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"Some of your ills you have cured, And the sharpest you have survived; But what torments oF pain you endured from evils that never arrived." -Old french Proverb



No. 1




Entered as second class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of post· age provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932. -II K <1>-

The Star and Lamp is pub· lished at Menasha , Wisconsin, under the direction of the Supreme Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the months of October December, February and May. - II K <!>-

The Life Subscription is $10 and is the on ly form of sub· scription. Single copies are 50 cents.

Contents Page Interfraternity Conference Holds Vital Sessions. . . . . . . . .


Mental Hygiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By John E. Winter


Roanoke Again Scene of Successful Conclave . . . . . . . . . . By Joseph L. Skinn er


Mr. S. Claus Visits New York Alumni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Alfred Tyrrill


One Hundred Attend Founders' D ay Banquet in Atlanta


-II K <!>-

Changes in address should be reported promptly to 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis., or Central Office, Box 382, Evanston, Ill . - n K <1>All material intended for publication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, Box 382, Evanston, Ill ., by the 15th of the month pre· ceding the month of issue. -II K <1>RICHARD L. YOUNG



Cleve Allen

They Engage in Important Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By A. D. Su;ish er









Pi Kappa Phi Ten Years Ago... ... . .... . ....... . . . .


Chapter Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pi Kappsules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Greek Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Key Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


H onorary Editor HowARD



Managing Edito r

W . CANNON, JR. BuJineu Manager


THE COVER The Beaumont Memorial Tower of Michigan State College

KONTEST among the chapter _correspond en ts has been aroused by the offer of the combination desk and pocket fountain pen set to the outstanding undergraduate contributor of the present year. D eserving of special mention for contributi ons to thi s issue of chapter letter, additiona l articles, pictures and clippings are: Henry Mize, Omicron; Alfred Tyrrill, Alpha Xi; and D ale Swisher, Alpha Omicron. •

Co11rt esy, Parker



Interfraternity Conference Holds Vital Sessions

Al'Van E. Duerr, D. 1' D. Re-elected Chairman

together at the Hotel Pennsylvania on GATHERED November 27-28 of the past year, 169 delegates of sixty-seven national fraternities and fifteen deans of colleges and universities pried deeply, and in detail, into problems confronting the fraternity system and adopted legislation designed to meet such problems and improve conditions as they now exist. Representing Pi Kappa Phi were Supreme Chancellor A. W. Meisel, District Archon W. J. Berry, and Executive Secretary H. D. Leake. The outstanding feature of the program was the crisply delivered and keenly thoughtful address of Dr. Henry Suzzallo, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and former university president. The conditions surrounding his address were intriguing in that he asked that his name be withheld from the group until the time of the address arrived. Until he was introduced, then, it was unknown to the gathered group who was to make the address. The text of his speech will be found in other pages of this issue. Reports Interesting

Among salient facts of accomplishment brought out by various reports was that for the second year in succession the scholastic average of the fraternity group had exceeded the all-men's average on more than 50 per cent of the campuses. Mr. Alvan Duerr, who was elected to succeed himself as president of the organization, had continued to function as the chairman of the scholarship committee and was able to present an even more encouraging report than last year. In 66 per cent of the institutions, fraternity men 2

are leading. A significant development was the improvement of standing of the larger organizations. In the smaller organizations were found, this time, the poorest as well as the best averages. The Information Service of the Conference had been busy accumulating data concerning the possibilities of introducing group fire insurance and surety bonds for the fiscal officers of all the member groups. The committee, of which Secretary E. T. T. Williams was chairman, presented excellent data of sufficiently encouraging nature to warrant the continuance of the investigation and probable adoption of the idea. This will save the members of the Conference considerable money if plans pointing to that end materialize. Prof. R. H. Jordan of Cornell University, head of the scholarship committee of Phi Gamma Delta, rendered an excellent paper on the development, advantages, and organization of tutorial systems now used by some of the fraternities. There is an increasing trend along these lines among the organizations that have the financial strength to initiate the system. Pi Kappa Phi must hold the idea in abeyance until more favorable prospects present themselves.







College Control of Chapters

Dean J. A. Parks, of Ohio State University, stated that "if the institution has accepted the chapter, it has some responsibility for successful operation of the organization," and gave a clear exposition of what his own institution is doing along the line of that principle. The college furnishes an auditor for those chapters desiring such service. It has the local credit agency rate the organizations. Gatherings of presidents, stewards, and chapter advisers of all chapters are called together periodically in separate meetings for purposes of discussion of similar and mutual problems. As a result of the discussion, the Conference voted to appoint a committee whose duties shall be the investigation and devising of ways and means for better cooperation between the deans and the national organizations for closer control of the affairs of local chapters. The future relation of the Conference and the junior college was clearly expressed by the adoption




Dr. Henry Suzzallo, President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Delivers Address on

''Some Problems of imIn the een ties nds [he was enthe "his 1ble . of :enadlOW

easons em. ntil

the Fraternity System'' ~f an amendment to the constitution of the organiza-

~lon forbidding members establishing chapters at such Institutions and encouraging the w ithdrawal of chapter~ a.lready established. The recognition of the AssociatiOn of American Universities was established as the standard. Also discouraged and condemned was the practice of organizations establishing clubs, societies, or frat . . ern1t1es in secondary schools and colleges of junior g~ade designed to act as feeders of the college fraternity. Outlaw and Sub Rosa Chapters

The Conference has always expressed its disapproval

~f th~ establishment of sub rosa chapters and the mem-

ersh lp of college fraternity men in the outlawed or-

Albert W. Meisel, II K <I• Elected Executi'Ve Commilleeman

ganizations of Kappa Beta Phi, Theta Nu Epsilon, and the like. It again went on official record opposing sud1. A resolution was adopted that all local interfraternity conferences should be requested to withhold recognition of any local fraternity organized on the campus that has adopted as a name a combination of greek letters already possessed by a national organization. Much confusion has arisen from this practice. The name of the Conference was changed to National Interfraternity Conference in order to distinguish it from local interfraternity councils. Meisel Goes to Executive Committee

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Officers of the Conference

1931-1932 Alvan E. Duerr, chairman, 149 Broadway, New York City; Edward T. T. Williams, vice-chairman, 247 Park Ave., New York City; Cecil]. Wilkinson, secretary, 810 Eighteenth St., N.W., Washington, D .C.; George C. Carrington, treasurer, 850 Amsterdam Ave., New York City; Thomas Arkle Clark, educational adviser, 1110 W. Illinois St., Urbana, Illinois .

Supreme Chancellor A. W. Meisel has long been identified with the activities of the Conference, and it gave him recognition of his services during the election of officers for the coming year. For many years he was chairman of the conference of local fraternities. Last year he was chairman of the Interfraternity Conference committee on local fraternities. This year he goes to the executive committee of the Conference itself. In addjtion he will retain the chairmanship of the committee on local fraternities.


William L. Butcher, 31 E. Thirty-ninth St., New York; leroy Kimball, 100 Washington Sq., New York; Russell MacFall, 42 Broadway, New York; Harrold P. Flint, lombard, Illinois; J. Harold Johnston, 24 W. Fortieth St., New York; Fred E. Linder, 1 Wall St., New York; Horace R. Barnes, 928 Virginia Ave., lancaster Ave., Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Albert W. Meisel, 140 Liberty St., New York; Cecil Page, Chrysler Building, New York.


Some Problems of the Fraternity System

The text of the excellent address made by Dr. Suzzallo follows: One of the characteristics of American education, which must be kept in mind when you think of the fraternity problem, is that the American public school system-and I in· elude all institutions in the public service, because an endowed institution is no more private in its service than a state-supported institution-is singularly responsive to pa-


rental and public opinion. In consequence, American colleges care more about the w hol e man in the living process of education than do the higher educational institutions of other nations. Of course, our fellow Anglo-Saxons have always been concerned about this, particularly under the English tradition. But if you go to the continent of Europe, about the only question that is asked by the university authorities is, '"Can you pass your examina ti ons? " They do not care whether the student ever tries them or not. Student health and student morals are the student' s own business, and there is no particular attempt made to look out for the aspects of personality, which are not intellectual. Our American education and public opinion are in absolute contrast to those of the continent. We have begun officia ll y to care about the physical condition of our undergraduates. We have begun to care about the emotions of our students, and the psychiatrist has become a very important addition to the personnel administration. Deans and individual counsellors have multiplied that the man as a who le may be guided and trained. But there is one basic need for which the ear lier American institutions did not provide, but which was taken care of alm ost at once by the spontaneous efforts of the student body itself- the sociable life found many expressions. One of these ways took form in a permanent institution: the American Fraternity System. The faculty paid littl e attention to the fraternities at first. Its attention was occasional, negative, and disciplinary. But as public opinion became more and more critical, the univers ities were gradually forced into assuming some supervision of them. An attempt was made to bring them into line as forces which would support the main intentions of a college education, whi ch is intellectual. With this effort you are all familiar. We have now reached the view that the fraternity system must reinforce intellectuality, and that as an institution it is not to be esteemed high ly if it is merely neutral, and not to be tolerated at all if its influence upon the intellectual life is counteractive. A critical and parental opinion wil l support the university or college administration in this view. The fraternity must not only be an influence for the fostering of intellectual interest and achievement, but it must likewise realize more vigorously its assumption that it fosters the strengtheni ng of character and contributes the kind of recreation and sociability wh ich are contributive to line persona l power instead of destructive to it. One may read the futu re only by projecting the angle of past development. The only way to approximate what is going to happen in the future is to go back twenty-five years and note the status of the fraternity then as compared with its status now. Project a line between those two moments into the future and you will begin to realize what responsibilities are likely to rest upon the fraternity system twenty-five years hence. Two things are perfectly clear to my mind. First: the fraternity can no longer, as it once did, maintain that it is an institution quite independent of the total collegiate and university policy. I can remember when the chapter of one of the best fraternities at the University of Washington sent three of its· alumni representatives to me to protest an objection to a policy laid down because fraternity affairs were


none of the university's business. The fraternity existed in ab· solute independence of the university authorities. Of course, they had not been reading their own history. Nobody wants the university to dominate the fraternity management; least of all the university. The fraternities have a management of their own, both local and national. But there is this to be said about the situation. There is no other educational system in the world which is so finally and com· pletely responsive to public opin ion as American education is, and if a fraternity system or any other affi li ated organiza· tion refuses to perform its proper function, sooner or later it is going to come under the domination of university policy and administration. No university managements want to dominate the fraternity system, provided it wi ll vo luntari ly take care of its full responsibilities. Cooperation wi ll always be more completely successful than any form of domination or supervision. We have had confirming experiences in the body politic; when corporations, in days passed, greatly abused their power, the government stepped in and supervised them. All of us recognize that we wou ld have had less trying interference of government in business if business had voluntarily and fullY cooperated in the commonweal. If the universities have to take over the management of fraternities through restrictions and regu lations, there will be great losses. It will be a great gain to have such bodies as the Interfraternity Conference engage in a program of height· ening the power of the fraternity to contribute to the pri· mary and secondary intentions of university life. That is the first look into the future which I wish you to take. The second thing that I wish to suggest comes out of my desire to have you look forward after first looking back. In viewing an institution which is strongly sentimentali zed in the affections of men, it is quite impossible to consider seri· ous ly a program for the future which does not take into ac· count the indigenous traditions of the inst itution under con· sideration . I have had occasion to say, in such infrequent addresses as I have made before fraternity men, that the fraternity in the American college life is our substitute for the residential colleges which have been so marked a possession of the older English universities. The college fraternity is native to our academic soil. Because of the inadequacies of the fraternity system, which was a provision for the kind of intimate and sociable life which students not on ly craved but needed, we are giving up hope of modifying it and beginning to go back to the idea of the old English example for a substitute. First, we are putting the freshmen under the influence of residence halls, then the sophomores, and in some places the whole under· graduate student body. As fast as money can be acquired, the movement to substitute the life of the residential college for the life of the fraternity house will be accelerated. It already seems possible that it may prove that it is easier to borrow a foreign idea than to reform an indigenous one. To be sure, this trend is not highly extensive at the moment; nevertheless you must face the question as to how far in the course of a quarter century it will proceed. The earlier you deal with a trend the more intelligently you will deal with it and the less resistance you will en· counter. If I had been asked fifteen years ago how we might


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best get the American correlative of the Eng li sh residential college system, I shou ld have said the best promise of success would be in the reconstruction and expansion of the fraternity system. I am far less sure than I was. Considering the r:lative poverty of most colleges, in particular their finanetal inability to set up residential colleges, the reform of the fraternity system still offers promise of practical result. But it must be admitted that those in charge of college · t h'ts country are no longer looking very administ ra t'ton tn hopefully to the fraternity as a possible substitute for the restdential co ll ege. Still the issue is as yet unsettled. Whether we sha ll deve lop something out of our fraternity system to meet the human want and necessity it can serve depends largely upon what this Interfraternity Conference does and what the respective national fraternities do in the course of the next ten years. It means that you must give the future immediate attention, fi rst · ' m terms of carefu l thought, and second, in terms of e ff ecttve action. How are we going to reconstruct the fraternity system so that it will minister to all the objects of university life? .. I am thoroughly convinced that we have in most cases over-democratized" the fraternity system by vesting too mfi uch autonomy in the loca l chapters of undergraduates. I f rml Y be I'teve that we have underwritten a fallacy. That 1 ~~lacy is that the only members of a fraternity who are ~· f owed to be genu inely active are those in undergraduate 1 • e. The presence of so many gray-haired men here today tndicates that this assumption is not entirely true. 1.f a fraternity means anything, it is somethi ng which, in a htgh percentage of cases shou ld persist in the interest of ~e men who are graduat:s, in the eld ers of the fraternity. ~d we do know there are an extraordi nary number of elders w 10 do take a li ve interest in th e fraternity life. They are constantl y coming back, constantly g iving co unse l and advice, constantly meeting in reunion. As th e mature bearers of a ~adition, they should be all owed a more effective voice. esttng so much control with the undergraduates that they ~an balk almost every effort of the national headquarters to 0 something for them is an utter mistake. After all, the mature sentiment and tradition of a fra~er~ity sytsem is more large ly locked up in its elders than it ts tn its apprentices of the undergraduate years. As a matter ~f .fact, most men are not good fraternity men until about ~ letr fourth year. Each of the four coll ege years is a stage tn .apprenticeship. What a fraternity is trying to do preemtnently is to carry on a tradition. Tradition is large ly ex~ressed in feeling. Whatever is lodged in feeling is exceedIngly tenacious, as it is likewise exceeding ly contagious if it gets a chance to operate. The influence, example, counsel, ~nd authority of older men are needed if a tradition is to ave a chance to operate with younger men. We get our ideas by discussion. We get our feelings ~1lrough companionship. A man is known by the company e keeps. But not if he doesn't keep it. The younger fra~ernity man needs effect ive contact with hi s elders. When, ~n undergraduate life, the association is too exclusively with ~Uabture fellows, there is always the danger that a tradition ecome tenuous. Active life in the fraternity is nothing but a period of apprenticeship and the journeyman-master status resides pri-


marily in the elder members who live long enough to get rid of the dross and to maintain the pure go ld of fraternity life. Control over the fraternity tradition and its administration is a prime responsibility of the alumnus. Two problems suggest themselves. I do not know how to answer the questions that I myself propound. In the first place, how are we going to increase the active interest of the alumni, to make them an ass imil ating group of men? In the second place, how are we going to change the distribution of power between alumni and undergraduates so that the loca l chapter can not always veto w hat the elders in possession of the finest elements of fraternity tradition desire to bring about ? These constitute two of the most difficult problems we have in the fraternity system. The economic aspects of the fraternity system constitute a who le series of problems which I have not touched. But I am conso led by the fact that it is a g reat deal easier to straighten out the finances of these fraternities, to cut down their costs, and to manage their accounts, than it is to deal with the spiritual and the intellectual elements of the situation. It is this side that J wish to stress. Some remarkable work has been done by the leaders of this Interfraternity Conference in obta ining, by appea l to extrinsic interest, more application to intellectual work in the chapters. The result has saved our faces and made fraternities more respectab le in the eyes of administrative authorities. It is one thing to get good marks because you are too proud to have low ones or because the elders and the traveling secretaries are after you all the time. It is another and a better thing to develop an intrinsic interest in in tell ectually as a fine human possession. To be good because of extrinsic motives is well enough ; to be intrinsically interested in goodness is infinitely better. In spite of a ll the progress thus far made, we have really not begun to deal with the very heart of the problem of real co ll ege success. But I ought to be fair by admitting that the prime responsibi lity for the lack of intellectual interest in studies on the part of fraternity men or other students does not rest on you. After all, your responsibility is secondary and supplemental. It is, in fact, the prime responsibi lity of the co ll ege teacher and the university admin istration. When we have more co ll ege teachers with an interest in human beings as vita l as their interest in academic subjects, and with the sympathetic abi lity to see the problems of life as the youth perceives them, then students wi ll be interested intellectually. The over-emphasis in the recruiting of co ll ege teachers on the highly specia li zed training of a doctor of philosophy is not altogether sound. Such a person is not primarily trained to be a college teacher but trained for another worthy profession, that of investigation and research. To bore youngsters to death with details that are significant on ly to mature scho lars is one successful means of banishing vita l interest from co ll egiate study. I am not so impractical as to say it is not better to be studious for a second-rate reason than not to be studious at all. I think you ought to keep up your good work, but I call your attention to w hat your next job is, and that is to su pport that type of experiment in the colleges which is aiming directly at the vitalization of college in struction. Your danger


is that you will come back shouting about the beloved old institution that you knew when you were an undergraduate and be inclined to oppose these reforms, for the human affection of an old alumnus twines itself about things as they once were. The dear old alumnus of an institution, just to the extent that he remembers too well what the chapter in his day was, is likely to fail to look forward to the future reforms needed to teach the youngsters of a new time. Such a fraternity man is likely to be a handicap to the future constructive work of the fraternity that means to survive usefully. My injunction is to give your understanding and tolerance to every experiment and every reform which is trying to save the intellectual life of the potential American leaders now enrolled in your old co ll eges. I am sorry I can't take time to tell you about all the promising experiments under way because I think there are going to be more useful reforms achieved in the American college system during the next fifteen years than we have had in the previous 150 years. We are just at the turning point. You wi ll perceive that if you study the trends within our present situation . And so I ask the interest of this Interfraternity Conference in the who le series of educati onal researches and experiments under way. The professors are beginning to get interested. The students have been interested for a long time. But they have been interested as consumers and not as producers of a certain vital intellectual effect. They have been interested in the problem because they have been too often bored. But youth has a marvelous capacity for escape. They immediately began to construct interesting institutions of th ei r own outside the classroom to supply the vital interests which they did not acquire in the classroom. Such has been the attitude of the undergraduate in recent years. He has g lorified ath letics. He has glorified the sociable life. He has g lorified the management of student affa irs. And he has g lorified every kind of a student body act ivity which is somehow a creation of his own interest. He has done very little about improving the vitality of instruction, largely because he was incapable of doing it. It is outside hi s constructive domain. It belongs to the teacher. He now recognizes it. The entire body of the American Association of University Professors, through its chapters, is about to study the problem of the improvement of collegiate instruction. There will be held this summ er, at the University of Minnesota. a research conference of the leading college professors who have been engaged in investigation of university problems. They are assembling for conference and discussion that they may find out what problems the other fellow senses, what techniques he has em pl oyed and what scientific findings are now available. Then they wi ll go back to their respective institutions as st imul ating, scientific foci for the cooperative work of all the members of these chapters. It means much for the future when the ab lest minds of the Am erican colleges turn their attention vigorously to the problems of ed ucating the individual as they have to the accretion of important truth about an academic study. Experimental demonstrations of rich promi se are already observed at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Chicago, and in many other large and small colleges. I have seen two colleges that have gone through a complete revolution in one year, once the


faculty had turned its intellectual power on the problem of improved teaching. You will often wonder what is the meaning of all this change. Is the dear old college being chopped into pieces? Perhaps you are beginning to resist it. Your business is not to resist but to try to understand. The college that fails to get into step with its time is on the way to becoming a corpse, particularly in the rapidly changing life which characterizes our time. As alumni, you are going to have something to say about all this change. But the a lumni of an institution have power. I have sat upon advisory committees in the reconstruction of six or seven institutions during the last few years and there is no body of persons connected with the college to which the administration is so sensitive and so responsive as the college's alumni body. Make up your mind to help. Changes are going to be very numerous. What is going to become of your fraternity system? The junior col lege system is sweeping over the Far and the Middle West; it is sweeping into the South and, it is begi nning to appear timidly even in the Middle States and New England. In the West, we are already worried over what is go ing to happen to foot路 ball. I wonder if you are beginning to worry over what is go ing to happen to the fraternity system. Among the endowed coll eges to whom wea lth for residen路 tial facilities is avai lable, the dormitory and residential college systems are advancing. Undergraduates in increasing degree are required to give up li ving at the fraternity house to Jive in the common halls. What do these two trends mean to the fraternity system? As the system of residential colleges comes in, the old fraternity life tends to be pushed out. Rushing is delayed as a later event. The chapter life is delayed to the later yea rs. In some places the chapter house ceases to amount to anythi ng except as a place of occasional assemb ly. With the coming of the junior college, is the fraternity going to go down and become part of th e junior college? If the junior coll ege dmps off the bottom of the college proper, leaving on ly a senior co ll ege, wi ll the fraternity system withdraw from the two traditional lower years? I am certain that the fraternities cannot go up unless they make a very much higher selection of members on the basis of intellectual capacity and intellectual interest than they have in the past. I do not know the answer. But fraternity men should nowdetermine what kind of an institution it ought to be. If you are go ing to move downward you must adj ust to the more immature levels of the life of secondary school youth. If you are go ing to go up with a selected clientele to the true university level, you must amend the nature of your institution in order to fit yourself to the higher intellectual life. The future is not easy to anticipate. The future promises to be full of startling changes, some of which will be evanescent and some permanent. It is going to be difficult to di stinguish the one from the other. But upon the successful guess ing that you do, with as much fact in your possession as you can summon, the vital place of the fraternity system is going to be determined. The abi lity of the institution to live has often been challenged in the past, as you know. There was a time when legis latures everywhere were trying to wipe the fraternity system out of existence. I am ready to say to you that legis latures are not to be feared as much as the impending changes in the American hi gher schoo l. Failure to (Contin11ed


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MENTAL HYGIENE is a term that has become as well known in the past few years as some brands of cigarettes or facial creams. Books, magazines, and newspapers in ever increasing number feature stories intended to tickle the palate of sex-hungry persons, or learned articles setting forth the unusual and often startling facts about certain individuals whose behavior is distinctly different from that of supposedly ?ormal people. In short, mental hygiene is frequently Identified with abnormal psychology. But this is a mistake. Hygiene means health, and mental hygiene is mental health or healthy thinking. A full discussion of ~ental hygiene would undoubtedly include a disc~ss1on of abnormal behavior as illustrating deviations from normal, healthy thinking; but the two terms are by no means identical. The greatest problem of mental hygiene is not the treatment of the small percentage of people whose mentality is distinctly abn?rmal, but the development of clear, efficient, and VIgorous thinking in normal individuals. In a recent book on the psychology of adolescence the author, Dr. Frankwood T. Williams, devotes one chapter to what he calls the freshman 's fog. It is in r~ality a chapter on mental hygiene. In this chapter he ~lscusses some of the many problems that tl1e freshman IS compelled to face and in the multiplicity and intncacy of which he is quite apt to become confused. Among the problems listed are the following: the necessity of making his own decisions; his attitude toWard social affairs, study, athletics, sex, and his parents; and his feeling of inferiority. The fact that his entrance at college marks in many cases his first ext~nded experience away from home and parental overSight accounts for much of the confusion and possible tragedy that menace the freshman. In addition to the problems mentioned by Williams, there are three that 1 n _my estimation are especially significant for the entenng student. First: Thoroughness in the preparation for every task. A certain lumberman was one day in need of a man to fell some trees. Soon a man appeared who ~al!ed himself a wood chopper and applied for the JOb. The lumberman hired the man and told him Where he could lind an ax for the work. Upon obtaining the ax, however, instead of going out into the


Dr. John E. Winter

forest he called for a grindstone. For an hour he kept grinding the ax, much to the discomfiture of his employer. Then another hour, and another, and still the task was not complete. After several hours of grinding had passed and the employer's patience was well nigh exhausted, tl1e wood chopper, satisfied that the edge of the ax was fit for service, applied himself to the task for which he was hired. And he provedrhis ability to the satisfaction of his employer. What seemed to be loss of time to the employer was more than compensated for by the increased efficiency of the ax. The process of education is not very different from that of wood chopping. Inadequate and slipshod preparation in one's college work is bound to yield its reward of inefficiency in future accomplishment. Second: The danger of overspecialization in study. Years ago, when Michigan still had forests and numerous lumbering camps, a certain man made a specialty of sharpening the saws that were used to cut the lumber. He was a skilled workman, and his services were greatly in demand. But when he was around mid-life, the forests petered out, and the lumber camps closed, with the result that there were no more saws to sharpen. The man had spent his life doing one simple, specific thing, and when there were no more saws to sharpen, he was stranded and unable to adjust himself to a changing environment. Freshmen are apt to make the same mistake as this sawyer. In the tremendous changes that are taking place in our economic and industrial and social life, the man who is fit to do just one specific job is apt to wake up some day to find his job gone. While it is commendable that one should learn to do well whatever one undertakes, the student should not overlook the fact that the college and university offer him the opportunity to develop the power to think clearly and consistently.


With this power in his possession, he will be able to adjust himself to ever changing situations. Third: The danger of pretense. In a recent biography of the erstwhile German Kaiser, Emil Ludwig, a brilliant German writer, characterized the Kaiser as a monstrous pretender who was willing to sacrifice billions of dollars and millions of lives in order to maintain a sham that he had been indulging since his early childhood. Having become a victim ~f a tragedy at his birth (one arm having become wtthered), he early applied his ingenuity to developing. wa~s of concealing his deformity. He pretended his Withered arm was normal and this mental attitude later became generalized. He pretended that he was an infallible ruler, that his armies were unbeatable, a~d that he represented a superior race of people. This performance of the Kaiser is not altogether unusual. It is manifested in many ways in college students. What to others appears as an attitude of braggadocio, swagger, and pomp, for the student is frequently nothing but a miserable pretense-an attempt to cover up a keenly felt deficiency, physical or mental. The student who talks loudly, swears volubly, drinks, carouses, tells vile stories, engages in the risque, far from being the flamboyant individual he appears to be, is often one who despises himself, who feels utterly at a loss as to how to adjust himself, and who continually is faced with the spectre of a deformed personality.

Revised Edition of Constitution and Supreme Laws Issued Shortly after the Jirst of January, the new edition of the constitution and supreme laws of the fraternity were made available by Central Office. Copies were distributed to the chapters and officers of the organization. Supreme Chancellor Meisel, who headed the legislative committee credited with the revision, edited the booklet. Besides the changes in the constitution and redraft of the laws adopted by the last supreme chapter, the edition carries a complete display of disciplinary forms, examination questions for candidates, and a detailed index. It is in pocket form, contains sixty-four pages, and is bound with blue paper cover stock. Copies are available to the membership upon request to Central Office and enclosure of ten cents.

Paul Walker Goes Up Paul Walker, Upsilon, for past three years assistant branch manager, Challenge Cream and Butter Association at San Diego, California, has been transferred to Oakland as branch manager. The Challenge Butter Association is the oldest cooperative dairy products wholesale marketing organization in America: It is owned and operated by 20,000 California dairymen.


Installation of Tau Beta Pi at Brooklyn Touches Alpha Xi Strongly By



EN members of Alpha Xi Chapter are among the fifty-five charter members of the New York Zeta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engineering fraternity, recently installed at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. The local group of Tau Beta Pi was organized from members of Delta Kappa Pi, the local honorary fraternity, which was founded twenty years ago. This organization has not been dissolved, although no new members will be elected. The installation ceremonies were held December 5, 1931, at the Hotel St. George, and were followed by a formal banquet. All the eligible Pi Kapps on the Polytechnic faculty are now members of Tau Beta Pi. Prof. Clyde C. Whipple, of the electrical engineering department, has been a member since his undergraduate days, as well as a member of Sigma Xi. Prof. William J. Berry, head of the department of mathematics and archon of the first district, Prof. Erich Hausmann, dean of graduate study; Prof. Harry Parker Hammond, professor of civil engineering; Prof. Edward J. Squire, professor of civil engineering; and Mr. Henry B. Hanstein, instructor of electrical engineering, are charter members of New York Zeta Chapter. Dr. Irving Wetherbee Fay, professor of chemistry, is the only brother on the faculty who is not in the organization, as he is not an engineer but a chemist, being internationalJy known as a coal-tar dye and derivative expert. Only one member of the present active chapter has achieved membership in Tau Beta Pi- Ward D. Paley, '32. He is one of the babies of Delta Kappa Pi, being a member of the last group elected into the local before its nationalization. The alumni members who were initiated are: Louis N. Rowley, Jr., Frank Romanow, Harold A. McLaughlin and Joseph H . Baudendistel. Brother William Bennett Kouwenhoven, at present a professor at Johns Hopkins University, is also a member. Brother Rowley is president of Delta Kappa Pi, and vice-president of the Tau Beta Pi chapter. Brother Hanstein is treas路 urer of the chapter. The installation was carried out by a national com路 mittee consisting of Prof. Percy W. Ott, of Ohio State University; Prof. Robert C. Mathers, of the Univer路 sity of Tennessee, and Prof. Arthur D. Moore, of the University of Michigan, assisted by a local committee which included, besides Brothers Berry, Hausmann, Hanstein and Rowley, Messrs. Walter J. Barrett and Robert G. O'Sullivan.


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Roanoke Again Scene of Successful Conclave

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SPONSORED by the Roanoke alumni, directed by . Gene Dunaway, with Xi and Rho dupters again a.cttng as hosts, a third annual meeting of representattves from the chapters in the South Atlantic states Was held in Roanoke, Virginia, on December 12. The event was an unqualified success in every respect. Repre~ented were ten chapters-Alpha, Epsilon, Kappa, Xt, Rho, Mu, Tau, Psi, Alpha Eta, and Alpha Omic~o?. Present were four past district archons of Virgtnta: Supreme Archon Wagener, Roy Rush, Frank Chapman, and Gene Dunaway; the membership of Rho and Xi chapters turned out in a body; District Archon Price attended from North Carolina; and from other chapters came the following: Epsilon-Pete ~nox, Jr., Allen Whitehead, Reeves Pope, Boggs Corbt.n, Robert Alderman, and Lawrence Knox; KappaPttt Davis and Jack Poole; Tau-James Halstead and Erwin Williams; Mu-Joseph Skinner, Frank Allen, and Brewster Snow. Professors E. K. Paxton and E. W. Bibb of Washington and Lee were also present. Registration was concluded around noon, after a conference among Dr. Wagener and the past and present district officers present, and at two o'clock most of the delegates attended the alumni luncheon. This Was attended by thirty-two local and visiti ng alumni of the fraternity. Frank Chapman presided in the absence of Archon Theodore Webber of the local alumni chapter. Dr. Wagener was the principal speaker. The t~eme of his talk was greater cooperation between acttves and alumni. . From the luncheon the adjournment was to the room ; :Vhich the round table discussions were scheduled. ~ts phase of the program was under the direction of tstnct Archon Reginald Price. Finance, house con-



trol, pledge training, and chapter courtesy headlined the subjects that were taken up in this session. The banquet at six o'clock was featured by the addresses of Dr. Charles J. Smith, president of Roanoke College, and Supreme Archon Wagener. Peter Knox acted as toastmaster for the occasion. At nine o'clock the delegates and visitors foregathered at the ballroom for three hours of dancing, as a closing event of the conclave, which delegates aver has not been surpassed by any similar event for its va lue and enjoyment. District Archon Price has extended an invitation to the conclave to meet at Chapel Hill, seat of the University of North Carolina, on Founders' Day of this year.

Chapter Courtesy By REGINALD


The first and most interesting matter to be broached in the round table discussions was the matter of chapter house courtesy. Inasmuch as this desirable quality is so vital to the life of any chapter, it might be well to set forth the conclusions and suggestions developed by the conclave. First: It was definitely stated that outsiders, whether they be members of other chapters, non-fraternity men, or members of other groups, have no other way in which to judge the chapter other than by the attitudes and actions of the men who make up the chapter, perticularly those attitudes and actions which directly touch the visitors of the casual callers upon the chapter. Secondly: It was called to the attention of the representatives that the fraternity could justly assume that 9

each chapter desired the initiation of those men only Omicron Suffers Fire Loss who exemplified the qualities under discussion above By HENRY H. MIZE all others and that it was a requirement to be enforced by the group itself. N TUESDAY, December 30, Omicron Chapter's With these two premises to work upon, the conclave . home was badly damaged by lire. Since it took developed the suggestions from various representatives 路 place during the Christmas holidays, no one was presalong several lines: ; ent at the time. Girls playing tennis nearby discovered First, that the chapter itself should make certain that and reported it to the lire department. no breach of the accepted standards of courtesy should It started, apparently, from defective wiring between be overlooked officially by the members. The use of the basement and first floor and burned up the staircomplaint boxes, suggestion periods in chapter meet- way. A great deal of damage was done to the first floor ings, and even a portion of the meeting set aside for around the stairs, the two upper halls, and one sleepthe trial, so to speak, of the guilty brother were sug- ing porch. All the house was smoked up, and congested. Each had proven effective in as many chapters. siderable damage was done to the furniture by fire and Second, that the pledges should be schooled in the water. luckily, the lire did not destroy much personal chapter's standards of courtesy from the very begin- property. It was well under control before it had ning of their association with the group, the upper- burned through any of the doors of the rooms. classmen being especially on their guard that no exThe members who live in Tuscaloosa immediately ample of theirs in the wrong direction might be aped took charge of the situation, and Theodore Jackson, by the new man. house manager, came back two days later. Several of Thirdly, that inasmuch as the members of the fra- the boys arrived early to help straighten things out and ternity are selected for qualities which must necessarily numerous alumni from all over the state notified us include fundamental courtesy as a second nature; there- that they would be glad to assist in any way. fore, no Jet-down should be tolerated by d1apter mates, Executive Secretary Leake, who happened to be in a friendly and brotherly correction being most effec- Birmingham, made a trip to the university and rentive in many instances. dered some good service. The university authorities lastly, that every chapter and every individual mem- handled the insurance settlement for us, obtaining a ber should be everlastingly on his guard to see that no settlement that is quite satisfactory. The house was violations of chapter courtesy shall occur on his part, rendered almost uninhabitable, but not sufficiently to because of the far-reaching impressions which they prevent Jive of the brothers from continuing their convey of the group and the individual. residence there. The dining room and kitd1en escaped material damage, and meals are being served in the house. The cooperation and spirit exemplified by the memEdgar Watkins, Jr., Is Admitted to bers have been splendid in every way. Everyone is Supreme Court Practice anxiously awaiting the start of construction, and to all Recently, on the motion of Senator Walter F. George, is extended an invitation to visit the beautifully reof Georgia, Edgar Watkins, Jr., was admitted to practice novated home about March 1. Meanwhile the chapter before the United States Supreme Court. He is a graduate of work continues unabated. Omicron may have had a Oglethorpe University and Harvard Law School. While at the fire, but the men say: "Watch our smoke from now former institution he became a member of Pi Kappa Phi. on.I" He is chapter adviser of his undergraduate chapter at the


present time and continues his interest in the organization which began with his pledgeship. He is the eldest of the three Watkins brothers that became Pi Kapps through the same chapter. He is actively identified with the law firm of Watkins, Asbill & Watkins of Atlanta, of which he is junior partner and his father, Judge Watkins, is senior member.

C. T. Parsons Becomes Editor C. T. Parsons, Chi and Alpha Epsilon, is now connected

with the Florida League of Municipalities as assistant secretary and editor of the League monthly magazine, The Florida Municipal Record. Parsons and his family are located in Jacksonville. He married Miss Capitola Prater in 1929, and they have one child, a daughter, born February 26, 1931.





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Doctor Now, Please It was Dr. Walter Morgan who visited in the home-town

of Davenport, Washington, this summer-not just Walt Morgan. He graduated in June from the University of Oregon Medical School and spent a few days at home before coming to Seattle to begin an internship at the new Harborview Hospital. A team-mate of his is Dr. J. Finlay Ramsay, alias "Red," whom cinder track fans will recall as one of the most tireless distance runner that ever donned a Husky uniform. Dr. Ramsay, '27, served as an intern at the Seattle City Hospital, in the Public Safety Building, after graduation from the Portland institution. He is now on the medical staff at Harborview. Both Morgan and Ramsay are members of Pi Kappa Phi. -The TVashingto11 Alumn11s



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S. Claus Visits New York Alumni By ALFRED TYRRILL, Alpha Xi


.largest and, according to the consensus of optniOn, the best Christmas dinner of the New York Alumni Chapter ushered in the holiday season on December 17. Nearly one hundred members of the alumni chapter and of the Alpha Xi undergraduate gro~p-the largest attendance in the history of the affatr-were assembled to await the arrival of Saint Nick. The scene of the dinner was the Hotel Brevoort, in lower Manhattan, which is managed by Raymond A. D. C?rteig, Jr., Alpha Xi. G. Sumner Small, Alpha Xi, prestdent of the alumni association at Brooklyn Poly, was the toastmaster. Many prominent Pi Kapps were present, including Albert W. Meisel, supreme d1ancellor; William J. Berry, archon of the first district; Lawrence J. Bolvig, president of the New York alumni; Prof. Erich Hausmann, dean of graduate study at the Polytechnic; Prof. Edward ]. Squire, professor of civil engineering at Poly; Robert Emmet Allen, Delta; John E. Scharer, ar~hon of Alpha Xi, and Alfred J. P. Wilson, Alpha :Xt chapter adviser.

During the evening the group joined in singing many of the Pi Kapp songs, as well as the alma maters of Cornell and Brooklyn Poly, for the group was largely composed of Alpha Xi and Psi men. The "chain" song, which may be familiar to many, although its use is governed by local conditions, was also rendered by the Alpha Xi undergraduates. It is the custom of the alumni chapter at its dinners to award those brothers who have become fathers during the year. A silver cup is given to the proud parent of each boy, and a silver spoon to the father of each girl. No credit is given to those who have received a second or still later addition to the family. The first is all that counts. The awards this year were distributed by Brother A. J. P. Wilson, and Brothers Bernard J. Minetti and James Dreyfus received the cups, while Brother David G. Kells was the sole recipient of a spoon. The event for which everyone was waiting, the arrival of Santa Claus, was heralded by the sound of "Jingle Bells," and then Santa entered. The usual costume, the voluminous bag slung over his shoulder, even the fuming "stogie" he carried in his mouth, could not conceal the fact that it was Charlie ("Shifty") Behringer. He had gifts for everyone-key cases, leather-bound memo pads and paper folders, cigarette cases, all bearing II K <I> in gold letters upon them. Although it had been the custom in past years to have each brother who cared to bring a gift, and to have Santa distribute them, the committee this year was able to include the gift as part of the dinner.


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One Hundred Attend Founders' Day Banquet in Atlanta By J. CLEVE ALLEN


N DECEMBER 10, the members of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter gave their annual banquet in honor of the three founders of the fraternity. The principal speaker of the occasion was our old friend T. R. ("Reub") Waggoner, Mu, who pleased with his stories and his resume of the birth, the growth, and the success of Pi Kappa Phi. During his talk, Brother Waggoner mentioned a dozen or more nationally known Pi Kapps who had made good in :t big way in their endeavors, and he also brought to light several interesting facts about the lives of our founders of which many of the listeners were not familiar. At the conclusion of Brother Waggoner's talk, we all had but one thought in mind: "that Reub could out-talk them all." The banquet was ably handled by the out-going president, Brother John Rourk, who served in the capacity of toastmaster, and did a good job of it, too; and while we are on the subject, let us drop just a word of praise for Brother Rourk. He had an exceedingly hard task before him in keeping up the interest of the members during 1931, which was a lean year for us all; but he came through with flying colors and turned over the helm to the new president with the knowledge that he had secured the cooperation of our chapter, and had made good! The affair was also well supplied with entertain-

ment, having none other than Wallace Jackson and his Ansley Rathskeller orchestra, which furnished the tunes by which lovely Miss Kathryn Crawford danced and sang. The chapter is apprec iative of the personal interest taken in the banquet by the management of the Ansley Hotel. Interesting talks were given by Brother Nathan T. Teague, 1930 president of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter, and the archons of Atlanta's three active chapters: Bob McCamy, Iota; Pat Patterson, Eta, and Park Brinson, Pi. Brother Ray Nixon, assistant dean at Emory University, led the body, which numbered one hundred, in several Pi Kapp songs. Brother Nixon was also master of ceremoni es at our annual radio broadcast over WSB, later in the evening. The program was well planned and well carried out, and many telegrams and letters have been received congratulating Brother Nixon and the chapter in putting over this broadcast. At the conclusion of the banquet, the officers for 1932 were introduced by Brother Rourk, each of whom said a few words. The new officers are: J. W. Whitaker, president: Francis Dwyer, first vice-president; Paul Etheridge, second vice-pres ident; Henry 0. Robison, third vicepresident, and J. Cleve Allen, secretary-treasurer.



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Interfraternity Conference Holds Vital Sessions (Continued from page 6) adjust to gradual but significant educational changes would assault the fraternity system as wou ld a slow and creeping sickness of which one is hardly aware, whereas, a threat from a legislature is so dramatic that you wou ld be summoned to defense at once. As against the dangers of the past and the dangers of the future, those of the past have been much less dreadful. TI11S has been our defect in the past. One reason why you have not assimilated and made better fraternity men out of the boys we have taken to membership is found in our unwillingness to face the rising standard for academic continuance in higher institutions. You have had too many one-year men. We know well that one four-year man is better assimi lated in the fraternity than four one-year men. I think we are not likely in any case to have a two-year senior co ll ege. As a matter of fact, our sma ll co ll ege today is a five-yea r co ll ege. About eighty-five per cent of them, if I remember correctly, are granting the master's degree. They will in al l probability become three-year colleges and not two-


year colleges. If you will watch what is happening to the master's degree you will begin to understand what I mean. That crowd that came through the elementary schools and filled up the high schoo ls, and is now wedging its way into the colleges and going on into the graduate schools, cer· tainly as far as the A.M., is making the first year of graduate work more closely akin to high grade work in the upper undergraduate years. In fact, the same faculties are tending more and more to contro l the A.B., and the A.M. The Ph.D· degree moves off by itself. Sociable as well as intellectual standards will change for the fraternity. The companionship for which the universitY stands is going to be of a different and higher sort. Soci~l life will tend more and more to be cu ltu ral. You cannot ad· mit men who will meet the new cultural and intellectual standards without changing the nature of fraternity corn· panionship. Some of you recognize this already. You are in· terested in establishing chapter libraries for general culture reading, the books of which not only bear upon their studies. but about life and ed ucation and art. This tendency is an indication of your intuitive keenness in sensing the future. More and more manifestations of thiS kind wi ll conserve the fraternity system for the better use· fulness which has always been potential in it.


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By A. D. SWISHER, Alpha Omicron A. R. Larur, .A 0

Henry Giese, A 0

For Highway Safety ~VHH R. LAUER, Alpha Omicron, as a member of the Advisory Committee on the Driver for the National Safety Council and a member of the ~sychology of the Highways Committee of the Natt?nal Research Council, has the task of making the htghways of America safe for you and me. Dr. Lauer, at present an associate professor of psychology at Iowa State College, graduated from McP~erson College, McPherson, Kansas, in 1922. PrcVtous to his graduation he spent six months at Le So~bonne, Paris. Later, in 1922 and 1923 he attend ed Chtcago University. After spendi ng two years at the State University of Iowa, in 1924 and 1925, he spent two more at Ohio State University from 1928 to 1929 as an instructor. He completed hi s doctorate work here and then spent one year as a National Research Cou nci l fellow in psychology. He came to Iowa State in 1930. He was honored by election to ~ernbership in Phi D elta Kappa (honorary educational fraternity devoted to research), Sigma Xi, (hon~rary scientific), Alpha Psi D elta and Psi Xi (both 10 norary psychology). Dr. Lauer, working for the State of Iowa and t~e United States D epartment of Agriculture, is at ~.1 e present moment particularly interested in the 1 • cense plates attached to your car. He says, "Our task 15 to. determine the best size, color, type of lettering, spacmg, and grouping of license plate numbers w ith respect to the background used. We have yet to measure the effect of the degree of illumination upon the hlates. This work is rapidly being completed and we ope to be able to announce the complete results in t he near future." Other major branches of Dr. Lauer's work include ~11 ~ ~easurement of the drivers' reactions to various rtvtng situations and the selection of traffic signs (Continued

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page 14)


A Scientific Farm Building Program


HENRY GIESE, Alpha Omicron, professor of ag ricu ltural eng ineering at Iowa State College, was given the ask of conducting a nation-wide survey for the purpose of stu dying the need for research, the work being carried on by the several states, and the need for the formation of a national program in connection with the relation of farm building and agricultural returns. Brother Giese, a graduate of Iowa State in 1919 as an architectural engineer, was a leader on the campus. In recognition of his ab iliti es as a student he was affi li ated w ith Tau Beta Pi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Mu Alpha, and later wi th Sigma Xi. In 1927, Giese took his M.S. from Iowa State, and agai n in 1930 he was g iven the professional degree of Architectural Engineer. At present he holds the chair of second vice-president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers and is vice-chairman of the structures division of the same society. The buildings on the farm constitute operating units of a manufacturing plant. The justification for building then must be on a production cost basis. Proper storage buildings are essenti al to the conservation of farm products. The quality of g rains depends to a large extent upon the method used in storing them. Fruits and vegetables need proper storage to keep them in condition for market. The buildings exert a large influence upon farm labor. In add ition to all these factors, it is genera lly recognized that better buildings on the farm breed contentment and pleasant surroundings inspire to better work. Farm buildings, then, must provide conditions essential to maximum production but at a cost for construction which wi ll permit of an adequate return on the investment. Because of the failure of the farmer to solve building problems for himse lf and because the architectual (Comhmed on page 14)


For Highway Safety (Continued from page 13)

with particular respect to the best color combinations and the psychological effect of these situations upon the driver. The first of these involves five steps: 1. Statistical analysis of the past records of the driver. 2. Actual tests of the driver on the road (sometimes conducted by the license bureau). 3. The driving of the car through a miniature field which presents the majority of the common driving situations. 4. Driving a laboratory set-up stimulating automobile driving. 5. The making of separate tests on visual reactions to various types of stimuli such as stop lights, markers, etc. The results of these tests from only a minor portion of the data necessary for any conclusion to be reached in as much as the factors affecting traffic situations include the coordination time, knowledge of the laws, emotional stability, field of vision of the driver, experience, age, etc. The second question is for the purpose of discovering signs which will be as effective at night as in daylight. This is not only a question of color combinations, but also the size, form, height, distance from the corner, contrast, effect of repetition, legibility both in daylight and under different degrees of illumination, must be determined. It is thus seen that from the standpoint of research, the traffic sign and the license plate problems bear a close resemblance to each other. However, due to the great disparity of standardization, it is exceedingly difficult to make progress in the application of either problem, although substantial gains are made in the laboratory. Dr. Lauer's work is designed to build up a mass of facts which the National Safety Council and other organizations can use to direct the education of the American people in an effort to reduce the enormous losses due to automobile accidents. These losses approximate 100 persons killed per day and the injury of 1,000,000 persons per year with the consequent economic loss of $2,000,000,000.

A Scientific Farm Building Program (Continu ed from page 13 )

profession has not found the farm field profitable, much of the existing data is traditional and inaccurate. Therefore the burden falls upon the various state research stations and the federal government. Realizing the acuteness of the situation and the necessity for a definite program, the Secretary of Agriculture, at the request of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, approved the making of a survey


of the farm building sit:uation. The actual work was delegated to the Division of Agricultural Engineering at that time under the Bureau of Public Roads. Numerous organizations were asked to cooperate ~d at the first meeting on August 27, 1929, they adopted objectives, to be obtai.ned::..through a close study of .. 路 the farm situation. With these objectives in mind, the Advisory Council decided to make a detailed study throughout the country. Brother Giese, obtaining a leave of absence of fifteen months from his work at Iowa State, took over the task as Senior Agricultural Engineer for the Division of Agricultural Engineering and personally visited nearly every state in the union and nearly every experiment station in the country in an attempt to correlate the findings at the various stations. This work has now been completed as far as it is possible to do so, and Brother Giese has resumed his teaching and research work at Iowa State Coilege.

First District Convention at Psi Chapter Psi Chapter is to be the scene of the convention of the First District of Pi Kappa Phi. The convention date has been set for the week-end of March 25-27, 1932. In conversation with the District Archon William J. Berry, we understood that the Eighth District had planned to join with the First District in a joint con路 vention at Ithaca. Although no word has been heard from the Eighth District as yet, we expect that that plan will be followed. Psi Chapter wishes to extend an invitation to all brothers who would care to attend the convention to do so. It was agreed that the unofficial delegates to the convention would be assessed enough to defray the expenses of their meals. The only request is that if you plan to attend the convention, kindly let us know when you will be here.

"Invisible Guests" Fed Daily by Twelve Fraternities Fifty destitute persons are being fed by the twelve fraternities contributing a basket of food each day for their "invisible guest." "Other houses may join the plan when they realize it will not incur an extra expense," Bill Waltz said last night, explaining that the other houses wi ll be con路 tacted individually. The original plan was proposed and investigated by Waltz. The twelve fraternities donating a basket of food each day are: Theta Xi, Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Upsilon, Zeta Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma f\.lpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Chi and Psi Upsilon.

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Snoops ~;/t. down: Contracts signed-Arc/Jot~ George Coulter was recently married. Pledge Dooley goes to major leagues after college, Alpha p /'on. Alpha Xi cup and Henry JVdugartncr-hc won it. Small picture but he is large in the chapter, M. F. Mueller, A K secretary. Co »JJ and all, Alpha Epsilon's allracti-vc house. Tenter down: Spurgeon uWi/d" Cherry, athlete par excellence of A E. Rex·McGi/1 luvcstment Company and a few Florida oranges. R'reasurcr and yet he smiles, Henry Smith, A H. (ght down: Birthday cake consumed by Chicago Almnni Chapter. Derby 'n' all, A. S. Telford, treasurer of A K. Arthur Hanscu Prouounccd handsome) and another Alpha Xi cup he garnered. A sad story-Omicron's house afterwards.







(EDITOR'S NOTE: In token of appreciation for extraordinary length of service on the Supreme Council, a suitable gift was voted to Past Supreme Edito1路 Richard L. Young and Past Supreme Secretary Elnm路 N. Turnquist by the fraternity. The following letters speak for themselves.)

Charlotte, N.C. Janua1路y 8, 1931 DEAR HOWARD:

It is difficult for me to adequately express my and Mrs. Young's appreciation of the handsome gift which the fraternity sent us at Christmas. Nothing could have been more appropriate, more useful, or more desired. Each time that I glance at it or count its beautiful chimes I am reminded of the thoughtfulness of those who were kind enough to remember me. Through the passing years it will be a source of pride and joy, and I know that it will serve as a tie to bind me and my interests closer to Pi Kappa Phi. Frankly, I was not deserving of such generosity, but because of the spirit behind the gift, it is that much more appreciated . I thank you and all those who had a part in it from the depths of a grateful heart. Best wishes for good health and prosperity in 1932. Fraternally yours, RICHARD L. YOUNG

January 25, 1932 Chicago, 11/inois To THE SUPREME COUNCIL AND BROTHERS IN

PI KAPPA PHI: The beautiful electric clock with its musical chimes and attached plate of appreciation, which was delivered to me on the night before Christmas, is 'l gift that will be long remembered and ever cherished. It is difficu lt to express in words my feelings and my thoughts as I read the engraved inscription on the gold plate.

The purity of tone, beauty of design, and lasting quality defines in an indelible language the spirit and the motive which prompted its presentation. The greatest reward in giving of one's time and energy is the satisfaction in knowing that the effort has been appreciated and has proven of some va lue in the progressive march of an organization of genuine men. The writer has always strived to give unstintedly of his time, loyalty, and devotion, and if in any small way he has left an impression in the pages of the fraternity's history of some thing really worth while, his efforts have certainly not been in vain. My associations during the past six years with the various members of the supreme councils and chapters are indelibly written in my book of memories as some of the most pleasant experiences of my life. It is my sincere hope that Pi Kappa Phi wi ll continue to grow, not on ly in membership and numbers of chapters, but in strength of character, ideals, and in everlasting brotherhood. It is my further hope that the members of the Council may receive Supreme Guidance in their deliberations and in the cementing of an unadulterated fraternal brotherhood and in the estab lishment of its financial security and stability during the present crisis in our fraternity and economic systems. All I can say in appreciation of your appreciation is, I thank you . Fraternally, ELMER N. TURNQUIST

Pi Kappa Phi Ten Years Ago By



Psi Chapter had recently been installed at Cornell. The Berkeley convention was just past. There Roy Heffner was elected supreme archon ; Jimmi e Setze, secretary; Henry Harper, treasurer; George Driver, alumni secretary; and Dick Young to his second term as editor of The Star and Lamp. The magazine was devoted to accounts of the convention . Some of the things done: The word "eminent" was dropped as a prefix to titles of the supreme officers; supreme treasurer was made business manager of the magazine; life subscription plan was made compulsory; provision was made for the first song book, with Wade Bolt to edit it; office of "chapter inspector" was created; constitution and laws were


Pou, Omicron re-written; and Atlanta was chosen for the next convention. Names prominent in the convention news: "Ches" Reeves, Cosby Byrd, George Sheetz, John Barnett, George Grant, Orvin Gaston, Forrest McGill, Billy Borland, Lawton Ellis, Karl Gibbon, and H. E. Dillingham. Chapter letters to the magazine showed John 0. Blair (now of D etroit and active at the recent convention) was secretary of Gamma Chapter; George Sheetz was archon of Alpha; "Euc" Reeves and Ray Nixon were students at Emory; Eldon Kiffin was a pledge at Nebraska; and Howard Leake was one of the brand-new Pi Kapps at Washington and Lee.


Enviable Record By

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JOHN ~RO~'NLEE ~as had a very enviable record ever smce h1s entry mto Duke as a freshman. His first honor was his election to the presidency of the freshman class. In his freshman year he played regular footb ll on the freshman team, and in the winter he made a place for himself on the boxing team. In the spring, although impaired by water on the knee due to football injuries, he ran on the track team and scored many points. In his sophomore year he made his letter in football but did not go out for boxing. In the spring he became the outstanding star of the track team, winning fifteen points in every meet just as regularly as clock work. H e was especially good in the low hurdles, although he ran the hundred and two-twenty nearly as well. H e was entered in the Southern Conference meet in Birmingham with two other Duke men as Duke's only entries. One of the other two ~as Fulmer, a Pi Kapp. H e not only won first place In the two-twenty low hurdles but he established a ne': conference record of twenty-four seconds flat. Th1s was his first year of varsity competition. He went to Chicago to enter the national intercollegiates as Duke's only representative. In this meet


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John Brownlee

he placed third in the low hurdles, against the country's best. Brownlee was elected president of the sophomore ~lass and president of Beta Omega Sigma, a local 10 norary fraternity. This fall he played stellar ball on the varsity backfield under Coach Wallace Wade, and in the spring ~e will undoubtedly repeat his excellent track work. ecently he was eJected to membership in Toombs, an athletic honorary fraternity on the campus.


Florida •s District Archon


0. Forrest McGill, P

YOU happen to make Orlando while in Florida, IFthere is a team of Pi Kapps that will be glad to see you; and before you leave them, if you have not been sold the climate and scenery through observation, they will sell you the state on an economic basis. Boosters they, energetic salesmen-that firm of RexMcGill Investment Company. It is hard to speak of one without pulling into the discussion the other. Both are members of Rho Chapter, Washington and Lee University ; they are partne~; and to put the cap on the situation, they married sisters. 0. F. ("Mac") McGill was a very active man in the chapter at Washington and Lee University, serving several terms as archon and periods in other offices. This interest in the fraternity continues with him and led him to accept the district office when it was offered. While the press of personal business affairs deprives him of the opportunity of spending as much time with the chapters as he would wish, the welfare of the two chapters under his jurisdiction is something of much concern to him. He is vice-president of the local realty board and takes an active interest in the work of the Rotary Club. This is evidence of continued leadership in business affairs now as it was campus activities in his university days. He was president of his freshman class, captain of the wrestling team, and an officer in a ribbon social club. In addition to these activities, he was able to complete a four-year course in three years and hold down a responsible position in a local bank. He is pulling for a Florida convention of the fraternity.

• 17

More Snooping

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I<:, 1. Eta o f 1932 poses. 2 . Birmit~gham Barons l1ave sigt~ed T. M. Heam, Tau. 3. The pledges of Alpha Xi. 4. "General" Edgar Routzong, A N treasurer and r B IT. 5. Head man of Alpha Theta, E. C. Brewster. 6. Present archou of Alpha Kappa~ H. C. Hotchkiu. 7. Domicile of Alpha Nu. 8. Business manager of college annual and treasurer of Chi is lVare. 9. Gibraltar of Pi Kappism in the .,,orJIJ.. west, Ralph St~ider, Alpha Dc/M. 10. "Wi thitJ these walls"-Aipha Kappa. 11. Archon "Gen)leman" Gerald Barker of Chi. 12. Upsilou plays St. Nick to local youngsters. 13. You name it, please-Alpha Nu pledges. 14. Officer and bulwark of Alpha Eta is Emerson Gay. 15. Alpha Nu group. 16. Another 11icw of Omicron's catastrophe.

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Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Active By ELTON R.


Alpha Delta

Members of the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter, w~th their wives or sweethearts, had a grand time just before Christmas at the first Philadelphia Pi Kappa Phi dance. It was a formal affair, arranged by Brother G. ]. Spahr, whereby we enjoyed a large private table at the Saturday night "Supper-Dance" given at the Penn Athletic Club. Delightful music, excellent entertainment, and tasty food made the party an exceedingly happy one. The dance was well attended. The success of this venture will undoubtedly lead to more social functions of the same kind. Brothers who "tripped the light fantastic" are the following: F. V. Magalhaes, L. E. Shemery, C. A. Porter, J. A. Renhard, C. S. Moyer, Frederick Krupp, E. R. Allison, G. J. Spahr, W. C. Taylor, Jr., H. F. Bartleson, and J. M. Donnelly. The January meeting of the chapter was marked by two outstanding events. We received our charter, the final step in becoming an authorized alumni chapter, and had with us for the first time our District Archon, Prof. William J. Berry of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. It might be said that these two are really one, since it was Brother Berry who officially presented us with our charter. We had been waiting hopefully almost a year for our charter, and had also b~en looking forward to the initial visit of our new district archon. The fulfillment of these two desires made the meeting a very happy one. But, these were not the only features of the January gathering. Thanks to the arrangements made by our archon, Norman G. Johnson, the meeting commenced by our having dinner with our guest in a private banquet room at the ·oakwood Country Club near Woodbury, New Jersey. After enjoying the excellent food, 'We settled back in comfortable chairs about the large table, took to our smokes and pipes (the latter notably by Brothers Berry and Johnson) and proceeded with the business of the meeting. With routine matters disposed of, we had the pleasUre of witnessing the official presentation of the charter, followed by a very interesting, informal address by Brother Berry. He told us of his visits to the various chapters in the district, reporting on their troubles, a~ Well as their triumphs, and giving in all a very good Picture of the activities of Pi Kappa Phi throughout the district. At the conclusion of this address, there commenced a very energetic and informal discussion re?arding the various activities of our alumni chapter, 'With particular emphasis on possible expansion of Pi I<appa Phi in this district. Brother Charles Porter, c~airman of 0ur expansion committee, led the discusSion in this phase. Nearly all of the brothers present


took part in it, and we hope that our future activities can be more definite as a result of this discussion. We were very fortunate and pleased to have had this counsel and enthusiasm. The meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by all of us. The hour was quite late when we reluctantly ended our discussions, expressed our hearty appreciations to Brother Berry for his visit and comradeship, ended our farewells, and took our various ways home from the Oakwood Country Club. The following brothers were present: N. G. Johnson, F. V. Magalhaes, E. R. Allison, L. E. Shemery, C. A. Porter, J. A. Renhard, C. S. Moyer, W. A. Stroupe, Frederick Krupp, G. J. Spahr, W. C. Taylor, Jr., R. M. Atkinson,]. B. Holman, Jr., H. F. Bartleson, and our guest, W. J. Berry. John Semmes Again I Sl \ll \ ~ f) l.\~11' e[ J•, A. ap~ /'~ , MI.CJU kiJI~III I I I ] \\,•lro\. h li\Uh


The above is a reproduction of the envelope of the magazine as it was returned to us by the postal authorities, marked with those fatal words. John Semmes, J. H. Semmes, J. Herriot Semmes, whatever he may call himself, has eluded us again; but "we have just begun to fight" and will carry on. It's a mystery how he got out of the air corps so suddenly. May have crashed in Senegambia and is now setting himself up as a chief of a tribe. We are grateful for the suggestion of our esteemed friend and able editor of the Monad of Sigma Phi Sigma, C. R. Anderson, that we address him at Santa Claus, Indiana. Selah. But there is a good probability that St. Nick, or the Old Nick hims~If, does not know. Suggestions or hints from all of you will be greatly appreciated.

Final Roll Call for Robert N. Jones Information from South· Carolina tells of the death, January 12, of Robert N. Jones of Zeta and Sigma chapters. Bob was well known throughout the state and had wide acquaintance in the organization, and the news of his death will come as a great shock to his many admirers. Those who were in school with him, or attended the Charleston convention, will recall vividly his attractive personality and his splendid voice.


The Press Speaks

Char/otic News carried the picture of Brother and Mrs. Sims; he i.e a member of Pi. The Atlanta ConstitutiotJ carried th e story of Atlanta cclcbratiou. Cotuidcrablc publicity is given the Roat~okc concfa,.,c by the lo cal tJCWS sheets, inclusive of the three attractiYc damsels of the lower right. The Gainesl'illc SutJ carried the article about the Alpha EpsilotJ banquet, while the publicity about Cherry, of that chapter, appeared in th e Jackson11illc Times-Union. The ,.,cry black ccnlcrpiccc is th e result o f reproducing rotogra.,urc that appeared in the Atlanta Georgian and conccrucd the famou s 'pouum hunt of Eta. Johnson, Kruger, and Paley are members of Alpha Xi and rated the columns of the Brooklyn Poly Reporter. Sympathy and good wishes to th e last. Oscar Stevens, Alpha Mu, has a column in th e Everell Republican. More about Theodore Jackson in th e Tuscaloosa News.

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Tuscaloosa News and UtJivcrsity of Alabama Crimson carries stories on OmicrotJ s fire . Congratulations to Millen (Upsilon, Lmu/ord El'ening Record) and Wilbur Wltite (Zeta , Anderson ltJdependcnt). Macon alumni organitation noted by Macon N ews. Title won by Pi is mentioned in Atlanta Constitution. Millen News speaks of Park Brinson, Pi. More rotogra'Yurc about that same ' possum business. Prominent Pi Kapp members of Brooklyn Poly faculty are wrillen up by the Reporter. Pharr is a member of Alpha Alpha, Athens Banner·Hcra/d. 1

Chapters Write of Football Stars .. • Social Plans ... Pledges and Initiations Marriages and Births Among Alumni A

Founder fogarty Honor Guest at Alpha's Founders' Day Smoker By


Pledges: Jesse Barfield, Julius Burgess, Robert Murphey, D. B. Rustin, Paul Viohl. Initiates: John Remington, Charleston, S.C. Alpha celebrated Founders' Day with an informal smoker held in our apartment. We had the distinct honor of having with us one of the two living founders, Simon Fogarty (the only reason Harry Mixson was not present was that business kept him away) and two of the original chapter, James Fogarty and Thomas F. Mosimann. In the talks by various alumni, Brother Fogarty told of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi and rejoiced to see that the ideals on which Pi Kappa Phi were founded are still the ideals which bind Pi Kapps together today. Brother Mosimann stressed the high scholarship standard of Pi Kappa Phi all over the U.S. and also remarked on the growth of the fraternity in twenty-seven years. A party given by the pledges on December 23 for the chapter was thoroughly enjoyed by the members and the many alumni who were present. Alpha has inaugurated an efficiency contest based on competency and honors earned in chapter affairs, extra-curricular activities, and athletics.

Beta Boasts of Football, Baseball and Basketball Captains By G.


0 lficefS: Archon, H . A. Copeland; treasurer, C. W. Graham; secretary, F. B. Pinson; historian, J. C. McCaskill; warden, M. H. Hunter, Jr.; chaplain, H. L. Nettles. On the field of sports Beta continues to hold an outstanding record. The chapter boasts of six men who received football letters and F. B. Pinson was elected captain of next year's eleven. Pledge J. B. Copeland was not only selected as an all-state end 22

of S.C., but also was honored with the same position on the all-S.I.A.A. eleven. In basketball, the varsity squad, of which Charlie Barrett is captain, is practically composed of Pi Kapps, including: C. W. Adams, H. L. Nettles, J. B. Copeland, and H. A. Copeland. In baseball, Beta also has a strong representation. H. A. Copeland is captain of the varsity team. Ben Covington was recently elected editor-in-chief of the Blue Stocking and J. C. McCaskill, business manager of the same publication. Both are members of Gamma Sigma and Sigma Upsilon honoraries. C. W. Adams is president of the junior class and Pledge Perrin is vice-president of the freshman class. F. B. Pinson is president of the Musketeers Club. Pledge Ratterree is the leader of the fireman's group.


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Alumni Personals

C. W. Grafton is professor of English at Presbyterian College. H. T. Swedenburg is at the University of North Carolina, working for a Ph.D. degree. J. R. Kennedy and P. A. Roberts are ministerial students at Union Seminary, Richmond, Va. Fred Stallworth is working in Tampa, Fla. T. J. Blalock is coaching and teaching in Union, S.C.

Epsilon Celebrates Founders' Day with Informal Affair By JoHN BoYD Pledges: W. G. Cole. Officers: Allen H. Whitehead, archon; James J. Stewart, treasurer; Jack Williams, secretary; John E. Boyd, historian; W. W. Caligan, chaplain; W. B. Corbin, warden. The chapter celebrated Founders' Day with an informal affair at the chapter hall. Jack Williams, who arranged the program, acted as toastmaster. Guests includ ed Brotl1er and Mrs. G. R. Vowles, E. A. Beaty, chapter adviser, District Archon Reginald Price of Charlotte, and C. M. Dunn, Jr., of the Charlotte


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Bartlett, Xi

Ferraro, Psi


Alumni Chapter. The program for the occasion follows:

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"Brotherhood" . .. ... .. ... .... District Archon Price "History of the Fraternity" .. . . .. . .. . Brother Vowles ~iolin number ... . ....... .. ... .... .. Pledge Rozelle Prospects of the Future" . . . . . ... .. . . .. Archon Knox Solo .. . . .. .. . . .. ......... . ...... . ... Mrs. Vowles "Tidbits" . . . . .. .. .. . ... ... . . .... . .. Brother Beaty

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After this enthusiastic program, the brothers and guests retired to the chapter room where Mrs. Vowles CUt the large birthday cake with its twenty-seven candles and punch was served. . Important social functions of the last two months tnclude sophomore Christmas houseparty on December 19-20 and the Panhellenic dances of January 2930, for which Tal Henry furnished the music.

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Alumni Personals oyrth ·ial

Chalmers R. Carr is now at the University of North Carolina where he is taking work in the medical school. W. W. Harrison is now serving as Clerk of the Committee on Printing, House of Representatives, at Washington.


Cleveland Elected Archon of Delta Chapter By SID


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0 lfi.cers: D. B. Snider, treasurer; William 0. Self, assistant treasurer; Walter Martin, secretary; James Scales, historian; Thomas F. McAfee, chaplain; Charles W. Cox, warden. Green H. Cleveland, popular member of the senior class at Furman University, was recently elected ard1on of Delta Chapter for the second half of the year. Brother Cleveland, who is a Greenville boy, succeeds James W. Culbertson of Woodruff as archon. Brother Cleveland holds several outstanding honors on the campus and will receive his B.A. degree this spring summa mm laude. He is a member of Kappa Delta and Hand and Torch, honorary scholastic fr~--




;rd, in,

La..,indcr, Xi

Clark, Alpha Pi

terntttes. He also holds membership in the Cloister, which is an honorary English club, and in the French Club. last spring he was honored by election to the Student Council. Arthur Trask McCarson, Delta pledge, was one of the mainstays in the line of the freshman football

G. H. Cleveland

team at Furman University this past season. McCarson, who hails from Henderson, N.C., was a star in highschool football for four years, playing tackle. This year on the Furman team he was shifted to guard by Coach Mcleod and played that position well. He is fast and shifty and has the making of an outstanding guard. He played in all of the freshman games this year, and promises to be a strong contender for a regular berth on the Furman University varsity next fall.

Iota Joins Other Atlanta Chapters 1n Radio Broadcast By BILL MANER Tranfen: John Coursey, Pi; Moyce Sikes, Eta. 0 fficers: Bob McCamy, · archon; Carlton Daugherty, secretary; Charles Newton, treasurer; Will Hill Newton, historian; Ossis Cobb, chaplain; Wilson Page, warden. The athletic number of The Star and Lamp finds Iota with plenty to talk about. This year we were represented on the football field by Tom Black. Black 23

is from Greenville, S.C., and during his freshman year at 'Tech he was given more publicity in the sport columns of the local papers than any other member of the squad. Although this is his first year on the varsity, he has not failed to live up to his reputation and the expectations of the sports writers-starring in the Florida and the California games. Ish Williams is probably the most accomplished swimmer that southern collegiate swimming has seen in many years. Checking over the rolls of the other minor sports, we find on the track team Brother McGraw and Pledge McMillan; on the lacrosse team Brothers McCamy and Hatcher; and in the boxing ring we find Brother Whitley. The evening of December 10 found the members and pledges of the Georgia Tech Chapter joined with the other Pi Kapps of Atlanta and vicinity in gala celebration of the twenty-seventh Founders' Day of our fraternity, at a banquet held at the Ansley Hotel. After being entertained and informed of the merits of Pi Kappa Phi by our alumni, we assembled at the studios of WSB, from which station we broadcasted a "Pi Kappa Phi Birthday Party," under direction of Ray Nixon. Iota was host at one of the most successful social events of the season on November 21, in honor of the 1931 pledges. Plans are being made for a much more elaborate affair to be given on April 1, at one of Atlanta's country clubs. This will be the annual dance given by the chapter and pledges. We hope that many brothers from other chapters will be able to attend . A lum ni Persona ls

John Frank Stewart married Miss Virginia Morris on December 24, 1931.

Preston Barber was married to Miss Janet Campbell on November 9, 1931.

"Mu Musings" Is Latest Chapter Publication to Appear By JosEPH L. SKINNER Pledges : Robert Dick, Canton; Alfred Reichman, Washington. 0 fficers: Brewster Snow, archon; Robert Fisher, treas路 urer; Wilbur Sachsenmaier, secretary; Joseph Skinner, historian; Dan Merritt, chaplain; Robert Atkins, war路 den. John Brownlee was Mu's contribution to football this season and he saw action in every Duke game, starring in several of them. He is the fastest back on the squad and was a very valuable player, making manY gains for Duke. This was Wallace Wade's first year at Duke after his successful regime at Alabama and quite naturally the spotlights of the nation were turned toward his new team. Now that football is over, Brownlee has started working out for indoor track in preparation for the southern meet to be held in March at Chapel Hill. Brother Fulmer will be with Brownlee in the track meet, broad jumping. Mu sent three delegates to the Roanoke conclave and they brought back great news to the boys of a good time and lots learned. Under the direction of Brothers Atkins and Skinner, the chapter brought out its first issue of the new publication, Mtt Musings, which was sent to every chapter and all of Mu's alumni. We hope it was of some interest to the read路 ers and we would welcome any suggestions for our next issue this spring.

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J. B. Copela11d Beta


While all the boys were away for the holidays •tball B_rother Hoggard persuaded one of Durham's prettiest ;ame, g~rls (Miss Ruth May before her marriage) to marry k on htm. We wonder how he did it, but we consider him nany due congratulations. year and Xi Men Dominate Roanoke College rned

Football Team uted

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Thompson Alpha Pi

Hughes Omicron

that even though he was only a sophomore his play was equal to that displayed by many if not all the veteran tackles of the Virginia teams. "Big Gene," as he was called, also possessed one of those educated toes about which we hear so much. He has the honor of being the only man on the team who played all of every game. Charlie Engers, one of the smallest men on the squad, held down an end in a way that would have brought joy to any coach's heart. He had the misfortune to injure his ankle during an afternoon scrimmage rather early in the season, but despite this mishap he played in practically every game. W. E. Boone was a mainstay in the line and his play at guard position would have satisfied any coach. .After the sixth game of the season, during one of the practice games, he had the misfortune of fracturing one of the veterbrae in his neck. He was unable to participate in any of the remaining games on the schedule. Nevertheless, Boone is not going to give up the game and he will be back as strong as ever for the nineteen thirty-two season. T. F. West, Jr., played an end with Charley Engers. West was one of the large men of the team and the largest of the ends. He saw regular service and started all but two of the games. He played either end, but he saw more action on the right side of the line than on the left. The last four men named, namely, Barnett, Engers, Boone, and West all are sophomores and will be back to carry on next year.

Hill. During the past football season at Roanoke Coltrack 1ege, members of Xi Chapter dominated the Roanoke College football team. Led by the impetuous Pleas :lave Ramsey as captain, six other brothers played regularly of a ~~d earned their varsity monograms. Of the seven 1 Kappas who made their "R," four were sophon of : out ~ores, one a junior, and two were seniors. From this ings, tact one is able to conclude very readily that Xi will \1u's contribute much to the football teams of Roanoke ·ead· College for several years to come. our Brother Ramsey was captain of the team as has already been mentioned. During the first half of the season he was quarterback, and although he had not h~d very much experience at this post, he carried on \Vtth the coolness and the surety of a veteran of three ?r. four seasons. After the fifth game, in which he was ~0 JUred, he was shifted to fullback and continued to e a worthy foeman of the colleges of the Virginia conference. When he graduates in June, he will leave ~gap which the coaches will find extremely difficult to II. All this is augmented by the fact that he was chosen as all-state fullback in Virginia by all the Phi Beta Kappas, Tau Beta Pi, coaches in the state. at Omicron Brother Howard Altizer, the other senior of the ~quad, was a reserve tackle. Besides being a player By HENRY H. MIZE e Was of invaluable service as a scout. I' Brother S. W. Lavinder was a veritable rock in the Pledges: James King, Wilmington, N.C. tne. "Pete" weighed two hundred and thirty pounds, lntitiates: E. Davis Haigler, Tarrant City; Frank Wil~nd rival centers and tackles found him extremely liamson, Anniston. 0 fficers: Harry Carroll, archon; Theodore Jackson, ~ard to manage. His favorite position was at center, Ut at times he was shifted to tackle in order to treasurer; Mel Jackson, secretary; Henry H. Mize, stop some concentrated attack. historian; Warren Hemphill, chaplain; Wood Rowe Gene Barnett held down a tackle position so well Purcell, warden.




On the night of December 10, Omicron Chapter appropriately observed Founders' Day with a formal banquet, at which fifty-five were present. Several alumni from Omicron and other chapters attended. James P. Lynch served well in the position of toastmaster. Leo H. Pou, supreme secretary, was present and gave us an inspiring talk. Theodore Jackson followed him with a full account of the history of the fraternity. Pledge Kennedy, president of our White Diamond Club, gave a freshman's impressions of the fraternity. Several of the visiting brothers were called on and

Robert M. Mundine is now practicing law in Tar rant City, Ala. Walter E. Hovater is now on the coaching staff o the University of Alabama. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Langley of Sylacauga announC1 the marriage of their daughter, Rowena, to Johr Alexander Shinn, on Sunday, January 3. Mr. and :Mrs Shinn will be at home on Broadway Street, Syla cauga, Ala. Hal W. Howard married Miss Myrtle Victori• 'Hinkle of Birmingham, Ala.

Prominent Athletes at Oglethorpe University

rendered short, impromptu speeches. Prominent among the chapter's guests on this occasion were: Thomas Byrne, Alpha Pi; Edward Beason, Alpha Eta; J. P. Burchfield, Walter Hovater, and Francis Fletcher, Omicron. Clyde Pearson of Montgomery furnished us with attractive place cards, and Mother Fitzpatrick most capably attended to the food. To her also all credit must be given for the elaborately decorated tables. After the banquet all the brothers gathered around the fire for a "bull session." Three members of Pi Kappa Phi have recently received recognition as scholars on the university campus. Wood Rowe Purcell was elected to Tau Beta Pi in his junior year; Brothers William C. Davis and Henry H . Mize have been initiated into Phi Beta Kappa. It is quite unusual for any social fraternity to be represented in these organizations with this many men. Theodore Jackson, president of the student body, went to Toledo, Ohio, during the holidays. He attended the National Student Federation of America and was selected to preside over the discussions on the honor system. Brother Jackson is recognized over the nation as an outstanding authority on this phase. Omicron Chapter had the misfortune to have its house badly burned during the holidays, but reconstruction has already been begun. The damage was fully covered by insurance.

Alumni Personals Ellen Parker Mize, Jr., is now residing at 4004 University Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, and he is on the editorial staff of the D es Moines Tribune.


h b Claud Herrin made the 1931 College Httmor All tl American baseball team. His position is third basr ti and he is considered by our coaches as one of the bes p athletes in the history of our school. He has serve' c as captain of the three major sports at Oglethorpe. 0. Frank Anderson, Jr., son of Coad1 Frank Anderson b: has played varsity football for three years and has beer outstanding as a kicker and ball carrier. He will hoi B down the keystone bag on the 1932 baseball teafll th The 1932 baseball will complete Frank's athletic career \1( at Oglethorpe. He has already received five athletiC letters. Park Brinson, ard1on of our chapter, was high poin1 man in intramural sports. Phil Hildreth and Jack John ston also made their letters in intramural sports f or 11 the same year. Pi Kappa Phi won second place, bein[ 01 beaten by five points only. w Eddie Anderson, brother of Frank, won the cross· 10 country race staged recently at Oglethorpe. The race was entered by all classes and Eddie, of the freshmaP class, won.

Tau Chapter Plans Big Things for the New Year By


Pledges: Bill Sloan, Wilmington, N.C.; Dan Woold' ridge, Laconia, N.H. 0 fficers: L. C. Hubbard, Jr., archon; H. Harris, treas· mer; A. L. Stubing, secretary; C. H. Palm, historian : E. M. William, chaplain; H. H. Strickland, warden· At the last meeting the new officers were sworn iP and they promised their support in placing our chap· ter foremost in campus activities. Already affairs have been revolutionized. Archon Hubbard, our little Na· poleon, has recently taken into camp two new men. Pledges Bill Sloan and Dan Wooldridge. Both of these men are outstanding scholars in their schoolS· We expect Wooldridge to star next year in the role of guard on the varsity basketball team as well as in the hurdle races on the. cinder track. In Brother Harris we

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have an earnest treasurer. Brother Stubing, the buzzing bee about the campus, h as proved versatil e in penning t~e chapter's literature. He is now wi nning recognition as star reporter of the Technician, the school paper. Brother Strickland returned to school after the Christmas holidays to resume his studies where he left o{f two years ago. We are certai nly glad to have him back with us again. .T. Hearne will leave us in March to journey to Birmingham where h e is to fu lfill obligations w ith the Birmingham Barons as a dashing third baseman. 'We wish him luck on the diamond.

Alumni Personals

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James M. Ford left us after the Yu letide to marry lucy Dew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Acree, on Friday, December 25, in Mullins, N.C. The newly:Veds will be at home after the twenty-fifth of January :ross· In Co nstancia, Santa Clara, Cuba. : race :~man

Upsilon Holds Christmas Party for Sixteen Youngsters By


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0 fficers: D. A. Parkhurst, ard1on; Joseph Ondrus, treasurer; C. E. Line, assistant treasurer; W. E. Wishart, secretary; R. E. Grover, assistant secretary; P. D. Grover, historian; Michael Mettler, chaplai n ; T. F. Fleming, warden. Upsilon held a Christmas party for sixteen chi ldren of the third and second grades of the Marquette Grammar School, Champaign, Ill., on D ecember 17. Clarence Frazer was in charge of the affair and Charles McEuen p layed the part of Santa Claus. Under the Christmas tree trimmed with icicles, were red stockings filled with candy for the children. These had been sewn and filled by the pledges. Santa's Pack contai ned gifts for the you ng guests. An hour 'Was spent in songs and dances, followed by ice cream and cookies. Cooperation was show n by all members a~d pledges w hil e the alumni and faculty in town aided g reatly by loaning th eir cars. This year's party

PinsotJ Beta

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was an experiment but it wi ll become a regular "curtain-raiser" for the chapter's own Christmas party, which is of a slightly different nature.

Stetson Football Team Composed of Chi Men By



Initiates: William Gautier, Charles Martin, Travis Petrey, Donald Horton, William Elton, George Farmer, Davis Goddard, Stanley Bumby, Boyce Ezell. Chi Chapter at Stetson U. is very proud of its football men this year, having nine men on the varsity squad two coaches, and six men on freshman squad. Horton, No. 72, as tackle; Petrey No. 21, as quarterback; Elton, No. 31, as quarterback; Blastic, No. 43, as halfback and end ; Peculunas, No. 27, as tackle; Urich, No. 19, as end; Lindsey, No. 61, as guard; Graves, No. 91, as quarterback; and Carpenter, No. 29, as halfback, were invaluable to Stetson's football team this year. Brother Charles Martin was the able assistant to Coad1 H. R. McQuillan, varsity football coach, and Brother Gautier was the freshman football coach. Pledge John Urich, besides playing almost every minute in all football games as end this year, is now the captain of a most successful basketball team which so far is undefeated; having beaten the University of Florida, an Orlando Independent team, and taking two games from Citadel. Brother Carl Johnson, an alumnus of Chi , is planning on taking over the freshman basketball squad. As Brother Johnson has had much experience in this field, we pred ict a most successful season for him.

Alumni Personals Brother Chan Johnson, graduate of '28, is now residing in De Land, Florida, and is a regular visitor at our ch apter house. We are very glad to have Brother Johnson with us. Brother Stanley Wagg, graduate of '28, stopped over to visit us the other day.

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on a technicality, but served in th e scrub team that played the varsity in practice. H e is a good player and should be very use ful next year. Th e freshman team at Cornell this year lost but one game and that early in the season. Norman Scott, '3 0, was their head coach . H e drilled them through Cornell Pi Kapps Contribute a most success ful season and much of their excellence to Successful Football should be credited to his teaching. H e was a varsity pl ayer w hile an underg raduate at the uni versity. By V ERNE R M. INGRAM Just before the Christmas recess th e annu al dinner Initiates: Frank Canace, Nyack, a freshman in el ec- and party was held at the house and was very well trical eng ineering, possessor of two scholarships; attended. Among those attending was Brother Hurd Glenn Barber, Corinth , a sophomore in mechanical of Michigan State, Alpha Theta, w ho is instructing eng ineering, and possessor of two schol arships; Wil- in Cornell while carrying on g radu ate work in the liam D e Long, Reading, Pa., a sophomo re in chemis- university. try, transfer from Albright Coll ege; H erman WintRalph Lew is, '3 1, a g raduate student, is at present zer, Milwaukee, Wis., f reshman in mechanical eng i- doing research work in the college of electrical enneering; H arley Potter, junior in civil eng ineering, g ineering. a fo rmer member of the Komos Club, the loca l th at John Ferraro was elected to membership as sophobecame Pi K appa Phi , who left the university during more representative on th e Student Co1.1ncil. the war and has returned to fini sh his work. Eddie Smith and Abe George were elected to Now th at th e football season has closed at the Aleph Samach, a junior honorary society, memberuniversity, we review to find that several members ship in which is one of th e highest honors open to of Psi Chapter have been outstanding in their con- a junior. They are both wearers of the " C" for basetributions to a most success ful autumn . Johnny Fer- ball. raro, a sophomore, was the outstanding find of the On Janu ary 7, Psi Chapter received its first visit year and was a consistently fin e performer in every from th e new archon of the First District, Willi am game that he played. H e was a first-squad man and J. Berry. This was Brother Berry's first visit to Cornell received honorable mentions in several of the All- University as well as to the chapter. His stay w as enAmerican elevens that were named at the conclusion joyed by eve ryone and we hope to see him in the of the season. In th e Princeton, Columbia, and Uni - near future. versity of Pennsylvani a games he was recog nized as one of the best all-round players on th e fi eld . Since Chicago Omegans Hold Formal he is only a sophomore in the uni versity, he is seen Christmas Party as one of the mainstays of the coming two years. Together w ith him on the squad was Edd ie Smith, a By H ENRY THOEMING first string reserve who saw service in several of th e big games. H e also is recog nized as being a consist- Pledge: John S. Swain, Cambridge City, Ind . ently good man. Abe George was ineli g ible this year Initiates : Ralph Bertsch, Cambridge City, Ind .; Wil-

Chi Chapter received the announcement of marriage of Brother E. R. Ferguson, '3 1, to Miss Geneva Duncan. The ceremony was held the latter part ot September.

Stetson's Team Almost Entirely a Chi Team Pardon the mutilation. Best that could be done. Extreme upper left is Gautier, freshman coach. Extreme upper right is assistant coach Martin of -varsity See chapter letter for identification of players



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liam Haase, Martinville, Ind.; Nathan Scott McGaw, Madisonville, Ind.;. William E. Orr, El Paso, Texas; Harold Johnson, Goshen, Ind. 0 /ficers: Robert Bainbridge, archon; Richard Gollmar, tr.easurer; Henry Thoeming, secretary; Arthur Hirst, htstorian; Harold Miller, chaplain; Gayle Martin, warden; Meredith Price, steward; Nathan S. McGaw, bookkeeper. A formal Christmas party was held at the Edge~ater Beach Hotel by those members and pledges livtn? in and about Chicago. Nine coup les attended thts third annual party. The house formal is to be held at the chapter house on February 20, dancing to start at nine o'clock.

Ramsay, Xi

Alumni Personals Roy Reed is in Korea working for the Oriental Gold Mining Company, Hokuchiu, Korea (Chosen). Art Donovan is playing in an orchestra on the Illinois campus as well as doing work on his master's degree. Joe Nichols is one of the employed of Dallas, Texas. Pete Sherwood is working in Milwaukee. His address is 3834 N. 23rd St. W. Higgins is now back in New York after an extended trip through the west. Robert Cline has completed the design and supervised the installation of a flood-lighting system for the Washington monument, Washington, D.C.

West, Xi

Alpha Alpha Enjoys Founder of Chapter By JACK ADAMS Initiate: Searcy Garrison, Ochlochnee.


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Officers: Herman J. Spence, archon; John I. Adams, secretary; John T. Cash, treasurer; Searcy S. Garrison, historian; Everett Cox, chaplain ; B. C. Teasley, Jr., Warden. On D ecember 10, Founders' Day, Alpha Alpha entertained the pledges with an informal supper. We Were glad to have with us as guest of honor the founder of our d1apter, Brother Jimmie Ross. After talks by the members and pledges, "Daddy" Ross told us the story of the birth of our organization at Mercer University. Later in the eveni ng we all listened over the radio to the program given over WSB by the Atlanta Alumni Chapter .in honor of Founders' Day. We are g lad to say that recently two of our pledges, James Bullock, Ochlochnee, and Haywood Vann, Thomasville, were chosen to represent the freshman class in intercollegiate debates. We hope next year they will be on the vars ity team with Brothers Evans and Garrison. Garrison was recently elected president of the International Relations Club.


Nelson, Alpha Pi


Members of Alpha Alpha are very well pleased with our new location this year. At present we are entertaining a full house, but we can always find room for any visiting Pi Kapp who is in Macon over night.

Pirates Will Come to Alpha Gamma Chapter

Alumni Personals

Pledges: Max Humphries, Marfa, Texas; Joe Humphries, Marfa, Texas; Charles Tucker, Clifford Stein, and Gordon Strain, Cherokee, Oklahoma. Initiates: Jess Marley, Hastings, Okla.; Bourbon Wheeler, Wichita Falls, Texas; Willard D. Hunter, Ponca City, Okla. ; H. C. Dick Wilson, Tecumseh, Okla.; Richard Ducker, Tecumseh, Okla.; Robert Crane, Carmen, Okla.; and Joe Kelleam, Anadarko, Okla. 0 fficers: Archon, Burl Hayes; treasurer, Claude Eurton; secretary, Donald Smith; historian, H. C. Dick Wilson; d1aplain, Richard Ducker; warden, Bourbon Wheeler; pledgemaster, Lyman Edwards. Despite the "repression," Alpha Gamma is making preparations for the annual Pirate Dance which will be given in February this year. The Pirate Dance is one of the dances on the campus at Oklahoma and is looked forward to by everyone. It is a costume dance and is given in the chapter house. The house is decorated to resemble a huge ship. The orchestra is placed in a box for'rd and the refreshments are served in "Joe's Bar Room" in the basement. We are expecting many alumni back for the dance this year.

On December 22, 1931, the alumni of Pi Kappa Phi who live in Macon were organized into an alumni chapter. Alpha Alpha has been trying for some time to get our Pi Kapp alumni interested in an alumni chapter, and we feel sure that the new organization will not only help the alumni to be better Pi Kapps but it will also help our chapter here at Mercer. Phillip Etheridge is earning his bread by practicing law with his father in Atlanta. Baxter Coke, one of the charter members of the dupter, spent a few days with us in January. Darby Cannon came by to see us during homecoming. Many other alumni have dropped by to see us for a few minutes. We are always glad to have the old boys back with us and the house is always open for any and all Pi Kapps.

Alpha Beta Alumni and Actives Celebrate Founders• Day By G. F. WEBER Pledge: William Ayres, of New Orleans, La., was pledged on November 28, 1931. The Founders' Day banquet was held at the De Soto Hotel. Truman Woodward, one of the alumni, officiated as toastmaster. Interesting talks were given by Harold Walsdorf, chapter adviser, and Clancy Latham, district archon. Every active member and pledge and several of the alumni were present in commemoration of this day that marked the beginning of Pi Kappa Phi. The first event of the new year was a dance given at the chapter house on January 9, 1932. The usual Pi Kappa Phi spirit prevailed and a good time was had by everyone present. Alumni Personals The alumni are giving us wonderful support in our activities this school year. We wish to take this opportunity to extend sincere thanks to the alumni and to Dr. William Clark, president of the alumni chapter. It is this spirit shown by the men who have gone before us that makes us proud that we are Pi Kapps.






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Alumni Personals Clarence Frost, Beta Alpha '31, Hobart, Oklahoma, was married to Miss Luthera Mills, Alpha Phi, at Hobart during the Christmas holidays.

Mothers¡ Club Is Santa Claus to Alpha Delta By A.


Pledges: Gordon Anderson, Renton; Thomas Edwards, Aberdeen; Bernhard Krummel, Adna; Robert Snider and Paul Sulkosky, Puyallup; Robert Wilson, Seattle; and Wayne Ward, Nampa, Idaho. With the opening of winter quarter 1932, Alpha Delta Chapter is without an archon. J. Dean Arbogast was unable to return to school this quarter, but hopes to be back in school during the spring quarter. In his absence, the treasurer, Melvin Klinefelter will take over the office of archon until the election of new officers. Brothers Bill Goodmiller and Karl Etzkorn have returned to school this quarter. The Mothers' Club, playing Santa Claus, presented us with a nice Persian rug and a beautiful bridge lamp. Both articles were surely welcomed by the chapter. During the 1931 season of frosh football, Pledge Pau I Sulkosky played as fullback the full time in every


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out" for two minutes. It would take a panoramic ~amera .to take a picture of Paul and his numerals. ob Sntder is again turning out for frosh crew after the. ~oliday vacation, and is working hard for a posttton in the first boat. p ~rather George Ruby was pledged to Beta Alpha St, national accounting honorary. Brother Jerry Larson ~as pledged to Phi Lambda Upsilon, national ~emtstry honorary. Pledge Wayne Ward was initiated '?to Alpha Kappa Psi, national business administration honorary. Founders' Day was observed by Alpha Delta with a banquet in the chapter house. Archon Dean Arbogast ;as the toastmaster, and the talks were given by rothers Percy Shepheard and Jerry Larson. On the last night of school fall quarter, a Christmas dinner was held in the chapter house. We had ~ number of rushees up and a large number of rnerners turned out to make the affair quite a success.


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Alumni Personals Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richard Jones, a son, 1931. John Nelson, Alpha Delta, who is working for the Bel! Telephone Company, New York City, visited the chapter during December. Clarence Franklin Burke was a visitor at the chap~r house January 7. Brother Burke is now Jiving in .everett.

J0 hn Stanton, on December 22,

Alpha Epsilon Is Enjoying Successful Year " This year Alpha Epsilon decided to take the maxim the best defense is a strong offense" to heart, and under an archon whose easy-going manner is hard to couple with his ability to lead, our bad luck of the past Year and the business depression have been unable to ~core a point. We are able to say that Pi Kappa Phi ad one of the most successful rushing campaigns of any fraternity on the campus. On the gridiron we were represented by Brothers Jenkins and Cherry and Pledge Moore. Jenkins did not return to his former position at fullback this year, Where he previously earned the distinction of being the ~nest defensive fullback Florida has ever had, but e Was shifted to bolster the green line. He played a phenomenal game at tackle all season, and we do not hesitate to predict great things for him next year. Cherry will quite probably be seen in action during th.e 1932 campaign as a regular end, and Roller Moore Wtll no doubt see intensive service at guard. From the "Baby 'Gators" we will contribute pledges Dan ~lien and Byron Herlong, both of whom should gtve the veterans plenty of trouble. Basketball is in the limelight, and Spurgeon Cherry,


already a letterman in the sport, is again in action. To date Florida has played three games, in all of which the Alpha Epsilon ian has been leader in scoring points. We have two pledges on the freshman team who have been corning along in a smart manner. They are Roy Tylander and Byron Herlong. Pledge Sundy is serving in the capacity of freshman manager, and Brother Hubbard is first assistant varsity manager. Probably Alpha Epsilon's most important step forward was that of installing a dining-room in the house, virtually an unknown institution on our campus. Of the twenty-five fraternities here at the University of Florida, only seven serve meals. On the social front, the Florida edition of Pi Kappa Phi has been unusually active. To offset the sting of defeat of the "Fighting 'Gators" by Georgia at hornecorning, Alpha Epsilon was host to some hundred alumni, parents, and friends at a delightful buffet luncheon. After the final game of the season in Jacksonville, a dance was given at the Women's Club; and judging from the compliments tendered us at its conclusion, it may be considered second to none. December 10 saw a group of Pi Kapps gather at the chapter house to celebrate Founders' Day with our annual banquet. The event was rather unique in that five "Southern Belles" attended to the serving. To add to the enjoyment of the occasion, a number of our alumni were on hand. Immediately preceding the holidays, the customary Christmas party was held at the house, at which time the upperclassmen and frosh exchanged the usual gifts. Since the close of rush week and the writing of the last chapter report, two new additions have been added to our list of neophytes. They are Mercer Spear and Jesse W. Dooley. "Merce" hails from Appalatchicola and is a freshman lawyer. "Nemo" is a native of Mt. Dora. Besides being enrolled in the college of Arts and Science, he is assured a berth as catcher on the "Rat" baseball squad this year.

Alumni Personals Charles G. Allen married Miss Margaret Haverstick at Fernandina, Fla., January 3, 1932. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Walrath, a daughter, Jean Camille, January 3, 1932. Alumni returning on short visits during the past month were: Syd Herlong, Broward Poppe!, Charlie Bill, Maupin Wall, William Bullard, and Cary Thomas.

Honors Accrue to Men of Alpha Zeta Chapter By RoY HoLLIS Pledge: William Harwood, Portland. Initiates: Robert Scurich, Watsonville; Donald Reed, 31

Burbank; Mel Reid, Ellensburg; Donald Tomlinson, Albany, Oregon. Samuel Pearson, a freshman from Portland, Oregon, was recently appointed assistant collection manager of the Daily Barometer. Pearson has the distinction of being one of the three "rooks" on the regular Barometer staff. Robert Scuricb, '31, is chairman of the campus decoration comm ittee. Robert WiJJiams, Pi Kappa Phi schol ar, was initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary in education. Williams is now a member of three honora ry and professional fraternities. An informal party in the form of a radio dance was given in the chapter house on January 16, 1932. The an nual formal dance wi ll be given February 20, 1932. Alumni Personals

Harry Kallander, '28, formerly of Klamath Indian Agency, has entered the field of professional wrestling .

Another Student Body President in Alpha Eta By EMERSON GAY Pledges: Paul Cox, Clanton; Harold Greer, Birmingham; Jul ian Regans, Birmingham; Lawrence McNeil, Birmingham; Thomas McWhirter, Birmingham; A. B. Stutts, AttaJia; Copeland Graves, BlountsviJJe; John Graves, Birmingham; Lenard Vines, Birmingham; Harold Hardin, Summit; James Guinn, Bessemer; Walter Casey, CuJJman; James Edwards, Mobile. Initiate: Claude Philips. Rush week was a very good success for Alpha Eta. The program cons isted of two smokers and a party. The alu mni came out on two occasions and helped the chapter out w ith pledging. This is the first year for open rush at Howard. At th e first of the year, it was decided by the chapter to g ive a social party of some kind each month. Usually there was a dance g iven, since we have several musicians in the chapter. Harold Hardin, one of our pledges, plays the saxaphone, another the trombone, and one the piano. Thanksgiving, the pledges entertained the upperclassmen with a dinner at the house. It was a nice affair and the pledges did a very good job of putting the party over. During homecoming week, which is the annu al Birmingham-Southern-Howard game, we had many alumni to v isit th e chapter. An alumni banquet was held at the school cafeteria, and afterwards everyone came over · to th e house. Intramural sports at Howard are about to get und er way. In D ecember we played football, winning two games and losi ng one. Each fraternity is allowed two 32

sh teams in the intramural sports, one for indoor baseball and one for basketball. Alpha Eta hopes to come out on top in these events. Paul Cox, a p ledge, plays on the basketball team. Alpha Eta holds many student offices. Carl Park was eJected president of the student body. Henr)' Smith is on the student cou ncil along with Frank Fleming and Emerson Gay. Frank Fleming and Paul Guinn are circulating managers of the Crimson. Ern· erson Gay is assistant business manager of the Cri111· son. Henry Smith is a cabinet member of the Y.M.C.A· Alumni Personals

The Birmingham Alumni have a very active mern· bership this year. There are about seventy-five mern· bers who are represented from severa l d ifferent chap· ters. Brother Lent Brewster from Alpha Eta Chapter is president of the alumni and Brother Robert Mundine from Omicron Chapter is secretary. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at the Bankhead Hotel in Birmingham. The alumni have been a great help to the active chapter. The alumni plan to give a dance on February 5 together with the active members. They are expecting to make some money on the dance and wi ll turn it over to the chapter. Alfred L. Bains married Miss Meta Elizabeth Witt· meier on November 28, 1931.

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Alpha Theta Is Interfraternity Champion





Pledges: The return to school of Basil Creager, '34, Three Rivers, Mich., and Forest Meir, '33, Grand p Ledge, marked the addi tion of two pledges to our present organization. By pledging Fred Bable, Trav· erse City, we brought the total up to sixteen. 0 fficers: Ed Brewster, archon ; Ken Bellinger, treas· urer; Robert Eurch, secretary ; Earl Watz, hi storian ; Robert Whiting, chaplain; and Robert Mueller, war· p den. J:. Interfratern ity sport activities consisted of golf and A bowling last term. Alpha Theta took the bacon in l both events. Our golfers included the best quartet seen A on this campus for some years. Robert Mueller, former ( college ch amp ion , led his team to victory w ith the e aid of Hank D emming, Laverne Smith, and Kenneth ~ Bellinger. Hank was this year's winner, as well as I being that of Jast year, of the first flight coJJege l championship. Laverne was runner up in the same ) flight. c The bowling team was also represented by good t men. Last year practically the same team, with one e~· b ception, received a cup for runner-up position. ThiS year the boys walked off with a plaque for champion·


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ship team and a cup for high team score. Our victory due to the efforts of Harris Kahl, varsity pitcher; Daul Potter, holder of high individual score last year; on .Hovey; "Butd1" Whorley; and Marshal Burt. W1th practically the same line-up next year, you will read about another championship bowling team at Alpha Theta in 1933. Michigan state has a band known all over the country as one of ',t he best R.O.T.C. units in existence. Of ~he sixty members, six are Pi Kapps. Statistically speak;~g 10 per cent of the band and 25 per cent of our acIVe membership were members of the band last fall term. They were: Donald Moore, first trombone ; I<enneth Bellinger, drummer ; Hank Demming, drum~er; Laverne Smith, saxaphone; Robert U rch, cymdals; a.nd James Aldrich, bass horn. I must also intro~ce J1m and drum major for last season. Jim twisted his baton like a veteran and handled the goal post toss like "rolling off a log." December 8 marked the holding of the Alpha Theta-Alpha Kappa conclave at Hunt's Food Shop ?fEast Lansing, Mich. Alpha Kappa succeeded again ~n taking the scholarship cup back to Ann Arbor. hort and interesting speeches were given by Brothers J. Wilson Robinson, Joe Cannon, and Bernard l-Ielmrich ; Archon Brewster gave the address of welco~e and Archon Hotchkiss gave his response. Glen Dally handled the job of master of toasts with great dexterity.


Alumni Personals

'34, rand our

. AI Morley spent about a week with us at the begtnning of the term. Ted Crooks has returned to school to take up gradUate work. Robert Rieman was married to Miss Dorothy M . Foe, Port Huron, Mich., October 3, 1931.


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Honoraries Take Several Auburn Men By J. C. WILLIAMS, JR. ~ecl~es: Henry Fuller, Marion Junction , Ala.; W. W. ernn, Winder, Ga. ; Eugene Heacock, Sylacauga,

~Ia.; Floyd W. Hurt, Sylacauga, Ala. ; John T. King, -Uverne, Ala.; Lafayette Looney, Sylacauga, Ala. ; Austin Martin, Wetumpka, Ala.; Johnny Orr, Lindale, Ga.; Finlay Rockhill, Birmingham, Ala. ; Fred Stephens, Louisville, Ala.; K. G. Taylor, Albany, Ga.; Workman , Ashland , Ala . ICharles .. 1 1 ~ ftates: Fred Chapman, Grove Hill, Ala.; Lafayette Eidson, Centerville, Ark.; James H. Hamilton, Jasper, Ala.; A. L. Payne Jr., Grove Hill , Ala. Officers: H. B. Upchurch, archon; J. A. Summerlin, tr.easurer; J. P. Roberts, secretary; J. C. Williams, historian; L. H. Poole, chaplain; M. S. Caley, warden. M. S. Caley was recently tapped by Spike Shoe,


honorary track fraternity. Fred Chapman and A. L. Payne were honored by Delta Sigma Pi, honorary business fraternity. Pledge Workman was recently initiated into Alpha Phi Epsilon national dramatic fraternity. James Robbins has broken into the headlines freguently as director of the popular campus orchestra, the "Auburn Knights. " Howard Upchurch takes care of the piano playing and the vocal numbers in an inimitable style. This ord1estra made a very successful tour of South Alabama during the holiday season. Pledge Martin was recently elected secretary of the freshman class.

Alpha Kappa Wins Scholarship Cup Again By V. WELLS Pledges: Ralph Seiler, Niagara Falls, N.Y. ; MacDowell Gilmore, Ingomar, Pa.; Donald Evans, East Tawas, Mich. For the second consecutive year, Alpha Kappa received the Wilson sd1olarship cup which is awarded annually to the Michigan chapter whose scholastic average for the preceeding year was the best. One more year means permanent possession. The only social event of the winter season which is to be sponsored by Alpha Kappa is a formal dinner dance which is to be held on Saturday, February 13, the night following the J Hop. We are renting a booth at the Hop together with Sigma Zeta. We are also uniting with them in the party, which will take place at their house. "Bill " Gnodtke, who has been house manager for the past two years, resigned his post in favor of matrimony. The ceremony occurred on Christmas Eve and was witnessed by Archon Hotchkiss, who reports that the couple got off to a good start in a deluge of rice. The bride was Miss Lucille Huston.

Venison for Founders • Day at Penn State By GRANT A. CoLTON Alpha Mu has been honored just recently in having three of its members elected to honorary societies. Brother Meade, who is a pitcher on the varsity baseball team, was elected to the Skull and Bones society, an organization of outstanding managers and athletes on the Penn State campus. Broth er Epler and Brother Stoudt were chosen to become members of the Pi Tau Sigma honorary scholastic engineering fraternity. All three brothers have worked hard and they rightly deserved the recognition which they received. Pledge Fryer and Pledge Strauss have been doing


well with the freshman wrestling squad, and it is hoped that they will win regular berths on the freshman team. All of the brothers of Alpha Mu are working hard to make 1932 the best year yet. District Archon Berry in his recent visit, gave us many helpful suggestions which are being carried out to our best ability, and it is hoped that they will meet with the greatest success. We were glad to have Brother Berry and Brother Neuls with us for the week-end and it was with much regret that Alpha Mu saw them leave after such a short and pleasant visit. Founders' Day was celebrated at the Alpha Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi with much feasting and many speeches. Caterer Stoudt prepared a most excellent menu for the occasion, which was made all the more appetizing by the addition of fresh, tender, venison. Brother Zook, the Daniel Boone of this chapter, was alone responsibile for the last-mentioned article as it was he who gave up two days of his school work in order to supply such meat as would benefit a Pi Kapp banquet. The dinner was topped off with speeches by every active in the house. The two principal messages were delivered by the chapter archon, H. M. Rodgers, and the historian, G. A. Colton, who described the general history, growth, and traditions of Pi Kappa Phi. A fitting ending to such a pleasant evening was supplied by the Atlanta Alumni Chapter through the aid of the radio. At twelve o'clock sharp every man in the chapter was eagerly awaiting the promised entertainment. I will not go into detail in telling how the brothers of Alpha Mu enjoyed the program. It is sufficient to say that such an entertainment would be greatly welcomed at more frequent intervals.

Tau Beta Pi Takes Member of Alpha Nu By ROBERT THOMPSON Pledges: Alfred Newhouse, Osterander, Ohio; Ralph Printz, Ridgeway, Ohio; Gilbert Miller, Masillion, Ohio; Paul Albrecht, Masillion, Ohio. Initiates: George Koepf, Buffalo, N.Y.; George Southard, Chatham, N.Y. ; William Gall, Huron, Ohio. Edgar Routzong, our treasurer, was selected recently by Tau Beta Pi, engineer honorary fraternity. Routzong is a senior in industrial engineering. Alpha Nu has been holding up high scholastic work ever since its beginning, always ranking among the leaders of social fraternities on the campus; and, based on recent grades, we have high hopes of keeping up the good work. Men in campus activities are: Mert Alvord, Dick Kiinsler and Owen Howard, baseball; Ken Haley


and George Southard, polo; Edgar Routzong, senior polo manager; George Koepf and Corwin Hablitzel, band; and Dave Meyer, track. Due to the depression we, as every other fraternity on the campus, have met with quite a bit of difficult)' in the matter of pledging. We initiate three times a year and our last irritation left us with but four pledges, all of whom we will initiate at the end of January. We have quite a problem before us. But upon very good advice of Executive Secretary Leake, we are going to proceed in a very systematic manner and if necessary get in touch with every non-fraternity man on the campus. We intend to install a system that will be used in the future. We have had our usual number of social functions, dances, smokers and reunions. At the present time we are looking forward to our annual winter formal, to be held the thirteenth of February. Three of the brothers were married during the last year- Brothers Wells, Strowe, and Haley. Wells and Haley are continuing their school work, while Strowe is out at the present. He hopes to return in the future to complete his education. We are deeply indebted to Brother Leake for his timely visit to the chapter. We were rather in a mud路 dle over some very difficult problems that had pre路 sented themselves, dealing on suspension and our in路 ability to obtain pledges. Brother Leake gave us some very sound advice and solved our problems. We would like to thank Brother Leake and hope he will be able to visit us again in the near future.

Alumni Personals . Nelson C. Turner is now located at Groznyi, Russia, as consulting engineer to the Soviet Government. Be is a representative to the Burrell-Mase Engineering Company of Pittsburgh and went to Russia last April. He is due to return to America some time this spring.

Weingartner and Hansen Win Alpha Xi Cups By A. F. TYRRILL Henry Weingartner, '31, and Arthur Hansen, '34, were awarded the Alpha Xi chapter cup and the Alpha Xi freshman cup, respectively, for the past scholastic year's work at a rushing smoker held last October 10. The chapter cup is awarded each year to the brother in the three upper classes who has made the best record in his studies, in extra-curricular activities, and in fraternity work. The freshman cup is awarded on the same basis to the outstanding man in the frosh group. Brother Weingartner received his degree of Bachelor of Science in chemistry last June, graduating with one of the best sets of marks in his class. He has been


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a mainstay of the d1apter in rushing, and has held several offices, including archon. In extra-curricular Work, he has shown great ability as an actor in the Play Workshop, the Poly dramatic organization. H e ~eld the position of casting director of this organization during his major and senior years. Brother Hansen has centered his extra-curricular efforts on athletics. In his freshman year he was a member of the J. V. basketball squad. The only other member of his class to make the team was Brother B.ill Johnson. Art played class football and represented hts class on the Athletic Board of Control, the organization which supervises all varsity, J. V., and class tea~s, and appoints all managers. It might be interestmg to note that Alpha Xi has .five men on the board, and that the total number of members is nine.

Alumni Personals



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:x·Born to Brother and Mrs. David G. Kells, Alpha t, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, on December 2, 1931.

Alpha Omicron Introduces Dinner Bridge to Campus By A. D. SWISHER ~ledges: Albert Jordan, Marion, Iowa; Edwin Paine, urt, Iowa. .The outstanding event of the past few weeks was, Wtth.out doubt, the Founders' Day banquet. It was tres~ded over by Brother Giese, of the Agriculture ngmeering faculty. Brothers Files, Dean, A . K. Johnso.n, and Brown swiftly reviewed the past and present Wtth occasional forecasts of the future of Alpha Omicron. (As a part of -t he forecast, the .first set of architect's plans for a new home was submitted to the ~hapter.) The pledges were very creditably represented Y Pledge Lapsley, while Brothers Lauer and Scott spoke in behalf of the alumni. At the conclusion of these talks our honor guest, Past District and Supreme Archon Driver of Des Moines crystallized all that had been said in one of his short talks that have always meant so mud1 to Alpha Omicron. Because of the fact that Iowa State has in force the


quarter, rather than the semester, system it became necessary to elect a new ard1on to .fill the unexpired term of retiring Archon A. K. Johnson. This honor was conferred upon our champion distance man, Brother Carl Files of McCrory, Ark. The social events have been limited somewhat, but from all reports the fall dance given at the Country Club on November 14 was a success of the highest order. James Struve, Jim Struve, Austin, Mabbitt, Sawhill, Zellars, Frank Dockal, Grantham, Dewell, and Dingman were the returning members and pledges. Our next dance will be a formal at the SheldonMuon Hotel on February 13. On December 4, Pi Kappa Phi again took the lead of Iowa State fraternities and introduced the formal dinner bridge. At this function, Brother and Mrs . Giese and Lt. and Mrs. Arthur Andrews of Rensselaer Technical Society (now Alpha Tau) acted as chaperons. So successful was this party, the .first of its kind on the campus, that other houses are preparing to follow suit in the near future. Another honor conferred upon the members of Alpha Omicron was the selection of Brother Duncan as one of the Iowa State delegates to the national convention of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, held at Minneapolis November 16-18. Brother Dean, also a member of Sigma Delta Chi, was unable to attend and remained on the campus in charge of the Iowa State St11dent. Brother Deitchler again surprised the chapter with his versatility by annexing for himself an important role in "Wings Over Europe, " the last production of the Dramatic Club. Visitors have been rather scarce for the last month. Brother Zellars, '28, spent a couple of the Christmas holidays with us. At the same time, Gilbert Doughty spent several days with Pledge Hawes. Both are of Union, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dockal also paid us a short visit just as the quarter ended. Lastly, Pledge Herren brought two friends with him when returning from his home at Plattee, S.D. Oren Neal from Indiana has been on the campus since the beginning of the year as an instructor in Farm Crops and Soils and has been over numerous times.


letters Are Won by Two Alpha Pi Men By


On returning from the Christmas vacation, Alpha Pi found itself faced with the prospect of a new scholastic term and the initiation of the six men pledged in October. According to rules of the university, no fraternity may initiate a freshman until he bas successfully completed the first term, which comes to a close in the middle of December. All of the Alpha Pi pledges passed their lwork and will be initiated in the near future. On reviewing the football accomplishment of Alpha Pi for the past season, it is found that two members received their "S," both of them earning this distinction for the first time. Lawrence Thompson and "Ox" Clark, both of them members of the sophomore class, earned their letters playing at guard in the Sewanee forward wal l. Both of these men showed up well last year on the freshman squad and wi ll be a great help to the varsity in their two remaining years. On the freshman team, Alpha Pi was represented by "Swede" Nelson, Jimmie Johnson, and Ralph Ruch· all three of them earning their numerals. Nelson was chosen captain of the frosh team, and aided materially with both his playing in any of the line positions and his punting. Tackle is the usual position he holds down, but he also plays other line positions. Johnson and Ruch play in the backfield. Alpha Pi began the interfraternity basketball season by defeating the last year's champions in a close match. The championship of this league, which is a coveted thing at Sewanee, went to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity last year, but it is the hope of the Pi Kapps that the cup will change hands, and the team is working hard to obtain the cup for Alpha Pi. The basketball season also finds Nelson, Johnson, Ruch, and C. Thompson out for the frosh squad. The chapter publication of Alpha Pi is in prepara tion at the present time, and wi ll soon be issued.

our league in handball, but lost in the semi-finals to Kappa Sigma. In wrestling, with six entrys from the house, we placed eight in a field of twenty-three. Basketball is starting, and, from pre-season reports, it looks as though our team will go far this season. Archon Fisher is swinging a mean glove these days and he is sure to hold down a varsity berth again this year. Our Founders' Day banquet was quite a success, a good dinner with several appropriate speed1es by alumni and faculty members added spirit to the occa· sion. Archon Fisher served admirably as toastmaster. We plan the initiation of five pledges on or about February 7. Plans have been going forward nicely for second semester rushing and pledging. We expect to get several valuable men. Alumni Personals

Clarence W. Menear married Miss Nellie Irene Har· rington of Fairmont, West Virginia.

Colleges and Universities President George Thomas of the University of Utah has set himself up as an advocate of the indigent male. He states that the feminine part of a date shou ld pay half of the ex· penses.

The students of Northwestern have initiated a new gam· bling scheme. They organize pools before the meetings of the class and each member of the pool guesses the number of times the instructor will use his pet phrase during the lecture.

Fraternities at Williams have agreed to eliminate a fe"' social affairs from their calendar in order to conserve their parents' cash.

Pep and Enthusiasm at West Virginia By LrNwooo YouNG Initiates: Lucian Clip fe l, Duquesne; Ralph Izard, Madison . 0 fficers: Charles Hill, archon; Linwood Young, treasurer; Lucian Clipfel, secretary; Jack Shipman, historian; Fred Fisher, chaplain; John Adkins, warden. Everyone is back from vacation with Jots of pep and enthusiasm and a determination to make this a bigger and better year for Pi Kappa Phi, scholastica lly and in ath letics. Intramurals are in full swing. We placed first in


C. W. Mcintyre, Alpha Theta, Is Connected with University of Missouri C. W. Mcintyre, Alpha Theta, has ]eft his posi· tion of assistant general manager of the National Dairy Association of St. Louis to accept the position of assistant professor of dairy husbandry at the Uni· versity of Missouri. He will have charge of the opera· tion and research work of the Hatch Dairy Experi· mental Farm, Oakwood, Missouri, which is operated jointly by the university and the Bureau of Dairy Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.






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y INITIAL urge is to tell everybody and his redheaded brother what's the matter with the fraternity and how to remedy it, of course. But with characteristic will-power, the same type which I exercise at ~~solution-making time each year, there shall be a tmtt of not more than twenty- no more, no less- references to glaring ailments and equally sensational cures. Are you ready, Doctor? Then give her the gas! Now, take this Efficiency Rating racket for instance. The Questionnaire Department of the Q11arterly Kappsule has just finished getting off a letter to every undergraduate asking for their preferences in the matter of just what shall be used as a basis for judging chapters. Unfortunately, there was no return address placed on the envelopes and our mailing clerk failed to stamp the letters before posting them and-but never mind, we know what the answers wou ld have been anyway. Understand, now, we think the requirements of the Efficiency Rating plan are splendid, but in order to give some of those brothers at the foot of the ladder (and several who haven't even gotten their foot on the ladder yet) a chance to improve their standing, Pi KappSffles and its mammoth followingboth of them-recommend a few new planks, to wit and why not: . For properly snubbing the college widow at a major prom · · . . . . . ....... .. . . ...... . ...... .. ....... 10 points For an enforced rule allowing no snorers in the dorm .. · ... ... . . .... . ... ... . . ........ . ........ 100 points For having a brother who invites two or more skirts up for the week-end, and they all go home just '' karazy about the boys at Siwash" ...... . . a medal and 50 points For every stripped-down lizzie that will run . .. . .. 50 points For every brother that "Euc" Reeves doesn't know by his first name . . . . ........... . ...... ... . minus 10 points For each name on the chapter's visitor's register that is legible . ..... . ... .. ... . . . . . . .. .. ........ . 500 points For any two alarm clocks in the dorm exactly alike .. 60 points For sending in a monthly chapter report with every item completely filled in or answered .. . .. . .. . ........ . · · ... ... ....... . First place without further argument For each brother who can awaken at 7:47, dress, eat breakfast, read the Morning Bugle, and make an "eight o'clock" four blocks away .. ... . . ..... .. A fireman's hat For reporting any alumnus who doesn't eventually deliver the following : "Well, fellows, that's a good one, but 1'11 never forget the time back in Umpty-seven when Bill Goofus and I were rooming in Tanglefoot Halletc., etc." .. ... . . 3 points (there will be plenty of these) For reading all the way through Pi Kappsules without feeling like you had taken one .. . . 1000 points to you, sir!




CANADIAN chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon has initiated an international inter-chapter golf tournament that has prospects of becoming established as a custom. The chapter originating the idea has offered a handsome cup for the winners of the competibion.


Dr. Francis Shepardson, Beta Theta Pi, after many years as editor of the fraternity magazine, has retired to devote his time mainly to his position as national president. He was recently elected president of the College Fraternity Editors' Association. Phi Beta Kappa has discontinued the publishing of The Phi Beta Kappa Key and replaced it with The American Scholar. a periodical designed not only for the members of the organization but for all who have scholarly interests. Among the objectives of the magazine are the following: The promotion of liberal scholarship; provision of a medium for scholars and all persons interested in intellectual pursuits, higher learning, and the cu ltural development of America; a synthesis of the arts and sciences essential to liberal education and a guiding phi losophy of life; an esprit de corps among the educated. It will consist of at least 128 pages, seven by ten inches, about 100 of which w ill be devoted to general articles and poems, the remainder to news from the realm of scholarship. William A. Shimer, secretary of Phi Beta Kappa, will edit the publication. Subscription price is $2 a year. It may be ordered through the central office of the fraternity, 145 West 55th Street, New York City. Via The Phi Gamma Delta we learn that President Hoover was almost a fraternity man. According to the account in the above periodical, Hoover was pledged to S.A.E. at Stanford but his intimate friends among the non-fraternity group chided him for deserting them and eventually caused him to ask for his release. The Pttrple, Green and Gold of Lambda Chi Alpha has become The Cross and Crescent. No other change is contemplated. This excellent magazine is issued seven times a year.

Sigma Phi Epsilon goes to Chattanooga for their next national gatheri ng. Judge James H. Wilkerson, who attained headline prominence in his conduct of the trial of "AI" Capone, is a member of Phi Delta Theta.


A Dean and Fraternities (Excerpts from D ean Stone's report to the President of West Virginia University)

Two years ago I took up with the University Social Committee the need for economy on the part of fraternities in social affairs. I moved that a limit of $100 per evening be set for orchestras for university dances closing at 11:30 or earlier. This motion was carried unanimously by the Social Committee and became effective with the beginning of the school year 1929-30. It was violated by three of the twenty-four social fraternities for men, each of whid1 continued to expend $300 per night for an orchestra. They forfeited their social rights during the succeeding semester for the violation. During the year just closed all fraternities have kept within the $ 100 orchestra limit. I have attended dances at many of the fraternity houses, accepted invitations to dinner, made informal calls at the houses on various occasions, and in other ways kept in friendly touch with fraternity men. I have at all times been received courteously. I feel that our fraternities recognize the fact that cooperation between administration and men for the welfare of the university is our common goal, I believe that the majority of our fraternities see their relationship to taxpayers and parents whose financia l support make their very exist, ence possible. . . . During succeeding months, group meetings and personal conferences with the officers of fraternities were held for the discussion of budgeting, "hell week," maintenance costs, the collection of fraternity accounts, group buying, cooperative buying, standardized menus, commercial discounts, costs for help, rental charges, purchase pl ans, fraternity house regulations, the house mother idea, etc. A national survey of cooperative buying was conducted by my office and a local survey was made by Mr. Orren Jones, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. A West Virginia Buyers' Association was formed with twelve fraternities participating. Price comparisons were made by fraternities each week. Some cooperative buying was done. More is planned for the coming year. Fraternities belonging to the West Virginia Buyers' Association rendered service during the w inter to unemployed people by issuing free meal tickets obtainable through the local charity headquarters, each fraternity agreeing to supply two free meals daily on presentation of tickets. Christmas parties were held for poor children by some of our fraternities for men . Other fraternities purchased food and clothing for poor families . Very few chapters were lacking in social spirit and interest in those less fortunate than themselves. The chi ef result to date has been greatly increased interest of fraternity men in the business affairs of their groups . ... More than six hundred men room in the various


fraternity houses for men during the winter season. They expend for food and supplies annually more than $150,000. It will be seen that they are business in· stitutions as well as fraternal organizations. Each year our office is visited· by sectional supervisors and na· tiona! officers who go over the business, social, and educational problems of these groups. During the past year financial problems of frater· nities have demanded more carefu l planning than be· fore. Some fraternities have improved their condition materially by budgeting, reducing social expenses, buying cooperatively, and purchasing for cash, thus sav· ing discounts. I am often asked whether fraternities are good or bad. They may be either. It depends on the degree of supervision and help they receive, and on the type of men in control at a given time. I believe that the wellregulated fraternity offers opportunity for young men to gain that education that comes from the g ive and take of group life. I feel that fraternities offer training ground for democratic living. Fraternities and frater· nity men sometimes make mistakes, but so do groups of older men. I have found a fine spirit of cooperation on t:he part of fraternities in correcting mistakes when they do occur ....

Houses Send Alumni Letters Twelve hundred letters were sent to out-of-town alumn i by four organized houses Wednesday and Thursday as a part of the "loyalty campaign" being conducted by the university alumni a-ssociation to publicize homecoming, November 13 and 14. Gamma Phi Beta and Beta Phi Alpha sororities and Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities sent the letters, and Theta Upsilon and Alpha Gamma Delta soror-ities, and Lambda Chi Omega fraternity are expected to send similar letters this week-end, according to Dave Pollock, alumni secretary sponsoring the camplllign. -University of lJVashingto11 Daily Editor Albert S. Tousley of the Delta Chi Quarterly goes in for pithy and perti nent paragraphs; viz: "These may be days of depression but that is no excuse for scholarship going down along with other things. " It isn't always the man who talks most or loudest in chapter meetings who has the most to say. " Don 't worry about !:he cut of the clothes of the men you pledge. Just take care that the seat of the trousers isn't too shi ny from an abnormal amount of use. "If we wou ld g ive more care to selecting men who were not interested in only a four-year loaf because their parents had plenty of dough, perhaps we'd find some with less crust."


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(BITTER-CHATIER and thoughts that flit hither and yon. What tune shall the keys play this time? Uppermost .i n everyone's thoughts is the world askew economically, but are we not all tired of speaking of ~hat? So tired that the prospect of war in the East IS a welcomed break. Although they are popping away at each other with lethal weapons, it is wrong to say tha~ it is war. Man-made rules are peculiar at times. s.o IS human nature. Janis-faced Japan smiles diplomatically at the rest of the world and frowns at the Chinese because they do not choose to buy. There are few rules of ethics, few ties of affection that will stand competition with the old law of selfpreservation. Ancestor worship is a form of immortalIty, therefore the more descendants, the more honor accruing to your bones and memory. Never the thought ?f birth control, and Malthus was right. The a~ithmetic ~ncrease of production will never parallel the geometric Increase of population. Nothing left but to bump off a few of the numbers of another and take the land for your own. b And how many have expressed to you the thought orn of a wish that a war would mean the upward n:uve of the economic cycle? The heart-rending agonies of conflict, to be justified on the grounds of the greater good of the majority, or the winning of a place tn the sun for a chosen people. How easy to believe, If you want to do so.

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Pardon the pun, but: The entire world is a banker, for the notes of Japan must be discounted. Adversity has its uses. So many have told us that they are reading the magazine from cover to cover. Possibly the budget does not permit as many of the n~wsstand group as formerly . Rather unkind, and we Withdraw it in the face of so many complimentary relllarks. We are glad to welcome two columnists to these pages. Reginald Price, Epsilon, promises prescriptions of a type designed to kill or cure. His farcical efficiency contest has its element of sarcastic seriousness and the protest of an officer who has frequent contact with them when he is willing to give so many points for reports correctly filled in w.ith the desired information. Peerings in the shadowed and hallowed past are Promised by Supreme Secretary leo Pou, something that should be particularly interesting to the graying alumni.



Speaking of prescnpt10ns reminds us of another medical practice, diagnosis. Dr. Suzzallo states in no uncertain terms what is wrong with us. You know, we had a feeling that all those things were gnawing at our vitals, but it was just too discouraging to sit down and list them. laziness might have had something to do with it also. Then, too, we always enjoy the game of kidding ourselves. Until recently we were of the belief that the fraternity was composed of the active members of the fraternity in the main; that with few exceptions, pitifully few, for a member to leave his chapter was to cast aside the bonds that tied him to the organization. But, happily, the trend of our thought is moving to the other side. The New York group is beaut.ifully organized and is working systematically in behalf of the fraternity as well as itself. Alpha Beta writes that the alumni of New Orleans have rendered them considerable assistance. We note the organization of an alumni group in Macon. The Roanoke alumni are not satisfied unless they are holding a conclave. The Birmingham alumni have shouldered some of the problems that face Alpha Eta Chapter. An article in this issue tells of the activities of the Philadelphia group. Chicago has gone out of itself to propose and push a conclave in its district. The Oklahoma city group is fighting shoulder to shoulder with the d1apter at Norman. The alumni clan is rallying. The increase of such and their active participation in the affairs of the chapters means a complete refutation of one of the major indictments of Dr. Suzzallo. And we will continue to pound at our weaknesses. When we are broke we find out who our best friends are. It takes a depression to prove the value and attractiveness of the simpler things of life. We just got through performing a most agreeable task-the writing of a letter of recommendation on a member of the fraternity about whom we could say a great number of good thiQgs and nothing derogatory. We could have said so many good things that we were faced with the need of toning down phrases in order that they might not sound flamboyant and insincere. We saw the man enter the organization and followed his career from then on. He gave the fraternity his best unstintedly and it in turn gave him its all. Affection, confidence, esteem, positions of honor were and are his.


A human magnet he is, accepting all humbly. Duty in the face of driving purpose to attain its end became a pleasure to him. Responsibility was a trust not to be ignored, but to be expanded if possible. Inherent the qualities, but they were fed, augmented, and crystalized by the fraternity. It became a laboratory, it gave experience, it created self-confidence. There has been a fair exchange, a reciprocal outpouring; so you may see the difficulty of say.ing all that we would like to say and yet speak succintly and fully, as the recipient would like it. Undoubted success will come to this member if he continues as he has begun.

When a man's name is dropped from the rolls it means that he has ignored every effort of the fraternity to prevent such and has permitted the machinery of oblivion to operate unchecked by any action on his part. He has had every opportunity to prevent it, for the wheels grind slowly, sometimes too slowly, and for the most part unwillingly. Once they have ground, however, there is no recalling, nor reforming.

On the other hand, two men who were found wanting and expelled from the organization have made efforts to become reinstated recently. One complained that the action of the fraternity has affected his reception in the business world. The other has had a change of mind and is willing to pay the accumulated indebtedness and change the attitude that caused his dismissal.

And something we treasure: A mother of one of our members went out of her way to state that she would always be indebted to the fraternity. "I had the fear that my son depended too much on my apron strings. I was doubtful that he would find happiness in college. You took him and relieved me of both fears. I sent you a boy, and you returned a man."

When you use indelible ·ink, discretion should be used in deciding what you write.

Thrifty Collegians



Swan Song/' an Omicron Tradition By HENRY H. MIZE

It is told that the swan sings only once, and that is when it sings a beautiful death song. Out of this tale comes the name of one of Omicron's sacred traditions -the "swan song." At the last meeting of each year those brothers who are leaving the chapter, never to return as undergraduates, are given a chance to sing their "swan song." It is impossible to convey in writing the impression one gets from listening to these talks. A tinge of sadness always permeates the serious-minded assemblage when the speeches begin. One sits back and listens to a brother who has struggled to better his and our fraternity for the past few years. The talks are pregnant with trials and tribulations of the past on the one hand and the mastery of these obstacles on the other. The address usually ends by an avowal of loyalty to the chapter and a presentation of sound advice to those who must carry on. The result is inevitable. The "swan song" creates in the speaker a desire to be a good alumnus and in the listeners a tactic agreement to work harder as an active member. The "swan song" is one of Omicron's most valued traditions. We feel that its institution in other chapters wotild help them immeasurably.

The late Dwight W. Morrow was a member of Beta Theta Pi.


In the rush of what is considered more important new>, one phase of the ·economic crisis ought not to be overlooked. College students should get credit for all they are doing to return to simple ways and the frugal life. People think of college students as playful youth of both genders, spending their parents' hard-earned money as they trip playfullY through four years apiece of Arcadian frolic. They need to be reminded that to college students life is real, life is earnest, and economy something more than a word in the dictionarY· All over the country this fall the collegians are looking the situation seriously in the face. They have passed rules forbidding lavish expenditures. Dances and house parties are eliminating frills. Where the colleges are coeducational, the young men are being given the support of public opinion in a retrenchment program and are not considered tightwads if they do not send the girls orchids and rare confections. In one college, at least, the men are going a step farther. The lads at the University of Southern California have got up a 50-50 club. All members of that club insist that girlS whom they entertain pay half the expenses of the occasion· They are, in a word, paying the co-eds the high compliment of treating them as equals. If the co-eds do not appreciate this they will convict themselves of not being modern women· It may not be chivalry, but at any rate it will stimulate social activity and conform to the spirit of the times.-Spokane S pokesman-Revietv.

Alpha Omicron is now offering to the sophomore returning in the fall of the year with the highest freshman average a watch charm denoting his scholastic superiority.


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,d, Founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston S.C., December 10, 1904. Incorporated under the laws of the State of South Carolina, December 23. 1907.

be FOUNDERS SIMON FOGARTY, 151 Moultrie Street, Charleston, S.C. ANDREW ALEXANDER KROBG, Chapter Eternal, February 8, 1922. LAWRENCE HARRY MIXSON, 217 East Bay Street, Charleston, S.C.




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Supreme Treasurer ] . WILSON ROBINSON 2014 Union Trust Bldg. Detroit, Mich.

SUPREME COUNCIL Supreme Archon A. PELZER \'Q'AGENBR College of William and Mary P. 0. Box 426, Station A William1burg, Va.

Supreme Secretary Lno H. Pou Box 342 Mobile, Ala.

Supreme Chancellor ALBERT W. MEISEL 140 Liberty St., New York City

Supreme Historian ]. FRIEND DAY University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

THE CENTRAL OFFICE Suite 319, 636 Church Street Evanston, Ill. Howard D. Leake, Executive Secretary ] . W. Cannon, Jr., Assistant Secretary Telephone Greenleaf 7078 (All communications of a general nature should be sent to the central office, and not to individuals.)

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'DISTRICT ARCHONS First District W. ]. BERRY 224 St. Johns Pl. Brooklyn, N.Y. Second District Unassigned Third District R. L. PRICE 9 W. Third St. Charlotte, N.C. Fourth District T. A. HOUSBil St. Matthews, S.C. Fifth District T. CllOOM PARTRIDGE Atlanta Trust Co. Bldg. Atlanta, Ga.

Da, W. E. EDINGTON, Chairman DePauw University Greencastle, Ind.


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Fourteenth District CLANCY A. LATHAM 2218 Penniston New Orleans, La. Fifteenth District Unassigned Sixteenth District Unassigned Seventeenth District WALTER R. JONBS Oregon State College Corvallis, Ore. Eighteenth District Unassigned

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE DR, R. L. PBTRY University of the South Sewanee, Tenn. Advisory Architect JAMBS FOGARTY 3102 Park Ave. Richmond, Va.

DR. ]. E. WINTER West Virginia University Morgantown, W.Va.


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Tenth District F. R. STURM 936 Baker Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Eleventh District JACOB B. NAYLOR Box ~72 Rapid City, S.D. Twelfth District E. W. KIPPIN rJo Frigidaire Sales Corporation Omaha, Neb. Thirteenth District DR. J. H. ROBINSON Wesley Memorial Hospital Oklahoma City, Okla.




Sixth District 0. FORREST MCGILL 144 N . Orange Orlando, Fla. Seventh District J, C. BURTON ~02 1st Nat'! Bank Bldg. Birmingham, Ala. Eighth District ]OHN R. GASS 3843 Bowen Road Toledo, Ohio Ninth District G. B. HELMRICH 78 Wellesley Dr. Royal Oak P .O. Pleasant Ridge, Mich .

R, E. ALLEN, Chairman Central Union Trust Co. 40 E. 42nd St. New York, N.Y. Term Expires Dec. 31, 193~

JoaN D. CARROLL, Chairman Lexington, S.C.

L. C. GOULD E. A. Pierce & Co. No. 1 Ford Bldg. Detroit, Mich. Term Expires Dec. 31, 1933 COMMITTEE ON ENDOWMENT FUND HENRY HARPER A. W. MEISEL, Secretary 122~ W. Broad St. 140 Liberty St. Richmond, Va. New York City

GnoRGB D. DRIVER 450 Telephone Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa Term Expires Dec. 31, 1931

R. J. HBPPNBR 186 Mills St. Morristown, N.J.




ANNOUNCING The 1932 Line of Fraternity Jewelry Novelties- Rings- Favors- Programs and Stationery New Designs - New Ideas - New Prices All In Tune With The Times

THE 1932 EDITION OF THE BOOK FOR MODERN GREEKS and a special illustrated price list of the badges of your Sorority wi!l be mailed you upon request

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. Manufacturin g Fraternity Jewelers 2301 Sixteenth Street, Detroit, Michigan Of.!OROE BANTA PUDLISlliNO OOll PANY, UEN .\SUA, WISC'O!\SI S

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