
Page 1




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I 9 3 8

Number 2

MARCH, 1938

Volume XXIV

)he Contents



Beauty is Found Almost Everywhere Says Artist

By RetJben J. Gambrell


lli Kappa Phi Fraternity

• R.lCfiARD L. YOUNG Editor JOliN H. McCANN Assistant Editor Contributing Editors


Entered Post ofli as second class matter at the der th ce at Menasha, Wisconsin unre~tance Act of March 3, 1879- Aci>ostag e for mailing at special rate of ~•bru e Provided for in the Act of &raph a~ 28, 1925, embodied in paraauthor' • section 412, P. L. and R., 'l'h 'Zed January 7, 1932.

Makes Find in Sands .... .. ........................ .

By Eldred MacLeod Pi Kapps in Oldest Legislature ...... .. ............... .


"Make Tracks for Jax" ... and Meet Pi Kapps


By John A. McCann Light Gleams on Scholars ........................... .

Time Features a Brother


Northwest Brothers in Initial Conclave


By Lewis E. Knerr Two Great Teams Set Records with Pi Kapp Aid


Kennett Is Named Office Assistant


Letter to Ye Editor Oft Brings Surprise


Oddities Are the Tops! Watch for Them


Calling the Roll









tton of • WISconsin, under tbe direc· Pi l<ap the National Council of the of Jan Pa Phi Fraternity, in the months 'l'h uary, March, May, and October. th: ~;fe Subscription is $10 and is top;,, Y form of subscription. Single Ch are 50 cents. anges . ~'ompu •n address should be reported 'W;,, Y to 450 Ahnnip St., Menasha, 0 lllond. ,rc entral office, Box 501, Rich-


• va


lllater' I . .'10uld b 1 ~ Intended for publication ~ng lldit~r 10 the hands of the ManagYthe • Box 501, Richmond, Va., 1 lllonth ;t. of the month preceding the O



By Dr. Will E. Eddington

~fenas~~ and Lamp is published at

... 11


The Cover International House on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley


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cAt{.tfwc . . .

A Sigma Brother

... A humble Negro shanty, painted by the near Belton, S. C.

/f)eaut'! ~ FOUND ALMOST

EVERYWHERE ~a'!J ARTIS I:. ~(/ J<euben }. CJa~bteff the~

asked what my theory of art is or what is the meaning of my painting, I couldn't explain. But I can explain myself! I paint and draw because it is good fun! In painting I try to reproduce the object as I see it, bringing out its beauty without distorting or exaggerating. I've learned from painting that practically everything has some beauty-everything from a freight car to a pickaninny's face. I believe that you never really see an object until you have tried to paint it. The world is full of things and people to see, and they are all so interesting. How can anyone ever be bored ! Right now I'm having a wonderful time drawing and painting everything around me. I do landscapes, still-lifes, and portraits, but portraits are my favorite type work. I work in oil, water-color, charcoal, pen and ink, and pencil. Oil and pencil are my favorite mediums, however. As I said, I do more portraits than anything else,






especially portraits of negroes. I do so many ~;get. I suppose for several reasons. They are easy ther ' pose. There's nothing a grown negro had ra or~'~ than sit still (as anyone who employs negro;rero:路 knows) , so most of them love to pose and. eosin! make splendid models. One fault with thetr 1 )l however, is that they frequently go to sleep w 5jer>l are working on them. The fact that they are ea r fe> draw than white people because of their coa~s~e [c 0 tures may have something to do with rny drawing them. ase However, I think I draw them mostly beca n t~ as 0 people they interest me so much. They are,. tb' 10 whole, more colorful than white people. thet路r r physical appearance, of course, and also tn . lief!路 to 10 sonalities. There are beautiful tones of brqwn 50 ~1 faces. (Don't laugh at me; it's true!) TheY t1 n i~ to h路 wear more color, too, than white people, r~the~ to se eluding collegians-excepting two of my frat r /,11~; Of J The Star and







. . . Done in Charcoal ~~ . A. Y offer wonderful material for color harmontes. ares~ People they are interesting, I think, because th_ey

give the excuse that the girl-friend is crazy for their portrait. I wonder. Anyway they are very kind about posing and are a big help in that way. As for the facts of my life-I am twenty years old. I was born and have lived practically all my life in Belton, a small town in the Piedmont Section of South Carolina. I'm now a senior at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and a member of Sigma chapter, Pi Kappa Phi. Like all other kids, until I was about eleven or twelve years old, I drew pictures of everything I saw or read about. Then I quit because I got the idea that it was childish to draw or paint. I began drawing and painting seriously as the result of a particular incident. It happened when I was fifteen and in High School. One afternoon I was alone and from sheer boredom, I copied in pencil the famous Stuart portrait of Washington. By chance it turned out very good. I was delighted and immediately decided that I was undoubtedly a genius. So I began right away to work hard to develop what I considered my remarkable talent. But alas, my succeeding efforts were not successful and I soon came to the painful realization that I wasn't a genius at all and that if I ever got anywhere, it would be the result o{ concentration and hard work. But I loved the work and kept on, and I'm still keeping on. I didn't have public school art, but my Mother, who

RJGo..:t.,,; ' J<

lllod natural. Instead of flattering my work as whtte


Of it els Usually do, they tell me exactly what they think

say th8?tne think it magic the way I draw them; others ~iv· etr kids can do better. (They may be right.) In-

in t~~al!y_ negroes are just as different as white people weP and etr dtspositions, opinions, etc. Some are very shy

~ SCare~ee~ afraid to pose. A few have even looked isked sttff and run off without answering when I thelll them to let me draw their pictures. Most of hon ' though, are very pleased to pose and feel highly theiored. I have trouble getting any of them to sit in r eve d . . lt their fi ry ay work clothes. They all want to pose m t A. nest Sunday go-to-meeting clothes. {t subj ccording to all my good brothers, my favorite !• rnys:l~t next to negroes is myself. I do draw and paint lOok frequently, not because I'm so pleased with my use ., a!~as, but because I make a convenient model. I'm tr· as 1Ys there when I want myself, and I pose as long 10tll~ ~he~eed myself and in the position I want myself. So id. ing, I~Ver_I really want to study out a problem in draw0e~; to 'll>orthtmg, etc., I sit down before a mirror and get JSU3 ~y f. e!l tl to ha , raternity brothers themselves don't seem averse )the!' to se;tng _their portraits done. They all seem pleased thetr likenesses reproduced. Of course they all





Study in Charcoal


](appa Phi



in Oi/ ......

Author's Mother (left) and Girl Thinking

paints herself, gave me some valuable pointers. Then I came to the University, where I'm majoring in art. My teachers, who have given me splendid instruction are Misses Katherine Heyward and May Marshall. I've taken courses in drawing and painting, lettering, poster and textile design and like them all. I believe, though, that I like drawing and painting best. I've exhibited in a national college art exhibit, a national wall paper exhibit and have had the luck to


win several prizes in smaller state exhibits. P of . oJ1l.1 In the summers I've worked for a gramte c r,ss drawing pretty pictures of tombstones with ween,~~di around them, trees in the distance, and whtte c ~ 5 if above-to make customers like the tombstones-nt to anyone could like a tombstone. Next year if I can scrape up the money, I w~erci'' go to a .first-rate art school and then do cornJ1l design or maybe illustration even.

The Star an d


Of ]l

In Sands



.... With Speci-

ll'lens of Animals


MIDDLETON RUTLEDGE, Beta chapter, '40, b:ought to himself national recognition with agia hts first discovery of the lower right jaw of the nt armadillo. This is the first scientific record of ~ 10a ?cient presence of that extinct animal in South tna 'the d·. tiod tscovery was made during a fifteen -week pe~Utle~f bio.logical investigation carried forward by the &~ thts summer at Edisto Beach State park for Inter· attonal Park service of the Department of the 10 . fr0rn r, ~ccording to a memorandum recently released A.. tthetr regional office in Richmond, Va. de"" .otal of 2,582 petrified fragments, embedded in , rvSttsb Of t h e pleistocene epoch and washe d to th e tsland South e~ch by the swift waters of the North and · these Edtsto rivers, was collected by Rutledge. Of collected, 218 fragments have been identified

Q 1





positively and study is being continued to determine classification of the remaining bones. Other ice fossils discovered by him in this work have been ide~tified and i~clude the tooth of a giant beaver, an ammal approxtmately four times the size of the present day rodent, and bone fragments of extinct horses, mastodons, mammoths, giant sloths, whales and sea cows. Many of these bones have been placed on exhibit in a temporary museum in the state park. He also reported the presence of more than one hundred water, shore and song birds in the park area. Thomas P. Rutledge, the project superintendent of the work which young Rutledge did at Edisto, stated that the National Park biologists are very much pleased with the report and the work done by the Presbyterian College student.




~~:I>; Kappa

Phis are members of Virginia's present session of legislatllre. Left to right, James B. Martin Rho who ils:ents Gloucester in the house of delegates; Leonard G. Muse, Xi, is in the senate at1d from Roanoke· Charl~s H 11' Rho, is a delegate to the house from Crewe; and B!n Chapman, Xi, represents Salem in the hous~. • Of [l· 1

kappa Phi


''Make Tracks for Jax'' . ..

anl A1eet p. !Zarr By John A. McCann Jci


the country over have been as ng 路]Je, question, "What is this convention city of JacksonVl ter Florida like?" With the Nineteenth Supreme ChaRC'\' now but a few months away we take you to Jax for a preVl of this city where "rail, highway, air and water meet." jts We could take you on a tour of Jacksonville, show youood spacious and moderately priced hotels, fin~ restaurants j' ocafeterias, municipal parks, tennis courts, golf courses, ~P e jc did bead1es and a surrounding countryside rich in htstOlp路 lore and scenic beauty. But we know you cannot :eal~y ~Jy P.reciate these things until you are actually here in thts frtefl 00 ctty. So we dedicate this article to you, and we want Yes路 to know how every Pi Kapp is looking forward to your pr ence here August.16-17-18-19 for the Convention. {e\V Your travelling executive secretary has spent the past 拢 ~ days in this " 'Gator State" absorbing the enthusiasm cracking good Convention committee. He has made a sWl ill down through central Florida, meeting with Pi KappS




Sailing at Jacksonville



. 0na Beach De Land Orlando, Lakeland and Ga rnes ·1 ' ' ~ 1 Vrle. There's much more down here than sun·ene and oranges. Nine out of every ten Pi Kapps ·~atrnet said: "You bet your life we're going to be at ~ Jonvention." The same sentiment was expressed ·he 1Pha Alpha's chapter adviser, Wiley Jordan, Eps·~ 'We ran into him in Orlando. Chi and Alpha 1 did ,0 n are bidding for attendance records. We Ta~ t have an opportunity to get into the ilnd pa, St. Petersburg and Miami areas, but recoe~stand that voices in the wind report ~es; ~elegations will be on hand from s\V!OI.nts as well. ~ 10 &mg northward we found Pi Kapps , tirn~Ughout Georgia counting the days 'til I E~e to begin "making tracks for J ax." . Plan~here we encountered enthusiastic 5 tion or motorcades to our Nineteenth Na\>itha1 get-together. All of this has left us I You tl11~ feeling of keen anticipation to see f10rn s August. There are some few skeptics ~Ode northern climes who may still labor r the delusion that Florida in the sum-

This city is noted as much as a summer resort as a winter one. Sure it'll be hot, but have you ever felt the heat reflected from the streets of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia or Detroit? If you have, men, come down to Jax and learn what a mild summer is like. Plans of the convention committee are shaping up and preparations are underway to handle the largest





A Jacksonville Street

Beach Near Jacksonville


iller is I 'etta· Unbearably hot. They think of the story that a . ~ate~n Virginia statesman seeking election to his ' ~ha/ Bouse of Delegates called to mind when em. IZtnl> th . . tton o at he had backed the present admmlstraan ~~ the polls while his opponent had not. It see~ed ' Iouth darky was plowing in the heat of a burnmg rol!etn sun. It was midsummer and, as the sweat took dov:n his shiny body and into his shoes, he 1 Su 0 off h1s hat. Wiping his brow he peered at the fo're a~d said "Dere yo is way up high, sendin' ~ave beat a burnin' down, but whar was you last 1' !!} er ?" ~nb~ You men who have this idea that Jax will be tably hot this August we say, rest your fears.




Supreme Chapter our Fraternity has ever had. Alumni from far and near have indicated they plan making the convention a part of the first week of their two weeks' vacations, planning to swing southward toward Miami before heading homeward. We suggest that all those of you who plan to drive down notify the Central Office. We are receiving requests for space in cars that are making this Pi Kapp journey and may be able to place a brother with you for the trip. You ask about the program ? about costs? about hotel accommodations? We reply that the program, while it cannot at this writing be announced is the best you could hope for, the best any city ca~ offer. Co~ts will vary depending upon your point of embarkation and mode of travel. In Jax all entertainment which is a part of the convention will be covered by your registration fee of $15.00. (And you won't have time for entertainment not included in the program.) Jacksonville's best hotel, the George Washington, has been selected as convention headquarters. Very reasonable special rates are being worked out and a schedule of these will appear in the May issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. This hotel is 100 per cent air-conditioned, is one of the best appointed hotels (Conti1111ed on page 9)

tate IQ i llosi



c Ala! Alai

Arn Br ch ter. b

Chairman of Scholarship Committee N MARCH 1 scholarship blanks were sent to the secretary of each of the chapters for the use of those who wish to be candidates for the high honor of Pi Kappa Phi Scholar for 1938. All active Pi Kappa Phis who hold senior or second term junior standing are eligible. The maximum number that may be chosen in any one year is nine and, as is to be expected, only men with outstanding scholarship records are chosen. Those wishing to be candidates should get these blanks immediately, and after filling them out, they should have their records certified to by the chapter secretary and the dean or registrar of the college, and then send them to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee. Each scholarship record must be accompanied by a good photograph of the candidate, suitable for use in THE STAR AND LAMP. All sch ol arsh i p records must be in the hands of the Scholarship Committee on or before July 1, 1938. The names of the Scholars for 1938 will be announced in the October number of THE STAR AND LAMP. The Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1938 will constitute the twelfth such group. The total number of Scholars to date is 79, representing 31 different chapters. The following chapters as yet have had no Scholars: Charleston, California, Wofford, North Carolina State, Florida, Michigan State, Alabama Poly, Mississippi, West Virginia, and Tennessee.



Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship for 1936-1937 The national scholarship standing of Pi Kappa Phi for the year 1936-37 was not as good as that for the preceding year, but higher than that of two years ago. The national rating is based on the all-men's average 8

at the various institutions in which there are a~ rJ of Pi Kappa Phi. The past year's standing basetoti: the scholarship work of 30 chapters havmg ~ th& active membership of 823 Pi Kapps. Fourtee~ ~veraf' 30 chapters have ratings above the all-mens tionll at their respective institutions. Among the 31 hlJ 1 fraternities having 30 or more chapters only Jlld ratings above the national all-men's aver~geankeC Pi Kappa Phi r nJ 26th among these .. s tiona! f raternttle · teri Among our chaP hiP the best scholars bf ade record was rn which Iowa State ng,?·• ranked third arr:o caoJ· fraternities on ttS alsD pus. Rensselaer eeord had a go~d :!Tionf ranking thtrd ' 1h' 17 fraternities. 11.as poorest rec~rd which made by Flonda th' ranked last among thJt 00 22 fraternities rJ; 0 campus. Other rec 0ur which brought ,ef' 11 average dow~ahoJ!ll· made by Ok ,rir·l Roanoke, West 3nJ .. W as h t'ngton gmta, h 11.,..' Lee, and Alabama. Thirteen of our chapters~ ~teril improvement over the preceding year and 16 ·~e iP made lower ratings . Washington for the first t\ thlt ten years rated bel<?w the all-men's average a institution. d'stin61 It is hoped that the present year will show a ' p.l; 10 i~proven:ent in scholarship. ~very Pi K.app .'~'~ ~yal~ hts own mterest at heart and ts smcere tn htS. prei to Pi Kappa Phi will do his utmost during thtS ter ,; ent year to raise his scholarship standing. A chaP (ibt' no stronger than its scholarship rating and the ~eel~ of the pledges it is able to secure is generally re in this standing. rs fo' Following are the records of 30 of our chapte givetl 1936-1937. The records for 1935-1936 are al.so jpdi· so that a comparison may be made. A plus rattng






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Cates th it . at the chapter was above the all-mm' s average Posit t~stitution; the negative sign indicates the opllllp e. he plus sign in the "Change" column indicates dica~ovement over 1935-1936 and a negative sign ines a drop. 10



Ala barn Alab a .............. Ann arna Poly . . . . . . . . . . Broo~r Tech . . . . . . . . . . apteP Da.,.·d Yn Tech . . . . . . . . . ;ed rf DuJ.;~ son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tot; Florida. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·-~~ u• Geor"ia . .. ........... . ~eraF· Geo 0 . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·oo;1 t. rgta Tech .tl hJd 'lOIVard .......... : and Illinois . :: ............ • kf!i loiVa State . . . . . . . . . . . . an ~~~fer .... . ....... cer .. ............. se oJ·


Change -7



-11 7 8

-6 -4 3

-11 5




+ + + +



6 1

9 -10

-14 9 - 5



+ +



+ +



-25 1


















Michigan State . . ...... . Mississippi ........... . North Carolina State ... . Oklahoma .... .. ..... . Oregon State ......... . Penn State ...... . .... . Presbyterian .. ........ . Purdbe ..... . ... . .... . Rensselaer ..... . ... . . . Roanoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Carolina ... . ... . . Stetson ....... . . . . .. .. Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington . . . . . . . . . . . Washington and Lee .... West Virginia ...... . .. Wofford . . . . . . . . . . . . .





- 16

-17 +15 -2



+18 -20


-14 +20 1







2 1 7

+ +







- 13


1 2

+8 +9 + 13









- 9 -7

- 18 -20


- 12



-10 4







Chapters unreported : California, Charleston, Drexel Tech, Furman, Oglethorpe.




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''Make Tracks for Jax''.

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ork City

Rail Air Rate Rate (Ro11nd Trip) $ 60.85 $117.70 45.20 92.70

from page 7)


I Ut

teri ein lthJ!



rest· south. You will rest comfortably ( tf you mtend at all during this four-day Pi Kapp holiday). of e are not in a position at the moment to tell all eas:o: th~ best ro~tes for. reaching J ax except in the Coast Pt Kapps JOurneymg south from the eastern on states. To these brothers we advise driving lJ. S · S. Route number one to Petersburg, Va.; Is t~ 301 from Petersburg to Summerton, S.C.; U. S. to J 'Walterboro, S.C.; and u.s. 17 from Walterboro this ale. Jax is 1,000 miles from New York City by lllondroute, 907 from Philadelphia, 655 from RichSa.,.a ' Va., 533 from Rocky Mount, N.C., 155 from ll nnah, Ga. faq Or Your information we give you transportation r0 ll~d B~low are listed rail rates (includes Pullm~) these ~tnp fro~ the larger popu~ation ce~ters. Bestde one 'IV ou~d-tnp rates note the ttme requtred for the fetrin ay J_ourney. Air rates are quot:d for those_predail 8 thts mode of travel. Jacksonvtlle has 26 fltghts y over three major airlines.

I .;8




Rail Ho11rs

Air Ho11rs

29% 201/2

9 6

• •

Rail Air Rate Rate (Rou11d Trip)

Buffalo, N.Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Ill. Detroit, Mich. Cincinnati, Ohio St. Louis, Mo. New Orleans, La. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Tex. Denver, Colo. Seattle, Wash. Los Angeles, Calif. San Francisco, Calif.

$57.80 49.80 39.80 43.30 48.50 32.80 37.55 24 .50 14.55 41.20 71.90 127.25 109.80 109.80

$132.21 94.92 84.90 100.60 119.31 82 .10 106.40 76.90 42.30 99.90 196.36 266.60 280.Q2 289.60

Rail Ho11rs

32 2oy2 19lf4 31y2 31 1/2 231;1 28% 22Y4 14 39 3 days 4 days 4 hrs. 4 days 6 hrs. 4 days 6 lm.

Air Hours 101f2

7 1/ 2 6 6 10

7Y2 7 1/2 5% 3 131/2 18Y2 241/2 20 24

NOTE : In addition there are frequent sailings of coast-wise ships of the Clyde- Mallory & Merchants & Miners Lines advertising $50 as the round-trip rate from New York City. This rate includes meals and berth.

So we leave you for the time being, looking ahead with real anticipation to shaking your hand and saying "welcome brother" when we convene on the morning of Tuesday, August 16, 1938 in Jacksonville, Fla.


1 P·1


/(appa Phi


" /-tme


• ,1st en ;eting

hat he~"

rt~lk On rp•cs ussion Club y ThursdaY "America's Air," radio's erwards dis-


se:c:e~s ~.e;2.

RAD\0 Cl\lR lU

MF£1 Al 'Y. 1: ON l\\URSDAYS Topics Heard on Nation: Wide Broadcast Wi\\ Be Discussed-Program is Announced



• • •



NeW Library Service Made Available to Those Who 1isten ''town Meeting'


TitleS of boOKs which maY be ob· ta.ined at Adriance Memorial librarY dealing with subject:. dtEcussed on "America's Town Meetintt of the Air" broadca.sts from "Town hall, NeW 'York citY. over the NBC-Blue network at 9:30 o'clock everY 'TI'lur&d.\'i Ql'e listed each week on a. special bOard at }.!. the Ubrary. LOUis Nour&e, librarian. said

A Town Meeting Discussion Club which will meet everY ThursdaY evening to listen to "America's Town ed todaY ~ Meeting of the Air," radio's most ecretary. popular forum. and afterwards dis· hursdaY evecuss the to-pic of the week has been the woonorganized bY the Wilkes-Barre, Y. M. C. A .. it was announced todaY bY 10pes to brinf!( F. M. Devendorf, general secretary. 1 members and Town meeting on November 4 ve been listenbegan their third season of weeklY ilWO seasons to. one-hour forums over the National roadcast which Broadcasting Company's blue net· e following tor work. TheY are arranged by the League tor Political EducaUon in g distinguished. cooperation with the National Broad· freely express casting CompanY and are held in y. controversial Town Hall. New York. The National Council of the Y. M. C. A. is co· bn Nov. 4 began operating with America's Town ot weeklY oneMeeting of the Air" in helping to r the National establish a Discussion Club in everY Y. 'foli. C. A. in the United States. pany's blue netAfter listening to the sub)ect de· arranged bY the bated as it comes over the air, the cal Education in group select a chairman tor the the National evening familiar with the topic and anY and arc he conducts a Town Meeting in which a\\ those present are given an New York. The opportunity to have their say. Fre· of the Y M. C quent\Y such discussions lead to exwith "America's pressions of views on local issues the Air" in h elv and, in a number oi cases, have discussion club in brought about the establishment of A. in the United permanent weeklY forums. MaY QUiz speakerll ning to the subArrangements have been made comes over the with Town Meeting off;cials to have a chairman tor the Wilkes-Barre Y. M. C. A. Town with the topir. Meeting Club receive advance an· a Town Meeting in nouncements of the topic to be dis· present are given cussed as well as bibliographies of suggested reading. OccasionallY a to have their say . Y. M. C. A. listening groUP will discussions lead to participate in the broadcast bY haV· ews of local issues 1ng a microphone placed in its meetof cases, have ing room and giving listeners an establishment of opportunity to question the speak· forums. ers broadcasting {rom Town Hall. been made Town Meeting listeners living officials to near the Wilkes-Barre "Y" Discussion Club who have written to 1\on"\ockt>t Y. M. C. A. "America's Town Meeting of the receive adAir" will be informed ot the gathof the topic - - • - ~a nt the discussion group. ~ _ _,...,.."rP: inbib\iog. Oc-

that thlls service maY aid persons who are interested in these broadcasts. bY giving thetn 6ome additional Information abOUt the matters discussed. Administration billS now being debated in congress to aid the farmer to control agricultural production will be dU;cussed bY two spokesmen o[ divergent views in t.he broadcast from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock tomorrow night . A defense of NeW neal farm policies will be g\v€n bY Edward A. O'Neal. president of the American Farm Bureau federation of Chicago . Views against the administration's agricultural program will be of[ered bv Frank E. Gannett, head of Gan· netJt newspapers. ,Among the issues to be discussed will 'be the costs of meeting the proposed administration farm lJrogram; whether crop control should be compulsorY or voluntarY; and whether the new t-arm bill is a substitute !or the•· America's A.AA· 'Town Meeting of the .Air" is under the auspices of the League !or Political Education in co· operation with the National BroadcaJ;ting companY. George V nennY Jr director of 'Town hall, presides as moderator.





i. .t, qtge cJ.,-f-Ji.ence ... Crowds attend ese•· llleer .





r~~ ·o~· 1



l'fs department of Education, Time, the weekly news magazine, features the activities of George h V. Denny' Jr ., Kappa ' in his broadcasts of Town llaij meetings. . f l'he story of Brother Denny and his unusual radto eatu · d is reappeared in the January 17 issue of Ttme an as follows:

~1 ~ ~llt!\ 1. ~ r!Yle rl1 55


s 1 ~\~


lng m Town Hall

N.)l~t cs·


u. s.

adult educational radi.o program



th · · s America's Town Meeting of the A1r. Its weekly it h~rsday audience is estimated at some 3,000,000. Last week A1s~t a new high when Utilities Man Wendell L. Wilkie and

'•t. tstant U. 'lO\V C

S. Attorney General Robert H. Jackson debated I ~ ..

'W·th· an Government and Business Work Toget 1er · . s...I ~ 36 hours 1 300 letters six times any previOus rerunseh ,, , h Pro ' ad poured into Manhattan's Town Hall, where t e &ra01 • . ~ ongmates. in ti~:Ponsible for the phenomenal growth o~ this program lea ee years is George V. Denny, Jr., d1rector of the <nqSue for Political Education which founded Town Hall lllanathe Town Meeting of the Air. Sho~ma~ Denny had Car0 l~ed the Carolina Playmakers at Umvers1ty of North b~r •na, been an actor on Broadway, managed a lecture ande~u. and directed Columbia University's Institute of Arts lea Ctences before he arrived at Town Hall in 1930. The 4o SUe, founded by a group of women suffragists, had for .\rn~e~rs Provided a platform for civic reformers, outstanding <nd rlcans from William Jennings Bryan to Will Rogers, lllis .music concerts But George Denny conceived a bigger Sto f · · 1 of th n or Town Hall. With a zealot's belief that rev1va dern e old New England town meeting was needed to make lllee~~racy Work, he began in 1935 to put on a. wee~ly to~n ·~~· g demonstration in Town Hall for a nat1onw1de radiO · ~•enc ~· soon a good part of the U. S. populatiOn · was I·IS t ~n•ng 10 <uq· h,s verbal prize fights· and Town Hall had overflowmg •ences. Some 700 groups have been forme d m · m~ny a 1.J. S the · town to listen to Town Hall's programs and dtscuss \J. ~ afterwards. To foster local town meetings all ?ver the to 1'., the League for Political Education, changmg 1ts name !stab~_'IVn Hall , Inc., with Denny as its president, last week Snell •shed an extension division under Che~ter J?e Forest lion Dformerly head of the University of W1sconsm ExtenlVision. 0

f P·1

I<appa Phi

}!.eal! /11/eeli.t"ff · . . . Pi Kappa Phi's George V. Denny, Jr., who directs the "American Town Meeting of the Air" Denny's programs consist of talks on controversial topics by provocative speakers and questions from the audience. What makes them exciting is uninhibited heckling. The speakers heckle each other and the audience heckles everybody. The auditors boo and cheer, are made up of the rich and poor, the well-informed and the ignorant. Once a questioner shouted: "I don't object to President Roosevelt's using the radio to inform the country on the state of the nation but I do object to his using it to propagate." Spectacled, wide-mouthed George Denny, who acknowledges as his chief inspiration Nicholas Murray Butler, says he bars stuffed shirts and academicians from his programs. He also says he would rather put on Author Wi11 Durant than Philosopher John Dewey. He admits his debates supply listeners with little information but conceives his rol e as that of stimulator. Mr. Denny wants his 3,000,000 auditors to be open-minded above all. An indefatigable user of hair tonics, bald Mr. Denny is, too.

More intimate details of Brother Denny's program are contained in the following very interesting story especially prepared for THE STAR AND LAMP: George V. Denny, Jr., a Southerner, born in Washington, N.C., a graduate of the University of North Carolina in 1922, holds a post in radio education today second to none in the .field. He is the founder and di11



rector of "America's Town Meeting of the Air," the nation-wide broadcast presented by the Town Hall (N.Y.C.) in cooperation with the N.B.C. which in the short span of less than three years, has gathered a weekly listening audience estimated, conservatively, at more than two millions and frequently hitting a high of between six and ten million listeners. In addition to his radio work, Mr. Denny is also President of the Town Hall, Inc. ; Treasurer of the Economic Club of New York, and a Trustee of the Institute for Economic Research, Inc., which gives some idea of what a busy man he is. "America's Town Meeting of the Air" is Mr. Denny's own idea. He has watched it grow until today it is considered one of the most popular educational features on the air-waves. More than eight hundred listening groups, in every section of the country, listen each week: in Y.M.C.A.'s, Y.W.C.A's., libraries, private homes, and even in several state prisons. When the hour is up, they discuss among themselves the topic of the evening. The prison groups are most interesting, tuning in on the weekly broadcast becoming a part of the work of rehabilitation of these men. The latest prison to organize a listening group is the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia. They joined the groups late in February. The prisoners listen to the broadcast and then debate the various issues raised. The forum is conducted under the supervision of the prison 's educational director. Mr. Denny acts as the moderator of the broadcasts. That in itself is a man-sized job. As everyone knows -who has ever heard "America's Town Meeting of the Air,"-the audience plays a stellar role, participating by expressing its opinion of the issues involved. Quite often there are boos and sometimes hisses for the speakers. Hisses, however, are discouraged since they do not carry well over the air-waves. Prior to going on the 'air there is an hour's period of discussion on the subject for debate, with the audience taking part. These discussions are often humorous, especial ly if some speaker gets warmed up to his subject and has difficulty in expressing himself. Personalities are not allowed at "America's Town Meeting of the Air." Recently one member of the audience was asked to leave after indulging in a personal attack on a Communist speaker. It is a difficult task to handle an audience of 1,600, the average that attends the weekly broadcast, but Mr. Denny has developed the necessary technique. He knows how to keep them in good humor, how to speed along the program. Here for readers of THE STAR AND LAMP, Mr. Denny tells the story of "America's Town Meeting of the Air." "I am often asked about the origin of 'America's Town Meeting of the Air.' The idea occurred to me


'd talks. 1

one night after one of the President's fires.t e f ·end was standing in the street discussing this wtth a ~dn't who told me about a neighbor of ours who wo he listen to the President of the United States becau~ethe hated him so bitterly. I remember walking t~roug t]Jal park that evening thinking what a tragedy 1t was. nee here we had this great new miracle of modern s~t:ons whid1 could bring all manner of conflicti~g op;n~ay into the very living room of every Amertcan a Ie by a mere twist of a dial, and still there were peotey who would not listen to speakers with whotll were not in sympathy! uld "Why couldn't we have a radio program tha~ wo 10 make my neighbor and the millions like him ]tst~ 0(, both sides in order to hear the views he approve for 1 presented. A few weeks later I made my proposaf the 0 a town meeting of the air to Mr. John Royal nlY 0 National Broadcasting Company. He agr~ed not a)• to furnish the facilities but paid, and conttnues toP all out-of-pocket expenses of the program. . . veC'f "The technique of the radio town meettng. tS lveS simple and may be applied in various ways. It 1.nvo 00 the presentation of two or more conflicting vteVI:ons controversial public questions followed by q~es :01 3 and answers between audience and speakers. It 15 •5 a debate and we discourage debate technique. It ~ic, joint discussion, in which complicated social, econ~ori· and political problems are aired by compete~t a~ alsO ties and questions asked by an audience whtch tS ' representative of widely divergent opinions: f the "If we are to learn even an approximatJOn .00 . 11 truth, we must certainly listen to all sides of a qu~s ach If we are even to approach an understa~d!ng 0 ~ear other's problems, we must surely be wtlhng to nse• each other's point of view stated. Only common se you say? Yes, but are we doing it? nor "We cannot eliminate conflict and stn~ggle]' ent would we wish to, but we can, if we are. mtel?5al'· human beings, abandon the barbaric practJCeS 0 nce ages and attempt to settle our differences at conferewiii tables or in courts of law where justice, not force, be the criterion. ded "Our Town Hall in New York City was fou~510 , by the League for Political Education, a non-partt ~0 . non-sectarian institution, nearly half a century ne's Situated at the cross-roads of the world, just a stot jt throw from Times Square on West 43rd Stree 'inS has been c~lled at once a meeting place, a cleai~aii• house for tdeas, a forum, a lyceum, a concert tab· a school, a college, and a memorial. Until the ~s. in lishment of 'America's Town Meeting of the j\t~a!l• 1935, it was most widely known as a conc~rt 11190f althoug·h· its lecture program was emulated tn large CJttes. II js "Like the old town meeting house, Town. :rrrudes a very busy place. Its educational program 1nc






page 19)

The Star an J



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e talks. 1 a friend ;wouldn't ecause be ough the was that ·n science opinions n fa(l'lil) re people om thef at would listen to roved ~f; fosal u~e al of lj' no t on , 'S to pa). "' [ is ve., l·nvolves . son wteW. 5 fl~esuo;a t tS uo J . It js·c 1 co no(l'l i'


INITIAL CONCLAVE ~'/ }!.ewi~ {. f<.nett Q N JANUARY 15-16 Alpha Zeta chapter was

host to the first district conclave held in the and Northwest. A total of 71 members, pledges, a1urnn.t f rom AI pha Zeta and Alpha Delta ch apters"" sernbt:~e. pres~nt-the largest group of Pi Kapp.s ascorw . In thts corner of the U.S. since the natwnal ~ntton in Seattle in 1936. · d b y au t o Sat u r ~Jay e 'Washt'ngton d e1ega t'ton arnve and spent · the ch the rest of the afternoon looking over from ~pter house, bullfesting, and meeting the alums buur ortland as they arrived. After dinner, more and tehsting, and a fast basketball game between O.S.C. · · ers as e D · o f 0 . W e won. At nme-thtrty the b roth a~th~~~ llleeti~ernble? f?r the first of the sch~duled business tS (and Dtstrtct Archon Tom Jermm from Seattle he Order ate of Alpha Theta) called the meeting to n of .t lerns and presented for informal discussion the probruest100h Of pr.ogress, and perplexities of the two chapters. r of eac life articular interest was a comparison of student 1 t 0 be•l nse· I'tnedonth th . e tw o campuses. The two managers out)n se Delta etr methods of managing each house. Alpha I r Coop rn~rnbers were particularly interested in the ~Je,, ~~~ ~iscu~~atJVe Managers Association here at O.S.C. The tell 1g .. tng ,.,, ons were carried on at some length-the meet1 · d around midnight as bre akfast was t 0 £ sa e SChed"'as te rmmate feren~JI had u1~d for eight A.M. and the boys from up nortl1 . ce, ~~ subsequtte a strenuous day behmd them. However, d d Were quen~ bullfests lasted till the wee small hours fou~ ~. \-est lettmg pretty large! Particularly one in the parttS~ S orrn. . . . unday mornmg-breakfast . . ;.ry ·3gO·. t'tngs· and two busmess meet5 a stoneit night~ continuation of the members' meeting of ilie :treet•. F .\!ph efore and a joint meeting of Alpha Zeta and cleaf1 ~1. notes a Delta pledges. The pledges compared ert h\. duties on methods of pledge training, pledge te esta." dis,.,, '.etc. In the members' meeting further A •r' t•· '"SSt on . . • I> 1 ~rob) Was earned on concernmg chapter 11 1 1. erns B I tha· er r esurn. ' rot 1er George A. Odgers gave a in IJ'l 30 Coast e t~e expansion program on the west is collltn~ 'Whtch he is the head. A resolutions 1 1 ning 1 tee. appointed at the preceding evef!aldei inclll the fo~eett.ng presented its resolutions, and Votes t'Wtng were adopted: resolved, that 0 thanks be tendered; Brothers George










~ I I



A. Odgers and Howard Leake for their outstanding work in furthering ilie interests of Pi Kappa Phi; resolved, that tl1e assembled members of the conclave present a recommendation to the national council favoring an adult education program to be carried on in the national alumni groups; and resolved, that district conclaves be held annually in the future. A tour of th.e campus w~s. made by the group shortly before dmner. The vtsttors were particularly impressed by the beautiful Memorial Union building. Dinner was the largest ever held here at Alpha Zeta with 64 around the table. An after-dinner comment by Brother Odgers in the form of a prophecy was iliat twenty-five years from now the historian will be putting a notice in Alpha Zeta News to the effect that, ", .. a new day dawned for Pi Kappa Phi when the brothers of Alpha Zeta and Alpha Delta assembled in the first district conclave a quarter century ago .... " Brother Tom Jermin commented on the accomplishments of the conclave and expressed his optimism for ilie continued success of future conclaves. After dinner pledge Fred Domnisse, Alpha Zeta's photographe; de luxe, took group pictures. Very shortly the boys from the nortl1 shoved off, ilie Portland alumni left our very profitable and enjoyable first Northwest Dis: trict Conclave came to a close. Next year, at Alpha Delta-the second ....

Conclave Group

, Great

Roano ke s Warriors .



Left to r~g!lt, Jf/Jill• Gordon (Pap) Sl ffie(d, Paul Rice, Bob /baktr• a11d Ge11e Stu e stri~l All t!Jree are fir:/ St"dt· players. Rice an ,,bert baker are acti'Jie, ,~e s/Jel· of Xi chapter '~~''11 e field is a pledge.




~et t!.ec~'t.!J

WITH PI KAPP AID by Pi Kappa Phi are two state · championship basketball teams. These unusual aggregations are the Maroons of Roanoke College, Virginia champions, and the Hatters of Stetson College, Florida state champions in 193 7 and losers of only three S.I.A.A. games this year. Both teams are coached by Pi Kapps. Eight of the nine members of the Stetson team are members of Chi chapter while two members of the Virginia championship team are brothers of Xi chapter and a third is a pledge of that chapter. Brother Chet Freeman, Stetson, '27, is the coach of the Florida team while Brother Gordon C. White, alumnus of Xi, is the coach of the Roanoke team which competed in the first national basketball tournament conducted at Kansas City. Gene Studebaker and Paul Rice and Pledge Sheffield represent Pi Kappa Phi on the Roanoke team and their work on the hardwood floor was outstanding. Rice was second high scorer in the state and Studebaker was not far behind him. The record of the Pi Kapp members of the Stetson team, as prepared by Earl Neeland, Chi, is as follows: Coach Freeman graduated from Stetson University




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in 1927 and was freshman coach of footbaall 3nd basketball in '28 and '29. Three years as footb J!igh basketball coach at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Cf!el School and two at Miami Beach followed before ~ 34 returned to his Alma Mater in the fall of 19 ntof· assistant coach of football and head basketball fe 0der Stetson's basketeer "Hatters" have done w~l ~ 3 de the tutelage of Brother Chet, his work havtng the University truly basketball conscious. oJdl·• Brother Tom Kirkland was born in Tulsa, rado· found his way to the Everglade State and was :le st 1 ated from Miami Edison High School. W. te;il11 Edison he was named all-state forward when ht~ ~e won the state basketball championship in 1~ 3 [oat· also represented Miami for two years in varstt}' t 1 ball. Tom wrote his name in Stetson history l~s ytP as high scorer in varsity basketball, and thtS chap· captained the team that visited many Pi ~apf tbali 00 ters while en route for the University. Hts . tb' career has continued at Stetson with his filltn~ool' shoes of varsity center for two years. Other. acJet!er plishments of this affable fellow include a varstt}' clasS in tennis and presidency of his freshman laW


(Contin11ed on page 18)

The Star and






Stetson Hatters A round tfte "S" left to r 路 I from er S tg tt: Scftaef , wanson S . mltft, B rattltam C ' Freema' oaclt Chet " G 'f Drake, c~ ~.' fith, lattd. gm, Kirk-


elected president of his class and also a member : the college choir. At the beginning of his sopho1Jl~1 year he was pledged and initiated into Alpha Omega, honorary dramatic fraternity and made s~c~ tary-treasurer. The following spring he was pie g..e and initiated into Xi Theta Chi, honorary Jangua~1 fraternity and made secretary-treasurer. During 1 ~~0 1 he made his letter in basebaii and was initiated 10 f 0 th e Monogram Club, and also re-elected prest·aenth'P his class. He assisted with the business manageff ~~ of the yearbook and was appointed on the sta . The Collegian, quarterly publication of the ~otle~ In addition, he served in all three top positiOns Xi chapter. h'1P He was also elected in Blue Key, national leaders fraternity.


sl ler


Letter to Y e Editor ~:: Oft Brings Surprise ~1i DEAR BROTHER YOUNG,


tKennett Is Named Office Assistant KENNETT, Xi, graduate of Roanoke College, who was appointed assistant secretary of the Fraternity, assumed his duties 1 February 1. He succeeds Bonn A. Gilbert, Mu, who resigned December 15 to accept a position on the advertising staff of The Daytona Beach (Fla.) Neu;s' Joumal. 1 ~rother Kennett, according to Executive Secretary : John H. McCann, "is taking hold of his work in ~ fine fashion and is destined to be of great aid in I carrying on the work of the Fraternity in the Central Office." A record of outstanding leadership in his undergraduate days at Roanoke proves Brother Kennett's 1 qualifications for the position with the Fraternity. In his Senior year he was elected president of the stu. dent body at Roanoke. The following summarizes his undergraduate record: Pledged into Pi Kappa Phi in the fall of 1933 and initiated in the spring of 1934. Was elected secretary during his sophomore year. Soon after was LYNN


Behold the contents of this letter! A picture 0• Alpha's Xi's pride and joy. A representation of nopi other than William "Big Bill" J. Berry, Pi I{np Phi's National Secretary. Professor Berry is shown at the annual Polytechnic FreshmanSophomore Scraps. Couple of years ago he came all dressed up like a state trooper. No gun, though. Well, last year he came all fixed up like an Indian. No bow and arrow, though. Brother Berry picked up the sweater while attending the last Pi Kapp convention. The pipe is just one of those things. This picture was taken for the 1938 Polyu;og, Poly's yearbook. Photog was 0 . Winston Link, Pi Kappa Phi 's best photographer . Yours truly, V. WILLIAM FENDRICH .

Berry in the "goshaw/141" sweate1·.

QJJiiieJ c=/.'Ce ;~I 'l'HE TOPS! 'Watc£ t~'C ]kem s'!''fhese are a few unusual pictures snapped for THE ter"'R. ANn LAMP. They are not only newsy but inbo esbng. Isn't it of interest that Sigma d1apter can Sta~t of the tallest college drum major in the United fro es? Everybody has heard of the " Rambling Wreck ed·~ Georgia Tech" but it was the first time the 0/ hor had seen one. The Bronx cowboy adds a bit Ulllor.


' d 1 mterestmg · · ·m d tvl · 'd ua 1s, scenes, or 'fhere \Vh are many su "'ill at-.have-you that readers of THE STAR AND LAMP SUch de~ 1 ght to know about. When you come across tou Ptctur.e possibilities won't read remember your brothers who int the magazine and send them ha~ the editor. He would like to sue~ .a page or two each issue of Interesting pictorial subjects. Br?ther Joe Gettler, debollaJr Alpha Xi hill billy from the wilds of Brooklyn, P~ses with his high-powered 0 Jr rifle.

''R amblin' Wreck from Ga. Tech."

U.S.A.'s TaJlest Emerson Smith, who benrs the appropriate name of "Altitude." He is drum major of the University of South Cnrolinn band. Height six feet six inches. Distance between tip of plume and soles of shoes is eight feet.

Two Great Teams Set Records (Continued from page 14)

Brother Richard 'Dick' Branham, Chi senior, came to Stetson after four years of football and basketball at Southport High School in Indianapolis, Ind. At Stetson 'Dick' has had four years of varsity football and basketball, is president of the student body this year, ahd last year held the presidency of his junior class. He is a member of Mystic Krewe, honorary leadership fraternity. Another senior whose aim is coaching is Brother Raymond Cagni. Ray is from South Hill High School of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Potomac State Junior College and came to Stetson with five years of competitive experience in football, basketball and baseball. At Stetson he has worn the "Hatters" colors in two varsity basketball campaigns, is a student instructor in physical education, a member of the Glee Club and Beta Key, honorary biology club. He is manager of Chi intramural sports program. Sophomore member of the "Hatters" is Chi's Vincent Schaefer, another product of Indianapolis schools. His high school record reads like a story with letters in football, basketball, baseball and track, he was captain of baseball in 1933, of basketball in 1934, chosen most valuable man in football in '32 and '34, in basketball in '34, all-round athlete in '3 3 and '34 and all-state (Indiana) end in 1934. Last year as captain of Stetson's freshman football team he was selected all-conference freshman end anC! most valuable member of the Hatters' frosh squad. Chi junior is Fritz Drake of lola, Kan. Fritz brought to Stetson experience gained in five years of competition in football, basketball and track at lola High 'School and lola Junior College. In the latter school he served one year as captain of basketball. He has one year of experience behind him in varsity football and basketball at Stetson. Brother John Griffith, another Chi junior, cames from Collinsville, Okla., High School where he was a three letter ·man, president of the student body, valedictorian and president of his senior class. Attending lola (Kan.) Junior College he was again valedictorian of his class, carried away varsity letters in football and basketball. At Stetson he has behind him one year of varsity competition in football and basketball. He is a member of the national scholastic fraternity, Mu Omega Xi. Still another Junior is Brother Gus Swanson of Fellsmere, Fla. Gus was president of his freshman class and played only one year of basketball before

• lors iP entering Stetson. He has won the Hatters co b 11 a two varsity campaigns on the gridiron and basket ~ of court. · . in~· of Second sophomore member of the Hatters is dun f]l tive Brother Lanier Smith of Daytona Beach, ~ Having taken part in football, basketball and tr~t at Mainland High School he entered Stetson last Y. 0. and played freshman football before joining the gn iron and hard wood varsities this year. p· These Pi Kapps line up with Drake, Griffith, ]3r~d ham, Kirkland and Cagni as forwards, Shaefer 3 Smith as guards, and Swanson, center.

Brother Dies to






aspc l'llsl 8ro1 tion

Charles B. DeLong, Psi

Friends and relatives were shocked at the suddd~ ra death of Brother Charles B. Delong, Psi, post g wbi ate student and instructor of geology at Cornell, p( dropped dead while visiting an uncle, Homer DeL0 • at McGraw, N.Y. co~· Brother Delong was born August 15, 1915 ~t be~ land, ' N.Y. , the son of Burton and Nellie E!Jza jlv Bean Delong, now residing at West Lawn, pa. ,P1 father is metallurgist for the Carpenter Steel Coll1P at Reading, Pa. eli Besides his membership in Pi Kappa Phi at Corllov Brother Delong was also a member of Sigma G~0 Jt Epsilon, honorary. He was also a member of the · Cross Methodist Church at Reading, Pa.



The Star and Ld''

Yea, llluc







of l

''Time'' Features a Brother (Continued f1'om page 12)

a ser· of su~·s of daily morning lectures on a wide variety of th Jects by distinguished authorities from all parts Peopi: World; a series of short coursc;s for busy given Who are unable to attend the mornmg lectures, of M at 5:30 in the afternoon, under the direction Divj ~·Chester D. Snell, former Dean of the Extension to t~ton o_f the University of Wisconsin, and prior tlniv at. Dtrector of the Extension Division of the ning erst~ of North Carolina; and the Thursday evetion r~dio programs broadcast each week in cooperaMWtth the National Broadcasting Company." 29, ~ Denny was born in Washington, N.C., August (Cobb99, the son of George Vernon an~ Carrie Ricks 8eJ A~ Denny. He married Mary Tratll Yellott of the Pitt, Md., a classmate and fellow member of ~fte ay~akers, at the University of North Carolina. drarnr ~ts graduation he served as instructor in to 1-}bc production at North Carolina and then came ·~ew y ork where Charles Coburn,' the producer,

imino· I,


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sys~~~any of us

Secretaries Study Rushing

have long suspected, the fraternity hamstrung with altogether too many rules abo~tules .about scholarship, about living conditions, tushin~Ushtng, about this and that, but principally about . .



ties l(ecutive secretaries of the various national fraterniispe a;e probably better acquainted with the practical tush~ s of every known variety of college fraternity 8toutng sy~tem and regulation than any other single tion ~f of mdividuals. Their work requires observaYear f the set-up on not one campus, but on many, lllucha te_r year. In an effort to definitely learn how as a Untformity there is in their personal preferences, taries ~suit _of_ their experience, the Fraternity Sec_reserret .ssoctatiOn mailed a ballot to 52 such executive lowi artes. Forty-six had replied at the time the fol''IJ:f;g t~bulation was made (Nov. 24): ~-/ 11 rs the best time for pledging new members?" tiod "?ted for immediately following a deferred petillle ~ a few days at school's start, during which 12 e candidates are entertained by fraternities. as so Voted for pledging with no restrictions whatever 10°n as candidate has become enrolled in school. tio 08 Voted for pledging at any time with no restric2 , at any time. ' ~nr ~~~e? for pledging only after candidate has been 0 v tn school a term or semester. enrou~~e? for pledging only after candidate has been tn school a year or longer.




engaged him to do a bit in "Old Bill, M.P." He spent a year on the New York stage and then became a manager of the William ~· Feakins lecture bureau. Mr. Denny left the Feakms bureau after a year to direct the Institute of Arts and Sciences of the Extension Division of Columbia University. In 1930 he came to The Town Hall as Associate Director of The League for Political Education. In January of this year the League name was dropped, and Mr. Denny became the first President of the Town Hall, Inc. The Denny's have three children, Mildred, the oldest and a twin.so~ ~nd daughter, Ge~rge V. Denny, III, and Mary Vtrgmta Denny. They live at 10 Tunstall road, Scarsdale, New York. Mr. Denny is a member of Pi Kappa Phi, and a director of the Town Hall Club of New York. He was a member of the S.A.T.C. in 1918, and is a first lieutenant of infantry • Officers Reserve Corps.

"How sho11ld an invitation for membership be extended?" 41 voted it should be extended in person. 4 voted for the "preferential" system. 1 voted for a personally-written invitation. "Sho11ld the candidate be t•eqttired to pay a fee for rttshing entertainment?" 41 voted "no." 5 voted "yes." "Sho11ld the school enforce a limitation on the munber of pledges per chapter?" 31 voted "no." 15 voted "yes." (11 of these votes were qualified as to conditions) . "Shortld the school limit the extent of mshing expenses?" 38 voted "no." 8 voted "yes." ( 5 of these votes were qualified as to conditions.) "Sho11ld the ft·aternity secretat·ies agree 011 certain general types of mshing regrtlatitms as the most satisfactory tmder ordinary circmnstances, wo11ld yotJ favor adoption of a sta11dard set of broad recommendations for general a11d individ11al distrib 11tion and attempt to gain their wider ttse by injl11ence and s11ggestions?" 43 voted "yes." 3 voted "no." (2 said it would be impossible.) -The Fraternity Month


kappa Phi


Calling the Roll Alumni Chapters Beta

Personals Presbyterian

Beta hailed with much pleasure the Stetson University basketball team which included seven brothers and pledges from Chi chapter, on February 12. Following the game between the Stetson "Hatters" and the P. C. "Blue Stockings," the chapter was host to the visiting team at an impromptu social in the fraternity rooms. Two Chi brothers, Dick Branham and Ray Cagni were visitors here last year also. Pledge Frank Sutton, class of '41, bids fair for boxing laurels on the "Blue Stocking" boxing varsity next year. Sutton, lighting in the freshman lightweight class, won all three of his inter-collegiate bouts this year, scoring two knockouts and one easy decision. L. H . Mixson, Jr. , Beta, '37, is the proud father of eight pound L. H. Mixson, III, born January 28 who, we trust, will carry on the name of Mixson in Beta about 1955. GORDON HUGGINS, Historian


With the loss of only one member by graduation at the close of the fall semester, Gamma chapter opened the spring semester with the return of all the older members and its two newest members, Norman Arrighi of Concord, Calif., and Richard Witt of San Francisco, who were welcomed iota the chapter following the November formal initiation. Wilmar E. Shields, the only graduating member, hails from Ukiah, Calif., transferred from Santa Rosa Junior College and completed his last two years in the College of Letters and Science at the University, majoring in Economics. As a result of two weeks of rushing second semester six new men are wearing pledge pins of Pi Kappa Phi. Introducing Percie C. Thacker, Jr., El Centro, Calif.; Paul and Phil Googins, Mt. Shasta, Calif.; Ken Wheeler of Fullerton; Eugene Roberts of San Francisco; and Bob Wall of San Francisco. Ken Wheeler is a two-yea r letterman on the California Water Polo team and is captain for the current season. Eugene Roberts, enrolled in upper division R.O .T .C., is a sergeant in the Coast Artill ery unit and is a coxswain for the California Varsity Crew. Representing University of California in the jumps at the Ski Meet held at Badger Pass in Yosemite National Park, Art McMurray took high honors with a jump of 90 feet in competition with representatives from various universities from the western states. An alumni dinner was held at the chapter house on Friday evening, February 4, for the purpose of reorganizing the alumni chapter. Ken White, District Archon, presided over the meeting. John Knowles, '33, an attorney residing in Long


Zet z Jr.; 1


Officers for this semester are as follows: Archon .. ...... ... ........ . .............. Billy Jones Treasurer .............................. ]. L. Clements Secretary .. .. ......................... Walter Brooker Histori an ............................ Gordon Huggins Chaplain ............................. Roy Hutchinson Warden ............................... . ]. P. Ballard Custodian of Robes ..................... . . Hack Mixson


Undergraduate Chapters Beach and v~siting in the city for the week-end, was pr at the meetmg. . to paY bl1 Evans Porter, '25, from New York, dropped 10 respects recently while on a trip to the we~t coastj Jenl( Charles Vannice, '37, was married to Mtss Eve yn of San Francisco on February 26, 1938. H' 10,ia' RAY F. CRAMMER, IS

·t Epst on

histc 1\-ar·






to I.

. th'r' '11 .Davidson College students recently ce 1eb ra ted their phi, o~ lttiv Ga dance set of the year-"Mid Winters." Pi K~ppa tnnt p~ laov~ of the nine fraternities on the hill, played ~n tmpo~ 'tion. ~ ~ 18 in this function sponsored by the Panhelle.mc Assoc pre11: 5 which Pi Kapp Philip "Booby" Arrowsmtth serves adid stl' 1n dent. "Booby" has been responsible for three splen al ~·W I ~ .t of dances and led the brilliant figure of the recent fo~~ reprt fa~· Miss Mary Lumpki~ .. Brother ,Willia.m McLean aa~urdnf 11 1o sen ted Pi Kappa Pht tn the Fnday mght figure. ~ the dJ~ for tli noon the chapter had a well-pl~nned luncheo_n f~ bnnq~ 1 • ~I!(J and visiting alumni. Saturday mght a very en)oya e 01 J 011. 1-.S was held in the main banquet hall of Thacker's Rest~eeJ:tll' lJ . Charlotte. Gay gatherings took place throughout .th~ in ChJr· Pin,v at the chapter house, away from the major functiOn for til< . lotte. By far a majority of Epsilonians had girls her~e enti~ bti81 weekend, the bevy of beauties coming from over J~ng to be burng Southeast. So passed a most joyous weekend, one h&, • ol ru remembered. . . e week l.fis Epsilon initiated ten new men mto tts ranks t11 nta, Gl·• 1n 5. February 14-20 and presents Albert Greene of Atl; JUorenil· l<t James Saunders of Alb~marle, N.C.; Louis Hite 0 f J!ickO~ S.C.; Norris Erb of Badm, N.C.; Paul Bumbarger~ d flytl' N.C.; Roy Cunningham of Huntington, W.Va.; ~~ !'I·C.: ~ta of Washington N.C.; Frank Niven of Albemar ' proo· • J·ust1rouP'· Y · 1101 and Bill Ward 'of Warrenton, N.C. Eps1·1on IS of these plebes for they represent one of the best g 8irls, 1 Davidson freshmen. 'dson (p Lieutenant Colonel John T. Rhett, head of Davl adviser· l lege's R.O.T.C. department and Epsilon chap~er pelil 0 ta 00 has been tapped by the Davidson circle of Omtcr J3rotJl'' Of!i 1 Kappa, honorary leadership fraternity. The honor ~ 0n fl1~ ~rcho Rhett not only brings pride into th~ hearts of Epst bY ev~1, b. P. but to Pi Kapps everywhere. He IS dearly loved h p3v1 member of Epsilon and, also, by ~very_ J'folember of t ~he ~~ ~ec son body. Always Brother Rhett IS wtlltng to helpf JipSIIO· ~Ia. 1 0 chapter He attends all of the social functions .... uri d~r~,. · ·ntr·•·· tb' l o-.! Epsilon takes an active part in the Davidson 1 ent • "~Ill, inter-fraternity, and inter-collegiate sports. At pre~i J''F; On basketball team of the chapter, adorned in the new nnfl1tfl 1 0 uniforms, is taking part in the inter-fraternity .t ~1 ; in''~. 1isitin The chapter's team has just finished successfully 1n. n pi~ qQera fraternity bowling tournament. In the spring Eps~ 1~ plen_ o\J~h~ to enter the inter-fraternity track tournament \VII are ite1 of power. Brothers taking part in varsity sports J{elljll· Ohn 1 Wilson, wrestling; Spencer Goodman, football; J.oe of captain of baseball; and Henson Maples, captrun h ~nn~ Maples recently carried off top honors in tl~e 35 1 t !4· ~oP: mid-winter amateur golf tournament at Pmeh~rsh; ch!~ 10 lh( His victory in the first flight eclipses his second fh.S e Ert· pionship of last year. Several freshmen will hav Of llj







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The Star an J


chances f

Wiir or m.aking places on the '38-'39 athletic teams. ~!inerv~arn ~Jrt Harrison, Jr., of York, S.C., and Miss Ctntber -:vYhe of R?ck Hill,. S.C., were marr!ed last DeLieut 1 · At home m Stanle1gh Courts, Washmgton, D.C. St;eete~ James J. Stewart, Jr., and Miss Corinne Virginia ' 'l;edding ~ Chatt.anooga, Tenn., announce plans for their · hey wJ!l make their home at Fort Screven, Ga.

rs .resef\1 iW





offi j )r.; eta's sec cers for this semester are: Archon, T. K. Fletcher,

historia:etary, Orin Miller; treasurer, W . Wolfe Keller; '!;arden 'BF. I. Brownley, Jr.; chaplain, George Hill; and ~fan' en Sanders. lctiviti~ ofTthe chapter members are active in extra-curricular Scabbard. · K. Fletcher is president of the I.R.C., and of Chi Beta a~d .Bla~e. ~tacy Burnett was recently initiated into to l.R C h1, sc1ent1fic fraternity. B. W. Sanders belongs !h~ a~d to Chi Beta Phi. lctive 'W ekges of Zeta have justilied themselves by their GaVel for · Pledge Floyd has recently been bid by the 1Ootb'all orensi . t c soc1ety. Pie dge Kearse was manager of t h e learn. eam, while pledge Atwater was a tine end on the


eos . r,~•


dsO~ th 1r•


• orl

1' pJll 1 Dlt 00


d se!; '!be on 1 I ~·jtt I ~.the i Y tw? men lost by graduation last year are working

fatr.p0 r~~~~ate vicinity. A. P. Evans is a chemist with


ather at~

a)' • dJ¢ qutl 0 uOI iD

tll_s, while Bill Kellet is working with his

~ the ch ountatn Inn. Brother Evans was especially helpful

~r CUshinapter .dur~ng rushing season, making a new plan IS responsible for the tine group of men

~edged th~s Whtch ·til' l! ~ feature year.

~.01 Versity b of the past month was a visit of the Stetson 1 ~aPps asketball team. Seven of the eight members are ·~ Stn · eoll bti ce the f . Ill b ng revj d allure of the German Club, chapter dances are 10 , Urg, the ~~ a_nd there is to be a Pi Kapp formal in Spartanek [11 1/ranklyn st 1? ?ver three years. Gl· 1 i ISs Flore Wtlbam Fairey, Jr., of Kingstree, S.C., and reott· n l(ingstr~ce Lucile Davis of Manning, S.C., were married kotl'· January 6. . . Fltil1 F. I. BROWNLEY, JR., HuJomm

chJI or til'




?-J.C. 1 ~ta


&or Emory girt n toM . s, Gail rd. and Mrs. Carl Lippold of Atlanta, Ga., twlfl · an Joan, on January 14.

ps' u








Georgia Tech

cers for h · e"l~ I~rch ~ on, bou t e spring term, elected on January 25, are: t111P-

;i.l- !l ~. ltidi g Crocker; Secretary, Reese Hooks; Treasurer, ~~oe> 11ett; ~:·Jr.; Historian, Willis Paulk; Chaplain, Frank

· sil{ 'uri

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tia ecenuy i r~~n, Dave Watkins. tit·, liowa nlhated into Iota were Madison Post, Tampa, ~ast, Bobd ~oveless, Robert B. Williams, Winchie Preno' all of ADJllard, Denman Watkins, and P. D. Cunningn l) tlanta, Ga. ~is' . ers ecembe of r 10, f allowing the Founders' Day banquet, qu 11tng Pi l<t1le Iota chapter entertained their pledges and 3 with a very successful and colorful Mas1~~e~ade ball :_Ps a Iotn ·h 1 I<apps from Lambda, Alpha Alpha, Pi and Joh1en 00 ~ apters attended. n lloy d~ Tech campus of whom Iota is proud include '-....._ ·• eYtto: of The Techniq11e, campus weekly, a mem-





·~-~~ ~op.-...____ ,~JI"' to 'h 'Wm;Qrn I B • , e l.Jn· : anton,

archon of Lambda Chapter, came •versuy of Georgia from Georgia Tech in his




fl• ' kappa Phi

sophomore year. He is a member of ODK, Blue Key, Scabbard and Blade, lntemational Relations Club, Delta Sigma Pi, Y.M.C.A. cabinet, and is managing editor of the campus annual, The Pandora, and is captain of R.O.T.C. Next: Jack Adams, head cheer-leader and member of Blue Key. Bottom: Members and pledges of Tau Chapter.








Top: The evening is beginning as "Booby" Arrowsmith of Florence, S.C., president of the Davidson College Panhellenic Council, assists charming Miss "Way Way" Lumpkin of Columbia, S.C., in adiusting her flowers. Miss Lumpkin led the dance figure with Brother Arrowsmith. Bottom, left to right: Epsilon's Bobby Gish, elected by popular student body vote to fill one of the four positions on the Davidson varsity cheer-leading corps. Joe Kellam is a senior and captain of Da'l(idson's varsity baseball team. He is the star catcher. Henson Maples, a senior and captain of Davidson's golf team; al,so winner in the thirtyfifth annt1al midwinter golf to11rnament held in Pinehurst, N.C. Maples won in the first flight this year and in the second /light last year. Top: Upsilon's numeral men, left to right, standing- Don Grover, swimming; Harry Router and Hal Simson, baseball; seated-Bill Seldon, track, and Bob Moore, football. Center: f'red (Chief) Nebera, who played his last game for West Virginia against Texas Tech in the Sun Bowl at El Paso New Year's Day. Bottom: W aikiki Beach-Combers of Alpha Zeta singing over CBS network during Oregon State homecoming broadcast, left to right, Bob Harris, Joe Dillow, Aron Douglas, Carl B11rtch.




·- ------

her of 0 . outsta . mrcron Delta Kappa, Anak, honorary club for of Tb nd~ng seniors, and Tau Beta Pi; Archie Lewis, editor Scabb e ell ow Jackel, campus humor publication, member of istic a~d Blade and Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journalhonor:aterrnty; Doug Crocker, president of the Oil Can Club, tiona! ry mechanical engineering society; James Gordy, naWiJJi ;nd local secretary of the Civi 1 Crew Society; and outstas d'aul~, treasurer of Scientia Club, honorary club for ~terri~ ~g mdustrial management upperclassmen. William lllembe ope, Jr., Papama City, Fla., was one of the two Sin rs of the Junior class recently elected to Tau Beta Pi. Joe .pe rush week Iota has pledged the following new men: 1\y.; :~ham, Greenville, Ga.; Bob Weathford, Louisville, l'aft of Underwood, Miami, Fla.; Ben Hall and Howard Pi I< Atlanta. by tak· appa Phi came through again on the Tech campus SOred bng first prize in the "Ramblin' Wreck" contest spon-' Polish the Yellow Jacket Club. The prize, a large, highly lnd ,· e brass cuspidor adorns the front room of the house Ruds sh' I rned daily by 'honored freshmen. lllarrie~ Ph A .. Siegel, Iota, '36, and Miss Marian Keston were ~eacht at Rtchmond, Va., in January. At home at 2222 Arlllst ree Road, Atlanta; Ga., where Siegel is associated with tong Cork Products Co.








Georgt' a

the ~rnbda chapter of Fi Kappa Phi is well represented in ous ~nor societies this year. As well as membership in varibrothc ubs, societies, and honor fraternities, several of the heiJe~~s ~gure in campus publications, athletics, and PanCarn ;~ Ctrcles. Among the latter are William J. Benton, ~aut ;~a, manag~ng editor of the annual, The P~ndor~; !On a _ulock, Cltmax, manager varsity basketball; BJII WJ!l'h~rnssrstant manager freshman basketball; and Robert Knox, the p Pson, and J. P. Stewart, Hollywood, membership in 1'h anhellenic Council. ller;toe following is a Jist of the various men's honors: W_. J. tditornr Cornelia, archon, Omicron Delta Kappa, managmg llationaJ he P~11dora, Blue , Key, Scabbard and Blad~, Inte~­ lnd ca RelatiOns Club, Y.M.C A. Cabinet, Delta Srgma Pt, ~er arP~ain in the R.O.T.C.; Robert Knox, Thompson, f?rtron, ~~on, Phi Delta Phi, president senio_r Jaw class, ~nd­ l'ho.n ue Key, and Panhellenic Councrl; John Wrlson, Scabb P~on, president Delta Sigma Pi, treasurer of Lambda, tion ~: and Blade, Blue Key, Jockey club, former circula'trulocknage~ of Red and Black, and Economic Society; Pa~l a.o.'l'.c Clrmax, manager varsity bask.etball team, captatn lelll v ., and Scabbard and Blade· Manon W. Luckey, Harar · boxing, "G" club, Delta ' Sigma Pi, and Scabbard 'nd Bta~rty halll, A e; and Chester L. Saunders, Eastman; Glenn ParJr., All~1anta; William McFee, Atlanta; and _Thurlow Evan.s, the ·u . nta, are members of Delta Sigma PJ. Other men m 1 nror d' · · .. · honors are Warren G. H ard '''• ~h· tvrswn schools wrth PQ~do rgham, vice-president of sophomore class, and The lrrana:e4 staff; ]. P. Stewart, Hollywood, junior business Pelican r of The Pandora, Panhellenic representative, and lllflllbe club; W. Cheney Moore, Vancouver, Wash., is a '~d of the freshman swimming team and is on the Red nulllera~'7 staff; C. L. Copeland, Clearwater, Fla., won _his John Aid n freshman football and is now out for vamty; :ealll and :n, Cornelia, is a member of the freshman track ~~ing rs on the Y.M.C.A. freshman council; and the foin~COa;ar~ members of Scabbard and Blade: Wallace Martin, arnbrid urch Hargrave, Thomasville; Robert G. Mayes, ~llsh ge; and James Adams, Athens. ~llle of s~ason at Lambda proved very successful in getting 0\>ing t e. best fraternity material on the campus. The folJQsellh be Included in the Pi Kappa Phi roster of pledges: · Underwood, Jr., Gainesville; James E. Fargason, 1




'~'he s

tar and Lamp

-·- Atlanta; Richard P. Mauney, Jr., Murphy, N.C.; H. P. Williams, Cordele; J. T . Bradbury, Athens; T. R. Harris, Athens; _George T . Edwards, Athens; Ben E. Meadows, Camp Hrll, Ala.; C. L. Copeland, Clearwater, Fla.; Bill Bennett, Birmingham, Ala.; James Adams, Athens; Thurlow Evans, Jr., Atlanta; William L. Wilson, Decatur; John Alden, Cornelia; W. Cheney Moore, Vancouver, Wash.; and Robert McKnigh t, Toccoa. Our first initiation was held October 12, 1937, when John Varnedoe, Claxton; Horace T. Clary, Atlanta; and Roy ~- Duffee, Decatur, were inducted into the fraternity while the fo!Jpwing were initiated February 1: John Alden: Cornelia; James Adams, Athens; Bjll Bennett, Birmingham, Ala.; and Richard P. Mauney, Murphy, N.C. L'lrnbda entertained Friday, February 11, at a formal dance at W:oodruff Hall on the University of Georgia campus; a buffet supper for members and their dates was given at the chapter house immediately following the dance. Chaperons for both affairs were Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, Dr. and Mrs. James Palmer, Mrs. Maude Warner Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butts, Mrs. James S. Morrow, M/ and Mrs. John H. Mote, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Henry and Walter Martin. ' Pendants were presented tl1e dates as favors. Howell Lott, Jr., and Miss Ruby Foster were married in Decemb~r. Lott is associated with tl1e Coca-Cola Co., in Columbta, S.C., where they are making their home. Walton Stewart of Americus, Ga., and Miss Musette Thurman of Sassar were married on December 26. At home in Albany, Ga.



Results of the February election of officers were as follows· Howard !im~erlake, Archon; Nathan Cox, Secretary; Phili; Small, Htstonan; Lee Morgan, Chaplain; and Jack Watson Watden. Bruce Wymain remains as Treasurer. ' We were very proud to initiate the following into our chapter: Jack Watson, Charlotte, N.C.; Joe Edwards Siler City, N.C.; Jim Davis, Wheeling, W.Va.; Bill Frank' Durham, _N.C.; Lester Williams, Rock Hill, S.C.; Martin Jones; Granrte Falls, N.C.; Roy Forrester, Dillon, Mont.; and Hal "Jug" Ingram, High Point, N.C. Initiations took place January 3 and February 7. The c_hapter had an ex.cellent rushing season, shaking hands wr.th seventeen men J~S~ before sending this to press, and lookmg forw~rd to receiVIng several additional pledges. Brother Joe Letdy, '37, and Miss Marjorie Goddard also of Duke, were married at the Little Church Around the Co~ner in N~w York City on December 27. They are making therr home rn Tarboro, N.C. Burke Davis, a Mu alumnus, has recently been named sports editor of The Charlotte (N.C.) News. PHILIP SMALL, Historian


Roanoke College

In the recent election of officers for the chapter, the following men were chosen: Archon ......... · ........... - ......... Harold Perd ue Treasurer .............................. Harold Fariss Se~ret~ry ........ · ................ Leonard Strangmeyer H1stonan ....... .. ...... . . ... ........ Cornelius Smith Chaplain ...... . ..................... William Ingram Warden ......... · ...................... Pete Kennett Recent initiates include Russ ell Henley, William H. Glover and John P. Demersman. New men pledged at the beginning of the second semester are Arthur Trout, Burton Hurdle, Hunter Minter, and James Bagby.



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ha li in



Men of Beta. Left to right, Peck Anderson, R.O.T.C. Captain; Joe Commander, president of Student Bo : 11d Presbyterian, member of "Blue Key," Block "P" Club, Athletic Council, "Who's Who in American Colleges Jdett Universities"; Joe Lewis Clements, South Carolina Intercollegiate featherweight champion and S.C. Go Gloves lightweight champion; Roy Hutchinson, a three year Seuior and Pi Kappa Phi scholar' for 1937. Harold Fariss was chosen to represent Xi at the National Convention in Jacksonville, with Brother Lucien Hiner as alternate. Xi also expects to be represented at the convention by several other brothers. Brother Gene Studebaker and Paul Rice and Pledge Bob Sheffield were starters this season on the famed Roanoke College basketball quint, coached by Gordon C. White, an alumnus of Xi. The team enjoyed great success last season, and represented Roanoke College in the National Tournament at Kansas City. Brother Rice was second high scorer in the state with Brother Studebaker not far behind. These boys showed fine teamwork this year on the floor. Intramural basketball honors were taken by Xi this winter with a record of one game lost out of Jive played. Each of the players received a medal. The prospects of having winning teams in volleyball, handball, and badminton look exceptionally bright. Brother Edward Jarrett was chairman of the Monogram Club dance held recently and it was quite a success. The German Club held mid-winter dances the week end of February 18 and 19. We were fortunate in having Brother Charlie Steinhoff of Rho chapter and his Southern Collegians render the music for this set. Congrats' to Brother Steinhoff for his excell ent direction of a fine orchestra. Archon Harold Perdue was taken into Blue Key, national honorary fraternity, at the last tapping for this group. Brother Perdue has taken a very active part in campus activities



catllPt!l throughout his four years here. Among the m~nyf eshrtl'0 offices to his credit are those of President of hiS r ctob路 and senior classes; Secretary-Treasurer of the GernHJ.~ic l~'j membership in Alpha Psi Omega, National Drarll~tY' 30_ ternity, Xi Theta Chi, Honorary Language fraternich~o ot he has held the offices of both Treasurer and A! of til' Xi chapter. Brother Perdue is also an active rnern~efootb'll college Y.M.C.A. and was active in basketball an his 路first two years. . also 10 Central Office Assistant R. Lynn Kennett, who iS alumnus of Xi ('37), paid us a visit recently. e p,rffj Xi had a very successful and enjoyable open ho~bers ,,I here at the house on February 28 to which the ~e 路on ,,P the other fraternities were invited. A blanket iavita~il foO' sent to the entire basketball squad. Quite a few sof'a otheri tions have been held thus far this year and plans or . J are in the making. morrt 1 Ash Prince Huse and Miss Hazel Bishop wereva. at Roanoke on February 11. At home in Roanoke, . 10 ,j)P








d l)J(IJ

Announcement is made of the marriage of Edwar in 81" Haigler and Miss Florence Virginia Vance. At home 'J'rlf~ mingham, Ala., where Haigler路 is connected with the ers 1nsurance Co.

The Star att d






l'homns E . '!'horn Wtng of Beaumont, Tex., and Miss Margaret 8agern~son. of West Palm Beach, Fla., announced their ennt In January.




Washington & Lee

sian :~y halumni were back visiting the chapter on the occaand h' 1 e Fancy Dress ball January 28 to hear Jan Garber • IS tn · ' ' l7; Cl kUSIC: Among those returning were Russell Doane, £d 'I'u ar .Wmter, '37; Ed Sell ers, '37; Glenn Shively, '36; '33 an:v~vtlle, '36; Grier Wallace, '34; Lightsey Wallace, Fred ardon Weagley, '32. for hi Waters, '38, has returned to W. & L. to £nish work Pledgi s degree and the chapter is pleased to announce the l!ernp~g of one new man, Ken Van de Water, Jr., '41, of AICCau rad, N.Y. Recent initiates of Rho chapter are Donald CUrnb ~and, '41; Alfred N. Mangino, '38; and Paul SloAt' l. ltrve ~ r~cent election the following officers were elected to Archon ntJl the end of the year: Stcreta · · · · .... .. ....... ... ........... Seth N. Baker 'l7arde cy · · · · ..................... George F . Mcinerney l!istori~n · · · · · ............................ Harry Carey W · · .. .. ................... Charles Steenbergen

havin~ ar~ quite proud of our scholastic record this year, lfol\oard etg~t men on the Dean's list and two members, 1n ltw Wtison and Dan P. Arnold, making an "A" average AI 5chool. hip su~~~ma~ski has sufficiently recovered from a broken ~ketb II ed m football season to be a member of tl1e varsity CaPtain a f squad again this year. Ronnie Thompson, co~arsity last year's frosh team, is a regular and star on ilie caPtain ;sketball team this year. Pledge Steve Hanasik, Of the ~r the frosh foot~all team, is now a regular member Surnllle eshman wrestling team. Brothers Mcinerney and ra 11 represent the chapter on the varsity team. CHARLES STEENBERGEN, Historian



J j



I&tna Si




~~I ~p

fuO' thtti

an ef:~ began the second semester of the school year with 10 irve a n of new officers. The following were elected to CUce ~ officers : Archon, Herman H. Higgins; Treasurer, ~·lfubb Hunt; Secretary, Bernard Jones; Historian, Mason ~nard ~rd, Jr.; Chaplain, James F. Grayson, Jr.; Warden, 'toe h . Long. Ieason. cOapter has just completed its second semester rushing lhe Cou ne of the highlights was the £sh supper given at ter and n~ry Lodge of Brother John D. Carroll for the chapand con, Its guests. These suppers are semi-annual affairs, Sigllla e as a climax to Sigma's rushing season. 'lnornas ;a~es pleasure .in announcing three new pledges: 3 0d Ala ~ erts, Green Sea, S.C.; Ben Stokes, Greer, S.C.; 'toe ·~ ailey, Rock Hill, S.C. ~Ohn Ji ;;ter was honored by a recent visit from Brother h· lfou' cCann, Executive Secretary and Brother Theron Aave theser, National Chancellor. We were very pleased to loncktolll_ attend one of our rush parties at Brother William ll roth n s. ~errnan e~l Leonard Long was elected Junior Leader of the nrother M: ub, outstanding dance organization of the campus. Glue I< axcy Harrelson was elected to membership into q'ne1 Brother Harrelson is Business Manager of the 1 l'he c~ Black, yearbook. ~aduated a~ter Wi ll miss retiring Archon John Coulter, who PonsibJ 10 • ~ebruary. Brother Coulter now holds a reWilli e POSt !ton with Columbia Dairies. an, Carrigan was recently initiated into the fraternity. MASON HUBBARD, JR ., Historian



South Caro1'tna

Of Jl·1

kappa Phi


North Carolina State

Tau chapter opened the second semester with a rush week which netted us four good pledges, with the prospect of at least four more by the end of the term. We have just recently refurnished our house and are very pleased witl1 ilie marked improvement made in its appearance. With more comfortable surroundings reali zed and our pledge group well organized, we are all set now to brush up on our scholastic standing this quarter. The winter quarter intramural athletics are well under way with Tau fighting to stay on top. The bowling team composed of Pledge Thomas Gaither, Brothers "Griff" Sloan, Boye Smith, Thomas Graham and H . S. Gibbs, is leading the league. The handball team composed of Broiliers "Mo" Barber, Thomas Graham, and Boye Smith, has reached ilie semi-finals undefeated. The basketball and boxing teams have not fared quite so well. The basketball team led by Brother "Buddy" Laughlin, is just about breaking even in the number of games won and lost. Only one member of the boxing squad, "Bob" Towers, reached the semi-finals. Alumnus Raymond Kuhn, Jr., has announced his marriage to Miss Anne Laird McLaurine, the wedding taking place on February 17. N . G. SMITH, Historian



New officers of Chi for the second semester 1938 are Lloyd C. Pawley, Archon; Ward Hunter, Treasurer; Paul Maier, Secretary; Earl Neelands, Historian; Neal Faircloth, Chaplain; Edward Strickland, Warden. On February 5, Chi began the spring season with an in formal at the chapter house. The living room was attractively decorated for the occasion, tl1e ceiling being covered with the fraternity colors and the walls being decorated in green and white, the schoo l colors. A large replica of the fraternity badge adorned one side of the room . With the active chapter as hosts, honored guests included Dean Lola B. McCullough, Dean Charles G. Smith, Mrs. Paul Maier, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pawley, Brother Howard Bateson, Brother Carl (Doc) Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jackson , Brother and Mrs. Bonn Gilbert, and Mrs. Seashole of Jacksonville. Several members from Alpha Epsilon were also present including Jim Oxford, next year's football captain at Florida, Jack Blalock and Ted Taylor. The chapter entertained during the evening with fraternity songs, and refreshments of cakes in the shape of ilie fraternity pin with Greek letters on top were served. At a recent meeting Chi w.as honored to have £ve of her alumni present including Joe Hendricks, United States Congressman from Fifth District of Florida; Dr. Duckwitz, head of the music department of Stetson ; Moon Underhi ll, attorney of De Land, Fla.; "Doc" Johnson, head of intramurals at Stetson; Howard Bateson, professor of French at Stetson. Howard Bateson presented a trophy to the chapter which will be presented yearly to the member who is the best allround intramural athlete. The name wi ll be inscribed each year, the trophy remaining in the chapter house. Walter Kruger of Toledo, Ohio; James Lumpkin of Jacksonville, Fla.; Tom Cobb of Daytona Beach, Fla.; Joseph Hill of Vera Beach, Fla., were recently pledged to Chi. James Nelson formerly of Omicron has transferred to Stetson and Chi chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Ezell of Miami, Fla., announce the arrival of Elizabeth Poole, born January 4, 1938. Gus Adams, alumnus and Professor of English in Putnam High School, Palatka, Fla., visits the chapter frequent ly. EARL NEELANDS, Historian




At the close of the semester the following were chosen as officers at Omega: Sheldon Swann, Archon; Richard Fitts, Treasurer; Fred Winter, Secretary; Van Harms, Historian; Herman Suabedissen, ChapJain; John Lyles, Warden; and Robert Reed, Bookkeeper. Our first pledge this semester is Bob Broberg, a newly enrolled freshman in the Ag school. Bob's older brother Jack is a Pi Kapp now in his junior year. · This year Omega was proud to have Brother Carl Sadler selected as chairman of the interfraternity ball committee. The interfraternity ball, held this year on February 11, is one of the big dances of the year. Brother Fred Beretta has been doing excellent work on the basketball squad. Though scholastic data is not complete, Omega anticipates an improved academic standing. On February 26 Omega and Upsilon were guests of Alpha Phi fo! the District Conclave held in Chicago. The Omega men were also instrumental in the successful planning and staging of the annual T-A-P Dance held on March 4. With a dinner followed by the formal dance in the union ballroom, everyone participated in a joyous evening. V. D. HARMS, Historian

Alpha Alpha


The Philip Etheridges, 908 Juniper St., Atlanta, Ga., announce the arrival of Margaret Dwyer on January 5.

Alpha Gamma


Dick Lefevre and Miss Zirah Lea Patton were married at Big Spring, Tex., in September.

Alpha Epsilon I


Edwin Pope Leonard, Blc>untstown, freshman, will probably never fully recover from the shock of his near riches. An untimely C-3 mid-term exam prevented his presence at the theater when his name was called for $1,050 at a recent bank night in Gainesville, Fla.

Alpha Zeta

Oregon State

Second only to the conclave in importance, was the very beautifully executed "rook walkout." Coming home from classes in the late afternoon the members were surprised to find not a rook in the house. Far worse--the entire evening meal was missing, and the electric fuse plugs were gone. Our resourceful manager, Brother Harris, made the suggestion (immediately and enthusiastically seconded) that the remaining brothers adjourn downtown to the "Brass Duck" for dinner. Later, much later, tl1e rooks returned. Someone had previously tripped the fire alarm so that when the fuses were replaced on the rooks return-'ell started popin'. They say the water was particularly cold . . . . January seems to have been a good month for Pi Kapps on tl1e campus. Joe Dillow was chosen chairman of ticket sales for the Junior Prom. Tickets went on sale Friday preceding the dance and were completely sold out' by the middle of the morning, Saturday. All the next week Joe had an average of a dozen phone calls a day-"! just gotta have a ticket . . ." Archon Kelley is chairman of the forthcoming Senior Ball. Bill Weir has been working on the managerial staff of the Beaver, school annual. He also consistently makes the highest grades in the house--just missed a str.aight "A" average. Clyde Dean again is on the traveling squad of the OSC swimming team. In boxing-an all-school champ Chuck




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Alpha Iota has among its seniors many outstan 'plain!· dents. Brother Howard Workman is co-editor of th~larencl man, semi-weekly college publication, with Brother T C. 0 ~· Pruett as business manager. Among the several R.O. Clateoct cers are Brothers Jack Roberts, Jack Adams, and )3rother Pruett. Jack Land was elected to Scabbard and Blade. asurer Jack Adams is head cheerleader and secretary and tr~ se~· of Blue Key, national honorary fraternity. Throug~. h~~ club· ices as cheerleader he was elected recently into the : porster In the Glee Club Brothers Tony Cortina and. Ree p· rne01' hold prominent positio~s . Among the Delta S1grna : vad, hers are Brothers Rufus Porter, William Roberts, Jac Bill Ott, and Frank Conner. p)liiliPS Aspirants for varsity teams are Brothers Charles rnorel· for baseball and John Huff for basketball, both sophOr Reed We are now engaging in intramural basketball. Brotesh111 en· Dorster won a cake in the annual ODK race for re MY )S The semi-annual chapter dance was given on FebrU ters jo with many alumni and brothers from surrounding chaPrnesteC attendance. The Masquerade ball given the first seof 1~st proved to be the most unique and interesting dance semester. . ClaatoP, Pledges who were initiated March 2 are: B1ilY jlafljs, George Gray, Reeves Haley, Rufus Porter, Moyer JoaeS• Claude Hayden, Price Stone, Homer Parker, Preston Reed Dorster, and Harry Trafford. cied tO Brother Cliff Webb, class of '37, was recently mar Miss Mary Ella Jack of Dothan, Ala. . ,;an


Alpha Iota


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Alpha Xi

'fecb Phot Brooklyn yor~ ,.as War

Alpha Xi chapter, in conjunction with the Ne~ J-lot'l Btu Alumni chapter, held its annual Christmas dinner a ed o~ 1 l'eaq~ 1 Lafayette. Contrary to expectations, the din?er tu~ere pol to be quite a lively one, in fact, so lively that 1f Y 0 ~ the!~" paying attention, the "excitement" would hit you 1;. h 'j111~ .\J" via a wet snowball, or perhaps a meandering ~a 15 j 0 ria~ r started in with the soup course and reached its clsm~"0 t a~~or f 01. the entree when Joe Gettler noticed the peculiarly J"' or t 11 of the string beans. Being a very suspicious persoe;0oslf Judy grabbed the Worcestershire sauce and sprinkled it g~F boi11 toria 1 on his neighbors' dinners. After this, the general ~trf ;si ~ \It down to a feud between Brothers "Revelli" Torti 0 rns \\fit~ ltude our Joe Gettler, who cllased each other about the roo/forts ot 'ng , ice water. Peace was finally restored through the e e Jllotl '!:h Archon Bill Seewagen. Nevertheless, Joe found s~rn cre~lll· ~ooh 1 Worcestershire sauce in the most delicious French ,ceeeP th j tqe s The speakers started during the intermissions be~ esid&1 I the ~ courses. The most prominent of these was Natio~al e;ll'~ge_O• I ~. Albert W. Meisel. The active chapter archon, Bsll S ·ng thl llistr gave a short history of the work of the chapter d~ed th· ~IOtf past year. National Secretary Wm. ]. Berry awae ch~pt;r ~to chapter cup to the man who has done the most for th \1V'iao11 ~~llle during the past year. This honor went to Ex-a~c~on to )l~'·' ~% Link who walked into the dinner party just in urne ded t<1 lorg the cup handed to him. The freshman cup was aw~r f$111' tettaj Bill Wallor, based on his scholastic record an





h welter· Howe, freshman pledge, beat all comers to win t e weight crown. held 5 One of the best "firesides" we have ever had waed for January 8. In view of its success, the brothers vol other more "firesides" in place of straight program dances.d ~ebr~· was held February 5 and a members' dinner was bel ary 20. . tori~n

The Star ana





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Clirricular . .. Wino· ~~ttvtttes engaged in during his freshman year. 1 '~'ith Ca ~ tn~ (Ogle Winston Link by the way) is working the cou:t Byotr Associates, the greatest publicity agency in ~ding h~Y. He is their chief photographer, this position llsigrun 'm through all parts of the country on many unique ,. ents · Tlus · summer h e was d own 10 · N ew 0 r1eans. H'JS rlctures 1 Uch rna ~~ear in some of the best known newspapers and Aft g Ztnes as Life and Look erthe · ~nual k' meal, the New York Alumni chapter put on its '~~isecracks't W~th best laughs brought out by Joe Gettler's 'the a t·. Thts ended the social success of the year. this last c/ve chapter had a very successful rushing season forth B all, The freshmen pledges include Chester MayStatt~ill arney Meade, Bruce Etyinge, Harvey Peace, John Richard~ Herbert Ward, Ove Jensen, Raymond Clark, has Corne borne, George Bruns, and Charles Saladino, who One soph ack to Poly after an absence of a year and a half. Chartesomore, .John Andersen, was pledged. ~Her, a f Saladtno, working for a C.E. degree, and Roger utr 1 uture C.E., so he hopes, were initiated on Noveml'h~ elec · 0 ~cers, Bi!tJon of officers was held January 10. The retiring 1 ~8ner Seewagen, archon; John Peck, treasurer; Frank ~· lia~~ec~ary and Joe Gettler, historian, were succeeded 'liiarn 'W ohlers, Robert Schroeder, Douglas Keys, and 'nd histo . allor for the offices of archon, treasurer, secretary, 'ere re.er~an respectively. Thomas Hallum and Roger KaUer Sollle feted to the offices of chaplain and warden. 0 ~re held b th: most outstanding extra-curricular positions IS the Ju .Y Pt Kapps at Poly this year. Frederick Sawyer ~hoot P nJor class president and the associate editor of the ~the p~jer, The Reporter. He is also one of the leading men ttldrich ! dramatic society, the Play Workshop. V. William lnd 'l.oork ts. the ~ditor of the Poly yearbook, The Polywog, Schroede/ 10 co_operation with its business manager, Robert ~<Iter of' tho ts also the secretary of the Junior class. As a "Y.I>i lea act, The Polywog is being monopolized this year ;~!lor . Harry Wohlers is the associate editor and photo ~ 1!, lia Jam Wallor is on the photo staff also. Aside from {Porte/1- Wohlers is on the photographic staff of The tass Ire. d! Wallar finally won the position of Sophomore ~Otograas~.rer after a tough campaign. He is also on the ard is p tc .staff of The Reporter. Of the pledges, Herbert aas Lapta';Jakmg a name for himself on the rifle team. Herb CUce Ety~n of the: Brooklyn technical high school rifle team. !adiog p~n?':• be10g a national guardsman, will also have a SJtJon on the rifle team.






Pha Rh



West Virginia

J(l( 1 )fo r theJanua s ry 18, we elected the following men to office ~:eO11 4U~Y; treemester: archon, Alexander Adair; secretary, Isaac d ~r

•r,an, li.:surer, Denzil Westfall; warden, Paige Sapp; hisWe h rry Workman. ~~'1 :, 1Udent fave just pledged Cad R Fisher, an agricultural ,, 'ng rom G · s tl at le assaway, W.Va., and have prospects of pledg0J11· ~ ~h~ -i~s~ five more . boys before the end of _this month. ~)1' jthOnls D p a-Rhose Wtll appear early announcmg our All 1 1 lhe Sceneay dance, April 1. The University Armory will be d~~, 1 e llress~ ~he spring issue of the Rhose should roll from 11' f l'l We en. JUst before school closes for the summer. 1 ~ 1rict ~Yed and appreciated very much the visit of our 0ther 1' ~chon, Brother Ralph Tabor, on February 8. r i/ 1 ptje c to lose a 0 ~ had the unl!sual experience of knowing what it 0 :.me Visitone s self in these West Virginia hills. Another wei~:: Arh us ina~ Was Brother Tommy Williams who spent a wec;k ($' c 0r8anto ebruary and plans to spend one week a month tn ~l!aioly from now until school closes this spring. Tommy nows his shoes as his sales reports show. tiP Of [l·1 l(QPPa Phi 1



Robert Harper was married to Miss Edith Smith of Parsons, W.Va., on December 26, 1937. Brother Harper is connected with the Department of Justice with headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. HARRY WORKMAN, Historian

Alpha Sigma


Richard Colvin and Miss Kathleen Hardin were married in Knoxville on January 14. They are making their home in Toledo, Ohio, where Colvin is connected with the Ethyl Corporation.

Alpha Upsilon

Drexel Tech

The January election of officers saw the following men elected: AI Gray, archon; Ed McDonald, treasurer; Harry Feick, secretary; Willard Cook, historian; Virgil Groo, warden; and George Kaufmann, chaplain. They will serve until May. We had an initiation February 8 and brought into the chapter Norman Holt and Henry Price, a Junior and Sophomore respectively. Winter formal was held at the house on February 18. Bill Fitzgerald, Virgil Groo, Joe Wheeler, Gay Piercy, Bob Culbert, and Mel Longacre are to be congratulated upon their hard work and sleepless nights in preparation of the seventh Annual Minstrel. Eighteen girls and about forty fellows participated in the two act laugh provoker. Official returns from the deferred rushing which was climaxed the third week in January were twenty men pledged, closing the best rushing season we have had in years. Alexander Muir, Jr., and Miss Helen Schenk were married Feoruary 8 in Dunellen, N.J.

Alpha Phi

Armour Tech

Archon ................................ Thomas Speer Treasurer ...........•. . .... ... ..... Frank Heidenreich Secretary ...... .. ..................... Robert Maxwell Historian .. . .. .. .................... William Buckman Warden ................ . ................ Roy Burman Chaplain .......................... Clarence Laskowski We were the host to District 11 in our annual district conclave, February 26-27. Robert Winblad did a swell job as chairman of the conclave. Just prior to the conclave, we performed an old ritual, house cleaning. No, the conclave was not the sole reason, we always scrub up a bit between semesters. Daily practice is the order of the day for the fellows who are to take part in the interfraternity swim. Our chances look good with Harry Heidenreich, Frank Slaven, Tom Speer and other as yet unheralded stars. Last year, we sang our way to permanent possession of the sing cup. This year we are trying (with the aid of ten minutes of practice per day) to stick that II K <I> on a new cup. Our social committee came through again with a very elaborate stag party (moving pictures and everything), said party being swung after the chapter meeting of January 20. WILLIAM B. BUCKMAN, Historian

California Pi Kapps Organize During the past few months a series of meetings have been held at the chapter house in Berkeley by a group of alumni interested in forming an alumni chapter. A committee composed of Boyd Rea, Jack Downer, and


Pi Kapps in the Bay area are urged to attend the n~x

Kenneth O'Neil have drafted a constitution and by-laws which will be submitted for approva l at the next meeting. Meetings wi ll be held each month, alternating between the chapter house and San Francisco. Approximately 30 Pi Kapps attended the last meeting. All

t meetiP! atioP

and become active in this alumni chapter. Fu!I mfor~0 ~1 i may be obtained from Kenneth L. White, Tnbune Bldg., Oakland.


If ou are reading this in someone else's copy of the STAR AND LAMP it is because your correct address is not listed in Central Office files . We supply the following for your convenience. (Graduating seniors take note.) Fraternally, JoHN H. McCANN, Exemtive Sect'etary Please Type or Print Name















Chapter .......... : . . ·

Last name first

Present Address





street and no.






















Last address at which I received my STAR AND LAMP was .. . .. ................. · ............. · · · . · . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I~1' DIS-t



(Paste to ordinary post card-address Box 501, Richmond, Va.)


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The Star ana


Of ]l

eet~n!fr========jl ~ Directory ~ 11 on

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Founded 1904, College of Charleston


Founders Moultrie street, Charleston, S.C. l<ROEG, deceased. s~CI! HARRY MixsoN, 217 East Bay street, Charleston,


National Council

Nl>IAt PRESIDENT-Albert W. Meisel, 31 Nassau street,

Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina

Finance Ralph W. Noreen, Chairman, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31·41). Kurt C. Lauter, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31-39). Robert E. Allen, 40 East Forty-second street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31·37).

N~l"lo ew York City. d NAt TREASURER-G. Bernard Helmrich, 26590 DunN~l"Joee road, Royal Oak, Mich. 1 !NAt SECRETARY-William J. Berry, 224 St. Johns N~l"J~ ace, Brooklyn, N.Y. t·l>IAt liisTORIAN-Walter R. Jones, c/o United Air N~l"Jo'nes, Municipal Airport, Chicago, Ill. s.~~L CHANCELLOR-Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews,

Endowment Fund John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S.C. Raymond Orteig, Jr., Secretary, 61 West Ninth street, New York City. Henry Harper, cjo Goodyear Tire & Rubber company, Akron, Ohio. Roy]. Heffner, 32 Washington avenue, Morristown, N.J.

)o 11 N B Central Office · McCANN Executive Secretary, Box 501, or 702 ~- t~race.Americad Bldg., Richmond, Va. . N l<ENNETT Assistant Box 501 or 702 Grace-Amenb. can Bid • • • 'llCif~ll g., Richmond, Va. J\ 5~I L. YOUNG, Editor, THE STAR AND LAMP, 2021 and Ave., Charlotte, N.C.

Architecture James Fogarty, Chairman, 8 Court House square, Charleston, S.C. Edward J. Squire, 68 E. 19th, Brooklyn, N.Y. Clyde C. Pearson, cjo State Department of Education, Montgomery, Ala. John 0. Blair, Hotel Eddystone, Detroit, Mich. M. Gonzales Quevedo, Chavez No-35, San Luis, Oriente, Cuba.






District Archons 1-Frank J. McMullen, 68-76th street, Brooklyn,

DISl'lu"Y. DISl"Ju c:r 2-Alfred D. Hurt, Salem, Va. DIS N~. 3-Reginald L. Price, 135 Brevard court, Charlotte,

~ ~:~

4CW. Harold Arnold, Masonic Temple, Greenu!Sl"Ju • 5. . ~l"J>rc:r 5-Joseph W. Cannon, Jr., Cordele, Ga. Ja'Js 6-George S. Coulter, 405 Dyal-Upchurch building, DISlll.rc:r enville, Fla. ~l"luc:r 7-J. Theodore Jackson, P.O. Box 34, Dothan, Ala. ~l'lu 8-Devereux D. Rice, Johnson City, Tenn. D 1\~ 9-Ralph R. Tabor, 212 Garrard street, Covington, ISl'luc:r 1 La . 0-Lawrence N. Field, 519 Forest avenue, East D!Sl"Ju ns,ng, Mich. 11-W. Robert Amick, 333 Vine street, West Larette, Ind c:r .. "- low 14-Russell B. Johnson, 311-11th street, Ames, ' ~rsl'lu a. ~ISl'lu~ 16-Unassigned. ISlll.rc:r IS-Unassigned. 19-Thomas E. Jermin, 10216 Valmay avenue, D S 1 iSl'lue;;ue, Wash. . "- to 20-Kenneth L. White, c/o Warner & Wh1te, At"l.llll.r~eys, Tribune Tower, Oakland, Calif. r !) 21-Robert S. Hanson, 445 Gainesboro road, relCel Hill, Pa.








o/tl1ship Standing Committees br ._. 1 E. Edington Chairman, Depauw University, · WJl J\nd Greencastle, Ind. ' chapter advisers.


kappa Phi

Councillors-at-large PACIFIC CoAST-Dr. George A. Odgers, 831 S.W. 6th avenue, Portland, Ore. STATE OF NoRTH CAROLINA-A. H. Borland, Trust Building, Durham, N.C. CANADA-W. D. Wood, 4450 Pine Crescent, Vancouver, B.C. Undergraduate Chapters Alabama (Omicron), University, Ala.; T. A. Johnson, III, archon; Edward L. Turner, Jr., secretary; Chapter Adviser-Henry H. .Mize, 514-34th avenue, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic (Alpha Iota), Auburn, Ala.; W. M. Roberts, archon; George S. Hiller, secretary; Chap. ter Adviser-Or. Paul Irvine, Auburn, Ala. Armour (Alpha Phi) 3337 S. Michigan avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Thomas Speer, archon; Robert B. Maxwell, secretary; Chapter Adt1iser- Dr. John F. Mangold, Armour I. T., Chicago, Ill. Brooklyn Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) 33 Sidney place, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Harry Wohlers, archon; Douglas L. Keys, Jr., secretary; Chapter Advi.rer-William R. Berger, 715 Linden avenue, Teaneck, N.J. California (Gamma) 2510 LeConte avenue, Berkeley, Calif.; John B. Bosworth, archon; John C. Mackey, secretary; Chapter Adviser-James F. Hamilton, 1815 Yosemite road, Berkeley, Calif. Charleston (Alpha) College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.; John T. Bradley, archon; Clyde A. West, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Albert P. Taylor, 6 Halsey street, Charleston, S.C. Davidson (Epsilon) Davidson, N.C.; P. H. Arrowsmith, archon; G. R. Gish, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Col. John T . Rhett, Davidson, N.C.


Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) 3401 Powelton avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.; A. L. Gray, Jr., archon; H. Feick, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Robert Riddle, 307 Drexel Court apts., Drexel Hill, Pa. Duke (Mu) Duke Station, Durham, N.C.; Howard Timberlake, archon; Nathan Cox, secretary; Chapter AdviserThomas W. Borland, 106 Watts street, Durham, N.C. Florida (Alpha Epsilon) 1469 W. University ave., Gainesville, Fla.; Stephen P. Smith, archon; Robert 0. Stripling, secretary. Furman (Delta) 14 University Ridge, Greenville, S.C.; Walter Sigman, archon; Charlton Armstrong, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Dean R. N. Daniel, Furman Univ., Greenville, S.C. Georgia (Lambda) 386 Hill street, Athens, Ga.; John Wilson, archon; Paul Trulock, secretary; Chapter Adviser -Walter Martin, Instructor of History, Box 842, Athens, Ga. Georgia Tech (Iota) 743 W. Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga.; D. S. Crocker, archon; A. R. Hooks, secretary; Chapter Adviser-James Setze, Jr., Masonic Temple, Atlanta, Ga. Howard (Alpha Eta) Howard College, Birmingham, Ala.; Euell Johnson, archon; Joe Healey, secretary; Chapter Adviser- V. Hain Huey, Shultz-Hodo Realty Co., Birmingham, Ala. Illinois (Upsilon) 1105 S. First street, Champaigr., Ill.; Thomas Watts, archon; Robert Taylor, secretasy. Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) 407 Welch avenue, Ames, Iowa, Wm. G. Nechanicky, archon; Everett J. Robinson, secretary; Chapter Advise,-James R. Sage, I. S. C., Ames, Iowa. Mercer (Alpha Alpha) 320 Johnson avenue, M;tcon, Ga.; Harry Dismukes, archon; Fred Harper, secretary; Chapter Adviser-W. M. Jordan, 267 Boulevard. Michigan State (Alpha Theta) 803 E. Grand River, East Lansing, Mich.; Ned M~r:•uson, archon; D ean Mahrle, secretary; Chapter Advi!er--Dr. L. B. Sholl, 810 Sunset Lane, East Lan·-sr.g. Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) University, Miss.; Arthur Busby, archon; Ernest W. McCracken, secretary; Chr;~pter Adviser-]. B. Gathright, Oxford, Miss. N. C. State (Tau) 1720 Hillsboro road, Raleigh, N.C.; M. J. Barber, archon; M. L. Laughlin, 2nd, secretary; Chapter Advi.rer-William McGehee, N .C. State College, Raleigh, N.C. Oglethorpe (Pi) Oglethorpe University, Ga.; Hubert Elliott, archon; Tom H. Fallaw, secretary; Chapter Adviser -Allan Watkins, C & S Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Corvallis, Ore.; Stenley Kelly, archon; Charles Bogner, secretary; Chapter AdviserProf. J . T. Starker, Corvallis, Ore. Penn State (Alpha Mu) State College, Pa.; John D. Brisbane, archon; Earl K. Cristman, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Prof. J. S. Doolittle, State College, Pa. Presbyterian (Beta) Clinton, S.C.; Joe Commander, archon; William Jones, secretary. Purdue (Omega) 330 N. Grant street, West Lafayette, Ind.; Sheldon Swann, archon; Fred Winter, secretary; Chapter Adviser-De. C. L. Porter, 924 N. Main, West Lafayette, Ind. Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) 4 Park place, Troy, N.Y.; JohnS. Edwin Clark, archon; John J. Dempsey, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Prof. G. K. Palsgrove, 1514 Sage avenue, Troy, N.Y. Roanoke (Xi) 16 Pennsylvania avenue, Salem, Va.; W. Harold Purdue, archon; Leonard Strangmeyer, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Curtis R. Dobbins, 207 E. Main, Salem, Va. South Carolina (Sigma) Box 93, University of S.C., Columbia, S.C.; Heman Higgins, archon; Bruce 0. Hunt, secretary; Chapter Adt,iser-C. E. Wise, Friendly Bakery, Columbia, S.C.


Stetson (Chi) Stetson University, De Land, Fin.; V Pawley, archon; Paul Maier, secretary. W' Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) 900 S. 17th street, I<n°~1r Tenn.; Ray G. Ritter, archon; Charles Danner, seer ., Washington (Alpha Delta) 4547 19th avenue, N.E., ~~. Wash.; DeLoss Seeley, archon; J. E. Jeffery, s~ ;;: Chapter Adviser-Hugh Schlicting, 1735 Sumrnst nue, Seattle, Wash. Washington and Lee (Rho) Washington street, Lexiost Va.; Seth N. Baker, archoo; George McinerneY•. ~~ tary; Chapter Adviser-De. Earl K. Paxton, Le~' 0 Va. ~IC: West Virginia (Alpha Rho) 2109 University avenue,JU· gantown, W .Va.; Alexander Adair, archon; Jsn~ Jet secretary; Chapter Adviser-John C. Johnston, 8 hall, Morgantown, W.Va. . Crest, Spartanburg, S.C.; T. I< · Fie!'· Wofford (Zeta) Htll d111 Jr., archon; Orin Miller, secretary; Chapter A J. Neville Holcomb, Spartanburg, S.C.

s s





Alumni Chapters AMES. IowA-Archon, Russell Johnson, 311-llth street. Secretary, Philip Minges, 407 Welch avenue. ,c~· ATLANTA, GEORGIA-Archon, William Maner, 1241 Pasadena J (il Atlanta, Ga. Jant•· Secretary, Malcolm Keiser, 1091 Briarcliff place N.E., At . 1 ' BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA-Archon, Howard D. Leake, 908 IrVIn (Homewood) Birmingham, Ala. Secretary, Cecil A. Carlisle, 321 Poinciana drive. 6 fl,ll' CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, Albert P. Taylor, street. Secretary, Earl B. Halsall, 6~1 King street. £. CHATIANOOGA, TBNNBSSEE-Archon, Scott N. Brown, 109 ' street, Chattanooga, Tenn. d C CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-Archon, John C. Brown 6! Norfolk J( '' mont Hills, Ill. ' Ill· Secretary. John Brownlee, ~028 Ridge Ave., Chicago.' att· CLEVELAND, OHio-Archon, George A. leech, 1~808 EudcJEdnginct' Secretary, W. W. Glenny, c/o Reliance Electric an Co., 1088 Ivanhoe rd. 1: COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, F. G. Swaffield, J!·• Sumter street, Columbia, S.C. Secretary, E. Frank Bostick, 6!0 Pickens street. r/ 10 DETROIT, MICHIGAN-Archon, Kryn Nagelkirk, 4103 De road. Secretary, W. C. Brame, 2448 Blaine, Flint, Mich. zo-1 FLORBNCB, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, Ben W. Covington. Dorgan street. Secretary, J. ]. Clemmons, 710 Florence Trust Bldg. D~ ITHACA NEW YORK-Archon, Willard E. Georgia, State · Resettlement Administration, Ithaca, N.Y. 1111~·"' Secretary, Russell I. Dorg, Principal, High School, Tru



}ACKSONVILLB, FLORIDA-Archon, Parnell M. Pafford, 214 2 street. Secretary, Stephen P. Smith, Jr., 1~16 Main street. 18 fl KNOXVILLE, TBNNBSSBB-Archon, Edward Dunnavant, 2' view. Secretary, E. M. Bowles, 282~ linden avenue. ~t' LEHIGH VALLEY-Archon, Glenn Stoudt 713 Wayne avenue. ing, Pa. ' ,qu•· Secretary, Edward Beddall, 136 Schuylkill avenue, 1'• 111 MIAMI, FLORIDA-Archon, J, Abney CC!,~" 862 S.W. 6th. Secretary, W. C. Price, Jr., 128 S.w. 12th. MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA-Archon, Howard B. Upchurch. S £.I Nnw YORK, NBW YORK-Archon, John E. Stevens, Jr., 1 J street, New York City, . rl· · Secretary, Maurice White, 36 Marston Pl., Glen R•dS~· 00 ,' PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA-Archon, Gibson T. HutchsS Powelton avenue. . PI· Secretary, Kenneth Riddle, 103 N. Monroe street, Med••· h Gl 1111 PoRTLAND, OREGON-Archon, Robert Peacock. the Multn° Secretary, Don Tomlinson, 1037 N.W. 20th Ave. ~~p, 1 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA-Archon, Garland 0. Green, 61 lock street. , Secretary, l. M. Shirley, 121 Park avenue. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA-Archon, Charles Turner, c/O y, r.f. Roanoke. Va. JtoJI' Secretary, William H. Bishop, 1202 Avenham avenue. Va. 7th~ S!!ATILE. WASHINGTON-Archon, Melvin Klinefelter, ,02 ; N.E. '\lUash· Secretary, Rene Koelblen, 1139·17th ave., Seattle, (je~ w.~SHINGTON, D.C.-Archon, Philip Aylesworth, 136, street. Secretary, Robert Kuppers, 1030·17th St. N.W.


The Star an J



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b q

Special Diseounts on Fratea•nity

s·,1 \Yet•ware During April and May!~ Orde•• Now for Next Fall! :xinS1

ll)(ttry Yfu'II be trying to land the cream of the Freshman crU\l I be ~N Your R 0 Your beautiful BUR-PAT CRESTED CHINA will itnpre':ls them ushees ••• your brilliant BUR-PAT GLASSWARE will dazzle convi~ ··and your "FIFTY-YEAR" BUR-PAT SILVERWARE will Your Cche them .•• of the desirability, distinction, and stability of npter.

:y, ·'' ~~ing~


"SAFEDGE" GLASSWARE is furnished with your cont low tn n crhoice of six different colors-Red, Blue, Green, Yeldiatc nFck or White! ORDER NOW from tlus price list for immeor nil delivery:


0nc·hnlf G One G ross (6 dozen) 9-oz. Glasses, Colored Crest ..... $11.45

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6 ~~~~

16.00 13.00 19.00 18.00

Otder t•ces include n small portion of the die costs on your first ller O~d n all subsequent orders from your Chapter deduct $2.00 ~tity Ch. To all those hundreds of National Fraternity and So~SS\V npters now . using BUR-PAT "SAFEDGE" ENCRUSTED lvtt1 th ARE we extend the privilege of m·dering additional glasses or 12 new Colored Coat of Arms at the regular re-order discount rtde~s ~rom these prices •••• Glassware is shipped F.O.H. Detroit. ,~st ould be paid-in-full, or accompanied by n deposit of at . AF[nG· No order for less than One-half Gross can be accepted. E:• GLASSWARE is guaranteed against breakage in trnn11 t, b t 11 1\ot tn use.



htJn P • ~ltlct~T "FIFTY-YEAR" SILVERWARE at these NEW LOW JOlJNTs represents a real saving to your Chapter. SPECIAL DISltting A n~e being extended on orders for SILVERWARE placed

1lllortu prtl and May for Spring or Fall Delivery. Don't miss this itated ttr Pr nuy to begin your Fraternity Silverware Service, or fill in CSiJll service, at these REDUCED PRICES. Write for illus0


•ailllJies ~her, or ask your BUR-PAT SALESMAN to show you e next time he's on your campus.

~lJ[t.pAT t tdcred

CHINA with your Coat of Arms in Color should be

~illher NO~-or during April and May-for delivery next Sep·

)l'tite f Avm~able in "Open Stock" Pntterns ut unusually low prices. t 1Cee ror ~rtces and illustrations of designs. Stnte the number of 8 eeeive :JIIln.red to begin or complete your Cluna Service. You will etntlcd information and quotations by return mnil.

~t-nternity Silver, Glass and China-You Can Get All Three Only From

PATRI£1AN Ono of the ntlrnctive Stlverwnre Pnuernl ln the

BUR-PAT SILVERWARE LINE. Other potterna ore TilE COJ.ONIAL, TilE CA V ALlER nnd TilE MONTICELLO • • . all "Open Stoekl' Pattern• to which you cnn odd in nny 'lunntlty . , . at nny

time. BUR-PAT "FIFI'Y·YEAR" SILVERWARE hu nn overlay of Pur:e Silver nt points of grent·

est wen.-the sec•·et of its long lifo. Write £or lllustrnted folder nnd NEW ltEDUCED PRICES.

Your Official Jewelers



Fraternity Headquarters





l(appa Phi




Paper Products

Pl ed ge Ba d ges Keys Specio l Pins

Station e ry - In vi ta ti o ns - Prog ra ms

Awards Cups Trophi es -

Med als Pl aques

Favors A wid e se lectio n t o fit a ny occa sion.



H ollow Wa re - Novelti es- Rings- CasesBra ce le ts

Bill Fo ld s - Key Cases Bogs a nd Lea th e r Nove lties







Pa ste this COUPON on a I c Post Card and Mail ~---- ------------------ ----------------------- ··- ----- --:' L. G. Balfour Co. ' Attleboro, Mass. ' ' Gentlemen: Kindly send me the following: '' ' 0 1938 BLUE BOOK '' 0 Favor Pamphlet '' Samples of: 0 Dance Pro grams ' 0 Invitations '' 0 Stationery Name ............. · . ... ·· ······ Street . City .... . Fraternity . .. .

EDWARDS, HALDEMAN AND COMPANY OFFICIAL JEWELERS TO PI KAPPA PHI ORDER YOUR BADGE FROM THE FOLLOWING PRICE LIST PLAIN STYLES Miniature Standard Large Plain Border, 10 Karat . . . . . . . . . • . . . $ 4.50 Plam Border, 14 Karat ............. $ 4.00 5.50 $11.00 Nugget Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 6.50 12.00 Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 5.00 6.50 12.00 Plain Border, White Gold . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 7.50 13.50 Chased Border, White Gold . . . . . . . . . 6.00 9.00 15.00


Extra Miniature Standard Crown Pearl Border ....................... $12.50 $16.50 $27.50 Pearl Border, 4 Garnet Points ........ 12.50 16.50 27.50 Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.00 18.00 28.50 Pearl Border, 4 Emerald Points ....... 17.50 22.00 33.00 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Points ....... 19.00 26.00 41.00 Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points ...... 25.00 36.00 S2.SO Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 16.00 19.00 30.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating ...... 41.00 55.00 82.50 Diamond Border, Yellow Gold ... .... 65.00 82.50 120.00 Diamond Border, Platinum .......... 77.50 100.00 140.00 18 Kt. White Gold Jeweled Badges • $.5.00 additional.

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Coat·of·arms, Gold Plate ..................... $ .75 each Coat·of·arms, Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •75 each New Special Recognition Button with White Enamel Star, Gold Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 each New Special Recognition Button with White Enamel Star, 10 Kt. Gold ........................ !.50 each Pledge Buttons ............................... 9.00 per do2.


Single Letter Coat·of-arms ....•..... $3.25 Plain ..................•............•... $2. 75 Hand Engraved .......................... 3.50 Half Pearl ........... . .......... .. ..... 5.00 Whole Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 18 Kt. White Gold· $1.50 additional.

Double Letter $ 3.75 4.75 7.25 11.00

Mention Chapter When Ordering EHCO BADGES ARE QUALITY BADGES

MEMBERS OF PI KAPPA PH I will welcome the issuance of our new

1 9 3 8 B 0 0 K 0 F T R E:A S U R E S ~EAUTY in coat of arms Jewelry is presented on each page and found on every ttem. You will note our new Rings are superb in Quality, Style and Workmanship.

WHETHER for personal use, or for gifts for every occasion, see this new BOOK before ordering. A copy sent free on request.




Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi 427 FarwelJ Building

Detroit, Mich.


)[E~ASHA, WISCO~sl:;:

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