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OCTOBER, 1933 The Place and Opportunity oF the Fraternity in the Educational Scheme Alpha Upsilon Is Installed at Drexel Institute ''What Price Government"-The Scholars oJ 1933-A War Debt Payment Plan-Pi Kappa Phi Code-Messages Jrom OJRcers VOLUME XIX


Code of Efficient Operation oF

The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity to WI DO OUIII P.utT

Assist in National Recovery '

Purpose HE declared purpose of this code is to effectuate a policy of efficient operation during the period of national emergency, and to secure by this means a more equitable distribution of work and wealth.


DeRnition The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity affirms that it imposes no inequitable restrictions on its membership. Every member is entitled to an equal opportunity to work for the fraternity. The term "member" as used herein includes every person enjoying membership in the fraternity whether active or alumnus.

The Code SECTION 1. Ho11rs of Work. A member shall have the right to work for the fraternity without limit. Maximum hours of labor are abolished. SECTION 2. Equitable Distribution of Work. In all common fraternity enterprises each member will contribute his proportionate share of time and effort, so that no other brother will be required to make good his deficiency by contributing extra time and effort. SECTION 3. Wages. An increased amount of satisfaction will be obtained by each member in proportion to the work done for the fraternity. SECTION 4. Equitable Distribution of Wealth. In all fraternity financial obligations each member will pay his proportionate share when due, so that the fraternity and the merchant will receive the sums to which they are entitled in a timely manner. SECTION 5. Elimination of W a.rte. In all fraternity activities reasonable economy should be practiced and savings effected. No member shall through carelessness create unnecessary labor for others. SECTION 6. National Recovery. Observance of this code by securing an equitable distribution of work and wealth and eliminating waste will be contributing to the common good and the national recovery. SECTION 7. Administration. Any member may participate in this code and in any revision or additions thereto by signifying his intention to do so to the Supreme Archon.

Presented by Supreme Chancellor A. W. Mels~l 路.


This Is the


Convention Year

Star & Lamp

h'ISTEAD of two there will be three Years of anticipation behind the forth~rning meeting of the fraternity in ew York in the coming August. In:tead of two years of thought applied 0 the program of the meeting by the · yconv entton committee of the New ork Alumni Chapter there will have

of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity

Volume XIX Number 3

October, 1933


Lawrence Bolvig

~~en a~

additional year. Instead of tb onomtc uncertainty there will be the great confidence in the efficacy of ti~ New Deal, tried and proven by circumstance. 1 ~ 1~nd ~ going to be a great fraternal gatb enng 1 1 11 T .... ren he committee, headed by LawSupce J, Bo!vig, has presented to the Soc' r~rne Council budgets for five calla Programs, any one of which is da C: 1 ~ted to give you kaleidoscopic m:rn 1 ~ New York City and food Will brtes thereafter. These programs ing . e Presented to you in a followYou •ssue to permit you to judge for Wri;:elf. And they are already underof p·e~ by the promised attendance Yo app residents of Greater New ; and neighboring cities. 1 is 5 ~n now to attend an event that Some eduled to be a great jubilee. tion ~ ~re speaking of a post-convencornbirtp .to Bermuda. How about the nat10n for a vacation?


What Shall We Make of 1933-34? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 By A. Pelzer IVagenef, S11preme Archon A Message to Pi Kapp Undergraduates . . . . . . . . . . 3 By Leo H. Pou, Supreme Secretary The Anniversary Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Place and the Opportunity of the Fraternity in the Educational Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 By Alvan E. Dtterr, President of Interfraternity Conference Alpha Upsilon Is Installed at Drexel Institute . . . . . 7 By Dr. E. R. Allison, Alpha· Delta Drexel, Photographically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 "What Price Government" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 By H. 0. Merle Under the Student's Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 By Dr. Will E. Edington, U psi/on E. C. Miller Is Co-author of War Debt Payment Plan 17 Chapter Notes and Alumni Personals . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Calling the Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Keynotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

((Entered as second class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin! under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at specia rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embod1ed in paragraph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932. ((The Star ana Lamp is published at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the direction of the Supreme Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the months of October, December, February, and May. ((The Life Subscription is $10 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 cents. (f.Chanj!eS in address should be reported promptly to 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wts., or Central Office, Box 382, Evanston, Ill. ((All material intended for pub· lication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, Box 382, Evanston, Ill. , by the 15th of the month preceding the month of issue.

What Shall We Make of 1933-34?

Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener

the inauguration of President Roosevelt ~n SINCE last March fourth, epoch-making happenings n 1

our national life have followed one after the other with breath-taking rapidity. Before then the countr): seemed to have fallen into a condition of lethargY which robbed its people of every impulse to initial~ movements which might bring them out of the sloug of despond into which they had fallen. Now there is activity on every side. No one c~ tell whether success will attend the battle against ~ verse economic conditions or whither we are being led by the new socialistic movements with which we are experimenting. But, at any rate, hopefulness .has displaced despair. Where once there was uncertaJll~ and dread, there is now abroad everywhere the WI to work with determination for universal betterment· Last October, I wrote that the fraternity was facing a year of crisis. The crisis has not passed. The colleg~ in all of its activities, reflects conditions in the worl. at large. In the case of institutions depending for their support largely upon public funds and private benefaC· tions, financial recovery lags behind that of busine~ Therefore, every fraternity chapter must be prepar . to face as difficult a year as was the one which h>' gone. oe); However, Pi Kappa Phi, as a whole, has taken st ., of its strength and of its weakness. Consolidations }1a~i· been effected where situations warranted. Our expen 1 tures have been reduced to a minimum. We }1a~P 1 learned just where we can turn for reserve power 1 chapters and men when it is needed. We know whe! pruning must be done. i~ Thus we should enter upon this new season wat· thankfulness for whatever measure of success ·tit tended our efforts during the year now past an~ w~ hopefulness and courage for the work which }Jes 1 fore us during the months which are to come. a~ happy because, so far not a chapter has been lost frohl our roster. We are proud of the addition of .AlPh' Upsilon to our roll of active chapters and of toi Washington Chapter to our alumni group. Let , 1 pledge our loyal determination to make of 1933·191 1 a year in which there shall be not only a complete i covery of any loss which has been sustained, b~~~ renewed advance towards the goal of a perfect ternal union.


Is the Ouery of Supreme Archon Wagener

• 2


Let 11s then be up and doing With a heart for any fate,Sti/1 achieving, still pursuing Learn to labor and to wait.



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liEN THE EDITOR asked me to write a brief of Thmessage to the fraternity, for use in this issue ne . e Star and Lamp, my immediate reaction was lll~attve. For I cannot deal with the fraternity in the tions. Jo me Pi Kappa Phi is not simply an organiza0 de about six thousand members, of forty-two unan rg~duate chapters. During the years I have been deal~n cer,. what I have accomplished has been by not . g wtth alumni, chapter officers and members, 1 indi ?d a mass, but as individuals, and in a personal, Vt ual way


A Message to Pi Kapp Undergraduates


Unleo have no message for the fraternity at large, or ~:t the things I would say to this chapter archon or to thchapter treasurer or to another chapter officer Which e new~st pledge might amount to a message had th Would mterest all. Upon each of them, if I porta e oppo~tunity, I would like to impress the imfratern~e of hts doing his own particular work for the to hi ntty a~ he best can do it. I would like to appeal of tt~·gtve back in time and service just a fraction Ways, ~ 1 ~appa Phi has given him in so many other even t bel~eve I might succeed in persuading him 0 hers r s.acnfice for an organization whose first memI s~Cet~ed _little from it except the joy of sacrifice. histori ou d hke to sit down with a certain chapter that h:~ I k?ow (perhaps yours), and convince him an ern ts filhng an important office, not just holding letin ·\ty sack. Instead of sending out a special bul0 WouJd all chapter treasurers," how much more I at the rrefer simply talking with just one treasurer Leo H. Pou depend •;e, Until he realized how much his chapter like 'Wae ~pon him to handle his job in a businesseven a ow fine it would be to be able to awaken duty of ~:of th~ sleeping archons to a sense of their know th dershtp, or to let some chapter secretaries 1 reports ~ etters they receive should be answered, their 5 But auld be sent on time. contact~ relucta~t as I am to admit it, the personalt?o larg a~s are 10 the past. Pi Kappa Phi has grown honal 0~ or much of that. It is impossible for naWork out cers and district officers to sit down and ll1ate "With c~apter problems in detail, and be as intidepend t e men as they would like to be. We must them. And I believe that if our chapters had any into thinkupon our chapter officers to be men, not boys; different members, if we had any drones for chapter rubber st out many of their own problems, not act as officers in former years, the refining fire of adversity 'rh amps. should by now have burned them out or made real b · e School rtghtest year now commencing can be either the Pi Kapps of them, and this school year should see and our f~:tthe .blackest in the history of our chapters harder working, more serious officers, better cooperaasters, and Ierntty. For my part, I do not expect dis- tion and greater efficiency than we have ever known can. I bel' shall try to avoid them in every way I before. These things I believe of you collectively because as high c ~~~e the men entering school this fall are of and 'We s~ as we have ever had to choose from, I believe them of the ones of you I know individually. e~ough, I ~ . get our share of them if we try hard I have known nothing finer than the idealism, the encause eheve the very seriousness of the situation thusiasm and the loyalty of the undergraduate memto the rne us to gtve · closer attention and more help bers of Pi Kappa Phi for Pi Kappa Phi. To you in its and if 'We~We pledge than we have given in the past, behalf I appeal-to the finest and best there is in 0 • We shall initiate a higher percentage of you!



From Supreme

Secretary Pou

in Personal Vein

• • •





The Anniversary Corps Sentiment-Service

More EnlistmentsAdamson,


W.-Aipha Zeta

Alves, Dale-Nu

Fassnacht, George- Omega

Meyer, Herbert 0.- 0mega

Frank, C. H.- Alpha Kappa

Mott, Kennon-Lambda

Baker, G. E.-Alpha Nu

Gilkeson, S. H.- Pi

Pearson, Clyde C.- Alpha Iota

Baker, M. M.-Alpha Sigma

Henson, D. G.- Iota

Rappe, E. H.-Eta

Boyts, P. H .-Alpha Kappa

Hoffman, Ross B.-Upsilon

Rollins, W. R.- Alpha Sigma

Blitch, W. A., Jr.-Lambda Brewster, E. C.-Alpha Theta

Klotz, N. C.-Gamma

Smith, John M.-Omega

Langford, J. R.-Zeta

Snider, Ralph M.- Alpha Delta

Bryan, R. T.-Kappa

Lasseter, Hewen- Chi

Starker, T. ].- Alpha Zeta

Chambliss, J. W.-Aipha Epsilon

Litts, Jay C.-Xi

Story, Lloyd- Alpha Gamma

De'Amico, Stephen V.-Aipha Beta

Magalhaes, F. V.- Aipha Xi

Tate, Cletus P. -Alpha Gamma

Dwyer, Francis-Eta

Merle, H. 0.- Psi

Winter, J. E.- Alpha Rho

Finland, George- Alpha Delta

Wood, James M.- Omega

More 100% ChaptersXi, Roanoke College

Alpha Zeta, Oregon State

Psi, Cornell University

Alpha X i, Brooklyn Poly

Alpha Omicron, Iowa State Alpha Sigma, University of Tennessee

Enlistments to date (exclusive oF undergraduate chapter members): 148


~ _T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_ LA



Place and the Opportunity oF the Fraternity in the Educational Scheme

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW once said that he ph ~onceded that Christianity is the greatest philosone~ 0 human life; his only surprise was that it had star;r occur.red to anyone to apply it. And so I would ot o~t W1th the thesis that the college fraternity is P entJal!y th . f . . . . Colle e . .e greatest soc1a1, or soc1a 11zmg, orce 10 ship g hfe, 1f only those who make up its memberpar~ a.nd you Deans of Men, who have the real op01 prin . ty to shape its career, would apply its prob~lples and its potentialities to the solution of the Lt ems of student life. 路~aven't their ~ur Deans been rather reluctant to assert horn authonty and to exercise their influence to bring of ~ t~ th: college fraternity the fact that it is part very e . abnc of which the college is made; that its it is :x~~ence is dependent upon the college; and that strucfn lnkable that it should not definitely be a con1 the c ~e force for all that promotes the objectives of 0 it is ege, and therefore of its student body? And in i~Ual!y unthinkable that the college would tolerate Colle s7dent ~ody as significant an institution as the not ~e raterntty unless its objectives and its influence lllerite~1Y Warranted no serious criticism but even and th the endorsement of the academic authorities, Utrnostt these were justified, therefore, in exerting the active pressure to guide the fraternities into paths of that e;sefulness rather than of passive innocuity. Isn't &enerat?rt a part of the debt we owe to the younger cation~on? Isn't it an important feature of the edu'"' we I problem~. Penden lesitate, perhaps, to interfere with the indeOf 5e]f_ce of o~r undergraduates, and with their right that th expression in their personal life; but I suspect cloak 0~ Undergraduate is prone to use this right as a to have unwarranted privilege, and that it amuses him can Yo ~take him so seriously. I believe that Amerihotd h~ honors the man and the institution that cravin~~ up to his highest aspirations, and turn his 'I'he ~~ self-expression into constructive channels. techni ac Ievement of this is only a matter of good author~e. It ?oes not imply the dramatic assertion of the exe '. Wh1ch would get us nowhere. It is merely "'ill &etrcise of the kind of deliberate leadership that lllust th u~ Where~er we are determined to go. Not only have re:t r~te~ntty have ideals for itself, if it would the COli Stgnifi.cance for its members, but likewise "'~uld 1 must have ideals for the fraternity, if it l:lctst in Ize to the utmost the potentialities whiCh access to~~ 0 ~ganization which has more immediate any Oth . e Idealism of the undergraduate than has er tn academic life. 路



An Address Delivered by Alvan E. Duerr, President of the National Interfraternity Conference Before the National Association of Deans and Advisers of Men last April.

The fraternity was born of an instinctive realization that intimate contacts are valuable in the development of character. For over a century our fraternities, in carrying out this idea, have performed a supplementary function of education which has become increasingly difficult for institutions growing by leaps and bounds. But education's recent swing away from mass production and back to the consideration of the individual indicates that during all these years the fraternity was very near to the essence of the educational problem. And fraternities, organized originally because of this undefined realization, have gradually become more aware of the inseparability of social and mental development, just as the college is doing from the opposite angle; and consequently fraternities are becoming more and more responsive to administrative objectives and to their own group-responsibility for the solution of educational problems. What they have done during recent years in creating a better attitude toward scholarship is their outstanding contribution; but does not their success in this important field suggest potential influence in any phase of undergraduate life which presents problems that will yield only to cooperation of a high order? And would this not suggest also the wisdom of just as responsive an attitude on the part of the college, and of a more deliberate use of the fraternity by the college as an effective ally in any plan affecting the interests of the undergraduate? Isn't there an opportunity here to strengthen the work of the college immeasurably by converting the passive recipient into an active participant in the educational process? For we know that it is ,impossible to educate anyone; all that we can do is to give the student an opportunity to educate himself. Let me cite a few examples of the kind of cooperation that I have in mind. (a) The objective of a college education has often been described in these meetings as preparing a student for useful citizenship. And here we have in our fraternity chapters the nearest approach that college offers to self-governing groups with social relations and responsibilities of a complicated nature. It is hardly necessary to stress the opportunity that is presented here to drive home the 5

lesson of useful citizenship which college administrators are so anxious to inculcate, and the learning of which will determine so largely the usefulness of the individual in the world at large. (b) Many of you make good use of the solidarity of your undergraduate fraternity groups when you require an informed public opinion and concerted action on any question; but it has not occurred to more than one or two colleges to extend this attitude to the alumni, and, incidentally, at the same time to leaven undergraduate opinion by this means. It is not an accident that an unusual proportion of the active alumni of your institutions are fraternity men, for a process of selection and of social development as well as a continuity of interest and responsibility through their chapter has served to crystallize their allegiance to their alma mater. Fraternity men are the only alumni whose influence persists automatically after they leave college. It would seem possible to utilize this influence to good purpose. (c) Youth is today as idealistic as it has ever been, and infinitely more wholesome and honest. Its intemperances and irregularities are due to a large extent to the poor training and perspective which it has received from us. The college has not succeeded in arriving at a really satisfactory solution of the problems of personal conduct; nor has the fraternity; if they were to join hands in the spirit, not of discipline, but of constructive helpfulness, there can be little question of the final result. (d) And finally, if education is best achieved by bringing the immature mind into intimate contact with a well-balanced and well-informed maturity, what a revolutionary effect on the educational process would result from placing in the chapter houses of the country the most inspired teachers that the college could command! Not the usual type of callow Doctor in Spe who attempts to prove that he is a good fellow by talking down to the undergraduate, but the sort that loves men even more than learning, whose richness of spirit and understanding would unconsciously attract eager minds to achieve similar strength. Few men are so great that they might not feel that they had rendered a signal service to society if during their leisure they inspired thirty young men to higher standards of culture and social living. Moreover, such contact would do much to revitalize a profession which threatens to become a lost art. A man goes to college for an education. Everything else is subordinate. And every phase of college life should be judged solely from the angle of whether it serves a broadly useful purpose in the educational scheme. Nicholas Murray Butler has said recently that in his opinion mental efficiency ranks third among the essentials in preparing an individual for a career of social usefulness, and ahead of mental efficiency he places character and the art of being a gentleman. Surely he would subscribe to the belief that the fraternity is at least in a position to contribute more to


these latter qualities than is the classroom. And, f~r as the chapter house is removed from an achievab e ideal, is it not even so a better laboratory for we development of character and manners than the average dormitory or College Commons? But if the fraternity is to occupy so importa~t ~ place in the educational scheme, even for the dtreCd benefit of its members, it must have leadership, ~ 1 0 this leadership must come from within the institut1° ' else we come inevitably to the conclusion that college administration cannot measure up to its own respo~· sibilities. The National Fraternity can supply admiots· trative guidance of chapter activities, but effective: ordination of undergraduate action directed toward 0 I solution of a purely local problem must depen? u~ local contact and upon a leadership that is insptred f immediate responsibility for obtaining the desired 1d suits. And so we must develop both the fraternity ~ the college as cooperative partners in the great t ·11 of making well-equipped men of character whO ~~· be ready to become the leaders of the world. we c r· not ask the fraternity to act as a vicarious agent supeii imposing educational functions which the college unwilling or unable to perform. etr It is fundamental to sound education that what . is done should be done as thoroughly as possible: ~ principle has brought about a gradual inclusion 111 jo organized work of the university-its curriculur!l tJ!' the broad sense of the word-of practically alii activities of the student body. But so far the co!~~ has made little effort to utilize for broadly educat1•0btl purposes one of its most fertile fields. And yet, e.tt ~ fraternities have a definite place in the educatl~·ch 1 scheme, and have a contribution to make withoutW , 1 1 education would not be complete, or they are on ;B. by-pass tluough which otherwise constructive en~e~ escapes. If they have real value, there should be 'ti: cooperation between administration and fraterfllur~ to develop and utilize that value; if they have no ~~ value, the sooner we clear the decks the better. tin! campus is already cluttered with too many emascula





But the college could hardly divide its student til' into groups which would lend themselves better 1 development of that finely social attitude which~~~ an individual real worth in society. Neither fa 1je:· nor Church, nor Y.M.C.A. can command the atte!l . of the undergraduate in any effort of this kind as as can the fraternity. Its foundation stone is membership in it is sought eagerly; and the house is the one place where inarticulate youth not to be ashamed to be spontaneous. But, nately, there is nothing aggressive about the nity's idealism; it lacks purpose and it lacks ship. Why should not the college formulate the pose, and correlate it with its own objectives,


(Continued on page 27)


Alpha Upsilon Is I


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Installed at Drexel Institute Q N THE evening of Saturday, May twentieth, the .Locust Room at the Penn Athletic Club, Philaq~1Phta, .was the scene of a brilliant and inspiring bansut~~ W~tch marked the completion of ceremonies reandt~g tn the installation of the second Pennsylvania Si orty-second active chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Kappa P~rna Delta Fraternity of Drexel Ins.titute, PhiladelPi ~Pennsylvania, became Alpha Upsilon chapter of appa Phi. gu'fhe banquet was attended by many distinguished Drests and prominent Pi Kappa Phis. Present from Ita~~! Institute were: President Parke R. Kolbe; W. anlD Wagenseller, Comptroller of Drexel Institute Dr I. ean of the School of Business Administration; M~ eon D. Stratton, Dean of Men; Dr. Edward D. lia ona!d, Professor of English; and Dr. Robert S. nson • Asststant · . D Pro f essor o f Chemtstry. d

Poj ;· Ch~rles S. Potts, acting president of Brooklyn en/ echntc Institute, came from New York to be presPhi ~t the. second installation of a chapter of Pi Kappa 1 Dr. ~ an Institution under the presidency of Dr. Kolbe. stitut olbe was president of Brooklyn Polytechnic Inter.'f~at ~1~ time of the installation of Alpha Xi chapclose e Vt~tt of Dr. Potts, the warm friend and former sonat ~SOctate of Dr. Kolbe, was an expression of perthe f tnterest in the installation of another chapter of It raternity which they both admire and know so well. epresenting the fraternity were: Supreme Archon

The Active Group

Alpha Upsilon Chapter

By Dr. E. R. Allison, Alpha Delta Assistant Installing Officer A. Pelzer Wagener, Supreme Chancellor Albert W. Meisel, District Archon William J. Berry, and Executive Secretary Howard D . Leake. Because of the initiation ceremonies performed that afternon there was dual representation in the presence of three of the men from Drexel. Comptroller Wagenseller and Professors McDonald and Hanson were also brothers in Pi Kappa Phi. Under the able direction of Brother McDonald, who acted as toastmaster, the speeches, talks, and addresses followed one another in smooth combination bringing all the attractions of inspiration, instruction, sincere welcome and jubilation. In the order of procedure the "home team" came to bat .first and was followed by the "visitors side." There were heavy hitters in both line-ups and the results were very enjoyable. Outstanding were the inspiring welcomes of President Kolbe and Dean Wagenseller; the congenial yet forceful warnings and counsels from Supreme Chancellor Meisel, District Archon Berry, and Executive Secretary Leake; the friendly congratulation by Dr. Potts; and the scholarly address by the Supreme Archon. There were enthusiastic and heartfelt expressions from Robert J. Riddle, retiring president of the active chapter of Kappa Sigma Delta; Wilson D. Applegate, archon of Alpha Upsilon, the new chapter; Robert E. Oberholtzer, chairman of the Alumni Control Board of

Kappa Sigma Delta; and Lewis E. Shemery, of Alpha Mu and the Philadelphia Alumni chapters. In several of the speeches, notably those of President Kolbe and District Archon Berry, Oberholtzer and Shemery were commended for their energetic and patient activities which led to the accomplishment of their hopes in the installation ceremonies. The credit is well placed, for it was from the friendship which developed between these two as they worked together in the same business office that Alpha Upsilon chapter came. The following chapters were represented at the banquet: Philadelphia and New York Alumni, Alpha Mu, Alpha Xi, Psi, Rho, Iota, Alpha Delta, and Alpha. During the banquet some fifty telegrams of greetings from chapters and persons were received and read. The installation activities began soon after the arrival on Friday, May 19, of Chief Installing Officer William J. Berry with the installing team from Alpha Xi. The team was composed of the following brothers: William R. Johnson, George A. Carleton, 3rd, George D. Everett, Walter Thielke, Arthur L. Koenig, Herbert W. Younkman, Hans D. Theurer, Charles M. Aronsen, Arthur C. Hansen, Jr., and Russell L. Strom. Dr. Elton R. Allison of Alpha Delta and the Philadelphia Alumni chapter acted as Assistant Installing Officer. The pledging ceremony was completed late Friday afternoon, and the other serious work was continued the following morning. On Friday evening a formal dance and reception was given by Kappa Sigma Delta at the New Aronimink country club near Philadelphia. This is one of the newest and smartest country clubs in the Philadelphia district, with plenty of dancing space both inside and on tiled terraces outside. The fine weather, excellent music, and good spirits of the crowd made everything just right. The dance served to acquaint the visiting Pi Kaps with the men of Kappa Sigma Delta as well as to give all a very good time. The dance was attended by many members of the Drexel faculty, representing national fraternities and sororities, and also by representatives of local fraternities on the campus. The initiation proper began Saturday morning and continued throughout the day. These ceremonies were held in the Curtis gymnasium and adjoining rooms at Drexel Institute. Brother Hanson was instrumental in obtaining these quarters for the use of the fraternity. He also helped carry out many of the necessary preliminary arrangements. Besides being a professor of chemistry Brother Hanson is interested in dramatics and coaches many musical and dramatic productions put on by the students at Drexel. Not the least of these is the annual minstrel show given by Kappa Sigma Delta in the past and which will undoubtedly be continued by Alpha Upsilon. These activities had provided Brother Hanson with valuable knowledge re8

garding the space and accommodations avail~ble ::1 Drexel and the fraternity was fortunate in havtng . cooperation in obtaining what was needed. The .to· stallation team performed its duties in a most pleas;o~ 10 and efficient manner in spite of the unusually h d weather which prevailed and the fact that they ~e none too much sleep the night before because of t festivities at the New Aronimink country club. .. The following men of the active chapter were tO; tiated: Wilson D . Applegate, Harvey W. Bush, Rod. ert W. Deemer, John W. Deimler, James B. HenW 00f ~illiam M. Hawkes, Jr., Lemuel J. Holt, ~ane J McBurney, John H. McCann, William H. Miller; J Ralph Mulford, Jr., Homer A. Reichert, Rober 0 1 Riddle, Albert Schade, 3rd, Andrew K. Sweeny, f.·~· S. Tomlinson, James S. Tushingham, Edwin C. Wet mann, and George W. Wiley. f I· In its first meeting the new chapter elected theJJOP lowing officers: Wilson D. Applegate, archon; at S. Tomlinson, treasurer; James B. Henwood, seer~ tary; Albert Schade, 3rd, historian; John H. McCa~ chaplain; and William H. Miller, warden. The chaP plans a large initiation next fall at which time r ~ alumni of Kappa Sigma Delta are expected to ~flitdl 0 with Pi Kappa Phi. Pledges of Alpha Upsilon lfiC lt the following: R. A. Bell, R. S. Butler, Henry ~i> man, M. S. DeHaven, 0. E. Diehl, E. T. Duke, C r tian Ebensperger, Cliff Edwards, J. F. Engler, Fackler, W. A. Fleischli, David Greer, Wilbur Clinton Laughead, H. P. Leber, Jr., Safford Magee\~ M. McMullen, John Reynolds, John Rice, C. H. Sta M. L. Schaefer, and R. D. Wolfe. SiC Besides the three honorary members of Kappa ·. rna Delta, Dean W. Ralph Wagenseller and Prof 1 RobertS. Hanson and Edward D. McDonald, th~ er lowing alumni were initiated: Robert E. Oberho ~el Samuel Alexander Smith, Frederick Arthur T~daJI Charles Sumner Head, Jr., Edward Daris Be 01 Richard Durell Oberholtzer, Herbert Lee Johns Samuel Allan Wilson, Lincoln Robert Rou, Jr., neth B. Tomlinson, William Harold Sudell, \1'~ McNutt, and Holgar Nielson. Pi Kappa Phi has a strong chapter in the men 011 . gr . compose Alpha Upsilon. They are an attracttve of active men who insist upon scholastic and stability, devotion to the ideals of brotherhood, participation in campus activities of all kin~s lead to leadership and full expression of thetr . to Drexel. They occupy an enviable position tn ntS· esteem of both the faculty and their fellow stu de

Drexel Institute The Drexel Institute was founded in Anthony J. Drexel for the promotion of in art, science and industry. The main u u,, ..... -.., dedicated December 17, 1891, and instruction


: at

~n February, 1892. In September of the same year Instruction was begun in most of the departments in~uded in the original organization. East Hall, now andell Hall, was added in 1902, and includes the art gallery in which is housed the Childs, Lankenau and Drexel collections of fine art. During the first ten years of the life of the Institute ?lany courses were added to the original curricula to ~ncrease the service of the Institute to the community. 1913 the movement was begun which resulted in hrexel being placed on a degree granting basis, and ~ e first degrees were conferred in the year 1914. DurIng the ensuing five years Drexel added a number of ~ur~es consistent with the new status of the Institute. t Urtng the period of the World War Drexel devoted ?the service of the country practically all of it facilihes and in the year 1918 trained many hundreds of students for the requirements of the army and navy ~~rvice. In 1919 the cooperative course was estabIShed at Drexel in the Engineering College. The cooperative plan was extended to the Business College in 192 4. In 1924 the Institute conducted an endowment calllpaign which resulted in increasing the endowment ~ore than $1,000,000. Since 1924 almost $2,000,000 s been added to the assets of the Institute through ~:ci.al gifts. The la~gest single addition ~a~ that of rtts Ball engineertng and laboratory buddtng com1 eted in 1929. This building w~s a gift from M~. Yrus B. K. Curtis. In the followtng year Mr. Curtis ~ade the initial gift which made possible the erection ~h the present Sarah Drexel Van Rensselaer Dormitory, / ten story, modern dormitory, situated within short ~stance of the Main building. In the same year Mr. a Drexel Paul donated to the Institute the property t n building of the Drexel Lodge, situated at Newo;n s.quare, in the suburbs of Philadelphia. . h Urtng the past ten years particularly, the Institute 5 / lllade rapid progress, both in enrolment and prestt?e. In that time the enrolment has been practically yrtpled and the Institute has taken a higher place each Setar among the colleges and universities of the United ates.




of Drexel Institute is accredited by: The Association l!d J\m~rican Universities, The American Council on D Ucatton, The Association of American Colleges, The A. epartment of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania, The ti:Ociation of Urban Universities, American AssociaF.cln 掳~ University Women, United States Bureau of s;catton, The Association of Colleges and Secondary ~ls of the Middle States and Maryland. 1 e total number of matriculations in 1931-32 was 84 Ba ~路 'I'otal resources were shown at $7,321,273.00. 6e~ elor of Science degrees are awarded in the various holll~ of engineering, business administration, and economics. so~thletics have always been an interesting and wholee Part of Drexel student affairs. During the past



Mackelcan to Be Given Posthumous Initiation The government bombing plane which crashed into the James River on June 26, carrying to their death all who were in it, took Second Lieutenant H. W. Mackelcan, an active alumnus of Kappa Sigma Delta. He was an enthusiastic adherent of the organization as an undergraduate in Drexel and played a leading part in the activities which led to the nationalization of Kappa Sigma Delta. Prior to his death he had signified his intention of affiliating with the fraternity in the fall of this year. In recognition of his affection for the fraternity and their admiration of his sterling worth the chapter plans a posthumous initiation of Mackelcan during their scheduled initiation ceremony in October. Macklecan would have completed his year's service with the government on the day fbllowing the one in which occurred the accident. He held a commercial transport pilot license and expected to make aviation his life work. He graduated from Drexel in 1931 with an M.E. degree. While in college he rose to be cadet major in the R.O.T.C., was head cheerleader, and a member of the track team, dramatic club, Scabbard and Blade, and Blue Key.

ten years Drexel has steadily broadened its athletic programs with other colleges of its size along the Atlantic seaboard. As a member of the Eastern Pennsylvania College basketball and baseball leagues, it meets Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Lebanon Valley, Juniata, Ursinus, Albright, Bucknell, and Muhlenberg. Besides the colleges mentioned, Drexel also regularly meets in athletics such colleges as: Brooklyn Poly, William and Mary, Washington and Lee, Haverford, Swarthmore, Dickinson, Delaware, Temple, Lehigh, Rutgers, Carnegie Tech., Georgetown, Princeton, and Pennsylvania. In both these sports, as well as in football and in minor sports, Drexel has always made a very acceptable record. In 1931, the football team was recognized as eastern champions among the small colleges, and in 1932 lost but one game. In both baseball and basketball Drexel took second place in each conference. Probably the most interesting development of Drexel's athletics in recent years is the establishment of a program calling for participation by every student in all compatible forms of athletic events. Pi Kappa Phi becomes the first national organization


The banquet which concluded the pro gram of installation

)rexel, Photographically Edward D. McDonald, A.B., A.M. Graduate of Indiana University/路 Harrison Fellow at University_ o Pennsylvania; instructor in En!llish at Indiana University and University of Pennsylvania; assistant rofessor of English at Trinity Colege and Kansas State College; at present professor of English, Drexel Jnstitute ; member of Modern Language Association and Phi Beta Kappa.


Views of Drexel Institute

Robert S. Hanson, B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.


f. Riddle, last president of

Pi ~路 honor graduate (two ways), Ob

0 PPa

Phi Scholar;


nat~rholt:(.er, alumnus chairman of 'ch'~nali:(.ation; M. L. Schaefer, 0 arship appointee and member of student council.

lnt erfrat 路 'he clan er.nuy Scholarship Cup, qncl th ahon of Brother Hanson fo e Possession of the chapter r two years in succession, 1932 and 1933.

ltotn p e of Alpha Upsilotl, 3312 OJYelton avenue, Philadelphia

Graduate of Ohio State University; assistant professor of Chemistry, Drexel Institute; founder and first faculty adviser of the Interfraternity Council of Drexel Institute; faculty adviser of the Rouge and Robe Club; director of the Kappa Sigma Delta Minstrels; member of Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, AlP,ha Chi Sill路 rna, Phi Lambda Ups1lon 1 American Chemical Society ana American Association for the Advance路 ment of Science; chapter adviser of Alpha Upsilon.

represented on the campus. Four locals remain. National honorary societies found in the Institute are Blue Key, Tau Beta Pi, and Scabbard and Blade.

Kappa Sigma Delta Kappa Sigma Delta was the oldest established fraternity at Drexel Institute, having been founded in May of the year 1919 by a group of enthusiastic men in the engineering college. These men banded together for the purpose of exerting their united efforts towards developing and improving various activities, establishing traditions and promoting scholarship at Drexel. Their efforts were recognized and results were soon forthcoming. These early traditions, established by the charter members, have inspired the chapter each year to attempt new and better things for the benefit of Drexel. The object of Kappa Sigma Delta as set forth in the constitution was: 1. To foster a loyal and enduring spirit of fellowship among the members and the student body of Drexel Institute. 2. To encourage a desire for scholastic achievements. 3. To cherish the ideals and precepts as set forth in the ritual. In the first object Kappa Sigma Delta was successful in being instrumental in bringing the national societies of Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key and Scabbard and Blade to the Drexel campus. The object of promoting scholarship has been realized by the winning of the Robert S. Hanson Scholarship Cup for the highest fraternity average on the campus. The ideals and precepts as set forth in the ritual of Kappa Sigma Delta have enabled this brotherhood to continually build

and develop a worthy reputation during their four· · teen years of existence. An established tradition of Drexel Institute is the annual Kappa Sigma Delta minstrel show and dance which is given in the college auditorium and Great Court during the winter term. A strong alumni organization shows the Kappa Sigma Delta men maintain their interest in their fw ternity after graduation from Drexel; interest not onlY in the fraternity but in their Alma Mater as well. r~e 5 president, vice-president and a director of the ?vfen Alumni Association are Kappa Sigma Delta men. . The position that Kappa Sigma Delta enjoys lfl the life of Drexel Institute may be best shown by th~ following summary of the activities of the members 0 Kappa Sigma Delta: 1


Blue Key ............. Tau Beta Pi . . . . . . . . . . . Scabbard and Blade . . . . . Drexel Bourse . . . . . . . . . Varsity Club ......... . Rouge and Robe Club ...


3 2 4

Student Council . . . . . . . . 3 Athletic Council . . . . . . . 1 Interfraternity Council . . 2 Vice-President, Junior Class Treasurer, Junior Class Treasurer, Sophomore Class President (acting), Sophomore Class PUBLICATIONS

Tria11gle (newspaper) Drexerd (monthly) Lexerd (yearbook)

6 A.S.M.E . ....... .. ·· ··· z A.I.E.E ............ · · · , D.l. Chemical Society · · · • ATHLETICS


Football .......... · · · · 1 Basketball .......... · · · 1


5 3 3










Rifle .... .......... ·· . 1 Tenms ............ · · 1 Cheerleader ... .... · · · · CLUBS

9 Drexel Male Chorus · · · 1 Orchestra ......... · · · · 1 R.O.T.C. Band ..... · · ·. 6 Dramatic Club .... · · · · 1 Quill Clique ...... · · ' ' 4 Rifle Club ........ · ··· J National Thespians · · · · · 1 Y.M.C.A ............ ·· 0

New Boss for S. A. E.

More Honors Among the numerous honors befalling members of Alpha Upsilon during the annual exercises of the Institute last June were the following: Robert J. Riddle received a scholarship award for the highest scholastic standing in the Business Administration school and a medal in recognition of his selection as the most outstanding man therein. Lemuel J. Holt was installed as president of the Men's Student Council. Other members of the chapter on the Council are William H. Miller and Pledges Coleman and Schaefer. The chapter became the recipient of the Interfraternity Scholarship Cup for the second consecutive year. Second honors in scholarship came to Robert W. Deemer, and Pledge Milo Schaefer was awarded a scholarship.

3 2 1


tiOO IGMA ALPHA EPSILON announces the se1ec et of Lauren Foreman as the successor to their f.or~. Eminent Supreme Recorder Eric A. Dawson, res1g~ ~ Mr. Foreman assumed his duties as executive seere:~d of the fraternity during the past summer. Be nd served the organization as eminent supreme archon ~tC' in various other official relations and came well~~ pared for his duties. Prior to his acceptance he se as publicity director of the Southern Railway.



. are gammg popu IaritY ifsifl. . 'd e economy parties Fues1 Greek-letter organizations on many campuses. These bY tJ11 a money-saving movement, have just been sanctioned 1)1' interfraternity council at the University of Minnesot~·es 11 popular social function has been given various nalll 0~ various schools, but retains its similarity of radios inste9 orchestras and bridge in place of dinner dances.




Wh at p.r1ce Government



By H. 0. Merle TAXES! TAXES! Tax his head, tax his hide, Let the government official ride. Tax his cow, tax her calf, Tax his horse and tax his ass, Tax- his houses, tax his lands, Tax the blisters on his hands. Tax his Ford and tax his gas, Tax the road that he must pass. Tax the pay roll, tax the sale, Tax his hard-earned paper kale. Tax his pipe and tax his smoke, Teach his government is no joke. Tax the water, tax the air, Tax the sunlight if you care, Tax the living, tax the dead, Tax the unborn ere they're fed. Tax his coffin, tax their shrouds, Tax their souls beyond the clouds. Tax them all and tax them well, Tax them to the gates of hell. -Anon.

9 I I

6 I

4 l

IFCV?tJ had started throwing away dollars the day of hnst Was born, kept it up ever since at the rate sl a dollar a minute without pausing either to eat or 0 edep, You would only now be starting on your seen bil!ion."l n·l'hh' is quotation is not recorded with the idea of fur. th ose eml-, nls In~>o a pro b!em for our slt'd e-rule artists, ent en . . . tnin &tneermg scholars, but to 1mpress upon o~r lionds tnore fully the magnitude of the sum of a btlre and a quarter dollars. That, unfortunately, repnusefts the amount of our increasing indebtedness anga a_Iy, the extent to which our Uncle Samuel is morte"8tng himself every year. On the basis of $50.00 a~e;_0 s~cond, that would amount to the tidy _sum ~f art~ICJe,lCitnately $2500.00 since you started readtng th1s "E

th Veryone agrees that some taxes must be levied for ll:t support of government in its proper functions. 4 z ' today, serious-mi11ded citizens are viewing with arm 4 17d . . ...__ • apprehension the enormous rncrease m taxes 417 Pop11;n:rease out of all pro portion to recent growt~ in 4 /zon and income. In the year, 1932, when priCes 00 do e"ery commodity and service have gone down~0--down-taxes have gone 11jJ-ujJ-IIjJ."2 talee~ the last twenty years, since 1913, the jump in has been: 'total co

1913 3,000,000,000.00



~0 Unty



Today 15,000,000,000.00 4,000,000,000.00 11,000,000,000.00

·~ . 'th' P. Stmms, in the New Yot'k Telegram.


e National Board of Fire Underwriters.


District Archon of Ninth District, Member of Go"Yernmental Expenditures Committee, U. S. funior Chamber of Commerce. Per family Per capita Debts Debts per family

1913 136.00 23.00 4,200,000,000.00 200.00

Today '00.00 84.00 32,000,000,000.00 1,000.00

"The general public has gone along for yearstaking little interest in taxes. Presumably they affected only the owners of real or personal property-so let those owners worry. But the taxes which everyone is now compelled to pay on gasoline, on cosmetics, on telephone calls and telegrams, on letters and checks (just to mention a few items), bri~g home the fact that taxes and their intelligent reduction are very much the concern of every man and woman in every city, county, and state in the United States." 2 "It is estimated that the sum of federal, state and municipal taxes is in excess of $14,000,000,000, a_nd the aggregate income of all the people, out of whtch this sum has to be paid, was somewhere between $40,000,000,000 and $45,000,000,000 in 1932. "If these figures are correct, then 33 cents out of every dollar of income goes to pay the .cost of g~v­ ernment. It does not require an acquatntance wtth higher mathematics to enable anyone. to grasp ~e significance of these figures and the ultimate result 1f • the brakes are not applied." 8 Examples of confiscations, by reason of _the tax b~ll exceeding the possible revenue, are contmuously 1~ evidence which "illustrates how the power to tax lS the pow~r to destroy; it is the duty of every citizen to curb that power before the country is bankrupt." a J. B. Berryman, president Crane Company.


"As just taxation is the great protector of the things we cherish, so also, abuse of taxation, as we have it today, is the great destroyer which undermines every step of progress." 3 "Unjust taxation brought the government of these United States into being," and "unjust taxation ... will destroy it." The moving principles of every uprising in the history of nations and peoples are tyranny and taxation. 4 Commenting on these conditions, a recent speaker stated it is so low a step-ladder would be needed to climb into Hell, and all because decent people haven't cared. Now, there is evidence that decent people are making it their business to care. In order to promote discriminating economy in local government, fifty-two national organizations have joined for the formation of a Citizen's Council in every municipality and county in the country, including Chambers of Commerce. "It is inevitable though unfortunate that some of the major problems which are due for consideration to-day receive less consideration than is their due from the older generation. The fact that the older generation will not feel the consequence of some of the happenings of today tends to make them indifferent to what is going to happen. The burden which that lays on the tax-payers and rate payers will not fall in its ultimate effect on his generation but on that which is to follow .... " 6 Continued support of our faithful legislators for their worthy attempts is needed, and perhaps condemnation of those nine who went to Washington from last fall's landslide with a mandate to support the "new deal," already christened "The Nerveless Nine." They might have felt excused (if that were necessary) in voting for it by the attitude expressed in Senator Fess' (Ohio) letter: "In times of emergency it is necessary to do things that wouldn't be done in normal times. The national budget must be balanced. Government expenditures must be reduced. This bill gives the president power to do it. My vote will be for it on the ground that it is for the public good." This same sentiment should carry us all on in our continued efforts. Let me plead that you cooperate to the limit in active support of scattering this shadow of constantly rising taxes. Our Committee would have you realize that these are the days when democracy is on trial, evidenced by experiments in Russia, Italy and Germany. Let us demonstrate that we have not ceased to think for ourselves, especially when we have been perfectly willing to admit that we represent tl1e highest level of intelligence ever attained. ·:we are no longer chattering of debt revision as the

one way out, worrying ab.out Manchuria, our wond~~ ing whether we shall have to wait on another wor t conference for recovery to make its appearance, ~u putting our own affairs in order instead of the easier job of watching and criticizing someone else." 6 f Let's get way from the Epicurean philosophY ~ floating a bond issue and then "eat, drink, and .: 1 merry for tomorrow you may die." The trouble 0 you don't die tomorrow; you have to get up a~d g to work to pay interest on the whoopee bond Issue; (Will Rogers says our trouble is "Old Man Interes just gnawing away at us.") . t Let us get a new understanding of the gigantiC cose . we are per f ormmg . a car r of government, an d realize public service in curbing this Frankenstein mons~~ of taxation, which threatens the permanent prospefl of every person in the United States. bt Grandad used to say there was "nothing sure ue death and taxes." Dad changed it to "death and !llO~ taxes," (not knowing which was worse); and no; let's not continue and have to tell Junior "stilllllor taxes." . rtl In his memorable address on "Public Duty," Will'\ Henry Curtis stated that "it is not discharged, as'in commonly supposed, by voting merely," and that)ee· the local elections of the great cities of today, e eat tions that control taxation and expenditure, the mass of the voters vote in absolute ignorance 0 er· candidates." This deplorable situation can most ced tainly be remedied as far as we ourselves are ~once~j~· and by spreading our influence through acttve a telY tion with interested groups we can more comP1e art assist in overcoming the heretofore inertia on the Pin of our "citizens" toward interesting themselves nt this essential phase of communal life. To the. e"J~tr that we measure up in the performance of thiS nd will we inherit the promised land of just taxation; ~us· in so playing its part the Pi Kap citizenry can J·ng tifiably deem itself a contributing factor in usher! in the new era.


• M. E. Tracy.

Just Greek to Him

d ob· •


YOUNGSTER passing the Sigma house an 05• serving the Greek letters of the name plat~ P0( sessed enough curiosity to approach and enqu'rd at their significance. The question which he directedoP one of the men on the porch was-"Mister, what that T T K I 0 up there stand for?"

·rJ 'E. J. Ferger, "Whither Are We Drifting." • Vision, March, 1933.


Fifty-eight members of Sigma Nu Fraternity are sef'll twenty-six colleges and universities as trustees.


_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D----:-L .A

Under the Student's Lamp


of be is go

~~; Iost

are ster cit)'

iarll iS 'iO

By Dr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon Chairman, Scholarship Committee

~i Kappa

Phi cholarship for


T~E Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1933 have been rna c ~sen . The maximum number of Scholars that of ~ e ~hosen in any one year is nine but on account max路 e htgh standards required to win this honor the ing ~um number has been awarded only twice durlnad e se~en years in which these awards have been sev e. Thts year's group consists of the following Ja~~ brothers: J. C. McCaskill, Presbyterian College; Da .d Roper Scales, Furman; Woodrow W. Seymour, lie;~e:on; Herbert Preston Haley, Georgia Tech.; li b t A. Lynch, Jr., North Carolina State; Charles ln.stj:uglass, Sewanee; Robert Jarvie Riddle, Drexel ho te. These brothers who have just won this high hasn~r, the hi~hest scholarship honor our fraternity Sch ~ off~r, Wtll be presented with the Pi Kappa Phi ~iUo brshtp Trophy and Scholarship Certificate, which Dece~ formally awarded to them on Founders' Day, s14r her 10. Also the December number of The brief ~nd ~an:p will c?ntain their. photographs and and h escnpttons of the1r extra-cumcular achievements onors. 1 Sch n~luding this year's group a total of forty-six 0 and ars have been chosen during the past seven years rep twenty-five of our forty-two chapters have been tra.rese~ted in these awards. Although no data on exco~u.rrtcular activities and honors of Scholars are it i Ptled until after the Scholars have been chosen ings generally found that our Scholars are outstandare ~tudents in their respective institutions and usually 'lqitheaders in one or more of the student activities theSe out doubt in future years our fraternity will find ers . Scholars strongly represented among its leadtion'~ pol.itical, social, business, religious and educaa affatrs of our nation and hemisphere.

~cholarship for

931.2 and 1932-3

1\. studY of the Report of the Interfraternity Scholarsh路 the Committee for the year 1931-1932 shows that 1 Kappa Phi scholarship average was a little


0(;---.;-::------PI KAPPA PHI

lower than for the preceding year. Our average, however, was still safely above the general average of all the national fraternities considered, and was based on scholarship standings of thirty-two of our chapters. Among the twenty-two fraternities having forty or more chapters Pi Kappa Phi ranked fifth in scholarship. Four of our chapters, Delta at Furman, Xi at Roanoke, Iota at Georgia Tech, and Alpha Sigma at Tennessee ranked first among all the chapters of national fraternities on their respective campuses. These chapters are to be congratulated on their excellent records which aided very materially in maintaining our national standing. On the other hand three of our ~hapters ranked las.t on their respective campuses and it ts hoped that thetr records for this year will show much improvement. The local averages of our chapters upon which the national average for 1932 was computed were as follows: Alabama +1, Alabama Polytechnic +3, Brooklyn Polyt~nic - 1, Davidson + 1, Duke -3, Emory - 5, Flonda +3, Furman + 8, Georgia -1, Georgia Tech +3, Howard -2, Illinois - 3, Iowa State + 2, Mercer + 3, Michigan + 3, Michigan State - 1 Miss. . ' tsstppt + 5, Nebraska -2, North Carolina - 3, North Carolina State + 2, Ohio State + 3, Oklahoma -6, Oregon State +2, Penn State -5, Presbyterian College -3, Purdue + 1, South Carolina -1, Tennessee + 3, Washington + 1, Washington and Lee + 3, West Virginia -1, Wofford - 1. Following are Pi Kappa Phi's scholarship averages for the past five years: 1928 - .09, 1929 -.29, 1930 +.12, 1931 +.41, 1932 +.28. The scholarship reports for the year 1932-1933, fifteen of which have so far been received, indicate that our scholarship rating for the year will be about the same as for the preceding year. One of our chapters, Alpha Kappa, at the University of Michigan, was outstanding last year, ranking first among the forty-six national fraternity chapters at that institution. Unfortunately one of our chapters made such a poor scholarship showing last year that it appears that its local average is sufficient to lower our national average by almost one third of a point. If the various chapters of our fr~ternity realized how seriously the local average of a smgle chapter may change the national average they undoubtedly would realize how important and necessary it is that each chapter do its utmost to maintain high scholarship standards.



Noted Aviator at New York Meeting

Atlanta Men Go in For Government Study

By Frank J. McMullen, ~lpha Xi


HE New York Alumni at their regular meeting, March 15, were treated to an interesting airplane jaunt around the world. Mr. Hugh Herndon, Jr., who, with Clyde Pangborn, made this trip and the first non-stop flight across the Pacific, recited his experiences to a large gathering of Pi Kapps. The talk given in an informal and confidential manner and covering many items not published delighted the audience. Under the leadership of Brother Chris Steffan the alumni have been meeting for lunch at Planters Restaurant in New.York. Every second and fourth Tuesday of each month the brothers have been gathering in one of the private dining rooms for a friendly chat and a tasty meal.· A true Pi Kapp welcome awaits visiting brothers who might find it convenient to drop in. The New York Alumni have definitely embarked on a program to help relieve any unemployment among the brothers. The entire membership in New York has been canvassed by questionnaire. Brother Albert W . Meisel, sponsor of the plan, has filed the records of those seeking employment and those with positions to fill. It will be his pleasant, and it is hoped successful, task to bring the two together. With the advent of spring came the swanky event of the social season, the Pi Kappa Phi spring formal. On May 5 in the Grand Ball Room of Louis Sherrys on Park Avenue, ladies in beautiful gowns and brothers in tail-coats were to be found gliding to the enticing music of Joe Moss conducting his Meyer-Davis orchestra. This affair was under the guidance of Brother William R. Berger, assisted by an able committee. Before adjournment, Archon Larry Bolvig impressed on the brothers the necessity for always wearing the fraternity badge. New York Alumni pledged themselves to display to the world the fact that they are Pi Kapps and proud of it. As chairman of the convention committee, he also announced the postponement of the convention until 1934 when New York Pi Kapps three hundred strong will entertain the delegates and visitors in a Supreme Chapter Meeting that will leave its mark on the annals of the fraternity. Recent editions of several fraternity magazines have taken the forms of songbooks. The Delta of Sigma Nu and The Phi Gamma Delta are the latest to publish in this fashion. Limited sales of songbooks led to this movement, editors say.


By James A. Stripling, Alpha


ad· VIDENTLY the feeling expressed by our ne~ 'ta ministration in Washington has "fired" A._t ~;.es 1 Alumni to start a "new deal" in fraternity actJ\'I rs in the gate city of the south. It has been several y~ars since such enthusiasm has been shown by the melll ear of the alumni chapter here. Our officers for the yeclt are working hard to increase the chapter roll and e~e· member is wholeheartedly behind the movement. ce suits so far have been a 100% increase in attendaO at the weekly luncheons. cl e Why such interest? The first few meetings of d~ year were attended by the same men who have atten . 08 luncheons for some time. The discussion of increaslod our attendance came up at one of the lunch~ 05/,m inspiring talks were made, encouraging a definite bo si· of program that would be of i~tere~t to Y?ung ;ot ness men. The Executive Committee Immediately eV· 5 into a huddle and decided on a program to cover eral weeks' study of state government. ]3reeo The first talk was made by Brother F. L. thiS (Lambda) on the proceedings of the legislature, .00 . . 1 sess' talk being made during th e reguIar b1en01~ fol· of the State Legislature, a most opportune ttrne. est lowing his talk, a few weeks later, we had as our gu d" . speaker, a Georgian Amerrcan reporter, wI10 .. covere;.c· the ·Legislature, to discuss "What the Legislatur~dg3 r complished." Our next speaker was Brother f ott! Watkins, who discussed the executive brand1 ? b)' government, and this talk is to be followed in tJt1l~ate discussions of the different departments of the. Jar either by guest speakers representing the partJC~erS departments, or by one of our many oratorical brot who is interested in some particular bureau. d ~;e So far, we have held the interest of the men an aof are adding new names each week to our roll. To 'fo' alumni chapter we recommend such a pr~grat1lttio8 their meetings if they are having difficulty 1n ge interest aroused. . e3'• Walter Bedard, secretary and treasurer for ~ 15 Yurtl' found it necessary to resign and the executtve c fo' mittee appointed Philip Etheridge to fill tlus office W the remainder of the year. The committee also eas· pointed James Stripling assistant secretary and tr urer. ests Several out of town Pi Kapps have been o~H gd1eir at the weekly luncheons, and we always enJO~ ;.tpresence. We urge Pi Kappa Phis who are. 'fJ1100t lanta on Tuesdays to lunch with us at the Pte Hotel from 12 to 1.


------------~~ THE STAR AND LA


E. C. Miller Is Co-author of War Debt Payment Plan I~ CONJUNCTION with A. N. Berbatis, a fellow 0 /~dent in Penn State, E. C. Miller, active leader

pr lpha Mu Chapter, has presented to the public a

woposed solution of the important, much discussed prar ~ebt problem. It has brought forth from many

tico~nent men in business, educational, and journalism elds varied comment, mostly favorable and com-

inendatory, in total or in part, and has been published w/teveral daily newspapers. Among those who have Cat ten the authors are Walter Lippmann, Dr. Robert N rey of Columbia, Dr. Ivan Wright of Illinois, The 1 coe •11 Republic, and the Department of State. Many ptes of the plan have been requested and distributed. th:fter a preliminary discussion of the history of PaidWar debts and the impossibility of their being ices ~nder present conditions in gold or goods or servon ~ u~ to the lack of gold holdings and the effect service 1?dustries of America of unloading goods or bat' es tn the country, Brother Miller and Mr. Berde~s 1escribe unemployment conditions and the bur0 ind' charity which these place on the taxpayer, and spotca·~· ~hat repudiation would also mean another reerat~st tlity of the tax paying public. In full considPteston of these condition and problems, the authors ent the following set up and explanations:

Suggested Debt Payment Plan l. l'h . fi e m:un plans which have been considered by our A.nancial leaders are those which suggest that, · A. bond issue be floated in America and the returns be given to the American government as a final debt settlement. The amount of such a payment would approximate 2 billion dollars and the bonds would be amortized within 30 Years, but 1. This means the transfer of government debts into private debts, and since 2. This would mean taking money from American citizens and giving it to the American government, the debtor nations would really not be paying at the present time. 3. The acquisition of gold in an amount large enough to pay off the bonds must come through a favorable trade balance. This, we have shown, is impossible and detrimental to American business. 4. Such plans postpone final settlement too far into the future; a quick settlement is essen· tial, besides 5. It is very questionable if such a large bond issue could be floated in America at the pres·


Perbatis-Miller Plan for Debt Payments I. An immediate and final settlement of from 7% to 10% of the total war debts should be made. These percentages parallel the Lausanne Agreement fig· ures. II. Inasmuch as payment cannot be made in gold or in goods which will be placed on the American market to compete against our goods, and inas· much as our social conditions warrant prompt action, we should arrange payment of from 7% to 10% of the debts to be made over 5 years starting with the present year (1933). A. Payments would be made in goods exported to America by the debtor nations in amounts pro· portionate to their revised debts. B. These goods, consisting of clothing, shoes, and blankets, should be allowed to enter America duty free. C. The goods thus received will not be placed on American markets. They will not compete with American goods. D. The goods are to be distributed FREE among our 30 million destitute people.

Possible Cr;ticism of the Plan I. It has been claimed that the use of this plan would rob American manufacturers of a part of their markets because as they say, some one has been taking care of the destitute in the past. In other words, the products for the destitute would come from: Europe rather than from American manufacturers, but A. Charity has failed to a great degree and will continue to do so as shown by present conditions, and the destitute, not being taken care of, will soon not be even potential consumers. (That is, if no one will care for the destitute, our American manufacturers will lose nothing for the destitute will simply not exist as a market.) B. The money devoted to charity today, though small in sum, will, in all probability, if not given to charity, be spent in American markets. This will compensate the manufacturer for any loss he might suffer of the purchasing power of the destitute.

Special Advantages of the Plan I. It alleviates conditions in America by aiding the unemployed and the destitute. II. It will lighten the taxation burden of the American people, for A. It will cause city, state, and national government to decrease the amounts spent for poor-relief. III. Inasmuch as the loans were made with credit, which purchased American goods, the payment of the war debts will be made in goods also.

(Continued on page 27 )


Thomas Wins Close Race Chan Johnson to for Georgia Council Advise Stetson Chapter


By L. A. Stephens .



f th chapter,

OR the first time m the htstory o e esi· FLambda has had a man elected to the office of pr s,

Chan Johnson

appointments of last O NEspringof thewas organizational that of Chan Johnson, Chi, to the advisership of Chi Chapter. As such he succeeds Brother William E. Duckwitz. Professor Duckwitz will continue to act as faculty adviser. Chan has been for the past few years executive secretary of the alumni association of John B. Stetson University. His work and residence have thrown him in close proximity to the chapter daily and he has taken the opportunity to help the chapter and fraternity in many ways. He and his wife will be remembered vividly as the songbirds of the Detroit convention by all that attended. Both are talented in musical lines and have been active in radio work for the past five years. As an undergraduate Chan was outstanding on the Stetson campus. For two years he was elected the most popular man on the campus. This might be considered a superfluity when his various honors are listed: chaplain, historian, archon of Chi; president and soloist of Glee Club; business manager of annual; president of his junior and senior classes.

Benj amin Harrison, a graduate of Miami University in 1852 and twenty-third president of the United States, was the thirteenth man after the six founders to be initiated into Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Theta. While president of Ohio Alpha chapter he was instrumental in securing the first expulsion of a man from membership in his fraternity. He was secretary of the first convention in Cincinnati, December 30, 1851, and a charter member of the Indianapolis Alumni Club. Several autograph books in chapters that he visited indude his signature. He was the first member of a college secret society to become president, according to Palmer's History.


dent of the Panhellenic Council. Joseph H. 'J'ho!ll~ty Jr., Jesup, is recipient of this honor in the Universt of Georgia council for this year. JeC· A heated war of the two parties preceded the e d 1 tion in which scurrilous statements were made a~f verbal mud was slung by the mercuric tongues lit)' Georgia's politicians. Joe, due to his jovial personama· and reputation for honesty and ability, won by a jority of two fraternities, 10-8. nd Thomas has been prominent on the campus and possesses the following honors; house manager afll' treasurer for three terms in Lambda Chapter; ~eeSS 1 ber of Phi Delta Phi, Blue Key; associate bustn !11' manager of the Pandora (year book) ; and junior Jll~i!S ber of the Honor Court of the Law School. !le 00• also a delegate from Lambda to the tri-distrtct c clave held December, 1932 at Omicron. . . ted Thomas entered Georgia in 1929 and was inttl~nct into Pi Kappa Phi in December 1930. He haS stfra· taken an active interest in all the affairs of then as ternity and has proven himself a very valuable rna well as a man whom everybody likes.


Dr. Joe McClain Accepts Professorship at Geor9l


t]ni· R. JOE McCLAIN, dean of Jaw of .Merce[aw jo versity, has accepted a professorshtp of f tJef· the University of Georgia. President Dowell 0 ot!Jtf cer expressed keen regret over the loss of :Sr r& McClain. Under his administration great pr~~iJd· was made by the Jaw school of Mercer. The neW wor~ ing housing the department was erected. ~hein tJ!I of the school was recognized by membersh 1f V.tf Association of Law Schools and the Amertca? )!a'·' Association. Phi Alpha Delta and Phi Delta Ph' chapters on the campus. . 0 ti~ Brother McClain received his Doctor of Sctetlllf Jurisprudence from Yale University. He is arne J.· of the American Bar Association, Georgia :Sa~ jo sociation, and, ex-officio, of the American La ja~ stitute. He has been a frequent contributor tod tJ1' ~! journals. He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta :~; st p; 1\>( Idle Hour and Lions clubs of Macon. Of the apet' 4{1 has served as president. For many years he haS Of chapter adviser of Alpha Alpha Chapter.



_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D-:L A

Douglas Will ex Is Pro Tem Another Famous Gressette Chapter Adviser of Alpha Delta By Adrian


ACTIVELY fostering the progress of Alpha Delta D Chapter during these trying times is Walter t ouglas Willix, pro tern chapter adviser of the chapr:~· Th~ .P.osition was offered to him as permanent D P~stbtl.tty, when left vacant by the resignation of a :· tctortan Sivertz, but it was his desire to take it on re ~tnporary basis because of the uncertainty of his 0 /~hence in Seattle. He, along with other members te he Board of the Alumni Association of the chapt/'r. as been doing some staunch work for the chap-

(ld d

bu''Doug" is one of those lads who nurse a writing tog, and he has ingenuity, energy and word control lin~arry. him far. He majored in journalism in the un~"erstty of Washington and attained the peak of in e~graduate ambitions in a journalistic way by editbeg· t e ,University of Washington Daily. At present the ts edt tor of The Washington Alrtmntu, and is on ~u s~a~ of the Seattle Municipal News, organ of the tradnt~tpal League. In addition he corresponds for &arde JOurnals and writes magazine articles. With re\'ar· to the last, he has a penchant for boating in taus phases l>a~ is c_o-author of a biography of a picturesque old re\'~~ sktpper which is now on the press. There is no Prov 10 ~ of the title on his part, he vows, until it quit es tt~ attraction to the reading public. He has in h~ ab ltttle experience on the sea and the salt is IS lood. Ien~e is married. Mrs. Willix was formerly Miss Kathlg28"W. Wall, University of Washington graduate of

Mothers • Club Provides


Draperies for Gamma

the dose of the spring semester, the Mothfounders Club of Gamma Chapter at California, bue t that they had enjoyed a very successful term. a cardo the untiring efforts of the splendid committee Ceeds Party was held at the Chapter house, the prosollle Which aided materially in purchasing handraolll hra~es for the dining room; those for the living t.Jnd avtng been purchased the previous semester. ~Oth e~ the capable leadership of Mrs. Cahill, the 'lie[[ ~rs. Club has become a real force in the life and Atrq;·t'ng of Gamma Chapter. Other officers are Of Past anagan, treasurer, and Mrs. Pearl Arndt, mother Archon Jack Downer '33, secretary.


~ 1>1 l<APPA PHI

James H. Gressette

HE election of James H. (Toolie) Gressette to Tthe office of president of the University of South Carolina student body was a fitting climax to a most successful college career. In turn "Toolie" has been president of the sophomore class; secretary and treasurer of the student body, the highest office that any junior can hold; member of the Athletic' Advisory Board; member of Blue Key; in several high offices in the literary society; and member of the German and Cotillion clubs. "Toolie's" election came after a bitter struggle, made more so by the fact that he announced his candidacy some time after the other candidates had entered the field. There were originally five entrants and a second race was necessary. This was the first time that Pi Kappa Phi had ever entered the presidential race. He is the sixth Gressette (all brothers) to become a Pi Kapp. Bill, Furman, Tatum, Marion, and Bob having preceded him. All of these men left enviable records at their respective schools. Bill captained the Furman University football team for two years. Tatum likewise was a great football star, having been captain of his team at South Carolina. He is now head coach at the Citadel in Charleston, and was recently initiated into the local Blue Key chapter as an honorary member. Marion attended Furman, Wofford, and Carolina where he made excellent scholastic records. He is now practicing law in St. Matthews. Furman, after finishing at Carolina, began the practice of law in Columbia. He is now State Code Commissioner. Bob finished Carolina in 1931. While here he was secretary and treasurer of the student body; member of 0 A K; and captain of the football team. He is now teaching and coaching at Richmond Academy in Augusta, Ga.


Alpha Omicron Has The Year Promises Much Roll to Alpha Zeta Chapter

By Dale Swisher

By Marvin Wilbur ITH over a score of rushees, alumni, and members reaching the snowy two-mile peak of Mt. Hood, August 26 and 27, Alpha Zeta swung into its final lap of summer rushing before the start of the present fall term. With perfect co-operation from the members all over the state, enough Freshman Week date cards were .filled to amply furnish the chapter with good leads. For rushing parties and meetings held semi-monthly in Portland, the main rushing center, the men chosen were picked from the upper groups in their · respective high schools. The new fall term will be under the leadership of Archon Rene Koelblen. Other officers chosen for this term are: Virgil Starr, manager; Sam Pearson, secretary; Marvin Wilbur, historian; Al Head, chaplain, and Sandy McDonald, warden. Seven men were initiated last spring. They were Sumner Alldredge, Tom Beasley, Ralph Davis, Clarence Ekstrand, Frank Hart, Peter Simbeni and Fred Wiggett. Although eight Alpha Zeta men were graduated, the house holds a record of having more sophomores than any other house on the campus-a fact to be proud of during the present times. Alpha Zeta had a good representation of men in the various extracurricular activities. Bill Callan, second baseman of the varsity nine, made such a remarkable showing on the .field and in batting that he was elected as next year's captain. Pledge Kenneth Valberg played ball on the rook team. Freshman numerals in crew were won by Pledges Jack Medlar and Jerome Fluke, and a sophomore crew key was awarded to Sam Pearson. Outranking his nearest rival 3 to I, Al Head easily won the sophomore class presidency. Marvin Wilbur is assistant night editor of the Daily Barometer and made qualifying grades for a Phi Kappa Phi freshman scholarship award. Two members, Sumner Alldredge and Fred Wiggett, and Pledge Amo DeBernardis are recent members of the Beaver Knights, sophomore service honor society. Thorne Hammond is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, national honorary fraternity in commerce and Alpha Delta Sigma, national honorary fraternity in advertising. Al Johnson is a member of Tau Beta Pi, national honor society in engineering. Don Tomlinson is a recent initiate of the National Collegiate Players.


Sigma Alpha Epsilon has had thirty·one Rhodes scholars since 1909.


of 'Honor


· ut· PECIAL recognition is now being given the ~ standing students of Alpha Omicron .. Recen /Pi large silver plaque, engraved "Alpha Omt~ron pot 5 Kappa Phi Scholars," was hung in a promtnent ad· in the living rooms. Each year the name of the _g'ell' uating senior with the highest college average 15 per graved upon this plaque. In addition, any ~e~ure elected to Alpha Zeta, national honorary ag~tCU inS fraternity, Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engmee~o· fraternity, or Phi Kappa Phi, national honora~ 5e.Jlle lastic fraternity, has the pleasure of seeing htS n placed on the plaque. wide The plaque is about 16 inches long and ted enough for two columns of names. This plate 1ll011~at I on a highly polished walnut base makes a trophY . . 08 is not only lasting and endurable but highly pleas~rO' At present there are a total of 14 names on ~~hree phy, including two members of Phi Kappa Pht,f 'fa~ members of Alpha Zeta and three members 0 potll Beta Pi. One man, Prof. J. R. Sage, belongs to peeo Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi. This record ha~tph' compiled in the three and one-half years th~t Omicron has been a chapter of Pi Kappa Ph•· poO 11 Despite the honor conferred by this plaque 5 or those men who make the various honorary grouP tel I who lead their class in scholarship, the active ch~ere · deemed it insufficient in-so-far as the freshmen thiPB concerned. To them the status of a senior is some t!JI to be thought about in the far distant future. for we benefit of these men lit was decided to award to !JO' member returning for the fall quarter of his 50~er· more year and possessing the highest freshman a age an engraved silver watch charm. . . Cl js . In this way some tangible form of recogntttO r always before member and pledge of the chapte ·




A Presidential Duo

BANTA, JR., is national presiden~ ?f::; GEORGE Delta Theta. As a holder of this high posttJOtbel·

is following in the footsteps of his distinguis~ed fa}I{CS. To make the situation even more interesttng,'l'hetJ Qeorge Banta, Jr., is president of Kappa Alpha



A young alumnus of Phi Kappa Tau is "dad" to seven hundred children at the Ohio Soldiers' and. (e i~.' Orphans Home at Xenia, Ohio. An interesting attiC .0 tJ!l1 1 recent Laurel tells of the work of Harold I. Hays "City of Youth."

~ _T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_L A


Sigma Goes A-boating


g o路

By Adrian Spears

FOUR day yachting trip abroad the "Owanee," da owned by the father of Pledge Randolph Murof 1-h, Jr., was the high point in the spring activities 'l'tgma Chapter. It was a trip to dream about. at t~n members and pledges answered the roll call N.c e start, which was from the harbor of Beaufort, horn' The men found waiting them as their floating Ctafte for the next few days a luxuriously appointed sen and one capable of accommodating .fifteen pas~afers c~rnfortably. Heat, electric lights, running eve erfur.adto, expansive lounge, .fishing equipment, and Pie ry tng else calculated to make a voyage most T~~nt W~s found present on inspection. Pin Crutser was headed for Savannah, only stop1 Ong ~ng enough for a strenuous few hours of .fishing. asi~tyo the prizes of the .finny specimens pulled in was elern 路five pound drum .fish. At Savannah the feminine for t~nt of ~e voyage appeared. Dates were obtained dan . e eventng voyage out of Savannah during which ;;ng Was enjoyed and refreshments served. ~eigh daybreak the following day the anchor was spent :d for the return trip. The next two days were 10 Caror exploring the inland waterways of the South 10 as th . ~ coast, crabbing, and surf casting. No trip cite~s 15 complete without a bit of extraordinary exfurnj~~t. and it was left to Brother Robert Williams to dream tt. While dozing on the deck he apparently for h ed that the yacht was no longer a place of safety, ing e proceeded to do a sleep walking act by jumpoverboard fully clothed. The swift movement of

Abo'l'e-The "Owanee." Below-Sigma Sailors: first row-J. I. Fishbtlrne, Adrian Spears, Niels Christensen; second row-R. E. Williams, J. R. McDa'l'id, Pledge Randolph Murdaugh, H. E. Gooding; third row-W. B. Norwood and Pledge C. C. Smith.

the ebbing tide at the time made of this action a rather dangerous proceeding, presenting an almost impossibility of swimming back to the yacht. By the dexterous use of life lines and a bateau Williams was pulled to safety by the other men. It is rumored that he sleeps now with a rope attached at one end to his feet and at the other to his bed.

Present Ceremony For Cleveland Alumni

The men who joumeyed from Columbus to Cle'l'eland last spring to show the alumni of tl1at city how well they present the ritual of initio路 tion in Alpha Nu Chapter pose before embarking. Left to right they are Alfred Newhouse, H. 0. Merle (D. A. of Ninth), Corwin Hablit.;:el, Da'l'id Meyer, Ralph Print.;:, Ken路 neth Haley, and Eugene Baker, president of the alumni board of control of the chapter.


Leg on Another Last Year Was "Most Successful" Basketball Trophy for Alpha Xi for Alpha Epsilon By Walter Thielke

By Edwin Purviance ALPHA EPSILON completed its most successful r-\ year in many seasons when school closed June 5. Twenty-two neophytes were initiated into membership during the term, boosting the active chapter to a total unsurpassed in several years. The initiates were: Mercer Spear, Apalachicola; Rett Smith, Sanford; Jesse Dooly, Mount Dora; Kenneth Van Antwerp, Tampa; Bill Taylor, L. W. "Spud" Harrell, Sam Davies, and Ernest Moore, Leesburg; Alton Brown, Center Hill; Glenn Wilson, Tampa; Harold Davis, Lake Worth; William Raiford Conway, Green Cove Springs; Abney Cox, Miami; Harry Baker, Hawthorne; Sam Kennard, Fernandina; Joe O'Conner, Sanford; Dan Allen, Tampa; George Howe and Dick Bardwell, Richmond, Virginia; Holcomb Ford, Jacksonville; J. E. Bush, Daytona Beach; Dick Cumming, Miami. The chapter was very much surprised and delighted to learn during the summer that Frank Walrath, junior pre-med, was married during the spring holidays. The outstanding honor bestowed upon the chapter during the year goes to Brother George Coulter. George; junior law student, was elected secretary-treasurer of the student body for the coming year. Jesse Dooly, first string catcher for the varsity last season, has been playing ball during the summer with the Mt. Dora club in the Central Florida League. Dooly, only a sophomore last year, beat out keen competition to hold his job during the season. Alpha Epsilon was glad to welcome Wilson Sanders from Rho chapter this past year. He is studying law and plans to return from his Wisconsin home to the University next year. Harold Davis has successfully completed his two year pre-dental work at Florida. He plans to enter Northwestern this fall to begin his dental work. Competition in sd1olastics was keen this year, but the chapter landed in eighth place, ahead of seventeen other fraternities. A recently published r~ling of the Commissioner of the Federal Revenue Department at Washington clarifies the question of taxing of fraternity jewelry. Articles sold by the manufacturer direct to the consumer are to be taxed five and a half to ten per cent of the retail price if selling for more than $5.45. All jewelry priced at this figure or below are tax exempt. The Government interprets retail price to be the full amount collected from the consumer regardless of any royalty agreements. This ruling is effective immediately, but is not retroactive and does not affect any taxes collected under the previous ruling.


. h s woo OR the third successive year Alpha Xi a. of the interfraternity basketball championshiP ot Brooklyn Poly. The chapter is already in permaneoo possession of one Reporter trophy and has its eyes another. • 01 In the final and deciding game of last year's coeta petition the opponents were the members of .~)!e Kappa Nu, who had won every other gam~ 10 a five-fraternity tournament except one to the Pt I{ap!e Phi team. The Pi Kapp team had won every ga)!oS played except one to the Theta Kappa Nu team. r tO I each team had won seven games and lost oncf)!e each other, making the final game a play .off. )!'cP first half was played with a terrific speed, m w/of the Pi Kapps built up a score of 10 to 1. The res use the game was played hard rather than fast ~ecabot of the tightening up of the opponent's defens~"~apP not once during the whole game was the Pt IS victory uncertain. Jesslf th In many respects, the final game was care the played because of the number of fouls made by fool losers. Of the 14 points, eight were made bf iog D shots. Walter Dilg started the winners off by st~)!or a foul early in the game. Ray Bennett and j\ffool 1 Koenig widened the gap with a b~sket and ~ore 'fhl th1 shots and thus ended the half wtth ten pomts.al bl 1 Sci 1 last half brought th~ score up to 14 with a g~aJter li< Henry Kimpel and fouls by Fred Neuls and




The Reporter Interfraternity Trophy is donate fila· the Polytechnic Reporter, and becomes the Rer th' nent property of the first fraternity team to. wt~a ed trophy three times. The trophy tournament JS P ~e· off each year in the Polytechnic gym. The last won porter trophy was a cup which the Pi Kapp team after fourteen years of circulation.

National Interfraternity Confere"'e to Meet in Chicago 1

b noteu EPARTURE from a very old custom is to e ter· in the scheduled meeting of the National 1~ 0( fraternity Conference in Chicago on the 13 and ater· 1 October. The repeated invitations of the Interf; tltl nity Club .of Chicago and the attractions 0 ~ World's Fair were the major inducements to an sence from New York for the annual meeting.






& t



h1stc 1~.



CALLING THE ROLL Alpha Ragnar E. Johnson and Miss Rose Hutchinson Ga., on July 24. uprerne Archon A. Pelzer Wagener was elected 1 Xthe Willam and Mary Circle of Omicron Delta appa.

W~e married in Savannah,

Jesse Barfield .fills the position of secretary-treasthe Panhellenic Council of Charleston Col-

~rer of ege.

n1atnes L. Smith was married to Miss Katie Louise S~r.nes

on May 20 in Salisbury. Brother and Mrs. tth reside in Charlotte, N.C. s~ ~e chapter rated two class presidencies in the ut 1t~g elections. James Seagle heads the junior class. ' Pre ~s also cheerleader and a letterman in boxing. 'p is ~tding over the activities of the sophomore class th alph Belk. He was freshman representative to nue student government association and earned his llleral in football.

lf se

Delta th James Culbertson has received re-appointment to Sch satne fellowship he enjoyed in the graduate li 001of the University of North Carolina last year. e \Vas a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar of 1931.

EPsilon '~~eA.ugustus

L. Bowers and Miss Mildred Doxey liere_ married on January 9 in Elizabeth City, N .C. "" hts associated with the Bowers Bros. store in '~'as 路 C tngton, N.C. WiU~altners Rankin Carr was married to Miss is at~ Alexander in Durham on May 8. The couple 0 1lle in Mooresville, N.C. tro tnest A. Beaty is another recent initiate of Omilicj~ belta Kappa, a recognition of his excellent pubinte Work for Davidson and other activities in the rest of the student body.


~tta r~~tvin L. Holloway graduated with an excellent in sr from Wafford last spring. He took .first honors hi/holarship with one of the highest records in the lo,}ty of the college. In addition, he had the folIflg honors: president of the senior class, presi-

~ ~ l:--K-A_P_P_A_P_H_I

dent of the International Relations Club, president of Sigma Upsilon, president of the Preston Literary Society, editor of the college weekly, lieutenantcolonel of the R.O.T.C., member of Scabbard and Blade, and chairman of the Senior Order of Gnomes. Russell King was married to Miss Beulah Wingard on June 15 in Lexington, S.C., where Brother King is 路connected with city schools. Leon Pennington's marriage to Miss Mildred Ingram took place on June 30 in Hartsville, S.C. Pinckney King and Miss Margaret Hoover were married on June 16 in Hartsville, S.C. He is with the Standard Oil Company in that city.

Eta William E. McTier's marriage to Miss Susie Alsobrook was solemnized on May 16 in Woodland, Ga. Brother McTier is pastor of the Woodland charge of the South Georgia conference of the Methodist Church. Bert Blair was elected to the "E" Club of Emory as a reward for his athletic activities. He played football, basketball, and baseball. Julian Barfield spent the summer studying music in Paris. Supreme Historian J. Friend Day has announced the birth of a son on June 24. Happy Days!!!

Iota The chapter won the fraternity scholarship cup. Sanders Rowland, Jr., was married to Miss Helen Kenyon on April 15. Robbins Patton was married to Miss Lynn Pitner on April 22. They are residents of Coalmont, Tenn., where he superintends the operations of the Sewanee Fuel and Iron Company. Hazard E. Reeves was married to Miss Adeline Fowles in Columbia, S.C., on June 26. The couple reside in New York City, where Brother Reeves is vice-president of the Standard Recording Company. The 25th of August witnessed the marriage of John E. Patton, Jr., to Miss Anita Stephens in Chattanooga, Tenn. They are at home in the Windemere 路 Apartments.

Kappa Dan Moore was married to Miss Jeanelle Coulter of Pikeville, Tenn., on May 4. He is a practicing attorney of Sylva, N.C. At the University of North 23


==================~ a en· . . Gammg for t h emse l ves qui't e tarl' following among the Terpsichoreatl tht thusiasts of the South and East dre tht Alabama Crimsons, who are un ert direction of Omicron's Jolm Jlar'

Carolina he was elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa. It is not just plain Robert W. Wilkins now. He graduated from the Harvard Medical School last spring and is now an interne in the Boston City hospital. John Albert Vann was married to Miss Josephine Huffines on August 19, in Raleigh, N.C. The couple is at home at 338 Villa St., Rocky Mount.


Marvin Kelly is a good democrat. Secretary t· Agriculture Wallace recently appointed him as ~~ torney in the legal division of the Department .11• Agriculture, his duties to be related to the adm'of istration of the farm relief act. He is a member the Alabama State Senate.

The fraternity regrets to announce the deat of J. Leo Anderson on November 5, 1932 .. ~ e meager details of his death relate of his recervtng a phone call to come to the Alabama side o~ th~ Pensacola bridge. On his return he was ktlle and robbed.

Lambda Malcolm Nash and Miss Ann Heys were married in Atlanta, May 6. He is located in Greensboro, N.C., where he is special agent of the Rhode Island Insurance Company in the State. Samuel Merritt married Miss Janet Scarborough on June 6, in Hawkinsville, Ga. His vocation is insurance. Walter H. Miller and Miss Mary Chason's wedding ceremony was performed in Bainbridge, Ga., on June 23. Brother Miller is a practicing attorney of Bainbridge. He is secretary-treasurer of the Bainbridge Bar Association and a member of the Bainbridge and Junior Country clubs.

Omicron Leonard P. Daniels and Miss Maude Brunson were married on May 7 in Avon Park, Fla. He is with the Maxcy Packing Company of that city. The chapter won the intramural championship of the campus in baseball. The chapter also rated ninth place out of 31 in the comparative scholarship standing of the fraternities. The announcement of the engagement of Louie Reese, Jr., to Miss Nell Williams has been made. The wedding will be an event of early fall and will take place in Birmingham, Ala. Brother Reese is associated with his father in the real estate business in that city. 24


Chris Wooten, "Believe It or Not," won for.~~~ chapter in the intramural relay although he ran thi ed The two men who preceded him to the finish swe~en from the track without breaking the tape. WoO broke it.


r1 Curtis F. Watson married Miss Adair lv{onrill Aiken in Columbia, April 20. The couple resi.~S the Washington, D.C., where Brother Watson is WI American Telephone and Telegraph Company.





William H. Taft and Miss Mamie Ruth Flet11~~­ wedding ;was celebrated June 8 in Greenville, C ~· 0 Brother Taft is associated with the Taft Furniture pany of Raleigh, N.C. The wedding of Robert S. Jordan, Jr., and Ci~· Beatrice Daniels took place July 30 in Elizabeth





Brother Jordan is district manager of Nickey

tot~ers with headquarters in High Point.

Fatrley D. King was married to Miss Sara Bryant thn June 2 and is now located in Newnan, Ga., in e Practice of law.


Psi li 'the

17th of June was the date of the nuptials of oward M. Williams and Miss Dorothy Toy.

Omega to liarold K. Meyer and Mrs. Meyer were delighted announce the arrival of Carol Louise on June 23.



Robert Rowland's marriage to Miss Thelma Hood was performed on July 2 in Crystal River, Fla. He is district representative of P. Lorillard Co., Gainesville, Fla. William C. Davis, Jr., was married to Miss Vivian Berry of Birmingham, Ala., May 27. They are making their home in Washington, D.C., where Brother Davis assists Senator John Bankhead of Alabama. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Alabama, from which institution he received both A.B. and M.A. degrees.


Alpha Alpha

tnaD~. Gerald H. Teasley and Miss Ann Smith were lan;tted recently. Brother Teasley is practicing in Atand a.. l-J:e graduated from the medical school of Emory lah· ts a member of O.D.K., A.K.K., and Aescur'Us.

h~~o~ert Ruff was elected vice-president of the Pant~p ntc Council of Mercer. Last year the chapter was

l:as~esented among the officers of the Council in John ' secretary-treasurer.

Alpha Beta

~ill· th tam B. Clark, M.D., was granted a certificate Qur· e .American Board for Ophthalmic Examinations aiso'ng their meeting in Milwaukee in June. He was Cent recently appointed local oculist for the Illinois rat Railroad. ~


d. ed eo

Alpha De Ita 'l' Lylehe We? ding of Jules H. Renhard and Miss Edith l/ of Btrmingham, Ala., which took place on June l~pt~arne as a climax to a romance that found its in~at10.0 in the fraternity's national convention held in · 1927. Brother Renhard represented Alpha Delt Ctty . tn ~!iss\~n that gathering and became acquainted with Yle as the local sponsor of the chapter.

AIPha Eps1lon .

Of~~e !enkins, famous gridiron and track performer

~!iss Jttda, took unto himself a wife in the person of

f<lcio 0YCe Bozeman of Leesburg, Fla., the marriage g Place on June 11.

AIPha Zeta


ll Uncement was made of the marriage of Joseph look r~ck and Miss Marian Iblings. The ceremony


Pace on June 10 in Hollywood, Calif.


Luke Sewell iJ Jhown Jign· ing his corrtracl -with the Washington Senators, a11d it "Luke'su like he is in the mane)' (Tuscnloou New•); the photographer of the Philadelphia Ledger persuaded the supreme ones to look plcasatll deJpite the heal of Philadelphia; the troph)' on which the Alpha Xi men ha~e their e)'eJ waJ Jhown b)' the Brookl)'n Pol)' Reporter; the father and son act canrc to the notice of the Atlanta Journal· tlrcir fiut public appearance a• Pi Kapp1 i1 caught b)' the Philadelphia Ledger: Robert ], Riddle and WiiJon D. Applegate (archon) of Alpha Up•ilotJ.


Officers of Omega

Michigan for the past year. The chapter won an re~~ age of 82.9, .3 above its nearest competitor an ~e points above the general fraternity average and student body average.


Alpha Mu

· er· Born to Brother and Mrs. Raymond E. Ziftltll , man on June 9, a son, Robert Kane.

Alpha Xi


Alfred H. Seekamp's marriage to Miss Mild%e Boeckler took place on February 25. They are at hO at 549 Marborough Road, Brooklyn.

Alpha Sigma

. vt



The chapter rated .first place in the float cornpe 1• held during the University Carnicus, combinatton nival and circus. . tJte The chapter ran second to Pi Kappa Alpha 1 ~ 1 bt ~ University of Tennessee sing. The bath roorns Wl scenes of more diligent practice this year.


Archon E. N. Franklin and Treasurer N. S. McGaw

Carl Park, Jr.'s., extra·curricular record has come to the attention of the Birmingham News. Among them was listed treasurer and president of the student body, director of the Glee Club, vice-president of the Trident Club, and president of Pi Gamma Mu. He served as archon of Alpha Eta. Earl Carroll has severed his connection with the Y.M.C.A. and has accepted a position with the Insular Life Assurance Company as their general agent in Honolulu, Hawaii. Until November 1, his address will be in care of the company in Manila, P.I.

Alpha Iota Marius Marquis was married to Miss Kathryn Edwards of Columbus, Ga., May 19. They are at home at 1055 Lawyers Lane, Columbus. Marquis will be remembered as an outstanding track man at Auburn. Charles Workman, Jr., was elected president of ~elta Sigma ~i and represented the Auburn chapter tn the conventiOn of the fraternity held in Chicago in September. He is a member of Blue Key. James Noble Crump and Miss Mary Bashinsky's wedding was an event of June 17 in Troy, Alabama. James Maxwell Dean and Miss Mildred Thomason celebrated their marriage ceremony on May 28, 1933, in Montgomery, Alabama. They are residing at 7 Frederick Street.

Alpha Kappa Like the famed philanthropist of poetical fame, the name of Pi Kappa Phi leads all the rest in the comparative scholastic rating issued by the University of


Xi Possesses Two More Captains of Major Sports By J. C. Tobia'


acuvi· Si

THLETICS played an important part in th~ rnett A ties of Xi Chapter last year. David P. a for was elected captain of the varsity baseball .tead tbt

1933 and Charles Engers was elected captatn 'tiOO varsity football team for 1933. Further r:cog~avid in sports is obtained by Brothers Raymond Rtce, sent· Barnett, Robert Barnett and Robert Doyle repre we ing the chapter on the varsity ball teams. Due ~afil successful efforts of Brother Smith, Goldman, cbaf. and Huse, and Pledges Ferguson and Dixon, the It of ter is now in possession of the cup as a resu ri~ winning the Interfraternity Basketball Le~gufl;~ts jO The chapter is proud of the results of thetr e nokt, pledging three new men, Jack Parrish of Ro~ C1 of Harvey W. Carson of Pulaski and Roger Son~er of Buffalo, New York, which brings the nutn e pledges for last year up to twelve. va~id Brothers Raymond Rice, Charles Turner and g~ Barnett were recently initiated into the M000 Club. . rest· 1 "Boxwood," a famous century-old colonta dence on West Main street, has been leased chapter for its home during the coming year. ~ mother has been selected , and several of . thethe bers of the chapter are planning to reside lfl house.








terc llle,



~~: bel let



Gr, Ire lllo


~ frat




_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_. L ~


E. C. Miller Is Co-Author of War



Debt Payment Plan

The Place and the Opportunity of the Fraternity in the Educational World

(Continued from page 17)

(Continrted ft'om page 6)

et·llV, ; : plan does not necessitate the transfer of gold,






Vrr •• 1 0 1tl0


' ' '

~ or· I

A. This will prevent European currencies from depreciating by not withdrawing their gold reserves. B. This plan will do more than any other in putting the countries back on the gold standard. 'I'he European nations will be able to pay by using ~eir own currencies and benefit themselves through 10 t~rnal expenditures. 'I'h1s plan does not change government debts into Private debts. By allowing payment, this plan sets a new precedent co~cerning international obligations. 'I'h1s plan provides for a quick and final settlement of the debts and does not throw the question into the future.

r, the l !i~~other Miller 18 Jl bt

is a member of the class of 1934. a member of Delta Sigma Pi and Delta Sigma of~ of the latter president. He served as president Stude Forensic Council last year and a member of the ent Council.


Inside Information


"Clippings" department of one of the early froll\Uillbers. of the magazine carried the following tNi· Siw hthe gifted pen of George Fitch, originator of as College : 11 ett

fol the

l·•ioO "

~vid 11!·






t of es

i ·o 51 0~:~




y~h: G~eek-letter

society was invented over one hundred of th &o tn an American college and there are now so many em th h \>orked at t e Greek alphabet is becoming sadly overOf bUs· and must soon be enlarged to take care of the rush ~er lness. Greek-letter societies are harmless, and, moreI~ned , are of great goo d . Many a collegtan . has, th rough them, llle... b the Greek alphabet so thoroughly that he has re~. ered · tered f It long after French and trigonometry have canlllelllb rom his memory. Contrary to popular supposition, the letterse~s of these societies do not spend their time writing ~nd o:O Greek. No doubt they could if they chose, but the lllust b letter fat1,ler understands and answers most kindly ~Ual!y e 'Written in English, and the Greek-letter member is concern~ most faithful correspondent as far as his father is are supe · A Greek-letter society is secret and its members behind P~sed never, no never, to reveal what has happened Secret . t e black curtain with crossbones on it. Anything IS SUS 1• • Ut \\le P Cious, as John D. Rockefeller has found out. Greek.le~~e abo~t to divulge the four principal secrets of the 1 te as f ;r soaety. (Turn down the lights please.) They 01 lllonths ows: 1. The rent of the chapter house is now two 0 ChaPter ~ erd~e, and tomorrow the high priest of Delta Flush lllonth. gotng to try to jolly the landlord along another 2 dent of ~If a certain tow-headed freshman is made presifrats and .e class he can be snagged away from the other the third tnto our noble order. Vote, brothers, vote. 3. On ~mal dance will be given





then in you, the Deans, supply the leadership which will make of this idealism a dynamic force in the lives of your undergraduates? For, after all, it is your function to mould public opinion in the student body and to direct its activities into paths that will bring them more directly to their objectives. College administrators have criticized the fraternity sympathetically and freely; but it has occurred to none of them to state clearly and specifically what he would like to see the fraternity do. And what about the chapter house? Our colleges are spending millions on improving the housing and social conditions of their students. And in all their planning there is little evidence that your Boards of Trustees are aware of the existence of 2500 houses of ideal size, housing natural groups, therefore congenial, and having the essential qualifications for social development and growth; and that a small part of the money, and infinitely less effort, than you will require to create ideal conditions in your dormitories, will produce in these fraternity houses better conditions than I believe you can get in any other way. Fraternities have spent $75,000,000 in the erection of these houses. They built them because they saw sooner than did the college the value of intimate life in small groups; they built them when the college had neither the money nor the inclination to build them. Why destroy any of this value, now that the college is like-minded? Why not utilize first what is already there, especially when it includes spiritual values which the college can hardly duplicate. We must not condemn the chapter house because it does not furnish an atmosphere quite up to the ideal which we cherish. Why not help the chapter house to conform to that ideal? The fraternity is an integral part of the college and of college life. You have its future in your own hands. Banner in Tennessee Faculty Worth Banner, Xi '30, is now affiliated with the University of Tennessee as instructor in Spanish. While a student at Roanoke, Brother Banner was active in social and athletic circles. He was a member of Xi Theta Chi language fraternity, president of the Harlequins, a member of the German club, and on the tennis and basketball teams.

with an imported orchestra, and when the Fli Gammas hear of it they will expire with envy. 4. On next Saturday night at midnight three shuddering neophites will be inducted into the awful mysteries of our mighty band. . . . There are a few other dark secrets, but none as black as these.


.,. 1 v



MR.. ..... C:KSioA. HAS P\..A'V&O A . , Of'l ..-.vL ......'TIO~

810' PA~ IN ~I::; AOV"""'Ciii.MQN'T


Our College Degree Tag From an interview with John Erskine, New York Herald-Tribune: Instead of sizing up a man as an individual, and trying to :find out what he thinks and what he can do, when we want to know whether he is educated we look for his tag. The degree is his tag. The tag does not mean a thing. When a boy comes to college he is required to enroll for so many hours in one subject, so many in another, and, at the end, he gets his tag. Americans provide the students with the most extensive and expensive facilities to be found anywhere, and the attitude of most of the students is to sit back and dare you to educate them. Well, I suggest letting them decide that for themselves. If a boy, having paid his high-priced fee for a course, wants to cut classes and waste his time, then I say, take his money and let him do it. Let him know he must make up his own


mind and take the responsibility. He should bt treated as a rna?,. . .. . . hat )le Instead, we supervtse htm to see to tt t -芦e takes so many cuts in each term or semester. (liS supervise his sports, his publications, his dubs, oratory, his study. . thiS The result of all this coddling and pampermg, r~P' powdering of students with talcum and then -w seS路 ping them in cotton, has been to produce two claSLliet The majority are yes men, and the others are q ~~.


It is preached that colleges should train .rnefl tb~t leadership. And today one hears on all stdeS what this country needs is a leader. . ht or Who are leaders? They are men who, rtg LltJ' wrong, come to a decision and act upon it, .co o/ geously carrying out their convictions.-RevretP I Reviews.

------------~~ THE STAR AND LA

[ T~A.!

KEYNOTES Controlled Fraternalism


word "controlled" is to be a most . stgnllicant one in these days and times. The new era :~eeconomic and political thought is class~fi:d under h encompassing term of controlled soCialtsm. We ave a theory of currency advanced under the name of controlled inflation. Production and marketing of farm f~ducts is facing a controlling influence. "Let things e their course" has become "we will point the way and attempt the keeping of the way. " I n d'tvt'd uar·tsm, t etn"" . IS. now th e group, rvran·ry at least is on the wane; 1t &enera[ Welfare, wh1ch ' · takes pnmary · · cons1·d erat10n. Why not controlled fraternalism ? 'the fraternity system is suffering from an overrroduction. There are too many chapters. This had led ;. deleterious competition: house bills incommensurate ...-'~ cost have been used as a form of inducement, ~tous[y going lower and lower; rebates have been ?u 1 e~ed. Men have been made members who had no sttfiable reason for joining because of personal fi~~nce.s; many have been given membership who oro~nartly Would not stand the gaff of a close inspection n Personal qualities. This has brought a general weaktess to. the fraternity system. The one general derogan~~ Crtticism that is admittedly applicable to fraterclhes has a stronger foundation-a woeful lack of fOntroi, in general of chapter finances. Enmity has hound its birth in d'esperation and jealousy, leading to /~ercritica[ statements about each other of loose and tu~h·Unded nature and to flaring disregard of local 1' tn~. rules. . . ists he marginal" chapter-the chapter whtch sttll exti on hope for better times and on no other founda!Je p~;--should be eliminated with promptness and disby ~h. It obtains sufficient men to foster the hope but t pe er /r an inadequate number for proper financial op<$e beattton. It thus takes from another chapter in much · f rom I1iS • 'l{h er c'trcumstances the few men th e mcome de Otn Would mean a balanced budget. In competitive tllis lo speration it offers a house bill which is entirely too rraf thIV, and to a considerable degree sets the standard for .sseS· Oth carnpus which often must be conformed to by llljet theer groups, much to their financial distaste. It is Of /ource of most of the competitive ills, a deterrent 1 for Oh taterna! improvement and progress, and a surgical .~3t reratio · to 1ts · removalts · advtsa · ble. v• lt . n 1eadmg 18 Uh a rare case in which the individual operates or anat ron h'1tnself to remove the offend'tog part of h'1s 1t 0 1 >or · ope ~Y, or, a more applicable simile, undergoes an ~ o/ 1 of ~ahon until forced to by the increasing malignancy e trouble or until he is overcome by the weight of


t*l KAPPA PHI ~-


opinion of those in position to advise. Over an~ above the fear which an operation engenders,. there .Is oft~n presented the situation where the operatiOn brtngs disfigurement and in this there ~s. added. the. elements. of pride and vanity to the oppos1tton. It IS th1s las~ whtch prevents the national orga~izations from lopptng the offending member, and whtch would lead to the utterance of vehement protest if the operation were recom· mended or done by others. The fraternity system has proven an acceptable and valuable adjunct to college education. If given the proper conditions in which to continue to ~ourish and progress it should prove more val~~ble wtili: ~he passage of time. The present competitive cond1t10ns are not to be deemed proper ones. Competition is healthy only when it does not stoop to cutting throats, and there is too much of the knife wielding today. The future of the system then depends upon the approximation, at least, of the best competitive conditions. Since this is true and it will be difficult to persuade the national organization to remove its chapter in a particular case where it is one of the weaker groups, a local board for each campus for survey and action be- · comes necessary. This board should probably be fostered and under the sponsorship of the National Interfraternity Conference. Its personnel should be repr~sentative of the Conference, the university, and publtc; and be composed of men in whom every confidence could be placed. One of the board should be an accountant. It would be the duty of this board to eliminate from the campus the marginal chapter, or ~hapters, ·after :onsidering fully the facts which pertatn to the local ~ltua­ tion: amount of fraternity "material" made available by registration, financial condition of each chapt~r, present membership a?d pote?~ial future membersh1p, the positive and negat1ve qualtttes shown by ~ach ch~p­ ter in scholastic and extra-curricular purswts durtng recent years. Instead of a survival of the fittest brought about by the process of time and circumstances, in ~~ich ~e fittest will come through in a weakened condttton, th1s should permit the fittest to continue while pos.sessing still its initiative and vigor. It would be the setttng up, and balancing, of a fraternity membership budget.


PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., December 10, 1904. Incorporated under the laws of the State of Soutb Carolina, December 23, 1907. FOUNDERS SIMON FOGARTY, 1,1 Moultrie Street, Charleston, S.C. ANDREW ALEXANDER KROBG, Chapter Eternal, February 8, 1922. lAWRENCE HARRY MIXSON, 217 East Bay Street, Charleston, S.C.

SUPREME COUNCIL Supreme Treasurer

Supreme Archon

Supreme Secretar:y

J. WILSON ROBINSON 4177 Harvard Rd. Detroit, Mich.

A. PELZER WAGENER College of William and Mary P. 0. Box 426, Station A Williamsburg, Va.

LBO H. Pou Box 342 Mobile, Ala.

Supreme Historian

Supreme Chancellor

J. FRIEND DAY University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C., Canada

ALBERT W. MEISEL 140 Liberty St. New York City

THE CENTRAL OFFICE Suite 319, 636 Church Street Evanston, Ill. Howard D. Leake, Executive Secretary ]. W. Cannon, Jr., Assistant Secretary Telephone Greenleaf 7078 (All communications of a general nature should be sent to the central office, and not to individuals.)

DISTRICT ARCHONS First DistriCI W. }. BERRY 224 St. Johns Pl. Brooklyn, N.Y.

SeconJ District

CURTIS G. DOBBINS 2U E. Main St. Salem, Virginia

T hirJ District R. L. PRICB 133 Brevard Ct. Charlotte, N.C.

Fourth DislriCI T. A. HoUSER St. Matthews, S.C.

Fifth District

FRANCIS J. DWYER 1739 N. Decatur Rd. Atlanta, Ga.

Sixth District

}AMES W. C!iAMDDISS 213 E. Oak St. Tampa, Fla.

Eleventh Districl

L. E. STORY State Capitol Bl8~ia Oklahoma City, · ·

Tweth District

}AMES R. SIMMS, R· University, Miss.

Seventh Districl CLYDB C. PBAitSON 17 Woodley Rd. Montgomery, Ala.

Eighth District }AMES T. RUSSELL 411 Ramsey St. Alcoa, Tenn.

Ninth District

HAROLD 0. MERLE 10 15th Avenue Columbus, Ohio

Tenth Distritl G. B. HBUIRICH 10 Wellesley Dr. Royal O ak P.O. Pleasant Ridge, Mich.

Fifteenth Distri&l

KARL M. GIBBON 211,-11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Ill.

Sixteenth Distri<]

F. . STURM 936 Baker Bld_g. Minneapolis, Mmn.

Seventeenth District Unassigned

Eighteenth District T hirleenth Distri<l


}ACOB B. NAYLOR Box n2 Rapid City, S.D.

Nineteenth District

Pourttenth Distrt<l E. W. KIFFIN 909 N. 'Oth St. Omaha, Neb.

WALTER R. JONBS Or~on State College orvallis, Ore.

Twenti•th District Boyd W. Rea 2'30 Etna St. Berkeley, Calif.

STANDING COMMITTEES DR. W. E. EDINGTON, Chairman DePauw University Greencastle, Ind.

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE DR, R. L. PETRY University of the South Sewanee, Tenn.

RALPH W. NoREEN, Chairman Irving Trust Co. No. 1 Wall St. New York, N.Y.

FINANCE COMMITTEE KURT c. LAUTER Irving Trust Company No. 1 Wall St. New York, N.Y.

}OHN D. CARROLL, Chairman Lexington, S.C.

GEORGE GRANT, Chairman Troy, Ala.

}AMBS FOGARTY, Chairman 8 Court House Square Charleston, S.C.


DR. J. E. WINTER West VIrginia University Morgantown, W.Va.

ROBERT E. ALLEN 40 E. 42nd St. New York, N.Y.

ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE HENRY HARPER A. W. MEISEL, Secretary 701 W. Broad St. 140 Liberty St. Richmond, Va. New York City LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE KARL M. GIBBON R. 211,-11 S. LaSalle Chicago, Ill.

R. J.


186 Mills St. Morristown, N.J.

CARL F. OSTERGREN 140 West St., New York City

COMMITTEE ON ARCHITECTURE EDWARD J, SQUIRE CLYDE C. PEARSON 20 Woodruff Ave. 17 Woodley Rd. Brooklyn, N.Y. Montgomery, Ala.

JOHN 0. BLAIR Hotel Eddystone Detroit, Mich.


_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_ LA



Nb~~~iTe Notice,


Changes in Personnel Must Be Reported Immediately to the Executive Secretary on Form 6. • he address in every case is the official address of the chapter. Following the officers is listed the chapter publication •

.\1..\sAMJ.-o . Pi I< mtcron, District 7. k~i House, University, Ala. 'Warre H mg, Jr., Archon. 'I'he o" . em~hill, Secretary. l!, S mtcrontte .\1..\sM,f Carothers, '26, Chapter Adviser. 209 ~ ~~LYTECHNIC-Aipha·Iota, District 7. Charles C enn Ave., Auburn, Ala. 1<. G T · Workman, Archon. '!'he £ aylor, Secretary. 1 8R.oo "ota


33l<Ji~ P? LYTECHNIC-Aipha·Xi, District 1. 'WilliameJ,y 1ace, Brooklyn, N.Y. George o1lnson, Archon. 'the W ve~ett, Secretary.

'Wm oodb~rd C~ttiPOJt R. Berger, Chapter Adviser.

llto riA-Gamma, District 20. lienry ;.coBte Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Jared B · k~chholz, Archon. 'rhe Gaaw · ms, Secretary. Cl!hllll! mmazette 79 c!~9N-Atpha, District 4. ). T B•ngfisl St., Charleston S.C. ). \'(i a"e. d, Archon. Albert ~\emtngton, Secretary. COIINEtt • !aylor, '27, Chapter Adviser. Ill II :;j"Pst, District 1 t•ul oftewoJod Road, .Ithaca, N.Y. ''erman ust, Archon. !he CornciJ WP i.ntzer, Secretary. raul W e s~ren DhVtDso Ork, '~7, Chapter Adviser. Davids~;;-~stlon, District 3. •ck W'ti· .C. John Miu~~ms, Archon. Jhe l!ps'J •. Secretary. D "· h a' on~an IIEJce1 · Neaty, '21, Chapter Adviser. 1 ~12 p0 ~~:TUTE-Alpha·Upsilon, District !. Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. , ilson De 1~Illes B ·H pplegate, Archon. Du r, Rob~ en wood, Secretary. 1\n.._M rt S. Hanson, Chapter Adviser. Duke ll, J?istrict 3. Joe MStahon, Durham, N.C. John A Vanhoy, Archon. ~u Mu~i~Yan, Secretary.




t~.t·lisf,' O!ty_:,Et or and, '27, Chapter Adviser.

1290 S a, District 5. t•m l~i~xfo rd Road, Atlanta, Ga. .,.; ll. lie •. r., Archon. Eta s"nston, Secretary. "'- . At B crol 1 '"'lli.Jo~o,' owen, Chapter Adviser. !lox 27;~Ipha:Epsilon, District 6. ~lercer p • Jinlversity Station, Gainesville, Fla. y.ro 0 E · Bpear, Archon. he Gat~rz etrlong, Secretary. ~ J. p W'l e te ll.tt~o,~.._ 1 son, '2?, Chapter Adviser.



28 liowPelta, D1strict 4. jrhank Ch 1~~· Greenville, S.C. "0 n Gro ers, Archon. G "· N. 0 ,c~. S~cretary. ~Oli.Gt~o,.._ nlel, 07, Chapter Adviser. ~6 liiiiL~mbda, District 5. , · M R t., Athens Ga ''· It ·B ceder, Archon · C II. P,' 1-!.";grav,es, Secret~ry. toli.GtA rts, 16, Chapter Adviser. ~3 \'(T 'I'~CB-Iota, District 5. Jc~itt'MeGchtree, Atlanta, Ga. fh n liatch raw, Archon. Iotan er, Secretary. ~O'h •wton Ell' • "'ltltD IS, 09, Chapter Adviser. ij~ ltf0 J'LEGLE-Alpha.Eta, District 7. CQRar A'lm ast ake, Birmingham, Ala. hlPe Grav gren, Archon. hlPha.Eta eGs, Secretary. 10 bert ltt ra.ms • ~It Sl'A Smith, 05, Chapter Adviser.

]. t

~~\ w.Tc~7lpha·Omicron, District 14. Gordo. Ma ;;e., Ames, Iowa. !iir On s h rs • Archon. e Alm·c ultz, Secretary. 1•Illes 11. ICron

~r. l I<APPA PHI

MERCER-Alpha·Alpha, District 5. 1219 Oglethorpe St., Macon, Ga. Charles C. Jordan, Archon. S. S. Garrison, Secretary. Alphalpha Hey Joseph A. McClain, Jr., '24, Chapter Adviser. MICHIGAN-Aipha·Kappa, Dictrict 10. 1001 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Virgil H. Wells, Archon. E. Francis Klute, Secretary. The Moon and Candle Cecil A. Reed, '28, Chapter Adviser. MICHIGAN STATE-Alpha·Theta, District 10. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternitv, East Lansing, Mich. James S. Alderich, Archon. Philtp Minges, Secretary. The Alpha· Theta Stater L. N. Field, '12, Chapter Adviser. MISSISSIPPI-Alpha·Lambda, District 16. Box 62~ 1 Un1versity 1 Miss. Frank .Hughes, Arcnon. Frank Lorance, Secretary. The Lambdonian ]. B. Gathright, '27, Chapter Adviser. NEBRASKA-Nui.District 14. 1820 B. St., incoln, Neb. J. G. Young Archon. louis Zinnecker, Secretary. The Nebraska Nu's NORTH CAROLINA-Kappa, District 3. Pittsboro Road, Chapel Hill, N.C. Thomas Spencer, Archon. Francis Breazeale, Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA STATE-Tau, District 3. 1720 Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N.C. E. M. Williams, Archon. W. G. Sloan, Secretary. The Taulegram OGLETHORPE-Pi, District 5. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Oglethorpe University, Ga. John Bitting, Archon. Marvin Bentley, Secretary. Edgar Watkins, Jr., '23, Chapter Adviser. OHIO STATE-Alpha·Nub District 9. 118 14th Ave., Colum us, Ohio. Robert Crossley, Archon. Alfred E. Newhouse, Secretary. The Alpha·Nu's Alex Laurie, '14, Chapter Adviser. OKLAHOMA-Alp}ta·Gamma, District 15. 518 Lahoma, Norman, Okla • George Russell, Archon. Dick Wilson, Secretary. The Alpha·Gamma Star OREGON STATE-Alpha·Zeta, District 19. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Corvallis, Ore. Rene Koelblen, Archon. S. J. Pearson, Secretary. The Alpha·Zeta News T. J. Starker, Chapter Adviser. PENN STATE-Aipha·Mu, District I. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, State College, Pa. H. K. Miller, Archon. E. A. Bradford, Secretary. The Alpha·Mu News Prof. F. G. Merkle, Chapter Adviser. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE-Beta, District 4. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Clinton, S.C. B. W. Covington, Archon. Charles· Graham, Secretary. PURDUE-Omega, District 11. 330 N. Grant St., West LaFayette, Ind. E. N. Franklin, Archon. J. S. Swaim, Secretary. The Omegalite C. L. Porter, Chapter Adviser. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC-Aipha Tau, District 1 4 Park Place, Troy, N.Y. Wm. H. Bruder, Archon. Richard Y. Atlee, Secretary. The Alpha Taux Prof. G. K. Palsgrove, '11, Chapter Adviser. ROANOKE-Xi. District 2. "Boxwood," W. Main St., Salem, Va. Charles Engers, Archon. Charles Turner, Secretary. The Xi Bulletin C. E. Webber, '22, Chapter Adviser.


SEWANEE-Alpha-Pi, District 8. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Sewanee, Tenn. A. C. Thompson, Jr., Archon. Fred Fudickar, Jr., Secretary. The Alpha Pi KaP.P Robert L. Petry, 27, Chapter Adviser. SOUTH CAROLINA-Sigma, District 4. 1807 Green St., Columbia, S.C. Adrian A. Spears, Archon. Robt. E. W1lliams, Secretary. The Sigma Item F. G. Swaflield, Jr., '27, Chapter Adviser. STETSON-Chi, District 6. East Minnesota Ave., DeLand, Fla. Joseph Hendricks, Archon. Boyce Ezell, Jr ., Secretary. The Cho ·<.ry Chan Johnson, Chapter Adviser. TENNESSEE-Alpha-Sigma, District 8. 1631 Laurel, Knoxville, Tenn. C. H. Vann, Archon. J. 0. Moss, Secretary. Alpha Sigmam J. G. Tarboux, Chapter Adviser. TULANE-Alpha-Beta, District 16. 763~ St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Lambert Boyd, Archon.

Crawford Powell, Secretary. The Alphabet Glenn B. Hasty, '26, Chapter Adviser. WASHINGTON-Alpha-Delta, District 19. 4508 16th St. N.E., Seattle, Wash. William Waara, Archon. Thomas Edwards, Secretary. The Alpha·Deltan Douglas Willix, Chapter Adviser. WASHINGTON AND LEE-Rho, District 2. Box 909, Lexington, Va. R. R. Smith, Archon. F. A. Hauslein, Secretary. The Rbodian Earl K. Paxton, '10, Chapter Adviser. WEST VIRGTNTA-Aipha·Rhn. Di<trirt 9. 698 High St., Morgantown, W.Va. John M. Adkins, Archon. Arden Trickett, Secretary. The Alpha Rhose Edwin C. Jones, Chapter Adviser. WOFFORD-Zeta, District 4. Pi Kapl'a Phi Fraternity, Spartanburg, S.C. M. L. Holloway, Archon. B. L. Allen, Secretary.

Last Ch apter Installed, Drexel, 1933. Total Active Undergraduate Chapters 42 .

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alumni officers are requested to inform the Executive Secretary promptly of any changes in personnel and addresses, or of agreement as to time and place of meetings. ATHENS, GEORGIA Richard F. Harrisf Archon. New York Life nsurance Co. Gilbert Henry, Sec' y-Treas. Univers1ty of Georgia. ATLANTA, GEORGIA (Ansley Hotel, third Thursday, 7 P.M.) J. Cleve Allen, Archon. 899 Briarcliff Rd. Walter Bedard, Jr., Secretary, 650 Bonavenue Ave. N.E. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA (Bankhead Hotel, first Wednesday, 7 P.W.) L. S. Brewster, Archon. R. M. Mundine, Secretary. Tarrant City, Ala. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA (Second Mondll}') Albert P. Taylor, Archon. 6 Halsey St. Earl B. Halsall, Secretary. 651 King St. CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA (Second and (ourth Thursday, Eflird's) L. H. Harris, Jr., Archon. Independence Bl<!g. W. T. Garibaldi, Secretary. 520 N. Tryon St. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Aubrey P. Folts, Archon 609 James Building ]. R. Williams, Secretary. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (Stevens Hotel! last Thursday) Frank Wo !aston, Archon. 178 N. Lombard Oak Park, Ill. J. W. Cannon, Jr., Secretary. Box 382, Evanston, Ill. CLEVELAND, OHIO (Allerton Club, Second Tuesday) John Haas, Archon. 1236 Manor Park Lakewood, Ohio. F. E. Harrell, Secretary. I 042 Ivanhoe Rd. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA (Green Parrot Tea Room, Second Monday) Dr. Glenn B. Carrigan, Archon State Hospital. T. Meade Baker, Secretary c/o Federal Land Bank. DETROIT, MICHIGAN (First Monda)', Masonic Templr) Fred A. Dittman, Archon. 3507 Lincoln Ave. W. C. Brame, Secretary. 640 Temple Ave.


LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Chas. F. Adams, Archon National Bank of Commerce Building. Knox F. Burnett, Secretary 525 South 13th St. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (Every Friday noon, Alexandria Cafeteria) C. L. Taylor, Archon. 6311 Lindenhurst Ave. C. W. Woods, Secretary. 1685 Beverly Blvd. MIAMI, FLORIDA Chas. B. Costar, Archon 502 N.W. 39th St. Wm. C. Ritch, Secretary 140 E. Flagler St. MONTGOMERY, ALADAMA John Moffit~ Archon. Southern uesk Co. Maxwell Dean, Secretary. 101 Le Bron Ave. NEW YORK, NEW YORK rs J1e!l1~· (33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, Plante rant, 12:30 P.M.) L. 1. Solvig, Archon 610 Ovington Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Prank J. McMullen, Secretary 68 76th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. OMAHA, NEBRASKA (lit Tuesday, Elks' Club) Floyd S. Pegler, Archon 6725 N. 31st Ave. Don W. McCormack, Secretary 2306 Ave. B, Council Bluffs, Iowa, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (First Tuesday) Norman G. Johnson Archon 220 Holroyd Pl., Woodbury, N.J. Clarence S. Moyer, Secretary. 1908 Wilson Ave. Bristol, Pa. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Wallace Parr, Archon 516 Walnut Ave., S.W. Ned Chapman, Secretary Salem, Va. j;PARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA (Second Monday) Paul C. Thomas, Archon Spartan Mills. J. Cham Freeman, Secretary 138¥2 Main St. WASHINGTON, D.C. John L. Donaldson, Archon 1601 Ar11onne Pl. Samuel Pamter, Secretary 1802 Lamont St., N.W.



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