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DECEMBER, 1933 In This Issue ••• fint Pi Kappa Phi Patron National Interfraternity Conference The 1933 Scholars Convention Information Far-Eastern Facts Alumni and Undergraduate O.aptcr Reports VOLUME XIX


Faith is the story of the woman who, upon being informed that faith could move mountains, prayed for the removal of a hill which was obstructing the view from her veranda. The prayer duly took place one night before retire路 m~nt. The next morning she hastened to ascertain results. One glance was more than sufficient for she remarked-"Just as I thought, it is still there." THBRB

Yes, it is worth a smile. Yet, when we see every day all about us an interpretation and applica路 tion of faith of similar proportions as this foolish example it leaves the light of humor and enters that of the tragic. Never has the world had greater need of real faith than now. It needs the kind that is fiery, which burns at white heat and in the burning melts and moulds the soul into the hardness of purpose and keen路 ness of determination. It need11 intelligently directed faith which has eycs to 11ee the goal and the mind to discover the road. It needs above all the working type of faith, that which is harnessed to persistently applied personal energy. .And this the faith which levels mountaiaa ~nd brldgea all gulfs. Give it birth. Foster it. Fight to regain it. Work to beat hell.

Achi e~ement Possibly some may think it an ~rgument for continuity of officers, ut we feel that it is mainly an example of fraternal devotion and personal d rtvtn~ · · w·u zeal ; af ter reading D r . . 1 E. Edmgton 's introduction to hIS t' I In a_r tc e on the Scholars of 1933. all hts work, he has outlived nearly ;h others :Vho were connected with e fraterntty in an official capacity at the time of his appointment. This


Star and Lamp 0~

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity HOWARD D. LEAKE, Editor

Volume XIX Number 4

December, 1933

CONTENTS Introducing the First Pi Kappa Phi Patron. . . . . .

Dr. Will E. Edington carne sh ~rt IY a f ter the Supreme Chapte C~ ~eettng held in Chicago in 1925. ta rntng at such a time it was simul, neous · h inir . Wtt , or a bit previous to, the for hatton of the Interfraternity drive etter scholarship. Not available as yet is the 193233 tionst~nding of Pi Kappa Phi in nafor~ comparison. Dr. Edington inion ist us,_ however, that in his opinPre . Wtll approximate that of the Ka;tous ~o years, at which time Pi wh· ~a Pht was given a plus rating era;c Was much higher than the genthe a1!-men's average and was above general fraternity average. In 1928 th in e ratinll o f the fraternity was -.09; 192 9 19 • -.29 ; in 1930, +.12; in 31 befo' +-41. And the plus has been the r: the !igure of the fraternity for did Y ars smce 1931. That is a splenrecord.

for ~he sel_ection of Brother Edington has e chatrmanship of the committee hono~r?ven an excellent one. M uch ciatio 15 due him, and much apprelloat n. He brought with him vision, taint' a~d definite procedure for atener~g. e ends desired. He has been .,ettc and d nvtng, . . h e h as mam. tained . He st tn mten~e interest in his work . in a es ~at hts first article appeared 192 7 tn The Star and Lamp, at

(Continued on page 19)

Page 2

Under the Student's Lamp ..... . .. . ... . . ..... . By Dr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon


Fraternity World Is Friendly and Cooperative . . . . By GeorgeS. Lasher, Theta Chi


The Eagle's Brood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Earl Carroll, Alpha Eta


Speaking of Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By John Stevens, Alpha Xi


Alumni Chapter Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cabbages and Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Magazine Awards Go to Alfred Tyrrill and A. Dale Swisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Calling the Roll


«!.Entered as second class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin! under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at speda rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 192S, embodted in paragraph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932. «!.The Star aniJ Lamp is published at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the direction of the Supreme Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the months of October December, February, and May. «!.The Life Subscription is $10 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 cents. «<.Chanf:eS in address should be reported promptly to 4SO Ahnaip St., Menasha, W1s. , or Central Office, Box 382, Evanston, Ill. «!.All material mtended for publication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, Box 382, Evanston, Ill., by the 1Sth of the month preceding the month of issue.

Introducing . .

.The First Pi Kappa Phi Patron

lf'i/liam ]. Berry

N THE Anniversary Corps ranks a promotion has taken place. William J. Berry, Alpha Xi, has become honorary colonel of the detachment by a swift step from the ranks of the high privates. In his recent communication, in which he asked the status of Patron, Brother Berry expressed the hope that he was the first. He is. And thereby accrues to him much honor, and the gratitude of the fraternity. It will be the organization's great pleasure to issue to him his certificate and badge. Pi Kappa Phi has no more ardent protagonist than Brother Berry. He believes in the fraternity and projects this belief into active furtherance of its progress. For three years he has carried on in an admirably efficient and helpful way as district archon of the First District. He has served as chapter adviser. The Supreme Chapter has known him as an able chairman of committees. He has officiated at two chapter installations. He is active in the alumni chapter of New York. He finds time to edit the chapter paper of Alpha Xi. In addition, he is on call when the undergraduates need help in a scholastic way. The fraternity needs but ask and it is done. When his fraternity does not need him, he heads the Department of Mathematics of Brooklyn Polytechnic. Gentlemen, Colonel Berry.


Enlistments in the ranks of the Corps since the last issue include: Davitt, J. E.-Alpha Epsilon Byrne, T. D.- Alpha Pi Fletcher, J. F.- Omicron George, Delmar- Alpha Mu Gilbert, Neil-Xi Houser, Theron A.-Zeta Saunier, W. P.- Alpha Tau Spahr, G. ].-Alpha Mu Second payment service stripes go to the following: Berger, W. R.- Alpha Xi Dickens, W. B.- Alpha Pi Jackson, G. A.- Iota Jones, Felix P.- Alpha Iota Rowley, L. N.-Aipha Xi Shaw, W. B. -Omicron


Snider, Ralph-Alpha Delta Thompson, C. M.-Iota


Here is a letter which we have desired to preseAd ,()(;PI· now, written on the letterhead of the Mrmiripal t Shanghai Municipal Council:

I tJ>:


I have received your Jetter regarding the formation.~fo(ll' Anniversary Corps of Pi Kappa Phi, and hasten t~ ·~d tbl you by return mail that I am whole-heartedly be 11 movement. nd ·;; I ~ a charter member of the Kappa Chapter, ~eref<' initiated in November, 1914, nineteen years ago. I $Z £\ 9 take pleasure in sending you, herewith, draft for ·eJlll{, I envy Brother Wagener in that he is the first ~t" il · 1 and can assure you that I would have "beat him to . had been given the opportunity. nd 11'1 I made a hurried visit to Chapel Hill last yeo.r, ateiY f• the pleasure of visiting the chapter house. Unfortuna 0 [1~ me, it was during the summer months, and only tWO brothers were present when I called. . . rceei't~ The Star and Lamp arrives regularly, and 1t 15 '1/i!V. and read with avidity. It is indeed a pleasure to koOsioc' · the fraternity has gone forward, onward and upward, joined the ranks of the alumni. eot Jl1 I am far away in China, but this does not pre\tio~' from reminiscing over the many delightful times, ~sso~ei11t>' and friends which I had and formed whi le an acuve of the Kappa. Yours fraternally, ., J~·

R. T.


From Saunier came the following: DEAR BROTHER:



You will find enclosed my check for two d0 J.o~ fifty cents to be considered as my first payment t~ ~:pr I· versary Corps fund. Although I have been a p, h·cb t' only a short time I have belonged to the Society, "' 'peri• came the Alpha Tau Chapter of the Fraternity, for r·efe• 1 · of fifteen years or more. You will not object, I be ot~~­ my use of the latter term in computing my annual co tion to the fund.


_T_H__E__ S_T_A__ R__ A_N__ D LA

]. C. McCaskill Beta

W. W. Seymour Epsilon

R. 1. Riddle Alpha Upsilon

Under the Student's Lamp (Scholars for 1933)

~j lVI ofii

ANY changes have occurred in the organization of Pi Kappa Phi since the chairman of the Scholarship Committee made his first report in 1926. Of all the SJlecers of that day including the district archons, or inthe Clors as they w~re then known, but one, Leo H. _Pou, hea~ a district inspector, is in active service today. Natl~nal and quarters were then located in Charleston, South Carohna, the Fthe chapter roll had just reached thirty in number. In the fi:bruary, 1927, number of The Stat' and Lamp appeare.d lAI.{p St article under the heading UNDER THE _ STUDENT S ~ere 'Where the ideals and hopes of the scholarship program tainelresented. Some of these ideals !~ave not yet been atti0 ' for, as with everything else that IS worthy of preservarnod·fiour scholarship program has evolved slowly and been . InI ed f requently to meet con d"1t10ns. . Par the article of February, 1927, occurs the follow1ng rne~~reaph_: "'To its outstanding scholars amo~g its activ~ 'l.>il! rsh1p, not exceeding nine in number, Pt Kappa Plu ''ill award annually a specially designed pendant. The trophy ~hi represent the highest scholarship honor that Pi Kappa srnat~an bestow upon one of its sons, and, on .ac.cou?t of t.he 'l.>hi h number awarded it will be a most dtsttncttve pnze .,. c an , . d .. •he fi Y member may feel justly proud to rece1ve an wear. IQ 1 rst awards were made on Founders' Day, December ro~/ 2 7, and the first group of Pi Kappa Phi Scholars was ~1'tt·osed of just two brothers Thomas B. Grafton, Beta, and lam li ' Sin · Pritchard, Omega. notabt ce that date many changes have occurred and much the p e progress has been made by Pi Kappa Phi, but through asslng years the idea of recognizing personal scholarship

]. R. Scales




Bv Dr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon Chairman of CommiHee on Scholarship

achievement has not changed except to grow stronger. On each Founders' Day since 1927 new groups of Scholars have gone out to make their marks in the world and with them have gone the hopes of Pi Kappa Phi, for as never before has the world needed leaders-men who are trained and who know how to do a few things well. On this Founders' Day, December 10, 1933, the Pi Kappa Phi Scholars of 1933 joined the ranks of those who have gone before and now as in the past Pi Kappa Phi honors them for their scholarship achievements. In order that our membership may better know them and better understand the ideals behind our scholarship work, the chairman of the Scholarship Committee here presents the records of these scholarship leaders. May their future efforts as well as their past achievements justify the faith Pi Kappa Phi holds in them. JOHN C. McCASKILL, Beta Brother McCaskill is the fourth member of Beta to become a Scholar and was graduated last June from Presbyterian College magna mm laude. He was a leader also in student activities, having been business manager of the student newspaper The Blue Stocking and president of the Honorary Fraternity Council and of Sigma Upsilon. He was a lso a member of Sigma Kappa Alpha, Gamma Sigma and the International Relations Club.

C. H. Douglass Alpha Pi

H. A. Lynch Tau


JAMES R. SCALES, Delta Brother Scales graduated summa cum /a11de last June from Furman University, completing his college work in three years. He is the third Scholar to represent Delta. He ~as the managing editor of the college annual The Bonhomie and served two years on the staff of the college weekly. He held membership in the Greater Furman Club, the Mathematics Club, Sigma Pi Sigma, physics honorary, Hand and Torch scholarship club, and Chi Beta Phi, honorary science fraternity, serving as secretary and treasurer of this last organization. He was also sophomore historian and senior editor. He served Delta Chapter as historian, treasurer and archon. At present Brother Scales is a student in the United States Naval Academy. WOODROW W. SEYMOUR, Epsilon Brother Seymour graduated last June from Davidson College, majoring in political science. Due to his excellent work he became student assistant in the Political Science Department of Davidson. He was active in military affairs, serving as an officer in the student R.O.T.C. and being elected to membership in Scabbard and Blade. He is the fourth member of Epsilon to be honored as a Scholar. At present Brother Seymour is doing graduate work in Duke University. HERBERT P. HALEY, Iota Brother Haley was graduated from the Georgia School of Technology with the class of 1933 and received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, graduating "With Honors." He was on the Honor Roll each of the eight semesters he was in school and at the annual Honor Day exercises in 1932 he was presented with the president's gold "T" by Dr. M. L. Brjttain, president of Georgia Tech., as one of the twenty juniors outstanding in scholarship. He was honored with membership in Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma and Phi Eta Sigma, all first rank honorary organizations. He was also a member of the Free Body Club, and he served Iota Chapter as chaplain and treasurer. Iota 'Chapter is fortunate in having Brother Haley as her third Scholar.



Brother Lynch is one of the two juniors to be chosen Scholar for 1933 and at present is a senior in the School of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State College. Not only is Brother Lynch a leader in scholarship but he is also one of the outstanding track men in the Southern Conference in the dash events. He holds membership in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Brother Lynch is the first representative of Tau Chapter among the Pi Kappa Phi Scholars. CHARLES H. DOUGLASS, Alpha Pi Brother Douglass is the second junior to be chosen Scholar for 1933 and he has earned the distinction by leading his class in scholarship at the University of the South during the past three years. In recognition of his outstanding ability he was elefted· to membership in Ph~ Beta Kappa, Omicroo Delta K~pa, Blue Key and Sigma Upsilon. He is editor of the student paper, The Sewanee Purple. He also holds membership in· Neograph, freshman-sophomore literary society, and in the local scholarship society. Alpha Pi Chapter has chosen him as historian for one term and as treasurer for Jive terms. Brother Douglass is Alpha Pi Chapter's first Schoiar. ROJ;l~RT J. RIDDLE, Alpha Upsilon Brother Ridd'te completed his course in business administration at Drexel Institute last June and is Alpha Upsilon's lirst Scholar. His qualities for leadership were recogruzed (Contin11ed on page 10)


Albert W. Meisel Elected to the 'l'ice-presidenc)' of the Ntttionttl ln ler/ralernity Conference at its October meiting


World· Is ' F

. of the ISTORIC was the twenty-fifth annual ses~tOn ·cas"' National Interfraternity Conference held tn ~\odlf October 13-14. It gave concrete evidence tha .. petJ' the fraternity world is a world of friendliness and ~0~ prt tion in contrast to the distrust and antagonism whtC , 3gc vai!ed among national fraternities a quarter of a cent~ CitY. It was the first meeting to be held outside of New Yo~d 111itb It was t~e lirst time tha.t a joint meeting had been he esenll' the NatiOnal Panhellentc Congress, composed of repr roini tives of the national sororities. It gave promise of ret~mitli to the delinite idea of a conference, instead of becd 111 it~ merely another convention, with the program so chokedisetl~ reports and speeches that there remains little time for • ston. alsod With registration and fraternity representation nortll ssiool with a higher attendance of delegates at the various send iP' prevailing, the two-day program provided both facts 0 orrel't spiration in dealing with such topics as the NRA, the 'emen~ economic status of fraternities, chapter house rnana8 and the relation of the fraternity to the college. h usLI,: Chairman Edward T. T. Williams departed frorn t eof tlil custom of presenting a report of the accomplisJunen~. 5 0~~ 1 Conference throughout the year and instead gave fr3ter· viewpoint in regard to the changing character of the 111]11~ nity and offered thought-provoking suggestions as to resefl 1 might be done about certain unhappy aspects of the P situation. . .10 rioP: Pointing out the fact that today educational tnSil eJot are emphasizing the individual rather than the type defollo\1' by standardization, Chairman Williams presented th\nq~ 1 ing suggestions: First, it is not a social crime to ~ re js 1 a charter-it may be some sacrifice of pride, b~t ~ reprt' greater sacrifice in maintaining a chapter that ts no c:tft > sentative and not satisfactory. Second, exercise rnore ~~ the selection of men. Third, help undergraduates to. ersiur absorbed in the atmosphere and objectives of the unt;nsO~~ and colleges which they attend by freeing them fro!Il etsrt" worries and too much supervision by traveling se'\19oct· making them depend upon chapter alUmni for 11551 Fourth, absorb alumni into the fraternity body.


Address on NRA


Only one address was scheduled on the con f ~renee tio!IS fcl gram, "The New Planned Economy and Its Irnpltca

------=-----;4 THE STAR AND LA

Cecil J. Wilkinson Executi>'c Secretary of P/Ji Gamma Delta, wllo succeeded Ed'Ward T. T. Williams, Delta Pili, as cllairman of tl•c NaJional In· tcr/ralernity conference

Is ' Friendly and Cooperative thl

College M Delta U 7n," the speaker being Judge Andrew A. Bruce, odlf Uni~er . Psslon, a member of the faculty of Northwestern nerJ' , the Ch~sty and chairman of the NRA Compliance Board of rprt' ~orth ~ago district. At one time he was chief justice of the "p akota Supreme Court. ~~· betn g~rhaps for the first time in America recognition has itb the firs~ve~ to. the college man and to the university, and ~or 111 eoll' to tllak time sn America the college man has an opportumty piP! Said in e use ?f that from which he has profited," Judge Bruce Jllillf Pointed opensng his frank discussion of the NRA in which he ~·iii ~or 'Ill out. weaknesses as well as strengths in the program. 111listedasthhss exposition free from adverse criticism, but he jsctJS' a &teat at the NRA is a magnificent idealism, the idea of 11thnes fundamental democracy, that all should enjoy the l'h:t and the fullness of the earth. their ch fraternities, both in their national organizations and nohlic dapters, have realized the necessity of meeting eco~trava epression by thoroughgoing economies, eliminating ~ey on ~~nee and unnecessary charges, was proved by the surby 'l(lill ~ current economic status of fraternities, presented thairrnaar L. Momsen, national secretary of Alpha Delta Phi, f '<ita~ of the committee. 0 r~n 00 Problems again concerned the delegates Saturday C{jll.!ide n ;hen the subject of chapter house management was ~ndit/e · As an introduction to his topic, "Creation of !. S"'aons 'Where Good Scholarship Can Prevail," Clifford ~· li. Delta Upsilon, presented the reports of Professor Ivan EOrdan, Phi Gamma Delta, on resident advisers and Jordan · Duerr, Delta Tau Delta, on scholarship. Professor ~1 1tr5 i:ePorted that the movement of placing resident adC{jnsider· chapter houses is gaining headway rather rapidly, ~e '~~ork~g the financial conditions under which fraternities e fact tog. Be stated that students should be impressed by ~rcial ~at the resident adviser is not to replace the com~Pot 'lllh tor of individual students or to be an arbitrary ~~lilelo ose business is to direct the chapter, but to be a ""t'>>ee0 ~hand whenever possible serve as a liaison officer e chapter and the college authorities. S~



Plague Spots in Scholarship

~ lie to h \ cotrlJll t e fact that the annual scholarship survey cannot a! able eted before the latter part of November, Mr. Duerr only to point out trends. These indicated, he re-


ported, that the consistent improvement of the past seven years would probably be halted, due perhaps to economic problems that chapters and individuals have had to face. He says in his preliminary report, "The problem has been to create in chapter houses an atmosphere that will promote real culture and will stimulate the intellectually eager and arouse the intellectually sluggish. This can be done, not by compulsion, but only by inspiration and leadership; I deplore any high pressure methods which attempt to make the student study rather than make him want to study." Mr. Duerr pointed out that the general fraternity average is being held down by approximately fifteen ''plague spots,"' campuses where fraternity scholarship is low, and appealed for a concerted move by national secretaries and other leaders to change conditions on those campuses so as to furnish the inspiration and the leadership which will give the fraternity men of these institutions a finer conception of the purposes of a college education. Declaring that the creation of a cultural atmosphere and the encouragement of a desire for learning are the things to be aimed at, Mr. Swan insisted that too many educational institutions are resorting to forced feeding methods rather than creating an appetite. The blame for the condition he placed upon the general attitude of American life which emphasizes the utilitarian rather than the cultural. He urged that educational institutions and fraternities recognize this trend and organize a program to create an atmosphere that will create an appetite for learning. Dean William L. Sanders, Ohio Wesleyan, warned that many fraternity members and pledges lack the cultural and scholastic background that makes possible in four years the development of cultured gentlemen, that because of overorganization on campuses and numerous campus rackets students do not have time to become cultured gentlemen, and that colleges are imposing upon fraternities with such a program of special days and other means of recruiting new students through campus entertainments that members do not have time for their studies.


By George S. Lasher, Theta Chi Director, Fraternity Newe Service, National Interfraternity Conference


Accounting and Feeding The matter of suitable accounting for fraternity chapters was presented by Howard L. Kellogg, Delta Chi, and discussed by William M. Walden, executive secretary of Alpha Chi Rho, and Arthur R. Priest, executive secretary of Phi Delta Theta. There was an insistence upon simple forms , distribution of mimeographed reports to each member, including a list of members who are delinquent in their payment of bills, responsibility of the college in preventing groups from overbuilding, and the desirability of abandoning delayed rushing seasons during the present emergency. The report of ''Feeding the Fraternity Man," prepared by Charles A . Tonsor, Delta Sigma Phi, was presented by Mr. Fritsche, of Horn & Hardart, who is also a Delta Sigma Phi. The report, a most valuable one for the study and direction of chapter stewards and cooks, includes an analysis of unnecessary losses in the boarding department and how they may be checked, fair rental charges to be made against the boarding department, the necessity for wisely chosen menus in order to assure proper vitamin content, sample menus, and sugges tions for planning daily menus.

Relation to College D ean William L. Sanders, Sigma Chi, was in charge of the next discussion topic, "The Relation of the Fraternity to the College," and introduced as the first speaker, Arthur R. Priest, executive secretary of Phi Delta Theta, who discussed the idea that the college and the fraternity are partners having an opportunity of tremendous possibilities in developing the fraternity as a research laboratory for cooperative living. After affirming his firm belief in the American fraternity system, and declaring that he had found nothing to take its place in grouping men satisfactory, G. Herbert Smith, dean of freshmen at DePauw University and scholarship commis· sioner of Beta Theta Pi, pointed out some major problems which need attention. Among other things he said: "You have legislated out 'Hell Week.' The national fraternities in their meetings say, 'We have legislated out "Hell Week" and other mistreatment of freshmen,' but those of us active on the campus know that as far as your chapters are concerned, they don't know it. This mistreatment of freshmen has grown to the point that several college administrators !lave said, 'We will erect freshman dormitories.'" Another reason why freshman dormitories are being erected, insisted Dean Smith, is because to date college fra ternities have not provided as satisfactory conditions and environment for freshmen as far as scholarship is concerned as can be found outside. The solution of the problem, he continued, is the entire elimination of physical compulsion in the treatment and training of freshmen. Floyd Field, Theta Chi, dean of men at Georgia Institute of Technology, outlined the program in Georgia by which fraternities and the educational institutions are finding an increasingly helpful relationship. He declared : "The real problem that we are up against, both in leaders of the college and in the leaders of the fraternity, is the character building activities of the men involved. Just so far as we are able to develop men of character, these problems of scholarship and other issues will be answered."

Resolutions Most important among the resolutions passed by the National Interfraternity Conference in its closing session was the authorization of a committee to investigate and consider the problem of collecting fraternity accounts receivable through the college or with its aid and to report at the next conference its recommendations. (Cot1tin11ed 011 page 10)



Upsilon Chapter Passes I boll' to I KAPPA PHI has made its first full and forma 'ty ol Monsieur Depression. Upsilon Chapter, Univers'w its Illi~ois, drained of its blood and fai.li?g to ren~p we sinews m the recent years of keen competitiOn, ~aveinacti'' ghost during the summer. It thus becomes the th1rd lty de· chapter of the fraternity and the first to pay the pena manded by the times. d ors of 0 By virtue of presaging events the closing of the pected the twentieth chapter of the fraternity came as no une~ e end surprise. The chapter possessed a roster of 31 men. at ~ men of the year 1931. It entered the. year following w1th . e lisl· and five pledges and ended it with 21 men on the actl~e oilFourteen men returned the fall of '32, no pledges we·ne ge· tained, and the close of school found the chapter WJt· h nJf mor· tives, three of whom graduated. It is, therefore, a tale 0 tality ana a failure to obtain pledges. . Chapter. Gamma Sigma Kappa, which became Ups1lon the fol· was organized in 1918. Of the founders of the ~ocal Jter 11· lowing later became identified with Pi Kappa P.h 1: ~abert £. Newcomb, Huber H. Rathbun, E. N. TurnqUJst, ~ears~ Broom, Rudolph A. Faust (deceased), Robert M. s!ie Jl.lf: Eugene R. Eleson (deceased), M. E. Brame, Roy Le fail ot ker, John H. Wamsley, and Carl R. Miller. In theState o! 1919 the organization obtained a charter from the of th' Illinois and concluded negotiations for the purchase th1 921 house they were then occupying. In the spring of 1 fraternity placed the Upsilon charter in their hands. -0 thl 1 · .was At the time of the purchase of the house tt ' (liD'' 0 midst of the fraternity district. In the early twentteS uarttrl 1 ment began among the organizations to build better ~h~P''' nearer the campus. In line with this movement the Jll' 150 purchased two Jots in the fraternity district a~d d:wdn~ 1 plans to eventually build thereon, as soon as the JO obtl' against the two properties was sufficiently reduced t·~n c& a satisfactory financing arrangement with a constru~tJ ressiol pany. Plans of the new house were drawn. Th_e e~so, 1~ 0 proved a bad break for the chapter in this pro)~ct chef11~' membership is inextricably tied up with financHtl \s~rJ~ The chapter could not obtain the number of men ne~e paY'~' carry on the good record made in the past decade. 1 due 1 for their properties. The lack of fraternity matefiO at co decrease in enrolment in the university meant cutthrO diS' petition, in which the home of Upsilon appeared t~idel''' vantage in comparison with the other magnificent re ame J.< of fraternities, especially since house bills were th; :he eel cause of the desperate war to the knife. Many 0 strin! peting houses were financed on the proverbial "shoe 1efl~· 0 but the house bills offered to the prospect carried 0 tion of this greater burden. ope~'r Approximately $26,000 was paid for the two P:ere ~· owned by Upsilon. At the close of the chapter } oppfC-1 ! outstanding only one $5000 mortgage and a Joan the r-' mately $4,000. At the rate of progress shown beforethel tt nomic catastrophe appeared, the chapter, given. anOn ,1 ,c • years, would have been in good position to butld 0 acceptable financing basis. in 1 . rneo. ~ The chapter has produced many outstan d tng fr~ter fraternity and in business and the professions. T.he (!len 1' has selected in the past years the following Upst~on su?reJI' work in the national organization: E. N. Turnquist, oi sci' secretary for six years; Paul Walker, supreme aluffichaitlll· tary, and supreme historian; Dr. W. E. Edington:bb00 , of the national scholarship committee; Ka_rl G~ prof~>'. trict archon and member of national committees • piJII V. R. Fleming, district archon and chapter adviser; D . McGuire and M. C. Crew, district archons.









The Eagle•s

Brood I~b~OA.fE

A }'ear or so ago the editors naked Earl Carroll, Alpha Eta, then connected with the Y .M.C.A. of the Philippines, to present to the fraternity tirat·hnnd information regarding the attitude of the Philippines towards the inde· Pendence movement. He declined to do so on the basis that all material written on the Islands was closely scrutinized by Filipinos in America and derogatory statements had a habit o£ coming home to roost to their source; which, because of his intimate association with the people of the Islands, he could not afford to have happen. Recently he severed his connection with the Y .M.C.A. and the Philippine• to accept a position with the lnaulnr Life Asaurance Company, with residence in Hawaii. This action and recent developments have removed ~arriera, and he ha1 fulfilled our request with the following article, which you will lind most intereating and tnformntive and which carries n rather ominona note concerning things Eastern.

of your letters you have asked for information Faruk the political situation in the Philippines and the have h . ast. For reasons that I have explained before, I ~ines. Bttated to write about the conditions in the Philiphas cha owever, during the past few months the situation more f nged to such an extent that it is now possible to speak Fo/ee]y without danger of being misunderstood. have b rnore than 300 years the people of this archipelago have deen a subject people. During most of this time they the fe~earned of an independent political existence. In 1896 1 UccCSsf Or of their desires Jed to a revolt which was finally S~anish~ aft~r Admiral Dewey came to their aid during the Fa rnencan War. Rol\>n rh One-third of a century the Stars and Stripes have Of Arne ~re, symbolic of sovereignty of the United States encoura rtca. From the beginning of the American regime, ~oOd, ~h: by _t~e statements of McKinley, Taft, Wilson, and ~aratio rdtpmos have carried on a peaceful campaign for llltssions n rom the United States and have repeatedly sent d~nde to 'Washington to state their desires and ask for inl"et In J~~:a o of Pr 1933, the U. S. Congress passed, over the lfare.liaw estdent Hoover, what is commonly known as the ~nee of th es-Cutting Act, a Jaw providing for the independ1 nlll\>hich e _Islands after a transition period of ten years, durand a gr dhrne there was to be a commonwealth government 3 ~er, the 1 uated restriction on exports to the States. Howe "Phili a~ Was not to become effective until accepted by PurPose PPtne Legislature or a convention called for that l'he ·f orernost leader of the Philippines, Senate President



Manu el Quezon, was in the Islands at the time of the passage of the Act and at once became its arch enemy. Sergio Osmena and Manuel Roxas, number two and three, respectively, in point of leadership in the Philippines, were in Washington at the time of its passage and became the foremost supporters of the Law. During the past six months, the Phillippines have witnessed one of the most intense and bitter political fights ever staged in this country. The leaders of the acceptance and rejection factions carried their battle to the people and the people listened with intense interest. A few days ago the Philippine Legislature suddenly abandoned the proposed plebiscite on the Act and passed a resolution rejecting it and providing for another mission to go to Washington to ask for another and a better law. If the people had been allowed to vote on the question the results would have been about even for rejection and acceptance. It has been most interesting to. watch the reactions of a people who have clamored for independence at any cost and proclaimed to the world that they would prefer "a government run like Hell by Filipinos than a government run like Heaven by Americans." It has been difficult at the same time to understand why they would reject that which they have so long asked for. To better understand the apparent paradox it is necessary to view what they have at present. The Philippines now operate under the Jones Law, passed by the U. S. Congress in 1916. Under it, the governor-general and the Vice Governor-General are Americans and represent the U. S. Government here. With few exceptions, all other govern-


take tion of ten years that they would beg for the U.S. to them back. . on!• however, depends upon his ability to win and keep the coThe second factor is fear of Japan. For polittcal reas ·ed. operation of the Filipino leaders. Hence, executive decisions this factor is seldom mentioned and is occasiona_llY de~'~ve , ace generally influenced by local opinion. Legislative powNevertheless, it is very real in the minds of those who bet" ers ace vested in the Philippine Senate and the House of the courage to face the facts. The world has r_ecentlY ~ve Representatives, both bodies elected by the people directly. notified that Japan expects to dominate the Pactlic and frortl The Governor-General has the power of veto but does not the Orient for the Orientals, and that no interferenct aceduse it often without the recommendation of the Filipino the League of Nations nor any nation would be to ef rbe leaders. The judiciary is almost wholly Filipino. Econpm'iThe Philippines are a natural extension southward .0 ine; cally, _the .Philippines enjoy tl1e vast U .S. market fg~ their islands of the Japanese Empire. Control of the Phtlt~ParJ!' exports. -Consequently, they ar~ better off than _in)y: other . , wol,l'ld give them control of a long chain of islands 5 Phio~ group .of .people .fn the Orient. Tht! Fili~inos •enjoy mor_e ·. ying the Pacific Ocean ~rom the China Sea and str~~hinJ· persona') ltberty llln'iler ,.the Stars ;lind Stnpes .t~an A,men-"· from most northern Chtna to southern French Indo h en· 1 cans. Conditions such as these <d6 ·no't' allow fot any' other Japan would thus be enabled to effectively control t ~ thl wa~ts, save:•the right .to be a - ~elf-determiping people as a tire coastline of China and at the_ same _time s~ut 0~ 0 r 1; natJOnal umt. ·· . ,,,,. rest of the world from contact wtth Chtna. Thts fa e no The rejectionists, therefore, say that the HHC .Act is no further intensified by the fact that the Philippines haV improvement over the Jones Act and that it is defective in navy and only a very small constabulary force . . 5 re· that it does not grant the Filipinos what they want. The A group of Japanese peers were in the PhiliPP' 0 ~ de· acceptance group say that it is a great ·improvement over cently on a business survey and announced on _the~~ for ), the Jones Act in that it sets a definite date for independence parture •that 1~panese capital and labor were avatla~l iJip· lo and that it is the best bill that could be secured under confurther development of the natural resources of the I ~hJt PI ditions prevailing in the States at present. I personally feel pines. The recent d~velopments in Manchuria reveal tllen' <o that the U. S. Congress could have given a more liberal bill. Japan means by furnishing capital and labor for deve op i~ It is going to be most difficult, however, to secure a bill of another country. thiok· suitable to both Filipinos and Americans. The American These are some of the factors that enter into the spoo· Government cannot assume responsibility for the Islands during of the Filipinos as they deal with destiny. The re tllakl ing a transition period without a representative here with sibility resting on the shoulders of those who must some authority. The HHC Act provides for an American the decision is exceedingly heavy. )eJd· High Commissioner. The Filipinos say that such a person There is considerable unexpressed sentiment amonglth or unduly limits their freedom . The U.S. seems determined to ing citizens of the country in favor of a commonwe:e 0 ~1· maintain army posts and naval bases here for possible emerdominion status similar to that of Canada. One of ~d favor gencies in the future. The Filipinos say they can have no standing supporters of the HHC Law told me he wou roflll' freedom with such military and naval forces within the couna dominion status if it were offered by the U.S. Other ~olofll. try. American producers 'of sugar, cottonseed oil, rope, etc., nent men have told me the same thing. Oriental psyc sta!Ol demand protection from Philippine exports to the U .S. The is such that the Filipinos may never ask for such ; {}. SPhilippines will suffer a complete breakdown of their finanbut would most likely accept it if it were offered by ne cia! structure if the American market is closed. American Congress. agree· labor wants Filipino labor excluded from the U.S. and the The Dominion of Canada, I understand, now has an 'froi!l Filipinos demand the right of freedom of travel in the U .S. ment with Great Britain whereby she may withdra~en- Jr as long as they are American subjects. American manufacturthe Empire after due notice of her intentions are {}.S· 1 ers of automobiles, machinery, cotton cloth, canned foods, seems to me that a similar arrangement between : e prob· etc., want the Philippines to remain an open market for and the Philippines would be the best solution of t ~eo rhJ 1 15 them and are therefore opposed to independence. The Fili)em. There should probably be an additional prov_ ue for pinos want to erect tariff walls. The HHC Law says the the dominion status of the Philippines should conttf "'irh· 0 Philippines must have a republican form of government and a stipulated number of years before the privilege sibilitf make English the official language. The Filipinos want to drawal takes effect. This would place the final respon t cortl' determine for themselves their own form of government on the Filipino people for determining when they wan et11~~' 1 and official language. plete separation from the United States. Such an ag~e othl1 The most important factor, however, is the fact that the would, of course, imply an adjustment of trade an . relationships. ot11PI 1' political ideal has been tempered with materialism. Within the past few years the economic factor has surpassed the poThe dominant Far Eastern situation remains verY c ~to;· litical factor in importance and has become the dominating cated. Daily reports of an impending conflict betweens. ;.~ force in the situation as the economic relationship between sia and Japan come by press and from actual observe_ra sJl'5 the U.S. and the Philippines have become very intricate. No American recently returned from Korea and ManchtJiflpane;1 one doubts to any real ex tent the political ability of the that preparations are under way for another Russo· a tO bl Filipinos to govern themselves but many question whether War. The immediate cause for such a conflict seernsbeiit~' they have the financial resources for a successful governthe control of the Chinese Eastern Railway, but 1. nn ;od ment. Many observers believe that the rejection of the HHC it to be a conflict fundamentally of Japanese ca~itall$raPjdlf Law has been on account of the inevitable economic chaos Russian Communism. Communism is spreadmg f JaPI~ that would follow its acceptance. Three-fourths of the forthroughout the Orient and the capitalistic system 0 nd' 1' eign trade of the Philippines is carried on with the U .S. is due for a hard shake-up unless Russian pro a caaj This open: door to the American market has enabled the stopped. Japan would probably be the loser in s~c.' rY aa Filipinos to attain a standard of living far above that of flict. It is reported that Russia has tremendous mdtt\y th 1 their Oriental neighbors. Many leaders here fear the unair forces on the Siberian border. The trade boycott d pJ1) favorable reaction of the masses under the strain of a greatChinese, and the heavy expenditures of the armY ~elf' ly reduced standard of living. A provincial governor told during the past two years have placed Japan on t :naa''1' me not so long ago that if the HHC Law were accepted the of economic breakdown. This breakdown of the (Continued on page 19) Filipinos would be in such an economic state at the expira-

ment officials ace Filipinos. Executive authority is lodged in the Governor-General. The success of a Governor-General








---------~ THE STAR AND LA

Courtesy N.Y. Tel. Co.

An Idyl of Manhattan

Speaking of Conventions

• • •

lohn E

fo r .,. • Steven '• 1r., Al p h n X1,. has undertaken the task of reporung • 1. he St Pl~na for :1. and Lamp the intimate detail• of developments in the '>t•cle <on • .1934 convention of the fraternity. This is his first ~0 1llbine tocernkng events, places, persons, and things which will all •ng lr0 1tl llla e of the 17th Supreme Chapter an outstanding gather· every Perspective.

1' WAs ing ~~out a month ago that I sat on the outside coolin a~y dogs." A group of men sat behind closed doors arge smoke-hazed room in Brooklyn talking earnestly in 1 the Ot~'IV tones. Now and then the voice of one rose above before ~rs; then the even drone of discussion went on as sollle ~It Was a characteristic conference of men intent upon Viewpo· an requiring the exchange of a variety of ideas and of the Ints. T~en, almost unnoticed, a change in the tenor laughte &bthenng began taking place. Conversation rose, feet, an~ ecame frequent, there was a general scraping of over. S finally, chairs were pushed back- the meeting was d_ressed ufi den]y the door opened revealing a tall, pleasingly r•ed an i~?e•. topped by a round, pleasant face which carOther 'IV ect10us smile. One hand was on the knob, the tained t~s grasping a sheaf of papers. The topmost sheet conthe Pro e essence of what had taken place that night. It was ~raterni~am for a national convention of Pi Kappa Phi lllan 'IVa to be held in New York next summer, and the of the c~ law~ence ]. Bolvig, Alpha Xi, general chairman nventtOn committee which had just met.






llut tha:~•s took place on the evening of November 24, 1933. At ths not the whole story; far from it. Vention last Supreme Chapter meeting, the Detroit con:y 'lvhe~ :legat~s and others present whooped enthusiasticaln lllew y motton was passed to hold the next convention ~se to "s ork. E~erybody left making promises to everybody Olvig 'IV ee You 10 New York in '33." A little later "Larry" ~0lllfllitte as appointed convention chairman. He appointed his or the b~ ~nd things began to move along in preparation lleople h~~ hays two summt:rs hence. This was in 1931 when . lly th eard vaguely of a depression somewhere. '4orse ecoe en~ of 1932, things having gone from bad to the fact thnomtcally, fraternity conditions being reflected by llllned the·at almost a score of national fraternities had post~0nell!ent •r c~nventions and more were contemplating post~ 'Wheth~ senous consideration was given to the question r loaded r the financial burden of a convention ought to /llle. 1'he upon the fraternity and unc;lergraduates at that Or a Year. answer was "no," and the convention was put off





Well, nothing. The convention committee went right on with its plans, but for the summer of 1934 instead of 1933. Another year of anticipation remained for what is going to be the largest, most spectacular and colorful convention it has ever been the pleasure of a Pi Kapp to attend-and at the lowest cost h1 years I And New York is just aching to do it. There are about 300 Pi Kapps in New York City, and probably twice that number if we include those in surrounding states. With pardonable pride in ·the convention enthusiasm in the New York Alumni Chapter the committee tells you this story: At the annual Christmas Dinner in December of 1932, before the decision to postpone the 1933 convention had been made, 115 New York Pi Kapps pledged their support to the convention by signing on the dotted line. And this during the worst period of the depression. That is the spirit of those who will be your hosts. PLANS TO DATE

The convention committee has met on numerous occasions at the Alpha Xi chapter house in Brooklyn. The last meeting on November 24, was the most important so far, in that proposed social program, duration of the convention, and registration fee were decided upon. It wil I be a four-day convention, registration at the 'alltime low of $12.50. Two sets of dates have been picked by the committee one of which will shortly be chosen by the Supreme Council. The first is August 27· 30, and the second is September 5·8. The most convenient time for the largest possible number of actives and alumni is desired. THE PROGRAM

The number of entertaining events, all equally good program possibilities, is almost limitless in New York. Selection of a few is one of the chief problems the committee has to face. It is like taking a youngster into a toyland of his most vivid imagining and saying, ''Now, what do you like the best?" Five social programs prepared. by the committee have been narrowed down to one coverin~ the four days of the convention. It's a honey. The next Star and Lamp will carry it in detail. Program events are, of course, all subject to the decision of the Supreme Council but present indications are that approval of the committee's plans will shortly be forthcoming. Of one thing you can be sure. The cost of attending the


convention will be lower than ever. Plane, railroad, bus and hotel rates, and the cost of food-all are at incredibly low figures. We thought things were pretty cheap at the time of the last convention. Well, they're down even further. PERSONNEL

The convention committee bristles with prominent New York Pi Kapps. Of "Larry" Bolvig, general chairman of the convention, you've already read in the early part of this article. He was president of the New York Alumni Chapter last year and is one of our most active local men. Then there's Supreme Chancellor Albert W. Meisel whose interest and devotion to the work of the fraternity is known whereever there are Pi Kapps. District Archon William ]. Berry is a prominent member of the committee. K. C. Lauter, Psi, past district archon of the first district and an active worker in the New York Alumni Chapter, is another member. Francis J. McMullen, president of Alpha Xi corporation and president of the New York Alumni Chapter is doing his bit on the committee. William R. Berger is treasurer of Alpha Xi corporation and chapter adviser to the local chapter, chairman of the Christmas Dinner and Spring Formal committees. Carl F. Ostergren, Psi, is one of our prominent New York Pi Kapps. Clarence E. Davies, Alpha Tau, is an active local alumnus. C. E. Kraehn, also of Alpha Tau, is one of our active New York men. William W. Nash, Alpha Xi, is past secretary of the New York Alumni Chapter. Elmer Becker, Alpha Mu, is an active worker on committees for local functions. Ernest C. Harper, is member of the board of directors of Alpha Xi and secretary of the New York Alumni chapter. Charles A. (Bugs) Ballou, Psi, is an ardent worker for Pi Kappa Phi in this section. Frederick Neuls, was archon of Alpha Xi last year and delegate to the Detroit convention. Jackson Cross, Alpha Pi, is active in New York alumni circles. William R. Johnson, is the present archon of Alpha Xi. And the last one, your correspondent, brings the list to a close. There's your convention committee. And they're all ready to put forth whatever inspiration, imagination and perspiration is necessary to make the 1934 convention the best darn four-day show you ever attended. Start talking convention now. The time will be here before you know it. Here is an opportunity not to go to a Pi Kapp convention or New York but to go to a Pi Kapp convention and New York. Your fraternity experience as a Pi Kapp is not complete unless you have participated in a national convention. Your experience as an American is not complete unless you have been to New York. Come and make it one of your Jife- long memories.

Under the Student's Lamp (Continued f1·om page 4)

early, for he was president of his class in his freshman and sophomore years, a member of the freshman counci l and a member of the student council in his junior year. He was elected to Blue Key and was president of it in his senior year. In journalism he was on The Tt'iangle staff for two years, being assistant editor in his junior year, and he was business manager of the 1933 Lexerd, student yearbook. He was president of the local Kappa Sigma Delta at the time it was installed as a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, and he served on the interfraternity council. Brother Riddle was also winner of the Charles E. Etting Scholarship at Drexel Institute.


V""rsatl'l, ~


By Roy



NE of Alpha Gamma's members, Dick Wilson, a University of Oklahoma junior law student, has a minor role in two motion pictures recently released by MetroGoldwyn-Mayer. Brother Wilson, w.ho wrote dialogue for M-G-M the past two summers, took time out this summer to try his luck in the acting field. He portrays a newspaper reporter in both "Penthouse," starring Warner B,axter and Myrna Loy, and "Show World," with Jimmy Dick Wil• 0 " "Snozzle" Durante and Una Merkel having the leads. of , School activities of Brother Wilson include: Treasll;~~ol, Alpha Gamma, Secretary to the Dean of the LaW Sf ter· pledge captain of Phi Alpha D elta, honorary legal cajon· n1ty, winner of the University independent debate chnJ!lP tiC' ship, President of the Inter-Bar Council, and Chief JuS of Francis Bar.

.. Fraternity World Is ·ve Friendly and Cooperatl (Cor1tir111ed from page 6) . d as 1 An Educational Advisory Council was establ1sheh !'iJ' means of developing increased cooperation between t de uo1· tiona) Interfraternity Conference and the colleges an versities. C 0fer· The Infor~ation Service was of?ci~lly abolished. %eoied ence members 1n arrears for dues w1ll 1n the future be uti'' representation unless granted an extension by the E"ec.d bf Committee and will be dropped if the dues are not pal February 1 following. . ,esi· Tributes were paid Dr. Henry Suzzallo, Zeta Psi, ~~ oi dent of the Carnegie Foundation for the AdvancetTle d thl Teaching, and Willis Robb, Beta Theta Pi, who initi~te ecent first interfraternity gathering of editors in 1883. -r:helr/ ure'! deaths robbed the fraternity cause of two outstand.mg ~0 ter· 1 The .Interfraternity Club of Chicago and Nat1ona ecuti'' fraternity Conference officers and members of the E" Committee were highly commended. fercO" 0 Officers elected by the National Interfraternity C? Gatojl1! are as follows: Chairman, Cecil ]. Wilkinson, Ph 1 .. seerr 1 Delta; vice-chairma.n, Albert W. Mei~el, Pi Kappa Pl~;iard ~ tary, Harold J. Batly, Beta Theta P1; treasurer, 'WI \1/11· ~omsen, Alpha Delta Phi; educational adviser, pe~ass ol !tam L. Sanders, Sigma Chi; executive committee, L· 0dti" 1935, A. L. Jackson, Phi Kappa Sigma; Fred E. ~eke~· Delta Kappa Epsilon, class of 1936, Norman !{. H;\lP~'' Theta Delta Chi; J . Harold Johnston, Pi Kappa Clarence E. West, Kappa Alpha Society. . Gar1JI11' Chairman Wilkinson is executive secretary of Phi iS th' Delta and editor of the magazine of that fraternity· }1e to tlt1 first full time salaried fraternity executive to be elected frate~· chairmanship. He is a past president of the Colle.!l~ js~~ nity Editors Association. The Ohio Wesleyan Univetsltf c~'r alma mater. Mrs. Wilkinson is a Chi Omega fro!ll the ter of Ohio University, Athens.




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Henry D, Robison Lambda Vicc~president~ •33 President, •34 Atlanta

]. Cle~e Allen, Iota Past President, Atlantd

Philip F. Eth eridge, A lpha Alpha Sccrctary·Trcasurcr. '33 Yicc.presidcnt., '34 At/a,• I a

Alumni Chapter Reviews



Founders' D ay banquet of the Atlanta men was a sp endid climax to a year of extraordinary activity and Pledgunusual attendance. A tota l of 119 alumni, acti ves, and of th es fgathe~ed to commemorate the date of the founding of th: f rater~ tty, which is a record attend ance of members cil>al raterntty at any local affair presented . Guest and prin~agespeaker of the occasion was Supreme Archon A. Pelzer l) ner. ties n r. Wagener's speech dealt with the fundamental qualifrater~~e~sary to a fraternity. H e cited many instances in which Presen tttes either survived or died in accordance with the Prepare~ or absence of these qualities. His address was well a.Udiene an~ ably delivered. It was warm ly received by an 'I'h ce whtch was keenly attentive from beginning to end. ·thusia ~~e were songs, many of them , sung lustily and ennulllb: tcally by an open-hearted group. Seven entertai nment Cores ~ were greatly enjoyed, to the extent of several enduplic t 0 Hewitt McGraw, archon of Iota, was presented a lialey ~ e of the scholarship certificate won by Herbert P. to be ~st year. Haley is the third man of Iota in four years by Di~t ?sen Pi Kappa Phi Scholar. Short talks were made Jallles tct Archon Francis Dwyer, Past-Supreme Secretary t\lullln· e~e, D ill ard Lasseter, past archon of the New York 1 ' Y the new officers of Atlanta, and the following

past presidents of the local body : Thomas Tucker, Nathan Teague, John Rourk, and Paul Etheridge, Jr. An unusual feature of the occasion was the printed program. It was in the form of a directory of the alumn i chapter, which presented in deta il the educational career and business connection of each member. Also included were special write-ups on the officers of the chapter during the past year. Closely approximating the Founders' Day banquet in the attendance of the members of the fraternity and exceeding it in total attendance was the dinner dance given by the alumn i chapter on November 3 in honor of the actives and pledges of the three Atlanta undergraduate chapters. Total attendance was around 200 for the dance, inclusive of the feminine contingent; and 36 alumni and their dates were present for the banquet part of the evening's program. Leading up to these two outstanding occasions of the Atlanta year were the weekly get-togethers over the luncheon table. At each meeting a prominent local man was introduced, to present his views of the field of activity with which he was connected. Newspaper men followed government officia ls, and on their heels came educators, bankers, lawyers, and men of general business. These talks were well received, and attendance at the luncheons was uniformly good. Other social functions were presented with success. Leadership plus a live program has made of the chapter

Gathering of Atlanta Clan on Occasion of Dinner-Dance, November 3



PI to

Atlanta Founders' Day Banquet



Speakers' Table: Wimbish, Philip Etheridge, Set~e, Robison, Allen, Wagener, Dwyer, Teague, Rourk, Paul Etheridge, Jordan

an organization of merit. The leadership was provided in the persons of J. Cleve Allen, Iota, president; Henry 0 . Robison, Lambda, vice-president; Philip F. Etheridge, Alpha Alpha, secretary and treasurer; and Jordan R. Kendall, Pi, assistant secretary and treasurer. The officers of the chapter for the year 1934 have a high standard of performance to maintain, but it is expected that they will maintain and augment it in many ways. To show the way this year the chapter has chosen the following: Henry Robison, president; Edgar G. David, Pi, first vice-president ; Philip F. Etheridge, second vice-president; Shack B. Wimbish, Pi, third vice-president; William Tumlin, Eta, secretary; and Kendall Jordan, Pi, treasurer.

Chicago Thirty-five men gathered in the Stevens Hotel to celebrate another birthday of the fraternity. The speaker of the occasion was R. W. Liddle, editor of the house organ of the Commonwealth Edison Company and national president of an association of such editors. He spoke at length regarding the Constitution of the United States in relation to present day political developments. Following closely on repeal, the meeting presented an opportunity of drinking real toasts, during which the fraternity and the founders received theirs. A variety of wine made its appearance, which led to the men brushing up on their discarded college French in attempting to name each kind. Naturally, music was in the air. This meeting brought to a close a year of considerable activity on the part of the local group. Regular meetings were held in the recreation parlors of the Stevens, which provided special dining facilities together with unusual recreational advantages. During the summer such meetings were cut out of the program and interest and efforts centered on the annual golf tournament and picnic of the chapter. These were enjoyed by those participating. To Executive Secretary Howard D. Leake was presented the circulating golf trophy as the possessor of low gross in the tournament. Leake states it was a "gross" mistake and suffers embarrassment when asked his score. A custom of compass socials was introduced during the year, the men in each section of the city acting in turn as hosts to the men from the other parts.


r tiJe

~r~nk 0. Wollaston, Alpha Delta, presided ove Ill' 5 d~sttmes of the chapter during the past year. He wa ~­ ststed by Ellsworth Shoemaker, Pi, as treasurer; and J. Cannon, Jr., as secretary.


;ohP The officers of the Cleveland Alumni Chapter are tall' M. Smith, Omega, archon, and E. 0. Mattocks, Psi, secre me and treasurer. Indicative of the business undertaken b~ Jl. chapterduring the year are the committees appointed . .;1et Worstell, Omega, was appointed chairman of a cornrnt .f!. to review the possibilities of expansion in the State. r~ J;hiP Haas, Alpha Nu, fell the chairmanship of the scho Bf det committee. Programs were arranged by a committee_ un 9,. the leadership of P. C. Woodhouse, Alpha Nu. Rusht~phl tivities of the chapter were directed by P. M. Mowen, Nu. tiJI 0 Business meetings were held every other mon~h '!faits second Thursdays. In the intervening months soCial a }leld were arranged for the second Saturdays. The former at~·nnet 1 at the homes of the members. The socials consist of . of at some attractive dining place followed by an eve~n~}lef amusement in the way of bridge, dancing, games, an ~nell types. S. V. Cummins, Alpha Nu, was host to the bU~]lef· session of September; John H. Haas to that of Nove ard· The social of October took place at "The Old Fashion 13£thl 0 ing House." After a delicious meal, the remainder evening of bridge was enjoyed by eight couples. F und· The mixed meeting of December was in form of a do pol' ers' Day festivity. This was held at Westlake Inn _an diPS sessed all the accompaniments of such a meeting, tnC1u an excellent speaker.



_Possibly the Detroit program is not so pretentious as :hiP' wht~h th~ other alumni chapters may outline, but ~he of ll ter IS gomg along with the definite purpose of betng tetl much assistance as possible to the undergraduate ch;%1 of in the district, and thereby is deriving a certain arno 0uJ1d satisfaction from the knowledge that the ideals and all·' prO' good fellowship of Pi Kappa Phi have bee~ unseUishiY moted.


_T_H__ E__ S_T_A_R __A __N_D __ LA

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Detroit social e.-ening at home of Chan Jof,so" tary: F>ght: Officers of Detroit-W. C. Brame (T), secre· lrea;ure~.A. Dittmatl (A -8), archon; 0. D. Bird (A 9),

Plan?irppointment came in one respect this fall in that the to ci or the annual conclave could not be carried out, owing lllembcumstances beyond our control. However, the active have ers have not been dismayed by problems that might ing affPPeared unsurmountable had it not been for the trainat the ~ded ~y a first-rate depression. When accommodations necess asontc Temple were curtailed last spring it became tion ~ry to hold the meetings elsewhere. A happy soluthe llle as found by meeting at the home of some one of Or Pi ~bers as agreed every month in advance. ·Out-of-town ~ith th apps newly located in Detroit should communicate tn elfe te secretary while this arrangement for meetings is c A. pl lllonthl an h~s been adopted of augmenting some of the Parties Y meetmgs with mixed bridge for the ladies. Such lielmri ~ere held at the homes of J. Wilson Robinson, G. B. South fc and Chan Johnson, who recently returned from the or an indefinite stay in Detroit. 0

far;~~ Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Chapter activities have been limited so a bu ~ollege year, because the archon has been engaged ning of s;ness contract in central California since the beginhas taken~· school year, and also the vice-archon's business 'I'he h tm out of town most of the time. to ninetc apter has grown from about sixty members in 1932 l<aJl[ls hY·one members at the present time, and more Pi the 'lose~ are being constantly located. While this is called through ngeles" Chapter, members reside in various towns llletro[lo~~t southern California, as well as in Los Angeles 11 to dev~ an area. Due to this fact the immediate problem SCattered~~~ means of bringing a closer co-ordination among are in th 1 l<apps in this district. Plans to accomplish this the oflicee making, and after the first of the New Year, when 'n this chrs return to Los Angeles, further interest and spirit ~our apter will be worked up. necessa;rt five meetings per year have been held. It has been Possible . 0 make these meetings as festive and attractive as ~nces. 'r~~ order to draw Pi Kapps to them from long dis£ the bo at.tendance has been quite good, and a number 5 'I'he ~· drtve some 250 mi les to attend. a P! l<ap tef a~bition and aim of the chapter is to install ~hforni:a Pht undergraduate chapter in the University of 1 • Shed qu·at Los Angeles. While this cannot be accom~~ the nea'C~Iy, the alumni are hopeful it will be realized the 'IVes~ utu.re. This is undoubtedly the coming school quarters t · Thts University recently moved from crowded 0 a beautiful new location provided by the State,

and it is supplied with the most modern buildings and equipment that could be designed. The campus covers many acres, and is in the process of being beautified. The personnel of the teaching staff is excellent. Attendance has more than doubled and the school is fast coming to the front in ath· letics. The chapter was pleased to have had the opportunity of meeting Leo Pou, supreme secretary, when he was in Los Angeles last summer attending a Kiwanis national convention. He gave generously of the time he could spare and the talks with him were more helpful to the chapter than he realized. A. H. Griffin, Alpha Zeta, is archon of the chapter. He is a resident of Montrose, Calif., 2549 Hermosa Ave. In the position of secretary is C. W. Woods, Nu, who resides at 1685 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles.



M iami At the present time, Miami Alumni Chapter boasts a membership of around 30 men, a remarkable fact when it is remembered that we are 300 miles from the nearest undergraduate chapter of the fraternity. Officers of the chapter are: Robert G. Gilroy, Alpha Epsilon, archon; E. B. Lowry, Eta, secretary; and J. Harlan Lloyd, Iota, treasurer. Weekly luncheon meetings are held every Friday, at which time everything is strictly informal, it being the privilege of any member to bring outsiders. Only matters of a general nature are discussed, including many stories of the days "back when." The luncheons take place every Friday noon in the Holsum restaurant. No attempt is made to have night meetings, for the simple reason that whi le Miami is not, comparatively speaking, a large city numerically, it is widely scattered. However, meetings are held irregularly in evenings. A Christmas party was given at the world famous Miami Biltmore, . where dancing is enjoyed on an open air terrace the year round. Further in the future, Miami expects to ask for the national convention of the fraternity. In that connection, the city has unexcelled advantages for entertaining guests, not only in so far as the entertainment features are concerned but also as regards the educational advantages of the trip to America's only semi-tropic section. Furthermore, with a summertime convention, members will find a stay in Miami can be


· an)

A letter to Alumni Chapters Dear Brothers : At the request of Dr. Wagener, supreme archon, I have assumed the work of liaison officer between the Supreme Council and the alumni chapters, to the end that the fraternity organization may be fully "rounded out." One fact which the depression has brought out definitely is that some of our alumni chapters have been indeed towers of strength, particularly in giving counsel and guidance to active chapters in their respective vicinities. From all information in my possession, it appears clear that Pi Kappa Phi is coming through the economic storm with much greater success, and with fewer losses, than many other fraternities, and this proof of the solidarity of our organization is gratifying indeed. The New York Alumni Chapter is especially vigorous, and I am able to say herewith something of their method of work, as follows : 1. Four stated meetings are held yearly, one of which is a Christmas Dinner. At this latter meeting, no business is transacted save that of having a rousing good time. 2. One social affair in the form of spri ng form al is held each May. 3. An alumni luncheon club meets twice each month. 4. A bridge club of members with their wives or sweethearts meets once each month. ~. Business transacted at the "regular" meetings (except the Christmas Dinner) is based on committee reports, which include expansion; scholarship; unemployment; bridge club; etc. 6. At each regular meeting, a worth-while speaker of prominence is obtained. In endeavouring to obtain these gratis, it is well to aim high. Many very prominent people are quite approachable in such a matter. 7. Refreshments (since legalization of beer) have consisted of sandwiches with the usual trimmings, moistened by beer from a small keg which is set up "on tap." Further sauce to the refreshments is found in exchanging stories; chatting with the speaker of the evening; and settling the world's problems generally. Naturally, all of these details might not suit all of our alumni organizations, but they should surely form a good jumping.off point for the different chap· ters in building up their own particular customs. I am going to ask you, therefore, if you can use this approaching Christmas time to start the idea of a Christmas dinner gathering of your alumni. Give them my assurance, as an economist, that this will be probably the worst winter of the depression-and the /a.rt of this series of terrible ones which we have had. Under these conditions, let the brethren rejoice, and develop the old fraternal associations which mean so much to, us all. With all good wishes, and my sincere hopes that you will accept this letter in the spirit in which I write it. Believe me to be frat ernally yours,



S11preme Hhtorian


had at possibly as little, and maybe less expense than :thai city in the country. It should further be remembere 01 Miami is an overnight trip for more than half of the alurll ' and is within 36 hours of New York or Chicago.

New York h. wted The New York Alumni Chapter of Pi Kappa P 1 5 mni quite informally away back in 1921. About a dozen a1urei. of Psi Chapter, who were living in the metropolttan a were the founders. Having no official headquarters or fixed meeting place, the monthly meetings took the form of dinners held at a convenient restaurant or at the Cornell Club. Among the outstanding achievements of these early days was the raising of funds to finance the purchase of a chapter house at Ithaca in 1925. Officials of the fraternity and members of distant chapters visiting New York were entertained from time to time. Close cooperation was held with the Supreme Council in looking for and furnishing leads for expansion in this section of the country. The installation of Alpha Xi Chapter in 1928, and the initiation of about 150 of its alumni, gave further impetus to the New York Alumni 01apter. A permanent headFra>~k 1. McM 1111'" quarters was avai lable at the Alpha Alpha X• york Xi House, and, with additional willArc/ron, New ing shoulders to help along, it was 80 it1' possible to still further expand the activities of the org 51 udf tion. An enlarged expansion committee was appointed t~ven tO this phase of the fraternity. Definite assignments are .g; meet· the members of the committee, and, if necessary, spectat q11 c;· ings of the committee may be held to decide importan cuP tl tions. . A scholarship committee annua lly awards a sdverh 5 tltl that undergraduate chapter in this district whtch ·~ a tit' highest scholastic standing. The basis of the award be'e 'ye3r. average standing of all actives at the end of the college ye!f· 00 The award constitutes possession of the cup for three 0 with permanent possession by the first chapter to ob;a~a ]II~· legs on it. So far it has been won once each by A P Psi and Alpha Xi. . house f<'! An unemployment committee acts as a cleartng d bl' tit' any jobs which become available and are reported qu3lt' , 5 brothers. Any unemployed brothers send their recor ' Jications, etc. to the committee. of dt1 At least four meetings are held during the coursf r ead: college year. Three are general business meetings, k~· 1.b1 of which is had some prominent person as guest s-!'ea 35 lJ'~· fourth meeting takes the form of the annual Chnst~ hn :li 1 ner which, combined as it is with that of the A per tlt'1 Chapter, is the largest social event. It is at this dt~i ··OF the scholarship cup is awarded. Here also the Alpha r thirtl and Spoon" awards are made. This is a custom ~f ov~e birtl' years standing. At the Christmas Dinner followmg \ ~ ~f of a brother's first born, a presentation is made 0 f ~ pe~ for a son or a spoon for a daughter. The lighting ~ [rieP" candle from the old, symbolizing renewed bonds 0 ori51' ship and loyalty, is another of the old traditions of the mas Dinner. d four~ The alumn i luncheon club meets each second an uroJll1 10 Tuesday of the month at a downtown New York res


_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_ LA

An alu . b . on t rn~t rtdge club holds forth at the Alpha Xi House by ~e thtrd Thursday of each month and is well patronized e brothers and their wives. lor The ga la event of our social season is the annual spring hot~al. This is always held at one of the larger New York e 5 and, like the Christmas Dinner, is supported by both alumni and the Alpha Xi Chapter. The spring formal is usually the last of the season's affairs and brings to a fitting climax another year of good fellowship in Pi Kappa Phi. The New York Alumni Chapter held its first stated meeting of the academic year on Friday evening, October 20, at the Alpha Xi chapter house. The principal speaker of the evening was Mr. Howard W. Ameli, United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, who told most entertainingly of drug-smugE. C. Harp~r, Alpha Xi g lers, dope-peddlers, and Secretary, New York counterfeiters, their tricks, the111 the methods of trapping h1111 ' and the penalties imposed upon them. He had with c1pi~~s exhibits, an opium pipe, decks of heroin, boxes of tion. and sheets of "phony" bills in various stages of comple-


toe conclusion of the business meeting and the head ssf Y Mr. Ameli, President Harry S. Rogers, the new IT!tntso wthe Polytechnic, gave a brief speech. While refreshbrothe ere bemg served at the close of the meeting, the ~Oger rs Present had an opportunity of meeting President Pitzsi~ Parenthetically, it may be remarked that Brother Th mons tends bar as though he had had long experience. tlectede officers of the New York Alumni Chapter who were A ~t the meeting of May 17 are as follows: Aiph:'p?~· F. ]. McMullen, Alpha Xi; vice-archon,]. Cross, 1 liarper A• treasurer, C. A. Ballou, Jr., Psi; secretary, E. C. ' 1Pha Xt.

Philadelphia The Ph 'J alullln' h 1 adelphia Alumni Chapter, a youngster among the adoies~e~ apters of Pi Kappa Phi, is spending i.ts period of SoJid f ce as all such penods should be spent; m laymg the ly dra~Unda.tions for a steady permanent growth, in gradualshould ;ng. tnto its membership all Pi Kappa Phi men who ~ithogtcal!y be there, and in having a good time. tute, th ;h~ Installation of Alpha Upsilon at Drexel InstiPlace h~ladelphia Alumni Chapter has acquired a logical Of each Whtch to hold its meetings and on the first Tuesday solellln month it may be found gathered in more or less Portun tconcJave at 3312 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. on the a ely, one of Alpha Upsilon's regular meetings falls tual co~·ame ~ight, and as a result a profitable spirit of muchaJ:lter operatton is gradually developing between the two 5 alulllni inf?ne. outstanding instance of this was the combined celllber thatJon and Founders' Day celebration held on De0 9.


lllelllb: that date Alpha Upsilon held a special initiation for ~o atte~~ of l<~ppa Sigma Delta alumni who had been unable 1nitiati the tnstallation initiation last May. Following the tauranto~the two chapters held a banquet at Pierre's Res. uests of the evening were Supreme Chancellor AI-


bert W. Meisel, District Archon W. ]. Berry, and Dr. E. D. MacDonald, faculty member of Alpha Upsilon. In the course of the evening Brother Berry spoke informally on the history of the fraternity and on the ideals of its founders. Brother Meisel presented to Robert Riddle, Alpha Upsilon's Pi Kappa Phi Scholar, the award which he won last year. The entire initiation was planned as a memorial to a Kappa Sigma Delta alumnus, Lieutenant H. W. Mackelcan. Mackelcan was sincerely interested in the nationalization of Kappa Sigma Delta and gave of both his time and money to bring it about. His posthumous initiation was the tribute of his friends to his efforts. To perpetuate his memory his friends from Kappa Sigma Delta presented to Alpha Upsilon a memorial trophy bearing his name. The memorial was presented to the chapter by Robert Oberholtzer and is in the form of an award to be presented annually to the alumni member of Alpha Upsilon who most faithfully serves that chapter. On December 16, the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter held its annual Christmas party-and what an affair it was! To the accompaniment of dreamy melodies supplied by an excellent orchestra, members and their friends paid homage to the gods of wine, dance, and friendship. To Pi Kappa Phis living in or about Philadelphia a cordial invitation is extended to join in the chapter affairs; the first Tuesday of every month at 3312 Powelton Avenue!

Raleigh Soon to be listed among the chartered alumni chapters of the fraternity is Raleigh, N.C. A petition for establishment has been received from the group of alumni in the city, with prospects of formal granting taking place during the early part of January. Since February, 1932 the alumni of Raleigh have been functioning as a live and active organization, accomplishing things in behalf of Tau Chapter, located in the city, and finding in their association much mutual enjoyment. The original group which met for organization consisted of Garland Greene, Mu; Gordon Merriweather, Iota; Wilson Uzzle, Jack Brantley, T. D. Cooper, Ray Paris, Hugh Barwick, David Cox, L. M. Shirley, all of Tau ; and Professor ]. S. Meares, of Zeta. Since the first meeting, the membership of the organization has more than tripled. The next issue will carry the story of introduction of the twenty-first active alumni unit of the fraternity.

Lloyd Story in Accident Returning from Norman, seat of the university, to Oklahoma City the evening of October 12, District Archon Lloyd Story rammed a truck and suffered a fractured skull. Poor visibility was caused by a rather heavy downpour. For several weeks he remained unconscious, but eventually the struggle between life and death went to the former, with the result that the latest information is to the effect that he has almost completely recovered and expects to return to his position in the office of the Land Commissioner of the State on January 1. The fraternity is mightily pleased and offers felicitations.

A five-foot cross of platinum·plated silver was presented by Pi Beta Phi to the Memorial Temple of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Evanston in recognition of the fraternal service of the late William Levere.





tions fe,. ~

tou k1

Your Fraternity Dollar


AVE you ever wondered what becomes of the money which is paid into the national organization of the fraternity? Perhaps you have had a casual thought which places the central office in the light of an insatiable maw, gobbling all that is offered and asking for more. To

Ml ~ar

has shown a radical change for the worse. The men It letting the plain badge do in decorating the fair bosoms·((' is the one item which has led to a frantic figunng to P sent the balancing act.

~8 to till\e .

Old~~ lnd


The Outlay

~e ·

Almost fifty per cent of the income dollar is expentter ·f for personal services, or the intangibles, if we add wge I


Income satisfy your wondering, to explain the balancing of income and outlay, we offer the accompanying pie charts. The information is placed before you in general terms. If more detailed information is desired please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply.

The Income The figures presented to you in both charts are based on the auditors report of July 31, 1933, and cover two years of operation. The largest source of income is derived from the total amount paid into the organization at the time of recording, which includes the subscription to the magazine for life; an initiation, or recording, fee; and, until last year, a payment to the convention fund. This amounts to 45c, or more, of the dollar received. In order following come the income from dues, from royalties, from interest earned, and miscellaneous. Under ordinary conditions, royalties would show a greater proportion. Of the various sources of income it is the one which




ended the salaries paid to the hired help, the amounts exp d of 1 f in connection with the traveling of the employees an rneJ 01 the district and national officers, and the outlay conJ~trict 1 1 with the conduct of the offices of the national and ~ officers. ·ns tO 111 The next item of size in the expended dollar pertalntioO ep, a setting aside rather than spending. When the cor;\ refee is paid it is placed in a separate account and he :ionBI serve until the outlay is made at the time of th~ na 50 aill' gathering. All that is received from this source JS ~t jll~r 1 spent at such a time, so of the 19c allotted to reserves tes tO be said that 12c is the cost of transporting the delega the convention. f of th 1 ' The remainder of the reserve consists of one·!1 a~ bY J,t~· I subscriptions to The Star and LAmp, which is require the in· to be set aside for the purpose of creating a fund, he pubterest from whim will eventua ll y defray the cost of t a~inl· lication. Sixteen cents is indicated as the cost of the matscriP' At present the interest income and the half of the so tions allowed covers the requirements. 'l\'0 uld The general proportions of the income ch.art rces 500 change little with the decrease in income, the maJor ase jn being rather fixed in nature. On the other hand, a dec~; 0 ot· income would change materialfy the complexion oflfit is to lay chart. Since the major function of the central 0 . 6~eJ perform a service and the tangibles must remai~ falruce ntJ' in amount of outlay, a decrease must necessarily. reJ serve· terially the services rendered by reducing capac1ty togreJrer In balancing out lay with income these come in for the share of attention .





The winds of it1f/atio11 blow strongly, the seusitive Pi Kapp Dollar will do a remarkable reducing act-note size.



We Do a Bit of Running th''What ho! to the New Year.... A "thank God" for that " spnngs ' eterna J" an d a re f usa! to make any resolufew s • · · we are just going to keep up the pace and put a You kore fr.ays on our clothes ... we are already run ragged, lilln now, m this endurance contest ... the progress of the ~ an race seems to be recorded in records, so we are go~~! to set up a new record in depression's-one of these alllid e, al!-~merican, all-world marks •.. just need some good !nd&lue m the make-up which will permit us to stick to the the • • • none of us likes the look of the devil who gorges on ,f those that f~ll behind ... he really doesn't like the taste 1 •1 t1 ue · ·. · ne1ther would we . . . aren't you glad that it i!st' e dev1! and not the all-prevailing "wolf" . . . a sug~ ;on to some one for a silly "sympathy" which may lead liu ame and fortune: Mister Devil, You've Gatta Get a ~on Yuh ... lyric writers attention. . : got Upsilon . . . too bad but could not be helped ;v ·1 is breath came hot and heavy on a few others in our IQ ~ cade ..• some took warning and speeded up to a place 11lit e .race where the air was not permeated by the devilish 1~0 os 1s · .. . wish we might furnish gas masks for one or o~ • · • mstead, let's go back and lend them a bit of our 0 hreat~tarnina in order to permit them to gulp in a couple of ~lph 5 tha~ are not so labored ... we are sti_ll forty-one ... lhose\Ups,Jon_ is fresh and is in the vanguard •. , among duri hat trained for the race, who did not eat doughnuts leJi~g the meal preceding the race . . . can't do much to It e. those stitches in the side. OQJy IS one race which the coach must run too . . . not he must he run but also give a boost to the others as 80 he rues · · · a case of running 41 races besides his own ... he is ns e~sily . . . has practiced what he has preached . . . ... s:ulb~g here and pushing there, pleading and driving bt irr'tme, m the thought that they are doing their best, may 1 illore ated . · .. the coach feels that they can do just a bit · .. e. · ·. l~sists, anxious to get them home in the money jlerve/en 1frltation is a good sign, for it is indicative of re.OnICh



get rhythm . . . the end is too far away

~resen: ' 1'ty · · . what is behind should be forgotten ... the IQ rhyth' · · there is a comfort and encouragement to be found

10 1t feet~ · · · ~here is fascination in sound and movement of

llep, . .


un1son . . . the coach would get them all in

Scholarship, solvency; harmony, too;

li Activity, courage; backsliding, taboo. ' ; ~hereo:aare fraternities meeting the economic exigency? ..•

I 10

lerfrate .s an excellent report made before the National InQ~t ti rnlty Conference . . . will present you with a digest ~.rePara7e · · · our own Albert W. Meisel assisted in its V1ce.ch .' 0 n · · . we are happy to see him in the seat of the lo &rea~'rfrnan ·.. . his name will appear on the monument breath f ratern1ty leaders ... there was much talk in bated 0 ~Ost . c~apter hardships and of chapters giving up the a.s lost· · Jt seems difficult to ascertain what organization ~ha~nd how many ... they suffer in silence. bt sound matters the loss of a limb if the trunk of the tree ~entuaJ · · · temporary Joss of symmetry, perhaps, but Off quickfegrowth . . . some acknowledge freely and write ~ho hav Y • • • they do likewise with individual members ~~<tiona! e Proven themselves unworthy . . . . There are many illore in ~rganizations at the wailing wall, there will be many illernber 7e, bemoaning the loss of a more or Jess respected ~Orking 0 th.eir chapter family . . . the moving finger is !> overtime n· reJim· · '1)>, 'IVh mary statistics on the membership of the frateren adJusted, show 3% uecrease in actives and 12%


decrease in pledges over last year ... pledging after regular periods will make up the decrease ... initiations of last year were more than the prior year ... they are expected to hold up well this year also ... due to lowered costs . In this day and time when dollars are few and weak we are inclined to watch closely their application ... where does your fraternity dollar go? ... go to the chart in these pages, brother, and envision their careers .. . the amount spent is much Jess because of reduced income, but the proportion remains about the same . . . like the little dogies, we git along . . . although the central office hired help are · having additional holes put in the belts, preparing for the coming of the punctured dollar. The running during the summer months by chasee and chaser slows down somewhat because of the heat ... a chance for the second wind . . . and we will all foregather at the river (Hudson) for a little breather and some refreshment . .. three or four days of talking it over . .. delightful association . . . then another lap to face, but with renewed vigor and spirit ... you can count on those New York lads presenting a good party ... they are built that way. In the meantime we keep plugging . . . and the district archons are with us at all times with their helpful and inspiring aid . . . and the chapter advisers are present with their encouragement ... and the alumni doing this and that as their part . . . we are going places . . . this race is not altogether a treadmill affair.

A New Crop on the Hill We are pleased to welcome to our midst the youth and enthusiasm of over 400 wearers of the White Diamond and hope that their foretaste of fraternalism will lead them eventually to a steady diet of Pi Kappa Phi. Their orientation and adaptation places a serious responsibility on the chapter. They must be treated as men; as the older men would be treated if they were facing the same period in their college career. It is indeed gratifying to see the growth among the chapters of planned programs for the neophytes which are designed to impart information, give them valuable experience, and inculcate self-reliance. That is the function of the fraternity chapter. It is not in keeping with the standards of fraternities today to subject them to physical indignities, nor to expose them to possible physical harm. And it is not one of the functions of the chapter. During these difficult times for fraternities, when pledges are not so plentiful, there is even more an exacting demand made of the chapters to curtail pledge mortality if they would exist and prosper. The greatest cause of mortality is failure to meet the institutions' standards of scholarship. We can not bore a hole in the pledge's head and pour in knowledge. We can create the right atmosphere, by showing interest in his work, by advising him, by lending an encouraging example, and by placing stimuli of a tangible kind before him.

Keeping a Charter as Important as Getting One Perhaps the most startling development in the fraternity world at the present time is the changing attitude toward chapters by their own national organizations. There is a distinct challenge involved to the effect that unless a chapter keeps itself worthy of continued membership the


charter may be withdrawn. Recently national organizations have withdrawn charters from Dartmouth, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Yale, Virginia, Columbia, Western Reserve, Chicago, Vanderbilt, and other leading colleges and universities. Some organizations have placed chapters on probation with the definite warning that unless conditions are improved, charters will be cancelled. One fraternity, not desiring an inflated chapter roll, is making it a policy to eliminate a weak chapter whenever it adds a strong local to its Jist. Nor is this insistence that chapters maintain certain standards limited entirely to national administrative councils. Some of the colleges and universities are refusing to permit chapters to pledge and initiate new members if the organizations fail to meet specific requirements. The status of a fraternity chapter today is different than it was in the past: it ls held definitely responsible to the fraternity in which it claims membership. It is definitely responsible to the educational institution of which it is a part. As a result, a group must not only meet severe qualifications to secure the privilege of membership in a national organization, it must continue to prove its right to hold that membership. The fraternity as a who le is damaged by chapters that persist in being weak, whether the cause is due to inferior personnel , disinterested alumni, poor school cond iti ons, too strong competition, lack of financial abi lity, or indifference among members. There is no virtue in having a chapter in any institution if one has to apologize for the character of the chapter. lf membership in a national fraternity is worth struggling to get, it is worth a real effort to retain. lf members of the chapter are doubtful of that, it is time to withdraw their charter.-The Rattle of Theta Chi.

Chapte.rs Publish Rushing Booklets Several chapters of the fraternity published last summer special numbers of the chapter publication or "handbooks" for the purpose of informing prospective members of the university, the fraternity, and the chapter. Omega, Alpha Mu , Alpha Omicron, and Alpha Sigma are known to have made available attractive booklets. The material in all was approximately the same but the layout and furbishings differed considerably. Alpha Mu went in for two-color cover-white and go ld-on a blue stock. Alpha Sigma published individual pictures of the members of the chapter. This chapter feature has proven an effective aid in rushing, and the idea wi ll no doubt be adopted by other chapters in the coming years.

Felix Jonu Sets Record Felix Jones, Alpha Iota, was part-time pilot of thC transport plane of the United Air Lines wh ich set up a n~~. record for its class in a Chicago to New York run recent )e The flying time, exclusive of stop at Cleveland, was thrte hours and 17 minutes for the 730 mile trip. The pl~nd was in Brother Jones' charge from Chicago to Cleveland ~n 3 the 318 miles to that city were covered in one hour an half.

Alpha Xi Birth Rate

According to a recent questionnaire sent to the alu~~: 1 of the Alpha Xi chapter, it was found that each alumnus 1.095 children. · 31 The questionnaire was sent out to determine histor~J· data for the establishment of a permanent plaque in the nd 3 pha Xi chapter house listing all the recipients of cups ,., . ns ta• f spoons or the first born. The traditional presentatJO re· place at the yearly Christmas dinner. The first born boY ed ceives an engraved cup, and the girl receives an engrav ~OM.


At the 1932 Christmas dinner there were four cupS ~nl~ 0 one spoon presented. At this year's dinner there will be · three spoons given.

Earl Blackwell in Movies

. I Ja)n Earl Blackwell, Pi alumnus, recently appeared "''.~ £iock· Crawford in her latest motion picture, "Dancing Lady. tndtl well had a minor part. He has been making greats ersil)' in the screen industry since leaving Oglethorpe Vn 1" rnotiC three years ago. Whi le at Oglethorpe, Blackwell was dr~Jiel· director and producer of the highly popular "Petrel ~ 0 e )!•' Blackwell has appeared in a number of pictures 510 ~ 00 d arrival in Hollywood, among which were "Huddle,Jd,v)'O' "Hot Saturday." He is under contract to Metro-Go Mayer.

Omega Mothers' Club

d fer

The Omega Mothers' Club has recently purcbaS~eeO · the chapter some decorations for which there had d ~~·~ need for a long time. They consist of a tapestry 9 ~·br~n·· 1 pictures for the living room and a skin for the . Ci•'r Mrs. E. S. Porter is the president of the Mothers is til' Mrs. A. B. Welty, is secretary, and Mrs. C. L. Porter treasurer.

New Interfraternity Monthly New among fraternity publications is The Fraternity Month, which made its appearance in Qctober with leland F. leland, editor of the Teke, as editor and manager, and with Chester W. Cleveland, editor of The Magazine of Sigma Chi, K. D. Pulcipher, editor of The Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha, and Mrs. Wilma S. leland, editor of the To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi as associate editors. It will be published six times in the college year by leland Publishers, Inc., The Fraternity Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. The fiftyeight pages of the initial number are filled with articles of interest to members of Greek Jetter organizations w'ith regular sections devoted to news of fraternities and sororities. The material ·is attractively presented, engravings and color being used generously.


Sanford Gibson Rated Handsomest . ]3eJotr In the local phase of the nation-wide "Search fnJ sanforJ contest conducted by newspapers and Hollywood, J(no>· Gibson, Alpha Sigma, was given the accolade of the in 1~ 1 ville, Tennessee, News-Sentinel as the handsomest man 1 ~·ill city. This recognition may lead eventually to contrnc the studios of the West and stardom on the screen. ~·/!'( Gibson possesses a splendid physique and featuresJl'lol' . are most pleasing. His preference lies in the field of ~tP'' -viz., such as displayed by Weismuller and Crab?.e;otiof than emotion; although he is willing to do the e if called upon.



_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_ L ;\


Magazine Awards Go to Alfred Tyrrill and A. Dale Swisher

-flfred Tyrril/, Alpha Xi

FO: ~wo

years, Alfred

F.Tyrrill, Alpha Xi, and A. Dale

:Ishee, Alpha Omicron, presented excell ent records in romp t .e matter of reporting to The Star and Lamp. In the havioanson of their work it is difficu lt to point out one as

maga s. been superior to, or more active in the interests of the io se z~ne t~an the other in the past year. Both were prompt "'hie~ lng 1.n the chapter letters each year, written in a style mum t~as Interesting and in a way wh ich p.laced at a minifacto e amount of editing necessary to put them in satisOish/Y condition for the printer. Both were diligent in furless nf ex.tra material. If it may have been that one furnished comec bPPings than the other, this disadvantage was over"'riti Y the greater number of articles over and above the T~g of the chapter Jetter. "'ork ~~ore, with deep appreciation for their outstanding me0 'th e Star and Lamp has presented to each of these "'ould e annual award of a desk pen set, which ordinarily ~nJy to one individual. In so doing, the magazine

A. D ale Swisher, Alpha Omicron

feels it is recognJZJng merit and fai thful service when it is due and cutting a Gordian knot in a satisfactory way. Both men graduated last spring, Tyrrill with the degree of Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Swisher with the degree of Bachelor of Science in General Engineering. In the matter of undergraduate activities, in both cases the preponderance of time was spent along journalistic lines. Tyrrill reported on The Reporter until elevated to the position of managing editor. He is one of the twelve men of Brooklyn Poly in the Masthead, an honorary journalistic club. He served as secretary and historian of his chapter. As a freshman , he was chosen as the winner of the Freshman Cup. Swisher put in four years' work on The Bomb (annual) and two years as a member of the staff of The Iowa State Student (newspaper). For this effort and interest he was awarded The Bomb Key and the journalism "!."He was battery commander in the R.O.T.C., commanding the Honor Battery during his final year at Iowa State.


The Eagle •s Brood

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued from page 8)

"'hich f iog of .~~e he introduced his series of articles under the headregula . n~er the Student's Lamp." They have appeared with it "'as rt~ s~nce that time, it being a rare occasion on which 'I' miSSing. ·Informhese. a rt'1c1es have been of varying types, from the purely arship ~tve to the inspirational. Nothing in the field of scholhonored ab he overlooked. No member of the fraternity is societi . Y Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, and other honor record;s ~n scholarship, without being noted on his personal monum' ach Pt Kappa Phi Scholar recognized is a human a Part ~n~.to his work and vision. The award was h is idea, lt h IS program. Sired s as not been high scholarship in itself that he has de0 the iot "W_holeheartedly. He has had his eyes at all times on ards io a~gl~l es which accompany the attaining of high stand' noth ~ ud,es. There is happiness to be found in ability proven are iog'n¥ succeeds like success. Habits of personal efficiency '~'here ;a'oed and become as a storage cell in future activities. "'hich t~e 00 unsightly gaps in the mental scenery of the stage Part. e man selects as the place on which he will play his


'thefratern .. h'1m m . h1s ' re)OJcmg; . .. a &reat . 1'.tY JOins toget I1er we hid o achieved Pnde ~~ the Scholars. H e has achieved; we have "'e have' T~ere JS a further achievement in maintaining what done. B Samed and going higher. There is still work to be Shall -w:other Edington has not let up in his activities. Nor



structure wou ld probably be the deciding factor of any conflict Japan engages in . China has many years of bloody civi l strife ahead. A prominent Chinese scholar was here recent ly and stated in a lecture that it would require sixty years for China to consolidate herself and become a compact national unit. The resources in China are beyond calculation. An awakened and united China would be one of the great world powers. Japan's realization of thi s fact probably accounts for the recent trouble in Manchuria. I have the utmost respect for Japanese efficiency, courage, and ability to maintain a stable government. They have produced order out of chaos in Manchuria. But, J apan's perspective of her own importance and mission in the East seems to be out of proportion . She myst learn her lesson just as other nations had to learn theirs in 1914 to 1917. The stage is being set in the Pacific for a drama which, if it occurs, will be greater than any the world has yet witnessed.

Headmaster Odgers Moran school for boys, Bainbridge Island near Seattle, opened this fall under the direction of Dr. George Allen Odgers, alumnus of Nu Chapter. The academic program of the school includes upper grades and high school work.


CALLING THE ROLL Chapter Brevities

J. T

Alumni Personals t~~~d


Herbert W. Brown

Officers: J. T. Barfield, Jr., archon; Paul Viohl, treasurer; John W. Remington, secretary; Herbert W. Brown, historian; J. E. Burges, chaplain; E. C. Kinder, warden. Pledges: H. A. Felder, Charleston; William N. Pope, Edisto Island; Dan L. Maguire, Jr., Charleston; Lawrence A. Michel, Jr., Charleston; Jack Frierson, Jr., Sumter; William D. Saverance, Timmonsville; Charles Lemmon, Jr., Sumter; James M. Holman, Florence; William A. Wallace, Jr., Spar· tanburg; Noel E. Williams, Westminster; Walter Frampton, Charleston; W. Moultrie Moore, Mt. Pleasant; James Gray· son, Summerton; George Burges, Charleston. Recent initiate: E. C. Kinder. Alpha Chapter has just completed the most successful rushing season in its history. The average number of pledges for Alpha is about six or seven. This year fourteen were pledged. Alpha men hold more offices than any other fraternity on the campus. Alpha has the presidencies of the junior and sophomore classes while the other class presidencies are held by non-fraternity men. Alpha is represented in every extra-curricular activity on the campus except dramatics. Brother Barfield is president of the junior class; secretarytreasurer, Panhellenic Council; member, student Honor Council; assistant editor, college annual. Brother Kinder is president of the sophomore class, was president of freshman class last year; member, Student Honor Council; photograph editor, college annual. Brother Viohl is secretary, Athletic Association; vice-president, Pre-Medical Club of South Carolina; member, varsity basketball team. Alpha terminated her rushing season with a supper which was attended by Founder Simon Fogarty,' faculty members Graeser and Easterby, and numerous alumni. Alpha came out second in the interfraternity scholarship race with an average of 81.87 per cent for the past year, being nosed out by .01 of a point. She will probably win the cup this year, having started out with an average of 86.5 for the first month. Alumni Perso nals Brothers Willard Reynolds and James Scott were pledged Phi Chi at the Medical College of South Carolina. Brother M. Pinckney Seabrook was married to Miss Maude Wescott.


Preston Charles

Officers: C. W. Graham, archon; K. F. Mills, treasurer; J . M. Seagle, secretary; Preston Charles, historian and chaplain; L. H. Mixson, warden. Pledges: Robert McLees, Clinton, S.C.; Charles W. Wannamaker, Saluda; J. Alexander Kendall, Florence; James Belk, Greenville. Recent initiates: Ed Gilmer, Anderson; Ralph Belk, Monroe, N.C. Pi Kappa Phi placed the following men on the varsity


football team: Brother McCullock, and Pledges Boggs uch Perrin . Pledges Halliday and Morgan have already seen m service. and Brother Belk is president of the sophomore class sophomore member of the student council. e in Not only do the men of Beta take a leading p]ac us athletics, but several are leaders in other phases of cam~51 • life. James Seagle is head cheerleader and junior class Pdeot 0 dent. Pledge Boggs is junior representative to the 5 ~ the government, and is also highest ranking junior officer 1n R.O.T.C.

Alumni Personals I taking Ben Covington, last year's archon, is back at schoo best post-graduate work. Covington is known as one of the 11105t archons Beta has ever had and was also one of the outstanding leaders ever to graduate from Presbyteria?· con· ' Brother Barney MacLean has finished school and JS M9ctinuing his studies at Louisville Seminary. While hereb t of Lean was president of the Y.M.C.A. and a rnem e Blue Key. r of 50 Thomas Sweden berg is ba~k on the campus a~ profes Ph·V· English, after one year spent m England obtammg hiS degree.

Gamma . . . h treas· Officers: Robert Corn1sh, archon; R1chard Corn 1s. ' rii!ll; urer; John Balzarini, secretary; Harold Senger, h1sto Robert Tuck, chaplain; Carl Cory, warden. . urpef• Pledges: Harold Senger, Charles McBee, Cal vJO ~alter Robert Conklin, Duncan Copeland, Albert Classen, Riley, John Bomberger, and John Emerson. ;\lbCrt Recent initiates: Albert Sullenger, Harold Senger, Classen, Robert Tuck. octobfl Formal initiation for the above men was held on other 15. An elaborate banquet was held in their honor. ars t11e H. E. Erdman, professor of agricultural economy, wa principal speaker. . of thl In the yearly report of the scholastic standmg \'IP various fraternities on the Berkeley campus, GammaodinS twenty-fifth with a 1.2 average. This included the sta of approximately sixty houses on the campus. ]aOlP The Mothers' Club of Gamma has given a new ~oor part!' to the chapter. Gamma's mothers are planning a bndge \\,ardl at the chapter house. The funds of this are to go to new furniture for the chapter house. goad 11 An alumni banquet was held on_ October 1~ and 00 r]llf number of alumni attended. These dmners are g1ven mtatiO~' by the chapter house for the purpose of bettering re between the graduates and the undergraduates. . ld 1vetf Gamma's annual Big-Game banquet, which JS he g3(11e. 1 year on the eve of the Stanford-California footbaJ ce of was held on the 24th of November. The atten a~119 rter alumni was larger than ever before and included four members of the chapter.


3c Of

D Jr.


Delta is now going forward in fine style with a total enrollment of twenty-eight. At the beginning of the year Delta Chapter was greatly strengthened by the pledging of nine men who were members of Delta Sigma, the last local fraternity remaining on the Furman campus. Delta Sigma had been one of the leading clubs at Furman since 1921. Most influential alumni of Furman are alumni of Delta Sigma. We were very fortunate in securing the fine bunch of boys who formed the club. During rushing season we were honored with a visit by Brother Howard D. Leake, Executive Secretary. He helped us out a lot and we enjoyed very much his stay with us. The chapter is well represented in different campus activities. Will Clinkscales won the tennis singles championship of the school for the second con6ecutive year. Trask McCarson played his usual excellent football as tackle on the Purple Hurrican team. Brother McCarson played in every game and earned an All-State title. Robert Herndon is president of the Baptist Student Union on the campus. Archon Childers is president of the Panhellenic Council. Pledge Ritchie is an instructor in the Biology Department of the university. He is also the editor of Th e Echo, the literary journal of the school. Frances Dawes has brought prominence to the chapter by being golf champion of the Greenville Country Club, which has in its membership the leading golfers of the Piedmont section of South Carolina.






Alumni Personals Brother Q. T. Rhodes is associate manager of athletics and swimming coach at Furman this year. Dean R. N. Daniel has received the honor of becoming a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Green Harp Cleveland is a student in the School of Law of Duke University. Brother Theron Cleveland is now taking a pre-law course at Duke.


Epsilon .fb

Gamma Dances


Bet:••· tl1c left, is past t11'cl10r1 Henry Bucholt{. rush;"'' t ,• . eyes haYe Robert Tuck, chaplain and 0

ng CTiarrman.

A. Alumni Personals 30th ~FMWas born to Brother and Mrs. Harold Hartz on the Of '28, ay. Hartz was a member of Gamma in the class

~ord h C:roce. B ~s been received of the marriage of Alexander L. Robe r~t er Croce was at one time vice-archon of Gamma. SCout e·/ B_. Frank attended the Mortimer Schiff camp for StoPPed fecuttves during the summer. On his way east be Boyd~~ visit at Central Office. Man hver, as attorney representing the House Owners' h ashingt~&ers' ~ssociation of San Francisco, led a fight in Ousing n . aga1nst a proposed government financing of a ProJect in the city.

Hugh Yelverton, Jr.

Officers: Jack Williams, archon; Albert Colwell, treasurer; John Miller, secretary; Hugh Yelverton, historian; Paul Warren, chaplain; Mat Alderman, warden. Pledges: H . W . Bondurant, Charlotte; J . M. Caldwell, Charlotte; G . D. Cassell, Allisonia, Va.; T. G. Corbin, Fremont; W. D. Covington, Wadesboro; J. L. Hunter, Charlotte; D. Franklin, Roanoke, Va. ; V. B. Higgins, Charlotte; W. Horne, Wilson; H. Howie, Monroe; H . E. Parker, Sumter, S.C.; V. D . Patterson, Charlotte; R. T. Peters, Bluefield, W.Va.; F. E. Renfrow, Sumter, S.C. ; C. W. Shuff, Greenville; W. A. Stuckey, Sumter, S.C. At present Epsilon is helping the pledge group orientate themselves to the Davidson campus. Meetings are held regu-


Delta u 0 1/icers. F

Robert Herndon




t ter; Joh · ran Chllders, archon; Herman H1pp, treason l'urr n <;Jroce, secretary; Robert Herndon, historian; Newl?.ecen~n~~~e: chaplain; Drayton Hopkins, warden. Jr., bavid tnJtJates: Will C. Clinkscales, Wade H. Coggins, Bruce ~erguson, Agustus B. Groce, Mark P. Jackson, Onald !) R.. _Richardson, Ben C. Ashcraft, Francis H. Hough, 1'1ed • ttchie. Ararion ~~: Francis Hough, Don Ritchie, Francis Dawes, ~alker J apman, David Wakefield, Gerald Scurry, Charles ' arnes Keith, LeGrand Moody, Hershel Bagnal.



~ l>I l(APPA PHI

Epsilon Chapter


larly once a week and the president and other members of the chapter instruct them by helpful talks on subjects related to college life. So far two house parties have been given. The social high lights were the Davidson-Wake Forest game, a dance in Charlotte, a buffet supper, sophomore week-end, and a celebration on Founders' Day, December 10. The chapter has the editor of the annual this year and the business manager of the college magazine. Pledges Corbin, Hunter, and Patterson made their numerals in freshman football. Brothers Hugh Yelverton and A. B. McLean are out for varsity basketball, and pledges Hunter, Patterson, Corbin, Peters and Franklin are out for the freshman team. Brother McLean is Epsilon's representative on the Panhellenic Council. He is also one of the senior members on the Student Council of Davidson. In the recent student body elections Paul Warren was elected one of the two junior cheerleaders. In the glee club are Warren, Mills, Taylor, Stewart, Covington; in the band are Shuff, Parker, Renfrow, Covington. Brother McLean is assistant in economics and business administration; Boggs Corbin is assistant in European history; Sam Hines is assistant in education; Mathew Alderman is assistant in chemistry, and Jack Williams, Jr., is assistant in the psychology department. A scholarship cup is to be awarded to the freshman pledge who is considered by the appointed committee to be the best all around member of the group. This trophy is a beautiful silver cup donated by Brother Williams.

son, Byron Hilley, John Jenkins, Ray Menkee, Wesley Slate, James Taylor, Heyl Tebo, Jerome Westbrook. Recent initiates: Fred Clardy and Pete Dobson.

Alumni Personals

Announcement has been made o f the marriage of Dt·0 Lewis T. Bullock and Barbara McGinn at Reno, Nevada, t~e October 22. Brother Bullock is now on the staff of University of California Hospital in San Francisco. I :J.i Colonel George W. Williams, formerly of Valdos~a,_ ~~ located in Cordele for the practice of law. Brother WJilta is a recent graduate of Emory. , se The marrra-ge of Emmett B. Cartledge;, Jr., and Mary Lotl~o Thames has been announced. 'Jhe wedding took placebtlS· October 28. They are now making their home in Colufll Ill' Junior joined the family of W. T. Belcher on Septe her 29. bet John C. Wilson married Lyda Lane Walker on octo 7. They are residents of Covington, Tenn.

I aha" James McCan · treJi' Officers: H. W. McGraw, archon; J. E. Perkzns. .30 . urer; John Hatcher, secretary; James McClanahan, histotl ' Arthur Perkins, chaplain; Harris McClanahan, warden.


Alumni Pe,-sonals December 1 witnessed the wedding of J. M. Baird to Lucy Floyd at Oxford, N.C. Brother Baird is in business in Oxford. The marriage of Kenneth Pitts Maddox and Katherine Martin took place recently. Brother Maddox is connected with the Pitts Lumber Company of Greensboro.

Zeta Officers: J. A. Bouknight, archon; M. J. Derrick, treasurer; J. R. Cannon, Jr., secretary; A. Vermont, historian; T. R. Crider, chaplain ; C. B. Felder, warden. Recent initiates: Ralph V. Foster, Albert F. Burts, Charles D. West, Jr., Beverly W. White. Pledges: Eight in number, not listed. Outstanding in the chapter and on the campus are J. A. Bouknight, Albert Vermont and John Cannon, Jr. Few men have garnered the honors which have come to Bouknight. He is president of Student Body; president of Panhellenic Council; president of Honor Council; member, varsity football team; member, Senior Order of Gnomes; president o£ Lyceum committee; president of Carlisle Hall Executive Committee; member of Blue Key, Scabbard and Blade, Block "W" Club; and manager of track. Vermont is a member of Beta Pi Theta, International Relations Club, Dramatic Club, and received distinction in scholarship. Cannon is member of Sigma Upsilon, Beta Pi Theta, Blue Key, Dramatic Club, Glee Club; is on the staff of weekly paper and staff of literary journal; is member of college band and an officer of literary society.

Eta ~ Officers: Sam Laird, archon; Frank Langford, treasurer; Rache Bell, secretary; Dean McElroy, historian; William Copeland, chaplain; John D. Humphries, Jr., warden. Pledges: Charles Barton, Robert Butner, Albert Carter, Alton Davis, Joe Gheesling, Richard Glass, Griffin Hendee-


Smiles from Iot a So

rseO• Recent initiates: L. Allen Morris, Jr., Wilbur B. pete Franklin K. Schilling, Gilbert V. Tillman. p. C. Pledges: D. C. Boy, D. S. Crocker, J. C. Crocker, _r,(ot· Johnston, L. H. Jones, M. T .. Lanius, W. A. Me~ks, [ ~- <:/Jil· nson, T. B. Ramage, C. R. S1mons, R. A. Verdzer, · ker, J. B. Withers. d'n!l b• Iota again maintained its high scholastic stan .\5 rl' placing second in the group of twenty-three fraternztt the campus. s 01'' Wilbur Peterson has made a name for himself ~ 0 tbl of the best all around half backs to play for Tech ~f t~' past few years. Perrin Walker promises to be one vatsiey South's greatest track stars. Last year he won a scbi1' letter in spite of being a freshman, for he broke the basktl record for the 100 yard dash. This year he is out fo~ er jS 1 ball and will probably be the center. Malcolm I<e~ "'oo member of the varsity tennis team. Jerry McDonal rJlO,. numeral in freshman baseball and then in the pa~t 5 ~1 jp ' he won the Akron District Junior Golf Charnpz 005 Akron, Ohio. If The chapter won a loving cup for presenting rJsr' skit at the first annual stunt night sponsored by the nettes, student dramatic club. Iota's outstanding men are: . j\IP~-' Hewatt McGraw-Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pz, i't Chi Sigma (secretary), Scabbard and Blade, AJ.C.ll·• Eta Sigma, and Interfraternity Council.





h p 8

h 8


ac OJ







"p right Paulk-Kappa Kappa Psi (treasurer), Pi Delta 1on s · · " stM • ctentJa Club, and Interfraternity Council. ciat a~7olm Keiser-Varsity tennis, Pi Delta Epsilon, assobe ttor of Technique, editor, Alumnus. Chi S~ug Bu!l_ard-circulation manager of Technique, Alpha B'tgma, Pt Delta Epsilon, A.I.C.E., Yellow Jacket staff. silo tll Maner-associate editor of Technique, Pi Delta Epn, and publicity director for Tech. Th . Alumni Personals Jack e mamage of D aniel Hubbard Ligon to Wilhelmina i\pr;on has been announced. The ceremony took place on 1 '«'i 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ligon are making their home at nston-Salem N C B ' .. lttendro~her and Mrs. K. C. Haughton have sent in a recom'«'h·thon on their son, Kenneth Howard, born October 16. 1 'Ni!l e ~hey are unable to say at this early date whether he ma e the team, they are sure he will be a good Pi Kapp.


H. W. Smith, Jr.


William Reeder, archon; Glenn W. Ellard,

histou~er; Russell Hargrave, secretary; H. W. Smith, Jr.,

den. rtan; Henry M. Henderson, chaplain ; Harold Orr, wacRecent · · k. rington. tnlliates: H. Lehman Fran lm; Frank H. HerPledge s ·. Robert E. Knox, Thompson; Edwm . A. Bradshaw 1iac[' Norwood; ]. Trapp Bryant, Thompson; ]. Douglas Atlan~7: Atlanta; Alfred L. D abney, Atlanta; Tobe Flatau, 1fatth ' Oscar McRay, Athens; Wallace Martin, Toccoa; Thew Kelly, Jacksonville, Florida. and Re outstanding men of the chapter are William Reeder treasu ussel! Hargrave. Reeder is a member of X Club; letter rer, Delta Sigma Pi; vice-president, Economics Society; leaguman, lacrosse, '31, '32; freshman coach, lacrosse, '33; Be manager, intramural sports. R.ed ar~rave is a member of X Club; managing editor, "Dern:nt B_lack (editor-elect); captain, R.O.T.C.; member, 5 lttatic h~ntan literary society and Thalian Blackfriars draT soctety. and ;e house was painted and repaired during the summer so thatass and shrubbery were planted around the front, caiTlhu now the chapter has one of the finest houses on the t'


'Nit:~~rt ~f

the social program, the house has entertained have b enJoyable house dances, which were the best that Past h eeb given on the campus this fall. The policy in the &ive a a; een to give a house dance once a month and then Po ormal dance in the spring. held ~nders' D ay celebration was in the form of a banquet Brothe the Georgian hotel and under the direction of 1 Thomas, a fifth year man. District Archon Prancisr Doe wyer was guest of honor. Alumni Persorral has resigned his Coca-Cola connections to of 'toro e Posttton of manager of Kuntz Beverages, Ltd., nto, Canada. !(

rushing would be deferred this year until the second semester. The chapter prepared for the lean fall months by obtaining a healthy number of pledges last year. Forty actives and pledges returned to the chapter to assure its stability, even though the coming rush period be poor in results. Social affairs have been limited to open house affairs after football games. A more elaborate program will be introduced after the pledging season is over. Prominent men of the chapter are: Joe Vanhoy-manager, varsity swimming; member of Iota Gamma Psi (local scientific fraternity), and Phi Eta Sigma. R. L. Rigsby-member of Iota Gamma Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Dean's List, and Pi Mu Epsilon. D. M. Henderson-assistant manager, baseball; member, Junior Council; wrestling squad. Carl Wesselhoft-member, track team and Duke Union. AI Reichman-member of Tombs, track team and junior class council clerk. Wilbur Staratt- President of Alpha Kappa Psi. Alumni Personal The marriage of Alton Kirkpatrick and Mary Mock has recently been announced. Brother and Mrs. Kirkpatrick are making their home in Shelby, N .C., where he is vicepresident of the K. & S. Trucking Company.

Nu Officers: L. G. Zinnecker, archon; Harold B. Goebel, treasurer; Charles F. Werner, secretary; Charles J. Owen, historian; Roy]. Smidt, chaplain; Ralph H. Goodban, warden. Pledges: Three in number, not listed.


Neil Payne

Officers: Charles Engers, archon; Ash Huse, treasurer; Charles Turner, secretary; Neil Payne, historian; Melvin Goldman, chaplain; Dave Banett, warden. Pledges: James Calfee, Julian A. D avis, James J. Geary, C. R. Glass, William House, E. S. Jarrett, lynn Kennett, Herman W. Meador, Charles Patrone, Robert D. Smith, and Mack McClure. We feel at home on the gridiron, having contributed Brothers Engers, Barnett, Doyle, Ferguson, Rice, and West to that cause. Pledge Patrone did much toward making the season a success. Brother "Noise" Tobias carries the mace in the Harlequins. Our socials have all been good. They are made more attractive by the old colonial surroundings we have here in "Boxwood," a century old home we now occupy. Al11mni Personal Doctor Oscar F. Bl~ckwelder, pastor of Christ Church, Baltimore, Maryland, resigned recently to accept the pulpit of the Church of the Reformation at Washington, D.C.

accep;n~on M~t~


~ rer;0 /ficers. Joh · Joe M .

John Ryan . Vanhoy, archon; R. L. Rtgs by, treas-

Sch~hr ~ A. Ryan, secretary; Robert Fiser, historian; Harry R.e;e1~ apl~i.n; Joe Timberlake, warden.

a.Jl. lio 1

tnrtrates: William 0. Luly, Carl R. Wesselhoft,

I>/ d rton.

b~rh:rnges: A. 1!' Ytar 0~ ;hapt:r


L. Brackbill, Gap, Pa.; 0. C. Britton, Jr.,

is in an excellent position for the present Peratton. Last spring the university announced that


Boxwood-100 years old-Xi'• Home



William D. Davis,


Officers: James A. King, Jr., archon; H. L. Carroll, treasurer; Warren Hemphill, secretary; David Haigler, historian; William D. Davis, Jr., chaplain; Wilburn Windham, warden. Recent initiates: A. J . McDanal, Jr., Herman W. Maddox, Leo K. Cooper. Pledges: Eugene Williams and George W. Turner, Luverne; Clarence Brice, Oneonta; Miller Dillard, Roanoke, Va.; Tom Clancey and John Webb, Selma; Gerald Ackerson, Gadsden; Raymond Lett, Tallassee; Tom Johnston, Mobile; Robert Mattox, Sulligent; and Hubert Taylor, Jr., Tuskegee. The chapter was deeply moved by the death of Pledge Taylor soon after school opened. Last spring the chapter won the interfraternity baseball championship, and we are expecting to win the cup again this year. Brothers Arthur Fleshman and Wilburn Windham were initiated into Greeks, an interfraternity organization. Brother Dave Hagle was elected president of the freshman law class this fall. Among the outstanding varsity football players of this season were Brothers Buck Hughes and A. J. McDanal. Omicron's social activities have been very successful. On October 3 a dinner dance was given honoring the pledges. A Halloween party was enjoyed by members and their dates. A Founders' Day banquet was held in connection with a program dance on December 11. Alumni Personals Alvin Davidson and Margaret Bush were married October 15 at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Brother Davidson is manager of the Ritz Theater at Tuscaloosa. Mr. Louie Reese, Jr., and Miss Nell Williams were mar· ried on October 26. The marriage of Dr. James Stapleton and Murial Mary Moebus took place on November 4 at Tallahassee, Florida. Brother Stapleton is a medical reserve officer at the Lake Talturn Station near Tallahassee. News has come of the marriage of James Bentley Allen and Rowena Louise Smith; which took place in Birmingham recently. The engagement of Mell Jackson, Jr., and Julia Ann Snead has recently been announced. The wedding is to take place in December. Brother Jackson is connected with the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company of Birmingham, Alabama. Roy P. Bridges and Evie Jarman were married in Bir-

mingham, Alabama, on July 26, 1932. Brother and M~· Bridges reside in Birmingham, where he is connected with t e Evans Motor Company. . Festus C. Bridges has been associated with the BirmtOE' ham Savings and Trust Company for some time.


. Sn1ith Merr1man


Pledges: Fourteen, not listed. Recent initiates: Lindsey R. Shouse, Edwin W. Anderson, Thomas C. Wooten. de A remarkable increase in enrollment' at Oglethorpe it necessary for the school officials to take over the ~~: ternity quarters in order to accommodate the new studen d 0 Pi has secured a comfortable and attractive house just the campus. r Prior to the opening of Pi's new home, a buffet suP~< was given the active men of the chapter on September 11 by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams, uncle and aunt of Evere Peed, Pi archon. . n When Oglethorpe University closed the current gridtj, season, Phil Hildreth, treasurer of Pi, Rudy Shouse, ~d~ ;n Anderson and Julian Heriot wound up their college get 11 careers. . Js)' Hildreth's last season on the Petrel club '"~as a dtSP ck of versati lity. Hildreth could play fullback and a halfbson post equally as well. Shouse played a great senior. sea~d at center. Quarterback Anderson's long-distance kick!Og nc accurate passing helped the Petrels out of more than tough spot during the season. ·0g Kelly Byars, a junior brother, played often and well ~ur~j's the past season at guard and Hoyt Farmer, one 0 back· outstanding sophomore pledges, performed well at half the Farmer is one of the most promising sophomores on squad. Alumni Personals


R [f

hi I>;



The marriage of Gordon Grantland King, Jr., an~ js ginia D avis was an event of September 6. Brother J(tng of connected with the Paul Johnston Lumber CompanY Thomaston where he has established his home. noJl Announcement has been made of the marriage of L~O oJ1 Marcus Woodward, Jr., and Mary Louise Mount,ast ~ 81( November 4 in Cochran, Ga. Brother and Mrs. Woodwat making their home in Eastman, Ga. to of Brother Cliff A. Collins is now partner in the fir Collins and Davis, morticians, of Austell, Ga.

tre his


Pi's Varsity Gridiron Representatives C:.


Hildretll Fullback


BraTI Guard

Anderson Quarterback

Farmer Halfback

Heriot Guard




the iof·



adt fra· oiS·

o6 pptr ~~

reil The team of Up and Down; vi{., W. A. Cliburn and D. B. Smith-A group of pledges of the chapterArchon John Battle, Jr., also a "'"sily cllecrleader.

'rOO ~dit



W. T. Moran


John D. Battle, Jr., archon; George McGeary,

h1110urer; J. Bernard Magee, secretary; William T. Moran, "'ardtian; I. Grier Wallace, Jr., chaplain; Glenn Shively, en.

Pledges: Fourteen, not listed.



Alumni Personals Carol e mamage of William Hudson Fields, Jr., and Mary 1\ia ~n Thagard took place on September 27 in Montgomery, Or!~a rather and Mrs. Fields are making their home in New Credi~~ La.! ~here he is associated with the Federal Farm A dmm1stration. and Bnfuncement is made of the marriage of Wilson Sanders at lake ~n Atkinson. The ceremony took place April 22, e utler, Florida.

Council; three year honor student; and a three-year varsity basketball man. Erwin M. Williams is a member of the American Ceramic Society, White Spades, and Textile Society. Teen A. Palm is a member of the college band; college glee club; The Collegians; and a radio songster.

Alumni Persot1als Announcement is made of the marriage of John Underwood Rigsbee to Sheldon Shaw. The wedding took place in Charleston, S.C., on August 6. Brother Rigsbee is connected with the Liggett-Myers Tobacco Company at Durham, S.C. The marriage of John Albert Vann, Jr., and Josephine Whitehead Huffines took place on August 19, at Raleigh, N.C.

Sisrna trea~~cers: Adrian A. Spears, archon; Robert E. Williams, historiaer,_ Henry E. Gooding, secretary; James H . Gressette, Jr., IV nd, John I. Fishburne, chaplain; Randolph Murdaugh, ar en l?.erellt : · · lller, Cuthbttllttates: Randolph Murdaugh, Jr., James A. PalPied ert B. Prevost. 't ges: Seven, not listed.


T. M. Hearne

C. ~ffi~rs: W. C. Wallin, archon; C. H. Palm, treasurer; StrickJa ~oaks, secretary; T. M. Hearne, historian; H. H. Piedn • chaplain; W. L. Dixon, Jr., warden. 'the ges: Twelve, not listed. ~n corn me~_who make up Tau Chapter are excellent scholars. <>ooked ~etition with fraternities on the campus, we are "'e have or second place. Physical ability is also present for It is se~eral men on various varsity teams. 10 the n "'.' th pride that we mention the chapter is the fifth to~~;n as atton to have an alumni organization in the same already bthe undergraduate chapter. A joint banquet has 01 &anizat een held between the chapter and the alumni b ton ~ ·n 'lerbert .A ~ Olar. · lynch received the award of Pi Kappa Phi Plla Ph~nd is a member of Tau Beta Pi, A.I.Ch.E., Phi 1 Clift • and captain of the track team . 3 0 and ~~ H .. Palm is a member of Delta Sigma Pi and ' chatrman of finance committee of Interfraternity





Upsilon Alumni Personal John Fisher Bracken was wed to Mary Elizabeth Bassett on September 2, in Hammond, Indiana.


Davis Godard

Officers: Joe Hendricks, archon; R. B. Hall, treasurer; Boyce Ezell, Jr., secretary; Davis Godard, historian; Howard Bateson, chaplain; Harry Cole, warden. Pledges: Will Casey, Dade City; Grady Crawford, De Land; J. M. Cox, Brooksville; Mack Ezell, De Land ; Bill D owda, Palatka ; Fred Fitzgerald, Daytona Beach; Jack Haynesworth, Mulberry; Ward Hunter, Jasper; Ned Holland, Blakely, Ga.; Bill Lovette, Apal achicola ; Elwynn Mid-


dleton, Pomona; Eldon McCleod, Apalachicola; Quincy Masters, Leesburg; Pierre Poole, Spartanburg, S.C.; Hilton Shoemaker, Daytona Beach; Edward Warren, South Hill, Va.; Robert Young, Lake Monroe. The pledges have displayed a keen interest in the fraternity and have effected a lively organization with Ward Hunter as president and Elwynn Middleton as his assistant. The chapter house has been completely refurnished in a comfortable and homelike manner. The members have enjoyed a series of smokers, to one of which the pledges played host. District Archon Chambliss was the guest of honor on twci occasions while he was paying an official visit to the chapter. Chi was also host to her alumni on Homecoming Day, November 11, with a reception and banquet luncheon. December 15 marked the climax of social activities for this semester when the new initiates were honored with a formal dance at Daytona Beach. In the recent student elections Chi won two class presidencies and the business manager of the Stetson annual, along with other minor offices and positions. Bill Jennings presides over the Sigma Nu Phi meetings while Joe Hendricks acts as chief-justice of the Phi Alpha Delta fraternity. Boyce Ezell was recently pledged to the last named honorary and tapped by the Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatic fraternity. On the Hatter grid squad, of which Harold Martin is end coach, Chi is represented with eight lettermen, of whom the playing of Elton and Petrey in the backfield and Harton and Haynesworth in the line has been outstanding.

Al11m11i Personal The marriage of Frank Berger and Miss Grace Leone Isaacson on August 26 ha s been announced. The wedding took place in Honolulu, Hawaii, where Brother Berger is head of the mathematics departmen.t of the Punahou private school.


W. B. DeLong

Officers: Paul Otto Just, archon; Frances F. Edgerton , treasurer; Herman C. Wintzer, secretary; William B. Delong, historian ; James R. Ingram, chaplain; Stanley N. Burhans, warden. Pledges: Six, not listed. To date there have been several informal dances which are always very popular with the brothers and their friends. The fall formal was held on the night of November 4. This is always the highlight of the chapter's social activities. The week-ends of the two major football games have been the cause of most of these activities. Among the alumni that have returned for either the Columbia or Syracuse games ] ohntJ'Y Ferraro are: Brothers Carl and Ray Acting Captain, Football Ostergren, Reck, Skokos, Captain, Basketball Marquart, Stevenson, Magalhaes, and Donovan. Charlie Clade! has just returned to the hill to take over an instructorship in accounting. · Among the fellows that are prominent on the hill are


Johnny Ferraro, Chan Taylor, Prank Canace, and Pete Bi!!be:j Johnny Ferraro held a prominent position on the Corn~e football team, and was the acting captain for most of t games. At the end of last season he was elected to the c 3 ~ taincy of basketball for the coming season. Taylor is holdlll;r the position he made for himself last year on the socc team. Frank Canace has been awarded his Jetter in rille tellfll· and Peter Barber has· earned his numerals in track. ·ed Early this fall Brother F. Hamilton White wa~ mart' 0 to Miss Gertrude Carpenter. They are now Jiving 10 Sene Falls, N.Y.





Officet·s: E. N. Franklin, archon; W. 'L. Norring~o~: treasurer; J. S. Swaim, secretary; R. S. Green, histona ' Wil· A. Welty, chaplain; W. C. Helt, warden. Pledges: Robert Brinson, Anderson; William Bruse, y mette, Ill.; Cameron McDermott, Detroit; William GJen~n: Chicago; Gilbert Campbell, Chicago; Edward Thoms ey Madisonville, Ky.; Robert E. Green, Muncie; Wayne Newcastle; Thomas Duffy, St. Louis, Mo.; Donald B 'ef' Chicago; Fremont Hughes, Newport; Harry Brown, Ligon' ' Jr .. Richard Linville and Robert Simonds, South Bend. One of Omega's outstanding juniors, Albert WeltyS ~It is pledged to Phi Lambda Upsilon, Tau Beta Pi, and ~od bard and Blade. Harold R. Johnson is pledged Scabbardd eJ Blade. Ideo F. Richardson and Raymond Stormer are pie 7ue Pi Tau Sigma. John Swaim is pledged Alpha Zeta. QrV H. White is pledged Alpha Zeta and Ceres. d fpr William Glenny received the Eta Kappa Nu awa! aid the most outstanding freshman electrical engineer. D~Puse 0 Beggs was awarded the freshman award given by the 3de to its most outstanding freshman pledge. The award IS rP"·I' on basis of activities as well as grades. William Haase ior. given the Meyer Insurance Award for the outstanding sen on a basis of grades and activities. . th' Omega has eight juniors and three seniors taking advanced military course.


The fraternity regrets to announce the death of C~p· 0 tain Raymond A. Ramage of Bedford , Indiana, w : with his wife and small daughter, were killed on Se~. tember 25 when their automobile was struck by a P~ , senger train. Captain Ramage and his family were drJ'~ ·ing to Henryville, Indiana, where he was in chM!l. of a corps of civilian workers in a reforestation cnfllP

Alpha Alpha

Julian pran:' cretar.'

Officers: Charles J ordan, archon; Jack Adams, se os~·

Bill Harbin, treasurer; Julian Prance, historian; John j) chaplain; Thomas Lee, warden. 0 Pledges: Ledford Carter, Meigs; George JacksO .'J''~ Grange; Charles Myers, Albany; Frank Martin, Maconsio~t'· Prance, Americus; Bert Walker, Blackshear; Fulton Sale City; and Woodrow Gilbert, Perry. . r Jr· Recent initiates: Wright W. Bagby, Cicero C. J(Jse '· William B. Skipworth, Jr. . rd ~! 0 Alpha Alpha has maintained a high scholastiC reC which the chapter is justly proud. viet Outstanding on the campus are: S. S. Garriso~ent r' president of the student body, varsity debater, presb sin''' Mercer B.S.U., president of State B.S.U.; John Cash, ~y onJ manager of The Cauldron (annual), member of Blue ~eader: Phi Alpha Delta; W. B. Skipworth, head cheer oth''' • W. W. Bagby, vice-president of sophomore class; B~ers ct Kiser, Cooper, and Pledge Walker, outstanding rnenl the Glee Club.


r. II

ed (J

Alumni Personal to ('he marriage of Lynwood Lightner and Martha Munro reo· P.lace in Ellaville, Ga., on November 18. They will rnstde tn Washington where Brother Lightner has a governent position .

Alpha Beta and ~r. Eugene B. Robichaux, bas completed his interneship as started practice in Excelsior Springs, Missouri.

Alpha Gamma n, n:

H. C. Dick Wilson

Urer?fficers: James Rusk, archon; H. C. Dick Wilson, treas' Brat Clapham, secretary. )oh Pledges:. Edwin Berry, Claremore; Bob Loftin, Idabel; han bShernll, Broken Bow; Bill Norris, Lawton; Lewis Du \V ell, Konawa ; Joseph Ward, Norman; Howard Boyles, c~~an; Hubert Buchanan, Canton, Oklahoma; Beede Long, R.een, A.rk.a~sas; Roy Hickox, Oklahoma City. Alb cell/ tmttates: Malcolm W. McKenzie, Hardy L. Suggs, ert E. Swift. Er)ome ~f the honors falling to members of the chapter are: Srni~~ Swtft-business manager, university band; Donald SherriUOrd~r of Galen, president; Don Cunningham, John of I< • Ervtn Swift, Hardy Suggs, and Ed Berry-members Cun ~Ppa Kappa Psi; Britt Clapham-Bombardiers; Don Red n~g~am, Britt Clapham, Edwin Berry, George Russell, Ptp Otns, Raymond Watson-members of Jazz Hounds, "Fore Order; James Rusk, Bob Loftin, Don Smith, Marion Nek rnan, Roy Jamison, Harold Gasaway- members of Ruff fres~' Pep order; Don Cunningham-Phi Eta Sigma, honorary bom rnan .fraternity; Roy l;Iickox-city editor of The Okla4 of th Datly, student newspaper; George Russell-secretary lUni e Interfraternity Council; Dick Wilson-vice-president Pres~~e1aw. cl~ss, president Inter-Bar Council; Red Goins~radu nt JUntor arts and science class; Raymond Parrfound ate representative on the Men's Council, president and B er of Iota Delta. Playe eede long was mentioned as one of th e most outstanding "Fore rs on Oklahoma 's football team for this year. Marion and ~an ~·on second in the Big Six 165 lb. wrestling contest trd tn the national contest at Philadelphia.

Alpha Delta Urer~~cers:

Burman Winter

William Waara, archon; Leo Sulkosky, treas'Wilii homas Edwards, secretary; Burman Winter, historian; pt~ Krause, chaplain; Craig Marsters, warden. Sp 00 / Hugh Callow, Seattle; Bob Wilson, Seattle; Blair llltica' and Point, Idaho; Warren Hobbs, Issaquah; Dick 'Wena~'h Chehalis ; Jack Harms, Napavine; Carl Hamilton, rnan, ~lee; .Bob Bancroft, Sand Point, Idaho; Willard VadAl hYmpta; Norman Carson, Enoqualamie. frater ~ a Delta came out on top in scholarship rating for \>;e \V~tty houses at the University of Washington. Last year carnpu re fourth among all Greek Jetter organizations on the the ca~ and our average was higher than any sorqrity on l' Pus. day ~e annual Pi Kapp "Bust-up Party" was held the last though th~ quarter last spring. From the reports it seems as chapte ~ e brothers had a good time. This quarter the dance r t as had two exchange dinners and an informal quartera the chapter house. The main social event of this alurnni was the Homecoming banquet. A large number of Rob were ~round the house that week-end. l.ast Ye ert Sntder is again turning out with the varsity crew. a rnernbr Brother Snider rowed in the long Beach races as lot of t:.r of the national championship crew. We expect a tngs from Bob in the next two years. Brother Pau!




Alpha Delta Views A/tt!r that Su,day dinner-where it was hcld-aud wlacre Wilson passed out the cigars

Sulkosky has been carrying the pigskin around for Jimmy Phelan. He is Phelan's No. 1 varsity fullback. Pledge Blair Spoor is turning out for frosh crew this year. The two Scabbard and Blade members this year are Brothers Bill Krause and Leo Sulkosky. Almnn; Personals Fred Overly obtained his M.A. degree in forestry last year and is now employed in his vocation at Port Angeles, Washington. John Liersch received his M.A. degree in forestry last year and is now on his second year of scholarship with the Pack-Forest Scholarship. He is located in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Burns announce the arrival of Robert Earl on October 25, 1933. Another Pi Kapp for the class of '54, says Bob. Marty Wilson came over from Yakima Sunday, November 5, with his liancee, Miss Geulach, and passed the cigars at the Sunday dinner. Marty is in the fruit brokerage business in Yakima. On November 12 occurred the marriage of John M. Nelson to Marcella Thurber in Seattle, Wash. ]. A. Shellenberger, formerly of Seattle, Washington, is now located at the University of Minnesota, in the Biochemistry Department. He is working for his Ph.D.


Alpha Epsilon

Edwin Purviance

Officers: R. C. Tylander, archon; S. P. Smith, treasurer; Jesse W. Dooley, secretary; A. Edwin Purviance, historian; Glenn A. Wilson, chaplain, J . A. Cox, warden. Pledges: Jack Stinson and Jack Wilkinson, Vero Beach; AI Bushman and Jack Bush, Daytona Beach; Lovett Burnett, Madison; Byron Elliston, Clearwater; John Cherry, Leesburg; Mack -Niveo and William Bull, Dunedin; James Edwards, Tampa; Benjamin McLaughlin, Reddick; Joseph Whittlesey, Jacksonville; William Terry, Miami . Recent initiates: Fred S. Gilbert, Jr., William F. Turner, Fred W. Tyson, Jr., Hayward A. Williams. Alpha Epsilon, on October 10; gave a "pop" dance at the house. After the Georgia-Florida football game in Jacksonville on November 4 the actives gave their annual out-oftown dance at the Woman's Club. On November 25, Florida celebrated its Homecoming. That evening the alumni gave the active chapter a dance at the Country Club. A new undertaking of the chapter is the publication each month of a bulletin entitled "Alpha Epsilon First" in which is given the news of activities of the actives and the alumni. Alton Brown of Palatka and Bill Turner of Mulberry were the Pi Kapps who won football letters. Abney Cox of Miami stands an excellent chance of becoming varsity manager within the next year. In the intramural boxing events, Brother Fred Tison won the 138 pound class championship for the Pi Kapps. Alumni Personals On December 16 in Albany, Ga., the marriage of Mark Eastland, Jr., and Mariwil Brown took place. He is connected with the Florida State Auditing Department. The couple will be at home in the Buena Vista Hotel, West Palm Beach, Fla. Roy E. Crippen's marriage to Audrie Burns was an event of November 25, in Gainesville, Fla. Brother Crippen is connected with the City Market of Tampa, Fla,

Alpha Zeta

Marvin Wilbur

Officers: William Callan, archon; Virgil E. Starr, treasurer; S. J . Pearson, secretary; M. C. Wilbur, historian; Charles Ekstrand, chaplain; Don Tomlinson, warden. Pledges : James Marsh, Howard Conkle, Joe Johnson, Leonard Walther, Larry Bush, Hugh Jones, Robert Pierce, Carlisle Smith, Hugh Hanna. RecenJ initiate: Thomas P. McKay. Three glee club members started the activity list for the year. Donald Tomlinson (later elected president), Marvin Wilbur, and Pledge Conkle are the singers. Intercollegiate Knights membership was attained by Sumner Alldredge, Fredrick Wigget and Wilfred Zwick. Two Phi Kappa Phi freshman scholastic awards were presented to Brothers Wilbur, who made the highest freshman grades last year for men, and Alldredge. Wilbur is a Barometer, O.S.C. daily, night editor and was publicity chairman for the annual Homecoming. John Hamilton was recently elected vice-president of the Intercollegiate Forensic association of Oregon and is advertising manager for the O.S.C. Directory, besides being a recent initiate of Alpha Delta Sigma, honor society in advertising. Tomlinson was also a recent initiate and is also manager of the National Collegiate Players. AI Head is sophomore class president. Rene Koelblen is member of the judicial committee of the Interfraternity Council, and Ned McElroy is chairman of the industrial contacting committee of the A.I.C.E. Brother Ross Roberts is treasurer of American Society of Engineers and was Alpha Zeta's designer in the Homecoming house sign competition.


Alpha· Eta

A parker, Officers: Copeland Graves, archon; Henry ·. hiS· treasurer; Sam W. Jones, secretary; Henry S. Smtth, ell torian; Robert Allen, chaplain; Paul H. Cox, warden; HoW Bennett, house manager. Pledges: Nineteen, not listed. Recent initiate: James W. Edwards.

Alumni Personals f · ge o A college romance recently culminated in the marna d nts Claude Smith and Varina Shelton. They are both stu e at Howard College. 'ck Announcement has been made of the marriage of Frede~~ce William Streit, Jr., and Lillian Bowron which took P ·th recently in Birmingham. Brother Streit is associated "'' the Birmingham News-Age-Herald.

Alpha Theta

Henry Nelsoo

asurer' Officers: James Aldrich, archon; Andrew Cobb, tee QlCP• Philip Minges, secretary; Henry Nelson, historian; Sam an· chaplain; Robert Mueller, warden; Basil Creager, house en agee. I llY· Pledges: Hubert Robinson, Detroit; Aubrey :Me ~aid; Otisville; Francis Shell, Battle Creek; Gerald Oven, ~ng· Fred Baldwin, LaCrosse, Wis. ; John Hurrle, East Lanstwi~ Thomas Taliaferro, Lansing; Ronald Heath, Lansing; l(er Jennings, Hillsdale; James Cook, Grand Haven. i 1 0 Due to loyal alumni who have recognized the batt ei'l' the chapter to carry on and who have assisted by paY(.l(e' their chapter accounts, the chapter has continued to 0 ~ oi in fair shape despite the loss of actives and the scarct pledges. The chapter's deep appreciation goes to theJTl·ld be There have been only six to eight men who co~ ]l:ts termed regular participants in the chapter table. ThtS been necessitated cutting down overhead and one result has aJld the placing of Charles Dowd as potentate of the pots sue· pans. He has proven an excellent cook. B. J. Creager managed the football team through athird cessful season. Andrew Cobb helped his team collect test place in the national collegiate dairy cattle judging,t~cpl· by making the best score on State's team. On The . gdrutll turiJI staff is found K. H. Jepson. James Aldri~h JS 'sting major of the famous varsity band. Guy Culbert tS asst 00 r Dr. Chamberlain to remove the melting qualities of the p snowball.

Alpha Iota

At sta in


1\lh, Ins

p·hl Carl I-f. '-


Officers: Charles C. Workman, archon; James :M. B~i~l. ton, treasurer; Kenneth G. Taylor, secretary; Carl rJ. eden· historian; Eugene Heacock, chaplain; Earle Wright, cket, Pledges: Douglas Goode, Douglas Durden, E~ ~~arl· Robert Adams, and Jack Roberts, Montgomery; DJckEd~"ard ton, Autauguville; Hugh Green, Pensacola, Fla.; ,r 5 Priester, La Grange, Ga.; Howard Wheeler, Biloxi, !ntS · Recent initi{lte: Ernest Rushing, Gadsen. S ade5 Fred Chapman was elected to membership in the Pt11an Society, highest senior honor society on the campus. Ch1 and is also a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Scabbar ylot, Blade and Delta Sigma Pi. Another senior, K. G. ; was made Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, Scabbard and Blade, an f the 0 appointed commanding officer of the mounted batterY kt11an Field Artillery R.O.T.C. unit at Auburn. Charles W'oran jS made Omicron Delta Kappa and Blue Key. W'orkJT!j\IP~~ president of D elta Sigma Pi, Phi Delta Gamma ~nd 0 Phi Epsilon. Lynwood Poole is a senior representatl"e yea!' Student Executive Cabinet, art editor of the schoo pullet book, the Glomerata, and is a member of Blue Key. Joe


t we



A. I


Rising Mississippi

lis· Iell


Acti~es (fi D. D bb rst row): Hughes, Casey, H enrJ, 1-lout a R. Dabbs, Dyer; (secor~d row :



Pledges (first row): Eth eridge, Ho lmes, Har~ey, Whitwell, Wo l/oce; (Jecond row): .Moson, Ward, Collins, Shaw.

Hakes, Lowrance.. Carter.

Vice-rresidents Richard .Miller (Graduate C lub and Da~id Dabbs (junior class, L.A. ).

lllade T Th au Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu and Scabbard and Blade. A.rv· r~e members made their varsity letters last spring: sta/n ayne, hurler on the nine; Lafayette Eidson, track in 4-~nd Carl Pihl, winner of the Southeastern A.A.U. mile i!oto · 8• a new school record. The chapter ranked sixth the fraternities on the campus in scholarship. \XIiu· e lost by graduation last spring the following : Jack A.rvi ta~s, John Philip Roberts, Marshall Caley, Edgar Wynn, is ba\ ayn_e, Lafayette Eidson and Frank Lowrey. Roberts has rc t as tnstructor in landscape architecture while Eidson T~:rned for graduate studies. . 'Vas a chapter held a wiener roast a few weeks ago and tt Pau] I co!lJplete social and gastronomic success. Dr. and Mrs. 'Vas h:7~ne chaperoned the affair. Founders' Day celebration the p on December 8. A banquet and formal dance was rogram for all members and visiting alumni.



Alum11i Personals Stripling is now located in Tallahassee, Fla., lnstru t"e ts connected with the State Department of Public c ton





Vernb:r1 L: Fox married Lucy Katherine Williams on No· fied ,.,,\h9• tn Chattanooga, Tennessee. Brother Fox is identi· 1 A.n the projects of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Puller t event _of November 25 was the marriage of John couple .0 Mane~ma Plant in Auburn. The residence of the \\lith thts ~ow Burningham, where Brother Fuller is connected e loss-Sheffield Company.



~ rerOfficers. . archon; Wtlltam . . ·F · Ph t"11"tp D al ztel, Mo ffat, treas, rancis Klute, secretary.



Alumni Personal and Mrs. Martin Janasik have announced the ames Martin, on October 23, 1933.

Alpha Lambda

Richard Miller

\'(1 °fficers. D D li · F. C · · · Hakes, archon; R. A. Miller, treasurer; O~se, ch:rte~, secretary; D. P . Dabbs, historian; N. C. Pledg platn; ]. D. Dyer, warden. es: Fourteen, not listed.


Recent initiate: Bloody S. Henry. Rome Dabbs is now president of the Medical School, a member of the Medical Club, a member of Theta Kappa Psi medical fraternity, and has been a member of the Interfraternity Council. Two other members who are serving the apprenticeship in the Medical School are John Dyer and N. C. House. Dyer was a member of the varsity boxing team last year. House has held membership in Phi Eta Sigma, honorary freshman fraternity; the Cardinal Club, host to visiting teams; Executive Dance Committee; the Interfraternity Council, of which he is now president; Interfraternity Dance Committee; the Moaks, honorary senior society; Phi Chi, medical fraternity; the Medical Club; Senior Y Cabinet; and the annual staff. Housed in the law building, three brothers and two pledges have aspirations of becoming lawyers: Pledge Harvey Mason, a member of the Mississippi Legislature and president of junior law class; D. D. Hakes, a member of Moaks and Interfraternity Council; Frank Hughes, vice-president of senior class in the Liberal Arts School last session, a member of Phi Sigma, Interfraternity Council, and Senior Y Cabinet, vice-president of freshman law class; Lunsford Casey, mem· ber of Glee Club, Hermean Literary Society, Latin Club, and university band; and Pledge George Ethridge of the band. In the Engineering School are Frank Lowrance, vice-president during '33, secretary in '32; and a member of Engineering Club; and Pledge Bob Wallace, a freshman engineer and member of Engineering Club. D. P. Dabbs, a former member of Cardinal Club, Interfraternity Council, vice-president of sophomore class, is now vice-president of junior B.A. class. Bloody Henry was a member of track team, Phi Sigma, and Soph Y. cabinet. Frank Carter is chapter representative in the Cardinal Club. Herod is president of junior pharmacy class and is vicepresident of Pharmacy Club. Dick Miller received Bachelor of Arts degree last June "with distinction." On the Honor Roll every year as an undergraduate, he· is now holder of a graduate scholarship in the Mathematics Department, and vice-president of the Graduate Club. Alttmni Personal Brother and Mrs. John B. Gathright announce the birth of John Byron Gathright, Jr., on September 29, 1933.


Alpha Mu

R. A. Wilgoos

Alpha Xi

Walter Thielke-Aifred

T rrill Y

A carle-

Officers: William R. Johnson, archon; George ·walter ton, III, treasurer; George D. Everett, secretary; ]J~n· Officers: H. K . Miller, arThielke, historian; Henry S. Gartner, chaplain; C. !{. chon; E. W. Jones, treasurer; uel Quintana, warden. E. A. Bradford, secretary; R. A. Pledges: Eight, not listed. Ahlers, Willgoos, historian; A. M. Recent Initiates: Raymond R. Bennett, Gordon Kershner, chaplain; D. G. Jones, Walter W. Gunther, Jr., Donald S. Shepher~. esidenl • warden; M. M. Hepler, bouse Of the eight men who were pledged, one ts the prb , 0111 e manager; G. Turner, steward. of the freshman class, three are now in a posi~ion to D~nner· Pledges: Allen A. Carlson, brothers in time for the annual Alpha Xi Chnstmas . ~tiate> 1111 Charles H. Case, Vincent B. With the initiation of these three new men, the total n ~re Stoll, Chalmers Brookmyer, this semester will be brought up to seven. The new '?e Charles E. Greenlund, Harry R. showing promising possibilities in their group actividtteS~e ~~ Grove, Guy Charles Close, Jack Plans have been completed for a New Year an Miller Reamer, John Bowser, the house with an orchestra and elaborate decoration~~rs of Grant Colton and John P. Lonberger. Four of the twelve charter and honorary mem or· 1 tast year and this year is prob· Masthead, local honorary journalistic society recent ~em· ably the most active years for Alpha Mu since its establishganized at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, aregquire. ment. Grant A. Colton, '34, bas achieved prob_ably the bees of Alpha Xi Chapter. These are Prof. Edward J. John greatest honor by becoming baseball manager for 1934. He professor of structural engineering, touis N. Rowley, bas worked hard for this honor and was elected from a E. Stevens, and Alfred F. Tyrrill. whO group of three assistant managers. Grant has also been The organization draws its members from gradu~e~c fit• elected to Parmi Nous, honorary athletic fraternity, and Blue have served on the managing board of the Polytec file 3pKey, honorary fraternity, as well as to Pi Lambda Sigma, porter, undergraduate weekly. These names all ha"anitl' honorary pre-legal fraternity. Pete Kershner, who incidentally peared in the masthead of the paper, and thus the org announced his marriage to Miss Mildred Jones this summer, tion gets its name. t was was elected to the Skull and Bones, honorary athletic fraterProf. Squire has never served on the paper, ~~ng in· 1 nity, through his achievements in pole·vaulting. Marvin elected to honorary membership because of his unf:u ditor· Hepler, '36, won his numerals and a bid to Druids by his terest and support of the weekly. Lou Rowley was ~aging victories in wrestling. Ernest C. Miller, '34, was elected to in-chief for the year 1930-31. Johnny Stevens was ~\irn in Delta Sigma Rho and D elta Sigma Pi, honorary forensic and editor the following year, while AI Tyrrill succeede commerce and finance fraternities. Since then he has been that office. elected president of Delta Sigma Rho and to Forensic Council Al11mni Personals . oes· and Student Council. tloyd Bovier was appointed on the James Henry Doyle was married to Mary FrancJS Soph Hop Committee. ley, daughter of Mr. William S. Chesley, on July 8. e their Henry T. tees and Marie Anna Graham announc . nd Jv{~Y' marriage which took place July 18. Harrison Wicke! Louis N. Rowley, Jr., past archon of Alpha Xt, a 16. Officers: Robert Crossley, archon; Ralph A. Printz, treasbelle Augusta Chemidlin were married on Septem~r inneJI, Henry E. Weingartner and Elmire Frances '\don urer; Alfred E. Newhouse, secretary; Harrison Wicke!, his. 11 , were mnrn torilln; Owen Griswold, chaplain; George Southard, warden; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gwmne Corwin D. Hablitzel, house manager. November 29. d ughtet, Born to Brother and Mrs. Henry G. Kimpel, a a Recent Initiates: James M. Freshwater, Gerald W. Sibley, Robert W. Thornton. Caroline Alice, D ecember 7. daughter. Pledges: Nine, not listed. Born to Brother and Mrs. Frank J. Moore, a Last year Alpha Nu again was among the first ten ranking Janice Marjorie, August 18. daughter, fraternities of the sixty social organizations on the campus; at Born to Brother and Mrs. John E. Fitzsimons, a no time have we been out of this select group since our adBlanche Marion, January 3, 1933. mission into the national organization. In athletics four men won numerals in baseball, two in basketball, and one in foothoiJip¢~ Ken neth ball; this was rather a hard year on varsity men, no one in Co'II'an· the house having time to compete. Other offices were: chair0 Officers: C. Oliver Marsh, archon; John A. psoO• man of the junior prom; two men on Student Council; and 111 ~ treasurer; Gordon Schultz, secretary; Kenneth ThOrden· . one member of the famous football band of Ohio State. historian; James Dockal, chaplain; Paul Muller, ~a yrnour• p Prominent Alpha Nus are: Robert Crossley-Student SenPledges: Irving Samuelson, Boone; teo Mores, e ate, Engineers Council; Ralph Printz- Beta AI ph a Psi ( acand Harold Tyndale, Carroll. rn~i 0' counting); Kenneth Haley-Sigma Gamma Epsilon (metalPi Kappa Phi is represented in practically e~er~ bein~ lurgy); Dave Meyer-captain of milk judging team which activity on the Iowa State campus, with publicatJonornioen1 won national contest last summer at the World's Fair. the major interest. Joe Duncan holds the mos~ preklf P'' Members on the faculty are: Alex taurie, M.A., Proposition as editor of The Iowa State St11dent, tn·we r rn~g1 ' fessor of Horticulture and Forestry; and tewis Chadwick, per, and also contributes to The Greer~ Gander, hurnorterS oO n, Professor of Horticulture. zine. Paul Muller and Kenneth Thompson are rePfotJiil fl*' the St11dent, and Thompson is on the staff of The , D Alumni Personal gineer, a monthly magazine. 't cent' ci 0 The marriage of Nathan Robertson Knauer and Gaynell Bob Brown was a strong competitor for varst Yse~so : Jacoby on October 20, has been announced. Brother and Mrs. until an injured knee forced him to drop out for ~~t~ bas~ 11 Knauer are residing in Toledo, Ohio. John Cowan and taurence Johnson are out for~

Alpha Nu

Alpha Omicron







Jetter ~o·



or· efll·

uire, 0 ho


' an team.


Leo Mores is a candidate for the freshman track

SO(.John Cowan was elected treasurer of the Intramural Asthet~on. at Iowa State, and Laurence Johnson secretary of nes Orhculture Club. Paul Muller is a member of the busita: s~1 ff of the Dramatics Club and is a member of Iowa ~ layers, dramatics society. of th w~ engagements have been reported since the opening Back~ all term . C. 0. Marsh, chapter archon, to Margaret the aus, Zeta Tau Alpha; and Oren Neal, a member of 0 Alph ~ga Chapter at Purdue University, to Ruth Studeman, at loa amma Delta. Neal is taking graduate work in soils Carv~a S~ate College. James Struve, '29, was married to Ruby thts summer.

Alpha Pi

John C. Eby

Officers·· A · C. Th ompson, Jr., archon; C. H . Doug Iass, treasu torian ~eb .Fred Fudickar, Jr., secretary; John C. Eby, hisA!' ltn. T. Sanders, chaplain; J. P. Lindsay, warden. tion fh~ Pt has been distinctly honored recently by the elecscience ;tx me.n to Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary social the ch raterntty. Three of the men were active members of the n a~ter. Brothers Huntley, Douglass and Fudickar were Bew Y elected men. Schol:~:hc;r Douglass was recently elected a Pi Kappa Phi 1\app ' ts a member of Phi Beta Kappa , Omicron Delta news a, ~~e ~ey and is editor of The Purple, student weekly and FP~. ltcat10n. Huntley is also a member of Blue Key ager ~ ;;ar is a cheerleader. Brother Eby is business man -



B e Purple. lllen ;~th~rs Clark, Underwood and L. Thompson are letter-

a lette aytng. their third year of varsity football. Clark is also rman tn basketball.


Alumni Personal

and R:t:nno~ncement of the marriage of James C. Putman Putnam Smtth has recently been received. Brother and Mrs. home at ;ere married on November 3, and are making their ulton, Kentucky.

Alpha Rho

Marvin Watring


John M. Adkins, archon; Samuel R. Woodburn, historian: ¢rden Trickett, secretary; F. Marvin Watring, Pied ' . tct~r ]. Orler, chaplain; John St. Clair, warden. Alphges · Ntne, not listed. nearer tha Rho has moved from its old home to a location as Prate e. campus. We are now on what is commonly known saille strrntty ~ow, there being six fraternities located on the >;.·ith a s~et, stde by side. Our rushing season was climaxed known a a~ party at Brother John Johnston's cabin, better Pled s The Hermit Hut" on Cheat Lake. illan fo~fu Millhouse and Tsorvas are members of the freshseason. PI all team which has just completed a successfu l State, is :dge Arbuckle, a transfer student from Louisiana Pledges W ~ember of the freshman wrestling team, and . On ttrtng and Lutz are out for freshman basketball. 0 ~forma( ~ . ober 25 the actives entertained their dates at an p outdo tnner at the chapter house, and the pledges, not to recedin;e,h had a dinner for their dates on November 15. Was served t e cadet hop on November 24 a formal dinner Calltain a dtoMll members and pledges and their girl friends. ner, n rs. Whipple were guests of l10nor at this din-

D An elabo . ay at 'Wh. ~te banquet was held in celebration of Founders' Ctty 'Were ptc actives, pledges, alumni and brothers in the Ar h resent. 00 c Adkins is captain of the West Virginia Chapter


of Scabbard and Blade. Brother Clipfel was recently made a member of Sphinx, honorary senior organization. Dr. J. E. Winter and John C. Johnston, members of the faculty, have shown much interest in our chapter and had dinner with us on different occasions.

Alpha Sigma

E. B. McGowan

Officen: S. S. Vineyard, archon; W. H . McClure, treasurer; A. K. McCalla, secretary; J. 0. Moss, historian; J.P. Lindsay, chaplain; Nathan Lowe, warden. Pledges: Paul Beck, William Lee, Mitchell Simpson, and Richard Colvin, Knoxville; Elroy Rollins and William Gauntlett, Chattanooga; James Roger and Thomas McKinney, Memphis; James Hardison, Springhill; Ralph Wiggins, Jasper ; James Seay, Whitwell; Carl Adkins, Pulaski; Walter Burnett, Thompson Station; Herbert Tade, Paducah, Ky.; Paul Doolen, Decatur, Ill.; John Mason, Bradenton, Fla.; Jeff Rorex, Sheffield, Ala.; Harold Olson, Lindsborg, Kan. Rece11t b1itiates: Sanford A. Gibson, Nathan J . Lowe. Last year the chapter had the highest fraternal group average in scholarship, and the freshmen won a cup by their work. Two men were out for freshman football and one on the varsity squad. Eleven men held positions on publications, including the managership of The Tennessee Farmer, occupied by A. K. McCalla. Nathan Lowe managed the Barnwarmin', the outstanding social event of the fall quarter. In C. H. Vann, the chapter has the president of the orcl1estra and captain of the band. E. B. McGowan is secretary-treasurer of the Glee Club and manager of the Tennessee Players. W. H. McClure is treasurer of the Interfraternity Council and chairman of the dance committee of the All Students' Club. The chapter has nineteen representatives in honorary organizations. The chapter won second place in the Homecoming decoration competition. Founders' Day was celebrated at the Cherokee Country Club with banquet and dance. This is the fourth dance of the season. Al11m11i Personals Announcement is made of the marriage of William Paul Bracy and Roberta Alexander at Nashville, Tennessee. Brother Bracy is connected with the A. & P. Stores in Nashville. The marriage of Roger Fox Johnson and Helen Louise Shipe on October 10 was recently announced. Lloyd Allen Brockwell and Marion Elizabeth Kirby were married on September 29. Brother Brockwell is connected with the National Life and Accident Insurance Company of Knoxville.

Alpha Tau


J. Walsh

Officers: Richard Y. At lee, archon; Alvin Chase, treasurer; F. C. Larson, secretary; Paul J. Walsh, historian. Pledges: Harold Elmendorf, Albany; William McAuley, Winchester, Mass.; Roger Horton, White Plains; Benjamin Fisher, Utica; Jacob Lindemuth, Mount Joy, Pa.; George Price, Williamsville; Harry Downing, Lowell, Mass.; Alfred Winterhalter, Trenton, N.J. Recent Initiates: Nels F. Nelson, John H. Thompson, Jr. Alpha Tau started the fall term with the house in good condition. The entire first floor was repainted and the floors done over. Also throughout the house several of the fellows fixed over their rooms and the bathrooms adjoining. Alvin Chase is president of the Rensselaer Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Brother Maxwell is a member of Phalanx, our senior honorary society. Maxwell has been with the varsity football team for two years and caught for the baseball team . He is also captain of the swimming team this year. Brother Parcinski and Pledge



be the Drexel Institute Auditorium and following there w be dancing in the Great Court. ter· Rushing season opens January 3. Plans include the In on fraternity Ball January 5, a smoker January 8 and d~nc~·on 1 the 13th. Rushing chairman John McCann reports the srtua "well in hand." h Ia· Alpha Upsilon is fortunate to have the help of the p t~er 0 delphia Alumni Chapter through its members fr~m onE Pi Kappa Phi Chapters. Several have gone in for prng P in a "big way" here at the house. ukc, November 18 saw the initiation of Brothers Edward ~'tin· John Engler and David Greer into the fraternity. An ;n~nr tion was also held December 9. At the same time some 9 u nd· were taken into the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter. A F~Uded ers' Day banquet, sponsored by the active chapter, con~isel the evening. Among the guests were Brothers A. W. and Wm. J. Berry. . no" Brother Robert ]. Riddle, a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar, 15 thtf teaching in the business school at Drexel Institute. J3ropre· Lane McBurney was recently elected president of the Junior class.

Alpha Upsilon •s Officers

Alpha Sigma decorations which wOn sccotJd prit,c, a play on irJitiols of T Y A Arc/ton C. H. Vann, captain of the baud, with band's sponsor, Jessie Maud Grills, Chi Omega.

Brother Nelson are out for varsity soccer. Brother Parcinski was a letter man last fall. Dabbs was elected to associate membership in Sigma Xi. He was also awarded the prize of the Architecture faculty for the junior with the highest scholastic standing in the department. To add to our varied additions in the house, we have established an amateur radio station, W2BLL, which is operated by Brother Mezger here in the house. Brother Hayward also an amateur operator is combining with Brother Mezger in running the station. After winning their league for three years in succession Alpha Tau finally won the Interfraternity Horseshoe Championship this year. Brothers Rohr and Rogers beat Theta Xi in the semi-finals and Theta Upsilon Omega in the finals. Another cup is added to our mantlepiece decorations.

Alpha Upsilon

Albert Schade, III

Officers: W. D. Applegate, archon ; A. S. Tomlinson, treasurer; J. B. Henwood, secretary; Albert Schade, III, historian ; J. H. McCann, chaplain; W. H. Miller, warden. Recent lnitiate.r: Clyde W. Lafferty, John F. Engler, David S. Greer, M. Richard Cauffman, William H. Bishop, Kenneth P. Jones, Fred L. Garner, Thomas B. Stockham, Watson L. Stillwaggon, Nicholas P. Wendelboe, Edward T. Duke. Plans are well in progress for the third annual minstrel to be given February 23 and 24. Brothers Lemuel Holt and A. S. Tomlinson are acting· as co-chairmen. The place will


Alpha Upsilon's Officers


Seated-A. S. Tomlinson, treasurer; lV. D. Applegate, arc . 1. H. McCann, chaplain. J]/ h>f' Standing-]. B. Henwood, secretar'Y; Albert Schade, ' torian; JV. H. Miller,. wardtm.

,v; Something different in the way of a rushing progra: 1,·1> tried out at Dickinson College this fall. Those freshm~red b declared they were interested in fraternities were req~l ·n JJ the college to deposit money for three weeks' boar ~jtili> vance. This money was distributed among the [rater E•'. and the freshmen were assigned to the fraternity h0ll 5esd thtC freshman took his meals for two days in one house an tin~~' was shifted to another house. This program was coP ro~n 3 until he had visited each house, when he was started 15 /0' again. As a result, each interested freshman ate ~e~ p'' two two-day periods in each fraternity house, and t e for their meals!


_T_H_E_S_T_A_R_A_N_D_ LA

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