publication written by ubert James Longstreet, a charter member of Chi hapter, Stetson University. The following was among the favorable comments made on Pi Kapp Longstreet's work: "Loons, grebes, water birds, owls and numerou~ types which abound in Florida are included and ub-classified under their scientific names so that every distinctive feature is brought out clearly nough to be generally understood. "To those who have but a mild interest in bird life there are revelations of new discoveries, and to those who have been studying birds, there are numerous interesting facts. The author is president of the Florida Audubon Society, and he has made a erious and worthy contribution to the literature about birds." . His present vocation is that of superintendent of c1ty schools, Daytona, Fla. He is secretary of the Florida Education Association, editor of the Florida Naturalist, and president of the local Rotary Club. He was present in the major American drives of the World War as Lieutenant of Field Artillery, 82d Division. George B. Everson, past district archon of Flor· ida, writes concerning Longstreet: "Way back in 1912 and 1913, "Rupe" Longstreet, while attending Stetson University, used to squat, sit and roam around under the water oaks on the campus and gaze skyward into the branches and later come to the house with a new kind of bird he had discovered. And he always knew their common name, their scientific name, as well as their habits."


Chapter Publications Central Office has received this year many interesting chapter publications. Alpha Omicron leads with four issues of the Almicron, Nu chapter is second with three issues of the Nebraska Nu's, Epsilon follows with its two issues of the Epsilonian. The following chapters have issued one: Omicron, Sigma, Upsilon, Omega, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Theta, Alpha Mu, Alpha Nu, and Alpha Xi.


Reverend Montague Cook, Alpha Eta, is at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. William S. Tracy, Lambda, is a student at the Atlanta Southern Dental College at Atlanta, Georgia.

N an interesting and inspiring talk of what his Pi Iextensive Kappa Phi affiliation had meant to him as an traveler, Dillard B. Lasseter- diplomatic and consular service in China, Major British Army during the war- found the opportunity to show that the ties that bound him to the New York alumni were not fully cut by stating that he was sure that the alumni of that city, although more distant, would have a greater representation at the national gathering in August than the Chicago alumni. This was anent a proposal of Supreme Secretary Turn· quist, who preceded him on the program, that Chicago shou ld have the largest representation at the gathering of any alumni body in the country and that the alumni chapter should make it a major pro· gram during the coming year. Turnquist did not hesitate to accept this unofficial challenge in the name of the alumni of Chicago, in the forum that followed the scheduled program. Qf the thirty-five men present for the dinner, held at the Interfraternity Club, some twenty immediately signified their intention of going. The drive will be for fifty or more, and for the purpose of keeping the coming convention in mind and making it the climax of an accumulating spirit and activity, it was decided that a convention savings club should be instituted wherein the members will deposit a monthly amount towards their expenses in connection with the event. This was the adoption of an idea introduced to the Michigan Chapters by District Archon ]. Wilson Robinson. Highlights of Lasseter's address were his relation of his marriage ceremony in China, in connection with which he sent word to Shafer, Gamma, over 300 miles away, to come and act as best manwhich he did; his telling of the interfraternity gathering in Pekin, now Peiping, at which gathering Pi Kapps tied with the Phi Gams in attendance-three each; his stating that in comparing the personnel of Pi Kappa Phi with the best in the diplomatic and consular service, in the British officer corps, in his business contacts in the United States, he was never under the necessity of offering himself mental apologies for his fraternity mates. Represented at the annual gathering were the following chapters: Eta, Nu, Rho, Upsilon, Omega, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Nu, and Alpha Omicron.

Dr. William B. Clark, Alpha Beta, has recently moved to New Orleans where he is associated with Doctors Victor B. Smith and Charles A. Bahn, with his practice limited to diseases of the eye.

[ 27}








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James A. Harris, Delta, to Miss Elizabeth Vippl man of Spartanburg, S. C., on December 8, 1930. Ray Hall, N, writes of chap~er marriages: John Thomas Smith, Zeta, to Miss Elizabeth Bril "WE'VE all heard about the bad times, bad on December 6, 1930, at Woodward, S. C. year, etc., but it has been a big year for some Furman R. Gressette, Sigma, to Miss Ida 1\1 of the members of Nu chapter. It has been the for- Parker, on December 27 at McColl, S. C. They '\ tune of some of our most devoted and illustrious live in St. Matthews, S. C. Hewen Lassiter, Chi, to Miss Mary Montgom members to get married during the current year, and we are hoping that they will still find a little time to of Miami, Florida. Jess Donovan Mathas, Chi, to Miss Bessie Lou serve Pi Kappa Phi as they have so faithfully done Mercer of DeLand, Florida. in the past. "I believe that Dayton Dorn started the procesDonald Joe Hendrickson, Omega, to Miss Franc sion when he was married on June 11th to Miss Mary Bunn of Richland Center, Indiana, on Ju Virginia McCoy, member of Alpha Chi Omega at 27, 1930. At home, 824 West Columbia str the University of Colorado. Dayton was an active Springfield, Ohio. worker in the chapter during his college career, William H. C. Higgins, III, Omega, to Miss Ru graduated in 1926, and is in business at Big Springs, Matz of La Porte, Indiana, on August 14, 1930. Edwin F. Neupert, Omega, to Miss Aileen Loui Nebraska. "Clair Sloan and Geraldine Heikes were married Mills of South Bend, Indiana, on May 31, 1930. Lewis C. Cobb, Alpha Alpha, to Miss Sara Aim August 20th. Gerry is an Alpha Omicron Pi from Nebraska, and Clair is known for his athletic prow- on August 17, 1930, at Atlanta, Ga. Charles Clinton Wilson, Alpha Alpha, to M ess, as he was an AU-American half-back at Ne. braska and also stellar pitcher. They are living at Virginia Murphey, August 10, 1930, at Augusl Ironton, Ohio, where Clair is coaching and playing Georgia. Walter Richard Jones, Alpha Delta, to Mi football. "We don't need an introduction to 'Chick' Adams, Hilary Stanton, December 26, 1930, at Burlingan1 past chapter archon and convention delegate, a very California. Marion Mitchell Permenter, Alpha Epsilon, noted man on the Nebraska campus and a striving 'shyster,' but have you met Mrs. 'Chick' Adams, Miss Dorothy Mae Singletary, on June 7, 1930, formerly Miss Gertrude Rowe and a Delta Gamma? Jacksonville, Florida. William James Erskine, Alpha Theta, to Mi They were married September 10 and are living at Aurora, Nebraska. Mary Haymond, Linden, Michigan, on October 1 "Oscar Koch, the much cussed and discussed 1930. Paul Potter, Alpha Theta, to Miss Agnes Oak< steward of former years, and now a Burroughs Adding Machine 'high-pressure' salesman, and Miss Ver- August, 1930, Lansing, Michigan. ene Anderson, Chi Omega, were another of the recent Pi Kapp teams. They are living in Omaha. Engagements "Strange to hear, but Duke Wellington is really Mrs. Arthur Hayes Thompson announces the married. He and Miss Katherine Johnson, Pi Beta her daughter, Evelyn Byrd, to Dod gagement of Phi, were married September 20th and are living Edgar Minton Fetter, Kappa. in Crawford, Nebraska. He was a serious and earnAnnouncement is made of the engagement of Mi est worker for Pi Kappa Phi, serving as archon, conven Lion delegate, steward and in other important McPhale of Casper, Wyoming, to Calvin Hughar ways. He attended Harvard as well as the University Alpha Zeta. Eldon Runcimann, Alpha Zeta, to Miss Marie of Nebraska." . Pogue of Exeter, California. William Ruhmann, Alpha Zeta, to Miss DeRig Marion Haynesworth McCown, Alpha, to Miss of Portland, Oregon. Elsie Estell Whitely, on July 26, 1930, at GreenGeorge Sherman Mcintyre, Alpha Theta, to Mi ville, S. C. Mercedes Wood of Lansing, Michigan.


[ 28]

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William James McCune, Alpha Theta, to Miss Jane Stockton of Lansing, Michigan. Alan S. Coss, Alpha Theta, to Miss Lavinia Werber of Battle Creek, Michigan. Carleton Austin, Alpha Omicron, to Mi s Ardis Sheats, December, 1930. 'ippi 930. Bri

Bernard F. Tellkamp, Omega, is with the Sylvania Product Company, Emporia, Pa. Albe E. Munson, Alpha Theta, is superintendent for the Jensen Landscape Architects. Max Chapman, Alpha Alpha, is selling insurance in Cedartown, Ga.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bartolo Rodrigues, Jr., Iota, ovember 21, 1930. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Chester Freeman, ~y " Chi, a on, George Chester, Jr. ¡om Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chan Johnson, Chi, a son, Chauncey, Jr. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Porter, Omega, Lou a son, Paul Malcolm, on December 17, 1930. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jent, Alpha Alpha a ranc son, William Pollard, Jr., on August 23, 1930. ' 1 Ju Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClain, Jr. , Alpha str Alpha, a daughter, on ovember 10, 1930. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Teece Lewis, Alpha Gamma, ; Ru a daughter, Lois Laverne, December, 1930. 0. Loui 30. Chapter Eternal \.lml Dyer Hamilton Harmon, Xi, was killed in an ,M automobile accident July 30, 1930. Walter F. McWade, Upsilon, was killed in an tgusl automobi le accident on December 20, 1930, while Mi home for the holidays. Paul Bradley, Alpha Epsilon, died December 29, .gaill 1930, after a nine months' illness of typhoid.

George Billinghurst, Alpha Alpha, is studying medicine at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga.


H. B. Ander on, Omega, is now with the General Electric Company at Fort Wayne, Ind.


M a daughter, Gloria Claudia, on

30, Mi er 1 )akt

Henry Cobb, Alpha Alpha, is helping to revise the Georgia Code. He i li ving at the Macon Y.M. C. A. Arthur Seubert, Alpha Xi, is manager of the ew York office of the Central Scientific Company of Chicago, Illinoi s.



William Etheridge, Alpha Alpha, is studying medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mas.


)oct• fMi ghar

William Alexander Cooper, Jr., Tau, is a doctor at the Harper hospital in Detroit, Michigan. William Storey, Alpha Alpha, is teaching school near hi s home at Waverly Hall, Ga.


Ivan Sack, Alpha Omicron, is with the States Fore t Service in Quincy, California.


Donald M. Arganbright, Nu, is with the Firestone Fire and Rubber Company of Kansa City, Mo. Herbert Hardy, Gamma, is now a Captain with th e Second Brigade of the U. S. Marines at Managua, Nicaragua. Thomas J. Boyd, Zeta, is located with the Mathieson Alkali Works of Charlotte, . C. Robert W. Rowland, Alpha Eta, is an atlorney-atlaw with offices at Albertville, Ala. Joe Y. Honeycutl, Tau, is now with the British Cigaretle Company, Ltd., Shanghai, China. Kenneth Smathers, Eta, is an attorney at law with offices at 155 W. Congress St., Detroit, Michigan.

L. R. Bridge, Omega, is a gas engineer with the Du Pont Ammonia Corporation, Charleston, West. Va. W. E. Brown, Omega, is an Equipment engineer with the Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Omega Chapter had 4.00 registrants in their Visitor's Register last year. Epsilon Chapter has adopted the criticism box and requires pledges to submit papers dealing with their reactions as wearers of the white diamond.

Stout Boyette and H. H. Askew, Alpha Alpha, are a~tending Georgia Medical School at Augusta, Ga.

. Brownlow Sinclair, Alpha Alpha, is working with h1 s father in Waverly Hall, Ga.

Merle Zuver, Nu, ex-center of the Nebraska Cornhuskers, played professional football with the Green Bay Packers and displayed his old-time fire and brilliance, to the opponents' sorrow.

[ 29]







Pi Kapps of Prominenc F Ray Nixon's Golden Voice

Is Heard on Founders' Day His voice and hi s service as Supreme Historian of the Fraternity have resu lted in Raymond B. Nixon being one of the best known Pi Klij)ps. He was a prime mover in establishing the annual custom of broadcasting the Founders' Day ceremoni es of the Alumni Chapter of Atlanta, which is anticipated and listened to by every Pi Kapp that is able to get Station WSB. That he is a man of great energy and accomplishment is attested by the following: Universi ty executive, professor journalism, editor; Ph.B., Emory University, 1925; m. Amy Quillian, of Athens, Ga., December 24., 1928. Editor and publisher, Tallahassee (Fla. ) Capital City News, 1913-16, and at that time said to be youngest bona

fide new paper publisher in United States. Repo and successively sporting editor, telegraph edi editoria l writer, and city editor, Tampa (Fla.) D Times, 1917-24. Director publicity, Emory Uni sity, 1924--26; instructor in journ ali m, 1926路 assistant professor and director of the course journalism since 1929; assistant to the presic since 1926; executive secretary, Emory Univer Alumni Association, since 1927; editor, the Em Alumnus, since 1927. Member: National Edito Association , Georgia Press Association (dire Georgia Press Institute, 1930), American Alur Council (chairman southeastern conference, Char ton, S. C., 1930), American Association of Teach of J ournalism, National Association of Teachers Marketing and Advertising, American Associatl of Universi ty Professors, American Association I Advancement of Science, Omicron Delta Kapl Sigma Upsilon, Pi Delta Epsilon, Pi Kappa f (supreme historian , 1925-27; chairman pub]il tions committee, 1930). Directed publicity f European tours of Emory Glee Club, 1926 ll 1928. Delegate to International Press Expositic Cologne, Germany, 1928. Democrat. Methodi Author: "Their Names Live Forever," 1926; " Pr !ems of the Country Weekly," 1930. Contributor various newspapers and magazines.


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Professor of Physics at the Universit of the South

19 lis

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pr Robert L. Petry is Professor of Physics at the Univer ity of the So ul at Sewanee, Tennessee. He received his A.B. degree at Earlham Co llege 1919, his B.S. degree at Haverford College in 1920, and his Ph.D. degr at Princeton in 1925. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and of the Arne ican Physical Society. He has published two articles in the Physical Revio M; of the American Physical Society. He is married and has no children. In In 1917 he was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi by Xi chapter, Roanoke 0 lege, Salem, Va. At present, he is Chapter Adviser of Alphi Pi chapter re 1 the University of the South. He was recently appointed to serve with f pa Edington on the Scholarship Committee. [ 30]







c Pi Kapps oF Prominence





Dr. Com ish Listed 路as Outstanding Economist in


Who's Who


By ROBERT PEACOCK/ AZ during the summer session of 1924 at the University of California. He furnished the incentive for the organization of the Cooperative Managers Association at Oregon State and has since acted as their technical advisor. This organization, the first of its kind in the United States, is composed of managers of the fifty-two Greek-letter organizations on the Oregon State College campus. In 1930 they did a business of over

$226,000. In 1923 Dr. Cornish published "The Standard of Living," in 1929 "The Cooperative Marketing of

!lers ciatl



Kapl R. N. H. COMISH, professor of economics at pa r Oregon State College, has recently been listed ublit as one of the most outstanding economists of the ty I time in "Who's Who in America."




Dr. Cornish was born in Mountain Home, Utah, )sitiC in 1888, where he received his early education. From :hodi the Agricultural College of Utah he received the "Pr degree of Bachelor of Science in 1911, the degree utor of Masters of Science from the University of Wisconsin in 1915, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the same institution in 1929. He was also a student at the University of Chicago in 1913 and



The positions he has held are: Instructor in English and history at the Snowflake high school, Snowflake, Ariz.; instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor of economics and sociology Soul at Oregon State College, and professor of economics lege degr

Agricultural Products." He is co-author of "The Century Progress." He is also the author of many technical and popular magazine articles. Among his affiliations, we find him a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional business men's fraternity, Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary fraternity in social science, Phi Kappa Phi, all college honorary, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association of University Professors, American Economic Association, American Farm Economic Association, Royal Economic Society of Great Britain, Oregon Writers League, and the Cooperative League of America. Since his initiation into the fraternity in the fall of 1929, Dr. Cornish has done much in forwarding the work of Pi Kappa Phi on the Oregon State campus. He is a member of the finance committee for Alpha Zeta chapter, a member of the board of trustees, and has acted as one of the faculty advisers.

Anl' Revit

P. F. Aylesworth, Omega, is an Assistant in Farm Management at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.

W. N. Middleton, Epsilon, is with the accounting firm of Patterson, Teele and Dennis, New York City.

ke 0 Harold K. Meyer, Omega, is the special rep.pter resentative of the New York Life Insurance Comith pany, in Champaign, Ill.

William G. Bagley, Lambda, is assistant state manager of the Federal Life Insurance Company of Charlotte, N. C.



[ 31 ]



Outstanding Member of Legal Profession Edgar Watkins, Jr., was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi in October, 19 at Oglethorpe University, and graduated from Oglethorpe in June, 19 He entered Harvard Law School the following fall and graduated tht from in June, 1926. Since that time he has been practicing law in Atlai with the firm of Watkins, Asbill and Watkins. He has never held any official position in the fraternity until he appointed Chapter Adviser for Pi Chapter recently. He acted as Secret of the City Club of Atlanta from 1926 to 1929. He is now President of Atlanta League of Building and Loan Associations, and served as Secret of a Citizens' Committee which was organized to investigate the graft the Ci ty Government of Atlanta. He married Miss Mary Louise Hatfield of Utica, N. Y., on December 1927, and has one child, Mary Louise, born June 1, 1930.

China (Continued from Page 26)

I might continue ad infinitum to tell of the IJ1I ing of these extremes of life and ends of the eai And what does it all mean? It means that in t country a new civilization is being born, a new ture is being evolved, a new political, intellecV and socia l order is being created. What could more interesting and instructive than to be in midst of such happenings! There is nothing d and static here; there is life; emergent, dynan' developing life. If my brother Pi Kapp could visit me, I should t to put him in touch with these changing currents life, and bring him to feel the fa scination of bei in their midst. Then I should try to give him a vi' into what we are attempting to do as missionari and I should want to bring him to catch somethi of the interest and challenge which are to be fou in devoting one's self to implanting within tl emergent and developing life the spirit and pr' cip les of right living so a ttractively and winson1l presented in the life and teachings of J esus Chri If I shou ld succeed in doing this, then my brotl1 would understand why it is that I have found bei a missionary in China so interesting and so th ough ly worthwhile.

ings for the departed spirit, and by the mourners who, clothed in sack-cloth, are stumbling along behind the casket, moaning their grief as they go. Again, it may be a modern procession with a motor hearse, followed by the relatives and friends in automobiles. This may be a "Christian" funeral, or, again, it may be a "heathen" funeral in modern setting. Perhaps we may meet a wedding procession which, again, may be representative of ancient China or modern China, or it may he a combination of both. We may drop into one of the city parks or into one of the theaters and see there young men and women who are following the most modern ideas about the freedom of the sexes, or we may come in contact with a family who would consider such conduct beyond the pale of respectability. All about us on the streets and in the shops we see every degree of change in style of dress from the genuinely Chinese style to the most recent "flapper" or "sheik" styles from America. We may go to vi sit a friend and find ourselves in a Chinese home of the old order, where we are "bowed" and "grunted" into the home, and after our visit, are "bowed" and "grunted" out with a touch of inate politeness and Detroit Alumni Encouraged culture that is most refreshing, or we may find our(Continued /rom Page 22) selves in a home where we are greeted with a hearty, At the conclave we were favored with a sp lend informal handshake which at once crea tes about us talk by E. N. Turnquist, our Supreme Secreta! a thoroughly familiar atmosphere. If we wish we who spoke, among other things, of the value of t may ride in a palanquin or we may ride in jin- com路aging scholarship in our local chapters. ricksha, or we may ride in a 1930 model of almost Judging from the interest shown by both tl any American-made car; we may sleep on bed Alpha Kappa and Alpha Theta men at the AI hoards or we may sleep on Simmons' springs with a Arbor Conclave there is good reason to expect felt mattress; we m~y eat Chinese food or we may further improvement in scholarship in this comii year. eat any kind of foreign food. [ 32}




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The Fourth Estate of Alpha Gamma By FRANK EWING r, 1 e, 1c d tht Atlal he ecrel 1t of ~ crel



1e m' e eal in I 1ew c llect Parr Eurton Frost Ewing Pearce )uld : in •g d ALPHA GAM PI KAPPS kinda run to newspaper- land station, WNAD, a feature known as "Sooner yuan ft men, and those newspapermen kinda run Sportgrams." things newspaperish around the University of Claude "Scoop" Em·ton, Alpha Gam's treasurer mld l Oklahoma. for the past two years, is city editor of the Cleve·ents Such a journalistic condition exists primarily land County Democrat-News, Norman newspaper. · f bei because the gentlemen of the Fourth Estate seen "Scoop" puts his ability to use in informing the a vi above standing on the broad canopied porch of whole county of activities concerning the educamari Alpha Gamma's new home, have important positions tional center and pours out copy about town and 1 ethi on four newspapers which daily serve over five gown activities. Formerly he was campus reporter . fou thousand students on the Sooner campus. for the Norman Transcript, daily city newspaper. in tl And one of the key-pounding quintet, Richard The most widely read columnist on the campus 1 prl Pearce, wields a potent influence on the university and in the University City is Raymond Parr, sports 30 mt campus with his editorship of the Oklahoma Daily, editor of the Oklahoma Daily. Besides directing a Chri the largest student newspaper in the southwest. He large staff of embryonic sports writers, Parr darts >rotll spends much of his time dictating student policies, out his wit and knowledge in his zestful column, 1 bei everything from the wearing of tan corduroys to the "Below Parr." He has just assumed the duties of 1 tht selection of life's work and fraternity breakfast Frost in broadcasting the "Sooner Sportsgrams." foods. Pearce is climaxing four successful years of Frank Ewing, finding that being assistant cashier campus journalistic activity, during which he held practically every position on the campus newspaper. in a Texas bank is a drab and colorless sort of He is also Norman correspondent for the Daily thing, returned to school this fall and resumed his work on the Oklahoma Daily, on which he is news lend Oklahoman, Oklahoma City newspaper. :etar Clarence Frost's typewriter clicks out university editor in charge of a large staff of beginning jourof c sport news for readers all over the state. He is on nalists who are learning copy reading and headline the sport staff of the Oklahoma City Times, after- writing. Ewing held four different positions on the h 11 noon daily, and serves in tha~ capacity as university Olclahoma Daily during his service in 1929. , Ar sports correspondent. Frost was sports editor of the Incidentally, all of the journalistic Pi Kapps are >eel Oklahoma Daily from 1928 to 1930. He has just members of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional >mil completed a series of radio talks over the Sooner- newspaper fraternity, and each one has either held [ 33]


or is holding at present an official position. Pearce is past president and Ewing is the vice-president this year. Eurton and Frost have been secretary and treasurer, respectively, and Parr is the present secretary. Alpha Gamma of Pi Kappa Phi does not suffer from want of publicity.

Oklahoma Archon Takes Flier In Politics (Picture on Page 36)

Ralph Gilchrist, Alpha Gamma's archon, still appears virile even though he did run all over western Oklahoma last summer shaking hands, patting backs, kissing babies and passing out big black cigars in interest of his candidacy for the Oklahoma stale legislature. Gilchrist was rewarded in the primary election with an overwhelming victory over his two opponents. However, he should have kissed about 21 more babies, since the returns of the run-off primary showed that he was defeated by only 21 votes. He was recently elected president of the '89ers, newly organized pep club which was formed by the student body to take the place of two former pep organizations banished by the board of regents last year for infraction of hazing rules. The new organization, headed by Gilchrist, is the only order on the campus in charge of the preservation of college traditions and in charge of organized pep demonstrations. Gilchrist will receive his degree in law m the spring commencement. He was admitted to the Oklahoma bar in 1929.

Jonah In Reverse


U CHAPTER (Duke University) has a very attractive section in the fraternity apartments; and in keeping with this beautiful residence they proceeded to purchase new and comfortable furniture for the large lounge room provided in the apartment. To make it even more homelike, "Sleepy" Thomas wended his way townward, purchased a gallon fish-bowl, and had the purveyors of finny pets place therein ornaments and several small fry of varying hue and physical characteristics. Fish food was thrown in for good measure.

Thereafter, "Sleepy" became a puncher of fisl feeding, doctoring, giving them a rub-down; eve~ thing calculated to produce strong, healthy, biggt and better fish. Without a murmur the other mt made the supreme sacrifice and permitted to hiill monopoly on the care and upkeep. "Sleepy" proved false. It has been said that eve! man has his price and that we like to hurt those tl1 we love best. This story is to merely prove tl soundness of the two assertions. The shades o£ night had fallen; the men bs gathered around the fireside to sit in flitting shadoY for the purpose of relating and hearing the lat During a lull in the round of stories "Sleepy" J.l came anxious about the menagerie and walked I the bow I to pass the day with the tribe and ask th~ health. Then the Devil in the person of a man pr~ ent placed before this curator of the aquarium great temptation. " 'Sleepy,' I'll give you five dollars to swallo one of those fish." "Nuthin' do in'." "I'll add another three dollars to that ant spoke another voice. "You're on," was "Sleepy's" succumbing rep I and he walked to the bowl to select the victim, te of remorse making rivulets down his face. "Swallow the black one," someone suggested. "Sleepy" looked at the black one. Its sable sea were not particularly inviting, and it possess goggle-eyes. Possibly they had grown more so hearing the suggestion. "I am afraid those eyes might cause it to hang u He fished and caught. Grasping his pet by tail, he opened his mouth, elevated it towards roof, and let the fish plop, head first, downwards. peculiar expression appeared on "Sleepy's" cotJI tenance, but he held his own. Apparently it wasn't so difficult a feat after al for"I'll eat another for five dollars," said "Sleep)'• gone beserk. "Nope," came the chorus. "Four dollars." "Here's two." "Here's one." "Here's the other." "Sleepy" repeated. "Any more customers?" Silence ........ . Reversal of the story of Jonah, did we say? The' is this difference: The fish swallower of Mu chap11 retained what he swallowed.

[ 34]


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J. bF. Reynolds, the present archon of Alpha, h · t h e f ront rank of leaders at the Casll een In 0 ege of Charleston for four years. He has t ever ~orked ceaselessly for Pi Kappa Phi and, se tl1 ve tt a ~ough burdened with eight subjects has gfuldhed the chapter ably through the firs; half 0 t e year. :n ba 1ado¥ t Bkonors and activities: Varsity basketball, boxmg-of . rae ' fe ncmg, . the latter manager; lat s~cretary, later treasurer, of Athletic Associay" b< tion· "d ked I Cl ' pres1 ent of Junior Class, of Senior k theJ Cla~s, of the ~tudent Body; member of Glee u ' DramatiC Club, literary society staff of 1 prt annual. ' ·ium Be graduates in June.




J. F. Reynolds


R. Lynn Galloway pledged Pi Kappa Phi in 1928. From the beginning, he has proven himself an energetic and enthusiastic protagonist of all things Pi Kapp. As archon during the past semester he has introduced and carried to completion ideas that have placed Nu Chapter in the front rank of the Pi Kappa Phi Chapters and the chapters of other fraternities on the Nebraska campus. He is a distinguished student in the School of Commerce- a Gold's Scholar. He is serving as president of Alpha Kappa Psi, commercial professional. Other honors and affiliations: Interfraternity Council, Beta Gamma Sigma, Board Member of Commerce Club. He graduates in June.

R. L. Galloway Nu



:ds. cotJf Robert Kieffer is small, but that doesn't


Robert Kieffer Alpha Mu

af ~~tter. His nickname is "Squirt," but when

~1 ~ spoken, it is with a smile. A good student

eep)'• i8 tthout much apparent effort- concentration e secret.

h Educated feet have made of him a social . .. ofound h · To .h"1m h ave come promment pos1hons Ba~l ~ Jum~r Prom Committee and the Senior ommittee of his class. As his election to office testifies, he is capabl AIe hand competent. He has lead the clan of P a Mu through one of the most difficult 8 . aemesters ever f ace d by a chapter-the first m Ther co~ew ~ome. The serious side of his college rse Is Electrical Engineering. 1apl• Be graduates in June. [ 35}


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Ill~~~~~~~~ Rig ~ lar She is Sponsor of Pi-Miss Mary Blackwell. On the left is Fred Cox of Xi, Archon, German Club President, Blue Key, last year' s manager of annual. On the right is Ralph Gilchrist, thP. politician of Alpha Gamma ( story page 34). Center: Architect's drawing of the new Duke and two actual views; lower shows section allotted Mu Chapter. The group on the left are the yearlings of Alpha Xi. On the right, the house party of Alpha Mu. The collegiate Ford of Alpha Rho, Masonheimer, owner and artist. The reward of efficiency.

[ 36}





pH I

WITH THE CHAPTERS iss~~apters failing

to submit material for publication this Sig e. Gamma, Zeta, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Pi, Rho, Alpha, lau, Psi, Alpha Delta, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Eta, a ota, Alpha Lambda, Alpha Pi.

Alpha Elects and Initiates

By T. F. MOSIMANN, Jr. SECO D term officers: Archon, J ames B. Watson; treas· Jr.. ~~r, A.ndrew A. Kroeg; secretary, Thomas F. Mosimann, Wi~k· IStonan, John T. Cuttino; chaplain, Joseph B. TrayR' Warden, J oh n F. Reynolds. is ecent initiates: Henry Viohl , Jr., of Charleston, who , out f:embe~· of the Pre-Med Club, th e Glee Club, and is Su r vars!ly basketball and fencing; Herbert Brown, of ' an:~er, who is secretary of the Cliosophic Literary Society; In ad 0 ~ !raywick, of Cameron, likewise a Pre-Med member. th hdllion to these men who have brought the number in bre ck apter up to ten, Alpha has two pledges, Pinckney SeaJo • and Bill Rustin, both of Charleston. the U~t before the Christmas holidays a party was given for Plancslapter by th e first year men which was a grea t success. be . are now und er way for our formal dance which will SIVen early in the spring.

Basketball and Publications Occupy Time of Beta Men E By J. C. McCASKILL


j S COND term officers: Archon, J . R. Kennedy; treas. F. !t~: L. H. ~inte~; secretary, J. C. McCaskill; chaplain, lock. mson; h1stonan, G. C. Adams; warden, T . J . Bin-

· Well represented on the basketball court this year. ForBetah Is F. B t ; . varsity, C. W. Adams plays reg ul ar forward and · bids ·f mson and Pledge H. A. Copeland are makin g strong Ward or the center position. Pledge C. W. Copeland is for; G on the freshman team. Weekr A.da~s was elect~d business manager of the. college scho { He ~ s on the l1terary staff of the Collegwn, the . tra. ow~aga~me, and plays the piano in the coll ege orchesPlays h th h1m on the orchestra is F. R. Stallworth, who L. t e saxophone. 1 Pled H. Winter is managing editor of the college weekly. club ge Graham is participating in the activities of the glee staff aFd the band. B. W. Covington is on the advertising T! 0 the college annual. 1 Cra, ~ Cilap ter was delighted to have visit th em, R. S. ' liigh ore' Beta '30. He is now connected with the State Way Department in Chester, S. C.



larg est Ch apter Membership

Is Had by Delta AS WE b


.t\. en ll egm our second New Year as Pi Kapps, the chapt ro ment of Delta is the largest it has been since the er Was reinstated in October, 1929. There are sixteen


members of the active chapter and eight pl edges. Seven freshmen are wearers of the "white diamond." They are as follows: Frank Child ers, Greenville, S.C.; J ohnnie Graham, Hogansville, Ga.; Harold McPherson, Dayton, Tenn.; Jimmie Scales, Greenville, S. C. ; Bill Self, Ninety-Six, S. C.; "Gillie" Stovall , Adairsville, Ky.; and Everett Summerall, Aiken, S. C. Bill LeCroy, Denmark, S. C., freshman pledge, did not return to school after the holidays. Marcus Crump, Anderson, S. C., sophomore, also was pledged recently. These men are to be initiated in early April. Delta brothers have donned the ritualistic regalia on two occasions this session. Charlie Cox, Woodruff, S. C., Senior, was initiated and received into the chapter on November 24. Wall er Martin, Tifton, Ga., Sophomore, and Elbert Adams, Greenwood, S. C., were "carried through" on January 12. W. H. " Bevo" Arnold, Woodruff, S. C., completed his co urse in the Law School the last of December, so he passed from the active chapter. At th e same time he brought to a close a very successful term of office as archon. It was with regret that we transferred his nam e to the alumni roll. Having passed th e State Bar examinations in November, he is now affiliated with Mann and Plyler, a local law firm. He receives his LL.B. degree from Furman in June. At the first meeting in J anuary officers were elected to serve until June. The following men were chosen: Archon, Robert Scales; treasurer, Robert Fiser; secretary, D. B. Snider; historian, James Culbettson; chaplain, Green Harp Cleveland; warden, Carey Ke ndri ck; and Pan.Hellenic represen ta tive, J eter Rhod es. Delta is holdin g her own with the best groups on the campus, and by the end of th e session we hope to announce honors worthy of a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

Eta Is Well Represented at the Tri-district Conclave

By KEITH WILSON AFTER leaving Emory on th e nin eteenth of December in

.t\. the midst of snow and ice, which is very unu sual for this part of th e country, eighteen active men ret urned to Eta chapter for th e remainder of tl1 e collegia te year. All of the wearers of the white diamond returned excep t two, who hope to be in school at a subsequent date. Eta was represented at the tri-district conclave held at th e University of Alabama in December by our Archon Bill Edwards, Buck Clements, Wilson Patterson, Henry Henderson and Tom Wesley. "Rat Court" for our freshmen is being conducted by our able Freshman Counsellor Buck Clements and his assistant, Sim Wilbanks. These officers have performed their task of management very effici ently. Various members of the chapter have given instructive talks to the freshmen at different times. Eta was glad to welcome back into her midst an outstanding alumnus in the person of J oe Cannon, who graduated at Emory University last June. He was in Atlanta on business for the fraternity and spent some time wi th us. Eta is proud of J oe Cannon and welcomes him back at any time.

[ 37]

THE STAR AND LAI':'!! A worth-while step for the undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi in Atlanta has been accomplished by the agreement of the three chapters in Atlanta-namely, Tech, Oglethorpe and Emory-to meet together at the different chapter houses in Atlanta and have an old-fashioned "gettogether." The first meeting was held in December at Iota. Eta had the pleasure of en tertaining the three chapters in January. These meetings are held on an average of once a month. At the last meeting plans were laid for entertaining the pledges of the three chapters in the form of a dance to be given at an early date.

Six Numerals Possessed by Freshmen of Iota By WILLIAM MANER JOTA CHAPTER attended en masse the Founders' Day celebration at the Ansley Hotel, which proved a very enjoyable occasion as usual, as well as an inspirational one. Archon Cleve Allen represented the chapter in their speaking part of the program. The end of the football season found the chapter with six freshmen wearers of numerals. A satisfactory season was had by the first year team and indicates a bright future for the prospects of Tech team next year in the Southern Conference. There is little doubt that Iota will be represented on tlie Golden Tornado in the coming fall. The annual Spring Dance of the chapter will take place at the East Lake Country Club on May 1. In connection there will probably be a dinner for the actives and their dates. Plans are laid to make this occasion equal to others of past years, which are always events to be anticipated.

Omicron Completes and Dedicates Its Chapter Room By H. H. MIZE Chapter re-opened the house on January 4, OMICRON 1931, after having spent a most enjoyable vacation. Everyone is awaiting the mid-term examinations with an increased endeavor and determination to keep Pi Kappa Phi near the top in scholarship among the Greeks at Alabama. At the last rating we were placed fifth out of approximately thirty organizations rated. At the last meeting before the vacation, Omicron elected its officers for the next semester. The officers are as follows: James A. Watts, archon; J. Theodore Jackson, treasurer and house manager; Philip L. Butler, secretary; Henry H. Mize, historian; Eugene Salmon, chaplain; Joe S. Wittemeier, warden; and William C. Davis, Jr., alumni secretary. Watts and Butler are both Seniors in the Commerce School. The former is a member of Alpha Delta Sigma (professional) and Scabbard and Blade (honorary military); the latter is a member of Alpha Kappa P si (commercial). Jackson served last semester as an exceedingly efficient archon, and we are expecting just as great things from him as treasurer. He is a Junier in the Law School and holds a teaching fellowship in Public Speaking. When the members of Omicron Chapter returned from their vacation they found the entire third story of their home completed. The third floor consists of a chapter room, ante-room, and five spacious bedrooms. This addition almost doubles the capacity of the house. The chapter room is to be dedicated and called the Roy B. Skipper Memorial Chapter Room. Roy Skipper, deceased, was one of the most en·

thusiastic helpers in the erection of our present home about five years ago. Clyde Pearson, Alpha-Iota, an architect. rendered invaluable service in the completion of tl1e third floor. This work was financed from several sources. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Skipper of Ozark, Alabama, parents of RoY• donated the sum of three hundred dollars. The alumni con· tributed approximately one hundred and fifty dollars. }. sinking fund, established two years ago by the active mern· bership for this purpose, yielded almost five hundred dollars. The University of Alabama loaned us the remainder, and Omicron now has a home that is second to none on the campus. Much credit should be given to the committee, which has worked untirin gly for over three months to effect the completion of the project. The committee consisted of the following men : J. T. Jackson, William C. Davis, Darden Bynum, Robert Mundine, and Harry Carroll. Omicron Chapter was the host of a tri-district conclave at its home on December 6 and 7, 1930. We hope that all the visiting brothers enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed having them. A full write-up of this conclave will appear elsewhere in this issue of "The Star and Lamp."

Two Captains of Basketball Are Members of Xi By L. C. STEPHENS term officers of Xi: Archon, W. 0. Williams; SECOND treasurer, F. H. Craft; secretary, E. I. Bell; historian,

L. C. Stephens; chaplain, F. W. Trimmer; warden, S. I.. Lavinder. The chapter is enjoying the distinction of having the captain of varsity basketball for the second successive yea!"· Captain "Dotty" Rutherford is playing his final year as forward. Other men of the chapter possessing regular berths on the team are Williams, Harne and Goode. Among the pledges making a commendable showing on the freshman team are Captain Charles Turner, Rawley Turner, Charles Engers, Erwin Boone, Arthur Smith, Frank Mastin, C. ]3. Thornton, and Dex Davis. Together with Rho Chapter and the Roanoke Alumni Chapter, Xi acted as a host of the tri-district conclave held in Roanoke on December 13. This proved the most enjoyable and instructive of the conclaves held in the citY• A full account of the event appears elsewhere in this issue.

Upsilon to Celebrate Its Tenth AnniversarY By D. F. MULVIHILL LANS have already been started at Upsilon for the Pcelebration of the tenth anniversary of Upsilon's admission into Pi Kappa Phi on May 19. As yet the plans are onlY tentative but all the boys are looking forward to making this the big event of the Spring semester. The brothers are receiving valuable aid from Paul Walker, Past Supreme Councilman, one of the original Gamma Sigma Kappa men and the first archon of Upsilon. New officers have been elected to head the work of Upsi· Ion. They are: Clayton W. Wells, archon ; George H. Mor· ton, treasurer; Paul W. Leppla, secretary; Donald f. Mulvihill, historian ; Harry C. Lawson, chaplain; Ralph Turner, warden.

[ 38]





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By R. D. MONTGOMERY WE TAKE this opportunity to distribute to everyone in· formation concerning some of the alumni of Chi. Those tnembers of the chapter not mentioned herein are requested ~ 0 get in touch with the chapter. The chapter is interested In them and would like to know what they are doing. The letters from alumni are always ·appreciated. Harris Sims, who was president of our student body for ~wo successive years, is now in Lakeland, Florida, where he Is an instructor in Journalism at Southern College. Sims is to be congratulated on his recent marriage to Miss Ellen Chappell at Lakeland, Florida. Another former president of the Stetson student body, J. Tom Smith, is now connected with the law firm of Carey, Weddock, Armstrong and Estry, of Detroit, Mich. Smith is also to be congratulated on his recent marriage to Miss Ann Moreland. Gaylord Kenyon is now residing in Lake Worth, Florida. Joe Hendricks is on the faculty of the Mt. Verde preparatory school, Mt. Verde, Florida. Larry Bernard is connected with the law firm of Hull, Landis and Whitehair, DeLand, Florida. Chet Freeman is coach of athletics and also a member of the high school faculty at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Maurice Williams is employed by the Seaboard Airline Railway, but is contemplating opening a law office for himself soon in Tampa, Florida. Stanley Wagg is at the Princeton Theological Seminary studying for the ministry. Chan Johnson is connected with the Cadillac Motor Sales Co., in Detroit, Mich. Joe Jennings, Sledge Tatum, Charles Flynn and Lloyd Laten, we are glad to say, are all doing very well in their own law offices in J acksonville, Fla. . Julius Breckwoldt is enjoying a brief vacation at his home In Johnstown, N. Y.

Edwin Vosburg is also in Johnstown, N. Y., and is with a large chemical and tanning corporation in that town. We received word recently that the engagement of Vosburg to Miss Margaret Ward has been announced, the marriage to take place in the near future. Good luck to you, Eddie. Thomas J. Reedy is in the legal profession in Miami, Fla. Edward Marsh is with a chain of dry goods stores in Miami, Florida. Russell Cureton is the operator of a chain system known as the Famous Cleaners, Miami, Florida. Charles Costar is an auditor of The Third National Bank, Miami, Florida. John Carlton is residing in Miami now, and we understand that he has just returned from New York City, where he was recently married to Miss Louise Posey. Walter Wilcox is located in Cainsville, Fla., and is con· nected with the firm of J. C. Sewell & Co. Jess Mathis and Reginald Hammond are now wintering in De Land, Florida. Max Burgner is now residi ng in Palm Beach, Florida. Clayton Codrington is editor of the newspaper of Lake City, Florida. J. T. Smith is the owner of two prominent barber shops in De Land, Florida. He is also a city commissioner. H. C. Campbell, Jr., owns the Ford agency of De Land, Florida. E. Roberts Robinson is now at the University of Florida, studying law. Carl Ledbetter and Dick Folsom are also at the University of Florida. Felton Mikel is attending Duke University. Ollif Mikel is studying dentistry in a dental college in Georgia. R. J . Longstreet is city supervisor of schools of Daytona, Florida. Perry McCampbell is manager of a furniture store in West Palm Beach, Florida. Fred Gundlach is wintering in West Palm Beach.

[ 39}

THE STAR AND LAM_! Hewen Lassiter is con nected with a bonding company at Orlando, Florida. Lassiter is to be co ngratulated on his marriage to Miss Mary Montgomery, of Miami, Florida. Jack Crow is district salesman for the General Electric products, St. Petersburg, Florida. Amory Underhill is a radio salesman in De Land, Florida. Ralph Barnett is the district salesman for Heinz products in Florida and has his home in De Land. Charles Tatum is with the Electric Maid Baking Co., of · De Land, Florida. Joe Hines is at the Babso n School of Commerce at Babson Park, Mass. Bert Eustice, our past archon, is in th e law department of the Bell Telephone Co., Chicago, m. In the latter part of November, Chi chapter held their annual Fall Program Ball at Daytona Beach, F lorida, and from all reports, it was one of the most successful social even ts th at Chi chapter has ever held. Founder's Day was celebrated here with a smoker, followed by a radio program during which we all listened in on the Atlanta program. The following Sunday the chapter attended church in a body in honor of the Founders. Recently we initiated three freshmen: James Griffin, Bartow, Fla.; Wil liam Jennings, BaiTe, Vt., and William Kirschbane, Tarpon Springs, Fla.

Our basketball p1·actice has begun and Pi Kapps are plan· ning to win the basketball cup and add it to the ScholarshiP Cup we won this year. Bob Coursey was elected coach of the team and, since he has played ball for a number of years, he should be able to put out a winning club. At the last meeting, officers were elected as follows: Ross U. Harden, archon; Raymond Cole, treasurer; John Cash, secretary; Joe Freeman, historian; Everett Cox, warden; and Bob Coursey, Pan-Hellenic representative. The Macon Pi Kapps were invited to the meeting and Foy Bird and Virgil Lettice and Joe McClain, dean of the Mercer Law School, accepted the invitation. Euc Reeves was also at the meeting. Joe Cannon, of the Central Office, was a very welcome visitor at our chapter for several days last week. We enjoyed his stay very much and hope he will come again real soon. Of course we have made the usual New Year's resolutions but we really intend to keep them this time. We are going to have some more good freshmen wearing our pledge but· ton this fa ll and have already mad e plans for an extensive rushing season. We would like to take this occasion to thank all th e Pi Kapps and chapters who sent us such beautiful Christmas cards.

Omega Anticipates the Coming of Spring Sunshine By H. G. THOEMING


St. Valentine's Is Date of

UST no\V all we "Omegians" are searching for that coming silver lining in this cloud of finals. When the sun shines brightest we are most active, so by the time that good ole silver lining shows up we will be all full of wim, wigor and witality. The past has been very inactive, with but a few banquets and parties-the lull before the storm. Soon there will be new semester . .. formals •.. spri ng . . . initiation. Last December wasn't very old befo1·e we had our Founder's Day banquet. Every Pi Kapp facu lty member but one was here at the house for the occasion. Since the new year began, we have found out several things. Art Donovan will graduate this semester. Art was leader of th e most popul ar campus orchestra, and the campus along with the chapter is going to miss that tall, dark trombone player. And then Charlie Myers was elected the ou tstandin g man of the sophomore agriculture students. The social committee hinted that they might be busy by announcing the date for our comi ng formal as the twentyeighth of February, to be held in the chap ter house. The new pictures that the boys gathered while home during th e holidays-not to mention all the gay cloths called ties- have become part of the old collection and the holidays are almost forgotten. The last election was novel in that all but two men were replaced in the office he held the preceding semester. The new officers are: C. E. Field, archon; G. Fortune, secretary ; R. W. Bainbridge, treasurer ; H. G. Thoeming, historia n; E. N. Franklin, bookkeeper; W. G. Fassnacht, chaplain; 0. L. Mm er, warden; M. A. PI"ice, steward.


Alpha Alpha Makes New Year Resolutions By B. C. TEASLEY, Jr. ALL the active men came back to school after CJu-jstmas. ft Pledge Jack Van Zandt is not back but will probably be in school next year.

HE last eve nt on th e social calendar of Alpha Beta was the formal dance held on St. Valentine's Day. We T und erstand th at there have been other massacres on the same day. It was good. All the men looked to th eir tuxedos and actually appeared i n th em. Some of our northern hreth· ren may laugh at the idea of tuxedos being formal; but listen, Bud: they are not only formal but formidable to us. Some of them have historical pasts. Mine, for instance, was worn by my great-grandfather when uniforms were scarce at Appomatox, and probably will be worn by my great· grandson when uniforms are obsolete at West Point. Jack Birdwell was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, honor· ary senior medic, being the only member of Pi Kappa Phi and Phi Chi to receive the honor this year. Ross Fisher was declared ineligible for boxing because he participated in that sport at Harvard.

Alpha Gamma Participates in Enjoyable Social Season By FRANK EWING ARLY winter activiti es of Alpha Gamma chapter have

E been marked distinctly by a series of successful social

events on the University of Oklahoma campus. A formal house dance December 6 opened the chapter's winter cal· endar of gaieties, which will continue throughout the seas~n. Founders' Day was celebrated by an evening memonal consisting of a banquet followed by a radio party at which members listened to th e Atlanta Alumni program broadcast from WSB. Graduating seniors each gave a toast to the fraternity at th e banquet, and Edwin Wood, official chapter adviser presen ted the history of the local organization which becam~ Alpha Gamma chapter. Ross Hume delivered an address on the history of the national organization. John Fletcher of Omicron chapter, who is connected with the Insurance Rating Bureau in Oklahoma Ci ty, made his second annu al Founders' Day visit to th e chap ter and de· livered a special talk.

[ 40]


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T.he annual Christmas party was held December 17, fol·

Program for the patty but found the occasion more con· venient to stage their yearly walkout. Prominent among holiday festivities enjoyed by the chapter Was rhe second yearly New Year's dance given at the 0 rthside Country Club at Enid, Oklahoma. Lyman EdWards, Bob Hotchkiss, WalLen McKenzie and Hm·old Vessels of Enid, arranged the dance. Approximately 30 Pi Kapps and Pledges, several alumni members, together with special guests and rushees, attended. The dance was a distinct success in every respect. Considered as one of the most novel and outstanding ~cia] events on the university campus, the annual Pi Kapp f Irate dance is scheduled for February 28. Plans are being orrnulated to make this year's dance the best since the custom's inception in 1929. H The chapter received a pleasant surprise recently when oily Anderson, first president of the local Pi Kappa, made ~s a short visit. Anderson is mayor of Sand Springs, Okla· 10 tna. His visit with the chapter is the first in several years. Alpha Gamma is maintaining its strength in all phases of campus activity. Membership in national honorary fra~rnal orders has been increased by the initiation of Lyle . an Arsdale into Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engineer· Jng fraternity, and into Scabbard and Blade, national mili· tary order. Tom Losey has been pledged to Phi Mu Alpha, national music fraternity.

Eighth Out of Thirty-Seven Scholarship Record of Alpha Zeta

By ROBERT PEACOCK WITH the opening of their new hou se this fall, the members of Alpha Zeta chapter placed eigh th in schol· ))


arship among the 37 Greek-letter frat ernities on the Oregon State campus. The fight was on, and at the close of fall rushing 26 new men were wearing the white diamond of Pi Kappa Phi. Among the activities of this group of men, we find that six made their letters in rook football, two secured positions in the men's glee club, one made the trip to Chicago with the band for the Thanksgiving game, three are popular in campus dance bands, one is on the R. 0. T. C. pistol team, one is on the rook track team, one on the varsity basketball squad, two were on the rook crew, two are on publication staffs and two are popular in dramatic and radio work, respec tively. In the fall initiation two neophytes took the oath into our brotherhood. They were Jack Bradley of Vallejo, Calif., and Paul Brunskill of Albany, Ore. We held the first dance of the year in our new house on Thursday evening, November 13, 1930. It was a rally dance for the homecoming game. The house was thrown open to the entire campus and over a hundred friends of the fraternity were present to enjoy the music of featured 01·egon State dance numbers. A Thanksgiving dinner dance was held dming that vacation and on December 6, 1930, we held om annual falJ informal. Several interesting dinners were held during the term including a pledge dinner, Founders' Day banquet, and our annual Christmas dinner and smoker, for which the pledges deserve credit for the splendid entertainment they presented for our enjoyment. Fall term saw the initiation of three Alpha Zeta men into campus honoraries. Howard Davis, our smiling archon, made Phi Kappa Phi, national all college honorary. This makes the fourth honorary to his coll ege career as he is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, national commerce honorary, Beta Alpha Psi, national accounling honorary, and Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary in band. Bob Williams and

Chapter Leaders





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Earl Blackwell Archon Pi

Donovan and Skokos Archon and Treasurer Psi

[ 41]

George Copeland Archon Alpha Pi

THE STAR AND LAMJ Kenneth Martin were initiated into Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional commerce fraternity. Alpha Zeta won a beautiful silver cup for having one of the best home-coming signs this year and it sure looks nice on the mantel in our new home. Willard Ormsby had one of the leading roles in "Ten Nights In a Barroom," produced by National Collegiate Players. Willard is a Junior in electrical engineering. John Dutro was a member of the Oregon State Dairy Cattle and Products judging team which went east this fall for the National Dairy Cattle Contest in St. Louis and the National Dairy Products Contest at Cleveland. The 0. S. C. team placed third at St. Louis and sixth at Cleveland. Dutro was gone 21 days in all and while in the east visited our Omega chapter at Purdue. Besides being on the Oregon State Stock Judging Team, he is on the senior crew and after his graduation in dairy husbandry in June, will be employed by the U. S. government in inspection work at Oakland, Calif. Alpha Zeta chapter is extremely proud to have Walter Jones here at Oregon State as a member of the faculty. He is assistant professor of aeronautical engineering. Pledge Donald Lawton of Portland, Ore., has an amateur radio broadcasting set here at the house and has held direct two-way communication with over 48 different countries on all the continents and also ships at sea. His station in Portland is W7BE and he communicated daily with the recent Byrd expedition in the Antarctic. Lawton won the International Radio Relay contest for the Pacific northwest sponsored by the American Radio Relay League in Portland last February. He is very anxious to make acquaintance over the air of any Pi Kapp who operates an amateur station in the east. Listen for station W7DS here at the house.

Alpha Theta Takes Pride in Many Cups By ALAN S. COSS above picture is a snap shot of Alpha Theta's T HE trophy room. This particular trophy room in question happens to be our living room, consequently we're mighty proud of that line up over our fireplace where everybody can see it. It sure is great to curl up in that big armchair before the fire and scan a few hundred pages of Industrial History and then, sleepy-eyed, let our gaze wander down that line of cups. Let's see . . . On our left is the J . Wilson Robinson Scholarship cup which Alpha Theta won two years in succession and then lost to Alpha Kappa, this year, by a scant margin. L. A. "Curly" Davenport won the individual scholarship award for Alpha Theta for 1928-29. We're going to get that cup back again next year or break a leg. Next in line is the Interfraternity bowling cup for '27 and the M. A. C. Rifle Club cup won in Interfraternity competition in '21 and '22. Next is the Interfraternity bowling (high individual scoring) cup for '27 and the Individual Fencing cup for '27. The Scholarship Cup "presented to Alpha Theta by the Detroit Alumni Chapter, 1928" comes next. Following that is the First Prize Award for the Humorous Float in the Water Carnival, 1929. On the extreme right is the "Pi Kappa Phi Varsity Award, 1929-1930." In the center, by the way, is the only ticker in the house that dares dispute the authority of the big chime tower on the campus. Who wouldn't be proud of that line-up of cups. We are, and we're hot on the trail for more of them. We have, no doubt, tl1e greatest list of pledges ever signed up here at East Lansing and, by th e looks of things, we




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Trop!Jy Corner-Alpha Theta have all of the future golf kings, track stars, and foot· ball heroes on deck here as prospective brother Pi KapP 5• We pin a great deal of hope on these new pledges because a great many of us will forever give up the ghost in at· tempting to disprove the prof's "they shall not pass" theo~ We are planning on passing out into the cold cruel worl before long and we certainly are going to miss that old Alpha Theta gang then. Winter, as Michigan has it, will soon be here again and with the thought of blizza.rds, cold mornings, and sore throats comes this one ray of sunshine: "If winter comes, can the winter formal be far behind?" Answer, NO! ! .. "We sure have our share of open houses and pa1·ties up here 81 the Alpha Theta house and it keeps the social committee 0 11 the jump most of the time as well as those that sling 6 wicked hoof. That sixth place in the efficiency contest doesn't look s~ bad to us either, in fact, taking it all around we are pretll well satisfied with ourselves up here. Does this write-UP sound the least bit egotisti~al? Sure, and why not? ~phd Theta is prospering and ranng to go and we are determme to keep it that way.

Alpha Kappa Experiments with House Rule Enforcemel11 By CARROLL FOSTER past the enforcement of house rules has been o~~ I NofTHE the foremost problems confronting Alpha Kappa. Thl' year an attempt to improve the si tuation has succeeded quitt satisfactorily, although the work has been vexing at ti~et There are several reasons why house rules are pecubar f difficult to enforce. Their complexity and need of flexibilit) as well as the type of penalty for violation cause diffi~ulti~· In only a few instances can rules be set down as spec1fica f saying "Don't---." Moreover, it is only fair that same degree of punishment should not be imposed for VI~ lations occurring under different circumstances or in vafl ing degrees.

[ 42]


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.Th n, too, the governing body, usually the executive com-

Engineering. Joe Miller is transferring to the University of Pennsylvania to continue his course in Veterinary. Joe was high scorer on the stock judging team this year. The officers for next semester are: Dave Porter, archon; Harlan West, treasurer; Don Kirkland, secretary; Horace Epler, chaplain; Mike Bigger, historian; Jim Moyer, warden, and Bud Bildstein, house manager. Glen Stoudt becomes caterer, having served as Harry Rodger's assistant this semester.

~ttee, might be indifferent towards enforcing rules and ~Posing fines, or prejudiced upon certain occasions. Even


Wllh a competent, fair committee there will inevitably be some complaint of partiality by the offending members. Another difficulty is to find an adequate substitute for ~ec~niary fines, which are at best, unsatisfactory and unesJrable in a fraternity group and which should be imposed only as a last resort. ~lpha Kappa sought to overcome these difficulties and exPenmented with several suggestions. The executive commit~ee was intrusted with the authority to make such rules as 1 ~ deemed necessary and to enforce them at its own discretion. b The code of rules decided upon was submitted to the memers and approved with a few revisions and additions. EmPhasis was laid upon the members becoming acquainted with the rules and conforming to them. Pecuniary fines were reduced to a minimum. The only way to reduce punishment was to reduce offenses, and so an attempt was made to build up the morale. One ~e~hod which proved unsatisfactory was that of calling individuals before the executive committee and laying their off~nses openly before them with suggestions as to remedies. his system aroused a feeling of antagonism upon the part of the offender who felt that he was being discriminated against, and also took too much time, so it was finally discarded.


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The final method adopted was a concerted effort upon the Part of the members of the executive committee to build up the morale by appealing to the members for cooperation, and reminding them tactfully whenever they committed an offense. The reaction to this system resulted in a great decrease in the number of violations; and one reminder was usually sufficient, so that pecuniary fines are practically extinct. As a result of our experiment we feel that a operation and a willingness to obey the house on]y means of enforcement. If this spirit does must be obtained by tactful and unoffending measures.

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Alpha Mu Takes Part in Many Activities



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WITH the mid-year examinations at hand, Alpha Mu has settled down to an intensive study program, during Which the midnight oil burns brightly. Interest in campus actiVIties is not dropping, however, and with pledges and actives working, we hope to be able to announce some numeral men in the spring. Boxing, basehall, lacrosse and track are the particular sports in which the chapter is represented. In the Thespian Club, Glee Club ~?d on the staff of the Penn State Collegian, the college I-weekly newspaper, the house is well represented. T ~o~ Kieffer is a member of The Senior Ball Committee. . his Is Bob's second experience on a dance committee, havIng served last year on The Junior Prom Committee. , The. new pledges since our last rushing are: Grant Colton, ,34, Pmsburgh; LeRoy Bishop, '33, Lemoyne; Gordon Fay, ,33, Clearfield; Paul Borg, '33, Wanen, and Webster Taylor, 32, Swarthmore. C With the close of the semester Alpha Mu loses two men. ~rl Gring, archon for two semesters and holder of nearly a other offices in the house, will graduate in Mechanical


A Capacity House Is the Boast of Ohio State Men

By AL YIN H. FRYE HERE'S an old saying that "There is always room for one more," but that could not be very satisfactorily applied to the Alpha Nu chapter house with the starting of the winter quarter. With twenty-two fellows living in the house we are filling it to the limit. At present there are eleven men pledged to Alpha Nu. They are: George Koepf, Buffalo, N. Y.; William Irons, Lakewood, Ohio; Dick Hall, Dayton; Dave Myer, Norwood; Robert Thompson, Alpha, Ohio; Lester Thompson, Columbus; William Gall, Huron; Clarence Smith, Massilon; George Young, Dayton; Walter Horsley, Sanford, Maine, and Floyd Strowe, Bowling Green, Ohio. Plans are now being made for the annual winter formal. This year it will be held on a day that is not looked to with very much favor. That day is Friday, the thirteenth of February. Despite this handicap we are expecting a record attendance. Three dances were held last quarter and every one of them went over like a Liberty loan drive. No members graduated at the end of the fall quarter. At the winter commencement Fred Rector will be the only one to leave us. Fred has served very capably as archon for the last year and it will be hard to find anyone to fill the office as well as he has. At our winter initiation Professor Chadwick of the Ohio State faculty will take the vows to Pi Kappa Phi In our intramural endeavors we have had some very tough breaks. In indoor baseball we lost a league cup to last year's university champions, and in bowling we lost out by seven pins from bringing home another cup. Basketball will get under way soon and we may come through in that and put Pi Kappa Phi in the front. Norby Fuchs is performing on the Varsity fencing team and is looking forward to trips to Chicago, New York, and several other places. Practically everyone came through with passing grades in the quarter just completed and Alpha Nu is thus off to another good start to annex the scholarship cup this year. Herb Boring led all the boys in grades achieved, making a straight A record.


Alpha Omicron Another Chapter to Adopt Study Table

By W. B. PENROSE ALPHA OMICRON has taken great strides forward since I\. the last issue of the Star and Lamp. Activities and chapter improvement were stressed. Our piedges seemed to have a decided dislike for study this fall. Partly due to this and partly due to chapter improvement, a study table was established. This not only bolstered the pledges average, but also boosted the actives'

[ 43 ]


THE STAR AND LAMP average. In fa ct, the ac tive chapter average was increased three per cent over th e previous quarter. The ac tive chapter fo r this quarter consists of sixteen men. We have twelve pledges, all of whom are livi ng in th e hou se. Harold Shold of R'ockford , Ill., returned to school this quarter. Ivan Sack of Long Beach, Calif., also return ed. Sack has been in th e employ of th e United States Forest Service, doing recon na issance work in the Plumas Forest Reserve in California. Files did not return for the winter quarter, but he will be back for rushing and anoth er big year next fall. Alpha Omicron is celebra ting th e winning of second prize in th e efficiency con test co ndu cted las t year. We warn Omega to be caref ul of her first place. The addressi ng machine is certainly a useful piece of machin ery for us. We are havi ng a formal dance February 28 at the Hotel Sheld on-Munn in Ames. An enthu siastic orches tra in Tiny Little and His Texas Toe Teasers is promised. In the interim both before and after we are havin g firesides at the Chapter House. The Pledges held a hard-time fireside J anuary 23, and if acti ons are indicative of joy, they passed a merry eve nin g. The active chapter will hold a fireside February 6. Boyd Penrose was initiated into Scabbard and Blade followin g his excell ent work i n the Military Department during the last two quarters. Our pledges are active on th e ca mpus. Dale Swisher has th e position of assistant circul ation manager of our yearbook, " The Bomb." Marsh and Witt are out for freshman track. Both men look like numeral winners. Grantham and Bachellor are out for freshman basketball. Robertson is si nging seco nd tenor in th e Iowa State Glee Club. We look for him to make th e Iowa State quartet before he gradu ates. Brother Benn Nelson is also singi ng in th e Glee Club. Both active and freshmen of Alpha Omicro n have a strong b asketball team thi s year. The freshmen enter intramural sports as an independ ent team. They have five hi gh school stars to compete for a cup. The actives have three hi gh school stars and plenty of good reserve materi al. We are goi ng to try hard to bring home anoth er cup for the mantel. Dan Cupid selected Carleton Austin for hi s last victim here. He ind uced Miss Ardi s Sheats of Aledo, Ill., to wear hi s diamond badge.

Alpha Rho Regrets Departure of Old Men By FRED STEW ART HAPTER officers for the second semester: Fred Fisher, archon ; Charlie Hill , treasurer ; August Marques, secretary; Fred Stewart, historian ; Donald Headlee, chaplain, and Ware Murrill, warden. Lawrence Oneacre, archon of Alph a Rho last semester, grad uated from th e College of Engineering at mid-year this year. Oneacre's gradu ation is certainly a loss to the chapter. Last semester was the second time that " Plunk" has led our gro up , havin g been president of our old group before we became Alpha Rho of Pi Kappa Phi. Archons are ha1·d men to choose and choose well. There is all the responsibility for the progress of the chapter resting upon th e archon. When we chose Oneacre, we obtained a man who was able to take that responsibility and ca rry it. We are all very sorry to see him leave us, but we know him well enou gh to know that his interest in the group will not la g with his leavin g school, but that he will always be interested in the welfare of Pi Kappa Phi. Our new archon, Fred Fisher, is somewhat th e same type of man. Fisher has shown his qualities by being elected to the high est position in the chapter whil e only a sophomore. He is a member of th e boxing squad and expects to win hi s


.l etter in his first year of varsity competition. He boxes in the 125-pound class an d is giving th e veteran in that class plenty of troubl e to keep his place on th e team. ·Fisher be· longs to Torch and Serpen t, the honorary sophomore organi· zation. Und er his guid ance we hope to accomplish much thi s semester. Charlie Hall is leavin g us this semester also. H e receives hi s degree from the College of Arts and Sciences as a Chern· istry major. We certainl y hate to see him go as he was the man who kept us worki ng all th e tim e. He was secretary during hi s last semester here. Charlie Hill is w01·king out daily with th e indoor track squad. He was sick last summer and is not up to hi s usual stand ard in the weight events, but is still expected to take his share of points in all meets. Martin is out for varsity basketball. Alpha Rho is doing fairly well in intramural athleti cs, but we ex pect to do better. Our handball tea m was eliminated in the semi -fin als by the campus champions. We had a full team entered in th e wrestlin g meet. Our basketball team has won one game and lost one so far. Hi ggs and Stewart have been initiated into Scabbard and Blade and Stewart has been initiated into Tau Beta Pi a]so. Adkin s, Fisher and Masonheimer were taken into Torch and Serpent. Hill now belon gs to Alpha Zeta, th e agriculture society. Rod gers is on the committee for th e Military Ball, the biggest dance of the year at W. V. U. Our cadet officers are all hopin g for and expecting promotions for th e second semester. We will be holding initiation soon and will materially in· crease our membership at that time. Alpha Rho offers a jeweled pin to the pledge makin g th e high est scholastic and pledge rating. We have a point system for the pledges which is the basis for the awardin g of the pin. Competition is very keen among several pledges.

Under the Student's Lamp (Continu ed from Page 11)

organizations that base their selections on high scholarship are the ones who stand out among their fellows in later life. At the Christmas meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. H. H. Remmers, of Purdue University, presented data which showed that members of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternity, elected in 1923 at Purdue had salaries at present proportional to their grades while in the university. He studied the records of 100 graduates of that year and found that for the past year the average salary of the entire group was $2,394, whereas the average salary of those who were mem· bers of Tau Beta Pi was $2,970. Some of our chapters have unusual records in memberships in these honorary organizations and the chapter historians should keep careful, accurate records of such scholarship achievements. For ex· ample, Omega Chapter at Purdue has this year five brothers who are members of Tau Beta Pi, which is approximately twenty per cent of the undergraduate membership of Tau Beta Pi at that institution. Like· wise, Kappa Chapter at the University of North Carolina has in recent years had regularly froru

[ 44]


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three to five brothers who were members of Phi Beta Kappa. There is high probability that in twenty-five years from now these two chapters will have an un ually high percentage of the prominent alumni of Pi Kappa Phi.





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Mohawk-Hudson Pi Kapp Club Organized (Continued /ro m Page 23)

Alpha u (Ohio State)-L. C. Athy. Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)-H. A. Kuehne. Alpha Rho (U. of W. Va.)-J. T. an Voorhis. Several other Pi Kapps who had planned to a ttend, but for whom the date chosen was in convenient, sent in messages of regret and promised to be Present at th e next gath ering. The dinner table was decorated in th e fraternity colors, and the Pi KapJla Phi atmosphere was further enhanced by the bron ze coat-of-arms in the center of th e table. Needless to say, th e twelve hungry men did justi ce to the dinner, after which fraternity matters were discussed. Th e meeting itself Wa a rather uniqu e affair in that it was a gathering of men who were almost total strangers to one an-

other, but who had one thing in common- the Pi Kappa Phi fraternal ties. A very enjoyable time was had in getting better acquainted with one another. Letters from District Archon A. W. Meisel an d other brothers were read, and other fraternity matters were considered, including the plans for future activi ti es. An informal organization was adopted for this purpose, and, until more definite plans are perfected, thi s Mohawk-Hudson Pi Kapp Club will function as the means of fostering the fraternal spirit among Pi Kapps in thi loca lity through dinners and other activities. This provisional organization is under the lea dership of W. F. Ja cob, with W. C. Hurt as secretary. The date set for the next meeting of the MohawkHudson Pi Kapps is Friday night, January 16. The hour and place was not definitely set, but notices will be sent later . If there are any men in th e vicinity who are interested in becoming acquainted with these Pi Kapps, it is sin cerely hoped that they will make themselves known to either W. F. Jacob in care of Main Library, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., or to W. C. Hurt, Jr. , 4 Haigh Avenue, Schenectady, N. Y.



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--------------------------KnowYoUI• G••eek Neighbo••s It is well to know the comparative strength of your fellow Greeks when rushing time comes around. The only way to be absolutely certain is to refer to the latest copy of Baird's Manttal of American College Fraternities. The 1930 issue, the twelfth edition of this directory, has just been published. It has been thoroughly revised by Dr. Francis W. Shepardson. Many new improvements have been ad ded including a four color pledge button insert. The book sells for $4 postpaid. Enter yottr order today thrortgh this pttblication.

T'velith •11930 I• Edition




--------------------------[ 45)







Founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C., December 10, 1904. Incorporated under the laws of the State of South Carolina, December 23, 1907. FOUNDERS Simon Fogarty, 151 Moultrie Street, Charleston, S. C. Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Chapter Eternal, February 8, 1922. Lawrence Harry Mixson, 217 East Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.


GENERAL OFFICERS Supreme Secretary SUPREME COUNCIL Elmer N. Turnquist Supreme Archon 6121 North Mozart A. Pelzer Wagener Chicago, Ill. College of William and Mary P. 0 . Box 426, Station A Williamsburg, Va. Supreme Editor Supreme Historian Richard L. Young Leo H . Pou 2 Ashland Ave. P. 0. Box 342 Charlotte, N. C. Mobile, Ala.

Supreme Treasurer 1ohn C. Johnston Experiment Station Morgantown, W.Va.



THE CENTRAL OFFICE Suite 319, 636 Church Street Evanston, Ill. Howard D. Leake, Executive Secretary J, W. Cannon, Jr.J..Assistant Secretary Telephone ureenleaf 7078 All Communications of a General Nature Should Be Sent to the Central Office, and Not to Individuals.




First District Albert W. Meisel 140 Liberty Street New York, N.Y. Second District Gene Dunaway 205 Boxley Bldg. Roanoke, Va. Third District R. L. Price 9 W. Third St. Charlotte, N.C. Fourth District T . A. Houser St. Matthews, S. C.

Ninth District J. W. Robinson 1027 David Stott Bldg. Detroit, Mich. Tenth District F. R. Sturm 936 Baker Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Eleventh District Jacob B. Naylor Box 572 Rapid City, S.D. Twelfth District E.W.Kiffin c-o Frigidaire Sales Corporation Omaha, Nebr.

Fifth District T. Croom Partridge Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. Sixth District 0. Forrest McGill 144 N . Orange Orlando, Fla. Seventh District J. C. Burton 502 1s t Nat'! Bank Bldg. Birmingham, Ala. Eighth District John R. Gass 3843 Bowen Road Toledo, Ohio

Thirteenth District Dr. J, H. Robinson Wesley Memorial Hospital Oklahoma City, Okla. Fourteenth District Clancy A. Latham 2218 Penniston New Orleans, La. Fifteenth District Unassigned Sixteenth District Unassigned Seventeenth District Walter R. Jones Oregon State College Corvallis, Ore. Eighteenth District Unassigned

STANDING COMMITTEES Dr. W . E. Edington, Chairman DePauw University Greencastle, Ind.

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Dr. R. L. Petry University of the South Sewanee, Tenn. Advisory Archi teet James Fogarty 3102 Park Ave. Richmond, Va.

Dr. J. E. Winter West Virginia University Morgantown, W.Va.

COMMITTEE ON RITUAL AND INSIGNIA George E. Sheetz Dr. J, Friend Day, Chairman 94 Church Street University of British Columbia Charleston, S. C. Vancouver, B. C., Canada COMMITTEE ON ENDOWMENT INVESTMENTS George D. Driver L. C. Gould E. A .. Pierce & Co. 450 Telephone Bldg. No. 1 Ford Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich. Term Expires Term Expires Dec. 31, 1931 Dec. 31, 1933

R. E. Allen, Chairman Central Union Trust Co. 40 E. 42nd St. New York, N.Y. Term Expires Dec. 31, 1935

John D. Carroll, Chairman Lexington, S. C.

COMMITTEE ON ENDOWMENT FUND A. W. Meisel, Secretary Hen_ry Harper 140 Liberty St. 1225 W. Broad St. New York City Richmond, Va.

[ 46}

R. J. Heffner 178 MilJs St. Morristown, N. J,







UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS To Receive Notice, Changes in Personnel Must Be Reported Immediately to the Executive Secretary on Form 6. NOTE: The address in every case is the official address of the chapter. Following the officers is listed the chapter publication.

ALA~AMA-Omicron, District 7.

Pt Kappa Phi House, University Ala. J · A. \Vatts, Archon. PT. L. Butler, Secretary. he Omicronite

ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC-Alpha·Iota, District 7. 209 W . Glenn Ave., Auburn, Ala. R . B. Upchurch, Archon. J .hP. Roberts, Secretary. T e Alota Kenneth Daughrity, '25, Chapter Adviser.

BR~~~~YN :J;OLYlE~~NI~-;lpha-Xi, District 1. L 1 ney ace, roo yn, · · W N. Rowley, Jr., Archon. The ~o~~~[,:d Secretary. Alfred J. Wilson, '22, Chapter Adviser.

CALIFORNIA-Gamma, District 18. 25 10 LeConte Ave., Berkeley, Calif. f<: T. Grassi, Archon. . L. White, Secretary. T he G'ammazette, I<. L. White Secretary. C:EiARLESTON-Alpha, District 4. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Charleston, S.C. J. D. Watson, Archon. T. F. Mosimann, Secretary. COR NELL-Psi, District 1. 115 Ridgewood Road, Ithaca, N.Y. J . P. Donovan, Archon. R. E. Brimmer, Secretary. The Cornell Psiren Paul Work, '07, Chapter Adviser. DAVIDSON-Epsilon, District 3. Box 276, Davidson, N. C. R. S. Hall, Archon.


Prof E A Beaty '21 Chapter Adviser. · · · ' ' D1JI<E-Mu, District 3. Pi I<apk Phi Fraternity, Durham, N. C. ~· H~·Bronwtpn~e' eA, rScehc~neiary. A. H. Dorland, '27, Chapter Adviser.


EMORY-Eta, District 5. 129 0 S. Oxford Road, Atlanta, Ga. W. T. Edwards, Archon. I<. A. Wilson, Secretary. The Eta Scroll Raymond B. Nixon, '25, Chapter Adviser. FLORIDA-Alpha-Epsilon, District 6. Box 2756, University Station, Gainesville, Fla. Robert Scholze, Archon. D. B . Frye, Secretary. The Gatorzette F'tJRMAN-Delta, District 4. 4 Nona St., Greenville, S. C. Robert Scales, Archon. D. B. Snider, Secretary. R. N. Daniel, '07, Chapter Adviser. GEORGIA-Lambda, District 5. 386 Hill St., Athens, Ga. Frank Buchanan, Archon. W. S. Stewart, Secretary. GEORGIA TECH-Iota, District 5. 743 W. l'eacbtree, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Cleve Allen, Archon. Rex Gephart, Secretarl'. J. Lawton Ellis, '09, Chapter Adviser. ROWARD COLLEGE-Alpha-Eta, District 7. Box 117, East Lake, Birmingham, Ala. R. C. Padll'ett, Archon. F. J. Flemmg, Jr., Secretary. Alpha-Eta Grams Albert Lee Smith, '05, Chapter Adviser. ILLINOIS-Upsilon, Di strict 9. 106 E. Green St., Champaign, Ill. C. W. Wells, Archon. P. W. Leppla, Secretary. Upsilon Ups V. R. Fleming, '05, Chapter Adviser.

IOWA STATE-Alpha·Omicron, District 12. 204 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa. A. I<. Johnson, Archon. Carl Olson, Jr., Secretary. The Almicron James R. Sage, '12, Chapter Adviser. MERCER-Alpha-Alpha, District 5. 1223 Oglethorpe St., Macon, Ga. P. F. Etheridge, Archon. W. C. Askew, Secretary. Alphalpha Hel' Joseph A. McClain, Jr., '24, Chapter Adviser. MICHIGAN-Alpha-Kappa, District 9. 1001 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. R. A. Edwards, Archon. H. C. Hotchkiss, Secretary. The Moon and Candle F. Bradley Case, '25, Chapter Adviser. MICHIGAN STATE-Alpha-Theta District 9. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, East Lansing, Mich. R. W . Dearing, Archon. C. E. Dowd, Secretary. The Alpha-Theta Stater Edward D. Clifford, '22, Chapter Adviser. MISSISSIPPI-Alpha-Lambda, District 7. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, University, Miss. W. H. Inzer, Archon. D . G. Griffith, Secretary. The Lambdonian James R. Simms, Jr., '23, Chapter Adviser. NEBRASI<A-Nu, District 12. 1820 B. St., Lincoln, Nebr. L. R. Galloway, Archon. H. G. Kirchoff, Secretary. The Nebraska Nu's H. C. Henderson, Chapter Adviser. NORTH CAROLINA-Kappa, District 3. Pittsboro Road, Chapel Hill, N . c. J. G. Slater, Archon. J. G. I<urfees, Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA STATE-Tau, District 3. 1720 Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. R. L. Caviness,. Jr., Archon. W. C. Bangs, ::.ecretary. The Taulegram OGLETHORPE-Pi, District 5. Pi Kappa l'hi Fraternity, Oglethorpe University, Ga. Earl Blackwell, Archon. R. I<. Jordan, Secretary. Edgar Watkin s, Jr., '23, Chapter Adviser. OHIO STATE-Alpha-Nu, District 8. 118 14th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. F. E. Rector, Archon. N. E. Fuch s, Secretary. The Alpha-Nu's Alex Laurie, '14, Chapter Adviser. OI<LAHOMA- AJpha· G'amma, District 13. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Norman, Okla. R. E. Gilchrist, Archon. R. S. Johnston, Secretary. The Alpha-Gamma Star Edwin I<. Wood, '23, Chapter Adviser. OREGON STATE-Alpha-Zeta District 17. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Corvallis, Oregon. Howard Davis, Archon. W. H . Ormsby, Secretary. The Alpha-Zeta News T. J. Starker, '10, Chapter Adviser. l'ENN STATE-Alpha-Mu, District I. l'i Kappa Phi Fraternity, State College, Pa. Dave Porter, Archon. P. H. Kirkland, Secretary. The Alpha· Mu News Eldo Frey, '29, Chapter Adviser. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE-Beta, District 4. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Clinton, S. C. R. Kennedy, Archon. . C. McCaskill, Secretary. I. L. Swedenburg, Jr., '28, Chapter Adviser. PURDUE-Omega, District 9. 330 N. Grant St., West LaFayette, Ind. C. E. Field, Archon. G. W. Fortune, Jr., Secretary, The Omegalite Prof. G. W. Munro, '97, Chapter Adviser.

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THE STAR AND LAMP ROANOKE-Xi, District 2. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Salem, Va. W. 0. Williams, Archon. E. I. Bell, Secretary. The Xi Bulletin, C. E. W'ebber, '22, Chapter Adviser.

TULANE-Alpha路Beta, District 14. 830 Audubon St., New Orleans La. E. B. Robichaux, Archon. ' T. L. L. Soniat, Secretary The Alphabet H. N. Walsdor拢, '28, Chapter Adviser.

SEW A NEE-Alpha-Pi, District 5. G. H. Copeland, Archon. F. E. Pulley, Secretary. Robert L. Petry, '27, Chapter Adviser.

WASHINGTON-Alpha-Delta, District 17. 4532 19th St., N. E., Seattle, Wash.

J, D. Freeman, Archon.

P. D. McFarland, Secretary. The Alpha-Deltan Victorian Sivertz. '22, Chapter Adviser.

SOUTH CAROLINA-Sigma, District 4. 1516 Divine St., Columbia, S. C. R. 0. Bowden, Jr., Archon.


WASHINGTON AND LEE-Rho, District 2 85 S. Main St., Lexington, Va. 路 Donald Hostetter, Archon. Karl Smith , Secretary. The Rhodian Earl K. Paxton, '10, Chapter Adviser.

Montgomery Morrow, Secretary.

T. Meade Baker, '25, Chapter Adviser. The Sigma Item STETSON-Chi, District 6. East Minnesota Ave., DeLand, Fla. Gilbert Betschick, Archon. Ray U lm er, Secretary. The Chi-Crl' Prof. Wm. E . Duckwitz, Chapter Adviser.

WEST VIRGINIA-Alpha RhR~ District 8. 65 High St., Morgantown, w. Va. P. F. Fisher, Archon. A. A. Marques, Secretary. The Alpha Rhose Edwin C. ]ones, '29, Chapter Adviser. WOFFORD-Zeta District 4. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Spartanburg, S. C. M. A. Owings, Archon. P. A. King, Secretary. J. Cham Freeman, '24, Chapter Adviser.

TENNESSEE-Alpha Sigma, District 5. 1631 Laurel, Knoxville, Tenn. Murat M. Baker, Archon. Robert M. Akin, Secretary. J. G. Tarboux, Chapter Adviser.

Last Chapter Installed, Tennessee, 1931. Total Active Undergraduate Chap ters 40.

ALUMNI CHAPTERS A lumni officers are requested to inform the Executive Secretary promptly of any changes in personnel and addresses, or of agreement as to time and place of meetings.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (Figueroa Hotel Coffee Shop, lOth and Figueroa) Marvin G. Osburn, Archon Petroleum Securities Building. C. L. Taylor, Secretary 6311 Lindenhurst Avenue. MIAMI, FLORIDA Chas. B. Costar, Archon 128 N. E. 25th Street. Wm. C. Ritch, Secretary 140 East Flagler Street.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA (Ansley Hotel, third Thursday, 7 P. M.) John W. Rourk, Archon. .T acobson Plastering Co. John C. Holder, Secretary. 916 Hurt Building. BTRMINGHAM, ALABAMA (2016 4th Ave., a lternate Wednesdays, 7:45 P. M.) CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA (Second Monday) D. Coulson Barfield, Archon 20 E. Simmons Street. Albert P. Taylor, Secretary 6 Halsey Street. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA (Second Tuesday, Manufacturers' Club) R. L. Young, Archon Care The Charlotte News. R. L. Price, Secretary 30 West Fifth Street. CHATTANOOGE,TENNESSEE Aubrey F. Folts, Archon 609 James Building. J. R. Williams, Secretary. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (Interfraternity Club) E. N. Turnquist, Archon. 6121 N. Mozart, Chi cago. H. D. Leake, Secretary Box 382, Evanston, Ill. CLEVELAND, OHIO (Allerton Club , Second Tuesday) T. S. 1\[yers, Archon E. D. Kiinzler, Secretary 1207 Cook Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA (Green Parrot Tea Room, Second Monday) Dr. Glenn B. Carrigan, Archon State Hospital. T. Meade Ba!<er, Secretary Care Federal Land Bank. DETROIT, MICHIGAN (Stat ler Hotel, First Monday) G. R. Hehnrich, Archon Care Detroit Edison Co., 200 Second Avenue. Franz L. Rooney, Secretary 51 Hubbard Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Mich. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Chas. F. Adams, Archon National Bank of Commerce Building. Knox F. Burnett, Secretary 525 South 13th Street.

MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Clyde C. Pearson, Archon 21 Woodley Road. NEW YORK, NEW YORK George E. Ferguson, Archon Spring Valley. N. Y. Wm. W. Nash, Secretary 538 E. 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawrence

J, Bolvig, Treasurer

610 Ovington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.


OMAHA, NEBRASKA (lst Tuesday, Elks' Club) Floyd S. Pegler, Archon 2315 North 60th Avenue. Don W. McCormack, Secretary 2306 Avenue B, Counci l Bluffs, Iowa. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA E. E. Dobbins, Archon 512 Boxley Bldg. J. E. Comer, Secretary First National Bank Bldg. ST. PET_ERSBURG, FLORIDA (Homestead Tea Room, Wednesday, 12:15 P. l\I.) Virgil S. Parham, Archon 317 First National Bank Building. Jason A. Hadley, Secretary P. 0. Box 3831. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA John F. Connolly, Archon 1125 Taylor Street. Francis H. Boland~ Jr., Secretary 2843 Green Street. SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA (Second Monday) Paul C. Thomas, Archon Spartan Mills. J. Cham Freeman, Secretary Care Elford Agency.

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Do Not Forget to Have AUGUST 25, 26, 27, 28

Included in Your Vacation Period


The Sixteenth Convention

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