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The 1938 Gift Parade! It's the Latest Version of the

Famous Bur-Pat

"BOOK FOR MODERN GREEKS" Smart-Colorful-CompleteFull of New Ideas for 1938WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY TODAY!

Paste this coupou


a peuwy postcard am/ d.-op it ;, the ucm·est mailbox.

You need the 1938 "Gift Par~d~; whether you want to "wear' '- ."gt\' (rl' -or just "talk" the last word til 30~ ternity jewelry and gifts for mefl women.

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. 2301 Sixteenth Street,

Detroit, Michigan. Please send the numbers we have checked below- FREE- as advertised in The Star and Lamp of Pi Kappa Phi to: Name ..........


T/Jis Year Use Your Coat of Arms


City & State ...... .. . . ... . ..... .. ... . .. .. . . ... . .. ..... . .. .... . .





1. The 1938 "GIFT PARADE"

I] 2. Personal Christmas Card Samples



........................................... .

Address ................... .. ......... .. .... . ............... . .



Persmral or Chapter Christmas Cards


3. Chapter Christmas Card Samples

~ 4 . Fraternity Chinaware Folder

!1uu-PatttiUtM C

...J 5. Fraternity Glassware Folder


"] 6. Fraternity Silverware Folder

0 0

7. Illustrated Price List of IT K •I> Badges 8. Include ........ Greek Alphabet Blotters for our new Pledges.

2301 Sixteenth Street









Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity • RICHARD L. YOUNG Editor

Number 4


Contents Summer Sees Changes in Main Office ...... .. . ...... . .. .


Howard Leake Quits Fraternity's Office By John H. McCann, Drexel









The New Administration ........................... .


"The Best I Have ... Is Dedicated . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Young Again Edits THE STAR AND LAMP . . . . . . By Howard D. Leake, Washil~gton & Lee

. . . . . . . . . .


Do You Want to Be an Actor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Install Alumni Chapter at Ithaca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Restoring Values of the Old South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Jay Franklin


Books- 1344-1937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Albert W. M eisel, National President


Omegalite Wins Plaque Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Under the Student's Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Assistant Editor

Leigh's Biggest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Contributing Editors

Conclave at Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Feminine Friendship Links Three Chapters in Pi Kappa Phi


Harper Promoted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Alabama Brother Dies in Highway Accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Volume XXIII

Entered Post offi as second class matter at the d•r th ce at Menasha, Wisconsin un· ceptanc: ~~t of ~arch 3, 1879. Ac· Postage ~allmg at specia l rate of Pebru provided for in the Act of graph a7 28 • .1925, embodied in para· 412 , p . L . a n d R ., authoriz •d sect.on J e anuary 7 1932 Th ' . e Star a d La . Menasb n. mp IS published at tion of a, hWISco~sin, under the direcl>i ICa t e NatiOnal Council of the of Ja:Pa Phi Fraternity, in the months l'h uary, M arch, May, and O ctober. e Life Sub . . . scnptlon IS $10 and is t he on[ f copies Y orm of subscription. Single are 50 cents Changes . . Prompt! In address should be reported \XIis ~ to 450 Ahnai p St., Menasha, tnond V Central office, Box 501, Rich• ~a .


All material · should b . Intended for publication ing lld"t e 10 the h ands of the Manag· 1 or B . ox 501, R1cbmond Va ' bY the 1st f ' ·• month f . 0 the month preceding the 0 ISsue.

Defending the Classics in Education By D1·. A. Pelzer Wagener








Pi Kappa Phi Pictorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Calling the Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Cover Jutting 110 feet into the air, this imposing campanile stands in the center of Iowa State College's 125-acre central campus. The campanile contains 36 bells imported from London and daily programs are played. Tradition has it that a girl is not considered a co·ed at Iowa State until she has watched the moon and been kissed in the shadows of the campanile.

Summer See~

Changes in Main Office

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Central Office aod Executives coJ

f tl' llid

Upper left is view of office 0 '/i#l S .1 ecutive secretary. Center: Pa and storage room. Bottom: ptl M.i• views of the main office. 0 P% 11. th,l right: John. H. McCann, ~:#ttl lie new executrve secretary. . tlfll' Of right: Bonn Gilbert, Duke, asstS secretary. 1


HE MEETING of the National Council last April s~w the beginning of reorganization plans for the central office, occasioned by the desire of Executive Secretary Howard D . Leake to resign in favor of entering business. During the summer these plans were completed and the office is now well established in new quarters. A more central location in the city of Richmond places the national headquarters in the Grace-American Building at the corner of Fourth and Grace Streets. Four hundred and eighty-Jive square feet of floor space are now utilized. During the summer the executive staff completed the new, 96-page pledge manual which is now ready for distribution to pledges of all chapters. A new electric powered addressograph has been installed for maintaining the fraternity's mailing Jiles, speeding up addressing, so that work which formerly required two to three days can now be accomplished in as many



hours. Summer rushing efforts have been unus ~~~~ . pro duct tve. 0( Reorganization has taken from the shoulders tJ!' those brothers in central office the responsibility ofct~ editorship of THE STAR AND LAMP. It is expe b' that more time and effort may now be devoted to ~is work of chapter visitations and expansion. As ~ d issue of the magazine comes from the press we ~~ that the new executive secretary and his assistant ]!~of already visited eight active chapters and made !11~ v alumni and official contacts with fraternity officers, ,J er• well as having observed the present status of se" expansion projects. J 60 In the post left vacant by Brother Leake we ~· his former assistant of two years standing, John ~ McCann, Alpha Upsilon. The new assistant secret~, is Bonn A. Gilbert of Mu and Chi chapters, and ~ editorship of THE STAR AND LAMP has been returtl , to former Supreme Editor Richard L. Young, J<apP The Star and Ldfllf

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lioward Leake Quits ~e~ ·

Fraternity's Office


By John H. McCann, Drexel

T~ 'WORK of Howard D. Leake, Rho, as execu-

·e '

ta r se:retary of the fraternity has long failed because ~C~t.ve proper recognition in these columns St'.n. ANn ts natural unselfishness as editor of THE ternity•s ffi.~MP. With his resignation from the Era0 and give ~~1 ranks we may dnst off the superlatives lfowar~r~ tt where jt is most due. 1'enn., wh eake began life in the city of Knoxville, he found ere, as the youngest son in a large family, the hard ~rly the ability to shift for himself and take ~rne up thnocks. Moving to Birmingham, Ala., he Ctty prior to r~.ugh the educational institutions of that l.ee Dniv . ts ~ntry as a freshman at Washington and l92t h erstty tn 1920. Initiated into Rho chapter in h'ttnself ' ei we nt on to make a permanent place for and his nchthe undergraduate history of his chapter R1J o and s ool. '. rtstng ·· to the position of archon of aiVarded attatntng the highest in leadership honors 0 ~elta l<a : the campus, membership in Omicron hts scholaPf. · He put himself through W. & L. and 1 this insti~t .c excellence is attested by his retention at counting tdon as an instructor in economics and acJl·trrninghaan h'ts Iater employment on the faculty of Sp~nish. Southern College as an instructor in 1ftss M:a . tie at the Birmingham school he married the Dniv:Jo.ry M. Moore, a Delta Delta Delta from lie servedrst~ of Alabama and native of Birmingham. Of the B' a:tiVe!y and well as secretary and president . lbe f~~~~~ghm Alumni chapter. ~1 rdes of p·oK 1928 brought Howard into the official 1 Ill~ Georg E appa Phi as executive secretary succeed~1th a Zes; a · Sheetz, .Alpha. He ass:uned his dut~es ~ 1&h in th nd enthustasm that has smce placed htm eld. lie ~ ranks of executives in the interfraternity that I arn egan his work with the statement "Such and Upbui~~·d have a:e dedicated to the improvement ~errneated h~ng of Pt Kappa Phi." This attitude has 15 tenure in office as he has worked conStstently The frat:n~ purposefully in carrying out his ideas. ~Proltirn:tn;ty has grown from an organization of e has offi ~ Y 4,000 members to one of nearly 8,000. seen the ad~~1!Y engineered four national conventions, 10 11, deveJ t!ton of ten chapters to the undergraduate a large s oped equally the alumni field, and was in through ~~nse responsible for guiding the fraternity ,.. lbe res eo st~r~~ .of the recent depression years. ~() LA P nstbtltttes of the editorship of THE. STAR shoulder~: were added to his already heavily loaded new dutie~n t.he fall of 1930. Howard accepted these Wtth earnestness of purpose and has conof ]l·1



lCappa Phi

Howard D. Leake, Rho

tinually advanced the magazine year in and year out until today it stands with the best fraternity magazines published. Perhaps the high points of his official career, insofar as the magazine is concerned, will be remembered as the pictorial issue of 1932 which won such high acclaim from fraternity leaders and THE STAR AND LAMP silver anniversary issue of October, 1934. The very fine combined history and directory of 1929 is a tribute to his foresight and ability as is the third edition of "Songs of Pi Kappa Phi," copyrighted 1930. His genius for accounting has led to a uniform system of handling undergraduate chapter records ; fraternity forms have been made more usable; and the files and routine work of the office have reached a point of high efficiency. Recently published in 1935 were nine central office bulletins designed to aid the undergraduates in the conduct of their active chapters, and more recently, in September of this year, the new "Pledge Manual" has been placed in print. All of these publications reflect the .fine syle of his editorial hand. They are worthy monuments of a great fraternity, conceived and completed by a most ingenious man. As we eulogize Howard D. Leake we must not overlook the more important work of an intangible nature he has done in reflecting over the material evidences he leaves with us. Howard continues to live the life of a true Pi Kappa Phi. He numbers his friends in hundreds among men in this and other fraternities in all states of the union and in many foreign countries. The value and satisfaction of these friendships are of course known mostly to him alone, and their (Continued on page 5)


r t;~

John H. McCann


·The New Administration


Bonn A. Gilht ~

VER TWO years of faithful and resultful work in the position of assistant secretary is John H. (Mac) McCann's preparation for the larger responsibilities which have come to him upon his elevation to the position of executive secretary of the fraternity. His record of performance was such that the National Council took it for granted that he was the likely successor of Howard D . Leake, following the latter's expressed wish to resign. Mac is well known and well liked throughout the far-flung dominion of the organization, for there are only four undergraduate chapters which have not had the pleasure and benefit from an official visit from him during his period of assistantship. A majority of the alumni groups know him and rate him highly on the basis of a brief contact and concentrated work in their connection. By correspondence he has extended his acquaintanceship widely among the individual members of the fraternity. His promotion by the Council has therefore met with high approval by those who are in position to know his personality and his abilities. He is out of Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Drexel Tech. It is one of the youngest units of the fraternity but one which has consistently maintained a high standard of chapter performance in all phases of activity. Mac was one of the early undergraduate archons of the chapter and did much to establish those excellent standards. That he is familiar with all phases of chapter activities and all types of problems to be faced in its operation is assured by the two years of working with the chapters of the fraternity and the fact that he held as an undergraduate member the numerous other chapter positions of chaplain, historian, assistant house manager, rushing chairman, pledge master and social chairman, all of which duties were performed most acceptably. He also represented the chapter in the campus Interfraternity Council. Sewickley, Pa., is the place of his birth, which was in the year 1912, and remains the home of his parents. He was married a year ago to Miss Mary E. Ballard, Delta Sigma Epsilon, of Norfolk, Va., a graduate of Drexel whom he met and squired while both were in college. Mac was an applicant for the position of assistant secretary long before the resignation of E. N. Franklin provided an opportunity for him to assume the duties. This evidenced desire for and interest in fraternity



administration has solidified and taken per~~ form following his actual experience of the obh , it imposes. He tackles the multitudinous duties 0' . office with immediate eagerness and a drive ~ rnlty spelled command in the shortest possible time. Fe OIVar avoided no task and has given to each his best, 1 ~· I ing thought, enthusiasm and a praiseworthy p6 Bve ence. The requirement that an employee of tbt h av ternity be a jack-of-all trades has brought bi!Il k~ ~ < edge of every small detail of central office coP' r. l' and they are many, from the monotony of reeor· on ar routine of the office to the numerous detal·1 5 rOod I smoothly organized convention. Oot < A bigness in spirit and character, comm~ns Use J with his physical stature, friendly, with a burr!ln! ~sa bition to forward the affairs of the fraternity, Jo~ do 10 McCann is admirably carved to fit the deman~hi tt the position which he is to fill in the coming yeaP selCc 0 0 In completing the reorganization of the central ~r the National Council added Bonn A. Gilbert to e a . sta ff as asststant . secretary. H e b' nng st'lllet df executive 0 position an optimistic temperament, boundless eo. fie ~ 1 . 1 asm, and a keen desire to forward the aims and ' s tt I of the fraternity. A native of Washington, D.C., his birthpJ'f1912, Bonn has attended Duke and Stetson Vn sities, attaining a B.S. degree in business admin!s:r; at the latter institution in 1936. He is an in1tl1 Mu chapter, 1932, and an affiliate of Chi. In tr ferring schools he eliminated himself from the eJC: alu possibilities of major undergraduate offices but 9 t maintained an active working interest in the 0 er at work of each chapter. In the extra-curricula~ · na~ a Bonn was best known for his record as capta 1~1 0 thy number one player of the Stetson University golf ~Otn e Florida residents have a saying that once Y0~ It ~~ . l a~ll IS the sand m your shoes you never want to e llting· 11 state. Gilbert found this to be the case and, ~ d c 0 graduation, decided to stay with his adopted ·1 f p·1 0 taking a position in the advertising department k s· e Gore Newspapers of Florida. He became very h• ea1 in alumni work in the Volutia County area. S )i01Vs. . marnage . . February, 1937, to M'tss fr' af ter h ts m . rn:evotar Hildreth, a Stetsonite and member of Alpha Xi~ l'hi e, he transferred his abilities to the advertising ~~ ~s ment of the Washington Post in his home city. It a enthusiastic support has been greatly felt by the e ,~ ..,a,



(Continued on page 5)

The Star and


he Best I Have .

• • •

Is Dedicated

• • • •


Secretary McCann Takes Over S I TATT-r. h . . tl . L"\..C over t e executive rems at 1e openmg advancement and betterment of Pi Kappa Phi. I am of a new schoo1 year tt . ts . wtt . h a smcere . respect the servant of each one of you who reads this maga~res f rni that I thank ilie National Council and the fra- zine and want you to feel free to call upon me at any ·tverJrko\l?dthey represent for appointing me to succeed time. 1e. P ar D l k . h .. f . Pi Kappa Phi is entering a new school year. During · t ,, ry, I . · ea e tn t e posttton o executrve secrees ·; hav ~tsh to assure you all of the deep appreciation this year every undergrl!duate and alumni chapter will receive at least one visitation from this office. Our the li e or your confidence in my ability. : kll h~ve you ever stopped to think what is called for travel duties are not designed merely to meet the routrn Jl' 0 .a fellow is asked to iill the shoes of a predeces- tine of chapter visitations. We want these trips to be as 1 : ceeoor '0~ Ve thought a lot about the answer to that ques- helpful to us as we hope they are to you. The fraternity r . 1 Oodand decr'd ed th at you can never 1i 11 the shoes o f a is a growing one. To grow takes careful planning and 15 tat Oot lllan. You can set them up as a standard to hard work from many sources. As we make our rounds o> Use at, and if you reach iliat standard it will be be- this year we want you to bring to our attention possible rn\, Oes You have become worthy of placing your own iields in which the fraternity may do a better job than .rnto~ 1da1ong side of those already on ilie pedestal. it is now doing. Only in iliis way can we form a collec7 0 tive opinion. to not expect to take Howard's place. My desire ' J 0 ·maat> . h avmg . I pledge you now that the best I have to give is ts. elClllake one of my own. I am f ortunate tn yea!' 0\li c~Uent record to use as a guide. Working wiili dedicated to ilie work of Pi Kappa Phi. 1 %to e for the past two years, and, through him, wiili e ~ tile ;~ronal Council, it has been my privilege to be~gso~ f ou f oroug~ly familiar with the advanced policies 5 ' ~ j.6es { raterntty. As I undertake my new responsibilian ~purpose to give the best that I have to the perflll .

J bl • ' rJ.


Nr .




Howard Leake Quits Fraternity's Office

nistr' 11 itii' In ~ 1~

e e a! lu



(Continued from page 3)

~~L~ :ea!? the.'fraternity is incalculable. As he returns to


ere tve Btrmingbam to enter business we are certain

(la:J) nau;te ~ great many brothers who will want to per-

and respect, our best wishes for his success and happiness in his new work, and our fraternal affection for him as man and brother. The inspiration and example he has established as standard will be always a part of us. With Howard D. Leake, with Mrs. Leake, and with daughter Mildred Ann go ilie highest esteem of the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

t;; t; o th Wtsh him well in his new iield of endeavor.

o ~ or.n.eese men we give his address, 908 Irving Road, 0 Y ~ 1 lt i ~Ood, Birmingham, Ala.

·r\Dtingis tnc.onceivable iliat we write of Howard wiiliout 1 d co~g tnto ilie picture his most ardent champion e 01 f l>i ;orker, his wife, Marjory M. Leake. Hundreds 1 t 1. ke a appa Phis have had occasion to know Mrs. rys!r Cals, ud respect her a~ a lady of highest culture and ftl o\lra d We had nothmg more for which to thank ,. f)!evote~ .we should be very rich in knowing of the '1M~hi. lflterest and belief of his wife in Pi Kappa


13 <'\sa ~ ~- Q\\.larting shot to Howard from the central office · e \lranto ~as had ilie privilege of working wiili him, htm to know that he has our sincerest regard

I Jl·1

l{appa Phi

The New Administration (Continued from page 4)

ington, D .C., Alumni chapter, and he has been actively interested as a member of Kiwanis International. Eight monilis experience in central office routine wiili the National lumber Manufacturers Association iits him well to assume ilie multitudinous tasks his new position will require of him. As he embarks on his career as assistant secretary the undergraduates and alumni alike will lind him a pleasant, conscientious friend and co-worker. The fraternity may well be proud to h ave Bonn A. Gilbert in its executive offices.


Young Again Edits uThe Star and Lamp" By Howard D. Leake, Washington & Lee HE RECENT reorganization of the Central Office of the fraternity, required because of the resignation of Executive Secretary Howard Leake, presented the Council with the problem of disposal of the magazine, inasmuch as it was decided that other duties of Central Office were sufficient to occupy the time of the new office force without placing the additional burden of editing the magazine upon them. This led to a consideration of a part-time editorship by an alumnus and a subsequent announcement of the opening. Numerous applications were received from interested and capable alumni throughout the country, and among them was that of Richard L. Young, North Carolina, a former editor of the magazine. His past fine record in the position o£ editor of the magazine weighed heavily in the Council's choice of him to take over the task, and following a satisfactory arrangement between Dick and the Council, the office of editor was transferred to Charlotte, N.C. and into Young's hands. Those who were pleasingly surprised with the radical change for better of the magazine in 1920 and who enjoyed the subsequent issues placed in the mail by him, then titled Supreme Editor, will be pleased to learn that Dick is again to take charge of the publication. Those who have entered the ranks since his relinquishment of the editorship will realize with each issue placed in their hands that a master and staunch Pi Kapp is in control. He was among the first recipients of the merit citation of the fraternity, introduced for the first time by action of the convention in New York in 1934. It was in recognition of his many years of faithful and able editing of THE STAR AND LAMP, 11 years in all, during which time he established new and high standards of content and appearance. Wade S. Bolt, South Carolina, resigned as editor in the fall of 1920. Dick, then a youthful cub reporter on a Charlotte newspaper, was asked to take up the task and to carry on. A better paper stock, increased reading matter of interest, revised typography and the addition of decorative cuts characterized his first issue. His constant endeavors to improve each issue imparted qualities of vitality and attractiveness which were widely noted. He was retired to the sidelines when the



Richard L. Y otmg, Kappa



action was taken to concentrate all activities io Cof ~ Office, and now that there comes the reversa es? policy, it is but natural to see Dick take up the r ~ sibility again. It is easily perceived that the rnag' will be in capable and sympathetic hands. fj 0 Dick is the dean of the reportorial staff et!1 0110 Charlotte News, having maintained his . C 0 1 0 with this newspaper after two years servtce. blr Charlotte Observer. To him is assigned the ht~ portant and delicate task of reporting the loca ot~ cal and city administrative actions. Like .~anY nti~ of his ilk, he does not confine his composttt011 etri~ to the newspaper desk, but finds time to con to magazines of the popular an:!. ~ighter kindscon~l He was married in 1921 to Miss Jean . tO of Ontario, Oregon, a member of Pi Beta PhJt a I! . k r., gon State. They have two fi ne sons-D JC • set 15 and Donald, aged 13-whom he hopes to the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi in the near futur~barl' He is a charter member of the 01p Civitan club, which he helped to ,eJ ize in 1921 and which he has s.e~efl' several official capacities in the 1 9(!1 ing years. He has been particular ~eJ in the American Legion, has se 0 historian of Hornets Nest No. 9 a:lf ! lotte for many years and rece~barl• elected chef de gare of th~ ¢' voiture of the Forty and Etght, order within the Legion.



The Star and


Do You Want to Be an Actor? Kenneth Michael did. And here is the story of this Broadway trouper, better known to the brothers of Lambda and Alpha Alpha as Virgil M. Lettice, of Macon, Ga. His story of the "rough road to fame" is told to the Executive Secretary.

I~~~ VERY easily list the few .Broadway pro-

but ton; I ha~e been fortunate enough to be in, the Br s~ ar as mteresting experiences in "climbing not so oa way ladder" (you flatter me, really) , I am giye yosure there are any. However, I will attempt to u a r' , tirne I esume of what has happened from the tioned ls~pped on the first rung of the above-menquite cl a der to the present time; which still finds me 1 h ose to earth. 193s ayef alw ays wanted to be an actor. So on May 30, D ' a ter hav· h . <Jarnes b t~g. t. e ~mouldermg embers fanned to (Mac Ymy acttvtttes m my home town little theater tnanu~a~ ~eorgia), I gave up my position with a big city tur~g company there and hied myself to the farrnin ~come, in the vernacular of some of my My ~ rela~tves, "one of them air acter fellers." the difl:i eatncal friends in Macon had warned me of and su culty in securing an acting job in New York stock cggested that I get further experience with some sto~L ornpany. The "talkies" have long since made "' cornpa · nected . ntes passe, but I did manage to get conN.y dWtt_h an amateur outfit near Poughkeepsie, f . ., Urtng th e"eryth 1' e summer o 35 . Here I played boy .....1thng frorn base villains to romantic heroes And ' "' tl . . and perfe l!S ~~orgia accent in COntrast to the speech northe ct dtctiOn of the other kids who were all ,, rners w I . . Whoof'• ' as a not. The audtence would \Vhether t~verytime I opened my mouth, no matter 1 soon 1 e scene be low comedy or high tragedy. tnust g ta~ned that to get anywhere in the theater I J\.t t~ rtd of that accent. to ~ew ;,end of. this first summer I transferred down ?-'ay and s~rk wtth t~e other kids to "storm" Broadtog agent rted making the rounds. This means castoff•• Wa s and producers' offices. But the old "brush. thr s always f orth coming; you know- "come back tn lars h:~ ;e~ks." Finally when my twenty-five dolto \Vrit h wmdled to almost zero and I vowed not had doe orne for money after all of the bragging I J4,1114rynel, I .landed a part as an extra in Night of r" ays ha dl6· 'Extra " means not a speaking part an d 'this r. enough to live on. friend JO lasted three weeks and after living off 1 sand G d ' landed th 0 alone knows how for another three, a south e part of a mill hand in Let Freedom Rjng, sho\V I ~r~ play of the Carolina mills. This is the only 1gaye it e t of my own accord. After four weeks of it up for a part in How Beatttiflll With Shoes,

another southern play which lasted only a week. Man, was my heart broken. This was the end of November, 1935. How I lived until Christmas the good Lord only knows. But with a few Vitaphone Picture shorts at Warner Brothers, Brooklyn, and a little commercial photography (you know, picture of a fellow brushing his teeth or something), I managed to get by. On Christmas night I replaced an actor in another southern play, Mttlatto. I was the character T alb ot, an



of P; [(

appa Phi

Kenneth Michael, who wanted to be an actor.


overseer on a cotton plantation. This part paid a good salary and, believe it or not, the same week I got a radio job on the NBC Sunday afternoon features Roses and Dt'ttms, a six weeks contract. Between the two salaries I was "in the dough." At least I thought I was until the six weeks were up. The irony of it was that at the same time I received my notice (fired) from Mttlatto. The world came tumbling down about my ears. For the first time in my life I knew the meaning of heartsick. I couldn't eat nor sleep, just walked the streets in a fog. The theatrical season was over for that year. No one wanted me. "Nothing until next fall" they would say. Then I heard of two plays being cast. I got a haircut, had my shoes shined, my best suit cleaned and pressed, took a aeep breath, put on my best smile, squared my shoulders, and walked in. It was so important that I make a good impression for competition was so keen during the dull season. The casting director was affable enough; but it was several minutes later while I was. wandering aimlessly toward Times Square that I realized he had said something about being sorry, that I wasn't the type, that there were no southern characters written in the play and with such a definite accent I would be thoroughly out of place. It was the same story more or less at the other casting offices. I don' t definitely remember what happened to me from the middle of February 1936 when I lost my two jobs until the following summer, except that I had saved some money during those six weeks and I lived on that until the following June when I joined the Barter Theater at Abingdon, Virginia. There I enjoyed the usual summer stock company life, returning to Broadway in September only to be informed by an agent that had I arrived in town a couple of days earlier I would have had a part in a well-known Broadway hit which ran the entire season. Nothing happened for the first few weeks. Being broke I again put my means of existence on the cuffs of my friends. (I suppose that the reason theatrical friends are so easy to make is because misery loves company.) I picked up five weeks with a "shoe-string" producer, playing towns in Jersey, Long Island and up-state New York. That soon petered out and I again, after paying off my obligations to my friends, began living off my savings, until the biggest and best opportunity of my theatrical career came pounding at my door. It was almost Christmas again (1936) . My finances had dwindled to practically nothing. I heard that casting was going on for Max Reinhardt's spectacle, The Etemal Road, and that although the principal parts were filled , they still were looking for big men for the smaller parts, understudies, supers, etc. I dashed madly down and into the office of Mr. Charles Alan from the Cleveland Playhouse, a shy lad to whom I shall always be grateful. He was very kind, asked me to sit down and tell him about myself. I did. Then he asked me to stand up, eyed me carefully up and 8

down. What was my height; six feet one; my weigh~; , one hundred seventy-five. He asked me to turn aroun,; walk across the room and return. I did. I knew he '~'~"'o. interested or he would have told me "no" long aghi My heart was pmmding like a sledge hammer--~ , ' wouldn't it slow down? I was sure my voice ha J1l · slight quiver when I answered his questions, ??t f~~n. fright I don't think, but from nervous anttC!patt My heart seemed to pound over and over throug? ~··1 whole body the words "You've got to get that J0 d1 Mr. Alan asked me to be seated again. Thank Go ; 1 Another minute on my feet and I felt as though :. 1 head would blow itself off my shoulders. He kept gak, ing at his desk for some time. Will he never spe~lf I thought, and when he does will he say "no"? Ftll 'd he raised his eyes. "All the parts are filled," he sat~ "and even so you still have somewhat of a south~ 1 accent." (You understand I had been working on t ~ accent for the past two seasons.) As he spoke I beg e 01 to feel sick inside. The blood in my veins moved lll J slowly, seemed almost to jell. I didn't answer,w· couldn't find my tongue. So finally he added, ··Jio 0 ever, we do need big men as extras, and after w~ ~ked there may be a chance as an understudy." He dtslt ,, offering an "extra" to an ~ctor, but if I was ''fret. (meaning out of work) and would consider, · ;P Considet'! My heart was in my throat! The blood" . racing through my veins again! Consider! W'hy · · why ... ! . her I don't know what was said after that. Nett n do I remember leaving his office, of going up ~oVI•n I came to some time later sipping a "coke" tll t~e actors' "hang-out" when a friend slapped me on u back and said laughingly, "What in the hell are staring at? We've been sitting over there for the ~~ 0 half an hour laughing at you. Couldn't you heat 0f Come on, get that half-crazed, ethereal look out • your eyes and join us." 0 I told them all. I was to get my costumes on Su~f day and start rehearsals Monday. I was suprefllfo! happy and, being true friends, they were happ~ hi· me. Everyone joined in the celebration that n~god That's what usually happens when your frien~s: 1,e a job. Maybe it's because they're glad they wont a to feed you for a while. ile It seems that lady luck had finally decided to s~P on me. A short while after the show opened I 15 , given an understudy. Before the show closed, MaY h's 1937, my principal, playing the part of one of JoseF g.n brothers, left. After tryouts I was fortunate en~U sl 1 to get the vacancy. At last I was a principal. .At e;hS I was a mild success again. I lived for five .moll di from Etemal Road, from extra, through understuod to principal But as all things must come to an e0• so did The Etemal Road, and I am now finishi.ng aJo other season of routine stock at Ogunquit, Matll1· aY two weeks I will be back hounding the Broa Wod offices, nothing definite as to a job; slightly better financially, and a damn sight richer in experience.


(Contintted on page 9)

tl'' '

The Star an d L

Install Alumni Chapter at Ithaca



~~tional President Meisel and National Secretary Berry parttctpate in interesting ceremonies of organization of sixteen Pi Kapps into alumni group. N MAY 8, 1937, President Meisel presented

Theta, '31; W. S. Jordan, Psi, '28; Harold 0. Merle, a charter to the Ithaca Alumni Chapter of Pi Psi, '27; Carl Olson, Jr., Alpha Omicron, '31; Truman lard 'st ~appa Phi. The installation was held in Wil- K. Powers, Psi, '30; H. T. Scofield, Psi, '30; Harold sity, an~tght Ball on the Campus of Cornell Univer- E. Sprague, Alpha Theta, '30; George T. Swanson, This chwas attended by sixteen Pi Kapp alumni. Psi, '36; Joseph G. Tarboux, Alpha Sigma, '22; Smith alumni ~pter was formed from a group of interested Woodhull Tompkins, Psi, '29; Robert A. Van Order, progres w : have been active for several years in the Psi, '36; Orville H. White, Omega, '35; John R. Wil0 sity ll.r s the undergraduate chapter at the univer- cox, Psi, '36; Lawrence A. Williams, Psi, '29; Paul • J.'IO on organiz f e pers?n or group was responsible for the Work, Psi, '22; James L. Zwingle, Alpha Sigma, '31. It spea~ ton leadmg to the petition for the chapter. to state :h well for the future interest of the chapter formati at every man enthusiastically worked for the Do You Want to Be an Actor? We on of this charter. (Co11tinu ed from page 8) Oflicerswerde, indeed, fortunate in having two national d' · an th quet. }. L ~ tstnct archo~ at the installation banI haven't said so much about all those lonely weeks the llleer · Zwmgle, Alpha Stgma, capably conducted and even months when day after day you are told been dev~~ .as toas~master. "J. L.," you know, has "nothing for three weeks," but they have taught me affairs. l)' ~mg raptdly as a toastmaster for Pi Kapp how easy it is for an actor to go berserk or even suiWelcome;strtct Archon Frank J. McMullen, Alphi Xi, cide. As for myself I feel I have a pretty good grip his coo t~e new chapter to the district and offered on Ken Michael, but let me say that if it hadn't been ~ationite~tton in the. f~ture activities of this group. for the teachings of my parents and the noble dochvered a secretary Wtlltam J. Berry, Alpha Xi, de- trines of our great fraternity as taught to me in my to be tn . ho:t emphatic talk on the close relations neophyte and brotherhood days at Lambda and Alpha the und amtamed both with the national office and Alpha by those fine brothers who went out into the W. M:/rfaduate chapter. National President Albert business and professional world several years my senspoke bl~e BAlphi Xi, before presenting the charter, ior, I could never have made the grade. Nay, I could considerrt~ Y on 0e duties of an alumni chapter. He not have stuck it out. There are often times when I constru ~· the mam objective of this chapter to be a think of those teachings, and I silently and fervently to the lc program of assistance and supervision thank them and the brotherhood they represent. est coo;ca ~mdergraduate group, promising the fulldertakene~atton of the national office in anything unBroth Y th~ alumni. Georgia Brother Dr~wned as presider Metsel then installed Willard E. Georgia Urer of t~nt and 1-I. Stilwell Brown as secretary-treasULIAN w. PRANCE, aged 23, of Americus, Ga., a member of Alpha Alpha at Mercer University, alulllni he chapter and, in this manner, accepted into from si c apter membership twenty-four Pi Kapps was drowned in the surf at Savannah Beach, Septemthen acx Undergraduate chapters. "Bill," Georgia, Psi, ber 5. He was apparently caught in the undertow while ~hat thec~ted the charter, promising Brother Meisel bathing in the surf and was carried out to sea. He is tn every en assembled would continue to be active survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother. plans f sense of the word. He outlined some of the or th f t . Splendid .~ u ~re and thanked the group for thetr ~fter si c?operat10n in developing this organization. Beta Brother Dies tng ad· ngmg the "Rose of Pi Kappa Phi" the meetJourned. to "Z'm ck' s.. f or th e p1easant evenmg . HOMAS DOUGLAS WALLACE, Beta, died September of infor 15 at his home in Great Falls, S.C. Includtnal dtscussion. Brother Wallace was graduated in 1924 from Presare the f e~ as .members in this newest alumni chapter Secretar ;. owmg Pi Kappa Phis: H. Stilwell Brown, byterian College, Clinton, S.C., where he was a memJallles reasurer, Psi, '27; Russell I. Doig, Psi, '23; ber of Beta chapter. Since 1926 he had been connected ~il!ard ~novan, ~si, '31; Garrett J. Felton, Psi, '24; with the Great Falls high school, first as teacher and lllan, Ps· ; Georgta, President, Psi, '25; E. C. Hansel- coach and later as principal. At the time of l1is death ~illia~' ~ 8 ; George R. Hanselman, Psi, '22; Edward he was president of the Chester County Teachers arker, Jr., Psi, '35; T. N. Hurd, Alpha association.





of p·1

kappa Phi


Restoring Values of the Old South By Jay Franklin (Acknowledgment is made to the Register and Trib11ne Syndicate, copyright holders) 1

N THE first rapturous dawn of the New Deal, particular Negroes were in greater need of fede:a: d Jerome Frank, who was then general counsel of lief than those on the mainland, when the sea-ts ~~ the AAA, was traveling through the Carolinas people were, if anything, happier and better off t to examine the damages to the agricultural south the latter. wrought by the profit-system as understood in Wall This was not well received in Washington. ·~ street. Then W eltner requested and received aut~o~~ At Charleston, he ran across a man who seemed to to reduce the heavy office staff Washington had wts. ~ understand the whole problem-racial, economic, so- on him, and dismissed some of the red tape artJS cial, in the mountains and low country alike-a gentle- at regional headquarters. tlf His authority over his own personnel was pro~P 1 man who had been the editor of a big New York magazine, and who had retired to a career of long- revoked by telegraph from Washington and, betng 1 distance free-lancing and "the good life" on South man of pride, he promptly resigned. . e. Carolina soil. Jim Derieux offered to resign at the same t'~ Frank introduced this gentleman, James C. Derieux, He was then part of my organization and I re ~s 0' to Dr. Rexford Guy Tugwell about the time the latter to accept his resignation, but he insisted on ab~ll ~~ ing a craft subject to sucl1 eccentric and whtl1l 51 was organizing the Resettlement administration. Derieux seemed-and was-the ideal man to handle navigation, and returned to his free-lancing. . {ot As much as any one man, Derieux is responstble M' the public information work in the Resettlement region, consisting of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida the "discovery" of Charleston by the writers and of and Alabama. For in addition to his wide journalistic tists who are beginning to make it famous as oneteS· experience, he had served as secretary to the governor the last refuges of gracious living in the United Statbl The duck-hunting millionaires who restored tll' of South Carolina and knew the current politics of the region as thoroughly as a Wall streeter knows his old plantation-houses were followed by men and ~~otll en who, 15 years ago, would have sought solace ticker-tape. til There was a little initial difficulty, as the regional Main street in the Latin quarter of Paris. Year after year, Derieux has plugged for s~ui~ director, Dr. Philip Weltner of Georgia, at first did not see the point of telling the public how and why Carolina and for an understanding of the. sout tbat its money was being spent in the south, and also felt terms of itself. Like all sensible men, he belteves h3 ~ that he should have the selection of the man charged the strength of a nation lies in diversity rather t ~· uniformity, and senses that the evolution of this c~UP' with this duty. But after a tense conference, the two men became · try must follow individual lines of regional deve ~es' firm friends and close allies in the struggle to make ment, rather than revolve in the closed circle of sta the happy thoughts of northern idealists make sense rights vs. federal authority. 10 in terms of southern ways of living and of thought. He believes that the old southeast has much U'' It was a long and, on the whole, unsuccessful battle. contribute to the nation on this basis, and that 3 Dr. Tugwell believed in decentralization but the in- money-civilization of the north is inapplicable t~1te stinct of a bureaucracy is always in favor of uniform- region where a successful farmer can raise and edaC•nd ity, and uniformity can be achieved only through his children, live well, improve his property, ~ol· red tape, and red tape is a parasitical creeper which prosper, never handling more than a thousand d. lars a year, drawing his living directly from the lallbf can choke the stoutest tree. Then, too, there are always people near the top Some of the money squeezed from the sou·~·stJl 1 of a government machine who think they know better three generations of high-tariff, northern industna tb' is now being poured back into Charleston. And ed than the man on the spot. The reason for the mess in the southeastern Re- wealthy duck hunters find themselves being soften settlement region is still shrouded in mystery. There and civilized in the process. 0{ At the same time, Derieux is fostering the gerrP.ve was a community of poor Negroes on the sea-islands off the Georgia coast in which one of the great north- a new southern culture and literature which can gdt· direction and self-consciousness to the revival of sou ern philanthropic institutions was interested. Derieux and Weltner refused to certify that these ern prosperity.



• 0


The Star and [,at#P

Books 1344-1937


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By Albert W. Meisel, National President

HARD DE BURY in 1344, one hundred years before the invenof printing, wrote about "Books" as follows: "These are the masters who instruct us without rods and ferules, without hard words and anger, without clothes or ?loney. If you approach them they are not asleep; if investigating, you ltlterrogate them, they conceal nothing; if you mistake them, they never gr~mble;. if you are ignorant they cannot laugh at you. ~he ltbrary, therefore, of wisdom is more precious than all riches, and nothltlg that can be wished for is worthy to be compared with it. Whosoever, therefore, acknowledges himself to be a zealous follower of truth, of happiness, of wisdom of science or even of the faith, must of necessity make himself a lover of,books." ' . These sentiments were later printed in the "Philobiblom," a book on the Joys of reading, in 1474. If de Bury could feel so about books before the invention of printing, 110 w ~uch more the appeal of his words today, when books are cheap and plentiful. Some of our chapters have been slower to realize the value of books than others. To those, I say, you cannot start a chapter library too soon. d. The proper titles for a nucleus of a collection may be secured under the f trection of the Central Office. Once started, there should be a regular plan or accessions. In one of our chapters this is now accomplished by each ~ember _of the graduating class presenting a book to the library; at anot~e~, ach ~ctlve brother gives a volume each year. Whatever the method, tt ts essential your library should grow, and this must be provided for. b Once established, regular use of the chapter library should be cultivated Y. every member of the chapter. Your books will not only promote scholarshtp but also will provide entertainment of any kind desired. . Brothers, I therefore request consideration of the establishment of a 1 /brary by each chapter as a project for the college year of 193 7-38. May ~ave your cooperation to this end? Of


'l(appa Phi


Omegalite Wins Plaque A ward

1 kr\ N ITS second year of competition the President's Plaque, awarded annually for excellence in the chapter publication field, goes to Omega Chapter, Purdue, for the fine volume of the Omegalite presented in four issues during the last school year. To the chapter and especially the editors of this paper go the heartiest of congratulations of fraternity officials. Presentation of the plaque came as a distinct and pleasing surprise to most of the members of the chapter as District Archon Bob Amick gave it into the hands of the chapter archon before a homecoming crowd of upwards of seventy alumni on October 9. The competition last year was even more keen than that of the previous year. The number of chapters submitting entries more than doubled with issues coming from Gamma, Epsilon, Iota, Lambda, Mu, Upsilon, Chi, Omega, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Delta, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Eta, Alpha Theta, Alpha Iota, Alpha Mu, Alpha Xi, Alpha Omicron, Alpha Rho, Alpha Tau, Alpha Upsilon and Alpha Phi. Final judgment for the award was again in the hands of Walter R. Jones, national historian, and he raised the query as to whether all chapters had submitted all of their issues since in 12 instances he received only one copy of a publication during the entire year. Editors should take cognizance of this fact and be sure that their publications are all sent to the members of the national council, to the central office, and to Richard L. Young, editor of the STAR AND LAMP. In the year's competition second honors went to the Dusak of Alpha Upsilon Chapter. Following in the third· bracket were the works of Iota, Alpha Mu and Alpha Xi, all of about equal quality. The Omegalite excelled in general editorial excellence, format, alumni and interesting chapter news while the Dusak



is to be complimented up<>P · n'til: frequency of publicat~o the inclusion of a specta . 111 ing number and an alurJl rectory. u~ As this award is a0 110 10 the question is raised as n! chances of a mirneogra~ publication along side 0?eq• is printed. To answer th~S eJ tion the author is incltll say it matters not whethe.~ paper be prmted or .rJlfW h graphed so long as htg att torial standards and ne r are upheld. The two tope~ lications mentioned above will illustrate t~esed r types of presentation. The Omegalite is a prtnt]JJ per, coming out four times a year while ~he ~ is mimeographed on standard 8¥2 X 11 1111rn~ f and is issued seven to nine times each s~ho~dY ~ The seven issues of the latter cost approxlf!l~ d, same as the four issues of the printed paper. ~ 0 ' issue of this mimeographed volume been up 011• standard of the others the award might have g Alpha Upsilon rather than to Omega. . atio' The primary purpose of the chapter publiC a& to keep open the best available channel the! r} chapter has with its own alumni. The ce~tr~e ~ is happy to note that more and more alurnnt athis menting upon the work of our chapters along cJi and a~ticipat~s an even keener ri.valry. betwee~ce ter edttors thts year. Already recetved JO the Alflli' copies of the W oodbird of Alpha Xi, the ·[oil51 of Alpha Omicron and the Epsiloniatt of IlP fine start for a new year.



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Fraternity Editor Passes

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RANK ] . R. MITCHELL, editor of The ~ '{r Phi Delta Theta, died May 11, 1937, in :Ne 7. Upl 93 City and was buried in Paris, Ill., May 14, 1 ~~ of The Star attd


Under the Student's Lamp Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1937 By Dr. Will E. Edington, Illinois Chairman of Scholarship Committee


BE CBAIRMAN of the Scholarship Committee pre kn ternity :en~s the following brothers to the frali own as th sp·tts eleventh group of scholars to be 0 pO toam Edgar eD! Kappa Phi Scholars for : Wil193 7 on ' """ ef d f 1 Ia! J1i pr''•endorf b ' Rens en1 er er, Penn State; Harold J. l!Jl01 yes Yterian · W se aer; Roy Foskett Hutchinson, °Ugene Jo'nes La ayne Corwin Jackson ' Iowa State '· A 1ey S n000' Joh tetson · Th mar, labama; lloyd Crume PawI~ to "'· n Svehl~, A rmou omas l.T Speer, Armour Tech; George wah' ch 5 tngton and lg nrap~ r e ; Howard E. Wilson, Jr., Afore th lee. one t a ·s q' more cand'dn one-third of our chapters had one or 1




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&rou ates for th · h · h h sta P of scholar ls tg o:J.Or, and the present ndards of h s measures up rn every way to the !r.aphs and c ~l e past groups of scholars. The photot tll appear ~ egtate activity records of the above men "'ArP. The ftn the next number of THE STAR AND ants and certificat ormal a~ar d s o f the scholarshtp . pendDe cember lO. es wlll be made on Founders' Day, Pi l(a . l'h PPa Pht Scholarship for 1936-37 hav e scholarshi ch a~>t e been recetved . P reports for the f b school year 1936-37 1y a out one-fourth of our 'ers at th ts ' writing or on 0 Ur n t' b t th d the a tonal stand. ' u ese reports in icate that \liithsame as for ;ng for the past year will be about som a very hi h he year 1935-36. Several chapters sta e, Wherea g rattng for 1935-36 have dropped 1f ndings. As several other chapters have raised their ~h numb complete report will be made in the sn· ith the er of THE STAR AND LAMP. . Ill tp. Coll'ltnittreorganiz at'ton of the natiOnal Scholara a~tca]]y llle~~ whereby the chapter advisers are autoIll~ 05 er super .e:s of the committee, it is hoped that ag ~bership :tst~n of the scholarship of our active 1 na;j : take its ayl e made so that Pi Kappa Phi may or thnal frater ntttes ? .ace among the upper third of the Ph·1 shtee year a position ' s ago 'Ev . which it held until two sch OUld Ill k · ery actlve member of Pi Kappa a ol~rship a ~ e the effort this year to raise his own <'f/l0tnt that ~h:he sd1olarship of his chapter to such be Men's av chapter average will be above the ll~> the Year . erage of the college. Let the year 193 7-38 •Pe r levels tnin wh'ch '. p·t Kappa Phi again reached the of Jl· natiOnal scholarship.

' kappa Phi

Is High Scholarship Worthwhile? In one of his recent syndicated articles Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam in answering a question by Horace Heidt, the band leader, as to whether high scholarship equips a boy better for life than success in extracurricular activities, states that success in school studies is far more important. He states that since the depression many business firms will not consider an applicant whose scholarship is not in the upper quarter of his class, and some firms insist that the applicant's scholarship be in the upper tenth be f ore they will grant an interview · In a survey made by the Investors Syndicate, of Minneapolis, through questionnaires answered by 218 leading colleges and universities, as to the employment situation for 1937 college graduates, it was shown that the employment situation was better than for any year since 1929. As qualification for employment scholarship, personality, campus activity and popularity, character, leadership, and general ability were listed in that order by employers, with 51.4 per cent giving scholarship as the principal qualification, 19.7 per cent giving personality, and no other specific qualification was rated first by more than 5 per cent of the employers. Another survey shows that only 12 per cent of college graduates were without employment for an average of nine months during the depression, while 45 per cent of those having a high school education only were out of work an average of 29 months. Surely the above studies show that a college education pays and that high sd1olarship is almost a sure guarantee of an opportunity for the better positions. In general the best combination is high scholarship accompanied by a reasonable amount of extra-curricular activity. The studies of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Committee have shown that in general the student with high sd1olarship is also prominent in extracurricular activities, for he has learned to study effectively and to conserve his time so as to be free for other activities. Our Pi Kappa Phi scholarship motto, "Knowledge (or Wisdom) Conquers," should be the working slogan of every Pi Kappa Phi. 13

Leigh's Biggest Florida Pi Kappa Phi and his spectacular lights on Broadway are discussed by "The Talk of the Town" commentator in The New Yorker.

. T

HE BIG new animated electric sign erected over the Astor Theater to advertise its current movie, "High Wide, and Handsome," is the work of Douglas Leigh, Inc. So is the other animated sign, on the opposite side of Times Square, which for the past several months has been advertising Wilson's Whiskey to a capacity curbstone audience. We didn't consider it necessary to investigate the Wilson's sign; but when the Astor's appeared on the Square we realized that we were in at the beginning of a trend, if not a boom, and immediately looked up Mr. Leigh. We once told you his story: how he came here from Florida in 1931 and worked with one of the big local sign companies until they cut his salary to $30; how he then organized his own company, and erected, in the next three years, half a million dollars' worth Douglas Leigh of electric signs in the midtown area. Mr. Leigh, who has now attained the age of twenty-seYen, is still god . . rea11y IS, . an d it's ~路~ . opera t 10n soun stmp1er t han It ing strong, having put up another quarter-million fair to say that the photoelectric cells are C0001.r~ dollars' worth of signs since our last report. However, with the outside bulbs by 200,000 miles of "' he's more proud of the fact that he has sewed up all with 15,122 soldered joints. f~ the American patent and manufacturing rights to the The action of the sign can be changed. as new animated signs, assuring himself of a monopoly new films can be prepared. To advertise "Htgh. fll v for the next seventeen years. and Handsome," Mr. Leigh is using scenes f_ro ~ These signs are the invention of an Austrian, one picture, transposed into cartoons-a girl danctllg;~ Herr Rosenberg, who experimented for eight years. men fighting, an Indian, elephants and carnels, jot The parent company, called Epok, has headquarters in trains (do you begin to get the drift of the PII'~ Stockholm, but so far has erected no signs on the Con- an orchestra leader with a baton. Paramount, ~ 1 tinent. "Europeans don't seem to be ready for specordered the display for the picture, is payi~g ~: ~~1 tacular advertising yet," explains Mr. Leigh. He has for seven weeks. The sign remains Mr. Letgh !lll ' owned the American rights for more than a year, but erty, and he plans afterward to offer it for r:n rc has only recently succeeded in ironing out certain a three-year contract, to include moving the 51fi~ mechanical difficulties that prevented commercial use new site, rental of site, operation, upkeep, an t t of the invention. The Wilson's sign was more or less for new animations; $4,000 a month will cove by way of experiment; the Astor sign, Mr. Leigh says, whole thing. _-/ is his chef d'reuvre. It measUres forty-three feet by seventy-five. In the center is a screen composed of Brother's Wife Dies ,l 4, 104 made-to-order six-watt light bulbs, which is RS. ANNE FRAZER PINKSTON, wife of ]3 F~ twenty-four feet by thirty. These bulbs flash on and off Julian S. Pinkston, Eta, died at Walter t~ in squares of four, each square being controlled by a photoelectric cell. The photoelectric cells are in the Hospital, Washington, March 8, 1937. Interr:llend!lil projection room-1,026 of _them, on a miniature of in Arlington cemetery. Mrs. Pinkston was a grsii'P the outdoor screen. The cells are touched off by light of Florida State College for Women where s~~ ft~ from an ordinary movie film, and transmit the cor- member of Kappa Delta. She was formerly lv{!S 路~ responding image to the big sign. The films are made Owen Fr~zer of Midway, Ala., and wa~ .mat::et' much the same way the Mickey Mouse films are, ex- Brother Pinkston October 2, 1928. SurvtvtOg t]~路 cept that the job is simpler, the sole medium being her husband, a captain of the 345th Infant!}'. black and white squares. This explanation makes the States Army, two sons and a daughter.




OJ 14

The Star and f/


Conclave at Montgomery

ltJMNI f ~ ver 0 Montgomery, Ala., played host to a IY Y .successful conclave as the Pi Kapps of


IStrtct S . e open. even gathered there Aprtl 16 and 17. as the ga tng gun was fired Friday night, the 16th, hotel he ~g got together in an informal smoker at llndergra~ quarters. Well represented were the three Pha Iota ua~e chapters, Omicron, Alpha Eta and Althe host' c:n the alumni groups of Birmingham and sentative ty: John H . McCann, central office repreas did s; arnved a bit late for the opening festivities a![ were : ~ther Pi Kapps from outlying towns, but day morn· and for the business sessions of Saturtng . .lJnder th · trtq Arch e capable dtrection and leadership of Dis0 ~ay got u ~ J. Theodore Jackson the business of the hcipating ~ erway with actives and alumni alike par10 entire sco presenting prepared topics covering the est tc all pe of fraternity work. Of outstanding interPast nat· Was the brilliant talk of George M. Grant · tonal ' a'llls for Whic sec!etary, outlining the purposes and !ears. Pittin ~ Pt K~ppa Phi has worked these many tnto the g mto thts same theme was the "glimpse l:!· past" trlllingharn pres~nted by that Pi Kapp sage from Gettin ' V. Ham Huey. :tother ~ d~wn to the organization of the fraternity . Otegroun~Cihe A. Carlisle, Eta, '12, brought to the ;~ operatin t e vast. volume of detail that is necessary 1 &htly on g a natiOnal fraternity. He toud1ed but Was quite undergraduate chapter organization as this ~ta, Pres cap.ably set forth by Dick Charleton, Alpha ougene ~hng the chapter archon and his job; lioward W amar, Omicron, the chapter treasurer; and Chari orkman, Alpha Iota, the chapter secretary; chaplain aesd Sharp, Alpha Eta, the chapter historian, eltPerienc n warden . .Drawing their material from e and th e mstruchon · · manuals publtshed . by

of 'Jl·

'l(appa Phi

the Central Office in 1935, these men gave much valuable information to the brothers assembled. To those who were about to assume new offices went the help of experienced men-to those who had been out of their respective active chapters for some time went much that was new in the handling of fraternity affairs. All benefited. The morning session was not without certain emphasis upon the place of the alumnus in active work. Two men of proven ability brought forwaro pertinent facts along this line. These men were Ed. Beason, Alpha Eta, of Birmingham, and Clyde Pearson, Alpha Iota, of Montgomery. Nor was the session lacking in the color of song-fraternity singing being placed in charge of Jack Adams, Alpha Iota. luncheon followed with the table set for fifty and every seat occupied. As the boys from Chi so aptly phrased it last year, the enjoyment of the meal was interrupted only by the words of the then assistant executive secretary, John H. McCann, Alpha Upsilon, presenting what he termed an intimate glimpse into Central Office. Mac outlined the many phases of office and executive work carried on there, a subject interesting to everyone. Following the luncheon business was again the order of the day as Brother McCann assumed the gavel to lead the afternoon round table discussion. Of the many topics, the most pertinent were on summer rushing and chapter publications. As a result of the former a district-wide summer· program was begun that has by this time stood the test of its first season under fire. Results have not yet been gauged but when this is done they should prove of interest to the fraternity at large. No final decision was made as to handling chapter publications in the district. The (C0111im1ed on page 16)

Feminine Friendship Links Three Chapters in Pi Kappa Phi ISS KATE WILKINS, of Greensboro, North Carolina, received her A.B. in 1935 from the Women's College of the University of North Carolina. She was awarded an assistantship at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, with opportunity to study for her master's degree. She was assigned to live at Eastman House. There among the other graduate students she met Hulda Magalhaes. Miss Hulda Magalhaes, of New York and Hopewell, New Jersey, received her B.S. in 1935 from the New Jersey College for Women. She was awarded an assistantship at Mount Holyoke College, with opportunity to study for her master's degree. She was assigned to live at Eastman House. There she met Kate Wilkins, of North Carolina. The two girls became firm friends and spent many of their holidays together. They then learned that Kate Wilkins' brother, Robert Wallace Wilkins, is a brother in Pi Kappa Phi from Kappa chapter, that Hulda's brother, Willard Magalhaes, is a brother in Pi Kappa Phi from Psi chapter, and that Hulda's father, Frank Magalhaes, is a brother in Pi Kappa Phi from Alpha Xi chapter. The two girls received their master's degrees this June- Miss Wilkins an M.A. in chemistry, and Miss Magalhaes an M.A. in physiology. The degrees were awarded by President Mary Woolley, who retires this year in the one-hundredth year of the history of Mount Holyoke College.

Left: Miss Kate Wilkins of North Carolina


Right: Miss Hulda Magalhaes of New Jersey




c Y1 0


Miss Wilkins returns this fall to teach at the ~ ~ en's College of the University of North Carolina,~1)11 Miss Magalhaes goes to Philadelphia to teach at Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. 0

tl It

si tr It

lc 'tP'

Conclave at Montgomery (Continued fro m page 15)

consensus of opinion, however, seemed to favor alumni boards in Montgomery and Birmingham to aid the active chapter editors in their work. Assuming legislative capacity the conclave representatives went on record in favor of making the district conchtve an annual affair, alternating hosts between Montgomery and Birmingham until such time 16

when another alumni chapter might be installed «l in the district. ·ntl As the shades of late afternoon fell the gathert i; <;arne officially to an end. The capable comrnitte~c!J· charge, appointed by go-getter Howard Upcb\1 ~, 1 archon of the Montgomery group, announced 11 dancing was in order for the evening. Some 65 to el' Pi Kapps and their sweethearts danced to the s« ~~ strains of music until well past the midnight ~~~· when goodbyes were said with a "see you ne:J{t Y background.

The Star an d



ti ti


Harper Promoted

Alabama Brother Dies In Highway Accident

Henry G. Harper, Jr., Kappa


is made that · Henry G. r., appa, has been named sales Coropany,~rr ~or ~e ~oodyear Tire and Rubber &eles. Cahfornta, wtth headquarters in Los An-

Ernest L. Stroud, Jr.

~ rna .qarper'

Barper Carolina . graduated from the University of North 10 1 Year Co 917 and was .first employed by the Good0flice o:U~;y. here, in the Charlotte, N.C., district 1919. ttre concern as a counter salesman in th Be later w . e Char] t as appotnted manager of inside sales for ro o te d. . . an in tstnct and became a general line sales1928 Ststant dt' t . · The same year he was promoted to astransferred s rtct m~nager, and m · November, 1929, was lllanager t? Rtchmond, Va., where he was district lotte thenu~ttl January, 1934. He returned to CharIn Ma cho take charge of the Charlotte district. ~f the cor ' 1935, he was called into the home office hon of tndpany at Akron, Ohio, to take over the posit'1on. a ve r t'tstng · manager for the entire corpora}f·

f ts latest . Or the C !' pro~ot10n to position of sales manager for sales a ~f?r.nta company, makes him responsible ~he 11 rn acttvtttes in a vast territory, which comprises 'ng the L~st western states in the United States includ.qaw .. ' regional auan Islands and Alaska. There are nine ~t. Ba sa1~s districts which will be directly under rper s supervtston . . on h'ts new asstgnment. . of Jl·1

l(appa Phi

HE SUDDEN, accidental death of Brother Ernest L. "Buster" Stroud, Jr., of Stafford, Alabama, brought sadness to his family and fraternity Sunday morning, August 8. The accident occurred in the early hours of the morning as Brother Stroud was returning to Clearwater, Florida, after attending a Yacht Club dance in Tampa. It brings once again within our very portals a realization of thehorrible toll taken on the highways of today. Buster was just 23 years of age and was on vacation after completing his degree work in the law school of the University of Alabama prior to entering advanced law at George Washington University. His career at Alabama and in Omicron chapter were climaxed last year as he led the chapter as archon and in the Interfraternity Council of the University. Initiated in April of 1926, he had always worked consistently and well for the advancement of his school and fraternity. He was a leader whose ideals and opinions were highly respected by all who came in contact with him. Funeral services for Brother Stroud were held at Selma, Alabama, with Pi Kappa Phis from Omicron and Alpha Iota in attendance as pallbearers. To his mother and father who survive him we extend the heartfelt sympathy of the fraternity.



• Education Defending the Classics tn (Dr. A. P. Wagener of the College of William and Mary writes of the work of the national committee on the Present Status of Classical Education of which he is chairman.) CAN well remember the thrill with which, exactly forty years ago, I began to study Latin. We used the old Collar and Daniell. book on which high school boys and girls of my generation were raised. The school was the High School of Charleston, the one attended by our founders, where the friendship began which later flowered into Pi Kappa Phi. We were all, so to speak, nurtured on the classical tradition, a tradition which still persisted in the South as the symbol of a real education and the mark of a cultured gentleman. Besides Latin; Greek, German, and French were taught, each of these languages having its devotees. It was actually a shock to us when, in our senior year, a teacher of the commercial branches was added to the faculty. How different this was from what we now .find in our schools and colleges! In competition with the natural sciences, sociology, economics, business, government, fine arts and a host of other subjects a steady decline of concern for foreign language study has set in ; while the number of students in the ancient languages is approaching the vanishing point. This is partly the result of altered conditions in American life which have affected the attitudes and interests of our boys and girls, our college men and women. Preparation for business and the professions has been emphasized as the objective of college education. Practical subjects are crowding the curriculum, each demanding its coterie of followers . The high schools are .filled with pupils, most of whom have no natural intellectual interests and require preparation for life's work rather than for advanced study. Furthermore the conception of a gentleman and a lady has changed. Where formerly acquaintance with the literatures, the history, the institutions, the philosophy of our own and foreign peoples, and the ability to converse upon such topics with charm and understanding were considered essential to social intercourse; we now have the radio and the movies to entertain us, demanding no contribution whatsoever on our part. At school and college, athletics and the social activities of innumerable clubs leave little time for browsing and selfcultivation in the refinements of the mind. The decline in foreign language study is only a part of the decline of interest in all the humanistic branches in contrast with those of immediate social import or practical application. Yet it is not without deep concern that those of us who have been reared on the classics observe the indifference of modern youth to the languages and literatures of Greece and Rome. For we have seen the service rendered by them to education in the past. We realize the impossibility of understanding and evaluating our own civilization without a thorough



acquaintance ~ith that of the ancient world. ~~:t> Coolidge, when vice-president of the United ~~~ said in an address: "Mankind have always had cla\: They always will. That is only another way of sa\· that they have always set up ideals and always :,, Always the question has been, always the quest100 1 ~, be, what are those ideals to be, what are to be ~ 1 classics? For many centuries, in education, the claS~: have meant Greek and Latin literature. It does "' need much argument to demonstrate that in the iv 1 ern world society can have little liberal culture;;~ is not based on these. Without them there co dt no interpretation of language and literature, n? a~ quate comprehension of history, no understandtn8 the foundations of philosophy and law." . ~ 01 Only last year Nicholas Murray Butler, prestde e0t Columbia University, made the following state~ 30 "Knowledge of Latin is a vital part of any sch.00 d· college preparation which is to be in any "".1se ;iP• quate. There is no way to understand what tS ~ J~ on in the world today that compares with a knoW~ of how it came to be going on, what were its c~ c' its origins, and its earlier history. By the stu 0. Latin, intelligently and thoroughly pursued, af tP this knowledge may be put at the disposal 0 student of today and tomorrow." diC• · It was with the desire to resist effectively the ra. •iP· tendencies of extreme educational theorists str~l til to push into the discard everything that savors 0 tit~ old, and in the hope of preserving for American yo , the .fine elements in the humanistic education °~ ~· generations that the Classical Association j1l 0 Middle West and South appointed in 1934 a ~ 0 mittee on the "Present Status of Classical Educa~air· To the writer of this article was assigned the .0,, 5 manship of this committee. The committee haS associated with itself representatives from other iP· sica! associations in the United States, thus bee.~ ttl truly national in its scope. It has cooperated wt cher. National Federation of Modern Language 'f~a eJtl notably in a panel discussion with representative 3 ~. cationists at the New Orleans meeting of the pepa~ ment of Superintendence of the N.E.A., last FebfU pJl As a result of its suggestion, a similar committ~e tid 1 been appointed by the Modern ' Language Ass 003 13~ of America. Thus the fight to defend the rightful~ ir. of foreign language study is rapidly spreading effect will inevitably be felt. This article is "W~ til' because of the assurance given by the editor 0 \l'j\1 STAR AND LAMP that the readers of our journa1 ~~ be interested in the work of my committee, botlf til• personal reasons and because of the significance 0 undertaking itself. "';rt. As a primary aim, we have been concerned






The Star and

rnaking th greater e ~tudy of Latin more interesting and of American education. enter prac.ttcal value for the boys and girls who As a part of this latter undertaking, the National rnotiv~pon tt. To that end we have been advocating Lookout Committee of the American Classical League interest ton ~hrough relating their study to everyday canvassed last winter the opinions of a large group of stantly proble~s, and through emphasizing con- leaders of American thought in every walk of life. afford e help . whtch the knowledge of Latin will The publication last spring of a pamphlet containing 1 because n rastenng other subjects. This is practicable some of these opinions excited much interest, particupublish ~ . the number of fine texts which have been larly because of the unanimity of judgment on the techniq e tn r~cent years and because of the improved part of men of very varied training and outlook on trained u~ of mstruction in which teachers are being life. Thus John L. Lewis of C.I.O . fame states: "Latin reciting 0 longer is Latin study a continuous drill in and Greek should be kept available in all secondary rules of arno, amas, or stella, stellae and in mastering schools for all who desire them." Paired with the great and int gr~mmar. Rather pupils begin with simple labor leader is Thomas W . Lamont, banker and cap.,.. · about Roman life and customs. italist, who says : "I am not to be numbered among !hey erestmg stones . are enco 'i'ltth th . urage d to compare and contrast these those who believe that the study of science is, in the etr own . are ~>iv expenences and surroundings. They formative years of youth, a substitute for Latin. Not o en confide . ll1aster th nee to rea d an d through readmg to only does the structure of Latin teach us logic and sentences e:;ements of language. Meaningless, isolated clearness of expression, but surely it gives a backcontain· ve been replaced by connected passages ground that we cannot do without. After over thirty historic~~g hmythological tales, stories of heroes and years spent, not chiefly in academic circles, but in and the h~ ar~cters, accounts of the everyday activities active affairs, I can testify that my early training in . tstor1c ach'tevements of the Romans · all of Latin and Greek has served me better than any other htstort'c 1 and 1' a teld:s . Jterary significance. rhe latest' school subject in which I worked ." Others who contributed ' JUst off th . . . of Pictu e press, are illustrated wtth a profusiOn their judgments on the place and value of Latin are . res rna . b . W. L. Bryan, President of the University of Indiana; tndeed ~y m eauttful colors. It is a dull pupil teacher wh0 Will not enjoy his lessons and a poor C. J. Bulliet, Art Critic, Chicago Daily News; Henry colllrnt' ttw .0 cannot put zest into his teaching. The Seidel Canby, Editor of the Sat11rday Review of Litera· eets .. f tn-se ....1· ratstng unds to sponsor institutes for the ttlre; C. A. Dykstra, formerly City Manager of Cin•v ce trai · f effective! nt.ng o teachers, to enable them to handle cinnati and now President of the University of Wisi\. Y the trnproved materials. consin; Aloysius J. Muench, Catholic Bishop of Fargo, current f t' h . for soc· e Is m secondary education is education N .D.; Albert Einstein, J. Edgar Hoover, Robert M. . ta1 contro1· Thi s emphastzes . tnstrnn. the school as an Hutchins, and Ignace Jan Paderewski who are too -'lent for · 1 · of son. socta tmprovement · even in the minds well known to need identification. "'eAextre.me th'tnk ers, as an '.mstrument ' The committee has been heartened in its work by ll1aking for relectivist l~enca according to the doctrines of a col- such endorsement of its objectives. Its program is one 1 lishrnent ~l~sophy. The method pursued is the estab- of education, publicity, and defense through enlisting sciences ~ Integrated curricula based on the social intelligent support and refuting unsound criticism. Wtth · · ll1atical l't a mtmmum of attention paid to mathe- Active sub-committees in every state of the South and ttuth and ' t erary' and 1'tngutstlc . . stud'tes. There ts . much Middle West are bringing the campaign home to local val · 1·ng of communities, and presenting our beliefs to civic . ue In the contention that the understand5 good ct't~tal and economic conditions is essential to groups. In this movement we classicists are motivated · tzenshi rtcuiurn . P· The theory of an integrated cur- not by selfish professional interests; but rather by the aU essent~s exce~ent, provided that it is inclusive of stern necessity of preserving the study of a language 1 as a soci s.ubJects. But man is an individual as well which is an integral part of our own, and assuring and the ~ emg. The awakening of aesthetic impulses knowledge of a literature and civilization which have . of art and literature . been essential parts of western culture ever since the as a pre tntrodu . ct'ton to th e g1ones 'i'liU en/aratton for pleasures and appreciations which days of the Roman Empire. In the midst of indifferand gir]ur~ throughout life, are the right of every boy ence, even of active hostility on the part of so many cannot be aurt~ermor~, sound social understandings students and of certain administrators and teachers in the past cqwred Wtthout reference to the life of the newer .fields of learning, we believe that we are lllittee i as revealed in its records. Hence, the com- justified in .fighting to save an educational tool whose ?f Lati; ~ncourag!ng active participation on the part passing would be an irreparable Joss. We are inspired •n lllany eachers m curriculum studies and revisions by the thought so well expressed by Mr. Coolidge who, t' stat · •on Which es tn order to test and prove the contribu- in stressing the ideals and the power to endure which standing can be made by Latin study to social under- have made America great, said: "The great and unbi!ity of~ a~d aesthetic appreciation, and the adapta- failing source of that power and these ideals has been i\.lso thro attn teaching to the most modern approach. the influence of the classics of Greece and Rome. Papers udgh the pens of contributors to the news- Those who believe in America, in her language, her s an m . . Peakers th agazt.nes, and through the mouths of arts, her literature and in her sciences will seek to tendenc· e commtttee is combating those ideas and perpetuate them by perpetuating the education which teswh'tch.tt be1'teves to be subversive of sound has produced them."





1 Pi

I<appa Phi


Pi Kappa Phi Pictorial Workmen All (At the left) Proving that a./'~ ternity existence is not en11' 1 d • a11d composed of beer partieS dances, Alpha Xi brothers anll pledges pose for New York prtof photographers on the front steP\ their brownstone mansiotl du.~~nf1 summer redecorating week. He1Jgt the photogs from the rear is P11 ll Bud Henly, who 1ost l'us pa'' , 11 twice during the painting P~il· The finger tinter is Brothe~ in liam Fendrich. Prettily poslllC ltf the middle row is behatted Br~~i, Helmut Ne~tmatm, ho~tse I Jgt Brother Tohn Walter, at!d P 1 r· Emil Sigg. Right ~tp front are ailed Brother Do~tglas Keys, /tanpop s~tcker Pledge Harold We JJfil· der, and hod holder Archon liam Seewagen.



Alpha Lambda Men

Leo Mores Selected as a member of Cardinal Key, men's sen•ice honorary at Iowa State, Brother f. R. Sage was also tapped at the same ceremony. 1

Alpha Upsilon's new house at northwest corner of 34th street and Powelton avenrte, Philadelphia.

Group of Mississippi Pi Kappa Phis (top). (Lower !1~~ Tony Rosetti, who played second sack for MississiP~' ht) three years. (Center) Jess Alderman, coach. (Jl.lg Ernest McCraken, member of boxing team.

• • •

Pi Kappa


Xi Chapter at Roanoke

Trio of Roanoke Brothers

Pi Kappa Phi Pictorial Pi Kapps in the Press

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The unusual record of catching four no-hit baseball games in the big league, held by Pi Kappa Phi's Luke Sewt!!: received widespread publicity this summer after he caught Bill Dietrich in the hitless contest against St. Lo~;) The New York Daily News carried the pictrtre shown at top left. The athletic versatility of Harrison (M"' ~ Wickel, now on the Cardinals' payroll as manager of Camthersville, Mo., club, is the subject of a sports' co/Ill#¢ discussion. At bottom left, the Schenectady Union-Star records the election of William F. Jacob, Brooklyn Poly, 11 president of the National Special Libraries Association. An interesting picture in the Richmond News-Leader, ce;" r top, shows R. W. Allison, Ga. Tech, being congratulated upon his appointment to Annapolis. From the Ct~al lotte Observer is taken the picture of William H. Neal, Davidson, who was elected president of the Finane• ;1 Advertisers Association at its session in Syracuse, N.Y. A teaching fellowship at the University of Alabama / given to Hubert Mate, honor gradt4ate of Howard and Laurence A. Michel, Jr., honor student at the College'Jd Charleston, receives newspaper recognition. Stetson leader is Richard Branham, chosen president of the Flo~' ~ college. Dr. Harry Parker Hammond, former head of the department of civil engineering at Brooklyn Poly, is.gll'~/ newspaper space as the result of his appointment as dean of the School of Engineering at Penn State. Select1° 11 J Gilbert L. Campbell, Purdue, as a member of the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley scientific expedition, for"'~/ the basis of an interesting newspaper story. Announcement is made of the appointment of Dr. George Howard, 11 North Carolina faculty, as assistant superintendent of schools in the Panama Canal Zone. Book magaz_ines are 110 carrying advertisements of the forthcoming book by Thomas Wolfe, North Carolina•


Pi Kappa Phi Pictorial

-------------------~~------------------------------Ready to Dance

Some of the Iowa state chapter boys go formal for the funior Prom.

Tau Chapter

T a11 Brothers pose in their best "bib and t11cker."



Calling the Roll



Alumni PersonalS

Chapter News




Chicago Pi Kapps Start Fall Program After a "vacation" of two months, the Chicago Alumni Chapter resumed activities at the Stevens Hotel where a joint meeting with the ladies of the auxiliary was held September 10, officially opening the fall season. About thirty sat down to dinner after which bridge, tripoli, bowling, etc., were en· joyed for the balance of the evening. Mrs. Fred Dahlberg was the winner of first prize, a beautiful pair of vases, and Mrs. Cy Lowe was awarded a nest of ash trays as the second prize. Most of us were pleasantly surprised to have as our guest at the meeting our Executive Secretary John McCann who happened to be in these parts, and was able to arrange his schedule so he could be with us for the evening. Mac is a welcome guest at any party, and we were all mighty pleased to have him with us. Although everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly, a great mystery surrounds the events of the evening-a mystery worthy of some expert "Sherlocking." Jewell Burk and the beer were both missing, and both were scheduled to arrive together, the former bringing the latter-thus the mystery. We fear that there has been a reversal in form some place, but it is hoped that the beer has not taken Jewell for a ride. There have been no enlightening reports from the under-cover men to date. Fortunately the evening was cool, so those present with parched throats did not suffer too much from thirst, although the disappointment was evident. About twenty-five members and rushees were present at a Monte Carlo Rushing Smoker held at the Armour Tech chapter house on the evening of August 12. T?m Watts_ of Illinois was in general charge, and deserves credrt for puttrng on a fine party. Plenty of "money" was available for all present to start the evening, but it is rumored that a darkhorse got hold of the "bones" during the evening and broke the house. His story that it was his first experience at the game was doubted by some, but it's the truth-so help meor him. BERT EUSTICE

Cleveland Names Officers The Cleveland Alumni Chapter held a meeting at the home of P. C. Woodhouse, 1183 Andrews Avenue, Lakewood, when officers for 1937-38 were elected as follows: George A. Leech, archon and W. W. Glenny, secretarytreasurer. The chapter is interested in expansion in its territory and is giving consideration to tl1at program.

Georgia Pi Kapps Organize A series of meetings was held during the summer at Thomson and Augusta, Ga., by Pi Kappa Phi's who were interested in forming an alumni chapter. At the first meeting held at Thomson, Pete Knox was elected chairman of the group. The second meeting was held at the Richmond Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Those who attended the first two meetings included Pete



Knox, Wyck Knox, Bobby Knox, Larry Knox, Boggs ecs, Ned Harrison, Trap Bryan, Julian Lokey, Bob SteV od f Thomson; AI Davis, of Warrenton; Bob Saggus ~~ ~ Clary, of Harlem; Campbell Vaiden, Eugene Gartn ' Charles Jenkins, of Augusta. e orfAll Pi Kapps in Thomson, Augusta, and vicinity M • to affiliate with the group.








Alpha Delta Alumni tn Varied Activities k ~no~ Thomas E. Jermin, former alumni archon, too p0ict· step up the scientific ladder when he was rece~tly aP e3t~ 5 first assistant in the U.S. Weather Bureau's statron at~ea~ Boeing Field. ~or several years he has _be~n i~ the tcleBureau's office rn the Federal Office Butldmg Ill s_ea 8if You'll recall reading about the record-breakrn!l]lrJ I of the Russian aviators earlier in the year-well, "perJF J ermin was one of the government experts wh? ' 00 so ~ with Soviet technicians to make the first two flrg~ts ad1> cessful. And could anyone get a word out of Tom 111 ,retabout the flights? Not a word, for all plans were 5.dge, ~ The Jermin home, in beautiful suburban Blue Rr often been the scene of Seattle Pi Kapp affairs. j\1~ Mel Klinefelter, present archon of the Seattle p0i~ Chapter, a figure-juggling accountant, was recently ~p tiff internal auditor at Frederick and Nelson, the c~~Js. fP ' department store which is owned by Marshall Pre 110g all accounts, Mel's new job is the sort that ail yo ut.J' countants chew up dozens of pencils dreaming abo don't get without plenty of hard work. •' I' Rene Koelblen, whose chairmanship of the "da1~eC~I­ mittee at the 1936 national convention will long ~ js D' has a new job you may not have heard about. e·£c ~~ with _the freight traffic depa~tment ~f th7 North Pa~~ 0g¢J· way m Seattle. And, not satrsfied wrth hrs present r sf' proficiency in all-round commercial matters, he's no 11e jo' ing the evening hours on a knotty advanced cours counting. ·11gII" Bjarne Moe is so busy with his theatrical arch_itectr iJoil in the Pacific Northwest these days that air Jr?e ~obs 1 say "H'ya, Barney." But one of his newest maJor. J Se'r. right at home: the beautiful Green Lake Theater 111wp~ Designed in a spirit of restrained modernism, the 0~ , (! was recently opened with fanfare which drew PaCJ 6 film notables in attendance. e Sif Bob Mumford, for the past several years with th in~ Oil Company in Bellingham, Washington, has bee!ljoed Seattle office recently. His family, however, ref'liO at W Bellingham and Bob has been a regular commuterj-og~t on week-ends. While his political career (in B;1 '1 js ~ has been more or Iess a secret (in Seattle) the ac 0 }I• Bellingham voters haven't yet caught up with h_irn ~at11 (j ford is still an honored member of the BellJngJeMO ~ Council. ~ormer chapter-ma.tes. will be s~ocked to tn~t J the one-time Mumford warstlme, oft likened t~ n~irS' gazelle, has now nearly vanished. But councilmaniC c strong.

The Star and






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. Several hve · members of h in 1 tn the Junior Ch t e Seattle Alumni Chapter are acGamma California Ra~~de: Rene Koelbl amber of Commerce in that city. These The official opening of Gamma house for the current Willi Decker, Bugh ~nhl ~h.arles F. Clay, Melvin Klinfelter, D·le, c tctmg, Horace Granger and Doug college year was on August 10. At this time 19 men returned td You k for the new school year. Fifteen of these were here last Sh . . CUrios·r now that H semester, and four returned after an absence of one semester, bond ltes during th d ug11 . c ltcttng, who was one of those o. salesman . e epress10n (should we say "late'") a or more . .oeattJe · , 1s now th . • · • Charles Vannice of Grant's Pass, Ore., joined the ranks a j b Investment fi 0 n e tradmg board for the pioneer IVit~ Which calls f~m 0 ~ Will.i~ P. Harper & Son? It's of the alumni last May after four years in the College of Commerce, majoring in finance. He now has a position with inves a Wtde variet r qlllck .tl~tnking and close familiarity trnent field . Y of secunttes, as those brothers in the the Balfour Gutluie Marine Insurance, ltd., San Francisco. John Net Wt 11 testify. After a thorough house cleaning, getting things in order, ag0, i . son, who . d . .. .. the fall semester rushing activities began. Gamma has obown 1 ~ the oper t' recetve h1s E.E. not so many years tained eight new pledges with six good prospects. The pledges llleo: Ctty Light : ~ng department of Seattle's municipallyIVouJdo~ the Skagi~ ~i: ma~moth new hydro-electric develop- are: Norman Arrighi, Maurice Stauffer, lowell Osborn, Henry Cappello, Bob Wilmuth, and Elton Kelly. up t n t Want to ker. Its supposed to be a job-but who iogJ 0 the sky, whWor .where snow-crested mountains reach The officers for this year are: archon lee Emerson; You: for the mer ere. gtant trout waggle their tails implortreasurer, Bob Dawson; secretary, Jack Macki; historian, Ray Cramer; chaplain, lee Edgar, and warden, Art Mc&ineeg things visit: stgtt of a fly, and where opened-eyed Murray. lllarr·rs Who are ~ng. rom the city oggle the brawny enthre ted man now amtng the wilderness? But Johnny's a RAY CRAMER, Historian bo~hildren. ' and entirely devoted to Mrs. N. and their Al11mni Personals engin ~enneiJ, for Walter Hoyle of Charlotte, N .C., and Miss Helen Mar&ine ~ertng work . several years in New York in electrical garet Maclellan of Chattanooga were married last June. bonert~g depart~e~s now busy back in Seattle in the enHoyle is a past president of the Junior Chamber of Comthat 't ltke many 0 th t of the Kenworth Motor Truck Corp. merce of Charlotte. He received his A.B. degree at the UniPave he fir trees fer Westerners, appears quite convinced versity of California and his law degree from the University to hlllents of Ne 0y the Pacific Coast look better than the "'~ve him retuw ork. Seattle alumni were pleased indeed of North Carolina. • Wm n rn. Robert Henry Frank and Miss Maxine Marie Bratten ''lPha . ownie Wo d were married on August 28 in the Christ Episcopal Church is St'll Delta's a h 0 • whose stern yet benevolent rule as ' ~.· rc on ba k . • 6 . of Alameda, Calif. They are making their home in StockexPer "'lth the Ca . c m 2 wlll long be recalled, ton, Calif., where Frank is executive secretary of the Dishotel t, has served ~adlan. National Railways. Bill, a hotel trict Council, Boy Scouts of America. at J Properties F 1n vanous of the Canadian National's bert asPer Park ·tl or the past several summers he has been e~Pea; this Pasts 1e ultra-deluxe wild country resort in AlDelta Furman rten ce Stnce . ummer h e was ass1stant · . hotel Period manager. H1s . 1eavmg th U . . f . s. Robert R. Scales, Jr., of Greenville, S.C., and Miss KatherCanad· tn London d ~ ntvers1ty o Washmgton covers ine Brothers of Birmingham, Ala., were married in May. "· '.an cities n·anh Pans, as well as various of the larger vIStt' · n1s om · 'II Mrs. Scales attended Misses Howard School for Girls in to the tng Pi I<a . e IS stt Vancouver, B.C. Birmingham and Rollins College. She is a member of the 'teaR Weekly lun hps 10 Seattle are always cordially invited Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Scales is affiliated with the liberty becolll 00m in ilie ~eons, now held on Tuesdays in the Persian life Insurance Co., of Greenville, and is president of the Pi "" e a fiJCture . orhthern life Tower. These luncheons have "-apps and h 1nte routme · of a large number of Seattle Junior Chamber of Commerce there. ave been the source of much satisfaction.



dr:/· l<Iugh p Charleston llaptj \'V'ard of ~d~, Jr., of Ridgeland, S.C., and Miss Mil!lrad~t Church ~bora, S.C., were married in the First of th te of the lJ . al.terboro on July 23. The bride is a hollle e. Chj Omegnlv~rstty. of South Carolina, and a member 0 1n Ridgelanda horonty there. They are making their C:harJ July s w ere Purdy is in the drug business. 19 and Gston anci M:.37 • Dr. Thomas Willard Reynolds of the II eorgetown ISs Sarah lola Anderson of Charleston a Ye aptist in c't were married at the Cathedral of St John '"fercyar Bn · Baltim1arleston. Th ey are making . . home · for theu ospital, ore where Dr. Reynolds is an interne at


8eta of ~\Vrence B . Presbyterian the1·rhharleston w. MiJCson, Jr., and Miss Florence Swan both ere m . d ' 50ciate om~ at' 159 T arne April 3, 1937. They are making his fat~ "'tth the W ~add . Street, Charleston. Mixson is asSch001 er. Mrs ·. · M1xson Seed Co., which is headed by and atte~d 11 d tJCson was graduated from Memminger of p. e the College of Charleston.

'/(appa Phi

Quitman Rhodes and Miss Aileen Hudson, both of Greenville, S.C., were married in June. They are making their home in the Randal Court Apts., Greenville. Rhodes is a chemist with the Union Bleachery in Greenville. Curtis V. Bishop is located in Danville, Va., where he is president of Averett College. Robert B. Herndon, of Social Circle, Ga., and Miss Helen Burton, of Okmulgee, Okla., were married August 29 at the little Church Around the Corner in New York City. Mrs. Herndon, a member of Chi Delta Phi, was graduated from limestone College. They will reside at louisville, Ky., where both will be engaged in social service. Mrs. Herndon will be associated with Neighborhood and Brother Herndon will be connected with the louisville juvenile court.



Archibald Fairly Carr, Jr., and Miss Marjorie Harris were married in Englewood, Fla., last June. Mrs. Carr graduated from Florida State College for Women. Carr received his B.S., and M.S. degree at the University of Florida, and completed his doctorate there the past summer. In the fall they will make their home in Gainesville, where Carr will be on the faculty of the University.


Dr. Robert Devane Croom, Jr., of Maxton, N.C., and

Miss Rosalyn Currie of Clio, S.C., were married in Clio on June 8. Mrs. Croom received her education at Chicora College, Columbia, and took graduate work at New York University. Dr. Croom attended Davidson College and the Medical College of Richmond, Va. He is practicing medicine in Maxton, N.C. Charles Brown, Jr., Davidson, '25, is living at 612 Summit St., Winston-Salem, N .C. Harry L. Shaw, Davidson, '26, is professor of English at New York University, New York City. Dr. Chalmers R. Carr, Davidson, '28, is an interne at Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia. He took his medical course at the University of Pennsylvania. He was married in May 1933 to Miss Willie Alexander, of Vass, N.C. W. N. Archie, Davidson, '29, is teaching French at Wake Forest College, N.C. W. M. Hunter, Jr., Davidson, '31, is employed by Corkansteele, Inc., New York City. His address is 95 Christopher St., New York City, although he takes frequent trips out of town. William Hinton Best, Jr., and Miss Sara Eloise Brown were married at Goldsboro, N .C., August 28. The bride attended Strayer College, Washington, D .C. Hinton is an attorney at Goldsboro and was a member of the House of Representatives in the North Carolina legislature of 193 7, representing Wayne county.



Brother and Mrs. Kinard Johnson, of Liberty, S.C., announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Jane, June 15, 1937. C. R. Edwards, Zeta, '14, died at Chester, S.C., in June.


Georgia Tech

Carlton Dougherty of Richmond, Va., and Miss Mattie Tate Wood of Bolivar, Tenn., were married on September 19, in Bolivar, Tenn. Mrs. Dougherty is a graduate of WardBelmont School, and received her B.S. degree at Vanderbilt University, where she was a member of the Delta Delta Woman's fraternity. Dougherty is affiliated with the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., in Richmond, Va., in the industrial engineering department. They are making their home in Richmond, Va. Payton Hall is now secretary of the Chattanooga Safety Council, Chamber of Commerce Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. Greenwood Henson, Iota, has just been made manager of Procter and Gamble's Boston-Philadelphia division. He is stationed at the company's main offices in New York City.


North Carolina

Francis B. Breazeale and Miss Inez Whitridge Lowndes were married in Flat Rock, N.C., in August. Breazeale is a physicist connected with the American Enka Corporation, and they are making their home in West Asheville, N.C. James Shuler and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Devereux of Salisbury, N.C., were married May 21. They are making their home at 419 S. Lee Street Salisbury, where Shu1er is associated with the Southern Railway System. Charles W. Banner of Greensboro, N.C., and Miss Mary E. Hoffman of Mt. Airy, N.C., were married in Mt. Airy June 19. They are making their home in Washington, D.C., where Banner is connected with the National Bank Examiners. Mrs. Banner received her education at the Woman's College, University of N.C., and Banner is a Pi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina.




. ;.dt:

Jack M. Matheson of Toccoa, Ga., and :M1ss .~~> · McEwen of West Palm Beach, Florida, were marn ' West Palm Beach, June 1. d t Richard F. Harris, Jr., and Miss Virginia :Mc~ur ~~ of Atlanta, were married in August. Mrs. HartiS 'toe r University of Georgia where she was a member 0 ~ 11 Mu Sorority and Kappa Delta Pi honorary fratc;rnt!Y·n~· are making their home in Atlanta where Harris 1S con with the First National Bank.


}..f s J{t Charles Edward Davis of Americus, Ga., and 1 11 is Poole of Butler, Ga., were married June 7. :Mrs. ~ a graduate of Georgia Southwestern College. They nee ing their home in Americus. . , 5 Franklin Braselton, of Braselton, Ga., and Claudia Bell of Sparta, Ga., were married in Sparta la(ou Mrs. Braselton received her degree from LaGrange ·~ where she was a member of the Alpha Phi Beta sor~n 1, president of the senior class of 1935. They are makiO~tb home in Braselton, where Braselton is associated "''J{c brothers in the Firm of Brazelton Commission Co· also assistant cashier of the Braselton Banking Co. ra }J James E. Harrison of Thomson, Ga., and :Miss SBgrn Bryant of Athens were married August 26. :Mrs. bd attended the University of Georgia and is a. meJI1 Jill Kappa Delta Sorority. They are making their 110 Thomson, Ga. d A report from Thomaston, Georgia brings the sn . 106 of the death, in May, of James Pasley, Lambda th was just 31 and had attained a chief clerkship wt 1: Central of Georgia Railway. Stricken with an acut~"'' of appendicitis while at work he was rushed to a. 1. 11 in Macon, Ga., where he died May 26 after a futJ gency operation. f Brothers of Lambda remember Jim for his cheeh15 r 1 humor, his ath letic excellence in basketball and courteous manner. As he joins the brothers in the Jllol Eternal the sympathies of his fraternity go out to the father and sister who survive him.




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Edgar Robert Stallings has recently been award allf· prenticeship in the Los Angeles, California Count}' ~0 ~ of Budgets and Efficiency. Each year two of the outsof (i students of the four major universities and colle¥es s~Jll fornia are selected and awarded the apprenticeshiP£ rd t was highly complimented by the faculty of Stan et 1versity on his thesis entitled "The Council :Mana8etgfl' of Government in California." Stallings did his und btl· ate work at Duke and formerly lived in Augusta, Ga·•he ' enrolling at Leland Stanford University. At StanfordpaJiD honored by membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary science fraternity.



Edward Carr Atkinson, of Roxboro, N.C. was p.~.P. August 2, 1937 to Miss Margaret Carlton, of r C Brother Atkinson is an official with the C. H. Joyne ~{! rolet company at Roxboro. Mrs. Atkinson attended St- i~'ts' school and later received her A.B. degree from the_ ~~eSI of North Carolina where she was a member of Cht


Nebras~· ...1j~

)'eW Dale W. Alves of Greeley, Colo., and Miss A tC Jll,it of Fort Collins, Colo., were married June 6. They are

The Star attd



their home 10 . 1fontgom Greeley where Alves is connected with the ery Ward Co.

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Dr D Roanoke . exter Dav· 0 f I emon, of R ts, verness, Fla., and Miss Helen Frances June. Mrs D o~n~ke, Va., were married in Roanoke last after attend 1' avJs ts a graduate of Sullins CoJlege. Dr. Davis the linive .ng Roanoke College graduated in medicine from rstty of Virginia Medical College.


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Be Alabama nry Bolma M' . . ~scalonsa, Ala n tze an~ Mtss Wt!~a Anders, both of }.{,ze is a ., were marned June 1, tn Tuscaloosa. Mrs. member of X~aduate of t~e ~niv~rsity of Alabama, and a cron. They ar pha D~!ta Pt. Mtze ts chapter adviser of OmiCaloosa. e makmg their home at 314 34th Ave., Tus-


Adam G'J 1 Dothan Al es Grant and Miss Eleanor Owens both of ate of ~. a., Were married June 5. Mrs. Grant i~ a graduof woman's C II . Alpha D o ege, Tallahassee, Fla., and a member tn Dothan e1ta Phi Sorority. They are making their home



G d ry 'ilV!l!iam C h a sden, AI · ooper .and Miss Frances Hood, both of 0 me at 100;··pwere marned July 31. They are making their B 'Xr. Cecil G eachtree St., Gadsden. each, F!a f rant who has been practicing Jaw in Daytona 0 Partnership' .r the past six years, has recently entered into ~here. Their wt the law .firm, Grant, luther and Shelley 00ms 9, ces are located at 4051;2 Main St., and in 10 p Announce~eand. 11 Woolworth Building, Daytona Beach. GUrceiJ and M'nt ts ma.de of the engagement of W. W. R. Bray is a gr diSS Caroltne Gray, both of Birmingham. Miss . rother Pu al!u~te of Huntingdon College of Montgomery. 'n BirOJingrhce ts connected with Alabama Power Company James Ph'J'am. '~~<ere marrie~ tp Lynch, Jr., and Miss Alice Clifford Walsh at~ended A b at Greenville, Ala., August 23. Brother lynch c:tved his ~ ~n, the University of Alabama where he re5'ty. · · and law degrees and Georgetown Univer-


'I'heod Oglethorpe CorneJia Ore G Bur ns L'ttt1e and Miss Connie Ruth Irvin of ~rneJia'Ju a., Were married in the First Baptist Church of l\O"' . t' '"e, Ga ne Th 24 · M rs. L'tttIe ts a graduate of Shorter College, title is p. ey are making their home in Cornelia where as~w~

AI ll.oy Carr I b Pharetta t~e of Norcross, Ga., and Miss Myrtle Morris of ~ebaiJ p{a a.! were married in June. Carlisle formerly a th erican ;er 1 ~ ~he Southern, American, Pacific Coast and 'II< e Atlanta ~oc,~tton. leagues, .finished his pro career with hare busines ra~ ers JO 1932. He is at present in the hardome. s 10 Norcross, where they are making their

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ch Washington and Lee tn 19 apter is mak' J £ t 38. 'iJVe h tng P ans or a new house to be ready er. Ope to have the blue-prints ready this semesSta0 )., bas b •'lastri dre h · ea/ aiJ team .w t e catchmg assignment on the varsity l( !led nurn thts past season, while Rooney Thompson 1 at shortstop on the freshman team. Bill eseJ stroke~r\~ ts crew to victory in the finals race on the

of P; ](0

PPa Phi

North River. He was elected crew captain for this year and therefore has custody of the cup until next year's finals race. The .finals dance set was one of the best in years. We were well represented with parents, friends, alumni, and about half the members of the chapter were in attendance. Two new boys were initiated just before school closed last spring. The new men are Rooney Thompson and Jack Campbell. Brothers Clark Winter and Russ Doane were graduated last spring. Clark received a B.S., and Russ a B.A. in commerce. Russ is back to get his B.S. in commerce this year. He was elected President of the Fancy Dress Ball. An excellent rushing committee this fall was headed by Seth Baker, chairman, and had as additional members Bill Kesel and George Mcinerney. ALEC N. THOMSON, HiJtorian

Al11mni Personals Grier Wallace, Jr., and Miss Jeanne Swinney of Charlotte, N.C., were married on June 12. Mrs. Wallace is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College, and a member of Chi Omega sorority and Phi Beta Kappa honorary. Wallace is a member of Phi Beta Kappa from Washington & lee. They are making their home at 149 Providence Rd., Charlotte, N .C. Wallace is connected with the Duke Power Company, in the Engineering Dept. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrjson Wilson, Lyell Harrison Wilson, May 1, 1937.


South Carolina

Edwin luther Green, Jr., of Columbia, S.C., and Miss Alice Fulton of Walnut Cove, N.C., were married June 26. Mrs. Green is a graduate of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. Green did his undergraduate work at the University of South Carolina, his graduate work at University of North Carolina and received his master's degree at the University of Tennessee. He is connected with the National Park Service as biologist.


North Carolina State

Roland Earle Noblin and Miss Patty Boykin Fitzhugh of Raleigh were married in the Broad Street Methodist Church, Richmond, Va., August 11. Mrs. Noblin attended Harrisonburg State Teachers College in Virginia. They are making their home in Raleigh where Noblin is connected with the North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission. Kenneth Gunning Byers of Spartanburg, S.C., and New York City, and Miss Kathryn Darlington Hancock of New York have announced the engagement of their approaching marriage this fall in New York. Byers is at present connected with the New York Telephone Co. William C. Wallin and Miss Elizabeth leach were married at Raleigh, N .C., Sept 4, 1937. Mrs. Wallin attended St. Mary's School and was graduated at Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore. Wallin is safety engineer with the American Mutual liability Insurance Company.



The appointment to the faculty of the University of Illinois of Brother Donald F. Mulvihill is of definite interest to the fraternity and particularly to the men of Upsilon chapter. Don is now living in Urbana at 407 West Green. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rittenhouse, Donald A. Rittenhouse, II, on May 3, 1937. The Rittenhouses are now living at 1827 Wadsworth Ave., lakewood, Colo.





Richard B. Hall of DeLand, Fla., and Miss Martha Howe McConnell of Iverness, Fla., were married in February 1936. They are making their home in Tampa where Hall is in the advertising business. Howard Malcolm Day of Oviedo, Fla., and Miss Elizabeth Ransom of Fort Myers, Fla., were married the past summer. Perry Nichols and Miss Inez Hill were wed in Cocoa, Fla., in June. Mrs. Nichols attended Stetson University and was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Nichols received his LL.D. from Stetson last term and was archon of Chi Chapter. Ray Eugene Ulmer of Palm Harbor, Fla., and Miss Bonnie Madge McQuagge of Clearwater were married in July. Mrs. Ulmer is a graduate of Marysville College, Tennessee, where she was a member of the Delta Epsilon Beta sorority. Ulmer has been practicing law for the past five years in Clearwater, and is now a member of the law firm of Baker and Ulmer there. Otis L. Jackson of Wheeler, Tex., and Miss Sarah Felton Klefeker of Miami, Fla., were married on September 12. Mrs. Jackson is a graduate of Stetson and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. They are making their home in Daytona Beach where Jackson is associated with the Florida Light and Power Co. Wedding of William G. Jennings, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Pauline Current, of Belmont, N.C. was solemnized at Jacksonville July 7, 1937. Brother Jennings is an attorney with the law firm of Stockton, Ulmer and Murichisa at Jacksonville. Mrs. Jennings is a graduate of Sacred Heart Academy at Belmont.



Larry Lang, Class '23, and Mrs. Lang announced the arrival of Robert Dennis Lang on May 11.

Alpha Alpha


Fred Milton Harper of Jessup, Ga., and Miss Frances Harris Dorsey of St. Petersburg, Fla., were married in Macon, Ga., July 5. Harper is completing his last year at Mercer and afterwards plans to study medicine at Tulane University. Dr. B. C. Teasley, Jr., of Hartwell, Ga., and Miss Mary Brooks of Robinson, Ill., were married in Hartwell, Ga. April 13. Mrs. Teasley attended Brenau College, and was a popular member of the Tri Delta sorority. Recently she took a post graduate course at Emory University. Dr. Teasley will be remembered at Mercer as Editor-in-Chief of The Caldron, Mercer annual. He also served as treasurer and first vicepresident of Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity and is a member of the Caduceus, an honorary society. They are making their home in Atlanta where Teasley is serving an interneship at Grady Hospital. Wade R. Watson and Miss Karia Lee Cosper of Pavo, Ga., were married June 27. For the last four years Watson has been connected with the school systems of Lowndes and Lanier Counties Georgia, and for the present is living in Pavo, Ga. It is with deepest sympathy for their family that we report the deaths of Joseph Hillyer Wilson and Charles C. Wilson of Alpha Alpha Chapter. Joe went to Join the Chapter Eternal in July, 1934 and was followed by his brother in December, 1935 . Both men were held in greatest respect by the brothers of Alpha Alpha and the national office extends



to their family its sincerest respect and gratitude for hn~~i. had the honor of knowing them as members in Pi Kappa

Alpha Delta


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Howard Bayley of Peach, Wash., and Miss Phylhsf their Owen of Seattle have announced the engagement o marriage, which will take place in the early fall.

d ].!is! Percy Newland Shepheard of Victoria, B.C., an ].{II· Dorothy Dean Dubuar of D etroit were married July 3. rill' Shepheard was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma soro of the University of Michigan.

Alpha Epsilon


J. N . Vernam, Jr., of Miami, Fla., and Miss Sara BortO~ of Pageland, S.C., were married in Miami July 2. Vern~1 , associated with the Pan American Airways, Inc., in MC tal 0 and they are making their home at 1245 Obispo St., Gables, Fla.


James D. Renfro, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth Plank of WaY~d! boro, Va., were married August 7. They are making t home at 337 Chestnut St., Waynesboro, Va. '<:II0in· Marvin H. Henderson, Jr., and Miss Geraldine 0.. wright of Tampa, Fla., were married in Tampa last Februa They are residing in Tampa. toO Byron Edwards Herlong and Miss Mary Frances. L~heY of Leesburg, Fla., were married in Leesburg in Aptl~· sO' are making their home in Leesburg where Herlong JS as ciated in business with his father. . 0( Daniel B. Fogarty and Miss Yvonne B. Champhn ~· Jacksonville, Fla., were married August 21. They are !!l ing their home at 626 San Marco Place, Jacksonville. ·J[e, Carey J. Thomas and Miss Billie Reece of Jackson~! )11e Fla., were married on June 30. They are making their h~)!l at 1710 Highland Ave., Knoxville, Tennessee, where ThO is assistant news edi tor on the Knoxville /Oflrllal. vetO Jack Wilkinson and Miss Elinor Amundson, both of kiPS Beach, Fla., were married on September 5. They are rna ith their home in Vero Beach where Wilkinson is connected"' Berger-Carter Chevrolet company.

Alpha Eta


H'enry A. Parker and Miss Virginia Reaves of Bircn.ingt:; Ala., were married in June. They are making their ~ at in Louisville, Ky., where Parker is doing graduate '~'~01 the Baptist Theological Seminary. rothY Howard Perdue, Jr., of Birmingham, and Miss D0 0re Fuller of Cullman, Ala., were married on July 5. ~he~afll· making their home in the Williams Apartment, Birm 10~.let!' 1 Hubert E. Mate of Birmingham and Miss Agnes 'fhe Eddleman of Ensley Highlands were married June ;. 5 J bride is a graduate of Howard College where she wapoS member of Delta Zeta sorority. Mate was active in ca!!len's activities at Howard, a member of Trident, senior (11 och honorary scholastic fraternity, Beta Pi Theta, honorary p~e sti' fraternity, Pi Kappa Tau, highest senior honorary schO a[o! fraternity and was vice-president of the student bodY phi the year 1936-37. He was chosen one of nine Pi KapPr ass scholars for 1936. He will continue his studies this falb 0f11S· fellow in romance languages at the University of A~a 1 jn Mr. and Mrs. Mate will make their residence next wwte Tuscaloosa. . sarah James Harris Crow, Jr., of D ecatur, Ala., and M1ss 1z. Elizabeth Hand of Graceville, Fla., were married June

The Star and Lll'''p


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Mrs. Crow · ~ember of ~~·aograduate o~ Alabama Poly. Inst., and is a 1 In Decatur h mega soronty. They are making their home Glenn \~re Crow is practicing law. l<athryn ~·10u ard Hearn of Albertville Ala and Miss Th "' g of G d ' ., ey :::e makin a .sden, Ala., were 1married August 20. Chestnut St g theu home at the Sheppard Apts East 'IV'1 reet G d d ., lh the Good ' a .s en, Ala., where Hearn is employed year Tue and Rubber Co.


June. Owen, an honor graduate of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in electrical engineering has been with the United States government for the past four years. They are making their home in Florence, Ala.

Alpha Lambda


Recent Initiates: Jess Alderman, Durward Collins, Joe

Dabbs, Billy Griffin, and Tony Rosetti. Alpha Lambda has moved into attractive new rooms. The ltUl· 'fhe p· eta Michigan State chapter boasts of several outstanding men who have gained 'rorit'f at lr · 1 I<apps of Al h Th . :vt_Ichigan St P a eta had a very mteresting year high honors on the Ole Miss Campus. John Ward, Senior ?chvities ac ate College. A considerable amount of social Pharmacy student has proved himself an outstanding man In many Years counted for one o f t h e most enJoyable · · sprmgs in social as well as scholastic interests. A man-about·the1 0 rida perm Was the. S 0 C: of the main social affairs for the spring campus, he is a member of Blue Key, Interfraternity Council, orestry Cab· prmg Term Party which was held at the of which organization he served as secretary, Dance Commit01ton on 1n · a b 'f the south '.d eauti ully arranged and decorated cabin JtUilj; tee, Cardinal Club, being President of this society, rear of Mich · S1 e of th e wm · d 1ng · Red Cedar river in the' M.O.A.K.S., senior honorary, "Y," Band, A .Ph.A., pharmacy illflllo 1 About th gan State's beautiful campus. organization, and having been President of the Sophomore coal are . e 1ast of M f Parttcular) . ay s?me o the Alpha Theta boys who Pharmacy Class. Ward has been a leader in the chapter for ~cky Derby Y~~terested 10 horse racing attended the Ken- four years. l{~troi(; Pau). R. hese students were Richard Jennings of Tony Rosetti has done his share to uphold the athletic 1 ~dale. IC ert of Ann Arbor; and Kerwin Jenning of section of the chapter. He has held down the second sack on the varsity nine for three years with an excellent record, las e Michigan S th t spring du tate Campus must have been very beautiful and also turned in a fine showing as a member of the boxing t~e fact that many of our boys have clamped squad, he is a Senior in the Pharmacy School, a member P.e ''baiJ ande ctoh ain" . necks. Yes three of our .,.,.I"' "'aPps ~-e a b out tI1e1r of A.Ph.A., of which organization he was vice·presiueJt .. re rna · d ' a a, Doroth Irle · Jerry Byrd was married to a Kappa dent, "M" Club, Catholic Club, and was treasurer of the nd Ruth La·J/ohnson; Larry Laidlow married June Seline Senior Pharmacy Class. Tony has also proven himself a 1 Fr ow became the bride of Roy Sprague valuable man to the cl1apter. It is a distinct Joss to the chapterAngus · aser H d · St nay Council ur was elected. Secretary of the Interfrater that tl1ese two men graduate. Coming on down the line f ~te Societies ~~the recent meetmg held by the Michigan we have: James Rose, Junior in the Law School, a member So 10'1Vs: Arch. cers at the Alpha Theta Chapter were as of M.O.A.K.S., "M" Club, Senior Track Manager, Annual ~.cretary n· kon, Paul Richert; Treasurer William Baird· Staff, Interfraternity Council, Dance Committee, "Y," and '<1St·' lC J . . ' ' who was President of B.A. Sophomore Class. Earnest McSo . 0 t1an, Leo D enn 1 ?~s; Pledge Chauman, Jerry Oven; r Cia) Chairm e AmiCIS; House Manager, Ned Martinsen; Cracken, Sophomore Engineering, a member of Cardinal Club, ad; and War:"· Gus Hurd; Assistant Stewart, Edgar ConSigma Theta Pi, "M" Club, and Soph. football manager, Mac en, Don Paul Steele. was President of both the Freshman and Sophomore Classes in the Engineering School. His outstanding achievement is Side -----probably the record he made as a member of the boxing appr . l?.emarks · It eciation f · . seems that the house manager has no team, having won tl1tee of his four lights this past season. 0 n the b or scJence-h . t , b . int asins e JUS can t ear seemg whiskers Tillis Hill, the big silent, thoughtful man of the chapter . bcaused by el ec tnc . razors.-B'til Kn1ght . . so ab erested 1n b 1s has come through, as all silent men do in announcing his h:ut having tse ~I that he goes to Detroit and forgets engagement to Miss Mary Kate Knight. We are especially lin !lone and ~ ta e. final examinations.-Leo De Amicis proud of Jess Alderman, head boxing coach at Ole Miss. In •. !ler·--M:ahJ one It- placed a ring on his girl friends the three years he has been here he has made a record tl1at 'IV~eds " or Hammo d · · Se · --Lar L . n contmues callmg cigarettes very few can boast of. At the moment he is holding the spotars l> b ry a1dlow d · · Iu k L\Oe uck & C . • a. gra ., IS now employed w1th light with his introduction of Interfraternity boxing matches 0 • In Ch1cago.- Gus Hurd will try his ..__: as cabin st on the campus. Joe Dabbs has been gaining esteem as a .., Pi ~ eward on th D &C I· k member of the debating team. Then too, there is, as an 'IVo 0 "-apps felt . . e · · 1nes on the Great La es. the ~en horse calle~~~~h~ev?,us one night and carried away a added attraction "Junior" Canfield and Mack McCormick, tear amPus. The AJax from the Ag. Carnival held on who tips the scales around 235, entertainers deluxe. Billy his on Pack sack ~su!t was ~ line of $10.00 for wear and Griffin, freshman initiate shows promise having just been ;orse. · DJck Jennmgs has spent the summer with initiated into the Cardinal Club, honor Sophomore organizat orn to M: tion. Durward Collins, better known as "four-acres" repreer, on A · r. and Mrs Otmer Schuster, Jon Neil Schussents the chapter in the fashion plate section (he won't Prll 22, 1937. . tell us where he buys his shirts). LEO DE AMICIS, Historian Alum11i News: Lunsford Casey was married last fall to AI pha Iota Miss Muriel Terry of Laurel, Miss. Dick Miller is working on his Ph.D. at Iowa State. lames Ph'J' Alabama Poly Franck Hughes is practising law at Cornith, Miss. of W I 1p Lyn h J f A.Ia ashington D c • r ., ormerly of Mobile, Ala., now }AMES H. RosE, Historia11 1Q ., 30d Wash' .C., and Miss Alice Walsh of Dothan, tyneyh are rnaki tngton, were married in the late summer Thomas Lang Harvey of Mathison, Miss., and Miss Annie c i5 employed ng their ho · w h' · Laurie Hargis of Oxford, Miss., were married June 16. The b me m as mgton, D.C., where Y the government. bride's father is the dean of the School of Engineering at Mississippi University. She is a graduate of the University. Lu · 11{ Cten El Harvey is now completing his medical studies at the Uniarion Esth:or~ ·?wen of Birmingham, Ala., and Miss versity of Tennessee, in Memphis, where the couple are mak1 ey of Florence, S.C., were married in ing their home for the present. 0

Alpha l'h


1 P·1

1Cappa Phi


Alpha Mu

Penn State

The Rev. William C. Taylor, Jr., of Miami, Fla., and Miss Margaret Jane Searing of Coconut Grove, Fla., were married June 22 in Miami, Fla. They are making their home in Rosemont, Pa . where Mr. Taylor is serving as curate to the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Alpha Omicron

Iowa State

Officers Archon .... .... . .. ........... ... .. Leo Mores Treasurer and steward ..... ..... Wayne Jackson Secretary .................. Russell Lichtenstein Historian ... . .. .. .. . .. ... .... .. Gerald Rickert Chaplain . . . .................. Everett Robinson Warden .. .. . ... . .... ... . . ... . Frank Michalek

Looking back over the past year should serve as an inspiration and a goal to shoot for every year by the chapter. Alpha Omicron ranked near the top in scholarship and activities. Financially the chapter closed its books on the right side of the ledger. With the house being improved considerably we expect to easily have it filled to capacity before the first quarter is ended. Wayne Jackson, Leo Byrnes and Gerald Rickert were each honored with certificates for holding the highest grades in their respective departments in the agricu ltural division. Wayne has consistently been an honor student with an almost four point average for his past three years of school work. And he has not missed activities for he is a member of Alpha Zeta, honorary agricultural fraternity, on the staff of the Agrimlturist, magazine, and treasurer and steward of the house. Beneath the campanile Alpha Omicron scored again at the traditional Veishea tapping ceremonies when Leo Mores and chapter adviser ]. R. Sage, Registrar, were chosen as members of Cardinal Key, men's service honorary. Six juniors and six seniors are selected annually and the honor is considered the highest attainable on the campus. Sage was chosen as an honora.ry member for his outstanding work in his field. He is president of the National College Registrars' Association . Mores is business manager of the Student, college paper and president of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalism fraternity. The chapter's scholastic average for the three quarters, fall, winter and spring, showed both actives and pledges consistently improving. Starting with a fall quarter ranking of tenth among 38 fraternal groups with an average of 2.384 (all college average 2.147), the winter quarter saw this raised to 2.69. Not satisfied, the chapter went on to boost the average to that of plus three for the spring quarter, ranking second only to Acacia among the 38 groups of the campus. And while the actives were leading the way the pledges followed their example in raising the pledge average to seventh place among all fraternities. In intramurals, William Nechanicky led his teammates to the final league playoff in fraternity basketball on ly to be beaten out by tbe Tekes whom we had beaten once during the season. Nechanicky was leading scorer in the fraternity league, bagging 83 points in seven games. He will make varsity material this coming year. Initiations for the past year were Gerald Rickert, Reinbeck, Iowa; James Hood, Independence, Iowa; Benjamin Foot, Scotia, N.Y. ; Carl Proescholdt, Manilla, Iowa; and Leo Byrnes, Waukon, Iowa. Graduation took five members, Donald Field and Donald Patterson in December; Charles Schumacher in March; and Kenneth Thompson and Robert Brown in June. All received jobs upon graduation . Field has since married Miss Melva Morgan of Perry, Iowa. The en-



gagements of Miss Winifred Rognlein of Ames and M;~ Eleanor Hockett of Cherokee have been announced to Bro ers Schumacher and Brown respectively. Another ann.oun ce·.0 ment from the ranks of the alumni is that of the marrtagei August of Brother Benn Nelson to Miss Mark Locke 5011 e)' of Dallas Center, Iowa. Their home is now in Adel, Ioll''· Brother Phillip Minges received his masters degree i~ Horticulture in June and is now working for his doctor degree. . 0 All Pi Kaps anywhere in the vicinity of Alpha Qrrucrog are asked to red Jetter October 30, the date of homec~Ol~e and our annual fall dance. Missouri plays the Cyclones 10 fol· afternoon. Plan on attending the dance at the house lowing the game. 're Alumni, we'd appreciate a card from you! What you doing is news to your friends.


A: L

Alpha Pi in Willis N . Rosenthal, '35, received his M.A. degree .0 English at tl1e University of Oklahoma in June. While ~a Norman he served for two years as resident adviser to AIPthe Gamma Chapter. He is now a member of the faculty of Mohegan Lake Academy, Mohegan Lake, New York.

Alpha Sigma

Tennessee William H . Brinkely of Shell Creek, Tenn., and . ]Jit~ l Jo Jean Mae Donovan of Daytona Beach, Fla., were marned eir Abingdon, Va., on October 30, 1936. They are makin~ ~leY home at 1400 Forest Ave., Knoxville, Tenn., where Bnnk e<· is completing his law course at the University of Tenness . ]>{Mil Dr. John McCulloch of Marysville, Tenn., and M1ss ~· Elizabeth Bryan of Knoxville, were married July 2 in J(nO~e ville, Tenn. Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch are making their h~i· in Marysville, where he is engaged in the practice of en cine. tt1 Robert Millard Akin of Burwood, Tenn., and Miss Le il· Lee Greenway of Ducktown, Tenn., were married in ,ApCP• Akin is at present educational adviser at CCC Sileo cameO' near Ocall, Tenn . They will make their home at the kee Hotel, Cleveland. . deed F. E. Burnett, Jr., of Hohenwald, Tenn., and Miss Ivf11 nl Evelyn Hyde of Nashville were married in Nashville M 11. They are making their home in Hohenwald.

n n n

n n~




Alpha Upsilon d to I Last June just after school ended the chapter move d 01s new and much larger house. Accommodations for sd ~his have been doubled and meals are expected to be serve fall for the first time in the chapter's history. ws: The results of the elections held last May are as foJlo er: John Deimler, archon; Edward McDonald, Jr., treasu~9 P' Frank Jones, secretary; Bill Cook historian; AI Gray, ' lain; J. Frank Pow], warden. . ·os 01 This fall our chapter adviser, Alan S. Tomlinson, ,! 0( the faculty of the school of Economics at the UniversttY JsO Michigan-we all regret to see "Tommy" go. Alan was a president of the alumni group. · ce 0 July 24, the house held its informal housewarming da ni· and many gifts were received from the actives and aluCfl The form al housewarming dance will be held October 16; 0( Two of our alumni are altar bound the early par 0 ,. October. John Fackler will marry Miss Adele Colem~ 00e tober 2 and James Henwood will marry Miss Sarah wY October 9.

The Star and LattiP






C:~====D=i=re=c=to~ry~====~~~ Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Founded 1904, College of Charleston S1~0N ,


AN <'OGAJlTY LA 0RBIV At£XA' 151 Moultrie street, Charleston, S.C. 'WRBNca a..:DER KROEG, deceased. S.c. Y MixsoN, 217 East Bay street, Charleston, NAllol'l

National Council

N AL PRESIDENT A b N,...... ew York C' - I ert W. Meisel, 31 Nassau street,

••ONAt T tty, N,...,.,dee road a;_ASU RER-G. Bernard Helmrich, 26590 Dun••ONAt oya1Oak, Mich. N,..llPiace, Br~~~~TARY-William ]. Berry, 224 St. Johns ONAt B yn, N.Y. N,..'llLines, lvr~~~o_RIAN-:-Walter R. Jones, c/o United Air ONAt C!iA:tpa] Atrport, Chicago, Ill. S.c. CELtoR-Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews,


JoliN ~

Central Office «. Mc(A assistant NN, Executive Secretary· Bonn A Gilbert Bid8., Rich secretary .• Box 501, or 702 ' Grace-American · ' mond, Va.


District Archons

N 1-Frank J · McMullen, 68-76th street, Brooklyn, D1Sl'!u.Y. DISl'!u C'r 2-Aif C'r 3-R ~ed D. Hurt, Salem, Va. DIS~·C. egtnald L. Price, 135 Brevard court, Charlotte,

v·( 4-W s.c. · H arol d

D 1~ le,

Arnold, Masonic Temple, GreenDISl'!u C'r 5-Jos C'r ~ ;.. eph W. Cannon, Jr., Cordele Ga J ks----ueor S Co ulter, 405 Dyal-Upchurch ' . building, DIS.,.,.~c onvilJe Fgle · D '"'C'r 7 ' a. D~~C'r a:{)eTheodore Jackson, P.O. Box 34, Dothan, Ala. ~.,.,._c:r 9--U ver~ux D. Rice, Johnson City, Tenn. '"'C'r 10-nasstgned. D ~ing, ~i:~~ence N. Field, 519 Forest avenue, East


t 11-w R D~Yette, Ind. · obert Amick, 333 Vine street, West LaC'!' 14-R usselJ B. Johnson, 311-11th street Ames D15 '"'C'r ' ' D l'!uc:r \~Unassigned. 15'1ltic:r -Unassigned. 19 . avenue Seattle Dls'l'b.Was h. -Borace A · G ranger, 818 Thtrd '"'C'r 20 ' ' to -R:enneth L · w htte, · c/o Warner & White, AtD~rneys, Tr'b tl C'r 21-Robne Tower, Oakland, Calif. relCel Bill p ert S. Hanson, 445 Gainesboro road, ' a.




Standing Committeet

w·u 1

G E. Edington Chairman, Depauw University, And ch:encastte, Ind. ' Pter advisers


1 P· I


[(QPPQ Phi

Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina

Finance Ralph W. Noreen, Chairman, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31-41). Kurt C. Lauter, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31-39). Robert E. Allen, 40 East Forty-second street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31·37). Endowment F11nd John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S.C. Raymond Orteig, Jr., Secretary, 61 West Ninth street, New York City. Henry Harper, c/o Goodyear Tire & Rubber company, Akron, Ohio. Roy]. Heffner, 32 Washington avenue, Morristown, N .J. Architect11re James Fogarty, Chairman, 8 Court House square, Charleston, S.C. Edward J. Squire, 68 E. 19th, Brooklyn, N.Y. Clyde C. Pearson, c/o State Department of Education, Montgomery, Ala. John 0. Blair, Hotel Eddystone, Detroit, Mich. Councillors-at-large PACIFIC CoAST-Dr. George A. Odgers, 831 S.W. 6th avenue, Portland, Ore. STATE OP NoRTH CAROLINA-A. H. Borland, Trust Building, Durham, N.C. C!t.NADA-W. D. Wood, 4450 Pine Crescent, Vancouver, B.C. Undergraduate Chapters Alabama (Omicron), University, Ala. ; T. A. Johnson, III, archon; Edward L. Turner, Jr., secretary; Chapter Adviser-Henry H. Mize, 514-34th avenue, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic (Alpha Iota), Auburn, Ala.; W. M. Roberts, archon; George S. Hiller, secretary; Chapter Adviser-De. Paul Irvine, Auburn, Ala. Armour (Alpha Phi) 3337 S. Michigan avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Harry Perlet, archon; Thomas Speer, secretary; Chapter Adviser-De. John F. Mangold, Armour I. T., Chicago, Ill. Brooklyn Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) 33 Sidney place, Brooklyn, N.Y.; William F. Seewagon, archon; Frank M. Eigner, secretary; Chapter Adviser-William R. Berger, 715 Linden avenue, Teaneck, N.J. California (Gamma) 2510 LeConte avenue, Berkeley, Calif.; Lee Emerson, archon; Jack Macki, secretary; Chapter Adviser-James F. Hamilton, 1815 Yosemite road, Berkeley, Calif. Charleston (Alpha) College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.; Mowell Williams, archon ; Ernest L. Godshalk, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Albert P. Taylor, 6 Halsey street, Charleston, S.C. Cornell (Psi) 115 Ridgewood road, Ithaca, N.Y.; Peter R. Torti, archon; Charles B. Delong, secretary; Chapter .Adviser-De. Paul Work, 310 Elmwood avenue, Ithaca, N.Y.


Davidson (Epsilon) D avidson, N.C.;]. Y. Wilson, archon; G. D. Davidson, secretary; Chapter Adviser- Col. John T. Rhett, Davidson, N.C. Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) 3401 Powelton avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.; John Deimler, archon; Frank Jones, secretary. Duke (Mu) Duke Station, Durham, N .C.;]. Lake Williams, archon; Ed Smith, secretary; Chapter Adviser- A . H. Borland, Trust building, Durham, N.C. Florida (Alpha Epsilon) 1469 W. University ave., Gainesville, Fla.; William B. Roman, archon; Robert 0. Stripling, secretary. Furman (Delta) 14 University Ridge, Greenville, S.C.; Penn Acree, archon; F. E. Renfrow, Jr., secretary; Chapter Adviser-Dean R. N. Daniel, Furman Univ., Greenville, S.C. Georgia (Lambda) 386 Hill street, Athens, Ga.; W. J. Benton, archon; C. L. Saunders, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Walter Martin, Instructor of History, Box 842, Athens, Ga. Georgia Tech (Iota) 743 W. Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga.; D . S. Crocker, archon; A. R. Hooks, secretary; Chapter Adviser-James Setze, Jr., Masonic Temple, Atlanta, Ga. Howard (Alpha Eta) Howard College, Birmingham, Ala.; Howard Weaver, archon; Euel Johnson, secretary; Chapter Adviser-V. Hain Huey, Shultz-Hodo Realty Co., Birmingham, Ala. I llinois (Upsilon) 1105 S. First street, Champaign, Ill.; Jack Anderson, archon; Neil Lance, secretary. Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) 407 Welch avenue, Ames, Iowa; Leo Mores, archon; Russell Lichtenstein, secretary; Chapter AdviJ.er-]ames R. Sage, I. S. C., Ames, Iowa. Mercer (Alpha Alpha) 629 Adams street, Macon, Ga.; Harry Dismukes, archon; Fred Harper, secretary; Chapter Adviser- W. M. Jordan, 267 Boulevard. Michigan State (Alpha Theta) 803 E. Grand River, East Lansing, Mich.; Paul Reichert, archon; Richard Jennings, secretary; Chapter Adviser-De. L. B. Sholl, 810 Sunset Lane, East Lansing. Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) University, Miss.; James Rose, archon; Ernest W. McCracken, secretary; Chapter Adviser-]. B. Gathright, Oxford, Miss. N. C. State (Tau) 1720 Hillsboro road, R-aleigh, N.C.; T . G. Sloan, archon; E. V. Helms, secretary; Chapter Adviser-William McGehee, N.C. State College, Raleigh, N.C. Oglethorpe (Pi) Oglethorpe University, Ga.; Hubert E.lliott, archon; Tom H. Fallaw, secretary; Chapter Advrser -Allan Watkins, C & S Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) 518 South boulevard, Norman, Okla.; Collie James, archon; Tommy Holden, secretary. Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Corvallis, Ore.; Howard Conkle, archon; Carl F. Burtch, secretary; Chapter AdviserProf. ]. T. Starker, Corvallis, Ore. . Penn State (Alpha Mu) State College, Pa.; Wm. E. Dtffendorfer. archon; Lewis Blaine Grube, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Prof. ]. S. Doolittle, State College, Pa. Presbyterian (Beta) Clinton, S.C.; Joe Commander, archon; William Jones, secretary. Purdue (Omega) 330 N. Grant street, West Lafayette, Ind.; Carl Sadler, archon; ]. H. Nicholas, secretary; Chapter Adviser-De. C. L. Porter, 924 N. Main, West Lafayette, Ind. Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) 4 Park place, Troy, N.Y. ; JohnS. Haverstick, archon; John Jubin, secretary; Chap. ter Adviser-Prof. G. K. Palsgrove, 1514 Sage avenue, Troy, N.Y. .Roanoke (Xi) 16 Pennsylvania avenue, Salem, Va.; W. Harold Purdue, archon; Harold Fariss, secretary; Chapter Adviser- Curtis R. Dobbins, 207 E. Main, Salem, Va.


South Carolina (Sigma) 610 Pickens street, Columbi~b Emmett Smith, archon; John Coulter, secretary:b. , Adviser-C. E. Wise, Friendly Bakery, Colu!II 1 ~ Stetson (Chi) Stetson University, DeLand, Fla.; Young, archon; Carl Hulbert, secretary. 'If Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) 900 S. 17th street, I<nOre! Tenn.; ]. Carl Adkins, archon; James Seay, sec~ Washington (Alpha Delta) 4547 19th avenue, N.E.~ Wash.; Henry Novak, archon; Ray Hall, 5 •11 1 Chapter Adviser-Hugh Schlicting, 1735 Summ nue, Seattle, Wash. ·n( Washington and Lee (Rho) Washington street, LeJI ~~ Va.; Harry F. Carey, archon; W. Paul Kesel, secV~ Chapter Adviser-De. Earl K. Paxton, Lexington, West Virginia (Alpha Rho) 2109 University avenue,} gantown, W.Va.; Martin Burk, archon; Jsaa~gli secretary; Chapter Adviser-John C. Johnston, . !\• hall, Morgantown, W.Va. Wofford (Zeta) S44 Irwin avenue, Spartanburg, S.~·Ch' Penland, archon; Charles Atwater, secretary • c. Adviser-]. Neville Holcombe, Spartanburg, 5· Alumni Chapters AMES, IowA-Archon. Russell Johnson, 311-llth street. Secretary, Philip Minges, 407 Welch avenue.


ATLANTA, GEORGIA-Archon, Philip Etheridge, 33 MaddoJ Secretary, Allan Watkins, 3511 Piedmont road. cr~ 1 ~ BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA-Archon, Emmett Jackson, 3529 Secretary, Cecil A. Carlisle, 321 Poinciana drive. ., • CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROUNA-Archon, Albert P. Taylor, street. Secretary, Earl B. Halsall, 6~ 1 King street.

6 p~

. hi elf CHICAGO, ILLINOis-Archon, B. R. BrownA 503 W. !16th, CJII. Secretary, Bert C. Eustice, 4827 Lee :.t., Niles Center,

"d s«·

CLEVELAND, OHio- Archon, George A. Leech"' 15808 EudciEJ18ill" Secretary, W. \VI. Glenny, c/o Reliance tlectric an · . Co., 1088 Ivanhoe rd. 1


COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, F. G. Swaffield, Barnwell Secretary, E. Frank Bostick, 610 Pickens street.


DETROIT, MICHIGAN-Archon, Kryn Nagelkirk, 4103 pev road. · Secretary, W. C. Brame, 2448 Blaine, Flint, Mich. . p!rt'

ITHACA, Nnw YORK- Archon, Willard E. Georgia, State Resettlement Administration , Ithaca, N.Y. ,. ufll'nl· Secretary, Russell I. Dorg, Principal, High School, 1 r N.Y. Jl~ JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA-Archon, Parnell M. Pafford, 2t4Z street. Secretary, Stephen P. Smith, Jr., 1~16 Main street. I" 18 KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE-Archon, Edward Dunnavant, 25 view. Secretary, E. M. Bowles, 282~ Linden avenue. Jrl LEHIGH VAt.LEY-Archon, Glenn Stoudt, 713 Wayne aYenue. r ~h.

Secretary, Edward Beddall, 136 Schuylkill avenue, 'faJ11


MIAMI, FLORIDA-Archon, J. Abney Co~A 862 S.W. 6th. Secretary, W. C. Price, Jr., 128 S. w, 12th. MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA-Archon, Howard B. Upchurch. NEW YORK, NEW YORK-Archon, Kurt C. Lauter, I :wa~ Secretary, Maurice White, 36 Marston Pl., Montcla~r, ·




PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA-Archon, Alan S. Tomlinson• Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 0 .....h PORTLAND, OREGON-Archon, Robert Peacock. the Multo...-· Secretary, Don Tomlinson, 1037 N.W. 20th Ave. JJP 11 RALEIGH, NoRTH CAROUNA-Archon, Garland 0. Green. 6 Jock street. Secretary, L. M. Shirley, 121 Park avenue. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA-Archon. Norman Potts, Salem, va. Secretary, Neil Gilbert, R.F.D. # 2. hI 37t SEATTLE, WASHINGTON-Archon, Melvin Klinefelter, 550 2 N.E. \'Q'ash· Secretary, Rene Koelblen, 1139·17th ave., Seattle, ·. w.~SHINGTON,

D.C.-Archon, Philip Aylesworth, street. Secretary, Robert Kuppers, 1030·17th St. N.W.

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