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Just Like finding a $1000 Bill

Volume XX

December, 1934

Number 4


Star and Lamp of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity HOWARD D. LEAKE, Editor To LEARN that no one was injured tn Alpha Theta's fire and that all losses were covered adequately by insurance. To SEE the energetic and forceful way the _dis trict archons are handling their duttes. We are going to town in a hurry with such spirited and active cooperation from them behind us.

To FIGURE up the year's results so far and to Jearn that we are more than ~en per cent ahead of Jnst year's p!edg· tng record. THE EARFUL we got from hither and Yon over these United States of great gatherings on Founders' Day.

~- ~ET those life subscriptions from tlltam P. Hugo, Gamma, and Cecil Carlisle, Eta. Concrete evidence of tnterest in the magazine.

To NOTE a few more contributions to the Anniversary Corps.

To no HONOR to a new batch of Pi l<app Scholars. Those men are brainy, ~tlented chaps. Note that they have _one many other things than just Strnply "cram."

To BE ABLE to Jist four student body Presidents among the undergraduate members. To WISH you a profitable New Year and feel that conditions are more rromising than they have been for a ong time to fulfill the wish.

••• CONTENTS The Officials' Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seven Scholars Are Presented . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Dr. Will E. Edington Organizational Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Memoriam- Thomas Francis Mosimann . . . . . . . By Simon Fogarty One Historian to Another . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Douglas Willix, A Jl A New Home for Alpha Omicron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By L. JIV. Johnson Alpha Epsilon Moves to a New Residence . . . . . . . . By Byron L. Herlong and Joe O'Connor Fire and Blizzard Nothing to Alpha Theta . . . . . . . . By J. L. H urrle Descendants of Founder of Drexel, Faculty Member, Initiated by Alpha Upsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By H. B. Coleman The Man of Many Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Leland F. Leland, T K E Alumni Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheer, Pi Kappa Phi (Song) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Harold H. Lewis and Lawrence J. Bolvig When the Roll Is Called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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CI.Entered as second class mntter at the post office at Mena_s~a. Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acc~:ptance for ma•lmg at special rate of postage provided for in the A~ of February 28, 1925, embod~ed in paragraph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932 . CI.The Star and Lamp is published at Menasba, Wisconsin, under the direction of the Supreme Council of the Pi Ka11p_a Phi Fraternity, in the months of October. December, February, and May. CI.The Life Subscription is S10 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 cents. CI.Chanj:es in address should be reported promptly to 450 A.hnaip St., Menasha, W1s . or Central Office Box 382, Evanston, Ill . CI.AII material intended for pub: Jication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, Box 382 Evanston, Ill., by the 15th of the month preceding the month of issue.

The Officials• Page President's Founders' Day Message



Thirty years ago Pi Kappa Phi was founded, "0 with the growing years each Founders' Day as~I}1JI: a new significance. More and more apparent lS ~ wisdom of the early planning of our Founders, an . . clear becomes the idealism of their friendship. Today, Pi Kapps .ever'/( where may view the growth of our fraternity under the inspiration °f 0 these men. Instead of one chapter, now there are two score; instead the small founding group, six thousand loyal brothers stand. A mar· vellous achievement for so short a space of time! the Albe1·t W. Meisel On the anniversary of our founding, Jet each of us remember . 11 eternal truths, "To Jive, one must grow," and the corrollary, "Stagnatt\ or decline mean ultimate death." The Founders did not complete th~tl . task, nor have we, who have followed after. Each brother, in a sp~ar sense, who has contnbuted since that time new thought and service to our cause, makes of himself a foun e ch following in their steps. Brothers who have thus aided the welfare of our brotherhood should be especially in our minds on su occasions as Founders' Day, when all Pi Kapps review the past and measure our advance. Such were the men, who were given citations at the last Supreme Chapter meeting. All honor to them! es December tenth is the birthday of the Fraternity. It is a particularly appropriate time for undergraduat r 0 and alumni to get together arou nd the festal board, or elsewhere, and celebrate the happy event as chapter local community groups. .· Tradition decrees, as part of such an occasion, that presents are in order. To those, who join in such festt"~; 11 ties, I urge this old time custom be observed. Demanding the best for Pi Kappa Phi, I ask for spiritual, material, gifts. Let each of you give of yourselves, your time, and service. No man can give better gifts than these. ar, And when another year has rolled around and once again in retrospect we view the progress ~f .the yet)Je each donor of spiritual gifts will have the joy of having shared in the growth, and all Pi Kapps reJOICe lit accomplishment. Wishing you all good things for the New Year.

. . . 1 force· A TRUE FRATERNITY ts a brotherhood of men bound together by a common spmtua ar~ Before the altar, at initiation, the neophyte receives his first vision of this force, and the sp• of fraternity idealism is kindled in his heart, later to grow into a pure bright flame. d 11e. 0 The indifferent brother in our midst is a living witness of an initiation service poorlY bO In him the spark was never kindled or was so feeble that it died. Every fraternity carries on its rolls those ~er· have never received or enjoyed the fraternal vision. Nor can it be given to them after initiation. The brot hood profits nothing from their membership. the The responsibility of initiation officers is therefore heavy. For it is on them the duty rests of giving to nit}' neophyte the correct emotional impression. Unless he receives the spark through the ritual, his opportu to gain it is gone forever and Pi Kappa Phi sustains a loss. r tO Correspondingly, the privilege and benefit of being an initiation officer is great, for it is no small honothat kindle the fraternal spark in another man- the spark that is to make the flame eternal. Strange but true, he who starts such flame himself enjoys a spiritual growth. whO Chapters everywhere, therefore, are urged to entrust their initiations only to those best fitted, to ~105 e dded have the spark and who will give the most care in performing the ritual- that ceremony which will g tve a spiritual force to the initiate, the participating brothers and Pi Kappa Phi . Spark and Flame





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Are .Presented By DR. WILL E. EDINGTON, Upsilon Chairman of Scholarship Committee

T BIRTY YEARS ago three young men at the College th of Charleston in South Carolina, during some of ose sessions so dear to the hearts of all students ;hen they often talk nonsense but just as often dream reams, felt the need of a closer tie than the classroom can 路 t gtve and they dreamed a dream. They set to work tnake that dream come true, and on December 10, 1 ~ 0 4, they met and organized what has since become th.Pha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, and since that time 18 date has been set aside as Founders' Day and all o~er the United States chapters of that great fraternity ~e ebrate in honor of the three men who made their ream come true. ti Now the college fraternity is a peculiar and distinc;e ~ode of expression of college ideals and among ?se tdeals necessarily should be scholarship since the rtl~ary purpose of the college is to educate, that is, to ra,n its youth to know and express the best in the variOUs domains of human experience and knowledge. Ac~~rdingly in the very first Article of the Constitution of 1 t ~appa Phi among the stated objects of the fraehr.n,ty is the one "to encourage excellence in scholar-

s 'P路" 0拢 course, it is assumed that each chapter will do its lltznost to epco)Jrage and recognize excellence in schol~ship among its members, but in order to keep this ~ear constantly before the active membership, the Upreme Chapter, in 1926, determined upon a mode of ~OCedure whereby outstanding scholarship among its embers would be recognized and the outstanding ~olars would be honored with a suitable award that asOuld represent the same excellence in scholarship t c~aracterize the award of that great scholarship fraifrntty Phi Beta Kappa. And it was realized that simariy a great honor could be paid the Founders by hav-

ing these formal awards made a part of the Founders' Day celebration. So on each Founders' Day since 1927 the outstanding scholars of Pi Kappa Phi, not to exceed nine, are honored, and on Founders' Day, December 10, 1934, the eighth group of Pi Kappa Phi Scholars, seven in number, joined those who have gone before. That the fraternity may know them better the Chairman of the Sd10larship Committee hereby presents the Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1934.

Hastings Wyman, Beta Brother Wyman graduated from Presbyterian College last June leaving behind him a record of extracurricular achievement. He was honored with membership in Sigma Kappa Alpha, honorary scholarship fraternity, and also served as student assistant in biology. For two years he represented the featherweight class on the college boxing team, and was president of the Block "P" Club. He was a member of the dramatic club for three years. He served the student body as president of the honor committee. In student publications, Brother Wyman was a member of The Pac-Sac, student annual, staff for two years, Collegian staff for three years, and The B/11e Stocking, student weekly staff for one year. He was a first lieutenant in the R.O.T.C. He received his B.S. degree, magna cum laude, and is now located at Aiken, S.C., in government service.

Samuel M. Hines, Epsilon Brother Hines received his A.B. degree in English at Davidson College in June, 1934, and while in college he served as an assistant i~ educatio~ and as. an assistant instructor of English tn the Davtdson Htgh School. He was on the college Honor Roll and was honored with membership in Phi Beta Kappa. He also Below left to riglrt: Samuel Hines, E; Grier Wallace, fr., P; Ge~rge Everett, A :Z; Hewitt McGraw, I.

• Dr. Will E. Edington Cited by the 1934 Supreme Chapter for His Outstanding Scholarship Work.

gineering Scholarship, the Physics Scholarship and the Vincent L. Bradford Scholarship. He holds member: ship in the White Friars, social fraternity, and has served as president and secretary of the Curtis Lee Eof 0 gineering Society. He was sophomore manager football and plays in the college band. He has a!s.o 15 served on the staff of the college annua l, Calyx. fie now president of the senior science class. In the fr~sh· man orientation camp he has served as a counct lor. In fraternity affairs he is a member of the Interf~a­ ternity Council, and has served Rho Chapter as hts· torian, secretary and chaplain, and he is now archoO· Brother Wallace's home address is Monroe Road. Charlotte, N.C.

Albert B. Welty, Omega held membership in Sigma Upsilon, Eta Sigma Phi and Mu Beta Psi , literary, classica l and musical fraternities, respectively. He was very active in music, playing in the coll ege band and orchestra and directing his own dance orchestra. Epsilon Chapter chose him as its secretary in his senior year. Brother Hines has his home at W arsaw, N.C., but he is now playing with a professional orchestra.

A. Hewitt McGraw, Iota Brother McGraw graduated at Georgia Tech last June, and left behind him a record of which his chapter and Pi Kappa Phi may well be proud. He was on the college Honor Roll all four years and was awarded the President's Gold "T," whid1 is given to the first two ranking juniors in each department. H e was elected to Phi Eta Sigma, freshman scholastic fraternity, Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternity, and Phi Kappa Phi, general scholarship honorary fraternity. In athletics he earned his letter in lacrosse, played on the freshman football team, ran on the freshman cross country team and participated in the schoo l boxing tournament. H e was also active in representing his chapter in interfraternity track, basketball and baseball competition. Brother McGraw held membership in Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Chi Sigma and Scabbard and Blade, honor, chemical and military fraternities, respectively. He served as president of Alpha Chi Sigma. He was also a member of the local chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. He represented Iota Chapter in the Interfraternity Council for two years and was also archon of Iota. In military matters he was chief petty officer in the Tech naval R.O.T .C. At present Brother McGraw is Principal of the Jackson, Georgia, High School.

I. Grier Wallace, Rho Brother Wallace is now a senior at Washington and Lee University. He has been holder of the Civil En 4

In Brother Welty, Omega Chapter at Purdue l]nt· versity, has added another Pi Kappa Phi Scholar to heJ long roll of scho lars. Brother Welty has been class~ 10 as a " distinguished student" for six semesters an~ his freshman year he received the Phi Lambda UpstloO award for having the highest scholastic rating of anY freshman chemical engineer. He was elected to ~au Beta Pi in his junior year and is now correspondtng secretary of the Purdue Chapter. He is also secretary.! 0 n treasurer of the Purdue chapter of Phi Lambda Upst 0 chemistry honorary. He was junior editor last year the Debl'is, the Purdue annual. In military, Broth~ Welty is a li eutenant-colonel in the Purdue R.O.'f: and holds membership in Scabbard and Blade of whtC



(Continued on page 34)

Oval Hastings Wyman, B

• Below Albert Welty, Jr. 0; and Alan Tomlinson AT

and the memberand has s Lee En· nager of has also yx. is he fresh· councilor. Interfra· er as his· w archon. I Char·

Organizational Notes In the compilation of this article, the editors acknowledge with appreciation the assistance of H. H. Mize, Omicron, and Alfred Tyrrill and Donald Diehl, Alpha Xi.



N THE morning immediately following the formal adjournment of the recent New York convention, the new National Council, together with members of the old council who desired to attend and the staff of central C. Eugene Sprit~ger, A r office, gathered in a conDistrict 18 ference room for the of th . second council meeting Ia e new regtme. The many matters tossed into their c ps by the convention for discussion and action, others °ncerning future policies and procedures were pre5 ented f or canst'd erat10n. .

l]ni· ar to her classed and in Upsilon of anY to Tau




the matters of general interest were: the

0 ~tsion to postpone action on the relocation of central

tabfe, as was recommended by the convention; also to ti e any discussion relative to the forthcoming nae~.n~t convention; the decision to maintain the then to tsttng organization with a minimum of change and Vac~se . the immediately following months to fill any u nctes and make the necessary changes; to throw ~do.n ~e national historian the duties of further colia·tnatmg alumni chapter activity and becoming the th tson ?fficer of the council in this work; to place upon an~ natiO~al chancellor the responsibility of checking to b gradtng the activities of the district archons and District sub e ~he contact man beween the council and these B Otdtnate officials; and to continue the contract with National President frurr, Patterson and Auld as sole official jewelers to the Meisel has issued his ofhaaternity. In line with the foregoing, many things ficiallist of the men who co~e ~een accomplished in past few months of the new have accepted his apegtate year. pointment to the posith 'llle postponed decisions on the next convention and tion of district head , a e re-~ocation of central office make wholly probable with the exception of rn~:~ttng of the council sometime during the spring District Two, which is lflgJ lS ~f 1?35. 'I_'he Atlanta men have been exceed- awaiting confirmation . tel Y acttve tn letttng the council know by Jetter and They are: 111 ef~a~ th~t they would be happy to have the office District 1 - Frank J. are b etr fatr city. While both Seattle and Miami McMullen, 68 76th cer oth,_ for the time being, lying "doggo" as conSt., Brooklyn, N.Y. then;r thetr .rela~i~e merits as the next meeting place of District 3-Reginald L. tion aterntty, 1t ts expected that an avalanche of petiPrice, 133 Brevard 5 t11n and sales talk will burst upon the council at the Court, Charlotte, e When nature will be presenting bursting buds. N.C.




In connection with the plans to tie the district archons more closely to the council and to obtain more efficient performance from them, it is to be one of the duties of the national chancellor to select the outstanding district archon ]. Theodore JocksotJ, A ll that the national organiDistrict 7 zation may recognize and reward him by presenting him with expenses to the next Supreme Chapter meeting. He will be chosen on the basis of his activity and effectiveness, and a few of the points to be used in comparison in the competition are: visitations, number and accomplishment of each; activity promotion relative to expansion in number of alumni and undergraduate chapters and intra-d istrict conferences and gatherings; and general cooperation and frequency of contact with the national organization. To further the work of the district archon by a full explanation of his duties and prerogatives and a few suggestions on procedure, National Secretary William J. Berry has prepared an excellent bulletin with this purpose in mind. It is a valuable addition to the accumulated bulletins on phases of the organization, which eventually will be distributed in printed form.


Ruuell B. JohtJson District 14



District 5-Francis W. Dwyer, 604 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga. District 6-James W. Chambliss, 304 E. Ross, Tampa, Fla. District 7-J. Theodore Jackson, Box 673, Dothan, Ala. District 8-Greenwood Henson, 24 Terry Apartments, Knoxville, Tenn. District 9-Harold 0. Merle, 10 15th Ave., Columbus, Ohio District 10-G. B. Helmrich, 26590 Dundee Road, Huntington Woods, Royal Oak, Mich. District 11-W. Robert Amick, 333 Vine St., Lafayette, Ind. "" Fran k J• M cM 14 ll en, A _ .West . 4ll District 1 Dtstnct 1 Russe B. Johnson, North Court Road, Ottumwa, Iowa District 15- Clancy A. Latham, 1817 Valence St., New Orleans, La. District 16- Byrd P. Mauldin, Pontotoc, Miss. District Hi- C. Eugene Springer, 305 S. Chautauqua, Norman, Okla. District 19-Horace A. Granger, 818 Third Ave., Seattle Wash. District 20-Boyd W. Rea, 2530 Etna St., Berkeley, Calif. Seven of these men are veterans of the front line, who are pleased to continue to offer their actively splendid assistance to the work of the organization. Reginald L. Price, Francis W. Dwyer, James W. Chambliss, Harold 0. Merle, George B. Helmrich, Clancy A. Latham, and Boyd W. Rea are the ones wearing the stripes of excellent service. Latham returns to the line-up after an absence from the ranks for a few years and is different from the others in that their records are continuous. The fraternity is most fortunate to have these progressive, experienced men looking to its welfare in the far reaches. Of the newer men, we are able to introduce some fully and hope to complete the roster of introduction in a following issue. J. Theodore Jackson and C. Eugene Springer were late appointees of the administration of Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener and carry over into the administration of President Meisel, having shown in their brief work under the former regime that they are most capable and actively interested.

Harold 0. Merle, -.It District 9

W. Robert Amick, 0 District 11

J. Theodore Jackson District Archon Jackson is a practicing attorney of Dothan, Alabama. He graduated with high honors from Howard College, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree; later graduated from the University of Al:!bama with a Bachelor of Laws degree. . At Howard College he served as president of the student body, was selected as a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar, and elected to membership to Sigma Upsilon and Beta Pi Theta. He served Alpha Eta as chaplain, treasurer and archon. While in Howard he was elected to the presidency of the National Student Federation of America. At the University of Alabama he also served as president of the student body and held leading positions in Omicron 01apter, as he did in Alpha Eta. He become a member of the junior faculty, president of Baptist Student Union and was elected to Alabama Quadrangle, an honorary religious society. His practice of law is general and active .. He took time off to use


Boyd W. Rea, District 20




his excellent oratorical ability to stump the state in the recent gubernatorial race, and is recognized as a coming politician. He is a member of the Dothan Kiwanis Club and heads the committee of the Kiwanis organization which handles education in the State.

C. Eugene Springer

RegitJald L. Price, E District 3

F1·ancis W. Dwyer, II District 5

District Archon Springer is associate professor of Mathematics in the University of Norman. Back of this position is his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Oklahoma, a degree from Oxford, further graduate work at the University of Chicago, and teaching experience at NorthwestClancy A. ern Teacher's College and Iowa State College. Latham, A B While a student at Oklahoma he directed District 15 the university band for two years and put a trumpet to such good use in the band and an orchestra that educational costs were of little moment. Nor did his musical activity prevent him from exercising his eagerness for study. Phi Beta Kappa recognition and a Masters degree came to him. Winning appointment as Rhodes Scholar he took up residence in Merton College, Oxford, and continued his study of mathematics, did much traveling in Europe, and performed some excellent crew work, becoming Number 2 on the college crew. Mathematics is his hobby as well as his vocation. He speaks casually of a problem which he has been working on for many months, which has covered numerous pages and required countless hours of mental concentration. In his opinion, the climax of his career was reached when he arranged a marital partnership in 1930 with Miss Lucile Farmer, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and graduate of the University of Oklahoma.

Russell B. Johnson

lames W. Chambliss, A E District 6

District Archon Johnson is a landscape architect and florist of Ottumwa, Iowa. He graduated from Iowa State in 1927 with a degree from the Department of Landscape Architecture. Prior to his return to Ottumwa, he worked for seven years as assistant to Thomas Seyster, landscape architect of Chicago, where he became actively affiliated with the Chicago Alumni Chapter. He is listed as number one of Alpha Omicron Chapter, beI • cause of his relation with the local which became thiswnit of the fraternity. He was a f()un;der and the first president of Beta Delta Rho. His extra-curricular activities were mainly centered in college dramatics. He is a member of National Collegiate Players. This interest has become a hobby and persuaded him to active participation in The Little Theatre affairs of George B. Helmrich, A r District 10 Ottumwa.

01--~~-----------­ F PI KAPPA PHI


(Ca~z tin11ed

on page 33)

In Memoriam Thomas Francis Mosimann Died April 12, 1934 THE spring of as in the years previous, the INboys in the high school became very much interested 1902,

in baseball. One Friday as I was sitting with a group wondering whether or not it would be financially possible for me to see the game that afternoon, a tall slim lad passed by us. He was not known to the group and none spoke to him . A little later I noticed this boy in conversation with a friend of mine. My friend called me and said- "I want you to meet Tom Mosimann, one of the luckiest boys I know. He lives on the same street that the ball grounds are on and he sees all the games from his upstairs piazza." Tom smiled and said-"Yes, and I want both of you to come up this afternoon and every Friday for the rest of the season." I accepted his invitation with alacrity and thus was begun a friendship which lasted for thirty-two years. As a boy Tom was solemn and studious. Whatever he had to do he undertook seriously and went into most thoroughly. As a result he stood at the top of his classes and developed those habits which enabled him to become one of the outstanding students at the College of Charleston.' The next fall I entered the college and renewed a friendship with Alexander Kroeg, who had preceded

By SIMON FOGARTY, Alpha me there by a year. It was through Kroeg that I was initiated into college politics in which he took 30 intense interest. During the summer we talked over the prospects for the following year and I told him that two good fellows were coming to the college; boys who would surely take an active part in affairs and whoffl we could count upon as being on our side. They were Tom Mosimann and Harry Mixson. When. colleg; opened we found Mixson a most willing assoc1ate an he soon became Kroeg's right hand man. Kroeg, noW a junior, was one of the most prominent men on the campus. We found that Mosimann did not acquiesc~: our plans as readily as we had hoped. He bad gra d ated first in his class in the high school and he h.a h ambitions to do as well at college and so did not""~\ to take part in any matters which might interfere ""1td his scholastic standing. We respected his wishes all soon we were as proud of his high standing as he wa_ 0 himself. W e prevailed upon him to join the Chre~~ . mathic Literary Society, and in the niceties of par~路 mentary procedure and in the opportunities offered h~ debates for the correct usage of the English language d)' found an outlet for his keen mind and his ever-rea d wit. Before he left college h e had won an hCn~res路 路 on place on the debating team and brought many deCISI e favorable to his Alma Mater. His ability to grasp t11 essential facts under discussion, his marvelous co~颅 mand of words, his convincing and authoritative ton~ ; his complete self-possession, his quickness to see t~. flaws in an argument, his ease and adroitness in rebut tal, all combined to make him one of the ablest, if n~ the most able, speaker of all the state colleges. 'fo t thoroughly enjoyed a discussion and this enjoymeog and his ability to use the spoken word lasted as loll as his health permitted. ,_ When Andrew Kroeg proposed to Mixson and 01;0 self the idea of forming a fraternity and aske~ u; to su~gest the name~ of men who sho~ld be .invite first jom, we naturally mcluded Tom Mos1mann m the ar draft. By this time he had completed his freshman yere with high general honors and felt a little more s~u ro in taking a hand in college affairs. We looked for ~is to give our new fraternity some prestige tl~~ou~h the high academic standing; his pronounced abdtty 1 ~ th' literary society and his position as a member 0 i~' staff of the college magazine. His joining the fraterncowas of mutual benefit. The fraternity gained a mend ber who reflected great credit on Alpha Chapte;lgn 1 a member whose life work in the Charleston of School so impressed the students that when manY (Continued


P<lge 34)

Tlromas Francis Mosimann Second National president of the Fratemity



/ One Historian to Another ,hll

Walter R. Jones


Inducted into



1ver ·hat

Past Historian



J. friend Day


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HIGH above Seattle's brilliantly lighted business

So section, in the roof-garden banquet room of the

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tv:r~nto Hotel, nearly 100 Pi Kapps gathered on the c 10& of November 24 for a three-fold purpose: to 1 / e?rate the University of Washington's annual homeh~rntn.g; to honor Dr. J. Friend Day, retiring supreme ! tstonan; and to witness the formal induction of his Uccessor, Walter R. Jones. e The setting itself was symbolic of the fraternity's 0~fan?ing horizons. As Brother J. Friend straightened Pia h~s somewhat awry dress-shirt (watch for excia na~ton later), and rose to bow to a tumultuous hand.. PPtng, keen ears could catch the low, deep kWho-o-m!" of an incoming liner, fresh in from Alasfew blocks from the hotel were the dark waters p uget Sound, an arm of the Pacific Ocean; across p~get Sound lay the Olympic Peninsula, and the Olym1~~ountains, America's last frontier. Ill 1 Kappa Phi history was made that night, for it arked the first formal installation of a national officer 0 Ut 'd St .e a supreme chapter. Speakers who commented 0 Nn thts fact found that the Pi Kapps of the Pacific f Orthwest appreciated this, and were proud of the ktater nt'ty h onor which had come to one of their b ests~own and best-regarded leaders-"Walt" Jones, c alar, engineer and good fellow. w·~ose who attended the recent Supreme Chapter 1 a recall that Brother Jones, who is professor of uerona b 'uftea 1 engineering at Oregon State College, was c;~ le. to be in New York due to a conflicting naval an~~se tn the Pacific. Professor Jones holds a lieutenrn s COmmission in the Naval Reserve. His advanceSeent to Pi Kappa Phi's ruling body came as a dea/h"ed reward for years of able service as district c on


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ne Brothe~ Day, in presenting Brother Jones with his va w .0 ffictal authority, paid tribute to his zeal in adncmg . ,s mterests. . R .~.. u1e f ra termty

that e~.ponding, the new national historian declared I need not remind t'he brothers here tonight that hist tt~nd Day has set a high standard for the office of andOrt.an. !fjs gift for sound and far-seeing counsel, ter .hts wtlltng sacrifice of valuable time for the fra·~;{· should be an inspiration for all of us. ts masterful preparation of new ritualistic rna-

1 F'.




• Upon Walter R. Jones' (left) election by tile last con"YetJtiotJ to the position of national historian, Dr. J. Friet1d Day ( abo"Ye), his predecessor at1d last of the "sup,.eme" historians, rose promptly to his feet to ask the pri"Yilege of inductit1g his Sllccessor into office.

• terial, and his uncomprising insistence on high ideals in fraternity life and scholarship, will ever be remembered. "Since one of my new duties is that of advancing alumni interests, I look forward with anticipation to the future installation of an alumni chapter in Portland. There is, in that city, an excellent opportunity to form a strong Pi Kappa Phi alumni group which wiU be to Alpha Zeta, at Corvallis, as the Seattle Alumni Chapter is to Alpha Delta, here at the University of Washington." Formal recognition was paid Brother Day in the reading of the citation for outstanding service to the fraternity. Since Brother Day, living in Vancouver, B.C., could not definitely plan on attending the Alpha Delta Founders' Day banquet, in December, it was decided to read the citation at t'he November affair when large numbers of out-of-town alumni were present. "My association with the fraternity has been of the highest value to me," said Brother Day, in acknowledging the citation. "I've paid a price for my labors, and (Continued on page 35)




Homecoming and housewarJllj~g· er left: Districtnso~ Russell B. Joh r ~ present. Lo~etiO~ Alumni assoCla bbif!. cers-Harry l'Ja retary-treasurer; J(t Dean, president;c.li~ Johnson, vice-pr

pper left: Wives and gathered with umni and undergradu· ea for dedicatory serv· es. Center: The new Jme of Alpha Omicron. ight: A part of the umni representation retming for Homecoming ~eethearts

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A New Home For Alpha Omicron By L. W.Johnson weekend of November 3 was a very impressive THE one for the Alpha Omicron chapter. Friday night two men were initiated, Orville Christenson, senior, and Frederick Towell, sophomore. On Saturday the homecoming game with Kansas State was held. In the evening the fall dance was held in the new chapter house. And on Sunday the biggest event of many years-a very unique housewarming dinner was held in the spacious dining room of the chapter, which was filled to capacity with alumni, undergraduates, and girl friends. Howard Leake came out to visit the chapter, and took part in the big weekend. Alpha Omicron is very proud of its new home at 407 Welch Ave. More than one third of the alumni have been back to view the new home and pass their judgment. New alumni officers elected during the weekend were: Ed Dean, president; Kenneth Johnson, vicepresident; and Harry Mabbitt, secretary-treasurer. The undergraduates had a picnic fixing up the house this fall and with the able assistance of Mrs. Henry Geise, wife of Professor Giese, were able to finish decorating the inside of the house in a very at10


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tractive way in time for rush week. It was necessary to purchase several new pieces of furniture this fall to fit in with the new surroundings. Alpha Omicron is busy on the campus; John Cowan, senior, is working out every day to obtain his post oil the varsity basketball team again this year. He has al~ been pledged to the Knights of St. Patrick, a natio~ engineering honorary society, along with Orvtlle Christenson, who is serving on the Engineering Couo· cil at the present time. Fred Towell is out for the varsity wrestling team this year. Robert Brandau, horticulture junior is president of the Intramural Coull" cil, and aided in making the Little Mid-West Horticul· ture Show a success, as did Lawrence Johnson, another junior horticulture student, who is on the Agriculture Council this year serving as junior representative frofll the Horticulture Club. Paul Max Muller is working oil the Ames Forester, is a senior and will graduate ill March. Kenneth Thompson, is assistant issue editor of The Iowa State Student, a tri-weekly paper. The boys are looking forward to a very successful winter formal to be held February 23, 1935 at the (Continued on page 36)

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Alpha Epsilon Moves By BYRON L. HERLONG and JOE O'CONNOR ALPHA EPSILON returns to its own. That is about

~ the substance of the recent activities of the chapter to obtain a permanent residence which would be attractive and possess adequate space for the many ltlen which make up its membership. In making final steps to achieve this, the undergraduate and alumni building committees made the decision to regain the former residence owned by the chapter anCI to make the addition to it necessary to meet the requirements. To the former home of the chapter was added a wing Which permitted to the chapter a spacious dining room, not had before, and above it additional study and sleeping rooms to accommodate comfortably the many ltlen of the chapter. The older portion of the house was occupied at the beginning of the fall term and the addition was completed for residence a few weeks after the opening of the term. This addition cost in the neighborhood of $s,ooo and brought the total valuation of the property up to $30,000. The chapter is exceedingly proud of the home and considers it one of the most attractive of the fraternity residences on the campus. Formal opening of the house occurred during Homecoming in connection with the Florida-Georgia Tech game of November 24. Many alumni returned for the game and found themselves waxing enthusiastic over the house and the decidedly outstanding group of men of the chapter. A buffet luncheon followed by a dansant made up the social events in honor of the returning alumni. Brother Frank McSherry (Pi) brought his orchestra from Atlanta to furnish the ltlusic. An attractive feature of the homecoming was the stellar work of three men of the chapter in the game Which Florida won by the score of 13 to 12. The sports Writers were agreed that the narrow victory was mainly

In and About Alpha Epsilon 'f.!PPer: View of Alpha Ep~on House from University b.Venue. Lower left: He is a . 'S: man, Alton Brown, phys'c41ly and in accomplish'i,'ents. Emphasizing h is ~eight are Louis Wolfort and 째 ert White. Right: Varsity 1ettermenHerlong, man"S:er, basketball; Dooley, ~"Plain, baseball; Allen, boxE,"s:; Cherry, t,ootball and 8<~sketball; W 1 j t e , track; r'own, football and track; ~ urner, jootball; H o we, ' 4ck; an Seay, baseball.

to a New Residence due to the playing of Alton Brown, Harold Rowe, and William Turner and saw fit to emphasize the work of these men prominently in their articles. Thirty eight active men returned and we have added twenty-seven pledges: Tommy Alday, Harold Rowe, Pete Palmer, Gainesville; Jack Bush, AI Buschman, Daytona Beach; Robert Jerry Beville, Bobby Franklin, Leesburg; Ben Bond, Clem Haley, Sarasota; Arthur Boutwell, Lake Worth; Ray Cambron, Ocala; Lem Downs, Charlie Norris, Bob Quixley, Nelson Morley, Mt. Dora; Joe Edwards, Buddy Faulds, Clearwater; Johnny Haverstick, Fernandina; Marvin Henderson, Bill Seltzer, Tampa; Hunter Lyons, John Vernon, Miami; Ben McLauchlin, Fairfield; Charles Ware, Mayo; Guy Wood, Joe Whittlesey, Bill Wightman, Jacksonville. David Barcus, our archon, is also president of Thyrsus, vice-president of Alpha Zeta, and student instructor in horticulture. We have five members of White Friars, the latest initiate being Bill Taylor. Eight Pi Kapps are varsity letter men: Alton Brown, Bill Turner and Spurgeon Cherry in football and track; also Bob White and George Howe in track; Dan Allen, boxing; Jesse Dooley, captain of the baseball team and Byron Herlong, manager of basketball. Frank Walrath is president of the junior class; Charlie Fulton is member of the Honor Court, and Byron Herlong is president of the Athletic Council. Bill Bell is one of the founders and now is president (Co11tir.ued


page 35)

Fire and Blizzard Nothing to Alpha Theta Upper left: Shows from inside what lower left shows from outside, Alpha Theta house is now well ventilated. Upper right: ln the wall in the right the fire started from a defective ligl1t switch-tile living quarters. Lower right: Treasurer Ronald Heath and Archon Ed fepson wl10se smiles show no perturbation.

By J. L. HURRLE, Alpha Theta

·wnan President Fred A. D1 · and L. B. Scholl of the alu: board of control, and Exak · tive Secretary H. D. Le :~ Among the alum?i presej\. were Robert Dear10g, 1 · HEY are sorta hot lads at Michigan State. The ac- Davenport, Edward Brewster, Orson Byrd, C. H. P~P~; tives of Alpha Theta got underway with such pre- H. D. Lakin, Karl Jepson, Kline Sprague, all me;!\ cision and energy and applied the heat to the pros- of Alpha Theta; Chan Johnson, Chi, John 0. a1 ' pects so intensively that apparently internal combustion Gamma, and Hubert Griffin, Alpha Rho. der resulted. Anyway, at 5:30A.M. on the morning of the Following the formal program, which was un the 24th, fortunately warm, the lads had to perform a the direction of John Wortman as toastmaster!d t forced pajama parade, accelerated by the crackling of meeting was turned over to Fred Dittman, as pres.1 ; . flames and odor of burning wood, clothing and books. of the Alumni Board of Control, to steer in the dts ble Fortunately all escaped with little trouble and no injury sion of the future remodeling plans. After a profita o· whatsoever. When the firemen were through, there was discussion of ways and means a definite course of pr little left but a shell of the former home of the chapter. cedure was established which should lead to the even· ce The men rallied around Archon J. E. Jepson to tual occupation of a very attractive residence. It was Harold Lakin who introduced another sour a.s promptly make the best of the catastrophe. Another house was rented and what was left of furniture and of tension in the chapter the following day. It ~ng personal belongings was moved in . It took on the learned that he was among those who were stayt a.s nature of a camping experience, but no kicks have the night in the ill-fated Hotel Kerns, and thereb~!fl. 1 been forthcoming and spirit has been higher than much calling of hospitals and papers for news of be before the fire, if that is possible. No doubt the cheer- A call to his home brought the relieving news that d ful feelings are based on the fact that the loss to furni- was on a business trip to another city at the t~me/rd. ture and house was adequately covered, and just two that he had escaped with his pajamas and btll ~at The Founders' Day banquet was such a success weeks prior to the fire the majority of the men had taken out insurance to cover personal effects, upon the it was decided to make it an annual affair. The::~ urging of members of the alumni board of control of of the chapter are grateful for the fire, and it has e d the chapter. These men share the hero limelight with suggested that they have an annual pajama parade an Lester Strickland, who was the first to discover the fire bonfire, to commemorate the event. e Alpha Theta chapter has been "right up in thr in and to raise the alarm. An additional indebtedness is felt among the men this fall. The chapter now has 25 pledges anti ear Yof of the chapter to the Phylean Society, .Sigma Alpha the term formal initiation was given to six pledges ted Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Alpha Chi Sigma last year. In scholarship last year the chapte~c:~ an for the generous and hospitable way in which they second highest of the 17 fraternities at Mi tg came to their assistance to offer the facilities of their State College. us houses until such time as the chapter could make arThe chapter is represented in many of the carfer· activities. Archon J. Jepson is treasurer of the .;rna rangements to rent. The excitement and inconvenience did not hinder Fraternity Council and a member of Beta Alpha St ·or' the chapter in its plans for Founders' Day, nor did landscape architecture fraternity. Jim Aldrich, a sen tar; the blinding snow of the evening or the zero-flirting is drum major of the band. Five of the brother~ es temperature prevent an enthusiastic turnout, which members of the Men's Glee Club. Two of our ple gth; totalled sixty and included many alumni from Detroit Bob Reynolds and Frank McNaughton, were 0~ es and surrounding places, several hours drive away. freshman football squad; and another of o~r pie ttaU Among the speakers of the evening and those present John Crary, is junior manager of the varsity foo were National Treasurer J. Wilson Robinson, Distr!ct team. Archon G. B. Helmrich, Chapter Adviser L. N. Field, (Contint1ed on page 35)


----------------~~~----F THE STAR AND LAM




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Descendants of Founder of .Drexel, Faculty Member, Initiated by Alpha Upsilon By H. B. COLEMAN, Alpha Upsilon



r A. Harry Wagner A.

J. Drexel Paul

Q N .THURSDAY evening December 6, Alpha Up-



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stlon formally initiated into membership A. J. /exe1 Paul and George W. Childs Drexel, members 0 f the Board of Trustees; A. Harry Wagner, member 0 the Civil Engineering Department staff, and three ~dents, John Rittenhouse, Richard Balinger, and t rn. McFadden. The initiation, held at Dufour's Resturant in Philadelphia, center of the old financial secton of the city, was followed by an excellent banquet and after-dinner speeches. . l'he program started at 6:00 P.M. with an impressive IO 'f ltation ceremony. The new members were congratu1 la-ted and an informal talking session held sway until ·15, when the dinner was served. Brother E. D. McDonald, head of the English De~artrnent of Drexel Institute, and toastmaster of the ~ening, presented in turn Brother Wagner; Gilbert J. Ph~r, president of the Alumni Chapter of PhiladelC ta ; Dr. R. E. Hanson, chapter adviser; John Men_ann, archon; Dr. Kolbe, president of the Institute; C~bert · Oberholtzer; and Brother Galph in of Beta apter. a Dr. Hanson presented the Pi Kappa Phi scholarship b\Vard to Alan Tomlinson, the second honor of its kind rought to Alpha Upsilon in its two years of existence. Of Brothers Drexel and Paul besides being members f the Board of Trustees are direct decendants of the ounder of Drexel Institute. f An open house was given one Sunday afternoon or the benefit of parents and friends of members to ~e.sent an opportunity for meeting the brothers and etng the house. . a Oflicers of the chapter are: John H. McCann, ~chon; W. H . Miller, treasurer; Edwin C. Wiegmann, cretary; Henry B. Coleman, historian; George W.

o----~--------------p PI KAPPA PHI

George W. C. Drexel

Wiley, chaplain; J. Stanton Tushingham, warden. Other recent initiates: W. E. Gill, G. E. Kauffman, J. N. Reynolds.

An Appreciation At the University of Alabama, Omicron chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was one of the first fraterni ties to employ a house- . mother. Mrs. C. T. Fitzpatrick of Montgomery, Ala., came to us in the spring of 1932. She has been with us since then and has rendered the chapter many services. "Mother Fitz," as she is affectionately called, has added an atmosphere to the chapter which has caused comment from Mrs. C. T. Fit:(patrick all who have visited the d1apter. On the campus Pi Kappa Phi is known as the fraternity having the sweetest and most lovable housemother. She has become famous among the fraternities and sororities, and we feel that she is largely responsible for any advances that the chapter has made since she has been with us. Without Mother Fitz our social functions would never be as successful as they are. She has the interest of the chapter at heart, and we feel that we owe her more than we can ever repay. 13

The Man of Many Faces By LELAND F. LELAND, Tau Kappa Epsilon, in "The Fraternity Month" This interesting article concerning Robert Everhart, Alpha Nu, appeared in the November, 1934, issue of The F1'atemity Month, the interfraternity publication of which Leland F. Leland is editor and publisher. He is also editor of The Teke of Tau Kappa Epsilon. and gentlemen, looking to the right you LA-DIES will see two human beings, a man and a woman who are slowly turning to stone .. . and here is little Ruth, the small miss with three arms and four legs ... and here, my friends, is 'Popeye' in person." The red curtains were drawn back and there stood none other than Popeye the Sailor; his nose in his mouth, his skipper's cap over one eye, his pipe hanging from his mouth. In another instant Popeye was gone and a traditional hatchet-faced mother-in-law countenance had taken his place. "He's the man with a dozen faces. A college man, a Greek fraternity man." We stood and wondered what college and what fraternity- a tip to two editors' curiosities. So back stage we went to interview Popeye. His jaw back in place; his blonde head exposed, we found him in his cubicle and as the ballyhoo men took the next crowd around the amphitheatre of Ripley's Odditorium at the Century of Progress we listened to Robert Everhart, II K ~ from Ohio State University and Yale, tell how he wanted to see the Fair but being without the wherewithal either to get inside the gates or to go on home to Dundee, Ohio, he decided to try to get a job. Making faces was his stock in trade; he could make a crowd horrified, excited by gruesome oddities, laugh; he got a job with Ripley's. From his early youth he has entertained, has had ambitions to be a genuine comedian. Thwarted by family he took up his next talent, painting, after having tried pre-law upon his university debut in 1925. But dramatics claimed much of his time for he belonged to Scarlet Mask, University Players, National Society of Wesley Players and Forum, the Forensic Society. When 14

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Robert (Popeye) Everhart


professional plays needed extras he was alw~ys of hiS the cast. In Robert Mantell's last presentatton Shakespearian productions, Bob had a part. d on A Fine Arts degree won in 1929, Bob s~arte hort his Master's in painting at Yale. By presenttng s hiS acts at private parties in New Haven he kept uiNC\" dramatics and soon became a member of th~ t he Haven Theatre Guild. It was during this time ~~~ hiS first discovered his ability to voluntarily disloca ~iofl, jaw; accidentally dislocated twice in close succ.~~ 110t he found that he could accomplish the act at w~ ~er:tl too often and not without discomfort at .first. e wl!S months before the cartoon character of Popeye !{is known he had been doing the sailor chara.cte:~ call likeness to the cartoon has caused the public u!d him by the name. 0 A "Chic" Sale type of comedian, good years woung have found steady and lucrative employmen~ fo?o 0oo Bob Everhart. The depression has sent hun d' for miles, "making faces," leading a hill billy ba~路c for radio broadcasts, entertaining a downhearted pu ;ainlf a meal and a bed. His philosophy of lif~ shows es to through his recital of the facts of his llfe. He ~ome make people laugh and forget their troubles. days he dreams of doing it on Broadway.


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Alumni Chapters

We are grateful in our acknowledgment of the contributions, since the last issue, of the following men to the Corps Fund:


Dale W. Alves, Nu William R. Berger, Alpha Xi WadeS. Bolt, Sigma Dr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon Paul H. Stanley, Omega Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener, Alpha

G. 0. Green L. M. Shirley Recently elected president and secretary of the Raleigh Alumni

DETROIT c ..The alumni of this city have been actively engaged in 0 Perating with the Michigan State Chapter. On two occa5 dtons, Homecoming and Founders' Day, many of the members arov~ to the chapter and participated in the entertainment and p~ttvtty in connection with these two events. Recent elections C~ced W. C. Brame, Upsilon, in the position of president; ll an Johnson, Chi, in the secretary's seat; and Orson D. Yrd, Alpha Theta, in the treasurer's position.





Anniversary Corps




~ tsh to report a very line and active season. Our calendar of bv~nts as outlined in the last issue of The Star and Lamp is



"'.Thus far the "Pi Kappa Phillies," as we have been called,

etng followed with considerable success. f The opening meeting of the season in September which 1!~wed a supper at Pierre's, a prominent restaurant just 0 lltstde Philadelphia's city limits, was well attended. Brothers 8 a eddall and Schisler from Tamaqua, Pennsylvan ia, very &reeably surprised us by their timely visit at this event. th ~lev~n members of the Philadelphia Alumni together with at etr Wtves and girl friends enjoyed an excellent Bridge Party r f Brother Bartleson's home in October. Plenty of cards and ie reshments claimed everyones' attention until an early mornng hour. elf Those at the November meeting were held repaid for their "' Orts to attend. Brother Bishop, at whose home the meeting buas. held, gave us a very nice supper after all the club's Stness had been transacted. of ~he Alumni joined with the active chapter in celebration It 0 Unders' Day, December 6, at Dufours' Restaurant where or' J, Drexel Paul, G. W. Childs Drexel and A. Harry Wagner c the faculty of Drexel Institute were formally initiated. Offifor the coming six months were elected at this event and aers a f ollows: archon, Brother Spahr; treasurer, Brother Shre •S ernery; secretary, Brother Bishop. ti Between the events listed above two of the Brothers found h~e to take the daring step. The marriage of Robert Ober0 ller, Alpha Upsilon, to Miss Violet Leewright occurred

C)---------------------F PI KAPPA PHI

on October 5, 1934. Their home address is 1205 Oak Street, Norristown, Pa. Brother Frederick Krupp, Mu, married Miss Ida Gudebrod of Wayne, Pa., on October 19, 1934. They are making their home at Suffolk Manor Apts., Clearview and 15th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

CLEVELAND Founders' Day was celebrated by the Cleveland Alumni Chapter with a dinner dance at the Lyndhurst Country Club. Thirteen couples enjoyed dinner and dancing after which they returned to the home of Brother Cummins. A short meeting was held at which archon Fred Harrell read communications from the central office, national officers and founders, also a telegram from Brother H. 0. Merle of Columbus. After the meeting, bridge was the diversion of the evening.

ATLANTA Prior to December 10, Founders' Day, the chapters and officers of the fraternity received announcements from District Archon Francis Dwyer of the forthcoming (Fifth Annual) broadcasting of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter program for the evening.

RALEIGH Raleigh Alumni Chapter is pleased with its well attended business meetings, social functions , and other get-togethers . The local chapter, Tau, has joined with us in many pleasant events and have graciously proffered their home as a meeting place. At a recent business meeting, Friday, November 23, election of officers for the coming year was made. Garland 0. Green is president; John Coffee is vice-president and L. M . Shirley is secretary-treasurer. These new men in office will have to go far to keep the pace of accomplishment of the retiring officers: J. T. Richardson, president; S. W. Bailey, vicepresident; and Tom D . Cooper, secretary-treasurer; for these men saw the chapter through from the inception to the award of chapters. Taking this means, we wish to extend to the brothers in our vicinity our sincerest invitation to meet with us, as the occasion presents, for we feel highly elated over their past visits with us. When you get those reminder cards from Brother Shirley, crank up and come on over!

Robert Grady Accepts Call After graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary, Robert C. Grady, Epsilon, has received the opportunity of entering actively his profession by accepting an offer of the First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, N .C.


Pi Kappa ·

Phi Music

Lyrics Lawrence J. Bohig, A S:

Harold H. Lewis, Nu Co pyright, 1935, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity


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composition below is the offering of Harold H. Lewis, Nu, and Lawrence J. Bolvig, Alpha Xi, to the collection of Pi Kappa Phi songs. Lewis wrote the music and Bolvig the lyrics. It was introduced at the banquet of the convention as the, official convention song and received a great reception. It is urged u~on the chapters to adopt it as a general song, for it has the spirit and time to become well adapted to thrs purpose. , The words "to reaffirm our friendships once again" were originally written as "to hold a great convention once again," and were changed to accord to the song general character follov.:ing the convention. Both of these men are represented in the bound songbook of the fraternity by compositions and are therefore no strangers. "To Pi Kappa Phi" and the "Toast Song" came from the versatile talent of Lewis. To Larry and Mrs. Bolvig we are indebted for the "Dream of Pi Kappa Phi." Harold and Mrs. Lewis are prominently identified in the music circles of the great city; he as an instructor connected with the famous Junaud school, she as a concert cellist of note. Mrs. Bolvig ·is an · ' excellent pianist, while Larry confines his musical outlet to the use of hi~ pleasing voice. ·· THE



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WHEN l ALPHA-Won the Scholarship Cup Last Year Officers: J. W. Remington, archon; Paul Viohl, treasurer; J. 'f. Barfield, Jr., secretary; W. V/. Moore, Jr., historian; E. C. Kinder, chaplain; Julius Burges, warden. Recent Initiates: J. L. Friarson, Jr.; R. W. Hastings. Pledges: A. M. • Moore, Jr., Charleston; J. R. Harvin, Manning; H. H. Higgins, Jr., Charleston; Cary T. Durant, Sumter; L. T. Parker, · McColl; J. Bradley, Union; W. :NPope, Edisto Island. Alpha has just completed a high· ly successful rushing season. A ban· quet brought the period to a close. On this occasion the chapter was fortunate in having Founder Simon Fogarty as the principal speaker of the evening. Earl Halsall acted as toastmaster, and Professors Graeser and Mouzon were the other speak· ers. Every one regretted the absenc~ of Founder Harry Mixson who was called to Jacksonville on business the . morning of the occasion. This year Alpha men are procnt· nent in both curricular and extra· curricular activittes. E. C. Kinder is president of the junior class, co· captain of the fencing team, and photograph editor of the college an· nual. This is the third time in sue· cession that Brother Kinder has been president of his class. Paul Viohl !s vice-president of the Panhellen~c Council, president of the AthlettC Association and a member of the

The smiles belong to Alpha G~lllb~ Chapter and include tl~at of their lo-ved housemother, Mrs. Juliet La'RitM~ In the center the men of Alpha t appear in serious -vein. Belo'RI we '"'~ Alpha Iota in costume dress- yes, s,r, some costumes!!


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E R0 L L v:rsity basketball team. Julius Burges is representativeaf·large to the Student Council. J. T. Barfield is editor ~the college annual. On the annual staff are Brothers · M. Moore and L. A. Michel, and Pledge Pope . . Last year Alpha won the Panhellenic cup which is gtven to the fraternity attaining the highest scholastic a~erage for the year, and she is very hopeful of winlltng it again this year.

Alumni Personal

Clienry Viohl was married to Miss Louise Whitton of olurnbia, S.C.

BETA u Officers: D. W. Boggs, archon; R. C. Mclees, treasprer; William Clark, secretary; John Rauch, historian; reston Charles, chaplain; James Seagle, warden. Pledges: Total of 14, not listed.


°fficers: Robert Tuck, archon; Ray Bottari, treas-

t r~r; John Balzarini, secretary; Harold Senger, his-

Ortan; Carlton Corey, chaplain; Albert Classen, wardeo.

Cl?..ecent Initiates: William M. Chance, Jr., Ned R. ~0Uch, Jay W. Irvin, Sterling J. Norgard, C. Francis 1. cEnerney, Gilmore O'Neill, William S. Pascoe, Wiltarn R Proll, Charles F. Vannice. Pledges: 6, not listed.

DELTA-Many Honors Held .by · Chapter Members

g· 0 fficers: Newton Turrentine, archon; Wade Cog~ns, treasurer; Drayton Hopkins, secretary; Le Grand

~00dy, historian; Bruce Richardson, warden, Julian ebb, chaplain. l?..ecent Initiates: R. 0. McCorkle, D. C. Wakefield, 1r. Pledges: Seventeen. y At the first of the year our outlook for a successful ~ar was shadowed by the failure of six actives to resorn, but we were very successful during rushing sea-

CALLED When the Roll Is Called The editors wish to acknowledge the good assistance of, and extend appreciation to, the following chapter correspondents: W. W. Moore, Alpha; Le Grand Moody, Delta; D. P. Franklin, Epsilon; Robert Butner, Eta; Richard Verdier, Iota; R. E. Knox, Lambda; Robert L. Rigsby, Mu; Ed Sellers, Xi; Wiiiiam D. Davis, Omicron; Robert Kuppers, Pi; H. E. Montague and Grier Wallace, Rho; W. L. Dixon, Tau; Ned W. Holland, Chi; Harold Wright, Psi; Ledford Carter, Alpha Alpha; John Anderson, Alpha Beta; Lewis Shawbell, Alpha Gamma; Wiiiiam Waara, Alpha Delta; Marvin Wilbur, Alpha Zeta; Calvert Brown, Alpha Eta; Austin Martin, Alpha Iota; Blondy · Henry, Alpha Lambda; Robert Wilgoos, Alpha Mu; Francis Orders, Alpha Nu; Ralph Ruch, Alpha Pi; Lamar W atring, Alpha Rho; Thomas McKinney, James Seay, Alpha Sigma; and Robert Mezger, Alpha Tau. Credit to others is given in other sections of the magazine. As the result of their cooperation, this is one of the most representative issues of The Star and Lamp ever published.

sity's laundry; and Brother Herndon, the canteen. Wade H. Coggins is assistant in accounting; C. Francis Dawes, in Spanish; Donald D. Ritchie, graduate of last year, is head of tl1e biology laboratories; Bruce H. Richardson is assistant in Zoology laboratory; and Pledge Watson is assistant in biology laboratory. Brothers Groce and Moody are Panhellenic representatives. Professor Bozard is a recent pledge. He is sophomore dean, popular English professor, and received his M.A. last year at Cornell.



t: Grand Moody, initiate of last year, won the decla-

s~~on contest. Robert B. Herndon is president of the


ent body. John H. Young is president of the u~~·C..A. Richard 0. McCorkhill is manager of the tverstty's pressing club; Brother Young, the univer-

Alttmni Personal The marriage of Robert Crawford and Mrs. Nan Robbins was an event of November 15 in Lyman, S.C., where Brother Crawford is connected with the Pacific Mills. 19

EPSILON- Gains Another Phi Beta Kappa Member

ETA-A Social and Political Reformation

0 fficers: Moyce Sikes, archon; Charles Barton, tr.ea:: 0 fficers: E. D. Otey, archon; HughY elverton, treasurer; W. D. Covington, secretary; D.P. Franklin, his- urer; Albert Carter, secretary ; Robert Butner, histona ' torian; Paul Warren, chaplain; Ben Wyche, warden. Ray Menkee, chaplain; Alton Davis, warden. d Recent Initiates: R. W. Hollbrook, L. D. Hubbar 1 Pledges: Philip Arrowsmith, Florence, S.C.; Alex Bowles, Asheville, N.C.; Tom Cameron, Raeford, J. A. Otwell, Jr., J. W. Salter, Jr. ld N.C.; Mac Cathey, Rockingham, N.C.; Chester Chase, Pledges: Cecil Perkle, J. McNatt, Earl .canfie Roanoke Rapids, N.C.; Ralph Chandler, Pinehurst, Marcus Marshburn, John Cords, Bill Hopkins, Fr N.C.; Mac Covington, Wadesboro, N.C.; Max Gregg, Guffin, Charles Jenkins, Ray Nixon, Robert R1'cketWilmington, N.C.; Henson Maples, Pinehurst, N.C.; son. . There has been a social and political reformation ~ William Mclean, Jamaica; Dick Melchor, Mooresville, N.C.; Buddy Rainey, Asheville, N.C.; Jimmy the chapter. This d1ange has helped the chapter bo Wilson, Lake City, Fla.; William Yelverton, Wilson, on the campus and among the active men.' The chapt~r gave its .first dance of the year November 16, 193 · N.C. Recently Epsilon had the pleasure of entertaining its The Iota and Pi chapters joined with Eta to celebrate first initiate, Dr. J. Blankton Belk, of Richmond, Vir- that occasion. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. ginia. Brother Belk conducted the fall services for the The twang of chilly air and appearance of mallYi college Y.M.C.A. While here Brother Belk was given hued leaves brought about the date for our annua a reception at the chapter house, and he talked much of opossum hunt. It was held December 5, 1934. On re· the early history of its founders. turning from the hunt the chapter gave a steak fry~% Epsilon is quite active in extra-curricular activities: the dates that had the courage enough to bunt WI Paul Warren, varsity cheer leader; Hugh Yelverton, them. e president of the Honorary Fraternity Council and secreOur gains have been many but we had to have s~: tary-treasurer of the Panhellenic Council; and Ben losses. To Lambda we sent brothers Fain Harne!! d' Wyche, business manager of college comic. Epsilon is James Taylor, Jerome Westbrook, and Frank Lan~for · also ably represented on the gridiron by Brothers Hun- With these men we sent one pledge, John Jenkins. ter, Corbin, and Patterson, and pledge Wilson with the Alrtmni Personals yearlings. In scholarship Matt Alderman has distinJames Lee Pittman married Miss Clare Jones on guished himself by his recent initiation into Phi Beta October 16. They are making their home in Atlan;· Kappa. where Dr. Pittman is associated in the practice of me t· The most important social event of the season was Jl Homecoming week-end at which time Epsilon was host cine with Dr. Earl Floyd. James Robert Bruce and Miss Catherine M. Hase to many alumni and charming ladies. The interior of the chapter house has been fittingly were married November 28. improved by the purchase of needed furnishings. lOT A - Representatives in NurYI" Alttmni Personals Epsilon is proud of J. C. Millar, its only movie acerous Campus tor, and is anxiously awaiting the release of his .first picture. Organizations Joseph Tayloe Bowers recently married Miss Anna May Kirn. Brother Bowers is associated with the BritOfficers: Wright 1'. ish-American Tobacco Company in Panama. Paulk, archon; J. V. M~A marriage of September 7 was that of Paul R. Clanahan treasure 1 ' · sec· Alderman, Jr., and Miss Helen Richardson. They are Malcolm G. Ketserl . residing in Alcolu, S.C. retary; Richard Verdter, historian; J. Simmons, per· ZETA chaplain, Arthur Officers: A. F. Burts, archon; C. B. Felder, treasC kins, warden. urer; T. R. Crider, secretary; A. P. Evans, historian; Recent Initiates: L. · M. J. Derrick, chaplain; B. W. White, warden. . Jr. ; D . c · John· Boyk m, J. Pledges: Total of 10, not listed. ston; G. W. Lokey, rj/ D. F. Ridings, Jr.; L. f. · Alttmni Personal Walker, .Jr., Charles · James Neville Holcombe was married to Miss FanMoore. nie Louise Vermont on November 23. Wrigl1t Paulk



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Pledges: Cargill Barnett, Ed Fambrough, Jimmy

~uff, Pete Williams, Ed

Leake, Boots Rogers, Tommy aker, Herbert Sams, Joe Body, John Boy, Newton ~~ouch, Herman Adams, Mabry Williams, Bill Shooke, ill McFee, Charles Johnson, Holcombe Verdrey. th"Iota is having the most successful year in its history ts year. We have one of the largest memberships of ~e fraternities at Georgia Tech and have representahves in practically every organization on the campus. d Wright Paulk, our archon, was recently elected president of the Senior class, and, in addition, he is presi~nt of Pi Delta Epsilon, national journalistic fraternrty, treasurer of the Interfraternity Council, a member of the Student Council, Sci entia Club, sd10lastic society, and Bulldog Club, social organization. E ~he chapter has more representatives in Pi Delta lstlon than any other fraternity on the campus, with F· A. .Siegle, Allen Morris, Gerald MacDonald, and reddte Fuchs being recently initiated. As for scholastic organizations, Thad Ricks and Brother Siegle became rnembers of Alpha Chi Sigma last month, and Allen ~orris, Gerald MacDonald, and Freddie Fuchs were Kitiated into Scientia Club. Domer F. Ridings joined appa Kappa Psi and Theta Beta Chi. Iota also has ~he distinction of having a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar among ~s alumni. This honor was conferred upon Hewitt Meraw, archon of last year. We are far from lacking in social activities. The an~ual pledge dance, which is to be a formal dinner dance allowed by a breakfast, will be given in the near future, and plans are being made to make it the biggest event of Tech society.

LAMBDA-Strengthened by Transfers and Many Pledges E 0 /ficers: W. Lawrence M. Knox, archon; Glenn W. l<:llard, treasurer; J. E. Harrison, Jr., secretary; R. E. Bnox, historian; J. Gibson Hull, chaplain; Edwin A. radshaw, warden. . l?.ecent Initiates: Thomas B. Heyes, George L. Mertttt, Jr., W . W. Wilkin. B ~ledges: J. G. Chambless, Americus; Robert Mayes, Ca.tnbridge; John Wilson, Thomson; Paul Trulock, I~max; P. T. Rich, Bainbridge; Charles Brooks, Col(Uttt; Calvin Stovall, Cornelia; Marion Luckey, HarRoy Simmons, Waynesboro.; Al Johnson, ~iberty, .e., Burch Hargrave, Thomasvtlle; John Jenkins, AtIanta · A J M D · 1 , . . c anre. Lambda's ranks were somewhat depleted upon the graduation of thirteen members last year, but their Places have been partially filled by six transfers from ~ther chapters, Eta losing the majority of them. Our Uture is now bright because of these additions and a Very successful rusliing season. Social affairs h'ave been limited to a house dance,

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held early in November, and a Homecoming houseparty. The former was the first of a series of dances to be given during the year. The latter, an annual affair, was attended by quite a few alumni and out of town visitors. In the field of intramural athletics we take a very active part. We at present have one of the best football teams on the campus and are making preparations to have a championship team in basketball.

Alrtmni Personals Brother and Mrs. C. A. Stoudenmire announce the birth of Nancy Mae on October 25, 1934. The marriage of Herbert S. Maffett and Eloise Young took place on November 23, 1934 in Chicago. Brother Maffett is connected with the Coca Cola Company in Chicago. Brother Marcus E. Rivers and EIIie Ruth Lewis were married on November 28, 1934. They are making their home in Thomson, Ga. where Brother Rivers is an employee of the Georgia Power Company. William Sanders Stewart and Miss Martha Frances Buchan were married on October 20. They are making their home in Bainbridge, Georgia. The nuptials of Carl Henderson Griffin and Miss Emily Brown were .performed on December 15. Brother Griffin is the senior member of the firm of Griffin and Griffin of Rome, Georgia, a judge of the Floyd County Juvenile Court, and is a member-elect of the house of representatives.

MU-Athletes Star in Chapter•s Activities 0 fficers; Joe E. Timberlake, archon; Jerry Marion, treasurer; John Watson, secretary; Nelson Jantzen, historian; Jack Satterfield, chaplain; Robert Vann, warden. Recent Initiates: A. Landis Brackbill, Gap, Pennsylvania. Pledges: Thomas Borland, Durham, N.C.; Richard Taliaferro, Columbia, S.C. Intramural football season is nearly over with the chapter having a record of four wins, two ties, and two losses. Intramural basketball has just opened, and we hope to have a successful season. Pledge Taliaferro and 0. C. Britton are first team varsity football men. Reichman, Leidy, and Kraushaar are varsity track men, and Wilson is a leading free style swimmer. J. R. Marion is senior manager of baseball and Konopka is varsity catcher. Open houses have been held after every home game and to supplement these social activities, plans are being made for a tea dance and formal evening dance for the latter part of this winter. Brother Dick has returned to Duke to complete his work. Charles W. Shuff of Epsilon Chapter has taken 21

up his pre-legal studies here . .Mu has five brothers in the Duke medical school and one in the Jaw school. Alumni Personals The marriage of our chapter adviser, A. H. Borland, to Miss Henri Williams took place on December 12. Brother J. H. Ryan is attending medical school in Michigan. Brother H. H. Starratt is with the auditing division of the government. Brothers R. B. Atkins, B. 0. Bryan, and To!son are also working in Washington. The marriage of Frederick W. Krupp and Miss Ida Stuttoford took place October 19, 1934 in Wayne, Pa. William Wade Phillips married Miss Julia Holman September 23. They are living in Black Mountain, N.C.

NU Alumni Personals Raben J. Maaske has the responsibility of the supervision of rural education and school law in the Department of Education, State of Oregon, Salem, Oregon. Dale W. Alves is a department manager for Montgomery, Ward in Hastings, Nebraska.

XI-Many Presidencies Held by Justin Tobias · 0 fficel's: Justin Tobias, archon; Melvin Goldman, treasurer; Lynn Kennett, secretary; Ed Sellers, historian; Aries Clarke, chaplain, Raymond R. Rice, warden. Recent b1itiates: J. E. Calfee, W. A. House, M. S. Raikes. Pledges: R. B. Long, W. P. Reed, W. P. Tice, R. B. Stephenson, B. R. Smith, R. W. Bible, J. B. Frier, B. R. Austin, Roanoke, Virginia; S. T. Balengee, B. C. Horne, E. G. Wood, Salem; J. R. Anderson, R. C. Anderson, Bluefield; W. H. Perdue, Bramwell, W.Va.; P.R. O'Conner, "Flash" Rice Glasgow; S. Whitmore, Football and Basketball Broadway; F. Cline, Orange, N.J. In our recent election, Justin Tobias was made archon. In the recent student body elections Toby was 22

made president of the senior class. Also for two y~ars he has been president of Alpha Psi Omega, internatJOnal dramatic fraternity. And for three years he ha~ re· mained head cheer leader. Always at the head of thmgs, Toby was chosen president of the Panhellenic Counci!, and one year was president of the German Club. He 1 ~ also a member of the G.A.A. The most recent bestowa of honor upon our archon is membership in Blue Key. Lynn Kennett is president of the sophomore class. Arles Clarke is co-manager of athletic equipment, man· ager of football, manager of basketball, and a member of the G.A.A. Raymond R. Rice is the coach's answer of a prayer for a fleet back. He is always good fo~ at least one touchdown on the gridiron, and ten po10ts on the basketball court. This year the basketball team will be built around Rice. Ash Huse is number two man on the tennis tearn, a member of the Honor Council, business manager of the RaUJenoch, secretary and treasurer of the German Club, and chairman of the Social Committee. Hubert Glass is the college's best hope in the 126 pound class. He is a southpaw that can take as well as give, but he usually manages to give more than he takes. And besides being a pug, Ducky is number three man on the tennis team. Social activities, so far this year, have included twO highly successful dances (one, the rushing dance, given at the house and the other, given by the pledges, at th~ Salem Woman's County Clubhouse) and a smoker, a1 of which were enjoyed thoroughly. In the recent freshman elections, goats W. H. perd due and J. R. Anderson were eJected president an secretary-treasurer of the class, respectively.

OMICRON-Pledges Receive Many Honors Officers: Warren D. Hemphill, archon; Ha:~ 1 · Carroll, treasurer; James A. King, secretary; W'JlhaCO D. Davis, historian; George W. Turner, chaplain; Her· man Maddox, warden. Pledges: Yougene J. Lamar, Montgomery, Ala.; Lanier Foster, Luverne, Ala.; Wilmer F. Watts, Lu· verne, Ala.; John R. Lowrey, Centerville, Ala.; 0>rdon Hunter, Roanoke, Va.; Edward White, Vr1ah, Ala.; Roy Payne, Dora, Ala.; Otto Guy Taft, Oneonta, Ala.; Barksdale Jordan, Vernon, Ala.; Marion Melson, Selma, Ala.; John Starnes, Guntersville, Ala.; warren Collier, Dadeville, Ala.; Willard B. Joy, ColumbuS, Ga.; Cary Cooper, Gadsden, Ala. Omicron is proud of its fine group of pledges. 'J'wO of them, Hunter and White were initiated on Novern· ber 3. Our big initiation will be held in February, at which time we plan to initiate the remaining pled$eS· Pledges Joy, Damar, and Cooper were initiated .tnt~ Rho Alpha Tau, honorary freshman fraternity, an


pledge Joy has also pledged Delta Sigma Pi, national commerce fraternity. . Intramural sports are well under way. H. L. Carroll Is. student manager, and we are looking forward to winnmg several cups this year. Omicron's social activities have been limited to a tea dance for the pledges which was given in early October. Founders' Day was celebrated by a stag banquet at the chapter house. Leo H. Pou was present, and Omi~ron presented him with an award for meritorious servICe which the national convention conferred upon him. ~enry H . Mize, who has just recently been apP01nted as our chapter adviser, was one of those selected to represent the University of Alabama in the try for the Rhodes Scholarship for the current year. Omicron welcomed Harvey W. Bush, who is a transfer from Drexel.

Alttmni Personals Gerald Ackerson was married to Miss Mary Louise Anderson on September 6. George Grant of Daytona Beach, Fla., visited the chapter in early October. John W. Hart is engaged in the practice of law in Union City, Tenn. Robert E. Tidwell is connected with Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. in Birmingham, Ala. The marriage of Charles Waverly Kendrick and Miss Iva Marjorie Carroll took place on November 4. They are making their home at 593 Sherwood Road, Atlanta, Ga. The marriage of William J. Bennett and Miss Mary M. Neighbors took place on October 22, in Mobile, A.Ia. They will make their home in Chicago, Ill., where Brother Bennett is connected with the Illinois Central Railroad.

PI-Six路 Men on Varsity Football Team 0 fficers: Kelly Byars, archon; Thomas Ewing, secretary; Marvin Bentley, treasurer; Robert Kuppers, historian; Everett Peed, chaplain; William Borman, warden. Recent Initiates: T. E. Ewing, C. D. Wooten. Pledges: Hoyt Farmer, Albert Woodruff, Rudy Mac~amara, Lacey Gilbert, Elmer Mumm, T. H. Dean, William Pirkle, Brust Barton, Hubert Elliott, Robert Murphy. The chapter this year had six men on the varsity football squad and they are all showing up fine. They a.re Kelly Byars, Alva Thompson, Robert Kuppers, Wilham Borman and Pledges Macnamara, and Farmer. Macnamara is considered by many to be one of the best


ends to ever wear the Gold and Black for the Petrels. The freshman team also had its share of Pi Kapps in Pledges Murphy, Mumm, Pirkle, Barton, Elliott, Dean and Gilbert. On The Stormy Petrel staff, the school paper, are: Brother Kuppers, sports editor; Pledge Murom, assistant spurts editor; Thomas Ewing, circulation manager and Pledge Murphy, assistant circulation manager. On the annual staff, The Y amacraw, are Marvin Bentley, associate editor, Brother Kuppers, sports editor and Brother Ewing, photographic editor. Other organizations in which Pi 's members stand out are: Blue Key, with Bentley and Byars; Lords Club, with Bentley, Thompson, Byars and Peed; The "0" Club with Macnamara, Borman and Farmer. Farmer and Borman are varsity baseball men. Marvin Bentley was chosen by Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, President of Oglethorpe, to serve as a member of the Student Advisory Committee. Bentley was selected from the student body as a whole. On October 10 the entire chapter was given a splendid chicken dinner by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams, Pi's sponsors, at their beautiful home on Habersham Road. After the dinner the Pi Kapps and the Chi Omegas went together and held a dance for the remainder of the evening at the William's home. Everyone present enjoyed this delightful affair.

Almnni Personals Silas Newton Connally was married to Miss Elizabeth Byers on September 15. Brother Connally is affiliated with the B. F. Goodrich Tire and Rubber Company. The coupLe are residing in Bayside, L.I., New York. Blackman Hayes Dunn and Miss Jane Elizabeth Lively were married Thanksgiving morning, November 29.

RHO-Many Athletes Bring Chapter Recognition 0 fficers: I. Grier Wallace, Jr., archon; C. B. Winter, secretary; H. E. Montague, historian; R. M. Brown, chaplain; J. J. Pette, warden. Recent Initiates: W. A. Cliburn, F. B. Coolidge, P. S. Jones, A. J. Strauss. Pledges: D.P. ArnoLd, J. C. ArnoLd, Jr., H. F. Cary, ClearfieLd, Pa.; S. N. Baker, Freeport, N.Y.; A. Lugrin, Jr., Freeport, N.Y.; A. V. Mills, Jr., Little Falls, N.J.; M. de Ia Ossa, Panama; R. W. Sampson, Stroudsburg, Pa.; J. C. Shively, Chambersburg, Pa.; R. L. Sollenberger, Woodstock, Va.; A. J. Szymanski, Yonkers, N.Y. Although the football season is over, a mention should be made of those men who entered competition. George Glynn, playing his final year as varsity center was one of the outstanding players, receiving AllAmerican mentionings. Joe Pette, a junior, is also a


member of the team and we expect great things of him next season. Neophytes Szymanski, Mills, Lugrin and Shively won freshman honors in this sport. Dave Smith went in for a bit of arm waving ~ a varsity yell leader. The chapter is well represented in other activities on the campus. Joe Pette, varsity letterman is expected to lead the courtmen to fame this year, supported by Russ Doane who distinguished himself as forward on the frosh team. Pledges Baker and Lugrin are both expected to make the freshman team. Eddie Howerton, outfielder, Joe Pette, pitcher, and George Short, catcher, will represent the chapter in baseball. Glenn Shively will take care of the 145 lb. position on the wrestling team. Glynn will George Glynn help lead the swimmers All-American Mention to victory along with Clark Winter and Phil Jones, both dash men. Captain Short, Pledge Sollenberger, David Smith, and Anthony Strauss well represent the house in boxing. George McGeary and Fred Waters are both track men of no mean ability. George Short had the spotlight cast upon himself when he was chosen a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, chief among the honoraries. Short has himself well represented in the field of sport, being elected to the captaincy of two sports, baseball and boxing. We are all proud of George. Scholastically, the chapter ranks high among the many fraternities on the campus. Our archon and prize scholar, "Phi Bate" Wallace is still making his straight "A" average.


0 fficers: Niels Christensen, Jr., archon; William Crisp, treasurer; Cuthbert Prevost, secretary. Recent Initiates: Emmett C. Smith, George B. Timmerman, William H. Marvin, W. Lester Webb. Pledges: Total of four, not listed.

TAU-Slow Starting But Gaining Speed 0 fficer s: W. C. Wallin, archon; C. E. Lynch, treasurer; C. T. Brooks, secretary; W. L. Dixon, historian; 24

H. P. Hutchings, chaplain; W. R. Garrett, warden. Recent Initiates: Frank B. Gibson, Joseph M. Taylor. Pledges: Ten. Tau Chapter got off to a slow start, but we ha~e rapidly approached the top. Now we think we are Sl~· ting pretty. We got about the usual run of pledges thiS Fall. Due to the textile strike some of our old men were unable to return. Perhaps with better conditions these men will be back with us. t • t an This year we have a head cheerleader, an ass1s cheerleader, football manager, and three men in JiollllY · tra· Payner's Collegians, a dance orchestra. In our tn mural football league we came out second best. We also gave one of our famous front porch dances before the weather became too cold.

Alumni Personal The marriage of Jack Edwin Brantley and Mi~ Frances Ward Handy took place the latter part 0 October. They are at home at Asheville, N.C., where Brother Brantley is connected with the Texas CompanY·

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UPSILON Al11mni Personals Dr. Will E. Edington had a busy time this fall arf 0 ranging the annual meeting of the Indiana Academy Science, of which he is secretary. Word has been received from Brother and Kenneth W. Kuhl of the arrival of Kenneth Rober on September 9. . th Clarence Frazer was married to Miss Mary Ehzab~J King on June 2. They are living in Eldorado, I ·• 1 where Brother Frazer is busy as city editor of t1e Jomnal and raising a bird dog puppy.


CHI-Entertains College President



Officers: William Jennings, archon; R. B. I-1~~: treasurer; H. L. Bateson, secretary; Ned Holland, torian; Pierre Poole, chaplain; William Lovett, warden· Recent Initiates: J. N. Faircloth, H. M. Day. . Pledges: D. Bracey, Tom Co bb, Dt"ckson, F· F1t:z· .b gerald, Laurence Hartsfield, W. Hunter, G. l(lrhy, Laney, R. Ledbetter, P. Mcintyre, J. Minton, Murp [: Pawley, R. G. Roberts, 0. Sage, Jr., J. Salv~ge, ~. Sandlin, C. Saunders, C. Smith, F. Stoudenmtre, Warneck, W. Wilson. ff by Chi Chapter has successfully started the year 0 b wa 5 pledging the grapes of the campus. Pledge v: ~r Y elected president of the freshman class. rn We are especially honored in having chosen fro ry our group the student mayor of Homecoming, Arno Underhill. . s Howard Bateson and Mac Day, two of our act;v~; were recently pledged and initiated into Theta A P r· Phi, dramatic society. Brother Underhill, student mayo


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elect, and president of Theta Alpha Phi was recently *~ted president of Phi Alpha Delta, legal fraternity. tlliam Jennings, archon, was chosen president of ~e Mystic Crew, honorary fraternity. The cheer leadIng staff of the university is directed by Neal Fairdoth and R. B. Hall. . Chi Chapter was honored by the presence of PresIdent and Mrs. W. S. Allen at its Homecoming luncheon at the Eastwood Terrace on November 17. Joe liendrix, of Tallahassee, officiated as master of cerelllonies and introduced the honor guests. Addresses in~~u~~d a welcome by William Jennings, a reply from ~lhng alumni by Kerfoot Bryant; a welcome by Dr. 路 E. Duckwitz. Amory Underhill and Boyce Ezell, ~r., were introduced as Pi Kappa celebrities. Interspers10~ the addresses was a varied musical program sup~lted by Gus C. Adams and Pledges Grover Kirby, dloyd Mahon and Lawrence Hats.field. The house was fi ecorated gayly for the tea dance which took place from ~e to seven o'clock, at which time the doors were ~.rown open to the entire campus to enjoy the melofiles of the "Mad Hatters," and the house was soon lied to overflowing. Alumni Personal Donald Eugene Horton and Miss Hazel Walker were lllarried in Deland, Fla., on November 26. They will ~ake their home in Bedford, Ohio, where Brother Orton is connected with the Ford agency.

PSI-SuccessFul Pledging Season Reported t Officers: Herman Wintzer, archon; Frank Conace, ~~urer; Lawrence Barbieri, secretary; Harold rtght, historian; R. B. Secor, chaplain; R. S. George,


S ~ledges: J. T. Ericson, J. F. Reilley, Saratoga Jrtngs; J. J. Senesi, Matthew E. Torti, Brooklyn, Y.; R. McDonald, Waterbury, Conn.; A. H. G ompson, Interlaken; C. Willsey, F. T. Mayberry, Ch路C. Schempp, J. R. Wilcox, Ithaca; C. C. Gregg, B .1ttenango; A. L. Parme, New Rochelle; C. M. Crtggs, Elma; G. T. Swanson, Jamestown; W. C. McBrone, Kenmore; K. F. Craig, Schylerville; H. W. Uel!, Bergen. f Graduation last year removed many valuable men rom the role of active members in Psi. Of these, only ~ne, Bill Delong, is back with us. He has an instrucdorship in chemistry and is working toward his doctor's f egree. In spite of this loss through graduation, we i~el th.at we have successfully made it up during rushs g thts term. Our grand total of pledges to date is :pe:"~nteen. This group has helped much in increasing 51 F s representation in activities on the hill this year. reshmen are participating in basketball, soccer, and


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important committee positions. Among our upper class pledges, one is out for varsity football, and another has become a member of Chi Epsilon, civil engineering honorary fraternity. Besides this, several active members and pledges play in the university band. We were pleased to have Brother Frank McMullen, the new District Archon, visit us October 12, 13, and 14. Also, we are looking forward to a visit from Brother Gerald Murry, '27, on November 17, as representative of the alumni group in New York City. Initiation was held on November 24. Brother James Donovan acted as toastmaster at the initiation banquet held at Fountainbleau. The men who were inducted into membership were: John J. Senesi, George T. Swanson, Kenneth F. Craig, John T. Ericson, John R. Wilcox, Courtland M. Briggs, Matthew E. Torti, and Hallsey W. BueU. Al11mni Personals James Goff was recently married to Miss Evelyn Williams. To read the Cornell paper is to arrive to the conclusion that the university is agog over the anticipation of football history of the future because of the arrival at the home of Brother and Mrs. Ferarro of John J. Ferraro, Jr., on October 23. His daddy is famous on the campus for captaining both freshman football and basketball and captaining both varsity football and basketball, during which he gained some AU-Eastern and AU-American honors. Brother Ferraro is cashier of the Connaught Hotel of Hamilton, N.Y., and also coach of the Hamilton semi-pro football team.

OMEGA 0 fficers: John S. Swaim, archon; W. L. Norrington, treasurer; Jack Swinney, secretary; Robert S. Green, historian; Albert Welty, Jr., warden. Pledges: Total of 17, not listed.

ALPHA ALPHA-Loses Outstanding Leader in December 0 fficers: Charles C. Jordan, archon; Jack Adams, secretary; William Perry, treasurer; Ledford Carter, historian; Franklin Martin, chaplain; George Jackson, warden. Recent Initiates: Walter Doyle, Macon; Jack Prance, Waycross; Charles Meyers, Albany. Pledges: Freeman Broadrick, Dalton; Speer Bolton, Meigs; Ajalon Daniels, La Grange; Pete Daniels, La Grange ; Harry Dismukes, Macon; AI Hirst, Chicago, Ill.; Joel Reeves, Atlanta; Charles Shives, Chicago, Ill. Outstanding on the campus are, George Jackson, president of the sophomore class; Franklin Martin, Honor Tribunal member; Jack Adams, assistant editor


of Cltuter,- W. B. Skipworth, cheerleader; Brothers Cooper, Meyers, Prance, and Carter, members of the Glee Club; Pledges Shives and Bolton, outstanding members of freshman football squad. When the brothers of Alpha Alpha Chapter return to school after the Christmas holidays, the present archon, Charles C. Jordan, will be an alumnus. He completes his work for an A.B. degree in December. Charles has twice been archon of the chapter, Panhellenic representative a number of times, and has served most efficiently as a rushing captain. He represented the chapter at the national convention in New York. He is a member of the Blue Key honorary fraternity and has served on the Honor Tribunal. Charlie has served as a nucleus for chapter activity and has been an able leader. The chapter looks to him as an ideal Pi Kappa Phi. Alumni Personals

The wedding of Thomas Lee to Miss Julia McEachin took place in September at Atlanta. John Cash, '34, has accepted a position with the United States Department of Justice in Washington. Cleveland Kiser, '34, is teaching in the Sandersville (Ga.) High School. Embrey O'Connell married Miss Hazel Rogers on August 18. They are residing at 1081 Columbia Avenue, Atlanta, Ga.

ALPHA BETA-Chapter Welcomes New District Archon Officers: Lambert Boyd, archon; Clifford Webb, treasurer; Herman Janssen, secretary; John Anderson, historian; William Janssen, chaplain; Crawford Powell, warden. Recent Initiates: Lester I. Boone. Pledges: Eight. A new district having been created, with Clancy Latham at its head, Alpha Beta wishes to congratulate both him and themselves upon this happy occasion. Clancy is a charter member of Alpha Beta, a former archon of District Sixteen, former archon of the New Orleans Alumni Chapter and, at present as well as formerly, a great fellow, well liked and respected by all. Welcome, Brother Latham! We are looking forward to your leadership. A vote of thanks is due another alumnus, Brother Stanley Snider. For the past few years "Stan" was responsible more than any other man for the fact that Alpha Beta's shoulders were kept off the mat during the hard years of 1932 and 1933. Brother Snider attended almost all of the meetings during this period and his advice and words of cheer were most helpful in keeping the chapter in a good mood, free from despondency.


Thanks, Brother Snider! Don't think we haven't appreciated your good work. da Since the Tulane-Florida game, the house has ha ht rather unusual occupant-Oscar, a baby 'gator, ~ror~ly back by Herman Janssen. Oscar is not a part1cu a friendly housemate, but as long as he stays in his own foot-tub, peace prevails. . The chapter house was invaded by almost thtr~ ladies a few weeks ago, when a group of mothers an a alumni's wives had a bridge party. From all reports' mothers' club is in the offing.

ALPHA GAMMA-Chapter Boasts Star Halfback on Sooner Eleven 0 fficers: A. Ervine Swift, archon; A. H. Schmidt, treasurer; John Sherrill, secretary; Lewis Shawbell, historian. Recent Initiates: K. E. Berry, J. Bowman, R. Wright, Jr. Pledges: L. Patton, E. Schneider, Cherokee; E. Butler, Pond Creek; Zay Kimberlin, San Angelo, Tex.; D. Claphan, R. Hickox, Norman; E. Williams, Down, Ill., H. Perry, Minco. Alpha Gamma's contribution to the footbaii realm was in the form of Beede Long, 175-pound halfback on the Sooner eleven. He was placed on eight honor teams by various sports writers B ee d e L ong . . and coaches 1n the B1g Star of Big 6 Football Six Conference. Playing his second and .final year he arose to. the heights, being acclaimed by fans and sports sc!lbJS as one of the mainstays of the Oklahoma eleven. Bee e hails from Camden, Ark. Two choices had him as a .first string halfback on the honor teams and six others gave him second hon路 ors. On only one selection did he fail to place on s~me of the teams and here he was given honorable mentl~路 Coach Lewie Hardage, Oklal10ma University coa ' gave Brother Long a position on his selection. Alumni Pers011al f Notice of the change of managership in the horne 0 the Melville Metcalfes, has been received. The change




taken place because of the arrival of Marilyn eanor, on October 29.


ALPHA DELTA-Paul Sulkosky to the Front

and ts a

t 0 /ficers: R. J. Ultican, Jr., archon; Warren Hobbs, 1 ;~s~rer; Lloyd Ajax, secretary; Paul Dull, historian; p ham Murphy, chaplain; Robert Conner, warden. p ledges: A. Armstrong, R. Nelson, C. Beach, D. a~ker, Seattle; J. Barnes, Chehalis; R. Decker, Sandf0'0t •. ld~10; S. Weaver, Oroville; C. Randt, Winlock; Rtmptla, F. Yuskoff, Aberdeen; N. Broyles, enatchee; J. Harms, Chehalis. No~lpha Delta held its Annual Homecoming Banquet, se ember 24, at the Sorrento Hotel. There were over \V~enty-.five fellows present, including several alumni th om we have not seen for some time. The feature of ·~/_banquet was the installation of Walter Jones as . attonal Historian, by J. Friend Day. It was a very unp . h .resstve ceremony and Alpha Delta feels honored in \V~YIQg Brother Jones as the National Historian and Ish him every success in his new position. A Alpha Delta has moved to a new house at 4547 19th "Venue, N.E. This new place is a much larger house and Will prove a big asset in rushing and also in futur~ ~ccommodations. We are proud of our new home and t l that it will provide Alpha Delta with a comj Ortable home for a long time. th Paul ~ulkosky has just completed his third year on A~ Yarstty football team. He has been picked in several -Coast teams and has also received All-American ~ention. Paul was also selected to play in the Shriner's I ast-'West football game to be played in San Francisco







Pl~~nging Paul

on New Year's Day. This is a .fitting tribute to th¢ splendid ball playing of Paul during his three years on the Washington team. Leo Sulkosky has just returned from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attended the Scabbard and Blade convention. Leo is cadet colonel in the infantry unit of the R.O.T.C. Also Leo was on the national championship rifle team which won the Randolph Hearst Trophy. Another brother who was successful in the military ranks last year was Bill Krause who was lieutenantcolonel of the artillery unit. Bob Snider earned his second letter in crew last year, rowing in both races: California and the National Regatta at Poughkeepsie. Bob is back for his third and .final year, and will again be one of the mainstays of another powerful Washington crew.

Al11mni Personals William Franklin "Duke" Walthall ts m Alaska working in Fairbanks. He is doing very well in more ways than one--that is--he is going to be married next March. Brother Everett Rice is also in Fairbanks and writes that he has just shot a 950 lb. moose. John Martin, is another brother in Alaska. He is running a drug store in Juneau. Burman Winter, last year's archon, is working for an oil company in Texas and Arkansas. Burm is on the technical staff, not in a service station. Charles Conner is attending medical school in Denver, Colorado. Brothers Jerry Larson and Don Gill are working for the Proctor and Gamble Soap Co. in Kansas City. Don Tomlinson, Don Lawton, James Marsh, and Rene Koelbl en from Alpha Zeta; also Dr. George Odgers, Nu, who is now a Dean at the Pacific University at Forest Grove, Oregon, were recent visitors at the chapter.

ALPHA ZETA-Outstanding Activity Record


lleard . " . Seattl l"~v~r Rad1o: Who IS the most talked of man in e. Socko Sulkosky."

-----~~-------------Qp PI KAPPA PHI

0 fficers: Don Tomlinson, archon; John Hamilton, treasurer; Sam Pearson, secretary; Marvin Wilbur, historian; Carlisle Smith, chaplain; Don Lawton, warden. Pledges: Ward Anderson, Archie Beemer, Bob Harhis, Art Weiks, Norman White, Fred Zitzer, Lowell Pfarr, Gordon Fisk, Jack Hagedorn, Jack Medlar, Jack Parsons, Clyde Dean, Lauran Kittle, Marion Sigovich. In activities, the Beaver Alpha Zaters still rank high on the campus. John Hamilton was general chairman for the Associated Students of OSC ticket drive, chairman of publicity for Homecoming, member of Blue Key, and member of Alpha Delta Sigma, national professional in advertising. Don Tomlinson is pres-


ident of Alpha Delta Sigma, manager of the National Collegiate Players, manager of "The Late Christopher Bean," campus play, and member of the college glee club. Marvin Wilbur is associate editor of the Oregon State Daily Baormeter, editor-in-chief of the OSC Student Directory, president of Sigma Delta Chi, publicity chairman for the Memorial Union formal dance, and member of the publication board. Sumner Alldredge is on the Tech Record staff, Homecoming committee, chairman of decorations for the Memorial Union formal dance, a member of ASCE and a junior member of the Co-op board. AI Head is a member of the rally committee, on the Tech Record staff, member of the Homecoming dads' committee and has charge of the ASCE trip to Walport. The house is represented by six members in the R.O.T.C. branch. They are Sumner Alldredge, Ralph Davis, Jerome Fluke, Burt Frizzell, AI Head, Sam Pearson and Ross Roberts. Bob Weir is a member of the polo club. Ag club news, 4-H club and Daly club treasurer. Jack Parsons is on the Barometer managerial staff. Sandy McDonald is editor of the Ag club news. Jack Hagedorn was a member of the ASOSC ticket committee; Jim Marsh is vice-president of the OSC rifle team and Fred Zitzer and Norman White are members. James Marsh was also assistant list checker for the Directory and a member of ASCE. Ross Roberts is president of ASME and Carlisle Smith a member of Sigma Pi Sigma. Bob Pierce is circulation manager of the Barometer and sergeant-at-arms of AICE. Jerome Fluke was on the Homecoming stationery committee and a member of the OSC crew as is Ralph Davis and Anderson. Robert Beasley is a ASME member.

ALPHA ETA-Has Youngest Pledge 0 fficet·s: Henry A. Parker, archon; Jack Bell, treasurer; Everett Ingram, secretary; Calvert Brown, historian; Fay Askew, chaplain; Charles Sharpe, warden. Recent Initiates: J. H. Weaver, C. E. Sharp, J. J. Davis, J. L. Wittmeier, H. K. Martin, Jr., J. C. Smith, Jr., R. G. Thompson. Pledges: Fourteen pledges. The Pi Kapps of Alpha Eta Chapter are out for a big year in spite of having lost twelve active members by graduation as well as failure to return to school. Among our losses we find: Lee Hall, Robert Hall, J. E. Lee, Jimmie Edwards, Lupson Bains, Paul Gwin, Ernest Dunlap, Howell Bennett, Sam Jones, Calvin Petty, Henry Smith and Ollie Cobb. With thirteen actives and many pledges we are optimistic about the results of the year. We have several honors this year; Robert Allen is

president of the student body. Claude Smith as business manager of The Howard Crimson and the Entre NoiiJ and Jack Bell is assistant manager of both the above publications. We have the distinction of having among our pledges one of the youngest boys ever to attend Bow· ard College, Marshall Bennett, age fourteen. 1 All eyes have involuntarily turned toward the annua scrap with our local rival, Birmingham-Southern. Th~s feud will again be settled November 24, 1934. Th.tS game attracts better crowds than the larger ones ~n Birmingham. As per usual, we will give a dance t e night before the game. We were honored by a visit from our District ~r­ chon, J. Theodore Jackson . He departed after .havtnFt made friends with every pledge as well has havtng ]e the actives some sound appreciated advice.

ALPHA lOT A-Heacock and Pihl, High Honor Men 0 fficers: E. E. Heacock, archon; James A. Tyso~, secretary; Carl Pihl, treasurer; Austin Martin, histort· ']ton an; Charles Adams, chaplain; James M. Bam• ' warden. d Pledges: Fred Grant, Edward Crockett, Ja~k Lan.A· Montgomery; Edward O'Donnel, Elyria, OhiO; E. Jones, Roanoke; Edward Nolan, Howard Workman: Clarence Pruitt, Ashland; Buddy Crewe, Goodwa~er: Robert Mosely, Lincoln; Jack Adams, Alexander Ctty' William Roberts, Johnny Heacock, Sylacauga. t Many honors befell the chapter and individuals ]as spring in the campus elections. E. E. Heacock was · ty tO elected to Spades, leading undergraduate socte ' . which only ten seniors are chosen; Blue Key, ExeCU tive Cabinet, vice-president of Keys, and chairman of the Invitation Committee, to top our honor men£ Carl Pihl is captain of the track team, president ~ 10 Spike Shoe, member of the A Club, and an office.r 10 the Auburn Art Guild. Pihl also won first place a · ess state-wide poster contest sponsored by the Bustn . 1 Women's Club. Fay Looney was elected to the Socta Committee, the group that regulates the major dances of the year. Henry Fuller was initiated into Tau a;ta Pi. Ernest Rushing is a major in the R.O.T.C. an a · was member of Scabbard and Blade. Austin Marttn th elected secretary of the Keys. He is a member of e 0 track team also. James M. Hamilton was catcher : the varsity nine last year and a member of the A Clu · Hamilton is also a member of Blue Key. . II At the present time we have the house pract 101 ~ filled and it looks as if we may be able to fill it neJC semester. There are six pledges in the house. · sea· Pledges Crewe and Adams just completed thts son as members of the freshman football team. Cr~W~ starred on the Georgia Military Academy team as


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Year while Adams was a member of the famous Alex. City eleven. Pledge O'Donnel was a member of the ~rosh tank team and gave a good account of himself 10 exhibitions. Brother Charlton and Pledge Jones were members of the rat track team last spring. Charlton ran the mile while Jones was the leading 440 man . One of the highlights of the present semester was the Pi Kappa Phi Costume Ball held on the night of November 23. The dance was a great success with many alumni and students attending. It marked the first costu~e ball to be held on the campus sponsored by a SOctal organization.




Al11mni Personal An announcement has been received of the birth of Walter, on November 4, to Brother and Mrs. tdney E. Miller.


ALPHA LAMBDA-First to Acquire Fraternity House 0 fli.cers: Frank K. Hughes, archon; Richard A. Mil1 er, secretary; John E. Ward, treasurer; Bloody S. Henry, historian; D. D. Hakes, chaplain; John D. Dyer, Warden.

S l?.ecent Initiates: C. H. Wise, J . H. Rose, Jr., J . H . hanks.

Pledges: Walter Boyett, James L. Brookshire, Ar-

~~ur Busby, Allen Collins, W. B. Haney, Clyde A. Har-

K~' John Hunter, William Johnston, Morris Jones,

~~k McCormick, Terry Miller, Norris Overby, James llliam House, Thomas L. Harvey, James Rose, Jerome Shaw, Joe Parks, Jack Holmes, Harvey Mason. h" ~fter the expiration of the State law which pror.'btted fraternity houses in state institutions, Alpha ambda became the first fraternity at Ole Miss to secure a house. Although it is modest in comparison to some ~f ~he homes owned by other chapters in Pi Kappa Phi, tt ts a novel step in this vicinity. The home offers r~0 ming quarters to four brothers in addition to the c apter club rooms. b Social activities thus far have been limited to a anquet which the pledges gave in honor of the actives

Various and Sundry felt, down: Some of the actives and pledges of Alpha

~tip~bda; there is no mistaking the/ledges. Four officers of

lit Ia Lambda--Secretary Ric/tar Miller, Treasurer John gr ard, Archon Frank Hughes, Historian Blondy Henry. A 4°"P Picture of Alpha Eta Chapter with Horuemother 110°rgan. Glenn Shively, outstanding boxer of Rho. Rho's ttle decorated for Homecoming.

tght, down: Wise, Hughes, and Henry represented Alpha

GIJd J!a in the recent convention. Archon W. L. M. Knox

7' reasurer Glenn Ellard of Lambda Chapter. Alpha ataR Posing in the attractive jackets they have introduced Po ensselaer. The next picture is the gro14p which comses Rho Chapter. Below is the personnel of Alpha Rho.

on October 19. Among the guests were Dr. J. R. Simms, John B. Gathright, chapter adviser, and Marvin Dooley. These men were all instrumental in the establishment of the local chapter-hence the inspirational talks which they gave were attentively listened to by both actives and pledges. . Elaborate plans were formulated for the observation of Founders' Day with a dance. This social event took place on December 14 instead of December 10 because of local complications. A Christmas setting for this occasion was adopted-a real "gift of fellowship" in the "season of good cheer." Leaders of the chapter are: Frank Hughes, a "shiner" extraordinary-being both a senior law student and MOAK, and sports editor of annual; 0. L. Casey, another shyster, another MOAK, and assistant editor of the lAw Journal; N. C. House, chairman of Dance Committee, president of Medical School; Rome T. Dabbs, University Hospital interne; John D. Dyer, president of Medical Club; Bloody S. Henry, Interfraternity Council; John E. Ward, Interfraternity Council, and University Band; Herod Wise, vice-president of Pharmacy School; Dick Miller, who received his master's degree in Mathematics, returns as assistant in Mathematics Department. Promipent pledges are Norris Overby, freshman football; Bill Johnston, University band; Clyde A. Harbin, diving champion of Memphis, freshman football and freshman stunt night program; Walter Boyett, Mississippian staff; Harvey Mason, member of the State legislature. Alumni Personals

The chapter received a visit during rush week from Byrd Mauldin of Pontotoc, a member of the State legislature. Frank Lowrance .is employed as engineer on State Highway Construction program, near Oxford. Frank Carter visited the chapter during October. He is employed at home in Shannon, Miss.

ALPHA MU-Wins Two Intramural Cups 0 ffi.cers: Edward W. Jones, archon; Lloyd S. Bovier, treasurer; John F. West, Jr., secretary; Robert A. Willgoos, historian; Robert Davidson, chaplain; Guy C. Close, warden. Pledges: J. D. Brisbane, John Bowser, E. D. Camp, C. C. Conklin, S. A. Culbertson, R. N. DeCamp, W. E. Diefenderfer, E. W. Jones, F. R. Kapp, R. A. Murphy, George Nash, Peter Olexy, David Springer, Robert Williston. On September 10, 1934, Alpha Mu once more began its activities for the coming school year. The house, its interior completely repainted by some of the brothers 30

during the summer, was brought into top-notch condi路 tion by the remainder of the chapter for rushing s~aso~~ During the past year Alpha Mu has been workin~ way to prominence on the campus through its vartO~ activities. At the close of last semester the intrarnur baseball cup became the sole possession of the 0ap~r by virtue of its victory over the TKE house tn ~ finals. For the second consecutive year the intrarnur~ Contract Bridge cup was retained by the card shar~ of the chapter. In athletics, Jim Carson was elect. first assistant boxing manager, while this year Marv"l~ M. Hepler has excellent chances of obtaining a perrn; 5 nent berth on the varsity wrestling team in the 1. pound class. Johnny West was appointed to Senior Ball Committee for his consistent work for the c]ass and Marv Hepler initiated into three honoraries, Sigtna Tau, Eta Kappa Nu and Pi Mu Epsilon. . "de On November 16, 17 and 18, the brothers set asl their studies for a more important occasion, housepatfd This year's houseparty was perhaps the largest ever he d in the chapter house. A total of thirty-six girl~ stayeat in the house, not to mention the number of g1rls t~ were forced to sleep at rooming houses. It was dur~~ this week-end that the house was honored by presence of the district archon and his wife.

ALPHA NU-Chapter Wins lntramurals


0 fficers: Ralph Printz, archon; Richard Fe?stM路 maker, treasurer; Gene Archer, secretary; FranciS . : Orders, historian; Richard Fenstermaker, chaplain' Albert Phipps, Jr., warden. d Once more we are gathered in fraternal brotherhoOd to witness the passing of another great year. We~ks a~e weeks will pass by this year but never one as enJoya k as that first one when the returning members shO~ hands heartily and recalled happy reminiscences only Pi Kapps can. . d The pledge chapter is one of the strongest or~anrze d pledge chapters in recent years. It is one that w1l! te~e to make this fraternity one of the most forrn1da c路 upon this campus in years to come after the present .a tives have departed from these portals and are testlll~ the fortunes of life in other channels. The presena pledges have elected officers and have drawn up i路 constitution consisting of regulations, procedure, !J!llte tations, etc., revealing their eagerness to coopera 0 with the active body. The following officers have bee. elected: Charles W. Fuchs, president; Walter the Wyler, secretary; Carrol J. Scott, representative to Interfraternity Pledge Council. tly The chapter's progress in intramurals have grea . 00 added to our athletic prestige. The volleyball team ~ sisting of Carrol Scott, Herbert LaMorder, HarriS\ Wickie, Robert Thornton, Albert Phipps and FranCl


--------------------~----f THE STAR AND LAI'J

Orders have fought their way to a flight championship and will soon play the winner of the other flight for the CI~s A supremacy among the fraternities, a position \\lhtch we acquired last year. Our bowling team also is up to par, so far being undefeated, with the ultimate foal of retaining the cup won last year. Our recreation all team also will attempt to repeat last year's triUtnphs. The chapter's activity in the football channel of varsity athletics at present is a prospective instead of a ~oncurrent one. We had no members out for varsity ootball this year, but Wyler, a husky pledge, will be one of those present when spring practice opens. Also t\\lo other members of this year's freshman team are contemplating becoming Pi Kapp pledges. One of these ~oys is out for freshman basketball and is considered Ymany as a good all-around athlete. James Freshwater, varsity basketball timber, did not return to school this year. It is not very strongly doubted ~at he would have received the varsity "0" this year tf he had returned; he is a junior and is considering returning soon. lfarrison Wickie received his varsity "0" in baseball last spring and was considered a potential factor in ~e team's success. Harrison played two years at Cornell efore coming to Ohio State. He has one more year of competition. Our main social function was the Homecoming ?ance following the Michigan-Ohio game; it was held tn the Green room of the Southern hotel.



Officers: John B. Frost, archon; T. R. Dreyer, treasurer; Frederick Siefert, secretary; William J. Fitzsim~ons, historian; Gordon Ahlers, chaplain; Edwin ••tayland, warden. '!'cr.Recent Initiates: Karl Edward Hansen, Richard YV ellbrock. Pledges: Total of 14.

ALPHA PI-Moves to New Club House Officers: John Eby, archon; Fred Fudickar, treas~rer; Fred Dyer, secretary; Ralph Ruch, historian; Olin anders, chaplain; Lawrecce Thompson, warden. Pledges: J. A. Johnstone, Manchester, Conn.; Sid~ey Smith, Cowan; H. A. Harrison, Calhoun Falls, Malcolm Barnes, Sherwood ; R. Denmark, Savann~, Ga.; Elmer Zschoerner, Saginaw, Mich.; C. Tipps, ~tnchester; William Rosenthal, Lakeland, Fla.; John *-rt?n, Tullahoma; Alfred Ellis, Nashville; Fred tlltams, Monroe, La. Alpha Pi Chapter is enjoying its most successful Year tn the chapter's existence. The pledging of eleven

.c. ;


new men and the moving into a really beautiful an comfortable home have been the chief factors in making the outlook for the 1934-5 year a most bright and happy one. The chapter is pleased to announce the initiation of Ellis, Rosenthal, and Johnstone, those men having previously been members of a local fraternity here at Sewanee, and since they have completed the necessary amount of work, were initiated into the fraternity. The chapter deems itself very fortunate in having these men as all three are very active on the campus. The chapter boasts the captaincy of the football team, Ralph Ruch having been elected to that high honor. Brother Ruch is also president of the "S" Club. All in all, the chapter is well represented in scholarship and athletics and is sure to continue to forge ahead. David E. Frierson was elected faculty adviser. Al11mni Personals Dear Brothers: Congratulations to Alpha Pi! That in itself would be enough, but I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the way in which you put Alpha Pi "over the top." I must admit right here that I expected to see the chapter die at the end of this year. That feeling was creeping over me before I had the privilege of attending one of your rushing parties. But from the moment I walked into "the house" on that memorable night I knew that Alpha Pi was not going to die. You returned six men this year, one of them inactive. Each and every one of you was gloomy, you had just been through a very trying year. Things looked very bad and you were frankly scared to death. But what did you do, did you give up as so many would have done? No! you did not give up-instead you went to work with a fire in your hearts and an enthusiasm about your job. You made up your minds to put Alpha Pi back where it should be, and that is exactly what you did. You pledged eleven men which is just one less than twice your number and what finer tribute could you pay to our fraternity and to the three men whose vision brought about the "ideals" upon which it is built. And so to each and every one of you I say again, "Congratulations, brothers!" Fraternally yours, CHARLIE UNDERWOOD

(Alpha Pi '34) TI1e marriage of William McGehee to Miss Hortense Ambrose took place on November 27 .

ALPHA RHO-Politics Play Part in Members' Activities 0 fficers: Robert L. Harper, archon; Thomas G. Williams, treasurer; James H. Arbuckle, secretary; Lamar


Watring, historian; Lucian Clipfel, chaplain; Thomas Madden, warden. Dr. John E. Winter met with a very serious accident this past fall while returning from a trip to the middle west. The accident which occured in Michigan, was fatal to his wife, and caused both him and his youngest son serious injury. At the present time Dr. Winter has recovered sufficiently to resume his duties as head of the Psychology Department at West Virginia University, and his son is rapidly improving. Lamar Watring is president of the sophomore class this year and sophomore representative on the Student Council. The other fraternity politician is Woodrow Horn, vice-president of the senior class. The chapter has been honored recently with visits from District Archon Harold 0. Merle, and Executive Secretary Howard D. Leake. Their visits were both beneficial and most welcome. We are indeed proud to announce that John C. Johnston is our new faculty adviser. In him we see an able and competent leader, and hope to fulfill his expectations. Pledge James Williams placed second on state-wide cattle judging contest, and is proudly displaying a gold medal as a result of his efforts. Among the alumni who have visited the chapter this fall are: Brothers Higgs, Woodburn, Fitzsimmons, Smith, Thomas, Hill, and Orler. Alumni Personal

Announcement has been made of the wedding of Charles Leet to Mary Alice Lambert, which took place at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Thursday, December 20. The chapter extends its congratulations, and best wishes for their happiness in the future.

ALPHA SIGMA-Visits From Mu and Iota 0 fficers: James Bryan, archon; Landon Haney, treasurer; Holmes Fowler, secretary; James Seay, historian; Thomas McKinney, chaplain; William Wynne, warden. Recent Initiates: J. Patton, G. W. Wynn, J. C. Adkins, R. R. Colvin. Pledges: Harold Magee, Lewisburg; Ray Ritter, Harold Stone, Milton Sutton, Knoxville; Don Richardson, New Haven, Conn.; Lance Vineyard, Madisonville; WiJJiam Kennedy, Columbia; Wilton Burnett, J. T. Marler, Nashville; John Standifer, Chattanooga; William Stansberry, Etowah; James Pelphrey, Paintsville, Ky.; Milner Sergeant, Etowah; James Stiltz, Gallatin; Drexel Davis, Duff. About the whole Mu Chapter came over for the Duke-Tennessee game. We certainly enjoyed having them here. We hated to have to lick their team after 32

. d a wee k -en d visit they had come so far. We also enJoye of Brothers Duncan and Ridings from Iota. Our 0~~ district archon, Greenwood Henson, has made . tS official, and several unofficial visits, to the chapter gtv· ing us good advice free of charge. The chapter has enjoyed three good dances thus far. The first given by the chapter in honor of the 0: pledges, the second was a Hallowe'en dance, and e third was given by the pledges for the actives. All were highly successfu l social events. Alpha Sigma celebrated Founder~· J?ay wi~h a ba~: quet at the Andrew Johnson, Knoxvtlle s leadtng hot At this banquet the new officers were installed. Al11mni Personals

Alpha Sigma has had four marriages recently. C. ~· Cornet, Robert Roney, Edward McGowan, and E ~ Jones made the leap. Brother McGowan was the firs groom in the T.V.A. town of Norris, Tennessee. Alpha Sigma is happy to have Iota's ex-grid star, Wilbur Peterson, staying with us while he holds down a position with a local wholesale tobacco firm.

ALPHA TAU-New Custom in fraternity Jackets

0 fficers: Henry J. Parcinski, archon; John W. ~ay~ ward, treasurer; Paul J. Walsh, secretary; G. Ro .er. Mezger, historian; Robert C. Goodman, chaplatn' Roger R. Horton, warden. k Pledges: Warren Wiener, Manhasset, L.l.; ~~"e­ A. Bandre, Jr., Bridgeport, Conn.; Donald N. Brt ~ . water, Syracuse; James A. Conners, Brentwood, L. ·' syrnRoy E. Sjogren, Brooklyn; Roy W. Purchase, '_ cuse; Derwin Belshaw, Jordanville; H. Russell Cor. win, Jr., Newark, N.J.; Harvey A. Leich, BrooklY~· George Graf, Albany; John C. Jubin, Jr., Lake Plac~~ Last spring it was decided to adopt a fraternt _ jacket to distinguish the fraternity on the hill and P~:y sibly start a custom at Rensselaer. The jacket fina'th decided upon was made of white flannel, trimmed wt d a blue bead and with the fraternity's seal embroidere in blue and gold on the breast pocket. _ The chapter is working hard to retain the scho1are ship cup which it won last year. We understandt:er have a hard fight on our hands, but we assure the 0 chapters in Districf One that they have the same · We are glad to announce that on December _1 ~· otpledges Elmendorf, McClellan, and StiJJrnan were 1 _ 1 tiated into membership in Pi Kappa Phi. Recent e e~ tions to Sigma Xi saw the names of R. J. Schaub an A. K. McClellan listed. h's On December 6, Brother Parcioski was av.:ardedk ~­ third letter in soccer. He also holds a letter tn bas e · interball. Nels F. Nelson won his interclass charm to 0 class soccer. Pledges Conners and Bridgewater wo

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class numerals in football and cross-country track respectively. Brother Elmendorf was elected to the ~Ophomore athletic society B.O.R. He is also a memer of the Sophomot;e Soiree dance committee. Alpha Tau's officers in extracurricular activities in1 ~ ude R. H. Schaub as secretary of Interfraternity ConR.erence; H. J. Parcinski, president senior class; and 路 R. Borton, sophomore class historian. . In the November issue of the magazine QST which ~ the official organ of the American Radio Relay eague, national organization of radio amateurs, there ~Ppeared an article entitled "The Relay Rack In Amaeur Construction" written by Robert Mezger.

Alumni Personals th A.t the technical session on rare metals following e fall meeting of the Electrochemical Society the pres~t status of titanium was reported by Dr. Matthew A . R. unter and Assistant Professor Augustus Jones of ensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Brother Jones is an 1 afurnnus of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of the class 0 1920.

Organizational Notes (Continued from page 7)

~e is president of the Ottumwa Civic Garden Club an. chairman of the Ottumwa Tree Commission, appo,nted by the mayor of the city.

Frank J. McMullen The appointment of Brother Frank J. McMullen as archon of the first district came as a result of the va~~ncy left by Brother William J. Berry, who resigned s at office to take over his new duties as the national Ccretary of the fraternity. c B~other McMullen's record in Alpha Xi is one of sOntmuous and devoted service. He will complete his .eventh year as a member of the board of directors, hav~ng .been recorder of the corporation in 1931, viceA.rl:s'd~nt in 1932, and president the last two years. '( o, In 1932 and 1933 he was secretary of the New \V ork Alumni Chapter and is now its president. He in as that chapter's delegate to the last convention held September. at After two years at Brooklyn Poly, Brother McMullen Ct~nded Lafayette College and obtained both B.S. in r 路 路 and C.E. degrees, the latter in 1928. He holds a R.es~nsible position with the New York Fire Insurance atmg Exchange in New York City. }\.June 7, 1926, saw his marriage to Miss Claire a '!oulot. He has two children, Cynthia and Barbara, g seven and five, respectively.

W. Robert Amick f Another number one man is District Archon Amick,

or he heads the list of members of Omega Chapter.

e~---~~-----------F PI KAPPA PHI

He is a graduate of Purdue University of the class of 1925 with a B.S. in Agriculture degree. After teaching vocational agriculture in Cambridge City, Indiana for three years, he returned to become connected with his Alma Mater in 4-H Club work, of which he is Extension Specialist. His excellent work in undergraduate study of agri路 culture brought recognition from Alpha Zeta, honorary in that field; his teaching ambitions led to affiliation with Kappa Delta Pi; that he was outstanding in intercollegiate debate is noted by his membership in Tau Kappa Alpha. In his senior year he managed The Debris, the annual of the university. He served the chapter in various capacities and finally as archon. He has continued his studies and expects to receive his Doctor of Philosophy degree in the near future. At all times has he maintained an interested and continuous contact with his chapter.

Chapter Advisers Not yet complete is the roster of chapter advisers. It is hoped that all appointments will be made prior to publication of the next issue of the magazine, that they may be listed and introduced to the fraternity. Changes in district lines were made to eliminate distance of travel and permit more intimate contact with the chapter in the case of the lower Mississippi Valley states. Byrd P. Mauldin's district will comprise only the State of Mississippi and is to be numbered 16. Clancy A. Latham's district will consist of the States of Louisiana and Arkansas. Oklahoma and Texas will be combined with old district 18 for the time being. Dr. Will E. Edington was returned to the chairmanship of the national Scholarship Committee. Reappointments were made of the two men who have served on his committee during the past few years, Dr. John E. Winter, Alpha Rho, and Dr. Robert Petry, Xi. Inasmuch as the terms of office of the members of the Finance Committee have yet a year or more to run, it was not necessary to reappoint these men. The budget adopted for the year totals $14,270 and is projected on the basis that there will be little change in income and disbursement over the actual figures of last year, which showed a surplus of approximately $900.

New Titles

No opposition to the legrslation by the final vote ot the chapters was recorded, so the amendments to the constitution passed by the recent convention are confirmed. They concern the change of titles of the national officers mainly, and as a result we now have a "National" Council composed of a "National" President, "National" Treasurer and so on. These changes in the constitution and the additional changes in the laws are now under consideration by National Chancellor Houser with a view to a publication of a new booklet of the constitution and law~ showing these changes. 33

In Memoriam (Conth111ed from page 8)

them entered the College of Charleston they felt particularly honored to be asked to join a fraternity of which he was a member. No name on the roll of Alpha Chapter is more revered than that of Thomas F. Mosimann. At the same time the fraternity did much for Tom. We, who were associated with him, soon discovered a new man. With us his sedateness and aloofness vanished. Instead of finding a man whose only interests were in studious pursuits we found one full of life, ready to laugh and joke, fond of rhymes, riddles and limericks and soon the sober young man became one of the ring leaders in all manner of foolishness. This hilarity and jovialness, however, was strictly limited to his closest friends. To others he was still the serious student. At the close of his junior year he won the much sought after Junior Medal given by the alumni association to the student who has won the highest general honors in his class. The next year, 1907, he was graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. From the type of college work be had done it was not surprising that Tom decided to enter the field of education. His first position was that of vice-principal of the Shaw School, one of the public schools in Charleston. It was while there that he met Miss Elise de Vineau, who soon afterwards became his wife. Their son, Thomas, has the distinction of being the second of the sons of the charter members to have been initiated into Pi Kappa Phi. In a few years Tom accepted the position of teacher of English in the Boys High School. He served in this capacity until 1925 when be became vice-principal and then principal in 1927. As a schoolman he exhibited the same qualities be showed as a student. The thorough preparation of his work, the seriousness with which be accepted his responsibilities demanded on the part of his pupils earnest endeavor and careful attention. As an administrator he won the sanction and approval of the superintendent and Board of School Commissioners, and the respect and reverence of his faculty. He did not spare himself in his application to his work and he expected his subordinates to show the same enthusiasm. He had no patience with the laggard or the indifferent, be be man or boy, and both dreaded to face him. Being the father of eight children he had a keen insight into child psychology and was readily sympathetic to those who were attempting to do their best. He has left us now, but the memory of what he strove to do for the youth of his city will long be kept alive by the hundreds of young men who attended his classes and who have realized or will realize that the highest qualities of a christian gentleman were exemplified to them daily in the character of the man who had been their high school principal. 34

or years a ter e e t o ege om ept up an ac v~ interest in the fraternity and was elected the sec~n national president. His increased work and his gro~10j family soon took all his time and except for occaSJ 00 visits to Alpha he took no part in its affairs. I knew him as a student and as a fraternity brotheJ. I knew him as a man and as a fellow worker. :My a · miration, love and regard for him increased as the ye~s rolled by, and next to his beloved family I feel h~ absence the keenest. Little did I think that the sa privilege would ever be mine to write about the one who taught me so many things and among them a l.ove for poetry which he could recite with so much feeling. One of the verses of which be was fond was "Green be the turf above thee friend of my better days None knew thee but to lov~ thee, none named thee but to praise."



Seven Scholars Are Presented (Conti1111ed from page 4)

he is vice-president and which he represented as a delegate to the Scabbard and Blade national conven· tion. He has served Omega as chaplain and is noW warden. He was Omega's delegate to the national co~: vention held last summer in New York. Brother W ty's home is in Moline, Illinois.

da ll'l

George D. Everett, Alpha Xi Brother Everett graduated from the Brooklyn polytechnic Institute last June. He made an excellent r~· ord in scholarship and was graduated cum laude. e was a member of the Athletic Board of Control of the Polytechnic for two years, represented his class in tht lower class contests in football, baseball and basketb~' and played on civil engineering basketball team. e served as warden and secretary of Alpha Xi Chap~~~ and played on the chapter basketball team that was 1 terfraternity champion for three years and runner·U[ the fourth year. Brother Everett received the B. · degree in Civil Engineering and was a membe~ ?f :0~ student branch of the American Society of (Jv1l gineering. He is now employed as an engineer by the New York Dock Company.

Alan S. Tomlinson, Alpha Upsilon

·tute Brother Tomlinson graduated at Drexel InstJ . last June and is now doing graduate work at the vru: versity of Pennsylvania. In recognition of his fine~~ ord at Drexel he received the Jennings Hood Awar j\d· the outstanding man in the school of Business I· ministration and he was also awarded a summer schO arship to the University of Heidelberg, HeideJber~ Germany, for the summer of 1934. He was honore with membership in Bourse, business honorary frat: nity, and served as its vice-president. He also was as assistant instructor at Drexel. Brother Tomlinson w treasurer of Alpha Upsilon Chapter in his senior year-



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One Historian to Another

Seattle's Pi Kappa Phi annals, were men from all sections of Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.

(Co11tin11ed from page 9)

~hat's no tosh! But 1' d do it all over again, and willIngly 路1Bu t f rom t h e bo ttom of my heart I d o apprectate 路 th' ts honor and I most humbly express my gratitude." in ~~en he paused to straighten his dress tie, and tuck ts starched front "But, before bidding you all official adieu, I feel canst 路 th. ratned to offer-well, an apology, perhaps. All f IS evening as I've sat here, eating this excellent Ood and wondering when in Heaven's name you man~~ed ~o get all these fine-looking pledges, I've felt my te gotng 'round to my ear and my collar parting comPany With my shirt. There is an explanation due you, gentlemen. d "I lectured in class this morning in Vancouver, ashe~ home madly afterwards, picked up my bag and Illy W1fe, and hurried away on our five-hour drive. I \Va . s 10 a tremendous hurry for I wanted to get here e:rly. When we got to our hotel room here, and I :hart~d to dress, I looked in vain for my studs. But hey re up in Vancouver and I've got a pin here, and ere, and here!" Banqueters sorely missed Horace (Horsie) Granger, newly selected district archon, and energetic North\Vest Pi Kapp leader. Brother Granger was home, seri~Usly ill. A telegram was dispatched from the banquet 0 ht.s bedside, wishing him speedy recovery. D Dtck Ultican, Alpha Delta archon, presided, while onald H. Mackenzie, Washington's hockey-playing accounting professor, was toastmaster. "Mick" tried :~mething new in toastmastering-he apparently h ought himself a night-club master of ceremonies for ~abandoned the head table to circulate about the floor, 'IVtth surprisingly happy results. th A. par~icularly striking feature of the program was .,; m?vtng appeal made by Paul "Socko" Sulkosky, ashtngton's star full-back, for continued and greater 1 ~~mni interest in the active chapter at the University. thts face bearing the bruises and scratches received in e afternoon's game with Washington State, Sulkosky rose in response to an ovation for his stellar afternoon's performance--and surprised the banqueters by speak~ng of fraternity matters exclusively, rather than footall. "Socko," as level-headed and sincere as he is rhysically powerful, has developed into an admirable raternity leader. Others at the head table were: Charles F. Clav, ~presenting the alumni chapter; Hugh Schlicting, ~pha Delta faculty adviser; National Historian Jones; tlliam D. Wood, former archon, and a popular delegate from the large British Columbia Pi Kapp clan, ~n~ Dr. J. W. Hotson, professor of botany at the 01 Versity of Washington, representing the faculty members. Attending the banquet, declared to be the largest in


0 F _P_I_K_A_P_P_A_P_H_I

Alpha Epsilon Moves to a New Residence (Cotllinued from page 11)

of Los Picaros. Brothers Wofford, Bush, and Purvience are members of the Alligator Staff, and Sam Kennard is assistant business manager of the Seminole, our yearbook. Jesse Dooley, baseball captain, is also a member of the executive council. Spurgeon Cherry and Byron Herlong are members of Blue Key fraternity, the latter being secretary. This past summer school session Pi Kappa Phi was well represented in student affairs. Charlie Fulton was president of the student body; Frank Walrath, secretary and treasurer of the student body and Gene Dush, clerk of the Honor Court. The officers of the chapter are: archon, David Barcus; treasurer, Jack Smith; secretary, Joe O'Connor; historian, Byron Herlong; and warden, Johnny Seay.

fire and Blizzard Nothing ot Alpha Theta (Ca~llimted

from page 12)

All of the chapter's parties this fall have had large crowds. More than 40 couples, many of them alumni, were present at the Homecoming Party, November 3. It was the privilege of Alpha Theta to have 11 members of the Detroit alumni chapter visit us last month. Fred Dittman, Alpha Theta, archon of the Detroit chapter, acted as master of ceremonies and introduced National Treasurer J. Wilson Robinson, who gave an interesting resume of the national convention held in September. District Archon G. B. Helmrich also spoke to the group. Very fine short talks were given by Chan Johnson, Chi; Kyrn Nagelkirk, Alpha Kappa; W. C. Brame, Upsilon; J. 0. Blair, Gamma; Cecil Reed, Alpha Kappa; Prof. L. N. Field, chapter adviser, and Archon Jepson. Other alumni present were Alfred Smith, Alpha Theta; Karl Jepson, Alpha Theta; and 0. D. Bird, Alpha Theta.

Annual Editor The Polywog, the annual of Brooklyn Poly will show a Pi Kapp's name at the head of the masthead this spring. The lad who is alternatingly tearing his hair over his neglected studies and fostered yearbook work is one William Fitzsimmons, Alpha Xi junior and combination of Swiss and Irish .


A New Home for Alpha Omicron (Continued from page 10)

chapter house, at which we expect to find a large number of alumni present. Russell B. Johnson, is our new district archon. Russ was the first man to be initiated into Alpha Omicron and has always been quite active and interested in the affairs of the chapter. Russ graduated in landscape architecture in 1925 and has been doing quite well in his profession. He worked for sometime in Des Moines and later secured a job in Chicago until he thought he had enough experience and came back to Ottumwa, his home town. In addition to his landscape work he is operating a greenhouse. The men who are wearing our pledge pin at the present time are: Wendel Patterson, Burt; Robert Brown, Jr., Manly; Harold Varhanik, Manly; Cecil West, Coon Rapids; Dean Barker, Williamsburg; Ronald Elvidge, Burt; Merlin Haley, Floyd; Max Christie, Spirit Lake; Malcolm Anderson, Badger, Minn. ; Paul Sutphen, Villisca; Seth M. Huntington, Berea, Kentucky; George Pickard, Canada; Vern on Lyford, Manly. Along with twelve active members, this makes up the personnel of the Alpha Omicron chapter at the present time.

Gamma Man Becomes Target Because he is a member of the True American League, because he was author of a radio skit "The Little Red Schoolhouse," Albert Classen of the California chapter earned the antipathy of the communistic element on the campus and became the target of pistol bullets, one of which passed through his coat before imbedding itself in the wall of the building which he was passing. The League is a campus organization formed to combat the activities of communists on the campus. His play was a satirical poke at their policies and aims. The league members wear hickory shirts to indicate that the order stands for the principles enunciated and fought for by "Old Hickory," President Andrew Jackson. Commendation has been received from many sources by the president of the university for the patriotic activities of the group, which has been ceaseless in its campaign to rid the campus of a vociferous and troublesome minority.

Davies Chosen C. E. Davies, Alpha Tau, was recently elected to t he Posi· tion of national secretary of the American Society of Mecl~an~ ical Engineers. He had been a staff member of Society Sl~c 1920 and for the past three years, executive secretary. Brot~: Davies is a graduate of Rensselaer of the class of 19:4. the served in the Ordnance Department of the army dunng . World War and holds now the rank of Jieutenant-colo~e 1~~ the reserve. During the recent convention of the fraternity d served as an active member of the registration commi~tee an f 0 was chairman of the special rules of order comm1ttee the Supreme Chapter.

Culbertson Steps Out One of the past years' Pi Kappa Phi Scholars continues to gain recognition in his studies and research. James Culb~rtsonf 0 Delta, enjoyed a teaching fellowship at the Univers 1!>; d North Carolina last year and, in addition to this work, game his Master's degree and a request from the university t~ return this fall to an assistantship in anatomy in the schoO of medicine. 1 He accomplished tangible research work in experirne~tas amphibian embryology, and read a paper on his conclU~ 100 before the North Carolina Academy of Science. Sigma XI ha5 conferred membership on him also.

Freshman Football Coach The Howa~·d Crimson carried at the beginning of t.he yea~ the picture of Larry (Buck) Hughes, Omicron, un1forrne and with his lighting expression on his face, with the info~~ tion that he was mentor of the Bullpups. He formerly fon . the pigskin in the red jersey of the Crimson Tide of the Unl· versity of Alabama.

Xi Poet

Edward Sellers, Roanoke College junior, has obtaine~ ear~Y recognition of his talents by the acceptance and publishing ~ Literary America of his poem, "Bound." It is his first ventur into his chosen field of literature. 5 He is specializing in English, indulges in the strenuo~n 1 sport of varsity basketball, and now and then participntes dramatic work as a member of Alpha Psi Omega.

Association President

· al Kennon Mott, Lambda, is president of the InternatlO 0 1 Alumni Association of Toronto, Canada. This is the unus~~s 1 in this type of organization because of the coverage of eS membership. It is made up of alumni of recognized ~oJie~ts and universities of both Canadian and foreign locatiOn· 1 purpose is the promotion of good fellowship and internationa contacts.

Woodbird Anniversary The JF?oodhird, chapter publication of Alpha Xi Chapter, in its recent issue came forth with an interesting account of the history of the periodical written by National President Meisel. Along with The Star and Lamp, it has the distinction of being in its twenty-fifth year of usefulness. At the first Christmas dinner of the local fraternity of Psi Sigma, held in 1901, there was a Christmas tree, and nestling within its branches was a decoy bird. This was a replica of the woodbird, and in commemoration of the first yuletide party this bird was taken back to the house and enclosed in a g lass case. It now holds a position of distinction on the mantel of the house. Upon adoption of the policy of publishing a house organ in the early years of 1900, this memento served as an inspiration when a name was sought _for the publication.


GLORY REFLECTED BLACK LATEST news .Bashes from the University of Alabama relate the astounding in.Buence the chapter exerts in the local butlers' union. One butler of the chapter, Crawford Thomas, has just retired from the position of High Mogul; the other butler, John B. Hart, has recently receive_d a bid to join the organization. We offer to OmJ· cron our heartiest congratulations on possessing such outstanding brothers of the board.

----------------------~~ THE STAR AND LAMP

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